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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8176663 No.8176663 [Reply] [Original]

old thread is in autosage

>> No.8176667

cc question: I know in their email it says I have 4 days to pay. I got the confirmation email last night, and the invoice tonight. does this mean I have 4 days to pay from tonight, since it's when I was invoiced? (sorry if that's a stupid question I just want to make sure, waiting on a buyer to pay me on friday and I'd rather use up all the money that will be in my PP account)

>> No.8176688
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, IMG_1923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone save things from brand purchases, like the shopping bags or tags? if so, what do you do with them? i like to collect AP tags and i have a couple of the shopping bags hanging up for decor, as well as a SWIMMER one, but i'd like ideas as to what else i can do with them.

>> No.8176708

I received a baby bag when I purchased a btssb dress from a girl once. It's plastic but it's somewhat durable plastic, so I used it a couple times when I was in high school to bring my lunch and bring in some gym clothes. (now I just have it hanging up for decoration) That said, I know I and other girls don't mind getting them with our purchases in secondhand sales.

This reminds me of I BtB secret I saw where some chick on LSE was trying to sell her collected tags, bags, promo cards, etc. from brands for money. Don't do that.

>> No.8176751


>> No.8176754

Guy's! They're making Dream Marine Make-To-Order! YAY!

>> No.8176770

So "nice" people always say that lolita is for anyone, no matter their age. In the past gulls have said that as long as you look youngish you're probably okay wearing lolita. Have you ever seen anyone older than their early thirties pulling off lolita?

>> No.8176777

how do AP rereleases typically happen? sorry, new to this

>> No.8176784


>> No.8176792

Yes! Granted, they're rarely in sweet, but it definitely works. There is a woman in our comm who is likely in her late 40s or early 50s who looks stunning. Totally rocks classic pieces.

>> No.8176798
File: 107 KB, 500x726, elderlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anything is possible. Many older Lolitas stick with Classic I assume for its more 'mature' look.

>> No.8176806

This is a really good coord! I've never seen an older woman in lolita, nice to see it can look good

>> No.8176837

I always save my bags and tags, I use them for second hand sales, and I lined my closet racks with them.

>> No.8176842

Yay! That means Marine Kingdom will probably be the same.

>> No.8176844

This photo makes me so happy. Thank you for sharing.

>> No.8176845

Isn't this somebody's mom, though? Like she's not actually a lolita but her daughter dressed her up? I think that's super sweet, btw, but I wish she was just a diehard lifestyler!

>> No.8176865
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arsenicold_lace has been in the fashion for sometime now, and I'm not sure how old she is. She may not always get it right, but she looks great for her age!

>> No.8176866


I fear it won't be, personally. I'm hoping my SS can snag my Marine Kingdom choice but failing that I'm worried because Dream Marine is getting made to order they won't bother with the same on Marine Kingdom.

Maybe I'm just pessimistic though.

>> No.8176894

Honestly, I kind of feel the same way. AP normally doesn't do stuff like that, I feel like it happening two times in a row is just way too rare.

>> No.8176897

If enough people email them to reserve it, they said they might do a made to order for it. Someone on Tumblr said they emailed to ask.
Personally I think dream marine isn't that cute and if it was THAT sensationally popular, Marine Kingdom will blow it out of the water.

>> No.8176910

I love arsenicold_lace. I wish there were more older lolita inspirations.

>> No.8176919
File: 113 KB, 480x640, shelbycloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine there will be a few more within the next 5 or 6 years. For example, Shelbycloud is in her 30s

>> No.8176923

Holy shit, praying I still look cute when I'm in my thirties.

>> No.8176945


That's exactly my thinking. Usually dresses that go made to order have resell and scalpers charging 600+

Dream marine resell all normal price. Just confuses me quite a bit lmfao. Stresses me the hell out for Marine Kingdom. 2x made to order in a row is way too unlikely.

>> No.8176999

Actually, there were lots of scalpers selling Dream Marine for 170000-180000 yen. So not all of them were being resold at normal price.

>> No.8177017


Oh totally, I saw many with that price. Nothing with actual bids though.

>> No.8177025

Someone on Lolita Updates was claiming 2-3 dresses sold at these prices

>> No.8177030

fuck off manlet
I think older people in the fashion are fine, even if they aren't "youngish" looking, classic and goth look great on them. Sweet not so much...
Honestly the only people who I think have no place in lolita are whingy poor people. I myself am pretty poor, but honestly it is an expensive hobby. Why do we not get people complaining about how louis vutton bags are too expensive, but we get so many people thinking they are entitled to wear lolita - and if they can't afford it, they scrounge around for barely passable and then say you are rude if you point out that it isn't lolita. It is a fashion based on aesthetic - if you cant afford the aesthetic dont wear it, or save for a long time like I do to get new things!

>> No.8177053

I saw a couple the last couple days, but the auctions ended and the remaining ones have no bids since the made-to-order was announced today

>> No.8177056

It grinds my gears how many people on Lace Market note that they charge the buyer paypal fees.

>> No.8177118

Dream Marine was like on every other auction right after it's release. Scalpers everywhere make it seem more popular than it is, and I think making new releases made-to-order is only reasonable to not piss off fans. And I guess AP is pissed off, too, seeing their pieces sold the day after the release for double the price.

>> No.8177124

Are there any Japanese brands that will mark down your item if you buy directly

>tfw your country has custom-s fees that make you die inside

>> No.8177128

Fuck this shit, I don't get it. It's really is a recurring theme in the lolita community it seems. It's now unusual to see "PP fees on me" on egl comm sales.

I'm really ok with taking the pp fees on my part IF I insist on using paypal and the seller would prefer another way of payment but last time I proposed to a girl to either pay by cheque or paypal and she told me "Ok for paypal but you'll have to pay the fees" like what ?? So tempted to report anyone who does this now.
On top of that it's usually on really small sum and the fees are less than $2.

If you charge buyers because "I always paid the pp fees as a buyer uuuh so it's normal" gtfo.

>> No.8177133


Yeah, I agree with the reporting thing. So terrified of negative feedback on LM or EGL though. That shit stays with you and not everyone agrees with pay pals rule of "seller has to pay a service fee for using PayPal"

>> No.8177140

Why don't people just add the fucking fees into their prices? I do that and then I don't have to seem like a jackass.

>> No.8177147

Pretty sure that's against PayPal's ToS as well, not that anyone really cares.
Oh no, that $100 I made is going to be $97, can't have that happening.
This. If you've got to do it, at least do it this way.

>> No.8177157

Is wa lolita cultural appropriation ?

>> No.8177164

and besides, cultural appropriation isn't a negative thing.
and besides, cultural appropriation isn't important anymore.
and besides, no.

>> No.8177168

>Pretty sure that's against PayPal's ToS as well
It is. Plus it's just tacky as fuck - the fees are nominal and they exist because the seller is using paypal to profit, thus the seller needs to pay paypal.

>> No.8177176

Exactly, it's the seller making money here. Plus it's not a HUGE sum and it's the same as stores uping their prices taking into account the storage and employees price. Imagine you went to pay and the seller was "Ok I'll have to add $2 for you to use our cash register".

Plus it's not like egl/LM sellers usually accepts anything other than paypal, that's the main method used there.
>If you don't plan on dishing $2 to use a secure platform to sell your stuff I'm judging you hard. You're a cheap ass on a $200 sale, come on.

>> No.8177177

>implying wa-lolita is cultural
There aren't any cultures revolving around looking like a tacky, frumpy weeb.

>> No.8177181

No. No it wouldn't. Marine Kingdom is nowhere as popular as Dream Marine. It's moderately popular and might not even sell out in all colorways (depending on stock). There was tons of stock for Dream Marine (more than Cosmic) and it sold out.
Marine Kingdom is cute but it's just not getting the hype Dream Marine has.

>> No.8177187

Culture isn't like religion; it's not sacred.

You can emulate any culture you like. You can expand any culture into a new style if you want to, as well.

Because humans making up music and clothes that look a certain way and specific ways to cook food isn't important in the long run.

>> No.8177188

How would you have any idea how much stock AP had?

>> No.8177191

According to the instore SSs there were restocks halfway through the release day at the bigger stores. (Basically screwing all people in the middle of the queue) They don't know the numbers but they know there was definitely more stock than previous releases.

>> No.8177192

I keep both the bags and tags.
I pack dresses in the bags when I sell them (if I have any left), and for the tags, I kind of daisy chain them by the string and hang them by a pin on my wall.
Some of them are also stuck to a pinboard I have in my living room.

>> No.8177193

What? What are you talking about. Boards have been going nuts about how much better Marine Kingdom looks since the fashion show.

I'm personally amazed at how popular dream sky with shells was.

>> No.8177197

Hate to break it to you but cgl doesn't exactly make up the majority of lolitas. There is not much hype on Weibo and anywhere else, and tbh the past few MTO are the super hyped prints, such as Cosmic, Celestial and DDC. It is nice but it's simply not 'trendy' right now, so I doubt you'll even get enough people to harass AP into re-releasing it.

>> No.8177202

Chiffon releases are always popular. It's a good spring/summer theme, and the OP and skirt can be worn more casually than MK

>> No.8177209

Thus MK will not be as popular as DM and you should have a pretty good chance of getting it, as it doesn't fit the current trendy aesthetic.

>> No.8177212


I really hope you're right, I've been stressing over this shit since I found out I have to work during release. Didn't want to have to rely on my SS alone but if it's really as untrendy as you say I should be fine

>> No.8177213


You want to read the end bits of this thread then, seagulls coming out of the woodwork to bitch about how tacky it looks: >>8162205

Not trying to rain on your parade, just giving the other girl who asked about the possibilities of a made-to-order a heads up that if you like the print, you should try and get it now instead of counting on a made-to-order, given that it doesn't have as many fans as you think.

>> No.8177219

Not seeing what you're talking about but I hope you're right

>> No.8177221

Don't stress too much over it. Maybe just run to the bathroom around the time of release and try to grab one yourself, tell the person in charge you're on your rag.

>> No.8177301

EGL update the rules, next post is an intro.... ffs.

>> No.8177306

Was there ever a better quality version of this? Otherwise I still will account her success because we won't ever know where her skin sags.

>> No.8177392

If you use the invoice form they actually have an option (under add tax I think?) to automatically add the PayPal fees. You don't even need to calculate themself yourself it's fantastic.

>> No.8177411

This. I got hit by a buyer who did that. I haven't bought anything from a community sale page in ages and I'm so used to being generous when I sold shit on egl comm sales. The fee wasn't as big as the shipping cost (for a little item. btw), but I'm really curious how much the seller is profiting off of me.

>> No.8177418


I thought LM and the egl sales comm banned this practice? It's rather annoying having to pay fees but can't these sellers just do like most of us do and incorporate it into the price beforehand?

>> No.8177481
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>> No.8177729

For curiousity, what are AP's most coveted/expensive prints? Puppet Circus, Chocolate Rosette and Misty Sky comes to mind.

I remember when Milky Planet, Melty Chocolate and Sugary Carnival used to be the top 3 dresses to have, but the market has changed so much since they got rereleased and we have all these new prints now.

>> No.8177736

This is a really random and specific question but I'm hoping y'all can help me out. So I want to purchase a new blouse from Baby's website, and I was wondering if any of you own any of the ones currently in stock (or similar) and if the arms are slim? My only blouses are from AP and the arms are a little too roomy--and not in a cute modest way but in a "this looks way too big" way.

>> No.8177743


Cats Tea Party is one I would add to the list
Maybe Gloria

>> No.8177759

You got hit by a buyer who charged you for pp fees, what?

>> No.8177794

we'll get 50x people just saying hello now

>> No.8177809
File: 80 KB, 280x373, pk_0_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I wash pic related (or chiffon in general)? I figured hand washing in cool water would be fine, but the bow on the front isn't removable, and has these gold covered plastic bits that I don't want to damage.

>> No.8177826

I normally just use warm water and some special cloth washing soap. Although I try and take my dresses to the dry cleaners if I have the time and money. The dresses get written off as kids clothes so I don't end up paying as much.

>> No.8177837
File: 81 KB, 637x960, 11024600_10206464244465118_8212151507101357180_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have heard of people in their 40's+ and some even still wearing sweet but rarely see pictures. Most probably just keep to themselves to avoid hate.

Personally, if I still like sweet lolita when I am older, I'll still dress in it. I really don't care if people think I look horrible in it. I don't like the colors and themes that are associated with classic and gothic, I don't see the point in wasting money and wearing something I don't enjoy.

Picture of someone dressing their mother up in sweet.

>> No.8177849

What taobao resellers are there aside from my-lolita-dress?
I'm just looking for a white blouse with a high collar that doesn't have any frills on it around the shoulder or breast.

>> No.8177850

I am pretty new to selling
and was curious about setting up a bid.

what is typical to set the auction price at? 100 below expected?
for sellers preference do you also have a buy now price?

>> No.8177851

Is anyone waiting on Precious Clove's Letters to My Dear dress? I ordered at the beginning of January and I'm getting antsy.

>> No.8177855

I washed my Petit Patisserie OP (chiffon, with an unremovable vevelt bow and buttons) alongside some other tshirts and stuff in my usual cycle and it turned out fine. AP's chiffons are the easiest to wash.

I did turn it inside out and put it in a mesh bag though.

>> No.8177863

I put my pettis in them in my closet, kinda displayed as if i have bags full of AP

>> No.8177865

It's about what you're comfortable with. If your item isn't sought after, you need to be comfortable with selling it at your starting bid. I'd suggest setting that as the minimum acceptable price for you to part with it.

If your item is sought after, don't set a buy it now unless you have a specific price you hope to get, or you want your auction to end quickly.

You're allowed to do whatever you want, but should consider what you want over everything else, then balance that with what people are likely to want to pay.

>> No.8177874

It pisses me off how buyers don't want to pay a fucking paypal fee. If they're gonna bitch about it then im just gonna include it in the price. Its the same amount of money. Its fucking ridic.

>> No.8177883


Yeah, I try to save money where I can so at home cleaning works best for me. I never thought about trying to pass it off as a kid's dress for a lower price though...that's genius.


Good to know, I have mesh bags for delicates and blouses so I'll give that a shot on a low setting/cold. Thanks!

>> No.8177889

They did, it's against Lacemarket's rules but lots of sellers do it anyway and it's hard to report them because they'll give you bad feedback and cry "waah everyone does it". Or they circumvent it by asking to be paid via other methods, like Amazon Payments, and then charging you fees on that because even though the rules say you can't charge buyers for PayPal fees they don't specify other services. I got charged an extra few dollars by a seller doing that, then another few dollars in fees from my bank because rather than doing the currency conversion for you and billing your card in your native currency, Amazon payments just bills your card in the invoice currency. It's not against the rules on the Facebook groups but it's annoying as fuck. It's not hard to just include fees in your price.

>> No.8177893

I still want Melty Chocolate, I like the details on it better than some of the other chocolate dresses.

>> No.8177897

Is that mirukuma? She tried to charge me fees when I paid with Amazon and I flat out told her that I'm not having any of her shit as she didn't specify (at that time, not sure about now) that she charges the fees on her ToS.

>> No.8177898

Yes, include it in your price so people know upfront what the cost is and don't get extra unexpectedly. It's against Lacemarket's rules to charge buyers for PayPal fees.

>> No.8177901

Yup, it was her. I didn't argue because I didn't know at the time that it was actually against the rules, just annoying, and she was doing me a favour by doing me a hold, but I wish I had now.

>> No.8177911

Disagree. Marine Kingdom will be just as popular as Dream Marine, maybe only slightly less. Though I do agree that its unlikely AP would make another made to order.

>> No.8177930

She played dumb when I asked about fee. Gave me some bullshit about how she states that she charges them on LJ and "forgot" to remove them for me.

>> No.8177945

> $100 below
For no reason?
You're underestimating the greed of western bitches. If you set it below $100 (for the sake of the argument I'll assume it's $100 below what you'd wish to actually sell it for) those cunts will do a bid war of $1 and of course last minute so there's no chance of it going up further in price by other people who want it.

Unless the piece is damaged, there's no reason to set the bid lower than what you expect to sell it for. The point of an auction, to me, is to feel for the best price and see if anyone will offer beyond that. You're cheating yourself to set the bar lower because you think it would attract more people to the bid. And yeah, it would, just not the kind of people who would bid fairly.

>> No.8177978

My bid was right below the one in your screenshot.... :( heart crushed.

>> No.8178002

Why should they have to pay the paypal fee that paypal charges the seller? That's ridiculous. Paypal fees are part of the cost of doing business and it's expected that sellers will calculate their price to cover their own fees. It's not hard. If they can calculate however much it costs for buyers to pay it after a price has already been agreed upon then they can calculate it before they quote a price and add it to their list price upfront. It's not hard, it keeps everything kosher with paypal, and it doesn't alienate buyers. Personally I hope every buyer charged paypal fees directly begins reporting this bullshit to paypal directly--maybe that would help other sellers figure out how to abide by paypal's TOS and we wouldn't have to discuss this BS anymore.

>> No.8178053

It's not the greatest comparison, Louis Vuitton's quality in their products is a million times better, a lot of their items you could own for pretty much the rest of your life if you take well enough care, lolita not so much, a lot of dresses start to break down after just a couple years and with prints you have to be aware of bleeding, that's a rather chintzy issue to have. I honestly don't always understand the prices for some of the garments sometimes, especially when they're so plain or the quality of the fabric isn't there, I understand the process required to design a dress, but even so it feels sometimes like the price has more to do with exclusivity than quality of product. And sure, if you don't agree with those practices don't buy them.

>> No.8178066

I think it's better to say that you should avoid anything that involves ceremony, which is and can be a cultural aspect. It's the same reason why you wouldn't go to woodstock wearing a native american tribal headpiece, it's a tacky disrespectful thing to do.

>> No.8178081

I'm sure this has been asked before, but what are some lolita-appropriate glasses? I'm basically blind and look like I'm 12 without glasses (and not in a cute way) and this has been the one thing preventing me from finally going into lolita.

>> No.8178093
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x1836, 20150214_125335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think as long as your glasses arent obnoxiously thick framed (ala hipster) or misfitting to your face that any glasses go. I usually wear my glasses with my coords and dont feel they detract at all? Pic related, is me in Lolita with my normal glasses.

>> No.8178094

I keep them and use them if I need to carry extra stuff for a meet. It's lame but I have loads in different colours so I pick ones that match my outfit
I also use them in second hand sales to send newbs items because someone did the same for me when I was new and it made my day

>> No.8178096

I keep them and use them for my sales as extra wrapping, saves me money on plastic foil. I kept one extra nice one from JetJ for myself though which I use as a shopping bag.

>> No.8178099

How old exactly is she? Super jelly of her hair. It looks nicer than mine and I'm in my early twenties.

>> No.8178119

the auction ended at over 120000 yen

Now I'm really glad I got my dress 2 years ago and when it was "only" selling for half that amount.

>> No.8178121

>wears thick framed glasses
>tells people not to wear thick framed glasses

Sell it on auction at the minimum price you would be willing to sell it for. I'd go $50 below the price you might "expect" to get so long as you would be fine with selling it for that price.

>> No.8178123

I honestly don't get it, what's so great about this dress?

>> No.8178143

It does depend on the dress and I think non-print usually holds up better. I have MMM dress that's over 11 years old now and still looks brand new.

>> No.8178198

I got one when I purchased her AP dress
I love it so much

>> No.8178213

I think as long as you're not wearing colored frames that clash with the color of your coord you should be okay. I've seen plenty of pics with glasses-wearing lolitas and I've never seen anyone who has looked bad because of their glasses.

What's that in your background?

>>wears thick framed glasses
>>tells people not to wear thick framed glasses
Glad I wasn't the only one thinking that.

>> No.8178217

>Jane Marple

>> No.8178254

I add the PayPal fee into the buy it now price. No one seems to mind paying an extra 3-5 dollars when it is already included in the price.

>> No.8178256
File: 52 KB, 425x640, frillcollarmoitie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there were some underground trade or sales group for vintage gothic pieces. It's possibly out there somewhere, some invite-only, dimly lit alley that leads into a secret passageway erotic bondage fantasy apartment in Harajuku. However, that is only a dream fantasy.

>> No.8178261

Hhhhnnnngggg stop anon you're turning me on.

>> No.8178295

Yeah, I'm in my mid-40s but I don't run around advertising that fact. The girls in my local comm are very nice about it, at least in person. It definitely helps that my taste runs towards gothic & classic - I'm the tea & old books type, so I don't regret not having a pastel explosion closet.

I feel like being middle-aged is the hardest point for women in general - once you're *old*, you're into 'no fucks given' territory and people think you're awesome for doing your own thing, but during middle-age it's easy to come off as trying too hard, or like you're delusional about your appearance. It's a tricky balance to maintain.

Aging sucks. Wear your damned sunscreen.

>> No.8178329

Out of pure curiosity, do popular E-Lolitas use /cgl/? I think lor has mentioned it before, but do they stay away? We tend to give a lot of them shit very often, but these boards are so regularly active and honest, which is my favorite thing about /cgl/. What do you guys think?

>> No.8178338

I think that if they do use it, they wouldn't admit it. I am 99% sure milkyfawn is a seagull, and I am sure others must come here sometimes.

>> No.8178342

You're brave, I'm 33 and don't think I could ever join a comm. I look good for my age, but it still sucks, I can see I'm getting older. I feel especially sorry for white women though, they get wrinkles so early.

>> No.8178348

Thats really cute.

>> No.8178349

Milky Fawn has referenced /cgl/ so much that she has to be a seagull.

>I feel especially sorry for white women though, they get wrinkles so early.
I've had forehead wrinkles since my early 20s--shit sucks so bad.

>> No.8178378

I thought traditional blogs were dead, but it looks like there are still some active lolita bloggers. Any active blogs/tumblrs you would recommend?

>> No.8178515

>I feel especially sorry for white women though, they get wrinkles so early
I'm 27 with no wrinkles so far and I use Retin-A which has been proven to prevent wrinkles. My mom is 50 with no wrinkles, my mother-in-law is 53 with no wrinkles too.

>> No.8178519

She selfposted her room to the room threads before

>> No.8178572

>I use Retin-A
First time hearing of this. Do your mom and mom-in-law use this, too, or have y'all just hit the genetic lottery? Were you originally prescribed this for acne or did you just ask your dermatologist for this to help prevent wrinkles? I'm >>8178349, younger than you, and I'm also developing those fine lines around my mouth--I feel way too young for this. Maybe I can't fix what's already been done, but if I can help reduce these wrinkles developing I'd be very interested in trying something new.

>> No.8178588

Is anyone going to the tea party 8th anniversary in London with innocent world as guests? How much do you think it will cost? I'm planning to go but I'm not from the uk

>> No.8178607

My mom and mother-in-law never used retin-A. You can look up Retin-A and anti-aging, should pop up a few sites with info. There are anti-aging creams in the store with Retinol in it but I choose Retin-A because it's stronger.

I bought Retin-A overseas online because I don't have issues with acne, you can buy medicine overseas online as long as you don't buy more than a 3 month supply. It went through customs with no issue.

I also use Retin-A because Renova which is used more for just cosmetic reasons is more expensive, read it could cost $200+.

>> No.8178620

Never really understand the whole switching to a "mature" style thing once you get older. I think most normal fags will think we look strange no matter our age and substyle. I have known older people who have gotten shit for wearing goth, punk, dying their hair an unnatural color or getting a tattoo. I feel think though it's lolitas who get the most anal if someone isn't wearing the correct substyle for their age.

>> No.8178679

buying section is good to go at this point. i'll be talking about buying lingo (DS!, DT!, etc) when i do the dictionary.

>> No.8178691

Thanks for the info.

>> No.8178697
File: 82 KB, 600x600, 2062_magical_unicorn_ladies_bag_inuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time find bags for a old school co-ord and it got me thinking about versatile bags for lolita.

Like this one, would you say it could work in lolita?

>> No.8178703

I like Lolita Wonderland's blog. The Chocolate Maiden is also good. Dixmacabre's sewing blog. Luna Rain. Not many solely lolita blogs update heaps regularly though, unfortunately, and there's definitely a lot I'm forgetting. I'll check my blog list alter and suggest he good ones.

>> No.8178711


Yes! That's very cute!!

>> No.8178716

Think geek sell them for a good price

>> No.8178728

can someone please tell me or link me somewhere and show me how AP's made to order works.
I'm sorry I'm retarded.

>> No.8178735

Would it be a bad idea to wear lolita to a Renaissance faire? I'd love to go to one in something all out princessy, but would it be impossible to stay clean in that sort of environment?

>> No.8178740

I think at any age, dressing outside the norm, people will think your trying too hard or whatever. You could be young but people might just think your trying to hard to be different or trying too hard to get attention. I was more goth when I was younger and even as a teen, I received so much crap for it. I remember being at a restaurant as a teen and one of the workers making a huge deal about it in front of everyone.

I feel like no matter how old you are and how you dress, people will look for reasons to judge you. People are just judgmental in general.

>> No.8178749

Wear something you don't care that much about anon

>> No.8178758


It works like normal release! On release date they post the dresses as normal, add to cart then pay! They will send an email when it's ready to ship out (usually a couple months later)
Only difference is there's no stress because it won't run out or be pulled from your cart lol!

>> No.8178769

Thank you soo much kind anon!!!!

>> No.8178791

No problem!

Oh thanks! I'll check that out!

>> No.8178810

not that anon but by "it won't run out" you mean for that release day only, or are made to order reservations something that last for a while on the site?

>> No.8178832

Sorry if I'm an idiot, but at what time will AP start the Marine Kingdom sale? Noon? Usually it says at what time it's released, but I can't find it now.

>> No.8178851


I'm definitely a seagull but I don't selfpost to threads unless it's the draw thread. But even then I haven't posted in a very long time. I mainly just lurk now.

>> No.8178853


Made to orders are open for I think the last couple have been 3 days

So for those 3 or however many days (they will announce how long the reservation is open) you can buy as many pieces of the made to order series as you want

>> No.8178860

I'm headed to NYC in a couple weeks, do any lolita seagulls wanna hang out?

>> No.8178863

>I dont self post to threads unless it's the draw thread
or the room thread, evidently :^)

Honestly you are still one of my fave lolitas, I wish you would like come back or something. You are so pretty and your coords were adorbs.

>> No.8178868

But then she'd have to deal with more people using her name to sell their used dresses. Can't blame her for leaving tbh.

>> No.8178914


Yeah that was pretty creepy lmfao.

People that say it would be flattering are crazy, I would be scared to sell anything.

>some creep sniffing my blouses no thank you

>> No.8178966

The fact the girl saw nothing wrong with behaving that way made it way worse in my opinion.

>> No.8178980

What kind of knitwear do You like best in lolita? Cutsews? Cardigans? Do sweaters have a place?

>> No.8179011

I like cardigans mostly. Cutsews are cute for more casual stuff, but cardigans have more utility in my closet, because I can use them with daily wear as well as lolita. Must cutsews, that's not really the case.

>> No.8179013

Oh. And those cute sweater-turtleneck-things Baby and AP do now and then. Love those to death.

>> No.8179076

I think cardigans are lovely. Since I'm a very classic girl, I don't really wear knitwear myself, but I think that cutsews can be really cute. Probably the most versatile, as often you can get away with a few styles. But then again, it depends on the actual cutsew. IMHO, baggy sweaters are a no no.

>> No.8179084
File: 101 KB, 600x450, BABY(4)2014.05.02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Boleros. Especially if they have the cutesy motifs in the knit that are specific to lolita and completely impossible to find elsewhere (pic related).

Cardigans and boleros second, but I live in the tropics, so I'm not very keen on cold-weather clothing.

>> No.8179085


*Cardigans and turtlenecks second

>> No.8179108
File: 35 KB, 328x451, fascinator-glitter-rose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That feel when your mom is more kawaii than you

As a fellow glasses wearer, I'm inclined to agree that I haven't seen too many people that look bad because of the glasses, but most people do look *better* without them, myself included.

>> No.8179184
File: 83 KB, 480x640, SchoolCardi-pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix of boleros & cardigans. I have a couple of Baby's "school cardigans" and I love them, they work great with both lolita and jeans-and-tee days. Boleros like >>8179084 look a bit more polished in coordinates, but aren't as versatile outside of lolita.

Baby's my favorite brand for knits, AP for cutsews since they tend to be a little longer than Baby, which are always too short for my torso.

>> No.8179200

>I feel like being middle-aged is the hardest point for women in general - once you're *old*, you're into 'no fucks given' territory and people think you're awesome for doing your own thing
Definitely agree. I can see myself wearing fucking anything as an old lady, including sweet, but when middle aged? Not so much. I think gothic ages well, since looking goth can work well for older people.

>> No.8179204

All this talk about older women and aging in Lolita is getting me so paranoid. I have a horrible fear of getting old and even though I'm in my 20's and do everything to protect my skin from the sun, don't drink or smoke, I can see where I'm already visibly aging. It must be my health because for the most part the women in my family who don't do drugs age really well. I'm not going to be one of them. I want to wear cute clothes for my entire life but I know as soon as I start looking old I'm gonna feel so stupid. I'm really self conscious I guess.

>> No.8179205

Bowlers. Not that keen on most lolita cardigans - they're too sweet or casual or otome-ish for my tastes. I did like the cableknit MM one the anon asking about $150 knitwear posted. I also like turtlenecks in lolita, especially casual. Cutsews are something I've wanted in theory ever since I started lolita, but have never found non-brand ones that fit my tastes, although I considered handmaking some similar to MmM ones.

>> No.8179206

Boleros not bowlers damnit autocorrect.

>> No.8179242

Any idea what blouse this is (if not custom)

>> No.8179254


I lol'd about it.

>> No.8179255

I'm in my mid 20's and notice slight signs of aging too. I was obsessed with aging pretty badly but accepted there is nothing I can do about it. I could slather my face with anti-aging creams, get fillers, botox and all that but it really won't keep me looking young. I might slightly look a bit better than someone who didn't but we all will age and look old. I've known older ladies who have gotten fillers, they didn't look magically 20 again. They still look old but with slightly less wrinkles and a little less drooping. I thought about doing all that (including a face lift when I'm old enough) so I could keep wearing sweet lolita and fairy kei, I then realized it would be stupid to go through all that just to wear some clothing. Like you, I looooove cute clothing and want to keep wearing it.

One thing you should do is take a break from here, I know a lot of the negative comments about older women on here got to me. Don't let something you have no control over stop you from doing something that makes you happy.

>> No.8179257


I like axes femme cutsews - they're the perfect go to for going in between casual and formal.

I much prefer boleros for outerwear, because they preserve the silhouette more. I haven't had this problem yet but since I'm going back to a place with hot summers, I'd also like some short sleeved boleros for summer.

>> No.8179262

W-where is the insert?

>> No.8179271

Pretty much none. Some cutsews or turtlenecks are nice but I dislike cardigans and boleros and I hate when people wear them with uncasual super frilly princess stuff.

>> No.8179321

It's original nitpick anon again! Been away for a few days.


"Petticoats are voluminous, multi-layered skirts that are worn under outfits to create poof, made of organza/organdy or chiffon."
To caution people, I'd be tempted to add that petticoats can also be made of other materials, like tulle, but it deflates quickly. So maybe "...to create poof. Good quality petticoats are made of organza/organdy or chiffon. Tulle petticoats may initially appear to give large amounts of poof, but they deflate quickly."

"In more OTT (over-the-top) styles (or if the petticoats are flat) they can be layered to create a larger poof."
To avoid having too many brackets close together, I'd use commas instead. "A larger poof" doesn't make grammatical sense. I'd say ", or if the petticoats are flat, they can be layered to create more poof."

"Cutsews (2nd img) are made of jersey or other stretch fabrics and often are slipped on over the head like a t-shirt."
Should be "are often" not "often are".
Would consider adding that when brands release T-shirt like cutsews, they have lolita details like puff sleeves and lace trim.

I don't think the rectangle headdress pictured is necessarily the best example for newbies, even if it is brand. The lacing on it looks odd, and (although this is just personal taste), the print is pretty ugly. It might be better to change it to a different one.

I really like the bonnet you've pictured, but for consistency with the other hair accessories it'd be better if you showed one displayed on a wig head stand (perhaps this Surface Spell one? I know it's not brand, but I can vouch for the quality since I own it, and it's the first one similar to your original picture that sprang to mind: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3-c.w4002-3350510245.41.OkdTIf&id=38179630012))

For consistency, I'd say "legwear" not "leg wear".

>> No.8179372

Anatomy cont.

"Typically lolita shoes are feminine and formal but come in a range of styles"
I'd change this to " Typically lolita shoes are feminine and formal with a round toe, but come in a range of styles" since the round toe is one of the most consistent elements in lolita shoes and helps to differentiate it from pointy goth and vintage shoes.

Personally I think pastel hi-tops are acceptable in some forms of toned down but pastel and fairy kei-ish sweet, but maybe that's too specific an exception.

I'd add to the outerwear section that boleros and cardigans can improve the colour balance of coords, helping to prevent skirt and blouse coords looking too blocky.

"Since more than often you’ll be pocket-less in lolita,"
Was that supposed to be "more often than not"? Or you could just say "Since you'll usually be pocket-less in lolita,"

"Most standard bags are either made of synthetic leather, with the exception of tote bags, which tend to be cotton." Get rid of the "either". Could mention satchels and novelty purse shapes here, but both of them fit into the other bag categories you've put. Brands also release "pochettes" or clutches fairly often, but they're too tiny to be much use.

Could include rosettes with other items, although really I suppose it's just a type of large brooch.


Could add flock/flocky stuff as either a fabric or an embellishment as a way to add patterns. It's often seen as a way to do black-on-black prints.

Could add looking "pixellated" or very square as another characteristic of bad lace.

Could add a link to the other "telling good lace from bad lace" guides:

You ought to suggest buying nice Taobao brand as an alternative to replicas for those who fit brand as well, since a lot of newbies don't want to save for months to buy just one brand dress even if they'll fit into it.

>> No.8179375

Lace guides, since 4chan decided my post was spam when I tried to include them in the main post.


>> No.8179386


>> No.8179389


>> No.8179401

Sorry, this appears to be the spam issue so I tinyurl'd it. Fucking spam filter still won't let me post it, so do a tinyurl and then put /fyeahlace (it's the fyeahlolita one).

>> No.8179405

I have around 50 of those plastic brand bags... Not sure what to do with them either

>> No.8179413

I hope my English was ok -but yeah. It's been a while since I've bought something online, so maybe I've lost my familiarity of shopping online, or maybe I'm just used to both parties being generous. I usually put the gift option.

I actually mentioned this in the old general thread, so I apologize for any dejavu. Apparently, my shipping fee was not included with my item, which for some reason was a LOT for a light-weight item, and in the shipping fee was the PP fee. I seriously hope my item comes in the mail today because I have a deadline.

>> No.8179416

Yes it will be noon Japan time.

>> No.8179426


"Bangs are incredibly popular in lolita in general, specifically straight bangs."
Either say "especially" rather than "specifically" or just say "Straight bangs are incredibly popular in lolita in general."

"Unnatural colors, such as pastels, are generally used in sweet lolita."
I'd add "but unnatural colours like burgundy, steel grey and white are seen in gothic lolita too."

"or if they want a different color of hair/style of hair to match a specific theme in their coord."
I'd say "or if they want a different hairstyle/color to match a specific theme in their coord."

"downhill" not "down hill".

You can also use wig brushes, not just combs. Good ones use wire loops rather than bristles so they definitely won't catch on the wig base and pull out hairs, and they're easy to find online or in black hair shops.

Although it's true that wig bangs should be cut and styled, some wigs (especially if they weren't ultralong to start with) look fine with sideswept bangs. I have two wigs in the same long, straight style but different colours, one brown and one black, and I kept the brown one sideswept even though I cut the bangs of the black one to be a straight fringe.

I really like that you focus more on the "no makeup makeup" look that I think suits the style rather than the OTT circle-lenses-and-lashes-extravaganza style that's become popular, but you ought to at least mention the latter as more than just a caution against eyelashes.

+1000 for recommending not purchasing from Lime Crime, I was into make-up before I was into lolita and the shit the founder has pulled was so shady (including sending legal threats to the blogger to get her to pull down the Doe Deere Lies blog, and, back in her LiveJournal days, hosting a fictitious "charity" auction then stealing the money for herself).

>> No.8179428 [DELETED] 

How long does it take Antique Beast to produce and send out? I paid for my order 11 days ago.

>> No.8179442

Because technically PP protects the buyer, NOT the seller. So it makes complete sense for the buyer to have to pay the fee, because it's the coverage they get as well as a paper trail of their payment. If a seller only accepted money orders, the buyer would pay for the cost of the money order (and the shipping).

The issue is when a seller does not say they charge a fee in the listing on top of the total costs (item + shipping) and then try to add it in. THAT is not okay.

>> No.8179448

I know you don't want this here but I really miss you. Do you think you will ever be active again? Or disclose your tumblr if you have a new one?

>> No.8179454

Price check question? Chery berry bunny in pink, chestbow version...? I haven't been able to find the exact cut and color that has been sold recently.

>> No.8179462

Not completely sold on all the advice in the body types guide (the variation in sleeve type recommended for non-chubby bodytypes seems a bit arbitrary), but it's pretty solid overall.

5'8"? I'd have probably said 5'7", since I'm 5'4½" and I feel too tall in some lolita dresses, but since branded stuff is available to cater to sizes up to 5'8" it doesn't matter much.

I'd say Taobao is more like Chinese Ebay than Chinese Amazon, since Amazon doesn't do auctions and Taobao does, but I can understand why you made the Amazon comparison since Ebay has sketchy associations.

Rather than alphabetizing the list of lolita shops that do custom-sizing, it'd be better to split the Taobao and indie brands up. So
"Taobao: 69th Department, Akane & Alois, Boguta, Classical Puppets, Dear Celine, Elpress L, HMHM, Miss Point, Rose Melody, Strawberry Witch, Surface Spell.
Western Indie: Lady Sloth
Asian Indie: Bunny House, The Floral Notebook, Fanplusfriend, Souffle Song"

You could also include the countries (so Poland for Lady Sloth, Vietnam for TFN, Souffle Song and Bunny House, and China for the rest), although it's hard to format neatly, since it helps people to know what the shipping will be like.

Should also include brands that do large sizes even though they don't do custom sizing, like Maxicamam, Haenuli and Bodyline.

Should add that The Floral Notebook do chiffon underskirts to the Tall Lolitas section, since it's useful to have a brand that doesn't require a shopping service on there.

Re: sleeve length for tall lolitas, add that they can often wear short-sleeved items, or wear 3/4 sleeve princess sleeves as half-length princess sleeves.

Really helpful video and not one I'd ever seen before, which is good.

[Also, unrelated but I didn't know about Strawberry Witch and I love this jacket http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4024-5458590971.2.1OKaq7&id=42521847889 so thanks.]

>> No.8179468

holy fuck i hate mini hats

>> No.8179471

glad to see you again! i missed your help.

i-i like the rectangle headdress though ;_; i've always sort of admired ragnarok from afar (despite it being not my style at all). i agree with replacing the 3F bonnet though with a better displayed one. will get to that in a bit!

i'd rather just keep any sneakers out just for newbies' sake. AP's sneakers are super cute and if i wasn't so opposed to paying $100+ for shoes, i would have gotten them for lolita, but there are very few examples of loliable sneakers like that.

the pochettes could fit into the cross-body section. same with the clutches since they often have an attachable chain with them. i would also consider rosettes to be brooches as well.

>> No.8179472

Anyone possibly know where I can buy a decent pair of frilly ankle socks? I tried Etsy, but the only ones I managed to find were either for toddlers or they looked really cheap.

>> No.8179479


You should note that underbust JSKs often look way too sexy on busty lolitas.

You should also direct them to the list of shops that do custom sizing in the plus size section for ways to get dresses and blouses that will fit their bust. I used to have problems with button gapping but since I got some custom sized blouses it's not been a problem.

You say "If you tend to wear JSKs, you can avoid a blouse altogether and instead go for a cardigan or bolero.", but a JSK would cover up any button gapping anyway, so you can add that as "...cardigan or bolero, although a JSK should cover up any gapping even if you do wear a blouse under it."

For busty lolitas, you should also add that high-necked blouses with a yoke or ruffles on the bust are going to be very unflattering and should be avoided. Examples of what I mean:

Could note for smaller sized lolitas that Mary Magdalene are known as the smallest brand in terms of chest measurements and the like.

In the "other styles similar to lolita" suggestions for boys, as well as aristocrat/ouji/dandy, which are more similar to gothic and classic, you could add fairy kei as a more gender-neutral style that will appeal to those that like the pastels and cutesy nature of sweet. Maybe decora too.

>> No.8179481
File: 46 KB, 290x370, image1xl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind do you mean? If you're European I got these from asos, they come in black too.

>> No.8179483

Am I the only one who think wearing a jsk with only a bolero/cardigan and nothing between that and your pits is like being naked under your lolita coat?

>> No.8179488

That one is pretty fucking hideous.

Nice to speak to you again too!

With the Ragnarok headdress it's really the lacing that stands out to me, having it that wide apart makes it look similar to some of the cheaper and more maid-ish headdresses out there. Kinda like how I think this (http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w8178600-10127865815.13.c29VxT&id=43689455503)) Ciciwork headdress is hella cute but would be hesitant to put it in a guide for newbies in case they can't see the difference between it and other wide, floppy-laced eBay monstrosities.

Re: sneakers I totally understand wanting to keep it out of a guide for newbies, like the trickier substyles, but being so vociferously critical of all sneakers might have the opposite effect of getting newbs to cry "Ita!" at casual Angelic Pretty coords. Kinda like how some newbs would think all black and white = ita. So it's a tricky issue.

Yeah you're right, I'd forgotten the clutches usually have detachable chains.

>> No.8179489

yep. kill yourself

>> No.8179490

I'm not a fan of the way it feels personally, although I like the way it looks, but I live in a pretty cold climate and I don't think the necklines of most of my JSKs are suitable for it so maybe I've never experienced a "good" bolero+JSK coord.

>> No.8179499

fixed everything here as well! and i'm glad that you like that i put in the lime crime info haha. doe deere's stuff scares the crap out of me so i want to make sure newbies don't fall for her nonsense and, you know, not get their lives ruined.

i used the body type guide from the google docs, which seems fine to me. i'm not really a body expert on other types that aren't my own (which is an hourglass). it's at least a good start for beginners, i feel.

>> No.8179502

>You should also direct them to the list of shops that do custom sizing in the plus size section
Seconding this. I'm a busty lolita and custom sizing is essential for me. Even though I'm otherwise slim, my bust and waist are always 1-2 sizes apart. If I'm not buying custom, I only buy dresses with corset lacing so I can make the waist tighter.

>> No.8179508

did you look on Amazon? I'm betting it'll be more of the same but that's always the first place I look.

aliexpress might have good ones too.

>> No.8179513

fixed as well!

someone's never lived in the southern united states i see :^) no but for real though, sometimes no blouse with a bolero/cardigan can be a legitimate option. it's far more comfortable in the heat and if one's having trouble with finding good blouses, it's a good way of side-stepping that. i haven't found a blouse that suits my tastes yet and plays nicely with my large bust, so i do this all the time (plus, again, heat and mugginess. welcome to georgia).

i swear i thought that ciciworks piece was a floppy bonnet at first, from the front picture of it. i can see what you're getting at though! if i find a better example i'll go fix it.

>> No.8179528

sock dreams tends to be my go-to sock place. i like these a lot:

>> No.8179531


Dressing up cont.

"This spans from what is commonly known as “casual lolita”, all the way up to “over the top (OTT)” outfits."
I'd add another sentence after this saying. "Descriptors like "casual" and "OTT" can be applied to any substyle." to clarify to newbs that they're not substyles in themselves.

Could add that you're more likely to see cutsews, turtlenecks and maybe berets in casual than in the other styles, maybe add that casual lolita sometimes looks similar to otome.

For OTT, could add that dresses styled in an OTT way often feature lots of lace and details, or intricate prints.

Plain solid-colour tights are fine in certain styles IMHO (although they look odd in white), and opaque black tights are great staples for a gothic wardrobe. Same with wine and cream. But you must pick high-quality higher-denier ones, not thin 20-denier ones that will just look sheer and cheap.

Not sure about the whole "ideal beginner wardrobe" concept. What's "ideal" varies so dramatically depending on the personal taste of the beginner in question, how often they will wear lolita, and what sort of events they'll wear it to that it's hard to prescribe an ideal beginner wardrobe for everyone. I suggest changing the phrasing to "an example beginner wardrobe" not an "ideal" beginner wardrobe.

>> No.8179543

how the hell did i forget about sock dreams jesus christ

>> No.8179545


Dressing up even more continued.

I'd say one to three colours to start with (especially if you're counting base colours like black or white), not one or two. If all three colours match or are often found in the same prints it's easy to build a wardrobe with more than two and adds more variety.

Especially since some skirt coords will look unbalanced if there's a lighter colour on the skirt than on the blouse, two colours is a less versatile combination than you'd think. A wardrobe in white and pink (unless all your skirts are prints) will mean you can only have skirt coords of white blouse + pink skirt, pink blouse + pink skirt, and white blouse + white skirt, since pink blouse + white skirt coords will look unbalanced. But adding a third colour, like sax, suddenly doubles your options - you can have a sax skirt with a pink blouse, white blouse or sax blouse, and a pink skirt with a pink blouse, white blouse, or sax blouse, as well as the white blouse and white skirt possibilities, making a total of seven coord options. That's four more coord options than before despite adding only two new items. Bearing in mind that in a typical coord blouses match legwear and main pieces match shoes, you can introduce new matching colours just by buying a blouse and tights that will double your coord possibilities each time, whereas if you want to buy a main piece in a new colour you're gonna have to buy headwear, shoes, and maybe a bag in that colour too (although bags can be in either colour depending on the coord).

>> No.8179548


tl;dr 3 is definitely an easier base to work with than 2 to start with, especially if white is one of your colours. Just pick three that interchanges really well, so they'll all work in a coord together, as well as coords individually. So for example, red white and navy can all work in one coord, white and navy also matches, white and red matches, and red and navy can match too. Or the pink, white and sax example mentioned above. You could also do pink, mint and brown for a chocolate-y sweet wardrobe.

Might be better to suggest black/white and black/dark blue than black dark/red for gothic because the black/red scheme can sometimes be tricky and doesn't lend itself well to prints (and it's harder to find, anyway). Also a black print on a white base and a white print on a black base both look good, but a black print on a wine base is difficult to get right (or even find).

>> No.8179553

You do realize that sleeveless dresses + a cardi have been around forever right?

>> No.8179557

As well as silver, gold, and bronze, pewter (by which I mean, much darker grey than silver) is a colour you see in Gothic jewellery so I'd consider adding that one.

Forgot to mention earlier, you should include a petticoat in your description of a beginner wardrobe.

You should also mention lack of petticoat in the ita section.

>> No.8179563

definitely added the three colors instead of two! good points!

>> No.8179568
File: 128 KB, 478x750, tumblr_mybl4dzi1u1r64vgbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know where to get cute bunny ear accessories?
I don't want to use the dollar store ones they put out for easter

>> No.8179573

Do you really have to resort to implying somebody is new instead of just accepting a different opinion

>> No.8179580

What's comfortable about knit on your bare skin in heat? Aren't you better off with a lighter material blouse or jacket?

>> No.8179583

BABY and AP have some bunny ear headbands out, so does foxcherry if you don't want brand price

>> No.8179584

added as well!

AP put out a pair recently if you can track a pair down. BABY and AaTP also put out a few. seach 'bunny head bow' on lolibrary and you'll see what i'm talking about. i also like sheenasbellabows on etsy for more "out there" hair accessories and can vouch for her quality. she doesn't have any bunny ears in the shop right now, but does take commissions and is used to working with faux fur if you're interested in a pair similar to the picture you posted.

>> No.8179585

it's a silly opinion, so yes.

>> No.8179586

As well as giving a link to somewhere where you can find out about the exchange rates for yen, you should also mention that you can type in "[number] JPY in USD (or GBP or EUR or whatever)" and get an accurate conversion, although PayPal's conversion will be charged at a slightly higher rate. PayPal also have a currency conversion calculator for their rate but I don't think you can link to it.

Should add Maxicamam as a Japanese indie brand.

Maybe add Black Peace Now / Peace Now even though they're now defunct? Wondering if there should actually be another section for non-lolita brands that release lolita and loliable main pieces and accessories, like Putumayo, Emily Temple Cute, Axes Femme, Chocomint, etc etc. There are a few Japanese goth/punk, otome and fairy kei brands that apply to this.

"...since shipping can get pricey for them. They offer flat rate $10 AIR shipping, but expect to wait up to a month for your stuff."
Would change to "...since shipping can get pricey for them because they're heavy. They offer flat rate $10 AIR shipping, and frequently have free shipping sales, but expect to wait up to a month for your stuff."

Would maybe say the majority of the blouses have scratchy lace and crunchy material, but that there are one or two exceptions with decent lace and not-shitty designs (L076 is the famous exception I think, and L015). You should recommend people check out the Bodyline needs better stock photos tumblr, and always search Google images and tumblr tags for the L-number of the item they're thinking of buying before they buy so they can see better pictures.

>> No.8179587

i dunno. it's just more comfortable to me personally. i can't really describe it very well other than "it works for me".

>> No.8179590

Thank you so much!
I found some cute ones I'd love

>> No.8179592

Cardigans are sweaters, outerwear. The only place I regularly see people wear cardigans without anything under them is lolita fashion. It's not a particularly silly opinion.

>> No.8179598

i could do a section for those, yeah! i think that's pretty applicable. give me a little bit and i can put that together. any other suggestions? i'm also thinking jane marple, 6% doki doki, and spank! as well.
also added the bodyline info. thanks!

>> No.8179601

I'm guessing you don't live in the northeast, or work in an office then.

>> No.8179608

I do work in an office and I have never seen anyone wear a cardigan on bare skin. Maybe this is an American thing then but the internet doesn't reflect it.

>> No.8179615


Yeah, but it's not like normalfags consider a blouseless jumperskirt to be scandalous either.

So wearing a cardigan over a jumperskirt but not a blouse wouldn't be particularly earth shattering.

>> No.8179619


If the cardigan is open, it allows for more ventilation. If it's a blouse that's tucked into the bodice of a jumperskirt, there are less opportunities for ventilation.

The best option for hot weather would be a short sleeved lacy cotton blouse for adequate breathing, but I think a short sleeved bolero would aerate quite well as well.

>> No.8179625
File: 59 KB, 232x313, iw_jsk_lotta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the most sought after Innocent World prints? I know all about the big brands and the prints they've done that go for big bucks (Irongate, Puppet Circus etc) but the only IW dress I can think of that went for a lot was the Lotta Deer pattern one. Are there others? Forgive my ignorance, I'm new to the fashion.

>> No.8179630

Grazia Crown is another big one from IW.

>> No.8179632

Maybe some of the book prints and that Church one...
Can't really think of any more, IW usually doesn't increase in value like other brands do sometimes.

>> No.8179665

I don't know much about the other Japanese brands off the top of my head, sorry, since I'm not at all into sweet or otome. Leur Getter maybe?

It's just that these are really great ways to get certain hard-to-find lolita items when browsing auctions. For example, Axes Femme release a tonne of cardigans and they're easy to find secondhand.

Loads of people wear dresses with straps. No-one wears blouses under normal fashion strap dresses. But when it gets cold in the evening, or if the aircon in the office is blasting, they put on a cardigan or jacket. It's very common. Heck, if you search "cropped denim jacket", half the results show it worn with only a vest underneath.

>> No.8179667

>those cunts will do a bid war of $1 and of course last minute so there's no chance of it going up further in price by other people who want it.

>waaah I don't know how bidding on auctions works

Just direct sell your shit if you want a specific high price.

>> No.8179668

Grazia Crown, Westminster. The original book print dress used to resell very highly.

>> No.8179674


You don't need a shopping service for Closet Child unless you're buying instore. You can buy through their website.

Victorian Maiden needs a shopping service IIRC, although Tokyo Rebel are now reselling them in the US.

You could mention a couple of popular shopping services (FromJapan, JaponicaMarket, Chibitenshi for an instore SS).

Oh, and speaking of Chibitenshi, that reminds me that you should add Swimmer to your non-lolita but loliable brand list! They of course released the famous biscuit bags, and since they don't sell via their website you need to either use an instore SS or buy their stuff secondhand to buy from them.

>> No.8179682

I only like boleros/cardis when they're knits and I'm really picky about the cuts. Not a fan of chiffon etc woven fabric boleros unless they're a nice stiff, bodied velvet or suiting type fabric. So comfy and nice for spring/fall. I love the idea of cutsews but I think they often just don't look good... Maybe it's just me but they seem to bunch in really unflattering ways under a dress or skirt so I prefer to just use blouses now.

I think a turtleneck could work under a JSK, but normal crewneck or w/e sweaters, I don't think those would suit lolita very well...

And I have this problem as well. Sucks since it's such a nice easy way to wear JSK's casually but the feel of it always turns me off.

I'd say the top ones are Lotta, Grazia Crown, Rottenberg, and the original book print (forget the name but after Strahov rerelease it's not going for a ton anymore). Westminster is sooort of popular but mostly just the Choir cut as far as super popularity.

>> No.8179703

VM's site has a shopping guide for overseas customers now, so you can buy directly from them i'm pretty sure.
i mentioned those services. also i'll totally add swimmer! thanks for the reminder. will also do leur getter >>8179665

>> No.8179721

link to that shopping guide please?

All I can find is this one and it says they don't serve oversees:

>> No.8179722

Oops ignore what I said about shopping services, just realised you mentioned them further down the page. Could mention briefly that FromJapan allow you to mark down your package to avoid fees, but Japonica Market don't.

TokyoPirates has had some bad customer reviews recently, IIRC.

I think you should separate Taobao from other indie brands that don't require a SS, and both of them from licensed brand resellers, since they're all really different sections. There is a lot to say about Taobao and rather than just linking to the Google docs of ALL the Taobao and indie brands, which is a little confusing for a newbie because they don't know which brands have good reputations, it'd be good to include a list of the most trusted/recommended Taobao and indie brands. So like Krad Lanrete, Ista Mori/Ecailles de Lune, Lief, Haenuli, The Floral Notebook, etc etc. That could really help newbies out because I've noticed that in this fashion nowadays people often go off word of mouth and what friends say who've seen a brand's items in person at a meet, rather than making Google-able reviews.

There's a Swedish licensed brand reseller but I've forgotten what they're called, so it'd be good if someone could help me out.

It's "Lolita Sales EU" but you've called it "Lolita Sales Europe" in the blue text brackets for LSE.

Yeah sorry didn't realise it mentioned it further down, and my Internet cut out so I couldn't correct my mistake quickly.

I'm basically done with that now (although I might put together a "Trusted Taobao" list and "Trusted Indie Brand" list), so I'd just like to compliment you on your layout and presentation for this list. It looks really gorgeous and I feel really happy with this site. I feel like it'll be a really great resource once it's done.

>> No.8179723
File: 102 KB, 800x935, 144436-109-2014-08-14417634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Royal Library, This was my dream dress and I got it in the preferred color way and cut. pic very related

>> No.8179725

Astronomical Clock is pretty popular I think.

>> No.8179728

No they don't. They still require SS or shopping through Tokyo Rebel (as their "official" SS).

>TokyoPirates has had some bad customer reviews recently, IIRC.
Really? I haven't heard anything bad about her herself, but I do know her friend just took over the online portion for her and personally, I wasn't willing to trust some random "friend" with my business under the same person's name, so I haven't used her since that change... I don't shop from any stores that require in-person reservation so I don't have any other reason to use her.

>> No.8179763

That is my dream dress too.

>> No.8179768

I found a pair at Target

>> No.8179773

>Swedish licensed brand reseller
Ergi by Piratessen?

>> No.8179775

Kohl's, Payless, ebay, should be some on Amazon too.

>> No.8179789

>Trusted Taobao Shops
Krad Lanrete
Ista Mori/Ecailles de Lune/Kinyo666/Dark Box/whatever fucking name they've got this week
Surface Spell / Surface Spell Gothic
Dear Celine
Rose Melody
Chess Story
Pumpkin Cat
?Rococo Soul
?Miss Point

Depends how stringent you want to be with the quality guidelines, I guess. Or what caveats you're gonna impose. For example, Magic Tea Party have nice velvet stuff but I've heard bad things about their blouses. Elpress L have some nice items but have only released a few things so it might be too early to make an overall quality judgement. Etc.

>> No.8179791

>Trusted Asian Indie Brands
Haenuli (Korea)
Lief (Korea)
The Floral Notebook (Vietnam)
?Fan+Friend (China) [? because they're long-established but very hit-and-miss]
?Bunny House [heard good things about their petticoats but they don't have a huge reputation and I don't own anything by them so I can't vouch for the quality of their blouses and boleros]
?Souffle Song [? because cheap and some stuff on the site looks lower-quality as a result, although their sailor series was cute]

>Trusted Western Indie Brands
Cloudberry Lady (Finland)
Peppermint Fox (Australia)
Lady Sloth (Poland) [supposed to be good but tbh from the stock photos some of her stuff looks shitty]
?4 O' Clock Clothing (The Netherlands) [v. expensive and although gorgous not really entirely lolita]

I have very little experience of Western indie brands so help is really wanted in this section. Not sure what should discount a brand. For example, Toxity have some nice designs but the fabric they're printed on is supposed to be black and looks more like dark grey. Cherie Cherise's stuff looks nice but I don't have personal experience with it. A lot of indie brands I don't know if they're still active. Etc etc.

Speaking of Poland, ReStyle could go somewhere too. Polish goth shop that makes bags suitable for lolita, including book bags, violin bags, a clock bag, a stained glass bag, and an architectural print messenger bag.

>> No.8179796

I wouldn't really call Souffle Song trusted. They send incorrect orders frequently and have a lot of quality issues. Both from personal experience as well as reviews I've seen.

Some of ReStyle's prints are cutting close (for personal taste) to being Moitie knockoffs which I feel is worth noting. I don't know if anyone else has noticed this, maybe it's just me.

>> No.8179805

>I didn't know about Strawberry Witch
Me neither anon but holy shit they have affordable lace-topped socks that aren't your usual shitty raschel AND some nice jackets, so I'm a very happy lolita.

Bit concerned that their dresses don't all look great but the jackets look really good.

>> No.8179807

Japonica Market did mark the package down for me in my latest order.

>> No.8179811

That's why I put the question mark. They're well-known but their quality looks iffy.

>> No.8179823

I'd add Cloud Chamber, Marchen die Prinzessin and Baroque for the Korean section

>> No.8179851

Add Milk as well.

>> No.8179949

MagiCatStreet is pretty good as well, Asian Indie operating from Australia. (Moved from Taobao so they're no longer a Taobao brand)
Rouge Aerie is another Australian Indie brand.
Elegy Clothing is supposedly good with custom orders/commissions (?)

>> No.8179977

Thank you so much for saying this.
I know aging is a fact of life but I guess sometimes it's hard to accept, especially when youth is valued so highly and older women are doing so much to try and look younger even though it never does make them look young. You're completely right about that, you can try everything but no matter what you're still going to age and look older eventually.
I think taking a break from here is something I should consider doing. Sometimes I get so worried about what other people think that I stop doing whatever I want to out of fear of it being unacceptable.

>> No.8180031
File: 37 KB, 345x437, Frilly anchors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New series up by IW.
I think it's really cute.

>> No.8180032
File: 168 KB, 1033x437, Colorful frilly anchors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And colorways.

>> No.8180062

Not my personal tastes (to wear) but I do think it's awfully cute. IW has some pretty great retro-y sailor pieces overall.

>> No.8180099

Yes, but the seller is benefiting from paypal's payment and invoicing platform and from the confidence that paypal gives buyers to commit to transactions online. If sellers don't want to use paypal and only want to accept money orders, checks, or concealed cash that would be their right, but I'm sure they'll find that most buyers don't feel comfortable paying in such ways and will look to buy elsewhere. Those who use paypal agree to abide by paypal's TOS:

>Goods and services – Purchase payments:
>There’s no fee to use PayPal to purchase goods or services. However, if you receive money for goods or services (such as from selling an item on eBay), the fee for each transaction is 2.9% plus $0.30 USD of the amount you receive.

Paypal fees are a cost of doing business. I'm not suggesting that this cost shouldn't be passed onto buyers--it absolutely should--but it should be included in the total sale price from the very beginning. This way buyers aren't surprised by unexpected fees and paypal's guidelines are being followed.

Any seller who passes the fees onto the buyer overtly is chancing paypal shutting down their account. All it takes is one disgruntled customer complaining to paypal to get them to investigate a seller's activities. Sure, sellers can open new accounts (if ebay scammers can do it, I'm sure anyone can) but why risk having to jump through all those hoops when there is literally $0 difference between following paypal guidelines and not following paypal guidelines? It doesn't make sense to me to chance my paypal account for absolutely nothing. I don't understand sellers who are so cavalier about their accounts.

>> No.8180106

I think as long as the rectangle headdress is recognizable as a rectangle headdress it's all good--styles and trends will constantly be changing; as long as a newbie can look at the example and then identify other rectangle headdresses then it is a good example. It's okay to change it, but it's okay to keep it, too.

How're the comms in GA? Are they active and fun or drama-filled?

It's common among normalfags in the Southeastern US in spring and fall.

>Maybe this is an American thing then but the internet doesn't reflect it.
Look up a google image search of "sundress and cardigan" and you'll find many, many examples. It's very commonplace.

>> No.8180152

Man there needs to be more little girls dressed up in Lolita.
I just dressed up my little sister and it was so fucking cute.
Considered getting her a BL kid's dress but I don't really like any of them. Though, I should ask her.

>> No.8180187
File: 132 KB, 500x600, 03101350_54fe77f9c6e71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine Kingdom is up and it doesn't seem like the site is dying. Also this purse.

>> No.8180191

i think i'll wait for the ap usa release (they all get released there eventually too, right...?) but man

that purse

>> No.8180194


already sold out

>> No.8180196

Everything but the skirt in Navy is gone.
The JSKs restocked a couple of times, but sold out regardless. Not even 10 minutes. Gosh.

>> No.8180198

the OP was showing stock for me but that was a minute ago


>> No.8180202

OP just restocked in Pink

>> No.8180204

aaaaand gone

>> No.8180206
File: 127 KB, 680x560, Sold out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it was gone soon thereafter. Then the skirt was gone too.

>> No.8180208

after this and dream marine's made to order i really really hope marine kingdom gets one too

>> No.8180213

It was in my cart, and then the site stopped working for me and I couldn't pay anymore.
I could cry.
I HATE AP releases! I have to get up and go to work in like 2 hours, fuck this!

>> No.8180215

It would be really weird for them to do made-to-order runs of two series in a row though. Actually I don't think it's ever happened before, I think we'd be more likely to get a rerelease later on down the road in new cuts or colors.

>> No.8180219

They can't do this to me. I bet there's a bunch of auctions online in a few hours, selling the fucking dresses for 3 times their original price.
I need a made to order for this dress, I'm really upset because I want to buy from them, but litereally every time I want something from a release I do not stand a chance.

>> No.8180220

Anyone bought stuff from Doll Paradise? How is the quality?Their jsk are so cute, also the pink shade seems a bit too bright or it's only oversaturated pics?

>> No.8180225

When will you be in the city?
Wanna do a tea party thing or the Tokyo Rebel + Kinokunya tour

>> No.8180235

It will get released on the AP USA page too. But like the other anon said, another made-to-order release is really unlikely.

>> No.8180237

Great, I'm not even from the US and I've never ordered there before... It sucks so hard, I really pray they'll make a made to order, I mean, what the fuck ... It all sold out within minutes. Like EVERY piece.

>> No.8180242


Before Dream Marine's made to order I saw this post first:

so the catalyst that triggers a made-to-order might be girls emailing AP en masse about losing out on their release. I don't know if a bunch of foreign girls doing it will carry more weight than Japanese customers, but why not give it a shot and start emailing them anyway.

>> No.8180246

God damnit I need this purse in my life. I really hope they do a US release

>> No.8180250

I think japanese girls e-mailing them has more of an effect. It would also the best way to solve the scalping problem.

>> No.8180257

alright i'm back; i went out to meet with some friends.
can do re: fromjapan! also fixed VM; sorry about that. i guess i misread.
i'd rather not make big lists of trusted brands though, since that can change a lot and i don't want people to be like "why didn't you recommend _____? they're good too!" it's easier for me to link to those google docs. i'm pretty sure both of them are made by seagulls too. and if someone wants to check on quality, they can google reviews (i don't really see people go by word of mouth so much? at least from what i observe)

looks like they moved to lolitabutiken. will add them.
yikes! i'll remove souffle song then.

i'm in the atlanta one. i don't really interact with them a lot so i can't say much? i go to meets every blue moon and i go to momocon and AWA and see then there. it's a very active comm though; there's meets at least once every week or every two weeks. there's some drama but not a ton of it. most folks are dressed decently. the ones i have interacted with are very nice and welcoming.

>> No.8180259

No, not minutes. It took almost 20 minutes for everything to sell out completely.

>> No.8180260

I saw some past 35 lolitas and they looked cool, also not old as you think 35 is still young unless you have fast aging genetics. The girl i saw who is now 38 i think still wear, lolita even sweet and pull it off good as younger people.
Aww i love this! But i think when you pass your 40s, some bangs could help more to have a youthful appearance.
Perfect! I hope i would be cool as her when i'm old old.

>> No.8180261


I can't do anything about not being Japanese, but at least if I log in and send the message through the contact page then they will know I'm an existing customer with a purchase history. I would hope that they at least don't completely ignore their paying customers. They might ignore one request from one foreign paying customer, but if many foreign paying customers start emailing them, they might do something about it.

>> No.8180268

I think you don't know the definition of "minutes". So yeah, great, it took 20 minutes. I was online since 30 mins before the sale started, had the jsk I wanted in my card within seconds, and still I didn't get anything, so it's not like I had 20 minutes to shop.

Maybe, but I tried messaging them once and they were like "too bad for you". And I also do have a purchase history, I buy from them like every month.
But I will try and I appreciate you trying too, anon.

>> No.8180269

Minutes has the connotation of, say, less than five minutes. Akin to "It sold out instantly". I'm saying it didn't. It sucks that AP's site is so shitty that you weren't able to check out, but that doesn't mean you have to spray your salt all over everyone else.

>> No.8180272


i've copied pretty much everything important from the original google docs now. i'm gonna add pics to the comm section, as well as examples of non-standard body types in the get dressed section. i'm also going to add ero and punk to the styles page. other than those things, it's almost complete. anything i should add to the dictionary section?

>> No.8180273

Actually both JSKs were completely sold out online in under 10min.

>> No.8180276

everything =/= JSKs

>> No.8180323

But my delicious popcorn needs salt, anon.

>> No.8180329

>somehow miss-clicked to >>8180269 due to replying with one hand while actually eating delicious popcorn

>> No.8180333

The best thing you can do is collect people who are interested and have everyone who has an AP account send in messages asking for a made to order or re-release. Then, also email their email address with a differently worded message asking the same thing from as many email addresses you and everyone else has. I agree it is a bit more valid when Japanese customers want it, and then the next step are international customers who have accounts, but sending as many messages as possible, even when from regular email addresses, is better than nothing. However AP is known to only re-release certain things. I was crying over missing melty ribbon choocolate and those dresses still go for 350-400 easy (and at first were 500-600 on auction), but they would not re-release no matter how many times I asked from different addresses.

>> No.8180357

that rabbit letter one is pretty popular too I think.

>> No.8180365


I can tell you why AP didn't re-release melty ribbon chocolate, the low waisted version sold really slowly and eventually went on sale. So far AP only does a made to order if it's a completely clean sweep of everything. In previous made to orders they've apologised that there was nothing of that series to buy by the second day, so that part is a major factor.

Hmm, I don't really have enough followers to get folks to send in messages to AP en masse... I will send in my message and email as you suggested, though, hopefully other girls in this thread will do so too.

>> No.8180366

Sorry, I meant the round collar jsk version. I know the low waisted version and salopette were garbage, so much fug.

>> No.8180373


I had emailed when celestial was released
Complained about site crashing and the scalpers and they were very polite and bam - made to order

I am sceptical about a second made to order right after dream marine.

>> No.8180437


Yeah, I figured you were talking about the round collar jsk.

What I meant was that the first hurdle to get AP to do a made to order is that every item in the series must sell out, including the ones that you consider fugly. So even if you only ever wanted the round collar jsk and considered everything else fugly, AP will not make a made to order because the fugly items in the series didn't sell out.


Ah, I forgot to mention scalpers. I just said that I couldn't put anything in my cart and after trying for twenty minutes there wasn't anything left to buy.

>> No.8180539

I have a right to be salty, anon. It doesn't really matter if everything sold out within 10, 20 or 30 minutes, point is, it sold out ridiculously fast.
I hope japanese Lolitas want it,too.
Why did they even make a made to order for Dream Marine then? It was kinda obvious that even more people wanted Marine Kingdom.

>> No.8180546

>more people wanted Marine Kingdom
No. Not obvious at all. I'm sorry that you're bitter and using it as an excuse, but nobody on my FB/Tumblr/Weibo feed have been crying about missing out on MK, as opposed to DM which crashed the site and had lots of girls crying/complaining and willing to pay high prices in the hours after the aftermath.

>> No.8180548

>after the aftermath
sorry, I mean after the sales.

>> No.8180556

Stop feeling so fucking entitled. This would be just like any other AP release prior to their MTOs and just accept that you didn't get one. Tough luck. Add it to your wishlist and look for it second hand. It's not a super popular release, just a popular one. AP nicer stuff has always been selling out within "minutes". There is no need to go crying to AP every time you didn't get one, they're not going to shit out a production because a handful of girls want them.

>> No.8180559

i'd rather they do than fucking replicas. fuck lolita tho it's full of entitled shits.

>> No.8180566

Literally any highstreet shop if you're in the UK

>> No.8180567
File: 239 KB, 1280x956, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the amount of people fighting over "dream marine is better" "no it's marine kingdom"

Most of you bitches wanted both or neither stop fighting

AP sells out who cares which one more people liked

>> No.8180591

Honey, you're the only one who's bitter and salty here. Just because your personal limited experience differs from others it doesn't mean they're wrong. Guess what, people have a right to be disappointed. All SS were full pretty quickly and lots of people wanted the print so yeah, it was kinda predictable it would sell out pretty quickly.

>> No.8180594

Honey, you're the only one who's bitter and salty here. Just because your personal limited experience differs from others it doesn't mean they're wrong. Guess what, people have a right to be disappointed. All SS were full pretty quickly and lots of people wanted the print so yeah, it was kinda predictable it would sell out pretty quickly. And people are crying, here in this very thread and on facebook. The site crashed and it was all gone not even half an hour after the release, although it got restocked multiple times. So how about you pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.8180596

I smell poorfags

>> No.8180598

uuh no? i got mine, used a SS for that shit, but how do either of those posts imply poorfags. if anything it implies brandwhores who wanna have rare shit.

>> No.8180599

Sorry for the double post, I'm on my phone.

>> No.8180602

So now it IS rare when other anons argue that it's not even that popular? If you wanted the dress and got it why not simply be happy about it and have some sympathy for those who missed out? Why so bitchy? It's just frustrating as fuck when you get up in the middle of the night, have the fucking thing in your cart only for the shop to freeze and not letting you pay, and then everything is fucking gone. It's especially frustratig when it happens more than once. And it happened to me every fucking time I want to get a new release.

>> No.8180606

it's more rare than if they make 50 more. anyway, i was the one who said i'd rather they fucking make more so less chance for replicas. i've missed out on shit too, shit that goes for $1k now and will never be re-released, but we don't always get everything, people just fucking demand so much and it's like, no, you don't deserve to have it just cause you didn't get it.

>> No.8180627
File: 307 KB, 500x535, Wardrobe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a break due to life, I've started making suggestions for wardrobe building on my blog again. For the anon with the attached wardrobe it's the first blog post on Roli's Ramblings, can't link because 4chan thinks it's spam.

>> No.8180638

Because anon is a cuntrag and the only thing they can be proud about is getting lucky on a dress release and calling everyone else "entitled" for not having their luck. What a dumb bitch.

>> No.8180640

I looked through Miss Point's entire catalogue a few days ago and didn't spot those high-waisted skirts, damn.

>> No.8180644

I think they're a bit older, I saw them like a year ago? It's a fairly generic style though, so you should be able to find something similar.

>> No.8180653

What's up with the secrets this week?

>> No.8180656

I want to go to bed already and they're half an hour late. First world drama problems.

>> No.8180657

I wear cardigans over tank tops/sleeveless dress shirts and dresses all the time. In fact, most people I know tend to wear cardigans over short or non-sleeved items (which is basically what you're doing when you wear it over a JSK), not over long sleeves.

>> No.8180663

It's 8pm on Saturday in my part of the world. Living in the east has its drawbacks.

>> No.8180689

Yeah, I know it's a generic design (I've actually been thinking about making myself something like that), I was just excited because Miss Point are cheap for the quality and the last place I was looking at a high-waisted skirt with military-ish buttons was Atelier Pierrot.

>> No.8180694

Never mind, found it. Just didn't notice the first time round because in the stock pic you can't even see the button details:


>> No.8180710

Nitpick anon again (I'd gone to bed by the time that list was posted but I agree with most of it so I won't bother doing a trusted list now).

Gotta say though, even though you said you didn't wanna do a trusted shop list, you already did link a bunch of well-reputed shops for the Plus Size section, which is similar. A disclaimer that this is opinion and correct at time of going to press, blah blah blah, would make a "Trusted Brands" list workable without people whining about brands not being included, IMHO.

I disagree that you can always just Google for reviews. Since I've joined comms and become more active on tumblr, I've seen so many pics of Taobao stuff and heard so much general advice on shops that's unsubstantiated by reviews. For example, I often see people (on /cgl/ and Facebook) saying that Magic Tea Party blouses have dodgy quality, a girl in my comm had a bad experience with them, I bought a couple of blouses and one was bad although the others were fine, and on Lacemarket I saw a listing for one of their blouses where the seller had mentioned manufacturing flaws (wonky bow, collar isn't lined up properly when buttoned up). But when you Google for Magic Tea Party reviews, only positive stuff comes up. Conversely, there are well-known brands that I've seen worn a lot but can only find a couple of reviews for.

In addition, when googling "[Taobao brand] + review", a lot of the results that come up are fake reviews from that Milanoo front lolitadressesshop. That's the front I see most commonly mentioned so it should be mentioned in the Milanoo section.

Could also mention alternative quality-checking methods, like searching Lacemarket/EGL Comm Sales for listings with that brand's items then looking at the seller pictures to see the quality in more detail, or asking in /cgl/, as well as the already-mentioned Googling/searching tumblr tags for worn photos and reviews method.

>> No.8180734


Also for the buying section, could add Algonquins as a loliable brand.

As well as being able to buy older designs, could add making (some) money back (including if you choose to leave the fashion?) as a good thing about lolita's secondhand market.


"The EGL Comm Sales community (and subsequently its feedback group for members) is one of the few livejournal communities that are still active."
Should be "is still active" not "are".

For wardrobe posts, could add "A lot of lolitas enjoy making wardrobe posts so they can look back at their progression in the fashion over time and how their wardrobe has changed."

Wouldn't call the "con horror story threads" noteworthy threads, tbh. No need for noobs to see horror stories - half the time they're made up and most of the time they're only relevant to cosplay. I think you should mention the threads where people imagedump inspiration for certain styles of lolita (oldschool, gothic, whatever) as noteworthy, since they're useful for a newb since they're usually better in standard than just searching the tumblr tags for examples of a particular style, but I don't know what to call them.

The link to the volumes of the GLB is a good inclusion, even if it doesn't include the recent ones.

Was gonna object to the inclusion of Rozen Maiden since anime is a slippery slope (like what, should we rec Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt too since it actually has a canon lolita? or include Death Note because even though the "lolita" character is ita, so are many of the outfits in Deka Wanko) but I suppose IW did do a collaboration with them, even though it did mostly look ita as shit.

Could include Maki and Asuka as influential personalities.

Could add some style terms to the dictionary, e.g. "bittersweet". Also words brand use, like "pannier" instead of petticoat, and that "kodona" and "boystyle" are other words for "ouji".

>> No.8180735


Also, eeing you talk about the SanFran stores has reminded me - the Worldwide: Buying New section of buying ought to have a section for lolita brand stores outside of Japan. So AP San Fran, BtSSB San Fran, BtSSB Paris, AP Shanghai, and there used to be an AP Paris but it's now closed down I think.

>> No.8180737

Oh, and could maaaaybe add Cicely Mary Barker to either the lolita artist or lolita illustrator section, even though she isn't really, because they used her Flower Fairies drawings for two GLB covers (Summer and Autumn 2007).

>> No.8180741

Oh, and since you linked GLBs, could add other magazine links:

Otome no Sewing:

Gosu Rori:


>> No.8180778

It is, and unfortunately most lolitas who buy from AP have gone through this. I don't know if this is the first time you tried to get a new release dress, but 4chan, tumblr, and fb ALWAYS have people commenting about the same exact thing you did during popular releases. I know this happened for me as well, for two releases, and then when I finally got what I wanted in a super popular release (Cosmic), they did a fucking made to order anyway so it didn't even matter, plus I could have saved money not using a SS if I did the made to order too. It just sucks, but right now since AP has a limited number of dresses still instead of always doing made to order, this is just what it is.

It sucks. The only thing you can do is: 1) Contact AP and get others to as well, asking about doing a made to order. 2) Contact AP and complain in depth about your experience. 3) Look for it second hand. The end.

>> No.8180782

Secrets used to be posted on Sundays in the US, my dear little newmeat.

>> No.8180861

I just opened a paypal dispute with a girl, but I have yet to see any signs of life from her (and I haven't since Februray 20th).
What will happen if I don't get any response?

>> No.8180882

If she doesn't reply at all, you win by default.

>> No.8180885

Paypal should hopefully take care of it

>> No.8180999

Lacemarket should develop an app. I want to lazily browse dresses while waiting for the bus

>> No.8181008

>you don't deserve to have it just cause you didn't get it
It's not that I think I "deserve" it, it's just super annoying to loyal customers who miss out on every release while scalpers make a living off of selling rare items overpriced. And no, I'm not talking about people selling used or rare dresses, I'm talking about people who buy new releases just to make a profit.
Thanks, I feel a bit better now.

>> No.8181078
File: 64 KB, 640x360, vbSfyET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8181105

Why can't you just use your phone's browser?

>> No.8181114


>> No.8181165

Not that anon, but Lacemarket crashes the browser of my Kindle a lot if I'm browsing the sales rather than just replying to messages. A Kindle Fire is more powerful than the average phone so I imagine it crashes most phone browsers too.

>> No.8181172

They're up now.

>> No.8181296

Basic tickets for the Saturday are normally around £40
You need to budget for travel and accomodation too but it might be possible to get an Airbnb apartment with some other international lolitas

>> No.8181333

Same they always mark my packages down

>> No.8181350

Did anyone buy the recent Lucky Pack that Innocent World released? Just got mine in the mail yesterday, I was hoping to get Grazia in it (obv.) but I ended up getting a Pietro Angel JSK in wine which is a lot prettier than I thought it would be! I also got three pairs of socks and two little hair combs for about $150 USD including shipping, so I'm pretty happy with it overall!

>> No.8181377

Lucky! I'll get it one day...

>> No.8181422

Sorry, I should have been more specific. I'm looking for ones with a longer lace frill.
Thanks! I also forgot about Sock Dreams.
Unfortunately Target just closed down across Canada.
Did not think to look on Amazon. Thanks anons!

>> No.8181510

Is the chocolate rosette headbow really worth this much? I knew the jsk and salo sold for a hundred thousand yen, but just the headbow?

>> No.8181942

And, >>8180663 shouldn't complain because it's not like they have to wait until basically Monday anymore for secrets.

>> No.8182486

Hmm, it's never crashed on my iPhone. It can be a little bit of a pain to hit buttons or whatever, but I have that problem even on apps so I doubt an app would do much. Besides, the mods don't even seem to have time to fix the site, you want them to divide time to a broken ass app, too?

How recent? I noticed a second round around New Years or whatever but nothing more recent than that?