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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 81 KB, 500x753, fail lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8165763 No.8165763 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please have a cringe thread?

>> No.8165766

The sad thing is, this will probably be me when I'm an old man.

>> No.8165768

this girl parodies lolita stuff. this one parodies venusangelic

>> No.8165991


Her singing isn't 100% terrible but her coords in every single thing she's in are just disgusting. look at more of her stuff.

>> No.8165999
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>> No.8166023
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All my cringes right now. She's been doing this for two years now and it only gets more frantic and desperate the closer the convention gets.

>> No.8166052

Damn I've seen her (him??) in person a couple of times before in Laforet. This person isn't petit at all either which doesn't make things any better.

>> No.8166057

Omg i loved this

>> No.8166058
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Autosaged. But made me cringe.

>> No.8166062

Thought she threw up and bled all over her burando at first glance.

>> No.8166064

Oh man this is great. But then I rewatched Venus's video and now I want to kill myself.

>> No.8166080

Well apart from old man face he is better dressed than more than half the people on CoF

>> No.8166107

Not sure if kidney failure.

>> No.8166112

I don't really find this cringe. She is a girl at a protest. You expect her to not wear clothes when she's at a protest?

>> No.8166114

I think the issue is what she's wearing and how it affects other lolitas, especially in that area.

>> No.8166116

This is glorious!

>> No.8166134


So true!

>> No.8166136

I don't see how this is cringe? They're wearing a more decent co-ord than 90% of my braindead comm. So what if they're old at least they know what they're doing.

>> No.8166167

So? Its her clothes and that's the way she dresses. I don't really see the issue here.

>> No.8166192

From the thumbnail I thought it was PT.

>> No.8166318

Yep. This.

>> No.8166360

You guys have probably already seen this.

>> No.8166409

This is adorable. Kinda cringy, but I like it...

>> No.8166426


She never fails to make me cringe.

>Am I the only one thinking Venus just searched someone japanese to marry and can now easily move to japan?

>> No.8166509

not to defend her but he found her
some people think he's a stalker but she accepted him anyway because he's Japanese

>> No.8166536
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>> No.8166542

Oh, please do tell.
What's the deal with that guy, it looks... off

>> No.8166556

Apparently he was obsessed with her for years and sent her fan mail since she was 12. Something like that.

>> No.8166567

Pedo bait will attract pedophiles or so they say...

>> No.8166617

Her singing isn't bad, even if it's probably only suited for broadway stuff.

Her outfit is an old bodyline set.

>> No.8166630

The related video for the semi final is cringery at parts

>> No.8166632

The only thing I'd wear to a protest is a pair of jeans and a sweater ... Wearing my BEST clothing to a protest seems stupid and impractical to me really.

I agree, its her clothes and she can do what she wants but her outfit screams "LOOK AT ME!" when really people should notice what the protesting is about. Plus if things got nasty (which happens at some protests) I'd be SO mad if I was dumb enough to wear brand to a protest and then get someone throwing shit at me or getting manhandled by a cop if shit got nasty and they started arresting people. Torn burando isn't kawaii.

I'm cringing because I'm a vegetarian and I don't do stupid shit like this. Being vegetarian is usually for a choice or medical/diet reasons, protesting about it is fucking dumb. They make vegetarians in general look ignorant when doing these stupid protests.

>> No.8166633


>> No.8166645

This is fucking amazing

>> No.8166648


>> No.8166656
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I kinda wanna make a penusangelic parody now...

>> No.8166665

uhhh that's not normal...

>> No.8166679

Oh man I've always wanted to make penus parodies but I could've sworn y'all would've cringed more at them, I'm surprised by 4chans reaction

>> No.8166682
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>> No.8166691

Wtf happened to her bangs, did she just get tired of cutting?
That looks so dumb.

>> No.8166701

You can find pretty much all the info you need on PULL, people have been discussing and digging around about this since she announced having a boyfriend. Really interesting tbh

>> No.8166720

From pictures I have seen she dresses far better at meets, and this is just for show.

>> No.8166740
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>> No.8166749


>> No.8166754

This is so spot on damn!

>> No.8166777
File: 141 KB, 456x810, tumblr_nkmde7zxG21rtsq7to1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this could technically fall under 'bad cosplay', but boy did it make me cringe

>> No.8166778

Where did she goooooo

>> No.8166779

My fave is the Armin cosplayer in the cat ears not paying attention

>> No.8166782

Probably all that shit with that one lolita that deleted her youtube channel over a fight in the comments or something

>> No.8166796

She didn't care about that, she kept doing videos afterwards...

>> No.8166800


Protests a farm that raises their animals with love and compassion, a good diet and a healthy life.

I don't get it. Aren't these people doing it right???

>> No.8166808

Its not enough for them.Plus If they went to Mc Donald with that meat-eaters would reck them.

>> No.8166955
File: 451 KB, 1360x2048, totallycringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166979

How quaint.
>Doesn't understand that some people wear lolita more than they do.
>Is vegetarian but is not interested in animal welfare past that point.
>Has obviously never been to a peaceful protest.

Thanks that's exactly why I came to this board.

>> No.8166987

i would eat that chick tied ups ass even though she has a sick jaw. the bitch with the key is just too ugly though

>> No.8167002

These types of protesters don't want to go and do actual protesting at butchers and abattoirs, those places are dirty and smelly and animals die there. They want to go to trendy places where cool people shop so they get attention about how much of awesome, caring activists they are.

>> No.8167010

You cannot decide if a protest will be peaceful or not, anon. The last time I went to one, which was actually peaceful, police showed up. I got away but there is a reason you shouldn't wear expensive shit to those things.
This. There are actual BAD, inhumane places they could go and protest, but they are protesting free range, sustainable farming.

>> No.8167025

>going to protests

ayy lmao

>> No.8167229

same girl as the cupcakes video

>> No.8167265

which sounds more effective to you
>protest in a public place with high foot traffic and likeminded people
>protest in a private space owned and operated by people who directly oppose you
come on, cgl, you can't seriously be this retarded all the time

>> No.8167300

Oh so you need someone to explain it to you.

What was more effective in getting the message across to the general public in recent times:
1) When a bunch of protesters went out to abattoirs and hatcheries armed with video cameras, freed a bunch of animals and then released the footage onto various media outlets
2) A bunch of protesters took over a 'public space' and made a nuisance of themselves to inconvenience the general public who were going about their business

Option #1 exposed the public to what the humane price was in consuming meat.
Option #2 got people shitty at the protester's behaviour and the message was ignored.

Also, I wouldn't call standing in front of the counter inside the shop a 'public place'. The street front maybe, but once you are inside you are subject to the store's rules and scaring off their customers would be a good way of getting kicked out. A business isn't going to change it's practices because a bunch of people flood in screaming at them, it's going to change because the consumers won't buy their product.

>> No.8167306

I like you, anon.

>> No.8167325

That looks like two Eren's making out

>> No.8167432

Neither of their skirt things look decent at all, that's all I can focus on

>> No.8167440

I feel like she made this to show off she has a japanese boyfriend. Am I just cynical?
She just dug around for compliments the whole time too ugh

>> No.8167445

>Likeminded people

Sorry anon but people buying meat arent likeminded when youre protesting meat obnoxiously.

There's the saying you're more likely to attract bees with honey opposed to vinegar so...just speaking as a vegetarian who also cares about the well being of animals. Education is the key, not being an obnoxious radical cunt.

>> No.8167515


Releasing animals is a bad example of a "good" idea, the British countryside got destroyed by the mink catastrophe when you fucks released them which killed over half of the fucking minks themselves because they have no survival skills and the ones that did survive bred and are now making various animals extinct; doing worse harm than farming them for fur.

>> No.8167520

where to get qt stalker boyfriend

>> No.8167545

this was actually kind of cute and thats coming from some one who hates her

>> No.8167557

I kinda agree with you, BUT you have to remember that she still has her mother. Yeah, the girl is now 18 and can officially break away from Mother Gothel over here, but knowing Marge it will be hard as balls to do so. So as easy Venus could get a bf + marriage visa or a student visa, t'f is Margeret gonna do?

>> No.8167563

He seems lonely... How has he not gotten shit for this?

>> No.8167566

>protesting farming practices at clearly Free Range & sustainable butcher.

>> No.8167569

nah she's shown up with her tits hanging out before

>> No.8167682

I didn't even know what PULL was, but oh gosh, my need of drama is satisfied. Thanks anon! Will read through it now

>> No.8167689

Look at these attention whore dumbshits!

Fucking protesting at an ORGANIC, free range butchery because they don't want to risk legal action and less coverage at a true hell like Butterball.
Spineless attention whores.

>> No.8167752

In the example referred to here >>8167300 activists went to a poultry farm where there were caged hens and took as many as they could back to their homes to raise in their gardens before attempting to re-house them in free range farms. They took the sickest ones to a vet. They were all charged with various offences but by filming the conditions inside and 'freeing' the chickens they were able to make a statement that the media reported all over the 6 o'clock news. Only dumb fucks open the doors and yell, "BE FREE! FREE LIKE THE WIND!"

These guys got the message about animal cruelty out to a wider audience and made a bigger impact than any poster carrying slactivist has done. And I am not one of those 'fucks' you are referring to, nor am I a vegetarian/vegan. I am not an activist, protester or sjw. I am a meat eater who didn't start to think about food production until the videos surfaced, Jamie Oliver did his food shows on pork & poultry and I saw Food Inc.

>> No.8167767

poorly dressed? I guess from a normalfag perspective maybe but in lolita terms the outfit's not too bad. I just kinda feel sad for how miserable they look rather than 'cringe' - looks like they may have just noticed the camera and are all 'ah, this shit again, I wonder what website I'm gonna end up on'?

>> No.8167894

Can you read

>> No.8167902

Please deets on this old lolita guy anon?
What was he doing in Laforet? Does he get any reaction? How tall?
He looks so sad and miserable tho but his coord is nice at least?.

>> No.8167905

>the bitch with the key

I thought it was a stethoscope

>> No.8167921

I can't tell if you're absolutely full of shit and "embellishing" or if this is actually how protests are where you live.

>> No.8167947

Guys. Can't you read the signs? The point is that places like these claim that killing animals is humane, and people go there thinking they support "happy (dead) animals". Not only are many (most?) "free-range" farms pretty much as bad as "normal" ones, but qualify for the stamp because they follow regulations, even "real" free-range farms promote the idea that it's ok to use animals if it's done "nicely". That's what is being protested here, because none of these animals needed to die, they're being bred and killed because people think it's "nice" enough to be supported.

It's not the specific place being protested against, it's the message. They are not condoning "bad" farms, they are saying that the lesser of two evils is still evil.

Also, >>8166800 "love and compassion" must mean different things to us, because I don't kill people/animals I love and I don't find it compassionate to breed animals so they can be killed.

Finally, *all* farms, free-range or not, kill animals at a young age, get rid of (=kill) male chicks and kill male calves before they're even adults (as if that's better, though). That's why the signs say "humane is a lie". Let's not turn this into a debate thread, but there were 3+ replies against and none for so I wanted to chime in. That "vegans r dumb lolololol im so edgy" attitude of people is annoying. Veganism makes sense if you wanna be a moral, compassionate person. That many people like food more than morals doesn't mean veganism is irrational.

>> No.8167955

>top half of the photo
She's pretty good looking I don't see why this is so cringy
>scroll down

>> No.8167962

>listening to ass crack

>> No.8168079
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>> No.8168180
File: 491 KB, 477x606, misamigos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so creative, such a wonderful person

>> No.8168204

fucking hell, this is the first honest to god cringe of the thread. I need to call poe's law for my own sanity.

>> No.8168205

I can only imagine how overjoyed those starving children will be to see this.

>> No.8168373
File: 152 KB, 600x338, 1306635591884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8168385

>Veganism makes sense if you wanna be a moral, compassionate person. That many people like food more than morals doesn't mean veganism is irrational.
lmao jesus this is why people hate you faggots

>> No.8168429

I feel like ranting veganfag is dominique

>> No.8168442

>It's not the specific place being protested against
No, it is. Because they're at that specific business protesting their bullshit message when there are, in fact, WORSE companies who treat their animals even more unethically.
Your ilk and subsequent attitudes are annoying, you're not better than others because of what you put in your pie holes.

>> No.8168451

Oh my god...

Book for poor AFRICAN children -> whiteface

Book for POOR African children -> flaunt expensive clothes they can never have while being fat from all the food they can't have..

Why would would someone think this is a good idea??? Jesus.. Just buy the kids food..

>> No.8168512

I think she's funny

>> No.8168537

Out of all of the cringe threads this one effected me the most.

Seriously how fucking stupid can you be?

>> No.8168545

Not embellishing - I hardly told a story so I don't see how it could be? Just because a protest is supposed to be peaceful does not mean it will turn out that way. That all I was saying.

>> No.8168561


>> No.8168704

This whole blog


>> No.8168719
File: 27 KB, 655x182, allofmywat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8168729


>> No.8168798

I don't care how animals die, I want my meat

>> No.8168817

Anyone remember this beauty?

>> No.8168827

It's from that blog in >>8168704
It's all written like that hahaha. It's weird af.

>> No.8168833

The greatest thing to grace the internet.

>> No.8168834

Mega cringe holy shit

>> No.8168838

This is still my personal favorite parody of it

>> No.8168869

>How it affects other lolitas
>Implying normalfags will care

Next thing I know you're going to tell me I can't swear or drink in lolita because it might affect the "image" people have of it.

>> No.8168880

The problem norms have with Lolita is the looks itself. Most people decide what Lolita is in there heads and zone out before they would even bother to read the sign shes carrying

>> No.8168914

You can barely see what she is wearing behind her sign.

>> No.8169054

this one weeby girl from my school was a part of this, its a quincenera, its kinda slow at first.
they dressed the dancers up with Ouran High School jackets, and then later they have them dressed up as Vocaloid, and dancing

>> No.8169141

Even if you had perfect styling abilities
>dirty blonde
>gtfo of here

>> No.8169142

Fucking this

>> No.8169303

how is this cringe? its a status saying how theyre not able to make it.
the armin or annie in the back.
also mikasa and levi looking away.
>chef: gtfo you goddamn weeaboos

>> No.8169312

This fresh turd just showed up on my fb feed.. I feel embarrassed to know these people.

>> No.8169318

Eh, the ouran uniforms are subtle enough

the vocaloid kids sucked ass at dancing though

>> No.8169376

Damn... this looks like a parody of an 80's infomercial or something.

>> No.8169382

The sad thing is that these two are actually proud of this..

>> No.8169400

I also saw this old Brolita gossiping with the Laforet AatP shopgirl.

>> No.8169412

I'd never thought i would fine the two worst photos in the world this early in life.

>> No.8169458

Wow that's pretty bad. And the editing is so bad. The fact that she has to hold the headings in between is hilarious. I'm very disturbed.

>> No.8169493


I lost it at Jay-Z.

>> No.8169538

I don't know him personally but I think he's been in the fashion for a bit; I've seen him some of the older/rare prints. He's fucking tall and towers over everyone so you can't miss him.

>> No.8169646
File: 985 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2015-03-09-07-36-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whyyy? Like, BL is never worth more than $35 second hand. Stooooppp.

>> No.8169647

>you're not better than others because of what you put in your pie holes.

Not the poster that you responded to but yes, I do believe that does make them better than us. Making a moral and ethical decision to live in a way that betters the human and animal experience of life, probably does make them better than those who just mindlessly shove murder down their throats, because yummy.

>> No.8169650

Except they don't help animals in the least.

>> No.8169652

People hate vegans because they make meat-eaters question their moral and ethical decisions in regard to meat consumption. It makes people uncomfortable. So instead of addressing the miss treatment of animals for the joy of their taste buds they justify their actions by hating on vegans. Because their was no problem there before vegans brought it up, so therefore vegans are the problem. Blame shifting 101.

You seem pretty well in denial.

>> No.8169655

sage for their.

Citation required? I don't know where you got that information from.

>> No.8169677

From the fact that not a single animal has benefited from veganism

>> No.8169688

List of animal rights groups

Vegan/vegetarian-oriented groups

Liberation BC
Movement for Compassionate Living (MCL)
Vegan Outreach
Vegan Society
Vegetarian Society
Vegetarians' International Voice for Animals (Viva!)
Veggies Catering Campaign

Groups focused on farmed animals

Farm Sanctuary
United Poultry Concerns (UPC)
Compassion in World Farming

Prisoner support groups

Animal Liberation Front Supporters Group (ALFSG UK)
Bite Back
Earth Liberation Prisoner Support Network (ELPSN)
No Compromise
Vegan Prisoners Support Group (VPSG)

Those are just the vegan/ vegetarian targeted groups.

But no. They do nothing for animal rights/welfare...

>> No.8169693

This summarises MCM pretty well.

How long until they regret this intensely. Hopefully instantly. Take it down, girls. Save yourselves.

>> No.8169697

They really aren't.

>> No.8169739

Of course animals benefit from veganism. If less people eat/use products with animal parts in it, then there would not be a need to kill the amount of animals that we do today. It's called supply and demand.

And being a vegan you know that the world won't change it ways a lot during your lifetime, but it's an etical choice. I do not feel like my taste buds are worth the thousand of animals killed each year.

>> No.8169744



The sheep give you their thanks.

>> No.8169759
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>> No.8169761
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>> No.8169763
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>> No.8169767

what was this old brolita gossiping about anon?
Also what reaction does he get? I wonder if he even tries to put makeup on (that can do wonders even tho ol' brolitas) and his age?

>> No.8169847

>Historia taking photos
But seriously it's Eren and???who? another Eren?

>> No.8169893

Its cringe because its like why and how are you posting this after all that happened? You woke up from your blackout and the first thing you do is get on facebook and post about it? Meh I don't know, made it seem like she wanted attention.

>> No.8169931

What if I have no moral problems whatsoever with eating meat and vegans only annoy me because they act so self-righteous about their lifestyle. I'm pretty sure everyone makes "unethical" choices regarding the products they consume, whether it's cars, food, or clothing, so no one's really better than anyone else for consuming or not consuming certain things.

sage for off topic.

>> No.8169942

>implying being a vegan necessarily makes you "more moral" than someone who eats meat
Lol, idiot. Lifestyles are made up of a myriad of ethics choices that go far beyond food consumption. We hate you because you take this -one- subject and wave it around like you're automatically superior for choosing to the contrary of what most eat.

Here's another tip for you, priss:
>some people hunt or fish for their own meat
>some people get their meat from ethical sources
>some people raise their own livestock for slaughter

>> No.8169958

>>8166052 anon here
Didn't see anyone staring, I think I might have been the only one who gaped at him. The shopgirls/shoppers treated him just like any other lolita.

His makeup, especially his eyeshadow, was a little drag queen-y and his foundation emphasized his wrinkles a fair bit. I also remember that his face was a lot paler than his arms. Dude needs to go a shade or two darker.

>> No.8169963

The thing is vegans are largely bleeding heart who want to free and hug animals. So to those raising and slaughtering your own livestock or hunting is still their precious darlings being murdered.

>> No.8169969

I-I think he looks cute... he's just old.

>> No.8169974

Eh I think most vegans see it as better, I mean it's not a perfect solution, but veganism is all about harm reduction anyway.

>> No.8169978

Go to lolcow, it's better than PULL

>> No.8169986

I'm sure there's sensible people, but also guys like this >>8165999 who think there is no such thing as humane slaughter, want to free every animal and hug the lovely chickens. You get the harm reduction types and the near religious types who believe that every animal has the same rights as humans and must not be taken advantage of in any way (hence no honey, no pets etc).

>> No.8170177

Agreed. What really bothers me about those sorts of vegans is the "you're not a real animal lover if you eat meat no matter WHERE it comes from". Ok fine. Then you can't be a good person because you support an agricultural system which is basically supported by slave labor and the mistreatment of thousands of poor impoverished people so desperate for work they will put up with anything. And don't even bat an eyelash at it. But they have no problem screaming and harassing you when you're out grocery shopping or eating out at a restaurant.

>> No.8170414

the vegan stuff isn't off topic, all of their posts about the inherent moral superiority of vegans are top tier cringe.

>> No.8170594

idk how to break this to you but the animals are still dead in the market. you going vegan doesn't save a single animal life. they're still going to be killed. it's not making any impact on the meat industry.
plus no matter what you do, you're hurting animals. your home was built on destroyed animal habitat.
and you probably don't give a single fuck about the migrant workers who pick your fruit and veggies who are abused and mistreated, or the children who make your clothes and shoes.
no matter what you do, someone is being hurt.

unless you live naked in the woods growing your own food, you're forever a hypocrite.

>> No.8170632
File: 69 KB, 576x960, 11037563_10206024899771810_7366748794973575666_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8170641

..... god dammit I love Crash Bandicoot. So on one hand, WOW CRASH BANDICOOT COSPLAY. But on the other hand, WOW THIS IS TERRIBLE.

>> No.8170899

Why does meateaters get so hurt when I say I don't want to eat something that has been killed? Yes I know that animals still will be killed, but I don't want to give that kind of industry my money. And if people didn't eat so much meat that they do, less animals would have to die.
And why is it so that because I am vegan I have to be morally perfect in everyway ? I try my best to buy eco friendly and fair-trade products. But at least by cutting animal products I am doing something that I feel is right.

I haven't complained about you eating meat, I have just said I don't and that I feel that is the way I want to live.

I find it funny that people always say vegans shove down their beliefs on others, but I never pick on people for eating meat, but whenever I mention I am vegan, people ALWAYS have to question me for it. Just let me eat what I want

>> No.8170941

Haha I like your comment, but if you are growing your own food, aren't you hurting the plants? I mean, they should count as they are alive, but make their own food from the Sun.

>> No.8171079
File: 16 KB, 279x480, goffick lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chick claims this is "gothic" Lolita.

My eyes are offended.

>> No.8171101

I don't give a shit what you eat, how you eat or why you eat it. I don't tell vegans why I eat meat so I'd like vegans to stop telling me why they don't and why I shouldn't either.

If everyone shuts up about it then everyone would be happy.

>> No.8171111

Also, how about the animals killed in machinery that harvests and processes grains? No one cries over the field mouse, only the baby piggie. What about the crippled people in Apple sweat shops who fucked up their hands making electronics for 16 hour shifts for $64 a month? Or is that OK because no one is killing them for food?

>> No.8171114

Everything about this is gross. Her face, her chub, that dress. Is she pregnant?

>> No.8171122

Her face is unattractive to me. It might that wig though, and those gross bangs. Also that nose is gross.

>> No.8171124

aw he seems nice enough, I'm sure his stalking was completely innocent

>> No.8171132


>> No.8171154

oh my gosh so cute!

>> No.8171159

Well yeah a lot of vegans/vegetarians are preachy hypocrites. But even though you can't live a 100% ethical life some people still want to make what they consider conscientious choices, even if the change it makes is really small. If they're not acting all morally superior about it I can't really hate.

>> No.8171163

People just don't like the implication that its the only choice.Plus chances are they're not interacting with real vegans,just douchebags who sit around eating ramens and Oreos acting like they are saving the planet one cookie at a time.

>> No.8171173

My point of the comment is against the idiots who do it because they think it makes them some amazing saints, and is for the vegans who bash meat eaters and try to make them feel bad.
Be vegan, be whatever you want, eat whatever you want. Just know it doesn't make you a better or worse person.

>> No.8171194

I have seen SO much bodyline for sale lately at or above its retail price. I don't know what people are thinking.

>> No.8171204

>real vegans
could those be the same people as
>REAL feminists
>REAL KKK members
you don't get to decide who's a real vegan and who isn't, and a huge chunk of you lot act like asinine wankers even if they eat enough vegetables and seeds to rival a herbivore

>> No.8171208

>REAL /4channers/

>> No.8171236

Eating junk food shouldn't make you a real vegan though,eating raw veggies should and its disrespectful to people who have put fourth the time and effort into their diet.

>> No.8171293

Bullshit. Some aren't that sensible or good people, they only care about animals but treat people like crap, my ex was an abusive piece of shit and vegan.
Not all are bad people but usually the protesters or the ones who share horrible pics of animal slaugther just to make you feel bad to eat meat are the ones i can't stand.
Yeah, anon!

>> No.8171295
File: 459 KB, 500x625, Y9o0p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8171301

Have you ever stopped to think maybe people are just uncomfortable devouring animal flesh? Most vegetarians/vegans KNOW that animals still die out there, but they don't want to actually eat the dead animal.
Jesus fuck.

>> No.8171328

Vegetarians and vegans just have a heart and eat rocks you monsters.

>> No.8171342

this shit so fucking much.
As much as i support animals rights and shit this is some tumblr tier autism and unwarranted self importance. I have a veganazi in my friends and i swear...
>post kawaii pic about christmas meal on FB
I really do admire vegetarians and vegans but boy do i HATE veganazi they are the same as fucking feminazi

>> No.8171434

I am the vegan that have commented here before, and I agree with you there, that's really obnoxious.

Though there are meateaters who go fucking banonkers if you say you don't eat dead animals. I have been questioned so many times for it, and I am not walking around screamin I AM VEGAN. The only times I say it is when I order food or when I'm invited over to dinner. For fucks sake, I just wanna know if I should bring my own food I don't want you telling me all about "the proteins I need" and "but why do you eat my food's food?"

>> No.8171563

>idk how to break this to you but the animals are still dead in the market. you going vegan doesn't save a single animal life.

> what is demand and supply

Yes, it does. Me not eating an animal means that another person can buy it, ergo, one less animal that has to be killed in order to restock the store.

> and you probably don't give a single fuck about the migrant workers who pick your fruit and veggies who are abused and mistreated,

> everyone is american

Lmao, you mean those people that -chose- to move to another country? the people that risk their lives to get paid in dollars, and that constitute one of the main income sources for countries with a lot of migrants?

Also, there are quite a few legal (seasonal) immigration programs like Canada's, which are actually quite strict and require people to be experienced farmers.

>> No.8171591

>thinking a small minority of people will affect what the store chose to preorder their stocks
Heh, how to spot the person who knows nothing about the meat industry or grocery retail.

I'd tell you to stop posting, but this is a cringe thread, so. Yeah.

>> No.8171606

Everything about this is cringe

>> No.8171625

I'm just saying, that where I come from, the deer population is huge, and if it weren't for the families of my hometown living off of the meat from those deer, we would have uncontrollable deer population.

>> No.8171634

But his coord is on point though

>> No.8171637

It's not even remotely attractive either. I wouldn't take it for free

>> No.8171654

that sad uncovered mattress on the ground...
at least they have each other.

>> No.8171660

this is fucked

>> No.8171696

their teeth : ((((((((((((((((((

>> No.8171734

God the Onceler fandom was such cringe-inducing garbage and this is probably just a drop in the cringe bucket from them.

>> No.8171749
File: 25 KB, 600x450, chin_chan_16[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chin chan?

>> No.8171773

The thing that makes these videos cringe material is the fact that he stalks and harasses sailor scout cosplayers at cons. Knowing that while watching these make him even more creepy.


>> No.8171833

>duct tape on wall
>wall scrolls covering up huge holes
>tv from 1980
>talks about his five cats
>"That poster's pretty ill, too."

There's plenty of cringe here beyond that, anon.

>> No.8171960

No matter what you do, you're hurting animals soooo
You're not doing shit until you give up life in civilization and live in the woods.
And shut the fuck up, they don't ~choose~ to move because they want to, they choose to because it's the only way they can support their families back home.
Don't even get me started on your shoes and clothes (which you conveniently ignored when I first mentioned it), and the children who are abused and exploited so you can live comfortably and protest cruelty towards animals when in reality you're not doing shit, and you just love the attention.

>> No.8171978
File: 921 KB, 267x150, tumblr_inline_n3la1mHPUt1qiw26m.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8171983

go back to tumblr you stupid fucking self-righteous donkey-fucking cunt-bucket

>> No.8171986

>Thinking that agricultural workers have to be in America to be exploited and have shitty underpaid jobs

Lol look at this moron.

>> No.8171999

>still ignoring the abused children who earn less than a dollar to make your shoes and clothing
Lol look at this asshole.

>> No.8172000

All of this is why I stay away from cons.

>> No.8172003

Soo the fact that there's no legal consumption under capitalism aside, anyone got any new cringe-worthy vids?

>> No.8172020

He's so pitiful it hurts ..

>> No.8172043

I don't know what the fuck you're talking about I'm a different anon you dumb ass

>> No.8172394

Why do fat bitches always have needy, high pitched boyfriends?

Is it possible for a fandom to be this unironically far from reality?

>> No.8172597
File: 62 KB, 772x303, 11056755_796826803698037_44226682_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not even the worst thing about her...

>> No.8172615

Oh my god I know this piece of shit. Behold the king of cringe http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1d86ly_drp1zza-cries-over-paypal_fun

>> No.8172705

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pXe-3HWhHJI&list=TLn159HByjRac ultimate cringe right here

>> No.8172748


I can't believe this was only 5 years ago.

>> No.8172820

Oh mann the original is so bad. Does anyone have a link to it?

>> No.8173001
File: 950 KB, 768x1280, wp_ss_20150310_0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so much cringe but her face just looks so...lumpy. Girlfriend needs to learn Photoshop.

>> No.8173109


>> No.8173164

Is that really your point? It makes you cringe that she doesn't digitally alter her face to look less unfortunate?

>> No.8173236

Aw, this is actually pretty cute. It's obviously one of those "it's my first con and cosplaying for fun" situations. Props to them for doing Banjo and Crash. I would totally high five these kids if I saw them.

>> No.8173291

I think they mean that she's already digitally altering her face, so she should learn to do it better so as not to look like a pudgy alien.

>> No.8173361

>Girlfriend needs to learn Photoshop.


>> No.8173374

i dunno, id rather have someone under shooped so they still look like themselves no matter how unfortunate they look, then someone over shooping to the point they dont even look the same.

>> No.8173375

U r mean

>> No.8173394 [DELETED] 


You guys from the US? What's your nationality/origin?

I'm curious

>> No.8173402


You guys from the US? What's your nationality/origin?

I'm curious

>> No.8173923
File: 34 KB, 637x637, 10606260_843387555712788_6658806782943963401_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to see this girl around my town like this

like she was in her scene phase and then just suddenly turned all "KAWAII DESU NYA~" out of nowhere.

>> No.8173989

no, just, stop. that really dosent have anything to do with anything.

>> No.8174683

attack on titan cosplay is always shit, they make either weird crossovers maid dresses, flowercrowns. or the gayest shit ever.

>> No.8174695


>> No.8174760

This is just terrible...

>> No.8174780



>> No.8174831

Holy fuck. I couldn't get through a minute

>> No.8174835

At least they arent ugly

>> No.8174844

I just saw a post where people are sending money and mourning for the anniversary of the Japanese earthquake that happened forever ago. Bad things are happening right now but oh shit glorious Nippon needs our aid so they can make us animu and rayman newdles

>> No.8174853


>> No.8174899

Good lord, why would you even make this video?
>"This is almost as bad as losin' my mom, losin' my dad..."
Was this guy ever really "known"? Or does anyone have details on him?

>> No.8174905

>12 year olds and 12 year old drama

>> No.8174909

It has to do with something otherwise I wouldn't be asking

>> No.8174914

God, that poor mother. She knows, she fuckin' knows.

A bunch of less attractive whiteknights running to protect their hot self-absorbed famous coscelebrities? Seems accurate.

>> No.8174923

I was waiting for the chef to stab them and tell them there's more to his culture than their weeb-ass shit.

>> No.8174933

even her voice is fat...it's like her vocal chords and cheeks/lips/mouth are actually being squeezed by all the fat.

>> No.8174943



>> No.8174946

I raise you one with audio:
> http://www.torontojack.com/post/113193072751/otakuthon-2014-attack-on-titan-photo-shoot-erwin

>> No.8174954

That hurt so much to watch, I almost didn't make it to the end. The salt she let out at the end was intense though.

>> No.8174960

To be fair, the Japanese government is doing a shit job of taking care of the cleanup/rebuild/rehoming. But oh fuck gotta build a new giant stadium for the Olympics because the old giant one isn't good enough

>> No.8174974

That should be some Tim and Eric shit right there.

>> No.8174984

Hey hey HEY. I want to hug all the lovely chickens, make sure they are treated with care and love, /AND/ eat them. Don't lump the animal huggers in with the crazies.

>> No.8175066

He used to be known on YouTube for posting dumb videos like this. His name is Allen Caesar III he's on encyclopedia dramatica as drp1zza it's hilarious!

>> No.8175135

they have high pitches because there are low test betas who have no self esteem

>> No.8175190
File: 45 KB, 316x256, 1425877683075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8175194

One of my friends used to date her.

>> No.8175202

Really? Does she have that shitty attitude all the time, or just when she's being told that she sucks?

>> No.8175219
File: 128 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nk83enig4h1qltv10o9_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat shoulder/neck/head ratio
Is it a man? Even if it is, that's horrible.

>> No.8175268

Agreed. He pulls it off a weird way.

>> No.8175282

I only met her once, apparently she was always like that. She's got a huge ego, and responds negatively to anyone who is critical of her at all. She's also crazy, but this guy loves to stick his dick in crazy.

>> No.8175305

I think he just needs better makeup. Otherwise, he looks fine. Everyone gets old.

>> No.8175315

This picture doesn't make me cringe, your post does though.

>> No.8175332

I honestly half-expected that to be Runka-chunk.

>> No.8175338

This is painful. No possible way those girls ever thought it was 'just them', that mentality just does not exist in main steam gaming and pop culture.

>> No.8175399


Nah, looks like bad angles. The puff sleeves give the illusion of huge shoulders. She (or he?) needs bigger hair to even it out really but it's not really a bad coord. They should get rid of the strange wristcuffs though, they don't really match anything.

>> No.8175819

Put a trigger warning on that shit!

>> No.8175848

The fact this is posted by Firefall makes me fucking laugh, my boyfriend played Firefall and stole all their money VIA raping tournies and he tells me how shit the game was lol.

>> No.8176187

>Best Mythbuster
>doing something like this


>> No.8176426

Does she still dress and act the way she did on American Idol?

>> No.8176459

I got to ten seconds and was done

>> No.8176701

>the streaks
>the single arm glove
>the yellow teeth
the holy trinity

>> No.8176711

this girl was going around on Lolita videos asking them to do giveaways where they give away their brand, and would end it with -an aspiring lolita

>> No.8176717
File: 685 KB, 262x250, tumblr_msigcpBJZo1s4331eo1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i play the video and my fav song from ab/ap starts playing

>> No.8176734
File: 708 KB, 320x240, kowai.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JFC I couldn't even open up the video because of the screen shot. That's not even cringe - that's just straight up scary.

>> No.8176756


Never forget.

>> No.8176813
File: 55 KB, 270x277, nyees.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I got curious because of FOB and didn't expect it to be that bad but my god was I wrong.

>> No.8176843

I like this outfit. The hair is too flat, but over all it's really cute. Unfortunately the flat, very short bob doesn't help with the illusion of the broad shoulders from the puff sleeves.

Also, I am pretty sure it is a man. The facial structure is pretty, but masculine. And those hands are... Well, huge, not to mention I see a faint Adam's apple.
Very pretty for a guy, though.

>> No.8176853

>Thinking it's a nostalgic slash vid
>See that it was from Dec 2014

I-I didn't know people still did this.

>> No.8176899

Who gives a shit?

>> No.8176995

Totes agree. They look like they came to have fun. I'm a total Banjo Kazooie fan too so my nostalgia glasses are preventing me from properly judging the cosplay.

>> No.8177000

I'm so sorry anon I understand that hurt.

>> No.8177005
File: 11 KB, 206x244, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just as terrifying as that character in the game, 10/10 cosplay but I couldn't stand that new fall out boy ugh

>> No.8177226

I think that is a good way of looking at it. A lot of the arguments stated above about how "I don't hate the idea of vegan, but they keep shoving it in our faces and acting superior, blah blah" unfortunately neglect an important angle of the argument being made. Vegans and vegetarians also get harassed about their dietary choices, more than you do. And sometimes the harassment is dehumanising; "but all people eat meat, what is wrong with you?", "why wont you eat this, your not a real person, 'lol'", "here try some of this! --please! No thankyou, I don't eat meat- *shoves steak in face* * proceeds to makes jokes at your expense*", "explain your life choices to me, vegetarian <because apparently personal questions are completely ok when talking in this context>".

People will purposefully try to get a rise out of us, constantly remind us that we are weird, disregard what we find offensive or even nauseating for the sake of a joke, constantly question and argue with us in inappropriate settings, put ham on our sandwiches because they think its worth a giggle to see us trustingly bite into it, even question our partners or spouses about how hard it must be to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't eat meat. Work in hospitality? We have to work with meats, we get laughed at and ridiculed if we struggle with doing so. We don't ask for this treatment, most of the time we avoid mentioning our veganism/vegetarianism because of this. But we deal with it because we understand that this is what we can come to expect from society.

Perhaps you can hopefully understand why we get upset when couple of off hand comments that get thrown your way maybe once or twice a year sends you on a hate campaign. We have to deal with your bullshit almost daily, so take a fucking chill pill, cause the day that vegan/vegetarian lifestyle is shoved in your face, is the day that you only have 2 isles at the supermarket left to buy your ham.

>> No.8177243

I think... I think she is actually not a bad dancer.. but the rest. yeah its terrible.

>> No.8177250

I appreciate you adding this perspective anon as this has pretty much been my experience being a vegetarian and not even a 'hardcore' vegan. I never bring up my dietary choices unless I'm actually being asked a question about my eating habits, and yet people will go out of their way to try to argue with me in order to 'find flaws' with my choices and call me unhealthy or misinformed. I just want to go about my day without this shit man. Having to justify your choices so often when it's not considered the default can get tedious as hell. And this is without mentioning the people that have deliberately tried to sneak meat into my food, seriously wtf. Then even when not dealing with all this stuff there's the inevitable oh so hilarious, never gets old 'lol bacon' jokes.

>> No.8177269

You may not, but just like every circle of whatever, there are people who go over and beyond with telling you how wrong you are about not being something. i.e. religion, body size, skin color, dietary means, abortion

>> No.8177275

Most brain dead kid...

>> No.8177326

This is just stating the obvious though, it doesn't change the reality that vegans, vegetarians etc have to put up with this shit regularly, and unless you're part of an online community with its fair share of annoying preachy types, ahem ie tumblr, then it's unlikely you have to deal with the equivalent, to the same degree on a regular basis - even then you have the option of unfollowing, blocking, walking away from the computer etc. Vegetarians and vegans have to navigate the world outside dealing with this stuff on a daily basis, and irl encounters with irritating vegans etc doesn't even come close to what they have to put up with. Despite all this, the majority are chill and just want to get on with their lives.

>> No.8177351
File: 2.86 MB, 720x1280, 1426120300291.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8177367

holy jesus fucking hammer brick

>> No.8177372

i wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy

>> No.8177379

>PT's shoes don't even fit because her feet are too wide
Poor girl, she really got fucked on the genetic lottery in all respects.

>> No.8177380

To all the non-lolcow board anons, a shitload of PT videos have been leaked. They're all horrifying.

>> No.8177384

>Vegans and vegetarians also get harassed about their dietary choices, more than you do
I understand this, but two wrongs don't make a right.
All people who are extra preachy and obnoxious about their dietary choices are pieces of shit.

Just grow a thicker skin. When I was obese (re: 200+ pounds) people were extra preachy to me about what food went into my mouth, and then they felt like they had the authority to make me feel bad about my physical appearance too. However it didn't help me to throw tantrums about it, try to make someone else feel like shit about their diets and weights, and no less to go on 4chan trying to whiteknight other people like me.

>> No.8177390


Can't believe how deluded she is, seriously.

>> No.8177402

I'm a vegetarian of 4 years and the only people who have even given me shit about it were my close friends but in a joking way. But then again I never talk about it unless we're getting food and I have to tell people I'm not eating at goddamn buffalo wild wings.
I'm pretty sure the vegetarians/vegans who get harassed are also assholes who deserve it, whether or not they're self aware enough to realize they're assholes.

>> No.8177419

Not true.
I got harassed by a co-worker when I picked the vegetarian food for lunch.
She was like; are you vegetarian?
Me: Yes
And then whenever, I mean literally EVERY time, she saw me she would go on a frantic rant on how my life-choice sucked. She would question me about everything. It started to get very personal, because after that she started to question me about everyone of my life-choices, my education and my future goals. In the end I had to talk to my boss about it because she would not let me be. She got fired a week later or so.

At another job, about a year ago, my co-workers would ALWAYS make fun of my food choice. And I worked with children, so you thought people would be open-minded, but NO.
Every other day they made meat jokes, and it was really getting on my nerve.

Some people just can't stand that you won't eat dead animals

>> No.8177424

>The crazy autistic cunts I happened to work with couldn't stand that I didn't like meat, though that doesn't mean most normal people behave this way.
Fixed that for ya.

>> No.8177431
File: 1.84 MB, 720x1280, 1426094749422.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Prepare the eye bleach

>> No.8177435

Not that anon, but honestly you're the one who sounds like you need to crawl back to tumblr.

>> No.8177436

I never said most meateaters do this, I just responded to the anon saying that if you get harassed as a veg*an it's your own fault for being a cunt.

The truth is still that I have been questioned far more for my choice of being vegetarian, than I have heard a veg*an complain on meateaters, and I have lots of veg*an friends. I've only known one raging vegan and that person got pissy at me for buying Pepsi, so he was totally crazy

>> No.8177439

Well, you were being an enabler by not going to your boss after the second time she did it. Personal harassment does not belong in the workplace no matter what the topic is. Sounds like you learned, though.
...Why are you typing it like this?

>> No.8177440

Oh wait, I think I get it.
>vegetarian or vegan

>> No.8177443

I did go to my boss after the third day of she harassing me, but she would still call out to me until she got fired

Yes it's to short up Vegetarian/Vegan in one word

>> No.8177466

Some people are just assholes and use differences to make themselves feel better. I personally don't like vegetarians because all the ones I've met humble brag or just straight up act rude to me, but they do it more because they think they're right, and better than me. However, I am not a dick about it, I don't give a shit, more meat for me. Heck, one of my close friends is a vegetarian and is not a fucking asshole. I do also know someone who eats almost exclusively meat and is a huge bitch in like every facet of their lives, not just to vegetarians.

Some people are just cunts.

>> No.8177468

She's truly fascinating.

>> No.8177476

Whenever I see PT, it makes me truely happy inside knowing that even though I've been bedridden for months eating junk food and gaining 20lbs I will never be as disgusting as her.

>> No.8177479

Good to know that she hasn't changed.

>> No.8177480

Where did she get him and how do I order one?

>> No.8177491

where do people find these beta orbiters that are out of their ugly ass league? I need to cash in on that shit

>> No.8177503
File: 617 KB, 312x176, 1382056394766.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't believe this stuff still happened in 2015, i was so wrong.

>> No.8177611
File: 422 KB, 464x260, 1395495851749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

O. M. G. Yes! I saw the original a few weeks ago and had no idea what was going on. This video is gold.

I also found:
Which I also found hilarious but not sure where to find the original.

>> No.8177723


>> No.8177731

I WANT THEM ALL. Are they on ed?

>> No.8177746

i'm relieved

>> No.8177748

Oh wow. Just saw the video I linked was already posted. Should have scrolled down a bit before posting. ANYWAY, still looking for the original as I'm sure it's just as cringey.

>> No.8177777

The lyrics made me roll my eyes so hard that my brain rattled christ.

>> No.8177785


Speaking of Weenus, I haven't bothered watching any of her vids in a long while. I didn't realize that she's still posting stuff. I feel really weird lurking into her tumblr, but she's not as cringy as she used to be. It seems like she's long left living with her mom which is a major improvement, imo. It sucks that no matter how much she lives the kawaii-life, she won't age very well and is becoming the spitting image of her mom.

>> No.8177811
File: 16 KB, 173x243, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was in another thread
>lolita slender man

>> No.8177827

ayyy slender lolita is actually >>8165999
if I read through the other thread correctly.

>> No.8177848

There are so many levels of wrong with this.

>> No.8177900

Are there still videos of Crystal-chan that have been reuploaded?

>> No.8177973

I tried looking but couldn't find any

>> No.8177981

Yup. The plague of the AZ comm apparently

>> No.8178046


>> No.8178286
File: 2.86 MB, 640x360, sekushiiiiiiPT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



fresh PT videos being leaked. Including sekushi bathutub time ~~~~

>> No.8178289


This person claims to have a kinship with a videogame character

>> No.8178314

my rectum just folded itself.

>> No.8178320

this is your girlfriend? or are you just saying "girlfriend"

>> No.8178418

>forgets name of characters on his wall
>that terrible voice

Like seriously, at least think about what you're going to say before filming something for YouTube. I couldn't even finish watching.

>> No.8178565

that is kind of pleasing to look at actually

>> No.8178770

At first I freaked out, then I got bored. All they did was kiss. And are all yaoi videos just two girls? That's the pairing I only see in pictures at least.

That was awful. But I did see a related video of an adorable 6 year old doing Foxy make up. It was great.

So many webms. I feel like she wanted them posted to the internet.

>> No.8178772

Yes. Thank you. I'm actually a pescetarian (eat fish) and I don't even tell people I'm a vegetarian.

>inb4 vegetarian =/= pescetarian

I know. But the general public doesn't even understand the difference between vegans and vegetarians so I don't even both explaining what a pescetarian js unless they ask me to. I got teased by my coworkers (in a joking way) and I always replied, "More meat for you" and they still pestered sometimes. I don't really care since I haven't eaten meat in years and I'm used to the teasing but after a while it just gets old.

>> No.8179189

His coord is kawaii as fuck. I saw this pic some years ago. I still feel the same about it now. He is well coordinated and is likely enjoying his kawaii, so shut up.

>> No.8179438
File: 36 KB, 396x720, Yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"How can i get rid.of.the bottom of.the belly buldge? I dont have money for a clincher or a corset and im wearing two body shapers already....please help!"

OMG, my sides!

>> No.8179466

That was the worst sound quality I have ever heard

>> No.8179779

The fat ita that bawleeted her youtube videos because someone was mean to her in the comments to a parody video. Friend of Kota bear.

>> No.8179784

Thank you, kind anon.

>> No.8179822

I actually like her outfit

>> No.8179894
File: 1.67 MB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_2015-03-13-19-19-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8179945

Another example of "Just because you got in it, doesn't mean it fits"

>> No.8180362

Are you new? This isn't even the worst of Tumblr.

>> No.8180371
File: 432 KB, 507x538, 1377072846062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two body shapers
>don't have money for a clincher or a corset
Either get the fucking corset or lose some damn weight jfc that's disgusting.
She might even be beyond corset help holy shit

>> No.8180384

Why is she shrugging her shoulders like that? Does she have no neck??

>> No.8180629

I think it's because the dress doesn't fit and she has to keep her arms up like that.

>> No.8180788

She looks kinda cute when she's laying in the tub.

>> No.8180959
File: 379 KB, 635x466, 1394478703487.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8181003

I threw up. Not in my mouth, but violently all over the room.

>> No.8181174
File: 467 KB, 2000x1000, o-LADY-BUNNY-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a "punk" Lady Bunny! Except not as glamorous or funny. Ahaha...anon we shouldn't make fun of her she got in a car wreck.