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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 75 KB, 960x748, 1423465654080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8135969 No.8135969 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get a commissions thread in here?

How do you guys even go about finding someone to commission? I know what I want, I just have no idea how to find someone.

>> No.8136293

Let me give a little piece of advice anon.

If ya wanna commission something, never go to Bridoof Cosplay, Ayumi Nini, J Jo Cosplay, & The Frogster Props.

These days it's harder and harder to even find someone for commissions.

If you are looking for wig commissions, go check out Barracuda Cosplay

If you are looking for prop commissions, go check out All Fired Up Cosplay

>> No.8136327

The best I can suggest (I'm new to commissioning as well) is DON'T USE COSCOM.
I learned this the hardway recently and really should have thought it through better.
Now I'm out $100 and have been waiting for a cosplay for five months that I'll never get. One that really simple. Can't get a refund either. I fucked up and have learned my lesson.

>> No.8136344

Oh GOD could you please delete your pic OP? It's making me sick and queasy, but i really don't want to hide thread, need to know as well.

>> No.8136367

suck it up, princess

>> No.8136384

I do commissions, and most of my reliable customers come from word of mouth. Good commissioners will have a reputation, so honestly a good way to find someone is to ask people who they would recommend.

>> No.8136417

Why the fuck would you choose such a disgusting picture for a commission thread OP??

>> No.8136447

This. I used to go waving around the fact that I was open for commissions, but now it just comes in on its own. As others for recommendations. If you're at a con and you see someone with a cosplay that has really great craftsmanship, don't be afraid to ask them if they do commissions. If they didn't make it, they'll tell you who they got it from.

>> No.8136480

I'm personally looking for someone to commission a wig off of.

>> No.8136691

I desperately need to find someone who I can commission into making me a unitard. I can handle the rest of the costume, but really want to find someone who knows what they're doing with those things.

>> No.8136695

I have a friend who does suits like that, lots of classic Marvel stuff. Mostly for women, though. Throw in your email and I'll send you her info.

See, >>8136384 and >>8136447 in action right now.

>> No.8136714

Can this be a general commission horror story thread as well? Because I just went through hell and I want to bitch.

>> No.8136723

that'd be great! Thanks so much!


>> No.8136735

Yes, please continue, dont forget to name&shame

>> No.8136752

I do commissions and I've never looked for anyone to commission myself, but I was always under the impression there are quite a few people out there on the market?

That being said people tend to find me from seeing my cosplays and my other commission work, though I still make advertisement posts. Also I've had several 'gulls commission me for kigurumis.

>> No.8136757

Oh yeah also I probably will need a wig commissioned in the future so recs would be great

>> No.8136793

has anyone ever commissioned mostflogged before? my friend just told me she's planning on getting a costume comissioned from her.

>> No.8136798

Eh, I can't really do that because it was just a local person, but here goes
>Local girl comes to me for commission, she's getting a divorce, she's gained weight since marrying, wants to feel confident again, wants to make cosplay friends.
>No worries at all, sewing for plus size is my specialty. She wants something Victorian, even better!
>Agree to do it.
>But it's going to be a Victorian version of her favorite superhero! And she needs it done in two weeks!
>Well okay, it's not my place to tell you not to do that, I'll do my best to make you something attractive within those parameters, two weeks is pretty reasonable.
>Week one goes by, she didn't have time to go to fabric store with me.
>I can still do this, right? We finally go to fabric store at end of week one.
>Have to very carefully steer her away from the costume satins, just barely managed to convince her on a couple very toned-down brocades in the two colors we need.
>Fabric store doesn't have enough of one of the colors we want
>go to other store, decide to just get skirt fabric there, a nice pinched dupioni in the perfect color and texture for the skirt. I know the other store has fabric in the same color and sheen as this for other parts of the cosplay that shouldn't have texture.
>store is closing so she says she'll go back to the other store and get everything else I'll need.
>takes her two days.
>returns with everything but no lining fabric and motherfucking stretch taffeta that's completely the opposite temperature of the other fabric and scratchy as hell stiff lace even though I told her to buy a soft stretch.
>she comes back with the most unbreathable poly lining.
>she already sweats a lot, I just know having that on her arms all day is going to be miserable, but whatever.
>I'm working on cosplay, four days before her convention she decides that she's more unhappy than she was before with the color differences.

>> No.8136802

Not this anon but thank God.
>October 2014, several weeks before Youmacon
>Have never commissioned someone before
>Had asked all my friends who could sew and acquaintances but no dice. I'd been looking for someone for months now
>Decide to go to Coscom (the biggest newbie mistake I could have ever made)
>Find http://www.cosplay.com/marketplace/showproduct.php/product/72922/cat/16
>Seemed beginner friendly (my cosplay was really simple) and she was doing a Halloween discount
>Profile said she is very good at communication
>Get a quick reply and quote. She seemed really friendly, but warned me that because the con was soon she wouldn't be able to send me any WIPS
>That was fine, I had a lot of faith in her and if it wasn't done I wouldn't have been worried (it was rather sudden)
>Communication suddenly halts when she has the $100 dollars full.
>When she did reply she would say "oh I'm almost done" or "I'm working on this piece, anon"
>Come Thursday of Youmacon, no response to my texts.
>Turns out we have a mutual friend, have him text her bf. Bf says that she was finishing up the choker
Get one Friday morning stating something along the lines of "sorry anon I was tired from the drive, I'll give it to you tonight"
>Saturday rolls around. Day of the photoshoot/meet up. Starting to panic, sending her a few warning texts. Tell her that I've had to deal with late cosplays before
>She sympathizes saying the reason she learned to sew was because she was scammed some years ago. Also mentions that the dye job was a little wonky but it should be fine
>We finally meet up, I was late for the meet up so I run to the room and prepare to change
>The dress was various shades of purple and black with some or the original pink still there. There was no choker at all and the arm bands were practically non-existent. It didn't fit either. It was unwearable.
(1/probably 2)

>> No.8136808

>mask and skirt are warm, everything else is cool
>she deals with mask, wants me to remake the skirt.
>goes to buy more fabric
>takes another day
>comes back with stretch goddamn satin!
>fml this is going to hang so stupidly as a skirt
>keep in mind I'm dealing with full time school shit and other commissions during this
>do my best to work with what I've got, hold my tongue because she seems so happy and excited
>get about 5hrs sleep within two days to get all this stuff done. Still don't finish several of the extras she tried to throw on at the last minute, but she knew that would happen.
>not 100% happy but still fairly content. Quite proud of the jacket despite the color choices.
>she wears it without any proper undergarments
>I told her I would lend her my corset so everything would sit right. I told her I'd send her with snaps for the dickie so she could stitch them on during the ride to the con. I told her I'd lend her a petticoat.
>But no.
I finally went to bed at about noon this morning and slept until I was startled by the fact that it was dark outside. My sleep schedule is officially ruined. I know it's partially my fault for taking on a cosplay without sufficient time, and I'm glad that she's really happy with the cosplay even though I'm seeing dozens of blaring flaws that I could have avoided if I hadn't been sleep-deprived and she's a really sweet person but I'm just so frustrated and I never want to do a commission again where the customer has as much control as she had, because she didn't know anything about sewing OR Victorian Steampunk clothing and her choices really slowed me down and fucked me over.

>> No.8136814

>Text her this. She apologies saying "I'll remake it for you anon, I want to. It'll be about two weeks after Youmacon though" (I misread this though so there was some miscommunication on my part here)
>After the con I ask her what happened. "Well my siblings got the original outfit dirty with paint because I left it on the table, so I went to the store and altered one"
>Thanksgiving rolls around, beforehand I ask for an update. She tells me she's on holiday so she'll begin after. Don't hear from her for two months.
>On her Facebook at this point. Notice it's been active during December (going to cons, profile pic changing) so I send her a message
>Get a response from her sister stating she was in the hospital getting surgery due to severe food poisoning and that she'd be out for a few weeks.
>Wait around and message her on the date her sister gave me. "Sorry anon the doctors say I'll need to take two weeks to rest. I'll start then!"
Last time I heard from her was late January (24th). She sent me a WIP of the choker. I had messaged her beforehand about a refund but she said that the discount had already taken off so much that she couldn't and that she was remaking it and shipping it for free.
It sucks because she seems so nice but her Facebook profile has still been semi-active yet she doesn't respond...

>> No.8137409
File: 131 KB, 526x789, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, the WIP she did send me in January. It's part of the choker.

>> No.8137658

>food poisoning

Is this the go-to excuse now why someone can't do X for a few weeks? I swear I see it come up more often than it should, or cosplay/lolita people are just much more prone to it for some reason.

>> No.8137676

See what confused me was her sister said she had been in the hospital for a week, due to surgery for food poisoning.
Can food poisoning be severe enough to require surgery?

>> No.8137855

I'm not sure what surgery would even help.
LIke they could pump your stomach or whatever, but I see nothing cutting you open would fix.

>> No.8137869

>what is adblock

>> No.8137934

OT but I fucking love how whiny people are about this pic.


>> No.8138293

Got a cosplay page?

>> No.8138308

adblock doesn't hide the pic since it's not an ad? i think the pic is hilarious tho

>> No.8139028

The Fashionable Cupcake on FB, if you feel like looking me up.

>> No.8139037

you just have to use the "block element" option, scrub

>> No.8140572

ok, scrub

>> No.8140574

You realize that it won't just block this image, but all the images. Do you know anything about 4chan's coding, scrub?

>> No.8140631
File: 142 KB, 497x800, 875639-fran_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is embarrassing but I have a babbys-first-commission horrostory.
>be me around 18.
>first year of college
>got into cosplay late but always been a weeb
>wanted my first cosplay to be of my favourite ( at the time ) FF character, Fran.
>didn't want the canon costume
>wanted this
>flatchestnocurves.jpg but whatever
>stoked, so pretty~ desu desu
>go on coscom ( 2nd mistake )and search for commissioners
>find one
>goes by cosplaymandy, chokichi, etc
>her costumes were beautiful~desu
>get a quote of around $350 for costume, leggings, arm-things and headpiece
>thinks that's a normal quote
>now I see she totally ripped me off

>> No.8140645
File: 144 KB, 750x638, Fran.(FFXII).full.15783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be quoted it would be done super fast like 2 months
>so excited can barely contain excitement
>get viera ears from another commissioner ( nice qualirt- would buy again)
> month and a half goes by
>in super hard exams
>thoughts of my beautiful costume is the only thing keeping me going
> message her weekly, "I'm working on it, anon." "It'll be ready to ship soon, anon."
>Can notice she's getting pissy with every email I sent
>can't help it, I'm new and want my costume
>send the rest of the money over
>it's been over two months
>getting antsy, sending emails like crazy
>no replies
>finally she replies, "it's done, lol. Send me rest of money."
>mfw I sent money almost a month ago
> "Oh, sorry anon i must have forgot lol ;) "
>winky face and all, who forgets that a client sent money? okaywhateverjpg.
>wait for parcel, nearly three weeks
>finally go and pick it up, it's in a tiny squished paper package. Heart sinks to my feet.

>> No.8140649

$350 is a normal quote for that kind of thing.

>> No.8140680

$350 is normal anon. I've seen most cosplays go for 200-300 legit.

>> No.8140721

>pump her stomach

If the food poisoning has already set in there isn't anything in her stomach that can be pumped anyway 9/10, and if there is it's not what made her sick.

Food poisoning usually takes a day or two to set in while the cause (bacteria or whatever) set up in your gut.

>> No.8140831

So what did you end up getting anon

>> No.8141189

What did you do after?

Who was the person? I'd like to know so I can avoid them

>> No.8141555

Kind of specific, but does anyone have suggestions on a good commissioner in Southern California? Emphasis on good.

Specifically looking for Vivi's hat (FFIX). This was one of my first cosplays, but now that I have a professional seamstress, I want to do it again with higher quality; not sure if she can manage the hat, though.

>> No.8141556

>>goes by cosplaymandy, chokichi, etc

So basically it was most likely a flat out lie? I expected as much to be honest.
I just want a response. She can tell me to fuck off for all I care. I'm just tired of no responses when her profile says "I'm very good at communication"

>> No.8141562

You can block individual images. Just make sure the blocked element is a URL not code. You're welcome.

>> No.8141571

No, you can't.
thanks captcha

>> No.8141577

I literally just did it to test this and it worked fine, but you have to use the actual image's url, not the weird sort-of url text the "block element" function gives you automatically.
Do it yourself and see.

>> No.8141608

Wait wait wait.

Does....Is she on FB as Commissions by Mandy or something like that?

>> No.8141622

Doesn't work.

>> No.8141623

Yeah, but was the commission good in the end? You just mention getting the package, not how the actual costume was...

>> No.8141624

>>finally go and pick it up, it's in a tiny squished paper package. Heart sinks to my feet.

>> No.8141629

I think so? I remember seeing the name as well.
OH, I'm not the Fran anon, I was just answering the question.

>> No.8141630
File: 166 KB, 593x753, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then you fucked it up. I blocked it and all other images are fine.

>> No.8141644

You're not going to get anything that won't be picked apart by seagulls from a commissioner who caters to the cosplay crowd.

Related, for anyone else who's looking for a good commission and has money to spend, look for seamstresses who specialize in theater costume. It's much more expensive (mine is usually in the $400-600 range, up to $900 for a lot of embroidery work), but the quality shits on all of the random people you find on coscom.

>> No.8141645

There is a serious lack of photos of bad commissions in this thread.

>> No.8141649

This literally looks like a piece of shit.

>> No.8141650
File: 34 KB, 250x335, 8860171_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, anon. Not me in costume, but this is what I commissioned.

>> No.8141659

Yeah, I'm just wondering what was so bad about the commission other than the shitty customer service. Like, if it ended up being decent-okay in the end, I'd hardly call that a horror story.

>> No.8141665

Thankyou but I am so sorry you commissioned that.
Did they even look at a reference picture?
Best of luck in your future commission endeavours!

>> No.8141671
File: 21 KB, 213x166, 1342004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Property of Coslife Studio

Oh this is a nice looking website, looks pretty legit
>Commissions in progress from July last year
>Pic related

Oh no no no no no.

>> No.8141672


This anon here >>8136802 I'll try and get a picture of what she did give me at Youmacon as soon as I can. I'll also post a picture of the character so you can uh, see for yourself.

>> No.8141682

fran anon pls

>> No.8141685

I actually intended to reply to/ask about >>8140631's commission. Sorry for the confusion. Yours does sound like a real horror story, though. I hate waiting until the last minute for stuff around events; I can't imagine what I'd do if something like that happened to me.

>> No.8141691

Oh I meant in general, haha considering there is a lack of bad commission pictures.
Yeah, not great. The original deadline was really soon so I wasn't too bothered but it's been five months now since she offered to remake it.

>> No.8143167
File: 27 KB, 696x943, DSCN1497 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about that- work and stuff
>fran anon
I got this.
It reeked. The package stunk of smoke and....plastic? I'm not sure what the smell was. The return address was from china.
It was made of stretchy material that hung loosely off me, didn't look anything like the source material and yeah. Nothing was lined or evenly hemmed.
Plus some weird helmet thing that wasn't shaped to fit the head? It was literally a flat piece of foam. I didn't take a picture of it cause it didn't look nice. I tried to put it on and the foam broke in my hands.
I didn't want to wear it so I kept it for a year and then sold it to some girl who really wanted it. ( i don't know why she would)
I was really hurt and feeling bad for myself but I wrote her a nice review and even cut down how long it took cause I didn't want her to look bad I guess, I don't really know what I was thinking when I wrote the review but I made it nice.
I was so upset.
>apparently she openly sends out commissions to china to work on or something or that she lives in china and gets other seamstresses to work on it.
So yeah, that was a pretty weird experience that I'm ashamed I spent money on.

>> No.8143188

Ohmygod anon I am so sorry.

>> No.8144682

How much do people usually charge for commissions? Somebody's asked me to make something for them, and I was unsure of what to charge. I asked somebody and she said that her general rule of thumb is to charge so she earns 50% of the material costs, but I don't know if that's the way to go.

>> No.8144728

How much did you sell it for anon?

>Still have a cosplay that I paid a good $200 or so from cosom myself.

>> No.8144756

What that is underselling so badly... I charge for materials, and then $10 an hour for labor. Pretty standard.

>> No.8144782

I have them pay for 100% of the material costs (but only how much of it was actually used to make the costume, so if I got a yard and only used 1/2 I'd still only charge them for 1/2), and then an hourly charge for labor. I started out with $8/hr but I think in the future I'll bump it up to 10, and probably higher as I get better/more experienced. I've only done small things so far but I feel like I'm getting close to being ready to take on some slightly more complex commissions.

>> No.8144854

Dunno if she still does commissions but tbh, I would not recommend Ayase Shin. She seems like a decent person but I was not happy with the level of sewing in the costume I received (if you're doing commissions I think everyone expects a certain level of skill, since you're paying someone to make something real nice/out of your skillset) and also felt that sometimes she was a bit hard to contact, and was not always on top of things. I've read in other reviews after my commission that other people also sometimes had trouble contacting her. I remember seeing on her FB page she had some medical issues and often was going to the doctor (which I believe is true) but because of this she could be a bit unreliable to get in touch with + receive updates from and also can be unreliable with deadlines.

>> No.8145633

I do $10 an hour at the moment but will probably bump it up in the future, since $15 is pretty standard for seamstresses. Then they pay for the materials up front, which is non-refundable if they decide to back out once I've purchased materials. Since I mostly do dresses and things I've made time and time again, it's fairly easy for me to estimate an overall cost up front since I have a good idea as to how long it would take me.

>> No.8145683

it's okay i learnt my lesson
I think I sold it for 50-100 but I did include the epiccosplay wig ( really nice and wish I still had it ) and the commissioned ears. Plus I told her straight up it was a shitty costume but she didn't seem to care.

>> No.8145695

Lucky. I can't even sell my shitty cosplay for $25.

>Same anon who ordered the Devil Survivor 2 cosplay from coscom
>Shoes are glued on, bad hem, bleeding pain on bunny ears.

I think I paid like $200 for the outfit and $100 for the shoes and only got like $25 or so back because the shoes were shit?

>> No.8145713


I'm new to taking commission and I kinda don't charge $/h because I'm a newbie, I've asked my (first) customer to pay for their material only. If I get good feedback and gain popularity, how do I go on charging more so I can end up making profit? What's the best way to do it and how much are usually seamstress paid? When do I start charging more?

>td;lr how 2 commission $$$ efficiently m8

>> No.8145925

That's not a commission you are literally giving your time away. If you don't feel comfortable charging stick to sewing for yourself and friends.

>> No.8145976

I agree with other anons, $10-15 seems normal for amateur (aka caters to cosplay crowd) commissioners.

I don't know how much my seamstress charges, but I estimate $30-40. I think that's reasonable if the quality is high enough that I wouldn't hesitate to wear something you made to a formal event.

>> No.8146005

I don't charge 25$/h mostly because I don't really know what I am worth seeing I'm beginning taking commissions and I don't have a billion costumes to see a huge improvement. I'd love to get paid, I'm not scared I just really don't know what seems reasonable.

The customer is an acquaince, but closer to being a friend than real strangers if that helps?

I guess I'll have to figure out the quality of my work eventually, thanks! So beginning with 10$ is an o-k thing to do for amateurs?

also, I told her to give me the cold harsh truth when she gets the costume back, honest feedback might make me a better seamstress.

>> No.8146083

I've done commissions before and for the first ones I asked my friends to pay for materials as I made stuff for them.

Then I could make stuff to fill my portfolio with.

once you already have a good portfolio, and good examples, (at least have one or two)
charge for materials first, then for labor after you are done

that way if someone nopes out half way through you're working on it, you at least didn't lose any money, just time.

>> No.8146118

>charge for materials first, then for labor after you are done
Smart tip thanks!

How much did you charge for your commissions? How long did it take you past the friend-clients stage?

>> No.8146219

I had something I made for myself, and showed it to my friends.

All of my friends were greatly interested and if you tell someone "hey, I'll make something cool for you if you want and all you gotta do is pay materials" they aren't going to say no.

My friends went the extra mile and were so happy with what I made for them, they advertised me and my commissions page every chance they got.

I started off charging around average commission prices for materials, and as you get more popular, you can charge more.

I don't make cosplays though, but the reputation building still applies.

>> No.8146290

What kind of stuff do you make anon?

>> No.8146307

sweets decoden cases.

I made them all throughout highschool, closed shop after I moved out, but plan to start up again once I get a nice area set up cor crafting.

>> No.8147768

Did you pay with a card by chance? Even PayPal with your card connected will do. Tell her that she can either get you the good looking costume you paid for or you will be doing a chargeback. I've been in a similar situation before. I did a chargeback. There wasn't much she could do since she was just trying to scam me and run.

>> No.8147774

I fucked up and paid as a gift, even though my card is connected. So I don't think I can legally do anything because it doesn't count as me paying for a good/service

>> No.8148464
File: 110 KB, 900x675, kerberos_panzer_cops_by_knivesium-d4symhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Has anyone had any experience with this commissioner or can tell me if her work is any good(or if those pics are even hers)? I'm thinking about commissioning her to make me a Cereberos armor from Jin Roh but I want to make sure I'm not going to be ripped off before I drop some serious dosh.

>> No.8148469

>Nah bro you gunna get ripped off.

>> No.8148485

Thank you none the less for the good tips and information anon!

>> No.8148530

Don't do it. I got scammed from a Cosplay.com commissioner (posted the story already). Just don't. Ask around first. Don't risk it.

>> No.8148653

You still taking commissions now? You think you can do a Pokemon protag one? Like from XY?

>> No.8148664

From a person who wasted $200 from a scammer on cosplay.com just don't do it.

>Went on cosplay.com
>Babby's first cosplay
>Wanted to do CD Russia
>Girl seem alright from the marketplace so I gave her $200 for the whole cosplay (not including shipping.)
>Months go by and no outfit
>Con comes and goes so I email her
>No reply back, email about how she is in the hospital after being trampled by an animal or something and her 'sister' is going to mail the cosplay outfits
>Didn't know I fell for a scam until it was too late
>Big time scam at Coscom. Mods don't do anything and delete threads with other people warning about h/s

>> No.8148673

You're being a little vague with your request and it's kinda silly seeing I don't even have a proper port-folio to show. You have money to throw or something anon?

>> No.8148696

Geez I was just trying to help. I was going to ask if you have a website or done anything but it would be stupid to ask that if you don't want to do the commission in the first place. I have heard people turn down buyers because they weren't into the series or a specific series. Not everyone likes Pokemon you know.

Oh well I'll just use my money elsewhere. Ta-ta.

>> No.8148714

>it would be stupid to ask that if you don't want to do the commission in the first place
I never said that, I was asking why blindly ask somebody to work for you if you don't know the quality of their work? Isn't this thread teaching you to avoid throwing money to unreliable people or people without a port-folio or good reputation?

I gladly accepted to make my first client's costume from a game that I despise, it sounds dumb to turn down customer for that reason. You're jumping into conclusions quickly either way, use your money wisely.

>> No.8148719

out her name here.

>> No.8148823

Seems like she's getting commissions done on her facebook page

>> No.8149807

Has anyone here commissioned or had any experiences with JD Cosplay? I was going to commission him but he just asked for full payment up front without discussing measurements, fabric, etc first so I just want to be sure I'm not getting scammed (and if he makes good stuff?) before I e-mail him again.

>> No.8150240

d-do you still have this cosplay? how shitty are those shit shoes?

>> No.8150358

I did back in 2012, Spent 400 about and got a very average costume that I had to get tailored because it was way too big....The cape was nice but, that was about it. I would never go to him again though

>> No.8150567
File: 36 KB, 1049x371, I was stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TeL / Blackmarket Studios / Nessy Padilla / Hello Nessy / Impness / Inez Mae Padilla / Impworx are all of their names from what I've found out.

http://www.cosplay.com/showthread.php?t=277942&page=9&highlight=Impess is one of the surviving threads. I'm not sure if the Mods are still deleting threads since I haven't been on Cos com in a while.

Picture related is the bogus email. A group of people wanted to take her to court but I was young and stupid and didn't help them.

>> No.8150581
File: 577 KB, 1431x2300, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep I still have said shitty cosplay.

>> No.8150583
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>> No.8150586
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>> No.8150594
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>> No.8150596
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suppose to look like this

>> No.8155201

Bump for more commission horrors

>> No.8155452

who did you commission the ears from?

>> No.8155484

I once did commissions openly. I did a few projects I'm proud of, but then I just got bogged down by people that don't want to pay so much.

I mostly just do commissions for friends now.

weirdly, I've only had full body commissions from guys, but they've been the best customers. They paid me right away, and always paid me the second half when I showed them the finished wip pics.

>> No.8155561

Has anyone tried commissioning from Taobao?

>> No.8155712

I haven't, but friends have. You really have to go to HQ stores, and you can look at the worn pictures too.

>> No.8155838

That's not how you hyphenate, anon.

>> No.8155856

What stores did they check out? Do they have reviews / pics?

>> No.8155870

Do you have a portfolio or a site where I can look at some images/your work? You think you can take an order from a seagulls? Also what do you not/can't do/won't do? I'm not the same anon from earlier but I was curious.

>> No.8155916

One of my friends just commissioned 2 things, a tokyo ghoul cosplay and something else. When they're done maybe I could post photos but I have no idea how long they'll take to get here.

>> No.8155923

You know the shops anon?

>> No.8155929

I'm trying two shops:

http://yinzhixin.taobao.com/ and http://cos-sky.taobao.com/

I'll post a review in Taobao if things work out.

>> No.8156029

As far as chinese companies go, cosplay-shops is pretty decent. The pictures are ugly as fuck but the actual costumes are good and they will even match the patter on some fabrics.

You really have to measure yourself well though, because the costumes are pretty damn exact - not an inch more, not an inch less.

>> No.8156066

Bump for answer to question

>> No.8156073

Cossky is good.

>> No.8156160

This anon?

http://www.cosplay-shops.com/ or is it another shop?

>> No.8156190

Yeah that one.

>> No.8156977

I have a few bad stories about buyers and commissioners.
Mostly it's just bad behaviour or blaming me for their problems, but something that always pisses me off is
>person gets their costume
>doesn't fit perfectly
>they complain, even after I repeat that I stated that, the way I work I do things a little bigger so the person can try it on and then I fix it before finishing, and that getting a costume without trying it on is on the person's own risk.
>person gets all pissy pissy and takes the costume to a random person who seems to know how to hem pants and nothing else
>this "seamstress" proceeds to call my work shit
>then convinces them to get their money back from me and commission them
>they do it
but the end is always great

>they end up with a cheap-fabric badly made costume
>looking like shit
>I end up with an ready costume I sell to someone else who won't fucking complain and will even pay more than the commissioner did.

>> No.8157145

I also would like to know

dammit anon, >>8140645
tell us

>> No.8157271

I actually commissioned from this same person for my first cosplay a well, and I would give the overall experience and costume a B-. Easy things like the shorts and vest were really well done but the bustier I commissioned had no boning in it whatsoever and was cotton when I clearly asked for pleather. also it was held together by velcro so it had absolutely zero support. But I got my cosplay on schedule and paid about the same anon.

>> No.8157786
File: 510 KB, 700x800, 1411144949942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long would you expect it to take for a commissioner to respond to your first email?

Is sending a second one, or contacting them direct through a page okay if its been a while? I don't want to come off as bizarre or whatever

>> No.8158892


See >>8143167

It depends on if they are busy or not. Did you read their FAQ and make sure their list isn't full first? I mean I contacted a person back in December and after January it's been literally a crawl. Like every seven to fourteen days before I get a response. I asked was they full and they never said 'no' so I'm not sure what's going on.

Does anyone know who can make a helmet around 350 or less?

>> No.8158929

havenaims but her new storeenvy is haven hide
her ears are amazing

>> No.8158954

A stampede accident? Really?

>> No.8159025

no, we're talking about where she got the ears

>> No.8159086

holy hell, those shoes are atrocious
I'm sorry, anon

>> No.8159502

I opened cosplay commissions and my slots filled so quickly, people talked like I was the only commissioner they'd ever seen. I think people are just bad at google, but I'm not complaining, just surprised.

>> No.8159526

I found their work pretty good for the price.

I have tried cosplay.com
I found one good prop person and one good wig person.
I also got screwed over with shit quality for one costume and for my first commission I paid $80 for a shit wig commission from an inexperienced cosplayer just because they had more positive reviews at the time.