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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8182902 No.8182902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where did the thread go?
What did you think of the con and merch ?
What about the contest and EC contest ?
Was Sairu there ?

>> No.8182933

First time I ever went to a con. It was pretty fun! I missed out on the Mushishi signing because I overslept so that sucked, but otherwise it was an interesting experience.
I think it could have used a little more "Asian-tech" stands: there was only one robotics corner and it was a Belgian hobbyists organization. I suppose the focus was on anime and manga but still, "Made in Asia" and all...

Also, a friend of mine really wanted a bulbasaur t-shirt and I swear we walked around for an hour and a half and we couldn't find ANY bulbasaur t-shirt, plushie, figurine, whatever. I thought that was kinda weird.

>> No.8183010

>Was Sairu there

You stuck in 2010?

>> No.8183072

Who won the EC ?

>> No.8183204

Paine, because of connections as always

Belgium's cosplay contest scene is nothing but nepotism

>> No.8183261

Calm your conspiracy tits. If you saw the costume you get why she won.

>> No.8183416

I want to see pics of lolitas that went there and itas

>> No.8184197

Oh I saw the costume and I get why she won.
I also get why Indiana got second place

Paying the nepotism fee every year so certain people in certain organisations use their influence in their favour gets you a long way in Belgium's corrupted cosplay scene.

Example: Asten is treated like the shitty cosplayer he is until he starts hanging out with BeCosplay. Suddenly he wins an EC qualifier with the shitiest Jack Sparrow cosplay ever which is confirmed to be shitty by scoring one of Belgium's lowest scores at EC ever.

Bottom line: Want to head to EC or ECG? Make sure you know the right people and pay yearly fee to BeCosplay.

>> No.8184199

Calling for anon to dump pictures from cosplay contest.

>> No.8184336

Anon confirmed for sandy vagina.
This contest wasn't even organised by BeCosplay but by BulleJapon, get your facts straight.
Asten doesn't hang out with BeCosplay. I know because I'm part of it
You are one of those crazy conspiracy theorists or just butthurt you didn't win anything or one of those cosplaycloud weirdo's.

>> No.8184358

It's not kawaii to use words you don't understand. ;)

>> No.8184361

Hey Asten. Get the fuck out and go buy another Jack Sparrow coat.

>> No.8184366

bitch you wish (I'm insulted you think I'm asten)

>> No.8184372
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Ohno, not again

>> No.8184373

I thought 2 of the judges were from abroad, meaning they had zero connection to any of the participants.

>> No.8184378

Paine's dress was crazy detailed, act was meh (though her face mimicking was strong).

Half of the jury wasn't even BulleJapon related, let alone BeCosplay, so screaming nepotism is a bit childish.

Didn't know Indi got 2nd place, absolutely deserves it. Strong act, strong sewing skills and good acting.

>> No.8184387
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Anon confirmed for retard Paine had her Girlfriends who's dicks she's been sucking for years in the jury. Paine just alternates between winning EC and ECG every year because she thinks that that will somehow stop people from noticing this bullshit.

Also what kind of slut costume did muralu parade in this con, pic related.

>> No.8184393
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old picture is old nonnie

>> No.8184395

I can't seem to find any pictures of Indiana, what did she cosplay?

>> No.8184397

DA2 Morrigan, and she did like the typical costume flip thing (it's a cloak oh no it's a dress) which gets everyone wet. Bit of a cheap trick but it works.

>> No.8184400

Woops, meant DA: Inquisition

>> No.8184402
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Nice try paine

>> No.8184405

Hey Indiana. Still trying to stir up drama by posting "anonymously" I see.

The jury was biased towards Paine en Becosplay towards Asten. Everyone in Belgium cosplay knows this and knows that that the road to ECG and EC is through dicksucking becosplay.

Don't have a boyfriend to break up with for a week or something? We all know it's you.

>> No.8184411

So true. Asten went from zero shit level to EC qualified just through rubbing shoulders with the right people.

The Belgian contest scene is a joke.

>> No.8184412

Not actually Paine, just someone who doesn't know shit about the inner drama of belgian cosplay.

>> No.8184414

I'm sorry anon, I don't think I can find "bait" bigger than this. Also nice whale, fits my picture nicely.

>> No.8184415

You obviously don't know Indiana as well as you think you do if you think she posted that.

>> No.8184417

You obviously don't know Indiana as well as you think you do if you genuinely think she would write something like that.

>> No.8184420

Woops laptop is lagging sorry

>> No.8184426

I've seen her post this kind of shit on cgl before.

She is two-faced as fuck

>> No.8184427

Wow anon sounds like you two have a history what did she do to you ?

>> No.8184428
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I'm not the anon that implied that was indiana but it's already been proven that she and her chubby chaser post on here

Pic related he was liking posts in a circle jerk thread about the shit talk in the previous ECG thread which was 100% shit talk about team awesome not winning.

>> No.8184432

Literally everyone posts on here, it's not like cgl is this big secret only a chosen few know about.
Just saying that those posts aren't Indiana's style. Don't know about her boyfriend.

>> No.8184441

hu?what did she do?

>> No.8184463
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Allright girls, tuck away the claws, you're all pretty and winners in God's eyes.

Paine had ties to the jury, as she often does, to deny that is folly. Does that mean she didn't deserve to win? Eh, a lot of the acts were good, so was hers, someone had to win. At least it wasn't Asten-shit-tier-quality.

Stop trying to guess everyone's identity, cgl isn't a secret club and the anonymity on here is what allows us to criticize the goings-on in the community, let's try to preserve it.

Non-MIA related, BeCosplay always lets the Bontes and all their other buddies win, this is common knowledge but to be honest, that is how competitions /always/ go, it just gets noticed more easily in the cosplay community because everyone knows (of) everyone.

You wanna win a BeCosplay run competition? You go kiss some butts. Easy as that. They just really fucked up with letting Asten get qualified which publicly showed their hand and made the Belgian cosplay scene look like even more shit than it already is.

Now, let's bitch about the cringe fest, pic related.

>> No.8184482
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Fuck off house of kefka shill, everyone knows how you fucktards think you're so much better than people cosplaying popular shit and make fun of them. Go back to your fucking facebook group and let real cosplayers bitch about the real issues.


>> No.8184489

Why are you insulting someone trying to stop this thread from derailing into petty insults?

Drama lama plz go.

>> No.8184507
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By the way, who won group?

>> No.8184521

People are resorting to petty insults because they're tired of this shit that has been going on for 6+ fucking years. He's trying to derail the thread into insulting people who are just cosplaying popular shit they like, who is more petty?

>> No.8184536


What drugs are you on?

That act was a mess, nothing to do with popularity.

>> No.8184547

>nothing to do with popularity

Yeah keep telling yourself that. there are people with worst fucking acts in bought costumes cosplaying obscure shit at every con and you're not complaining about them. Just go bitch about how many fucking naruto's/gasai yuno's/kill la kill cosplayers you see in your facebook group and let real cosplayers discuss shit. We don't fucking care about the act because we fucking know they did it for fun and didn't put any real effort in any of it.

>> No.8184570
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Ah, I get it now, the paranoia and irrationality gives you away, Yuki. Should've noticed the UCS stench sooner.

>> No.8184677
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never change belgium

>> No.8184784

Holy shit this bait is just offensive.

>> No.8184844

please contribute the drama i thought she had no drama at all

>> No.8184857

You mean stuff like taking gifts from her chubby chaser boyfriend on Christmas, breaking up on new years and then taking him back a week later because normal people would never tap her titanic-sized ass?

>> No.8184861

>Girl is in relationship
>Girl breaks up because there might be problems in the relationship

>> No.8184865

why you mad though?did it affect your life in any way?

>> No.8184880
File: 71 KB, 730x600, TD36VLBPS7PMJMTSMOO4UZVNIXI5HEOX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's offensive is that their fucking leader is a neck bearded fag that wears fucking suits unironically and posts classical music videos on his profile every day, I swear if he wore a fedora (and I think I once saw him with one) he'd be the embodiment of the pretentious reddit neckbeard stereotype. And fags uniting under this faggot think they're so much better than weebs?


>> No.8184884

I'd tap it though

>> No.8184891
File: 111 KB, 510x518, 1175743136136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if I woke up next to either of their girlfriends I'd probably be thinking "What have I been doing with my life" right before the bullet that comes out of the gun barrel I've been staring at disintegrates my brain.

>> No.8184898

I don't know what youre talking about, indi is at least a solid 7,5/10. 7 points higher than what you will ever get

>> No.8184899

The scale you're using only applies to Cetaceans not humans.

>> No.8184906


anon now im really curius what she ever did to you because being this butthurt about one girl is not normal

>> No.8184997

I have no idea why you are so upset over one girl who most likely never even spoke to you but you should probably go see a professional. This type of behavior can't be healthy and I can't imagine you're happy with your life if you feel the need to act like this. You honestly sound like an obsessive person who probably get's off by looking at pictures of mutilated murder victims.

>> No.8185002

At least I'm not fat.

>> No.8185003

Indiana, Pablo and Oliver confirmed for being in this thread.

Everyone who knows the cosplayscene knows Indiana is not very well liked due to her bitchy and holier-than-thou attitude. The only people who would defend her are herself, her beta boyfriend and his attentionwhoring brother.

>> No.8185007

How old are you? 6?
Also sad piece of anonymous shit confirmed for being in this thread but nobody cares...

>> No.8185010


>> No.8185012

So defensive Indiana. Did I hit a sore nerve?

>> No.8185016

I was responding anon. Sorry to disappoint I have no tits or gigantic ass just annoyed to have yet another Belgian drama thread where anons think it's cool to call out other anons because they think they have these awesome Sherlock skills.

>> No.8185023

I've known Indiana and her boys for quite some time now and I have never noticed anything bitchy about her.
All I see is a nice, friendly, plus-sized girl that has relatively good cosplay skills (compared with the rest of Belgium) so I don' really understand why people are so angry at her. What, did she steal your boyfriend with her buns?

>> No.8185024

Don't take /cgl/ seriously bro.

Shit gets thrown around and attributed to anyone and it's never true. The person who claims it just wants it to be true because they have a hateboner for someone.

>> No.8185027

Not actually one of them but good guess.
No one here knows who I am, I haven't been to a belgian con in about 3 years and even before that I wasn't exactly known. Call me an objective bystander who doesn't give shit about drama but about the costumes and acts.
And human decency, but I guess that is something that isn't found here often.
I don't know if you're the same anon who hates Indiana so much, but if you are and you hate her solely because she comes across as bitchy you seriously need to reevaluate your life. Real life lesson, You're not going to like everyone and that's okay. Behaving like you're doing? Not actually okay. It's childish and makes you look like an immature brat. Like I said, you come across as someone who might needs help with their social skills.
But I guess that's what happens when you're in a community where the majority of people are neuro-atypical and have no idea how to properly act in social situations.
You think someone is bitchy without actually taking the time to get to know them? Good for you but do the adult thing and shut up and move along.

>> No.8185028

Yeah, she's good at being friendly in your face if she needs something from you.

>plus-sized girl
Look, let's not mince words. She's a whale.

>> No.8185036

She never asked me anything, in fact I think I ask more from her.
And no, I'm not denying that she's a whale, but pointing out the obvious won't change a thing. Besides, it's not like her weight is a proper contribution to this thread.

>> No.8185037

Must be nice defending two-faced cunts because they've been nice to you.

If you don't know what you're talking about, stay out of this. The fact that you haven't been around cons for three years and are only judging from a perspective of a biased outsider (and you are biased, you're defending her without knowing how she acts to certain people) shows you know little about how she really is.

I like how we can criticise Paine and Sairu, but the moment anyone dares say anything about BeCosplay's landwale, the whiteknights appear.

Belgian CGL threads have always been BeCosplay members talking shit and hugboxing each other. This is way the Belgian contest scene is dying. No new blood wants to enter because they know it's just a Becosplay circlejerk.

>> No.8185040

Paine is president of BeCosplay
Just sayin'

>> No.8185045

Not the same Anon as the one you replied to, but really?

I thought Eri was president?

>> No.8185046

She quit and Vanessa took over

>> No.8185047

So many jealousfags <3

>> No.8185051

Paine has always been a special case because she's hated behind her back in BeCosplay, especially by the Flemish half.

That's BeCosplay in general. They're friendly to each other in their face and in most people's face, but behind their backs...

>> No.8185053

Did that happen recently?

I'm sort of happy for Eri though. She was too kind for that kind of position and you could see that dealing with all those histrionic shits she had to deal with within the organisation was wearing her down. Hope she has more fun now at cons. She looked happy this weekend.

>> No.8185059

True. That's why there's so much backtalk in cgl where names aren't coupled to opinions and they don't have to act nice to each other like on Facebook.

>> No.8185061

It happened with the new year, position switched here and there.

>> No.8185064


Yet I seem to know more about this whole situation than you do, and believe me anon I do know what I'm talking about. Also, you have a funny definition of criticism, telling someone is fat or that you receive them as a bitch and therefor must suck is not a criticism but an opinion. So take your "criticism" and shove it up your ass were it clearly belongs.
You should consider taking a few classes in sociology because you seem to be completely clueless when it comes to human emotions and identity.

>> No.8185065


I think you are looking at the wrong girlfriend

>> No.8185169
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At least the other girlfriend has this.

>> No.8185187 [DELETED] 

Shapeless milkcow < chubby hourglass

>> No.8185225

Well this has gotten unnecessarily rude.
Fuck you Andreeas.

>> No.8185241


>> No.8185273

is it just me or did this post just get edited

Because I think it used to say "shapely figure > cow udders"

>> No.8185307

The post before it did say that but it got/was deleted.
Sharp Sherlocking skills you got there - nobody cares.

>> No.8185336

Except you, who are incredibly mad.

Then again, it's pretty obvious Indiana is trying to defend herself in this thread. Might as wel start using a tripcode darling, you ain't foolin' no one.

>> No.8185430

Hello Indiana, Pablo & Olivier, shouldn't you be thrashtalking Eri for not being part of her Ghibli group?

Don't Becosplay rules mention that members and affiliates can't enter competitions hosted by them?
Anyways if BeCosplay can't handle the nepotism and stop these unfair selections maybe some other belgian organisation can start doing the competitions?

Cosplaycloud or UCS could make some great alternatives

>> No.8185463

what about the lolitas that went there? I want juicy stories,pics of itas,...

>> No.8185475

Where are the cosplay photos?

>> No.8185548

Cosplay cloud is led by a guy who has a facebook group where him and his inner circle have conversations that are pretty much carbon copies of this thread.

Also if you invite ANY famous female cosplayer from europe to judge there's a 90% chance she's BFF's with paine. So having someone else host the competition wouldn't matter as this EC has proven.