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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8144741 No.8144741[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /cgl/, I know it's quite a while away from con season here, but I was just wondering what the scene is like here. I've never been to a con here, due to the fact that none of my friends like anime/they think it would be shit.

Luckily, i've made some new friends that are into that sort of thing, though they haven't been to any cons either.
So anyway, my main question is:

How are irish cons? Are they filled with 15 year olds, or will I find people over the age of 18 (as I am)

I know there's a few to choose from, but I'll probably decide which closer to the dates.
Also, general Irish cosplay thread

>> No.8144757


They are full, and I mean full, of lgbt folks. Just so's you know.

>> No.8144769

I'm cool with that, as i'm the b in lgbt.

>> No.8144939

This is the wrong place to ask. Irish threads on /cgl/ are such a fucking shitstorm even the 'muricunts come in here to laugh at us. You'd get a much better idea of Irish conventions from the Anime, Cosplay and Congoers page on Facebook

>> No.8144952

Thanks! Didn't know there was a facebook group, I'll make sure to check it out.

>> No.8144980

Kaizokucon is in the immediate future, this weekend in Cork, but if your not looking for something so close, you'll be waiting a while

>> No.8145268

As a grown ass man who just started going to cons I will say that akumacon was the best of the last year. A lot of kids and the odd weirdo but generally a good atmosphere and some nice panels.

>> No.8145317 [DELETED] 

Fair warning that page is its own distinct flavor of clusterfuck. Less shitstormy but expect the exact same noobish "What anime should I watch??" on your fees100 times a day.

>> No.8145326

Fair warning that page is its own distinct flavor of clusterfuck. Less shitstormy but expect the exact same noobish "What anime should I watch??" on your feed 100 times a day.

>> No.8145404

filthy american thinking of going across the pond for a con in 2016. any projections which ones will be around next year and are worth a cross-country trip?

>> No.8145431

Eirtakon, Nom-con, Akumacon and Arcade con will probably still be around.

NONE of them are worth a flight across the ocean though, and I say that fondly.

>> No.8145433

Aw, no one going to pedo con in June then?

>> No.8149648

Any cosplays/coords planned for Experience Japan?

>> No.8149680

there aren't any muh heritage cons around here, sorry

>> No.8149964
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Kamui's just been announced as a guest for Arcadecon this year, pretty cool

>> No.8150498

Kaizokucon got three drunks singing freebird at Todd Hoberkons concert.

Can almost understand why

>> No.8150522

I have a coord sorta planned. It's a re hash of an older coord.

>> No.8150523


I have a coord planned - depends if my taobao order comes in soon.

>> No.8150565

I have three coords I have to choose from and a plan for sandwiches. Fight me.

>> No.8151709

Anyone order the new Ista Mori re release of Nameless Poem? I was tempted but the sizing was a bit too small. What was the size like in the other release?

>> No.8151712

I'm not sure there's actually any difference in the pattern. If you compare the sizing on the new release with the old release and the size listed on storenvy it's all different around 2cm which is what they say is the measuring error.
I'm not Irish but I ordered red in size M and hope it will fit even if I might need a minimizer.

>> No.8151714

Also about your other question it's good if you have no waist and no breasts.

>> No.8151776

I got... M? I think? In the original release. I love mine. I kind of have boobs, but it doesn't make me look like a tent, so I'm happy enough.

It's the Dress The Whole World Owns, though. It may as well be sold in Penney's.

>> No.8151783

I'm curious how popular burgundy will end up, especially with no black option being available at the same time.
Everyone and their mom owns black but I've only seen three (?) people who own blue despite how lovely it looks. Aside from the store picture I have never seen light grey.

>> No.8152328
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not sure if ironically gay or socially gay lads

>> No.8152329


>> No.8152335 [DELETED] 
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Hi Roorah

>> No.8152339 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8152346

Need a female Irish anon for a private cosplay display and showing. This gig pays upwards of €1000 with nearly no work required, details discussed in private.

Please reply with interest, no time wasters.

>> No.8152351

*bosts boipucci*

>> No.8152380

>They are full, and I mean full, of lgbt folks.

Not really. Maybe girls who ship boys together but not actual queers.

Arcade maybe.

>> No.8152394
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At least he's forthcoming about it

>> No.8152414


He's also good friends with a racist/homophobic skinhead.

>> No.8152417

Do tell

>> No.8152649

What's everyone waiting for in the post this week?

>> No.8152864

Richard? He's not rascist or homophobic, he just has a fucked up sense of humor and there not really mates.

>> No.8152906


His name's Richard Lyons-Harrington. His posts for the last few weeks are mild but if you go back earlier you'll find a lot of really heavy islamophobia, sexism, racism, homophobia etc. he's really heavily right wing and "catholic". He uses the word degenerate unironically. If you go back to around January 7th it's particularly bad with comments like "Dat Religion of Peace tho. Fucking savages.", he's posted #pantsupdontloot, Youth Defence and is a big fan of UKIP.

There's a few people in the scene that are friends with him and I can't figure out why. There seems to be an ongoing problem of "Well as long as he doesn't start shit with me". These people don't seem to realise that including someone like this makes everyone else feel unsafe and are often drama bombs waiting to happen.

Sean Burke is all over his timeline like a bad rash on an unwashed groin.

>> No.8152912


No, fuck that. I've just been going back through his timeline again for the last half hour. There's some fucked up shit here.

People need to stop making apologies for people like this while making it shameful to be that bit "too much" to the left. It's fucked up.

>> No.8153403

Depends on the sort of left you're on about.

>> No.8153467


Extremes on either side are never good.

I'm kind of tired of extremist apologists everywhere, and that includes this guy, don't worry.

>> No.8153574

Pink Furisode and Gold Fukuro obi

>> No.8153596
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>unironically supporting Youth Defence

Why do I have to share a planet with these fucking spastics

>> No.8153600

Many people have weird opinions that never come up when you just hang out doing unpolitical things.

>> No.8153615

Any Lolita blog suggestions? Or YouTube channels?

I find it hard to fine good quality ones or even just some that are still ongoing.

>> No.8153623

Snowing out lads, what the fuck

>> No.8153635

What did you get anon?

>> No.8153777


They're not weird opinions. It's flat out bigotry.

Again, if someone actually speaks up for a minority group these days they're automatically labelled a "Social Justice Warrior" and dogpiled until they're silence about it.

But when someone is a full on right wing douchebag, that's somehow okay. It's just a "weird opinion", even when people like him expressing these "weird opinions" en masse are why women's bodies don't belong to them in this country, why Muslims are made feel they don't belong, etc.

These "weird opinions" don't exist in isolation. When you prop up and support people like this but tear down feminists/members of minority groups who get "too big" for their breeches it sends a very definitive message.

>> No.8153782

Fuck feminists and social justice warriors . Nothing but people that speak more shite than actually get stuff done . All they want to do is complain about the issues than actually do something to improve the problems . That goes for you seagulls all you do is complain and bad mouth about people and never do anything to them face to face because you are nothing more than Virgin cowards.

>> No.8153787

>Bait this weak is lame

>> No.8153801

How do you know when somebody's a vegan, a fitness freak or a feminist?

Don't worry, they'll fucking tell you.

>> No.8153805

I fucking hate the both of them, if that's good enough for ye.

Anyway. I suspect I'm a bit of an outlier even among the left-leaners here because while ye're all focusing on taking the ball from the people at the front to give those in back an extra toss of the bin, I'm wondering what's so ard about just re-arranging the entire classroom.

But everyone wants the Stalin approach. Send the people in the front to the back, and shoot everyone who complains.

Fascism doesn't just wear a swastika. Never forget that.

>> No.8153808

And of all those three, vegans are by *far* the worst.

I like my food with dead things in it.

>> No.8153811

don't let them get to you

tumblr and twitter users "turn" to SJW and "feminism" when they're feeling bad about themselves and want to direct their hate at something.

usually men and some imagined systematic social injustice that varies from woman to woman.

most of the intelligent women don't go for it, or grow out of it when they hit 30.

>> No.8153815

Basically, the attitude of tumblr could be summed up as "You must hate yourself. If you don't hate yourself you're evil or something."

>> No.8153829

I hate SJWs just as much as the next guy but Sieg should still kill himself

>> No.8153831

Who the fuck is Seig?

>> No.8153832


>> No.8153842

Fuckin' right lad. It's already on the plate, it'd be rude not to.

>> No.8153848


I like your attitude and I whole-heartedly agree with you.

>> No.8153875
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Potsy? Is that you?

>> No.8153882


This is exactly my point.

Racists have "Weird opinions" and are OK but FUCK FEMINISTS AND SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS.

People who are at least trying to shine light on issues that affect people outside of a prescribed norm are terrible, but it's perfectly okay to be a fascist.

People who are complaining about these issues are more often than not, being directly affected by them. They have a right to complain and shouldn't be expected to conform to society that hates them anyway.

I know many feminists and "social justice warriors" that do real work with vulnerable groups. Anti-SJWs, meninists etc.? Not a chance. They're parasites.

The whole anti-SJW thing is just right wing cultural brainwashing and you're an idiot(or a straight up bigot) to fall for it.

>> No.8153883

Put your trip on Leno, you're fooling nobody.

>> No.8153886

This, I'm supposed to tolerate genuine neo-Nazis in the name of being open-minded and nonjudgmental but god forbid I voice a feminist opinion, then I'm a nasty bitch who's forcing it down everyone's throat and I deserve to get shouted down

>> No.8153887

try and find a genuine neo nazi as opposed to a legbeared, feminist dyke cunt who never shuts up about muhsoggyknee.

>> No.8153889
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I remember meeting him for the first time at Aracdecon when he was dressed as Groucho Marx. He pretty much thought his costume gave him carte blanche to be an asshole to everyone by trying say "funny" things about everyone behind their backs.

Met him again at the nomcon picnic and he would not shut up about one girl and her tits.

The man is an insufferable twat and I hate having to talk to him

>> No.8153892

You're all so insufferable

>> No.8153898

When's the last time you were genuinely asked to tolerate a neo-Nazi opinion in this country in the name of open mindedness? Get real. I knew a couple of genuinely racist fucking eejits years ago who think Hitler was a bit of a sound lad and they're outcasts, nobody here likes them and they're liable to be boxed around if they're ever spotted on a night out.

I think feminism is grand so long as it's not militant feminism, misandric or bollocks pseudofeminism like kicking up a fuss about how women are portrayed in fucking videogames when there are actually women being violently raped in developing countries who'd kill to have the fucking luxury to consider videogames a pressing issue in their lives.

>> No.8153900

You know what you need .... A good dicking and a life .

>> No.8153907

Actually I'm rather pleasant to deal with at conventions. I will happily talk with you and listen at a convention if you say hi to me

>> No.8153910

why would you have to talk to him?

>> No.8153912

He keeps coming up to me at conventions and I'm one of those people that's too polite to tell someone to fuck off in person

>> No.8153914

does he think you're mates or something?

>> No.8153920

Well thankfully we're not friends on facebook nor do we hangout or even meet up outside of conventions.
I'm just of those friendly faces you see at conventions that most people randomly chat to

>> No.8153922
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I'm still looking for someone...>>8152329

>> No.8153927

Pls be fwend :3

>> No.8153929


>> No.8153933

Eh, sure I guess? I dont know you but I'm sure you're grand to hang out with.
You're not a secret arsehole are you?

>> No.8153934

He'll abandon you after a few months

>> No.8153935

>He keeps coming up to me at conventions and I'm a pushover

>> No.8153938
File: 339 KB, 500x682, Junko_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a wonderful person. Really.

>> No.8153939

>why women's bodies don't belong to them
lolololol fuck off you tool

>> No.8153940

has he ever actually said anything sexist though?

>> No.8153941

>defend racists
>attack people who criticise racists

Ooookay, and this is why we look scary and backwards to outsiders...

>> No.8153943

Who's defending racists here?

>> No.8153945

No. Its because you are all mentally unstable.

>> No.8153948


>When's the last time you were genuinely asked to tolerate a neo-Nazi opinion in this country in the name of open mindedness?

Um, right now?

If he's not Neo-nazi he's still pretty fascist. It's more acceptable to have right wing viewpoints in a supposedly diverse and accepting scene than it is to be progressive. Nobody's obliged to be open minded towards things that actually hurt people. Fascist viewpoints end up as policy and hurt people - generally, progressive ones don't(though I'm sure the meninists will disagree).

There is no way the Anti-SJW stuff doesn't look like repackaged bigotry to the majority of progressive minded people on the outside. Getting a few battered or self loathing women and minorities to play along does't make it any less that. We need to knock it off.

>> No.8153953

so what would you do then, leno?

>> No.8153954

I will box you around, you fucking degenerate handbag.

>> No.8153958


>I think feminism is grand so long as it's not militant feminism, misandric or bollocks pseudofeminism like kicking up a fuss about how women are portrayed in fucking videogames when there are actually women being violently raped in developing countries who'd kill to have the fucking luxury to consider videogames a pressing issue in their lives.

This is one of the worst kinds of anti-feminism because it's an outsider dictating what feminism should be when they know little about it. "I think feminism is grand so long as it doesn't actually address anything in the world directly around me." Bollocks to that.

How any given group are portrayed in the media is a valid discussion and it can have a huge knock on effect on how they're treated in society. At the very least, people deserve equal representation - there is no reason why women or LGBT or minorities should have to enjoy video games less than others and not be allowed to talk about.

It's also extremely insulting to talk about women being "Violently raped in developing countries" and how quickly this discussion tends to devolve in to racist assumptions, islamophobia etc. and in general white westerns wanting to feel superior about their still somewhat lacking treatment of women.

It's a way of saying "Hey, you know how we treat you now? It could be EVEN WORSE, so shut up and suck it up." this is the kind of things an abuser would say to their victim.

>> No.8153960


Um, are you even reading the thread?

>> No.8153965

lol, this your admission of being an asshole?

>> No.8153967
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Fuck off Potsy

>> No.8153970


> At the very least, people deserve equal representation - there is no reason why women or LGBT or minorities should have to enjoy video games less than others and not be allowed to talk about.

Exactly. This is why we should focus on getting well developed, complex characters who happen to be women and LGBT rather than shoving them in like some sort of representation trophy into every game.

The point is, quality, not quantity matters.

>> No.8153974 [DELETED] 
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Why aren't we supporting /cgl/'s own fairy godmother lads? :)

>> No.8154000

Can someone say "boipucci" on vocaroo for me?

>> No.8154016


>> No.8154101

People who cosplay to experience Japan are so fucking cringey

>> No.8154103


>> No.8154108

About as cringey as seagulls judging everybody else .

>> No.8154126

I don't know, anon, there's like a part of the event set up to accommodate cosplay. I'm a reasonably grounded person with a low tolerance for nonsense and even I can see it's encouraged, or at the very least it's allowed?

>> No.8154145

I think the reason people find cosplay at Experience Japan so cringey is that it's supposed to be a somewhat tasteful cultural event and not all Japanese people want to just be associated with anime characters/otaku culture and nothing else. We have however many other cons during the year for that. I'd agree with the cringe, some of the cosplays are just fucking terrible and it's inevitable that the event itself would attract the SO RANDOM ECKSDEE element of the Irish convention scene.

>> No.8154217

I've never been to Experience Japan before, what should I expect? Will there be food stalls?

>> No.8154219

Don't bother with the stalls. The queues are way too fucking long for lukewarm overly expensive food

>> No.8154247

Are there any really good cosplayers in Ireland?

>> No.8154248

There are quite a few but I agree with the other anon, the lines are insane. Also for the women's bathroom.

>> No.8154259

Any that that do traditional foods like hanami dango? Or is it all chipper shite

>> No.8154261
File: 87 KB, 960x960, 10308151_834559509936961_4490961028610055359_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, Amy King is Ireland's Jessica Nigri and is pretty much the face of Irish cosplay. She's amazing. Hard pressed to find anyone better in the scene tbh

>> No.8154268

From what I could see it was just noodles as far as the eye can see

>> No.8154275

>Amy King
have you seen any of her cosplays
have you

>> No.8154277


>Exactly. This is why we should focus on getting well developed, complex characters who happen to be women and LGBT rather than shoving them in like some sort of representation trophy into every game.

I call bullshit on this. It's falling back on the "Tokenisation" argument which fails to take into account that games are full of token straight white males. You're already facing an artificial status quo were developers that (erroneously) believe more diverse casts sell less well(often because of self fulfilling prophecies like them trying it out in side games that are doomed to fail - like the Vita Assassin's Creed game) go out of their way to create "relateable" characters that are basically the same white dude.

It's generally vastly better to have some representation than none - at least you can work with it. At least it tells people they have a place in that universe. There are some basic guidelines - like stop fucking fridging queer women (looking at you AoS, Arrow, etc.) but they're not hard to follow. Doing spot on representation can be very difficult but it's no excuse not to try. Also, women & LGBT tend to be pretty easy to include(and not hard to find women & queer writers to consult), it mainly gets really hard when it comes to things like culture, religion etc.

There are plenty of shit, undeveloped SWM characters in games. You never need an excuse for including those. It's only when it becomes someone out of the ordinary you need to treat it like a special case instead of just being inclusive and interesting.



Kind of agree. Though it is still a big part of Japanese culture. If people are just randomly cosplaying western characters then that's a big no-no.

Also not sure how I feel about white girls in Wa-Loli. It never looks quite right.


This too. It's also a fair distance into the park so not as if you can pop off somewhere else to eat really.

>> No.8154279


specifically japanese geek culture, not wider japanese culture in general. though it's definitely more mainstream there than here.

>> No.8154280

>Met him again at the nomcon picnic and he would not shut up about one girl and her tits.

This is the real life face of anti-feminists. People never seem to actually sit down to think of the actual real world implications of what happens when you reject all that stuff. Given this is exactly the sort of stuff feminists complain about, it tends to look a lot like this.

>> No.8154283

>anyone who's anti-feminist is automatically some fat obnoxious cunt who objectifies women

Top lel

>> No.8154285

Disappointing, I'd have loved to try something other than noodles
I'll just make bento then.

>> No.8154286
File: 112 KB, 960x960, 11043371_853985064661072_8206392580409932205_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, she's absolutely stunning and her outfits are always highest of quality. What's your point?

>> No.8154292


It's exactly the sort of thing you're defending. And yeah, a lot of them are. Even anti-feminist women tend to be disgusting victim blamers.

>> No.8154301

I'm not defending any fat fuck who objectifies women you complete eejit. My mother, a woman, is probably one of the most important figures in my life. Not everybody who disagrees with you or your ideologies is some fucking lowlife who doesn't know how to treat women as human beings, and not every woman who's anti-feminist is a 'disgusting victim blamer' either.

Please put a trip on so I can filter your bollocks please, your bogeyman shite is a pain in my Jap's eye.

>> No.8154309


This mode of argument is not helping your case, just so you know.

With some genuinely disgusting people still running around in our circles, if you choose to pick on feminists and activists of all people there is something wrong with you, full stop.

You're empowering those fat fucks whether you like it or not.

>> No.8154317

There are a lot of man-hating misandrists who shout over everyone else and advocate feminism too, but unlike you, I'm not a complete and utter moron who thinks that because you share the same ideologies as those idiots, it means you're enabling them and are just as bad as them.

I don't give a shite whether or not you like me or my mode of argument, it's 4chan. Either put on a trip so I can filter you or come to my front door so I can punch you in the throat for being such a sap. Either will do.

Otherwise shut the fuck up please.

>> No.8154321
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So basically she does volunteer work with poor people, and this somehow makes her a target for abuse?

Makes sense.

>> No.8154325


>There are a lot of man-hating misandrists

yeah no

actual institutional oppression of men by women doesn't tend to happen. men by men does, but it's men that need to short this shit out. feminists are the only ones even touching that for the most part, since meninists are too busy attacking them.

>Either put on a trip so I can filter you or come to my front door so I can punch you in the throat for being such a sap. Either will do.

or you can, you know, grow the fuck up. it seems you're the one who can't deal with opposing ideologies, what a surprise. as usual the ones screaming censorship are the ones who'd be first to enact it.

>> No.8154331

something being institutional is not a precondition for sexism, racism, religious hate or whatever other stupid hate you can come up with

>> No.8154332


I'd respectfully like to disagree with you.

Just speaking as someone who could be 'tokened' into three different categories (and could work well as a multi, if extremely boring, token in a show), I am always disappointed with what is offered to me as a character I can admire or connect with. Usually, there isn't enough characterisation to flesh out a character and I'm ultimately disappointed. I don't want a minority to be the center of their place in the particular media - I want a character whose minority status just happens to be a part of their identity (or subverts it, or whatever).

And I think that's what we have to focus on - don't just indiscriminately say "I like X because they're of ABC identity and they're the sole representation in this particular media." Explore other media, find better examples. Don't settle for shit - uphold the best examples that there are. And people will hopefully follow in that lead and recognize good quality characterisation and representation for what it is.

At least that's what I do. I still enjoy my pop junk, but lately I've been finding a lot of dissatisfaction so I've been looking at other obscure works, and there are a lot of gems to be found there that aren't necessarily the most popular, mainstream stuff, but has good work to be found.

>> No.8154337

>men-hating women don't exist, it's all the man's fault anyway, sort it out! Women aren't responsible for anything negative that happens

So fucking deluded it hurts.

I hope the rest of you ladies don't want a prick like this speaking on behalf of the rest of you. Any level-headed woman I know would laugh in the face of this fucking eejit with the bollocks they're spouting

>> No.8154344


if it isn't institutional then it's not really worth worrying about.

plus i'm really not here for the amazingly convenient definitions privileged people come up with for various forms of oppression to get themselves off the hook or make it look like they have it rough too.


Yeah but again, you don't need an excuse to put out junk straight white male characters. It only becomes an issue when they're minorities or women. I'm one of the worst represented groups, but I still prefer if people at least try.

There are some deep logical problems with this argument I think people don't see since we're so strongly cognitively biased in favour of the status quo.


you don't know many women, do you? they won't say it, but the ones that don't laugh along with you are probably scared to be around you. because if something happens to them, they know you won't give a shit.

>> No.8154348

The majority of my friends are female and the implication that they're 'scared' to be around me is fucking laughable, and quite frankly, insulting to them as women and as human beings. I know women who've had unexpected pregnancies and have overcome the odds. I have female friends and family members who've been raped or sexually assaulted and I have unconditionally supported them through all of it.

Don't think for even a second that you know even a fucking fraction about who I am or know anything about what the women in my life have gone through, you piece of fucking excrement.

>> No.8154357

If you don't like how certain groups are represented in TV/films/games/whatever then make something yourself. If it's good people will consume it. Lazy pricks.

>> No.8154367

Too practical a fucking solution that!


>> No.8154377
File: 135 KB, 1024x1537, rei_ayanami_angelic_days_by_cairdiuil-d8frlva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She orders her stuff from the likes of Cosplay Sky, and have you even seen her when she's not shooped to hell and back? She's not bad looking, don't get me wrong, but awful makeup, messy wigs, and that's only the start of it.

>> No.8154382

Hey I'm fairly damn feminist but can we keep this on-topic? Anon discussions about this sort of stuff is like hitting your head against a brick wall.

Getting back on-topic, anyone headed to Anime Dublin?

>> No.8154385
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Please don't speak ill of my goddess.

>> No.8154394
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>> No.8154410
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>> No.8154422

I love to fuck strangers I have a custom glory hole set up at my house in Donaghmede you can come by and get sucked off by a wet mouth 100% anonymous and safe.

>> No.8154431

Wow this thread was ruined by misogynists pretty quickly. Well done.

>> No.8154432

Fairly feminist ....so you must be one of those weeb dykes that are so god damn common in conventions now.

>> No.8154434

I know, all the women are just politely laughing and running scared! Probably too afraid to be around the men folk

>> No.8154435
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>> No.8154436

not even that gr8 b8

>> No.8154438

You probably get plenty of mouth breathers keeping you busy especially with that creepy Simon fucker and those Bronies of Ireland rejects.

>> No.8154479

One of these days I'm going to buy a black fedora and a black t-shirt and just dress like that at a con for shits and giggles....


Would anyone get the joke? Or realise it's a joke?

>> No.8154496
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back in October there was a con up here in Belfast - i didn't attend, but there were cosplayers in the streets

cosplayers everywhere

most of it was run-of-the-mill jokers, deadpools and sailor moons or w/e, but man; i was sitting in the park chilling with a bro and suddenly this vision of delicate femininity and poised grace caught my breath as she walked past in this subtle yet stunning little grey number that i couldn't place as either lolita or a character from some animu, but it made my day to know that even in this dark wee corner of the world there are artists creating remarkable expressions of everything that is great about women

>> No.8154503

You'd get lots of compliments and women attempting to be polite while crying internally. In other words, you'd fit right in.

>> No.8154739


Right, so you're calling a woman a "piece of excrement" for speaking up for herself, and making me believe that you're somehow a friend of women everywhere?

Did that "unconditional support" involve advising them how not to be raped? I'm sure at least once it did.

You don't know what most women who identify as feminists have been through either. Yet you're happy to make assumptions that they're all deluded, sheltered white middle class women with nothing valid to say.

The majority of women I know would be grossed out by how you're acting now.

Most women won't speak up about this shit precisely because they'll get called a "piece of excrement".

Again, it's vastly easier to get away with being a racist than it is a feminist. something is wrong here.


More like too fucking ignorant. Many people do try that, and still get harassed by goobergaters. Plus how are you going to a leg in the door? Are you going to work in an existing company, or set up your own? Social mobility is a thing, as is sexism within the various entertainment industries. Also, not everyone is a content creator, and that's OK. We don't expect every straight white guy to be able to make a whole fucking game, so why do we put that burden solely on women & minorities, and then harass them for doing it anyway?

It's just so vastly far from practical, but of course people who don't actually live in the fucking real world would see it that way.

>> No.8154744

You sound exactly like this one tripfag who turned out to be a morbidly obese rapist.

>> No.8154896

funny going on about how you shouldn't pick on people when these threads tend to be Potsy and Ciaran Lawlor whining about people they're too scared to face.

>> No.8155114
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Hey, I have good reason to be scared to face people. There's no shame in that. I've been physically attacked and threatened more than once and people are killing people like me at an alarming rate right now. A girl in a group I was in threw herself off the Golden Gate bridge because of people like the ones here dogpiling her in much the way people have done me, not respecting her triggers or boundaries. I can't even say "That could have been me" without someone mocking the very idea that anything truly awful could ever happen to me. If you think that, you know nothing. We're all vulnerable.

At the end of the day this isn't internet shit. Whether I've experienced it first hand or it's come from the various groups I work/interact with, I've brushed up against a lot of shit and seen how cruel people can be. I have actual trauma triggers from some of the shit that's happened to me, some of which nobody even knows about. Even then, I still put myself out there and fight for things when I can. Compare that to some nerds anonymously bullying someone who struggles with mental illness and othering, using their most sensitive spots against them.

"Picking" on people who actually need to be taken down a notch because they incessantly pick on people or spread sexist/racist/transphobic bullshit isn't terrible and doesn't make anyone a hypocrite. People need to be called out for problematic views and behaviour, because these things hurt vulnerable people. They don't need to be called out for merely existing or doing their best to survive when others do little to help them when they spiral out of control. I've met a lot of people like that, and when people rally against SJ causes or mock the idea of triggers, they're saying the lives of people like that don't matter.

There is always another person at the other end here, whether it's facebook, tumblr, or even here. You don't get absolved of responsibility and throwing out excuses like this is pathetic.

>> No.8155443

>Leno thinking it's a woman and thinking it'll ever have to deal with issues like rape, discrimination at the workplace or unplanned pregnancies even though nobody would touch you, you'll never get off disability to enter the workforce and will never have working female reproductive organs

O i am laffin

>> No.8155609

But yet she seems to be the only cosplayer that people post about. That doesn't make her great but I would like to see other examples for once.

>> No.8155658

I don't think I'm due the delivery this week or the next, but I just paid for a small order of accessories from Antique Beast and I couldn't be more excited!

>> No.8155805

You don't get to decide how women are allowed to feel just because you had a female friend once. Idiot.

>> No.8155833

It was put to me that I didn't know any women which isn't true at all, then that retard tried to fall back on more baseless assumptions when the first few didn't work, tried to say every woman I know who agrees with me about anything is 'scared' of me and that I supported the friends and family I know affected by rape and sexual assault with 'Just don't get raped again dearie', because I'm an evil white privileged male and aapparently not capable of treating women like human beings by virtue of my race and gender.

I never once told any woman how they're allowed or not allowed to feel here or anywhere else for that matter, you absolute fucking thick.

>> No.8155846

Oooh what did you get, if you don't mind me asking?
I love Antique Beast

>> No.8155848
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Potsy please leave

>> No.8155861

no1curr Potsy

>> No.8155915 [DELETED] 

How do you even function in daily life with that attitude and aggression?

>> No.8155961

How do you even function in daily life with that aggression? You might know a few women but you're in no position to speak for them and assume what they think/feel.

>> No.8156011


Once straight up transphobia as a response that will never get called out, nice.

Also transwomen are more likely to be raped in the first place. If you're going to pull the hurr durr nobody would go near you bcoz ur ugly, you're a misognyist. That is a deeply misogynist argument. It's also not true since I do get propositioned semi-regularly.

And anyone with half a brain knows transwomen deal with vastly more discrimination than the average woman. There are stats to this. Cop on.

And infertile women are women too. Your argument holds no water, you're impossibly sheltered and don't have a leg to stand on.


A girl killed herself because of the same sort of dipshits that make fun of the idea of triggers not knowing when to stop. Grow the fuck up.


This happened after a girl, in a group I was in, got hounded by people who would not respect her trauma triggers and continued generally being ignorant cis people. Even when I tell you this, you're just thinking of more ways to make fun of this idea. You literally don't value our lives at all yet you, like those people that hounded her, would argue to the death(of someone else) that you're not transphobic and how dare you say that.

People like that ignorant fucker Richard, and the idiots here, do have a real effect on people, and those should be the ones that are weeded out of this scene, not the vulnerable.

>> No.8156025

*tips fedora*

>> No.8156035

Two headdresses (the same one, the bat-wing-looking one in white and black) and the rose lattice choker.
Very small order, but useful bits that I've wanted for a while.

>> No.8156058

Good job addressing none of my points you retard. And since when does relaying the fact that I have friends and family members who've been sexually assaulted equate to speaking on their behalf or telling them what they feel? They told me themselves how they felt and trying to argue otherwise belittles everything they went through you fucking hypocrite

>> No.8156071

>year of our lord 2011+4
>responding to trolls

>> No.8156084

>a troll


>> No.8156153 [DELETED] 

Good job arguing with people you claim to agree with.
>The majority of my friends are female and the implication that they're 'scared' to be around me is fucking laughable

>> No.8156161

>>8156058 #
Good job arguing with people you claim to agree with.
>The majority of my friends are female and the implication that they're 'scared' to be around me is fucking laughable

Also I've no obligation to "address the points" of someone whose idea of "points" are just insults. That's not a debate, it's you making a show of yourself.

>> No.8156195

Not once have I ever agreed with something you said you moron. I reply to you the way I do because never in my life have I come across an individual more worthy of ridicule than you. You've been banned from everywhere, from autistic Sonic communities to boards.ie because you're that much of an insufferable human being. You spend your life getting into arguments over non-issues with strangers on YouTube comments and 4chan, which I'm guessing have also banned your obnoxious trip because even posting as anonymous, you couldn't help passing up making yourself the centre of attention. This isn't even mentioning that utterly laughable Patreon account you set up, expecting people to fund your creepy fairy fantasies while you sit on disability for the rest of your life doing all of the above and blaming the world for everything that's wrong with you.

And believe me when I say people I've met in person have said they'd put you down sooner than they would a sick animal.

I don't quite think anyone has made a show of themselves more than you, you freak

>> No.8156212


That wasn't me. Obviously, I never make posts under 300 words.

>> No.8156218


lol, that's not me either, you fucking moron.

Tripping gave you the courtesy of filtering me if you didn't wish to read my posts, a courtesy you never took me up on, and never deserved.

Actually, I spend much of my life working on my career as a writer as well as working with vulnerable groups, and the "pointless" arguments I get into are usually to protect other marginalised people and make them feel less alone. You harass people on 4chan, and I look after the sort of people that get constant harassment. Yet I'm the bad and creepy one, just sitting here playing the victim? lol. I guess if "Autistic" Sonic Communities and boards.ie say I'm bad it must be so. The status quo is famously always correct, which is why it involves killing transwomen every 28 hours.

Feel free to stew in your own paranoia or pretend that I'm the only person who thinks you're a waste of flesh.

>> No.8156220

Jesus christ, calm down. You've got the wrong person, this isn't Potsy.

>> No.8156223
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>All that shoop and they couldn't crop out the shitter.

>> No.8156224

Potsy pls go

>> No.8156238
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>this thread

>> No.8156240



There's no smoke without fire you piece of shit. The whole world isn't conspiring against you to ruin your day, you actually are just that much of a freak. Those autistic communities who dedicated an ED page to you as a monument to your retardation, boards, 4chan, the entire Irish convention scene and lolita comms here; they all think you're a waste of a life and I don't think they're wrong for calling it like they see it. I'm sure typing out another response to me and the 12 other people in the YouTube arguments you have open in your other tabs are helping all of those marginalised people and furthering your 'career'


>> No.8156244

Just more manga! It's about time I bought more. I'm also hoping to sell a dress soon so I can buy some Lolita shoes.

>> No.8156247


Wow laughing at someone's attempt to make something of themselves in a world that treats them like shit, so edgy. Nice Yimyam.

>Those autistic communities who dedicated an ED page to you as a monument to your retardation, boards, 4chan, the entire Irish convention scene and lolita comms here; they all think you're a waste of a life and I don't think they're wrong for calling it like they see it.

what do all these places have in common? hint: they're all shit.

also lol at "entire" convention scene. Most people don't give a shit. And the people who tend to rise to the top of geek communities tend to be assholes who don't like the status quo being challenged(much like IRL politicians). This results in strife when someone like me comes along who relentlessly rails against it. This is news to nobody.

I don't even know what your obsessed with Youtube is because I rarely ever touch it.

And what is it you do that's so valuable?


>actual misogyny
>actual transphobia
>tell person it's directed at to go, instead of those guys


>> No.8156250

some hair things from ebay, mostly
one of those innisfree powders as well

>> No.8156254

>Digital misogyny
>Written transphobia
They're just words.
These aren't actually illegal you know, Its not nice for them to exist but I'd rather live free and be called a nigger than persecuted for free speech.

>> No.8156260

You can polish a turd all you want lad, it's still a fucking turd.

>t-they don't like me so they're all shit!

So what exactly is it you're doing here? You don't cosplay, not a hope you'd ever get away with lolita, all of those evil privileged white men at the top of the geek communities are keeping you down. Why the fuck do you post here? Is this your career? A professional victim?


>> No.8156265

just let it go, else she'll be after shitposting for the rest of the week or at least until the janitor deletes the thread
also plenty of SJWs pay their bills by complaining on the internet, this isn't news

>> No.8156268


Um, did you miss the part where these "just words" killed someone in a group I was in, like a few days ago?"

It's not really freedom of expression if you can be literally killed or bullied to suicide just for being yourself.


>thinks typing out AHHAHAHAHAHAHA makes him look cool

>> No.8156273

>Um, did you miss the part where these "just words" killed someone in a group I was in, like a few days ago?"
Did you call the police?

>> No.8156277

I'd like to see you complain to the guards about a person being called names to death
oh wait

>> No.8156285


yes, let's just make fun of the real deaths of real fucking transwomen.


you literally couldn't be more disgusting.

>> No.8156288


You idiots couldn't even lay off killing us for ONE WEEK. You just had to come into our spaces and make everything about you.

>> No.8156293

Did people enjoy Kaizoku Con? I thought it was really good, I didn't enjoy having to go out in the rain to get to the panel rooms but I guess that can't be helped. nice staff and attendees were nice, apart from the usual few creeps.

>> No.8156296


Was nobody much I recognised there, and was sick for most of the day. Feeling too old for cons now.

About the only really cool thing was the Zuko cosplayer with the fire ribbons.

>> No.8156301

All of the abuse in this thread is being directed at you and christ knows you're too much of a stubborn cunt to let the world be free of you.

>> No.8156302
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>you literally couldn't be more disgusting.
That's it I'm killing myself now. Hope you're happy, you cyber bullied someone to death, totally dead now you murderer. KthanksbyeDEAD

>> No.8156309

If you're white and hererosexual it doesn't count, sorry.

>> No.8156310

NOOOOO anon will always be an hero in my eyes

>> No.8156320
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Again, mocking the actual real deaths of transwomen that do happen due to transphobia. You're just proving you don't value our lives at all.

And frankly if I had to choose, I'd save the life of a transwoman over an edgelord any day.

>> No.8156327

Sorry can't hear you, I'm dead. You murderer

>> No.8156333

>you're so disgusting, mocking our deaths like that!
>i-it's not like I would save your life anyway b-baka!

Also you're accountable for >>8156327 you hypocrite. The blood's on your hands too

>> No.8156358

He shut up fairly quickly. The truth had to come out sometime. MURDERER

>> No.8156364

I got drunk
Scene Missing.
Lots of people
Scene Missing.
Drunkenly wishing to be one of the Dirty Pair.
Scene Missing
How the fuck is it Sunday?

>> No.8156374

>wanted to talk about Experience Japan and what cute coords we were going to wear
>lol nvm thread is now a shitstorm

Every fucking thread people. Pull it together holy shit.

>> No.8156375

Prolly got banned, we don't support MURDER on a christian image board.

>> No.8156377 [DELETED] 

Enh. He's not as bad as me. I've been the first on the scene at car accidents and driven on...

>> No.8156380

I know, it's really turning me off having anything to do with it as well (sorry). I hope none of them are at it. They all sound like spoilt children fighting over toys. Wait til they have rent & bills of their own to pay none of that juvenile drama will be important.

>> No.8156382

That's okay, nobody wants to hear about that anyway.

>> No.8156385

I did :-:

>> No.8156392

>all of these children need to grow up so I can talk about how kawaii my dress is :3333333

>> No.8156393


You'd rather hear someone having the same tl;dr guilt tripping, 'my problems are literally the worst' rant for 50 replies every thread? Okay.

>> No.8156396

Actually more bearable than weebs at a Japanese culture event, tbh.

>> No.8156398


Um, actual transwomen being killed and bullied to death by ignorant nerds isn't "juvenile drama".

If all we had to worry about was rent and bills things would be gravy.

>> No.8156401 [DELETED] 


>lol weebs are dweebs!
>posts on 4chan
>posts on /cgl/

I am so sorry, you're infected now.

>> No.8156403

Please shut your mouth, sweetie. It's not our fault you can't wear lolita to save your life and never have to look after rent with the government doing it for you. If you want to pander your SJW agenda to a hugbox, post on your Facebook like you always do. :)

>> No.8156409

Oh fuck off back to your tumblr hugbox.

Don't go dragging your retarded speshul snowflake drama into a conversation about frilly dresses.

>> No.8156413


>not wanting there to be racism and and transphobia is catering to the "SJW agenda"

thank you for proving that the whole anti-SJW bullshit is just a cover for oldschool murderous bigotry. you are sociopaths and fascists. you are not valid judges of anyone's character.

don't say SJW. say trans people and minorities that don't make themselves doormats to people who'd as soon see them dead.

>> No.8156414

lol, rekt

>> No.8156417

>transwoman being killed every 28 hours
>con sceners in serious denial over how progressive they are
>"speshul snowflake drama"

>> No.8156421


I want to say troll, except this would not be the first time you say this seriously.

>> No.8156431

>wanting to talk calmly about frilly dresses without stupid drama
>facists and sociopath


>> No.8156432
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I had no idea I was a sociopath and a fascist, any idea how I should break the news to my parents? Fuck man...

>> No.8156433


This isn't trolling. I'm responding to a line of argument that started with referencing someone(Richard) who told me he'd die before I was allowed to adopt children, and that people like me should be locked up an institution for life.

People like this are fucked up, yet to the ignorance populace here they just have "weird opinions". For people like me, we get slurs made up for us like SJW and are bullied into submission/silence.

This isn't just a case of anonymous edgelords. The people coming up with this kind of shit need to be singled out and excluded because they are causing others to be singled out and excluded that don't deserve it.

The sort of bigotry and entitlement that killed someone in front of me is what's being celebrated and defended here. With how much drama there is in this little scene, we're lucky nobody's killed themselves that we know about. But elsewhere, it has happened.

>> No.8156435


You literally don't care about the lives of vulnerable people, and work to aggressively silence their voices. It fits. Making fun of the idea won't change that.

>> No.8156436

>people are killing people like me at an alarming rate right now

I agree with most of what you've been posting in here, but this phrase just rubs me the wrong way. This is just you taking someone elses struggles and using them to further your victim complex.
I'm not sure what you mean by "people like me", but I'm going to assume it refers to some marginalized group (trans, lgbt, poc), but the fact of the matter is, these people being killed at "an alarming rate" are not in ireland. I'm not sure what type of minority you are, but I cant think of any minority at ireland that is being killed "at an alarming rate". I'm sure the stats you have probably refer to americans, or some other large country.

So stop piggybacking on the struggles of people who actually are in danger and get over yourself. You're nearly definitely not going to killed for being trans/lgbt/non-white in ireland.
Yes, it is possible to point to a few hate crimes, but in ireland, there is definitely no minorty being killed "at an alarming rate". Get over yourself, you are not in danger.

Other than that, I agree with pretty much most of what you said.

>> No.8156437

If it's not cosplay or lolita then take it elsewhere

>> No.8156444
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lol sounds like you got shrekd

>> No.8156445


>> No.8156465
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>post yfw Pootsy got shrekd

>> No.8156487

You might not be on the correct board, so...

>> No.8156509

Anyone here into kimono?

>> No.8156518

>>8153574 is.

>> No.8156521

That was me, I was wondering if there were any others about lol

>> No.8156526

There's a girl from up the north who is, as far as I know.

>> No.8156542

Can we just get all Irish IP's banned from the board?

>> No.8156549

Or rather why not get certain IP's banned, it would make these threads easier.

>> No.8156571

Or just ban Ireland Generals? I actually like posting in some of the more fun threads, no need to chop off your nose to spite your face.

>> No.8156577

>Or just ban Ireland Generals?
This, these things were forced in the forced place.

>> No.8156578

I don't know if that was a typo or intentional but I laughed.

>> No.8156582

me too

>> No.8156655
File: 34 KB, 500x500, 10378071_739177066173138_1295529523058186809_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else see that Drew twat get burned at the talent show?

>> No.8156669

Story time?

>> No.8156678

Jordanian pilot burned, or socially burned?

>> No.8156679

Twat head did a skit and it was properly painful. He was trying to be funny and just failed miserably.
Some chick was up at the end of the show to do stand up and was actually pretty good. She finished of her set by saying at how bad Drew was. It was by far the more burny-est of burns.

It was fantastic.

>> No.8156681
