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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8148455 No.8148455 [Reply] [Original]

Seagulls, you magically have $USD1,000. You must spend it all today and not on any necessities, only luxuries/your hobby. No saving, no paying bills, no investing. What do you buy?

>> No.8148461
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>> No.8148462

All on comiket. Especially that one powered electric scooter.

>> No.8148471

I'd probably try to make arrangements to go to a con on the west coast and use anything extra I have towards cosplay stuff I've been eyeing.

>> No.8148483

I'll probably buy 2 of my dream dresses. $USD1,000 isn't that much in reality.

>> No.8148484

A bunch of green tea kit kats and some books. Don't really have anything /cgl/ related I want, might buy some cute socks I guess.

>> No.8148493

I would buy a lot of secondhand (skirts, blouses, and jsk) basics from closet child, maiden, etc. I'm a poorfag gothic lolita and I really want to flesh out my wardrobe with good quality items that I can use in a variety of coords. Things like solid black skirts, non-fancy prints (like darker florals), and such.

>> No.8148495

Ikr? I tried to make it a tempting but realistic amount, haha! I do this around tax refund time, play this game. Sometimes I spend 1k then so I was curious what others will buy.

>> No.8148497

>any hobby
climbing gear, Road bike, HTPC parts, stand mixer (in that order)

>/cgl/ stuff
vacuforming table supplies, arduino/DIY electronics kits, miter saw

>> No.8148508

TaoBao order, 2 blouses, 2 underskirts, a few accessories.
1 used JetJ dress.
More legwear to match what I have
Maybe 1 pr Bodyline shoes
Godiva chocolates and bottle of champagne
LUSH bath bombs
Get my hair trimmed

>> No.8148519
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I'd spend all of it on that new Lief reserve. I know a lot of people hate gingham. I adore it. Even if its weird could if I see something in gingham I instantly want it. I'd get two of the OP's one in red and the other in yellow and get two jsks, one in red and one in blue. Along with matching hair ribbons.

>> No.8148549

The problem a lot of people have with gingham is just with the printed kind. It looks and feels cheap. Woven gingham with multicolored threads forming the checks is actually nice. Plus the whole 'Grandma's picnic tablecloth' thing. Gingham is under-rated.

>> No.8148570

>buy burando
>buy best friend her first burando
>be burando buddies

>> No.8148608
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Could I use it to cover what I already spent on my hobbies yesterday?

>> No.8148769

I would buy more accessories for a complete basic kitsuke. I need more obi, nagajuban (especially a furisode one), obijime, and some other small stuff.

Otherwise, some brand blouses.

>> No.8148776

>$USD1,000 isn't that much in reality.
when you don't spend on dresses, yeah it is.

>> No.8148781

a gtx 980 and a dress, maybe some accessories.

>> No.8148817

Buy my best friend her dream dress, or a ticket/transport/etc. to the lolita event or con of her choice. She's had a shit time of it lately, and I don't need the extra money atm.

>> No.8148819

Scarlet Primavera Waltz (using other savings to cover any difference) or Misty Sky in pink.

>> No.8148839

yay for doll stuffs!
sage for random yay

>> No.8148853

I'd buy a bunch of kawaii room shit and a dress form so I could actually take nice looking pics of my coords. I already have an ok set of lights but my comforter is ugly and my carpet is greige.
That wouldn't even be that expensive so AP's Lady Christine in black also.

>> No.8149580

Buy french Cafe, Honey cake and spend the rest (if theres anything left) on makeup and mooks and all kira imais art books, post cards and stickers i dont already own

>> No.8149597

Either Bjd stuff or all my cosplays for the next year (since theres only a couple lol)

>> No.8149598

Vidya, definitely. As much as I love lolita and want to expand my brand closet, video games come first always. Mostly 3DS games since I literally always have that console on me and forking out ~$60 AUD per game is so bad on my wallet

>> No.8149634

I'd like to go nuts on brand or Taobao but the more I spend overseas the more I get my ass kicked by customs a few weeks later, so that might not be the best idea...

>> No.8149985

one nendoroid and one dream dress
maybe some books, tea and accessories

>> No.8150021

Since the Mealtime OP sold out already, probably a huge Taobao order, then some minor non-lolita things like green tea chocolates, Lush bath shit and some new non-lolita shoes. I don't think I'd be able to find any of my dream dresses within one day, and they're all expensive enough that I'd only be able to buy one or two, and then wouldn't be able to coordinate them for months anyway because (this imaginary $1000 aside) I have no disposable income at the moment. I have some brand bags on my wish list too, also none of which are on auctions today (and several of which are likely to be pre-release in the future anyway).

When I work out how much the items I want are, the Taobao order wouldn't even be that huge because I have some expensive-for-Taobao items on my wishlist. I'd probably end up with a coat, three dresses, four skirts, three bags, two bonnets and a bolero. Extra can go on another blouse or some accessories. Shipping can be future-me's problem because custom stuff will take time to make.

>> No.8150022

Put half toward the trip to Japan I'm planning with friend, spend the rest on padding out my wardrobe's lack of purses and maybe finding one of my less-expensive dream dresses. Buy my bf a nice present for his birthday next month.

>> No.8150024

The board is dedicated to cosplay and lolita. $1000 won't go that long a way in either hobby, especially lolita.

>> No.8150025

hell yes to a dress form I want one sooo bad, like a super cute one that has my measurements. All the ones I've seen up on ebay are just a smidge too big

>> No.8150026

Love Air Mail JSK or OP and some brand accessories to go with it

>> No.8150029

> mfw both
Screw me sideways for having expensive hobbies. ;;

>> No.8150054

Buy about a couple of clothing items (lolita/designer) on rakuten and pray customs won't notice the value.
If I can't find anything I like buy some fancy furniture.

>> No.8150070

I think anon meant buying other things, like blouses and accessories. $1,000 can go a long way if you're using it to build up your wardrobe when you already have main pieces.

>> No.8150082
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I'd buy the Wonder Queen special set in that's up on Lace Market right now, and try my hardest to track down a Fragrant Rose Memories up for sell.

>> No.8150097

Worbla and craft foam. And epoxy sculpt.

>> No.8150113

If I could find it, AP dramatic rose jsk in pink. I'd also get a couple pairs of heels that my wardrobe needs, browse second hand sales for something that stood out (another dress preferably), then use what's left over after that and shipping to get some amazing chocolates to treat myself.

>> No.8150321
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Pic related. Of course, there'd be an extra $100 just in shopping service fees, plus $25 in PayPal fees, but let's ignore that for now.

>> No.8150324

>french Cafe, Honey cake
good taste.

>> No.8150332

So you already have all the blouses, shoes and accessories for those? Seems like an awful idea otherwise.

>> No.8150343
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pic related and Meal Time
Plus blouse/shoes/accessories/etc with whatever is leftover.

>> No.8150345

oops, didn't mean to quote you.

>> No.8150347

I'd buy a Serger & upgrade my sewing machine to a Viking. I think that puts me at around 600-700. I'd probably spend the rest on either a shopping spree or travel.

>> No.8150378

I have no idea why you're acting so sceptical/suspicious about that - this order was in fact to add to an existing wardrobe, and I have all the blouses, shoes and bags I need (admittedly, I could probably do with adding accessories, but CiciWork and FoxCherry have closed their Taobao shops for CNY). Two of the dresses are OPs and don't need blouses, and everything else will match with the many black, white and cream blouses I already own (I'd like a wine blouse but I haven't seen anything I liked). I have full winexgold, blackxblack, blackxowh and blackxblue outfits in my wardrobe already, so these main pieces don't really require anything new. I don't have any creamxgold, but I have plenty of gold and cream items.

>> No.8150389

a lethal injection

>> No.8153080

A life.

>> No.8153778

Any cut or colourway of Iron Gate, Royal Gate, AatP's Gloria (except the trapezoid cut) or IW's Westminster.

>> No.8153825

An embroidery/sewing machine (some Brother model), and a new desk. With whatever leftover dollarydoos I have, shop at Daiso.

>> No.8153878

$250 on a new, really good sewing machine, materials and notions, and some sort of box to keep the materials and stuff in that is convenient to transport between my dorm and my home every few months.

$100 on screenprinting supplies, since I reckon I'd run out of skirt designs at my skill level and in my colour palette once I've made six or eight more. I'd like to start experimenting with screenprinting simple designs like crowns onto skirts, since I have a lot of gold screenprinted stuff in my wardrobe already.

$100 on Otome no Sewing mooks and GLBs. I really want to improve my magazine collection.

$200 on a secondhand digital camera, since I'd like something better than my crappy phone camera.

The remaining $350 can go on items on my lolita to-buy list. I'd like a sailor OP for summer, a peignor or overdress in cream, pale pink or black (since I hate working with chiffon I'd rather buy one than make one), a more Rococo-styled OP for a meet my comm are having in a fancy old house this summer, and a couple of new pairs of shoes.

>> No.8156196

I'd pay good money for a Sailor Moon wig. Tried making my own using different wig parts to save money and I'm really struggling, not worth it tbh.

>> No.8156940

A lot of figures

A lot.

For me, for my friends. For someone random on the internet.

>> No.8156963

My first ever lolita pieces..

>> No.8156986

Probably just everything Cardcaptors related I can find, and then grab some taobao if there's anything leftover.

Or I'd pay off my credit card and then buy Sakura-related items. Who knows?

>> No.8156990

A ton of disposable diapers, and enough cloth diapers and plastic pants to last me a week between washes.

>> No.8159356
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$250 on a few huge sheets of worbla (I'm still in the craft foam boat) and a heat gun and whatever other styling/finishing tools. I really want to get into fantasy armour builds; they look like so much fun to paint!

$100 on a proper sewing/drafting class. I'm self-taught and it would be nice to learn how to use a pattern and a french curve and all those measuring marks.

$150 on a dressform (secondhand or on sale). I make mockups off a duct tape bust at the moment.

$100 on a sheet of automobile vinyl for some upcoming armour. I'm probably going to end up doing foam+sealer+metallic paint+gloss, but a girl can dream.

$300 on a round-trip ticket to SoCal
$100 on a three-day pass to Wondercon (it's less than that, but the rest goes towards parking)

>tfw thirsty for the cash

>> No.8160323
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Apprentice Sorcerer ouji coord and some beef jerky or some shit

>> No.8163892

If I'm allowed to cheat and use numismatics as my hobby, then...
If not, then paper, printer ink, new computer, resin, fiberglass