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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 51 KB, 500x375, 1403688306446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8124823 No.8124823 [Reply] [Original]

you know what to do.

>> No.8126546
File: 133 KB, 533x314, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F9b60b57c84270e650c7579e4e683bb1f%2Ftumblr_n21bluWFBn1rrhhl9o2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8127051
File: 92 KB, 540x762, tumblr_njwka4ZDzn1ru5zbao1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost posted this in the ita thread but it's definitely more of a nitpick.

>matching skirt and tights

What was she thinking?

>> No.8127054

Oh yeah and those gloves are pretty blegh too.

>> No.8127067
File: 511 KB, 1280x1279, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dress just seems far too short on her

>> No.8127069

This is ita.

>> No.8127074
File: 210 KB, 860x820, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8127078

This looks fine to me, just a little boring.

>> No.8127099

Tights are the color of baby poo and make the co-ord look bland as fuck. White flowers on oxfords are just plain stupid.

>> No.8127112

God i hate this bitch. Not only is she a great example of brand ita, but she always looks so angry/miserable, and it makes the ugly stuff she wears look even uglier.

>> No.8127228

The brown of the shoes are warm-toned and the brown of the dress is cool-toned. I'd get a the same pair of shoes, but in a dark-brown.

>> No.8127266

Reminds me of Chokelate coords, except with shittier lighting, less shoop, and less whiteknights.

>> No.8127290

I'd go for a solid pair of cream/white tights. Match the bolero, headbow and shoes the same shade. Probably skip the gloves or just get a better looking pair in a cream shade.

>> No.8127300

Coord is pretty 'meh'. It's alright. Like one anon said, the tights are the colour of baby poo so I'd go for something neutral or off-white. The shoes not quite matching the dark tone of the dress isn't really offensive but if she could have found a darker brown pair, I'd go with those. Flowers on shoes are unnecessary.

>> No.8127958
File: 119 KB, 1363x2048, FB_IMG_1424245269541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't hate this coord, but it looks like she has skis for feet.

>> No.8128143
File: 87 KB, 640x960, 1229841_677343358957366_1501470763_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl. Added her recently and fucking god she's a trainwreck
>has a closet full of brand, +20 dresses
>can't coord at all

>> No.8128156

she's always been ita, I've never seen wonderfinch in a good coord. Even if it's so close to being fine she fucks it up last minute

>> No.8128160

Not everything needs an underskirt, and her belt thing is very off, if it had been beaded and plain with a cross or just something plain on the end it would look better

>> No.8128169

Why does she always look like a pissed off bitch? Can she not look happy?

>> No.8128185


Not once have I seen her make a good coord. You'd think that she'd know how to make a decent coord after being in this fashion for like 10 years or more but nope. She sucks.

>> No.8128203

I actually like how this plays out really.

>> No.8128514

Not the girl in the picture but goddamn IW's dark cool brown is a bitch to match. I've gone through five pairs of dark brown shoes that looked like they'd match in the picture but ended up being too light and too warm IRL.

>> No.8128580

With different socks, this wouldn't be too bad.

>> No.8128592

50 shades of poo

>> No.8128879
File: 136 KB, 825x462, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flowers with chocolate and hearts theamed print
>using a belt cause somebody told you'll look skinnier with it
>cheap gloves

>> No.8128883

DAAAAT boobloaf. Also, man face

>> No.8129153

ah we meet again fellow peruvian seagull. if i only know who you are we can have so much fun together

>> No.8129165

she looks great and it's balanced, wtf are you talking about?

>> No.8129205

im gonna cry

>> No.8129299
File: 69 KB, 396x720, 10361055_665563403497667_2467728740970919507_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more peruvian cause wtf

>> No.8129326

>flower crown for no reason
>long veil
>this weird "rosary" thing
>super long underskirt
>striped thights that don't really fit in either
>these shoes

This is what you get when you throw every current trend into one outfit. I was never a fan of nun themed outfits and every tumbirna trend outfit that i see makes me dislike it even more.
My jimmies are fucking rustled.

>> No.8129384
File: 112 KB, 540x720, 1610005_10202688418066472_2737364218668369733_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and she wants to be the peruvian lolita ambassador

>> No.8129405

Wonderbitch is fitting, if only because she constantly just looks so pissed off. I've never been personally upset by her, but her 24/7 bitchface just makes me dislike her.

Face aside, this isn't even nitpick- this is flat out ita. That jacket, the boots, tiny dress, random black turtleneck(?), unstyled hair. Jesus, is her being a 'lolita' just a ten year trolling attempt?

>> No.8129689
File: 136 KB, 540x720, cute burlap sack on cute girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this would be fine if she got a petty, lost the head piece and did something with her hair...
also I feel like the sleeves are a bit baggy

>> No.8129691

damn this computer

>> No.8129701
File: 71 KB, 640x640, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2F78ba6f1f9ba878d146a3934a47107689%2Ftumblr_njwhg3k2Va1r7glzto1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who this chick is, but she spams the tumblr and instagram tags with her shitty replica coords. Her coords always look off in some way.

I don't know if it is the cliche wigs, odd accessories, shameless replicas, or the fact she uses the term "frilly" all the fucking time ("hi frillies!" "New frilly followers!" "I'm hanging out with my best frilly today! ")

>> No.8129720

How old is she? She looks super old.

>> No.8129723


>> No.8129726

I have no idea. I just see her tumblr spam regularly. Not ita....just....ugh. Always off somehow.

>> No.8129729


Just looked at her page. It's a she.

>> No.8129739

>spamming tags
>tons of photos and excitement
>over fucking replicas

I hate her just on principle.

>> No.8129740

That's the fashion these days, anon. If the brand set didn't come with everything matching they're lost, it's just a rich kid costume circlejerk.

>> No.8129749

Damn, she looks way older than 25. Thought she was in her 40's.

>> No.8129761

girl do something about your eyebrows

>> No.8129832

>people wearing crinkled dresses
>can you hear the jimmies rustling?

>> No.8129912

>can you hear the jimmies rustling
>singing the song of angry frills

>> No.8129947
File: 318 KB, 720x504, 10393660_1574988349408885_7504870658413859080_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired to see peruvian lolitas geting all the shit. ppl on cgl and btb always use ugly lolita photos to say that they as a whole are shitty, even when there's a lot of girls from Peru who are cute, pic related
~ a fellow seagull from argentina

>> No.8129979

ugh ugly

>> No.8129980

lmao this girl

>> No.8129986

i do like the headpiece, but yeah she needs a petti

>> No.8130031

Poor girl, that is really an unfortunate face. She is going to look horrible when she gets older.

>> No.8130084

Her hair and headpiece look good, are you new? The sleeves aren't meant to be fitted. A decent petti would be good though.

>> No.8130125

i never thought I'd see the day where this dress looks decent. I think her hair is fine however and suits the toned-down feel of the dress.

>> No.8132435
File: 80 KB, 640x960, 984273_10204913195962351_5268699098756442810_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The actual co-ord isn't terrible, but
>that maxed out shirring
>wtf is she holding
>and that lazy eye, holy shit

>> No.8132442

Oh man, that shirring. And that squinty face.

>> No.8132459

She must be so stiff and uncomfortable after scrunching her shoulders up so high... unless she really IS a humpback.

>> No.8132464

Everything about this photo makes me laugh and cringe simultaneously.

>> No.8132465

Good lord it looks like she's about to hit someone

>> No.8132469

I have a baby and i agree. they are the exact same color as her poo

>> No.8132478

I always just picture that face coming at me from behind a gas station as I'm about to leave, with a gravelly voice asking me for cigarettes and spare change.

>> No.8132480

The tights + sock combo has me cringing.

>> No.8132483

looks fine aside from having an unfortunate face. Would probably look better if she learned to makeup. Though I don't know who this is and I cant see the rest of the coord.

Oh. And that's not a replica. That's bonified AP

>> No.8132514

She does post tons of replicas though, that she also tags as ap

>> No.8132522

It's especially depressing to see her commentary on pics of herself, because it's the only time she realizes how she actually looks.
Someone posted a video from that meet, and she commented saying that she "never realized how big she looks from other people's eyes". Whenever there's a non-selfie shot of her someplace she can point out what looks off or unflattering.

And then she goes and ignores all the advice people try to spoon-feed her and continues to make the same awful mistakes and make an ass of herself everywhere she goes, and I kind of stop feeling bad for her.

>> No.8132544
File: 110 KB, 540x720, tumblr_njr1j72TkX1qgjjjyo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Mana-sama, please dont let lighted coords become a thing.
Also why the fuzzy head dildo?

>> No.8132545

lights just make everything look like children's costume pieces. it's so tacky

>> No.8132585

Real talk, what is wrong with this woman? Does she have some sort of mental illness or a physical deformity? Has anyone met her in real life? Every time she posts, it just raises so many questions for me.

>> No.8132588
File: 88 KB, 540x720, tumblr_nju3gtanmY1qfn9mco1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the ugliest shit, clearly a sweet freak trying too hard to be classic and missing the mark

>> No.8132597

her makeup is looking much better in this. I think I can only nitpick the socks and tights combo. But otherwise this is signs of improvement!

>> No.8132599

This is actually really pretty!

>> No.8132680

*bona fide

>> No.8132947
File: 48 KB, 625x960, tumblr_njw9bdUNgg1qfdplwo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate the wig and girl needs some legwear.

>> No.8132949

Had me until the hat. Gross.

>> No.8132985

Jesus, that name alone pisses me off

>> No.8132989

I think she's wearing sheer stockings, her legs look more matte and pasty than the rest of her

>> No.8133014

She's wearing open toed shoes, and socks with sandals looks fucking ridiculous, so I'll give her a pass.

>> No.8133135

it's very pretty besides the hat. get the sand out of your vag.
>do I smell a vendetta?

>> No.8133153

This chick has some sort of spine issue; I remember someone explaining what it was on a different thread and it was definitely spot on.

>> No.8133516

yeah I almost did it for a con, but maybe if it fit with a theme? like lights with a cosmic print? someone on tumblr did a super plain coord with DDC, but got a shit ton of notes because of the pretty lights

>> No.8133527

I really love it. It's daring and unique yet she pulls it off really well. The only thing I'd change are the gloves cause those are hideous.

>> No.8133557

ugh, I love it when pretty girls look angry.
I wish she could put together a decent fucking coord, just once.

>> No.8133563

I adore this even though I usually do darker colored classic.

>> No.8133568

She needs to remove any 3 accessories and then it'll look fine. Also I just hate wristcuffs on ankles. They look fucking ridiculous in general.

>> No.8133571

wristcuffs used to also be sock toppers, actually before OTT sweet they were pretty much only used as sock toppers, but here i agree, they're weird.

>> No.8133574

Oh, really? I need to brush up on my lolita history more.

I want so badly just to throw that dumb looking fur hat away. It's so clunky.

>> No.8133590
File: 223 KB, 960x1280, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F0e60e74173d64333291d3003a9eb1946%2Ftumblr_nju3gtanmY1qfn9mco4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she looks cute with the hat, I couldn't pull it off though. Her tumblr says it was a "winter forest animals" theme coord she did for a con. I think it works.

>> No.8133600


>> No.8133602

kitsch (also cant forget her friend lunie-chan) have been around quiet a while so (and im not just blinding forgiving their fashion faux pas) i think they just get bored? like, lunie has a HUGE wardrobe of awesome pieces. she usually looks great but sometimes there were attempts at daring, unique coords that just went wrong. like, when your wardrobe is big, you wanna test it out. cant always be perfect

>> No.8133609

That bitch ain't fat. She's got a round face and chubby cheeks, but her body looks fine. I sense a vendetta.

>> No.8133630

fat. and you're fat.

>> No.8133640

lol!!!! XD

>> No.8133643

Love this. Different shoes is my only nitpick - white would have suited well.

different tights and this is cute.

>> No.8133646

Kek. Go back to /fit/

>> No.8133651
File: 84 KB, 351x700, tumblr_n27507MpXc1qfn9mco1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a lolita coord, but same chick. Not fat, just round face.

>> No.8133653
File: 41 KB, 483x430, omgno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to a very obvious troll

>> No.8135754
File: 107 KB, 540x720, 43735998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute coord, but I really can't stand when wigs are worn so high on the head. It makes her look like an alien.

Do people not check themselves in a mirror before they leave the house?

>> No.8135760

Strange body. Thick face, thick calves, slim upper body. She'd probably shine in long skirts.

>> No.8135885

that tiny face is so fucking scary, holy shit

>> No.8135897

you're wrong and ita

>> No.8135938
File: 50 KB, 713x516, 027+-+coneheads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she French?

>> No.8136006

well, it is btssb paris...

>> No.8136234

Those are socks. I do think they need to go though.

>> No.8136475

oh thats fucking priceless.

>> No.8138409 [DELETED] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1629x2172, P1030728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting, If possible I'd want a honest critique. Thank you.

>> No.8138415
File: 442 KB, 750x1000, P1030727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting, If possible I'd want a honest critique. Thank you.

>> No.8138423

i really love her face, i think it's adorable

>> No.8139697

Your black accessories are 'too' black compared to the blacks in the dress which tend to blend into the main colour that they complement. I'd also say your shoes are too sweet (it's mainly the bows), and your tights/socks are too opaque - go for something that would match the chiffon look of your blouse better.

>> No.8139722

Thank you so much

>> No.8139774

Seconding this. Also, I'd add a necklace or something. The dress has a fancy print, so the coord looks a little plain with so little accessories. A bag would help too (though I'm just assuming it was left out of the picture, but y'know).

>> No.8139788

It's like the freacking Lourdes of lolita fashion though, she could be just visiting.

>> No.8140030

It was just a joke about the wig shape and the Coneheads telling people "We are from France!"

>> No.8140918

>matching skirt and socks
>throwing in a third colour
>"daring and unique!"

>> No.8141432
File: 91 KB, 720x960, 1901365_10203529228338485_7830413079044316290_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get an actual lolita bag
>shoes are too flat
>add gold heels instead
>bow too large
>wristcuffs are tacky
>you fucked up your first 'burando' girl

>> No.8141436

Nigga this is just outright vendetta.

>> No.8141437

you're not a lolita or a girl. fuck off.

>> No.8141467

You forgot the yellow star clip.

>> No.8141473

My bad, needs to be left off. There's no stars at all in the entire coord

>> No.8141476

there are little gold metallic stars in the chess horse's hair :s

>> No.8141479

>mfw you have to have your face pressed against the print to see those

>> No.8141485

i have the dress hanging next to my desk and i didn't move my head to see it, just pulled it out from my garment rack a little

>> No.8141496

You can see it while sitting in relative proximity, sure, but the point stands that at a convention/meetup/in a photo, you wouldn't be able to tell shit. Can you see the stars in >>8141432? Golden crown motifs and chess pieces would be far more appropriate than stars. They're already overused in coords anyway.

>> No.8141503

oh shit that's me
At least I'm not in the ita thread
I'm currently looking to replace the headbow with something slightly smaller, the stars are out of the coord, I am still looking for a decent pair of shoes and a bag to match.

>> No.8141525

Anyone know what blouse is used with this?

>> No.8141530

Good luck with your second try at that coordinate! You're very cute, keep at it!

>> No.8141540

We know it's you. You posted this in every thread for 2 days a few weeks ago.

>> No.8141752
File: 115 KB, 960x960, 10407327_10153074005520180_8823267028509640599_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too many accessories on hands/wrists compared to rest of outfit
>questionably too tight top/awkward pose looks uncomfortable
>tights/otk combo bothers me here
>wig devouring her head

Also, this woman looks way too old to be wearing this, especially to her friend's birthday party...

>> No.8141777

The dress looks too big on her. I remember Chess Chocolate running a little bigger than the usual AP size when it first came out.

>> No.8141790

She looks gross and like a 40 year old hag. Why does sweet lolita always attract the gross hags?

>> No.8141793

i think the fact they're yellow more than gold is far worse than them being stars

>> No.8141989


She is improving, slowly but at least there is progress. She uses way too many rings, She toned down her make-up that's much better. Wig looks nice on her. Those white tights under the socks have to go, wtf was she thinking. Is she wearing slippers? The dress is a bit too tight on her, boobloaf. Much better than her previous attempt still.

>> No.8142019

It's not really a strange body. Plenty of thin people think they're fat just because their legs are large, and plenty of people have faces that don't appear to match their body type.

>> No.8142029

It would work for me without the hat and waistbow-turned-headbow. I hate how people plop Lotta's waistbow on their head and call it a day; it looks bad.
Also agreeing with >>8133651, not fat. I, too, suffer from bulky leg syndrome, and it sucks. Years of serious athletic training have left me with man calves, no matter how slim my overall body gets.

>> No.8142055
File: 496 KB, 478x590, coughcosplaycough.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if I should post this in the ita thread or here, I mean it's not even lolita at all I've seen this shit on fucking ebay for fuck's sake get it out of of my feed

>> No.8142059

The way she's standing, it looks like her shirt/bolero/? is too small for her. Like if she tries to rest her arms fully she'll hulk out.

>> No.8142060

When people think spreepicky is a brand

>> No.8142066
File: 5 KB, 236x214, if minaj can't do it neither can she.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It looks so unnatural and creepy. Rarely does anyone not look creepy when they do that. Guaranteed if she kept her mouth closed and opted for a softer smile this wouldn't be so god damn bad. Holy shit lady!

>> No.8142068

Don't bother, this one's not going to improve fast, she still hasn't fixed this coordinate or shown another one yet after her excessive self-posting of this pic and getting good critique. Next please.

>> No.8142079
File: 278 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n8yypymDKl1svelteo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand these tights;
The rest of the outfit is cute but those tights.

>> No.8142090

Are they actually white? Not sure if they match from the picture. If they do, it's pretty nitpick, anon, cmon they're on theme even if you dislike religious motifs or consider it "tumblr ita", the tights are IMO a welcome addition from just plain white or black tights

>> No.8142109

they're too busy and disorderly for that dress. they detract from the look.

>> No.8142118

Plain black or white tights would've worked a lot better.

>> No.8142120
File: 333 KB, 1060x1883, 2015-02-24 11.37.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self post

>> No.8142124

Cute as a button!
Maybe add a handbag? Im not a fan of the shoes because I generally dislike pink and white shoes, but thats a personal bias, they go fine with the outfit. A cute little cat bag would be nice

>> No.8142126

Use the money you spend on food to get a gym membership.

>> No.8142136

Cute! I agree with >>8142124 on the handbag idea, a lavender or white one would be perfect. Also, I think more volume at the top of your head would look better with the bow--right now it looks a little awkward, like it's perched on your head.

>> No.8142138

I had a cute white handbag but it was on the table next to me haha

Why thank you for that sound advice anon. Truly you are the first person to tell me I'm fat. So sorry I gained weight while in an abusive relationship. I have a personal trainer now though, so hopefully I'll meet your size standardshipping soon.

Thank you! I was wondering about the hair as well. I think I'll try something a little bigger next time.

>> No.8142141


*standards autocorrect kek

>> No.8142143
File: 52 KB, 720x1080, FB_IMG_1424796569259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect except for the shoes, they just stick out too much and draw attention away from the rest of the coord. I would have gone with brown.

>> No.8142164


I agree the shoes need to go, but I really feel like it needs another color to balance the coord out. I think cream tights cream blouse and cream beret would do the trick. The fit on the jacket doesn't seem right either.

>> No.8142168

The entire outfit feels kind of awkward to me, like it's all too big for her.

>> No.8142199

This definitely needa amother color. I think gold would go well. This solid color just drowns her.

>> No.8142418

Get a better bow and the tights look a bit off to me,
I think the shoes are fine.
I really want this dress now.

>> No.8142430

Yeah it looks really subdued and greyish there compared ti store pictures.

>> No.8142947

Girl in the photo here, I'm working on it. I'm learning how to shop from taobao and plan to adjust the coord. Getting to a con is first thing on my list right now

>> No.8142975

That's me
Yeah, it's a bit large, I was working on gaining weight for it, since it's my current goal

>> No.8143967

I seriously am so fucking sick of this chick. I get it, she wants to spam her shitty stuff everywhere for asspats. Ugh, whatever happened to putting out your very best attempts not just the first thing you buy

>> No.8144046
File: 126 KB, 1920x1080, 1424799779009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8144053
File: 108 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n9e5niT5qN1s4qvrdo6_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8146444

Can't tell if sarcasm or serious....o.O

>> No.8146452

you're melting into the wall

>> No.8146461
File: 365 KB, 320x240, tZOS8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8151445

Lol that poor dress is going to be threadbare by the time you get something else together, you'll wesr it to death. Oh and I'm guessing con photos in this same coord again too since it's basically your lolita uniform, right? Meh, we're past it.

>> No.8151477

That balloon string....balloons float straight up...

>> No.8151490

So much butthurt.
Someone called you fat. We don't need to hear your sob story.

Cry more.

>> No.8151505

Iron the creases out of your dress
Bigger hairstyle to balance the rest
Better bra to help your boobloaf
Don't bring your damn drink into Delia's

>> No.8151529

I already said I'm working on it, I just took a promotion at work. I'd rather not spend a ton of money especially right before a con. And I'll be going in cosplay.

>> No.8151558

Partially deflated balloons don't.

>> No.8151590

Just leave the bitch alone, I don't have a dog in this fight and even I'm tired of people constantly ragging on her. She posted like twice in selfpost threads and once in a draw thread and y'all cunts act like she spammed the board to hell. Now even when OTHER people post the pic, people still attack her like she's spamming selfposts. I would say to get the sand out of your vag, but you're so uptight that shit's turned to glass by now. I'm not whiteknighting her mediocre coord, I'm just fucking tired of the raging circlejerk about it.

>> No.8151616

Did you look in the archives it was way more, she also posted in some cosplay candid thread even though her shit was barely candid and not at all cosplay.

Also, sand turns to glass from heat, not pressure, that's diamonds.

>> No.8151666

increasing pressure can create heat.

>> No.8151667

Yeah, but it's doubtful they meant that. They just thought they were being witty.

Also, even if there was heat created by the pressure, the glass's structure would break down due to the pressure before it even forms.

>> No.8151678

Put down the fedora, Kevin

>> No.8151679
File: 1.38 MB, 400x225, laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying girls can't be STEMS majors
and you call me the neckbeard

>> No.8151684

not agreeing or disagreeing with you, but you're just fanning the flame against her by white knighting,

>> No.8151713

Oh man. This bitch. Some girl on RC said she (the girl) wouldn't own a dress for 2 years and not wear it. Wonderfinch then said shes just salty because she can't afford as much brand, and that she (WF) has dresses she can never sell even though she hasn't worn them in 4 years.

Who could ever be jealous of this bitch? Shitty on the outside, shitty on the inside

>> No.8151716

I remember when WF verbally harassed me for calling out her friend for over pricing her shit. I don't remember the friend, but she got posted here a few times for her shit makeup with 500lb of white eyeliner.

>> No.8151721

Woah, I just read through that thread, and she is seriously such a bitch. That Sandy girl is really pretty sweet, and her comment didn't read nearly as accusative/asshole-ish as WF's replies to it did.

Throughout the rest of the thread she is just like bragging as well. "Well I can one up you, because I only had 1 dress for my first 7 years in the fashion!!" "I just bought two dresses for like $20 each!"
Why was she ever an admin when she has such a shit attitude? I pity the people who have to be around her irl.

>> No.8151852

That's WF all over. Terribly rude replies to comments that don't warrant it. Pretty much all her interactions with people are like this and when she is called out on it she tries to justify herself.

>> No.8152005

They showed some lighted coords on that show covering the last AP tea party so I can see it catching on

>> No.8152010

I think it would be cute with a cosmic or night sky/star coord. But with straight forward sweet coord? Nup.

>> No.8152040

I think she self-posted here, the times for that cosplay thread and this are like 5 min apart. Thirsty.

>> No.8152056

She's new and was probably just really excited and proud that she made a coord. Just chill.

>> No.8152072

She may have been new but now she continues to post even after being told. That's why people continue to give her shit.

>> No.8152182
File: 193 KB, 378x671, 2015-02-28-10-41-52_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck my shit up and motivate me to do something better with this boring coord

>> No.8152194

>it's doubtful that's what they ment.

You mean me. The person you're replying to is also the anon (me) who made the sand to glass comment. I know it's more complicated than that, but yes, >>8151590 anon is also >>8151666

>> No.8153066
File: 546 KB, 1252x1920, tumblr_nkd7w2UdTw1ru5zbao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is so cute, but the shoes ruin it.

>> No.8153107

UGH those shoes. i think she was trying to match the blouse, but still...
also weird petti poof.

>> No.8153312

Gold, not fucking yellow

>> No.8153323

less plain tights, maybe not white. Definitely needs more accessories

>> No.8153325

kinda bland, but not bad! needs some more accessories imo. a necklace and maybe something a little more interesting on the wrists? rings too if you didn't have any on in the first place.

>> No.8153346

People use they when gender is unclear as a more polite it.

>> No.8153353

I didn't mean to focus on it in regards to gender, I focused on it because both comments were made by the same person (me), and that anon was replying as if it were two different people.

>> No.8153357

>that anon was replying as if it were two different people.
No they weren't. See >>8153346
There is nothing in their post suggesting they were addressing to people who thought they were witty when there was just one fucking post that was trying to be witty in the first place.

>> No.8153374
File: 171 KB, 540x810, tumblr_nk8b9vrOrt1r8vkc7o1_540[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely inappropriate tights, whatever is on her head doesn't match, arms swimming in the blouse.

>> No.8153376

she's thin so who cares

>> No.8153504

The tights are actually light pink, but I'll take that as advice and get pinker tights! thanks!

I had some gold rings, but i can get something that stands out more. I have a hard time picking accessories for this dress, (just because i don't want to take away from the dress' cut) but I'll try to at least go in the direction you suggested. Thanks!

>> No.8153512

To be fair Milky Cross does have cats on them so I can see why she chose those tights.

>> No.8153520

Yep, but then the blouse need to be way more offwhite too.

>> No.8153550

The tights are pale lavender.