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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 161 KB, 500x565, ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8159522 No.8159522 [Reply] [Original]

New feels thread for your fatty lolita and cosplay feels.

>> No.8159667

I'm curious, why do you keep posting this girl everywhere?

>> No.8159675

I don't, I saw this pic in a ita thread and thought it looked funny with this caption.

>> No.8159695

>sees new print in Kera, it's cute but meh
>didn't go to AP release (I live in Japan)
>print had a small discount during Grand Bazaar but didn't buy it
>see full set in favourite colorway/cut in CC
>almost bought it but decided not to
>print is now sold out
>print is currently my dream dress
what the fuck is wrong with me

>> No.8159703

You just want what you can't have~

>> No.8159836

non /cgl/ related:
>one cat keeps shitting outside the litterbox
>the other keeps shitting inside my bathtub
>at my wits end
>love my cats, just want them to poop in the right place

/cgl/ feels:
>finally beginning to build a cohesive lolita/otome wardrobe
>need to sell off my extra clothes that don't suit me
>incredibly anxious about it
>what if someone scams me/what if packages get lost/etc
>realize I'm being irrational as fuck but can't stop worrying

>> No.8159840


Have had this feel. There are some dresses that you just don't like on the first look, but after repeated exposure it kinda grows on you.

I usually try to talk myself out of it by saying my initial impressions are usually the right one. And then later quietly capitulate and go hunt for it on yja anyway.

>> No.8159843

>dream dress on lace market!
>wrong color way

>> No.8159852
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>Have new boots.
>They are still in their cardboard box.
>Cat sees box and decide it's a good place to piss.
>piss in the box and on my brand new boots

>> No.8159882

At least the bathtub is easy to clean up...? Still, ew.
Maybe there's something about the litterbox they don't like. Have you tried a different kind of litter?

I get your anxiety over selling stuff, btw. I've decided I'm going to try selling within my own country first to get used to the whole thing.

>> No.8159892

On cats (I'm a vet specialized in behaviour)

Take them to the vet to see if there's something wrong with them, sometimes when they have pain they will loiter around on random places. If there's nothing wrong with them physically, work with the litterbox. First of all, since you have two cats, get at least 3 litterboxes, 4 being the ideal (always have numberofcats+1 litterboxes). Then test around with the sand (litter), try different qualities on different boxes to see what they like the most. Also, make sure the boxes are big enough for them to turn around and that the edges are high enough. Finally, be aware of where the boxes are. They must be scattered through the house and on quite places (don't put them next to the washing machine or the toilet, for example) Avoid corners and never have them next to each other.

Also, make sure your cats life a stress-free life (mainly, that they tolerate each other) because stress is one of the leading causes for ellimination trouble.

Sorry about my english, not first language

>> No.8159893

And all my typos, I'm so sorry

>> No.8159902

Oh my god, yikes. I have yet to experience this. Closest I've come is the tub-pooper peeing on my bed (which luckily didn't have any lolita on it at the time. she's no longer allowed in my room!)

Yeah, I've taken them both to the vet and the vet has told me there's nothing wrong with them. I've tried changing up the litter, too - no dice. I have 3 litterboxes, and I want to get more, but there's honestly only so many places in my house for them! The tub-pooper is a very timid kitty, and she's in my bathroom to keep her safe from my young boy kitties while I correct her diet (her tummy is too sensitive for the stuff I fed her when she was younger). I think I just need to spend more time with her and be more attentive of her box... at least hopefully.

As for the carpet-pooper, I have no idea. Sometimes he uses the box but most other times he doesn't. I'm going to block off where he likes to poop and try to get the "it's ok to poop here" smell out. Thanks for the advice though, gulls.

Oh also, NEW feels:
>order an IW mook
>supposed to be delivered yesterday
>message the seller "where's my mook??"
>"oh we sold out of it and i've been looking everywhere for another one! but i can't find it so here's a refund!"
>I ordered this thing on the 24th
>seller JUST NOW tells me it's sold out, AFTER I message them
>my gears. they are ground.

>> No.8159910
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Well, without seeing the two little guys it's hard to say, but I'd suggest to try a box with higher walls or a closed box for the bathtub-pooper (bathtub suggests that he wants to stay hidden while going to the toilet) and try around with different litters for the carpet-pooper (carpets "simulate" a fluffly surface of litter, so when they don't like the box they tend to go to a carpet) On any case, a real life vet will advise you better than me (online one lol)

Good luck!

>> No.8159924

If you can, invest in a cleaner specifically made to remove urine odor; the normal household stuff will cut most of the smell, but your cat can probably still pick up the scent and will continue to use the spot when she can. Also make sure timid kitty has a different litterbox in a different spot than the boys! She probably doesn't want to mark in a place that they use.

>> No.8159940

Oh God, I actually had a guy say "Your ass looks giant in this dress" to me while I was out in lolita. I replied with "Yes, that's kinda the point" and he just looked at me strangely.

But little did he know I actually do hide a pretty big butt under all those layers.

>> No.8159943

NW UK vendetta.

>> No.8160000


Oh man. Similar feels just recently.

>dream dress on mbok
>wrong colourway, kinda pricey, meh
>suddenly, dream dress in right colourway appears!
>See it already has a bid from chibitenshi on it
>Guess I'll use fjp instead, throw them all my monies
>fjp says item not available, refunds money. This before auction even ends
>Guess the seller doesn't like shopping services (or fjp)
>lost dream dress
>go back to staring at wrong colourway dress


>> No.8160050

This is me haha, I find this really funny! good job OP ahahaha

>> No.8160065

Day Dream Carnival and Loyal Rosette both did this to me.

>> No.8160081

>Dream dress is on mbok.
>6 hours left, can't buy it. *sadness*
>It gets re-listed! OH HAPPY DAY!
>I must sell something to afford it!
>5 days till it ends, NBD, that's enough time.
>My dress sells and I'm like YES! time to buy!
>2 days are left on the auction.
>Dress auction cancelled by the owner.
>Sadness, just sadness.

>> No.8160868
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I hate my life and I spend most of my time being seriously depressed and wanting to die. The only thing that makes me feel a little better is shopping and Lolita.
I'm popular within my comm and people like me so I'm terrified they might find out that I'm not who I pretend to be.
I'm just a really sad person and it's pathetic but doing things for my comm gives me a lot of joy and makes me want to keep going but immediately after it's over I feel like shit again.

>> No.8160880
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>dream dress bnwt pops up
>secures dress by some miracle
>seller ships so fasttt, bless you anon
>dress gets delivered a couple days later
>...to the WRONG city
>ask seller, sees no error on receipt
>post office denies any accountability, despite evidence
>carrier has no idea what i'm talking about when i ask about the package
>checking post office every couple days for a miracle
>tfw dream dress is lost somewhere
>tfw lost money and no dress

this is fucking bullshit usps

>> No.8160881

Maybe try seeing a therapist about this.

>> No.8160889

Try putting a litter box right in the areas where they go? If there's always a particular place. Even if it means moving the box every tim you bathe. Then just move it right outside the tub, and slowly move it back.

How often are you cleaning the boxes? I know some people who only clan them once a week (ew) and then wonder why the cat shits on the floor. They need to be cleaned at least once a day if not twice depending on how full they get in a day.

>> No.8160897

I've been having so many problems with USPS lately that I'm nearly ready to take extreme actions that are highly irrational. I had a package take almost three weeks to arrive WITHIN MY STATE while a package shipped to Australia arrived a week early, postman that comes to my apartment building dropping packages in deep af puddles and leaving them sit there until he comes back for his second trip, countless tracking numbers haven't worked, both on things I've purchased and things I've sold, luckily nothing bad has happened to me but it seems like there's been an increase in lost packages, it's just bullshit after bullshit and they just blow you off like it's not their job to take care of the things that people pay money for by delivering them safely.

>> No.8160899

>spend forever doing makeup
>too long
>gonna be late for class
>get to school
>no parking
>have to park fucking FOREVER AWAY
>hauling ass and jogging to class
>feel my lower lashes falling
>press my finger to them to make them stay on
>remove finger
>feel them fall down my face
>no way I'll find them outside
>have to remove and throw away other sides
>I felt so cute too

>> No.8160903

>it's pathetic but doing things for my comm gives me a lot of joy and makes me want to keep going
I have a feeling some people in your comm looks up to you, and it wouldn't be a bad thing to confess atleast to someone you hold dear- tell them how you feel see if there's something out there for you except lolita that wants to keep you going? You're just waiting for the normies days to pass and that might make it a whole lot worse from there, if one lolita meeting goes bad you'll feel like you've wasted that day and precious time preparing yourself for this one event. If people in your comm cares for your well being, you won't feel like you're just living for lolita (and/or shopping to cure). Depression is a thing, not helping yourself going through the right path is another.

>> No.8160912

If you want something to get done about it, file a complaint to the Postmaster General of the U.S.
Each time I've complained about losing a package, they hunt it down once I tell them that it wasn't an ordinary package and it was a very expensive dress. They usually assume it's a wedding dress and typically kick it up to high priority.

But then again, if there's no insurance, good luck.

>> No.8160917

this is the first time a domestic package has gone totally awol on me in my 8+ years of online buying/selling. the postal system is full of crap, I even have video proof I didn't get a delivery and they still bounce between saying it's delivered / accusing the seller of making an error.

don't even know what i can do at this point since they keep giving different bullshit answers.

>> No.8160922

>gets a mini promotion at wori
>don't have to split my tips anymore
>more money for more burando

>> No.8160936

>period over 10 days late
>not fat or currently sexually active
>period is never more than a few days late
>massive cramps comes and goes past few days

>> No.8160945

Stress can do this.

>> No.8160946
File: 325 KB, 1280x709, playing the tiniest violin for myself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on a waiting list which I was supposed to be at the top of a month ago. I think I'm going to ring tomorrow to check because I can't continue like this

I'm a really private person so I can't even talk to my close friends about my situation. I hate feeling like I'm burdening people with my problems but at the same time I really want people to understand me too. I feel really stuck, I just want people to like me and to not feel like shit all the time. If I can get some therapy sorted out that will really help I think but in the meantime I have to keep hanging on

>> No.8160950

Stress, poor diet, etc. etc. etc.

Freaking out over it will just make it worse. If you haven't had sex I wouldn't be too concerned. If you do get too worried or it doesn't come soon, just call and ask your doctor about it.

>> No.8160951
File: 14 KB, 310x464, 1425077924477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't play any video games because I'm too poor for platforms and games growing up
>Start dating bf a few years ago, we play all the games I want since vidya is a shared hobby in his family
>We both enjoy it, it becomes one of our pastimes to play them together

>Browsing horror cosplay thread
>See cosplay of game I've been dying to play for ~5 years
>"Oh, I'll look it up and see how much it is!"
>Cheapest copies are ~$85

>> No.8160955

can confirm, the more you stress the later it will come, I was once being so paranoid I got it atleast 3 days late and since then I'm around 3 days after the "usual" day. I try to not worry but whenever I do it just comes later and later.

>> No.8160963

>I hate feeling like I'm burdening people with my problems but at the same time I really want people to understand me too
Maybe you should try out and see for yourself if you're really a burden for that person you're sharing your feelings with? I had a friend like that who would constantly worry and she always ended up sucking her own feelings and I could never help her because she would never open up. It's a terrible feeling for the person but can you imagine how your friend (or me) feels on the other side not realising you're suffering in silence? I often felt like she didn't trust me/etc it really just turns out she's super anxious. But not everyone understands it.

>> No.8160969

not op, but in a similar situation. i had a terrible uti for a week before my usual day, could that count as stress and delay it? ebating on calling my doc this weekend or wait a little longer

>> No.8161004
File: 18 KB, 354x354, x354[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate cats, have this.

>> No.8161020

Fellow video game anon here. What's the game? If I can find it cheap I MIGHT give it to you for free.

Also if you have a 3DS or a DS lite invest in a R4.

>> No.8161036

> Go to leasing office, have an apartment tour scheduled
>One of those cheap young people apartment complexes where you tour an apartment with a tenant living there
I begin my tour of this standard, kinda shitty studio apartment on the 'student side' of the college town where I live. It's okay, kinda shabby... We get to the closet and the door is open. Inside I see loaaads of perfect AP and a perfect lolita wardrobe. 3 different colorways of Cinema Doll, Cameo Window etc. JetJ and Meta and just...

All these beautiful dresses in this subpar studio apartment.

>> No.8161042

Rule Of Rose, and that offer is so sweet but I could never except it, much thanks though!
I was just given my bf's old 3DS since he upgraded ,and I hadn't heard of these, thanks for the tip anon!

>> No.8161044

>mfw you might have toured my apartment
in my defense rent is ridiculous in my area.

>> No.8161045

>Have a lot of nice coords and cosplays.
>Go to college first year get super depressed and gain a bunch of weight
>Nothing fits anymore
>Been working out and eating right for the past 2 1/2 months
>Make little to no progress
>Con is in a month

Welp looks like I'll just have to either tailer them/make new cosplays.

>> No.8161080

Same anon.

R4 is basically a flashcart. http://gbatemp.net/

buy here: http://www.nds-card.com/ProShow.asp?ProID=143

Depending on your firmware your 3DS MIGHT be able to use Gateway or something else. Check out the first link for that.

You sure though? I mean I know that feeling. I grew up with no video games too and now I cosplay characters from said game/buy a lot of PS3 games with money I can't afford. Trying to do UNIB or Persona 4 Ultimax.

>tfw you look nothing like any video game characters you like
>tfw you will never do Hitoshura because you're a girl.

>> No.8161093

Did you say hi to her anon? or wasn't she there at the time?

>> No.8161098

i know wearing falsies everyday is normal for some people, but going all out with tops and bottoms just for class? seems like way too much work.

>> No.8161102

>got screwed on a modeling job
>was only given half of what I was told I would get
>he expects me to promo him all over my social medias and stuff
>he's mentioned me modeling for him again
>how do I tell him I want more?
>do my own contract?

>> No.8161106

>not using individual bottom lashes

>> No.8161108

I would have to do something in return for you anon, I could never just take something without giving something back.
If you'd be willing to drop your e-mail or something, I'd love to chat with you about vidya though, it'd be cool to have someone to talk to that shares my excitement about finally being able to play!

>> No.8161112

those are a pain in the ass aint nobody got time for that shit

>> No.8161115


>> No.8161127

Rule of Rose has always been ridiculously expensive. I've never seen it go for less than a 100 bucks. Long time collector here. I'm sorry we drive the prices up on stuff like that.

>> No.8161131

I would tell him that you won't do the job until he pays what he owes you. Also writing up a contract isn't a bad idea either. If he's using you as a professional model though he should have had you sign a release form.

>> No.8161134
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>Finally went to see doctor months ago for depression/anxiety
>puts me on anxiety medication and it starts strong but eventually wears off
>feel like shit again
>go again and adds in depression medication
>its starting to work and I'm finally getting my life back together
>able to concentrate at my work at home
>started working out and eating better
>if I continue maybe I can lose some weight I gained from feeling bad
>maybe even fit lolita better
>fuck yeah
>feels good to get better man

>> No.8161142

>uni deadlines are coming up before easter. STRESSLORD
>mother gets ill but doesn't tell me she's been feeling sick for weeks
>Emergency trip home that luckily 'only' takes around 5hrs but costs over £100 due to short notice tickets
>Lazy as shit brother hasn't helped my mum out at all while she's been sick, so I come home to basically cook, clean, pick up meds, deal with brother's school since he hasn't been attending
>Heading back to uni, come home to find slightly messy but assume it must be cause I left in a rush etc
> Putting stuff away, notice lolita blouses on bottom of wardrobe- get suspicious but too tired to think much of it
>trying test outfits, notice vest is fitting strange- wonder if I got fat/grew/shrank. Flower clips broken. Two bonnets damaged, one with flower damage, the other refusing to hold its shape.
> Ask housemates, no one knows what I'm talking about. 'how would we know about your jap stuff, anon?' 'Maybe you knocked your stuff over when you were rushing. maybe you damaged your stuff when you were tired and don't remember'
> Get really worried,wonder how I could be so negligent.
> One housemate sees me freaking out cause I'm worried I'm getting sick again (blackouts, holes in memory) + money and admits that housemates came home drunk and tried on some of my lolita stuff and tried to tidy up the next day. They didn't realise they'd damaged anything
>' you shouldn't buy such expensive things, anon.'

I'm more worried about the fact that they not only lied, they tried to blame me indirectly by attributing any problems to my 'state' when I'm having a period of illness or stress (I sometimes blackout, or become manic). Further aggravating it is the fact that their response is 'Well, you shouldn't have such expensive things if they can be so easily damaged''. Yeah, that vest that is meant for a Japanese girl that I, at a UK size 8, can get in must be a piece of shit if you all at between 5' 9'' and 6'3'' damage it trying to get it on.

>> No.8161144

>having to decide weather i want to waste my money on cons + cosplay or lolita
>more into lolita lately, i have enough cosplays to last me for a while before i want any new ones, even slowly losing interest in cosplay (at least for now)
>but cons
>but burando
>but cons
>but less burando if you use all that money for those cons
>why this

>> No.8161146

can I ask you how you went about talking to your doctor about it? My understanding was always that kids parents take them when they notice something wrong, but I'm way past that point now.

>> No.8161152


Honestly I talked to my mum about it first. She never approached me even though I had strong symptoms, but once I did she suggested I see our doctor. She came with me and did most of the talking even though I'm a 20-something year old haha.

I was really scared before seeing the doctor but he was completely understanding and explained so much.

>> No.8161157
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>start going to school docs because I'm too poor to get a private one
>they want to put me on SSRI's
>panicking on the inside because of the side-effects and the fact that they take so long to be effective(if they will)
>know I have to because boyfriend told me he's been feeling more like my caretaker than my boyfriend
>we haven't had actual sex for months, just hands stuff and a few quickies
>need to sell some dresses but they're non-prints so having a bit of trouble.

>> No.8161166

Maybe I am just lazy! I tried talking to my mom about it.

>You don't think it's weird that I dropped out of university and have developed psychosomatic illnesses?
>nah ur not crazy

I guess people would notice if something were actually wrong, since that seems to be how it usually goes.

>> No.8161175


If your mum isn't understanding, try going to the doctor by yourself. It can be hard but I'm sure they will help.

Or if you have a close friend you can talk to about it and possibly take with you. Any support you can get! I hope you the best anon.

>> No.8161186
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Well done anon, happy for you!

>' you shouldn't buy such expensive things, anon.'

>> No.8161200


Your house mates sound like shit lords. Ditch them as soon as you can anon, I'd be so angered if I had this happen to me.

>> No.8161209

I signed a form saying that he could use my picture, but there was nothing saying in writing what I got paid
I was also promised a percentage for iTunes downloads and stuff
I just don't know what to ask for. $30 an hour? $35? Add extra for a costume change?

>> No.8161221


Whatever it is, next time get it in writing

Best you can do is tell him you expected to be paid more for this last time. Possibly tell him you aren't going to work with him any more if he doesn't pay you

>> No.8161281

> Should I buy a corset or a new binder
> Femininity or masculinity
> Lolita or cosplay
I can't decideeeee.

>> No.8161304

Thank you so much

>> No.8161335
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Email is in my name I guess.

On topic I have no idea who to cosplay. I can only do one and I can't make up my mind.

>Wants to cosplay from SDS but the character I want to do is a manlet and I'm 5 foot 11.
>Wants to cosplay from Persona 4 Ultimax but I would have to get off my ass and make a spear and get a plush of Koromaru commissioned, thus more money.
>Wants to do Green from the Rolling Girls but has a love hate for that anime.

>> No.8161347
File: 142 KB, 200x150, yuuko1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just sitting here trying to distract myself from feeling awful for no good reason. I feel really sad and frustrated, and there's no real reason for me to feel this intensely awful. I have some cleaning I need to do before I work on a costume and a lolita dress I designed, but that's not a big deal. My husband is playing FF14 instead of putting the laundry away like he said he would if I folded and sorted it, but I feel confident that he will do it like her said, so that's not a big deal. I'm going to see if my younger sister wants to do an AA booth at a con and I'd take care of things for her since she's underage, but that should actually make me excited and the con isn't until mid July. I was even thinking of making some things to throw on the table. Fuck you, depression. Too bad I'm too poor to afford to see a psychologist for my Viibryd prescriptions and see the doctor for my non-mental medical problems that are more pressing at the same time.

>> No.8161353

Did you try seeing a free therapist or something covered by a medical card/free hmo? Also try talking to your husband too and maybe seeing a doctor if it's an on going thing.

I hope you feel better anon and try to be happy. Oh and throw a shoe at your husband. He can fold and video game at the same time.

>> No.8161362

I have insurance, but my copay is awful for anything that's not a general practitioner. And since it's a new year, I get the joy of having to reach my deductible before anything other than GP visits can get done with just a copay and I have to see specialists for my medical condition. I haven't been able to see my therapist or psychologist (I used to have both) in over two years now. I did try finding a free therapist, but the best I can do in the area I live is sliding scale, which I was doing before. As for talking with my husband, it honestly makes me feel worse because he usually just sits there with no idea what to say to me. I appreciate the well wishes, though.

>> No.8161395

this girl looks like a replica Kate before she stopped wearing glasses

>> No.8161399

Yup. My period is always a week late around finals time from stress.

>> No.8161401

Does it come right away as soon as you unstress?

> tfw need to fend off my period for an extra day

>> No.8161411

It depends on how upset I am about exams. The latest my period was was like 2 weeks once. Then it came like normal, but my cycle get shifted by a few days and it takes a couple months to go back

>> No.8161465

>Postmaster General of the U.S.
How did you find their email? I'm looking for it but can't find one specifically for them.

>> No.8161471
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>too old to have fun

Really want to get back into cosplay, but just having age feels. Having a hard time finding older characters I would fit and by older, I mean not jr. high.
Forever have 12yr old boy body, but I feel my face looks older now.
Same with wearing lolita.
Finally at a point where I can afford it, but just feel like I missed the age gap. Might just move on to otome.

>> No.8161474

Cosplay as manlets and short people. If you did someone like Shinobu nobody would care because she's an old vampire loli.

Honestly I don't care about people's faces in cosplay but I'm the minority.

>> No.8161477

A friend was having a bad day and she loves to see me in make-up, I wanted to cheer her up
Plus, it doesn't take me too long to apply the top lashes, it's the bottoms that take a lot of work

>> No.8161498

Use myfitness pal to count calories. Dont forget about things like mayo or margerine. Good luck anon, you can do it!

>> No.8161536

Cheaper rent means more money for brand, anon.

>> No.8161551

Your housemates are gaslighting cunts. Can you find a way to lock your door/closet?

>> No.8161598

That's what I was thinking. She's nothing special but i wouldn't say she's ita but someone has been posting her a lot lately.

>> No.8161638

I am on a three-month ban.

In that span of time I've bought two skirts, a dress, and around five accessories.

Con season is coming up; I just paid for a cosplay, I'm loaning a girl hotel money, and part of me is just saying "I should buy something else for the sake of having it."

i'm losing my mind

>> No.8161650

This may all be complete stupidity but I think I'm one of your friends. I'd really like to talk to you about it. I don't want you to feel like you're burdening me because I care about you so much and letting me know might help.

If you're not who I think you are, then still talk to your friends about it because the likelihood is
that they care about you as much as I do with my friend.

>> No.8161654

Try peeking around the usps website, you could always file a formal complaint on there. It gets cataloged and documented for future reference as well

>> No.8161655

>itching to buy a new dress
>no dresses I want online
>the hunt continues

Is it just me or do you sometimes have a huge compulsion to buy a bunch of shit.

>> No.8161663

I'm not fat, but my butt and hips are the widest part of me by farrrr. My waist is quite small. I fucking love lolita.

>> No.8161667

Then when you finally see things you want suddenly you don't have spare funds. It's a cycle of bullshit.

>> No.8161692

>gained about 3-4 kg
>have sex but taking birth control
>boyfriend jokes about me being pregnant
>jokes infront of my mum
>mum keeps askimg me if I REALLY am pregnant, sisters joke as well
>mfw I have to say "No I just got fat.."
>I really hit the 70kg mark I never wanted to hit again..

>> No.8161705

Last year I gained ten pounds and my mom freaked out and thought I was pregnant
I lost five pounds and then gained ten

>> No.8161714


>> No.8161759
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>dream dress shows up BNWT for 10k yen
>oh lordy what a catch
>win it, ship it, enjoy it
>2 months later same dress in the same condition pops up for 6k yen

>> No.8161816
File: 63 KB, 424x484, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lost a lot of weight
>Feeling and looking a lot better
>33inch waist is now 27inch waist
>Most of my lolita clothes are now too big for me
>Including some of my favourites

>> No.8161873

It's far easier to take clothes in than to enlarge them.
Plus you'll have an incentive to keep your lower weight.

>> No.8161886

That's only ~$33 difference on a cheap dress anyway, I'd still be glad.

>> No.8161941
File: 6 KB, 300x155, 1416455726342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dream item shows up on CC
>try to order it
>first need to sort out something with Paypal
>return to order my baby
>[product] because it was a stock number is 0, you can not buy. If you make a purchase of other goods, please press the "Delete" button of the relevant goods.

>> No.8161943

>Dream dress on sale in the right colorway and with matching bow
>"US buyers only"
>Tfw I'm an eurofag and don't have friends oversea
>Try to find anyone who can help me on facebook and everywhere and spam friends of my friends or perfect strangers
>Finally contact the seller
>"Well, a friend bought me this dress, it's not available anymore"
Why ;__;

>> No.8161977

You should've gone ahead and asked anyway, saying you would pay the tracked shipping and all.

>> No.8162068

You are completely right and I've had the same situation before where my friends think I don't trust them but I just can't help it, I don't really trust people with my private life. I'm going to try maybe testing the waters, I guess I'm just a little nervous about my personal information getting leaked out

Oh god I was really worried about something like this happening
Where are you from?

>> No.8162075

That sounds really shifty, anon.

>> No.8162082

Well also, she has a YouTube channel which is pretty annoying so maybe the vendetta's part of that. Most likely it's just the same person from all the NW stuff a few months ago.

>> No.8162093

what dress?

>> No.8162101


If we don't know each other then I really hope you get better!!

>> No.8162115

Shit yeah I'm probably who you think I am. Damn so embarrassed to be caught out on a cgl feels thread
You can PM me if you want but please don't talk to me about this in public because I don't want ither people to find out

>> No.8162159

Huh yeah that's right, I guess I kind of forgot I could take them in, haha. Thanks Anon~!

>> No.8162190

Don't be embarrassed!! If you are who I think you are then I'm glad I found out about it sooner rather than later.

What would be embarrassing though is if I pm who I think you are and it turns out that they're not you.

I put my email up there ^ so drop me a quick message. You don't have to tell me who you are, but I'll email you back saying who I am and we can go from there.

Kind of a long winded way, but I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or anything

>> No.8162221

Emailed asdfghjkl

>> No.8162318

Posted in the last thread about my outside/feral cat with the busted up foot

>local shelter took him on, got him into the vet
>they're paying for everything
>foot was just so badly infected/abscessed he couldn't walk on it
>he's doing much better
>they're also going to take his littermate so they stay paired
>my babies are going to be warm and loved

I'm so happy. I just have to take the other guy out to get neutered and shots and they'll both be at least in a foster home. It makes me a little sad that I won't be able to see them anymore (unless I connect with their new owners) but I'm so glad that they're going to be inside now.

Sage for not cgl related but I'm just so happy.

>inb4 bitching about having outside cats

They were a feral's kittens, we homed all of her other kittens and finally spayed her, these two are the last homeless kitties left.

>> No.8162330

But budget.

>> No.8162361
File: 117 KB, 848x480, palmtop tiger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best friend manages to fuck up in about five consecutive ways
>we're now out three saturday PAX passes and a friday pass

That's like $400 resale value, not to mention missing the biggest day at PAX. She's a brilliant, wonderful person and I love her to bits but she could not have fucked this up any harder. I'm trying not to be mad with her but holy shit I feel like my head is going to explode. I've been looking forward to this con for months.

>> No.8162387


>> No.8162432
File: 17 KB, 405x289, kyon facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we plan to attend PAX months in advance in a cosplay group
>she drags her ass on her cosplay which i can sympathize with to an extent
>fucks up her hand, can't sew
>i offer to help her finish, along with another guy in our group
>clearly we don't realistically have time to sew two complex costumes within the week or two's notice she gave us that she wouldn't be able to finish
>also forgot to book her plane tickets so now they cost like $500 or some shit because it's the week before
>tell her forget it and we'll push everything back to another con
>just send guy the PAX passes, we'll sell the extra one and you can come to AB with us instead
>she waits like five days after we have this conversation for whatever reason to actually send them
>she tries to send me the passes instead of guy
>i'm at college and our mailroom is closed for spring break
>panic, get her to change the address to guy
>she does so at the last second but it's already in their system which might have fucked it up
>'i went with us mail because it was cheaper, but it should arrive on time'
>US mail, so obviously they do not deliver it on time
>......okay, well, if you get us the tracking information we might be able to find it and have guy pick it up on his way to boston
>she threw out the receipt with the tracking information
>did you take a picture of the tracking number?

She's academically completely brilliant and also the nicest person I know. I'd take a bullet for her but sometimes shit like this happens.

>> No.8162434

Dropped my quote. >>8162432 for >>8162387, obviously.

>> No.8162440
File: 303 KB, 1536x1021, bangs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some non /cgl/ feelings that I just need to vent about.
I got the worst haircut of my life today. I basically couldn't bring in a photo because I don't have a smart phone and my printer wasn't working so I tried my best to describe what I wanted. We seemed to be on the same page... I realized we weren't much too late. Basically I now have awful too short, crooked, thin bangs. I'll be wearing headbands for the next month. I'm real goddamn cranky right now.
Googled "bad bangs" and this image is pretty close to how they turned out.

>> No.8162508

So then you go to a shit stylist.

>> No.8162532

Was at my parent's and my mother offered to take me to get my hair cut. Her is fine so I didn't think it would go so horribly wrong... Never again.

>> No.8162559

>Husband fired from job this morning.
>Means we lost just over half our income.
>Will have to sell some if not all my lolita.
>Probably won't get to go to any cons this year, including Anime Matsuri
>Won't get to go to Japan this summer.
>Don't even know if we can still afford our apartment or my car payments now.
I have no idea what to do with myself right now...

>> No.8162560

Look up cut cutting bangs on youtube. It's easy. I always end up recutting my bangs once I get home. Stylist never seem to understand how to get a full bang on my thin ass white girl hair. It's just easier to do it yourself.

>> No.8162565

Man I really want to know how shitty your income is if you lose that much over one person.

And how bad your budgeting is.

>> No.8162588

I think not being able to go to Japan and cons are the least of your worries now anon.

>> No.8162592

I'm well aware of that.

>> No.8162599

>two people in a household
>the man loses his job
>lose just over 1/2 of income

So the guy was making a bit more than the woman, which is typical, but they each bring in AROUND half of the income

That makes perfect sense? Do you think they're living with 8 other people or what?

Losing your job has nothing to do with budgeting.

>> No.8162616

>hoped to buy a new dress and maybe a taobao haul in the next month
>icy roads fucked me up driving home last night
>car repairs estimated to be around $1500+

I still haven't heard back how much my insurance will cover. I'm hoping that if I'm negative about it, I'll be pleasantly surprised by the number.

She's allowed to be bummed about it, christ.

>> No.8162617

>write down a list of things I need to do to become more attractive
>it's long
>really long
>all that money
>there's no way I can afford all of this before college ends

>> No.8162630

>blaming the road for your inability to drive

Accidents in the snow and ice happen when people drive as if there was no snow or ice. People driving like dicks is what causes these kinds of accidents.

>> No.8162632

expect nothing at all from your insurance company

>> No.8162639

They might be bit too short for me to mess with for a bit. I had been trimming my own bangs, but they were easy sideswept ones, I'm a bit scared to do full ones myself but I will look at some videos and maybe try working on them when I'm not traumatized. I'll probably feel better after a nice nap and shower.

>> No.8162648
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> a family friend did a huge favor for me I could never repay her
> her daughter is a little older then me and has no friends
> I usually avoid her politely; she's really awkward and kind of spoiled
>"anon could you hang out with ____ she's been depressed lately"
> of course I say yes this woman saved my ass I will do anything
> hanging out goes ok I try to cheer her up and buy her lunch do girly things
> every now and again she gets a little rude and brings up things she knows will upset me
> constantly cries about being poor and then turns around and buys a new 3ds and three new games
> every time she's around my boyfriend she flirts outrageously even though she is in a relationship
> I can't confront her about anything because she's "delicate"
> she finds out I like lolita she insta buys these horrible dresses from milanoo
> wears them everywhere with flip flops
> flip flops

If I try to gently help her she cries. If I tell her she hurt my feelings she cries. If I tell her she can't play video games with my boyfriend when I'm not home she cries. She's almost fuckin 30 and she acts like a baby. Everything is given to her. I have a horrible home life and I've been through some shit. She was raised in a loving home with money to burn and a family who supports her no matter what. But if her mom doesn't give her money for cigarettes then she calls her a bitch and stomps her feet like a child. I can't put up with her anymore she makes me so mad and I don't like how I feel around her. But I can't drop her because of the debt I owe her family. She's moving to California soon so I'm just doing my time. But fuck I'm so done.

>> No.8162655

just curious what was the huge favor?

>> No.8162657

I think that girl needs to see a phychologist, she sounds extremely unstable. Unless all the crying is fake and she's just a manipulative bitch.

>> No.8162658

She loaned me the funds to get out of a bad situation and gave me emotional support

>> No.8162767
File: 17 KB, 648x327, u wot m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order fabric and notions
>"Thank you for your purchase Ms Anon, here is a link to track your package!"
>linked page tells me my package was delivered at the end of January
>I made my order last tuesday

>> No.8162773

Maybe it's the tracking isn't updated yet? They recycle those numbers, you know. Or maybe they just gave you the wrong number. Did you check up with them?

>> No.8162784
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 1424704648908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>work eating up precious time I could be using to make cosplays

>> No.8162814

I was hoping you'd post an update, I'm glad everything turned out well.

>> No.8162840

>find out friends *super special snowflake~~~* girlfriend is into Lolita.
>pictures she's posted are horrible and she's a fucking hamuniverse
>shes coming down from orbit to visit and says "I want to bring my Lolita to the wedding, my petticoat won't fit in the suitcase but who cares?"
>it's okay my friend likes her there must be some redeemable quality
>or not
>ask what brand her skirt is
>"I don't think it's anyone's business what brand my skirt is, but it's bodyline"
>she talks about me constantly behind my back calling me a brand whore and a slut to my best friends
>they all tell me and kick her from every Skype group we have

tl;dr fatfug gets mad over nothing, I learn that bodyline makes skirts for waists over 70 inches

>> No.8162845

> tfw random bouts of feeling depressed as fuck
> tfw not depressed enough to actually have depression

Ugh it just makes me feel awful again like I did before I even told anyone I sometimes felt that bad, because I was afraid I was overreacting, and now I feel like I really was.

I mean obviously I don't WANT to be depressed but now I just feel stuck in a limbo of not depressed enough to get help but not happy enough to be 'normal'

>> No.8162891

>working on cosplay shit
>this is really easy I can totally finish it all today
>want to eat like I just smoked three bowls
>also nauseous as FUCK
>thanks migraine
>this is why my family thought I was bulemic

It took me almost three hours to make a mermaid skirt pattern and then cut out the fabric... all that's left is to sew it together and I can't move from the couch

I've eaten an entire bin of cookies, two tacos, a bottle of soda, a huge turkey sandwich with bacon, french toast and some fries already today. Help.

>> No.8163022

>I am on a three-month ban.

Ban from what?

>> No.8163042

>waists over 70 inches
JFC what size would that be on Bodyline?

>> No.8163057

Haven't you heard about the new 6Ls they're rolling out? I'm seriously dying to see what they look like irl or worn.

>> No.8163136

No they don't. I just went and looked because I wanted to see how fug this skirt must be. Their largest skirt is 100 cm. She's either getting them from somewhere else or you're exaggerating how fat she is.

>> No.8163145

The waist on the 6L jsk goes to 106 cm, still wouldn't fit a 70 inch waist.You can find brand larger than that

>> No.8163170

I just bought my first sailor fuku from spreepicky. I'm certain it's going to look ugly on me because of my fat gross thighs and I don't know what I was thinking.

>> No.8163177

>wasting money on spreepicky

>> No.8163179


>> No.8163182
File: 52 KB, 201x303, HURDUR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it Xenoblades Chronicle, because fuck Gamestop.

>> No.8163189

>broke up with my neet boyfriend of 6 years
>have been supporting him and his lazy ass for way too long
>boyfriend tries to guilt trip me, asking how could I do this to him if I loved him
>fell out of love a long time ago
>stopped caring about him a long time ago
>boyfriend refused to move out
>had to call his parents to make him leave
>feels less lonely with him and his stuff gone, but still really empty inside
>not sure if depressed or bitter

I feel like I should move to a different place to get rid of all the memories I had with him here. The relationship started off great, we were young and in love - we moved out to the city so he could start his startup company. Then years went by and I felt more like his mother than a girlfriend. I wasted so much of my time and money for him to stay at home and play video games. What the fuck was I thinking?

>> No.8163263


You made the right decision anon if you no longer had those feelings for him. I wish you luck in your post break up recovery. Moving also sounds like a good idea if you have the funds.

>> No.8163274

I bet she'll have plenty of funds without that leech on her wallet.

>> No.8163275

I have the same feels anon.
Sometimes I just get an urge to sell all my dresses and get plastic surgery.

>> No.8163278
File: 155 KB, 400x225, my guuttss.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need twin braids wig
>Not willing to drop $50 on Arda
>All that comes up when searching for braided wigs is Anna wigs
>Never have I hated Frozen so much

>> No.8163284

.... are you serious?

Dude just buy a fucking wig and braid it

A literal 5-year-old can make a half decent looking braid.

>> No.8163300

>Twin tail.

They're looking for one that's going to look nice and have the part. You're not going to get that with just any wig.

>> No.8163306

Unfortunately, this is what happened. Bought one before and the cap part showed through when I braided it and I realized I'd need one with a part.

>> No.8163318

70 inch waist is like 650lbs, lol what the fuck That's like 5 of me

>> No.8163325

Are you literally dumb?

I took two seconds to search on ebay and found like 5 results of varying colors on the front page.

>> No.8163335
File: 718 KB, 160x160, tumblr_m509s4a9Wx1qgvui5o4_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sry m8, I should have specified I'm super picky about color, length, and thickness, and seller feedback.
>Dark brown, waist length, must have bangs, seller has to have 99.8% or higher
Thnx for trying though, sorry for not mentioning this originally.

>> No.8163354

Super picky.
Super cheap.
Yeah good luck with that, Anon.

>> No.8163355

couldn't you just buy a long wig and braid it.....

>> No.8163358

ignore this comment, didn't read the rest of he thread

>> No.8163369

Ditch cons. I did and I am so happy, never looked back. I have a gorgeous wardrobe, less stress, more money for traveling/seeing friends, and never felt happier.

>> No.8163372

>Give up loltia 2013
>Start smoking 2014
>Oh shit I want to wear lolita again but I physically can't go 2 hours without a cigarette
>Just keeps buying dresses and doesn't wear any

>> No.8163375


I don't think 70 inches is even humanly possible. It's obvious she was exaggerating.

>> No.8163376

>Living almost paycheck to paycheck

>> No.8163384

I have a 24 inch waist and there's a girl in one of my classes who has a waist bigger than 2x mine.

>> No.8163385

>there are people with thighs bigger than my torso

It's possible, anon.

>> No.8163446


> picking up smoking in the year of our Lord 2015

Like what the actual fuck. Forget lolita boo-boo do you seriously want to end up in the god damn iron lung?

>> No.8163457

It is humanly possible. I just googled it and there are people who are 8 feet around. Isn't 70 inches like 6 feet?

>> No.8163460

Somke e-cigs. They smell nice and you won't die as fast

>> No.8163465

This morning I lost out on one of my dream prints for the third time. I woke up super early to snipe it and still lost by just $1. It's an old print and almost never comes up on the market. Each time I lose an auction on it, I feel like I'm even farther away from ever owning it. I think it'll be less depressing to just give up on it.

>> No.8163514

I would have gone without her since the others were still going.

>> No.8163528

>long time lurker
>has wanted to get into cosplay for a long time, never sure where to start
>got PAX East ticket this year (I've wanted to go for a few years, was never able to get a ticket)
>finally works up nerve to start a cosplay, making a nomad from Journey
>realize that con is closer than I thought
>oh shit
>have to haul ass to finish costume
>I'm so proud of myself /cgl/

Pic related, costume as off a few days ago.
I got more of the patterns on the bottom done and I just have to do the scarf and shoes.

>> No.8163533
File: 83 KB, 540x720, workworkwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oops, dropped image

>> No.8163597

>going to be out of town for dream marine release
>the mermaid lover in me dies inside
>browses mbok out of sadness
>dream mermaid print is up for auction
>at half of the price of dream marine

I'm not sad anymore.

>> No.8163612

Ugh I'm so jealous. I think pear shaped girls are the absolute cutest, in and out of lolita.

>mfw stuck between hourglass and rectangle shape
>no cute tiny bust and waist to go with banging hips and butt
>cries forever

>> No.8163630
File: 182 KB, 400x374, 13414482074982.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been lurking lolita stuff for years now
>Finally save up and buy a coord
>Get excited to wear it and shit
>Check local comm, barely any events/meets going on
This sucks.

>> No.8163940

>relisting stupid AP dress for the 100th time
>just want it gone by now, but I don't want to sell it for too cheap either
>have had potential buyers bail on me for nor reason, just don't respond anymore
>minor contacts me, wants to buy dress but needs to confirm with dad first
>needs a hold for a few days
Should I even bother? I'm afraid she might be a nuisance, since I've heard horror stories about young buyers.
>listed BIN and auction
>auction is cheapoer than BIN
Would I sell it for the BIN price if somebody asks for a hold? I've always done this, but she might think she can get it for the auction price.

>> No.8163951

i'd say hold it for her, but if she keeps asking for more time to like, bribe her dad or whatever just dont even and put it right back up.

>> No.8163952

I don't know about the first part of your post anon, but as for the latter you definitely sell it at BIN. Although if she sees there's no bidders, she may try to offer you a lower price. It's up to you to take if you're that desperate to sell the dress.

>> No.8163956

>have to haul ass to finish costume
Welcome to the life, anon.
Looks good, especially for your first cosplay! Have fun!

>> No.8163984

Cats can have issues with litter if they're not cleaned out daily. It goes against their animal instincts. They want to bury and hide the smell of their excrement so predatory animals can't find them. This can lead to a cat just peeing and shitting all over the place.

It could also be based on the type of litter you're using, might be hurting their feet or something.

Or they might be unwell or having anxiety issues.

I recommend looking into getting a 'litter kwitter' so you can train your cats to do their business in the toilet if you're comfortable with that. It's cleaner, you won't have to buy and shovel through litter anymore, and your cats will probably be happier about it.

>> No.8164008
File: 223 KB, 499x373, This+is+why+we+can+t+have+nice+things+_35a404d7aaf14fa7f5ed157954ddf7a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find out there are actually seven basic senses (vestibular: balance and proprioceptive: body position and movement)
>find this out because you have sensory issues
>extreme proprioceptive hyposensitivity

>> No.8164077

About 6 months ago bought dream dress but it wasn't the exact colourway I wanted (blackxwhite instead of blackxblack). Then a few weeks later I saw the dress I wanted in the actual colourway on a closet child blog but it was sold out.

Just found the dress colourway I wanted right now even though it was more expensive than what I originally paid for but this dress is hard to find so I'm happy now. Gotta sell the original I bought now though.

>> No.8164080
File: 107 KB, 400x417, 1420735127625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me? I'm feel the same way and have very similar thoughts about wanting to die, but I don't want to burden people with my problems. The only thing that makes me feel a little bit better is shopping for cute Japanese fashions. I feel stuck and don't know what to do, because talking about my private life only makes me feel more anxious.

>> No.8164140

It has a lot to do with budgeting anon, regardless of what percentage either side brings into the equation. In any situation, you should have enough money set aside/non-perishable food stored away/rent or bills paid ahead of time to be able to live at least one month with no other income in the case that something bad should happen financially. Six months is ideal. Budgeting is fucking everything, you pleb.

>> No.8164156

>sell most of my lolita because I'm losing weight and don't want to have a "fat wardrobe" to fall back on
>get busy with school and work and stop dressing cute in general
>leggings and jeans every day for the first time in many, many years
>still active in the community and get to enjoy all the online elements of lolita that I love
>occasionally get a dress to go to meets then resell it.
>so focused on running my own business and enjoying college life for the first time ever that I don't miss wearing cute clothes all that much
>feeling super on the ball, the path is clear, I'm ready for life
>have a down period, start wanting to buy clothes again
>realize I only start freaking out about needing to be cute when I'm really unhappy, which always leads to tons of poor financial decisions

I'm just really excited with this realization. I used to pour money into lolita, cute clothes, cons, etc and waste hours just staring at the computer screen, longing for all these dresses I could never fit into, longing to do better with school, longing to feel better physically, and I thought lolita would do that for me, but now that I've stepped away and shifted my energies and desires to becoming healthy and building up better finances and a better life for my fiance and I, I feel like a whole new person, I feel so...good. I finally feel like I'm shaking off the clinical depression that's been hanging on me since I was eight years old.

I know more rough times will come and things won't always be this perfect, but I feel so much more prepared to deal with them now, rather than being blindsided left and right.

More than anything, I'm excited to see the numbers in my bank account rising as the numbers on my scale fall, and I know that once I reach a healthy balance, I'll be able to start buying clothes again and actually enjoy them rather than attach guilt and unrealistic expectations to them.

Goddamn, gulls, I feel good!

>> No.8164163
File: 78 KB, 753x773, 1425097829682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was abused a lot as a child and have come to the realization that I'm pretty much a cookie cutter example of daddy issues.

It upsets me when people use "daddy issues" so much as a buzzwords because in my case at least, its true.

I do not wear lolita/cosplay because of the issues with my father

but rather I just think japanese stuff is neat. If I liked different things the way I dress would be different.

Either way I'm just so embarrassed about it. And its really hard to get over these problems I have when people use the term so casually.

I don't wear lolita because "daddy issues"
I don't cosplay because "daddy issues"

I hide my favorite belongings because "daddy issues"
I hide in a closet when someone gets upset at me because "daddy issues"
I flinch if someone reaches out to give me a hug because "daddy issues"
I run away when confronted because "daddy issues"
I close my computer/phone when someone is next to me because "daddy issues"
as well as other shit that I do that I don't even notice but my friends do.

I'm fucking tired of it. why is this term flung around so freely. Having a good dad is'nt that much of a rarity, and I'm pretty sure a lot of the people using it as a buzzword have had "daddy issues" themselves.

People are shitty.

>> No.8164165

I used to think we always had huge financial problems when I was still wearing lolita quite often and was basically sad every day because I couldn't afford my new dream dress.
I gained some pounds due to stress and forced myself to go on a lolita break for this year, because I won't have money for it and no time to lose some pounds. Now that I don't even bother to look for lolita stuff I feel that we actually have quite a good income and that we can set aside enough for moving out easily.

Sometimes this hobby just makes you miserable and you have to lock in a cupboard for some months until you see your dresses and just enjoy wearing them, not longing for more.

>> No.8164172
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I hate it too, I can't stand when someone uses depression, ADD or some other mental shit so casually
Or when SJWs call their boyfriend "emotionally abusive" when he's just being a bit of an asshole and it can usually be countered with a stern talking-to
Or when people say they have an eating disorder when they're just fat or too lazy to make breakfast

also pisses me off when guys label any girl who doesn't conform to the norm or does something weird "daddy issues" but it's apparently okay for them to say women are objects and don't have any personality/interests because "mommy issues" doesn't exist or isn't as popular
>she dyes her hair lol daddy issues
>she doesn't want a long term relationship lol daddy issues
>she gave me nudes after I asked her to lol daddy issues what a stupid bitch
idk maybe those kinds of people are attention whores but I find it hard to believe that all girls like that have had issues in their family

anyway it really is annoying but I don't think you should feel bad about it since you couldn't really choose your family
people just find a way to label everyone and judge them preemptively, it happens to many
>short hair = lesbian,
for example

>> No.8164187

>tfw no gf

>> No.8164188

*bad not good
god dammit

>> No.8164207

>I can't stand when someone uses depression, ADD or some other mental shit so casually
Same here. No one takes me seriously when I say I have major depressive disorder and gerneralized anxiety disorder (agoraphobia variety) because of places like tumblr that generalize the shit out of it. When I say I have depression, I mean I layed in bed for 3 weeks, refusing to eat anything, and only drank water and went to the bathroom rarely. I couldn't muster up the strength to do anything else. And as of now, I've only left my house 3 times in the last five months. But people laugh when I tell them I have agoraphobia and I can't come to the con/event/meet/etc. Fuck tumblr. Mental illnesses are already seen as "just lazy lel" by most people, and it made everything worse.

>> No.8164222

Same here, but from a whole different perspective.
I'm a psychology student and the new attitude towards disorders and using them like a label or the whole self-diagnosis shit makes want to puke. As if I didn't have enough reasons to not become a therapist.
People try to educate me with some tumblr shit very often, I try to avoid the topic of my major already.
Also, many tumblrfags make me mad with their list of "diagnoses"; "I have depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder", NO, you CAN'T have depression and bipolar disorder, you literally can't be diagnosed with both.
And everyone and their dog has anxiety, even people I've followed for years on other platforms (mainly artists) suddenly have the most popular disorder.

My new pet peeve is the tumblr trend of personality types (INJP and that shit) for everything and everyone as if they were anywhere legit.
Good think I'm going for work psychology in companies, gosh I wouldn't want to deal with this generation.

>> No.8164224

>was in an abusive situation for several years
>said abuser had a thing for Persona 3
>Even years after getting away from them and being in a better position, still avoids persona out of habit
>friends recently got obsessed with persona, wants to do a cosplay group for it
>I don't like cosplaying from media I haven't indulged in
>can't admit the bullshit reason that I don't feel like I can do it

But I really want to be able to get into it, I really do. And I know it's irrational to dislike something because someone else likes it, but that's not the issue. Whenever I try to play anything persona related, I get a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and I just can't. Feels shit, man.

>> No.8164229

I had agoraphobia myself. had GAD since I was 12, thankfully our burden is treatable and I'm now 22 and perfectly healthy, which is a long way from someone who refused to leave the house and spent 2 days in bed shaking and thinking "I'm gonna die". As gay as this sounds, you really do have to push yourself, a LOT. It's different for anyone but I've gone to many different shrinks and none helped as much as the one guy who forced me to go buy him yoghurt in the supermarket (I live in eastern europe, a lot of our doctors are... unorthodox). It also lessens with age, but it helps to have some meds to fall back on if things get really hairy.

I do get what you're saying, most of my high school classmates hated me for not going to class and I'm kinda guessing 90% of them believe there was nothing wrong with me in the first place, a lot of people called me a liar, annoying etc.

It's annoying that you have nobody to talk to about it but I don't ever mention it to anyone now and hide it like a snake hides its legs. I've actually run into tumblrinas who go
>b-but you wouldn't know anything about muh problums, you've never had to face any of da struggle I go through daily!
loving every laugh

>> No.8164237

just avoid it completely.
I know that situation but with bleach.

>> No.8164239

>As gay as this sounds, you really do have to push yourself, a LOT. It's different for anyone but I've gone to many different shrinks and none helped as much as the one guy who forced me to go buy him yoghurt in the supermarket (I live in eastern europe, a lot of our doctors are... unorthodox).
I need to push myself more and put myself out there. I'm just crippled by the fear of having an anxiety or panic attack. The last time I left the house, my bf tried to get me to go into a relatively empty coffee shop, and while ordering I ended up having a panic attack and now I'm afraid to try again. But I know I need to get the fuck over it. I just don't know how to get myself to.

>It also lessens with age, but it helps to have some meds to fall back on if things get really hairy.
I've never taken medicine for it, and I'm afraid to ask in fear of sounding like someone who would abuse it (since I know antianxiety meds are often abused).

>> No.8164240
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>be advanced design student
>have class that first half of semester is for presentation contest
>ok fine
>this team project went really well, team was awesome and nice
>we had a concept we didn't implement but was our idea
>presentations come
>on team presents a concept the exact fucking same as ours
>professor slams our group but praises them
>be annoyed, their main concept was retarded as fuck and it sounds like they stole one of our concepts
>say something on personal facebook about my anger and that thieves shouldn't win
>forget one girl from group is on my facebook
>get dumbass message
>"You weren't talkin' about our team 'cause we're not thieves"

I was contemplating being a complete cunt but decided not to respond. If she wants to drop the balls and ask me herself in person, I'll tell her straight up why I said it.

In happier cgl news
>waiting on dress
>having the toughest time coording it
>it's one of those could be cool dresses but could be ita if done wrong

>> No.8164246

Put a couple of wefts down the back with a hot glue gun/ sewing them in. It should part nicely.

>> No.8164249

look up "the anxiety and phobia workbook" by edmund bourne
it's helped me tremendously, I don't know which edition I have at home (it's a green book) but I think any will do.
there's clear instructions and worksheets for you to jot down notes and follow your progress

>> No.8164251

I know this is a lot different. But I have great social anxiety and don't leave the house often.
When I go out I always have the option to go home.

Even if I get a panic attack from something as simple as being in a grocery aisle with 3 people in it.

I'm always pushing myself to go out and I'm glad I did afterwards.

I even went to a lolita meetup and had a good time.
I'm especially anxious around lolitas since a while ago a lot of lies were spread about me/I became a lolcow

I went from only leaving the house once every 3 months to leaving the house once to three times a week.

just push yourself. Start by going out at night/when no one is around, and work your way up.

>> No.8164261

also to add, mindset is everything.
I used to only focus on what might happen and the bad things in my past, how this or that person may slight me somehow, how doing this or that may cause something bad to happen, but now I focus on the good things and think "worrying about it won't change a thing".

>Sorry if I sound like Batman, I don't really have a ~deep dark past~ or anything, it's just that my country's been bombed when I was small and ever since I've mostly felt anxiety and a deep hatred for bill clinton

>> No.8164274

Couldn't both teams have come up with the same idea without one team 'stealing'?

>> No.8164278

That is possible, I'm not totally doubting it.

But I'm not going to answer the girl over a Facebook message. I'm not stupid enough to get my answer potentially saved for ever and used against me.

If she wants to ask me in person, I'll answer her then and give her the opportunity to say maybe the idea was just a coincidence. I'm a little skeptical because another girl on that team has a bad reputation for taking ideas.

>> No.8164284
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>twin very vocal about how much she hates lolita and lowkey mocks me for it
>try to keep my research/purchases it on the dl
>trying on my dream dress to make sure it fit
>she catches me petti, wig and all
>oh shit
>says she's come around and wants to try on the bodyline op I was about to resell
>we get dolled up
>dream dress fits perfect but the op, which was a bit too short for me, is somehow halfway up her thighs
>even has boobloaf god save her soul
>try to tell her that if she wanted to get a dress she should go a size or two up
>"no I like it this way. I'll probably wear it later"
>whatever wouldn't make a profit selling it anyways and my outfit looks nice
>"See anon? This outfits cute on you. Like I probably wouldn't even be ashamed to be seen in public with you"
I think she means well but jfc

>> No.8164285
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Thanks so much for the advice, and the book suggestion. That's a much better way to see it, and I think I'll try to expose myself more/change my mindset about going out. Because I do often think about what MIGHT happen, or perceived slights than focusing on just trying to get out and enjoy myself.

This is probably pathetic, but I've lost most of my friends due to my NEET tendencies, and this means a lot. I really appreciate your advice and help. I really want to start going to cons again and not sobbing at my sewing machine knowing that I'm not woman enough to wear it anywhere.

>> No.8164288

That's what I'd done before my friend got obsessed with it all. Now I feel so bad for avoiding him and possibly skipping out on this group. And I don't think I can explain my issue with it without mentioning the abuse, which I would rather not do because I don't think anyone needs to know.

>> No.8164331

>had so many cosplay plans with gf
>planning to travel with her
>vowed that if I won a comp next month she's my 2nd free ticket so we can have a weekend away together
>had been proudly telling people how happy she made me
>we did one couple cosplay together
>turns out she was questioning feelings while we were making said cosplays
>dumped today
>admitted she was trying to force herself to like me
>still asked me to be a close friend

Why not tell me before we started making plans for the whole year and not make me look like an idiot?

>> No.8164335

If she was still questioning her feelings your relationship probably just started so you are kinda the idiot making so many plans with the new girlfriend. Maybe you even overwhelmed her with your hobby, sometimes you have to enjoy your hobby for yourself and not force your partner in it.

>> No.8164348

No she didn't tell me that until tonight and admitted she was pretending I'm front of everyone "just in case it was her being silly". I was none the wiser. She wanted to do it all with me (both cosplayers) and half the couples were her idea.

>> No.8164356

>admitted she was pretending I'm front of everyone "just in case it was her being silly"
wait sorry can you rephrase this?
do you mean that she was pretending to like you in front of everyone just in case it was her being silly and actually having feelings for you after all? Or am I misunderstanding it?

>> No.8164370

>tfw dream dress I have been searching for 8 years pops up on lacemarket
>for a super reasonable price, as well
>haven't bought or sold anything on lacemarket in months
>type in my username and password
>ugh shit, the wrong password?
>try another variation, still the wrong password
>finally remind the correct password
>type it in
>some text pops up saying something like "you have to wait 20 minutes to log in again because you typed in the wrong password too many times"
>tfw I refresh the auction listing every few seconds and after 10 minutes some other person bought the dress for the BIN price
>tfw it would have been mine if I didn't forget the fucking password

alright, gull.. maybe in another 8 years it'll pop up again..rite?

>> No.8164372

aww Im sorry anon, what dress was it?

>> No.8164377

Eclat du Croix by JetJ
the original velveteen version, not the shitty rerelease

>> No.8164398

How do you feel about self diagnosed autism?

>> No.8164402
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>Workplace finds out I suffer from depression and chronic anxiety
>Suddenly starts talking to me R E A L L Y S L O W and is explaining literally every little thing to me as if I'm retarded
>Guys I'm just a bit sick mentally, it's not like I had a stroke wtf

They've had no problem during the months prior, but the last few days have just been weird. I thought to wait it out and just let them realize how fucking ridiculous they are acting but I should call them out on it if they just let me talk.

In cgl related news:
>Three new dresses arrived in the mail
>Realise the shades of red in the outfit I planned are all different
>flips mannequin upside down in anger

>> No.8164411
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>Put sales album up on fb
>Dumbasses on my friends list always post shitty comments
>"Hurrdurr will this fit me?" (Get it it's so funny cause I'm a guy)
>"I wish I had money :("
>"Will you do a two week hold for me hun"
>"Can you meet me in [city] to save on postage costs" (bus fare would be more expensive for me than postage)

I delete their comments but I can't block them from seeing my album as it's public. Sick of this shit every time I'm trying to sell stuff.

>> No.8164416

you're on 4chan so it's safe to assume the diagnosis is correct :^)

>> No.8164426
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I think I just experienced my first negative reaction to lolita, except I wasn't even really wearing lolita...
>plop on super casual outfit to run some errands
>so casual it can't even really be considered alt fashion anymore, plus it's covered by a rather plain coat
>most 'out there' pieces of clothing I'm wearing are a cloche hat and kitten heels with small bows on them
>standing in line at grocery store
>two teenage girls in front of me turn around, look me up and down, and burst into hysterical laughter
>one of them is laughing so hard she starts choking on her spit
>they keep laughing while they pay for their soda and while they walk out of the store
>everyone's staring at me
>but why

>> No.8164432

There are people with thighs bigger than their own torso anon.

>> No.8164444

>cosplaying Super Sonico
>Real thin
>I work out
>But no amount of exercise can increase my breasts

>> No.8164477

How large are your boobs (ie, how bad is it to crossplay without a binder right now) and many guy cosplays do you have planned?

>> No.8164485
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>5-6 years ago
>into weeby mallgoth stuff at 18-19
>at times also some legit punk outfits as well
>starting to listen to some dark electro music or industrial
>i love more pastel j-fashion or sweet lolita in black rather than western goth fashion
>i want to dress also gothic and classic lolita
>but still i listen to that music and i like some gothic aestetics as well, just not super into some stuff like cemetery or dead imagery, i'm more a cute creepy person
>my tumblr is a blob of pastel shit and some creepy stuff
>i feel like i have two sides
>the other is into pastel j-fashion the other into gothic lolita or some creepy cute
I think there are many girls like me that feel the same....r-right?

>> No.8164487

Ugh, I'm so sorry for the normalfag response. Rest assured that those girls seem uncultured enough that they'll never be able to appreciate actual fashion.

Your outfit sounds cute, though, want to self-post in the self-post thread and get some of that positive feel back?

Pecs and padding!

>> No.8164494

i do, anon. i am more girly and cute, but i also like "darker" things. nothing is ever 100% this and not the other. embrace both of them. :)

>> No.8164498

Oh well, my take on it is: you go on 4chan; you're an autist.
I'm just doing my bachelor's degree, but my diagnosis is legit, trust me. :^)

>> No.8164499

At 4chan university? :^)

>> No.8164504

Yeah meaning she thought she had feelings and the other stuff in her life affecting them were making her second guess it all. She was hoping everything else would die down and then liking me would just continue. But didn't so instead of letting me know she just acted like we were fine to all our friends.

>> No.8164508

Yes my Bachelor of Arts in shitposting :^D

>> No.8164510

why do you even want to label yourself as something

>> No.8164514

No. You're the only person ever who is interested in two different styles. You're the lone snowflake. I don't know how you even handle those feels, it must be such a heavy burden to carry.

>> No.8164519

Stop crying, you egotistical tool. She was obviously really torn about the situation and tried really hard to not let her feelings get in the way of the situation. She even waited to make sure, because she didn't want to hurt you based on possible fleeting emotions. Stop being such a self absorbed faggot and think about how she felt in the situation.

>> No.8164529

Why did I type situation so much.
Goodnight, cgl.

>> No.8164530


Me too, anon. This is why both my closet and my tumblr is a mess. I can't seem to stick to a single style.

>> No.8164542

Live must be suffering being so incredibly unique and outlandish.

>> No.8164549
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Why not just make a fat-shaming thread so I can laugh at you pathetic, obese whores?

>> No.8164551

I don't get it, why did you take the time to write this instead of making the thread?

>> No.8164559
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I don't make threads, sweetie.

>> No.8164565


>> No.8164577
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>tfw you realize you quite possibly might have BPD on top of another disorder you most definitely have, but there is no reputable psychiatric field in your country because it is a shithole
>tfw there is no way for you to get diagnosed or medicated
>tfw your family do not believe in mental illness and one parent actively refused to allow you to see a therapist because "It won't help, anon. Only prayer and believing in Jesus can help."
>tfw if you do have it, for now you are literally stuck fucking up your life and having constant breakdowns because you have a shitty brain
>tfw if you don't, all of your issues are still very existent and will most likely always be a constant obstacle because there's no one to help you and you *still* have a shitty brain
>tfw your friend has stopped sharing her imported meds with you
Sorry for posting this. I know no1curr, but these threads are the only place I feel safe sharing my worries and venting.

>> No.8164619

>Want to work on sewing project
>Sewing room is the bedroom
>Boyfriend is sleeping in the bedroom still since he was sick last night
>Want to sew
>Don't want to be a dick and wake him up I know he was up blowing chunks all night
>Debate moving sewing machine into living room, but the sound of me fiddling around with wires and lugging that thing about will also probably wake him up
Oh well, there is some cutting still to do for that project I guess I will get that done till he wakes up.

>> No.8164679

How old are you?

>> No.8164736

That sucks anon.

>> No.8164752

You probably don't
unless you're a psycho bitch, in which case you probably do

>> No.8164754

Hah, she really wanted to buy it at the auction price and even when I suggested to meet in the middle (between BIN and auction price which is still a $20 discount) she bailed on me.
Is this just stupid or bold?
I gotta say, selling anytging nowadays is a real hassle, problematic buyers, shipping problems abd barely any profit after pp fees (and don't dare to charge them or you're a scalper).

>> No.8164759

Try your own event? Even if it's at a local park and it's a picnic or a meet-and-greet
I want to do a potluck with my comm

>> No.8164848

2/10 because you made me reply. Why would I be emotional if I didn't consider her feelings on this? I would've been angry at her

>> No.8164856
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Posted in the last thread, but...

> Spent all of Monday not sleeping.
> Received unconditional offer for vet med tuesday morning.
> Holy shit, finally going to do my dream degree that I've worked for five years to do.
> Other half takes me out to go see a concert on tuesday.
> Band really good- even better, bump into someone wearing lolita whilst walking there.
> Wearing a really cute skirt plus pink coat. Actually quite nice cord apart from her hair- which she had in pigtails with a.... Heart shaved into the back of her head.
> Outside of the hair massacre the rest of it is quite cute.
> Feel inspired.

It's been an AMAZING week /cgl/.

>> No.8164890

tell the mother you're concerned about her daughter and she should probably see a psychologist rather than hanging out with you. at least her mother should appreciate the honesty and concern.

>> No.8164912

tbh if i was witnessing that i'd be staring at those rude as fuck girls for acting like dumbasses than you, and if i stared at you after it'd be in concern

>> No.8164915

I wish the NW UK bullshit would just die so I could join a drama-free community. I don't give a shit if they're ita or not, I just want some friends that know what lolita is.

>> No.8164928


East mids here, what exactly is going on in the NW?

>> No.8164998

oh hi seig

>> No.8165012

Yeah, I think this is the best course of action. You're hangouts obviously aren't helping this girl that much anyway - a psychologist would probably be better.

>> No.8165014

Me too. I'm in another comm but NW is closer to me. Feels shitty knowing if I turn up to a meetup the group photo will probably get posted on 4chan by the vendetta.

>> No.8165018

>someone who refused to leave the house and spent 2 days in bed shaking and thinking "I'm gonna die"

anon, are you me? i also have GAD and depression, and i've done very similar things

>> No.8165021

Time to move on, anon.

>> No.8165032

>>Three new dresses arrived in the mail
>>Realise the shades of red in the outfit I planned are all different
>>flips mannequin upside down in anger

>> No.8165127

>hourglass shape my measurements
>still just look like a rectangle
>DD size boobs
>still looks like next to nothing
>I'm built to cosplay shota boys
>all the characters I like have huge asses and/or tits

>> No.8165134

Casually using mental illnesses really bugs me too.

I'm not some SJW yelling "YUR ABLEIST!!!1!" but it kind of hurts my feelings when people just go "OH AHAH I CAN BE SOOOOOO ADD SOMETIEMSSS!"

Like, ADD is kind of a thing that people actually have to live with all the time. I found a medication that works for me, and I was almost scared of how I felt. When I asked a few people about it, they told me that's how normal people think. It's terrifying to think how different my mind is from "normal" peoples'.

Same with anxiety, moreso with people claiming to have anxiety because they get stressed out sometimes?? Everyone gets stressed. Not everyone has anxiety disorders.

And of course when people ask about my trichotillomania and one of my friends just butts in "OH SHE JUST PULLS IT OUT LOL ITS WIERD RIGHT" as if it's just some quirky thing that I like to do, and not a compulsion that's controlling my life.

I don't ever tell anyone how I feel about these things because I don't want to be a downer or w/e but it's kind of hurtful in a way.

>> No.8165157
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I feel petty posting an unrelated feel but I just want to vent so I can go back to tidying up:
>just spent the last three nights getting next to no sleep working on grad papers
>finally finish today
>bf informs me his psycho bitch ex is coming to collect a few of her items at our apartment (it's really my apartment)
>they dated for four years, I knew her and she was an emotionally unstable leech with no job
>she dumped him a year ago but to this day she still tries to get him to talk to her
>(she probably realized nobody else has the patience for her)
>threatened suicide more than once
>got her parents/mutual friends to try to coax bf into talking to her again, etc.

>tell bf this whole her 'coming to collect her shit' is just a bullshit excuse for her to try to pry back into his life
>says he knows but nebulously says that this needs to happen and then she's gone for good
>he adds that it's best for it to happen here so he can say he's got shit to do
I'm anxious about the whole thing. I understand that he might have some lingering feelings, well because they've dated for four years, but it's her who I don't trust. She's the type who imposes herself into someone's house, has a mental breakdown with full blown tears, and doesn't leave for hours. I think she's an emotionally manipulative midget sneak with a chipmunk face.

For now I'm just tidying the apartment. Though the more I think about it, the more annoyed I get that he couldn't have just asked me to drop him off at the post office, pay the postage, and have this shit shipped to her so we could avoid this confrontation altogether.
This wouldn't be so bad if I just knew her as his ex, but I know her as an annoying attention whore dickbag in her own merit and it's grinding.

>> No.8165163

holy shit just put your fucking foot down and tell him no
don't let his ex walk all over you by proxy
tell that fucking bitch off

>> No.8165169

If she refuses to leave and has a "break down" just call the cops. They'll come and get rid of her.

>> No.8165174

holy fucking shit this is true anon if you dont want somebody in your house and they won't leave you can call the cops easy as that

>> No.8165199

Man up holy shit, if anything grab all her shit and meet her somewhere public and LEAVE.
Bitch does not have any reason to be in your apartment.

>> No.8165417

So I'm meant to be at a meet tomorrow (today). I was a lone lolita, just discovered Facebook comms and have come to realize lolita has changed and I can't catch up. I'm going to be all over the ita threads because I have pure white instead of off white x red/gold tights and Bodyline. I have some brand and indie but I'm failing at chasing the new lolita look and the lolita I couldn't buy when I was 12 at the same time as ten other hobbies. I'll always look like half assed shit. I'm so anxious about being that awkward person on my own, I'm thinking aloud on cgl at 4am...

>> No.8165484


You're not supposed to be chasing the new lolita look. There are girls wearing old school with pieces older than 2006 and rocking it. Whatever style you liked is going to be perfectly fine.

What you need to do is figure out your own lolita style and polish it. It's not that you'd end up on the ita thread, but do you really want to walk around town looking like a hot mess, lone lolita or not?

I hope your meetup today went well.

>> No.8165603
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/cgl/ related:
Holy shit I am going to be dishing out so much money for my next con
>have cosplay planned
>oh shit I need lolita stuff too
>taobao stuff as well
>oh snap
>I'm going to spend so much at this con
The bill is going to be pretty high, erg. worth it though.

Not /cgl/ related:
and sorry for the wall of text

I'm autistic. a legitimate sperg, daignosed at age 12.
I'm not great with words, though I try my best. Its very stressfull because when I have the time to think and say things, I sound educated, but when put on the spot I'll say a crapload of things that don't make sense. speaking to others is a difficult thing for me.

Whenever I get into an argument, or are confronted, I walk away to calm myself down and try to formulate what I'm trying to say. However, if I'm confronted before I can think things through, I will autimatically lose the argument, no matter what it is. Hell, I could probably lose an argument on "why Hitler is bad" if someone confronted me. I recently lost an argument on why racism is shitty against a highschool friend of mine. still makes me feel like shit, he's probably still so fucking smug.

Anyways, since I have a boyfriend now, and we are living together, we get into arguments sometimes.
after my time of walking away I usually go "here's why I'm right" or "I'm sorry I was wrong"

However, he can't fucking deal that I need time away from arguments, follows me around the house saying "see you can't say anything because I'm fucking right"
and lately, I've picked up a plastic spray bottle, filled it with water and spray him like he's a pet or some shit just so he'll back off.

I'm not good with words, so I'm asking for someone's help on this. how can I tell him that I need time away from an argument without sounding retarded? I've tried explaining this to him but when he's upset (like every human) he's very irrational.

>> No.8165621

Memorize a short phrase, something like
>i know you're upset, but i need time to respond to this properly

Probably something more coherent would be better, I'm shit with words. Just repeat it when he follows you around. Obviously you'll need to have a serious talk with him about respecting when you say this phrase.

>> No.8165670

>I've tried explaining this to him but when he's upset (like every human) he's very irrational.
Sorry anon but your boyfriend doesn't appreciate AND respect you enough to pipe the fuck down in these situations. Being irrational when upset is a thing but completely forgetting you have a hard time expressing yourself especially in challenging situation makes him the sperglord.

If you have to treat him like a pet might as well go all the way and order him to sit down and scold him for his bad behaviour. Make posters and carry it around you to remind him that it's no use to bark, master won't give the attention until he behaves like the good lil' puppy.

>> No.8165698

You need to explain it to him at a time when you're both calm. Say that you've been thinking about how difficult it is to argue and that you will need time to think. It takes time to learn how to get through arguments/disagreements/misunderstandings as a couple and if something you need is to take some time, you need to let him know in advance.

>> No.8165899

Obesity that comes from overeating is an eating disorder.
Just because it's widespread and people generally don't acknowledge that it's problematic doesn't mean it's healthy or normal.

>> No.8165916

>babby's first taobao order
>after weeks of window-shopping, waisting hours looking at stuff and clicking through dozens of shops
>just send out order form
>mfw now I have to wait until monday for a reply
>mfw I also spend $300 and ended up buying more and different things from what I planned

I-i hope it goes well. I am already afraid of the shipping costs and the custom horrors....

>> No.8166343

>taking measures for cosplay
>waist measure went up an inch
>didn't gain any weight
>hips are also bigger than last time
>weigh self again
>nope still the same as I've been
>I'm okay with this

I went from 29-22-30 to 30-23-32 but I didn't gain any weight. I don't understand how that;s possible but, hey, whatever.

>> No.8166347


Muscle is denser than fat, so I think you lost muscle and gained fat.

>> No.8166354

I don't think so, I don't really have much fat on me in the first place and I've been working (on my feet moving around all day) more than usual lately. It's not impossible, of course, but I think it's unlikely. I also have a genetic disorder which makes it very very difficult for me to put on fat in the first place, so it's even less likely.

I'm 5'6" and weigh just under 100 lbs at those measurements, been the same (until now?) since I was 16. I got taller since then and my weight still hasn't changed.

>> No.8166367

The bridge on that violin made me cringe

>> No.8166400

I don't use tumblr. Is what you guys are talking about just underage people thinking they are mentally ill and using that as a tag to portray themselves as special? I don't think that is a trend that will end anytime soon, especially with the growing acceptance of psychiatric treatment as a legitimate medical need in the US. Yeah it's childish but I would imagine these people are insecure teens so what can you do but ignore it? Hopefully they will grow out of it and stop trivializing the disease.

On the other hand, it's best to be cautious when putting down people who seem to trivialize diseases. You can't know their experience for sure. Many people suffer from depression or ADD to various degrees. Just because their disease isn't as intense or debilitating as others doesn't mean it is worth less.

>> No.8166436

>tfw ugly
>tfw always thought I was kind of average
>overhear different people on the street saying 'what is wrong with her face'
>people ask my mum if I'm retarded when they think I can't hear
>just realised I'm not average at all
I mean I kind of got it when I was small and everyone would fawn over my friends and call them cute whilst I sat and waited for them in the corner, and when everyone started getting boyfriends but me
But I could never imagine that it could be this bad...

>> No.8166443

Oh my god the same thing here. It seems like they have a meet maybe every other month or something. I don't want to make my own meet though because I don't actually know anyone in the group and it would be weird. Apparently there was a meet last week but I was out of town. I mean there is another bigger, more active comm in a nearby city so they all probably just go to those meets but its still not close enough for me to go to their meets regularly because its like a three hour drive.

>> No.8166502

Now that's something I really fucking hate.

Just because you're quirky and ~awkward~ doesn't mean you have aspergers. It's always aspergers they self-diagnose with because 'teehee but I'm actually totes smarter then peasants"

It's not fun. It's not quirky to hear that you have something where the main issue is socialization when trying to get friends like 'normal' kids did was something you desired with all your heart since you were a little kid.
It's not fun realizing you have something that's part of you, that will never go away, and will make you look weird to most people on a bad day.
It's not fun constantly worrying if you were being too 'autistic' and worrying if you're not being weird again.

Sorry for the wall of text, it just angers me so much when everyone and their mom thinks they have autism just because they like 'nerdy stuff'.

>> No.8166520

They were probably just shitbags (I mean, seriously, who the fuck asks someone's mom if they're retarded? That's such a shit thing to do). I'm sure you're super cute, and they were just sandy cunts. Don't base your worth on your looks, dear.

I experience this, and my mother has suspected that i'm on the autism spectrum, but I refuse to get diagnosed because (no offense) I don't want to be treated like I'm retard (which people tend to do to others when they find out, I've noticed). I don't see why tumblrinas and edgelords WANT to fake debilitating disorders.

>> No.8166523

Get /fit/ and save up for a nosejob

>> No.8166532

No I can understand, when I just got my diagnosis I felt like it would be good to tell people but now at uni I've only told the few friends I made (in case I annoy them with things that would make sense with my diagnose).

While I think you should still try to get a diagnose if you're concerned, it's certainly not always a good idea to tell people about it.

>> No.8166570

Does the diagnosis matter, though? It's not like I can take meds to fix it. But if I'm diagnosed, won't I have to tell future employers and such?

>> No.8166577

depends on your country I think? I surely do not have to.

And I more mean for yourself, even tho I personally thought 'so what now?" after my diagnose, it at least made me stop pondering if I had it or not. It at least gave closure and for me it did help to be able to get.. help for certain issues in my life.

>> No.8166591

I would do much better knowing how to handle it and idk getting better at not being an autistic sperglord at most every social opportunity, if getting help actually fixes that.

>> No.8166596

Depends, it's not the same for everyone and I've met people who got the same diagnose but felt like a lost case, as rude as that sounds.
Social skills can definitely be learned though, even for those with autism. Hell, part of the issue with autism is the lack of naturally learning those skills.

>> No.8166607

I mean, I definitely try to learn. From middle school to now (I'm in uni), I've read body language books, and self help on how to socialize and communicate, and I try to "put myself out there" on almost a daily basis. But I'm still forcing and failing at what everyone else seems to do naturally and effortlessly, and I feel like everyone can see it.

The best thing about cons, at least, is that most everyone is used to it or they don't point it out.

>> No.8166636


>> No.8166952

>commission a cosplay
>watch the new episode of my favorite series
>holy shit I've MADE A MISTAKE I need to be this
I really hope she hasn't started on it, if she has, I'm fine with it.

>> No.8167491

Different anon, but for me it helped to be able to talk to professionals about it and it also meant that I get a bit more leeway from my university. For instance I'm now allowed to work on some assignments alone rather than being forced into a group of 3+ strangers. It made a big difference for my stress levels and my grades. Generally though, I only tell very close friends/family. The being treated like a retard thing is absolutely true.

>> No.8167579

>Thought I was fat because even at 56kg I have an extended belly in the middle.
>found out I have low stomach acids which causes my stomach to look bloated and fat no matter what I eat.
>wondering can this be fixed before an anime convention.

>> No.8167588


>start lolita, happy, love it, feels magic and fun
>join comm, really love it but also start to feel pressure because i feel everyone looks better
>fast forward a few months, i've noticed i've gotten really hard on myself and everyone around me for not being perfect, becoming snarky bitch
>starts drama because i'm retarded, didnt even realise
>pretty sure everyone hates me
>tfw you're becoming a person you hate and now dont find lolita fun because for some reason you're taking it to seriously


>> No.8167591


>> No.8167595

no actually, but does sound like her hah.

>> No.8167626

How much do you need to loose?(or how many cm/inches?) If you loose weight too fast you'll just gain them back.

>> No.8167675

> want to start with lolita
> still looking for the perfect dress/skirt
I just want to start with an item I love, but I just don't seem to be able to find anything.

>> No.8167677

>started to lose interest in a dream dress
>"oh there's plenty of other burando dresses i want a lot more, anyway-"
>dress is for sale
>tfw ended up looking at all the photos and coords of the dress that i could find
>tfw i remembered why it's one of my dream dresses
>tfw what was i thinking

>> No.8168382

>If you loose weight too fast you'll just gain them back.

This has no basis in truth.

>> No.8172160

>If you loose weight too fast you'll just gain them back.
This isn't actually true, for a few reasons

The most common is that people who rebound quickly usually do so from a crash diet; basically they diet really hard, lose a good bit of muscle, fat, and water, but ultimately lose "weight". When they get to an appropriate size they immediately feel success and eat a bunch of food to celebrate and wind up putting it back on instead of adjusting, only this time they're actually more obese because of the muscle they lost.
Secondly, like I said fat isn't the only thing to go. Water weight can fluctuate a lot day by day so people often measure inaccurately if they measure frequently.

To actually lose weight and keep the weight off one needs to maintain a steady, gradual change in their diet and lifestyle. It isn't a one time thing.