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File: 61 KB, 189x600, Broder is a fucking space worm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8138934 No.8138934 [Reply] [Original]

That the play is the tragedy, “Man,”
And its hero, the CONqueror Worm.

Don't let the Florida drama die! Previous thread >>8127178

Broder is the #1 promoter in the state and anyone that says otherwise is likely banned from his shows. The hotshot showed up to Shock Pop last weekend to cause drama, got kicked out for owing booking agents money (or a number of other rumors), and then blew up his facebook with videos and pictures mocking the con.

Other points of interest: the revolving door of Supercon's Supergirls, poor treatment of staff, guests, cosplayers, and vendors/artists, the living terror that is Sandy, Broder owes Steve Buscemi thousands of dollars, what is going on with the wrestling, and hashtags galore.

>> No.8140548

That's a beautiful picture anon.

>> No.8140559

I will see this in my nightmares for weeks now

>> No.8140592

Now he blocks his personal Facebook profile. Too bad there are enough screenshots

>> No.8140598


literally who gives a fuck?

>> No.8140612


>> No.8140617

Who blocked what?

>> No.8140618

>ask a stupid question, get an obvious answer

>> No.8140687

This is entertaining as hell. I'm just waiting for buscemi to come in .

>> No.8140707

same. don't keep us waiting, buscemi!

>> No.8140733

>Broder owes Steve Buscemi thousands of dollars

how many times does it have to be said?

ALWAYS pay your Steve Buscemi. ALWAYS

>> No.8140755

What's up with the bald chick?

>> No.8140761

I have beef with their av guy josh , he ate the last of my resses peanut butter cups last con , shit has to stop !! also he hired a sideburned troll named phil to help him out ! I hope they burn in ren faire hell !!

>> No.8140859

Derailment aside . Theses humble threads seem to have Broder shaking in his boots

>> No.8140900

This thread is under super surveillance

>> No.8140907

The cyber police? Is Jessie Slaughter a cosplayer now??

>> No.8140915

You dun goofed- mike broder 2015

>> No.8140924

Just realized that you meant super as in broder.
I love you

>> No.8140938

I want to protest at Broder events but I don't know what to put on the signs.

>> No.8140969

How about not showing up. Or if you do, offer to pass out flyers for rival cons for free.

>> No.8141020

There is just no way to con responsibly anymore. All SoFlo con organizations are giant douche canoes. I feel like showing up to cons and passing out flyers saying 'Go home. No cons is good cons.'

>> No.8141037


>> No.8141063

At this point Broder and his goons have made soflo a lost cause

>> No.8141072

Fl Cosplay threads always entertain me. It's always a game of "which cosplayer/photographer/creeper are we talking shit about this time."

>> No.8141089

Isn't that every thread on cgl though?

>> No.8141159

Well, most of the cosplayers in Florida are headcases, tumblr addicts, and whoring themselves out.

The photogs are creepy shits who dream of working for Cosplay Deviants because they can't get laid any other way.

The creepers.....well they're just creepy.

>> No.8141228

It's reached a new level . Shitty show promoters. Just googling Broder the evidence is overwhelming

>> No.8141265

What about her?

>> No.8141293

Most of the photogs honestly do it because they can't find a way to approach the opposite gender any other way, the actually chill ones who take photos for the sake of having a good time taking good photos are the ones who have close to zero online presence.

>> No.8141300

But then you have people like Francisco Navarro, Tigershit, and Ken AD who think they're better than the rest of them. They even have models scary enough.

>> No.8141314

Their "models" are just wannabes that can't get any real work imo, I also had a chance to talk with Ken AD, that guy is... He's really frigging awkward from what I remember.

All in all, anyone with "fame" due to their shenanigans in Florida tend to gravitate toward the shitty side of their chosen form of trade or are willing to be the lowest common denominator, since apparently getting name dropped by a bunch of anonymous people online is more important than actually being good at what they do.

>> No.8141339

Ken also likes to put down cosplayers but then take pics of girls in tshirts.

Photogs are not the be all and end all of cosplay.

Those "models" can't even get jobs nor can they pass college since a fuck ton of em play League nonstop. Heck, even a couple of the male cosplayers there are fucking full of themselves like "Zack the Ripper".

>> No.8141348

I'd heard from some of my friends that he outright refuses to shoot with people even if they're willing to pay? Something about not meeting his own set of criteria to be "good enough" to pose in front of him or w/e.

I swear, a large portion of the Florida cosplay community seem to believe they're all Yayas.

>> No.8141542

Not just that. But a lot of them pull stupid stunts such as OmniExpo and their contest rigging.

>> No.8141666

Whatever happened to EXP Con? Being trapped in the black hole of Jacksonville, I really enjoyed that con, and it seemed to be successful. I went all 4 years it was held, and had a great time at all of them. It seemed very humble and unpretentious.

I never got to head down to one of the SoFlo cons, and reading this, I'm glad I didn't. Broder sounds like a complete piece of shit, and reading the screenshots from the last thread makes me wonder what the hell his CHA stat is to make people still willing to defend him after all the shit he's pulled.

>> No.8141863

After experiencing Broder's antics first-hand, hearing from numerous cosplayers, vendors, guests and agents how he treats them and or potentials; I will be warning everyone I know in the industry not to invest or take their clients to this convention. This is what word of mouth does when you act like a 16 year old asshole running a convention. Grow up Broder.

>> No.8141894

People still defend him because they are blinded by the good times they have meeting the same five little old mens at brodercons. What we need is an under 20 con where everyone is under 20 from the guests to the organizers. Start over fresh.

>> No.8141908

Omniexpo contest rigging? Deets? I was going to enter this year lol

>> No.8141926

is this comm friendly?

>> No.8142051

There's a higher concentration of batshit crazy compared to a lot of other states, but there are cool people there.

My best advice is that you use common sense when it comes to meeting people in the community.

>> No.8142072

Some of us are chill and just laugh at all of this crap, but finding us takes a little effort.

People are always really nice to your face, and then shit talk you the second you walk away.

>> No.8142074

Yeah, I was thinking about it too - details?

I went to their "promotional shoot" for last year's con and Roy was IN the dressing room when female cosplayers were changing and the organizers talked so much shit about basically every other convention in Florida I decided not to go then.

>> No.8142078

I was invited with a friend but (thankfully now) our schedules didn't work. How did the pictures from that even come out? I feel like I never saw them in promo images or on the girls pages

>> No.8142096

I was wondering about EXP con just the other day. :( It was my first convention and it was a great little con

>> No.8142358

>People are always really nice to your face, and then shit talk you the second you walk away.
That's just the overall cosplay community in general tbh

>> No.8142400

Buscemi Con would be epic. Who else would he book as guest?

>> No.8142408

it sucks that going to cons in my area has been shitted up in the last years cause of the clusterfuck that broder has created with drama and unpleasant convention going. have to go to central Fl cons to have a good time.

i remember at megacon last year there were broder-bots taking fliers for other cons off the tables in the foodcourt area and replacing them with supercon ones. really fuckin weird.

it is friendly, but i've noticed over the years there are a lot more people in this state wanting to be yaya status. that's a little weird.

>> No.8142439

top kek
apparently after the super sluts worked so hard on their costume to meet the deadline last week sandy canceled the photoshoot. what a cunt.

>> No.8142576

under 20's would be even worse tbh

>> No.8142844

I feel bad for Harley/Navi in those podcast photos... she looks fake happy miserable.

>> No.8142866

I was watching an AA table for a friend during a small local con in Central Florida, and this weird overweight guy in one of those DBZ print hawaiian shirts comes up to the table. I think it's a customer so I greet him but he doesn't say a word. He is just staring at me, and then he hands me a flyer from out of his messenger bag, stares at me for another second while I look at it and say something like "Oh? Okay, I'll give this to the artist when she returns. Thank you." and then he just walks away in silence. It was for SuperCon. Another artist walked up to us later and asked if we got a flyer from 'That weird guy who wouldn't talk' and we all just laughed and chucked the flyers in the trash.

>> No.8142875

They didn't. I got some back from one of the cosplayers there who was also taking photos, but none went out from the con itself. There was just the filmed commercial.

I got hit on pretty hard by Roy as did one of the other girls, it was awkward as fuck. I didn't realize who he was at first because he didn't tell anyone his last name as none of us were told he'd be there.

>> No.8142879

Have you been to Mizucon? Because that con was essentially run by children and look how it turned out.

>> No.8142940

A dream of the day that we will finally slay the pig troll Broder and florida will be free of shitty conventions. Sic Semper Tyrannus!

>> No.8142959

Oldie but Goodie -

>> No.8142996

Mizucon used to actually be somewhat fun too for a smaller con. But the most recent one was just boring as hell.

>> No.8143227

Deets on the contest rigging?

>> No.8143491


The contest "coordinator", Deisha Marie aka Dei's Cosplay Corner, basically rigged the contest so that her friends could win. She's also affiliated with a known cult in Florida that is run by a thing named Rocky. Newsflash, the people who won are all part of this Rocky cult.

I just wouldn't hold my breath and enter this year. No point in going to a con and being a little competitive when there is someone only letting her friends win because of a cult mindset.

Ugh, and people understand why I never will attend Florida conventions anymore.

>> No.8143509

Figured this was the case.

>> No.8143514

first letter of Rocky's last name? I feel like I've seen the name before.

>> No.8143529

Wait wait....does Rocky's name start with an R or something?

>> No.8143541


>> No.8143587

Nah anon, it's like Rivera or something.Wasn't this Rocky a she before she turned into he?

>> No.8143602

goddammit, i knew it
some cosplayers i know are friends with them

>> No.8143609

Let me guess, you hate Rivera too?

>> No.8143618

more like i had no idea he was involved in florida con drama until now

>> No.8143628


So what, Roycon is basically his con to find girls and fuck them?

I guess Cosplay Deviants got some competition.

>> No.8143631

Oh Rocky has not just been involved in FL Con drama, he's been known to instigate and send his legion of misguided lesbians and "transgenders" to fuck up anyone's life.

He also had Cosplay in America come down for Metrocon not to shoot any pics, but to just make a video documenting his "Big Gay Pool Party".

On top of that, he's got a lot of notable Florida cosplayers on his side or in his pocket. He made an appearance at Matsuri last year...and boy did things get weird. He went around with an entourage, making out with all of his followers and rallied them to some porn show before the cops came and made them scatter.

>> No.8143641

TBH I always hated that bitch. She is an attention whore and straight up complains about everything

>> No.8143643

whaaaaat the fuck
damn i'm glad now that i never had the chance to become acquainted with him through mutuals
>mfw dodged a bullet

>> No.8143644

Same anon as before, and yeah, it definitely came off that way.

The convention isn't owned by him though, but I knew something was up when I saw they were using mycons while talking shit about everyone who was staff at Metro. Basically a whole bunch of NOPE.

>> No.8143655

so with all this FL con drama in mind, what con(s), if any, would you all say are worth it? just megacon and metrocon?

>> No.8143665

Hello, I am going to visit your side of the moon soon, in two days I fly out. Are there any awesome events I need to check out during my 10 day stay?

>> No.8143667

megacon isn't until april, so nope

>> No.8143728

Deisha? Really? No wonder she affiliates herself with people like Rocky and some lesbian upstart named Ashe Iverk. You wanna talk about elitism, Ashe is as elitist as they come.

>> No.8143737

See? This is why I do Metro. They're like a second family to me. Always good natured. Hell even Pikabelle talks shit about Metrocon and she still gets invited.

Metrocon has good people. The volunteers however, are fucking full of shit. Shows always are good, avoid the panels cause they suck. Artist Alley is decent if you like tumblr shit.

>> No.8143747

>Hell even Pikabelle talks shit about Metrocon and she still gets invited.
reminds me how one year at a fl con where Pikabelle was, some staff girls sitting next to me had to look up her fb page because they were trying to get in touch and seemed annoyed by her or something
i hadn't met her (and good riddance) but even i knew who she was and what her fb page was so it was pretty amusing

>> No.8143777

Agree wholeheartedly. But, and I am not kidding anon: Go to the fire show. Get good seats. It's always worth it.

>> No.8143831

The fireshow is the only thing I look forward to at Metrocon and every year, without fail, it is fucking great.

>> No.8143834

Fuck yeah Fire Show! This year's FS is gonna be SICK!

>> No.8143840

Was this con called Bellecon?

>> No.8143867

Shame the guy stoped.

>> No.8143915

no, never went to bellecon
it was either mega, metro, shado, or khaotic, i honestly can't remember which one, she's been to so many

>> No.8143966

Ugh Shado. A con rife with drama, corruption, and feminazis.

>> No.8144014


>> No.8144378
File: 702 KB, 963x624, gofundme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boyyyy Alychu really does rely on everyone to pay for her cosplays/conventions. She has a patreon and doesn't even make any costumes. She's really one of the most annoying FL cosplayers imo

>> No.8144415

Hi Aly.

>> No.8144430


>> No.8144449

Also stop trying to ironically shitpost yourself Aly, nobody gives a shit about you or your lardass.

>> No.8144471

A brief history of EXP Con.
2008-2010 -
EXP Con is a fun, chill convention with a healthy set of events, good game room, decent vendors, beautiful hotel space, and only a view problems (con kids fucking up the lobby on the last day, increasing attendees making space tight, some of the "panelist guests" acting like they are the reason people came).

2011 -
Due to the "panelist guest" issues from the last year,things seem to change in terms of returning panelists. Con is crowded, less events happen, but all in all alright.

This is also the year that the con owner decides that Jacksonville is getting too small for the growing convention. Especially since some issues with the hotel means they are no longer welcome back. The con head decides to pick up and make the "EXP Expo" down in Orlando, a bigger event, larger gaming presence, etc. Everyone in North Fl more or less loses their shit because they finally had a good con that they didn't have to travel across the entire state to attend. In order to save face, the owner announces that he will be putting on two events, a Fall event in Orlando and a smaller event in Jacksonville during the Summer. People seem placated, but there is no info about either event going into 2012.

2012 -
Con owner talks about all the great things that he will be "announcing soon". As the year progresses, no information is revealed. At all. Nothing about Orlando, nothing about Jacksonville. Meanwhile Croom decides to try to capitalized on EXP moving to do WasabiCon, along with their great motto of "Tired of the same old EXPerience?". It backfires, of course, because nobody likes crap like that, and his event goes from being a 3 day event to a 2 day event to finally a 1 day event.

>> No.8144479

2012 continued -
As the year continues, the con owner more or less completely drops from the face of the planet. His multiple facebook profiles (both his "con head" profile and his personal page) have no activity. The EXP Con group on facebook is full of trolls and defenders of the con, and nothing happens.

2012 comes to an end, with no events at all. No word from the con owner, nothing.

2013 -
All's quiet on the EXP front. A few conventions spring up in Jacksonville. Bellecon tries to settle in the Spring. WasabiCon tries to happen (again) in the Fall. Both get incredibly poor numbers, and are compared up and down to EXP. EXP group turns into people shitting all over the con owner, and nothing happens, much like most of 2012.

Nothing is said about EXP until the fall. Shadocon announces at it's closing ceremony that they are bringing an event to Jacksonville called "EXP Reboot". According to the owners of the con, they tried to get in contact with EXP's owner about bringing the convention back, but heard nothing, so they decided to do it themselves. At the con it seems to be very well received.

2014 -
Early 2014 the "EXP Reboot" goes live on the internet, and is met with mixed and harsh responses. Half of the people seem to be happy to have something like EXP return to North Florida. The other half claim the new owners are trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the old attendees by using the name without any cooperation with the original owner.

Like magic, EXP's owner arrives on Facebook, claiming to know absolutely nothing about EXP Reboot. On top of this, he makes claims that he has a new event in the works, and is upset that these "new guys" are trying to use his names and impending convention. Much like 2011/2012, he promises more information soon. Of course, this never comes, just more "great stuff in the work!" and "stay tuned for more!". Absolutely nothing ever comes of it.

>> No.8144480

>tfw Ryan Sweat has beef with me for the stupidest shit ever
>tfw I know he's not doing jack shit about putting together another event, and is instead too busy living like a college frat boy

>> No.8144484

2014 continued -

Meanwhile, due to the backlash about "EXP Reboot", the owners change the name to the Player's Voice Expo and move on with their plans. Fast forward it appears that their dates (Black Friday weekend) was a bad choice, and (speculation) due to poor pre-reg numbers they are forced to cancel the event the week of the con. Of course, the EXP Con group on facebook, which went from shitting all over EXP's owner, to praising him and shitting all over EXP Reboot, celebrate and are sure that the "new event" will be great. (It never happens).

Through 2014 the "replacement cons" continue to perform poorly. Low numbers, and more "but it's not EXP Con" in reviews.

2015 -

Still no word from EXP con on their new event. On top of that, Bellecon is forced to "postpone" their convention. In a giant letter on their website/facebook page, they try to reassure everyone that this is just a postponement and not a cancellation. However the letter comes across purely as a plead for people to not refund their pre-reg tickets. On top of that, they begin promoting a new event (on the same saturday as the old event). But who knows what will come from that.

EXP still produces no actual content, just cryptic posts on Facebook about "things in the work" and "having faith" etc. Those previously shitting on him in 2012/2013 continue to fellate his ego. It's quite entertaining.

WasabiCon claims it will still be doing events, but that may just be because Croom refuses to acknowledge that he could fail at anything.

>> No.8144487

Curious as to what his beef with you is? If you don't mind spilling the beans.

>> No.8144491

I was doing photoshoots at EXP Con 2011 with some friends and a few of them knew Ryan Sweat, and for some reason, due to the fact that I was not worshiping his majestic stature as a God among men, he instantly thought I was some sort of heathen scum, come to soil the purity of his kingdom.

Since then he's been angsty as fuck whenever I'm around, I swear this guy also can't handle his booze and goes on rants about how he's "Such a nice person".

>> No.8144507

Ryan is this weird enigma where he tries to do the right thing, but his version of right doesn't line up with everyone's. He tries to be fair, while actually being unfair.

From 2008-2011 he would bring in both industry guest as well as "fan panelists" and give them all the moniker of "guest" at the con. Obviously the fan panelists weren't given the same perks as the industry guests, because they brought in the money. But they got to come on stage, got spots on the website, advertisement, etc.

In 2011 a group called Console Alliance was a guest, and they helped out with some of the side-projects for the con. They proceeded to demand free stuff from the con, tried to "take over" a few panels and more or less acted like they were top-billed talent. They abused "Ryan's trust" and in response, he decided to only call Industry guests as guests.

I remember having a conversation with him where he said "I feel like if I call someone a guest, then all guests should get the same perks. Travel, food, promotion, etc. They will all be treated equally. So if someone isn't worth that cost, they won't be called guests". Of course, this meant a lot of the "fan panelists" got screwed out of the previous types of promotions and benefits that they got. I knew some of them, and they had never asked for anything other than a couple badges (depending on how many panels they did) and a chance to plug their events. But now, because they weren't industry guests, they wouldn't get barely any perks, just because one group thought they were big shit.

We talked about it a few times, but he didn't seem to think there was a problem with it, because "the guests bring in the money". And while it's hard to fault his logic, he didn't see how he was, in a way, hurting some of the people who worked hard to give his show content. Quite a few of the groups that were EXP Regulars the first few years didn't go back that year, though since some of them were local many of them did.

>> No.8144690

Oh, wow. Some of that I knew about, but quite a bit is new to me. I remember the hotel being complete assdicks the last year. None of my friends would support PvE, because the people who ran it weren't "good people" (being polite here).

I've met Ryan a handful of times, either at parties or at bars. Jax is so small that everyone knows everyone, or is at least "friends of friends" with everyone. He seemed like a p chill dude, but I'm not exactly in his inner circle, so that doesn't mean much.

I really wish the Jax con scene could get its shit together, though.

>> No.8144974

...I thought EXP was in St Augustine I'm so confused (and I know I went to it twice Im even more confused lol)

>> No.8144978

More deets on this Rocky and this "cult" I ised to be friends with someone who's part of that group now when we were younger, and I just can't stand them. The one time I was around them they were so clicky and "tumblr" it made me so uncomfortable. What's up with them?

>> No.8145072

Heres the deets. There is no cult. Someone doesn't have their facts straight. Alot of the people who supposedly in this cult don't even get along with Rocky. They are all pissed off at him for some bullshit drama she pulled.

>> No.8145125

Why did this guy stop exactly?

>> No.8145129

deets on the bullshit drama

>> No.8145246

I like everyone in metro except nick.
He's a douchebag.
It's really funny a bunch of the shadocon cast jumped ship to metro this year.

>> No.8145341

no really deets on bullshit drama

>> No.8145421

any news on the shock pop disappearance?

>> No.8145432

yall are on meth

>> No.8145447

Welcome to Florida.

>> No.8145448

Heard a rumor Broder is having venue issues. Any insiders confirm?

>> No.8145453

Think Broder intimidated them with some legal actions.

>> No.8145498

I don't know about the whole "not good people" thing, maybe there's some dirt on them I don't know. Nothing that would make me wanna boycott their con(s) at least.

Ryan is an interesting guy. It's just annoying that he spends most of his time trying to be mysterious and not actually producing anything of substance.

>> No.8145502

I wouldn't call it "jump ship" as most if not all of them will be returning to Shado. It's more like metro isn't walling itself from other cons before. There were metro people on shado cast who had to hide that from metro or they'd get in major trouble. Not being in the know on metro behind the scenes stuff, word has it that they are removing their heads from their asses this year.

>> No.8145518

Thank god I'm not the only one who thinks this. Ashe has some talent for Photoshop but barely anything else. Nice no makeup.

>> No.8145558

oh thank god please be true

>> No.8145580

Oh my goodness, I stumbled upon this page and...just...wow...most of you are pretty mean and terrible. I see where some of you are coming from. Tumblr, condrama and other shit is stinking up florida, but most people on this page are flying off the handle,without any facts. Just know that there are always two sides to every story. ;3; - Just a florida cosplayer that wants everyone to get along.

>> No.8145594

This. The stuff about Rocky at Metro and HolMat were both total bull.

Source: lived it, none of that happened

>> No.8145644

Y'all haters are all literally twelve congratulations on spending your time being nasty bigots and jerks to people hope you feel proud of the absolute lack of accomplishments you'll have being a terrible person and shitting on people.

>> No.8145669

>implying it's not just two or three people talking about rumors while the rest of the Florida con scene watches

>> No.8145681

I'm behind the scenes in the know.
Con cast is a weird group of people.
I'm glad metro is being that way, don't get me wrong.

>> No.8145686

Look out rockys squad is here he posted a facebook status

>> No.8145692

I'm not sure how to feel about this. I feel it's setting itself up for one major letdownthis year if they're doing that.

Actually I'd like to hear about this bullshit too. Deets or GTFO.

Yeah Ashe. She traded up on girlfriends because she felt the other dragged her down in terms of competitiveness. Her new gf shares her vision though. Quite disturbing if you ask me.

Really now? And who might you be? Care to give us the "straight and narrow" of Rocky?

>> No.8145697

hi rocky

>> No.8145701

hi rocky
your tumblr attitude is showing hard
welcome to cgl/4chan

>> No.8145703

>He made an appearance at Matsuri last year...and boy did things get weird. He went around with an entourage, making out with all of his followers and rallied them to some porn show before the cops came and made them scatter.
something about how detailed this is tell me there were witnesses (other attendees, cops??) and this shit isn't made up

>> No.8145704


>> No.8145705

Screenshot that shit yo. I need a good laugh.

Pray tell, who is on cast this year? I know a few myself and I'm glad they're on, but most of them might be Shado people I blocked from FB. XD

> Implying that Rocky's Squad isn't the ones starting stuff on here for attention

Ehhhh, Nick is....a good man once you get to know him. He's just very serious about what he does and I respect that.

>> No.8145708

This is funny cause rocy used to trip back in the day. I'm not sure if anyone remembers but he used to go by Kiwi and hold meets during cons.
Always thought they were chill and had fun with fellow seagulls.

>> No.8145714

You know theres always one person who will defend nick in a fl fag thread, when there will be tons of hes a dick post.

>> No.8145720

Wait who's this Ashe and what's up with her "vision" / gf / whatever. I'm old and don't know these names lol

>> No.8145722

Duuuuude. You realize her bf is on here constantly right?

This explains so much!

Apparently people do give a shit about her....considering she's apparently the most popular cosplayer in Florida.

>> No.8145724

There's this in may... www.collectivecon.com

>> No.8145733

She's really not that well known in the cosplay circle in florida. She just tries to make it seem that way.

>> No.8145739

what, really? well that's something
it kind of makes this whole thing more amusing regardless of what's true or not
rocky proven to be a tripfag who is now coming to defend himself from the mean terrible people on cgl's floridafag thread

>> No.8145748

Imfao I've never heard of her and I've never seen her at a con before

>> No.8145751

same here

>> No.8145754

Not exactly defending as one would say. I just know he can be a dick if you don't know him well enough. So I understand where you're coming from.

Probably was. But are anyone gonna come forward. Prolly not.

....I vaguely remember that. I used to be here back in the day. But I stopped because I didn't have internet for like...4 years. But Rocky doing meetups? Is he/she/it doing the meetup this year at Megacon?

I think they're talking about Ashe Iverk. Saw her at like....Matsuri. They were doing BH6. Don't know much about her. But her attitude towards people isn't very good from what I saw.

>> No.8145757

She's well known in the CosDev circle.

>> No.8145766
File: 865 KB, 1365x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're all just jealous of Aly's likes

>> No.8145775

Oh God. It's so atrocious yet I can't look away.

>> No.8145776

>Is he/she/it doing the meetup this year at Megacon?

The Megacon meet has been run by Cosplaymoomoo for the past few years so I doubt it.

>> No.8145785

Yeah can't speak for those other cons (which really doesn't seem like him tbh), but I don't think he would send his friends here. A lot of them in the comments seem a lil immature and are coming on their own.

Shit i didn't know that I've missed it for two years now, so the last one I went to Rocky was in charge of getting it together. Is there a fb group for it?

Lol, go figure. I don't count them as real cosplyers so thats why I've never heard of her.

>> No.8145787

not if she looks like that

>> No.8145790
File: 71 KB, 720x534, 10360473_10201388593036725_5273077866227475810_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's that? O__O

Why would I be jealous of THAT? Stahp with the selfpost Aly

>> No.8145795

Rocky is capable of a lot with his "followers".

>> No.8145797


isn't cosplaymoomoo a group of people? i've heard their name at cons before

>> No.8145799
File: 331 KB, 1500x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, she only looks like this in person.

>> No.8145804
File: 108 KB, 720x520, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With photoshop she looks much better, which is all her FB fans want

>> No.8145805

You know what her body doesn't bother me,but her fucking head and face do.

>> No.8145811

thats not even the same fucking person.
JFC she goes form a >>8145799 fat rosan barb to >>8145804 unfucking recognisable.

>> No.8145816

This is literally the first time I'm hearing about this.

Deets on who this "group" is?

Also: O____________________________________________________O

>> No.8145818

There was one last year so I'm sure once the con gets closer it'll be posted here.

Yeah, they do have a booth, but it's usually a small group of people that run it that end up running the meetup later in the evening once the dealers room closes. Pretty cool people, I had a blast at all the meetups I've been to. Not sure if I should post the name of the one girl that does all the organizing but she goes on /cgl/ fairly often (I think).

>> No.8145820
File: 15 KB, 404x337, roseanne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roseanne Barr(fuck my spelling tonight)

>> No.8145823

Hey wait, didn't she do some Drag Show with some lesbians last year? It was Kuroshit.

I didn't go, but I wonder if anyone saw her in it.

>> No.8145825

Please do. I'd like to get in contact with her since I've never done a cgl meetup before.

>> No.8145829

Was she the one that had the AA Booth that was giving out seagulls those cute lil /cgl/ buttons?
Or is it the Lolita chick that has short hair?

>> No.8145830

I don't know about the buttons but she has short hair and is a lolita so the latter is probably her.

>> No.8145849

Yeah shes chill too she was from the first /cgl/ meet.(If thats the one)

>> No.8145854

Was that the 2011 one? I only started going to Megacon that year but I've been going to the meetups since.

>> No.8145866
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>> No.8145872

That sounds about right. Or maybe 2010.
First year was like 5 or 6 of us, then the second one blew up.

Lol thats old as shit. Most of them don't even cosplay anymore.

>> No.8145874


>> No.8145877

>facebook com/events/870066833055996
Okay guys, here's a crappy event page that I'll update with more info later.

Ah, I see. When I first went we had maybe twenty people, though a good portion of them just passed by and wanted to play werewolf and had no idea what /cgl/ was.

>> No.8145890

Was that the year when people kept running up to the group and asking for our pizza(cause fuck people like that)

>> No.8145899

I was actually going to bring that up too, haha. Yeah, it was that year. I remember giving an empty pizza box to a raver and him being pretty upset.

>> No.8145910

row 1 column 1- moved to another state & became anorexic
row 1 column 2- got cancer & moved away
row 1 column 3- loser w/ no job sponging off gf for 12 years & doesn’t even fuck her
row 1 column 4- still cool fl bro
row 1 column 5- still around still great tits
row 1 column 6- owns party company & believes she is elsa from frozen
row 1 column 7- heroes of cosplay
row 1 column 8- skinnyfat hypochondriac cat lady loser
please chime in before alychu gets all her friends to report thread and delete it all

>> No.8145912
File: 385 KB, 382x216, yes-gif-10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was my favorite year.

>> No.8145918

>facebook com/events/870066833055996
Thanks a bunch! Added myself. I'm super pumped to go.

>> No.8145924

Or Rocky and his "following".

>> No.8145930

Me too! (I was the werewolf who won that night. >:3)

No problem!

>> No.8145943
File: 208 KB, 612x816, 851610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the 2011 Megacon meetup, and then yeah 2012 was much bigger.

>> No.8145951

How is Julie a hypochondriac? Because of her allergies?

>> No.8145955
File: 1.82 MB, 1226x900, cgl meetup 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And 2012 where we successfully ordered pizza after drifting from Denny's to Red Lobster to a Mexican grocery store.

>> No.8145959

Man you sure are salty.
Why not just admit that you have some dumb beef with him and move on.

Oh god yes! That year, fun was had.

>> No.8145962

Never 4get the massive UNO game

>> No.8145964

Ah, yes, it's me. Turns out I got confused as this was my first meetup. Still really fun though.

>> No.8145969
File: 101 KB, 960x720, 487956_574478975898332_1217618803_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's 2013 and the start of werewolf! Also another successful pizza order.

Dude we need Uno again. I was so sad I forgot Cards Against Humanity to the 2014 meet up. Shit 2015 just needs to be a card games meet up.

>> No.8145973

cast is on cast this year, reveal yoself and maybe ill tell ya

>> No.8145982
File: 59 KB, 512x592, ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145990

Shit a slew of new people.
I swear the thing gets bigger and bigger each year.

Cards would be fun.

>> No.8145992

.....Ehhh, kinda don't wanna reveal myself if people are going overboard with the whole Rocky thing cause he'll think I'm the one starting this shit.

Next FL thread I will reveal. I just really wanted to know about the cgl meetup this year. Seriously I wanna go to one. All the card games. Someone better bring Munchkin!

>> No.8145997

I feel so on the fringes of the Florida cosplay scene, I have no idea who most of the people like this that became relevant sometime in the last 8 years are.

>> No.8145999

gimme hints, have you been on cast?

>> No.8146001

Almost all of them still cosplay, actually.

>> No.8146006

I don't have a picture from 2014, but the pizza was not a success and they'd closed off the area we we're planning to meet. Sorry to everyone that got lost in the mix, I was cawwing like a gull in the lobby but shit was crowded. I hope to see you guys again this year, I always have a blast.

>> No.8146007

Nigga why are you so salty?
Like what did he do to personal make you hate him so much?
Cause really you seem to be the only one shitting up the thread about him.

Also talk about being shitty if you're one of his friends. You could just unfriend them if you get tired of seeing them post all the time.

>> No.8146008
File: 183 KB, 497x595, maximum overlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8146009

> beef
> salt

.....I wanna think about salted beef jerky now. Stop. Now I'm hungry. Why do you people have to use food related things to talk about hate for one another? Both of ya stop being crusty and move on with yourselves.

(Scours thread) I see nothing about satanism here. But holy shit that's funny. She name droppin or something?

>> No.8146013

lol its funny youre probably from that status
i havent said anything up until saying he posted a status, then i just posted caps cause someone asked

>> No.8146014

I heard you guys and the mating call, but the boyfriend and I had to meet up with other friends.

>> No.8146015

Uhhh no, Never been on cast, but I know a lot of the cast members. Known em for years actually. I'm just a con goer who knows cast members and loves Metrocon. (Shrugs)

>> No.8146027

posts every day about trauma and horror of having belly button piercing, always saying her neck hurts or her migraines or getting sick every day. she complains about nightmares and loneliness and begs for rides because she quits jobs all the time and can't afford a car. Nobody comments on her status anymore b/c they are over it

>> No.8146030
File: 219 KB, 1067x873, trudesipai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btruh liiook at this

>> No.8146034

That was years ago.
Jfc let things go.

>> No.8146036

Dude that's cool, I just wanted to get everyone's money back to them. North/South building sucked, man, I had no reception to place an order, and then they closed off our meeting spot. I was panicking.

>> No.8146040

i was just wonderin
whats your name start with GIMME HINTS ANONNNNNN
if you know cast im sure i know you

>> No.8146044
File: 67 KB, 286x399, 1364087452996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so much to be offended at, I don't know what to focus on first.

>> No.8146047

nope all that stuff she posted this week.

>> No.8146049
File: 19 KB, 500x367, tumblr_inline_mqkrld2w7P1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I asked. Good laugh thanks.

And bro, someone here be mad as fuck about Rocky. Maybe it's just one of her friends stirring shit to get her attention or something. Maybe it's some big comeback tour through the cons. I don't know, I don't care. I'm only doing Mega and Metro and if Rocky and it's....well whatever they are are gonna rampage through the cons, then I'm just walk on by, do my thing, and have fun. Not even gonna worry about it.

I guess you could say that this salty fucker has had a rather....Rocky friendship to begin with.

>> No.8146051

>Yeah can't speak for those other cons (which really doesn't seem like him tbh), but I don't think he would send his friends here. A lot of them in the comments seem a lil immature and are coming on their own.

Him making the status in the first place is sending his friends here. He doesn't have to ask them to do it, all he has to do is make himself seem as victimized as possible.

>> No.8146054

not that anon but you sound pleasant

>> No.8146055

oh wow no it wasnt im friends with her on fb still this is literally every day nice try though actual julie

>> No.8146059

Name starts with a C. That's all you're gettin'.

>> No.8146061

Yeah things were hectic last year with being in the new con building.

There using the old one for this year(right) if so it shouldn't be to hard to make a meeting place.

>> No.8146063

No, she wasn't in it.

>> No.8146069

I think you're overplaying the belly button stuff, I've only seen mild fretting over possible rejection. I guess I kind of mentally tune out a lot of her posts, but thinking about it you're kind of right about the hypochondria. Still think the loser thing is too harsh, though.

>> No.8146072

That sounds exactly like most of the east coast cosplayers mfw.

>> No.8146081

tell meeeee anonnnnnn
i will cry forever

>> No.8146090

Buttt anon....I don't want Rocky lumping me in with these fuckers.

I'll tell you who I know.

The guy who's gonna be Griffith, the dude who's gonna be Tatsumi, and the one girl who is like the best K Pop cosplayer in Florida.

Plus the Tatsumi and a mutual friend of ours were gonna do RWBY cosplay. Since I talk about RWBY a lot on FB, you'd prolly know who I am.

>> No.8146092

can't keep a job
almost 30 & can't afford car
posts 10-20x day desperately complaining about med conditions or taking bus or how hard her bs current job is
can't talk about anything except cats
always broke & can't pay own bills
lies about med conditions for attention
drives away all non-internet friends

what is a loser if not that?

>> No.8146099

His latest post have been on how he wants to crack down on his art.

>> No.8146107

I agree with some of these and disagree with others. I hate whiteknighting though, and you're entitled to your opinion.

>> No.8146114

Yeah I believe they are. Dealers are in Halls A/B instead of just D, but it's a building we're all familiar with. As it gets closer we'll decide. We could try pizza again, or try something new.

I'm down for some /tg/ after dinner though.

>> No.8146115
File: 482 KB, 500x288, tumblr_ml2z29SnJD1rjxj9ko1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well this turned into a shit fest fast.

>> No.8146121


Sounds great. Keep me informed!

>> No.8146126

That also sounds like fun.
I know one year someone was gonna bring twister, not sure if they did or forgot it.

>> No.8146133

The only thing I can provide is Pokemon Monopoly or regular playing cards, but I know Headbanz is a pretty fun game so I'll see if I can pick it up before the con.

>> No.8146140

Fuck /cgl/ this is a /tg/ meet. Bring everything!

>> No.8146142

Well, maybe I could pick up Munchkin or something....

>> No.8146144
File: 68 KB, 490x735, 9k81e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What. The FUCK. Is that.

>> No.8146151

I have Munchkin and Star Fluxx, but I don't know if I'll make to the meet yet.

>> No.8146153
File: 920 KB, 500x205, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm game for all of it.

>> No.8146157

Shiiiit. I love me some Fluxx. Won a game Turn 0 using Monty Python Fluxx. It was amazing.


>> No.8146161

Have you figured it out yet?

>> No.8146165


>> No.8146168

It's autoarchived nowadays. https://archive.rebeccablacktech.com/cgl/

>> No.8146171

Nah. Only Cecilia I know works for Rocky.

I'm a dude. Try again.

>> No.8146180

i honestly dont omg i know maddie but anthony and kayla are the only two people i know on fb that talk about rwby unless youre friends with anthony then i may know you

>> No.8146194

If you're talking aboutthe Anthony I know of, then no, he hates me.

Idk who Kayla is. You don't happen to know Angel or Kelsey do you? Unless you're from the Shadocast.

>> No.8146202

nah, im shadocast trash lol
anthony that dances and stuff
i may not know you then

i always wish people on cgl would talk about the shows like what they thought was good and bad and stuff like that, i love hearing feedback

>> No.8146207

....uhhhh....you're not....Kiane King are you?

>> No.8146209

Not that she's anything amazing to begin with, but this guy seriously takes the most unflattering pictures ever.

>> No.8146210

omfg no
oh my god no

here, what is your cover photo?

>> No.8146215
File: 49 KB, 720x477, 1922080_845173862160444_2238363085739056151_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my cover pic.

I take it you know who I'm talking about. O__O I feel sorry for you shadocasters.

>> No.8146222

yes please god i do
i cant seem to find you in mutuals unless you dont go by your actual name on facebook

>> No.8146223

I know who you are. (Not that anon thats been asking)
Don't personally know you.

>> No.8146232

How about you give me your name and I'll find out whether or not I even have you or if you were someone I blocked because of shado drama.

I'll give you one more hint. My last name is the same as a famous hotel chain.

>> No.8146237

That bothers me a little that you know who I am. How do you know me?

>> No.8146244

ive actually heard your name before not sure where

>> No.8146246
File: 55 KB, 512x403, horse-gandalf-lord-of-the-rings-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meet page.
It wasn't rocket science bruh.

>> No.8146259

I'm a lot more autistic than I thought I was whoops. I already forgot about the meet page.

>> No.8146260

Any seagull reviews on Ultracon? Been going back and forth with myself on whether or not to go, and most reviews I find not on /cgl/ are biased in one direction or the other.

>> No.8146264

Oh yeah Dan! Dan is good people.

>> No.8146270

Never heard of that con sorry.

>> No.8146271
File: 9 KB, 298x169, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol its okay.
I just wanted to check and see if there were any familiar faces.

>> No.8146277

Well, if you wanted to friend me, go for it. More cgl people I get to meet.

>> No.8146279

Everyone in Florida fucking knows each other. Welcome to the jungle.

>> No.8146281

>unbiased reviews
And you asked on cgl why?

>> No.8146282

Try again, newfriend.

>> No.8146284
File: 22 KB, 600x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's florida for you.

>> No.8146285

We have fun and games!

>> No.8146287

Too far.

>> No.8146296
File: 26 KB, 720x405, 10371399_881515171863153_1568561853970714826_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I think it would be appropriate, considering we're gonna have fun and games at the cgl meetup.

>> No.8146301
File: 946 KB, 500x180, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ho boy! I'll add you later tonight.

>> No.8146305

Its ok. 3/5.

>> No.8146311

I know Omni Expo was mentioned further up, but how is it?

>> No.8146315

I love how countries have there drama threads, but Florida is so fucked up that the state gets its own category. Does the heat get to the cosplayers that badly?

>> No.8146317

It's a Roycon. Not a whole lot except for a fuckton of guests.


>> No.8146320

If you can get past the scums that run the contests you'll have a pretty good time.

>> No.8146321

....Who the fuck is Rocky and why is he important? I don't run in the "ayyy anime lmao" circuit so.

>> No.8146324

That's basically it. Costume contest has good prizes though, if you have friends going it'll be fun.

>> No.8146328

I dont care for the CC.
Is it like afo?

>> No.8146331

The guests were nice though, I didn't notice any shit-tier behavior from them.

>> No.8146334

Holy shit this is so accurate. For once I'd like to meet a photag that doesn't make creepy comments while shooting pictures of me.

>> No.8146339

I want to tell a really personal story about Ken regarding myself and something that happened, but I feel like he'll find out I told it... It was something that happened when I was 13 and welp, you can kind of make assumptions from there. I'm 18 now.

>> No.8146341

I haven't really been on /cgl/ since HolMat, but I'm super excited for the Megacon meetup~

>> No.8146342

Rocky used to trip on here as Kiwi/Kneesocks. Someone claimed his group rigged the costume contest at Omni which doesn't fucking matter because why would you go to Omni? Despite his raucous behavior at cons and his large group of friends, he's avoided major drama over the years. This is likely someone trying to stir shit.

tl;dr Rocky is not important.

>> No.8146343

Well you're not gonna find em in Florida.

You sound like someone who's got a cosplay page tho.

>> No.8146349

hi Arjay/Living for the moments. we all know it's you.

>> No.8146352

Go for it. What's the worst that could happen? People should know what he truly is.

Like what the person said, people stirring the shitpot and trying raise hell. Rocky is nothing. A little nobody who is being trashed upon by an even smaller nobody.

Speaking of HoliMat, anyone go to that horrible RWBY Panel?

>> No.8146355

Ewwwwww, can we not talk about THAT particular creeper? His LFTM thing is a total sham you know that right?

>> No.8146358

I do, but I don't even like my cosplay page. I don't even know why I have one. I just like having pictures and maintaining a portfolio for my own personal appeal.

>> No.8146361

Sham? Deets, please?

>> No.8146364

Then be like Elsa and just let it go. If ya wanna maintain a portfolio, go to one of the professional cosplay sites and just stick it on there. That way you can maintain one and not have to deal with all that FB bullshit.

>> No.8146367

Just make the assumptions, pretty sure you can guess, I don't want to be singled out and then harassed by anyone.

>> No.8146372

Speaking of Florida photogs. I do like one that hasn't been mentioned yet? Papanotzzi? I look forward to his pictures at cons because he normally sets up his camera in a central location and shoots a couple pics for pretty much anyone who asks. And he doesn't over shoop/filter/whatever the fuck Ken does to his pictures that makes everyone look like Aliens from the Beyond the Deep.

But as a young looking woman who isn't even underage Ken DOES give me the creeps just from the sheer fact that he's a 60+ year old man who primarily shoots "sexy" underage looking girls.

>> No.8146379

I'm the same way, anon.

>professional cosplay sites
You mean like acp, cure, worldcosplay, etc, etc? I wouldn't really consider them professional, unless you know of others.

>60+ year old man

>> No.8146380

Arjay is a fat creep who promotes only sexy cosplay girls just so he can get some kind of girlfriend.

Seriously, even look at his pics. The girls know he's a creep, yet use him for free publicity. It's a double edged sword for him.

>> No.8146383

Sounds great. I probably will. Also, something else that annoys me around here... You do /one/ decent cosplay and suddenly everyone and their mother pretends to be your best friend and talks to other people like you hang out all the time.
This has happened to me with people I don't even fucking know, people are so fame hungry that they'll do anything to look good.

>> No.8146385

I don't know if he's actually that old but he looks like pervy Santa Claus to me every time I see him.

>> No.8146388

I know of him. I was in the room when he had a drunk breakdown in front of Jessica Nigri. What are his interviews like though? I never got the purpose of his page or the appeal... or why he's invited as a guest to cons/ is somehow good enough to judge cosplay contests.

>> No.8146392

Oh....Oh dear. I...I'm sorry that happened to you.

Iffy on Papnotzzi. Don'tlike Ken at all cause he never really shoots guys. More shootingsof "sexy" cosplay women.

Eddie is...ok. But he's buddy buddy with Tigershit all the time.

Gary Snow is cool as fuck and I always recommend taking pics with him cause he actually KNOWS his shit.

Who's the fourth member tho?

Yes, like those sites.

>> No.8146393

Wait no, I'm thinking of someone else. Who the hell am I thinking of? I swear I thought that was him but that's definitely not who I was thinking of...

>> No.8146397

Yeah I'm hella confused as well. Is the Rocky people are complaining about actually Kiwi? If so she was good people back in the day and it would suck to find out she turned into an lolcow.

I'm assuming it's maybe 80% vendetta 20% actual drama?

>> No.8146404

I wasn't raped, I guess don't make that assumption because that's a little much... think more along the lines of inappropriate touching.

>> No.8146405 [DELETED] 

florida cons summary:
megacon = ton of people, only good thing is the dealer's room, partying in the halls
wasabicon = ew
florida anime experience = ew
metrocon = favorite con. rave is AWESOME. good dealer's room, good shows if you're into that, panels are meh
anime festival orlando = decent. good panels. pool party is good if you're an alcoholic
shadocon: good shows? I don't know how to classify this con. poorly planned but they try
holiday matsuri: good if you like cute shit and christmasy shit

>> No.8146406

Yes thats the Rocky.
It was like 90% vendetta.

>> No.8146408

Ouch, sounds like personal experience. Sadly the teeny boppers are so damn hungry for it they form alliances and bullshit just so they can catapult themselves to fame.


Seriously, a lot of these "cosfame" thirsty fucks don't even have jobs, yet can afford all this cosplay stuff and can go to upstate conventions.

What the fuck.

>> No.8146418

Their mommies and daddies buy them everything. I wonder if I know you, you sound like someone I should hang out with... It's been near impossible for me to actually find anyone to hang out around in this community. I'm either going to cons by myself or with my boyfriend, that's it.
Granted, I do live in the panhandle area so... There's that. It's a shitfest here.

>> No.8146421

Eyepatch, big beard, dual flash thingies on his back?

>> No.8146425

Come on and hang with my friend and I then at the cgl meetup. Make some new friends that will actually be friends and not backstabbers.

Heh, you might know me. Go check the event page for the meetup. My profile is me wearing a yellow wig holding donuts.

>> No.8146429

That's still creepy as fuck. God I hate Florida photogs.

>> No.8146431

It is actually Kiwi. He identifies male and has lived as a male for a number of years, but I'm thinking he stopped tripping here around that time. That's why we're all saying "he."

Last time I saw Rocky, he was still good at sewing costumes and styling. I don't think he rigged the Omni costume contest, but I wasn't there. From what I heard it was so dead maybe Rocky and friends were the only ones to show up.

>> No.8146433

Which con?

>> No.8146436

Thank you for this information. I really appreciate it. I realized I was thinking of Ken Smits. I mean I have a healthy dose of paranoia so my reasoning for finding him creepy could be waaayyy off base, but it's good to know exactly who to stay away from.

I feel like I know "Tigershit" because I recognize the name from a business card? But what is the actual name?

>> No.8146447

Another anon here. I'm in the Orlando area but feel free to add me on Facebook if you want. I only have a small group of friends I actually talk to and also cosplay/go to cons. In fact, those really only consist of people I've met through /cgl/ and the meetups. (I'm the host on the event page, by the way)

Tigershot productions or something similar. Tigershot is definitely in there though.

Thanks for the rundown. I was getting really confused with the different genders going on the thread and seeing that he's male on Facebook.

>> No.8146453


>facebook com/events/870066833055996

Make sure to put the . in ".com"

I think he's talking about "Tigershot".

>> No.8146454

anyone know of any FEMALE florida photogs? I feel more comfortable and less awkward around girls. Yes, I know this is a double standard, I know girls can be as creepy as guys, but I still feel safer with girls.

>> No.8146455

Yeah that's who I was thinking of! I figured out his name though see

Can confirm I went to Omni and it was dead as shit. That plus the fact that everyone in this community with even a modicum of skill knows each other makes it possible that's what actually happened. (I have no idea who won the costume contest at Omni though so *shrug*)

>> No.8146456

Ah ok. Yeah I'm assuming he(switching my pronouns around now) stopped tripping on here when he started living as a male? Since I distinctly remember Kiwi being female. He probably stopped tripping to ease his transition or something idk?