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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 256 KB, 466x700, tumblr_m3xs2wCo3c1ruwa81o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8156490 No.8156490 [Reply] [Original]

Last one on autosage >>8149756

>> No.8156532
File: 79 KB, 1024x797, FB_IMG_1425331085070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this blouse design a brand original?
I'm curious if this is a replica or not because I just ordered one by BunBerry and noticed this slightly different version was also something being sold on Taobao too...

>> No.8156541

Does it really matter with blouses? It's not like there is some special copyrightable design on it.

>> No.8156547

To me, not so much but I'd like to buy the likely superior original too if anyone cares to divulge..

>> No.8156599

Link to the one on taobao?

>> No.8156609

What's the word for all-over prints? Like, instead of a boarder print, a print that repeats all over, like Magical Etoile for example.

>> No.8156612

not the person you're talking to I literally just searched "bestwish taobao"

>> No.8156619

Different anon, but originals are always better quality than replicas, blouses are no exception. Even though I, personally, see nothing ethically wrong with blouse replicas as there is no print involved, I still would want the original if it was a blouse I was extremely fond of due to quality difference.

>> No.8156714

How long is Sweet Mildred's making time?

>> No.8156736

I have no idea but I have the BunBerry blouse you're talking about (the black one with the pearl bow right?) and it's really surprisingly nice. The lace could be better, but the blouse itself is super soft and fits nicely, I like it a lot.

>> No.8156762

...an all-over print.

>> No.8156905

Really? I felt so stupid calling them that.

>> No.8156937
File: 218 KB, 500x600, romantic_lace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have the romantic lace bolero from AP? Is the material stretchy, or is it stiff? I just ordered it from the sale, and I'm wondering what to expect.

>> No.8156946

I just got in a taobao order of several items and wanted to post a review of them, but I thought of posting the reviews on tumblr. Would any other gulls be interested in a tumblr devoted to /cgl/ related items? It would take submissions and everything would be tagged by brand/type of item/etc, and links to every item would be provided. Thoughts on this?

>> No.8156992

I haven't been to Hot Topic in ages and maybe I'm behind the times with what's crappening in the lolita world, but I saw a pair of Narwhal tights - the same design as the one on TejaJamilla's etsy, but on cheaper material at Hot Topic.

Did she sell the rights to her design to Hot Topic's clothing brand or does she not know about it?

>> No.8156999

I would bet on her not knowing about it. I recall seeing loads of artists trying to call out Hot Topic on art theft, but of course it never goes anywhere because none of those artists had enough time or money to force a company to do anything.

>> No.8157003 [DELETED] 

The former is pretty upsetting. I'm glad I haven't bought anything from HT since high school. I was tempted to get the HT ones, but they look like shit compared to hers. I hope that she restocks soon.

>> No.8157007

The latter is pretty upsetting. I'm glad I haven't bought anything from HT since high school (and even then, I couldn't really afford much). I was tempted to get the HT ones, but they look like shit compared to hers. I hope that she restocks soon.

>> No.8157019

>Put in an order for a skirt on the 26th.
>Bank shows payment is still pending
>Went on site today and see skirt I ordered is sold out.

I hope it just means I ordered in time before the color and size I ordered sold out. I received the email receipt from both the website and PayPal.

>> No.8157020

I commissioned some stuff from here in November...still waiting. I'm unsure if she's having health problems or something similar but her communication (or lack thereof) is so disappointing, more so than the wait time.

>> No.8157057

There was an indie thread on here not too long ago with several people complaining about Sweet Mildred taking forever, not communicating, orders wrong, etc. Basically once one person spoke up, there were a bunch of bad reviews. Personally, based on my own experiences and all the bad reviews lately, I wouldn't bother with her again.

>> No.8157087

Went back into the archives. Damn, that sucks. Well, guess I'll have to find what I need somewhere else. I hope you get your stuff or a refund soon anon.
On a similar note, what ever happened with the Snow Field? I remember two girls had to take over and the owner was apparently going through some personal issues.

>> No.8157091

That would be nice

>> No.8157113

A repeat pattern is the technical term

>> No.8157125

Any other recommendations for custom head wear? And anyone actually know what's going on with sweet mildred?

>> No.8157137

Seconding recs for custom headwear/accessories.

>> No.8157198

According to their Facebook, the webshop is active again and there are a few things still in stock. I really hope they can make custom wristcuffs again soon, I was planning to order some before this whole fiasco. But at least I finally got my Water Lilly JSK. The gold lace on the bodice is crooked so I can only wear it with boleros, but other than that, it is one of the best-constructed dresses I own.

>> No.8157293

I'm the anon you replied to/that was asking about SM. In the archives while looking for the SM reviews I also found some other accessory places, I think I am going to order what I need from SakuraFairy (etsy), there's some super cute stuff on there! Some other places I found while browsing the archives that are currently in stock/taking orders: BasicLove (bloomers and main pieces), Atelier Angel, Peacockalorum. As for other places that do custom head wear I also would like to know more.

>> No.8157358

>can only wear it when half of it is covered up because it's made so poorly
>one of the best constructed dresses you own


>> No.8157398

is it worth it to start a separate instagram account from my regular one to post my lolita-related stuff? like pictures of meets, coords/OOTD's, new things in the mail, cute food, detail shots, etc.
I don't want to bombard my regular friends with a bunch of stuff, but I also don't want to bombard other lolitas with details/photos of my normalfag life that they won't care about if they're just interested in the fashion-related posts.

>> No.8157485
File: 210 KB, 530x384, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok wth cgl, i need some help

>see these cute shoes somebody is wearing on CoF
>theyre fucking bodyline
>check bodyline's site
>they are this hideous monstrosity
>i just cant like them, theyre ita as fuck
>but ive been searching for shoes just like hers for ages

wat do.
should i just get them?


>> No.8157489
File: 333 KB, 200x176, Y0fv0Tb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't ita at all

>> No.8157490

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.8157494

yes, they're cute. those two photos don't look that much different anon, exactly how new are you to be stressing like this?

>> No.8157498
File: 232 KB, 500x375, ahhhhhhhhhhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exactly how new are you to be stressing like this

ive been here a while but im on my period and freaking out over exams, and going on a shopping spree to cure the tension

thank you for telling me im stupid. i needed that.

off to spend more money. thanks anons

>> No.8157508

>but im on my period and freaking out over exams
no1curr, stop trying to make excuses for acting like a newfag and a twat

>> No.8157510

did somebody using capslock anger you, lolita-hime?

>> No.8157516
File: 34 KB, 443x598, 10311952_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a blatant rip-off to me.

>> No.8157519
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Also these ones. Fuckers.

>> No.8157531

If you can't tell easily that one is the other or picture them interchangeably, I fear for your coordinating skills, Anon. Whether you want to wear any Bodyline shoes at all is a matter of taste though if you can fit brand shoes.

>> No.8157534

Correct me if I'm wrong but, doesn't she just buy stencils and paint those on? Anyone can do that, nothing really proprietary about it

>> No.8157552

Maybe, but wouldn't she still have some claim over the fact they've mimicked exactly placement of the stencils? I hadn't heard she used bought stencils though...

>> No.8157576

I'm pretty sure she made her own designs, because she also sells narwhal fabric on spoonflower. Man, fucking HT.

>> No.8157583

I don't think I fit brand shoes unfortunately, I think I fall right in between an M and L. If I get the chance to try them on though, I want to. I love AP shoes more than anything.

Also, I could tell they were the same shoes, since I had to pick them out from the website...

Honestly, I'm just very nitpicky about the scallops on the straps (they look much cuter and much more elegant without those tacky scallops) and the lacing on the toe of the shoe. Not really sure why people are calling me new because I pay attention to those details-- details that are so often on tacky, cheap shoes.

>> No.8157590

What's up with Closet Child? Looks like the new arrivals page is the same from a few days ago but with the same items available again. I did a hard refresh but it didn't change.

>> No.8157592

I think I really want to do this, so I'll make the blog and post it up tomorrow.

>> No.8157593
File: 4 KB, 149x184, Yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discovering that people from your comm be fellow seagulls be like

Now I have someone to talk dramu with!

>> No.8157597

They were calling you new for your way of posting. I don't like the scallops either tbh. If you are between M and L, you could wear L with some insoles and a heel pad, probably. People like the details of brand shoes better, most cases.

>> No.8157602

I think her designs are from clip art, not hand-drawn. So they would be available and not under copyright. Like the JetJ painting dresses. She uses lots of clip art and parts of famous paintings in their designs too.

>> No.8157622

I have some bloomers from BasicLove. She's nice, fast shipping, and exactly what the name says: basic. Perfect daily bloomers at a decent price.

>> No.8157729
File: 394 KB, 600x800, 4337_large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fishnets are so not rori!
>Fishnets are for hookers!

And then AP releases fishnet + ribbon OTKs...

>> No.8157731
File: 50 KB, 180x320, 81215[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Image from AP Tokyo.

I don't know how to feel.

>> No.8157737

those arent tacky tho

>> No.8157746

Well that's good news! I've been looking forward to possibly ordering it in white as well (also ordered black), maybe I could ask them to ditch the lace.
Is it a raschel?

I wonder if one could DIY something like this...

>> No.8157793

Honestly that really has to do with people buying cheap neon color fishnets

Oddly enough, white/cream fishnets work great with sandal heels

>> No.8157800


I actually used to see it mentioned for gothic lolitas (albeit it's usually more of an add-on, like "she's wearing a hot topic dress, her corset is upside and hooker fishnets omg itaaaa!" )

>> No.8157804

It's up to you. I post j fash stuff on the same account I put my pinup girls and pot pictures. I worry the prople following me for the kawaii stuff will judge me sometimes but at the end of the day we're all multifaceted and it doesn't take that much effort to scroll through.

So many girls here completely redecorate their rooms and tailor all their social media to lolita as if it's their job or they're representing brands. I used to think only efamous lolitas did it but I suppose that's how it started for them.

>> No.8157849

Sorry if this is a n00b question, but where can an eurofag purchase GLB's recent editions in English?

>> No.8157854

Nope. Tokyopop released a couple English GLBs a few years back so you can snag those, but nothing recent.

>> No.8157856

Hey so what's the best taobao reseller? I know about things like my lolita dress glitzy wonderland etc. which one has the lowest markup? How long is shipping usually?

>> No.8157861
File: 226 KB, 595x842, pop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Dream Marine? I loved Lost in Sea so I'm glad we're getting more sea-themed prints.

Also have been wondering what is the best shopping service for stuff from Japan? I've only used Taobao SS's before.

>> No.8157865

I love the print and colors but I'm not a fan of the cut of the dresses. The skirt is cute though.

>> No.8157874


>> No.8157880

Mama want. In multiple versions.

>> No.8157886

In a few weeks there's going to be a Jfashion convention in my area, with fashion shows and lectures. My boyfriend knows I dress funny and buy clothes from Japan but he doesn't know that lolita fashion is really a thing. Would it be a good idea to take him to this con and introduce him to the subculture that way or would that be too much at once?

>> No.8157889

Only if he's actually interested. I really dislike girls who bring their boyfriends along when the obviously want nothing to do with the whole thing.

>> No.8157896

Yeah, he's interested in my hobbies. I wouldn't drag him to something if I knew he'd just be bored there. I just worry that it will all be too overwhelming.

>> No.8157920

Has he ever been to an anime/gaming/whatever con? If he enjoys that sort of thing, he'd probably enjoy himself.

If we're talking about the same thing, I'm also bringing along my boyfriend who's just getting into jfashion. He specifically put together an ouji coord! I'm curious to see what it'll be like.

>> No.8157944

Man, that sucks.

>> No.8157958

My lolita dress is low mark up, I've used them and they're okay but if an item on the site from a Taobao brand doesn't have the brand name in the description it's not directly from that brand, it's a replica (seen this with a HMHM skirt) so watch out for that as well as the more obvious brand replicas on there. Clobbaonline are expensive but have really great service and sometimes have items in stock after they've sold out on Taobao, as well as keeping Classical Puppets petticoats in stock for speedy shipping. I think Qutieland does the same thing with items like petticoats, they're reputable but higher priced than Clobba. Mostly though, if you're ordering more than one or two things and they're still available on Taobao you'd get a cheaper deal using a shopping service.

>> No.8157960

I like From Japan and Chibitenshi. Japonica Market's customer service has gone downhill recently, and since I'm a Eurofag they're inconvenient for me because they won't mark down items to avoid customs.

>> No.8157964

Yeah, I like the tights but don't like any of the main pieces.

>> No.8157966

Holyshit anon, what happens if his coord is a train wreck?

>> No.8157974

Oh, I helped him put it together. He also browses /cgl/ (though more for the cosplay side) and definitely wants to avoid looking an ita thread disaster.

My phrasing was a little awkward, I was just referring to the event. I'm curious what it'll be like since this is the first edition.

>> No.8157983

I read in a topic here a while ago that people really don't like when you send them little gifts together with purchases.
I love doing it when people purchase my dresses/skirts, I do it as a way to show my appreciation and because I hate writing super generic letters. Should I stop doing that? It never really matters to me whether or not people actually keep the gift, gives/throws it away, uses/eats it so it is more of an ego-thing, but I don't want to be a bother either.

>> No.8157987

I would love gifts with purchases! It is cute! I am always hoping when I get a new item that Ill get a gift, but it hasn't happened yet.... Then again I haven't sent any either.

>> No.8157994

I think the main complaint was with food items or things that could trigger allergies. If it's just a plastic ring or something like that though, I don't think it would really bother anybody.
Most people appreciate a note though, just be careful if you're sending the package overseas as a "gift" because if your note says "thanks for your purchase, please leave me feedback etc." it could get the buyer into trouble if customs opens the package.

>> No.8157996


Only two major things come to mind. The first is that food has a chance of melting in the post, so be sure to wrap it properly so it doesn't leak onto the item you're sending. Nothing like receiving a main piece with chocolate sauce all over it from your good intentions...

Other gripe was from the seller's side, they'd send a gift and then see it being sold by the buyer later. If you want to send unsolicited gifts you gotta accept that it might not be the buyer's taste, and they may try to sell them on. Also if you advertise a freebie in your sales post you'll have to deal with that one rude, greedy buyer who wants all of them even if they've just bought one small item from you.

>> No.8158018


Usually I include a thank you note and something nice, like tea,cookies or sweets. But usually I do ask before sending a food item like cookies (stroopwafels, the best invention from country lol) or individually wrapped sweets. The way I package my things the food never comes in contact with the clothing anyway.
Stationary paper + envelope and stickers I sometimes also add or specific jewelery that matches something they bought (like a swan necklace to match a swan print) I got from taobao.
Never gotten a negative reaction for doing this, so I assume most people like it.

>> No.8158032

I seriously love it, there's been times where I do get food that I can't eat but even then I really appreciate the gesture.

>> No.8158037

Almost every foreigner I've met was crazy for stroopwafels so yeah 10/10 gift as long as you make sure they're packaged properly and the recipient isn't allergic.

>> No.8158043

IDK how to feel about this release. I don't like the lavender or sax colorways but I think I look bad in white dresses. I think the cut of the JSK would look too big on me but I'm a little too fat for the skirt. And IDK how to feel about that OP, it looks more like what you'd wear on a trip to Hawaii than an elegant lolita meetup. Yet, I really like the print. My heart is telling me to get the skirt in navy or white and then make an effort to lose 10 lbs. :/

>> No.8158086

I actually didn't know that and I've been sending parcels with those kinds of notes. Shit. Thanks for the tip, anon...thankfully I've only sent within the EU so far (the one dress I sent to the USA I forgot to put a note in).

I'm indifferent to gifts. It's important to match the gift to the item too - this isn't a secondhand sales thing, but the one time I ordered from F+F I ordered a bunch of gothic/aristo items and got given pink and white polymer clay lollipop earrings and pink feather earrings as a gift.

>> No.8158094

I like cute notes but I don't really care about gifts. It makes me feel a little weird getting them because usually it's not something I want, but then also I feel bad because I don't send gifts when I send items.

>> No.8158125

I've only heard good things about Chibitenshi. I'm actually on the same boat as you, I've only ordered from Taobao before. But I used Chibitenshi last week for the first time. She bought the item within ten minutes. Damn, girl! I'd expected an answer maybe the next day since it was Sunday.

>> No.8158186

Is it true that JetJ's sizing runs larger nowadays? I've been considering buying a size 1 dress if that's the case.

>> No.8158192

>looks more like what you'd wear on a trip to Hawaii
Aloha shirt print with a proper muumuu cut anyone? Meta get on this.

>> No.8158223

I love gifts with purchases even if it a little note in a cute paper. The only thing that bothers me is food because customs here take like 2 or 3 months to deliver the package, so yeah, it will probably melt/deteriorate.

>> No.8158240
File: 279 KB, 500x600, ap_mcjsk_2015 (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any other dresses have this kind of back lacing or is this the only one?

>> No.8158265

This was true until the unicorn print. Only fucked up sizing since. I wouldn't bet on the dress running large, it's much safer buing a size up and getting it taken in later.

>> No.8158265,1 [INTERNAL] 

I've sent a cease and desist notification, I'm not overly optimistic given Hot Topic's reputation though.
I think that's a U.S. based tights seller you're thinking of, I don't have any with clipart/paintings.
I screen print my tights (using photo emulsion stencils on the screens but they're made from my artwork).

>> No.8158315

Speaking of this, I just sold my first dress and I included a little note and a matching alligator clip bow that costs a buck or two.
T-that's fine right.

>> No.8158347

I like gifts unless it seems like I'm getting crap they want to get rid of. The nicest thing I've gotten was a brand headband (the kind you get in LPs). I love notes and I keep all of them. I never eat gifted sweets though, the only time I tried them they were horrible, and I don't trust anything that could expire.

>> No.8158351

I appreciate it as long as it's not glitter. Please no glitter!!

>> No.8158374

I wish there were a Kelly Blue Book for lolita garments. It could be based on how new the release is, how rare the dress is, the original price, and wear and tear on the garment.

Sometimes I see an older Innocent World print or something and I'm never sure if I'm being gouged or not, because it doesn't turn up that often but it's not particularly in demand either.

>> No.8158385
File: 23 KB, 495x212, raliegh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

raleigh's response to being asked whether she's a lolita.

spoiler: she isn't

>> No.8158399

Has anyone else heard about some strike going on at US ports? I bought my dream dress from a girl in Japan a month ago, and it still hasn't arrived. It shipped out from Japan, and the tracking hasn't updated since. When I called USPS, the lady told me there's a strike going on at a port in San Francisco where lots of packages from Asia are being held. She told me it could be MONTHS before my dress gets here. Does anyone know if that's really true? I feel like crying if I have to wait until summer to get my dress...

>> No.8158402


>> No.8158409

...they wanted a yes or a no, not your completely irrelevant life story jfc

>> No.8158411

Does she really think having visited Paris/Europe and speaking Japanese makes her lolita?

>> No.8158415

so Japan
so Paris
totally a lolita guiz

>> No.8158431

Either that or she's got some value scheme where she wants people to think she's a lolita but is uncomfortable with outright lying, so she's lying by ommision? Or something.

>> No.8158451

Jesus... My packages have been coming in through LA lately so maybe they're picking up the work?

>> No.8158455

I've sent a cease and desist notification, I'm not overly optimistic given Hot Topic's reputation though.
I screen print my tights (using photo emulsion stencils on the screens but they're made from my artwork).
I think you're thinking of another tights seller/designer, I don't have any with clip art/paintings.

>> No.8158457

I hope that something comes of your complaints. I really hope this doesn't impact your business. Your tights are such nice quality. Good luck.

>> No.8158483

Hot Topic's art theft history sucks, good luck with your complaint.

>> No.8158495


dis bitch is amazing

>> No.8158507

There was a strike at the LA port that recently ended. I was talking to a local vendor who's shipments we're coming out of order because of the strike. Now that at least that one is over, they should be flowing in more regularly now.

>> No.8158518

Pinup girls and j-fash??? Be still my heart I must follow you. I don't really post lolita on my instagram.

>> No.8158521

Yeah, you're right, I guess it's mostly my regular friends I'm afraid of bothering but I don't want to become a completely new person like you're saying, besides from making a blog specifically for lolita/j fash stuff. I guess I won't bother too much then, if anyone's uncomfortable they can just unfollow me or whatever.
On that note, is it too try-hard to create a variation of your name for a lolita blog? I don't mean like, giving myself a completely new name like going from Jennifer to ~Miss Anne Grace Remington~ but just using like a different last name? (non-weeb sounding, nothing like Mary KawaiiSprinklez)

>> No.8158556

They're selling them through amazon too. Can you contact amazon about removing them?

>> No.8158573

Yeah this isn't the first time Hot Topic has stolen art/products from small businesses/artists, I remember they stole some girl on etsy's disney bows. I hope you're successful with your c&d.

>> No.8158588

"I'm a lolita because I went to school with some Japanese people! I'm also lolita because I could speak a few languages at a decent academic level. You know I'm definitely lolita because I've visited Paris like, a bajillion times and went to fashion design school. Haters are such baka itas, lol"

>> No.8158589

I actually kind of love them. I'd prefer if they were tights, though, they look sort of weird as socks.

>> No.8158596

For privacy's sake, it's sensible not to use your full real name.

>> No.8158616

I think it's fine to have a weeb name and not keep your real first name a secret. Milky Fawn's real name is Alannah, which she doesn't hide, but most people know her as her youtube/blog handle.

>> No.8158618

Oh man, that's awesome. Hail Satan.

>> No.8158671

Not sure if I'd wear those with lolita but I'd for sure use them in a gear or maybe himekaji outfit with cute heeled sandals like in pic

>> No.8158676

I want to specify on Lacemarket that I'm only willing to ship domestic (Canada) and the US, but I'm not really sure how to go about it. Should I just put it in the description of every item I sell? I know for a fact people don't read seller's terms and conditions or I'd put it there.
The only reason I don't wanna ship international is because shipping costs are ridiculous and I'm tired of international buyers backing out of sales.

>> No.8158678

Best of luck!

>> No.8158682

Yeah same.
I guess it's like the crap icy on the shitty cake, you know?

>> No.8158697

Either put it in the description or put international shipping costs in the description. I got sick of international sellers messaging me asking for prices, then changing their minds when they found out how much it cost (like seriously, did they expect it to be only $5 to ship a dress from the EU to the US, even untracked?), so I ended up just weighing all my items and putting the international shipping price in the description. Weeds out people that aren't willing to pay those shipping costs.

>> No.8158714
File: 299 KB, 500x600, ap_mcop_2015 (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OP has little angel wings on the back too lol

>> No.8158717

I just overcharge for shipping for international sales and then refund them after I get it to the post office; THAT weeds out the flakers. Prices fluctuate online and at the post office, so it fucking sucks when you think it'll only cost $30 to ship when it actually costs $50.

>> No.8158735

New dream dress (the one with the over dress). i hope it won't come out for a while/wont be popular, so I can save and grab one.

>> No.8158737

it's supposed to come out this weekend.

>> No.8158742

I refuse to believe someone that went to Parsons (or at least, was actually a GOOD student) would look at lolita designs, and then post the ridiculous patterns she posts as suitable/appropriate lolita patterns, and her weird tangents that she goes on about "alterations vs. inserts".
Seriously, what the hell is wrong with her? What was the point of this post? What was she trying to prove? None of this stuff means you're a lolita. I was unaware lolitas had to go to school for fashion and design in Paris and visit Europe "too many times to count". No one really gives a fuck if you wear couture outside of lolita either? Raleigh is fucking batshit.
Remember when she went on that rant about how her niece was a stupid fat bitch?

I feel like she is some fat housewife who looks gaudy and awful in lolita/can't fit into anything, which is why she tries to pull in all this random bullshit to make herself feel like she's a lolita: the way she talked about how her niece had no idea about lolita, all these random-ass examples in this post about going to school with japanese people and visting and going to school in Paris, etc. Like if she blasts other people for the things they haven't done or don't know (even if it's just seemingly related to aesthetics, like Paris and lolitas being into that European aesthetic?) she can deem herself superior.
Either way, bitch needs like 20 different chill pills.

>> No.8158743

There's another new one that's mermaid themed that's coming out soon. My panties are soaked.

>> No.8158744

Well fuck >=|

>> No.8158753

I snooped on her facebook and she appears to be about 22-26 years old, blonde, and has at least gone to Germany with her parents who look to be in their mid 60's

>> No.8158756

I think it's important that if you do give a gift, that it's something that matches the dress or the aesthetic. If someone buys a gothic dress from you, you can't assume they also own sweet, because you might send them a sparkly pink bow that they don't even want or can use. I don't expect to receive like, a brand headbow or something but I also don't want to receive an item that I feel like you are just trying to get rid of (if it seems a bit cheap or worn down) You may want to actually just ask the person if it's okay to send a little free gift with their package? Or even say in the sales post like, this jsk comes with a free matching ring or sweet-themed headbow.

I do enjoy notes though, and I think a gift most people enjoy are extra sheets of cute stationery - I like to collect stationery with sanrio, etc. characters on them so I like it when people send extra sheets of notes or even stickers.

>> No.8158759

I don't do that, I just round up to the nearest dollar or couple of dollars to cover fluctuations in the exchange rate/losses I'll make when they're paying in dollars which isn't my native currency. But prices in my country don't fluctuate for international shipping, so as long as your weight includes the packaging it's fine.

>> No.8158763

Are you sure/where did you find that? The oldest thing on her profile says she "graduated from the international school of Dusseldorf" in 1987. Let's just say she was 17 in 1987, that would make her born around 1970 and she'd be 45.
Am I reading things wrong?

captcha: adieu

>> No.8158768

Probably it was an international elementary school?

>> No.8158775

I'm looking through her profile again, nope not at all, she says "the high school I graduated from" and she even has what I think is a picture of her, her parents, and her BF eating dinner together and she seems to be in her older teens/early twenties in the photo. I'm not going to post the link here because I don't want to get banned but if you scroll through just a little bit you'll find it quickly. The post dates are June and April 2014.

>> No.8158776

On her profile it says Internationals School of Duesseldorf and directly under that it says "High School"

>> No.8158779


>> No.8158791

were is this at?

>> No.8158795

Even if it was an elementary school, she still wouldn't have graduated in 1987 and still be able to currently be 22-26 years old. Depending on how the school/district groups the grades together usually you leave elementary by 10 or 12, which still make her like late 30's/early 40's.

>> No.8158797

I might have found her. I know one of her screennames/email 100% for certain

>> No.8158846

And yes, she's on drugs.

>> No.8158861

That conspicuous gold zipper looks pretty badass (also looks durable, unlike most shitty lolita zippers).
I just don't understand the random cats in that print. Too tumblr for me.

>> No.8158881

god i love this detail so much. i really hope there's a gothic jsk using this idea soon, even if it's "copying angelic pretty"

>> No.8158896

Tumblr has ruined cats now? How?

>> No.8158905

Not the anon you're replying to, but it's pretty obvious that they don't mean tumblr has "ruined" cats. This print is a clusterfuck of "trendy" shit which people associate with tumblr culture.

>> No.8158919

I'm more curious of how people have such lovely nails like that...

>> No.8158921

Well, that's kind of what I was thinking of, almost. Like, I kind of leapt to the conclusion cats being associated with Tumblr means Tumblr has "ruined" cats. But... why? Almost everyone loves cats, why do we have to drag Tumblr into this?

>> No.8158931

Tumblr's just a go-to insult around here, don't get your jimmies too rustled.

>> No.8158939
File: 98 KB, 280x373, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The zipper on Holy Lantern is what got me about it too, it's a flattering detail. Damn me for still not figuring out ordering with Tenso to get either of these fast enough.
(And damn you AP, why is it so hard to make an international store?)

>> No.8158955

I've seen people with thick eyebrows get posted here, and people often criticize. Is it just because they don't clean up the surrounding random fuzzies? I love my dark, thick brows and I think I'd look really weird with thinner ones, but I do tidy up around them.

>> No.8158964

I think it's generally more unkempt eyebrows that bother people. My eyebrows are the opposite. They're kind of sparse and need a bit of tweeting for the stragglers and a nice pencil filling.

>> No.8158970

Same here, anon. My eyebrows aren't insanely thick, but they stand out because they're several shades darker than my real hair. I don't like the thought of thinning mine because I think they give my face some definition. I think as long as you keep them tidy (and, if applicable, don't wear wigs that clash terribly with them), then you should be alright. That's what I do, at least.

>> No.8158998

It is a go-to insult here, but in this context it makes some degree of sense as opposed to being thrown around just because someone is disagreeable or something is pastel.

>> No.8159011

I dunno man, weird cat shit was a thing way before Tumblr.

>> No.8159096

No fucking shit dude, you're trying way too hard to analyze a pretty basic and common insult. Chill.

>> No.8159098

but weird cat shit + crosses + teddy bears + random angel wings+stars is a total clusterfuck of items that you'd only really get from someone trying to out hipster another tumblr user.

>> No.8159107

... or a lolita brand desperately trying to fuse sweet and gothic?

>> No.8159118

Trying. Too. Hard.

>> No.8159144

I actually think the only out-of-place element is the crosses and I dislike the cameos. Fuck it, I just want angel cats and teddy bears playing in the clouds.

>> No.8159154

I saw that picture and it was obviously taken a while ago. They seem to be scans of old pictures and judging by the clothes it's from at least 15 years ago. If not more.

>> No.8159184

I know Raleigh's real full name now. I founddddd it.

>> No.8159222

Nah, you rock them, girl.

This sounds familiar for some reason but I don't think I've ever seen such a print before. Weird.

>> No.8159225

I'm waiting to hear the story. I'm betting it's full of crazy.

>> No.8159236

I don't think that applies to USPS. There's still a strike at the Los Angeles port and the company I work for has been waiting on a shipment from Korea for months. I don't think our postal system sends mail by boat. They use commercial airplanes. You know when you take a trip somewhere via plane? All the extra unused baggage space is used with product shipments and mail packages. The boats at the port are for large scale shipments.

>> No.8159249

Sorry I re-read your post and you said the USPS lady told you about the SF port strike. I've gotten all my EMS packages from Japan within 3-5 days. Never had I gotten one that took longer than that other than when they decided to open one up for inspection- and that took an extra week to get to me.

>> No.8159252

I don't want to know her name/info, just the crazy story behind it all. Something there really doesn't add up.

>> No.8159253

Why did the online comm thread get deleted?

>> No.8159265

Because the janitor is salty and doesn't let us discuss our various online communities for some reason

It could be bc some of the caps didn't obscure facebook names, but the posts were all public

Apparently Raleigh's end game was to create a shitty lolita business in raleigh, NC

google "Elegant Gothic Lolita LLC"

>> No.8159274

(Maybe not create but at least sneakily obtain like market research or something? she's definitely not genuine

and it explains why she's so against brand they're her main competition lol)

>> No.8159275

it is definitely popular. most SS are booked. you can try for the AP US release if you need time to save, anywhere from 2 weeks to a month from now, but you gotta jump on it once it releases.

>> No.8159277


what is with the influx of emotes.

>> No.8159292

someone should call the store and see if its her

>> No.8159294

I love your designs ! Fuck hot topics, I hope your c and d works

>> No.8159301


>> No.8159303

>I screen print my tights (using photo emulsion stencils on the screens but they're made from my artwork).
My apologies, thank you for clarifying, good luck, I hope you can get this sorted/

>> No.8159305

I actually put this specific black blouse on a big Taobao order awhile back and I'm about to have it shipped. I can post a few pics and give a quality review if you're like, when it comes in.

>> No.8159341

What makes them want to open packages for inspection? I've been getting packages overseas for about 2 years now and I always expect them/keep an eye on tracking for how long it stays in customs and such, but I don't think I've ever gotten anything searched before. (like, no extra packing tape, no visible damage to something trying to be opened, no visible damage or opening to any of the packaging on the inside like any bags the items were put in, etc) Which also makes me ask, how do you tell? Do you get a notification on the tracking that says it's being inspected?

>> No.8159349

The one time I got my package inspected it was clearly marked. I ordered an RRL OP when it released last year from AP Japan. The next two days the bonnet went up so I bought one to match. My bonnet arrived before my dress did. The tracking for the dress said it was still in customs. When the dress came the pink bag was clearly cut open and taped back together with green paper tape saying it was inspected. The dress, invoice, etc was untouched as far as I know. I don't know why they chose to inspect it or think that it was suspicious.

>> No.8159359
File: 273 KB, 576x432, IMG_1425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a photo of it

>> No.8159366

Don't want to post any caps/links because I don't want to get in trouble with the janitor but if you google her LLC, it seems the "contact" that is listed may be her real name. When I googled her real name she came up on spokeo under the same address that's listed for her LLC, and it would indeed confirm that she's a woman either in her 30's or 40's (spokeo says 40's but then when you click to her profile it goes to 30's, thinking that's wrong though because if you consider the stuff with her graduating high school in the '87 it would make more sense she was in her 40's)

Has she done anything with this LLC? The business links on google say that it "makes $77000" a year but as far as I'm concerned all Raleigh does is post shitty kid's and costuming patterns on FB.

>> No.8159372

I see, thanks! I knew opened packages had different tape but I didn't know it was so open like that ("examined" as opposed to like, regular USPS tape or w/e). That's interesting that they picked that one to inspect. Perhaps they're told to inspect every -nth package or something like that? Or maybe they inspect heavy or packages that have been marked with a certain item or certain value?

>> No.8159378

I think it's a random inspection. All I could think of when I got it was I hope my dress wasn't damaged!!

>> No.8159380

She was kind of pretty when she was young, actually. I feel like she would've made a nice lolita back then, or even a nice older, classic lolita now. Too bad she's batshit.

>> No.8159381

It varies. I used to work for a wig company and whenever we had a shipment. They always opened a couple of boxes and cut open the packaging on some of the wigs. Always found at least one or two wigs out of package and one completely missing at least once.

>> No.8159393

Okay, I just wanted to add: dude, what the hell happened? International school in Germany, so potentially a well-to-do family, going to fashion school in Paris, pretty, and if we believe what she said in her rant about speaking 3 different languages at a good academic level, kinda smart too. An earlier anon said she was on drugs - how do you know/how did you find out/were you joking or being serious? Like, she sounds like she had a pretty nice life when she was young and now she's some crotchety lady in her 40's calling girls half her age "ruffle haters". I know we're not really allowed to dip too much into shit like this but perhaps someone could take this to the other cgl.

>> No.8159410
File: 30 KB, 679x210, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this for fucking real

>> No.8159424

"Hobbies: sewing, foreign languages. Cat person, mom to 3 Persians. Preference for alternative medicine. Certified Antiques Dealer (but not practicing; more of a collector at the moment). Protestant, unmarried, interested in publication and travel. (Would like to visit Rome and Japan, working on several publications to copyright and trademark. Eventually would like to also publish my father's memoirs.) Nonsmoking antiquarian with a taste for porcelain, textiles, rare books."
This from 2010 for a profile on a COMPLETELY PUBLIC AND ACCESSIBLE SITE.

>> No.8159428

Most of the discussion is on RC uncensored facebook group

>> No.8159432

Yeah, japanese girls at some point decided western/chinese girls are willing to pay $1000+ for ~rare~ dresses
>spoiler: they aren't

>> No.8159435

Look at the bids anon.

>> No.8159449

>This from 2010 for a profile
So she's had an actual interest in lolita for at least five years but has no coords or superior handmade pieces to show for it?

>> No.8159461

Yep. She named the url name-y thing: urbansteampunklolita
Honestly I can't understand what the hell she is doing, she is either on drugs or the most supreme troll of all.

>> No.8159467

She also does not know what an usakumya is, and confuses suspender skirts with jsks.
Some have tossed around the troll idea, and I have seen long term trolls but I don't think she's a troll for the simple reason that she doesn't put out content when she should. She has a lot of opportunities to put out lulzy content but instead chooses to delete or just not respond.

>> No.8159470

Maybe she's just not that great with internet/googling, so she knows enough about lolita to kind of get the aesthetics, but never actually learned about brand releases and lolita culture?

>> No.8159483

Bought a dress from a girl, she seemed sweet as hell, but when I opened it it was wrapped in glitter tissue paper. Like why do you want to ruin my life?

>> No.8159488

She's good enough at googling to research all of those patterns.
Something here doesn't add up.

>> No.8159548

As much as I understand why it would be a problem, the little girl inside me would be delighted if what I got had a light dusting of glitter.
So sugoi.

>> No.8159552

I thought it was just me, but the stuff on there, even the lame and ugly stuff, isn't as cheap as it used to be. I guess they know.

>> No.8159558

This actually sounds like she would be an interesting person to know, if she wasn't so batshit.

Being confused is one thing, but the rants about how everyone who doesn't think her random Vogue patterns are 100% loliable must be an evil brandwhore ruffle-hater reveal what a nutcase she is. Hell, she knows enough about lolita culture to throw around accusations of brandwhoring and to know that it started as a mostly handmade fashion. I'd argue that she knows enough about lolita culture to base insults around it but not enough about the aesthetics to actually come up with halfway appropriate patterns.

>> No.8159590

I think getting into the culture is a bit easier than really understanding aesthetics if you think about all the tryhard itas that seemingly can't put a good coord together but know all the buzzwords and insults.
If anything, her lack of understanding aesthetics shows just how little she is actually involved in lolita, as opposed to just browsing random online communities and being in her own little world.
I agree that she sounds like she would be an interesting person to know if she wasn't so cray. I find it interesting she's protestant. Lots of protestants and (by extension) evangelists are kind of out there.

>> No.8159665

Luckily it looks like they have taken the C & D seriously as the tights have gone from their online store and Amazon, thank you!

>> No.8159674

That's great! Congrats.

>> No.8159677
File: 285 KB, 300x169, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealing from someone who stole from Disney

>> No.8159709

That's wonderful!

Most likely the design was sold to them and they didn't know it was stolen. I'm glad it's being taken seriously!

>> No.8159737

Yeah, of course this would happen the one time I cheap out and go for regular shipping over EMS. I'm beginning to think the USPS lady was blowing me off, though, since she wouldn't even let me tell her my tracking number and just assumed that since my package was from Japan, it would be delayed. But I've been looking up info about the strike, and, like you said, the boats there look like huge cargo boats, and I doubt my package is somewhere on there. I might call customs next if USPS continues to be useless. It's been a month now, and I'm not sure what else to do.

>> No.8159749

I sent a package to the San Fran area almost a month ago from Asia and it hasn't arrived yet either. I didn't get tracking though so looks like I'm fucked.

>> No.8159752

I'm going to my first tea party this fall, but I'm not very well-informed about the etiquette of the ones starring brands.
If I go to a btssb tea party, do I have to wear baby? Is any other brand fine but baby would be preferred? Or doesn't it matter?

>> No.8159779


Is his the ita version of beating around the bush? Sheesh. Can't all those groups like CoF, RC, etc just block her already?

>> No.8159784


I love the cut of this dress and the inverted pentagram on the back but damn, that print is fucking ugly. Fuck you AP with your shitty prints. If this was solid colored it would have been awesome.

>> No.8159831

Wonderful! I'm glad it's working out so far.

>> No.8159833


Yup, generally it's expected that your main piece be from that brand. The biggest no-no is replicas but I'm sure you assumed that

>> No.8159841

Wearing BtSSB is preferred, and if the party is centered around one brand it's kind of tacky to show up in something by a competitor (like AP). Replicas and Bodyline are big no-nos. Handmade often goes over well as long as it's well done and not a design replica.

>> No.8159846

I'm assuming AatP is fine?

>> No.8159847


As far as I know, they already did. Some anons joined her (Raleigh's) own "lolita" sewing group before the drama, the caps are from her group.

It's getting posted here because the online comm thread got deleted, I guess.

>> No.8159850

Oh yeah, since that's their sister brand.

>> No.8159859

Am I the only one that finds that mini-raid on the Lolita Fashion Sewing Patterns group stupid as shit?
Basically they're posting pictures of brand they own claiming that they made them and how it's superior quality.
I think it's trashy and lame as shit.

>> No.8159864
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>> No.8159878

I love most of AP's prints but I definitely agree with you that milky cross would've been so much better as a non-print dress.

>> No.8159895

I get that it's a joke, but it's pretty poorly executed and really isn't funny. It just comes off as a poor attempt.

>> No.8159905

holy shit, I was just about to pay her to get a dress altered. Maybe I'll go to someone with a faster turnaround then... on that note, does anyone know of good lolita seamstresses that do alterations?

>> No.8159926

>Wearing BtSSB is preferred, and if the party is centered around one brand it's kind of tacky to show up in something by a competitor (like AP).
A girl in my comm purposely showed up to a BtSSB tea party head to toe in AP a couple years ago and kept going on about how she only used BtSSB for accessories since their dresses were so ugly and they treat their customers terribly right in front of the guests and staff. She had bragged about it afterward saying the point was to show them that their etiquette toward customers has a negative effect. All it did was make her look like a complete asshole.

>> No.8159931


What a fucking cunt. Hope she gets banned from the next BTSSB tea party.

>> No.8159948

Apparently, one of the staff straight up told her she would have to leave if she kept it up. Of course, she saw this as "disrespecting her right to free speech" and to this day will occasionally use it as proof of "how BtSSB really feels about their customers".

Her entire beef wit BtSSB is that they banned her after she didn't get the invoice email... but she never bothered to contact them to get it straightened out. The same thing happened to me and all I had to do was email them and they took me off the blacklist, I'm pretty sure everyone gets one free pass with that rule as long as they pay immediately after it's fixed. I'm not saying BtSSB's customer service is perfect, I've had a couple pretty negative experiences with them, but they definitely aren't the super evil soulless corporation she makes them out to be.

>> No.8159966


I'm with you. I don't get what they're trying to do. So Raleigh thinks the burando is good homemade, isn't she just gonna use it to advertise that her patterns work? What's the punchline? Even when you post that they were burando all along she can delete your big reveal, screencap the previous ones where you lied, and use that to boost her "success". It's not funny if we're just giving her (fake) pics to advertise to newbies that her patterns work.

imo it's much more obvious if you start posting burando stock/ad photos and ask her for patterns for making those. When she inevitably posts a mainstream pattern, nitpick it and say you don't know how to alter the pattern. That way you're actually making the point that her patterns don't work.

>> No.8159969

Not a gift per se, but my collection of brand and indie brand plastic bags is getting pretty big, so since I remember how much I liked getting secondhand purchases in them when I was just starting out, I started sending some of my secondhand stuff in them. Just thought it'd be a nice gesture, but didn't expect this (a while back).

>sell Bodyline dress and offbrand wig to a girl
>she doesn't have much feedback, seems pretty new
>have an AP plastic bag I don't really like the design of so I wrap it in that
>a week later she messages me thanking me profusely
>turns out I made some newbie's day

>> No.8159970


aigh it turned into a rant midway. The "you" after the first sentence is directed at the stupid person doing the supposed "trolling" and people like >>8159864. Sorry.

>> No.8160064
File: 195 KB, 772x902, bonnet maybe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a stupid question but does this kind of headdress have a name.
It's like a really big rectangle headdress, or almost a bonnet?

>> No.8160109

Birthday's coming up, so does anyone have any suggestions for small items I can ask for from technophobic relatives that want birthday gift ideas? I had a list for Christmas but I've had most of them either bought for me or I bought myself with the money.

My original list included new small make-up things, slippers, rose clips, a dressing gown, cute gloves, a winter jumper and false lashes, all of which I've now got. I've kind of got no idea what to suggest for my birthday, since the amount I can expect people to spend on me is pretty low since I'm an adult now, and only a couple of my relatives are tech-savvy enough for Amazon. I thought of asking for more black opaque tights, but got told that was boring. Lace tights maybe? I asked for a ruffly parasol available in my country but they baulked at the price.

>> No.8160122

I don't think anyone really cares about proving Raleigh wrong or trapping her. We all know she's a loon. I posted at first because I wanted to see if Raleigh would even notice what was going on and I thought we might get another funny rant if she did. I also thought maybe she would gush over the dresses and offer "improvements" which would also be funny.
Too bad she did neither, oh well it was still fun when it was happening, I was laughing for awhile.

>> No.8160130

Pretty teacups or teapots maybe? There is a risk of them not being to your taste, but it's an idea.

>> No.8160150


>> No.8160164

Pots and pans, towels etc

Like do you have any house hold items you need?

>> No.8160167


There was this one time when my car radio broke down, so I told my friends and family that for my birthday, I would appreciate gifts, but I would appreciate a monetary contribution towards the car radio fund as well. It's a bit of a diplomatic thing to ask for money instead of a gift (I played the "car radio would be used everyday rather than ten small different trinkets" card), but I did get enough to fix my car radio. I'm not sure how to word it just right for asking for funds for a ruffly parasol, though.

Another time this relative was kinda religiously conservative, and would pass judgement on some of the frivolous things I like, but their moral compass insisted they owed me a small gift anyway, which always meant a bit of a mess when they asked me what I wanted as a gift. So I ended up asking them to make a donation in my name, they picked the charity and the amount, and gave me the receipt afterwards. Not lolita-related, and I ended up getting nothing, but I avoided a fight and helped out someone else in need, so I think that's a pretty good solution.

>> No.8160172
File: 136 KB, 480x360, T2DkacXGFaXXXXXXXX-136061026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldschool rectangle headdresses were this wide and lacy (although still different-looking, because the cloth rectangle in the middle was wider, whereas these are almost entirely lace), but I don't think there's a specific word for it.

Thanks for reminding me to check Ciciwork for new stock though, anon.

>hairbow in the shape of bat wings
>black rose eyepatch

Especially hyped for the eyepatch, because they're selling it for like $6 and I'd always thought if I wanted one I'd have to pay $40+ for an AatP one because there aren't any indie brands doing them at the moment and I can't into crafting.

>> No.8160178


That's the point, though. The "trolling" was unintelligent and pointless, so I don't find it funny at all.

>> No.8160186

I might ask for that, thanks anon. I could actually do with some new mugs since I broke two in one week, which fits in with what >>8160164 suggested.

The large items I'm getting are from my parents, which is a bicycle and replacement good headphones, but most of my other relatives won't spend more than $10-15 so I can't really ask them for household things unless they're really small. And no, >>8160150, they won't give me cash.

The charity one's a good idea actually anon, I have one relative who gives me money and then complains it if I spend it on utilitarian things, but also complains if I spend it on anything she views as frivolous, which is virtually everything - except eating out because food is an essential, but she also dislikes that if it's at anywhere she views as bad value for money, which is most places (but she'd be offended if I spent it on grocery shopping). She likes animals so I might ask for a donation to an animal shelter this year.

>> No.8160194

humor is subjective, anon.

>> No.8160216

When I have to come up with lists like this I try and incorporate things for my lolita wardrobe like berets, earmuffs, over-knee socks and tights. I also put booze, cheese, chocolate and asian snacks on the list and any small sewing items I need like pins or scissors.

>> No.8160225

Yeah, problem is the only item my lolita wardrobe could do with more of that can be bought in normal stores is tights at the moment, and my relatives told me tights are boring presents. I hadn't thought of berets...maybe I could ask for berets and turtlenecks in colours that would coord with more casual stuff in my wardrobe, and start doing more casual coords, but the ones I get might not be loliable enough.

Sewing items are a brilliant idea though anon, I'd totally forgotten about that. I'd like another type of foot for my machine and a replacement needle for it.

>> No.8160229

Hmm okay, most of them just look like rectangle headdresses but some of them look almost like bonnets from the front.
I saw this yesterday when I was looking at the shop since you're interested in eyepatches. (They have a ton of cute hats, too)

>> No.8160233

Thanks anon!

>> No.8160305

How long into a transaction should you wait before giving up?
>a dream dress
>contact started in late December
>seller responds maybe once a week, if not longer
>info exchanged, still waiting though
>bf says to give up, if she's taking this long to respond to emails the dress will probably take its sweet time arriving, possibly even long after the Paypal coverage time frame
>if she even sends it
I get that people can be busy, but I guess it just feels like a little much and like I'm being strung along. I'm used to contact being smooth and much faster than this.

>> No.8160326

I'm sorry anon but it might be time to move on. Waiting since December is a long time especially when the only thing you've been doing is talking. At least get upfront with her and ask what she is so busy with that she can take over a week sometimes more to reply back to you. Imagine how much of a hassle it would be if she sent the package out or you got the dress and then there were issues with the mail or dress. If you don't want to be mean that's fine but be firm and let her know that if the transaction doesn't hurry up you're going to have to take your business elsewhere.

>> No.8160327
File: 988 KB, 500x245, 1412720947805.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be newbie
>buy Baby dress NWT from a brand reseller
>it arrives in a HeartE bag

>> No.8160335

Kinda a strange idea but if you have an aunt or grandmother (or your mom) that you get along with and think would like to see more of you a trip together to an antiques mall might be a nice present to suggest. You can find lots of really cute things for Lolita there and have a bit of binding at the same time.

This could be a super awkward thing to suggest as well so I leave it to your discretion.

>> No.8160339

Bonding not binding ugh

>> No.8160359

Seagulls, how would you respond to someone who messages you asking if you could sell them a dress you bought? Is it rude to ask?

>> No.8160380

Just say that if they ever consider selling it you would like to have first dibs. Moderately rude to say "you just bought this dress, sell it to me" but if you tell them that *if* they sell it you want it, that is perfectly fine.

>> No.8160426

How long does it take AP USA to process orders? I ordered on the 2nd and paid for the more expensive shipping option and was hoping to get my order by friday.

>> No.8160497

I think it's rude. I would not like it if someone did this.

>> No.8160498

That is totally rude. Don't feel like you have to respond to them.

>> No.8160538

Depends on their wording and offer, if any. I'd just politely let them know it's not for sale.
IDK, I don't think it's that rude if you're offering a lot for it. Like, if a girl just buys Puppet Circus for $1000 and you offer her $1500 for it.

>> No.8160552

Have you sent her money yet? If not, I would just give up and look elsewhere. Anyone who takes that long to message you is most likely a terrible seller. If you have sent money, I would suggest filing a dispute.

>> No.8160643

Posted about this in pricecheck, but yeah. Immortal Eden is mind bogglingly popular in Japan/China, and I knew that, but holy shit. I guess it's true that's the most popular colorway and it doesn't pop up often though.

>> No.8160685

Dayum. I though Gloria and Bride of Death were the only AatP prints that resold at a grand.

>> No.8160692

>spoiler: they aren't
Except that the reason it's that much is because of the 21 bids that made it that way.

>> No.8160706

Awesome! I've had a pair of your tights that have lasted me over two years and are still in good condition. You're a great artist and deserve better than having Hot Topic shamelessly rip off your work.

>> No.8160786

i like bambi dresses best

>> No.8160842

I know this is the lolita general, but is 21 too old to start out with roma gyaru? I've tried a lot of jfashion styles but in the end this is the one I feel most comfy in. I just don't want to end up with a closet full of clothes I have to stop wearing after a year.

>> No.8160844

Japonica do mark down items? At least for me they do

>> No.8160855

I don't really ever get these is ____ too old to wear ____ questions. I think what it boils down to, is do you look like an old hag yet or no? Certain styles of j-fashion are more suited to younger girls/women sure, but I think the biggest thing is if you don't look old then you're good.

>> No.8160959

can i get some top-tier petti suggestions (a-line and cupcake? price doesn't matter. prefer to buy direct without SS.

what i own:
those vivcore pettis from back in the day
KKJJ petti
shitty leg avenue pettis for layering

what i have owned in the past:
cp a-line petti- did not live up to the hype
those $50 bodyline pettis (i forget the name), not fluffy enough at all
various baby and ap pettis- better suited for light-med poof

>> No.8160976

Actually, that style of headdress is really recent and like the ones Baby is currently putting out.

>> No.8161008

The two times I used them they didn't, and I live in an EU country with high customs. In fact, they rounded the price on the parcel up to the nearest 500 yen.

>> No.8161021

I've never owned a CP A-line but I think their bell is pretty worth the hype. I've heard Bunny House do good ones but they're tulle, which will deflate with time, whereas in a couple of years my Classical Puppets ones haven't deflated at all.

>> No.8161032

I wanted to watch that video about the South Korean lolita-mom who owned a load of dresses and went to a meet up with the designer for Baroque. I know it was taken off of youtube not long after it was uploaded, but I wonder if there's another way to watch it.

>> No.8161040

How did your Vivcore/Malco Modes ones hold up? Afaik, those are still out-puffing anything else available.

>> No.8161054
File: 245 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_nkptkgCVLM1toqcu2o2_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just popped up on my dash, they took their engagement pictures in lolita
>tfw you will never have a cute gf to dress up with
>let alone get married to

>> No.8161062

Aaarghhh all of my gelatin

>> No.8161064

not sure if brolita or lesbians

>> No.8161073

the classical puppets petti that seems to be the best is their fluffy cupcake one. i have the a-line and it's okay but not fantastic, so i too want to hear some good a-line petti suggestions

>> No.8161074

I wonder if both of them marrying have more in common than just lolita.

How long were they dating before they got engaged?

>> No.8161085


It's been about 1 year or so since they got engage, they dated for a year before that. I know I don't want to put their business out there,but I know they truly love each other.etcetc.

>> No.8161088

Do you have one? I ordered one because none of the reviews I read mentioned that they're tulle. It hasn't arrived yet.

>> No.8161092

This is really cute, can't be mad

>> No.8161107

So awesome they are getting married soon.

I just watched 'When Harry Met Sally' which is such a great film about friendships and love. I wished there was a lolita version of that film.

>> No.8161111 [DELETED] 

Daily reminder that woody allen molested his daughter and married his adopted daughter

>> No.8161113

Very cute, pretty shit photo though. Looks like it was taken with a phone from 2010

>> No.8161117 [DELETED] 

Woody Allen wasn't even involved with the film. I think you're mistaking it with Annie Hall.

>> No.8161130
File: 84 KB, 640x960, 10672180_1586561974893255_2853719617189730303_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their photographer is questionable, I think, but still cute nonetheless. My jelly levels are through the roof

>> No.8161151

I have one from Bunny House and it is not tulle. It's organza like the Classical Puppets one. I bought a size M poof and it is SO poofy! Sometimes too poofy and I try to squish it down. It won't deflate. Really the best cupcake petticoat I have.

>> No.8161178

>tfw you will never have a cute lolita gf to dress up with -
>but anon you're straight
>tfw you will never have a cute kodona/ouji bf to dress up with either

>> No.8161188

Are Beth and Victorian Maiden connected in anyway? Like, the way AatP and BtSSB are sister brands? I'm new to classic and don't now a lot abut those brands.

>> No.8161194

>tfw you will never have a cute lolita bf to dress up with who looks more like a girl than you do but is actually packing an eight inch dick

>> No.8161199

Are these girls from Boston? I met a girl named Ashley a few times active in the Boston comm who likes the clit and the girl on the right looks like she could be her.

>> No.8161204


New Orleans,but the one on the left is from California.

>> No.8161206

Yes, Beth is Victorian Maiden's casual wear brand.

>> No.8161344

I hate seeing scalpers so fucking much
>asking $200 for a dress you can buy rn for half that.
So dirty.

>> No.8161415

Different anon, but I'm glad that Beth is back. I remember hearing about VM shutting that collection a while back.

>> No.8161421

Same. I gave into buying an over-priced head-bow because it was the only thing I could find that would match my jsk. I've been searching for a year through sales and auctions with little avail. I really didn't want to go through making a head-bow with my waist-ties because it was a pain in the ass last time I did that.

On top of the price, the seller wanted to add onto a surprisingly heavy shipping price for a very light-weight item, and iirc, we may live in different states, but we're in the same time-zone. I've shipped vinyls across the country for less than the shipping fee she's asking for,

>this better be expedited shipping

>> No.8161436

Anon, 21 is so young and i know there are many gyaru wearing the fashion past 30s so you don't have to worry. I started wearing Lolita at age 23 and now i'm 24 i'm not gonna stop, i would also wear pastel soft sister stuff and otome as well. I'm not gonna stop even if i pass my 30s. Go for it, anon!

>> No.8161437

Call her out on it IMO.

>> No.8161549

Would it be more cost effective to order through Baby via a shopping service for a pair of socks? I believe they charge at least 1500 yen for shipping which is a bit much for socks (although it's EMS).

>> No.8161563

it might be, i ordered a barrette and it was 1600y shipping.. total came out to be around $50 urgh

on a side note, does anyone know if baby charges shipping for each reservation item as they are released? or will they hold everything to ship together?

>> No.8161585

Take into account that JPY is super low right now so 100000 is around 850USD/5500CNY which isn't that outrageous, but pretty rare for Immortal Eden

>> No.8161634


It's the EMS shipping rates, they start at 900yen to ship nearly nothing to nearly next door. If you go through a shopping service, you need to pick one that does SAL, and pick one that's willing to do all the work with minimal fees. It's still likely to cost you also as much as the socks do, though, on account of needing to pay for shipping within Japan on top of SS fees and SAL fees, though not as much as straight up EMS shipping.

The cheapest way to do it is to do a haul/spree, preferably with a group order so that you can split the shipping with other people. Or wait until you see a jsk or something bigger you don't mind paying shipping for, and toss the socks in with it.

>> No.8161653

The LiveJournal-a-few-years-ago quality really helped to reduce my jelly. Good for them though.
>tfw no lesbian lolita gf to twin with

>> No.8161674

Which is the best heavy arms friendly brand for blouses and cardigans? I narrowed it down to IW and Meta, or am I cursed to stick with BL and indiebrand forever?

I own a BTSSB blouse which fits fine but the elastics on the sleeves are uncomfortable as hell, beside that they give me a sasuge arm look. Taking out the elastics would makes the sleeves too long, which they already are.

I don't want to go back to BL&Co since the brand blouses are much more beautiful.

>> No.8161700

I think Meta would work. Not all of their blouses are great, but most of them are pretty forgiving and I remember that for some of them you can just adjust the armhole button for a bigger fit.

>> No.8161723

Alllllll of my jellies to whoever snatched up Celestial on CC

>> No.8161746

Since dream marine releasing way earlier than I budgeted for I'm gunna have to skip it

Any idea yet about resell value for the JSK? I'm hoping no more than $400 for the set (damned scalped prices are going to kill me.)

>> No.8161758

Fuck you made me think it was released today.
>sage for OT

>> No.8161772

Lol sorry anon
My wording is spaghetti

>Sage as well

>> No.8161784

>Taking out the elastics would makes the sleeves too long

If you can sew, take out the elastics, then pintuck them. Fold the sleeve into itself (like, stuff the cuffs back into the armhole), make a neat folded edge, and sew a narrow line. Then pull out the sleeve again. Repeat if it's still too long. Just be careful to fold left and right sides the same distance and sew them the same width.

>> No.8162026

losing weight is an option.

>> No.8162065

You can buy it right now? Thought it had sold out.

>> No.8162166

chunky arms =/= fat person

>> No.8162181

I want to preorder an item from To Alice (taobao) but how i can do that? I have to use the usual shopping service? There is a cute bunny skirt i want.

>> No.8162206

New general

>> No.8162235

Acgh, I hate confrontations, but I already messaged her. I had a feeling that something off is going to happen since apparently, she has two negative reviews as a seller on LM.

Seriously though, what do you think about this deal:

>$30 brand bow,my seller bought it second-hand from original seller
>charge $7 for shipping
(did not clarify which one - also, it's not like you need a box and bubble wrap for it)
>$1 pp fees

This is kind of why I've avoided LM and the comm_sales, and the J-auctions are now my baby.

>> No.8162887

These prices seem fairly normal...? I mean, not an amazing deal but $30 for a brand headbow is typical and a small flatrate box is $6ish, right? Maybe gas money/packing tape/wrap in there somewhere, idk. Doesn't seem like a ripoff though, just average.

Charging PP fees openly is against LM rules now, though. You're supposed to factor them into your item price.

>> No.8165049

I think it is. I started a lolita instagram which thne became a penpal instagram as well... and i still feel bad that im spamming lolitas with postcards and letters....or penpals with lolita images.

>> No.8165079

not calling it a hawaiian shirt and spelling it muumuu. hawaiifag?

>> No.8165226

It's the only one currently.

>> No.8165422

Anyone else lag so hard during the release that they couldn't even buy anything by the time the cart loaded? :(

>> No.8165576

I did that a few times. It was all I had ;_;

>> No.8165591

Does CC update on specific days?

>> No.8165596


Thursdays and Sundays.