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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 960x960, 68386_519321658078568_1757192921_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8170708 No.8170708 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a world cosplay summit thread going?

I heard some people claim that there has been a big change in administration of the wcs, which should have made alot of changes for the contestants and event in general.
Has anybody heard about this?

Is your country entering?

>> No.8170710
File: 80 KB, 900x600, 10013322_952560818087981_8429213346895451350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

team mexico

>> No.8170715
File: 74 KB, 614x866, 11001784_956426881034708_2000404739881448088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

team Denmark

>> No.8170718
File: 47 KB, 417x556, 10629834_890595327617864_3867575381323453919_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Korea

>> No.8170723
File: 77 KB, 640x960, 10365817_898943276783069_5065672118016451347_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team UK

>> No.8170727
File: 51 KB, 585x485, 10671468_875466602464070_2334867606710879827_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Italy

>> No.8170736
File: 84 KB, 720x960, 10437776_851471484863582_5739880457005674819_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Canada

>> No.8170741
File: 40 KB, 417x556, 10525803_843374612339936_4902499675135287851_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Australia

>> No.8170746
File: 32 KB, 504x412, 10169372_891216490889081_5766538373504029670_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Spain

>> No.8170754
File: 293 KB, 2048x1365, 10497336_843384249005639_2494040266525484868_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team indonesia

>> No.8170764

I think thats it for the chosen teams so far... I personally think mexico looks the best

>> No.8170808

did they even try though

>> No.8171016

Isn't Canada just observing this year?

>> No.8171037

Thats the team from Last year

>> No.8171043

that inuyasha looks fucking destroyed

>> No.8171091

what does "observing" at a wcs event even mean!? they are just gonna go there and watch?

>> No.8171097

lmao thats Yuegene, a quite fam00s cosplayer from thailand... I guess you dont have to try anymore when youve already got them facebook likes

>> No.8171419

Basically. They get to go and participate in a lot of the events like parade and stuff, but they don't get to compete. Honestly its probably the sweetest deal.

>> No.8171674

I have no idea why she's so popular. Reika effect, I guess.

>> No.8171703

Yuegene been popular for a while so I don't think it's the Reika effect. I've known about Yuegene for years yet only found out about Reika last year.

>> No.8171721

Reminder that the US would win every single WCS if they did away with qualifiers and replaced it with private, closed voting the month after the WCS is over so that they have a year to build their cosplay

>> No.8171727

Yuegene has been popular in Thailand since her VK phase. But I do think doing photoshoots together with Kaname and Reika helps with her popularity in other countries.

>> No.8171764

US put a qualified the day before finals. Face it, they don't want to win.

>> No.8172852

Good contries at wcs: italy, China, sometimes Brasil or mexico

Meh countries at wcs, forgettable: korea, Denmark, russia, pretty much everyone Else

Absolute garbage: finland!! Indonesia, usa, japan

And I mean this in general, every year people do the same level, You know excatly what to expect from each country

>> No.8172936

Did anyone else watch the Heroes of Cosplay episode where the 2012 USA team claimed that they "won" the entire WCS contest?

>> No.8173072

She didn't claim they won, she said something vague like, I won WCS and went to Japan, in what was probably a much longer conversation. The way it was edited made it misleading.

>> No.8173073
File: 457 KB, 691x922, wcs2015fi-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is current team Finland for you guys.

>> No.8173087

Their performance was pretty sweet. The audience went bonkers. Other than the obvious talent with armor making, these guys have proven to be good with theatrics, which WCS judges love. Kinda disappointed that this year, too, we're getting the same old faces competing for our country, but at least it's not Mogu and Nadia again...

As shitty as the organization might be over there, the excuses you guys keep making are pathetic. Every other country has qualifiers and whether they place or not, they still manage to outdo the US. Your teams are just very rarely good.

>> No.8173329

I know this is Zelda whatever, but it looks like pre-Columbian art at the same time. 3mexican5me.



Looks messy, but I'm willing to believe it's a bad picture. The armor in the back looks great.

Guren looks sloppy. Willing to blame it on bad photography, though. Kallen doesn't look exceptional.

Again, not impressed but willing to blame it on bad photography.

Looks great.

Unflattering angle.

Ugly. Awful wigs.

>> No.8173744

tell me more

>> No.8173793

Aint much to tell, finland is always patheticly bad in international competitions

>> No.8173798
File: 64 KB, 960x668, team sweden wsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Sweden is just an observer country, but it's our first time and I'm pretty excited about what the future might bring! I know it's a rigged show, but it's still a lot of fun and I hope it spurs our country on to get better!

>> No.8173850

Is Canada an observer country this year or not?

>> No.8174244
File: 100 KB, 640x960, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This person wants to represent America in WCS

I wouldn't trust a thieving cunt like this to represent us....even if it's rigged.

>> No.8174607

Who is repping USA?

>> No.8174639

It's gonna be decided in about a month at Midwest Media Expo. 8 solidly mediocre teams confirmed for finals, prelims the Friday of the con.

>> No.8174762

At least Luca and Manuel are Bro-tier, they helped me and my gf while we were having problems with the organizers of romics contes, and letting us get in stage at least (even tho our cosplays were shit Lmao). And yeah, everything is better than Nadia and Mogu.

>> No.8175198

that's not their entry outfits. winners were announced the day after competition

>> No.8175201



>> No.8175205


Hard to tell what that is over all that photoshop

>> No.8175214

I can't get over that stage. I want that stage.

>> No.8175238


these bodysuits look killer

>> No.8175339

Their performance was amazing!

>> No.8175394

I would reccommend watching their skit. This was one of the first I've seen that's gotten me super excited for WCS, but I also hope they can replicate it in Nagoya. Theirs and Spain's are currently my two favorites.

Another really good group! I liked their performance.

Solid contenders. They've confirmed to be bringing their EVAs to Nagoya, and they're making edits and repairs. Looking forward to it.

Their skit is seriously one of my favorites. They have the whole package. I don't know however if they are doing Harlock in Nagoya, which is a bit of a disappointment, but I am looking forward to seeing what else they can do. I can't get over that throne. Their craftsmanship is also super solid.

They're cute, but I wasn't fond of their skit. It was based off of the Anastasia, Back to the Beginning song, and it was cute but a little sleepy. I haven't checked what they're doing for finals.

I wonder which US team will win, honestly. Midwest is holding their last round of qualifiers the day before finals, but with how this year's been, it's been lackluster. Especially with what people have right now and the lack of time between Midwest and Nagoya finals, I highly doubt anyone could make something as awesome as Spain, Italy, and Mexico could.

>> No.8175522

It's supposed to be Titus

>> No.8175545

> Rune Factory 3

I'm just happy to see people cosplay from this series at all

>> No.8175926

as a none-american, can somebody explain to me how the usa selection works? theres rounds to go through?

>> No.8175986

Can I ask a stupid question? How wins the winner couple? I mean, in his country and the final winners in the world cosplay summit contest in Japan: What's the final prize of this contest?

>> No.8175997


Kind of like the Olympics.

Quarter finals, Semi Finals, Finals, then Japan

>> No.8176005

really?! that seems.... excessive... but then again i guess it is a big country

how come they are always shit in the wcs then?

>> No.8176013

That's not true.

There's several US conventions which hold qualifiers (six, this year). The winner of each qualifier goes to the finals. The winner of finals goes to Japan.

Qualifiers --> finals --> Japan.

>> No.8176030


Because the judges pick what appeals to them versus skits that would impress Japanese judges(of course, cupcake cosplay was an exception I suppose) that and we're shit sometimes.

>> No.8176031


Semi true, jfc it doesn't matter. US doesn't place regardless.

>> No.8176032

Also because there is a bad taste in peoples' mouths from previous years that were viewed as biased at worst and poorly run at best. A lot of folks with talent aren't willing to compete due to a combination of viewing the contest as a sham, as well as an unreasonable time commitment because of all of the qualifiers across the country.

>> No.8176047

Didn't U.S. take second in Japan just two years ago? And they've placed in the Top 3 several times otherwise. They haven't won it all (yet), but the U.S. is definitely not shit in the competition.

>> No.8176051

"Always" is a little harsh, Finland has had some good moments, like last year Finland won NCC and Hiron was in top 6 in ECC couple of years ago.
But I have to agree mostly it's been shit.

>> No.8176053


They've never placed in the top 3 outside of cupcake cosplay and the one group in 2009

Outside of that, US never places.


>> No.8176069

Outside of this time... and that time... it NEVER happens...

>> No.8176074


>They've placed in the top 3 SEVERAL times.

>Only twice actually...



>> No.8176097

wcs is not excatly known for picking the best cosplayers as the winners though

>> No.8176098

What did this person even do?

>> No.8176101

HURRHURR. 2 = never.

>> No.8176150

We (the US) should just swallow our pride for a year and send JNig as a slut from a popular show, with a cute Japanese-American girl as her teammate.

>> No.8176245


I don't understand why everyone shits on US so much. They're never outstanding, but like people said, they've placed in the top 3 twice, which is more than a lot of other countries that don't get even half the hate that US regularly gets.

>> No.8176276

Rips people off on commissions so she can fund herself for WCS.

>> No.8176403


I love team Spain this year. I've seen that bodysuit irl and holy crap it's gorgeous.

>> No.8176501


>> No.8176676

>that and we're shit sometimes
And fat too. Don't forget being fat.

>> No.8177123

There's a 1st, 2nd, and 2rd place in the contest. The 1st place wins the title of best presentation at the World Cosplay Summit for that year.

There are other awards a country's team can win, which are based on best voted skit (like Nico Nico Award), best wig and hair props (Cyperous Wig Award), best craftsmanship (the Brother Award), and sponsored guest selections (Joysound Award/LiveDam/AniStar).

I know the Brother Award wins brother supplies, like a sewing machine or some other similar prize. I believe there is also a monetary prize, but I can't remember what the amount was.

>> No.8177471

Because Americans do this thing every fucking year where they pretend to shit on the contest only to mask their butthurt over not placing 1st all years every year, thus magnifying their own mediocrity.

>> No.8177552

Can you all stop suggesting this? Even if she wanted to, she's ineligible. You can't be a professional and I'm almost positive JNig counts as one.

>> No.8177690

I'd rather not be represented by JNig.

>> No.8178021

>thought of JNig doing a dramatic skit

>> No.8178064

Drama, yes. Dramatic, no.

>> No.8180144

I'd rather be represented by her than a fattychan. Japan and the judges do not wanna see a tubby cosplaying their waifu.

>> No.8180154

Those are not the outfits they competed in. Their contest outfits were much better. Sadly, they had pretty shitty competition.

>> No.8180583

wtf seriously?

>shitty wigs
>meh costumes

>normal clothes and no wigs

everyone's fucked, these guys are going to win.

>> No.8180609

>everything is better than Nadia and Mogu.


>> No.8180617 [DELETED] 

the judges in every country should be chosen by random japanese people send by those who run the finals in japan. this way there would never be shitty contestants.

it worked in spain years ago. when judges were random people from the japanese embassy, only the best of the best could win and go to japan. now everything's shit again.

>> No.8180633 [DELETED] 

I usually like US entrants. I'm from Spain and I think we are far shittier.

>> No.8180635

the judges in every country should be chosen by random japanese people send by those who run the finals in japan. this way there would never be shitty contestants.

it worked in spain years ago. when judges were random people from the japanese embassy, only the best of the best could win and go to japan. now everything's shit again.

I usually like US entrants. I'm from Spain and I think we are far shittier.

>> No.8182315

>Those are not the outfits they competed in.

>> No.8182641

>shit opinion

>> No.8184821

how is nobody talking about how fucking awful these look

>> No.8184853

Hi girls, how are you doing? Sad you won't be flying to Nagoya this summer?

>> No.8185226

who are nadia and mogu tho? the landwhales from last year?

>> No.8189017


>> No.8189131

does anybody has any links to any of the teams performances?

>> No.8190041

Someone in the WCS last thread asked if the US Kuroshit girls were seagulls, and I actually think they are. ANext shared an interview with them and I swear they've progress or self posted one of the pics ANext used.

Any other contestants confirmed seagulls? /cgl/ should just nominate a master race seagull pair each year to compete and collectively work on the costumes/skit.

>> No.8190049

>We hail from the land of /cgl/ and are here to own the competition in the name of our queen.

>> No.8193537

All teams seem lovely.

And all of you who are being dicks, I'd like to see you do it better than any of them.

>> No.8195058


>> No.8195717

thats not 4chan logic anon, you know we just bitch about people and do nothing ourselves, thats the beauty.

holy shit anon youre right, haha I didnt even see that before posting, my bad!

>> No.8195720


Is this the winning mexico skit?
Im not mexican i just youtubed it because i wanted to find it... it seems awesome, theres alot of things going on this stage!

warning for shitty as fuck filming

>> No.8199113

to the interview? diff anon but here http://www.animenext.org/events/masquerade/a-chat-with-kiss-kiss-cosplay/