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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 169 KB, 500x728, dear celine floral high waist skirt loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8149307 No.8149307 [Reply] [Original]

Con't from >>8144938

>Girl complains about people assuming she likes various aspects of Japanese pop culture and fashion because she wears lolita, goes as well as you might expect. Thread is basically over now.
>Raleigh "let me spam the comments with my shitty sewing patterns group even when it has nothing to do with anything" Wood is banned from Rufflechat and is having a small bitchfit in her group.
>New lolita sewing group emerges from the unanimous hatred of Pintucks & Lace, "Lolita Sewing Collective"

>> No.8149316
File: 70 KB, 444x366, keke cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that every time I see this girl post she goes out of her way to act like a huge bitch for no apparent reason

>> No.8149319
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>> No.8149363

All right guys, awesome to see so many of what I assume are gulls joining.

I updated the tutorial/resource list on the sticky, and added one mod. Still looking for more mods, more tutorial ideas, and anything you think should be included in the FAQ.

>> No.8149372

another anon posted that they're in the same state as Troll-Raleigh. I am too, but I'm not in any comms. No info amongst the NC comm-lolitas?

>> No.8149376

not sure if it's been mentioned already, but I would love to see tutorials for those babydoll/trapeze/sack type chiffon dresses AP makes. Also perhaps tips or maybe beginner patterns for people not necessarily new to sewing (but not a highly skilled seamstress) but new to sewing lolita clothing.

>> No.8149396

They think being rude is cool, makes people think you are baddased and so edgy desu.
I take the opposite in most of my comments and I am pretty sure people think I am either very young/retarded.

>> No.8149416

Hi! I'm the other mod! I'm actually in the works of knocking off AP's sack dress so i can have a more casual dress. I do these kinds of things for funsies every once and a while.

I'll definitely be posting it once I get it worked out, but I'll keep an eye out and post to the page if I ever see anything like that!

>> No.8149434

I'm in two NC comms but Ive not been to a meetup yet

I've never seen her in either comm facebook group, though. No idea who she is.

>> No.8149437

awesome! can't wait to see how it turns out in the future!

perhaps in the group we could also have like...a collection of resources of loliable fabric, either interesting plain fabrics (maybe a store is selling a particularly nice chiffon) or cute. suitable commercial print fabrics people have come across. I know I'm always looking out to see if there are any nice print fabrics that I should make a simple skirt from. also, lace resources as well!

>> No.8149438

c-could you post some progress pictures?

>> No.8149441

As soon as we are settled a bit, how about a spring group project, a sew-along?

>> No.8149445

I love the fabric idea, I have a bunch of sites saved that I could add to a list like that for sure. We have a doc going with suggestions from you guys, gonna implement everything that is practical to add.

I'd love to do a simple sew-along, might be a good thing to do while we gain momentum.

I'm heading to bed now, but pattern-chan will be up for a bit longer, and we'll be keeping track of any gull suggestions. I'm really excited about how this is coming together!

>> No.8149465

yes! I did draft it before, but I gave my first draft to a friend as a present. so this time, I'll be starting from scratch!

it's kind of on the back-burner because I'm making my final year collection, but these kinds of things are my "wind down" projects, so you should see it soon enough.

I love these ideas! I've been excitedly writing down everyone's feedback.

some time in the following weeks I'm going to be adding some basic sewing stuff like my recommended sewing and patternmaking books and essential supplies I love. we really want this to be a well rounded group that can be beneficial to a lot of lolitas at different levels. and we really appreciate all feedback.

I'm really excited about this group and I'm so happy that sewing-chan has invited me along!

>> No.8149630
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I am so excited for this sewing group you guys have no idea

>> No.8149649


Wow this Keke is a bag full of crazy.

>> No.8149717

back on the name thing from the last thread, it might be better to pick another one. The lolita collective is a decent group shop that sells indie lolita from a lot of different makers at conventions and online. They have a pretty strong foot hold in the US indie market, and so it might be awkward if you are unaffiliated, but have the same name, and some of those indie designers join your group as well...

>> No.8149722

sources for high quality trim and ribbons would be good too. I'm not a lolita seamstress, but I make my own accessories sometimes and it can be hit or miss buying lace and ribbon on taobao.

>> No.8149805

I find it really humorous and out the petite lolita group. I'm 5ft and every lolita jsk/skirt I've had has hit the correct place

>> No.8149831


Where can I find this group? I'm 5'1 and curious.

>> No.8149841

It's Petite Lolitas United on FB. They say 5'5" and under which is bullshit.

>> No.8149851


Why is that bullshit?

>> No.8149864

5'5" is a giant/average, technically 5'3" is considered petite.

>> No.8149875

Ahh I see. Yeah, that's quite tall compared to 5'3" and under.

Hmm, no result show up when I search for this group on fb, and also when I google it. Weird.

>> No.8149880

It's not petit at all. National average for America is 5'4 I think. You might even argue that you need to be under the Japanese/Asian average for the group to make any sense.

>> No.8149935

Hey guys in the Lolita Sewing Collective can you pretty please join Raleigh's group and make sure you make tons of comments casually mentioning the collective? The irony would tickle my fancy

>> No.8149944

5'3'' to 5'5'' is like the perfect height for lolita. It's fine to make a group for smaller girls, because they do have problems with dresses being too big, but 5'5'' is not petite or short at all. It'd have to be for girls 5 foot and under or something similar.

>> No.8150018

How about adding more specifics, like "Lolita Sewing and Patterning Collective"? I feel like that would be pretty hard to confuse.

>> No.8150090

That would be fucking retarded. You want shitty seamstresses to join the group?

>> No.8150099

Technically, we DO want shitty seamstresses to join, with the intention of teaching them through con-crit and solid advice. I'm sure most of them will flounce after the first post shows them the lack of asspatting, but we don't want to exclude newbies, we want to teach them.

>> No.8150116

as a noob, I appreciate this!

>> No.8150119

I want to join this group so bad what's it called? I wasn't in the previous thread..

>> No.8150121

I'm in Raleigh's group and I'm not a shitty seamstress. I think I said this in the other thread but I joined before I realized what a goofball she is. Then once I learned the truth, I stayed to watch the drama. I find her delusional posts amusing, what can I say?

>> No.8150158

Currently it's called "Lolita Sewing Collective", but it may be slightly revised out of confusion concerns that people have brought up.

>> No.8150160

would it be ok to start a WIP thread? :o

>> No.8150178

I like you, Sewing-chan.

>> No.8150195

Go for it!

>> No.8150246
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>> No.8150251

Why the fuck does there need to be a group for short lolitas
Also I love how pathetic they're being about it
"Finally a safe place~"
Short people were unsafe before

>> No.8150261

That wouldn't even be okay if that was HKD. If that is 400 USD and she paid that for real (I'm gonna assume she's lying) then she is definitely handicapped.

>> No.8150264

What is her group? Is she throwing a hissy for being kicked from RC?

>> No.8150276

>Paid over 400$ for it.
>for a handmade item
what. she must be lying, theres no way a sane human being would pay a brand dress price for a shitty piece of trash like that.

>> No.8150277


That seemed pretty tongue in cheek to me, but I could be wrong.

Most of the comments were "Why fucking bother?"

>> No.8150286


Yeah, with a Japanese height average of 5'2" we're totes unsafe and discriminated against in lolita.

>> No.8150289
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>> No.8150294

Lolita Fashion Sewing Pattern Review

Those were her comments to that Katie girl (the one who wrote the "how dare people assume I like anime" Rufflechat post) joining the group.

>> No.8150295


Christ she's mad.

>> No.8150300

wow, ass-pained much? This chick is unbelievable. Still not sure if troll, or too stupid and immature to live.

>> No.8150327

I am a shitty seamstress (taking an apparel production course, won't be so bad for long) trying to finish up a dress I am working on. I joined the group so I could get crit on it that is better than p&l.

>> No.8150328

Unrelated ranting is so ladylike though.

>> No.8150350
File: 87 KB, 430x395, raleigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raleigh is still fucking going you guys

>> No.8150355

mfw I just used that coat pattern sew-along for a cosplay commission. Those sew-along videos can be incredibly helpful...

>> No.8150402
File: 1.71 MB, 500x278, 1414095682928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw, watching how buttravaged she's acting.

>> No.8150403

But she was posting like...red riding hood costumes. Those need more than...whatever the fuck an "insert" is. This girl is downright nuts.

>> No.8150415

This woman is extremely unbalanced...

>> No.8150452

The reason why sewing-chan originally chose the name, Lolita Sewing Collective, was because it was short, to the point, and easy to remember.

the other names that were rolling around were long and just sounded wrong. I don't see the issue with using the word "collective" seeing as it's a common word, but I do understand the worry for confusion. like sewing-chan said, it may be revised.

>> No.8150464

I am so glad I decided to join her group a while back. I'm fucking loving this.

>> No.8150505


i honestly dont see the name as an issue. I knew about lolita collective already and it didnt even come to mind when i saw your group name. They dont have a monopoly on the word "collective" lol

in case anyone is wondering, her group is public so you dont need to join to see these posts

>> No.8150530
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>> No.8150535
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>> No.8150536
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>> No.8150542
File: 28 KB, 522x192, start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is the cause of the previous post. But seriously how hard is it to get back to someone who asks about an item you're selling? You have time to bump the post but not to reply to someone

>> No.8150576

what group is this?

>> No.8150644

Fairy Kei Sales

>> No.8150678
File: 1.59 MB, 1230x927, tumblr_n522akaKOC1r3mpygo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um, so sewing-chan, I mostly sew lolita replicas in 1/4th scale, would it be on-topic enough to post them to the group?

>> No.8150684

Why do you do this? Where do you get the fabric?

>> No.8150690

yooooooooo 1/4 you say? Do you have a blog or something, Because I'd love to get some pieces if you do custom orders.

>> No.8150691
File: 137 KB, 480x640, 14081216232_29f5c07034_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That particular one I re-vectored myself and printed through spoon flower
And because I like my bjd to be cute as hell.

>> No.8150702
File: 68 KB, 489x960, 10933997_10153019855177594_3785971903670761945_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a very inactive tumblr ( imaginarytailoring.tumblr.com/ ) and sometimes I do sewing posts on DoA (denofangels.com/forums/member.php/65097-ImaginaryAlice) (I can send invites if anyone wants) but I'm really bad at posting the stuff I make because I'm shit at taking photos. And also work a lot and never have time to finish shit.
I should also say the cotton print from >>8150691 is from joanns and the print in this photo was chiffon from fabric.com

>> No.8150753
File: 10 KB, 301x201, capcha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's at least two members of the Lolita Collective in the Lolita Sewing Collective group so unless they have messaged you asking you to change the name, they must be cool with it. They seem like chill people (they are both in my comm) so it's probably fine!

>> No.8150758

THAT IS ADORABLE. I say it's relevant enough as long as you only post your Lolita-specific BJD stuff, so please share!

Good to hear! I've become rather attached to the current name at this point, so we'll stick with it for now.

>> No.8150793

I'm in the NC comms and have never heard of her or met her, and can confirm that she's not in either comm.

>> No.8150850

So cute, and I'm already on DoA myself, though I don't use it much besides for the marketplace or to oogle the modding threads.

>> No.8150908

What style of dolls are those?

>> No.8150910

im 4'11" what would that make me

>> No.8150954

Yeah, it is a really good resource and I should post more but I don't haha.
This particular doll is a 1/4 asian Ball jointed doll(Bjd) by Luts (eluts.com) She is the Aru sculpt. The /toy/ thread on the subject will be more help >>4745220

>> No.8150955

Let me fail at cross linking some more, you can find the /toy/ thread hear >>>/toy/4745220

>> No.8151069

I'm not a big doll expert, I just sort of enjoy it casually, but I would love to have something extra cute to dress my Pullip up in! Do you ever do anything of that size?

>> No.8151072

a cutie patootie

>> No.8151103
File: 542 KB, 500x668, 1356623141476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, wait, wait... so she's calling rufflechat ignorant, when she didn't even know what a cutsew actually was?

>> No.8151112

Pullips are way to small for me to work with personally, but AP, and innocent world have both done dolls/dresses for them?

>> No.8151226

One inch above legally qualifying as a dwarf.

>> No.8151257

lately i've been posting long replies to newbies in facebook groups asking for advice. i really hope they take my advice to heart and that i'm not wasting my time. in the back of my head i just have an image of them replying and being like "haha thanks anon! will do (:" and then they finish their first coord and it's ita as hell.

>> No.8151329

I'm sure she's convinced she's right still. Given her weird rant about "inserts" not being an alteration to a pattern. If you add an insert that wasn't there before, I'm pretty sure that's an alteration...

>> No.8151330
File: 373 KB, 485x640, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that she keeps bumping this. No one its gonna pay twice the amount that a brand new DoL is worth!

>> No.8151369

I think so too. I'm amused by the fact that she seems to think that venting to her group of ~375 people is a significant number of people.

Also, I don't even really sew, I only make small accessories, and I just live with a seamstress and I still can catch a bunch of issues in basic stuff she's saying, which really kinda concerns me...

>> No.8151685

It's fucking HUGE too

>> No.8151689

>46" Minimum.
Geeze, I'm a chunky girl and my boobs still aren't that big.

>> No.8151795


Pretty certain they were just salty because there is a tall lolitas group and they couldn't be special snowflakes

>> No.8151840

>military frock coat Lolita fashion sewing pattern album
Why say it in three words when you can say it in eight?

>> No.8151864

Holy fuck, this is huge. At my fattest my boobs were 47, but my waist would have been swimming in this.

Seriously, if you're this big, please concentrate on losing weight and getting healthy. Not dying early from health complications is more important than fashion.

>> No.8151868

>62" maximum bust/waist
>i am 62" (~157cm) tall
holy fuck how is this possible

>> No.8151911

You'd be able to wrap your entire body around her

>> No.8151912

What freaks me out the most is that it's two inches longer than my measuring tape.

>> No.8151916

Why are you ripping off brand designs and making/selling mini doll dress brand replicas? Do you not know its art theft and shitty thing to do, profit off someone else's design? Fuck no, don't put this shit in the new sewing group. You shouldn't be doing it at all.

>> No.8151923

I've wondered this too so I put it to the test and followed up with a couple. 9/10 just want attention and to talk about their grand lolita plans, which rarely even materialize. I'll occasionally suggest a change in an existing coord if the rest looks good and I've seen the girl implement concrit she's been given before, otherwise I've just stopped. It's mostly a waste of time.

>> No.8151930

Speaking of loliable fabrics, does anyone know what's going on with Otsukaya's website? Literally the day I was gonna make a huge order from there the site was down and it's been like that for weeks :(

>> No.8151937

No, I am >>8149935, I just wanted her to experience people doing to her what she did in RC because it would be funny.

>> No.8151947

It's going to be funny enough when she tries to join the new group a couple of times and gets the smack-down, realizing it is not a FB malfunction. I'm betting she might make a fake account to join.
"Sewing, and I'm not there? This can't beeee!"
I may be too easily amused.

>> No.8151951

Don't worry, she's on our blacklist. It will be amusing.

So far the blacklist includes Raleigh, Nancy, and Penny... Anyone else we should include? Only people who are seriously annoying or consistently give bad advice.

>> No.8151954

If she's a troll and watching this, I have to give her props for being very entertaining. I missed EGL with its regular and easy-to-recognize, long-winded answer weirdos like __ifwinterends

>> No.8151977

stay salty. i think it's cute, and an admin already approved her to be in the group

>> No.8151983

Not the salty anon but why is this okay and regular replicas not?

>> No.8151988

I personally feel like doll clothes fall under artistic license, like fanart of a print. That's why I allowed it. It's being made for fun, not for profit.

>> No.8151990

she didn't say she sold the replicas, from what i can glean from the thread they're for personal use. someone asked her about commissions but they didn't specifically say they wanted a replica

>> No.8152053

Brands sell doll versions of some of their dresses, license others and they are usually expensive and sought after. I don't think they'd like to see their fabric print designs ripped off for doll dresses any more than they like it with human dresses. I am sorry that doesn't seem to count here but I hope you reconsider. She offers commissions and obvs. has the fabric on Spoonflower. That's not personal use.

>> No.8152076

This. Brand doll dresses can easily cost the same as a human one.

>> No.8152080

Probably pretty disgusting

>> No.8152088

Well great, way to ask opinions on other important stuff and just let this pass when it's a pretty divided topic, sewing-chan. If you allow shit made with tiny replica fabric, why not just welcome regular replicas too. So much for the new group's integrity.

>> No.8152090

Not mention that they are almost always Limited Edition. So making more with knock off fabric cheapens the whole idea. Nope. Not for me.

>> No.8152093

Reporting to Spoonflower for copyright infringement and to DoA for bootleg making, and offering to hand out invites to people you do not know. All of these activities are against those sites' TOS. Fuck this shit.

>> No.8152101

I'm 5'4" and if anything, brand tends to be a bit short on me...

>> No.8152105

Where is your proof that she sells the fabric on spoonflower and doesn't use it to print things just for herself? And where is your proof that she offers replica commissions and not other kinds of commissions?

>> No.8152124

Anon never said she sells the mini-brand print dresses. She also makes doll dresses from commercially available fabric, so if she wanted to sell them she could just use that.

>> No.8152128

Proof? Rationality? But we're trying to start a self-righteous witch hunt here!

>> No.8152131


>> No.8152149

I guess if there isn't any proof then there's nothing to report so - ? If there is, there will be. Either way, not into dolls or replica stuff so not really a thing for me.

>> No.8152159

Not that anon but it actually is against the TOS of Spoonflower to even upload copyrighted designs of others.

>> No.8152165

she is actually scaling down glb and otome no sewing patterns, which are pretty much replicas of brand patterns.

from a personal standpoint, I don't believe replicas are ok. However, she never expressed that she sold replicas Only that she made them for her dolls for personal use. Also i believe she has something to offer to the group if she has so masterfully scaled a pattern down that much. That sort of thing takes skill and we appreciate those who can offer skills to the group.

>> No.8152179

She probably just scales them up from the pattern piece diagrams, they are much closer to doll size. That's what most good doll clothing makers learn to do quickly and easily. There are lots of tutorials on it if one is interested.

>> No.8152185

Is this chick for real? She also made a post bashing corsets, then posts a corset pattern, then says she doesn't corset because she has a 25" waist but she has lots of corsets she does not wear. All in the same post!

>> No.8152186

What about using secondhand unwanted replicas for sewing practice? I picked up one for cheap (cheaper than secondhand bodyline, she didn't seem to be into replicas, so I figure she was trying to offload it fast) with the intention of practicing drastic altering on it because I don't care if I fuck it up and have to trash it. I know their existence pisses some people off, so I don't want to bring that drama in if it will go stupid.

>> No.8152190

Honestly didn't realize there was a potential for it to be a problem, I assumed it was for personal use only and didn't know about the rest of it. I think it's fine for her to be in the group, but we can ask her not to share any print replicas. She is a gull, after all, I'm sure she'll understand.

>> No.8152193

Well that doesn't really seem fair to people like this anon >>8152186

>> No.8152201

Well, I didn't even include any replica rules in the guidelines because the group doesn't allow sales, so it didn't even occur to me that it would need to be addressed. It would be much easier to deal with it on a case-by-case basis.

>> No.8152203

Nah, I understand if she doesn't want me to bring my altering practice replica in there if it's unwanted drama. If I need advice I can just ask generic questions without pics. Not getting feedback on visuals would suck, but I'm sure there's one or two people I could ask privately.

>> No.8152206

if someone wants to get sewing critique/help or show what they've done and they're not trying to make a profit or sell replicas then i dont see what th ebig deal is honestly. i really wouldnt mind helping you out if i saw you were trying to just recycle some old replica >>8152203

>> No.8152210

Yeah, I have no intention of ever selling it. It is out if the market and wil become victim to my sewing machine of doom (although I hope I don't fuck it up cause I do want this idea to work)

>> No.8152240

Fair enough, thank you.

>> No.8152244

Replica topics of most any kind always go stupid.

>> No.8152248

This chick is stupid and crazy. At least IWE was intelligent in her batshittery. Wonder where she went?

>> No.8152276
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>Lots of salt about dolls while I was out
Um, ok then. To be clear, I am not currently excepting commissions, I have an etsy but I have nothing listed and probably will not in the future because tbh my sewing is not that good/professional in general. I also don't sell fabric on spoonflower.

My apologies, man, I did not realize there would be a big fuss over doll dresses, if I make any future print stuff it will not be in the group. Just want to talk about sewing and lolita stuff with others regardless of what scale it is in?

I usually just draft my own doll patterns, but scaling stuff is new to me for my current project. Mostly because I can never get sleeves right when I draft for some reason?
It is an interesting idea to go from the small diagrams up, I was worried about the scale being inconsistent so I just went from the human ones down for this, probably was more effort then it was worth tbh but hopefully I now have a pattern for sleeves that works.

>> No.8152366
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>> No.8152386

Apparently it is an "Alison".
All sewing patterns are technically loliable if you are prepared to alter them.

>> No.8152388

It's unclear who added that pattern, but there appears to be an issue with how patterns are displayed in the latest items feed. It looks like when you add a new thumbnail image, the image ends up in the new content feed, but the pattern listing doesn't. If you don't give the image a good name, then you of course get a bunch of gibberish filenames listed.

>> No.8152406 [DELETED] 
File: 286 KB, 1157x591, didyoueven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can click on the user name to get there profile.

>> No.8152409
File: 286 KB, 1157x591, didyoueven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can click on the user name to get their profile

>> No.8152412

If Raleigh is a god-tier troll like some think, then this might be her, since she joined lolibrary right after the RC ban. However, I won't give her that much credit, it's probably someone else uploading bs

>> No.8152420

Oh, no, I mean in real life. As in I can't confirm if it is or isn't Raleigh versus someone else based on the information available.

>> No.8152478

If that $400 hat girl still posting on LS-worldwide?

>> No.8152490
File: 40 KB, 624x225, G9mq4T7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she made a secret? The repetitive, childish insults seem in line with her ranting.

>> No.8152500

Oops I did click the name but I forgot during the time it took me to write that...
Wouldn't surprise me.

>> No.8152527

Nah, this doesn't sound like her.
She didn't include her immense rageboner for brand, "ruffle-haters" or her typical "don't get me started *grrrrrr!!* "

>> No.8152556

guys this is clearly Katie Ronald McDonald O'Dare lol

>when things get ugly

aka her recent post

>> No.8152568

Lol. Psychotic anti-replica anons are so much worse than an entitled replica noob, any day... at least the latter can change their tune eventually.

>> No.8152586

Nah, doesn't sound pompous enough to be Katie

>> No.8154013

I wish we had a getoffrufflechat comm or something, somewhere

>> No.8154031

I wish. I would start an fb group for it but..

>> No.8154043

Yea getoffegl worked well because of the anonymity.

The group might come back to life if we start posting things from fb groups there, though. Towards the end of it's heyday that's where things were going, anyway. Most of that Kai Narita post was caps from fb.

Something to consider.

>> No.8154052


One doll hobbyist to another, don't scale patterns unless you're also okay with altering the fit. The proportions seem to be different, if you compare the numbers they just don't fit.

eg- human rectangle skirt is 50cm long and 300cm wide with 70-ish cm waist. Doll size (SD13) is 20cm long and 70-100cm wide with 20cm waist.
50/20cm - 2.5 times
300/70cm - over 4 times
70/20 - 3.5 times

See, there's no set number where you can say "if you scale this down by 1/3 you'll get SD size patterns". You'll get an ill-fitted pattern instead.

>> No.8154127

Thank you for the advice!
Yeah I ended up completely tossing out the skirt pattern for a 3x gathered rectangle and did a paper mock up of the bodice...I ended up completely re-doing parts of the front for proper fit, but hear is hoping it will turn out well! I can't find my notes of exactly what I divided by but it was based on the length of her arm and worked out well I think, but we will see.

>> No.8154138

>random picture of the internet
sounds about right

>> No.8154265
File: 62 KB, 439x517, raleigh pt 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raleigh is STILL going

what is wrong with this woman

>> No.8154282

Hehe - Brand Addiction.
Poorfag detected.
Raleigh are you a butthurt poorfag?
Who can only buy 10/$1 each patterns and wish?
Wit al.l her superior knowledge and big pattern stash - where are the examples of her Great Work? I admit I'm curious who she is.

>> No.8154300

Alterations refer to all things that modify the garment, not just fitting. To alter means to change, sewing doesn't get its own special definition for the word. I've been sewing for 12 years now and I've certainly made more than just a handkerchief.

>> No.8154392

She's like the lolita equivalent of a Jehova's Witness

>> No.8154429

She's unhinged. Everything she writes is painful to read.

>> No.8154686
File: 233 KB, 720x717, 2015-03-01-18-04-31_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8154700

>Using pre-made patterns entirely as they are for lolita.

Like, fuck. I bought a Simplicity dress pattern for the bodice and have been drafting my own patterns from that ever since. If you need a pattern for any kind of skirt (Gathered, trape or pleated) you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8154702

>tfw she's in my comm

>> No.8154708

where is this?

>> No.8154741

but a mod removed it

>> No.8154746
File: 57 KB, 627x537, rufflechat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choco lolitas
A mod commented saying that she was going to remove it

>> No.8154754

>Choco Lolitas

Sounds like a breakfast cereal to me

>> No.8154761

lol wut. who posted that?

>> No.8154801

Nah, she's more like Vegan

>> No.8154828
File: 190 KB, 480x598, word vomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And she's STILL going.

>> No.8154831
File: 1.98 MB, 355x185, not_even_mad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8154835

is this the "not my cup of tea" chick or someone else?

>> No.8154842

jesus christ...
she shows no signs of slowing down. doesn't she have something better to do with her time? like actually sewing or some shit?

>> No.8154843

>still using a pun based on her own lack of spelling ability

>> No.8154844

LM has a 4-strike policy, right? I just noticed this person listing something and saw her feedback score
Is the 4-strike ban not automatic? So mods have to be actually paying attention/alerted to the fact that someone is on grounds to be banned? That seems... not a good system...

>> No.8154858

i want to get off mr. bones' wild ride

>> No.8154860

Damn, missed it, who posted it?

>> No.8154862

About that Raleigh person. I decided to look up Driftwood Manor Condominiums after noticing it's part of her fb url and is a "friend" of hers. It's apparently a horrible and cheap place to live judging by the results on google.
Think she might be an owner or lives there?

>> No.8154865


LM is such a joke right now

>> No.8154869

theres 3 for selling and 1 for buying so i dont think its 4 yet if theyre separated? unless it is done manually.

>> No.8154878

I think it was Adi Torres (sp?)

>> No.8154886


Adi Torisse? Man.... what a sketchy thing to ask.

>> No.8154888

They need to change/alter this rule. It should be 4 strikes period; that girl has some seriously awful feedback as a seller.

>> No.8154903
File: 202 KB, 445x539, marie cherie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup that's her.

Is this the same person? This is kind of a sketchy post as well

>> No.8154910


I'm in a group I think she started, I might leave then. I have no major attachment to it and no desire to interact with that.

>> No.8154915

I'm really torn because I love LM's platform, I think it's the best, easiest system we have or ever have had. But the moderation seems more lacking than egl comm sales was in its heyday, and is certainly less transparent. The lack of a way to list WTB's and WTT's doesn't help either. I really prefer LM to any other sales community though.

>> No.8154922

It was removed within 10 minutes of it being posted

>> No.8154931

>people willing to pay for a 4" long dress for a doll the same amount they'd pay for a full sized dress for themselves

That is the most autistic shit I've ever fucking read

Petite includes more than height, JS. I'm 5'6" but have otherwise petite measurements, I'd likely benefit from that group way more than tall lolitas, but weeeeeh I'm over the height limit so fuck me.

>I am as salty as the snowy roads

>> No.8154945

The tall lolitas group lets in people below the height minimum if they have tall issues. You might want to ask if you can join the petite group anyway

>> No.8154976

One day I hope to make enough to afford brand for me AND my dolls

>> No.8154990

Pissed myself lol

>> No.8154997


The brand doll dresses usually retail as a full set, including shoes, sock, dress, maybe a blouse, headwear, handbag, bloomers, petti -- seriously, everything you'd need aside from a naked doll. The price is usually equivalent to the price of just a lolita jsk. So it's not exactly "cost the same as a human dress", it's more "this FULL set costs the same as a human dress but includes everything to make an outfit, down to the innerwear and the shoes and handbag". Can't really deny that that's even cheaper than lucky packs as lucky packs don't include bloomers, petti, shoes or (actual) handbags.

Now, after release you do get people throwing money at it way over retail, but you also get lolitas throwing over $1000 at certain lolita dresses. BJDs pretty much have the same scalper problems as lolita.

>> No.8155205

yeah I know! I crack up every time she says that.

>> No.8155231

Oh my god, look her up on Facebook. She's a complete psychotic SJW who identifies as a "demiboy" and uses he / him pronouns. I feel like she posted that topic just to bait any retards into saying they prefer light skin so she can call them a colonialozed racist bigot

>> No.8155241

This Grace bitch on RC is fucking crazy. Here's to adding another name to my blacklist...

>> No.8155249

That's crossing into weird stalking behavior. Why do you need to know that information?

>> No.8155354

You should report her, I dealt with a scammer and they banned her after only 2 strikes.

>> No.8155373

I was curious why she would have an apartment complex as part of her fb profile url.
>TIL simple google results is stalking.

>> No.8155380
File: 7 KB, 492x145, loldamn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8155391

$10 says raleigh bans her for this

>> No.8155418

Maybe Cray-Ray is asleep because that thread is turning out to be pretty helpful

>> No.8155446

Here is a fun game: just read every other sentence or line. It will make just as much (non)sense as her original post.

>> No.8155544

Isn't calling a black person "chocolate" considered pretty racist?
Holy shit.
I thought this had been posted in the new lolita sewing collective group when it popped up on my feed.
This makes so much more sense now. I am cracking up.

>> No.8155546

It's not "racist" but it sure is "racist-flavored".

Like you won't be called out on it, but you will be side-eyed pretty hard

>> No.8155578

She is literally insane. (Or highly unstable at the very least)

>if you use the uwu emoticon you are an ableist jerk because people use it passive aggressively.

Among other insane rants. I wish we could just purge these self righteous freaks.

>> No.8155588

>Driftwood Manor Condominiums, 1126 Schaub Drive, Raleigh, N.C. 27606
>Raleigh Wood
Anyone else see something weird here or have I been on the /x/ board too long?

>> No.8155592

Some of the positive feedback that was left probably should have been marked as negative. Late shipping, late payments, items that smell like dog... I mean really, why is positive about this?

>> No.8155603

not really

>> No.8155606

At least 5 should be neutral or negative, why do people leave positives for crappy transactions? If something went wrong but not too seriously, sometimes I just don't leave feedback which I suppose is worse though.

>> No.8155859

I can't stop reading. This girl is like...the stereotype of tumblr trash embodied. How can someone actually believe this shit. Dear lord. I hope when she's in her late 20s she'll look back and wish she could delete her online presence. I really really hope.

>> No.8155879

I'm so out of the loop. What is the "uwu emoticon" and why is it supposedly so horrible to tumblrtards?

>> No.8155885

Holy hit, so many positive review that should have been neutral at best. Wtf.
Added to my no sell/buy list.

>> No.8155889

It's just a face. Her argument was that it's offensive because some people use it to end passive aggressive comments...because EVERYTHING IS OFFENSIVE BECAUSE WAHHH MEANIES

>> No.8155917

Nope, that's why I decided to google.
Apparently it's too stalkerish for 4chan

>> No.8155941

Can you please explain the pun? I'm not seeing it. (English is not my first language.)

>> No.8155965 [DELETED] 

Where is she even posting these now?

>> No.8155976

On her group: fb dot com slash groups/1489237964685676

>> No.8155983

English IS my first language and I can't find it lol.

>> No.8155989

The reason you are not seeing it is because it is terrible. She thinks that "rufflechaters" is how you would spell multiple people discussing things in rufflechat (should be rufflechatters) and by removing the c it becomes ruffle-haters. However if you say "chat" and "hate" aloud it sounds nothing alike, hence why it is a terrible pun. It's not so much a terrible pun as a complete non-pun, actually.

>> No.8156089
File: 414 KB, 1440x720, rufflechate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8156095
File: 84 KB, 553x181, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8156097


>> No.8156116

I want to believe that she's just an insanely good troll.

>> No.8156119

And Penny defending her, no less. This is hilarious.

>> No.8156120

thank you drama gods for providing us with this glorious cow

>> No.8156122
File: 31 KB, 600x750, 7e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please let that be the case.

>> No.8156125

I want to believe that as well, but it's so hard to. I mean, it's one thing to casually troll something every now and then for fun, but this person built up a profile, a group, and has been at it for so long. Who has the time to do that? I think it's some lonely middle aged woman who actually believes this shit.

If it is a troll, then for fucks sake go outside or something.

>> No.8156127

"She" really is like Frances...

>> No.8156133
File: 391 KB, 1800x581, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8156142

Alaina is having none of Raleigh's bullshit

>> No.8156149

Adding my caps in with Alaina's two newest comments.

>> No.8156152
File: 460 KB, 1002x1626, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh dropped the pic like a newfag.

>> No.8156163

Fuck it's beautiful.

>> No.8156168

The funniest part of this for me is when Raleigh calls people who pay $1 for patterns "foolish." Does she pay the full $17.95 for McCalls?

>> No.8156175

or that Vogue patterns are infallible.

>> No.8156178

Most likely seeing how she is.

>> No.8156179

Vogue patterns are pretty great--but not for Lolita. This shit is hilarious.

>> No.8156182

Alaina is one hell of a brave soul. I wouldn't do anything of that calibre without anonymity, wouldn't want Raleigh climbing through my window and shoving patterns in my face.

>> No.8156187

I know, right? She's got brass balls.

>> No.8156191

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3WFGaEeNSk raleigh irl

>> No.8156227

thank you so much

>> No.8156229

Bless Alaina

>> No.8156245

I agree with her points but she comes off almost as nutty as Raleigh with that much capslock rant

>> No.8156283

Combating crazy with crazy perhaps?

>> No.8156295

Not to mention Penny looks like an old face ita.

Moar drama pleas

>> No.8156378

i chuckled heartily at this

>> No.8156411

OF COURSE Penny had to speak up. No one wants to listen to her anywhere else so she went there. Go fucking figure.

>> No.8156427


>> No.8156454

>Raleigh climbing through my window and shoving patterns in my face.

i know we dont know what she looks like but someone pls draw this

>> No.8156528
File: 224 KB, 1611x1192, raleigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried shopping it but I failed horribly.

>> No.8156533

thats fantastic!

>> No.8156546
File: 36 KB, 560x422, raleigh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8156550

I will be so disappointed in CGL If this isn't on this weeks BTB

>> No.8156560

>Old face it a
That's cause she's in her mid 40's.

>> No.8156748
File: 72 KB, 628x768, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She deleted the thread and updated her group's description three times.

>> No.8156756

alaina here. thanks guys lol

>> No.8156767
File: 27 KB, 503x280, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you couldn't resist chiming in huh?

>> No.8156780

not really. and im far from done.

>> No.8156794

marry me pls

>> No.8156799

This is going to be fun.

>> No.8156806


>> No.8156814

I'm really shocked you haven't been kicked out yet, she must be desperate for membership lol

>> No.8156817

me too honestly... but even if she does i have more than one facebook. so i will be back.

>> No.8156826

just fyi, when you are replying to someone you need to click on their post number otherwise no one knows who you are talking to/cant follow the comment thread

>> No.8156837

thank you. i was wondering how that was done. XD
i dont post on here much

>> No.8156840

Dif anon, another tip about board culture, try not to use emots here.

>> No.8156841


>> No.8156861

Agreed, but with how emote users are rarely taken seriously here, might as well.

>> No.8156866

these are great

>> No.8156900
File: 66 KB, 600x460, Vogue-2431-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all need to get a bunch of random unrelated clearance patterns and post them in Raleigh's sewing group.

>"Just add some INSERTS and its totally loliable, right?!"
>"These slacks patterns would work for Kodona, right?"
>"Just take the ball gown pattern and cut it in half for the perfect poofy skirt silhouette, right?"

Either Raleigh will join in with why they are totally loliable or she will try and teach us uneducated plebs lolita aesthetics.

Win Win.

>> No.8156903
File: 715 KB, 500x200, 1417237694973.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wouldn't be so bad if she weren't writing an entire fucking novel for every post.

>And they're the sewing equivalent of 'How to draw manga.' books.

>> No.8156944
File: 420 KB, 320x180, cute-cute-cute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I've been wishing I could just say something like that to her.

>> No.8156970
File: 123 KB, 474x611, fbsalessillyness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This keeps appearing on my dash.
Like who gives a shit, where/whom you bought the dress off.

this is so annoying.

>> No.8157023

I wonder if It actually sells sooner because of that

>> No.8157025

I mean, I guess milkyfawn is one of those minor newbie celebs. And if the girl selling needs money for surgery, then I don't really blame her for trying to exploit her fans...

>> No.8157042

I'm really surprised she didn't kick you. Loved the rant that was hilarious.

>> No.8157048

Well, it definitely works for actual e-famous people selling off their stuff, but I don't think so if it's like, secondhand. You'd have to be a really desperate, obsessive fan to buy something for that reason.

>> No.8157049

Truthfully, I'd just inundate her with the brand patterns from lolita bible scans until her head implodes. Brand brand brand forever, even in patterns.

>> No.8157052

Victoria is the first one to begin trolling Raleigh's group lol

>> No.8157056

So if 5'5 and under is petite and 5'7 and over is tall, that just leaves 5'6. I'm 5'7 and have long torso, long arm, short skirt issues and I'm not 'tall' but I don't know when short girls begin having fit troubles with lolita and how so why say anything?

>> No.8157058

Ask her if she's washed it or left the Milky Fawn goodness on there to marinate. Ugh.

>> No.8157068

5', very petite girl here and to be honest, the only time I have fit troubles/proportion issues is with Haenuli and JetJ/tealength pieces. Unless you're buying offbrand for lolita, I honestly couldn't say there's a need for a group until you start to get to under say, 4'10". Just my 2 cents.

>> No.8157100
File: 60 KB, 540x960, 156060_10153135614188784_3286981467156652860_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think victoria got brainwashed..
"Lately I have been doing some thinking and I decided I need to try to curb my obsessive brand habit. Brand is just too damn expensive and after many months of having to choose between lolita and rent I'm sick of it. With the help of this group's dress patterns and some small alterations I finally made my first lolita dress!
It's amazing how easy it is to make brand quality dresses for SO much cheaper! I feel like a fool for spending so much money on brand. I see how wasteful that is now and I am ashamed of myself.
I feel like I can make anything! Here's the dress I made!
As you can see it is very easy to modify mainstream patterns and make them 100% lolita. Has anybody else sewn anything with the patterns in this group? Post pics if you have! Let's inspire each other! I see lots of patterns but I don't see the lovely dresses you are all making!" she posted this in the group.and honestly it looks like crap and looks way to short.

>> No.8157106

I am like 90% sure she's just trolling, she's usually one of the more sensible people in Rufflechat

>> No.8157109


>> No.8157114

I said it earlier, but petite tends to refer to being dainty overall, not just short.

IE I measure 30-22-30 which is way too small to fit comfortably in brand. But I'm 5'6" with long ass legs so I'm not technically petite, but I have issues with dress lengths AND with petite-type measurements so it's a fucking nightmare.

Bespoke items are the best (based Surface Spell)

>> No.8157127

I'm pretty sure shes trolling. That dress is likely Angelic Pretty. I think the same one is up on usagiyouhinten right now.

>> No.8157144

...Yes, and I said I was petite. Do I have to list my specific petite creds or something? And again, lolita items are not usually a problem for petite girls because they are already MADE for petite girls.

>> No.8157147

No, they're made for fairly average girls. Even a bit hefty by Asian standards.

>> No.8157149

>hefty by Asian standards

that's generally still petite for the rest of the world, anon...

>> No.8157154

She's definitely trolling. As another anon says, it looks like an AP dress.
This one in fact. http://lolibrary.org/apparel/chest-ribbon-strawberry-floral-jsk

>> No.8157168

thank the lord

>> No.8157182

>she posted this in the group.and honestly it looks like crap and looks way to short.

Ha ha. Oh anon.

>> No.8157203

This. >>8157147 Do you even understand what petite means in this context...?

>> No.8157204

Someone should post the English lolita bible pattern scans. They are brand!! Brand Patterns.

>> No.8157208

I love how she threw the sewing notions on the ground around it; that was a good touch.

>> No.8157214

I think it's also going to be a polite and private outlet for smaller, thinner Lolitas to be able to vent about brand being too big for them without jelly fatty hate.

>> No.8157220

It really was.
Now we wait.

>> No.8157228

I admit, it fooled me

>> No.8157232

I too had my doubts.

>> No.8157259

Fooled me too but I also figured she was using some taobao Liz Lisa knockoff or something. Never would have pegged that as an AP dress.

>> No.8157288

>as they say in NC "stop talking, I am out of Asprin!"

I live 40 minutes from Raleigh and I have never heard anyone say that in my entire life of living in NC.

>> No.8157292

I think there's something about nutcases attributing weird sayings as being a common thing. My mom insist that all the girls my age in Texas will describe things as being "cuter than a spotted dick"

>> No.8157294

I'm sure they say a lot of things in NC. That not being one of them.

>> No.8157302

That's just a cringe-worthy saying if I ever heard one.

Not unless she read it on some shirt in a tacky gift shop this side of South of the Border.

>> No.8157383
File: 162 KB, 557x556, topkek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She took it! Someone should burst her bubble.

>> No.8157408 [DELETED] 

Let's see if she responds

>> No.8157453

Probably in the morning then. We need to make a new thread too.

>> No.8157459

She's really slow to respond. And it's so random what threads/comments she replies to.

>> No.8157469

Then if we don't hear anything come morning, someone should drop the bomb. Alaina probably will seeing how she's already on a roll.

>> No.8157523

Can I join lolita sewing collective with a spoof account? I know you have people you need to look out for, I really don't want to share my personal information, but I would like to be a part of this group, is there someone I can message?

>> No.8157524

Also is there any way to be part of fb groups without it being broadcasted to all your friends?

>> No.8157554

We're not restricting membership outside of the blacklist at this point, so please ask to join!

>> No.8157646

I was born and raised 2 hours from Raleigh, NC. We don't say it out here either. What part of NC is she really from, Crusoe Island?

(For non-NC people, its like a less cultured mini-West Virginia stereotype, but true...and in a swamp.)

>> No.8157741

Someone should post another 'handmade' dress

>> No.8157821
File: 463 KB, 1156x1500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so rori pls post. Best rori sleeves n bodice

Posting from my mobile so I hope this works lol

>> No.8157926

Is this really her? I'm scared...

>> No.8157932

40 mins anon here. I had to actually Google to figure out where the fuck Crusoe Island was. I had no idea we had that kind of place here in NC.

>Crusoe Island is an isolated community in the swamps

I can hear the banjos twanging from here.

>> No.8157956
File: 959 KB, 448x352, star-trek-joke-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8157973

Was on mobile so I didnt see the name and stuff, thought it was real.

>> No.8158170

raleigh deleted the negative comments on her description updates lol

i guess she's going to be boring from now on and ignore everything said to her

>> No.8158181

We've been in autosage for a while so here's the new thread


>> No.8158214


I saw this too and rolled my eyes at the name drop. "I bought this from Meltyfawn herself", like who cares?

>> No.8159248
File: 183 KB, 1155x931, burando bunker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the last new one got deleted

>> No.8160017

Keep digging anon!

>> No.8160156

why did it get deleted? Are these not allowed anymore? Because these are probably my favorite threads...

>> No.8160663
File: 58 KB, 537x554, Oh raleigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fingers crossed this thread doesn't get deleted too.