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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 87 KB, 1212x871, sewing-lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8166054 No.8166054 [Reply] [Original]

Didn't see a similar thread in the catalog, so.

What are you working on currently?
Need advice, tips, venting?
Want to share a cool handmade find?

>> No.8166131
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic attached of something I just finished. Also made a faux fawn fur cape to go with it. I'm pretty satisfied with the results!

Sewing vent: I paid for 3 meters of green velvet and when it showed up there was only one meter. I contacted the woman and asked to have a replacement sent in a continuous piece since I didn't want a cut of one meter and a cut of two meters. She claimed she didn't have a continuous piece so I was like fine whatever. I wouldn't have bought this shit if I knew it was cut up. Then I asked her to compensate for her mistake and have the fabric to me by the tenth in time for me to make something for a meet. She responds with "well the shipping quote is 7-10 days, all we can do is hope"

No bitch, we can do more than hope. We can send it at a faster shipping speed because you made a mistake.

>> No.8166182

Those bows look rachet AF

>> No.8166253

Aw thanks :)

>> No.8166274

I've finished collecting together patterns and design inspiration I like, so I want to finally start sewing my own stuff. At the moment, my sewing skills are only good enough to make a cushion cover, but with practice I hope to be able to make a lot of high-waisted and box-pleated skirts with corset lacing.

Learning to hand-sew is really exciting for me because I need these kind of solid-colour basics now I've got the opportunity to wear lolita more often. I don't like buying plainer pieces because I always see it in terms of "but for the price of two of these skirts I could buy a print one!"

I do need advice though because so many of the patterns and tutorials I've found are from a few years ago and aren't designed for the degree of petti poof I like. I know how to modify a rectangle skirt pattern, but I'd like advice on how to modify this pattern: http://egl.livejournal.com/9350312.html

Her "finished example" is nowhere near poofy enough for me, I'd like the finished article to have a shape more like the brand stock photos she posted.

>> No.8166279
File: 51 KB, 290x387, 000g3p0h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is what I'd like.

>> No.8166281
File: 71 KB, 250x333, 000d6k48.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaand pic related is the much lower poof level produced by making the pattern according the the measurements the girl gave.

>> No.8166286

This isn't the worst, but it's also certainly not good. Bad color combo, poorly done pintucks, ugly gathering job and the grossgrain ribbon details all make it look lower quality than bodyline. Also the fact you keep posting this dress everywhere makes me like it less every time I see it.

>> No.8166297

All you have to do is add more fabric.

TBH her tutorial thing seems a little wordy and hard to follow.

But what you want to do is just make the parts that will end up being the bottom of the skirt longer.

You want the bottom hem of the dress to be like 3-4x longer than the waist measurement to ensure there's plenty of fabric. I think you'd be better off finding a better tutorial honestly, because I don't really think that girl knows very well what she's doing, or at least, she's really bad at explaining it and doesn't understand proper lolita skirt shapes.


That one is easier to modify and easier to make/follow

and there are a number of tutorials on fyeahlolita on blogspot (can't lik, 4chan thinks it's spam)

>> No.8166301

I appreciate the constructive part of this comment.

>> No.8166323
File: 58 KB, 500x333, tumblr_inline_nfll3rI26H1ri104k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to make a jsk with a dropped waist, but I'm not sure how to prevent it from bunching or riding up (as my supposedly custom made dress once did)? Is it a question of adding enough flare below the waist?

I was thinking of adding some boning along the seams but I remember a lot of girls complained that it warps over time or even pokes through the fabric...

Pic related, this tiny bit of flare before the gathers start, similarly to End of Immortal Eden's.

>> No.8166324

That tutorial IS from fyeahlolita on blogspot. The majority of fyeahlolita's tutorials, as I said, are several years old and don't give enough room in the skirt.

Thanks for the link to another high-waisted skirt tutorial.

>> No.8166334

you need to precisely measure your body, vertically and horizontally. For the waist I'd measure vertically down your body where exactly you want the waist to sit compared with where your bust, and then measure ~5cm above that point and start the flare from there to keep it from bunching.

>> No.8166394

That seems like good solution, especially since it will also allow some room for petticoat to sit at my waist...


>> No.8166441
File: 105 KB, 385x537, 10891707_10152836054065528_4207165712667309120_n-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted this skirt here a long while back and was told to add some trim to the bottom, which I still plan to do. The project got shelved though for other priorities. Now, I want to turn it into a jsk using a strapless bodice from butterick 4443. One of my co-workers that sews says it shouldn't be a problem so I'm hoping. I wanted to try a black velvet to match the velvet trim I'm putting on the bottom. Also, can I just add straps to it or do I have to follow a pattern for a strap bodice. I've never made a bodice so this will be an adventure. Any tips please?

>> No.8167601
File: 38 KB, 444x720, 994441_688577117895693_7813115588389313022_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the last loli thing I made. I need to either add some layers to my petticoat or buy a new one, because it's deflated as fuck right now.

>I guess this is the place to ask when there's no sewing general, too..
I have a Janome MyExcel 18w LE. I'm wasting at least an hour and a metric shit-tonne of thread every time that I try to use it because it takes so much fiddling to get the fucking thing to work properly. Either it's mysteriously jamming without reason or the stitch reverses (So that the top stitch is just a loose thread with the bottom stitch going over it.)

Should I bother having it serviced and just hope that that will fix it, or buy a cheap Singer 3210 while they're on sale? They're $99 at my local fabric store right now.

The only thing stopping me is that I'm finding AMAZING reviews for the Janome and mediocre reviews for the Singer (which is, admittedly, entry-level.)

>> No.8167615

I know nothing of what's going on and I clicked on this board by accident, but that looks rad

>> No.8167650

The colour combo is gorgeous - cream and warm red.

I can't tell if you're using a too powerful petticoat, or you didn't use enough fabric for the skirt. It looks kinda funny and limp?
Maybe it's just the ita boot choice that makes me think this looks ita.. I would love to see it with the velvet trim, and if you're not ever gonna get a good cupcake shape like I feel it will then at least it may make a good Otome dress. Do you have a pettiless example of it:

I met an old couple a couple years ago while browsing a tender store at sewing machines. Their main hobby was to buy machines, fix them up and then sell them for a little pocket money - they did it for fun really.
Their word was that the best machines were Janome, and their preferred to service and were worth the money fixing up. Digital ones weren't ever worth fixing, especially Brother but I wonder if that's just coz they're old. They said if I were to get my next one, pick Janome even if it needs a little work.
It was interesting checking out their shed, it was full of machines. Mostly Janome, some Singer and an odd one or two. They were gonna give me one before they left but I was busy at the time...

>> No.8167665
File: 1.03 MB, 1578x2553, 1425739870640e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey anon, I like your color combo and the construction looks pretty nice, great fit too! My disclaimer is that I have zero sewing skill or knowledge and so this is more of an impulse feeling regarding aesthetics. Your pin tucks and details etc suggest opulence to me and so the lack of trim or lace details etc makes this look a bit incomplete to me. I know you mentioned a cape to go with it but with dress def gives me more regal and classic vibes rather than country. I think some golden lace or trim details would really help to pull the cream and terracotta color scheme together as well as make everything look more finished and coherent. I would love to see some little gold button embellishments in the center of the bodice bows too. Also since you have quite a large expanse of plain fabric on the skirt, I think it would really lend itself to some kind of embroidery or applique. Finally, I think the straps look a little plain and could benefit from say, cream ribbon either side (at the edges) with a gold trim overlay, creating a subtle stripe effect. I only have this pic related paint masterpiece to try to convey what I mean but hopefully you get the idea.

Anyway anon, keep up the good work, I hope you keep going with your sewing adventures, you definitely have the skills for it.

>> No.8167668

This is good advice!

>> No.8167707

Wow, it was crazy nice of to put so much work into giving me advice on this. I don't have any illusions about the quality of the dress so its really cool to hear some advice about actual aesthetics.

I think you're very right about the gold accents. That's a great color scheme. I think I was being too careful because I'm well aware that terra cotta is not a color you usually see in lolita, and I was worried I'd accidentally over do it.

Thanks again for your help!

>> No.8167710

Why would anyone else want to post in a handmade thread where the first dress gets picked apart meanly. Way to go cgl. There's hardly going to be a good dialogue going on now. Between cattiness & the fit trolls am pretty annoyed.

>> No.8167720

>wanting good dialogue on cgl
your first mistake

also, that dress is going to look like hot shit no matter how much gold rickrack you throw on it, sorry not sorry

>> No.8167727

Self posting on cgl is literally always a mistake.

>> No.8167750

>tfw made my very first skirt when I first got into lolita
>it's fucking awful, tiny print and fleece material
>still daydream about fixing it and somehow making it work
>still have the bag and blouse i was gonna wear with it
>i know i need to just throw it in the trash tbh

>> No.8167775

this is gorgeous, do you do comissions?

>> No.8167777

sauce on the fabric

>> No.8167784

Anon I own a janome too and I have to say, it can handle things better than my mom's singer (but it's not the same model as yours)
I'd say, go have it fixed and see how much it would cost.
I had a very similar problem before and it was just some loose part inside the machine, got fixed really quick and didn't cost much.

Also, great skirt! very simple and gorgeous.

>> No.8167791

Don't buy a cheap Singer - it won't be long before it'll malfunction as well.

I have a new-er (like 5 ish years) Janome machine, 4030 QDC. I love the fuck out of it. Even now while many manufacturers have been switching to plastic parts, my Janome is still all metal. Get it serviced. It should cost you about the same at worst.

>> No.8167797
File: 446 KB, 1481x806, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting some awful handmade lolita.
Should be an example of what not to do when sewing lolita.

>they are trying to sell it

>> No.8167836

>because a good dialogue can never come from a negative comment
Sorry this isn't a hug box, dear

>> No.8167846

CGL is not Tumblr 2.0

It used to be one of the farthest things from.

>> No.8167862
File: 165 KB, 500x752, Derpy Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made this back in January for Otakon Vegas. I altered the hell out of that McCall's magical girl pattern to get the design I had originally drawn up. I know it's not the best coord, but I'm happy with how well the dress and petticoat came out.

>> No.8167875

I would change the bow a bit but otherwise it's pretty awesome

>> No.8167886

Not true. Self posting on cgl is only bad if you are disillusioned about the state of your appearance. If OP had said "uhh this dress does not look good, how to fix?" people would have probably complimented it and told her what to do. I have selfposted crapp outfits plenty of times before, and only gotten support. Thid place may be catty, but it isn't straight up mean unless you have a shit attitude.

>> No.8167893

The hat makes it look costumey, too small. That is a minor nitpick.
This is a pretty good plus sized outfit though, it actually flatters you! Very cute.

>> No.8167900


I remember self posting my first few coordinates, and got nothing but solid concrit. One person even complimented another of my coordinates that I posted on tumblr (but not on /cgl/). It helped me massively. I can say that /cgl/ was a large reason as to why I have improved.

It's catty, but if you play your cards right, you can get really good feedback that can help you really cinch your dressing skills (in lolita).

>> No.8167903

I'm in love with this

>> No.8167926

Oh God what is up with the top right item?

At first I saw it as a baby bib, then thought "no, it must be a bonnet, right?", but now I see the heart, so it's a bib after all?

>> No.8167931

looks like an apron to me

>> No.8167937

I have a question. When browsing handmade lolita and cosplay threads, I see comments that are just ">those hems"

Can I see an example of a good and bad hem?

>> No.8168015

it's supposed to be a bonnet

>> No.8168026

a bad hem would be when you can see fabric frying and threads . It looks really messy. It could also be a bad hem when it end up full of folds.

A nice, good hem doesn't have anything popping out of it and you should be able to iron it without creating creases or folds

you can google bad hem pictures and get an idea.

>> No.8168044

It's 3x hip measurement, not waist, just like with pleated skirts.

>> No.8168089

This looks nice, but next time you might want to pay more attention to your pintucks being straight (I may be a perfectionist but mistakes like that are the first things my eyes are drawn to) and you might also want to put more fabric into your ruffles. How much did you use here? It looks like only 1.5x the hem whereas I'd suggest at least 2-2.5x the hem or 3x if you want mega ruffles, though I wouldn't recommend that for thicker fabrics.

This is so pretty!

This is cute as fuck. I want to eat you.

>> No.8168290
File: 538 KB, 1119x2101, WP_20150308_004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help. Work in progress. This is my first time trying to work a bodice and I can't seem to get it right. I also can't take it in properly because I gave up shopping for lent so no chance of buying a zipper. Any mcguivers up in here? I have elastic, velcro, snaps, buttons, and a bunch of hook and eyes.Also plan on attaching bows making a bonnet with the scrap fabric for a con.
>inb4 dictionary fabric?
I made my choices

>> No.8168415

>giving up shopping
>not giving up expensive shopping instead.

Really? You can't buy a zipper for 1.50?

>> No.8168427

Maybe partial shirring?

>> No.8168503

Sorry, Nothing out of want and desire.
Ah that could seriously help! Like, in the seam over the small of my back?

>> No.8168511

This looks like a costume

>> No.8168540
File: 27 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8168629
File: 36 KB, 586x390, gathering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you've got some fairly solid work here, anon. There's definitely some improvements to be made, but you're off to a good start!
If this is the first time you've done pintucks, I applaud you! They're decent, but I do agree that they could use some straightening up. I found this video to be quite helpful: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1dsUtfpNEQ
Make sure you're using a ruler and some tailor's chalk or a water soluble marker to draw out all of your tucks before sewing>
My other concern is the shape of the bows, they look a little too fat. I would suggest keeping the width but making them a little skinnier.
While your gathering at the waist isn't terrible, it does look like it's folded in some odd places. Pic related is the best way to get an even gather.
The ruffle at the bottom seems a little off as well. I think it's because the top portion of your double ruffle is too wide, and flops down, giving a sort sloppy look.
My only other suggestion would be to use cream lace instead of the ribbon. The ribbon makes it look a bit like a cheap dress-up game. I might prefer a sash to the wide stripe at the waist, as well.
You've got a good thing started here, it's just a bunch of little stuff to fix :)

Rather than adding straps to that pattern, use Simplicity 2176. It's less low-cut than the butterick pattern and already has straps.

Totally need to know where you got this fabric!

Is that a bib on the top right? And bottom right doesn't look too bad from far away, just very plain. But why the fuck haven't they used an iron?

This is very cute, you did well dressing for your body type! I think the bow could be a little smaller, and I think the ruffle at the bottom seems a bit busy. As a coord thing, pull the hat forward and cock it to the side and maybe bring a little bit of the yellow into the rest of the coord? But otherwise, great job!!

>> No.8168636


I would do partial back shirring or a row of buttons for now. However, if you've already made the bodice there may not be extra fabric for the overlap needed for buttons. Check out the tutorial list on FyeahLolita, there's several tutorials for partial back shirring panels.
Another suggest might be to re-do your hem with white thread. The black is kind of blaring. Also, trim those hanging threads, girl!

>> No.8168783

thank you for giving me some options to work with! I may have room for buttons, but shirring may be the way to go.
>tfw ran out of white halfway through
will definitely return to this project after Easter. I just need something presentable for con. Much obliged!

>> No.8168802

I don't wanna be an ass hole but your bottom ruffle seems kinda wonky, I dunno if it's just hanging low at one part because the bodice is so loose or you've just managed to sew it on too far down

>> No.8168844

I want wait no NEED this fabric

I'm sorry but cannot unsee

>> No.8168848

I love nautical dresses. This one's very cute on you. I agree that a bit more yellow up top or in the accessories would really make it pop just that much more.

>> No.8168860

Thanks for the concrit. There's a few things I wanna fix up in general (the hat was a rush job) so I'll try to sort those areas out.

Thank you~

I actually don't disagree. I think sailor/military lolita stuff in general looks a bit costumey compared to other lolita styles.

The only yellow I had was a gold Vivienne Westwood anchor necklace. I'm not a huge fan of yellow and it usually looks bad on me because of my skin tone so I tend to avoid it if possible

>> No.8168863
File: 109 KB, 480x800, Snapchat--9008928718063068049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've literally never sewn seriously beyond alterations before (apart from a couple heavily assisted cosplays)

I'd love construction tips, as you can see the waist band is a bit wavy and the gathering is really wonky (I did the two rows of straight stitch and pull method) as well as zip puckering so I'd love tips on how to improve those sort of things

(Sorry for terrible pic and peeking petti)

>> No.8168875

I like the whale in the print, it fits.

>> No.8168908

Making sure it fits right is important, I would still use boning though. To prevent it from poking through, you just need to make sure that the materials surrounding the boning is strong enough to not get worn through- you made need to make a full casing for it. And don't use plastic boning from the fabric store- that is what will warp. Use heavy duty plastic zipties (sand the ends smooth) instead, since steel would be overkill here.

>> No.8168912
File: 625 KB, 556x650, 24xfa6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's so nice seeing where some of the Derpy Chan fabric went.

Would you like me to add you to the fabric page as a sewing example?

>> No.8168920

I'm not even sweet but I would love a derpy horse jsk

>> No.8168964

I so agree! I could never get into nautical/military looks even as a fan of weird sub styles

>> No.8168965

Sure, if you'd like!

>> No.8168966

Minnie Mouse is that you?

>> No.8168969

Just noticed that kek

>> No.8168971
File: 132 KB, 960x720, 10984889_437214686431861_2033357215_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to get some opinions on this, anons. I got a lot of positive feedback on P&L for it, but I want to be sure it's not just asspats. This was my first time making a dress with this much damn chiffon, and I really got to use my serger to the fullest. I'm not too happy with how tube-y the bodice is but otherwise I like how it turned out. I'll post another pic of the back.

>> No.8168972

Was so tempted to buy some of these prints but heard bad things about spoonflower

>> No.8168974
File: 2.76 MB, 4288x3216, 100_0700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should add, I'm not a fan of the adjustable straps but the girl I made it for requested them.

>> No.8168977

My bias is showing but I love everything about this except the straps which look terribly flimsy and small for this jsk. Any worn pix for some more con crit?

>> No.8168978

haha I'll take that as a compliment tbh, she's stylin'

>> No.8168981

Ignore strap comment then.

>> No.8168984
File: 103 KB, 500x375, 1418156191175.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anons!

It's a Timeless Treasures print that stopped production in '07. I was really lucky to get as much of it as a I did.

These were really helpful, thanks! I took it down this morning and apparently it'll be ready to go in a couple of weeks. $150 wasn't too bad.

It's so frustrating because I just got an enormous order of fabric for both lolita and teeny tiny doll clothes. I dropped dosh for exress shipping and I can't do anything with it yet anyway. Ugh.

>> No.8168986

I'm not too fond of the front bow. The fabric doesn't really feel the same as the rest of it dress, which has a flowy/airy/in the clouds feel to it. Also the straps. Couldn't you have done thicker adjustable straps? I can't see that being worn with only a blouse, every coord would need a cardigan or bolero or something.

Otherwise, it's pretty nice.

>> No.8168987

Good it wasn't meant offensively (4chan surprise I know)
Looks pretty good for your skills. Not personally big on the bow but that is personal taste. Do not like the bow color at all though.

>> No.8168991

I'm going to make a solid pink version of this for myself, I'll be doing wider straps on it then. Unfortunately, no worn pics since it wasn't mine, but if she sends me worn pics and gives me permission I'll post them.

>> No.8168993

This is stunning, anon!
Did you buy the chiffon online? I've been trying to find nice patterned chiffon everywhere.

>> No.8168997

aw thanks! I'm glad to here, i tried pretty hard to not be scruffy with the sewing.
Yeah to be honest I'm not big on it either I had to settle on a different kind of pink than I had in mind, I was hoping to find a nice dusky pink fabric since the spots are offwhite

>> No.8169001

Thank you! I did, off etsy, but 4chan won't let me link it. I just googled "black star chiffon fabric" and went through the image results until I found what I liked.

>> No.8169007

Speaking of Derpy-Chan fabric, whatever became of the anon with the Derpychan Chess Choco dress? I'd like to see how that turned out and have a more in depth review of the spooflower fabrics they used.

>> No.8169009

I'm unsure about it as well, honestly, but I kind of like that it had a sort of magical girl feel. I based it off that Milky Way jsk by Angelic Pretty, which had the big satin bow in the front. Also, what could I do about the straps? All I could think of was the little sliders, but what else can I use? Because I really want the pink version to be adjustable too. Should I just do buttons?

>> No.8169012

I find doing buttons with varying lengths looks good, or doing elasticated straps with a ruffle over it?

>> No.8169013

I'll give the buttons a shot, thank you!

>> No.8169019

Kinda OT but don't know where else to ask where besides spoon flower can you get custom fabric printed with good reviews/experiences? I ask here after looking through google as lolitas have different standards of quality compared to joeblow momsies.

>> No.8169043

you could try asking in the spoon flower thread if you don't get an answer here >>8162276

>> No.8169061

Thanks anon didn't even see that thread

>> No.8169083

it's cool! it was like right at the bottom of the catalog

>> No.8169140
File: 130 KB, 513x691, jsk8d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, add elastic shirring from just under your bust to where your bodice ends like pictured. If your bodice is lined then you can make the shirring channels with the lining and main fabric. If not then either add a interior panel or sew ribbon channels inside for the shirring.

Stylistically I'd suggest removing the shoulder ruffles which are almost never flattering and maybe changing the neckline up a bit. Maybe making it a sweetheart or slightly rounded.

Also if you have good quality black ribbon adding stripe and bow details will really make the black in print pop more. If you have thin ribbon add stripes to the ruffle, the neckline of the bodice and to the straps. If thick then add a strip of it along the bottom of the skirt where the ruffle meets and then add well made bows accenting this strip (maybe two?) and down the front of the bodice.

>> No.8169145

Also if you are new to lolita I'd strongly suggest not doing the bonnet now and sticking to a basic headbow!

>> No.8169152
File: 54 KB, 300x300, Sateen_Drape_thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was so tempted to buy some of these prints but heard bad things about spoonflower

If you want a good print from Spoonflower you have to do 3 things.

1. Little to no dark colors in the design.
Having a little is ok, because it contrast with the lighter part of the design so it looks darker than it is.

2. Choose nicer fabric.
The quilting cotton is going to look like crap. Do not be cheap trying to save yourself $15. Go for the cotton poplin at a minimum. The Silky Faille and Cotton Sateen are the best bets.

3. Be prepared to dryclean or spot wash only.
You can try gentle handwash too but be prepared to safeguard your fabric by not letting it near the harsh agitation of a washing machine or water.

>> No.8169218

I don't understand what you mean by "too far down" but yea, I see the weird unevenness. I think I can adjust it better once the bodice is fixed and it will straighten itself out with more poof.
Oh I really needed some inspo for details! I can do ribbon channels but I will probably need white thread then. I might be able to scrounge some up in the end. I will probably take up the idea of turning the neckline into a sweetheart, but without the ruffles on the straps I feel the bottom ruffle looks too heavy. Also the reason why I wanted to make a bonnet. Though I guess I should have mentioned I was hoping for a half bonnet like in the waist-tie tutorials listed on fyealolita. I've only been in the fashion since June, (which I just realized is almost a year now), whats the problem with new Lolita's and bonnets? Is there high chance for a big glaring mistake?

>> No.8169410

Thanks anon very helpful!

>> No.8169765

I meant too far down on your seam allowance but I guess that still sounds kinda weird haha
I think oher anon is talk about how tricky they are to co ord with out being tacky, and honestly there's so little ways to co ord one with such a simple dress like you've made with out it being ita or at least looking really off

>> No.8170043

damn I'm being shit at typing and words

>> No.8170356

Its just that I really really don't want to do a headbow with this. any other alternatives? I was also thinking maybe a pillbox hat, I don't know. I guess that I have it in my head that a big honking alice bow would be the hairpiece to need a more fleshed out outfit. If it really is the way to go and I'm just not visualizing correctly, I can get over this hang up in time.

>> No.8170371

Eh, I think I'm going to nix the pillbox hat idea, it might have worked before I added the ruffles on the straps but not now.

>> No.8170376

Best looking thing ITT, straps are shit and the neckline looks like it may be a bit too boxy, but otherwise it's cute and fits the aesthetic design wise perfectly fine.

Would buy if above were tweaked and the construction/sewing were good.

>> No.8170379

Did you read what she wrote? She specifically said the straps were requested by the person who wanted the dress.

>> No.8170460

Props for putting all that effort into giving really sound advice!

>> No.8170703

Not all headbows are massive alice bows, one larger but still flat laying bow + smaller black bows and some extras like a pearl string would simple but not boring

>> No.8170824
File: 283 KB, 662x1026, Sketch91212624-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a quick shitty doodle to show what I meant

>> No.8170828
File: 325 KB, 1705x1130, IMG_20150309_171722~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay sorry it took a while to get back to you. Here are two sketches for details with both thin and thick ribbon. If you have both well mix and match or even do all of it. If you have lace to well wonderful! add it first to the neckline.

Also pictured is a head piece option of a double side bow. If you make the bows removable from the headband (mount them on pinbacks or safety pins) you can wear them on the dress or in your hair with bobby pins.

Another really cute option would be wearing a black beret decorated with a bow made from the newsprint fabric.

But yeah I'd still suggest losing the shoulder ruffles, it looks unbalanced.

>> No.8171548

Thanks for the doodle! I really was having a hard time getting the concept. I do have some thick ribbon this could work with and a string of black plastic bead. this could be really cute! and man, you make the ruffles look real cute. I guess my strap to ruffle ratio is off.
I do have both thick and thin! but I have a more ample amount of the thin satin one like what I used in my picture to try to keep that sham of a bodice together. I like the side bow idea, it gives me some coordination options. And wouldn't you know I just got a black beret in the mail (ordered before lent, promise) and I really wanted to spruce it up but didn't even think of trying it with this dress. Ok, I think I will remove the ruffles then. And no, I don't have any lace but I would love to do that for a future dress.
Thank you for all your help seagulls! This has been super invaluable.

>> No.8171611

also! would the bow look best propped on the brim or flat on the face of the beret?

>> No.8171618

Not the anon you did this for but thanks for going the extra mile to help someone else out. Stuff like this really improved the quality of this board.

>> No.8172447

It's also incredibly honest which may be harsh but at least you know what's wrong without all the asspats and pissfarting around.

>> No.8172525

you're welcome, black beads would totally look so cute! aw thank's for calling them cute, I think yours are just the teensiest bit on the large size? I feel like if you wear t with something with a puffed sleeve and wide peter pan collar you'll look much better because it'll all be in proportion!

>> No.8172603 [DELETED] 
File: 482 KB, 2464x3488, Prop sword sketch explanation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting a new project this summer and now I've done the first sketch of it. (sorry it's a bit faded.) It's a steampunk gunsword that I designed based on few pictures and I would really appreciate your opinion on it.

Is the design good?
How Thick should I make the sword so that it wont break? (It's made from wood and the pipes are gonna be copper or something similar)
Is the length good? (I like it big)

If someone with artistic talent would want to help me by recreating the image with better outlines, I would highly appreciate it.
I'm planning to include everyone name, who has helped me with this. :)

First time poster, so if I didn't include something important, let me know.

>> No.8172626

Lol this is handmade lolita not handmade general. You'll have better luck in a different thread

>> No.8172647

Sorry, this was the first thread i saw that included crafting and thought it meant all kinds of crafting :/

>> No.8174785

What are my options as far as buying lolitable prints?
I know people have been talking in here about spoonflower, but are there better alternatives, not just for better custom printing services (like FabricOnDemand which the general consensus seems to be "I heard it's better but I've never tried it myself"), but any store where you can find lolita prints. I imagine there might be some kind of an online store that specializes in lolita textiles or something like that, which might have better quality than a custom printing shop?

>> No.8174804

You can find a lot of different things on etsy. Searching "lolita fabric" will do the trick, but sweet rococo fabric and pico beagle Shimagraphic. Sometimes you can reverse image search and find the fabric cheaper elsewhere

>> No.8174810

If I go through etsy, is there a rule of thumb as far as judging fabric quality? I don't want to shell over cash for fabric that ends up being nothing more than poorly printed quilter's cotton.

>> No.8174843

Taobao, etsy, and sometimes ebay are options. If you have a friend in Japan or someone in your comm living in Japan, don't be afraid to ask if they might ever check fabric stores there for something. Also, there are a number of fabric destashing groups on facebook nowadays. You often have to sift through a lot of normalfag fabric but I've found quite a few gems for very reasonable prices, sometimes from people who I didn't realize were other lolitas! The nice thing about those facebook groups is that the majority of the sellers on there care a great deal about quality and designer fabrics. I honestly didn't realize there could be such snobbery about cotton wovens and printed knits until joining these groups! It can also help to just check out some well-known fabric designers. I know Amy Butler has some pretty florals, Tula occasionally has lolita-appropriate prints, Annie Sloan has some interesting florals right now but is typically best for classic, though I think her fabrics may be heavier for upholstery? Kokka and Cosmo textiles are Japanese brands that are imported and have cute prints. Sift through fabric.com, moodfabrics.com, fabricworm.com etc.
You have to search a bit, but you're bound to find something you like.

>> No.8174847

Thanks for all of those resources!
What's a "reasonable price" for lolita textiles in your opinion?

>> No.8174851

Fabric.com has gone to shit lately with service and customer service would avoid until that changes

>> No.8174864
File: 860 KB, 1840x3264, star map fabric (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought this fabric on a whim. It's a bit darker in person, so the print looks more subtle. I love sky/star prints but thought it would be nice to go in a different direction than some of the recent brand releases. I want to go for a slight steampunk astronomer look with the accessories. Need to find some trims before I can finalize the design though, since I bought the whole bolt but it's not quite enough for a long enough skirt. (Making a jsk)
Opinions on the print? I'm a bit iffy about its appropriateness. If it seems wrong for lolita when I'm done I'll just wear it as a normalfag dress, nbd.

>> No.8174866

Everything you're going to find for the most part will be quilters cotton. I've yet to have a bad run in with a smudged print or running colors. So just have faith I guess

For lolita specific prints close to $15 a yard is about right. Not much more than that. I'll do like $17 if I really love the print.

Fabric pictured is a nice quilters cotton for 5.50 per 50 cm. comes to about $11 per yard before shipping, shipping from Japan is expensive so it's coming in at about $13 ish per yard. Did a screen shot so you'd have the sellers name, she's got a lot of stuff that's good for lolita. I generally buy 250 cm for a jsk. I try and keep it under $50 for the total cut of fabric.

>> No.8174867

Thank you for letting me know, I haven't bought from them in a long time so I was unaware.

You can pay anywhere from $10/yard-$30/yard new and without coupons or sales. I'm never surprised to spend $60 or so just on fabric for a dress, the total cost can jump up to $100 if you include laces, ribbons, contrast fabrics, linings, etc. Again, that's without using coupons or shopping on sales.

>> No.8174869

Where the fuck did you find that tell me right now.

>> No.8174871


You can look for these specific Japanese fabric makers:
- Yuwa (they have a lot of stuff; try searching for " yuwa macaron" fabric, if you find one seller they often have other Yuwa stuff
- Kayo Horaguchi
- Harajuku Dolls
- for Quiltgate fabrics, try shabbyfabrics.com, they're kinda hard to search for.

These *are* quilting cotton, but at least they're a decent quality quilting cotton.
If you want something soft your only option might be Spoonflower's silky faille.

>> No.8174874
File: 226 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropprd pic like a newb.

>> No.8174876

You bought a whole bolt but it isn't enough?
As far as my opinion goes, I think it's okay, but I do wish they weren't overlapping in such a funny way. It makes it look cheaper.

>> No.8174882

so is quilter's cotton standard quality for lolita dresses? I'm kind of surprised... in the cosplay community quilter's cotton is really looked down on as like, what the fuck are you doing level horrible quality. It's not that I want it to be silky shiny smooth, but I want it to have a reasonable thread count and drape nicely.

>> No.8174888

There was only about 2 yards 10 inches left on the bolt, it wasn't full. Idk if any more will be coming in though since about half of the novelty prints have just gone to red tag, and this one isn't on the website now.
I feel you about the overlapping. I think when the skirt is all gathered up it will change how the print looks overall, hopefully it'll be a little less... circley.

>> No.8174892

No, quilters cotton is generally looked down upon in Lolita, just like it is in cosplay

>> No.8174896

And yet multiple people are suggesting quilter's cotton to me? Are there no high quality lolita textilers?

>> No.8174898

What kind of fabric is recommended? Would cotton-rich bottomweights be alright? I've thought of using linen too but I'm worried it would wrinkle like a bitch

>> No.8174903


Well you get high quality heavier materials or you get lolita specific prints that happen to be quilters cotton. You don't get both because both essentially doesn't exist.

>> No.8174906

So the answer is no high quality lolita prints exist? I'm just finding that kind of hard to believe... I don't want to settle for generic floral and solid prints, but I also don't want to settle for flimsy easily wrinkled and shitty looking fabric either. What do respected hand-made lolitas do? I can't imagine anyone using quilter's cotton is respected, no matter how cute the print is.

>> No.8174908

Here's the thing - quilter's cotton IS generally looked down upon, because when beginners are told to go get cotton, they go to the cheap section of Joann and grab the thin, solid-colored cotton that has a terrible texture, an uneven weave, and a terrible tendency to wrinkle. Unfortunately, even the printed cottons at Joann (and any other sewing chain store such as Hobby Lobby and even Hancock) tend to be thin and cheap, as well, and the vast majority of prints are unsuitable for lolita. Because of this, people shy away from using quilting cotton.
However, TECHNICALLY the higher quality cottons that designers put out and that brands use can be lumped in with quilting cotton, but when it comes to the sewing community, we shy away from calling them that because we don't want those fabrics associated with poor quality. So you'll often times see them called cotton wovens, lightweight canvas, etc. Broadcloth, twill, cotton sateen, and the like are all acceptable fabrics.
Keep in mind that Japanese fabrics are held to a much, much higher standard of quality as well, so when you buy fabric from a Japanese brand, even if it's listed as quilting cotton, you're going to end up with a nice thick fabric that has an even weave.

tl;dr quilting cotton doesn't have to be cheap, we just tell beginners not to use it because they don't know how to discern between crap and quality.

>> No.8174913


Well when you find the magical ultra high quality non quilters cotton lolita specific prints will you please let the rest of us in on the secret?

Also listen to this poster.

>> No.8174917

Any other etsys lije her you know off the top of your head anon?

>> No.8174920

Ohhh I understand. Thanks for this explanation. So if it's one of the fabric makers that >>8174871
Mentioned, it's probably ok quality, and beyond that it's just a mix between common sense and buying samples before buying the 3-5 yards a full dress will require?

To be fair, I wasn't looking for "ultra high quality", just something that doesn't look like shit. I'm not used to quilter's cotton being used in anything other than a derogatory way, so when I heard quilter's cotton I assumed it looks terrible, rather than just ok.

>> No.8174921

Fucking mobile

>> No.8174938

This shop is full of great Japanese fabrics including a lot of cute border prints meant for lolita.

>> No.8174941


First topic, the existence of a "market of fabric for lolitas who sew". Most lolitas buy their clothes, the number of girls who sew are outnumbered by the number of girls who don't. So it's not a big market to begin with. On top of that, a lot of girls who sew do it as beginner's projects (the patterns are not difficult), or girls who can't afford burando. So the market for "high-end lolita-specific printed fabric" is virtually non-existent at all, hence why it doesn't exist. Quilting cotton is a compromise that reaches a bigger market than just "lolitas who sew"

If you really hate the idea of using quilting cotton, you'll have to give up the cutesy border prints. You can still make lolita dresses out of silk or chiffon or whatever you can find, just make a solid-coloured dresss instead. You can also look for printed silk or chiffon or whatever, then work your designs around it.

Second, the topic of quilting cotton being low end. Quilting cotton actually varies a lot. I've received fabric that's thick but pilled after one wash. I've received fabric with such low threadcounts it's almost see-through. I've also received nice fabric that's held up after multiple washes. Hence I recommended the Japanese brands, those are a pretty decent middling quality to work with and have very nice prints. No, it's not the best, but since the best doesn't exist, it's just good enough to work with. Your sewing skills aside, it's not going to look like shit.

And to answer your other question. Most of the respected seamstresses work with all kinds of fabric, sometimes the draw is that they somehow managed to find a printed non-quilting cotton fabric that works perfectly for lolita. Sometimes the draw is that they used a non lolita fabric in such a way to make a nice dress. Sometimes they just do good, solid work with good quality quilting cotton.

>> No.8174951

Someone said Shimagraphic already, Sweet rococo fabrics, fragments and pieces has a few gems, beautifulwork has less selection but has better shipping prices than Shimagraphic. You really will get decent results just by searching "lolita fabric" on etsy.

>> No.8174952

Thanks so much!
Can never seem to find exactly what I am looking for in fabrics on etsy

>> No.8174963

This, this, and this.
You can make some gorgeous dresses with solid colors or somewhat generic prints, I think the only thing that might be out of reach would be OTT sweet.

The biggest piece of advice I give to pretty much any person looking to start sewing seriously in lolita is to use a variety of materials. If you want quality or at least something that doesn't look super plain, you're going to need a lot of different materials, even for the most basic dress. Several kinds of lace, the shell fabric, lining, ribbons, interfacing, and that's for the most simple of dresses. I encourage people looking to step up their game to make a dress involving three or more different kinds of fabrics, such as a floral dress with chiffon ruffles, sateen bows, dot tulle or organza overlays, etc, and to see the quality and aesthetics of their dresses skyrocket. That's not to say you can't make an absolutely gorgeous dress with only one or two fabrics, though.

>> No.8174969

Thank you so much!
Maybe I had some filters active accidently but my first search didn't yeild a lot of fabric vs RTW pieces

>> No.8174971

So basically what I'm hearing is, if you're paying off-brand prices for fabric, the highest level of quality you can expect your dresses to take is off-brand quality?
So if people are looking to hand-make lolita because they can't afford brand, even if they really can sew well it might be more worth it to just buy off brand dresses?

>> No.8174993

More or less. When it comes to lolita, you get what you pay for. That said, as long as you don't want prints and know how to be a coupon fiend, you can make a very nice dress from Joann fabrics for under $50. I'm happy to put together an example/price breakdown for anyone interested.

>> No.8175009
File: 1.84 MB, 1014x1234, Screen Shot 2015-03-10 at 8.27.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, that'll happen a lot. Make sure that your search is limited to the "craft supplies" section of etsy, you'll get way better yield.

<--- Also here's a random sample of some fabrics available. I just snagged a screen shot of part of my favorites album, if anyone wants to see what's out there. There's a surprising amount of border prints out there if you look hard enough.

>> No.8175025

I'm in love with that pancake print but it looks like the print spans the entire 42' width so I wouldn't have the print on the entire skirt... I'm debating if I could cut the bodice just so, so that the drips would be along the top of the bodice.

>> No.8175027
File: 199 KB, 1350x900, nJ9F6f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved this. The girl who made it is so talented.

>> No.8175030

Does anyone have any inspo pix for well made homemade gothic pieces?

>> No.8175038

Just wanna throw my hat into the ring and say that Joanns has a section of "Premium/Designer" quilting cotton prints that are a bit more expensive and much nicer quality. (Softer, some have a slight sheen, thicker/not see through)

>> No.8175042
File: 169 KB, 1350x900, yrGDm4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8175044

I hate seeing a beautiful dress and scrolling down to see atrocious trim.

>> No.8175045

> tfw you find a fabric that makes you want to wear colors you would never imagine wearing

>> No.8175046
File: 51 KB, 540x427, tumblr_nkkvs1apma1rae0vvo2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8175049

Haha yes this

>> No.8175051

I agree that these are really well made, esp >>8175027, though I could nitpick the dupioni being sideways but that's just my own personal thing, but >>8175042 yeesh...there's a place for pompoms and it isn't there.

>> No.8175060

> mfw I like the trim

>> No.8175067

I guess they could be smaller or something, but I like it too

>> No.8175072
File: 960 KB, 260x146, g4p2f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8175073

Hate pompoms in general probably based

A lot of these fabrics are more classic or sweet any gothic recs?

>> No.8175090

I am flipping my shit over how gorgeous some of these Japanese print fabrics are.

>> No.8175098

So when buying online, how can total fabric newbs determine quality? I get that many fabric sellers offer sample swatches, but how about sellers who only have a certain quantity of xyz print on a facebook resale group? Just a crapshoot? There's really no way to tell how nice the fabric is from just a photo, is there?

>> No.8175099

Educate yourself about textiles

>> No.8175106

If they're mentioning that the fabric is by a designer, you can look up that designer, google will be your friend. Otherwise, ask the seller for closeup shots and a more specific description. Generally, people will be honest. In the larger sales groups, fabric goes super quick so sellers are not going to lie in order to get a sale. The more time you spend handling fabrics of various qualities and inspecting them, the easier it will be to tell just by looking. That's not to say that even experienced people can always tell. If you end up with something you don't like the weight of, just sell it. There is bound to be someone less picky out there, especially someone not sewing for lolita.

>> No.8175200


You missed the part about making non print dresses. You CAN make very gorgeous dresses out of highest quality (real) silk and chantilly or (real) alencon lace, and it will be better than brand, which only goes up to art silk and cotton or tulle lace. Whether or not it's actuallly cheaper than brand is another story altogether, the high-end stuff doesn't come cheap either.

The only problem is border prints. The ones good for lolita only come on quilting fabric (for now).

So the basic trade-off is having to choose between cutesy border prints on quilting cotton, or going with non print but being able to make it from any material you can find.

>> No.8175424

I'm starting on an old school style country lolita OP for a meet next weekend.

It's my first time trying to sew an OP since my last attempt a few years ago failed miserably and dashed my confidence.

It's going to be light blue gingham with a square neck line, ties on the sides, pink velvet ribbon detailing and a felt applique on the skirt.

I have no idea what to do for the head piece though since I haven't got an straw hats.

Wish me luck

>> No.8175812

For some reason I wasn't finding a straight answer on google...
For a basic gathered lolita skirt, how many times your waist measurement should you cut for the skirt? 3? 4?

>> No.8175828

it should be 3-4 yards at the hem. gathered to a waist band

>> No.8175830

Hmm I guess I should just go ahead and buy 4 yds then to be on the safe side.

>> No.8175832

remember that you don't need 4 yards to make a 4 yard skirt, especially if you only have a 23 in skirt.

>> No.8175836

Unless if it's a border print with different borders on either end of the bolt (Which in my case it sadly is)

>> No.8175837

basically I'm telling you to make a fucking pattern first and test it so your don't waste time and money. none of that yumi king shit.

>> No.8175838

I usually buy 3 yards for a jsk, and cut the bodice out and any fabric embellishments such as bows, and then use all remaining fabric for the skirt, and I've never run out or had my skirt not be full enough. You should buy 4 if you're doing a ruffle alone the hem or if you're plus sized you'll need more skirt material for the dress to seem full enough.

>> No.8175842

I don't know why I would need to use a pattern for a basic gathered rectangle skirt?? No idea what yumi king is.

Thanks! I'm working with a 26" waist and I'm short so 3yds might be enough, but since it's my first time making this kind of dress I might get an extra yard just to be on the safe side.

>> No.8175845

Thank you for the advice anon, you sound very sweet. I already removed the ruffle on the advice of another anon but will definitely use what you said for a future dress

>> No.8175850

>hem/seam allowance already added
>even edges
>tested (by you)

it makes the process so much easier than trying to mark your pattern of the fabric as you go.

>> No.8175851

This sounds like it's going to be a complete anxiety inducing nightmare, at the least do a muslin first.

>> No.8175854


make a muslin. and why the fuck are you giving yourself so little time?

>> No.8175893

The pattern is literally a rectangle.....

>> No.8175908

Pleated skirt is waist measurement though... Unless you're like making it fitted along the hips.

>> No.8175909

my only peeve about this is using white elastic... it stands out way to much for my taste. The ground of the print is black so I find it very distracting. otherwise nice job :)

>> No.8175938

I don't see any white elastic...

>> No.8175956

I think anon is referring to the shirring.

>> No.8175978

have you not seen the shitty rectangle skirts?

>> No.8175981

Nope... I'm guessing that the shitty rectangle skirts are just not ruffled enough or maybe they were sloppy with their seams or something... But I don't think any of that would be fixed with a pattern. That's just basic attention to detail.

>> No.8175995

friends, i'm fucked.

had to do some 'creative project' for my school in six months' time. i was planning on doing a full lolita outfit - jsk, petti, bloomers, the works. the project is due in three weeks, i found out that pettis are actually hard to make (fucking who would've guessed, right?), my jsk pattern has thoroughly been torn apart by all of my relatives who know anything about sewing, and i have no fucking fabric (i wanted to get slightly magenta red cotton (since this country seems to not believe in prints), guess if they sell any around me).
can anyone please direct me towards an online pattern for a fairly simple jsk that my relatives will fucking shut up over, and that I can finish within 2 weeks

>original pattern

>> No.8176023
File: 122 KB, 735x960, 10954557_10153211431376869_7837813088907920596_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no wonder. that's a shit pattern.
here. if the bodice is too hard to draft, go find a sleeveless dress pattern with princess seams.

>> No.8176025

It's been torn apart by your relatives because they know what they're talking about, it's a fucking terrible pattern, like I can't even begin to imagine what made you think this was a good idea. Get a real pattern, go to Mccall's website and take a look or look around on etsy, it's not that hard. You probly won't finish in 2 weeks but make a muslin if you don't know what you're doing. And stop being a stubborn bitch to your relatives, you could learn a lot from them.

>> No.8176034

yes the shirring elastic.

>> No.8176037

What I understood was that the person wanted straps. They didn't specifically ask for shitty bra straps though.

>> No.8176040

You deserve to get a shit grade for waiting until the last minute to take on a project you know nothing about.
It's a shame because in 6 months (or even like 2) you could have learned a lot and ended up with a decent product.

>> No.8176062

i'm fucking aware it's a shit pattern, i'm not trying to make a miracle happen. i'm a fairly shit seamstress and i was fully aware i'd probably not dare to show this shit out anywhere. my original plan was just to 'learn sewing', but the teacher fucking insisted i needed to research something. i was fucking aware it's not going to make anything
thanks for the pattern though

i have actually learned a lot - why i'm so behind with the practical part is i've only just gotten access to a fucking working sewing machine again. sometimes it's not just 'op is a lazy shit'

>> No.8176063

op isn't a lazy shit but op might be a tard. sentence was meant to end 'not going to make anything that looks even remotely nice/wearable outside'

>> No.8176071

This is an IB project, isn't it.

Anyway, stop it with the excuses. If you know you're not good enough to be flawless, then make time to accommodate your mistakes. You messed up, admit it, move on. I suggest simplifying your project, because your noob skills aren't going to get the dress done within 2 weeks. Just make an OP with some nice cotton. Get your relatives to help you with the patterning. You can check /cgl/'s archives for Otome no Sewing patterns, which are in Japanese but someone with relative sewing experience can figure them out (they'll give you an idea of what a lolita dress pattern looks like).

>> No.8176085
File: 126 KB, 500x281, 1420057791835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay in your lane

>> No.8176095

ehyeah, 'practice' for the actual PP, meaning that doing this one subpar won't fuck up my life yet.
i've already given up on the petti and bloomers for now, i'll just go for the skirt. i have all the otome no sewing patterns floating somewhere on dropbox but i never managed to figure them out. guess i'll suck it up and go for it. i have made a dress before but with a lot of guidance (read: my grandmother for some reason decided to make most of it). more learning experiences and risk-taking, hurray. :^)
thanks for the actual serious reply though

>> No.8176133

It depends how big your petti is too. Measure around it and make sure your hem is at least a bit bigger, or you'll look overstuffed.

>> No.8176172

sorry, that was meant for >8168875

>> No.8176199

Bottom right isn't so bad. The other things would at least be saleable if she'd bothered to iron them. Right now it looks like they've never been washed.

>> No.8176203

This is so cute <3

>> No.8176234

I see a lot of bad cosplay/bad homemade lolita that looks like they never washed their fabric. It absolutely disgusts me because I work in a fabric store- that shit is filthy. Fabric ends up on the ground all the time and the floor is never clean. It's also drenched in formaldehyde. Prewash your shit! It will look less stiff and awful too.

>> No.8176258

I'm not going to bother quoting everyone in that rectangle skirt discussion, but you really don't need a pattern to make a rectangle skirt...especially if it's only going to be elastic waisted. Yes, you should make a muslin to ensure you have the correct amount of poof to the skirt, but you really don't need a pattern. You literally just start with the length plus an inch or so for the seam, add slightly more than twice the width of your elastic to the top, and add an inch to the bottom for the hem. As long as you do your math right, and either cut your fabric straight or just using the tearing method, you'll end up with exactly the skirt you need.I don't see where a pattern would be needed?

>> No.8176262

the person asked for adjustable straps and apparently OP couldn't think of any other method at the time. Read the damn thread, they're going to try buttons next time.

>> No.8176286
File: 570 KB, 500x281, cucat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have some sort of page anon? I'd love to see more of your work.

>> No.8176319

>pettis are actually hard to make

No they're not. You're just a shit seamstress apparently.

A JSK is fairly simple, and there are good patterns literally everywhere. You're an idiot for procrastinating this much in the first place. You could have gotten a functioning machine for under $100 that would have worked fine, and fabric is everywhere on the internet. You obviously haven't put anywhere near enough effort into this project and you deserve whatever shitty grade you get.

>> No.8176337

Read my post again, that's what I was saying.

>they're going to try buttons next time
I know, because I'm the same anon that brought up that convo.

>> No.8176422

You're right, but to be fair under $100 doesn't really equate to "affordabe". This anon sounds like a student (AKA it's likely they don't have a job or if they do have a job any real expendable cash) and it also doesn't sound like sewing is something they plan on doing a lot of.
Given that, even $50 would be ridiculous to drop on something you'll only be using once for a school project.
That being said, left without a machine for that long I'd just start hand sewing.

>> No.8176473

um, that's the proper direction for dupioni slubs.....they run across the grain (width) of the fabric, not along it. i've never seen anything to the contrary, and i work with a lot of dupioni.

>> No.8176483

If part of the reason you don't want to throw it away is because you feel like you're being "wasteful" (which is my biggest barrier when it comes to getting rid of things I don't need) you can always use the old fabric to make a mock up of something new that you want to try out making but aren't sure of the details of how you're going to do it yet.

>> No.8176566

I'm fast at sewing and I don't have a job to go to so I have all day to work on it. My only problem so far is finding a pattern that will work for it.

But if it isn't finished by next weekend (as in not this coming weekend but the one after) I figure it's no big loss, I can still work on it and wear it some other time.

>> No.8176601

I've never worked with dupioni, so I didn't know that, but thank you anon :) It just seemed visually odd to me that it would go sideways instead of up and down. Why does it go sideways?

>> No.8176609

Tha'ts how the weave works to produce the slub is all. Slubs used to be a sign of low quality/poorly worked thread, but now it's a textural element that is put intentionally into the material. As such, it's easier to purposefully twist the crossgrain than the grain, because it's the shorter of the two and non-continuous.

You can technically cut fabrics cross grain safely, so the textural "stripe" can go up and down, but most people cut with patterns aligned on grain, so it comes out horizontal. Just google "dupioni jacket" and you'll see what I mean.

It can be neat to cut cross-grain for accepting portions (lapels, collars, cuffs), too. So long as you align your pattern properly, it doesn't make too much of a structural difference, just a visual one.

>> No.8176610

Accepting - accenting

>> No.8177008


Lief just released a series of gingham lolita stuff, mostly country-styled, if you need some inspiration

No strawhats in sight, instead, they went with white aprons, soft bonnets and twintail with hair bows to carry the country look.
(the cafe kachusha feels too much like cafe maid than country though)

>> No.8177699
File: 322 KB, 1097x1022, 2015-03-12 10.37.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of venturing into lolita sewing for the first time, and I'd like some advice on my first piece. I'd like to make a skirt using this kind of opaque maroon chiffon I have (I tried to take pics of the fabric but it wasn't happening, sorry).

Pic related is my attempt at a design (Excuse the fact that I absolutely can't draw), but I don't like it. It seems off.

Since it's my first attempt at lolita, I want to keep it simple and basic, and more on the casual side of things maybe, since casual seems to lend itself more to skirt coords? I'd love some serious concrit on the skirt design and also the coord in general (since I'm new to both sewing and wearing lolita)

Some other relevant information:
1. I'm an intermediate seamstress, I'm used to cosplay sewing, which I'm aware is an entirely different beast. I know my first piece is going to be a little flawed as a result, but I can only improve by trying, right?
2. I have a working sewing machine and a ruffler foot, which I think will make my life sewing lolita much easier.
3. I don't have an inordinate ammount of money to spend on any of this, but I'm ready to spend a lot of my weekend time on it... I know that the quality will suffer because of that, but that's ok with me. My aim is to look not horrible and have fun. I'll probably still splurge on high quality lace, but for the other materials (interfacing, fabric, shoes, accessories) I probably won't be treating myself all too often.

>> No.8177712

I'm not sure what has possessed you to think that gingham and velvet ribbon should go together...Gingham is such a light, summery, informal fabric, and velvet in any case is very fancy, heavy, and wintery. Also, bluexpink is sort of difficult to do well in my opinion, so proceed with caution.

>> No.8177728

oh also I just switched computers and noticed the colors are pretty inconsistent... the fabric I'll use is a dark maroon.

>> No.8177749


The birdcage looks a bit awkward, imo. Might work better as a necklace than hanging off the bow. I'm also not sure how the lace down the princess seams will interact with something as light as chiffon, might just get buried in the folds.

If you get lost designing lolita clothes, you could always take a look through lolibrary (you can search for chiffon skirts, for eg) and copy an existing design -- you'll be able to see how materials are used in lolita designs, and anticipate what your final product will look like, and it's easier to coord using an item that already exists, rather than one that doesn't yet exist.

Lolita clothes are constructed like normal clothing, just with more fabric and detailing. If you can sew everyday clothes for yourself, you'll be fine making lolita clothes.

>> No.8177756

Thanks! I'll take a look and see what I find.

If I took out the bird cage and the lace trim, do you think the skirt would be TOO plain, as it is?

>> No.8177801

n'aw you're so cute anon! I'm glad i was helpful in at least some way!

>> No.8177804

was for

>> No.8177808
File: 91 KB, 1024x767, P7080097[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a bit plain but serviceable, if you just want an easy project then it's okay to keep it simple.

If you can screenprint or paint on fabric you could try to paint a birdcage image onto the skirt (like pic), which would tie in nicely with the birdcage necklace you can make.

Alternatively, you can add some pearls or glass beads on top of the bows on the skirt, then use the same glass beads or pendants to make a necklace and (maybe) a matching bracelet.

You can also add a layer of white lace (to match your blouse) on top of the ruffle, along the bottom of the skirt.

>> No.8177813
File: 90 KB, 532x348, 1426121724581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is the right thread but could anybody tell me how to make this for my only friend

>> No.8177895
File: 24 KB, 752x1200, b1b5f32d103429fdd0f75e1b3faa1485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ohh I love that idea. I've never screenprinted before, but maybe I could get a friend's help. Something kind of like pic related in gold?
Also I love the idea of the white lace at the bottom. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.8177925
File: 448 KB, 960x720, PhotoGrid_1426190655412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'd love some feedback on this dress.
First, let me say that the dress is symmetrical on both sides and not hideously ill fitting like it looks on this POS mannequin. I spent ten minutes trying to strained it but I gave up.

Anyways, I know it's kind of crazy color-wise but I wanted to try something fun with that butterfly fabric. The mint cotton underneath comes exactly to where the ruffle starts to make it sort of obvious that it's layered fabric and not just a print. It's fully lined with an invisible side zip.

I've worn it a few times at conventions and I like it a lot. But since I only own one real Lolita dress I don't know if my taste is totally unappealing to more involved Lolitas.

I would love your thoughts about design of the dress and opinions about other fabric options if this is too bizarre.

>> No.8177938

as an unexperienced lolita myself, I like it but I think that the cutout back isn't very suited for lolita, and the top of the dress is a little undercoated. Something about the shape of the neckline is bothering me, and I feel like it could do with some extra lace or bows or something around the bodice. As it is, with so much floof at the bottom of the dress and nothing at the top it seems kind of unbalanced.

>> No.8177944

I'm an experienced anon and disagree that the back is not suited, it's totally fine and a cute detail,although it's not a 100% lolita piece it reminds me of AP's Meringue Tartan 3 Stage Frill JSK however I feel a squarer neckline would make it look less prom dress and more loli, or some lace on the neckline and bust itself to create some separation between the strap and bodice

>> No.8177947

just realised how arsey saying "as an experienced lolita" was, sorry if i sounded elitist haha

>> No.8177962

To clarify, I think it's cute too, but it doesn't scream lolita

>> No.8177967


Yeah something about the butterfly pattern just says prom dress/ 8th grade home coming to me.

>> No.8177987

Thanks guys! I'm deffinetly coming up with some ways to add more lace/bows and fixing the neckline.
I wanted to continue the overlay fabric idea but with less overt colors since I don't have access to quality prints and spoonflower fabric is poorly printed.

>> No.8178044
File: 400 KB, 472x720, dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think something like this would be cute. It needs more detail imo it looks a bit unfinished.

>> No.8178068

I love this anon. Thank you.
I'm thinking pintucks on the CF of the bodice with pink buttons like you have there would fancy up the front nicely. Not a huge fan of that style collar/neckline, but the contrast is lovely.

>> No.8178082

Where did you get this fabric?

>> No.8178144

Is this that flocked butterfly fabric from joann's?
I think it's pretty, but agree that it could use more details on the bodice. How are you coordinating it?

>> No.8178148

When you make jsks for yourself, do you usually use shirring? I know it's used a lot in premade lolita dresses, but if it's not something that needs to fit a variety of people, does the shirring really have a function?

>> No.8178179
File: 1.51 MB, 3264x2448, 1426201667338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's from Joanns.

Well the coord is the problem and why I don't have a pic of me wearing it to show on cgl. I don't own any brand except for one dress. I have some soft pink tights and an off-white ruffled blouse, both off brand, along with some brown boots (pic related). I have an Arda wig in light purply-grey and a pink butterfly connected to a green butterfly by pearls that I clip in lot it. For jewelry I wear anything that is a vintage brown and has pink elements in it.
I do my best with what I have and try really hard not to look ita

>> No.8178209

Shirring is nice for comfort, especially with bulky clothes underneath.

>> No.8178243
File: 32 KB, 432x301, rilakkuma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for opinions ... should I make a rilakkuma jsk or would it just look tacky/costumey.

>> No.8178251
File: 256 KB, 652x1000, 0003xsgx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's the Rilakkuma equivalent of this thing.

>> No.8178437

Followup question- is it necessary to have ribbon lacing over a shirring panel?
is there a specific name for the kind of lace made of a bunch of loops that's used for this?

>> No.8178474


Yes, originally I put it in so as not to have zippers (I'd rather roll around on a shirred panel than a hard zipper). Last year my weight has been yoyo-ing a bit so the shirred dresses are the only things that still fit me with each size change, so I'm pretty glad for the shirring.


No, ribbon lacing is not strictly necessary. I don't think there's a specific name for that kind of lace. I should warn you though that it's a weak way of adding ribbon lacing, the lace tears fairly easily. Much better to add ribbon loops and sew lace on top.

(I know, btssb does it with lace loops. I normally remove the ribbon lacing on those dresses)

>> No.8179028

Because the ribbon is a very light pink and also very thin in width I think it will be fine, also there is going to be a minimal amount of it, only weaving through the lace at the neckline and as an embellishment on the applique. So it won't look heavy.

I've been a lolita for over 10 years now so I have confidence that I can do blue x pink and make it work.

I appreciate your concern though!

>> No.8179030


>I've been a lolita for over 10 years now so I have confidence that I can do blue x pink and make it work.

It doesn't say much though, only that you've been in lolita for 10 years.

>> No.8179075
File: 667 KB, 2592x1456, 3788_original[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not OP, but I thought if it was something that looked like this it would be okay.

>> No.8179091

Yup! OP here and this is exactly the type of thing I'm going for. I actually own this dress in pink and got the idea for the applique from it.

Well I've never been posted on here in an ita thread so I'd think I've been doing fairly well for myself in regards to my fashion choices.

>> No.8179153

uh excuse me hello yes
I need the rest of this scan.
for reasons.

>> No.8179157

>only ten years
>"hah, newb"

lolitas, man...

>> No.8179180

Nice reading comprehension dude

>> No.8179223

I had no issue with the felt applique, I think that's cute. However I still feel quite set that the velvet is a bad choice. Can some other anon back me up here?

Also, plenty of people go on about how long they've been into lolita, and yet it's obvious that they still haven't mastered the fashion. Wonderfinch, anyone? Telling us you've been into lolita for ten years only says you have no other way of backing up your claims.

>> No.8179226
File: 19 KB, 410x513, beardress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be adorable anon! I'm a little biased because I'm fanatical about Rilakkuma but I would love it! I've always wanted to do something like pic related, but obviously more lolita.

>> No.8179230

They also make looped braided trim that holds up very well for shirring panels, but it can look off on less fancy dresses.

>> No.8179234

Faerydragonet//Nancy Lin says she's been into lolita for 15 years... lol

>> No.8179264
File: 127 KB, 980x980, ribbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nah, I think a low pile cotton velvet in a light color would look fine with gingham. Pic related would look great for with gingam for a country look

>> No.8179309

I'm not sure how else I can prove myself without exposing my identity on here? I have decent fashion choices both in and out of lolita and have never had any outfit or coordinate criticized publicly. But it's my word against yours I guess.

In the end the ribbon and the colors are my choice and don't affect anyone but me, so there's no need to get so worked up about it. I realize this is cgl and also concrit but some people seem to be getting too worked up over it.

This is exactly the type of velvet ribbon im using, and in an even lighter shape of pink than pictured. Thanks for backing me up on this!

>> No.8179313


Okay these are too cute now I HAVE to do it!

>> No.8179383

Lovely Horse Derpy-chan! Oh, it's been so long!

I bought some of this print back in the day, meaning to make a nautical dress like this one, but I never got around to it. This is so cute I just want to make stupid faces at my monitor.

>> No.8179724
File: 3.59 MB, 3208x4272, IMG_5002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-posting pic from last thread, looking for concrit on it while planning my next one ( I've got some nice fabric stamps and want to try them on a plain dress)

>> No.8179736

Sorry, that's the best scan I have of it. It's from a KERA MANIAX (vol. 3) from years ago and stupidly hard to find.

>> No.8179749

Asude from the waist tumes coming from the centre which looks weird as fuck its lovely and looks cleanly constructed

>> No.8179761


>> No.8179780

I just looked and all the deeply Chan fabric is still for sale on spoonflower. I think I need to order some. I really want to make at least a skirt.

>> No.8179787

Pardon. Derpy Chan. Not Deeply Chan.

>> No.8179795

This looks really nice, I'd like to see it worn. Only crit is that the lace on the bottom seem a little too gothic and ornate for plaid. Also the black border at the bottom is a little random. I think it would be more balanced if it wasn't so wide.

Overall though this is beautiful and looks really well constructed, well done!

>> No.8179852
File: 3.44 MB, 1964x3113, IMG_5057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks! I guess I can open it up and place the waist ties at the sides, it was mostly just an experiment.

thanks anon, I was trying to balance the black in the bodice but I see your point. It does look too wide now that I think of it.

This is how it looks like on my mannequin

>> No.8179858

Pettis aren't actually all that hard to make. If you can make a tiered skirt you should be able to sew a petti.

I mannaged to make one out of scrap tule (not the best fabric but its what i had and was just to practice) no pattern or anything mostly mannaged by eye.

>> No.8180113

What could I use as a pattern to make something like these?

>> No.8180134

That's actually my work! I used GosuRori patterns for both, though they are heavily modified/spliced.

>> No.8180402

So i started sewing my daughter and i some matching pieces. I don't want to post any photos until i finish anything, but I've been looking for inspiration. I know I've seen plenty of mother-daughter coords but i can't seem to find them anymore.

>> No.8180508

I look fucking atrocious in mint but lately I've been finding so many cute mint fabrics, laces and ribbons. I'm considering just making the damn dress and then seeing if I can pawn it off on someone in my comm.

>> No.8182134
File: 635 KB, 1352x2492, WP_20150314_030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, thank you all for your help. I took elements from what was offered, and though I didn't do as much embellishment as hoped, I was happy to have at least this much done for the event. And now I about have a new addition to wear on the daily! So Much appreciation, guys

>> No.8182266

I like to use shirring + corset lacing on dresses and high-waisted skirts that are very form-fitting in the waist, because my waist circumference fluctuates a lot during the day. I never use it for blouses or more floaty dresses, though.

>> No.8182292
File: 350 KB, 500x600, 08012204_53db9076b4d61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone sewn a cutsew from scratch? Properly, I mean, not modifying t-shirts. If so, any tips? I haven't really worked with jersey/knit before and want to make something kind of like pic related with chiffon sleeves.

>> No.8182392

Mixing the two fabric types on your first time with jersey will be tricky, obviously chiffon is slidy and jersey stretches so take it slow and try not to stretch your jersey fabric out of shape while trying to hold your chiffon in place

>> No.8183134

I agree with most of the other anons that this could use some more detail on the bodice (maybe white or pink buttons? or something?) but that aside, I really like the shape of this dress and the color scheme

>> No.8183141

You look cute!

>> No.8183148

I agree with >>8182392 that it may be hard to mix the two, I would suggest making a pair of exercise shorts , then a basic cutsew to get a good feel of jersey first. When you move on to the chiffon sleeves, try using wonderclips instead of a ton of pinning to keep the fabric in place so it doesn't get as distorted. Use a zizag stitch on jersey, and a serger if you have one. And always use a ballpoint needle. Make sure your machine is clean and your feed dogs are doing what they should, and when you guide the fabric through, do your best not to pull or push the fabric, just let it move through on its own.

>> No.8183244

Also using a teflon presser foot helps too, because the fabric won't pull as much. And use polyester thread for knits because it's stronger! I started out with ponte knits because it's a lot easier.

>> No.8184680

How do you attach the skirt to the bodice while hiding the seam? Right now, I just make the lined bodice and the lined skirt, then attach them normally and serge the seam, which is okay and it looks relatively neat, but I would love it if I could somehow sandwich them together or something. I thought about sandwiching the skirt portion between the shell and lining of the bodice and topstitching, but the one time I tried that it was a real bitch and wasn't as neat as i would have preferred. So wat do?

>> No.8184701
File: 265 KB, 700x525, waistbstitch2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The best and neatest finish I've had was to treat the whole bodice like a giant waistband, essentially I sewed the skirt lining and shell onto the bodice shell in one go. Then the bodice lining is attached to the bodice on the top. Then the bottom (waist) part of the bodice lining is folded under and pressed, then hand stitched it to the skirt, as if hand finishing a waistband.

>> No.8184709

That makes sense, I don't know why I didn't think to handstitch it! Thank you :)

>> No.8184728

Seeing it on the mannequin, I rather like the waist ties coming out of your princess seams! I'll admit that with your black mannequin, I thought at first that this was a skirt with straps, hah

>> No.8184754
File: 107 KB, 403x470, derpininth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been wanting to print the fabric and make a few for forever. I'm totally ok with the donation part of the whole thing, so my question is would people be interested in buying anything with derpy on it? I have my own stuff I make for profit, this wouldn't be one of those projects. I just think derpy is so fantastic and I personally want a dress of every print!

>> No.8184775
File: 169 KB, 667x1000, RILAKKUMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rin Rin wore this!

>> No.8189111

top kek

>> No.8189114

that'd be cute if it didn't have the huge black letters at the bottom

>> No.8190147
File: 247 KB, 809x417, bridesmaid dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been almost a year since my best friend's wedding, and We still have my bridesmaid dress just sitting there... doing nothing. It was 300 bucks, which is kinda expensive for a one time only dress to me, the set would only resell for 60 bucks (wtf), and I would just feel bad wasting the fabric. Since there's enough fabric in the skirt to possibly pleat and fit under a large petticoat, I thought about turning it into a formal lolita set. I don't know what to do about the bodice, so I'm open to ideas. The black in the image would be chiffon.

>> No.8190184

Julie/smileysquid made it

>> No.8190273
File: 345 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small snippet of the dress I've been working on for Saturday. Almost done just got two more things to go, probably will get them done today.

I'll post a picture up once it's completely finished.

>> No.8190322


Personally I think it's easier to just lop it off and hem it at the knees, then use it as a cocktail dress for like formal family gatherings, work events, cousin's wedding, etc. Seems like a lot of work to turn it into an actual lolita dress.

>> No.8190363

Think of it as... Fun?

>> No.8190382

Can you post a picture of the bodice? The type of sequins I'm imagining are the typical ones you find on normalfag gowns and I feel like they would look very tacky in lolita, especially paired with the modern kind of detailing the bodice seems to have. Sequins in general with lolita are...iffy to me, to say the least. Also, sequining the whole bottom of a skirt will be hell, take it from someone who has hand beaded small things before. Plan to spend many, many hours with a tambour hook and frame, or worse yet, a needle and thread.

I agree with >>8190322 in that it may be better to tone it down and use it for other events. Perhaps if you don't like the gown feel of having the skirt attached to the bodice, you could take it off and add a simple black chiffon skirt to make it slightly more casual for other events.
Then you could use the skirt to make a dress without sequins. Use the bottom portion for the skirt of the dress, and cut your bodice out of what's left of the top. I like the chiffon details you added, just not the sequins.

>> No.8190945

I can confirm that digital ones often aren't worth fixing, because often enough, you need to replace the whole main plate, even when it's just a little something that needs to be adjusted/repaired (like a fucking broken LED because they're soldered onto the main plate...) or it's getting really expensive to have an electronic specialist looking at it, because a lot of sewing shop owners don't have these qualifications and get an external expert to work on it.
And the price you're gonna have to pay for it getting repaired can equal the one for a new mechanical machine.

Mechanical ones are much often cheaper to fix than the more modern ones because of this.

I know all this from my dad who has been repairing sewing machines for around 40 years now.

>> No.8192134
File: 230 KB, 340x450, aa top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed to mention that it's not actually a dress. it's a top and bottom (with a jacket) Pic related is the top in question. I don't have access to the set right now in person, so I grabbed a stock photo off their site and changed to color to what mine is. Unfortunately, you can't really see the sequin work too well. it's in the shape of a snowflake, though.

if sequins aren't the way to go for the skirt, what could be added at the bottom to give it a bit more pop/decoration?

>> No.8192167

Forgot I had posted here so I'm late but thank you for the advice Anons.

>> No.8192302

That bridesmaid's dress satin is going to look really weird for lolita. I don't think there would be any way to avoid having it just look obviously like a butchered bridesmaid dress.

>> No.8192355

I'd want to at least try

>> No.8192398

Don't bother wrecking the dress. This is not going to look good. Make something that will suit the fabric, it doesn't need to be lolita specific to be pretty.

>> No.8196631
File: 267 KB, 960x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished in time for the meet (bar appliqué, I could have done it but I procrastinated too much)

Things I learned for next time:
>3m is too much for a skirt, stick to 2.5 next time
>Never work with velvet ribbon, it's a bitch to make into bows
>Get an invisible zip next time it will make things easier
>Never attempt to put waist ties in the seams again

Overall I'm happy with it though there's still improvements I can make to the pattern I drafted up. It was well received by everyone at the meet so im relieved!

>> No.8196774

It turned out very sweet looking, and I don't think it needs an applique at all. Good work!

>> No.8197221
File: 354 KB, 1280x1280, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lolita but I just finished an otome dress. What do you think /cgl/, aside from fatty chan status?

>> No.8197239

Design and construction look nice! Though maybe I'm biased but I hate fabric with tiny little patterns like that for clothing. Nobody can even tell what it is unless they're way up close and from further away it's so busy. Maybe that's just me being weird, though. If you like it then do your thing.

>> No.8197259

You should go full on design replica and make cupcake appliqué pockets!

>> No.8197424
File: 37 KB, 250x333, ap_op_sweetcakepocket_color1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes because it looks EXACTLY the same EXCEPT for the cupcake pockets.

Cause you know, it totally has a scalloped hem, scalloped detailing at the neck, a bow at the waist and lacing down the front of the bodice.

Nice try

>> No.8197951
File: 72 KB, 692x832, michael_so_kawaii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant no disrespect I recognize a gingham op does not a replica make. Still, I say cupcake pockets would look adorable on her dress. Though, may result in a more uncanny resemblance.

>> No.8198281
File: 275 KB, 537x640, knit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting lolita/loliable knitting patterns or inspo.

>> No.8198551
File: 2.89 MB, 1590x2829, 2015-03-22 19.18.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this print at my joannS. The name is sky map

>> No.8198611

Thank you! Also I do see where you're coming from. I don't mind small prints, but I do think larger prints (or border prints) look more otome, and I'll probably go in that direction the future.

This turned out really cute! I was concerned about the pink with the blue but it's really subtle. Also your waist ties/bows look adorable. You should add more pops of the baby pink in your next coord with it?

>> No.8198623

New thread at >>8198621

>> No.8198702

Not that anon, but she runs a shop called Star Lace Dreams on FB

>> No.8198755

That looks so cute, I love the colors. I might suggest a princess cut bodice just to flatter your torso better.

>> No.8198762

I worried a princess cut would be too fitted for otome? I'm still learning about the style though.

>> No.8198801
File: 452 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m6x5tbLAZd1rys4czo1_500_zps36935bda.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try not to self-promote lol but thank you anon. A lot of things are still in the works, so don't judge too hard please.

>> No.8199331

I was already a fan imagine that

>> No.8200838

I think you could make it work. I wanna see your attempt!