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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 86 KB, 960x715, 1504975_10153126225558784_6003194960594290629_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8148522 No.8148522 [Reply] [Original]

>I love the use of the hat with the dress but it would've worked better with more elegant accessories

>> No.8148544

A pair of heels would've helped this outfit enormously.

>> No.8148546

Agreed. She looks barefoot.

>> No.8148558

The hat is summer straw, I think the fancy/casual balance of the coord is good.

Nitpick: Bracelets look a bit cheap and hat brim needs steaming/shaping.

>> No.8148559

This girl is in my comm and daaaammmnnnnn I love that fucking hat

>> No.8148562

This makes me wonder if there's ever been a Louisville Derby lolita meet. Probably not, but damn that could be cute.

>> No.8148563
File: 63 KB, 720x731, FB_IMG_1424998747958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love everything about this except the fucking split wig.

>> No.8148564

Did she make it? I'd like to make something like this but I have not found a base hat that I like yet.

>> No.8148578

It would be fun to host a hat/headwear/bonnet focused private meet. I'd be tempted to drink Juleps, eat fancy little sammiches and screen Regency movies though, haha!

>> No.8148586

Lol but no seriously, that would be fun.

>> No.8148587

i'd like this a lot more without the wig, rosary, and bag. and maybe a blouse with fewer elastic bits on the sleeve (it looks chunky like this). Still cute though!

>> No.8148589
File: 177 KB, 150x134, racism.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.8148598

Yeah, she made the hat

>> No.8148599

I think the same thing about 3/4 of lolita outfits.

>> No.8148602

Very Kentucky Derby of you!

>> No.8149097

Why is that racist?

>> No.8149130

They were probably thinking that the hats and julips were referencing antebellum era fashion, even though they said regency (which is the same time, but refers to England). In reality the era of those hats and such is very late 1800 to 1920 Amercia.

>> No.8149188

Here you go anon, cheap and it comes in a bunch of colors: http://www.ebay.com/itm/251745259600?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&var=550671014196&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
I agree, I am done with flats in lolita

>> No.8149191

Thanks very much!

>> No.8149208

I wish her online personality was less irritating, though..

>> No.8149217

I once knew a lolita who wore flats 80% of the time and whipped out heels when pictures were taken at meets and stuff. Honestly I think it might have been less trouble to learn to not die in heels.

>> No.8149267
File: 34 KB, 600x454, 03a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find lolita heels really comfortable. If she never wore heels anywhere else maybe there's a learning curve there, but lolita heels are babby heels and not bad at all. Some of them look scary but they're really not.
>be scared of platform heels due to incidents
>buy some lolita platforms because they are cheap
>reluctant to wear them
>actually wear them and they are perfectly fine, don't even notice I'm wearing platforms

>> No.8149269

Why this lolita flat shoes hate all suddenly? They look fine. Only normalfag flats look shitty into lolita.

>> No.8149290

More backlash from the rejection of OTT Sweet maybe? Idk, I like both depending more on my mood and (more practically) what the activity level is going to be while wearing them.

>> No.8149294

I wish her eyes were more visible, the glasses and their placement are distracting. I don't think this is very pretty overall but I really like it a lot in my filthy old school slightly ita heart. 8/10 would wear as-is.

>> No.8149302

>too bad she's such a dull cunt

>> No.8149309

If someone is dull, they usually aren't a cunt. Don't you have to be a little bit naughty or sassy or exciting to really be considered a cunt?

>> No.8149313
File: 31 KB, 360x420, 17034002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lolita flats are usually clunky and inelegant, which is okay for some cutesy outfits and goth. But heels elongate the leg and makes for a lovely silhouette. Even in goth I prefer heels like meta's where there is a greater difference in the heel and platform. I feel like heels counteract the childishness of lolita and creates an interesting aesthetic dichotomy.

>> No.8149320

she goes so far out of her way to be cunty in all of her facebook posts, but it ends up being so trite and boring to read.

hence: a dull cunt.

>> No.8149351
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kek I actually know the difference between Regency and Antebellum, I was being sarcastic. Obviously mint juleps = Southern plantation barons = slavery = RACISM.

>> No.8149357

I think most of the tread agrees its the flats with the outfit. Its borderline hime gal, more elegant and less childish sweet, with a long leg line but then splat, flat round toe shoes. Cover up her flat foot and it looks much more cohesive.

IMHO, I think flat lolita shoes like tea parties shouldn't come in sizes over US8. After that they start to look like flippers when tall/big girls wear them with small(relative to their body) brand dresses. Just a pet peeve rant, just because you can put it on, doesn't mean it fits. Proportions.

>> No.8149362

I'm not a fan of flats with lolita in general, but they just look particularly wrong with this outfit. The dress and massive hat have a turn of the century vibe that would be complemented better by granny/can-can style boots or heels. Even a kitten heel would look better. Her feet just look naked compared to the rest of her. Plus those shoes are way too sweet and child-like for a more mature look like that.

>> No.8149375

As a size US10, I agree. I should not wear flat shoes with lolita. All that poof plus skis for feet is just too much. High heels 4evah

>> No.8149387
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>> No.8149389
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>> No.8149392

Eeeeee! My old school self is giddy.

>> No.8149406
File: 49 KB, 720x960, 10993391_949959415029081_1275477616498842701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can'y help but feel this is a poor imitation of >>8149389 despite there being nothing wrong with the coord per se, it's just not as good and very similar

>> No.8149417

see: >>8149396
I feel like those "edgelords" are actually seagulls that still think 4chan is some sort of exclusive club and try to show that they aren't like all of those "super sjw rufflechat and CoF whiteknights" by being assholes.

TBH I preferred this one. It reminds me of Wednesday Addams for some reason.

>> No.8149418
File: 459 KB, 384x288, cry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beautiful except for the purse. I can appreciate stuffed animal purses outside of sweet, but that panda looks like something you would find at goodwill. Everything else is great though. Gosh I love ringlet curls.

>> No.8149423

Dress name? It's gorgeous. Looks like mm or something? I particularly like the length.
Recs for similar ones would be nice too.

>> No.8149429

photo with dog > photo with no dog

>> No.8149436

Victorian Maiden classical doll in long, black. She mostly wears VM.

It's a really traditionnal, classic outfit though, no wonder why it looks similar.

>> No.8149446

I want everything on VM's site. Fuck it, I am going to get a part time job.

>> No.8149450

Good luck with the shopping service gallore, they don't sell overseas. Totally worth it imo.

>> No.8151765

Nitpick would be that the dress has black lace and the headpiece has white lace, but old-school is less matchy than modern lolita anyway. It reminds me of old street snaps.

>> No.8151862

The straw hat and non-lolita shoes and cheap-looking tights mean there is plenty to nitpick in this coords. Plus the yoke looks cheap - is this the Bodyline knockoff one.

>> No.8151867

Good luck getting a job in this economy. I've been looking for a part time job for three years and got nothing. At the moment I just get the odd bit of money from doing guided tours on university open days and occasional babysitting.

>> No.8151883

Does anyone know what dress this is? My Lolibrary efforts were futile.

>> No.8151884

Read the thread.

>> No.8152002

There needs to be more Southern Belle type coords.

>> No.8152060

Agreed. What are some other accessories that could work for this?

>> No.8152086

Big hats and large bonnets, certainly. Large flowers...

I think I'm noticing a trend here.

>> No.8152197

I was scared to wear RHS until I bought a pair and realised I could navigate that shit drunk.

>> No.8152225

Seriously. What is it with them? I guess the soft heel helps. My boyfriend is always worried I'm going to fall and doesn't understand it's not going to happen

>> No.8152294
File: 119 KB, 960x839, 10450837_1554330241491747_1519094368030246701_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seriously surprised this didn't get posted here yet.

>> No.8152317

The lace on the bodice is terrible...

>> No.8152620
File: 278 KB, 879x785, green dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Southern coords...

I sketched pic to be modeled after southern-styled dresses.

I've been tinkering with it, trying to find out what my real dream dress would be, but it's still not there. Something's off about it. Also, I'm not sure if the bodice should stay blank or what.

>> No.8152628

With what she had to work with she did pretty darn good. I hate the purse and pacman thing but it isn't anywhere near as bad as the original dress. >>8152620

>> No.8152796

Am i m the only one who got some bodyline small heels and my feet after a while like less than an hour hurt like a bitch?
I love OTT sweet but hey sweet with prints isn't always OTT and you can use also heels with childish AP prints, i did it.

>> No.8152805

I would do the same, i bought some loliable mary janes and switch to heeles bodyline in coordinates pics because i can't stand to walk for hours in heels.

>> No.8152808

I do this, but only because I have horrible ankles. I used to sprain them a lot as a kid, and even though I don't as often now that I'm an adult and exercise them properly, I still have the constant fear of spraining or breaking them when I wear heels to the point where I walk like an idiot in heels. However, I hate the way I look in pictures when I'm wearing flats, so whenever I go to a meet where there's going to be a lot of walking, I just tuck my heels away until it's picture time.

>> No.8152810

Is there a story behind this monstrosity?

>> No.8152827

heeled bodyline*

>> No.8153212

>I wanted to wear something offbrand, so I decided to be creative with one of the ancient eBay dresses I bought in my ita days

>> No.8153640

I fucking love RHS because they're so easy to walk in. I've jumped over shit and sprinted in mine, no problem. Everyone is so shocked when I'm not breaking my neck when I wear them.

>> No.8153646

but it's a happy berry bag!
Oh yes well I geek and I don't think it's that ugly honestly.

>> No.8154462
File: 67 KB, 540x960, 11046427_10152680000670756_7170010206952213804_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Is that her petticoat peeking out at the bottom?

>> No.8154463

Wow, looks like Kate if she gained 80 pounds.

>> No.8154464

>Wow, looks like Kate if she gained 80 pounds.
Cannot unsee

Also does the dress sit weird on her or does she just have an extremly unfortunate bodyshape?

>> No.8154471

The dress does sit weirdly. It's just her bodyshape. Being busty leads to bodices riding up. Also, she's obviously heavier than the Chinese lolitas the dress was made for, so her larger shoulders are going to compound this issue.

I wish girls would realize this. I have this issue too and have realized that sometime's you're going to have to alter things to make them work.

>> No.8154649

This is pretty cringeworthy

>> No.8154759

her arm looks so gross

>> No.8154764

omg it does.... hahahahahah XD

>> No.8154768
File: 675 KB, 480x287, 1421140189737.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything about this makes me want to scream. It's just. Awful.

The dress doesn't fit, petticoat is showing (and if that's an underskirt that's even worst because it's ugly), deflated petticoat, too short, ugly boots, horrible angle. Just >_<

>> No.8154778

This would be cute for a general dolly outfit

>> No.8154889

How many times do we have to go over this? Almost every brand has done a yoke dress like this at SOME point in their history. While the BL one is definitely capitalizing on the popularity of that style, it's hardly fair to call it a knockoff anymore than MM's is of VM or IW, or vice-versa.

>> No.8154893

Tokyo Rebel carries them. Not sure if they have an EU dealer though.

>> No.8155064
File: 218 KB, 1896x1263, 11002709_10204724713776037_4962591795306992597_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155072

they're already talking about it here >>8154400

>> No.8155078

Can we not? We just did this to death on the ita thread

>> No.8155079


>> No.8156074

Yeah but Bodyline's looks like a knockoff because rather than doing something cute in the same style, the material is cheap and the shape is awkward so it screams "like that brand dress only shit!"

Not even a salty brandwhore, I wear Bodyline myself, but their yoke dress looks like a shitty knockoff.

>> No.8156324
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>> No.8156335
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>> No.8156337
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>old school take on business casual


>> No.8156343

wtf is going on with her feet? looks like they're about to explode out of her shoes.

>> No.8156348

Reasonably cute for an old school coordinate except for the slightly not matching reds. Peeking underskirt kind of reminds me of an updated version of the peeking bloomers that used to be popular.

Okay, make up and headpiece could be slightly better but basically totally fine.

I don't think that bag matches, and I wouldn't wear this in a business casual environment ever (and I don't think her face shape suits that wig), but this is otherwise cute.

>> No.8156360

If by 'dolly' you mean some kind of fetish, sure. But as fashion it looks like shit. Rule #1 of any fashion should be to make sure that your clothes FIT.

>> No.8156369

They look like normal feet, anon

>> No.8156389
File: 163 KB, 1200x1600, FB_IMG_1425328908947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shirt is horrible....
I'd choose different shoes as well

>> No.8156400


Don't forget that goatee.

>> No.8156406

It's just her ankle jutting out because of the position of her feet.

>> No.8156495

IDGAF Every time I see this guy I think he's a total dreamboat.

>> No.8156551


>> No.8156574

congrats on having shit taste

>> No.8156605

I thought EGA wasn't allowed in CoF? Only Lolita and boystyle/ouji? Because I love Aristocrat, and that is definitely not youthful enough to be ouji.

>> No.8156788


doesn't this guy just have like three outfits he cycles through? he wears that bow with everything.

>> No.8156795

Saaaame. I think it's the hair. I don't even like long hair but damn

>> No.8157635

He has a lot more on tumblr. i think he just likes the bow.

>> No.8157638

but... i like the goatee....

>> No.8157643

aristo counts as boystyle

>> No.8157648
File: 54 KB, 570x364, clean-goat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I bet you do.

>> No.8157650

Then can women can do female EGA in CoF, too? I don't wanna post mine eventually and get attacked for it.

>> No.8157652

> -1 can

Don't drink and /cgl/.

>> No.8157678

these are fucking cute

>> No.8157709

A more-layered wig would help this girl a lot, with the layers curled under to give it a little more poof. I've got a thinner face as well and bobs that hit the chin tend to look soooo much better when they're taken a bit shorter and the top's given more volume.

>> No.8158825
File: 829 KB, 611x608, nebula_rumour_img_10009336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have caps to this thread?

>> No.8158830

I hope so. Aristo styles for everyone are closely tied to Lolita from way back.

>> No.8158836

where 2 cop a nice pair of granny boots without breaking the bank?

>> No.8158844

Oh man, did shit go down on it?

>> No.8158879

that's what I'm wondering because she wore it to a vegan protest and stood in front of a shop with a sign doing the whole MEAT IS MERDER thing

>> No.8158889

She added me on FB and I blocked her the day she added me. Her posts were INSANELY annoying and she never fucking shut up. It was like some new little vegan rant every 20mins to an hour. I couldn't take it, and that says a serious lot because I've been vegan for about three years now.

>> No.8158976

She's in my comm....known for being absolutely batshit crazy....
It sucks cause she's always trying to make everyone change meet up venues around her shit.

I will buy all the burando for the person who exposes her as the one who keeps making the AZ secrets. We all know it's her.

>> No.8158983

Good thing the internet knows her for being batshit crazy as well.

And being vegan is no reason to try and force venue changes. If you can't go out to any restaurant and know how to order to make a vegan meal, then you're not too great of a vegan. Even if the place has a set menu, it's easy to ask for alterations, and if that doesn't go, then just chill out, eat beforehand, and enjoy some tea or some shit. I'd never feel comfortable forcing everyone to center all their plans around me, it just isn't fair.

>> No.8159062

That's if the mods don't delete your post.

>> No.8159081

All I ever hear about this bitch is terrible shit. why is she still part of your comm if she's such a shit stirring drama whore?

>> No.8159202

I ask myself the same thing every time she shows her face to a meet....I think the AZ comm is too nice to actually go to the mods and ask for her to be kicked out.

I know I'm non-confrontational as fuck so I'd never be able to ask the mods myself. I just bitch and moan on the internet as an alternative.

>> No.8159204

Isn't she exploiting bats since they're in the print? That's not vegan.

>> No.8159262

I've definitely seen her lurking around in comments on BTB. God I wished I capped it before she deleted it, but she was posted for something GLW related, and she commented on it. Someone complimented her and she went into this whole "I believe everyone is beautiful please add me I'd love to be your best friend omg" thing. She's so fake it hurts.

>> No.8159279

>someone complimented her

suggesting that wasn't her same fagging. kek. but either way, she is unbearably fake.

>> No.8159287

Aren't the mods aware of all the issues? And aren't they all like "friends"? I don't understand the situation.

>> No.8159293 [DELETED] 

she was issued a warning because of this thread >>/cgl/thread/S7499258#p7506227 (worth 1,000 reads), but I haven't heard anything about it since because she ~hasn't done anything bannable~

>> No.8159296

she was issued a warning because of this thread >>/cgl/thread/S7499258 (worth 1,000 reads), but I haven't heard anything about it since because she ~hasn't done anything bannable~

>> No.8159302

I've read that. So ridiculous. But ya, I get the non-confrontational thing. So I guess I'll just bitch till she leaves/gets kicked too.

>> No.8159921

Thanks for the tip anon, I've noticed that bobs look like that on me too and it's good to know how to avoid it.

>> No.8159935


Militant vegans like her give the normal ones a bad name. For years I hated vegans and veggies thanks to bitches like this. Luckily I have met some sensible ones a while ago.

>> No.8159936
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>> No.8159939
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>> No.8159942
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>> No.8159944

The underskirt rustles my jimmies, but that's more of a personal pet peeve. She looks fine otherwise.

>> No.8159990

It's that loud-ass minority making us all look like nutjobs. It pisses me off so much; I'd never flaunt my diet as a fucking status like she does.

Underskirts aren't a peeve of mine, but the way hers is positioned looks really bad. It's like it needed to be pulled up in the back and whatever is under it isn't giving it a good shape.

This looks seriously great.

>> No.8160025

I agree. This is my least favorite trend ever (not the underskirt itself but those that are like 5 layers of it). But I guess it goes with OTT everything else so your dress can keep up with your accessories hence why it's so popular.

>> No.8160041

Underskirts look bad when it turns the bell shape/a line shape into a fucking tube. It's even worse when there's a gap between the jsk and the underskirt because the jsk has layers of tulle built into it, or they're not wearing a long enough petticoat to help fill out the underskirt.

>> No.8160543

The fuck is she doing with her leg??

>> No.8160701
File: 33 KB, 480x480, FB_IMG_1425509960809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck does this have over 200 likes?
It's not terrible I guess but it's really "meh"

>> No.8160703

weegee necklaaaace so edgydesu
probably that.

>> No.8160773

I don't see how the long, OTT chiffon underskirts can work WITHOUT having at least 3 or more layers, though...if you want something to be considerably longer, having just one or two really wide ruffles would just look bad.

>> No.8160790

It looks especially akward though because her dress has a print. Not to mention the original dress already has two rows of ruffles; if it was solid coloured it would have looked better, this way it's just too noticeable and makes it look like someone's wearing a dress that's too short/small for them somehow. I can't quite put my finger on it but it just looks awkward and wrong.

>> No.8160801

I think it's a cute goth outfit and I don't blame people for liking it, but I don't feel its very lolita.

>> No.8160806

I agree it looks off, I just think it would look more off without the layers. I think the hardest thing is that many underskirts have wider or more narrow ruffles than the dress, and it just looks weird. It also doesn't help that people rarely wear a petti that's long enough, and you end up with that tube effect rather than a nice flare.

>> No.8161608
File: 97 KB, 640x846, 10998087_10152712795452966_7069265814564092375_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8161624

hiding her Achilles heel

>> No.8161782

Everyone except for impressionable new girls and HelloBatty who's ass she kisses hates her and thinks she needs to be banned. They're just waiting for her fuck up enough to warrant it. No one who posted the caps that revealed her to be such a twofaced bitch will come forward, and she tells everyone that it was photoshopped, so there's no proof besides allegations made here. By all means, if you have any caps of her being the evil bitch she is, send them to any of the mods so they can finally remove this fucking cancer.

>> No.8161821

basically what >>8161782 said

the mods are aware, everyone loathes her except maybe divina? but she hasn't done anything in the comm specifically to ban her. plenty of almosts and her getting caught shit talking, but unless she pulls something really insane at a comm meet or the fb comm page, they wont ban her. they know she's a spoiled asshole and dislike her immensely, and multiple people have pled for her ban

>> No.8164547

that's me... the one with the caps. I still have them and the messages in my inbox, but are they relevant still? should I do anything? she has me blocked now and I'm no longer active in the comm so idk

>> No.8164563


>> No.8164680

do it

>> No.8164725

do it. get the bitch kicked. you'll be doing us a favor.


>> No.8164818

My comm is hosting a fancy hats meet this summer. I'm stoked.

>> No.8164859

YES send them!

>> No.8164917

ugh in love with this bow, did she mention the brand?

>> No.8164972 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 1366x768, dom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god it's been so long... I'm getting cold feet fuck. Idk if I can deal with more comm drama.

>> No.8164991

I'm getting cold feet. idk if I can handle more comm drama. I just posted the screencap itt but deleted it cause rules.

>> No.8165008

Shut up Dom

>> No.8165056

You're really bad at reading. That's the person who posted the original caps of Dom being a shit talker.
Send the unedited caps (as in, with your name and everything) to any of the mods. They won't drag you into this and she's already blocked you so what does it matter? It's still relevant because when they confronted her about it she lied. Please do this, I know you said you're not active anymore but fuck, think how much better off we'd all be if she got banned.

>> No.8165071
File: 73 KB, 580x326, muhprayers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hnnngg, I wanna join your meet.

>> No.8165072

No. I know what she said. I'm just calling bullshit on her being the one who has the caps.

>> No.8165083


>> No.8165091

check the archive
Here's what I'm afraid of though: Even though the mods won't drag me into this, they're going to have to tell her why she's being banned. Which will involve me again. The only reason she didn't do anything back then was because she was telling everyone it was photoshopped.
But if she gets banned because of it, she's not going to hold back.
I know, I'm a pussy when it comes to facing drama.

>> No.8165098

>not hold back

What? Is she going to come beat you up or something? She'll be pissed and talk a lot of shit. The end.

>> No.8165114

Her daddy's a lawyer and she has lied to get people into a lot of legal trouble when things don't go her way no thank you

>> No.8165117

Why is this Dom girl shit talking fatties when she doesn't look so slim herself...? Am I missing something here?

>> No.8165118

I have a couple caps of her being a fucking bitch about people too. If you come forward, I will too, and then the mods can honestly say that multiple people have evidence and it doesn't all fall back to you.

>> No.8165120

She's a dumbass

>> No.8165126

The plot thickens

>> No.8165136

as someone in the AZ comm, I am begging you, please submit them to a mod, they will not turn you away or shit on you, they don't like her either

>> No.8165138

what is she going to do if they kick her out of the comm? Daddy can't sue us and make us include her. They can't even sue for slander/defamation

>> No.8165141

are you sure? Her and Candice are so buddy buddy?

>> No.8165142

Alright, that helps a lot. I'll do it then. I'm so nervous but I'll do it. Probably around 3pm I guess?

>> No.8165183

are there any mods itt by any chance?

>> No.8165202

or is there a specific one I should message? Hella nervous.

>> No.8165265

could you email them to me?

>> No.8165327

You should group message them. Afaik they make decisions as a group anyways so it might be better if you're all in the same thread

>> No.8165340

No, I'll message them to the mods directly. I trust our mods not to out me to her or anyone else, and honestly mine aren't as juicy as the other anons' are anyways. Just her calling people ita and talking shit.

>> No.8165348

Good, don't need it spreading around and causing more drama than there needs to be in this situation.
That's probably enough to get her banned if she's calling people ita, esp considering how bad people want her gone.
Could you pls send them and get it over with? I feel like >>8165142 is going to pussy out tbh. I just want her gone. Please.

>> No.8165379

What dress is this?

>> No.8165443


>>8159936 this version of Mon Peiti Chou Chou has 5 layers at the bottom, I don't think it's an underskirt at fault this time. It's obviously got shape issues so maybe too-short petti? I like the layered bottom look myself but this skirt shape is just not looking right to me. I get that a lot of you just don't like the layered look at all and that's your issue with this coord to begin with but aside from just preference, I think it can be done to look better than this does. Im just not sure what is wrong, exactly.

>> No.8165453

It's Angelic Pretty.

>> No.8165494

the problem is she's a bad height, she needs to be like 4-6 inches shorter or taller for the dress to hit her on the right place on her leg. Also her bonnet is too big and it's ivory color doesn't actually match, and she shouldn't wear gold shoes without more gold other places in the outfit.

>> No.8165499


Agreed anon. She asked for crit and then when I gave it to her she made up excuses or just defended herself. And she did that for everyone who seemed to critique.

>Now I just avoid posting on her photos, I learned my lesson

>> No.8165572

No they aren't. Candice is just nice to everyone. I know for a fact she's been upset by some of the shit things Dom has said to her or in front of her

>> No.8165618

Seriously, it's bitches like this that give all vegans a bad name.

>> No.8165672

I hate this so fucking much

>> No.8165848
File: 87 KB, 960x768, 10999579_10152687263863531_7740200893727628242_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck turns 24 and "plays" in a park on their birthday

This is some ageplay shit fo real
Also the coord is terrible

>> No.8165895

I know her irl. She's super sweet and not an age player. She's one of the most genuine people I've ever met.
Yeah her coordinating skills aren't the greatest but she's slowly learning.
She has medical issues and just wants to have as much fun as she can, while she can

I usually don't white knight on this board because honestly an ita is an ita no matter how nice the person is...but I feel like she at least deserves some explaination

>> No.8165897

>but she's slowly learning.
i know her irl too. dude. she makes me cringe so hard. shes been into this longer than I have and is still horrible, she doesnt even have a petti in the pic. She started up a donation fund to herself because she couldnt afford anything. Why the fuck is she in lolita if she cant afford shit.

I dont think shes an ageplayer either, but i dont think she understands lolita.

>> No.8165901

I'm literally begging you....she's the number one reason I remain inactive...
I'm terrified of officially joining the comm because I don't want to be associated with her in any way.

>> No.8165906

really shes the only reason you dont want to be associated with the az comm?

>> No.8165908

Definitely not the only reason but one of the larger ones. I've had some really bad experiences with her in the past as I'm sure we all have.

>> No.8165928

Met her before as well, so fucking glad she's not in our comm anymore

There's sweet and she is, but she's also fucking ignorant and unaware of anything, innocent to the point of dumb so I dont find her cute at all, just annoying. Like having a 5 year old around who sings about sparkles and balloons and Hello Kitty.

Plus it makes me rage that she probably killed that beautiful cat she used to own by doing something stupid like let it out to play in traffic or feeding it people food its not supposd to eat.

>> No.8165976

I really seriously doubt she would to that to a beloved animal, anon. No need to be salty.

>> No.8165984

Seriously anon, holy shit. Dial that rage back a few notches. She's not that damn bad.

>> No.8165992

Lol did she come to your comm and try to make meetups at her fucking trailer park and/or her parents' trashy club too? Or maybe she just joined your comm like she did literally every other Western one to spam her stupid Vegas trip that never materialized? Sure, she's nice. But being nice to people is like the bare minimum of your expectation as a normal human being interacting with other human beings. If all you can say about someone is that they're nice, it's usually because there's nothing else good to be said about them.

PS she's been in the fashion for a million years and never "improved" so idk what >>8165895
is thinking.

>> No.8166384
File: 107 KB, 640x960, img1112343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different anon but I'm so sick of her she went to far I don't care anymore fuck her

>> No.8166385
File: 127 KB, 640x960, img11234333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8166386
File: 509 KB, 547x609, img111232222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the secret. I'm pretty sure it went up. ugh.

>> No.8166412
File: 68 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mu4ik6RtKf1rhm734o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the secret about her posted right before this secret
>in the same basic format

>> No.8166423

Yeah that was me. my way of saying "go fuck yourself you vapid cunt I'm done with your shit".

>> No.8166427

Anon... please, please pm this to a mod. PLEASE.

>> No.8166440

Now things are a little fishy. The secrets are posted in the order they are received I believe, so you're saying you submitted this AFTER she submitted hers? And yours both look very similar? Hmmmm

>> No.8166451

Hi Dominique! Getting nervous?

>> No.8166456

Idk how the order works but I did submit the "tfw" one before the one about her, so it's all out of order.

>> No.8166459

Ah ok hm. Hopefully this is the nail in the little bitch's coffin then.

Nope, just suspicious of random ass people posting screenshots of mobile

>> No.8166460

Yes anon, post this to cgl instead of sending it to comm mods. You all are such huge vaginas. Either send the shit to your mods and get her out or stfu about how much you supposedly hate her.

>> No.8166464

Mods are watching this and are ready to ban her, please just PM the screenshots directly to all of them as a group. Consider it your good deed for the year, you can probably write it off on your taxes.

>> No.8166467

Can someone give me a quick explanation why it matters that Dominique posted a mean secret?

>> No.8166469

It's about someone in her comm who has a learning disability and a dying mother.
Which is just kind of a bitch move.

>> No.8166470

Cause everyone hates her.

>> No.8166472

Because she's a raging bitch, a militant vegan, and an overall toxic person that everyone is looking for an excuse to ban from the comm.

>> No.8166473

This is so fucking beautiful

>> No.8166475

1. She admitted to posting other secrets, which probably explains the massive amount of them about AZ in the past few months when literally nothing was happening in AZ.
2. It's a really nasty secret about someone who is already down.
3. Because we've all been waiting and praying for someone to come forward with something exactly like this.

>> No.8166476

But isn't the point of secrets to be a bitch move? Which is why you do them anonymously. Like I wouldn't want any of us here to have our names attached by a mod.

>> No.8166478

pls just ban her pls my friend and I are so afraid to join the comm because of her

>> No.8166482

Ebay? There's always cute granny boots for low prices one bay.

I love this so much, everything that attracts me to lolita right there. However the boots question made me notice her weird looking boots. Maybe it's the angle though, the look deformed.

>> No.8166484

Not necessarily. There are other reasons to post secrets, the ones that are cunty just for the sake of being cunty are the ones that always stick out though.

>> No.8166489

I would agree with this. Except since Dom posted it everyone suddenly has an issue and its one of many great excuses to ban her. Too bad the part of the comm with any supposed proof are pussies.

>> No.8166547

no one has stepped forward yet. we're not going to out anyone. Just message us so we can be done with this.

>> No.8166571

I'm in Tucson and that makes me so sad, are you Tucson or Phoenix? I just avoid meets with her and barely interact with her, like I've seen her in one meet and that's it

>> No.8166579
File: 66 KB, 1000x662, kekekekeke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I KNOW SOMETHING ANONS DONT KNOW but are gonna know real quick

>> No.8166585

Omg shut up. This is getting pathetic.

>> No.8166592


When she's banned, someone PLEASE screen cap her whiny facebook rant about how unfair it is desu.
Or how jelly we all are.

I'd love to see it

>> No.8166594
File: 1.54 MB, 315x179, tellmeh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help us know quicker by informing us of this secret.

>> No.8166598

I sent in my screencap I'm >>8165091

>> No.8166606

God bless you.
You're my favorite anon in the history of the internet.

>> No.8166609

I 2nd this notion. Let me bathe in her salty tears.

>> No.8166611
File: 42 KB, 500x606, blesss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you've done a good thing today

words fail me

>> No.8166618

AZ comm rn

>> No.8166624

So in regards to this whole situation, does anyone know anything about Martha?
The interactions I've had with her haven't been negative but the fact she and Dom are such best buddies makes me wary of her.
Is she a decent human being or Dom's pawn?

>> No.8166628

I thought about this exact thing
Thanks for reading my thoughts anon

>> No.8166635

Hi this is Candice. Dominique and her Nebula account are both banned from the community. Thank you everyone who has spoken up. Sorry it has taken so long and so many people were negatively effected. If an issue ever arises in the future please do not be afraid of contacting us sooner.
I hope anybody who has reservations about joining the comm or attending meets will no longer worry. We're always happy to gain new members.

>> No.8166644

Wow really ladies? She hurt your feelings so you want to ban her from the comm? If you're actually that fat, sorry but she is much prettier than you, and being jealous doesn't give you right to ban her like that or make it seem like she is more of a bitch than she is. You probably think the same thing behind closed doors of fatty-chans like that, you know it.

>> No.8166649

Hi Dom!

>> No.8166650

I'm going to print this post onto some fabric and make a beautiful JSK out of it.

>> No.8166651

Hello white knight, you salty?

>> No.8166653
File: 114 KB, 546x366, 1407649303174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello Dominique how's your ban treating you

>> No.8166657

I feel this is going to come back to haunt everyone

>> No.8166659

I would trade all my brand for that dress

>> No.8166662

Even if they did think that, at least they aren't making a fuss over it and stirring up so much drama like you are, i'm glad you're gone Dom, you're a terrible human being and make everything worse!!!

If you can't keep your mouth shut you deserve this imo

>> No.8166663

what was the ban message like? I would love to see her face opening it.

>> No.8166666

No way. We've had smarter, more malicious people than her get the boot before with no repercussions. She might as well not exist.

>> No.8166667

I second this

>> No.8166671

with everything we've put up with we deserve at least that much

>> No.8166678

omfg I'm dead

I don't know martha, but I honestly don't want to bc anyone who is hanging around Dom...I just assume has piss poor judgement, or is an idiot, or is in the same vein as her, so I'll never have anything to do with her.

Hey Dom, so glad you're gone, etc.

>> No.8166692

Martha is really sweet but i think she is really nice/dumb/young/naive/etc. and doesn't realize what a shit person Dominique really is

>> No.8166695

Martha is like 17 and homeschooled I think. She just hasn't been exposed to Dom's level of cray yet. Give her time, I'm sure she'll figure it out.

>> No.8166699


I have a really hard time believing this, only because if you spend more than 5 minutes with Dom her ugly personality rears its head so

>> No.8166734

Holy shit is this real life??
AZ is going to be so drama free now!

>> No.8166741
File: 33 KB, 488x320, fucking finally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

real as can be, and now the people being pussies about joining because of her are free to join

>> No.8166744
File: 11 KB, 535x132, caps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing the victim.

>> No.8166746

She keeps saying that everytime she fucks up.
"I'm not perfect"
no shit, no one is. no one wants you to be perfect. they just want you to be a decent fucking human being.
The poison you're sucking out was put there by you, honey.

>> No.8166751

I'm honestly surprised she didn't go with her usual "ur all jelly lawl" response

>> No.8166798

still waiting on this

>> No.8166805

i really only wear lolita flats if i'm going to be walking a lot or on my feet for hours. just more comfortable for my feet and back.

>> No.8166806

it's referring to Dom getting banned, dumbass

>> No.8166809

i think i'd gone with a different purse and shoes in a different colour but i overall love the old school vibe.

>> No.8166812

Why are you so sandy, anon?
She's an adult, she can have fun how she wants.
For all you know, she never had a childhood and didn't get to experience those types of things at a younger age.

[spoiler]I'm projecting so hard because I was a latchkey kid and didn't go to the park for the first time until I was 19[/cglhasnospoilers]

>> No.8166819

No. No, no, no to everything.

>> No.8166964

I'm >>8166579, I was excited she was getting b&

>> No.8167719
File: 61 KB, 545x960, 10927862_854242957982605_3127350292434527806_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the colors but could have done with more jewelry

>> No.8167721

Shoes and tights are awkward. Stripes with baroque pattern...ergh.
I feel like it's only getting a pass because it's an attractive girl in an ugly dress. Stick that on an ugly girl and everyone would wail "ITA!"

>> No.8167724

I love this. The pick ups on the skirt are really cute. I do wish she'd tied the tights in better though.

>> No.8167887

What finally got her banned? Did she start shit yet again or did you guys just decide to step up after people started compiling complaints?

>> No.8167891

hahah nevvvvermind. I can read now.

>> No.8167911

Girl gives horrible used gifts from what I've heard. Personality leaves much to be desired.

>> No.8168835


I really want to know what happened to this anon. Did Dom block you? Did she bitch you out?
Clearly she would know you were the one reporting her because you sent in a PM conversation to the mods

>> No.8168861

same. the anon with the first fb message was blocked i want to know what happened to this person too

>> No.8168886
File: 64 KB, 480x720, 11060270_10206257420655264_3642218973977132873_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely flawless.

>> No.8169248

and boring

>> No.8169361

both true statements, huh.

>> No.8169372

Not everything needs to be a circus, anon. Sometimes simple elegance is appropriate for the event.

>> No.8169448

I'm not really fond of the brown shoes, tbh.

>> No.8169524


Love it. She handsdown the best homemade Lolita to me. She also has very nice brand items as well, really liked her closet post.

Not everyone likes OTT anon. Some of us like simple, understated coords. This is classic, it's not supposed to be flashy.

I agree, that's the only thing I don't like in this coord.

>> No.8169528

I love toned down/casually wearable coords. No liking the shoes, not fond of the tights. I feel I'd like it more if she had a bolero or a fitted jacket on and red/burgandy shoes.

>> No.8169927
File: 956 KB, 1280x1920, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F720ab517ab6f3f1ead5989e2dccb47c9%2Ftumblr_nkvzf0vWM81qfwru8o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the shoes are red? It's hard to tell in the picture, but she posted the coord laid out on tumblr and they look like they might be dark burgundy.

But I agree that the socks are pretty lackluster. Something with more texture would have been nice.

>> No.8170092

This thread was fun, congrats to the sane AZ lolis.

>> No.8170116
File: 51 KB, 540x810, FB_IMG_1425919743895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This screams grandma, but at the same time I actually quite like it for some reason. It feels more otome than Lolita to me.

>> No.8170124

Every time i see this all i can think is that it's not lolita at all.

I don't really think its otome either. Otome has a much younger image of a lady.

This is some dolly kei if ANYTHING, its barely that. It just looks like she put a curtain around herself then tied it at the waist.

>> No.8170135

A lot of what Juliette et Justine makes doesn't fit the traditional lolita aesthetic. I don't have a problem with it and I like seeing their weirder designs worn.

>> No.8170149

I don't really love the white shoes, would it look better if the shoes were navy?

>> No.8170218

We've been over this several times. Navy shoes that match the exact shade of this dress are impossible to come by. People have been crucified for choosing both white and black shoes with it.

>> No.8170609

I'm not the one who sent mine into the mods. She did bitch me out over the phone.
She's claiming it was photoshop instead of bringing down with her, which I'm surprised at.
She could have easily tarnished my name, but she'd rather lie for the sake of her pride.
Either way I'm blocked, good riddance.

>> No.8170934

A lot of what of JetJ makes is crap too

>> No.8170948

it doesnt need to be a circus
its not elegant its snore fest

>> No.8170950

and i hate ott
and am a classic lolita myself.
this puts me to sleep

>> No.8170984
File: 29 KB, 300x300, Thats_just_your_opinion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8170988
File: 259 KB, 1044x1200, celestialwblack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

successful navy x black Celestial coord, y/n/nitpick? I think it would be better with some navy in the legwear but overall she pulled it off really well imo

>> No.8170998

Wait....she claimed it was photo shopped to you on the phone?

Why would she even do that? Obviously if you were the one she sent the message to, you'd know it clearly wasn't shooped. You know....because she actually sent it to you

>> No.8171104

>inb4 opinions
Yeah, I'm not an OTT fan, and while I think >>8168886 is a nice coord, it's incredibly safe and not something I'd look twice at.

>> No.8171174

Her face reminds me of that squickerwonker lady.

>> No.8171211

This is how I'd like to dress every day! So pretty

>> No.8171219

When I saw this dress I was flabbergasted at how many likes this coord had. The girl herself is pretty but the coord is ugh. It didn't have a lolita vibe to me either.

>> No.8171259

Shoes don't match in shade, wig looks thin and shitty and needs adjusting, horrible replica bag

>> No.8171260

I dislike this intensely.

>> No.8171274


>> No.8171282


>> No.8171311
File: 458 KB, 1850x1986, 10855083_914221698608065_7243766379513101238_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly think this looks hideous.

>> No.8171348


>> No.8171370
File: 135 KB, 1260x960, 10847397_10101336349541796_4981131979344575702_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"My newest Lolitafied Cosplay coord ^_^
Lolitafied Otoya from Uta no Prince Sama ^^
He's my Favorite, so I wanted to lolitafy him for a while now ;)
Anyways, I'm really happy with how this came out & I was mainly inspired to try out the outfit b/c I recently got my cute bobblehead figure of him XD

JSK: Lief's Regimental Instruments
Jacket: Alice and the Pirates
Boots: Bodyline
Hair clip: Chocomint
Everything else off brand

*sorry for my messy room...I'm in the middle of preparing for an anime con ;P *"

>> No.8171421

The sad part about this is that the coord itself is actually pretty cute (needs some help, but good start). The cosplay wig ruins it

>> No.8171424

Wig's terrible and she seriously needs to fill in her eyebrows and do more eye makeup. Other than that, pretty fine, though the contacts don't really add anything to the outfit.

>> No.8171615

Is her face photoshopped or something? It looks a little plasticy to me

>> No.8171707

yeah, she just needs to fill in her eyebrows with some color and add some fucking blush on her cheeks for dimension on her face...

>> No.8171718

Does the wig really look thin and shitty? I'm looking at it and it looks relatively thick all throughout except for the ends. I feel like if it were much thicker, it would look like a weird hair helmet.

>> No.8171912


Definitely looks photoshopped to me.

>> No.8173488

I don't like the fur collar, wristcuffs, or the wig, but otherwise it looks okay. That's not counting her makeup/face, which just looks...off.

>> No.8175348

her makeup makes her look like she's dying and that dress is frumpy as hell on her

>> No.8175349

Yeah no, this co-ord doesn't do the dress justice at all. It all looks really cheap.

>> No.8175350

It's one of those skin smoother options on apps

>> No.8175921
File: 376 KB, 2048x1901, FB_IMG_1426100047226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Legwarmers will never work with lolita.

Girl, please wash your hair or wear a wig...

>> No.8175927

I'm not loving the brown and black mixed, either. One or the other with the ivory would have looked way better.

>> No.8175932
File: 105 KB, 720x1080, FB_IMG_1426020626869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same girl as >>8168886, I like this outfit waaay better. It's a lot more balanced in shape and color. Still has the lame bag though.