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8145334 No.8145334 [Reply] [Original]

A lot of people still have a hard time seeing why it's worth it to save up for burando than to buy a replica, so let's talk about our experiences with it! Especially those of you who started out in replicas and now own your dream dresses!

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
>Any horror stories?
>How did people treat you?
>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
>Do you still have your replicas?

>> No.8145343

My first dress was a milky planet replica. It literally used shoelaces instead of ribbon for the corset lacing in the back

>> No.8145369

I have a feeling there are a fuck ton of girls who think that buying a replica is tantamount to blasphemy but don't have a problem with dowloading/streaming a movie they didn't pay for or buying that adorable purse at forever 21 that is actually an exact replica of a bag that Chanel put out last season.

Honestly, I really don't think that replicas are a big deal. People have been stealing art (whether it's music, movies. clothes, designs, prints or anything else you can think of) forever. That doesn't make it right, but I don't see the point in getting bent out of shape about it.

>> No.8145370

Wow, brilliant idea for a thread! I've always wondered how significant the difference is between brand and replica dresses. OP pic give a pretty clear idea. At first glance it doesn't seem that off besides the massive, white eyelet lace, but that freaking bow at the top...why would they make the middle band green like that? I demand more side by side comparison photos!

jfc just noticed the hobby-lobby tier pink ribbons tacked onto the bottom. Wow.

>> No.8145381

I understand what you're saying, but I think there's a difference between buying a knock off purse to wear for regular outfits, and buying knock offs of a dress that is made for a specific fashion, as a part of that fashion. Like, if there was a fashion community centered entirely around Prada or something, knock offs of real Prada merchandise would be looked at askance by other Pradalites or whatever. Lolita clothes are made for lolita, so when you wear a rip off, it cheapens the outfit and heightens the fact that it's a knock off.

>> No.8145383
File: 99 KB, 733x960, 3cLOr4d8oTc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao replicas are actually pretty good.
I own both original and this replica of Cream Cookie Collection and you can't tell the real difference(except for the material texture is a bit different)

>> No.8145391

Bought a secondhand oojia replica of a dress off someone who seemed to be offloading a newbie mistake, because she only owned nice brand other than that. She was selling it dirt cheap (cheaper than secondhand bodyline), so I figured I'd grab it to practice sewing on as it was a bit too big for me anyways (It's maybe a US 10, and I'm about a US 4/6). It has been sitting in my closet for a while though because I need to get my sewing machine serviced.

I haven't laid it out beside my brand in bright light to check, but it isn't horrible. I'd say it was better than bodyline by a long shot. Her stitching and material for this dress isn't horrible, it is neat and efficient. Fabric feel could be better, but it doesn't wrinkle easily and had fairly good shape. It is lined. When I take it apart to play with it I can get a better idea of construction. The shirring is actually nicer than my AatP, but that could be a fluke. Not just because of the increased size, but oojia seems to have drafted the pattern with a greater bust/waist ratio with western women in mind. I really wish she'd stop doing replicas and just do her own designs, because she is a decently competent seamstress. Not brand level, but medium to upper taobao level. I won't try to resell this dress ever, not because of some weird attachment to it or its quality, but because I intend to alter it drastically (and possibly fuck up on it), and I figured it wouldn't kill the replica-chans to lose one of their own to my sewing machine experiments.

>> No.8145393


I don't get worked up over replicas because of the whole copyright issue. I just think 99% of the time, they look shitty.

I can appreciate a well tailored custom made replica of a plain piece though. Sometime because it's fitted to the individual it looks much more flattering.

>> No.8145396

It's Kota Bear but she compares a replica to an original at 11:56

>> No.8145402


That's a reasonable reaction to a replica, and I agree with you. A lot of the time, they really do look crap. I just find it annoying when girls say stuff like "Replicas are stealing!" and at the same time they're wearing like, payless knock offs of Tom's or something.

>> No.8145403

Yea, I'm with you. I don't get to worked up over it. I dont buy them myself but I wouldve go out of my way to shit on someone if i saw them wearing a replica

there isn't a difference if your main argument is art theft, though, which is what a lot of people have a problem with, not the subjective "feels" aspect that you are getting at

>> No.8145405


>> No.8145411

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
I went through a period of time of buying replicas right before the debates got big.
>Any horror stories?
The last replica I got was from Oojia and it was for Chess Chocolate in pink. I waited four months for the dress, and when I finally got it it was horrible. The lace was green for christ sake.
>How did people treat you?
I was a lone lolita, and like I said before the popular opinion was that they were not ok.
>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
No, but my dream dress was replicated shortly after I quit buying replicas.
>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
I have owned Melty Chocolate replica, Little Bear's Cafe replica, Wonder Party replica, and Chess Chocolate. I can honestly say that I would gladly pay for the real thing every time. They were all shitty and cheap.
>Do you still have your replicas?
Nope sold them all after the Chess Chocolate ordeal, I haven't bought one since. I've also come to the conclusion that I don't feel morally comfortable buying a replica.

>> No.8145415


It's okay to wear a replica as long as it isn't a replica of a special fashion? That's sort of a weird take on it. Either art theft is wrong, and you would never wear a replica, or you don't have a problem with replicas. You can't just be like "lolita is special and that's why you can't make replicas"

There are plenty of reasonable arguments against replicas but this... is not one of them.

>> No.8145435

I also have this replica and the only way you can tell by eye is the print cut off at the bottom.
It's so great for casual wear.

>> No.8145439

The chanel purse lookalike isn't in the same category. Design is hard to argue as theft due to the trickle-down effect of fashion. This is something that big name brands don't care about because the person buying the F21 bag isn't the same market as the one buying the Chanel or Balenciaga. No money lost. What they DO care about is counterfeiting: someone selling look-a-like bags with their copyrighted logo/name and trying to pass it off as the real deal.

The legal issue with replicas isn't the design or shape, it is purely the artwork and logos/names. Lolita is more controversial than mainstream fashion because the replica price point is often not that much cheaper than retail brand price- even though the most in demand replicated dresses actually cost exponentially more secondhand. So when it gouges the brand financially it isn't due to the choice of "really expensive rare second dress vs replica" it is actually "replica vs forget about that print and just buy another dress straight from the real brand". That and the watering down of image and exclusivity. Brands like these thrive on demand and maintaining exclusivity, which I would say is even more important to them than the actual art theft involved. As lolitas tend to flock to communities (since we're viewed as kinda weird in normal fashion), brands use these close communities and the desire for acceptance to help spread a negative opinion regarding replicas. The old "We may be a company that makes money off of you, but we are actually your friends so you wouldn't let people hurt us riiiiiight?" I'm not saying this is a bad thing at all, its what smaller brands (and some big ones) tend to do because it is in their best interest. I don't support replicas or art theft, btw, I'm just saying that we can't chalk this up as "evil evil" people vs "poor good" brands. I don't think the existence of replicas will drive any brand out of business by themselves.

>> No.8145442

You can't really copyright or steal a shape, pattern or colour, which is the major defense for it. But stealing a print is like blatant art theft.
Not really my personal view on it, just the popular one.

>> No.8145446


I notice neither of you addressed the illegal downloading of music, movies, books, etc, which is art theft as well.

>> No.8145452

I think she's trying to say it's not okay because it's in a fashion directly related to her interests. Such as how a 'Prada enthusiast' would look down on fake Prada, but wouldn't really care about replicas of another brand or replicas in lolita because it's not related to their interest.

>> No.8145454

I'm >>8145442 and I wasn't defending it, I was just telling you the popular opinion calm down.

>> No.8145455


These are really good arguments against replicas, but I would be interested in seeing some numbers on how sales are actually affected by replicas, Forever 21 isn't putting a dent in Chanel, but it's arguable how much taobao and people like Oo Jia are affecting the big brands.

Would you say that making replicas of out of print dresses like say Puppet Circus would be less objectionable? Angelic Pretty is probably less affected by the sale of an out of print replica than the sale of something they still make.

>> No.8145457

I didn't address it because I've never done it. I use Netflix for movies and either buy the few songs I really like via iTunes or listen on Pandora. All the books I read are purchased or gifts because I hate reading on a screen (like Kindle), and most of my books are for study so I tend to write in them.

>> No.8145460


They're still addressing one part of what I was saying with some good arguments, so I think it's relevant.

>> No.8145466

Replicas of designs bother me less than replicas of prints. As an artist it feels like, one is copying the pose you used and the other is outright taking your work.

>> No.8145473

I stopped doing that a few years ago, I am also against print replicas but there are only so many ways to add lace to a lolita silhouette before you run out of ideas. Design replicas of something iconic (melty moon bags, that MM dress, certain shoes) aren't okay though because they're obvious ripoffs, like having a red sole on a pair of heels is a ripoff of louboutins because that's what the brand is known for.

>> No.8145482

I wish I could find more tangible numbers for it, but I couldn't and all my insider fashion contacts are in mainstream fashion. My guess would be that replicas of out-of-print items have little to no financial impact on the brands, unless they decide to rerelase them in the future. They would have an impact on exclusivity. Brands want their prints to be rare and in high demand, even secondhand, because it makes them look good. If this brand put out such an amazing exclusive thing in the past, their stuff MUST be awesome and worth it and who knows, maybe their next release will be that awesome so I should probably buy it up now!
Also, notice a lot of times when someone is contemplating a replica, people will say "If you can't afford [rare dress], just buy different one from AP/BtssB/MMM! It's not much more than the replica!" This is a mindset that brands want to cultivate, because even if you don't get the dress you REALLY want, you're still bringing your money back to them.

>> No.8145485

Because I buy what I like and have book, radio and movie subscriptions for other things? I don't download illegally.

>> No.8145489

All i did was ask a question why are you telling me to be calm (?)

Forgive me if i find it hard to believe that you have never illegally streamed or downloaded something in your entire life

This i have a better time believing

and now we play the game where everyone pretends to be a paragon of not downloading or streaming anything which statistically is highly improbable

>> No.8145493

Not just a popular view, but also the legal view in America. It is VERY hard to prove design theft in court, even when common sense clearly shows that it's a knockoff.

>> No.8145497

I have hopes AP will do a Puppet Circus re-release someday. If not and I get tired of waiting, I'll bite the bullet and buy it and the other (thankfully few) rare things I want.

>> No.8145500

I haven't because I don't need to. Maybe for someone who is really into obscure movies or music will download stuff, but Netflix and Pandora work for me. I'm actually not taking a big moral stance in this, I don't buy replicas because I don't really need to. There aren't any prints that are replicated that I really want, I'm just pointing out legal and business aspects on both sides.

>> No.8145508

God, stop having this rational and moderate view on replicas and sharing your views and opinions in a polite way. This is cgl, if you're not willing to take an accusatory tone and an extremist view you need to gtfo.

>> No.8145509

I figured you'd say that we are liars about not downloading things but I don't buy many CDs, just a few artists, I listen to the rest by subscription. My graphics software is a cloud-based subscription, and my movies, Netflix. I'm behind on my reading anyway and mostly flip through Jfash mags I BUY, or stuff on NextIssue(a steal) but my bf is a book fiend so we have Oyster and Amazon. I review some things I get as freebies but that's different.
Boring as it sounds, most people I know aren't stealing their media once they are grown, either. I figure mostly teens do that.

>> No.8145517

Should I add "fuck" and "newfag" to my post to make it better? Eerrr...you salty cunt?

>> No.8145521

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
I used to own a Chess Chocolate replica from Oo Jia and it was utter garbage. I instantly regretted my purchase after seeing how cheap it looked irl and resold it immediately.
I also used to own a F+F replica of Metas infamous Pintuck JSK. The quality was actually quite decent and I only sold it because it was a tad too big on me.
>Any horror stories?
not really
>How did people treat you?
I did not wear the items to meets, so I don't know how they would react. However, I own a fair amount of replica shoes and bags, and no one cares. They are widely accepted and Secret Shop shoes even have a better reputation than some brand shoes.
>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
Nope, and never considered it. I try to support the brands which I like by buying directly from them.
>Do you still have your replicas?
I sold everything except for my replica bags and shoes.

>> No.8145557


>> No.8145573

Generally, replicas look like shite. That's my main problem with them. It cheapens the look of a coord unless it's a very, very good replica.
I do think the idea of buying a print replica is very tacky and frown upon it in general, but I'm like that with things outside of Lolita too. Like I'd kill for one of those baroque key-print dresses from D&G's collection last year, but I wouldn't buy an exact rip-off of it ever. Inspired prints? Sure. Exact, line for line copy? Not a hope.

>> No.8145659

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
bought a replica to compare to the real thing back when oo jia started her business.

>Any horror stories?
shit started fading as soon as it got wet urgh.

>How did people treat you?
i don't wear it regularly, but people who know about it don't care.

>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
no, replicas just can't compare to the real deal

>Do you still have your replicas?
yes, i can't sell it and tossing it out seems like a waste

>> No.8145696

I used to dress in lolita and go to meets and shit, but I realized it's not for me.
I'm actually getting a Misty Sky replica soon.
I switched to casual J-fashion, and now I just wear cute clothes when out and about. I don't post fashion photos on Tumblr or really anywhere online, and normalfags won't know that it's a replica.
If I were seriously into lolita again, I would save for Misty Sky. However, I can't justify spending 1k on a dress I plan to wear casually and no one around me knows or cares. 1k to have me be the only one thinking "I own the real thing!"

I used to be super against replicas, but I reeeally want to Misty Sky print, and since my priorities for lolita fashion as a whole are drifting away, I find myself swaying more and more over the matter.

>> No.8145810

what's the name of this replica seller? i hope that's not uncouth to ask. but i'd totally order this for casual wear too. i have the real thing but am paranoid about damaging it

>> No.8145844

>torrenting music/movies/shows
not giving profits to anyone

>buying replica lolita, or clothing that has stolen copyright art on it
not giving money to creators AND giving money to art thefts

>> No.8145847
File: 69 KB, 500x339, sweetlolita[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
got a milky planet DOL one for $50, and a non-print BTSSB replica made for taller girls for $30
>Any horror stories?
at the time some popular bloggers seemed pro-replica so I went for it.
also cgl told me that my oldschool dress was ugly, and an entire thread convinced me to take it apart, remove the bows on the dress and lacing in the bust
If you were one of the ones that agreed it was ugly and told me to remove it, I just want to say, fuck you. I'm not listening to cgl's shitty advice again.
>How did people treat you?
comm members side eying me and making comments like "its not that hard to afford "REAL brand, just save up lol" just making general comments at eachother really loudly towards their anti-replica stances
>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
yeah, milky planet
>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
got the dream dress, looked at replica, trash.jpg
haven't worn it since
>Do you still have your replicas?
yeah, the BTSSB replica is the only real way I'll fit into an OP, and I don't know what to do with the milky planet one. I altered it to fit taller girls.

>> No.8145864


Here, I did a reverse image search for you. I hope its the right one.

>> No.8145881

Holy crap those are so identical! Taobao seems to be pretty good in terms of relative closeness to the print

>> No.8145944


hey thanks a lot, anon

>> No.8146033

Are there any Holy Lantern replicas on the market?

I'd love to see some more side by side comparison shots of any replicas vs real things, for the lulz

>> No.8146089

>for the lulz
come on, at least be honest

>> No.8146132

Downloading music isn't really comparable because the person uploading the music isn't making money off the stolen art work. If a girl made a replica herself, I wouldn't have any problem with it because no one is profiting from it. It's more comparable to buying a bootleg copy of a movie or something.

>> No.8146150

I'm a fashion design student and my print design class was just going over copyright laws in fashion. Basically, clothing designs are hard to copyright or trademark because the design itself is considered common knowledge
like, there's only so many ways you came make the shape of an evening gown
Prints, however, are copyright and trademarked because they are vastly and infinitely changeable, and represent the artistic talents of an illustrator,

>> No.8146158

the individual users uploading illegal files to sharing sites aren't making money, but the sites themselves sure are. source: kim dotcom is a fucking multimillionaire now

>> No.8146211

I've never owned a replica besides one of the IW violin purse that I bought as a semi-newbie unaware it was a knock-off. However, pretty much all my lolita friends in high school had replicas, two of which had wardrobes mostly consisting of them. One of them was a nightmare to deal with, though. She was one of those types that deludes themselves into thinking knock-offs are just as good quality as the real thing.

Anytime anyone in our group or at meets was in a brand dress she liked, she would always say something like "I love that dress so much! I hope they come out with a replica soon!" then follow it up with some douchey comment like "It's gorgeous, but not $300 gorgeous" or "I don't see how they charge so much, even I could make this in a day" when she is one of the worst seamstresses I have ever known. She would also bring up her hatred of brand literally any time it came up... meaning there wasn't a single lolita related conversation I have had with her where she didn't mention it at least once. It got so bad that the nicest girl at our comm finally just said "You might want to get over your unreasonably hostile attitude toward brand or you're going to have a really hard time in the fashion and, to be quite honest, everyone here is getting pretty sick of it" and several people nervously agreed, myself included. She actually was pretty cool about it at first and shut the fuck up for a while, but shit went really downhill after one of our friends got Puppet Circus and her anti-brandness went into overdrive. She actually got the replica of the exact version our friend had (even though she had previously said PC was overrated and she didn't get how people even liked it) and tried to say the quality was better. She was put in her place hard for that.

>> No.8146220

Yeah, but the point of file sharing sites isn't exclusively illegal downloading, the money they make is from ads, and when companies ask for specific files to be taken down, most sites comply. As opposed to replica companies, who refuse to respect the brands requests to stop and just keep selling counterfeits.

>> No.8146221

I saw one on taobao a while ago
Debating getting it myself honestly

>> No.8146229

Be honest about what? It's fucking hilarious to see how sub par the quality is in comparison given how many girls try to say they're just as good.

>> No.8146247 [DELETED] 

Because, as someone above already said, it's not an accurate comparison. Honestly, it shouldn't take much thinking to realize that. Also, it's a sign you have a pretty weak argument when the only thing you're addressing is their lack of countering that one point (which isn't even a valid one) and ignoring their perfectly legit replies.

>> No.8146258

As someone above already said, it's not an accurate comparison. Honestly, it shouldn't take much thinking to realize that. Also, it's a sign you have a pretty weak argument when the only thing you're addressing is their lack of countering that one point (which isn't even a valid one) and ignoring their perfectly legit replies.

>> No.8146273
File: 65 KB, 960x720, 1186089_562980750406248_723078227_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
My first dress was a replica (vanilla-chan in lavender), I also owned toy fantasy and sugary carnival (salo). I had some replica headbows here and there to go with my real things until I found proper headbows.

>Any horror stories?
Not in particular other than wonky stitching. But when I ordered the salo, I wanted pastel ribbons (pink, yellow, sax) and it came with varying shades of red that wasn't even in the print. Also the P was backwards and the logo was mirrored around the bottom. I couldn't wear it. Sold it without ever wearing it. I had the skirt anyway so eh.

>How did people treat you?
People didn't really seem to care. Of course I wore it as a newb. I think it might've upset some fb friends that I ordered the salo as by that point I had a good deal of brand but they were never vocal about it.

>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
Nah. I considered it, but I found the real thing later on. I did buy the toy fantasy replica because I wanted toy parade but I wasn't sure how I'd look in pastels. I thought it was a "good way" to try out a style. But... haha nope.

>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
Like above, I was really pleased when I found Toy Parade and sold the toy fantasy replica right away.

>Do you still have your replicas?
Nope. Sold all the ones I had for myself. I do have a collection of donated things (just two print replicas) to show people why replicas aren't the best choice to go with.

>> No.8146332
File: 286 KB, 1142x600, fruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this Bodyline replica skirt, and the AP JSK (but used the AP skirt on the right in the photo).
The Bodyline replica is actually quite good. The fabric isn't thin and has a weight to it, it's nicely made, the lace is cotton and soft, and the Bodyline replica version even copied the glitter details in the bottom portion of the print like the original AP one has.

I actually don't find this one inferior to the AP one at all. Though I prefer the AP version with the bottom lace being black instead of pink.

>> No.8146348
File: 108 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lrb9aoD0z91qckqtx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the Bodyline skirts came with built in pettis.

>> No.8146356

Not that Anon but I'd like to see as many side by side comparisons as possible too, but so the replicas can get the beat-down because excepting a tiny few, the replicas suck.

>> No.8146371

If I remember correctly this isn't really a quote unquote replica, the fabric was released under common domain--like the fabric you get from jo-anns--- which means that anybody could use it, and both angelic pretty and bodyline did. Like that pie print that both bodyline and a taobao store have. I think its Infanta? I could be wrong on that.
But anyways, it being made from the same fabric would explain getting everything right, down to the glitter. In my experience true replicas can barely manage making sure the print is the right color, let alone put in the extra effort to add glitter and shit

>> No.8146376

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
I had Milky the Fawn, Sugary Carnival, Vampire Requiem, and Midsummer Night's Dream
>Any horror stories?
VR was such shitty quality that it was falling apart after just a few hours wearing it. Before anyone tries to call fatty, it had nothing to do with size, if anything it was a little too big for me.
>How did people treat you?
The worst anyone's ever said to me was "I can tell" when I mentioned I was wearing a replica. I don't blame them.
>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
MSND was my dream dress
>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
There's few greater feeling in lolita than getting the real deal after almost a year of owning the replica and trying to convince yourself that you're just as content. I was pretty excited when I got the replica, but when I got the original, I was so happy, I literally teared up.
>Do you still have your replicas?
Nope, sold them all except VR, which was in too shitty condition to sell so I just threw it away.

>> No.8146386

Actually, that fabric design was originally AP's. The common version available to anyone in JP is replica fabric that came out after.

>this isn't really a quote unquote replica
Replica refers to any degree of copied design, legal or illegal, print or non-print, not just counterfeits.

>> No.8146394

One of the most retarded things about anti-replica people is that they don't say shit when a print is re-released or the brand makes another print just like it (ex. Twinkle Mermaid and Aqua Princess).

>> No.8146430

Yeah like >>8146386 said. The Bodyline one is made from replica fabric. The original AP one actually has Angelic Pretty written all over the print, and the one Bodyline used has Angelic Pretty taken off.

>> No.8146435

ah makes sence

>> No.8146443

is this bait? I hope this is bait

>> No.8146464

I'm hoping to, but I've heard some pretty ridic pro-replica arguments in my day, so it wouldn't surprise me

>> No.8146479

Or replicas from other brands. No one said anything about AatP ripping off Twinkle Mermaid with Melty Mermaid Princess.

>> No.8146696
File: 12 KB, 295x171, cadbury purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but anon, you CAN copyright a colour.

>> No.8146801

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
I've owned replicas of Vampire Requiem, the Milk-Chan and Snow Strawberry or whatever it is, Melty Mermaid Princess all from Dream of Lolita and Melty Cream Donut from the same Taobao seller as the Cream Cookie Collection replica.

>Any horror stories?
The Milk-Chan one was the best quality and I'd ordered it with custom measurements which were true to size when I got it but by the time I received it a month later, I'd lost so much weight it didn't fit me anymore. Vampire Requiem almost put me off gothic lolita because it was so gross and MMP had all the words on it backwards.

>How did people treat you?
No differently, and I had no trouble selling them at the same cost I'd purchased them for.

>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
No but I came so close. I'd placed an order with Oo Jia for the Sugar Hearts replica and it popped up for sale super cheap so I nabbed it and cancelled that, same story with Whimsical Vanilla Chan.

>Do you still have your replicas?
Just the MCD one, aside from the little bows on the straps and one on the bust (all of which I have modified to resemble the original) and the sad excuse for a built in petti, no one would really be able to tell that it's a replica.

>> No.8146842

Ok i would like to start With as of rn i own a rereplica of Milky Planet from Oojia. I dont fully support replicas but i have yet to afford or fit into that specific print which is my dream print. With that said im using it as a place holder and im gonna use the fabric from it to alter the real dress when i can get it.

But my friend has the same print in a different colorway the real thing so i did sit and compair them out of curiosity.
The print on the replica is really very close and just as pretty print wise the difference is MOST but not all the text is pretty clear but some look like weird random laters where it ways angelic pretty.
Some of the little stars in the print are not there the amout of sparkly little stars in the print is about half i would say.
And last for the print there is no glitter on it (i plan on painting it on eventually)

Constustion wise the dress is very nice, lace is good and is comparable to AP lace, the stitching is neat and pretty and not like a humbled mess like a lot of replica lace. The lace on mine is however AP star lace minus the actual "AP" rather than the icecream lace on the original. There is still a built in petti of similar quality which is nice. Thwre is however ni side zipper (which is odd) but there is tonnns of back shirring so you can easily just pull it over your head. Lastly i will say the buttons are lilittle flowers not stars Where the waist ties attach.

Over all its much better than most replicas ive seen and even past reviews ive seen for Oojias Milky Planet replicas from a while ago.

>> No.8146845

We're talking about in fashion. Fashion copyright and such are a whole different world than other types of marketing.

>> No.8146850

Can someone please translate this into common English for me? I don't speak illiterate fatty.

>> No.8146865

Actually if you follow her facebook page she doea to a few original dresses as well as buying indie fabric from newer brands that design and sell fabric as they arent the best of seamstress yet. (Kinda like how rouge arie did with the caroskel print the first time they released it... But i dont think that she did buy that one.)

I saw her post one made of inie fabric recently she made a salopet

>> No.8146867


Actually if you follow her facebook page she doea to a few original dresses as well as buying indie fabric from newer brands that design and sell fabric as they arent the best of seamstress yet. (Kinda like how rouge arie did with the caroskel print the first time they released it... But i dont think that she did buy that one.)

I saw her post one made of inie fabric recently she made a salopet

>> No.8146876

Fatty gonna Frankenstein her replica to the real deal someday and paint on the missing glitter.

>> No.8146880


I don't get worked up over someone buying a replica per se, but god, the kids who do it can be so stupid about it.

You don't buy a replica and then demand that you be "allowed" to wear it to a freaking brand tea party. Show some respect to the people who designed your clothes that you didn't pay for (you paid a replica maker, not the original designer. How do you think they feel?)
You don't buy a shitty replica and then bawww that people aren't impressed by your replica. It's not the original, duh. What were you expecting.
If you have the money to buy three replica dresses at once, you're not going to be taken seriously when you bawww about burando prices. Yes, it's three dresses for the price of one, but clearly the price tag itself is not beyond your means, you're just an impatient, greedy brat.
If you're a snotty lil brat and your comm decides to keep their distance, it's probably because you're a snotty lil brat. Calling the rest of your comm brandwhores and saying you got snubbed because you own one replica is your own denial.

And also

Arguing that "other kids do it too!" does not mean what you're doing is right. Just because some random anons illegally download music and anime etc (which is illegal, yes, and which you can get charged for, yes) does not mean you are now entitled to buy replicas and wear them in public and shove them into the designer's faces. One illegal act does not legalise another illegal act.

I was actually okay with it before it became a huge thing, but the bigger replicas got, the more retarded the people who were wearing it became.

>> No.8146884

Oo jia burned her bridges to make originals because we know $ we spend for thrm will just support her replica business. Only if she stopped altogether would I even consider buying from her and even then, probably not. After it was revealed she lied about her workers' conditions and put up the fake stolen factory pix, t pretty much made everyone ethical turn away from her. She pays single mothers low piecework wages to make shitty dresses that she mostly profits from herself. SHE wears brand. I don't think those factory workers could even afford a replica they make. Nope.
No jia-chama. Not even once.

>> No.8146897

I'm starting to feel kind of like you. As an artist/designer I know it's wrong but I've long been a lone lolita and there are are a few pieces from years ago I just can't find anywhere. I wear lolita to the park and at uni more than meets so I'd rather not mess up my one brand skirt costing $300. It was my dream print, but when I see my other dream dress (Bunny milk and snow strawberry) for a fraction of that as a replica...Err. I'm not in this fashion for showing off a rarity or bragging rights but I know there are enough collectors who are, with a couple hundred going spare each month to keep the big brands afloat. It just sucks that the miniskirts not even suitable for lolita are still $200+ I just really want holy lantern as an everyday skirt, like countless, similarly flocked $50 ones.

I would never try to pass off the fake as the real deal or support replicating an indie brand though

>> No.8146910

Shit, deets on this?

>> No.8146923

If we're all honest for a second it's basically about status. Owning the real thing makes you a 'better' lolita and you'll get more attention and recognition.
Also, most replicas aren't that bad for a piece of clothing, even if they are worse than the brand piece. So if we didn't devalue replicas, we'd look pretty stupid to spend so much more on the brand piece.
Just think of normal street fashion for a second. If somebody would exclusively buy brand jeans, brand shirts, brand shoes, would the person look stupid to you? Maybe, but the reason is that you don't devalue the offbrand knock-offs and don't value the brand.

>> No.8146931

Honestly lolita is just as much a collector's hobby as it a fashion hobby. People look at antique collectors funny when they pay thousands for a chair that looks like one from Pottery Barn, but to them it's worth it.

>> No.8146943

Tbh as an artist it's really just the print theft that salts my vag. You can't copyright a particular cut of a dress, which is fine - that's how it should be. But devaluing an artist's work by printing a knockoff? Nah man nah. It's like those kids who think that because they found something on google images it's free for them to use whoever they want.

>> No.8146948

What if you don't care about status at all...?
I could care less if people lust over my wardrobe or not. I think it's really strange and narcissistic to a very bad level if you're into anything for essentially bragging rights and popularity.

I get it being a collectors hobby, but people really cross the line with this shit a lot.

>> No.8146952


>> No.8146953

*however ugh autocorrect has been KILLING me today

>> No.8146954

I can't find the gossip about it no most of it went down on FB and much off her page was deleted. I'll dig more tomorrow, it's late here and I still have work to finish, damn.
Cgl sucks my brain dry late at night...again!

>> No.8146959

They can't come to my tea party meets either. I don't invite replica-chans to meets EVER. Some think that's so mean. I say 'boo-hoo'.

>> No.8147032

Of course art theft is a problem arising with replicas, but my point is; many lolitas would gladly use art they found for whatever they need it for and are probably streaming anime and movies without a second thought. So most lolitas claiming they don't want replicas because of the art theft are hypocrites that actually care for what >>8146931 said.

I don't want to claim EVERY lolita only cares for status, but I think the feeling of "omg I own the REAL thing, I own REAL brand" is due to some kind of status you gain through brand (or why else is owning the REAL thing so special?).
Personally as a loner lolita I don't care about replicas. My reason for not buying them is resale value and I don't want to bother with possible bad quality (like the green lace on misty sky-incidents).

>> No.8147096

it's partially a status thing, yes. it's special because it shows that you have the money to buy it in the first place. yeah that's pretty vapid, but that's par for the course in any luxury hobby. it's mainly a quality thing though. if you're in a fashion-based hobby, you're going to expected to have a decent quality wardrobe, and you're not going to be looked at nicely if you have a wardrobe full of shit chinese ripoffs.

>> No.8147139


There's this:

>> No.8147144


I don't think anyone has had the balls to do that yet, you're certainly the first.

The one I'm talking about is when replicachans actually started bawwing about not being allowed to wear replicas to a BRAND tea party. They think that wearing replicas of the brand = wearing that brand, and loudly proclaim how much they love that brand by saying they're going to buy every replica of every print that exists (but not the original, because the original dress is too expensive). Like, I don't even.

>> No.8147147

I just find it hilarious that Oojia wears brand. I always thought she was some Chinese auntie but nope.

>> No.8147153


That's what got me to stop buying from her, I'm basically giving her money to buy the burando that I can't afford.

Besides, there's a lot more choices on secondhand sales now. Maybe five years ago a lot of the prints were fairly new and expensive secondhand, now there's a lot of old prints floating around that cost about the same as a dress from Oo Jia, but with none of the stigma (or the pain of knowing you just handed her money to buy burando)

>> No.8147155

What? Just because two different brands make mermaid prints doesn't mean one is a knock-off
They re-release prints to allow customers who weren't able to purchase have another chance, what does that have to do with anything. And releasing prints with similar themes are not knock-offs. Ffs most brands release a cherry or strawberry print every summer, are they knocking off themselves?
God replica-chans I can't even

>> No.8147158


See, I was here when replicas first came out and had nearly no negative stigma to them other than low quality. In fact, quite a few lolitas were happy, because they could get lower end replicas to wear as daily wear, and some lolitas thought they could finally buy their dream prints as replicas instead of $600 dresses.

However, because of the lax attitude towards replicas, the young girls with less developed social mores started thinking that replicas were completely okay, so >>8147144 happened. They actually thought it was completely logical to wear a brand replica to that brand's tea party!

The lack of negative stigma is what gave them this impression, and it really upset them when the person organising it said "you can wear any brand you want, but you cannot wear replicas". They actually posted completely honest whinge posts to facebook claiming that the rule was unfair and discriminated against poorer lolitas.

So, yes, even if it's about the status, you cannot just "delete" the status and ask that everybody else do the same. We gotta maintain something, because apparently the young girls coming into the fashion don't have enough sense themselves to realise what kind of terrible faux pas it is to wear a brand's own REPLICAs to their own tea party. Can you imagine if, every time a brand wants to host a tea party, they have deal with girls who want to wear replicas to their tea party?

>> No.8147204
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I hate that I love Milu Forest's take on this print. I have a mighty need but refuse to support art theft (esp from my favourite brand).

>> No.8147289

She got some hate for selling a replica/factory reject as the real thing (I think at some point she also tried to sell a replica Milky Berry as real). So she came up with some sob story about how she's not making replicas for the money, she just wants "for every princess in the world to have their dreams come true". And some BS about how she employs impoverished single mothers with disabled children and included a photo - someone reverse image-searched it to being from an art school website.

>> No.8147294

Personally I've never considered it because I'm not excited about prints but cuts and material and going by the OP replicas won't really deliver on that even if they were to copy printless items.

I've been eyeing some MmM bag replicas though.

>> No.8147295

We are a small comm and I'm kind of a grouch...so they say. But yeah, wtf with a brand tea, everyone dressing to the nines and they think...replica? Oh honey...no...just...no.

>> No.8147300

I bought a milky planet replica secondhand as my first ever lolita dress and I was in love with it. I wore it everywhere. It's what really got me into lolita.
My mum's a crazy drunk and burnt all of my lolita stuff and kicked me out of the house so I eventually ended up in a hostel.
I saved and saved and finally bought the real thing in navy. I literally cried when I received it and the first time I wore it outside. Nothing compared, for me, to the feeling that I finally owned and ap print (it was also my first) and it was my dream print in my dream colourway.

I'd still wear a replica to a tea party or zoo, around the house or in summer without a blouse and a cover up instead as then it doesn't break your heart as much if something messy happens or sweat etc

I feel more confident in brand but less worried in offbrand if that makes sense.

>> No.8147301

There's no reasoning with them, anon, their entitlement is out of control, then they try to justify it once they've bought the bad goods. I just give them lots of space.

>> No.8147304

I wear Bodyline or real offbrand (no replicas) for everyday or if I'm afraid to get dirty. No one needs replicas.

>> No.8147312

of course she does. she makes thousands off replicas. she has to buy the originals for reference

>> No.8147314

I only own brand at this point but I think I'd rather own replicas for messy days than Bodyline. Bodyline is fugly imho.

>> No.8147317

She or her friend Plague Doc own every dress she's ever made a replica of and more besides. I'm sure she has quite a laugh at you all keeping HER in brand and if I'm not mistaken, living in a very nice place in Shanghai, going out to events and parties. Plague Doc's Facebook used to be full of the photos of lovely views, nice restaurants, fun parties and events and all that Burando.

>> No.8147320

You may think so but I think art theft and disrespect is always ugliest.

>> No.8147342

>>What are your experiences with Replicas?
Generally speaking: Good. I only ever owned one and that was Oo Jia's Twinkle Journey skirt replica in black. And I ordered that years ago before she went crazy.
I actually wanted navy but that was before she offered that colorway. I'm super obsessed with the navy skirt but I'll never be skinny enough to wear it, and no less find it or any of the matching accessories.
>>Any horror stories?
Well it's my fucking fault to begin with, but basically, I was a measurement noob and I had written my waist measurement number in INCHES but I had put the CM mark next to it. So what I received in the mail was a skirt that was only 32-36 centimeters in the waist, it could have fit a small child.
I had to send it back to get remade but she was understanding about it.
>>How did people treat you?
Generally good. Nobody, even from the local comm, ever gave me much shit about it. But I think that's because Twinkle Journey (aside from the red colorway..) is a bitch and a half to obtain ever, and no less for a reasonable price.
>>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
My dream skirt, as stated above. I pretty much have all my dream dresses and they're the real deal.
I would like the shirred navy Twinkle Journey jsk though. The last time it popped up on the market I had offered the girl $100 below what she was asking (due to a bow missing and it being damaged) and she declined me.
>>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
I've never gotten Twinkle Journey and I don't think I ever will given the attitude of most Twinkle Journey sellers. I'm not willing to pay $100+ over retail for something that's damaged and been worn over 10 times, it's gross.

It was exciting getting my other dream dresses though. I still love the thrill of trolling midnight releases and stuff.
>>Do you still have your replicas?
I sold the skirt recently. It was just rotting in my closet next to my AP.

>> No.8147348

Glad I'm not the only one who would rather wear a replica than bodyline. Not all of the time for me, but definitely most of the time.

>> No.8147354

well, my wardrobe is 100% brand, so meh.

>> No.8147362

Yeah but replica-chans here isn't. They ned to see the situation's other side too. Not that I think it will do much good, truthfully but one must attempt.

>> No.8147381

/cgl I need your help:

>want fantastic dolly OP in RED so bad
>its too big for me, need to alter it
>there is no chance that someone will ever sell it
>then it would be too damn pricey
>if I buy that much expensive dress I surely would want to wear it daily but --> too pricey, too versatile --> would never wear it outside or daily

What should I do?

>> No.8147384

I've seen it at least once on mbok within the past two months but you're right about the price.
However I feel I should inform you that the Fantastic Dolly replicas tend to be shitty.

>> No.8147388

Whine more. There will be people who really don't like your replica if you get one. I'm not going to say I think it's ok because of your reasons. I don't.

I think you should suck it up and find/alter the real one or find another brand print instead. If you can't afford the real one then maybe you should be a little more realistic about your lolita budget vs your wants. We all want things we can't have at times. Do we cry like little children and buy fakes? No.

>> No.8147394

Its not about affording, I could buy 4 of this dresses if I want. Its about if I got it, I wouldn't wear it cause of the reasons I told you before. What is the meaning of street fashion if u can't wear it daily? These dresses aren't made for wearing them daily... so I think Lolita isn't a street fashion anymore?

>> No.8147395

>baiting this hard

>> No.8147397

>Do we cry like little children
Why yes, yes you do.
>implying there aren't a million tfw no burando feels and temper tantrums thrown on /cgl/ over outbids on auctions
Buying the knockoffs afterward is subjective, but everyone equally whines. Even me. Do you think I like paying $200 over retail to a scalper? It's still fucking bullshit.

>> No.8147412

The replica looks shitty in comparison, it's one of the worse replicas and you can spot it immediately.
Also, the red fantastic dolly is probably one of the more wearable lolita dresses since it looks so much like a retro dress, people will simply think you're a retro chick.
I wear my red fantastic dolly jsk all the time, even out of lolita with a blazer f.e.
Also, it's not that price-y anymore. Japanese lolitas still think it's worth a fortune (the OP was for 100,000 yen for months without the price being reduced.), but I saw the JSK in red sitting around for weeks in LM.
If you're so small get the skirt, noone I know would fit the mini-sizing of this skirt.

>> No.8147419

I don't cry, I have a shopping service. Paying their fees ongoing is cheaper than paying a scalper price even one time. Plus I get my stuff a few days after the Japan release. I might whimper a bit tracking 1-2 older ones down though. Just a bit.

>> No.8147423

>I have a shopping service.
Okay, good for you, but not everybody has a shopping service that gives them constant number one priority. Even with a shopping service people still miss out on preferred cuts and colorways. Sometimes it's impossible to get a SS if it's a popular release and they're already booked.

>> No.8147424

It's not even a very fancy dress, Anon. I'd wear it casually any day. A lot of us wear our lolita dresses pretty often. I'm not sure why you are having a problem.

>> No.8147429

I guess it helps to be a regular customer, yes but that's part of how it works. I also am not terribly hard to please. I often took my second choice in cut or colorway at first. Now I can usually secure what I want.

>> No.8147438


>> No.8147497

Try not to wear your pretty little dresses when you're doing something that might get you dirty? Being a daily lolita doesn't mean having to wear it every day no matter the activity and location. I'm not gonna go hiking, walking the dog in the forest or grocery shopping in lolita.

>> No.8147502

My statement was more hypothetical, messy days would be going to a theme park or a party where I'll drink alcohol.

>> No.8147521

Have you seen Melty Mermaid Princess compared to Twinkle Mermaid? They're practically the same fucking dress. If you're going to complain about replicas, you have to complain about that, too, or you're just a hypocrite.

>> No.8147546

they're pretty different, MMP has artwork from scenes inspired by the little mermaid and TM just has generic mermaid poses. yeah placement of those ovals are similar, but let's be real- brand is fucking uninspired with that shit. reuse the same templates over and over.

i mean i have both dresses but neither comes off as a copy of the other.

>> No.8147549

As several people have already stated

Illegal downloading is NOT the same thing because the person posting the videos is NOT making any money off of it. That's only really comparable to if a girl made herself a replica and bitches got sandy, which most anti-replica people would not.

>I don't want to claim EVERY lolita only cares for status, but I think the feeling of "omg I own the REAL thing, I own REAL brand" is due to some kind of status you gain through brand (or why else is owning the REAL thing so special?).
How do you not get how owning the real thing is special compared to a shitty knock off? First of all, it feels good to finally buy something dear to you after saving up for it, as opposed to lowering your standards to a shitty imitation and giving money to someone profiting off of stealing art from a company you love. Secondly, owning the better quality original is always going to feel better than the lesser quality counterfeit, this applies to pretty much everything, not just lolita. Even my elementary age siblings notice the differences between the big brand toys like MLP and the cheap knock-offs at the dollar store.

>> No.8147554
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And neither company bothered the other about it.

>> No.8147557

it's funny to think about in a way, technically most people buy replicas of high fashion stuff to have the semblance of status- you pay for the logo because it's recognized. there are plenty of cute indie prints, but lots of girls who target replicas probably also want to be recognized for wearing the print without spending the money on it.

>> No.8147561

Sorry, I didn't mean to shit on you personally.
I still feel parties and theme parks are not lolita appropriate (I mean think of all the bloomer flashing) if you're going for the action and not just cute pictures.

>> No.8147568

Honestly, at the end of the day, what the replica debate boils down to for me is this: almost all the brands have spoken against replicas and the ones replicated most frequently, like AP and BtSSB/AatP, have asked the companies doing it to stop, only to be ignored. Buying print replicas is a slap in the face to the brands and anyone who sees no problem in buying them is entitled as fuck and obviously doesn't truly respect the fashion.

>> No.8147572

a bit unrealistic to think a replica company would stop just because you asked them to. but agreed, if you really respect the fashion you shouldn't support something that hurts it.

>> No.8147573

I second theme parks if for no other reason than you're just asking for your dress to get damaged if you plan to go on any rides, but how hard do you party for your bloomers to flash? I've gotten pretty fucking drunk in lolita and have never come close to flashing my panties (I don't wear bloomers).

>> No.8147576

Eh, the bloomers part was just meant for the theme park.

>> No.8147581

But everyone just recognizes them as another replica-chan so it kind of has the opposite effect? Who is an even fairly well-known lolita who has ever passed off a replica of an iconic print. I don't know of any. Because you can tell the difference almost all the time.

>> No.8147582

Most replicas are so poorly made that I'd rather have pay more to have the real thing and be able to wear it a ton than to buy a replica and only be able to wear it once or twice. Quality over quantity.

>> No.8147595

yeah, but i remember some of the chiffon ap knockoffs are pretty passable if you're not scrutinizing it up close? there were some good dream sky replicas too.

but yeah, i know what you're saying. sometimes i see post their closet pics and from a distance like that you can't tell those are fakes

>> No.8147600

Oh my god, I have a story about something like this.
>at SF AP store
>girl comes in wearing obvious MP replica with her friend in the shittiest attempt at punk lolita you could imagine with Misa Amane hair
>as they look at shit, they keep commenting on the prices, saying shit like "this is why I just buy replicas" and "oh my god, who the fuck even buys this shit?"
>they go up to girl looking through racks, holding a dress
>"You know you can get all this for way cheaper online, right? Just look up Dream of Lolita"
>one shop girl is like nope.jpg and tells them to leave if they're not going to buy anything
>idiots are stupid enough to have to ask why
>shop girl straight up says they're not going to tolerate them complaining about prices and encouraging customers to buy knock-offs
>girls throw a complete shit fit as they leave, yelling about their rights to freedom of speech

>> No.8147602

I like you

>> No.8147618

wow. that's really fucking awkward. urgh

once my coworker commented 'hey i've seen a girl who dresses like you' and showed me a creeper pic of this bitch wearing the tackiest replica of midsummer night's dream ever fml

>> No.8147619

See, if someone was like "I buy replicas, I know it's bad, but I'm gonna do it anyway" and had the sense not to shove it own other's throats with the expectation of complete tolerance, my jimmies wouldn't be so rustled. It's the fact that virtually everyone who wears them is exactly how you describe and also beyond entitled about it.

It doesn't matter that you're poor, fat, too tall, whatever, the brands do not owe you a fucking dress. Plus, there's infinite offbrand to ease one's financial or physical restrictions that don't resort to art theft and are typically better quality for the same price or cheaper.

>> No.8147635

I remember some girl bawwing in a secrets post about how insulted she felt because the booth girls for BtSSB weren't as friendly with her as the other people there when she told them she was wearing a replica. Because why shouldn't you get the same treatment as loyal fans when you show up to a brand event, proudly declaring you paid for a cheaper stolen version of their work? Makes total sense.

>> No.8147659

Brands come out with similar designs all the fucking time. They're not replicas because they are not exact copies. It's not like Baby has a spy working in AP and they send over their prints, lace and fabric samples or some shit. People come up with similar ideas all the time. Nothing new.

I'm sure you're going to say Mary Magdalene copied AP too with Perfume Bottle and Fantastic Dolly right?

>> No.8147667
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>What are your experiences with Replicas?
I bought a $60 "replica" of pic related.
>Any horror stories?
The original was an overdress, but I guess whoever was making the thing thought that it was attached to the beige dress underneath. So it ended up being a Frankenstein's monster of fabric that was way too big for me.
>How did people treat you?
I never wore it in public and I never told anyone about it other than mentioning a bad replica experience offhand.
>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
No. They are mostly unique prints and not the candy sweet ones that seem popular to copy. I wouldn't want a replica now anyway.
>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
>Do you still have your replicas?
Nope. I used it for scraps for sewing. It wasn't fit to sell.

>> No.8147672

god i remember that, soo whiny.

And it's not a brand elitism thing, shop girls and designers have always been very nice to me even if I'm not wearing their brand (like AP to a baby shop or something). Two of the baby designers also complimented my MM coat when i met them last year. I can't stand hearing these entitled brats complain.

>> No.8147680

I bought that $35 half milk chocolate rosette replica, don't have it yet, just want to wear it casually.
The sorts of people getting talked about are people who are probably horrendous to be around in any context. Correlation=/=causation

>> No.8147691

i'm interested in seeing this, got a stock pic?

i agree with you to a degree though, I have a dream sky replica skirt i wear casually.

>> No.8147704
File: 401 KB, 570x400, rosette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are some customer photos

>> No.8147709

I wonder what would of happened if they went into coach with that attitude?

>> No.8147727

There is truth to the idea that there's a certain amount of entitlement that comes with those who regularly buy replicas.

>> No.8147731

Even when I go to brand stores wearing offbrand, they never treat me differently than if I'm head to toe in their brand. It's strictly replicas they take issue with and anyone who can't understand why they would qualifies as full retard.

>> No.8147738

I went into Kate Spade with a (real) vintage KS bag...they notice right away!

>> No.8147743

There's a difference between buying one replica and them being a major part of your wardrobe. The kind of people we're talking about are the ones that proudly buy replicas as an alternative to brand and think anyone who thinks poorly of this practice is a total elitist. Someone who buys one replica doesn't qualify as a Replica-chan unless it's literally the only main piece you own.

>> No.8147748

I just don't understand how a person could not feel dirty wearing a replica with the brand's logo still on it.

>> No.8147757

Nobody is going to validate your reason to buy a shitty replica.

>> No.8147776
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Several easy-to-spot differences just from these photos.

>> No.8147783

They definitely notice! Even super old old designs, it's amazing.

Funny story, my friend has a very very very good knockoff gucci bag that she's very proud of and she had the audacity to wear it to the real gucci store once.. they actually asked her to leave immediately and escorted her out of the shop. Pretty impressive how fast they catch this shit

>> No.8147800

I'm going to be honest, I can't really see it beyond the rosette being smaller and maybe less poof?
I'm not looking to pass it off or anything. I wish more dresses would have similar pleating detail

>> No.8147802

how do anons feel about getting replicas for young children?

my 9 year old sister wants to twin with me, but she's way too small for brand. i'm conflicted since i don't have a trustworthy seamstress near me who i can ask to modify a dress to fit her, and she'll likely outgrow the piece in a year even if i did. not to mention 9 year olds are pretty clumsy. but at the same time, i don't want to support the replica business.

i would have asked her to pick a piece from a custom indie brand, but she's quite set on a very specific print and i feel like a monster if i say no.

>> No.8147807

It looks a little off to me, can't really put my finger on it. It looks like it's a lot flimsier than the original? The original seems to have a stiffer fabric.

>> No.8147820

Newsflash: you aren't a monster, don't give your sister everything she wants. She's 9, old enough to understand why you won't buy it if you explain, and certainly old enough to not get everything she asks for

>> No.8147827
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I can just find some errors in the print and that the lower bodice part (where it hits the skirt part) doesn't line up as nice as in the original. Also the rosette seems to be the wrong colour as fell as the ruffle trim.

Pretty sure there are more differences.

>> No.8147837

Tell her she can't have it, it's not available in her size. If she still likes it once she grows up, maybe you can get the original for her.

Of course it's disappointing but that's life. My little sister (8 years) likes Lolita too and wants to wear my dresses because so pretty!, but I explained to her they won't fit her, and after five minutes of being disappointed she got over it.

Look for nice printed fabric maybe? I know there are some nice prints commercially available.

>> No.8147843

Blech. CR has a thick textured fabric (sorry don't know types and weights) and the replica looks like it's printed on a light weight fabric, hence why it looks flimsy. It's a gorgeous print and very luscious looking - the replica looks like it's bleeding and fading out.

>> No.8147871

If you get her a replica, people will be able to see the difference in the prints more clearly. Explain that you just cant get her the printed dress. Twin with her, but get a bodyline children's dress, and a matching one (or one in the same material) from the adults section.
You could get the tote bag of the print, maybe?

>> No.8147909

Buy cheap bodyline dresses instead. They have a kids section.

>> No.8147917

Just tell her she's too young for that specific dress because it's really expensive and that you'll buy it for her when she's older, but in the mean time, she can have a different dress. If she's so heartbroken about not being able to have that specific print, then take it as a good opportunity to teach her she can't have every single thing she wants in life and not let her be a little brat about it.

>> No.8147928

you and me both anon

i really love what's going on with the cut of the dress milu did but i can't buy it either


>> No.8147937

I have a question. Are all Secret Shop shoes replicas? Or do they have original designs? What about Bodyline, are their shoes mostly replicas? I just want nice shoes to fit my 26cm monster feet... And that are preferably not immoral to wear.

>> No.8147944

I feel like what some replica chains don't get is that there wouldn't *be* lolita without the brands. That's what makes it so special to me to buy burando, the idea of holding a little bit of that history and supporting the people who made a fashion I love come into existence etc etc etc

>> No.8147961

No one really minds shoe replicas, as far as I can tell.

>> No.8147978

So, would wearing Secret Shop tea parties be considered okay, then? I dunno if there's a point at which I should draw the line, or what.

>> No.8147999

i think shoes are in a unique position since brand shoe sizes are very limited size-wise and some people have special needs for their footwear. Also helps that SS teaparties are often identical to the AP ones too (i think they manufacture them for AP).

>> No.8148002


Considering that most lolita 'brand' shoes are knockoffs of some kind of famous brands, I believe it's kind of a grey area at this point.

I'd consider it on par with replicating a non print dress.

>> No.8148020

Hmmm, maybe try finding the salopette version? My little sister was thirteen when I gave her brand and I got her a salopette because you can wear it with more than lolita. (Ap 2012/14 lucky pack)

If it still won't fit, look at indie and custom stuff together and stress to her that it's being made just for her.

>> No.8148021

As they may had copied design, nobody really cares for that as much as prints. It isn't illegal and I've heard a lot that in case of brand shoes and bags there isn't so big difference in quality.

Kind of related question. How do you feel about ordering made-to-order shoes modeled after brand design? I've ordered such pair of shoes - I've sent my feet measurement and photos of shoes. They turned out not identical, just similar (so not really replicas), the fit and comfort is amazing and are way better quality. But still were modeled after brand shoes.

The straps are connected to the bodice at different angle. Also the placement of print on the side panels is different. It jut shows lack of attention to detail.

>> No.8148030

I feel like iconic shoes aren't okay like the engineer boots or those ap sneakers.

>> No.8148110

As an anon said above: this is because it benefit them financially for us to have an emotional investment in the brand. I may be against replicas due to art theft, but brands are not our "friends". They are businesses that make money off of us. They may not be big like GAP or Forever 21, but we have no obligation of loyalty to them. It is a marketing tactic, nothing more.

>> No.8148123

Not everyone feels like you do. I bought a secondhand replica once because it was cheap (and it's pretty uncommon to see replicas for sale that are whale-sized) and I got dogpiled on with hate in person and online. One replica of a dress not made anymore, secondhand, in a closet full of brand after being in the fashion for years was enough to make me a replica-chan demonspawn in people's eyes.

>> No.8148131

Basically people are willing to overlook things when it benefits them.

>> No.8148242
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Has any taobao store made a replica of a brand tag?

>> No.8148393

Ok im only a few cm larger than the ororiginal in my bust. I figured using a small pannel of replica fabric was better than using something that doesnt match well. Like that girl who Frankensteined the fuck out of whipped magic with that terrible purple fabric.

>> No.8148397

Fuck im typing on my phone

>> No.8148410

>tfw no little sister to doll up with....

>> No.8148417

Hm, not in my book. Buying a replica makes you replica-chan. You don't get a pass just because you 'only have one'. Sorry. Some of us are just zero tolerance for this shit.

>> No.8148419

>implying that Coach is a luxury brand

>> No.8148423

EGL comm draws the line at using original artwork, original lace with na,e or company motif, brand mascots and using the brand logo. Anything else is design similarities and not exclusive to the brands.

>> No.8148425

I didnt say that. I mean a normal semi-high priced norm store.
I havent really been there but from what I guess its higher?

>> No.8148429

Implying lolita brands are? I think Coach would actually be similar in quality/price.

>> No.8148433

>implying that lolita is a truly upper-crust luxury fashion and not a street fashion

mid-level designers care about ripoffs too

>> No.8148457

How do you know they didn't buy the rights legitimately?

>> No.8148466

>implying that somehow invaliates anon's point in any way

>> No.8148480

Because Baby/AAtP don't sell licensed logo print rights they just do collabs. Delusion much?

>> No.8148488

Lolita isn't either. My lolita dresses aren't my most expensive fashion items or accessories. I could only wish!!

>> No.8148498

AP was among the very first brands to pioneer lolita fashion. We may not have an obligation to financially support them, but to support theft of their work is blatant disrespect for the fashion. Plus, most of the people who buy replicas are people who claim to be massive fans of the brands their buying knock-offs of, which is just icky.
Nigger, I have 70-80 brand main pieces and one old ass Bodyline version of Fruits Parlor that I haven't worn since my first year in the fashion. I'm sorry, but if I qualify as a Replica-chan to you, you're just full of sand.

>> No.8148501

lol im sorry but i just imagined a ghetto lady and her pile of brand saying this

>> No.8148525
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I'm very tempted to buy the more convincing replicas and ultra cheap secondhand brand, then switch out the tags. I've realized in my time in lolita that only seasoned girls can really tell the difference between originals and replicas. Anytime there's a dealer at a con selling replicas even my friends, who had been in the fashion longer than me and were more active in the community thought they were real, even though I knew almost at first glance they weren't.

>> No.8148535

With a pastel weave, wearing over-sized candy-themed bling with her AP instead of the typical plastic sweets jewelry. And brass knuckles on each hand, one saying Angelic, the other saying Pretty.

>> No.8148584

It was just a question. How do you know that they don't sell rights?

>> No.8148594

not op, but most of these brands don't do that, especially if it's something with their logo. Can you think of even one instance where a notable lolita brand sold rights to a print? I know they do buy rights to collab with other things though and sometimes buy generic fabric for releases.

>> No.8148609

Yeah same here. Gulls here claim that replicas are aalllllways so easy to tell, but I doubt many would actually be able to if they saw one in the wild. Even I have trouble with some of the nicer ones.

>> No.8148614

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
I don't own any replica dresses or prints, but I do own several replica shoes.

I own 26 pairs of shoes, with 6 of them being replicas and 20 being brand.

Out of the 6, I'm only disappointed in 2 of them. I ordered replicas of BtSSB Antique Ribbon from two different taobao stores and they don't even come close to the real deal. My two current pairs from BtSSB are literally falling apart and being held together by glue so I hope it comes up on mbok/y!a soon....

>Any horror stories?
None so far. Although my friend got the stinkeye when she wanted to try on genuine AP tea parties and the shop girl realized my friend was currently wearing fakes

>How did people treat you?
When I get a lot of compliments on my shoes I feel embarrassed and whisper that they're replicas. When they see how flustered I get, I usually get nonchalant responses about how it doesn't really matter anyway

>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
Nope and I don't plan to

>Do you still have your replicas?
Yes, although I'm looking to sell off my Secret Shop tea parties now that I have all the AP shoes in the colors I want

>> No.8148623

definitely harder to scrutinize a moving person to determine if replica or not, unless you're a master at where's waldo lol

>> No.8148665

damn, how do they notice? I mean if it's that good, really, how do they notice?

>> No.8148680

Would they advertise that sort if thing though?

>> No.8148683

giving someone stink eye over replica tea parties so so pathetic, it's such a simple design of shoe that almost every brand uses it's not owned by just one of them

>> No.8148701

No clue really. I got into the designer purse scene for a bit (Like Mulberry, Balenciaga, etc. I couldn't afford them, but I liked reading their stuff and following the discussions) and with some fakes even the long time employees have a hard time discerning if its real or not. It's a big issue there, to the point that people actually send bags into the company if they worry that they accidentally bought a fake being sold as legit. Not because of some moral issue, but often the craftsmen at the company HQ are some of the only people who can 100% tell if it is fake. That's how good the fakes are getting, and these fakes often still sell for thousands of dollars.

>> No.8148724

Seriously. I can understand a coveted print, but lolita shoes?

>> No.8148761

no clue really. i hear some of the more seasoned shop people are trained to look for discrepancies, like a specific stitch on the bag being wrong, or a slight alignment issue with the metal hardware, etc.

>> No.8148794


My mom collects brand bags and what she told is me that when you see so many of the same bags/bags by the same designers, you get really good at spotting even the smaller differences - even more so when it's $1000+ bags where the saleperson is supposed to inspect the bag close before giving it to you to make sure it's not damaged.

>> No.8148837

DOL ones are easy to spot. Replicas on people who are way above the standard size is also easy to tell. I've been fooled initially by a few OoJia replicas worn by people who were at standard sizing or smaller, I had to look at it up close to notice the bows, lace, pattern alignment. Usually though the headbows are a dead giveaway.

>> No.8148844

The only reason I can almost immediately tell apart the better replicas IRL is because lolita has been my #1 passion for eight years and I've owned a fuck ton of AP and BtSSB/AatP, so I'm aware of certain subtle detail differences that even seasoned lolitas don't pick up on. It wasn't until year 5 or 6 that I became a replica spotting master. It's really not as easy as many on here act like.

>> No.8148845


Much like the anons above playing spot the difference with the CR dress, copied items will always have something different from the original, like different buckles, or the straps being thinner, or something.

But since it's a non print item, we're now on shaky ground whether to call it a replica or not. The shoes themselves say Secret Shop or AnTaiNa, so they aren't pretending to be the real deal. Although as lolitas we know that these shoes are marketed as replicas, "inspired by" items aren't illegal, much like Forever21 can sell handbags that are "inspired by" famous high end brands but not pretending to actually be from the high end brand. That kind of stuff is perfectly legit. It's not like AP copyrighted shoes with criss cross straps, and it's entirely possible for two different shoe designers to come up with the same design by accident.

(By contrast, print replicas are very clear cut. There is no way in the whole universe two different artists can "accidentally" draw the exact same drawing, let alone make the exact same drawing into the exact same style of dresses. The brand logo is always on the dress as well. So print replicas will always be obviously illegal, while non print items have some leeway to claim they aren't replicas. )

The only question is whether you feel okay with wearing what you know to be knockoff shoes, which is something you'll have to decide for yourself.

If you do want shoes that aren't knockoffs, this Antaina shop does custom shoe designs: http://shop35767391.taobao.com/
So you can make up your own shoe design, send them in and have them made up. If you can't imagine a new design, you can copy an existing shoe but change a few of the details, and it's now an original shoe. See, completely different from print replicas where the fabric itself is recogniseable no matter what kind of new creativity you bring to the replica.

>> No.8148858

I'm avidly anti-knock off and getting your panties in a twist over replica tea parties is fucking retarded.

>> No.8148892

Being proud of a counterfeit is one of the trashiest things in the world. That story made my day, serves her right for being such a basic bitch.

>> No.8148896


Gurl(s). With all the negativity associated with replicas and taobao having a lot of them, if the shop had successfully bought the license, you can bet they're going to announce it. No need for all these dumb hypothetical questions about how to know the design isn't licensed. If it is, they'll definitely want to tell you as it's an excuse to jack up the prices because of the licensing fee.

>> No.8148948

I am anti-art theft and I say the shoes, some bags and some plain non-printed designs are yeah, knockoffs and copies, replicas, yep.
BUT they aren't stolen art, misused logos, mascots or brand symbols, etc. That is the difference.

>> No.8148956

I liken it to playing the 'Green Eggs and Ham' game...
Do you like replicas now? no?
How bout now? no?
how about this way....
and in the story, yes, I know he eats and likes the ham in the end.
Yeah - fuck that.

>> No.8148961

Yeah idk. I never wear my replicas now if I'm going to AP in case I want to try on the shoes. The shop girls help you take off your pair and put yours on - I don't know if I could handle being judged by a shopgirl since I buy shoes directly from AP so often.

>> No.8148966

I do not fit brand shoes but I also would not wear a AP shoe replica to their shop if I went, I think that is a bit disrespectful.

>> No.8149104

The good dream sky replicas I thought were made using the same fabric as the AP ones? I thought I remember people talking about how the company that sold those had managed to somehow get their hands on some un-used fabric of it.

>> No.8149115

They don't feel dirty because it's not that big of a deal.

>> No.8149144

Because some of us don't feel morally obligated to companies that sell dresses for $200-300? I don't own any replicas, but the whole 'poor poor burando' moral brigade mades me nauseous.

>> No.8149148

The easier way I know something is an AP replica is by looking at any bows the dress may have that aren't made from ribbon (waist bows being the biggest giveaway), and the lace trim on the bottom. AP makes freaking great bows, and replica makers seem to never be able to copy how good they look, and AP always gathers their bottom lace trim. Replica makers rarely ever do that.

But I can only really tell when it's AP replicas, unless it's a terrible one of another brand.

>> No.8149187

Keep telling yourself that each time you get that side-eye look for it. Some of us feel differently.

>> No.8149218

The longer you study comparison pictures, the more the differences show. That's why I try to pop up a collage like this whenever a replica photo crosses my desk. I don't ger to see too many IRL though I've seen one from DOL and 2 from Oo Jia and that hideous cat/window replica. All were sad rags compared to the real deal. Sometimes seeing how bad they really look is what it tskes to finally break the idea that they are anything good to waste money on that you could have saved for something nice that you are proud to wear. (Brand, quality offbrand or indie, I'm not a brand slave)
I've always thought that buying print replicas feels like you'd be telling yourself that you aren't worthy of something first-rate in Lolita.

>> No.8149325
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I was all set to get the choco rosette replica since anons itt seemed impressed by it. Then I tracked it down and actually looked at the stock photos.

I don't see how this is even a good replica. It seems to be printed on cheap cotton broadcloth and looks all faded. You could possibly fool some lolitas if they've never seen the real thing, but this looks so cheap. I guess it's worth the $35 price tag, though, I'm certainly not expecting the best fabric for that price.

>> No.8149541

Actually I don't wear replicas, and I still don't think it's a big deal. There are some people who wear brand that don't think replicas are that big a deal as well, and the only girls that don't care aren't only replica wearing folks.

>> No.8149576

It's not like they can tell the difference with the SS replicas - they're nearly identical besides the slight different in the front bow.

>> No.8149584

That isn't even that expensive for a dress. We are all used to our fast fashion shit but real brands (not this dinky lolita crap) sell dresses for thousands of dollars. Lolita is around the price of a mid-range fashion label.
Stop being so fucking entitled, you don't always get what you want.

>> No.8149604

I actually like replicas, that way I know who to bully. Me and people in my comm make fun of people in replicas all the time. I've even driven by and thrown food at girls who wear them when I was wearing normalfag clothes

People who buy replicas are really funny to me since it shows their lack of self control, selfishness and over all bad taste.

Wanting something so much that you don't care where you or how get it is what children do. But I guess there's a reason sweet has the most replicas, entitled brats in replicas don't make a good case against ageplay.

>> No.8149614

>Wanting something so much that you don't care where you or how get it is what children do
>I've even driven by and thrown food at girls who wear them
>that way I know who to bully

Are you sure you know what the word "childish" means?

>> No.8149618
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>responding to bait

>> No.8149643

Your comm is right and why would you take apart your dress based on some anon's advice?

>Being this stupid

>> No.8149758

No one is fucking saying you have to support the brands. If you don't see anything wrong with supporting theft of their art and wearing trashy knock-offs that have their brand logo on it, then you have shit morals. Don't want to support the brands? Buy fucking offbrand with original designs. Why is this so goddamn hard for people to understand?

>> No.8149762

>it's not that big of a deal
If you can't see how giving money to someone illegally stealing someone's art, keeping their brand name on it, profiting off of selling it on a wide scale, and ignoring their requests for you to stop, then I don't know what to tell you other than you're kind of retarded.

>> No.8149765


I used to be so stupid when I was new to Lolita. Actually spent about $600 on Oo Jia replicas because "it was more bang for my buck" lol. Oh the regrets.
The quality was ok, construction was fine and the fabric a bit on the thin side but not bad, yet I never worn any of them (except for 1) out of sheer guilt.
Sold a few off but still stuck with 3 of them since the rules changed in the sales comms.
They really are harder to sell now. Just glad that I realised it was morally wrong, and now spend all my money on burando and good indie, so much happier with that.
Please forgive me for my sins!

>> No.8149768

I'm more okay with this than I should be.

>> No.8149770

Fuck off.
I bet you shop at WalMart.
Very few people have "perfect" moral attitudes, no less someone who browses 4chan.
If your slate isn't clean then you shouldn't be trying to smear someone else's just because it's a moral failing that you happen to dislike more than others.

>> No.8149773

That replica is pretty damn spot on though.
I think that's one of the best ones I've ever seen.

>> No.8149786

Replicas are tacky, not evil. If they look good who cares. A lot of them look really bad though, especially ones custom sized for fat girls.
Then again I'm not one for prints. Solid color master race.

>> No.8149796

The "you're not perfect" argument is probably one of the weakest points on the pro-replica bingo card. So, because my "slate isn't clean" I'm not allowed to state the straight up fact that profiting off of stolen art is fucked up? So, since pretty much no one in the world has "a clean slate" they can't have opinions on what's morally shitty and what isn't? A+ logic right there, anon.

Also, I don't shop at WalMart, but okay.

>> No.8149797

... are we looking at the same pictures? It's pretty obviously a replica. Then again, I own that dress, so maybe it's just way more obvious to me.

>> No.8149799

I'd say it's more a detail-thing and the fabric is probably really flimsy. But then again, aren't the little details the best part of AP?

>> No.8149800


The sheen to the fabric is a dead giveaway. It also looks duller and thinner. But for a replica it looks pretty good I guess.

>> No.8149802

>So, because my "slate isn't clean" I'm not allowed to state the straight up fact that profiting off of stolen art is fucked up?
The point, actually, is there are likely worse things that you casually do everyday that affects the livelihoods of MILLIONS of people who live on this planet instead of a few butthurt printchans. It's essentially a non-issue but the circus around it never ends. I care about moral issues, but it doesn't make me immoral to not care as much about replicas.

>inb4 replica owner
I sold my first and only print replica from my noob days months ago, thanks. But just because I owned it at one point doesn't make me some sort of "thief" who stole money directly from the hands of poor Angelic Pretty. Those bitches have my fucking money considering I have so many prints I bought from them.

>> No.8149803

>If they look good who cares
The people who have the sense to know it's not cool to steal someone's print and make money off of it

>> No.8149814

>I care about moral issues, but it doesn't make me immoral to not care as much about replica
You're right, it doesn't deem you 100% immoral. However, I'm sorry, but it says a lot about a person if they honestly can't see what's wrong with supporting those profiting from art theft. I highly doubt you'd have this hard of a time grasping that if you were an artist, it was your livelihood, and some Chinese lady was stealing your art, making cheap counterfeits of it, and didn't give a shit when you asked her to stop because she's in China, so she knows you'll have a hell of a time doing anything about it legally.

>> No.8149817
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Like brands have the highest integrity when it comes to originality.

>> No.8149820

Your argument is weak as shit. Everyone every day does something they're not aware is fucking with millions of people just by living in a first world country, yourself included. That doesn't invalidate anything.

>> No.8149823

>but it says a lot about a person if they honestly can't see what's wrong with supporting those profiting from art theft
I can see how it's wrong, like how a kid stealing another kid's idea in an art room and calling it original is mean.

But, it happens regardless. It's a common thing. There are worse things that can happen financially in a business model, and they're not replicas of a product that has already sold out.
Rereleases, at least from Angelic Pretty, IW, and BTSSB have been largely unaffected by replicas. I can't name one popular release that didn't sell out because people owned the replica. Typically, replica people actually wanted the original print but settled for the replica because they couldn't find the original.

That's what happened to my friend and a Chess Chocolate print.

>> No.8149827

Because that's totally comparable to replicas. It's almost as solid as the anon with the Twinkle Mermaid vs Melty Mermaid Princess argument.

Sarcasm aside, though, I'm starting to question if some of you replica-chans in here are just trolling hard. Your side is known for its capacity for full retarded, but some of the points made in this thread are bringing it to a new level.

>> No.8149828

I could side with the anti-replica argument better if the original prints hadn't sold out but typically the only ones that get replicated are the sold out ones in high demand.

>> No.8149830

>weh everything is retarded because I can't agree with it
Stop arguing then?

>> No.8149832

None of what you just said makes a good point as to why we should tolerate them.

>> No.8149833

knockoffs are a part of life. you just have to accept they'll always be a thing, avoid them, and move on. no amount of complaining or crying theft will ever stop them. caring solves nothing.

>> No.8149834

Does your intolerance stop replicas from happening?
Serious question.

>> No.8149838

Honestly the only worthy reason that you've said as to why I should care about replicas is
>"It's mean to steal someone else's art and profit from it."
You'd put Shakespeare out of business for plagiarism if that were the case.

>> No.8149840

This is actually not true. Quite a few replicas came out with the release of a new print. In fact, I think the Dream sky one came out before the original was available.
>implying comparing Twinkle Mermaid vs Melty Mermaid Princess to replicas isn't full retard
Honey, you're an idiot

>> No.8149842

>implying Dream Sky sales were affected by the replica
Lol, have you even seen the secondhand prices for the navy jsk? First AND second release? It's still well above retail.

>> No.8149843

I'm not the person you were debating with. That thing you just said about Shakespeare is really dumb, though.

>> No.8149845

navy>black>blue>lavender>light blue>pink

Honestly only that lightest blue and pink are the ones that sell for retail or less, namely because they're ugly and the least desired.
But that happens with almost every pastel print AP dishes out so...the replica debate there doesn't make much sense.

>> No.8149847

Honestly, that really should be enough of a reason.

I'm done, though, the fact you just compared to Shakespeare to replicas is too much for me. Peace.

>> No.8149849

>plagiarism isn't concept stealing like art theft is
...Huh? Didn't you know Shakespeare plagiarized a lot of common playwrights and plot devices in his day?

>> No.8149850

Actually, a lot of girls who would buy replicas don't because of the huge stigma against them and fear of being ripped apart. So yeah, the rabid hostility toward them actually is effective.

>> No.8149854

>So yeah, the rabid hostility toward them actually is effective.
Lol no, they just don't wear them around cunts like you sweetie.

>> No.8149865

Different anon, but to bring that up in a replica debate and act like that somehow justifies it goes beyond grasping at straws. Shakespeare didn't plagiarize on a large enough scale to be compared to replica companies. Also, it wasn't really plagiarizing, but stealing ideas and taking a couple of the same scenes but wording them a little differently, which is different from a full on copy-paste rip-off like replicas.

>> No.8149867

The only girls I've ever seen say this don't actually intend to buy replicas, they just want to make situations where they're the victims of bitter angry lolis.
Kind of the same self-victimizing as replica-chans who are ita and cry that other lolitas only hate their coords because they're wearing replicas.
People love attention and asspats.

>> No.8149870

For a lot of people lolita fashion is very much about meets and not a daily thing. For these girls it's definitely gonna have an effect. That's not all of them and that doesn't mean being a cunt is some rightful justified thing to do. But don't argue along the lines of it having no effect. This thread is proof against that if you read some of the talk about being ashamed and stopping for that reason.

>> No.8149871

>Shakespeare didn't plagiarize on a large enough scale to be compared to replica companies.
Uh, source? So many of his plays have stolen ideas that there's an entire movement that argues that Shakespeare wasn't even a single author.
Even if he didn't profit from it in the way modern replica makers do, the copied ideas are still largely accredited to his sole character. That's a pretty massive false facade that a lot of people are okay with, and it's funny that that doesn't nearly disturb you as much as compared to the transparency of someone like Oo Jia who at least doesn't pretend like the art is actually hers.

>> No.8149876

>Hint: The people who wear replicas daily don't browse /cgl/.
>Second Hint: There are people who own the original print and the replica but wear the replica out to avoid damaging the original.
>Third Hint: If someone genuinely likes wearing their replicas, and not because of the status symbolism, they wouldn't be wasting their time arguing with you about something that makes them happy.

>> No.8149882

Honey, I've spoken to a shit ton of girls and have seen countless posts and comments over the years where girls explicitly say that they don't buy replicas out of fear. Just a couple weeks ago at a meet, a girl was saying how she really wanted to buy the Milky Planet replica, but she didn't want to get bitched at, so she was just going to save and get the original later. To say it doesn't have an effect is just simply incorrect.

Also, no one in my community knows how extreme my anti-replica stance is, just that "I'm not fond of them", so their lack of wearing it has nothing to do with me being a cunt. And if thinking art theft shouldn't be tolerated makes me a cunt, so be it. I'll wear the title proudly.

>> No.8149883

>"Well you see anon I have this one anecdotal instance of a girl choosing not to wear a replica and so that negates the fact that place like DOL and Oo Jia sell hundreds of replicas weekly."

>> No.8149886

>Hint: statements that don't address what I've said in any meaningful manner and make me suspect you're trying defend your ego by having the last word

>> No.8149888

Said movement has no proof that he wasn't an actual author other than the words of a dying man in the 16th century who was know for having personal beef against Shakespeare. There's only a few works proven to be stolen ideas, which again, is different from copy/paste plagiarism the same way a replica is. Google "shakespeare plagiarism", I don't feel like finding a source. Also, I never said that it didn't bother me, I actually used to bring up Hamlet all the time to the Shakespeare worshiping kids in some of my college classes. I'm just saying it's not really a good point to bring up in a replica debate.

>> No.8149894

>you're trying defend your ego by having the last word
And this isn't exactly what you're doing, hm?
I'll spell it out for you since you can't take the hint. Anybody who enjoys wearing replicas isn't going to care about social stigma and therefore probably doesn't post on cgl or talk to you to tell you about their list of lolita fears.

Secondly there are some lolitas who have posted on cgl stating that they own rare prints but choose to wear their replicas when they go out so as not to damage them. Obviously, those girls are going to also quietly keep to themselves and not outright go full-replica chan, but they still own them.

And lastly, there's bound to be someone who doesn't give a fuck about your opinion about them and will wear their replicas anyway. Like what I see on facebook and tumblr all the damn time.

>> No.8149895

... do you lack reading comprehension?
>Honey, I've spoken to a shit ton of girls and have seen countless posts and comments over the years where girls explicitly say that they don't buy replicas out of fear.
No one is saying no one buys replicas, obviously a ton of girls do. However, many don't because of the stigma. Just because you don't pay enough attention to the community to realize this, doesn't mean it's not a thing.

>> No.8149899

Your statement is that being a cunt has no effect. None at all. So in this case finding just one example that doesn't follow your theory makes it wrong.

>> No.8149901

>since he didn't copy and paste things word for word he can't be a plagiarist who still copied and pasted ideas and expressions
Do you know what plagiarism is? This would get you a lawsuit in the modern literary world.

>> No.8149904

>Your statement is that being a cunt has no effect
It really doesn't though.
Being a cunt to someone isn't reasoning with them to see your point of view. In the case of replica chans, being a cunt to them has made them even more defensive and set in their ways.

>> No.8149905

Not to mention the fact that anon explicitly stated she's seen "countless" examples of this.

>> No.8149907

You misunderstand the logic of your statement. The anon claimed her bitching will have some effect. You argue against it by listing people it won't have an effect on. They don't matter, what matters is the people it does affect.

>> No.8149908

>many don't because of stigma
>many do still buy replicas though
Then how can you prove being a cunt does anything at all? Most girls I know stopped buying replicas either because they finally got ahold of the original or because the replicas sucked. They never mentioned feeling shamed by another person as the reason why they stopped. You really can't fathom that people stop using replicas for other reasons than what some ass on cgl thinks?

>> No.8149910

You misunderstand my logic.
I'm saying there's a bigger number of girls who quit buying replicas for other reasons. Only a small number a girls quit buying replicas solely because of shame.
Therefore I can say that being a cunt has a minimal effect if at all.

>> No.8149911

Except it does. No, really, it does. Deny it all you want, but it's just a fact. I'm not saying girls should be cunts to anyone wearing a replica, but it is effective.

Diff anon, but can you please shut the fuck up? Yes, we get it, Shakespeare's not so legit. Explain to me how that makes replicas okay. Actually don't, just stop posting.

>> No.8149914

>but it's just a fact
You have yet to prove it with numbers.
It's your opinion based on your personal anecdotal evidence. Please don't contrive the two because you have a superiority complex.

>> No.8149915

No. Wrong.
Look at it like this. Anon said there are some black swans. You claim that absolutely no, there's just white swans. They show you a black swan. You point at all the white swans flailing your arms saying the black swan isn't real because look at all the white swans.

>> No.8149919

You're a bit too angry about this.
You're so mad that the story you just told makes absolutely no sense.

A single black swan in a group of white swans doesn't prove that the black swan outnumbers the white swans.
A few instances of girls saying they quit replicas because they feared cunts doesn't prove that being a cunt is effective at getting people to quit replicas when the other majority of people have quit them due to quality or financial reasons.

>> No.8149920

Which is a completely different statement now and explains why you're shouting anecdotal evidence. Then again no one was arguing numbers and if you wish to open that discussion where's your numbers?

>> No.8149923

hi shakespeare-obsessed person here. Like the shakespeare anon said, anti-stratfordians are quite fringe and their entire argument is based on circumstantial evidence at best, they tend to follow the logic of 'absence of evidence is evidence of absence' so it's hard to take it seriously without any historical proof. that being said, "as you like it" did have many similarities another work by thomas lodge, which is a whole other bucket of worms.what it boils down to is that shakespeare took the raw materials and breathed life and art into it, essentially making it his own. Sure, maybe he's not a model of literary perfection, but this is no way parallel to the blatant art theft of oo jia and DoL.

>> No.8149924

I never toted my opinion as a fact like you did >>8149911. I'm pulling my anecdotes just like you.
This entire time you've been creating a shitshow over an opinion you didn't like. Think about it.

>> No.8149925

You're the one talking about it being effective on more than half of the people or any high percentage. Anon didn't bring that up.
And if you're seriously gonna go the u mad route we might as well end the discussion right here.

>> No.8149932

The thing is, the replica debate has been going on since pretty much the dawn of time and most of us have learned that no matter what you say, there is no reasoning with a determined replica-chan. I mean, look at some of the pro-replica arguments presented in this thread, I feel it's understandable why so many of us get salty over this shit. IRL, I am very polite when I explain why replicas are bad to the girls who express not getting it (I never randomly go on anti-replica tangents, only when it's brought up) and usually I'm successful, but quite a few times I've been met with the most entitled, ridiculous counter-arguments. That's the other thing, a lot of our hostility comes from the overwhelming sense of entitlement that goes hand in hand with replica-chans. It's hard to keep sand from building in your vagina when someone is saying shit like "well, it's the brand's fault for not making their dresses cheaper, so I don't see why I should feel bad" as if the brands owe them a pretty dress. It's also really frustrating when they talk about it as if the only options in lolita are brand vs replica and when you tell them that's not true and give them great offbrand options, they don't care because it's not Sugary Carnival.

>> No.8149933

>You're the one talking about it being effective on more than half of the people or any high percentage.
Uh no? Anon said, "Rabid hostility is effective." >>8149850

I said, "No, I think quality issues and finding the original is actually the reason why people stop wearing replicas."

And for the record, it was someone else who said >>8149833, not me. So.

>> No.8149936

I understand your frustrations, anon.
In fairness, at least you try to be reasonable with them instead of going full-cunty mcsandvaggie.

>> No.8149937

>Then how can you prove being a cunt does anything at all?
Because tons of girls specifically say that fear of backlash is the reason.

Do you not send any time on LJ or Tumblr? Are you new? I'm not trying to be salty, but I don't see how you could so adamantly be denying that many girls don't wear replicas because of the stigma unless you don't go on any online communities.

>> No.8149941

>Because tons of girls specifically say that fear of backlash is the reason.
And I can as easily claim "tons of girls" specifically said they sold their replicas because they were shitty or because they found the original prints. Or that most actually kept their replicas and just wear them privately.

I see posts like that on tumblr and facebook too, why is my opinion therefore any less validated than yours?
Isn't it more reasonable to believe that some girls quit replicas for one reason and some girls quit for another? That still doesn't make cunty behavior effective, or for that matter make this fashion hobby look very good.

>> No.8149942

>Baiting this hard

>> No.8149945

I'd personally like to believe that lolitas would give up replicas because they realized what awful pieces of shit their quality is compared to brand, not because they were afraid their communities would yell at them at the next meetup.

>> No.8149947

It's a FACT (not opinion) based on, as I've stated twice now, seeing and hearing a shit ton of girls say they don't wear replicas because of stigma. It has nothing to do with a "superiority complex", simply observation that pretty much anyone who has been in the fashion for a while and is active in the online communities would make. I'm not arguing that a larger number of girls don't wear them for other reasons, but to deny that many don't because of the stigma is a statement made in complete ignorance.

>> No.8149952

>seeing and hearing a shit ton of girls say they don't wear replicas because of stigma
That's an OPINION based on your OBSERVATION.
You can't factually prove what a "shit ton" even is. You dumb turd.

>> No.8149954

>I said, "No, I think quality issues and finding the original is actually the reason why people stop wearing replicas."
lolwut you realize we can see everything you posted, right? Your exact reply:
>Lol no, they just don't wear them around cunts like you sweetie.

Backpeddal harder.

>> No.8149956

I don't think anon is denying that there aren't girls who choose not to wear replicas because of shame.
What they don't agree with you is on effectiveness.

And I tend to agree. Because shaming people for wearing replicas isn't actually teaching them the real reason why they shouldn't be wearing them.
They should strive for the brand because of construction, print quality, and being proud of having worked to get something.
Teaching them that they should only wear what the community approves of isn't a very good basis, even if you think that's "tumblrite" to say.

>> No.8149962

No one is arguing that, though. People are only arguing your point that hostility toward replicas has nothing to do with why some people don't wear them, which is what you initially said until you decided to backpedal and turn it into "but more girls leave because of this!" to be right. Not a single person replying to you has denied that many girls stop wearing replicas for other reasons.

>> No.8149967

>to be right
So you admit my point is right now that I've elaborated on it. Good girl.

>> No.8149970

Anon, do you understand what the word "fact" means? The point I am making is that a lot of girls don't wear replicas due to stigma. You said that isn't true and is just my opinion. However, I have heard/read many girls stating this as a reason they don't wear replicas, hence making it a fact based on observation that it does impact some, not an opinion. An opinion based on observation would be "the reason most girls stop wearing replicas is because of stigma", which I haven't said at all.

>> No.8149980

>good girl
Nigga please. I think more girls opt out of replicas for reasons other than the stigma, but there's no more proof supporting that than that the stigma is the biggest reason (which no one was even saying, you were just somehow projecting).

And your "elaboration" was serious backpedaling, don't act like you've been right this whole time.

>> No.8149981

Kill yourself.

>> No.8149989

>how is many suddenly a "shit ton"
>how is your observation about seeing girls leaving for that reason suddenly a "fact" that proves being a bitch about replicas is "effective"
You make no sense, but that's okay. This thread is autosaging and at least there will always be reasonable anons like these >>8149956, >>8149945, >>8149932 to balance out you crazy cuntz.

>> No.8149999

Man there's some passionate anti-replica pro-replica people on here. Out of everything on my list to care so much about in life, replicas of some clothes is definitely not on it.
If someone wants to wear replicas, don't care that much, if someone wants to wear brand, don't care that much, that replica companies exist, don't care that much.
Maybe because I look at lolita as it's just pretty clothes, and I don't believe that brands will be putting up the going out of business sign because of replicas, so maybe that's why I can't be bothered to feel anything other than ehh when it comes to this debate.

>> No.8150002

And no, I don't wear replicas. The quality is shit. If I'm going to buy a dress it needs to at least look nice and not start fading after two washes. So I do the indie and brand route.

>> No.8150011

>You make no sense, but that's okay.
How does this not make sense to you unless you are literally retarded?
>how is your observation about seeing girls leaving for that reason suddenly a "fact" that proves being a bitch about replicas is "effective"
How is it not? If many girls specifically state the reason they're leaving is the stigma, how does that not prove cuntiness is effective? That makes absolutely zero sense.

I'm gonna go masturbate now.

>> No.8150013

>a lot of our hostility comes from the overwhelming sense of entitlement that goes hand in hand with replica-chans. It's hard to keep sand from building in your vagina when someone is saying shit like "well, it's the brand's fault for not making their dresses cheaper, so I don't see why I should feel bad" as if the brands owe them a pretty dress.
This so fucking hard. For me, it's not about the replicas, it's about the entitlement.

>> No.8150080

OT but what brands do you own and do you think brand shoes are worth it? I'm going to assume yes considering you own 20 pairs (I don't even have that many main pieces......) but I wanted to get your thoughts on them.

I've been a poorfag and rotating between the same two bodyline shoes. I'd love to buy something from Baby or AP but their sizing confuses the fuck out of me and the price costs as much as a dress.

>> No.8150179

Honey, you're making a lot of mistakes and it's going to look bad.

>> No.8150188

You sound exceptionally entitled.

>> No.8150209

Because they'd announce it. You sound fucking desperate, babe.

>> No.8150224

HAHAHA, they drew a pair of shoes they saw in a movie? TTLY ART THEFT U GUISE.

>> No.8150461

I wish the non-crazy reasonable people from the beginning of there thread were still around, because this is a good point that no one ever really addresses in the replica debate: the replicas that are already in circulation. I'm sure there are a lot of people like you around who, being ignorant and new, bought replicas and later learned better. People who paid money for them, but now want to offload them and have no intention of using the money to buy more replicas. Trashing them doesn't actually HELP anyone, and on the grand scheme of this is fiscally irresponsible (waste of money, waste of material). Do you offload them onto other replica-chans, who will just get raged about by fucknuggets like the anon above (who seriously needs some counselling if this really pisses them off that much)?
I think I read it either above in this mega-thread or somewhere else on cgl, but I like the idea of using them for sewing practice. Better than risking ruining another dress or nice fabric with experiments. But what if you drastically alter it into something you actually like and want to wear it? It's still a replica print, but the dress no longer resembles the original. Does that make it okay to wear out? Does it make a difference which print it is in this case (a recent one vs a 5+ year out-of-print one)?

I do believe that buying replicas from oojia/dol is wrong, no question, so I'm not even discussing that in my comment. Just call me a hippie who doesn't like to waste things and is willing to forgive repentant replica-chans.

>> No.8150627

>What are your experiences with Replicas?
Only replica I have is the Bodyline bat purse
>Any horror stories?
>How did people treat you?
Nobody gave a shit
>Have you ever ordered a replica of your dream dress?
>What was it like when you finally got the real dream dress?
I don't have a dream dress
>Do you still have your replicas?
Yes I use my bat purse from time to time, normalfags think it's awesome, definitely worth the 11 bucks.

>> No.8154375

Where did you order it?

>> No.8154391
File: 175 KB, 675x1024, TMSGA-promo-675x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having the hardest time finding a skirt in this specific plaid colorway. ANY help on that front would be really appreciated