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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8141849 No.8141849 [Reply] [Original]

Vent all your disgusting secret lolita horror stories.

>poop stains
>period stains
>brand on fire

Share your misery.

>> No.8141890

One I had a silver bolero that was stained dirty, so I put it in dish soap (I know this sounds stupid, but it really works on white stuff). After a week I looked to see if the filth was gone and there was a giant pink stain on the back. It was ruined anyways so I put it again in dish soap until it became all pink. So now I have a pink bolero instead.

Things went better than expected since I needed a pink one but I won't do that with any other color other than white now.

>> No.8141895

tfw japanese specialty shop that makes amazing real sushi vs korean/viet owned sushi bars that use horseradish tinted green and serve sprite rather than mitsuya cider w/lemon.

chill as fuck lay low spot right off the beach

5 white girls in wigs, full lolita, too much perfume, click clack into the store like it was being invaded by an army with plastic boots

laughing loudly and yelling some sort of inside joke

touch everything and instantly induce headache

loli armies overwhelm the senses loud, perfume so sweet you can smell and taste it

and all you see is frills

felt like the first time i shot a barret rifle air out of your lungs, ear plug falls out all you hear is ringing and you don't know where you are for a second

>> No.8141898

That's really poetic but GTFO

>> No.8141902

I have a recent one actually.

>have old AP skirt from 07
>it's fairly rare, been a dream piece of mine since 07 before I got it a few years ago
>baby pink with off white trim
>going to wash it, by hand last weekend with a few other things including a new black skirt
>got new side load washing machine that has a super delicate cycle
>still a bit scared
>mom comes over for a visit, mom likes lolita btw
>i'm in the shower
>"anon, do you want me to wash your laundry?"
>no mom, they're really delicate
>get out of the shower
>washer is on, clothes inside
>turn it off
>cycle was half complete
>"but anon I washed them on delicate with your fancy natural detergent"
>water was on hot
>clothes are fine, nothing is torn
>pink skirt is totally dingy grey from bleeding
>burst into treats
>explain to mom that this skirt is super rare and the only other time I saw it for sale was for $350
>mom feels awful
>gets the 'bleach for colors' to try to fix it
>tells me to throw red in to change it back
>tell her about the lace
>mom is really sad, gives me $200 to try to find a new skirt

Oh mom, you're so sweet but damn, I can wash my own clothes...
My poor skirt. I don't know if I can replace it.

>> No.8141912

That is hearbreaking. What skirt was it Anon? I hope you are able to find it again!

>> No.8141913

You fat chinese weeb

>> No.8141916

>I'm fat and like eating alone at sushi bars and poking fun at women who don't pay attention to me *tips fedora*

>> No.8141918
File: 47 KB, 666x164, 6469629.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought an oldish (2008) Meta JSK from sales comm
>get it, it's in good condition
>flip it inside is to check/wash it
> dime sized brown mystery stain on inside skirt lining
>use kiss-off stain remover
>it works
>feel mildly disgusted that it may be a period stain

>> No.8141924

This story is so sad, anon, and I hope you can find a replacement for your skirt. But there's a typo that made me crack up.
>burst into treats
Now I'm imagining that whenever sweet lolitas get really upset they explode into candies.

>> No.8141925

I don't know what disgusts me more, the thought of a period stain or that a period stain would mean somebody wore a Lolita skirt without a petticoat (because otherwise there's no chance a period staind would be on the actual clothes).

>> No.8141927

It sounds like you might have misphonia.

>> No.8141930

He's got a lot more than that.

>> No.8141933

>(because otherwise there's no chance a period staind would be on the actual clothes).
I have super heavy flows and trust me, it could happen to me.

>> No.8141943

Kind of gross, so apologies in advance, but:
The first day of mine is always so heavy. I once bled through a tampon, thin liner, underwear, and thin cotton bloomers within like 2 hours. I was feeling awful/went to go change the inner layers only to see that I had ruined the really cute pair of bloomers I'd made with a friend at a sewing gathering.
Thankfully nothing got on my skirt/my surroundings, but still, it happens. I would gladly exchange my 3-4 days of awful, heavy bleeding for a slightly longer but lighter period.

>> No.8141947

I have one similar to >>8141902

>sold a dress
>local post office closes insanely early
>i work till late
>mom please can you send this off for me
>with tracking please
>"anon i shipped your stuff out today"
>"post lady says tracking never works so i didn't get it
>buyer never got the dress
>i'm out the dress and shipping fee

And kids, this is why tracking is always worth it.

>> No.8141949

I meant to be a bit of a joke but holy shit, I'm so sorry for you. My first day is really heavy too but not that heavy.
I once managed to bled through a tampon and on my petticoat though. Since then no Lolita for me during periods unless I have unlimited access to toilets at all time.

>> No.8141954

RIP in peace pink skirt 2007 - 2015

>> No.8141955

It's kind of shitty yeah, but the upside is that all my bleeding happens the first 2 days and it's light as hell for 4 more or so. If it happens on con or meetup weekends it's impossible.

>tfw missed my friends high-tea birthday party 2 years in a row


>> No.8141965
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I'm sitting tight waiting for my refund. They offered me the same dress in navy an it's beautiful but I already spent $275 on my dream navy skirt for my dream navy coord. I have been searching for the perfect wine jsk for ages and the medium will swamp me.

>> No.8141985

Well give them this:
They miss out on your money and customer approval and refund you.
Or you ask them to tailor to S for no extra cost and promise you'll shower them with spectacular reviews.

>> No.8141990

Not that anon, but 'burst into treats' was big on a few other boards for years.
Still used in greentext stories today.
>I feel like a fucking historical memeologist

>> No.8142015

>Going to a place by metro, wearing lolita
>Old smelly hobo sits next to me
>Next thing I know, the smelly man is throwing up
>Liters and liters of wine
>On me

I was able to keep my cool, got off at next station, went to a random shop, bought new clothes. I only cried when I got home.

>> No.8142016

Oh shit, didn't know. Thanks for informing me!
>You should print out a certificate that says Degree of Historical Memeology and put that shit on your wall

>> No.8142035

Buyer didn't ask for money back???

I'm amazed
If I paid for tracking and the seller didn't give it to me damn right I would open a claim on that

>> No.8142042

you know there is an actual field called memetics...? Put your talents to use, git more dresses

>> No.8142043

I refunded the buyer completely, and neither of us have the dress because god knows where it is, which is why this is on the horror stories thread.

>> No.8142048

Are you me, holy shit.
>first day, cramps so bad I can barely move
>blood EVERYWHERE, can't wear tampons so my pads are as big as diapers
>3-4 days of pure agony

>> No.8142064

Anon you're replying to here
I also get absolutely crippling cramps, to the point where I can hardly function/sometimes end up vomiting for the first day or so. In HS I also frequently got migraines, but those seemed to have died down as I've gotten older.
Nothing worse than having it come on a weekend of a con or big party that I've spent half a year planning for.

As another personal horror story to keep things relevant, I once received a package that I think customs or something had opened and poorly resealed (it was one of those thick plastic bag envelopes). Water/moisture had gotten inside before it reached me, and by the time I opened it (a day or two after it arrived on my doorstep), mildew had built up pretty bad. I was able to clean it up through a few washes, but I eventually sold the item on because I couldn't look at it without remembering the moment I first opened the package.
This is why I always like triple wrap things that I send out.

>> No.8142071

Only 28 posts and this thread has died out into some lonely fattychans shitposting about their periods. Real life lolita horror story ITT

>> No.8142073
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first days are sure tough, huh?

>> No.8142082
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nope i just dont think its very on topic to have half a dozen tl;dr stories about being on the rag

>> No.8142086

I like how you assume I'm fat. I'd like to see a fattychan wear unshirred MmM and VM on the regular.
Shit like this happens to girls of every size, get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.8142091
File: 434 KB, 598x732, tyler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even read your bloody purge of words but you're so quick to defend yourself you must be manfaced or something

>> No.8142094

At least one of those anons contributed to the thread? All you're doing is shitting it up. Contribute or zip it.

Does anyone remember the details of the girl whose mom donated her dream dress (by Meta, I think),that she'd been saving and searching for for ages, to goodwill/salvo? I feel like it's a rather old story.

>> No.8142110

mail horror story count? i'm living the nightmare.

>> No.8142134

And here we see Sieg Heil's fantasies which in his mind have gotten intertwined with the actual reality that no girl can be bothered to pay attention to him

>> No.8142150

please tell us

>> No.8142722

This is why I always, always move if someone questionable sits next to me. Especially hobos. And I damn well hope they think I'm rude for moving.

>> No.8142735

>mfw 5'4" and 104lbs
>mfw period is so heavy first 2 days that I actually have to stay home because otherwise I can black out (and have)
>mfw can't put on weight because of stupid metabolism or get red blood count up, so I'm anemic anyway and period just delivers the final blow.

>> No.8142739

Was it the story where the mom butchered twinkle journey for her cousin?

>> No.8142755

I dont even lolita and this broke my heart, I hope you can find it again anon!

>> No.8143228


I asked if they could just take the medium in to the small's measurement and it was a no go. Giving them three days to see the refund in my paypal account before harassing them.

>> No.8143705

Maybe that was it. For some reason I think I was conflating that story with another where the girl's mom donated her stuff.

>> No.8143720

I'm so glad none of this has happened to me (yet). I have a really heavy flow for a week, bleeding through even the thickest tampons in 2 hours.

Dunno what is worse, being afraid of bleeding through my clothes or feeling humiliated when friends that don't know how periods and vaginas work make fun of me because they are "too tight" to use the thicker tampons.

>> No.8143814

Why not just ask if you can take the medium at a discount, then get it tailored yourself?

>> No.8143852


>> No.8143859

Feeling with you, I'm 5'2" 110 lbs and I get super faint and bad migraines, on mine right now and it's fucking midterms :(

>> No.8143860

Why do people always claim that unshirred Moitie is tiny? It's not. You can't fit into it if you're fat, but chubby people can.

>> No.8143882

I never said I was tiny. I'm just certainly on the smaller side and hardly a fatty chan.
As for MmM, almost all of my pieces (mostly older) max out at 85cm or less for the bust and under 70cm for the waist, which I think is pretty small in comparison to most of the major brands.

>> No.8143929

My roommate last year didn't understand lolita at all, insisted that it was fetish, so she told all her friends that I was some kind of kinky slut pretending to be a little girl. One of them started stalking me because I was the little Asian doll he's been waiting for all his life. A good punch to the face ended that pretty quickly and roommate finally learned to shut her trap but jfc that was the most terrifying week of my life. I'm lucky he gave up so easily compared to people my friends have had to deal with.

>> No.8143987

>roommate last year didn't understand lolita at all
>told all her friends that I was some kind of kinky slut pretending to be a little girl

My biggest nightmare. Sorry you had such a crappy roommate!

>> No.8146640
File: 3.00 MB, 421x437, 1422420143064.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting this one of mine from the feels thread
>hang out with new friends
>one of my friends asks me to bring a lolita outfit to wear when I sleep over her place
>I do her up all cute as an oldschool lolita (classic black x white dress)
>this guy hardcore into lolicon looks at her and says "sexy"
>she goes over to him and sits on his lap
>She has a boyfriend and its not this guy
>realize immediately that this is an ageplay thing
>she looks at me and says "hey, can you sleep on the couch? he wants to sleep in my bed tonight."
>ohhhh noooooooooooooooo
>retrieve dress
>go home immediately
>never contact again

>> No.8146661

Oh man, that is the worst. I had a similar situation with a friend (she has a boyfriend and it's not this guy) minus the ageplay, but I'm not the morality police and she was old enough to make her own decisions. She had the decency to call her boyfriend up the next morning and tell him what happened. I feel bad because while she was of age, I provided the booze that got her buzzed and horny that night.

>> No.8146670

Might have been this story. Dug it up from the archives.

>Be me back in high school
>Had been into lolita for years, saving up for so long.
>Sugary carnival is released
>Fall in love
>Have enough money, buy it as soon as it came out.
>So excited, can't wait for it to arrive
>Freak out and cry when I get it
>Go to school the next day, left it hanging in my closet.
>Go back home, want to try it on again
>Isn't in my closed
>What new dress?
>The purple one with the horses! It was right here!
>Oh, you mean that kids dress up outfit? (she works at a preschool) the little girls need more dress up clothes, so I went through your closet to find some! I brought it in the afternoon!
>I freak the fuck out
>wtf anon its just your old dress
>no mom i just bought it its fucking expensive
>Get her to bring me to the preschool to get it back
>She's really pissed
>Dig through a bunch of stuff, find it.
>After a single day the lace is already torn, corset lacing is nowhere to be found. Some sort of food is spilled all over it, corset lacing and one waist tie nowhere to be found.
>Fix it up the best I can.

She ended up selling the dress to a friend, poor thing.

>> No.8146674

the end got cut off for some reason but I meant to add
>in the end she blamed me for her infidelity

she actually ended up stalking me hardcore in public places screaming insults at me after her boyfriend left her. (never told on them or anything)

I moved states so its no longer a problem but I was looking into a restraining order.

>> No.8146686

That sucks, my friend is thankfully an adult who took responsibility for her own actions and choices.

>> No.8146689

My dream dress is coming from Estonia.
The status has been "Origin Post is Preparing Shipment" since January.
I'm sure it's normal, but I'm also really worried.

>> No.8146694


Who does this shit? Like fictional or not, that shit is fucking rude.

>> No.8146706

There's also this story. It was Swan Lake, though and not Twinkle Journey.

>In high school, discover lolita
>Save up from part time job, buy first brand dress
>Meta Swan Lake in pink (fucking terrible stock photo)
>Flounce around the house in it and show it to my mother
>"That's a little girl dress. Why do you want to look like a little girl?"
>Tried to explain but she just wasn't getting it
>Parents are divorced, spend weekend with dad then come back to mom's house
>Dress no longer hanging in my closet
>Mother admits that she gave it to my 10 year old niece
>"It's a little girl's dress, anon."
>Go over to aunt's house
>She thanks me profusely for the gift, talked about how much my niece loved it, asked her to go put on her pretty new skirt
>She had chopped it and resewn it as a skirt so it would fit my niece
>Niece loved it and looked adorable in it
>Desperately hold back tears and say all the your welcomes and what not
>Never say anything to my mom about it, any future purchases were always kept at my dad's until I moved out
>Aunt donates the skirt to Goodwill when niece outgrows it

Sorry for copypasta. These stories really make me sad.

>> No.8146719

This is the one I was thinking of actually!
Such a horror story.

>> No.8146794

A lolita tripped and fell into a rootbeer i was holding.

>She cried

>> No.8146797

My blood pressure rose reading that.

>> No.8146820

Yeah, it's an Estonian post thing.
Don't worry

>> No.8146823

I felt horrible. It was a virgils, and she had this lovely white dress with these pink fluffy things. Her stupid as friends were trying to be playful and tripped her, she couldn't recover, went right into my bottle. Took her dress and paid for an immediate dry cleaning though, bought us some Popeyes.

>> No.8146855

Man I don't even remember how long it's been since the first and only time I read this one but I think about it at least every other day, it just haunts me. But I'm kind of glad I read it again because for some reason in the version in my head, the aunt totally butchered the dress and the skirt looked godawful.

To contribute: roommate borrowed my dress for a sorority event and it got ripped to shreds. I'm pretty sure it was a hazing thing because she refused to explain anything to me ("PFFFFT it wasn't HAZING Anon my sorority does do that evil HAZING crap of COURSE not"). At least she paid for it and I found it on the secondhand market a month later.

>> No.8146858

* doesn't do that evil hazing thing (sorry lmao)

>> No.8146866

Gaaaah. I wonder if anon ever told her mom how much that dress cost.

>> No.8146873

There are unfortunately tons of parents who are, if not actually outright abusive, are at least extremely inconsiderate of their children - anything their kids have, they have a right to, because their kids BELONG to them.

>> No.8146905

Happened to me. Not Lolita but with videogame systems. I had an Atari and a genesis. My mom gave both of them away without asking me, to cousins who ended up breaking or losing them. Thankfully they were hand me down systems(whenever dad bought a new one, he gave me his old one) finally put my foot down when my dad gave me his PlayStation and told my mom to stop. Thankfully she actually listened.

My mom had the habit of being really inconsiderate to the point she punished me because I yelled at my cousins to get out of my bedroom. I had taken a shower and walked in them just playing in my room. She just let them in, when I wasn't even there.

>> No.8146960

This made me laugh anon. I'm just picturing a lolita shrugging and being like, huh whatever it all worked out in the end.

>> No.8146973

Damn, reading these makes me feel really lucky. My period is somewhat light and pretty short, 4 days max, 3 on rare occasions. First day is somewhat heavy but definitely nothing like you guys are saying. Cramps also haven't been much of an issue for me, they seem to have come less often as I've gotten older. thank u, jesus

>> No.8147014

She probably wouldn't have cared, tbh. Parents like that who have no sense of respect for their children being their own person with their own belongings, I feel also tend to be the kind of people who are like "You paid HOW MUCH for that!?".

But ugh, god. Reading stories like these always make me feel so awful. If I spent so long earning money to get a unique item there were only a certain amount of I can just imagine how devastated I would be if one or both of my parents was just like "lol I gave it away because it's a children's dress and ur a dumb bitch for spending that much money on it". Like the Swan Lake story...I definitely would've had to take a walk around the neighborhood for a couple hours or something or I might think about actually slapping them.

>> No.8147202

This thread makes me feel blessed to have a mother wbo understands expensive clothing and is too scared to touch my wardrobe

>> No.8147214

I CALL BULLSHIT. preschoolers are not 5 feet tall. how in the fucking world would they fit such a dress,

>> No.8147226

call bullshit all you want but normalfags are fucking retarded and there's no changing that.

>> No.8147227

Children dress up in giant princess dresses all the time clean up your salt

>> No.8147235
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Perhaps a visual aid...

>> No.8147678

Well this is exactly what happened

>> No.8147697

yall need to go on birth control. i used to have crazy stay home from school pukey cramps but noooo more. like legit you guys should look into it.

>> No.8147705

Fuck it quoting didn't work

>> No.8147764

God im so happy mine is only 2-3 days long and super light. Like just a bit of spotting and eceryone else i know its like they have to go all Hoover Dam to stop the flow and its like 7 days of that shit with intense cramps

>> No.8147795

Wait isn't that true? My parents used to constantly threaten to empty my bank account, cut up my brand, etc because it technically "belonged to them"...
At one point I guessed they were bullshitting because when I turned 16 I got complete control over my bank account, but they still said "oh no, we can get into it and take your money if we want".

>> No.8147799

I second this suggestion. Mine was heavy as hell and lasted 8-9 days on average and the pill knocked it down to one day heavy and three days light. It was so nice.

>> No.8147801

Birth control doesn't always help. My sisters have crazy terribad periods and birth control has never helped. My youngest sister finally settled on one that helps her acne but gave up on having a semi normal flow

>> No.8147808

Legally yes your parents have control until you become an adult. However it's more of a psychological/emotional thing that you build. Give them a sense of ownership and pride in their belongings. It's a better teaching tool. Like teaching a child to care for their belongings and sharing because they want to, not because they're forced to share.

>> No.8147828

Man some of these lolitas need to move out of their parents houses..

>> No.8148400

Color run remover, anon! Google it!

>> No.8148406

but then how will i afford my burando? ;A:

>> No.8148539

Oh god this is me

My dad recently came into hard times and needed me to move back in to help with mortgage payments

>brand closet has doubled

>> No.8148547

>smoking weed
>wearing Star Night Theater bustier JSK without blouse or bolero because I'm at home and don't give a fuck
>fucking cat decides to jump into my lap out of nowhere
>drop lit joint into boobs
>burns like crazy, but too concerned about the well being of a dress to care much
>successfully remove joint from tits without damaging dress, save for a little bit of ash that completely went away when I tended to it
>still have small scar on boob after two years
>at least the dress wasn't hurt

>> No.8148556

In the story, they specify they're in high school. Read the whole thing before getting salty. Also, most lolitas on this board are in college, hence why they're living with their parents.

>> No.8148571

not that anon, but why such an overreaction? it's not like they said something like "serves that bitch right living with their parents" or anything.

>> No.8148572

You know the classic, usually made up, story people tell all the time about selling burando with cum stains?

I did that once. Not exactly intentionally. I sold the dress completely forgetting that the last time I wore it, I had sex in it and some fluid got on the lining. I remembered, like, three days after I shipped it and felt kind of bad, but this is a case where what they don't know won't hurt them.

>> No.8148574

I'm on birth control. It's called endometriosis you dumb cunt. Not everyone is you.

>> No.8148577

it helps often enough that it's worth trying.
Why discourage? It can be honestly life-changing.

>> No.8148579
File: 50 KB, 413x449, godfuckingdamnit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and felt kind of bad
>kind of
Man you must be one relaxed motherfucker because I would be having night sweats and like, apoplexia over that shit. Ya nasty.

>disregard if bait

>> No.8148583

Not sure if I would qualify calling a salty person salty on /cgl/ as an overreaction, but to answer your question, one of my greatest 4chan pet peeves is when people say stupid shit that's clearly countered in the very post they're replying to.
>girl tells story where she explicitly mentions being in high school
>anon responds with "lolitas need to move out of their parents' house"
Like, seriously, what is reading comprehension?

>> No.8148597

>anon posts totally legit suggestion that help most girls with described problem
>hdu you dumb cunt
Honestly, you sound like you deserve endometriosis with a bitchy attitude like that toward someone trying to help you.

>> No.8148603

Like I said, what they don't know won't hurt them. The girl was very happy with her purchase, so it's not really a big deal to me.

>> No.8148625

Like I said, you're pretty relaxed. If I had sold someone a dress with 'fluids' on it I would be mortified, whether she knew it or not.

>> No.8148643

She was implying that no one actually thought of a pretty common method, she's a dumb cunt.

>> No.8148697

so take birth control and go buy a menstrual cup. problem solved. ffs you guys make such big out of everything

>> No.8148737

You'd be amazed how many well educated grown women have no idea that the pill helps with periods. It wasn't nearly as ridiculous for her to suggest it as you're making it out. You're just extremely sandy.

>> No.8148749

And you are implying that everyone is aware of said method, which is far from the case. The dumb cunt here is you.

>> No.8149020

>grew up in household with bipolar abusive mother
>none of 'my' things were ever mine
>didn't get to choose what toys I played with or what my room looked like or what clothes I wore
>any of 'my' things at any time could be given or thrown away and often were
>video games I was halfway through
>toys and stuffed animals I loved
>my favorite clothes
>even lost several pets thanks to mother's manic fits
>learn not to get attached to anything, ever
>at least there's a bright side now because I'm not afraid for my burando
>and these stories don't upset me
>sure it costs money and that's annoying but whatever
>at least it's not a pet...

>> No.8149042

Idk, I grew up in a similar situation (I hope you mean your mother gave your pets away rather than killing them; the former was the same for me, the latter is heinous and I'm sorry for you if that's the case), and these stories still piss me the fuck off. I guess after I moved out and learned about having possessions or even not having to deal with being touched (not sexually, my mother was just always putting her hands in my hair or touching my cheeks or stuff, and when I'd ask her to stop, she'd scream that she made me and could do what she wanted), it pisses me off a million times more to hear about it happening to anyone else. I'm just glad I wasn't into lolita back then, because I'm sure I would be able to contribute with similar stories.

>> No.8149054

I grew up with a similar situation my step-mother was verbally/psychologically abusive. She went through my stuff a lot of times, read my personal journal, tore up my clothes, broke my cds, she also took my dog and dropped it off somewhere. I've been out of the house for 5 years, I'm happily married, and I seriously think I'm fucked up from years of trauma. I'm pretty possessive of my dresses now though...

>> No.8149060

I feel your pain anon. Mom was almost the same way.

>> No.8149068


>she also took my dog and dropped it off somewhere

did you get the dog back? did you ever find it? why was your father still with her?

if anyone ever touched my dog without permission I would go batshit holy crap. Kudos to you for not murdering her in cold blood.

>> No.8149089

>mfw I had bad acne, my mother would pop and scrape my pimples, and now I have horrible craterface because of it

>> No.8149112

No I never did get it back, I wasn't allowed to go look for it either. My father is passive and oblivious to her antics despite the countless people that have tried talking to him. That's just the tip of the iceberg to what she's done to me and my biological brother. She's threatened to kill herself in front of me, forbade me from being friends with my black best friend (and had someone at the school call her if they saw us together), punched my brother to the point of bruising him for weeks, told me I wasn't allowed to go to college, told me that my family hated me and I was nothing but trash. Life was hell, and I don't no how I got through it. To make matters worse, my younger brother is still living with her, and is contemplating suicide. I've tried taking him in, but she won't let me.

>> No.8149133

Kudos to you for getting out. I'm >>8149020 and tbh the only reason I survived was because I got the fuck outta dodge when I was 18. Funny how I had only lurked in lolita circles until then, but right after I left I saved and bought my first piece. Getting out is the worst part, but at least now you're free. I hope you can get your brother out soon, Anon.

Oh and uh, for the pet thing, the latter, unfortunately. I'd rather lose a thousand dresses than do that again.

>> No.8149134

I come from the kind of family that would literally kill a bitch over our dogs with no fucks given. I could scalp this bitch for that alone, though the other shit's pretty bad, too.

Have you tried getting the police involved? You have enough to get your brother forcibly removed from her house and you could always exaggerate shit (usually I would never condone lying about something like this, but this lady deserves it). Also, I hate to say this anon, but your dad needs to step the fuck up.

>> No.8149152

Thanks, yea it was hard to get out, especially since she tore up all my college acceptance letters, I tried joining the military, and finally got accepted to work as an intern at a theme park. It was tough but I'm better for it, I'm actually almost out of college now!
Yea I'm super protective of my cat now, I feel like I'm trying to make up for what happened to him. I've thought about getting the police involved but they live out-of-state, and he's recently turned 18. I don't know, I may just go get him. I agree with you, to be honest I'm more angry with him because he lets this happen.

>> No.8149156

My mom has borderline personality disorder and was emotionally abusive, love you one moment, hate you the next, be came obsessed with me when I moved out. Long story short I cut her out of my life and went to family counseling, it's helped so much, if you have the means to do so I can't recommend it enough, try to find someone who's subsidized.

>> No.8149164

It makes me really sad that OP never confronted her mother about this. I would never speak to mine ever again if she did that to me and didn't replace it afterwards. I'm sure some people would think of that as harsh, but that's just so awful and shows a complete disregard for your child's feelings and hard work. I just wouldn't be able to look at her the same way again.

I feel very fortunate that the worst I have to deal with with my mom in terms of lolita is her being embarrassed by sweet and not wanting to be seen in public with me wearing it. That I have no problem with.

But to take something expensive you know is so dear to your child that they earned themselves, destroy it, and give it to a little kid who's just going to outgrow it in a few months just because you "don't get it" and see nothing wrong with it? Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.8149199

Ha, I joined the military too, but ended up in PTSD rehab for four months because of her bullshit.


My mom is also borderline, it doesn't help that I'm a fucking sperg. (maybe. Multiple specialists can't decide on it because fuck me.) someone with extreme attachment issues should not be allowed to raise naturally detached children. Two out of three of her kids ended up with PTSD and the third still lives with her but knows how to manipulate my mother to get what she wants. (A good thing in this case. She's otherwise very kind and sweet)

Best part? She works as a child advocate for the state. I've sent in a complaint once when I was worried for my sister's safety but they didn't do anything, even when my psychiatrist backed me up.

>> No.8149224

>be dating guy for a couple months
>really like him, thinking he's the one
>almost 3 months into the relationship, he basically tells me that he doesn't want to continue the relationship if I keep wearing lolita every day
>has mentioned not really liking it before, but never in any way that indicated it was a potential deal breaker
>tell him lolno
>he tells me I'm going to have a hard time finding a boyfriend who will accept the way I dress (he's the only guy I've liked to ever have a problem with it)
>less than a month later end up with much hotter guy with a 10/10 body and dick a good two inches longer and substantially thicker
>ex shortly after sends me text trying to rekindle and says he realized how shitty he was and he's so sorry yada yada
>text back with pic of new boyfriend's abs
>never hear from him again

I know it's nothing compared to the other stories in here, especially since it has a happy ending.

>> No.8149228

>smoking weed
>in lolita
>"at least the dress wasn't hurt"
have fun getting the smell out of your dress

>> No.8149231

Happy for you none the less anon, but it ain't a horror story?

>> No.8149247

I was going to suggest calling CPS, but if he's 18 he's legally an adult he can do whatever he wants. If he wants to live with you, he can live with you and there's nothing (legally) she can do about it. Best thing to do is to get him to pack a bunch of stuff and sneak out when she's asleep/not home, let her know what's happening and then cut all contact with her.

>> No.8149248

>Best part? She works as a child advocate for the state.
My dad repeatedly raped me as a teenager and he's a social worker. I've been told by my therapist that it's not uncommon for people like that to end up in those kinds of jobs.

>> No.8149253

I don't know why people assume smoking weed in a dress means that dress is going to smell like weed forever. You realize weed works differently than cigarettes, right? I've never had a dress smell like weed for more than a day after smoking in it and not once has anyone buying from me mentioned any odor.

>> No.8149257 [DELETED] 

Yeah, but now your dress smells like a college dorm.

>> No.8149259

"horror story" translated in my head as "worst thing to happen to you in lolita". It's late where I am.

>> No.8149262

see >>8149253

>> No.8149263

Different anon who has never smoked weed nor cigs before, but the smell of cigarettes actually stick to fabrics whereas the smell of weed fades away very quickly.

>> No.8149266

The horror story is that she's publicly outing herself as a superficial, rude bitch.

>> No.8149268

Seconding this wholeheartedly. There's nothing stopping you anon. Rescue him from that crazy bitch and never look back.

Also, I keep imagining your brother as really hot in a fragile way. I have a fetish for abused boys.

>> No.8149271

It's because it's jobs that offer, by definition, social power over others.

>> No.8149280

How's she anymore superficial and rude than the guy who dumped her over the way she dresses, which by the sound of things, he was well aware of going into the relationship? Yeah, she could have been more mature about rejecting him, but it's not like he didn't do anything to earn that kind of response.

>> No.8149283

You were asking for it, I mean... look what you were wearing.

>> No.8149289

>publicly outing herself
Telling stories on an anonymous message board free of any identifying information does not qualify as "publicly outing"

>> No.8149292

idk man, i think that's a pretty awesome way to handle that kind of situation

>> No.8149295

I was more talking about how she describes her new boyfriend solely as having abs and a bigger dick. Not making any excuses for her ex's behavior but it seems like they were quite the dream couple.

>> No.8149322

Original anon, heh yeah mom's an english teacher, not quite the same but still, ugh. I feel like it took another 10 years after moving out just learning how to socialize properly. My counselor told me that a lot of therapists won't even take patients with borderline cause by it's very nature they're in denial that they even have a problem.

>> No.8149323

But how's his personality?

>> No.8149327

yeah... I don't know about you, but I would never give up a hobby I was passionate about because my partner had an issue with it. Compromise? Sure, but if a guy I was only dating for three months (let me repeat: three (3) months, not five years, not ten years, but three MONTHS) outright tells me to stop doing things I enjoy or he'll leave me, you're damned right I'm just going to leave and not look back. Then, he tries to insult her by telling her that his way is the right way because HE has a problem with is, so therefore everyone else does, and then comes crawling back like a coward once she's already found someone. Could she have handled the situation better? Of course! Is she a superficial, rude bitch for wanting to be happy, enjoy her hobbies and have someone who doesn't try to control her? Hell nawh.

>> No.8149329

is it weird I enjoy reading these female bad feel threads?

>> No.8149331

Also finding my husband and seeing what a normal relationship looks like, holy shit that did wonders.

>> No.8149334

Is the horror story from his perspective?

>> No.8149662

>finally getting my first burando
>it's an older plain piece, but listed as never worn, only tried on
>excited anyway
>great transaction, dress arrives fast
>there's even a little gift and a handwritten note
>take out the dress
>doesn't smell like new fabric
>in fact kinda smells like body
>oh well, maybe they tried it on without a blouse, I'll just handwash it
>start soaking
>soon water turns murky
>maybe the fabric's bleeding?
>after 30 minute soak pour out the water, it's brown
>even tho the dress was dark navy
>leave good feedback anyway because fresh newb and seller was very nice
>in the end wore the dress once and sold it a few months later, just couldn't like it

After that most of my second-hand brand was from Japan, and not only did I never get an unwashed item, they're usually in better condition than stated. None of that "worn a few time than washed" when few times actually means an entire years worth of anime cons.

>> No.8149682

Just remembered this now

>be mostly newbie
>on EGL sales looking for brand
>jewelry jelly so cute damn yes
>overpay because newb
>described as like new with a front and back picture
>get dress
>stains, rips, some loops on back that hold lacing are repaired poorly
>message seller
>"oh sorry, I was selling for a friend and didn't check. How does $15 back sound"

I could never wear it. I was always too mad. Sold it with headbow I bought separately for half the price almost a year later

>just sat in my closet making me mad

>> No.8149735

kinda similar:
>use friends' apartement to get ready for a meetup in her city
>she lives with a few guys, all of them pretty friendly except one
>greet him and only get a stare
>okay, whatever, I wore a wig cap and half finished makeup and it's like 9am, maybe he'sa just a little overwhelmed
>get back from meetup to same appartement to change back
>say hi to this guy again, no reply
>rude motherfucker
>tell my friend, she's like "oh he's really nice, he just likes to overthink things"
>bitch, don't make apologies for rude aspie assholes
>find out through other roomates that he "explained" to them what Lolita was and how it derived from the book/movie

>> No.8149737

> hotter guy with a 10/10 body and dick a good two inches longer and substantially thicker
>pic of new boyfriend's abs
I call it fake. Only a dude would make up such a story and mention dicks and abs or use 10/10 as a rating.

>> No.8149741

Maybe they were a dude

>implying dudes can't be lolita or have boyfriends

>> No.8149743

I also got on birth control and I wish I never did, worst mistake of my life. Fucked up my whole body and my periods. I wouldn't ever recommend it.

>> No.8149744

you're an idiot.

>> No.8149760

A friend's Dad has a similar job and has very severely physically, emotionally and verbally abused them aswell as neglected them for the whole time they lived with them. I don't understand how parents like these can be so cruel yet have careers that are so altruistic, empathy based and centered around care.

>> No.8149763

That would make so much sense.

>> No.8149787

Yes but this is just you. I'm not saying everybody should go on birth control to solve period problems, but many girl don't even know this is an option that might help. Sometimes you might even need to try different bc pills, everybody should consult their gynecologist for the best treatment.

>> No.8149790

Now I want to make a seemingly yuri story with a very girlish tone about a love triangle between lolis only to have them all turn out to be brolitas at the end.

>> No.8149791
File: 250 KB, 1536x2048, CqIvYi0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from a few years back but some of you might remember me.

>parking my car
>see smoke coming out from under the hood
>take out the key and gtfo
>left my 3DS case/games and AP mini biscuit purse in there
>car is destroyed, 3DS gets water damage from the fire department (the case saved it from the fire of course) and the back of my purse is destroyed

I can still use it and it looks okay from the front but damn. I still don't have many lolita pieces and that was my first one too.

>> No.8149798

>>see smoke coming out from under the hood

Holy shit, did you ever found out what exactly caused the fire?

>> No.8149804

No clue. Apparently it's something with the Chevy Malibu? I was still living with my parents at the time and they wouldn't give me any other info so I'm not completely sure, but the car had last been checked like two weeks before.

>tfw my mom still likes to pretend that I lit a joint under my hood somehow

>> No.8149809
File: 988 KB, 922x614, dfxtfgdgvd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this helps but the lighter gray areas on the hood are where it started. If anyone wants to try to figure this out, be my guest.

>> No.8149965

No, I literally meant to person should ever go on birth control ever to solve period problems.
If you use it, a year or so max and only if there's no other option. Shit's poison to your body and it will make period problems worse in the long run.
So yeah, try and ask a doctor, but don't expect them to be honest because they sell this shit.
Watch a few documentaries and in the meantime, I recommend painkillers.

>> No.8149991

I'm not sure what country you are from but in my country doctors can't and aren't paid by pharmaceutical companies. I think if someone has very bad period pain that isn't relieved by pain killers then they should see a doc and/or a gynaecologist. I've had very bad period pain issues since I was teenager (period started a couple of years earlier) with most of the symptoms mentioned earlier (vomiting, being unable to move, unable to attend things etc.) being the norm for me. It took quite a few years and for the situation to get worse for it to be investigated any further than a test for pcos and the pill with an occasional ultrasound when I had cysts...I had an op and was confirmed to have Endo.

>> No.8149992

>Get dream sky OP in the mail. Brand new, fresh with tags.
>Friends are coming over to go shopping, shouldn't be here for awhile.
>Try on dress. Doorbell rings. Well fuck.
>Decide to wear it anyway, throw on some socks and shoes.
>Beautiful summer sunny day. Stop for lunch then go to a thrift store.
>Get to store, it starts to rain. Okay whatever we'll just wait inside.
>Starts storming.
>Torrential downpour that will not stop.
>Where did this shit come from?!
>Walk outside, water coming up to the front of the store. Parking lot flooded.
>Friend's mom is along because she's in town, she takes the car up to higher ground. Getting pretty bad.
>Store announces that they're going to close the doors so either stay inside or get out.
>Have to go to work at 4, it's 2pm but shit...
>We decide to head for the car. Take off socks. It's okay my shoes are bodyline.
>Not too bad okay. Wait water getting higher.
>It's up to my fucking thighs. Friend is holding up petti. I'm holding up entirely drenched brand new dress.
>Shopping cart full of debris comes flying at me, dodge that shit.
>Make it to car. All other cars where we were originally parked are in water up to the windows if not higher. Some dude trying to get to his flooded car gets swept away (apparently ended up with broken ribs)
>Tornado warnings. Take cover in grocery store. Buy towels.
>No tornado touched down thankfully
>Made it to work on time.
>Dress was fine. Just washed it afterwards.

And that is how I learned chiffon AP pieces are safe to be put in water.

>> No.8150009

Sure, but where I come from, 99% of doctors would just have told you to get birth control. It's their remedy for everything. I still got it all and I never got diagnosed, all they say is "birth control".

>> No.8150017

Like men on 4chan ever describe their new girlfriends with anything other than physical traits. Like the first attributes any man lists about his dream girl aren't physical ones. Girls like hot guys with nice dicks, we have eyes and sexual needs too, deal with it. And she had just started dating that new guy, it's not like they'd formed some deep bond yet, of course it was about sex at that point.

>> No.8150093

So you just fuck a guy until you develop a non-physical affection for him? Sounds like a legit good plan.

>> No.8150102

Yeaah sure. Sorry they didn't help you but I'm taking bc for about 8 years now and I'm acne-, pain- and childfree have shorter and lighter periods. But keep telling people how everything is poison and every doctor is controlled by the pharma industry.

>> No.8150103

>"Up to thighs"
>2.5ft of water in a few hours

I know it's fun to make up stories in these threads, but are you really this retarded or was the entire lot in a giant pit? That's like 10x the normal amount even in torrential weather.

>> No.8150114

I don't know about you, but I tend to notice how someone looks before getting to really know them as a person, just because of a thing called sight.

>> No.8150115

Well, usually when girls on cgl describe their (ex)boyfriends or dates they'll say things like
>he's so nice, a real gentleman
>he always ignores me!
>he loves to see me dressed up, he thinks I look cute
>he thinks it's alright and we have a lot im common so we compromise
Girls usually decribe character traits or traits of the realtionship.
Dudebros on the other hand.. they say "I dated this 8/10 chic, nice t&a"

>> No.8150126
File: 551 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mpqy2nLIze1r4gbp9o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a picture before it started getting bad and probably when we should've left. Water was creeping up closer to the entrance.

The area is situated at the bottom of a hill. It regularly floods when there's a lot of rain. The store had to be closed for about a month while the mess was being cleaned up.

I mean there's videos of it, probably news articles. I'd prefer to not give out my location.

>> No.8150136

Okay so you waded through a ditch part to get to the cars. That makes way more sense than the entire area being 2+ feet under.

>> No.8150137
File: 34 KB, 626x339, iwalkedthroughthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, I screencapped the video. I think this was probably around the time we managed to GTFO.

>> No.8150196

I was on bc for 11 years and then I didn't have any cycle and didn't get my period for over a year, lost a huge portion of my hair and my acne was worse than ever. My hormones are forever fucked and I'd need hormone therapy, but I don't trust doctors anymore. Being on bc for 11 years was stupid and irresponsible, everything longer than 2 years is. What made me finally quit it was a 31 year old woman who shared a hospital room with my friend and who told us how much she regretted taking the pill for so long and that she now has breast cancer. My friend also stopped taking it after that and had the same problems, her hair didn't grow back to this day and she has really bad acne, we're both in our 30s now.
So yeah, I'm glad it worked out for you and I hope you won't have the same problems.

>> No.8150211

Not same anon.
Hormones contained in birth control pills make me fill very sick. Always. When I used them to fix my period, they did fix my period, even though I had my heart beating too strongly.
When I left the pills, my period would go back to an irregular and painful state.
Then I tried homeopathy. After 6 months of using it, my period is perfect like a clock. I don't have side-effects, I feel healthy.
I'm from Mexico, and homeopathy here is seriously studied by medical doctors at the university. Now, living in Europe, I hear people being highly skeptical about it because it seems here homeopathy is not controlled or something, so anyone can give it without knowledge of what it actually is and inventing ghost stories about it.
Works for me, if anybody wants to try, ask for:
Helonia Bioica
Actea Racemus
6 cc each (concentration)
10 drops of each in a glass of hot water each 4 hours, everyday. Non-stop.

good luck for those who cannot use hormones.

>> No.8150216

sorry for typo. When I'm tired, my english becomes odd spanglish

>> No.8150223


That's probably because homeopathy is based on the erroneous concept of diluting a chemical out to 6.023*10^23 times in the hopes of the water creating a 'mold' of the molecule.

It happens, but because water molecules move around so much, it's not really plausible that it would stay together so long as to form a coherent remedy.

Glad to know the placebo effect works out for you though.

>> No.8150226

There's a difference between what you notice on first sight and what you describe your partner as. One can assume you've exchanged some words now.
And you know abs and a big dick might be a plus but they aren't gonna guarantee a good sex life for a woman so her mentioning that really makes it sound like something completely made up.

>> No.8150249

> she regretted taking the pill for so long and that she now has breast cancer
Ok stop trolling.

>> No.8150278

Sorry, I'm a 100% serious, it really got us thinking. Sure, you're not definitely getting breast cancer from bc, but the risk is higher. It's just insane to take hormones daily instead of getting properly diagnosed.

>> No.8150280

That was over 11 years ago, technology is evolving faster than ever so the BC we have now is going to be different. It sounds as though you had something with pretty high hormone levels in them.

>> No.8150290

holy shit anon I remember your story... I'm still glad you were okay and valued your life over your belongings.

>> No.8150292


>look at all this anecdotal evidence
>it has to be connected to bc

Uhhhh. It'd be one thing if you were sharing your valid experiences, but this sounds like a fucking chain e-mail which makes wild claims of "a friend of my friend said this and my friend has weird and vague symptoms from taking x for 10 years."

the aftereffects of BC should go away after a while. Even thromboembolism, one of the most feared effects of BC, is very slight and goes away after one year of taking it. The risk of breast cancer is extremely minimal on BC, and BC in fact reduces the chances of getting other cancer such as ovarian and endometrial cancer.

>> No.8150297

But if you're getting bc because of pain or acne, the hormone levels are higher. That's the point I'm trying to make, it's medication, it's not a magical beauty pill that takes care of your problems.
My problems went away, but not entirely.
This is my experience but I think it's important to share when other girls itt are like "I've been taking it for 8 years and everything is perfect" because if you overdo it or once you quit it, chances are everything's not gonna be perfect.

>> No.8150298

Haha I figured someone would. And thank you, I'm glad I did too. I mean, a part of me still wishes I had grabbed them since they were right next to me, but them's the breaks.

>> No.8150302

Yes this is your experience and you are probably 1 in 1000 women that get negative effects that are probably not even linked to bc. And the fact that you try to pull a breast cancer patient's story as evidence makes you look stupid. Pain killers are also poison for your body and rise the risk of certain cancers, hell everything is poison nowadays.

>> No.8150308


>But if you're getting bc because of pain or acne, the hormone levels are higher.

If you're getting them for pain, chances are that the doctor is trying to regulate the cycle so that there is less dysmenorrhea overall. Most people would be put on the regular 28 day cycle of pills.

If you want to stop the period completely, it's advised that you skip the fake pills and go straight to the next packet to regulate the period, but it's advised that you take a break and take the fake pills once every two months so as to prevent a sudden bleed.

I'm not sure about indications for acne, but I definitely know that for pain that you're usually put on a regular dose of BC daily.

>> No.8150329

>even not having to deal with being touched
A variety of my family members thought that touching, tickling, poking, surprising me with any combinations of the previous things was okay, and I still have issues with some of them doing it. They just don't get it when I appear visibly annoyed and pissed and tell them not to do it. It's been like this my whole life, and people wonder why I'm so sensitive about being touched. My friends try to come up behind me and surprise hug me and have quickly figured out that I'm just not okay with being touched in any way without consent.

My mother and father would frequently go through my things, one time my little sister broke down crying and apologizing because she had gone into my room along with my stepmother and stepsister while I was away and put my wigs all over their nasty heads and made fun of me. My parents would constantly approach me to question me about pieces of writing they had found in a drawer from years ago. I didn't have it as bad as >>8149020 but I still never had any personal space. I've been living on my own for two years now, my parents have never been in my apartment, and there are only six other people who have, including my fiance, and I plan on keeping it that way.
We're moving to the next town over this summer and renting a house with my friend and her boyfriend. Even though they're two of the five people who have been in my apartment, I'm utterly terrified of sharing a living space with another person again.
I made it a condition that we had to have a house with an extra bedroom or study so that I could have a room for sewing/keeping my lolita wardrobe/etc. Is it crazy that I want this, and feel like I need to keep it as a locked room at all times?

>> No.8150333

These problems are 100% linked to bc. I never said the breast cancer patient's story is evidence, I said it's what got me thinking and getting off bc.

What you say is correct, I skipped all my periods because no pill I tried could make the pain better. Some of them had other side effects like making me severly depressed, a friend of mine studying medicine told me doctors nicknamed said pill "the suicide pill".
So yeah, I've been on different pills for 11 years and now I'm off for a few years and all I can say is, I would not recommend it for any other reason than temporary birth control.

>> No.8150369
File: 33 KB, 535x462, B1FVV1uCMAAe7UW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>find out through other roomates that he "explained" to them what Lolita was and how it derived from the book/movie

>> No.8150431

"Oral contraceptives slightly and temporarily increase the risk of breast and cervical cancer. However, the slight increase in breast cancer occurs during and in the 5 years following the use of these contraceptives, and usually at a time and age when risk is very low." - http://www.cancer.org/cancer/news/birth-control-pill-use-cuts-ovarian-cancer-risk

>> No.8150485

Nah. I want my own lolita/kawaii/creative space cave too.

>> No.8150518

Imagine being 21 and your mother looking enough like you to still get into your account. I've lost thousands over the years because of her and she never takes responsibilities.

>> No.8150538

How about you take legal action?

>> No.8150547

that does happen, though. you have to be careful when engaging them

>> No.8150570

>being this ungrateful
>offspring not even once

>> No.8150592

Honestly, most problems with bc are tied to oral administration. We have so many more direct hormonal contraceptives now - rings, shots, implants, patches. They mostly bypass your digestive tract and contain smaller but more precise hormonal doses. I don't know why so many women still insist on using cumbersome pills (are they free/refundable in the US or something?). I'd only take them into consideration when you already tried the previous methods and they didn't work for you or when you need a specific, high dosage.
Like sure, if you have side effects related to a specific hormone it's not gonna be a tremendous improvement, but it's generally better for you in the long run.

I used to suffer from paralyzing menstrual cramps that lasted 2 days. Muscle pains, severe fatigue, nausea, you know the drill. Usually preceded by 2-3 days of PMS with sore tits, headaches and being overly emotional for no reason. And that PMS was the only way to know the tide is coming, cause it sure didn't stick to any timetable. My gyno couldn't find a single thing wrong with me, no supplements or natural remedies helped and even prescription-strength painkillers only solved the pain, but still left all other symptoms. And then I'd wake up at 4 or 5 AM when they stopped working, barely able to move.

I've been on Nuvaring for 3 years now with no side effects, I finally function like a normal human being, have no vagina-related stress and being able to go bareback with my fiancee is a nice bonus. Not having to remember a pill every single day is awesome too. Even if it means I might get nasty symptoms or even cancer 20 years down the line I'll fucking take my chances over being a useless sack of shit 1/4 of my life.

>> No.8150610
File: 257 KB, 285x382, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enough time has passed and im pretty sure im never gonna get my $$$ so

>cute VM dress on egl that wasn't moving
>make an offer, we meet halfway on a price (basically she comps shipping from australia to USD)
>realize her measurements on dress dont match the lolibrary and are bigger, she reassures me it's fine, okay whatever you say
>everything fine
>until i get the dress
>stretched out as fuck
>ask for $25 to replace the elastic to try and fix it
>she gives me a pissy rude af reply that says I'm a cheap bitch and should buy bodyline
>over 25 dollars
>file PP claim right away
>mods side in my favor, PP sides in my favor
>ship dress back, give PP customs # and shipping #
>PP closes my case because neither number works
>wtf why do neither work now
>post offices here and in Australia can't do shit
>seller of course never speaks to me again, scams other people, has basically disappeared
>RIP 200 USD

I've had like 50% of my western purchases end in horror story, why do I even bother anymore

>> No.8150626

so that makes it ok for anon's mom to steal from her? fuck off into the sun.

>> No.8150639

I'm curious as to why you bought the dress, if the measurements from the owner of the dress were too big?

>> No.8150649

Never buy from western markets. Seacows everywhere and dresses are in shittier condition. Also pricier.

>> No.8150651

Why did you ship the dress back? Especially before ypu got a refund??

>> No.8150657

You will only get the refund from PP if you can show that you've shipped the item back. Which she did.

>> No.8150685

This gave me such a bad feeling. I don't understand why some parents think it's okay to take their children's personal belongings and give them away or get rid of them.

>> No.8150712

my stepdad is an alcoholic. He drinks from the time he wakes up to when he finally passes out (around 8pm). He'll give you gifts then take them away over stupid things.
He's a fulltime fire fighter.
It makes me so upset that he can save lives and rescue people, but once he gets home he decides family aint worth shit to him.

>> No.8150764

nah, the owner's measurements weren't too big, they were just bigger than the lolibrary listing. I think lolibrary lists 86-86, and the seller listed 92. The dress was easily like 100+ though...

I know now! always y~j/mbok unless I am buying in person or from friends.

like >>8150657 said. only so much egl mods can do to make them refund me especially when they disappear, so I went to PP right away.

>> No.8150771

Same here. I had heavy bad periods before I got on depo and stopped 'em altogether. Needless to say I didn't cosplay or wear Lolita during shark week (not like I could anyway because curled up in bed screaming in agony for 5 straight days)

>> No.8150777

I'm >>8150771
I got on depo for that same reason. My periods were literal hell. They tried putting me on the pills but the only thing that made me was fat and constantly hungry. Depo surprisingly didn't make me as fat as the pills despite all the anti-depo shit my mom was trying to drill into my head.

>> No.8150795

>the hormone levels are higher
And my point is it's not as high as what you used to take. Even if it /is/ higher than normal, it's still a fraction of what was used decades ago.

>That's the point I'm trying to make, it's medication, it's not a magical beauty pill that takes care of your problems.
Well it kinda did take care of my problem, and as with all medication people are going to have severe reactions, but that's not most people.

>This is my experience but I think it's important to share when other girls...
Again, your experience happened almost two decades ago (I'm assuming, one at the very least). As I have stated before, the hormones you were using were a hell of a lot stronger than what's available now, and if you're finding you're reacting badly to one form of BC, there's plenty more you can use, even just in pill form, let alone the other different types of hormonal BC, which, I will state again, is not the same that you took a decade ago.

>> No.8150873

>I have a fetish for abused boys

please fuck off and never speak to an abuse survivor until you can fix your shit

>> No.8150883

You need to take off your tinfoil hat and put the anti-vax pamphlet down. There are different types of pill that affect the body in slightly different ways. They regulate hormones and assist in controlling acne, period flow/cramps, mood swings and can offset menopause later in life.

Why you think the Pill is poison and painkillers aren't is strange. Both are artificially made chemical aides used to assist the body in some way.

Sage for replying to a fucking stupid argument.

>> No.8150894

>TFW my ma had a stroke at 30 because of the BC she'd been on for years and years

Some of the risks ARE real, anon.

She got lucky and it was a minor stroke, she didn't have any lasting damage, but that could kill someone.

I'm on progesterone shit because it's safer in terms of thromboembolism, but saying that the risk of it goes away after a year is idiotic and just straight up wrong.

>> No.8150899

Hormones for BC will generally make you feel kinda shitty until your body readjusts to the new levels. You probably didn't give it enough time.

>10 drops of each in a glass of hot water each 4 hours, everyday. Non-stop.

Because anyone has fucking time for that garbage.

You probably have another issue that isn't related to the BC, but because you don't trust doctors, you'll probably never find out what it is. Have fun dying early.

>> No.8150906

>rescue him from the crazy bitch!
>he's really hot in a fragile abused way
>i like broken boys!
sounds just as crazy herself.

>> No.8150912

Fucking up your hormones to 'make your cramps less bad' is a horrible idea. It's not given as an option because it's a last ditch option.

>> No.8150928

For a lot of people who take them for cramps it's not a matter of making them 'less bad.' It's being able to function for that week out of the year.

I can't move, can't eat or drink, am constantly shitting or puking the first 4 days of my period, curled up in pain, etc. That's kind of dangerous. I'd go through an entire bottle of midol in four days to be able to get up and go to school, where I'd usually end up in the nurse's office most of the day because I still couldn't really walk. Once I started working, that was it. I can't call off of work because of my period. So I got on BC. This is a pretty common reason of people to start BC.

I have chronic migraines (which started way before my period and BC so no, you can't blame them on that) that are debilitating with nausea and visual disturbances, and they're nothing compared to my period.

If people get on BC because they don't want to have a baby but want to have sex, I don't understand why fixing a life-changing problem wouldn't be an acceptable reason.

>> No.8150944

People don't know the long term affects of BC anyways, but there are a lot of better, safer alternatives, like phytoestrogens. I actually had similar issues with my periods before and almost died from the reaction that birth control had on my hypoglycemia and it didn't even help at all anyways, but i started taking pueraria mirifica(that stuff in boob growing pills) and it fixed it up almost immediately.

For a lot of people it doesn't really help it, but there are other things that my gyno suggested that did and are better overall.

>> No.8150961

Chinese lolis are the worst. They look so bad but think they're all that with their cheap taobao shit.

>> No.8150974

>a fetish for abused boys

women like you make me sick.

>> No.8150986

what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.8150994

Then tell your bank that she does this and you'd like to set up more security measures when someone tries to access your account at a branch (i.e., a spoken password or security question only you can answer).

>> No.8151345


My periods were so awful that I was losing two weeks out of the month to the anxiety of starting my period and then the actual week of. Not only were the cramps painful, but the actual bleeding was, too. I can remember standing and just being in so much aching pain from the flow. I was soaking maxi tampons all the way through to my jeans in 2 hours.

Finally went to a gyno when I was 18 (had told my pediatrician about the painful periods before, but she didn't do much), diagnosed with dysmenorrhea and got put on a trial of BC. Unfortunately for me, my body whole-heartedly rejected the hormones. I was sicker on that one BC pill than the cramps had ever made me. Go back to the gyno, do some more BC tests that make me just as sick and end up with few options left. I already knew I didn't want to have biological children, so I actually opted to have a uterine ablation, which got rid of my periods entirely.

It's been 6 years and I honestly cannot imagine what my life would still be like with periods. I don't think I could function at all. Certainly I wouldn't wear lolita if I still had my periods. I'll never forget the horror of being in college, when I thought I had all that shit figured out, and still bleeding through to my jeans.

Everyone has such an individual period and body that there's really no one size fits all. For me, BC didn't work and I went a very extreme route. For others, BC may be some terrible thing they don't want to use. Whatever works, but I'm all for doing whatever it takes to get that relief.

Polite sage for off-topic. I just have never really shared my story.

>> No.8151458

i'd rate this bait a 0/10

>> No.8151725

If you are into hormonal contraception the only thing I'd recommend really is the Nuva Ring.
>What is reading comprehension

>> No.8151727

>And my point is it's not as high as what you used to take. Even if it /is/ higher than normal, it's still a fraction of what was used decades ago.
11 years aren't decades. Young girls now pretty much use the same products I did. There are newer products that are marketed as beauty pills which pile on the hormones and are used specifically against acne.
So yeah, if you want light contraception, there were options in my days too, but I got it against the pain, and when one product didn't work doctors just kept on giving me heavier and heavier alternatives.
You sound really young btw.
>Well it kinda did take care of my problem, and as with all medication people are going to have severe reactions, but that's not most people.
So you're off the pill and have no problems? If not, you don't know the effects on your body yet.
>the hormones you were using were a hell of a lot stronger than what's available now
Still not correct, sorry.
Yeah, you don't need to educate me, I know what I'm talking about. Pills don't regulate hormones, that's just bs. It changes the hormone levels in your body by adding to them and once you're off those hormones it can you right or wrong.
>Why you think the Pill is poison and painkillers aren't is strange. Both are artificially made chemical aides used to assist the body in some way.
Because I take maybe 1-2 painkillers a month now instead of swallowing pills every day. Also, other methods have helped me getting the pain under control and there's been months were I've been pain free.

Just believe whatever you want, go on swallowing hormones each day, I just wanted to give you my side of the story and an example of how it can go wrong, I don't care what you do with this information, so let's stop derailing this thread.

>> No.8151850

Holy shit it's almost like everyone woman's body, chemistry, and cycle are completely different, and what works great for one person doesn't work that well for another! No wai!

That's great that you anti-BC bitches found something better, but stomping your feet because nobody in the world should take BC is ignorant as hell, not to mention pretty self-centered. Your body isn't the end-all be-all of biology.

>> No.8152312

The dude sounds like another one of the million strong army of douches. Also is it terrible I imagined Joseph Joestar when you got to the "ohhhh nooooooo" part?

>> No.8152318

I do better on pills because remembering to take something daily is easier to do than remember something I only do once a month.

>> No.8152326

Just always be skeptical of the people prescribing you pills. When that is a very expensive pill you have to take every day you can count on someone making money out of it and continuing to have an interest in making money out of you. Not the above anon, but do take the pill if you think it helps, but also check the studies.

>> No.8152611

>going through puberty
>already hate my appearance and have a huge complex about it
>start getting acne
>mother locks me in the bathroom
>forces me to let her dig at my face for up to 2 hours with her fingernails, bobbypins, needles, etc
>end up with redness everywhere, swelling, scars, nasty scabs fucking all over my face
>acne spreads worse because she's fucking with my face
>crying the whole time because she's vicious about it and doesnt care how much it hurts
>does this shit a few times a day
>this was my life for years until my acne finally went away
>still salty as fuck because i've got scarring and a lot of my insecurity during my formative years could've been avoided if she'd just

>> No.8152615

>few times a day
should be
>few times a week
sorry for typo, polite sage

>> No.8152622

Is your mom psycho, or was she meaning well but being awful because she has a complex or something?

>> No.8152627

That's just horrible.

>> No.8152631

She was physically and mentally abusive all through my childhood. To this day she is still incredibly manipulative. I try not to be resentful because she wasn't exactly in the best of situations and was probably depressed but it really fucked me over.
The annoying shit about the picking was that she knew it was better to just let it heal, and i knew she knew because she fucking told *me* to never pick.

>> No.8152674


>> No.8153038

My mother used to do this to me, too. I have a fair bit of scarring. Fuck mothers and their irrational acne squeezing.

>> No.8153320

sigh, I love how women are so stupid they think they black out and get anemic from their period.

Human anatomy and function should be a required graduate course for this generation of idiots.

>> No.8153321

Not that anon, but I've had doctors tell me to take iron supplements while on my period because I'm prone to anemia.

>> No.8153322

Do you know how to read? Anon said her anemia is the cause of her period affecting her so much.

>women are so stupid they think they black out and get anemic from their period
Have you even heard of menorrhagia?

>> No.8153326

Go back in you hole you sweaty ugly hikkamori.

>> No.8153329


Either you're an idiot or you're trying to get a rise out of us.

Seeing women become anemic from menorrhagia is extremely common IRL, so common that it's the first thing you ask about in a tired and pale woman of childbearing age ffs.

>> No.8153331

>Either you're an idiot or you're trying to get a rise out of us.
And yet you respond to them anyways.

>> No.8153335


Hey, it can't hurt in the case that he's an idiot. We'll see in the next response.

>> No.8153348

Some people don't really want to be taught things though, anon. Especially since he worded it that way, he clearly has strong negative feelings towards "dumb women" or is baiting.

I'm sorry, I get what you're doing, I'm just sick of us falling to bait so fucking much.

>> No.8153972

Is it Sweet Cream House, by any chance?

>> No.8154263

Is your mom my mom? She thought it would be a great idea to wash a black woolen skirt together with a light pink blouse... While I was fond of it, it fortunately wasn't expensive. I hope you can find the skirt again, anon!

>> No.8154271

When I was about 10, I had this big giant cyst-like pimple on my cheek under my eye. It wasn't going away. It hurt too much to touch it. So I just didn't do anything with it. Stayed there for a good month or so. My mom decided one day to pin me down and try to pop it. I have a giant crater there over twenty years later, along with others from my mom's picking. I have to use matte makeup on my face and lots of primer/pore filler. I can't use luminescent highlighter on my cheeks because I'd be looking like the moon.

>> No.8154308

True. I have a secondhand skirt bought a year ago that still reeks of cigarettes but I exchange clothes with a non smoker and she can't smell spliff after one wash at the most.

>> No.8155325

That's why I sit next to a clean looking stranger or stand.

>> No.8155604

My mom desperately wants to be charitable to everyone but her own kid, so she's donated my stuff to various people before. Fortunately she's left my lolita alone (so sorry for OT) but she has given away my old Gameboy with Pokémon Yellow, which I had over a hundred hours on, to a random homeless man who claimed to have a young son. He immediately turned around and sold it. I was like 12 back then. She also once gave my favourite book to a cousin of mine who was proud of being practically illiterate (white trash family yo) and the brat ends up throwing the book into a pond because bookz r dum lol
It's not just my stuff, though. She also gives away her own belongings and money to such an extent that she's been investigated for tax fraud multiple times. I guess as her offspring, she sees my belongings as an extension of her own belongings and therefore fair game.

>> No.8155886

This is a very rational and helpful opinion on the topic, but it blows my mind that every time BC comes up in these threads there are always a few anons who begin frothing at the mouth the second anyone suggests BC as an option to look into. It's like they think that their personal experiences trump everyone else's or that the people here are incapable of looking at the pros/cons of medicine before making their own decisions.

>> No.8156336

>have implant
>no periods for over a year now, mild spotting twice
>more effective than sterilization
>three year timespan

>> No.8156480

My mum threw out my first ever lolita dress a few days after I got it, it was a cutesy AP print. She's a compulsive liar so never admitted to it, of course.
This was about 4 years ago and it's only just clicked that it might have been because she thought it was some weird age play fetish dress...

>> No.8156545

>felt like the first time i shot a barret rifle air out of your lungs, ear plug falls out all you hear is ringing and you don't know where you are for a second

Yep, that's how it is.

Oh shit, sup sieg.

>> No.8156567

What dress was it? Just so I know I didn't buy it

>> No.8156568

She needs help anon

You know, as bad as this sounds I'm kinda glad that I'll never have kids. That way I know for sure I won't be a shitty parent

>> No.8156671

If there was flooding that bad I'm sure they would have understood if you didn't go to work.

>> No.8156744

My parents would steal money from my account when I was 16 and say they were my parents. They had our accounts connected because I was a minorbwhen I made it. When I turned 18 I made an account at another bank so they couldn't touch my money

>> No.8156763

Dude mine too

>> No.8157164
File: 166 KB, 298x317, tumblr_mvnh4tBOdP1r7ikamo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly lolita, but still.

> years ago, new to wearing makeup
> going out of town for family get together, figured I'd wear makeup there for practice
> get really carsick
> have to pull over and throw up, nothing gets on me or smells so I think nothing of it other than a breath mint
> have get together with huge family
> at home, taking off makeup and looking at a mirror for the first time since putting the makeup on
> disgusting, disgusting raccoon eyes
> Mother and sister didn't even tell me and get me to wipe off what I could
> "We were trying not to hurt your feelings, anon!"
> mfw

>> No.8157303

same, i have the implant plus
>super low hormone dose

>> No.8157320

Similar story here except I *did* get tracking, and it says it was delivered "to mailbox" but she gave me her old address, and was unable to track down the dress. So... yeah.

>> No.8157326

Fuck I hate that, I feel your pain Anon. If I have lipstick smeared on my teeth, my mascara is running down my face, or I have a gigantic booger, for the love of god please tell me. My feelings will be way more hurt if you don't.

>> No.8157412

>puberty hit me like a ton of bricks
>tiny runner body developed DD breasts at 13
>mom somehow found this fascinating
>literally did the lame animu "sneak up behind fellow girl and grab her boobs as a 'joke'" thing
>ask her to stop multiple times
>anon I'm your MOTHER, I MADE you, now I can't even touch you!? Why do you hate me!?
>still cannot look at fanart without cringing internally
>god why

>> No.8157416

Point being iktf anon

>> No.8157997

I just received an IW blouse in the mail. Turns out the seller didn't wash it, and it smells kinda funky. Also like they tried to cover up the smell with febreze or some other spray, it smells a bit lemony or something. Seller also forgot to mention a small tear in the front... But they mentioned the other damages (missing a button), and it was a real bargain... So idk.

>> No.8158126

Most recent second hand buying adventure.

>Buy one of my dream dresses.
>Older AP JSK.
>Listing says, "Like New, Never Worn, First Owner"
>She ships from Europe to USA
>Get the dress...it's badly sun faded, bows are falling off, pilled everywhere. In utter terrible condition.
>I am disgusted. So upset.
>Write her because I am returning this shit.
>She says "already spent your money, kk sorry"
>"My pictures don't show these damages" implying I could have caused YEARS of sun damage. GTFO.
>Open paypal dispute. They say ship priority express only. Customs numbers never work for tracking international shipments.
>Her address can't be found at the post office.
>A week later (after address verified from paypal) still can't find the address in the computer. My only other option is to ship it registered mail. (only way tracking works 100%) but it is much slower.
>Paypal sides with me and gives me money back after it is delivered.
>Out $40 in shipping because some dumb bitch lied about the state of her dress.
>She re-listed the dress as slightly faded.
>So done buying from the western markets.
>No longer a dream dress. This experience ruined it for me.

>> No.8158144

If washing it still doesn't get the smell out, try putting it in the freezer? I've heard that works for strong smells but I've never tried it.

>> No.8158151

This is good advice. Strong smells especially in the pit area is caused by bacteria. A little freezer time should kill the smell if giving it a scrub doesn't work.

>> No.8158154

Name and shame shitty sellers, anon!

>> No.8158161

Is this Fantastic Dolly (in lavender iirc) by any chance?

>> No.8158233
File: 498 KB, 500x283, 1424040298254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this mostly because of the horror stories I've read about people getting their dresses stolen (Iron Gate, anyone?), same reason why I get freaked out to room with anyone I don't know at cons. I wish I could afford to stay by myself.

>> No.8158300

Oh my god my mother did the same thing. Would also make me let her pick my fingernails and scabs. Uggggh. Oh, and the nasty part is that now she likes to point out scarring and pimples on my face, and puts pressure on me to use acne cream, even though it gives me wrinkles. She told me wrinkles are preferable to spots...

>> No.8158312

I am gonna wash it, of course. But yeah, thanks for the tip. Also do y'all think I should leave negative/neutral feedback or would that be a bit harsh?

>> No.8158321

acne meds aren't what's giving you wrinkles...

>> No.8158328

But when I stopped using the cream, the wrinkles went away. So I guess it could've just been dry skin or something, idk.

>> No.8159259

Anon you are a good detective!

>> No.8159528

Anon, you don't know. You don't know this feeling when you see a yellow pimple and the person doesn't squeeze it. My mom used to do this to me occasionally (nothing that would leave scars or hurt) and I have a light skin-picking disorder anyway, so I often scratch, pick and squeeze my boyfriends back-acne. I know it's wrong, but it feels so right and the urge is too big when a big pimple comes up.
Oh god bless anon-posting nobody ever must know of my shameful behavior.

>> No.8159554

I have to admit knew about that chick before you posted.

If you go through her feedback, you'll see that the socks she sold as "first owner, mint condition" were bought from someone else on LM. How the fuck does that make her the first owner? Also how can worn socks be in mint condition? Fucking liar.

>> No.8159566

I guess there are 90% new now.

>> No.8159992

She says she just copies the listings she purchased from because "she doesn't use the items". *facepalm*

>> No.8160031

>be dating my SO for a little while
>they're into lolita
>always wanted to get into it but scared I'd look bad
>I end up coming around and trying on their sax sugary carnival one day
>'hey lets smoke hookah in lolita'
>'what could possibly go wrong?'
>coal explodes
>dress has tiny burn holes all over the skirt
>not really noticeable unless you're actually looking at the print
>they aren't even mad, lots of other dresses have stains already anyway (coffee, and black body paint from a homestucker)
>still feel horrible about it
>want to replace it one day if I can, but they keep saying 'buy me something else, its still wearable'

I'm sure some people on here would have broken up with me over it, or at least made me pay for it/buy another one

>> No.8160054

>lots of other dresses have stains already anyway
>'its still wearable'

I would've broken up with them, not you.

(Sorry for talking shit about your SO)

>> No.8160154

Ha yeah right. Her facebook's not set to private so you can see exactly how everything "isn't used' at all.

Can we get her banned? She's lied on two listings,

>> No.8160160

I read that as 'sex surgery carnival'

>> No.8160175

yeah i mean idk not everyone takes it as seriously as others
if we were in a nice comm or actually trying to be popular or something, or had the money to replace damaged pieces it would be different
but we mostly just wear it out in public where everyone is too mesmerized to pay attention to small flaws or anime conventions where spergy weebs are the same way

>> No.8160242

>my fucking sides

>> No.8160406

my mom would go through my closet and room and give away my clothes/shoes/games/whatever on the regular
she always claimed the clothes no longer fit me. even if i wore them the day before and had just put them in the wash only to find them gone the next morning.

>> No.8160461

I need it for medical reasons,don't be a silly.

>> No.8160485

Ive heard of this too,sorry anon.

>> No.8160779

Don't be stupid, no one needs bc for a reason, only lazy doctors like to prescribe it.
Or is your condition making babies?

>> No.8160810

I went on depo and it made me depressed and mood as hell.

>> No.8160825

>No one needs bc for a reason.

I had unnatural cramping, painful side pains, and heavy periods. Did a CT scan, MRI, ultrasound in my vagina, infection urine sample, culture, everything and they couldn't find cysts or wtf was wrong with me. Doctor gave me BC as a last resort to see if it can help.

It's not really sorta helping.

>> No.8160974

I had cramps that would start 2-3 days before my period as well as crazy PMS and mood swings for a week. I was hell to live with until I got an IUD. It hurt like a bitch going in but the pain was worth it to be able to function for that week or so out of the month.

>> No.8160994

I know your feel. I am the worst at picking at my face and I do it constantly. I'll pick at my boyfriend too. Whenever I see a bump on his back or feel one on my forehead the urge is too big not to pick at it
Help me anon.

>> No.8162001

What's the Iron Gate story?

>> No.8162032
File: 283 KB, 500x422, google mutha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It IS directly correlated you fucken retard. You are using the internet, but you can't be bothered to check readily available information using that same resource?

>> No.8162095

If you're >>8158126 anon, then I could message you on LM with it but otherwise I'm not posting it on /cgl/.

>> No.8162216

what I don't understand is why your mom didn't respect what you told her when you said "no"

>> No.8162225

>Get freaked out to room with anyone I don't know.

Friends do that shit too anon. Just don't take anything of value and put up your shit. If they do steal something name and shame and call the police if they are still in the hotel.

>> No.8162240

I have an IUD and it's just the opposite. I had "happy periods" until this monster. I gives me uterine contractions...for the entire week! My lining clots into little bastards I have to pass and the flow is obnoxiously heavy. I hate it. My body is too sensitive to BC hormones though so it is my only option. The shit I go through to not reproduce.

>> No.8162627
File: 68 KB, 789x346, all of the above.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking eeew. This was the wrong thread to come to fap too

>> No.8162631

Cry harder little boy

>> No.8162637

fuck off goldie locks or what ever the fuck your trying to dress like, send me nudes right now or I'll wash all your clothes on high temp

>> No.8162681


>> No.8162717

>Vent all your disgusting secret lolita horror stories.
>>poop stains
>>period stains
gosh ya think

>> No.8162838

Same here.
What condition could there be that is fixed by birth control?

>> No.8163193

This thread has made me want to try so hard to be the best mom ever.
I am bipolar and medicated, dear god I will keep it that way for the sake of my son.
I'm so sorry to hear so many horrible experiences.

>> No.8167753
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Not just for you but a general post to everyone talking about emotionally manipulative and abusive parents. Please read up on narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy, and BPD. My mother did a lot of the same things and I could never figure out why she would treat me that way. Years after I finally flipped the bird and left I was researching some of my own mental shit and found links to that. Everything just fell into place. Life has been much easier now that I know how to spot and deal with people like that, especially the people closest to you. I will post links off all the resources I can find for a quick look through.

>> No.8167768
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The chan wont let me post a bunch of links. For a personal fave for learning about narc mothers google 'House of mirrors narcissism'. If you want more info just google narcissists.

If things ring a bell for you after reading some of that you may want to consider talking to a therapist. A lot of deep set childhood trauma can manifest in ways that you may not directly see, but still have negative effects on your health and mental well being. Learning about this, getting the answers and help I needed was such a huge relief. I'm not saying everyone who talked about there mothers on here have a narc mother, but some may and getting this info out there is important for those who have to live in this hell.