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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 42 KB, 500x416, cute eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8157256 No.8157256 [Reply] [Original]

New lenses general!

>> No.8157796
File: 201 KB, 640x901, 22c91d0f6091df3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this has been asked so many times but are there any good natural looking (as in not so pigmented it looks horrifying) gold lenses?

or just really honey brown coloured lenses. Wanted them for kotori!

>> No.8157864

What is your natural eye color?

>> No.8157911

I thought these would be pretty tacky but they're actually pretty cute... can I get sauce on the lenses and/or a review of them?

>> No.8157912

nvm I think I found them.

>> No.8158008
File: 2 KB, 300x300, moss green.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are some good colors for someone with mossy eyes? I they aren't a bright green. kinda a boring neutral green.

>> No.8158015
File: 314 KB, 997x803, contacts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have i.fairy moe moe brown and they look really good. My eyes are green/brown.

Please forgive the terrible photos, I took them when I was really sick so my eyes are all puffy and generally gross. Also barely any makeup. Just pay attention to the colour.

>> No.8158056

what do the prescription numbers mean on pinkyparadise? like in the drop down bar for left and right eyes. i want to start wearing lenses so bare with me, i don't know a lot lol

>> No.8158074

Please go visit the optometrist and do some research before wearing contacts. For your sake.

>> No.8158078

i've done research and such about maintenance...but yeah i'm planning to visit the optometrist

>> No.8158092

if you had really done your research you wouldn't have to ask, really. don't buy lenses until you visit your optometrist (unless you are planning to buy them without a prescription)

>> No.8158093

i was just asking what the numbers mean on the drop down bars. but okay i'll just ask the optometrist.

>> No.8158095

Also interested, I have dark asian eyes.

>> No.8158116

>what are prescription numbers
If you don't know the basic information about contact lenses, please don't buy them. Contact lenses were made for those with eyesight problems and the numbers are prescriptions to correct your vision.

>> No.8158124

but people also use them for cosplay? you are on /cgl/

>> No.8158129

>missing the point entirely
I was explaining to you what the numbers were. People can get them for beauty purposes but if you don't even know the absolute basic information for contacts like prescription numbers and your base curve number or even if you have astigmatism, don't buy them. You'll end up fucking up your eyes.

>> No.8158132

they are your prescription? how much/little your eye vision needs to be corrected, and in circle lenses this will be always be for short sightness (hence the minus sign). although if you have astigmatism you will have to look into toric lenses.

>> No.8158134

alright alright.
optometrist it is.

>> No.8158137

Wait so.......if you don't need a perscription, you can just buy lenses? Without seeing the doctor?

>> No.8158140

though i forgot to mention nothing is wrong with my eyes, i can see perfectly fine

>> No.8158155

woah, your left eye is like, green on top and brown at the bottom! really pretty!

>> No.8158158


Duh. If you buy plano lenses you will see as you see without lenses on (do you get it now). But obviously YOU need to check with a doctor at least once for things like base curve etc etc... you do want to know that wearing lenses is absolutely fine for your particular set of eyes (even if "you think you see fine").

Next time don't say you have done your "research" when you obviously haven't even bothered to google how lenses work.

>> No.8158159

No. You still need to know your base curve. Otherwise the lenses could do damage to your eyes.

See the above reply.

>> No.8158162

yeah alright. thanks i guess.

>> No.8158167

looks like a nevus (basically a mole on the iris) to me! those are always pretty cool

>> No.8158169
File: 44 KB, 500x750, vassen-sakura-candy-pinky-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will these ever get restocked? Anyone know if they are sold in different shop? (I've searched and failed...)

>> No.8158171
File: 188 KB, 847x768, IMG_4360-1024x768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly question but...would circle lenses distract from asymmetric eyes or make them appear worse...or does it not affect that in anyway?

>> No.8158174
File: 81 KB, 723x787, tumblr_n110as1Rc71qaukl4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eyecandys com/geo-sparkling-brown/
I bought these about a year ago for my Saber Alter and ended up using them for Mirai (Kyoukai no Kanata) as well.

>tfw I tried to post this at 8:00 AM but couldn't and it's been waiting until I got home from work

>> No.8158199

What are some good eye drops for dry eyes? I just visited my optometrist yesterday and put contacts in for the first time, I needed drops to get them in and for a lot afterwords because then I could feel my eyes feeling a bit dry after a bit. Like, not painful but kind of irksome. I don't know if this is normal the first few times.

I also head that in some cases regular lenses can be worn with just slight astigmatism, how can you tell if your astigmatism isnt very bad?

>> No.8158211

Yep, I have brought these twice of koreabigeyes. They are my favourite lenses.

>> No.8158251
File: 256 KB, 396x434, asodwo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Different anon but I have a few noob question

If I have eyes that need prescription glasses can I get non prescription lenses? I just want the lens to change the color. I think this is what you guys are talking about with just seeing as you do

When I go to the optometrist what is the best way to bring up my questions? I don't want to say outright about wearing circle lenses

Do I just ask to let me know what my base curve is?

Thank you for anyone who replies

>> No.8158309

It's not that noob as a question as the other one. I
If you don't have any abnormal base curve (astigmatism for example, or anything where your cornea isn't smoothly round), then yes, you could just get regular plano (non prescription) lenses and wear them with glasses.

If you go to the optometrist, you can just tell them you want to wear contacts if you don't want to tell them about circle lenses. It's the same process, really, except you have to be a little more careful with circle lenses (they're bigger = more oxygen deprivation, etc.). You can find more info about circle lenses vs regular lenses care online though.

As for your BC, yes, you could ask them. Usually they'll give you a paper with all your prescription numbers on it though (at least where I live).

>> No.8158316

Ah, those are comfy. Beaucon has some that looks similar. Haven't gotten to trying those ones yet though.

>> No.8158320

does anyone have recommendations for gold/yellow contacts for light eyes? i've tried a few pairs but on top of my natural eye color, they just look a sickly shade of green.

>> No.8158329
File: 192 KB, 1280x960, IMG_1499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you! (Also it's my right eye, ahaha.)


It's actually sectoral heterochromia, it's the "peg" formation. Once again, a pic with no make up, but it shows it better. It's blurry, but you can make out 3 individual pegs. And thank you! Honestly I think it's one of the coolest things about my appearance, lol.

>> No.8158331

If you have brown eyes that turn gold in the sun, you can just do a photoshoot outdoors

>> No.8158332

Holy giant sideways pic batman... Sorry about that!

>> No.8158334

See above, I posted some comparisons.

>> No.8158465

This is actually one of the reasons I started wearing circle lenses other than better color selection. My right iris is slightly turned more inward than my left iris and the large diameter lenses even it out slightly. Another issue I have is control of my pupil dilalation due to autonomic nervous system dysfunction so my pupils will be different sizes from time to time. One eye will be more dilated than the other and certain circle lenses cover it up the issue.

>> No.8158468

*don't have control

>> No.8158576


My eyes are very dark brown, almost black. so doubt it would work unless i faced a horridly bright light.

>> No.8158591


Thanks for the photos guys! Im going to have a look at these !!

>> No.8158613

Circle lens first-timer here.
Read the thread. I'm 8.6 BC Plano as I have no eye issues according to my optometrist.
I've bought lenses in the past but have always been too concerned to be able to put them in no matter the tutorial I follow. Does anyone have any good tips for beginners, or black/brown natural-looking lenses for beginners? Thanks!

>> No.8158623

You could just get lenses with your prescription and not need to wear your glasses too...?

They don't cost any more than plano lenses.

>> No.8158631
File: 36 KB, 216x64, eyeballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dolly+ Brown is really great! I tend to avoid ever posting pictures of myself at all, but her is a cropped pic for ants of me wearing them over very dark brown eyes.

>> No.8158632

>abnormal base curve (astigmatism for example
Not that anon, but I'm confused. I have astigmatism, but my prescription says BC 8.6.

>> No.8158698

Depends how light your astigmatism is, but usually you have to wear toric lenses.

>> No.8158700

Yours is probably mild enough that it doesn't warrant a base curve change, you might have a different cylindrical though.

>> No.8158705

Did your optometrist not show you how to insert lenses?

There's not really any 'circle lenses for beginners' seeing that they're all pretty similar. The only thing experience will help you with is putting them in in less amount of time. How are you currently putting in your lenses? A good tip is to make sure your finger is dry (or the lenses will adhere to your finger instead of your eye) and to look slightly sideways during insertion (you'll want to blink if you look directly at something coming towards you).

>> No.8158770

Anyone want to take bets on how before the next "circle lenses fucked up my eyes" story gets posted?

>> No.8158773

When you see a doctor, they write you a prescription that tells the strength of the lens you need as well as how curved they should be to fit correctly. The numbers in the drop down are so that you can enter the strength the doctor prescribed for your eyes.

>> No.8158778

Is an issue with the lens falling out or off your finger or is it that you tense up too much upon insertion? It's the muscles around the eye's automatic reaction to clench when a foreign object is about to be inserted. You need to focus on relaxing the muscles around the eyes when inserting because if you tense up too much, the lens will fall out because it doesn't have time to slip into the right place. As other anon said, make sure your finger is dry. You can get a feel for how tense your muscles are when you open your lids with your fingers The lids should be relaxed, if you feel a resistance, just breathe and focus on unclenching them.

>> No.8158914

I'm pretty sure op's pic is shooped to make them look more noticeable than they'll ever show up irl. Most reviews I've seen of GEO's animation lenses are really dull and barely show up even in outdoor lighting.

Ask your optometrist for a eye drop rec that would work with your eyes + contacts. You should be able to tell how bad your astigmatism is based on your prescription.

Yah you can get plano lenses and then wear your glasses over top to see clearly I guess. But prescription and non-prescription circle lenses cost the same so the only perk is that some styles are only offered in plano.

Ask to be fitted for normal lenses and/or normal colored lenses. He should give you a prescription with with all the info you need to order your own pair. If he doesn't then ask specifically for all the info you'll need to go out to a normal eyeglasses/contacts place to get some. He/she might give you trial lenses and all the info should be on those as well. They or an assistant will also teach you how to put on, take off, and general care.

>seriously your optom will tell you everything you need to know, don't be afraid to ask if you are unsure of something

Your optometrist can teach you the how-tos. But um a quick guide for newbies:
>right index finger with lens on the pad of your finger
>left index/middle finger hold open eye and eyelashes away from eye
>right middle finger on eye bag also holding open the eye
>place lens on eye, make sure it sticks
>let go, blink and make sure it feels okay?

I'm right-handed so I guess use opposite hands if you are left-handed. Once you get the hang of it it'll be a lot faster and you might not have to hold anything opened. There are a few other ways, I know my sister does the look away and slide in trick. So I guess just try a few and see what works for you.

>> No.8159158
File: 15 KB, 508x294, broke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks so much for the replies everyone! I was under the impression that prescription ones were more expensive for some reason. I'll definitely look into it more!

I feel a bit more prepared to see the optometrist now, thank you!

>> No.8159513

If you have astigmatism, the information is marked as Axis & CYL

>> No.8159848
File: 247 KB, 1000x1000, lenses lana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't decide which lenses I think fits Lana the best

>> No.8159854

fairy casper imo

>> No.8159897
File: 105 KB, 771x464, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the Casper violet. They're super cool.

>> No.8159898

Seconding I-Fairy Casper! The main shade of purple being more blue than pink with the pinkier highlights seem pretty close to the character!

>> No.8159906
File: 479 KB, 250x286, itislaw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8159914


Thank you all! Capser Violet it is then!

>> No.8159959

Do post a picture of how they look in your eyes later, they seem extremely pretty!

>> No.8160115

This is What my optometrist gave me. The second number is CYL and the third is Axis, right? Most of the numbers are exactly like my glasses prescription, except the 180 is a 172. So do I ignore the BC?
Sorry, I didn't get a chance to ask my optometrist a lot of questions, she seemed really busy and just rushed me out as soon as I got the contacts in, out, then in again.

>> No.8160116
File: 2.75 MB, 1950x2564, 20150304_095810-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped image, sorry.

>> No.8160247

Because I'm too blind to find makeup thread I wonder I can ask this here. Related to eyes anyway.
I need lower lashes.
I was going to order some lenses and lashes from PinkyParadise. But all the nice (or pretty much every) bottom lashes are sold it. I checked Honeycolor too and the same thing. I asked PP if they ever gonna restock and they answered that I could take months...

>> No.8160269

It's a little hard to tell since your number are both in the same range but in general your first should always be spherical and second is cylinder. Is one of your eye's vision significantly worse than the other? -0.25 and -2.50 is quite a big difference. Your BC is 8.6 and you can look for lenses that also come in 8.6. It's a pretty common BC iirc.

So she gave you a trial lens? Do you have the info for them? Like the prescription info on the packaging. Sometimes they don't match your written prescription perfectly so just to get an idea of what your optom thinks would work with your eyes.

>> No.8160283

Yeah, my left eye is a lot worse off than my right.
She gave me just the pair for the training, though I didn't get the packaging for it, or any info on them at all, unfortunately.

>> No.8160289

Then yah first is spherical and second is cylinder.

>> No.8160338

Any sales going on right now?

>> No.8160370
File: 34 KB, 304x148, 20150304_141610-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for potato quality, but what colors would look good on my eyes?

>> No.8160379

Alright, thanks!

>in toric section of PinkyParadise
>nothing in the dropdown options go lower than -0.50
Does this mean I'm stuck with plano no matter what?

>> No.8160393

Choose one plano and one -2.50. A .25 difference is barely any so it's not a big deal that there's no correcting happening there. Make sure your cyl in correct for each eye though.

>> No.8160457


>> No.8160683
File: 698 KB, 2128x1217, FFahri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought some golden colored lenses, but they weren't as bright as I'd hoped, and they sit weird on my eyes. Where can I find some vibrant gold-ish (NOT yellow) contacts of good quality?
I'm looking to cosplay Ahri in the future, and her eye color is something I'd like to focus on.
I naturally have brown eyes that look really light in the sun. I'm not willing to stare at the sun for photos though lol
Any help would be suuuuper appreciated!!

>> No.8161333

blues and greens would look good, pinks and reds unless they have a very small pupil hole are going to look a little strange.

>> No.8161371

There have been probably over 3 requests for the exact thing you're asking and all of them of been replied to, some even with pictures. Try scrolling up.

>> No.8161382

www. pinkyparadise.com/EOS-Dolly-Eye-Brown-p/e3-v209lb-br.htm

I bought these for an Ahri cosplay as well but never really got to try em. They were pretty yellow irl, but I think it's less of a "shocking" yellow when worn.

>> No.8161878

Anon I can't find them there... do you have a link?

To specify further I am looking for the Vassen Sakura Candy pink-brown combination (not pink-black, those are in stock)

>> No.8161909
File: 613 KB, 731x1227, lates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother and eye are trying to find some blue/purple contact lenses for Morgan (see pic related). We both have dark brown/almost black eyes, though, so it's really hard to find colors that will actually show up in photos. They don't need to be super bright-- we just want them to be seen!

what do ceeg

>> No.8161955


>> No.8161956

does anyone have recommendations for dark or chocolate brown lenses that look good on light eyes? i have green eyes and i used to own a pair of princess mimi chocolate brown ones, but my own eye colour ended up showing in the middle making me look... mainly creepy.

>> No.8162057
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 11042679_1013415262019818_8304059599083844004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been waiting for some pictures of the new I-Codi lenses to show up and it looks like they Colors of the Wind series is looking promising. There seems to be a lot of people looking for golden lenses and I think these might be a good choice: http://store.ifairycon.com/colors-of-the-wind-no-14-lemon-tea/

Some color will still show through but it will be significantly less with Super Pinky Choco lenses:

>> No.8162063
File: 54 KB, 799x253, IMGP4640__bea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture of what they look like on light eyes.

>> No.8162279

>tfw see pic of Morgan and immediately filled with parental love
To be honest, I think your natural, dark eyes would be fine for Morgan since theirs are already rather dark themselves. But if you really want to get lenses, I think a gray would actually look better - blue and violet lenses are a little too saturated, and Morgan's eyes are more "dull" in color.

>> No.8162530

I'm midly upset because after years of wearing regular lenses, my optometrist told me I need to switch over to torics because my astigmatism is too pronounced now. The cost of my circle lenses literally just doubled, and now one pair costs almost half as much as my half-year's supply of lenses from my eye doc.

>> No.8162537

Actually i think that looks kind of cool, like you have heterochromia or something. But I can see why you'd be looking for something with more coverage.

>> No.8162554


Brown/light honey brown with some of your green showing would look hazel and cool, or hazel-colored lenses would look good too. I could see blue looking nice, and you could always just do green circle lenses and make your eyes even greener.

>> No.8162562

>how can you tell if your astigmatism isnt very bad?

check with your optometrist, they'll give you the answers.

i wear contacts daily for vision correction and astigmatism (mine is definitely bad, i basically see double without vision correction) and my favorite eyedrops are Rohto brand, personally I love the mentholated ones like Arctic but the plain ones work great too.

>> No.8162579

I'll add to this that it gets so much easier over time inserting contact lenses. I used to have so much trouble with putting in lenses but now after daily wear for a few years it's second nature, I don't even flinch

>> No.8162584

thrilling fairy casper and putting in a corollary vote for berry's flavor barbie

>> No.8162629
File: 26 KB, 728x252, tmp_21122-20150305_144628~2~2~2-307035382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to get prescription circle lens for a while now and I've been completely stumped as to which colors to go with. My eyes are a bit more grey in person, but I'm not sure if I should go with brown, green or grey. Plain grey tends to be a bit too bright, green and brown just don't match. I plan on getting some eventually, but I just don't want to get something that will just look goofy.

>> No.8163146

Get something with multiple colors, like the Barbie 3-tone line, to help it blend into your normal eye color.

>> No.8163172

Is your name Heather by any chance? Stick with green

>> No.8163244

I'll have to try that then. I never actually thought to combine all three colors, though. That kinda solves everything. Thanks, anon!

Not a Heather, sorry.

>> No.8163929
File: 105 KB, 800x600, IMG_4047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get all my lenses from ZYLsociety.

Lens : Crystal - Green

Very comfortable, got them within 2 weeks. Shipping is $5.00 on all lenses and prices for pairs vary from $20.00 - $25.00. They last a year as well.

My eyes are normally a much hazier blue green than the image and it worked out super well for my Gumi cosplay.

>> No.8163937
File: 112 KB, 640x480, catyousay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My normal eye color.

>> No.8163964

Have you got any recommendations? Now I'm thinking about it, I'm tossing up between grey and black (but I'm worried that black lenses will make me look like Satan or s/t so I might just go grey)

>> No.8163968

Aren't circle lenses usually only wearable for a month? You can store them for a year iirc but I definitely wouldn't keep wearing them for a year

>> No.8164141

Nah they are wearable for a year. Though it really depends on how much you wear the lenses and how well you take care of them.

I have monthly regular lenses, and they are a bit thinner than circle lenses. They get dry in the eye if I wear them for more than a month.

If you only use circle lenses for cosplay and lolita, and only wear them once or twice every month, and clean them well every time you use them, they will last for a year. If you wear them a lot, like a few days a week, I wouldn't wear use them for more than half-a-year

>> No.8164575
File: 153 KB, 600x800, IMG_5791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are year round. I wear them, maybe, 4 times a year, three days in a row for the convention I attend and then there are gatherings here and there, but usually I dont wear contacts to those. I buy them in sets of threes [usually my characters all have different color eyes], so Im not wearing out one pair in particular.

I know there are SOME sellers who say theirs only last a month which is why I don't go to them. These are sturdy, but very soft lenses and they feel so comfortable and give me the right amount of 'big anime eyes' to cosplay. Though.. With my Velma they were kinda scary.

>> No.8164587

you're adorable.

>> No.8164590
File: 116 KB, 640x480, whiteasfucks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some brown ones from ZYLsociety

>> No.8164598

you need to be 18+ to use this site.

>> No.8164628

Off topic but where did you get your gumi wig from?

>> No.8164638

Im 25. D:

eBay. And its suuuuuper good. Doesn't tangle at all. Very thick which you don't find from many eBay wigs.

>> No.8164639

girl you need some eyeliner

>> No.8164675

gurl you cute but next time just post the eyes
>posting your face on 4chan
>posting your face on 4chan 9000000 times

>> No.8164693


2lazy2edit just for you, anon.

>> No.8164700

Sure you are

>> No.8164737
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, Decim Eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get even slightly close to this?
Any help is appreciated.

>> No.8164769
File: 496 KB, 1080x1920, Snapchat-3260408731640275653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These just arrived today
I'm super excited

>> No.8164792

I can assist you with color, but not pattern. Venus Eye Aquas are some of the brightest blue-green lenses I can think of, also the EOS Fairy Greens.

Honestly, for Nona I'm just going "screw it" and wearing whatever pair of purples is my favorite at the moment.

>> No.8164825

Yeah, I have strong feeling that pattern will never be available, but what do i know.
Thank you for the help. Its my first time with contacts. Could you possibly recommend good brands?

>> No.8164907




Some ideas.

>> No.8164970

I got those last month. They're a really nice pink, and they even show up in low light. And the petal-like pattern is so cute! (Unfortunately not everyone seems to think so, almost all my friends who saw them thought they were extremely creepy. But that's because they're, you know, wrong. Haha)

>> No.8165524

Where can I get lenses with an 8.3mm base curve? I'm only finding 8.6mm.

>> No.8165550

I can't wait to put them in! They were the nicest pink I could find

>> No.8165563

I have a quick question for Circle Lens users.
I have two pairs of lenses' that I don't wear on a daily basis, however every other week I clean and change out the solution.
It says that they expire after a year, however can I keep them a bit longer?

>> No.8165587

Please don't keep them a bit longer... Its not safe for your eyes. With your eyes, never take risks with lenses lasting longer than proposed.

>> No.8165715 [DELETED] 

I will cosplay Eli and I have dark brown Asian eyes... What are the bluest contacts you guys would recommend?

>> No.8165723
File: 49 KB, 340x479, SR_413_Transformed_Eri_Cafe_Maid_Version.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will cosplay Eli and I have dark brown Asian eyes... What are the most opaque blue contacts you guys would recommend?

>> No.8165733


Take a look at these. All the models wearing them have deep brown eyes, so you can see how they will look with yours. I buy from them all the time and their lenses are amazing and shipping is always a flat $5.00. You get the lenses in about 2 weeks.




>> No.8165979
File: 831 KB, 3252x952, IMG_5010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought DollyEye Brown for my Kotori! They're not as natural as some of the other circle lenses you'll find but I think they work fairly well for photos. They're listed as 'brown' contacts but they're really more of a dull gold.
This is them with flash (excuse my gross skin + makeup) and close up! The only possible downside is that they might be too small if you have larger than average eyes (I think they're only around 14.2 from memory) but the black outer ring really helps make them look way bigger than what they actually are in photos.

>> No.8166069
File: 13 KB, 236x236, 49a44225e866170a3e8c54abbbab4a2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I get prescription colored contacts?

I'm a blindfag but I don't wanna wear glasses in cosplay.

>> No.8166098

On several websites you can order prescription lenses. You just need to know your type.

>> No.8166106

I know my perscription. I'm looking for colored red and purple ones, respectively.

Where can I find them?

>> No.8166118

Gourddamn, anon. Try Google at least. Several sites have been mentioned in this thread alone.

>> No.8166124

Honeycolor, Pinkyparadise

>> No.8166203

Have you been fitted for contacts? Because just having your glasses prescription isn't going to cut it.

>> No.8166229

I used to have these for my Ranmao cosplay, and while they were good for her I always feel like they looked rather too extremely yellow for other character. But your photo actually looks pretty good, is there a filter over it or have they changed up the design recently?

>> No.8166816


I was reading this: http://www.allaboutvision.com/contacts/contact-lens-tips.htm which came from the cosplay tutorial section here: http://cosplaytutorial.com/list.php#contacts

How to avoid Fungal Eye Infections in contact lens? Also what contact lens solution is the best? Do I have to change my case once every month as in buy a new one as well as the solution?

>> No.8166844

I keep everything away from water, and change the solution every two weeks at least (usually every 1.5 weeks). After each use, I rinse my lenses with some solution before putting it in a fresh case. The used one I rinse with solution and dry upside-down.

I throw away my cases yearly though.

>> No.8166850

Ok so I hope this is correct:

>When I use my contacts (like during a con) I would have to rinse them with solution and put them in a spare fresh case. The one I used before I rinse with solution and dry upside down. How would I do this without contaminating them?

>change the solution every two weeks or 1.5 weeks. Will my eye doctor give me more details about this?

Sorry I'm trying to avoid something nasty in my eye and learn more about proper care since I'm new at using contacts.

>> No.8166858
File: 141 KB, 800x598, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the I-Codi lenses today and had a mini freak out because I thought they sent my lipstick due to the box looking like lipstick packaging. Nope, they just stacked the lens vials vertically in the box.

>> No.8166861

I'm having trouble understanding your greentext.

Yeah, during cons, either I bring a new case with fresh solution to put my contacts in and then, when I get home, transfer that to another new case... or I bring along the solution bottle and an empty empty, and do everything in the con bathroom. The used case, I'll just keep until I get home/hotel room to clean/dry it.

Yeah, your eye doctor should be able to give you more info on changing the solution. Of course, generally, the more often you change, the less time bacteria have to develop, and the better it is.

>> No.8166865

it looks like kiwiberry is closing up shop so they're having a 60% sale

>> No.8166868

oh cool you have heterochromia in the right eye, well partial, i myself have full on heterochromia

>> No.8166873


>> No.8166875

Oh sorry I forgot to quote what you said before.

>I keep everything away from water, and change the solution every two weeks at least (usually every 1.5 weeks). After each use, I rinse my lenses with some solution before putting it in a fresh case. The used one I rinse with solution and dry upside-down.

So what I would do is what you said in >>8166861 and either bring a new case with fresh solution to put my contacts in and then when I get back home just transfer into a new case, clean it and dry it out or would it be better to do it at the con hotel bathroom? Also when is the best time I should do this? After I change out of my contacts or when the con is over?

Sorry English isn't my best language.

>> No.8166876

Yeah, I think it's really weird tho. I feel sectoral isn't as cool as complete, but it's rarer. Sigh, I always wish I had complete, you're lucky.

But we both know the struggles of lenses, though haha. I don't know if you wear lolita, but I don't mind it when I'm in lolita. When I'm cosplaying it irks me. My eyes still look slightly different and I feel it ruins the illusion of the eyecolour...

>> No.8166907
File: 34 KB, 225x350, 219771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have recommendations for some purple lenses? My eyes are a dark brown and I'd like something where the color is noticeable but not creepy-vibrant

>> No.8166925
File: 1.50 MB, 320x240, fVbL7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: Bought more circle lenses because the 60 percent clearance was too tempting. God dammit I don't need anymore, it's getting ridiculous.

>> No.8167080

I let the used case air-dry, and since I can't exactly leave it on the bathroom counter at the con, I bring it home with me and clean it out at home (or in the hotel room, if I'm staying at a hotel for the weekend). I have another 'new' case with me to put my contacts if I don't want to wear my contacts home.

I prefer to wait until I get home/to the hotel room to take out my contacts and clean them, but it's not always convenient. Sometimes my eyes get tired towards the end of the day, and I go without lenses for the rest of the night.

>> No.8167130
File: 174 KB, 677x444, dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember that clearly tbh but I'm fairly sure there's no filter over it, just iPhone flash!

In the photos here too, there's no filters! The bigger one is taken in artificial (bathroom) lighting and the smaller/lower quality (sorry!) one is taken indoors with natural lighting.

I bought these around November last year so I'm not sure if the design has changed from when you bought them or not!

>> No.8167138

what diameter lenses are best for dolly eyes without looking creepy

>owns Kimchi Viva Blue 16mm

>> No.8167191
File: 422 KB, 241x160, 23h81e9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$8 per pair of lenses
Aw shit, lemme get some.

>> No.8167312

I don't usually buy lenses unless I have a specific character I think I need them for, but goddamn, $8 a pair is too good to pass up. That said, it's kind of sad to see a business close down when it comes to specialty products..

>> No.8167319

Thanks for all of your help so far!

>> No.8167327

Venus eyes (available from Pinky Paradise) are my personal favorites since they have a strong limbal ring (the black ring around the edge), bright coloration, and don't enlarge too much.

I find that different people have better comfort with different brands. Dolly Eye (available from PP, Honeycolor, etc) are commonly cited as being very comfortable, but for some reason they never sat well on my eyes.

>> No.8167764

Does anyone know when they're shutting down?
I'd like to buy some, but I don't need them until late July. Also, does anyone recommend that site?

>> No.8167950
File: 965 KB, 500x250, inwardly screaming will.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding this.

> mfw waiting for the currency exchange rate to dip up again

>> No.8167952

You better do it now because everything is selling out.

>> No.8167970


Ugh so many beautiful lenses and SO VERY FEW of them are prescription dammit

>> No.8168005

You should probably order soon and not open the lenses until later.. When I ordered last night a lot were already sold out, especially if you need prescription ones.
I would recommend them! I used to order from them a lot since they had really good sales and stuff. Sad to see them go :(

>> No.8168027

>need red lenses in -8
>have red lenses in -6
should i? i feel like i'd be squinting all damn day.

>> No.8168051

It appears the website is now offline, fantastic.

>> No.8168057


>> No.8168060

You'll kill your eyes, nigga.

>> No.8168259
File: 1.21 MB, 300x200, maapv7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Site's working for me.

>tfw I need prescription cosplay lenses but sales are too good to pass up

I'll just have to take my glasses off for photos..

>> No.8168600

>JUST ordered a pair from pinky paradise
>still bought some anyway

>> No.8168619

Oh noooooo! It stopped working for me when i was about to finish up my order... whyyyy

>> No.8168770

Go to your account page and click on orders and what you tried to buy should be there and there will be a button saying "pay" that's how I got my order in.

>> No.8168803

No the page and any other of their pages were gone for me. It gave me a tan page with a list of big font links of "korean eye lenses", "cute circle lenses" , etc links. I retried it again like an hour later and the site went back up for me again

>> No.8168968

WELP! I just bought 4 pairs and only spent $40. Worse case, if I don't like all of them, I know I'll at least like 2 so money not really wasted. Thanks for letting me know about the sale!

>> No.8169194

I want to buy contacts, lots of them. But I have an astigmatism.
Its not that major but does anyone else have it as well? I heard you can you get away with it if its not too bad..??

>> No.8169262

Thanks for getting back to me! I also think that it might have looked more yellow because my eyes are green, rather than brown.

They look good on you, though! Great for Kotori.

>> No.8169475

Pinky paradise has toric lenses for astigmatism.

>> No.8169512

But..? What Im asking is if some people here get away with wearing non toric.

>> No.8169682

Does anyone have tips for putting in the lenses?

Last year i bought a pair of single use disposable contacts and spent over 2 hours trying to put them in before i gave up. Everytime my finger got near my eye, it would just instantly close. My friend who is pretty experienced in putting in contacts also tried to help me but my eye would just shut. We tried to peel my eyelid open but that didnt work either. We did all the cupping on the fingertip and everything but i couldn't stick it into my eye, doesn't help that my eyes are super small too.

I'm planning on cosplaying a character that has really bright eyes so i think i'll need contacts again. I dont want to spend $20 or so and not be able to put them in.

>> No.8169741

I have slight and I still wear them. I know a few others that have that isn't too bad and they wear them as well

>> No.8169745

Did you look directly at it coming at you? When I first started, I had to look up or to the side and not see it. do it really quick and make sure its extra soaked in the solution. Just flood it in your palm before you stick it in

>> No.8170542

I wear them and your vision will never be super clear but it's not that bad. You might have troubles reading a menu or small text. I don't wear them often though, only for cons and special occasions.

>> No.8171375

Don't do it.
I have weak astigmatism and I got non-toric lenses. It's blurry as hell and I had to toss them out.

>> No.8171382

Make sure your finger is completely dry so the lens will stick to your eye and not your finger.

And as the other anon said, don't look at it. Your natural instinct is to shut your eye when something comes at it. Most people look up and put the lens under their iris, then it just slides up.

>> No.8171395

mmm thank but I think those are different (and pink-black)

>> No.8171411

did you just stick with your regular prescription or did you do the strength/(astigmatism/2) trick?

>> No.8172016

Is it okay to wear lenses with a BC of 8.7 when your BC is 8.6? I've read you can, but I'd just like to confirm it.

>> No.8172025

How much is a 'slight' astigmatism?

>> No.8172049

They very. They can be anywhere on your eye. You need the levels from your optometrist.

>> No.8172800
File: 101 KB, 1600x852, IMG_2482-1 bright light duo 3624x1930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the same issue. Im thinking of buying Beuberry B.B Brown and trying them out. The hole looks slightly smaller.

>> No.8172875

A+ gif usage. I bought 6 pairs. No regrets.

>> No.8172986

.1 difference should be fine.

>> No.8173726

I've got a noob question. What if prescription for one eye falls between sizes? Is there a prescription margin I can get away with? For example, - X.25 in one eye and the other eye at -X.50, when all the options are at intervals of .50. What is safe/acceptable ? Otherwise I'll just go for plano.

>> No.8173747

If you mean prescription, then going in either direction is fine. I usually go with the lower than higher though, because going above tends to give me more headaches.

>> No.8173752

Derp. Yes, I meant prescription. So a quarter-interval margin is fine? Thank you so much for your timely response btw.

>> No.8173865

You might get headaches if you're not used to it (ex: I get headaches when my glasses prescript get updated), but a quarter shouldn't change things too much. I wouldn't read a novel or anything with them, but being off a little is fine for once-in-a-while wear.

>> No.8174016

Would Super Pinky Hazel be a good beginner lense to try? Reviews online look good, but does anyone have experience with the Super Pinky line here?

>> No.8175308

I bought the Super Pinky Blue recently. It's pretty comfy! I wore it for about 5-6 hours without any discomfort. They did dry my eyes a little bit though.

>> No.8175704

Thanks! I just ordered my pair, but hazel was out so I went with brown. Hopefully it's still dark enough to look natural on dark eyes.

>> No.8177084
File: 214 KB, 694x368, IMG_8228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried ones that fade in, instead? My eyes are medium-light and I find that if the colour fades in it looks okay even if it shows up, pic related. Pupil holes without fade in a different colour almost always look derpy no matter how small it is. These were one in the Mimi Cafe line, Cappucino I think. Actually if you look it up on PP there's a couple of pictures of them on blue eyes.

>> No.8178236

a different anon
i asked for my contact lense perscription but theyre just giving me my glasses one, what do?

>> No.8178242

How is youknowit?

>> No.8178307

Then tell them to give you prescription for contacts? Or like, ask them for contacts recommendations.

>> No.8178455

Its the same prescription, you just need them to know that you want to be fitted for contacts so they can check that out. Likely they will do stuff like make your eyes dilated to check that, and they should give you numbers for your base curve which typically isnt important unless you have astigmatism or weird eyes.

>> No.8178457

>Its the same prescription
Not always. Contacts sit closer on the eye, so the prescription is a bit different than what you might expect sometimes.

>> No.8180221
File: 63 KB, 739x121, wtfcoloristhisevenconsidered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have astigamitsm and my eyes are naturally 3 tone or something (pic related). I would like to get toric lenses that play this trait up. What color/style of lenses would be best? I am guessing something light like grey but I have no experience so any feedback is appreciated

>> No.8180896

Do circle lenses look ok worn with glasses?

>> No.8180902

I always buy fade in contacts because my eyes are so light. They're obviously contacts, but they don't look goofy like this.

>> No.8180908

Does anyone have recommendations for lenses that have just a dark/black rim on them? I have dark brown eyes and I don't want to cover them up, just make them look a bit larger.

>> No.8181053

Yeah. It's more a matter of makeup. Huge lenses are going to look alien-like if you're plain faced.

>> No.8183736


>> No.8183860

I bought from kiwiberry because of the sale. I heard good things from them but never ordered from them before. I havent gotten an email with tracking number yet or there is none and itll just show up at my door one of these days?

>> No.8184057

Hey, I'm gathering opinions and reviews on natural-to-deep blue lenses for dark brown eyes. I'm not looking for ice blue, but as long as the appearance is blue I could even take suggestions for medium aqua lenses.
Does anyone have any favorites?

>> No.8184063

I got a confirmation email but no tracking. I've bought from them before and they were legit.

>> No.8184086

I've never bought from them either, but I did get the confirmation email without tracking. Couldn't pass up 6 pairs of lenses for >$50.

>> No.8184100

Do you guys use the free lens cases that come with your orders? Am I the only who is paranoid that they're not sterile?

>> No.8184146

You're not alone, anon. I wash and lightly boil mine. They're too cute not to use.

>> No.8184152

go to your eye doctor and request samples for color changing lenses (they're nonprescription).

>> No.8184207

EOS fairy blue is my favourite, it's the brightest I've found without looking creepy. There are lots of pictures on Pinky Paradise.

>> No.8184211

Also G&G GBT Sky Blue is pretty natural looking, again, look on PP.

>> No.8184230

>strength/(astigmatism/2) trick
Can you explain this more?

I have astigmatism and wear normal circle lenses (my base curve is standard 8.6). It can get a bit blurry, and if I really need to see something I have to take them out and put glasses on, but I only do it occasionally for cons/photoshoots so I don't mind too much.

I'd buy the toric lenses, but the high price, lack of styles, and 1.5 - 2 months production time (they're custom made) put me off.

>> No.8184399

How comfortable are the moe moe lenses? I want to get some larger green lenses that really pop, but 20mm seems really huge.

>> No.8184733

I'm looking at ordering a few lenses from the kiwiberry sale, but I'm wondering if anyone has info on a brand called QT? I can only find one review for them online.

>> No.8186241

I think it's their own brand. I ordered one or two pairs under that brand, I'll post in here once I get them.

>> No.8186325
File: 88 KB, 600x337, MonthlylNozaki2Seo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red and gold have been requested a lot, but does anyone know which lens have this reddish copper kind of color? Looking for a pair for dark colored eyes.

>> No.8186338


I think these are good, pinkyparadise doesn't have a non-stock photo but you can search around on the internet and they're pretty coppery.

>> No.8187495

Does anyone have any photos of the geo light crystal lenses worn in either pink or violet? Especially over dark eyes
Also any recommendations for ~sparkly~ looking lenses?

>> No.8191251

Any news from the kiwiberry sale? I got a confirmation email from them when I ordered on the ninth, but I haven't gotten anything since.

>> No.8191405


>> No.8192375

Vassen Cloud Nine Pink also know as Sweet Bliss Pink.

>> No.8192406

Any suggestions on a really good opaque blue cartoony lens? I was using the colormax in aqua from visiondirect for my Asuka but they are 1) really expensive, and 2) reeeeeeally uncomfortable. I'm looking into replacing two pairs of lenses, those and another pair, and was going to stick with pinky paradise to try and get free shipping, but I can't seem to find anything in a really opaque, true aqua blue.

>> No.8192417
File: 20 KB, 164x41, Screen Shot 2015-03-19 at 9.13.24 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dropped pic, this is my eyes with the colormax aquas in.
I know it's a picture for ants but I just wanted to get what I'm looking for across adequately. Natural eyecolor is dark hazel/green.

>> No.8192566

dolly eye blue. i hate them but a lot of people like them, they sound like what you're looking for

>> No.8192805

Vassen cloud nine blue is very opaque if you don't mind the pattern. Their sweet eye blue is also pretty good.

>> No.8192847
File: 394 KB, 665x372, tumblr_n4va5rkW7H1t4x32xo3_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need a light blue lens that will show up on medium green eyes but not look /too/ unnatural or flat. Any suggestions? I need like a light aqua blue.

I have plenty of dark colored lenses but I've never tried to go lighter.

They're for Pearl, and they need to come in at least -6 script strength because I'm fucking blind.

>> No.8194928
File: 146 KB, 339x305, oops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got five pairs in the mail two days ago - Dolly+ Blue and Brown, Super Pinky Wine Red, and Beaucon Vibrant Match Green and Violet. Since I have no one else to review at, I'm gonna put my first impressions here. Sorry for TL;DR.

I really like the Dolly+ series, the color is really only on the outer ring so my (so dark they're almost black) irises can blend and look like large pupils. And the color goes far enough that I get a halo effect, which makes me feel cute, heh. I already had a brown pair, but they're old and I should probably toss them soon. The blue pair was half-impulse. I like them, but they're pretty dark, especially on my eyes. Maybe not one of the first things I'd notice on somebody. I know >>8192566 suggested the Dolly Eyes (which may be a different series? I'm honestly not sure) for >>8192406, but if your eyes are as dark as mine the Dolly+ might not be the best choice. The only other blues I own are the Angelic Eye Princess Blue lenses, which have a yellowish ring around the center, and I'd probably stick with those for cosplay as the blue stands out a bit more for me. Dolly+ lenses tend to be a tiny bit below average when it comes to comfort for me, but they're so cute I don't mind.

The Super Pinky Wine Reds I got for potential use in a cosplay, but to be honest I probably won't be using them. They are almost the exact same color as the Neo Sunflower Hazel lenses I already own, and have a smaller pupil opening (less natural) and less of a defined limbal ring (also less natural imo). They are larger in diameter than the Neo Sunflowers, which can be good or bad, but my monolid eyes are pretty small to begin with and a super huge iris just makes me look weird. They're not uncomfortable, but I don't think I'll be getting much use out of them. Oh well. It was half off from Honeycolor, so I won't complain too much.

>> No.8194968

Continued from >>8194928:
I've never bought Beaucon lenses before, so the Vibrant Matches were a pleasant surprise - they're really thin and comfortable! If I were confident about the opacity of their other series, I'd buy those as well. As it is, I got a pair in green and one in violet. I bought the green ones in the hopes that they could replace the Dolly Eye (not Dolly+) Green lenses from ~a year ago, which were uncomfortable and had such a small pupil opening that my vision was blurred the entire time (nice color, but not worth the discomfort). In the bottle, they looked really light and translucent and I was worried they wouldn't show up at all and that I had wasted money on a pair I would end up never wearing. As it turns out, they show up surprisingly well on my eyes - not the light green I had expected from looking at them in the bottle/case, but definitely still green. I like the color a lot, and the diameter is a good size for me to wear without needing OTT eyeliner/lashes. The violet lenses I think are the opposite: They already look pretty dark in the bottle, and are pretty subtle when I wear them. But I like them; I didn't have a particular purpose for them when I bought them so I'll probably wear them around normally, and not have to worry about everybody freaking out about eye stuff right away.

Beaucon Vibrant Match Green: 5/5 color (expected 2/5), 5/5 comfort. Would recommend over Dolly Eye lenses in green, even though they're not /quite/ as opaque.
"" Violet: 4/5 color, "" comfort
Dolly+ Brown (haven't opened these yet but I already own a pair so): 5/5 color, 4/5 comfort
"" Blue: 4/5 color, "" comfort
Super Pinky Wine Red 3/5 color (expected 4/5), 4/5 comfort. I'd rather get another pair of Neo Sunflower lenses in hazel next time.

Okay I'm done, sorry for the super long review posts that no one asked for!

>> No.8195094

I would say because her eyes are animu huge you don't need a lot of enlargement, I would go with Beaucon Vibrant Match Blue. They show up blue on dark eyes, but since you have medium green eyes, they will appear slightly greener, giving an aqua look. They are vibrant and will show up in pictures with out looking unnatural.


>> No.8195098

*her eyes aren't animu huge

No problem, reviews are always welcome.

>> No.8195699

My perscription looks like this. I have very light astigmatism I think.

r -6.5, -.75 020
: l -4, -2.25 180

Can I wear normal perscription lenses and not the toric ones? The ones I want aren't available in toric..

>> No.8195727

Those look way too dark/blue. Mostly way too dark, but in the worn photos they look like... royal blue.

>> No.8195734

Not with the left eye

>> No.8195784

I have like 3 pairs of these in different colors because they are so beautiful and bright. I would recommend these to literally everyone.

>> No.8196061

Any good EU shops with low shipping costs? I usually bought my lenses here http://www.geocolouredlenses.com/ but they no longer have the geo nudy ones

>> No.8196161

You got the normal eye and toric eye combo that circle lens wears dread.

>> No.8196189

Most of the pictures are on dark, not light eyes so they come out darker. You could also try Neo Sunflower Aqua. They are of smaller diameter and will appear brighter on light eyes. Again, you will find pictures of them worn only on dark eyes. But I'm sure with the Sunflower lenses, you'll get the right color too.

>> No.8196239

>put lenses in this morning
>start to do makeup
>stinging, scratching feeling
>its p intense
>take lenses out to check for dirt
>they're shiny clean
>eyes still sting

What do

>> No.8196545
File: 750 KB, 1912x1080, Noragami-Yukine-noragami-yukine-36930992-1912-1080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to find some orange colored lens for a Yukine cosplay. So far I've found some solid color manson style lens from Honey Color but that's about it. Any recommendations?

Hard Mode: Fast shipping, preferably a week or less in US.

>> No.8196565

Did you wash your hands before putting then in your eye first?

>> No.8196580

Classe Wigs has some nice oranges, but unfortunately they're monthlies and not yearlies :c

Also look up Orange Werewolf lenses and see if that brings up things with a less blocky limbal.

How hydrated are you? Also, how long were those lenses stored? My advice is cleaning them, letting them soak for a few hours in new solution, then replacing the solution again and letting them soak more.

>> No.8196586

Venus Eye Aquas are my personal fav, they're very similar to the colormax in hue.

>> No.8196702

My glasses are -1.75.
What should I order my contacts to be..?

>> No.8196707

You should order an appointment with your optometrist.

>> No.8196714


>> No.8196715

you mean book rite..????

>> No.8196722


That is exactly what I was looking for!!! Thank you, anon.

>> No.8196740
File: 36 KB, 800x248, DSC_0092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a picture of the lenses on light eyes. If they are still too blue, I'll keep on searching for the right lenses.

>> No.8196808

>"What should I order my contacts to be..?"
>"You should order an appointment with your optometrist."

I'll let you work the joke out.

>> No.8196899

Yes I did, but I made sure they were rinsed well and it took like 30 minutes for them to start hurting

Probably not very, but I just cleaned them with that peroxide shit last night, they were in there for like 10 hours?

>> No.8197152

>30 minutes for them to start hurting

My gut is telling for you not to wear these lenses. Try ordering the same pair again and see if there's a difference. Any sort of sharp pain is worrisome.

>> No.8197171
File: 14 KB, 165x157, jjrtdh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone help me figure out what would be the best lens color for this character? I feel most pink lenses are too light, so I thought maybe violet or maybe red would work better?

>> No.8197172

Y-Yeah.. if they hurt after 4-8 hours, it's normal. 30 minutes is just risky.

Where'd you buy them from?

>> No.8197174

Isn't the author of this anime the one that makes stellar yuri?

>> No.8197180

What color are your eyes, anon?

>> No.8197181


>> No.8197182

My eyes are dark brown

>> No.8197190

Honeycolor's Anime A3 Violet works color-wise, if you don't mind the 2D desu bubbles and all that.

That's all I can really find..
If your eyes were blue, a transparent pink or red lens might give it that purple hue.
Otherwise.. lean to red I guess.

Props for cosplaying Ginko!!

>> No.8197195

Ah, thank you so much anon!

>> No.8197200

EOS New Adult Pink is probably your best bet.

>> No.8198305


I've worn the exact pair (occasionally) for months with no issue, which is why I was confused. Maybe they just got too dry, I'll try getting a new pair I suppose.

They're Super Pinky that I bought from HoneyColor, they shouldn't have any issues. and like I said, I've been wearing them for some time now. I know they don't actually keep for an entire year if you wear them frequently, but I didn't think they'd be junk in three months.

>yes I saw my eye doctor first, etc. etc.

>> No.8198311

That makes sense, okay.
Yeah I'm guessing they've dried out. Usually it takes 6 months at the least so that's a little strange.

>> No.8198329

A fresh pair will probably solve the issue.

>> No.8198345

max elegance tri-tone pink or pretty crystal pink seem like good choices to me

>> No.8200793
File: 441 KB, 900x600, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cosplaying Lapis Lazuli, who has mirror-like eyes but I'm unsure of what lenses to get. 3 is the cheapest option, but honestly I prefer the look of 2 because the mesh isn't as visible. From these, I'll probably buy 2, 3, or 5. Does anybody have any suggestions?

I was also thinking of getting translucent lenses so the iris just barely shows through.... Ideally I'd love the look of 1 with the color of 5 or the center of 4. Anybody know where I can find something like this? I found 5 by searching for lenses to look like fake cataracts.

>> No.8200796

None of these look right so just go with 3; they'll be way more comfortable and you can wear them for longer than the others. The mesh isn't visible as long as you aren't sticking a camera right up in your face.

>> No.8201876

astigmatism is -2
do you think i could get away with wearing normal lenses?

>> No.8201883


>> No.8201890

...what made you consider getting 1 and 4?

>> No.8201899

how is youknowit?

>> No.8202654

It's meh.

>> No.8203528

I didn't really ever plan to buy them; I just liked the milky/translucent effect of 1 and the iris color of 4 because I thought it'd be more "mirror-like" if it wasn't just a solid white.

>> No.8205430

Hey gulls, I need some black contacts and I'm having a few issues.
In an eyedeal world, they're 15mm, -1.75, with a small pupil opening, 42% water content and black/grey with NO hints of brown.

But then i realize I'm a picky bitch, so I was wondering if anyone knew anything close to what I need.

>> No.8205457

I bought yellow lenses from there and couldn't even wear them for 8 hours and after I took them off the color on the other lens had already started to spread. Also they felt much harder than any other lenses I've had.

>> No.8205493

I ...see what you did there. (Sage for no contribution, sorry!)

>> No.8205806
File: 135 KB, 1090x534, cordelia eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for wine red lens recommendations for lighter eyes, preferably 14 to 14.5mm since my eyes are already pretty big and 15mm looks strange on me. I know >>8194928 wasn't a huge fan of Super Pinky Wine Red. Has anyone tried Venus Eye Wine Red?

>> No.8205836

Does anybody use circle lenses without being fitted by a professional and knowing your base curve?

>> No.8205861


>is it a good idea?


>> No.8205875

Different anon then >>8205836, but can you give a short explanation of what troubles it can cause?

Asking because Google isn't really helping me and I can't ask a professional any time soon.

>> No.8205881
File: 671 KB, 1280x1280, 2014-12-25-17-30-48_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Pinky Black is a pure black/gray 14.8 with 45%, but a more natural pupil opening. They're nice if you have darker eyes (mine are med brown), but probably not what you're looking for if you've got light eyes.

>> No.8206022


Well for starters it will be uncomfortable as Heck. If it is too flat for you it will be dry and red and irritated. If the curve is too steep you're fucking with tear and oxygen exchange under the lens as well as circulation and you're gambling with long term corneal damage (ulcers, microvascularization, infections, etc)

>> No.8206047

has anyone gotten their kiwiberry order yet? i oprdered the beigning of the month and havent gotten it yet

>> No.8206870

yes... i've gone to my optometrist about it but he's against circle lenses.

>wears them anyway

i use them for cosplay (not daily wear) but i've sort of worked out what base curve feels best on my eyes.

but like >>8206022 said, not a good idea.

>> No.8207643

I did at the start. The thing is that in most cases, you will be fine. Most people's base curve will be normal (somewhere between 8.6-8.8). So the thing is that chances are you will probably be fine, BUT the danger arises when you might be one of the unlucky ones who has an unusual BC, an astigmatism, dry eye etc. Some people are not suitable for contacts so using them if you are unlucky like this can cause some damage to your eye.
I recently got a contact fitting and thankfully my eyes BC is fine and the lens I was wearing was suitable, but in my personal experience I was always sort of paranoid I was damaging my eyes so it's worth it to get the fitting for peace of mind. At the same time my cousin has been wearing circle lenses longer than me and recently she got an eye infection which she thinks is from her contacts, she didn't get a lens fitting either. It's sore and nasty looking and totally motivation to get a lens fitting, you only have 1 pair of eyes.
The optometrist asked if I ever wore contacts before and I just said that I wore cosmetic ones for halloween before (ones from a costume shop) but that was it/that's how I knew how to take them out/in, I didn't mention circle lens because optometrists tend to really hate circle lens (even with that small bit of info my optometrist was really concerned and kept asking info, which to be fair I can understand). So if you decide to get a fitting then maybe say something like I said and don't mention you're getting the fitting for circle lens.
If you have poor eyesight just get the fitting, my new circle lens arrived yesterday in my prescription and it's great being able to see and wear circle lens with no worries. So worth it. It's not even expensive to get a contact fitting, either. But you'll need to have an eye test for glasses first.

>> No.8207739

Whelp now you've got me freaked out, anon.

>Get a new pair of contacts
>Don't want to stay in my eyes - keep popping out and are uncomfortable as though they're in backward
>Realize BC is 8.8mm - mine is 8.7mm

I only futzed with them for a few minutes and planned on giving it another go but I guess I should just pitch them.

>> No.8207745

These are awesome!

>> No.8207805

Calm down. Sometimes contacts are not strict sizes, an 8.8 could fit someone with a BC of 8.7 perfectly. Don't stress so much. I would say to try again, they are new. If they continue to feel weird though don't wear them.

>> No.8207912

Would you say its worth buying a pair to try if I've got great eyesight and no dryness problems? I can't go to get fitted for insurance and money purposes.

>> No.8207923

> I can't go to get fitted for insurance and money purposes.
Then you can't afford the serious eye problems that might come from something going wrong with contacts BC you didn't get fitted.
If you can't afford to pay for even fitting, don't get contacts.

>> No.8207933

Not stressing out, just considering that maybe I shouldn't try to wear them if they continue to feel strange. I've worn contacts for 10+ years but this is the first time a pair won't actually stay in my eyes so I found it really weird.

>> No.8207967

Read reviews online and go for a safe and comfortable pair. I picked EOS but GEO are probably the safest due to their legitimacy serials.
There's gonna be a load of replies telling you you're going to damage your eyes or go blind or problem xyz and those same people will reply to this post but honestly you will probably be fine. Personally I would advise going to an optometrist for peace of mind like I said before but I think you will probably be fine just trying them. If you notice any issues take them out immediately.
Watch lots of material on how to care for your contacts and hygiene care. Seriously, it is so important when using contacts, poor hygiene is the easiest way to cause eye problems.
Also look up problems/horror stories people have had with circle lenses to make sure you understand all the risks of wearing them.

>> No.8207972

That is really weird. Maybe they're a defunct pair? I bought a new pair of lenses but they fit a lot more comfortably than my last pair (same ones, different colour). I think my old ones weren't quite right.
If you've been wearing circle lenses for 10 years and these don't feel right to you then I would trust your experience and ditch them.

>> No.8207974

How much does it cost on average to get an eye exam for contacts in Chicago? Pearl Vision tells me they are $55 even and other places I've seen charge $100. I tried goggle and Yelp but I've seen weird reviews.

>> No.8207993

Unhelpful because I'm in Ireland but I got mine done in specsavers for €15... those prices seem high.

>> No.8208011

It actually will vary by city. Call ahead and make an inquiry for the EXACT pricing for the location nearest you. The Pearle Vision here in my city charges $55 and Walmart Vision Centers here charge about that as well.

Welcome to the cost of American medicine. $55USD is about the cheapest you'll see from big corporate places. Private practices sometimes charge near the $100 mark. That said, out of pocket costs vary depending on insurance.

Must be really nice only paying 15 Euro though, seriously!! If they charged lower prices here, maybe people would get an exam first before fucking up their eyes, then going to an optometrist for help after the damage has been done.

>> No.8208026

$55 is insane. €15 was admittedly as part of an offer but it's one that happens about 6 months out of the year every year. Even then full price is only like €30. Not to mention you get a contact fitting for free if you avail of that offer.

>> No.8208056

That's about right. Double check your health insurance; sometimes they include an exam every two years.

>> No.8208084

Specsavers also often run offers for free eye tests.

>> No.8208093

This is the price I pay for living in the USA.

Sadly my health insurance only covers glasses but I'll try again though anon. I asked the eye doctor and he told me that the exam for contacts and getting my base curve is different than the exam for just basic glasses.

>> No.8208264


8.7 and 8.8 aren't that different, I mean there is some wiggle room esp since your BC can change from brand to brand. It is true that the wrong curvature is bad but it is more about their fit than the exact number.

Give them a longer soak in your lens solution and try again. If they're still bad then pitch them, I guess. If they were really bad just skip right to the trash step, follow your guts.

>> No.8209544

Where do you guys go for eye exams? How much do they usually cost without insurance?

>> No.8209623
File: 6 KB, 150x150, EOS-2TONE-GRY-TORIC-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


found an archived thread from 2013 where someone else with central heterochromia asked for advice and was told to try light colored ones that fade in. looking on PP, found this EOS 2 tone "dazzle grey." no pics available on light eyes but it does not have the center solid ring; does this count as a "fade in" type? i like the rays/spokes compared to the more solid, smooth colors of other toric lenses.

>> No.8209651

Yeah that was what I was thinking at first before I realized they were 8.8mm. They're from pinkyparadise who I've never had a problem with but who knows.

>> No.8209979

Judging by the model photos, they'll probably only blend in on blue/grey eyes somewhat better. I wouldn't really consider them a "fade in" type.

>> No.8210041

To an optometrist, I think mine cost...$80? Got my regular contacts from my optometrist too so she waived the fitting fee.

>> No.8210055

50-100 depending on the city.

>> No.8210665

will wearing a -5.00 instead of my usual -5.25 be really damaging? Most lenses don't come in my prescription. It's either -5.00 or -5.50

>> No.8210685

It won't be damaging, but it'll fuck with your eyesight and probably give you a nasty headache. Those numbers aren't related to the curve of the lens, they're how much the lens corrects your vision.

>> No.8210701


thats what i was concerned about, i own one pair (for halloween) and my vision was slightly off and did give a headache.

oh well

>> No.8211164

I will be using a new tripcode specifically for circle lens threads now, which I will only be posting in from now on. An anon vendetta is now using the past code that I have been using here for years. If you have any more detailed questions you can submit or ask at: ei666shii.tumblr.com

>> No.8213527

Go with -5.00 because wearing a lens stronger than your prescription with give you more of a headache than the lower power lens.