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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8160057 No.8160057 [Reply] [Original]

New Thread; old one in autosage

Schedule: http://animematsuri2015.sched.org

Need to start deciding on a meetup plan.

>> No.8160140

Anyone here doing AA?

>> No.8160378

If the bar is too crowded, like it usually is, theres a burger joint in the park that sells beer

Would also be better for those under 21

>> No.8160400

Just set up my schedule. Can't wait for this con.

>> No.8160402

nobody cares

>> No.8160411

I'm serious about those drinks anon

>> No.8160418

I need to know when this meet is, this Wil be my first gullmeet!

>> No.8160422

I think you have me confused for someone else who hates that stupid asshole

>> No.8160451

We'll probably just do what you said. If bar is overcrowded, we'll just hit the burger joint.

>> No.8160929

Who's ready to harrass all of the MeMeMe cosplayers?

>> No.8160940
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You, clearly. Stefan, there's no reason to drop trip when you're constantly tweeting disgusting shit like this anyway.

>> No.8160943

mememe cosplayer detected

>> No.8160949

that's a really sad way to try and deflect from your gross behavior, considering you have absolutely no grounds on which to base that assumption.

>> No.8160953

i'm not even the anon you're replying to but why are you so mad?

>> No.8160954

as if the only people who would be creeped out by you are the cosplayers you intend to "harass"

...and by "harass" you mean "stare at from a distance and then think about while fapping in your room later", because you can't actually handle confrontation.

>> No.8160964
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>buttblasted enough to respond twice

>> No.8160971
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Good job investigating, Sherlock.

>> No.8160978

>trying to use a screenshot as proof of anything

>> No.8160988
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>don't even have to post anything to make an anon salty
We're gonna have a great time at Matsuri. I can tell.

>> No.8160992

I'm not even a cosplayer and I'm creeped out. Are people like this common at Texas cons? :/

>> No.8161000

People like this are common at any con, anon. Doesn't make them any less creepy though.

>> No.8161002

Theres gonna be a hundred of them and maybe 2-3 will actually be good

I feel embarassed for how many fat MeMes Teddyloid will have to witness and all the god awful, wannabesexy Kill la Kill cosplay TRIGGER will have to see.

I almost dont want to go to the TRIGGER Q&A in fear of weeaboos being these people's first impressions of Americans.

>> No.8161003

They're common in any state.

>> No.8161312

Yup. I'm working on my table layout these days.

>> No.8161331

weird. I've never seen that problem in any east coast cons. Guess I lucked out

>> No.8161349

it's not his first time in america...

>> No.8161354

preview of your stuff?

was it hard to get a table this year?

>> No.8161356

$50 someone yells don't lose your way during the panel.

>> No.8161496
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>Someone is going to ask them for HUGZ XD
>Some SJW is gonna rant at them
>Someone is gonna speak horrible japanese at them
>Someone is going to ask if their headcanon ship fanfiction is actually canon

>> No.8161893

It's universal, they just wear cowboy hats here.

>> No.8161895

I'll take you on that bet only because I like making stupid bets.

>> No.8161901

I saw that the hotel has a pool. This con can get pretty fun.

>> No.8162097

Lots of hotels have pools anon.

>> No.8162429

Yes, because a pool determines a cons enjoyability.

>> No.8162992

This is my second year at AM and neither time did I have trouble scoring a table. It's definitely not the "sold out in 13 seconds" mad dash that a lot of other conventions have - I'm not really interested in the scramble, which is the reason AM is the only convention I go to to sell. (It's really just a side hobby for me, not a major business.)
I'll see what I can do about getting a few photos. I make jewelry for the most part, with a lolita/cutesy theme in mind, although last year most of my customers were just "girls who want to look cute" rather than lolitas.

>> No.8163107

Is there someone who volunteered for this con? I'm considering doing part time, but just wondering how the experience was.

>> No.8163544

who are you gonna cosplay, seagulls?

>> No.8163847

When did they open up sign ups? I'd like to apply next year since I didn't think to try getting a table for AM until it was way too late.

>> No.8164021

Yo, I don't ever come to cgl, but I wanna hang with some people at this con. Where's the party at?

>> No.8164079

Anyone have any idea if the game room is going to be better this year? Last year there was the cool Bemani set up but the actual game room was kinda shit.

>> No.8164151

I hope so. Maybe some fighting games, since they're pushing that this year.

>> No.8164419


>> No.8164864
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Can someone fill me in on what exactly the lolita drama with AM is? I know that some kawaii ambassadors are getting chosen but some people are shaming them and certain vendors/brands for attending the event. I saw someone go so far as to say attending this event would be reputation damaging for Misako. What the fuck happened??

>> No.8164869


Misako has been attending for years...lmao

>> No.8164893

From what I understand the Houston comm is divided between allowing John and Denise to have control within the comm about non AM related things. Current mods support AM invading, former mods left because of it. Now some of those people have started a one day Lolita event the day before AM. It is also assumed the kawaii ambassador chosen will belong to HLC and be a person that has supported AM taking that over.

There are also general rumors about AM not feeding and not paying guests. Those rumors are highly unlikely though, because why would you ever continually attend an event that didn't pay you?

>> No.8164976

Maybe more than two games; last year all I remember seeing was Melee, Tekken and then a bunch of tables for people to play CCGs

>> No.8165020
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Do my eyes deceive me?

they're actually attempting to inform attendees where to go this year?

>> No.8165133

I know it's hard to believe, but AM is actually good about listening to feedback and trying to fix problems.

>> No.8165144

I didn't even see Tekken. I've been contemplating on just bringing one of my laptops and some controllers and just setting up Third Strike.

>> No.8165180

I am just as happy as you are.

>> No.8165261

I think they switched out Tekken for MvC3U after a while.

Is that how AM's game room works? They just let people bring in what they want? Maybe I should consider bringing my laptop and getting Skullgirls going

>> No.8165586

I have no idea if they'll let you, but I see no reason why not.
Worst case scenario, they'll just ask us to leave, and I can just kick your butt with Filia all day.

>> No.8165588

*out in a hall way or in a line for something

>> No.8165800

Is that a bad thing? I'm an outsider here and planning on going to AM for the first time.
They're bringing guests over, they have the money, and the connections. Years ago I would probably have to fly to Cali or NYC to see 1 special guest in the USA but never had 4 brands and 3 top models all in under one event before anywhere.
Is it because HLC is too immature to handle all the attention that there is drama?

>> No.8165894

Yo, I'm pretty sure the line the Trigger thing is going to be long as hell, so if either of you nerds are going, bring those laptops. It makes lines much more fun. I'll be the fag with Nidhogg, MvC2, and Third Strike.

>> No.8165914

It's a private company taking control of a social group. That never goes well. It's a lolita community, not a convention page. So the problem is less that they're doing "good" for the community, and more that they're treating the community as a business and a cashcow, which is not what the comm was created to do.

If it were just a matter of the convention having ties to the group, that'd be one thing, but they've actively pressured their employees (who are moderators/admins) to remove people who told them to stop breaking the rules. Everyone else has to follow these rules to be allowed to remain in the comm, but AM ignores them. See where the problem lies?

>> No.8166065

If I just bring a bottle of vodka, who wants to hang in my room and play stupid video games all night?

>> No.8166073
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Still looking for a room.
Any of you kids have any space?

>> No.8166263

>9 cosplayers
>4 industry guests
>4 voice actors
The fuck is wrong with this picture?

>> No.8166935
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>Sign up on the Sched site if you havent already
>Select the panels you're going to
>Go to "My Sched"
>Under your profile image, select "Print"

Post 'em.

I guess I gotta give up seeing the results of the Cosplay Contest if I wanna go to the TRIGGER panel Saturday.

>> No.8166983

The event the day before AM was made by the Palace of Princes, which is an international Ouji group. It being the day before AM is because people who are flying out would be more likely to attend something that was more than one day long. The fact that one of the members of the palace of princes used to be a HLC moderator has nothing to do with them forming the event. It may however be part of why AM suddenly is planning a free party at the same time with guests, something they have never done before in the past.

They are forbidding indie brands from selling clothing in the AA, which wasn't in the AA rules when they sold the tables. Part of the JLA's mission is to spread lolita around the world and encourage indie designers / people to study lolita fashion. So this goes directly against the JLA mission. John and Denise were elected, out of the blue, into high level positions in the JLA, despite John not even being a lolita.

>> No.8167020

AM has been requiring people make FB pages and be fame-chans so that they could model in fashion shows. So, it's pretty clear to people outside of the HLC bubble that AM is interested in exploiting the lolita community for free advertising / profit.

Because they put such a high value on efame, and because Misako's JLA gives people a large amount of efame, it makes sense that they would be interested in the JLA. However, they don't actually have a good reputation with the lolita community, or some people in the industry. So, the general consensus is that they bought their way into the JLA by paying misako for a bunch of appearances. AM isn't interested in the major goals of the JLA, they are interested in turning a profit. So giving AM so much control in the JLA makes Misako look bad, and it makes who ever is elected to the JLA position from the US look bad as well.

There is more, but it's not public information.

>> No.8167502


>> No.8167504

why the fuck would you bump this thread at 4:30 in the morning (in the con's timezone)?? most of the people who would be attending are asleep nerd

>> No.8167596

Guys, what are you cosplaying as?

>> No.8167598

Not cosplaying, I'll be wearing lolita all 3 days and I'll have at least 4 coordinates. One for each day, +1 for the wedding because my coordinate for that day is really light-colored and I don't wanna clash with the bride.

>> No.8167877

Why do you care?

>> No.8167915

Sounds rough, but fun.

>> No.8167925

Was hoping you guys could help me out with this. I want to cosplay but they're barefoot. Think I won't catch aids waking around with no shoes, or is there a good alternative?

>> No.8167985

is it true most lolitas are major bitches?

>> No.8168020

Considering most cons don't allow you to not wear shoes, you'll probably have to wear sandals or lyricals.

>> No.8168121

On the off chance this isn't bait, no. The vast majority of lolita I've met in real life are pretty nice people. /CGL/ brings out some of the worst of them, but all in all, lolita are just people. There are bitchy ones, nice ones, stupid ones, smart ones, etc.

>> No.8168125

Don't be a moron, wear shoes. You can wear flip flops and take them off for photos.

>> No.8168248

Thanks. Sorry, I haven't cosplayed before, so I didn't know.

>> No.8168278

Aw, nice. I'm excited for the wedding. The bride and groom are really sweet people and I think it's cute that they're incorporating their interests into the ceremony.

>> No.8168675

Can we talk about how Heidi deleted all the cosplay plans/progress pictures in the FB group and reuploaded them in an album and didn't credit anyone.

That was annoying to say the least.

>> No.8168766

Its alright. I just don't understand the thought process that leads a person to think not wearing shoes in a public facility is ever a good idea. Protect your feet, you are going to use them a lot that weekend.

>> No.8169159

Is Stella Chu's "nerdlesque" shit actually worth going to?

>> No.8169178

Nope. It's mindnumbingly stupid

>> No.8169737

Figured as much

>> No.8169827

why don't the mods just stop being pushovers who let AM do whatever they want? there's ways to communicate about this without causing a ton of drama, even if you're dealing with a business.

>> No.8169943
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Because this is what happens if you do that.

>> No.8169944
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>> No.8169945
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>> No.8169946
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>> No.8169950
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>> No.8169952
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>> No.8170243

John's a dick, news at 11.

>> No.8170263

How warm is it usually down in Houston during AM? Am I going to be dying in long sleeve blouses?

>> No.8170292

How much are you going to be outside?

>> No.8170333

Oh come on, I'm not even a cosplayer and I know that there are tutorials out there for making sandals that look invisible but keep you from being actually barefoot. There's this site called google that can help you if you can string a couple words together into a phrase.

>> No.8170342

I'm also new to cons but thanks man, I didn't know that.

>> No.8170565

so? she needs to once and for all put her foot down.

she should also tell John to fuck off with his creepy "I love you girl" message at the end there. Her apparently having previously been in a wheelchair, not being able to eat properly, and his creeper comment have nothing to do with the conversation at hand and that sort of comment is quite frankly very offensive, from the view of an outsider.

and, so she might not be picked to model in fashion shows, big whoop. for the love of god, stop being a pushover.

there has to be someone within management that she can report this to

>> No.8170646

She did stand up to him. And got kicked out for that very reason. Also what management? John is the highest there is in AM. He will continue to treat girls like crap and the lolita community will let him as long as they get a chance to model for brands.

This whole thing is like bodyline. We have overwhelming proof Mr Yan is a creep but lolitas will still buy from them and suggest them for convenience sake.

>> No.8170661

she WAS picked for the fashion show you idiot. go read.
she didn't want to be in it because she was in a wheelchaid. and the next follwoing year, didn't feel like she earned it correctly.

>> No.8170769

Wait, John was elected? How is that possible? Does he even wear Ouji or any j-fashion

>> No.8171023

John and Denise were honorary, there was no election.

>> No.8171034

if you're really interested in reading the drama around HLC, please go through the archives with a bit more reading comprehension.

In general, she tried to stand up for the comm and against him, and afterwards spoke up against AM on HLC's public page (it's been deleted by now) but her and another mod resigned because the other mods and the admin that are under AM's control were trying to kick them out. There was no point in fighting any longer because AM has the heads of HLC under their control, and to make one last big statement against those people, they revealed all of this power struggle going on behind the scenes to the whole community and left, to show they could not be in a comm where business > actual members.

I'm currently in HLC, just a quiet member in this comm who saw all of this happened. It was a long while ago that all of this happened, and for now the comm has been relatively quiet despite a new crowd of itas and newbies showing up. However I'm pretty sure drama will surface as the con comes closer, but seriously many members of the community are very sweet and friendly. It's just the dramawhores (many of them shunned and/or left the comm and/or strangely quiet for now) and anything surrounding John the dickhead that makes our comm look bad.

>> No.8171147

*uploads this since I'm really basic as hell*

Photoshoot means the meetups- oops.

>> No.8171153
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>I'm pretty stupid

>> No.8171604

Stream in 1 min.


>> No.8171662
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Sucy's Seiyuu confirmed

>> No.8171663

3 more trigger guests announced as well as a Seiyuu.

>> No.8171675

My stream is actual shit for some reason and the stream is unwatchable for me, has she said anything about the fashion show?

>> No.8171676

Which Trigger guests?

>> No.8171677

Really? Stream is good today for me usually it's glitchy.
All about anime right now nothing about JFashion.

>> No.8171678

You couldn't wait for someone in the thread to answer and you had to ask in the stream too? Fuck off Stefan.

>> No.8171680

Hiromi wakabayashi and Shigeyo Kouama.

>> No.8171685

No, I couldn't wait. Fuck off.

>> No.8171686

It's opposite for me, this is the first time I've had this issue hahaha. I'm getting about every other word and it's really frustrating. I've refreshed several times and it's just bad, but it's weird because the rest of my internet is fine, I'm not having trouble anywhere else except LS right now.

>> No.8171691
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aww shit nigga

>> No.8171693

Awesome trigger lanyard made especially for AM.

>> No.8171699

Yesss, this is awesome!

>> No.8171704

Only thing fashion show related is that harp twins will be playing at the show and the teaparty. I'll update if there is anythg else.

>> No.8171705

>food trucks out till 3 a.m.

Who wants to pig out in the wee hours of the morning with me?

>> No.8171709

it's just a fucking lanyard

>> No.8171710

You know it.

>> No.8171712

its pretty neat.

also a step up from last years dollartree lanyards

>> No.8171713

No fun allowed.

>> No.8171716

I have a feeling this years AM is really going to be good. They are patching things up and have been listening to our responses. I'm impressed.

>> No.8171717

Thank you friend, you are a godsend. The Jfash stuff is the only thing I really care about. I see someone asking in the chat about what brands are bringing to sell and I'm assuming they're fishing for her to say "yeah, AP is totally bringing pieces from Dream Marine and Marine Kingdom", which is not a question anybody can answer.

>> No.8171719

Praying AP brings those new prints.

>> No.8171723

Stay mad, shitlord.

>> No.8171724

And what other cons supplies a specially made Trigger lanyards?

>> No.8171725


I think everyone is trying to figure that out lol...

>> No.8171728

Yeah, but there's no way Deneice would give a yes or no answer to that even if she knew for sure.

>> No.8171730

she replied and doesn't know.
Probs the latest things.

Last year it was the most recent releases if it wasn't sold out but With different companies I'm not sure how it will be.

>> No.8171732

>having an anime club

>> No.8171736

Well, since those two released in particular are super popular AP might not bother sending any stock to AM...but it's anyone's guess really.

>> No.8171770

Betting staff buys the good stuff out before superpass holders, again.

>> No.8171798

Well, this con just got a lot more hyped.

>> No.8171807

agreed! Anything we can do about this? Literally I don't think J&D have noted it as being an issue, a simple badge check at the front of the line would be really nice....

>> No.8171819

I was under the impression that they were aware of it, and did not see it as a problem since "staff was working, so they didn't have time to shop"

>> No.8171857

The same staff working at the baby booth last year have been dropped. They are going to POP now.

>> No.8171871

They weren't the problem. There's still Becky, Jessamyn, Brookelle, and who else who have money.

>> No.8171884

tbh if i was there as staff i'd do it anyways. fuck being fair, people fucking scalped dresses last year. sorry anons.

>> No.8171886
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they saved the best for last folks

>> No.8171889
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>> No.8171890

Brookelle wasn't staff last year. She was busy efaming with Kate.

>> No.8171892
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>> No.8171895
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>> No.8171935

What did they buy?

>> No.8171953

>dirty feeders, cold showers
>giving up first blood
what the fuck is this guy talking about

>> No.8171955

I don't know if one of them bought it, but someone bought Midsummer last year, and directly scalped it online.

>> No.8171959


>> No.8171961

Holy shit, I kind of want another flower crown fiasco like last year. That shit was hilarious.

AP booth wise, I feel like Marine Kingdom and Dream Marine are waaay too popular to get stocked at a con. But here's hoping they'll end up getting a second "made to order" wave like Celestial.

Anyway, I really hope I get to meet some of y'all. I hope for all of our sakes that it's not a shit show this year.

>> No.8171965

That wasn't them. It was A Lolita who had a super pass. It's even archived.

>> No.8171972

I need this boy to be my bride.

>> No.8171974

>flower crown fiasco
oh god yes please.

>> No.8171976

He's like, the only one who's not busted looking...
I know that most weebs aren't the cream of the crop, but come on.

>> No.8171979
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Honestly my favorite thing to come out of AM 2014. I feel like the crowd coming in this year will be even larger and way more lolitas from out of state are flooding in. We're bound to see some ruthless shit this year.

>> No.8171990

exactly so it doesn't matter to me. i know it's irrational but if people are going to scalp shit because they can, then if i was there, i'll shop before the dealer's room is open because i can.

>> No.8171995

Same. I won't have that opportunity, but if I did, I'd take it. Luck of the draw, ya know. Plus I would buy a coveted thing that I would actually wanna keep, not turn around and scalp tf out of people.

>> No.8172001

There better be some Lolita fistfights.

>> No.8172004

Didn't see all of it since I was setting up my booth, but AATP Thaddeus Vest, Labyrinth dress, parasols, few other dresses.

>> No.8172005

wigs are going to be ripped off people.

>> No.8172007

I'll be there calling the matches. No DQ on every fight.

>> No.8172009

I wanna see the glorious meltdown after the Kawaii Ambassador is announced tbh.

>> No.8172011

league of legends is what hes referencing

>> No.8172015

Oooh who bought it all?

>> No.8172023


>> No.8172029

Jessamyn, Becky, Aaron, some other staff that year, whoever was in the dealer's room early and were staff friends

>> No.8172032

Pengu bought most of it iirc

>> No.8172050

who the fuck is heidi

>> No.8172060

You'll probably screw everyone over.

>> No.8172117

Well whoever is in there again take photos for proof of how they play favoritism

>> No.8172196

Yo, I'm down. I'll even buy a round.

>> No.8172673

Nah, she was broke last year. She borrowed money from Jona last year that she didn't pay back to her until their dramu.

>> No.8172718

I'm going to walk out when Becky is deemed kawaii ambassador

>> No.8172744

try not to bump into anyone on your way out

>> No.8173083

Does it bother anyone else hardly any of their cosplay guests have panels? They say they're finalizing the schedule this week, I hope they add a bunch of shit before they do.

>> No.8173122

So idk if y'all are all staying in the con hotel, but if you're not and you booked a place a few miles away like my friends and I did, you should look into paying for parking in advance. It's way cheaper than paying at other hotel lots (they're like $20 a day and the place I'm parking is like $3-6 a day.)
Now, parking lots and garages can be shady af, so be safe about it and don't walk around alone if you take that route! It could just save a lot of people the hassle of trying to find parking on Friday.

>> No.8173235

The Holiday Inn is less than half a mile away with free parking as well.

>> No.8173263

I am an idiot and got a room at the Hilton only because I want to be close to the food trucks.

>> No.8173265

Hey, I also got a room there. Granted, not for the same reason as you, but hey, a noble reason indeed.

>> No.8173354


This is really just to gauge how many seagulls are going.

>> No.8173382

I know who you are

>> No.8173396

I know this isn't /fit/ but I was wondering if you guys know a way to buff up my arms a bit. The character I'm doing is muscular, and I don't want to be too scrawny. I'm not trying to get super huge buff, just somewhat toned

>> No.8173423

going where? does a hotel determine if a seagull is going to AM?

>> No.8173443

>Are you a staying at a hotel

>> No.8173586

[People staying at hotel] + [People not staying in hotel] = Total # of people going to AM

Also answers my curiousity of how many people are coming from out-of-town.

I never seem to proofread when doing these things on my phone

>> No.8174221
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aight cool man

if this is who i think it is prepare your shins.

>> No.8174362

Who is everyone betting on? I don't know any of the HLC girls.

>> No.8174390


Probably Jess and 3 other hlc... Are they picking 4 still?

>> No.8174397


Did they even interview anyone? I know some people applied and were never even interviewed or contacted

>> No.8174424

Going to AM for the first time this year after neglecting to make it out the past couple of years.

Anyone else going to hxh meetup or will I be the only seagull in attendance?

>> No.8174617

Is it free parking for anyone or just guests? Because the only reason my friends and I opted out of staying at other nearby hotels that weren't the Hilton was because parking was so expensive--even for guests.

>> No.8174682

>free parking

Are you being serious?

>> No.8174775

Not my beautiful shins

>> No.8174786

Shit, son, that's what >>8173235 said. I'm not from Houston, but I'm assuming that free parking is just as hard to find and snag as it is in Austin.
>read: basically impossible

>> No.8174798

They said they are going to be interviewed at the con. Betting one of the HLC mods.

>> No.8174823

If time allows me to, i'll be there. Best shonen anime period.

>> No.8174828

It's just free for the people staying there.

>> No.8174937

>kicks you weakly because I can't bear to hurt anyone out of the ring

can't wait to see ya nerd

>> No.8174947

So where are we meeting up to eat and drink?

>> No.8174976

can always make reservations at papasitos 8)

>> No.8175148

Thought so. Cause most hotels can and will tow people who aren't guests.

Tex mex garbage? Anon, pls.

>> No.8175166

Im still down for the burger joint in the park.

Cheap, quick, and they have alcohol.

>> No.8175180

Do they have fries and (possibly) pitchers of beer? Cause if so, I'm down.

>> No.8175216

i agree, srsly gross choice anon.

>> No.8175365

I'm super down for burgers. That place open late?

>> No.8175513

I think they're open until 10-11, but I'm unsure.

>> No.8175731

Diff anon but that could work! I'm assuming the food trucks are also open pretty late but I imagine they'll be bombarded with congoers.

>> No.8175761
File: 45 KB, 480x800, received_916480075068766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disacode posted about coming to Houston, I think this is the first time they've said anything about it.

>> No.8175984

Burger place is now official meet up spot.

What time?

>> No.8175994


Probably because they were having contract issues among some other issues.

>> No.8176021

What are you talking about? They've been listed under the guest section basically since the website launched.

>> No.8176033


Long story short, AM announced they were coming BEFORE discode finished contract talks. Then Akira is going to Kawaii con the week before AM which could of negated her appearance at AM. The whole kawaii con bs, lead to some unsavory threats from AM staff.

>> No.8176038

Whoa, didn't know that. That's pretty unpleasant. Looks like even with the improvements, they're still shady.

>> No.8176109

i actually tweeted akira about how i was excited to see her at matsuri, and when she replied she said to see them at their first US concert in houston.. this was back in september-ish. so it's been official with them for a good while now...

>> No.8176194

Proof or it didn't happen.

>> No.8176215


Hold on let me contact Akira and let her give me those screenshots.

Staff in the know, even attendees know AM would do something like that. Hell, they are bitter at Nola Lolitas for doing a fashion show at their local con because they see them as "competition" when their con hasn't bought any big name guests lolita wise, ever.

John shit talked a poor woman on his fb after finding out she sold a replica bag at oni/ikkicon.

>> No.8176271

Anyone know what this burger place is called?

>> No.8176348


>> No.8176643

Beer, wine, ice cream, and burgers.

Yo, I'm getting hype.

What's a good time, 7pm?

>> No.8176647

depends on the day. don't want it at the same time as other events, don't want to be there when it's rush either.

>> No.8176669

Yeah see here's the thing, if AM really did all the shit /cgl/ claims no one would do business with them. When you get on a company's shit list others follow suit. If AM was really out there not paying people, not feeding people, announcing people without signed contracts... They wouldn't continue to book guests, let alone have consistent repeat guests.

>> No.8176733

>believing /cgl/ at all
And this is why good things are never welcome.

>> No.8176757

this just sounds like any successful sketchy business though? what makes them any different?
Money and a smooth talker solves all.

>> No.8176791

LOL Guys the secret to being a successful con is out! Have money and smooth talk your away into the business world. Take notes Oni-con.

>> No.8176860

When did they say they were picking 4? Its only 1 for US dude. (this time around at least)

>> No.8177254

Okay, so do we do it Friday or Saturday? Someone set up a strawpoll, I don't know how to do it on my phone.

>> No.8177302

John being a dick aside. If I remember the post correctly the lady had a vendors booth at AM. If brand is coming especially Angelic Pretty that would just look so damn awful to have replicas to be sold.

>> No.8177363

I don't see anything bad about telling vendors off (or banning them) for replicas. They should enforce that because it's hurtful for the original brands.

>> No.8177366

Yeah he was a dick and did his preaching and all but you're right. It was those taobao clock bags that had the baby logo right on them. Completely a replica.

His action was okay but the way he showed it off was so douchey, like he's the white knight for lolita ugh

>> No.8177557


I tried to report that dealer myself...
Most cons have bans on bootlegs. I don't know what John did, but he probably should have just found a dealers head and worked with them to remove the dealer/bootlegs

>> No.8177609
File: 1.80 MB, 460x256, 1412051002141.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go~
allowed multiple choices
>AM schedule available here:

>> No.8177661

Tokyo Attack confirmed for bringing arcade machines to AM. Hooray for Pop'n!!!
>tfw went to a smaller con and had more time to play pop'n

>> No.8177680

I know for a fact I won't be near the hotel until late friday...

>> No.8177744
File: 106 KB, 843x843, 10885079_10152948974340238_7634555842494890511_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the post.
"This is why we cant have nice things.
Was at Ikkicon when Deneice spotted this. I do not tolerate replica/bootleg merchandise in any form so when I saw this. I talked to her and asked if she knew this was fake. She said she did. Her excuse was she didn't know it was fake when she ordered it. I said what does it matter if she is selling them here. I told her these were friends of mine she is ripping off.
I asked if she had booths at AM and she said yes. I told her as soon as I get back, I'll refund her for the booths.
P.S. Never support bootleg. Ever."

He posted it on HLC tho so I guess it was to warn other booths? but if it was to show off to the comm what a hero he was, I thought it was in bad taste.
>pic related

>> No.8177751

>friends of John's

nope don't thinks so

>> No.8177829

OK, none of this is inappropriate except airing it in public. A con owner seeing a dealer selling bootlegs at another show and informing them they are no longer allowed to sell at their show is not a bizarre thing to do.

I think more than anything John is just desperate for attention and validation. He seems like the type to talk endlessly about all these famous people he's friends with to seem cool.

>> No.8177882
File: 310 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-03-12-14-38-57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New app is fucking good

>> No.8177917
File: 84 KB, 700x400, yuru-yuri-12-im-a-tomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall best be comin' to the Pajanime party

>> No.8178095

How does that work?

>> No.8178126

You put your PJs on and walk through the fucking door

>> No.8178138

Yeah he is exactly like that. I had dinner with him once at some meet and he kept talking about all these fancy places he's been to and how many people he is friends with and treated the waitress kinda shitty, not outright bad manners but he's just *so* cocky. His ego is so hard to ignore, I know Deneice isn't great either but in comparison she's a delight.

>> No.8178164

don't forget your ID can't be underaged.

>> No.8178188

But what if I don't have pajamas? Where is this party at?

>> No.8178206

Go buy a kigurumi from china for 20 bucks

Time and place are on the Schedule

>> No.8178614
File: 110 KB, 750x750, -font-b-yellow-b-font-font-b-tiger-b-font-Anime-font-b-Kigurumi-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought this'n for the occasion

>> No.8178615

I might get a black cat unless I find a pikachu one or something. Is it odd for a guy to have a pikachu kigurumi?

>> No.8178627

not at all, pikachu kigus are super common at cons for both guys and girls

>> No.8178640

Sweet. So question, how big are the kigus? I might have to get one in XL, but unsure of the size for them.

>> No.8178648
File: 53 KB, 951x218, _04483450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every seller is different, but they'll generally stick around this scale.

They're supposed to be baggy, so go a size larger if you're unsure

>> No.8178953

Now if you just reword your statement:
See the thing is, if Planet Zero really did the shady & incompetent things you say, they wouldn't be able to get the big games and tournament.
Shady businesses do exist and they can be successful.

>> No.8179120

When is the lolita swap meet? I know it's saturday, and that's about it.

>> No.8179186

There is a swap meet on Thursday at the pre-con party.

>> No.8179224 [DELETED] 

You guys remember the notice the posed on PZ's door about owing $85,000 in unpaid bills. The image was floating around here around the initial close. I never understood that since they got decent money from the con.

IDk about any shadiness in matsuri but something unfortunate did happen with PZ..

It sucks too because it was in walking distance of my apartment.

>> No.8179244
File: 209 KB, 1280x1024, note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is old as shit but what happened to that $85,000 they owed? Anime Matsuri was still running when PZ was open so I'm sure they got money from the con? What happened?

sorry if this is brought up a lot.

>> No.8179247
File: 223 KB, 1280x1024, qA1mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8179267

yeah if you're not going to PoP, then feel free to stop by the pre-con party! It's free and there's definitely a swap meet going on for sure. I haven't heard about it being on Saturday before. Admission is free, you don't even need an AM badge, the only thing is you have to be dressed in jfashion I think

>> No.8179296

Just because they owned both PZ and AM does not mean they can take revenue earned from Matsuri and pay off PZ debts.

>> No.8179307

Ah ok I didn't know that.

>> No.8179440

Has anyone even made a tomato kigurumi? I'd love to have one.

>> No.8179461


>> No.8179745
File: 85 KB, 960x720, 10354727_676472852474851_7345139998411816952_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they really are listening

>> No.8179765


I know John admitted they really were in over their head last year with the GRB and stuff. So I know they def were open to solutions...if only they were with being on time.

>> No.8180048

As long as they're not spending con money on a vacation before the con again.

>> No.8180052

What's the pajanime thing and why can't I be under aged?

>> No.8180064

Its a slumber party with the maid cafe and its late at night. All events that late have to be 18+

>> No.8180080

because adults get weird at night.

>> No.8180088
File: 96 KB, 250x250, 1411421927355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shouldn't concern anyone on this site, seeing as how its 18+

unless you were hoping to fiddle some kiddies or some shit

>> No.8180093

Just wanted to see what the fuss was about. Is there going to be alcoholl, or other dumb fun stuff? Or is it just people socializing? Kinda defeats the purpose of me getting a room at the hilton.

>> No.8180107

As far as I know, this is the first time theyve done this, so no one knows for sure what is gonna happen there. Doubt an event for those under 21 is serving alchohol.

>> No.8180111

That sucks.

In that case, pajanime party in my room at the Hilton, I'll buy the drinks.

>> No.8180114

I'm staying at the hilton, I'm down to party once I get my pikachu kigu in.

>> No.8180115

Dude, I just bought a Pikachu kigu.

>> No.8180117

I'm this guy, by the way >>8180111

>> No.8180173

I'm going to the orientation tomorrow to see if they need any more helping hands. Anyone else have any experience working for them?

>> No.8180231

I'm going too but its my first year too, sorry anon. Also
orientation isn't until sunday

>> No.8180468

How about everyone who has a Pikachu kigu get together and hang for a bit and swarm every Pokemon trainer we see?

>> No.8180489

Oh shit thanks anon saved me some gas there.

>> No.8180496

I either want to watch Jojo all night or play fighting games all night in my room. Who's down?

>> No.8180513

I would love that! If you guys see me at the event, I'll be a fat little mac in a pink jumpsuit. Gonna try and get the pikachu kigu as soon as possible

>> No.8180532

Are you ok with alcohol? Also, we can get a ton of junk food.

>> No.8180534

I'm down for drinking, and just hanging out. I'll be at the smash photoshoot saturday so when it's done. I'll try and change into my pikachu kigu and find you guys.

>> No.8180541

Well, we have to get more people to properly schedule, because I'm sure a couple of us are going to the rave

>> No.8180597

Ok, so far we have:
Pajanime party in cafe and some anons room, a meet up at the burger place with no time specified, and Pikachu kigus (or just kigus in general) are the fashion trend.
Let's add more, guys.

>> No.8180631

Why would you do this? Conventions are wide worlds full of people like you anon. You can stay home and save a shit ton of money..

>> No.8180801

There is a strawpoll for the time wasn't there? Or has nobody really decided on the time?

>> No.8180906

I'm sorry, I meant like at the super end of the day, like 2, 3 a.m., or even after the rave.

>> No.8180956

I don't really like replicas either, but this post was just in really bad taste and super tacky.

>> No.8181489

How are we supposed to get those limited-edition TRIGGER art books again?

>> No.8181783
File: 60 KB, 500x500, 341iA58AB3C60D659FC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a pikachu kigu.

Let's get this meetup thing going gulls.

>> No.8181870
File: 77 KB, 1000x563, 03_4_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit, you guys got one too?


Pika Kigu Party mother fucker!

>> No.8181890
File: 29 KB, 600x600, 2639_AW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pandas allowed?

>> No.8181891

Anyone else notice that none of the lolita brands seem to be represented by their US handlers like they are at every other con?

>> No.8181893

A friend who lives in Japan said that Japanese people are very particular about not letting down their fans. So if a guest was publicly announced, they would feel bad / feel that it was rude to refuse to attend after that.

Also, for people who are bringing merch to the con to sell, like the fashion guests, they only need the con to draw a crowd and not steal their money. Even if the con is super sketch and doesn't pay travel, appearance, etc, as long as they sell enough, it's profitable.

>> No.8181894

Pandas are always allowed.

>> No.8181910
File: 133 KB, 500x650, 379f6a11df6c76eb888c6bb0a683afce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of Kigus, I'll have 3 at AM.

So if anyone needs one for the Pajanime party or anything, I gotchu.

>> No.8181914

Omg, thank you guys so much! Since I missed out on the tea parties, I begrudgingly did not want to go to matsuri besides for the swap meet. It not being on Saturday will save me an extra 65 dollars I can spend on items.

>> No.8181937

So is the gull calling card just Pikachu kigus?

>> No.8181944

Most likely.

>> No.8181973

you can spend $65 to get items at the dealer's room and save on shipping though js if you wanna buy some stuff directly (but i understand if you rather opt out of AM lol)

>> No.8181976

Should we do a thing? I like that anons idea of swarming Pokemon trainers, but we could do other stuff too.

>> No.8181980

So what's the male/female ratio here? I'm probably going to flirt a lot and wouldn't mind a hook up.

>> No.8181981

>Japanese people are very particular about not letting down their fans. So if a guest was publicly announced, they would feel bad / feel that it was rude to refuse to attend after that.

How do explain Japanese guests who have returned for literal years. I don't buy that excuse in the first place, but pretending it's true and one year you get guilted into attending. Why the hell would you come back repeatedly? No one is that polite, not even japanese people.

>> No.8181987


Good luck anon. I wish you the best and hope you get a smoking hot girl/guy

>> No.8181988

I actually like that idea. Not to mention we could gather other Pikachu kigus and cosplayers around the con and have a swarm of Pikachu.

>> No.8181991

It's actually a pretty fun idea.

>> No.8182020

Well at this rate, our next meetup is going to be an orgy

>> No.8182028

So where's the problem here?

>> No.8182192

I'm getting a trip for AM only, I'm also the little mac cosplayer and I'll hopefully be seeing everyone at the lakehouse burger meet up. Finally got money, as soon as I can, I'm gonna order the pikagu. I wish they made a Pichu version though.

>> No.8182196

I kinda want to go to the CGL meet if I'm not busy but it seems like everyone's 21+ so I'm not sure how fun it'll be if everyone's drinking around you.

>> No.8182206

As long as you're 18+, I don't think anyone will mind.

>> No.8182209

If it helps I won't drink, we can be sober together.

>> No.8182215

i guess i'll just check it out with a friend if i have any time or something. it'd be great if someone could update cgl in general if you guys change locations or move on elsewhere during the meet!

>> No.8182217

nah man it's cool! have fun! i have my own friends so don't go through the trouble. but i really appreciate it! i'll probably try to take a photo with you if i see you around tho, you seem super chill man.

>> No.8182223
File: 616 KB, 1435x2057, Dragonzord, I choose you!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, I'm down for a photo. If you wanna be able to spot me. I'll wear this shirt and have a glowing watch that'll probably remind you of Tron.

>> No.8182232

Hell, I'll buy you alcohol of that's the problem. If you just don't want to drink, I really doubt everyone is going to be drinking, and only a couple of the people who are drinking are actually thing to get Coreysuper wasted.

>> No.8182328
File: 42 KB, 640x480, party_pug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so is everyone pika-pi-ing to the maid party thinger? Or are we all meeting somewhere else?

>> No.8182336

I'm personally not going, but if I'm able to go hang for a bit then leave after 45 minutes or so, I'll go.
The only confirmed thing so far is that we're eating at the burger place and wearing kigus.

>> No.8182340

Wait, are we wearing the kigus to the burger joint?

>> No.8182341

I don't think we are, I thought we were gonna wear kigus at the con and for the pajanime party and the anon's room pajama party?

>> No.8182356


Ummm, has that anon confirmed we were doing that?

>> No.8182360

No idea, it was talked about. Give it later in the day, not a lot of people are up right now.

>> No.8182649

I would hope so. I dont see why not.

>> No.8183476

Guys, I'm trying to buy some badges currently. It says everything is sold out but I do not see a place to purchase a standard three day badge. Any help? Is all 3day badges currently sold out?

>> No.8183492

The online purchase for the badges are over sadly, but you can show up to the convention center on the 2nd and buy them at the door for the same price online, I believe. Other than that, ticket prices are 55USD for Friday&Saturday and then I think 40USD for Sunday.

>> No.8183512

I am totally going there on the 2nd an purchasing my badge. I guess I can skip school and show up super early. I've been waiting for this all year, but you know.. Life happens.
Either way, I guess I can buy entrance for the car show for now.

>> No.8183568


I think you can purchase badges at early badge pick up


dates at the bottom

>> No.8183590

So I went to the volunteer orientation and they really did step it up! Lines for stuff is inside the conventions most of the time, and registration has its own huge room on the third floor.

Only bad thing is that the GRB is under construction because of the Superbowl in 2017 so there's a lot going on and curtains. Be wary but overall, the map is way better than last year. Registration and panel rooms, maid cafe, and the general assembly on the third floor. First floor has all the exhibit halls. Second floor is only a hallway to get to and from first and third floor. The con will be sectioned off and there's going to be security lines everywhere kinda but hopefully it's a lot better than last year! They really want to cut down on lines. Make the best of it everyone!

>> No.8185447

My Pikachu kigu came in.
Let's rock, baby.