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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 192 KB, 900x687, 2d___candid_passed_out_by_krazorspoon-d4qfc38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8140532 No.8140532 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread for those, "Wait, did you just take a photo?" pictures.

>unexpected hotel room photos
>"hey can you fix my wig for me" photos
>basically any of those silly out of character pictures that we end up taking at cons

>> No.8141442

My friends are notorious for taking photos of me when I'm either getting ready, or derping around

>> No.8141448
File: 62 KB, 720x960, 12921_10203679619258164_7270177254285756327_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really in cosplay anymore, but I took my wig and straps off to eat

>> No.8141450
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>> No.8141455
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My non-lolita friend thought it was fascinating to watch me try to get ready in a hurry for a meet that I was already late to

>> No.8141459
File: 330 KB, 1280x1008, One big happy family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taken years ago by a friend but still funny to me to this day.

>> No.8141461
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Hella long time ago. Hope she doesn't mind me posting shit here...

>> No.8142040

This is so fucking cute.

>> No.8142061

Hasn't this coord gotten old for you yet? It has for me. Yet you just keep posting it. Get a new dress already if you just want to continue posting yourself in different threads on here, you've really run this one into the ground. We get it, you are happy that you finally got a used brand dress. Woo.

>> No.8142062

Its that same ugly dress all the newbie itas get too. Figures.

>> No.8142070

Holy shit stop posting. Literally no one cares about you and your shit coord.

>> No.8142075

I see cosplayers doing really cute natural things all the time, looking annoyed or dreamy or sleepy, and they look so great that I want a picture of them, just like that. But the minute I get their attention, they lose the natural expression and body language that they had, and if I say "Can you go back to doing what you were doing a second ago" it's never as cute.

>> No.8142080

New game, every time it's posted from now on, take a shot. (Or eat a cookie?)

Hey girl, this isn't candid or cosplay. Your friends may be 'fascinated' (sure they are...) but we aren't. Stop being so thirsty to post yourself just because you finally bought one fugly lolita dress that you can't even coord yet after good concrit help. You are already on your way to becoming a poster-girl to show noobs how NOT to do Lolita.

>> No.8142083

I'd take the candid photo, then show them and ask if you can keep/post. It's a shame though, isn't it? I know just what you are talking about with capturing those perfect shots.

>> No.8142179

Man I got some really cute shots of the people around my community, but I wouldnt want to be posting them and making someone upset. This is a cool thread idea and maybe I can dig something up somewhere.

>> No.8142256

Any chance, are you from NorCal?

>> No.8142258

too cute!

>> No.8144049

>take a shot.
I guess I may as well.

>> No.8144063

Woh there I have yet to see this girl and I browse pretty regularly? Is this some type of vendetta cuz that's a shit ton of salt to throw at someone who just posted a pic in a wig cap getting ready in the bathroom. Maybe I just haven't seen them enough to be this mad about it but shit.

>> No.8144071

damn, what did i miss?

>> No.8144072
File: 34 KB, 345x338, 1423704999099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here? I'm so confused. If she's that excited about her dress that's pretty cute actually. I don't understand all this salt.

>> No.8144078

She's >>8141432 and a few weeks ago she posted her coord in every single lolita relevant thread on the board, multiple days in a row. She didn't have a horrible attitude but she got really annoying posting it everywhere, especially since it's not that good.

>> No.8144080
File: 53 KB, 675x540, 1317694663174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that warrants your elitist, arguably classist comments?
She's excited and she's not being awful, who gives a shit whether or not she posts herself. At least she's not a spambot. Or a tripfag.

>> No.8144097

Okay and it looks like she took the criticism well and straight out said what she was going to improve next time in that thread when I looked at the replies. It's not horrible by any means, seems she was just excited that she had a decent brand outfit and might still be relatively new. People (or maybe just one asshole) are getting way too upset about this.

>> No.8144099
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 3secondstilldeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, if I pretend for a second that your opinion matters at all, the post isn't relevant. It's not cosplay or anything and she's an annoying attention whore and it's getting on everyones nerves.

>> No.8144103


>> No.8144104

Getting excited is one thing. Spamming your coord multiple days in a row on multiple threads is going to piss people off. The board is not her facebook, it's not her tumblr, it's not her blog. It was unwarranted and annoying.

>> No.8144111

>getting way too upset about this.
if she posted in 2 or 3 threads once in a while it would be fine but she didn't, she posted like 10 times in 2 days, and she keeps posting it and she keeps self posting other shit and she was told she was overzealous but refuses to stop when literally no one gives a fuck about it.

>> No.8144113
File: 131 KB, 800x1143, 1365196063937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you threw out that it was 'used' like that's some kind of insult and told her to get a new dress. Lolita is expensive as shit, not all people can just go out and buy a new dress every other week. The notion that used goods are gross/inferior is classist, whether or not you realize it or not.

Based on the thread you linked it seems like she's taking all your hate pretty well too. Why don't you focus all your salt somewhere more productive?

>> No.8144118

The point flew so far over your head it went into orbit.
>as expected of fat tumblr shit

>> No.8144120

>she's taking all your hate pretty well too.
ff she was she'd stop attention whoring, now gb2tumblr
all tumblrtards know how to do is cling onto useless info and whine about it like it's important.

>> No.8144121
File: 3.25 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_0386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I have quite a few of these because my mom is the one who takes all my con pictures so she feels the need to take TONS of photos. This is one of the "better" ones lol. There are some where I'm really derping or eating at the cafeteria. I don't mind them cause they show everything else I did during the day. I have of basically every costume I have done. I can post a few of them if you guys want.

>> No.8144124
File: 7 KB, 188x200, 1419160779488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow guys, I'm sorry I applied a sociology term you don't understand and it made you mad.
Stay mad, and keep crying tumblr whenever anyone challenges you

>> No.8144127

It's not that we don't understand it. It's that you pointed out something completely irrelevant. Only one anon mentioned anything about her shitty secondhand burando, and you're clinging to it as if it was the whole point.

>> No.8144129

I guess my point is that myself and others hadn't seen the post at all while someone is claiming they had seen it so many times they were seething, just seems like a little bit of an overreaction. I understand where this is coming from, but considering the poster on question wasn't at all rude and took criticism well also shows that they are willing to learn. Also, the post was pretty relevant to the thread and candid unless you want to keep it completely cosplay related. I'm not usually one to cry samefag but I highly doubt that many people would care enough to rage about it. Anyway, sorry to get things off track.

>> No.8144130

i hope you know that trying to defend her is just going to make people hate her more, especially when you're doing it so autistically.


>> No.8144135

So, I said this earlier, but if she'd actually taken criticism and everything well then she would have stopped posting. Her attitude was nice sure, but that didn't mean she was listening.

Anyways how fucking new are you then? This happened last week. Also, people bitch about the same shit being posted over and over all the time, it gets old, and this just happened to get old really fast.

>> No.8144150

So from what I understand, your problem is that she isn't reacting the way someone should upon getting concrit?
I don't know wtf she's doing, but you can still like a coord and work on a new one without having to pretend like the first never happened. It seems like she's taking /cgl/ advice from the other thread

>> No.8144164

This just looks really happy for some reason, I like it.

>> No.8144461

Who is this invisible "everyone"?

>> No.8144495
File: 67 KB, 450x340, 1272095001367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, hang on. I read that other thread, and I can get why you're annoyed. But, as a loli-curious cosplayer, I can definitely see why she'd be really excited about getting her first burando dress and overposting; that shit is hella-expensive, and I'd be so stoked to get my first (maybe one day, when I have money). Everyone has to start somewhere, and I think she's adorable and has potential. Give her a pass on this thread, she was following the guidelines of the thread (loli and cosplay are lumped together for the board,so I think it's fair play) and I don't think she was out-of-bounds. Give her a chance to follow everyone's good advice; it takes time and (lots) of money to put together a good coord. If it was a couple weeks ago she was overposting and she has toned down except for this thread, then ease up a bit. She's trying, at least.

>> No.8144497

I guess my point is, she doesn't deserve salt for this thread. I can't really argue about the previous ones.

>> No.8144513
File: 116 KB, 480x720, iwant2eaturface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dog happened during a photoshoot years ago

>> No.8144536

She (over)posted her coord, got attention and critique for it, and just keeps posting same (unimproved) coord wherever she can. (I suspect self-post in the other thread too since the posts were 5-6 minutes apart)

If every noob who got a coord together did this, begging more attention, it would be no Bueno. I think 'get a _new_ dress' means quit reposting the same stuff over and over. Who does that? I think after she spammed, it's fair to say, 'don't post until you have something new to post about or to at least post your improved coord'. And yes it's several anons posting about this.

>> No.8144541

Different anon here, in fact, I've never interacted directly with yellow-star chan, I only read the threads she's been in.

She's been like that from the beginning. In her first thread she's already had anons nitpicking her yellow stars. A lot of the exchanges went downhill pretty fast, I think one of the anons told her not to self post on 4chan if she has to make excuses for her coord. So she already knows her coord has problems and is not popular from the very first self post.

The thing is, she just keeps posting it over and over and getting surly when people tell her to stop. The thread you just read is a normal exchange.

For the lolitas who do read all the lolita-related threads on cgl, you can imagine this gets old pretty fast. They've already been civil, they've already nitpicked her coord. They've already told her to stop posting. She's really stubborn and won't stop anyway. So all that's left is salt.

As for being excited about your first burando. Take it to your own journal/facebook. Nobody here wants a coord they don't even like being repeatedly shoved in their faces along with a surly attitude.

>> No.8144546

Are you the cute witch?

>> No.8144547

Shark anon got shit for overposting. It's just that /ceeg/ is a pretty slow board, and seeing the same thing posted multiple time is obnoxious. It's the same kind of hatred seagulls have for tripfags, that "who do you think you are" mentality.

>> No.8144551

If you are going to keep posting yourself here in lolita, people are going to comment if it's just more of the same coord. Yes, lolita is expensive. No some people can't afford new things as often as others. But they shouldn't keep spamming their single coord as often as others who are posting new and different things.

>> No.8144558
File: 133 KB, 756x564, 1273586500927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair enough, I get that. I can understand that salt. On the one hand, I still think she's getting a bit too much salt in this thread. On the other, it seems like she deserves it for all the others. I can only hope that she learns from these experiences and improves with time.

>> No.8144559

I was reapplying facepaint in the bathroom once and a woman tapped me on the shoulder and asked if she could take a picture of me doing makeup. I agreed, since it was nice of her to ask and I was chill with it anyways.

I do like the suggestion of >>8142083, though if you're just trying to replicate an action and not a natural expression, I'd advise asking first, since taking a photo and then asking for permission might come off a little creepy to some people.

>dem cray dog eyes
Tiny teddy bear dogs are so fucking cute.

>> No.8144561

Oh my god this is perfect.

>> No.8144570

Lady, plz. Classism is more the case if we were denying her schooling for being poor. Expensive clothes are small beans and you're trying to make it sound like we're the rich nobles trying to keep the bourgeois down.

>> No.8144691
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>> No.8144702

This. The post was relevant to the thread, she wasn't trying to show of her coord. That's why I didn't understand the anger earlier, the responses for this thread at least were uncalled for.

>> No.8144713

fucking this. it's not a difficult concept, retards.

>> No.8144720
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>> No.8145101
File: 1.61 MB, 1872x1253, DSC_0389 - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude in black and the Deadpool was one of the few people that knew who I was. >>8144164
Maybe that's why I look so happy haha.

>> No.8145203

Do you mind me asking what you used for the hat brim to make it so nice and stiff?

>> No.8145260

Great berserk cosplay :)

>> No.8145270
File: 46 KB, 456x620, misakoaoki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why no misako?

>> No.8145274

ooops wrong thread my apologies

>> No.8145277

Slightly tall for Schierke but still

Really nice.

>> No.8145310
File: 110 KB, 960x640, 564374_4178007365269_929205909_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waterbending photoshoot gone horribly wrong

>> No.8145346

Oh my fucking göd

>> No.8145505

Sure! I used this tutorial https://www.vensyprops.com/2013/10/giant-hats/
I used cardboard for the round part and put wire all around it. Used transparent bra strap around my head to head it in place all day.

Thanks :3

Anon, I'm 5'0 ;_;
But I agree, maybe if my Serpico was taller it would've looked better in terms of height difference.

>> No.8145511

Keep it in place all day*

>> No.8145533

i hate this com sometimes