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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8142209 No.8142209 [Reply] [Original]

Share your cosplay or convention horror stories!

>> No.8142228
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This popped up on my dash today. True horror.

>> No.8142519

This one time I was at a convention and a cosplayer killed my dad.

>> No.8142668

>wearing long train cosplay
>bathroom break!
>flush toilet, turn around in tiny stall to fix costume
>oh shit the end of my train dropped into the toilet
>scurry out and head for hotel to change
>"Hey anon! Can I have a picture?"
>oh fuck
>pose in total mortification
>run back to hotel and change
>toss costume into hotel clothes washer
>oh god please don't let that photo surface

>> No.8142785

That's not so bad. This one time I was at a convention and a cosplayer killed my dad, and my whole family. And he was also my brother who used to beat me. Also I can never learn to love again.

>> No.8142790

That's not so bad. Once I was at a convention and my boyfriend cheated on me so I went full yandere and killed him, his multiple lovers, my family and then myself. The guilt and grief made me become a ghost and now I must post on /cgl/ to earn salvation so I can enter the Realm where I'll met with my loved ones.

>> No.8142797

just say it got into the fountain or someone spilt food and you washed it off ect,

>> No.8142798

Yeah? That's pretty rough but it will never amount to the pain I've endured in my life. Once I was at a convention and my girlfriend died saving me from a serial killer who was also my family's arch nemesis. My family is detectives and my father killed the killer in a fire but he wasn't really dead so he came to the convention and he tried to stab me in the heart but my girlfriend jumped in front just in time. She told me "Aishiteru" as I held her in my arms and the killer got away again and went after my whole family and my girlfriend's family and also an entire pet store full of puppies. So now I roam the streets seeking vengeance that will never truly heal the hole in my heart.

>> No.8142819

Is this some ebin new maymay? It ain't funny

>> No.8142839

Because we can't have fun without trying to be some shitty meme trendsetters? Dig the sand out of your vagina and post con horror stories.

>> No.8142859

I know we should avoid him like the plague but what's his story? what did he do to get that reputation

>> No.8142873

You know what else isn't funny? Having your loved ones brutally murdered at a con, and everyone thinks it's just someone re-enacting a scene from an anime and no one will call the police while you sit there crying because they think you're joking. I hope you choke on pocky.

>> No.8142887

Probably doesn't count as a horror story, but is it normal for people to ask for a picture of you when you're wearing normal clothes and not cosplaying? It always sort of creeped me out, but maybe I'm just being an uptight bitch about it haha...

This happens to every convention I go to though. Normally my bf would be cosplaying and people would ask for his picture, then they would ask for my picture afterwards, even though its obvious I'm not cosplaying or wearing anything worth taking a picture of. Is this normal at cons? I've only been to a couple...

>> No.8142925

That happens. I think it's usually just that whoever has the camera thinks you're cute. My boyfriend is abnormally tall but doesn't cosplay, and occasionally giggling teenagers will ask if they can take his picture.

>> No.8142992

I've had that happen to me before while I was sitting in the hotel lobby waiting to check into my hotel room. It's kinda weird but it happens.

>> No.8143085

I've had that happen to me. Granted, I had a bright yellow baseball cap on, and everyone that asked for my picture mentioned what a cute looking Pokemon trainer I was???

>> No.8143103

Sometimes guys will ask for a picture of a cute girl not in cosplay. It happens.

>> No.8143119

Happened to me a few times. I probably fall into >>8143103 category.

>> No.8143128
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>> No.8143286

I really know him for being a bit of a creep and always trying to promote his book or something he made. I think he fucked off to the French part of Canada though?

>> No.8143298
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fuck me with a cactus, i'm in the same boat

>> No.8143336
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We can do this, anon. We can pretend we never knew this about our friends.

>> No.8147608

Bumping in hopes of actual content. I love con horror stories.

>> No.8147613

At least none of you peed all over your costume like Danielle did.

>> No.8147624
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From her ask.fm.

>> No.8147737

That's... Why would tell people that?

>> No.8147746

yeah fuck you anon people have to live with the fact that their parents are dead. you have alive parent privilege. fuck you.

>> No.8148130

I... Er...

>> No.8148232
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>> No.8148253

If you have mutuals with this guy, there is a high likelihood he actually goes to /cgl/ too.

>> No.8148317

Doubtful. Only one of my friends browses /cgl/ and they're not friends with him.I think the only people that have him added are the ones that don't browse /cgl/ and thus don't know about his reputation.

>> No.8148507

>at con with friend's bf and his college friends
>one is not thrilled to be there moping all over in front of my as table
>the other two friends of the bf have a fight in the parking lot
>they have to leave before cops come
>mopey is gone with them start selling stuff in aa
>They are gone don't have to deal with them, got my own room for me and my hubby. all worked out, better than expected.

>> No.8148517

>thus don't know about his reputation
like it has been mentioned atleast 4 times the horror of him being alive but nobody told me what has he done

>> No.8148540

> 15 years old, at local anime con with friends
> We are all wearing something a weeby 15 year olds would think is fashionable, almost maid like.
> 7/10, older dude has been running into us all day, mainly hitting on my friend. She isn't interested as she's a lesbian.
> Dude cannot take a hint.
> We are trying to get through the crowd when we get seperated.
> Hear scream
> Locate friend, she looks disgusted.
"He licked me"
> Do not see the guy anywhere.
> Friend explained that he got super close and licked her face for no good reason.
> On guard for the rest of the con.
> Don't tell anyone because we were afraid that our parents wouldnt let us go back if they found out.

>> No.8148593

Yep, saw him at a Quebec con a month ago. Apparently he was a guest.

>> No.8148622

...for what...?

>> No.8148642

> mfw I met him for the first time while underaged
I was a socially awkward weeb, but could still the bad vibes coming off him.

>> No.8148677

Im starting to believe he did nothing and that you guys just hates him for whatever reason, seeing that none of you have a decent answer as to why he's a creep and should be avoided.

>> No.8148685

I threw away my program already, but the website lists him as a "community" guest.

I saw him wandering around looking bored a few times. I don't even know what the deal with him is.

>> No.8148688

get out of here Bibeau nobody likes you

>> No.8148692

I can guarantee that close to none of the mutuals I have with him are seagulls.

>> No.8148709
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At least look in the archives before going "waah you're all just being mean to him for no reason because no one will answer me!"

>JF Bibeau, mid/late 30s
>also known as 'Creeper Kuzco'
>goes back for years for living up to the name and peddling his books
>said books are slash and marketed to young girls
>was big in the East Coast scene, usually as Kuzco or Jareth
>reputation for being a little too friendly with yaoiloving weeaboo girls got around by word of mouth
>cosplayed shitty Hetalia OC a lot, probably because Hetalia was full of yaoi girls
>fucked off back to Canada when his reputation got bad
>basically no one heard about him for years
>probably doing the same thing in Canada he did here

>> No.8148712

I think he was a guest at GAnime? Their website still lists the guests they had.

>> No.8148713
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Flyer from his yaoi books.

>> No.8148715

You know that little piece of paper he gave describing the target audience of his books? I think I still have that + one of his book manuscript.

>> No.8149178
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Janitor just took down the twin thread for whatever reason. So posting it here instead, still on topic. In response to a simular problem some anon had.

A girl I awkwardly bumped into at con threw a public tantrum when I didn't respond to her email. If I gave her an excuse she'd post
>coshero just talked smack to me
>even fucking name drops
>feel almost blackmailed into apologizing Thankfully she's losing interest in me. I stopped showing progress and got away with ignoring her last request/to be twins without a name drop. We look exact opposite in every way. All she did this time was passive aggressively write a vague post directed at me. That, I can live with.

>> No.8149379


Kind of weird, but it does happen. Had it at parties too, though I'm assuming they were drunk and lost any inhibitions by that point. If it's only face/front shot, I wouldn't worry.

>> No.8152046

I was looking at a map at a con a couple years ago with my little sister and some photographer lady took a picture of us without asking. We were in street clothes

>> No.8152644

Someone asked my friend if she wanted to be in a cosplay porn video.

No hello or anything else. And she was underage at the time.

She said no, but now says she'd possibly reconsider.

>> No.8152653

My friend's mom had a guy stop her at Megacon and ask her what she was from. She had no idea about anime and only went to chaperone my friend because she was still a teenager then. Her mom was wearing a Florida Gator's shirt at the time and very obviously not cosplaying. So her mom just replies "Umm...Daytona Beach?" because she thought the guy was asking about where she lived. My friend says he got all disgruntled and just walked away while she explained to her mom that the guy was asking about a show.

>> No.8152661

I have asked for a photo of people not in cosplay because they look just like someone else I know.

>> No.8152819

Maybe she was lying?

>> No.8152841

For you folks wondering about people taking photos of you while you're in plainclothes:


>> No.8154095

Oh god i think i've seen him at MCM once before .
Think he got a little too foolycooly with some under aged girls by fiddling under their clothes when hugging them.

>> No.8154129
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Can anyone refresh me on the story about this person ? saved the picture but not the story
> named Bekka / sam?
> horrible to friends and people
> complains bout cosplayer's better than her
> did skit and didn't come first
> try to tear judge a new one

>> No.8155937
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3 years ago, don't think I'll ever forget this.

>Cosplaying as Ritsuka from Loveless
>With a group of about 6 people
>We notice this guy following us
>He reeks of sweat and filth
>Over 300 pounds easily
>He's following us most of the day
>Getting ready to leave the con for the day
>Feel a tap on my shoulder
>Turn around to see him standing there
>His breathing is loud even with the crowd
>"Can I take a picture with you?"
>Try and be nice and say okay
>We sit down nearby next to each other
>I'm slowly cringing away from him
>His smell is literally making my eyes water
>He tries putting his arm around me
>"Please don't touch me..."
>He then tries bear hugging me
>My friends rip him off of me
>I'm drenched in his sweat
>He then SCREAMS bloody fucking murder
>Sounds like a live pig being gutted
>My friends are holding him down at this point
>Security rushes over
>Police are eventually called

Long story short, the guy had been banned from the con a few years back for stalking and harassing cosplayers, they ended up finding Rohypnol (roofies) and rope in his car, as well as a giant hunting knife, they had no idea how the hell he got in past the checkpoint and they kept apologizing and offering me free stuff in return for not pressing charges, but honestly I wasn't mad at anyone, more scared than anything, I was so shaken I just wanted to get back to my hotel and sleep, I felt really uneasy for the next few days at the con, was really hard to enjoy myself

>> No.8156479


feels ugly man...

>> No.8156585
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These are all pretty bad stories, i have to admit, but i have one far worse. I don't know if its bad, or not, as i count it as my awaking..but...well...here we go.

So i was at the con driving with my brother and his friends. We were all having a good time listening to shitty bands and whatnot, when suddenly a car cut us off near the con. I mean, not just oh, whoops, sort of thing, i mean full blown fucking cut off. We all collectively wtf, but basically forget about it. So, as we were pulling in, we see the same damn car park kind of close to us. Some guy with his gf or whatever gets out, and starts screaming at the top of his lungs at my brother. Worse, his gf was wearing my brand. So things were getting heated, and this bitch was not helping at all. I mean full fucking screaming from both sides. I tried to calm down before..you know...it happened again.

My brother went to calm things down, and tried to reverse out but was stopped by the bitch, and the guy pulls out a god damn gun. Three shots later my brother was dead in my arms and the killer was cackling to himself. The feelings became as strong as i ever felt, and thus, i became to i am inside.

I became an AH-64 Longbow Apache attack helicopter (Pic related).

"MUH BRAND" I screamed as my 30mm Bushmaster chin mounted chain gun ripped apart the guy and girl who just ended everything i love.

I then put myself into a hover, and assested the situation using my advanced infared optics package.

To make it worse, i found no less than 3 bitches wearing my dress. I am happy to say that they are no long with us, as my Hellfire missles ripped their lolita bitch asses to hell.

Long story short, i now sexually identify as an attack helicopter, and demand you respect my feelings. You dont know what its like.

>> No.8156621

10/10, made me crack up

>> No.8156755

worth reading/10

>> No.8157201


>> No.8157476

>friend constantly complaining about not having enough money for cons
>somehow scrapes up enough money to go
>complains on facebook about not having enough money for decent food
>I go up for one day, just the lolita fashion show
>she asks if she can have a ride back with me
>'sure anon, but I'll need gas money'
>'of course!'
>start taking her home
>she lives an additional 20 minutes past my house
>she tells me to drop her off at her place
>got really good gas mileage, but gas light still comes on
>I didn't realize parking would be so much
>she has no more money
>have to call my high school sister and ask her for money
>she never paid me back

>> No.8157483

>goes up for mini chocolatefest/comic con
>offers rides for people
>couple of people join in
>message everyone that gas money is required
>on way home
>need gas
>friend 1 already gave me money
>look at friend 2, same one who never gave me gas money from before
>says she spent last of her money on merch
>can't find my wallet
>start having a panic attack and crying
>thinks I left wallet at McDonalds
>friend 1 kindly forks over another $10
>friend 2 then subtly mentions that her mom went to sleep 2 hours ago and that I will need to take her home
>'I'm not taking you a single mile past my exit'
>mfw she would rather wake up her mom to drive to come and get her than save up some money to give me for gas
>I refuse to take her anywhere anymore

>> No.8157580

THis is super confusing to read when you're drunk, but still very enjoyable to ready. Thanks.

>> No.8157621

>be at a local con about half a year ago
>cosplaying The Winter Soldier
>made his prosthetic arm from real metal
>some tumblrguys/weebs get hyped as they see me, and I try being as nice as possible.
>they ask how did I make the whole thing
>mention the fact my arm is made of metal
>"WOW, REALLY?!?!"
>oh fuck
>one of them grabs it and rubs his hands all over that thing, without my permission
>happened several times with different people
>had to spend about 40 mins with sandpaper to get all the rust off

>> No.8157634

Yikes, I know that feel. There was an sculpture project involving metal sheets. They weren't kidding about the finger prints...

>> No.8157642

>not putting any preservative or protectant on it
shit niggah come on

>> No.8157747

I only heard about sinking it in oil when not in use, but it inly works partially. If you have any better suggestions I'd love to hear thembeelos uropsy

>> No.8157947

I hear he attends those anime con LARPS and his old costuming site was a bit atrocious

>> No.8157953

I know him through completely different social circles, not that close to him, didn't know he had this kind of rep

>> No.8157968

>Volunteering as con security at local con.
>con has free Booze on first day so some people way over drunk.
>one attendant in frenzy thinking they lost phone
>they are one of afore mentioned people who is too drunk (doesn't help that they showed up drunk)
>goes crazy attacking the con volunteers that are attempting to help find phone
>literally drags three security volunteers half way across a parking lot.
>idiot gets badge pulls and has to spend weekend in city jail
Thankfully I was not on patrol at that point, and was taking a break in operations.

>> No.8159947

What con seriously has an open bar for attendees?

>> No.8161589
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When you see it.

>> No.8161592

Say what you will but dude must be hung

>> No.8161613

the venue itself will serve drinks. 100%positive colossalcon does...

>> No.8161640

Is that the only fucking cosplay he wears?

>> No.8162213

Yeah, lots of hotels and other venues have bars, but what convention offers free alcohol?

>> No.8162622
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>Crossplay Time Skip Sasuke (yeah that fucking open shirt one)
>Walking around during my break from a booth
>Suddenly looking up at the ceiling with a wet sensation growing on my back
>Realize there's a sweaty face with puckered lips slowly approaching mine
>Wall of B.O hits me and I cover my mouth to not retch and avoid the kiss
>Squeals erupt around me, "SASUKE-KUN SO TSUNDERE!"
>Finally realize the situation I'm in: Terribad male Naruto has me in a dip, his sweaty arm is soaking through the back of my cosplay
>Sweat drops from his face land on mine and I scream for him to let me go
>Mother fucker just drops me on my back onto the barely carpeted floor
>Vision temporarily blacks out and ringing is all I can hear
>All I can do is lay on the ground as fangirls surround me squealing doing nothing to help me

>> No.8163062

The one I was at... They had free food the first day too. But yea, free booze is a BAD idea

>> No.8163067

What the flying duck is up with his hands, do I see 4 thumbs?

>> No.8165206

Hmm, yeah it's a terribad costume... But what am I suppose to se--
Holy shit, look at that tent

>> No.8165243

>used to be friends with epic weebs in high school
>had several awkward/bad convention experiences with them
>most of the time they leave me alone unless they want something
>"Hey anon, you're bisexual right?"
>oh god no
>"Do you want to do a group cosplay with me and my husband?"
>"It's our favorite three-pairing from Hellsing!"
>Uh.. why would me being bisexual.. which I'm not.. factor into that?
>"Well we wanted to do a fanservice photoshoot..."
>"Well do you know any other bi-girls that would be interested?"
>"We don't want to do anything too pervy but I didn't want to ask a straight girl even though I'd be crossdressing as a guy."

This is why I stopped being friends with you people. Please get the hint.

>> No.8165274

Why is one finger pointing straight up while the other 4(5?) are pointing down?

>> No.8165854

I'm actually laughing on /cgl/ I didn't believe I'd live to see the day

>> No.8166932

>Be going to small con somewhere.
>Have some shitty Orochimaru cosplay
>Walk up to con entrance
>Walk into hallway. I hear:
>Homestucks EVERYWHERE
>The sign said anime con
>Homestuck isn't even an anime
>eventually I meet some hetalia cosplayers and hung out with them for a while.
>As I was leaving, one of them honked a horn in my ear.
>Just smile and leave.
Been back since, I don't hate homestuck, it's just that they always seem to be doing dumb shit like that.

>> No.8166943

Someone fucked up their captcha

>> No.8167104

>Naively go to convention speed dating at local comic con
>Speed date one girl, she seems interesting, around my age
>She hints that she's underage
>Later speed date a woman who looks similar
>First thing she says "So I saw you speed dating my daughter over there"
>awkward as fuck since she's wearing a skirt, sitting way back and crossing her legs in an odd way
>Girl eventually tracks me down later, demands my contact info
>give her my email
>later she adds me on facebook
>she has a boyfriend, decide to ask her about this
>"lol my mom and I were just doing this for fun"
>she breaks up with her boyfriend like a week later, comes onto me strong
>she's crazy as fuck
>only way to make her leave me alone is by being as annoying as possible
>eventually she leaves me alone after I bring a qt3.14 girl to a con with me

there's more but that's the short version

>> No.8167160

It's a bandwagon fandom, anon. They started out as Hetalia then went to Homestuck and then to Attack on Titan.

>> No.8167660

Is it weird that I'm the exact opposite? I started of reading mspa, only got 200 something pages in, then saw hetalia for the first time, watched all of axis powers, and stayed out of displaying till I starts working on some Halo stuff last year.

>> No.8167663

Dyac cosplaying

>> No.8168302

I don't have one yet, but I definitely will have one.

>planning for a con coming up, registering a panel
>make a post on the Facebook page asking others if they want to join
>one guy offers, and I agree
>later, check through his profile
>holy fuck, this guy is crazy
>been to anger management five times, constantly talks about all the horrible people in his life, clearly making up stories about incidents that could never realistically happen
>brags about putting a guy in the ICU
>and I let him join my panel

What do I do? I can't tell him no now, but I'm seriously scared. I don't want to get on his bad side.

>> No.8168316

tell him no.

>> No.8168318

Tell him that something has come up and you're going to have to limit the amount of people on the panel and you're doing it by who asked first and there were others ahead of him?

>> No.8168449

A $5 can of Rustoleum clear coat.

>> No.8169402

Jesus christ you sound like the biggest child of the situation.

>> No.8169666

Considering that the friend in the story was a repeat offender because she posted about her before that one, OP had every right to do what she did.

>> No.8170067

Holy shit
I'm sorry that dude ruined it for you, that really blows
At least you got away safely though

>> No.8172126

Dragoncon is Humid as fuck holy shit, never again

>> No.8173170


Would love to hear the long version

>> No.8173501

Not a horror story but i need to type out my thoughts cause my gf is going to a con wothout me this weekend.

I don't know if I should be worried or not. She's ugly enough to avoid the creepy neckbeards, and cringy enough (well her friends are the cringy part) to avoid senseable people looking to date her.

Maybe i have control problems. Oh well.

>> No.8173636

good thing she caught a winner like you!

>> No.8173684

You sound like the asshole who doesn't give gas money.
OP gave her multiple rides, and told her in advance that she would need gas money.Which never happened. OP had every right to act and feel that way. Gas may be cheap right now, but it sure as hell isn't free.

>> No.8174980

Thanks anon
Gas is a decent price here, but I took her 6 hours round trip
I am demanding it up front next time

>> No.8175078
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>Going to con, splitting room with 5 people
>Me, Lesbian couple, Rando Girl and lesbian #1's younger brother (16 yo)
>Rando girl is driving, but her car only seats four
>no problem, I'll just stick my stuff in your trunk and follow you on my motorcycle
>lesbian #1's younger brother gets raging boner over my bike, says he wants to buy one when he's older and asks if he can ride it, says he's riden a dirt bike before (totally different things, for all you non-riders) as an attempt to qualify his "skills"
>Go to con, all goes well during the day,night time rolls around, get invited to party at hotel next door
>decide to leave my helmet and my keys in the room so I don't get tempted to ride back if I'm drunk
>Come back to the room, my keys and helmet are gone
>there's gonna be hell to pay
>sweep through the last locations I saw lesbian #1's younger brother
>find lesbian #1 on the phone, concerned look on her face "ohh you'd better pray anon doesn't kick your ass"
>she hangs up, apologizes for her brother
>tell her I have an idea
>text my friend who works at the dealer I got my bike from on lesbians phone
>"hey dude, it's anon, I'm using a friend of mines phone. Long story short, this dumbass took my bike for a joyride and fucked it up somehow, I'm going to check out the damage now. When I send you a picture, whatever you think it's gonna cost... Jack up to twice that, I want this little twat to pay. I'll split the extra with you"
>apparently he showed some girls "his" bike and and he didn't put the kickstand down all the way making the bike fall down
>see the bike, ramp up the theatrics and act super pissed
>text my buddy
>cue his reply
>"hey anon, listen man, it really looks like that kid did a number on your bike man. Lowest discount I can get you for the paintjob and mirrors is 180"
>can of red touch up paint is 10$ and the mirrors for a Honda CBR-250R are 80$ total
>pays half up front, pays the rest a month later

>> No.8175469

I would've tossed in a story about how you called the cops and filed a stolen vehicle report. Would've made him shit himself.

>> No.8175540


now I wish I'd done that

>> No.8175951

If you can't trust your gf enough to not cheat on you then you shouldn't be dating her.

>> No.8176458

>Naruto cosplayer complaining about other fandoms

>> No.8176533

>be me
>be going in big group to con i look forward to all year
>two rooms
>know most people
>one room for partying
>one room for not
>some douchebag is with us i've never met before
>definition of cringe
>quotes maymays constantly and smells like weed and BO
>its agreed that we can each have one extra person in the room at a time
>friday night
>drinking lightly
>most people leave to get dinner
>douchebag stays
>come back
>room a mess
>random people everywhere
>vomit in toilet
>vomit in sink
>drugs and heavy booze everywhere
>douchebag nowhere to be seen
>have to get everyone to leave and clean up
>he shows up a while later
>total whiny child about whole situation, say we ruined his room party
>kick him out and have a pleasant rest of the con

>> No.8178626

I know she won't cheat, but i guess i just have problems.

Like what if someone express interest and over the course of a few months they communicate and eventually she breaks it off with me to go with him.

Wait a second.

Thats what i did to the bf of my old gf a few years back. Do our fears define us?

>> No.8178656

Go back to /fit/ with your bait.

>> No.8179357

>go to a Animate Miami a year or so ago
>I'm crossplaying Link
>meet up with a friend of mine, we hang out
>having fun, I haven't seen him for a while
>not long after, this lanky weeb is running at me
>he screams "LIIIINK"
>I usually have great reflexes, but I just freeze on the spot
>oh shit
>the lanky weeb is getting closer and closer
>friend grabs the weeb by the collar and slams him against the wall
>he says "if you ever try that shit again i will beat you" or something similar, I forget exactly what he said
>the weeb gets all defensive and mumbles "fucking whatever" as he walks away
>based friend
>okay that was weird
>later on, get separated from friend
>checking out dealer's room
>this shitty Tobi cosplayer (or whichever Naruto character wears the orange mask thing) comes up to me
>he corners me
>gets really close
>he smells bad, has greasy hair and bad posture
>he says in a creepy voice "Liiiink... I love you..."
>he touches my face
>holy shit
>get freaked out
>somehow shake him off
>later on
>a couple weebs ran up to me and one of them bopped me with a Pokéball
>that was weird but okay sure, I've had worse
I still had a decent day at the con, but those were some fucking weird experiences. Now I take karate so that if anybody tries weird shit at a con I can defend myself somewhat decently.

>> No.8179364

Oh yeah, the lanky weeb was cosplaying Deadpool. Dunno how I forgot about that. I think I posted those stories in a horror story thread a while ago. This next one is short but I'll post it.
>go to Chibi-Pa a few years ago
>it's my second con
>fast forward to Sunday
>my group and I are all leaving
>this one guy in a fursuit talks to us
>he smells bad
>starts talking about My Little Pony
>I was kinda into it at the time, talk about it a little bit with him
>he gets really hyperactive
>he hugs me really tight
>he's damp and smells even worse close up

>> No.8179369

I'm so sorry for all your shitty south Florida experiences. I know your pain.

>> No.8179373

For all the shit, I do like my friends here, and I still have fun at cons. I can't wait to go back home though. I'm excited to see what cons are like back home in Canada.

>> No.8179387

Yeah, that's how I've been getting through them. Thankfully I've found a booth to work at for each Supercon so now I don't even have to worry about the shitty scene and I end up with free figures at the end of the weekend.

And here's my story:
>driving down to Chibi-Pa last November
>get into a crash with four other cars on I-95 around the Fort Lauderdale area
>car is completely totaled
>surprisingly no one died, I know one of the cars at the front completely flipped over
>ended up with a fracture in my left hand and wore a splint to the con the whole weekend
>spend the weekend high on pain meds and wearing my simplest cosplay for all of two hours on Saturday

Thankfully I had Omega Ruby to play all weekend and I happened to catch a shiny Shroomish about twenty minutes into the game on the ride down, so that kept me going.

>> No.8179400

Holy shit, that's intense. That must have been really scary. I'm glad nobody died, though. Did everybody else recover well? Shroomish is a great shiny, I have a shiny Breloom myself, I named her Celia.

>> No.8179403

It was haha. Definitely scarred me and my bf and we can't drive on highways the same way again, but I'm honestly fine with being safer. And I was the only person with an injury as far as I know actually, though one other lady went with me to the hospital complaining about neckpains. She was conscious though so I'm sure it wasn't too bad.

Chibi-Pa is also a con where all of my SFL high school friends get together and just party all weekend so I was able to just hang around and be completely comfortable around them. I regret missing out on one of my friend's first big cosplays (he had asked me to help him get ready and shoot nice pics for him) but my bf went with him instead and was able to get some good shots of him.

>> No.8179423

Glad your safe as well. I saw a few car crashes from obvious young con-goers on the highway over the years.

>To everyone driving highway to a con for the first time:
>maintain a real distance
>take it slow
>Leave an escape distance side to side
>Look out for idiots

>Late is better than never when it comes to driving folks.

>> No.8179433

Bike anon here, I remembered another con horror story, I too am a South Florida bro, the bike story actually happened at metro, this next one was at HolMat
>Be me at holmat
>playing my 3ds
>Weeb girl comes up to me
>starts talking to me about pokemon
>7/10 not bad, red headed girl in a dalek dress and a Santa hat
>show her my box of shinies I've found and bred through the Masuda method
>she sees my shiny Dragonite
>falls in love with it, says she'll trade me any pokemon she has for it
>tell her if she has white 2 and beats white tree hollow that alders grandson will give you one
>she doesn't seem to get that
>look through her boxes, nothing I really want, a decent shiny macargo but not worth my Dragonite
>tell her thanks but no thanks, go with my buddies to lunch
>about four hours later she comes up to me, apologizes for being so pushy
>she gets a little flirty with me
>asks me to trade again
>thinking I could hit it, I tell her "I'll think about it"
>tall lanky guy comes up to us
>her bf
>bf stars to get antsy that I won't give his gf what he wants, tries to throw shade
>this nigga is about 5'7 and 120-130lbs
>I'm 6'0 and about 185
>"you don't wana do this dude, I don't either, how about we just back off ok?"
>one of his buddies gives him a look of "you really don't wana do this"
>gf says "baby he's not worth it"
>they go away

And that's how I almost got in a fight over a shiny Dragonite that's programmed to be given to you

>> No.8179649

I thought this was going to go very differently. Was hoping for a story of a girl who sold her snatch for a pokemon.

>> No.8179655

Hell if she was single she probably would, she got rather handsy with me and I wouldn't be surprised...

is that legally considered prostitution?

>> No.8179786

>>Tfw when be 15ish copsplayed Naruko
>>Walked around a corner in mid conversation with my friend.
>>suddenly got pulled backwards loose friend in crowd.
>>Look up sees a Mexican scary ass Sasuke
>>He threw me into his lap and was cuddling me
>>"NARU CHAN~! KAWAIII~!" His open chest sweat against my face
>>First con I ever to. I don't even potato.
>>He went in to kiss me
>>Nopenopenope this all happened in one fluid motion still stunned wtf is happening
>>Hears a loud "Honey there you are!"
>>A dude dressed as Utakata ( 6 tails ) came over and whisked me from Sasukes lap before the fucker kissed me.
>>He fucking walks away with me down the end of the hall princess carrying me and puts me down.
>>Hes like "Sorry I saw what happened he's been grabbing young girls and it was pissing me off."
>>I thank him.
>>Mfw I didn't know heroes were real.
>>We talked for a few minutes.
>>Friend grabbed me and pulled me away telling me not to talk to weirdos
>>Suddenly loose Utakata guy in crowd before I can tell friend wtf happened.
>>Told her to stop pulling, told her what happened, cunt didn't believe me.
>>Tfw I wanted to buy him something as thanks for saving me.

I wanted to buy him bubbles.

>> No.8179891

>have big boobs
>meaning I have body to cosplay people like Rangiku
>very excited about finishing Rangiku and showing her off for a gathering with other Bleach friends
>sees guy I know
>stop him and say "Heya"
>he asks for a photo
>Im excited to have my first photo in this new cosplay
>after he asks for hug
>I'm 5'4"
>he is 5'0"
>instinctively pull sides of outfit across to cover chest
>he grabs me before I could finish and puts head on chest
>awkwardly try to pull away and say thank you for the photo and good seeing you
>doesn't let go until more awkward seconds pass
>pulls away and he says you have an awesome cosplay for your chest
>tell him to not make comments about my chest
>he says sorry and walks away

>later, on facebook, he messages me about my chest again
>remove friend

inb4 'asking for it' comments

Just because someone dressed in a cosplay that shows off leg or your chest doesn't mean that we are expecting people to run up to us and say things regarding it. I worked my ass off on the cosplay and was sooo proud of it. I was especially proud of the sleeves which I had trouble doing. Yes, I know I will get stares because boobs, but that doesn't warrent constant harassment regarding them physically with creepy prolonged hugs and bringing them up even outside of cosplay.

The one time I wear a revealing cosplay too compared to everything. Fuck man. I just wanted to be her because she's awesome as hell. Haven't worn her since then.

Next cosplay is Belle from Beauty and the Beast in the town outfit. Full coverage. Creeps ruining awesome characters.

>> No.8179899

>be me age 14
>I was like 4'10"
>be walking wrong way in high school
>turn around
>girl behind me was walking fast
>smashes titties into my face
>heaven is a place on earth plays in background
>jump back, i aint that creepy
>we both apologize
>she rushes by obviously in a hurry
>become religious for a while
Magical years those.

Sucks for you though, re-add him and screen cap his flirty lines, post them everywhere.

>> No.8179908

I dont plan to re-add him. Im not the only person he's done this too. A couple of friends of mine have had just as weird interactions with him. Only one other has had the boob thing though.

>> No.8179939
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>Otakon 2010
>gf cosplays Yoko, I cosplay Kamina
>random guy just rips off her top and runs away with it
>wrap her in my cape and bring her back to the hotel room
>I spot the little rat next day
>kicked out for shoving his head in a trashbin
>never got her top back

>> No.8179944

I could cry anon, it's the very reason why I make sure my top/bottoms are solid as shit because of people like them. What scares me the most is somebody pulling at my wig because my scalp would snatch with it- seeing I sew weave clips inside.

>> No.8179958

Yeah, I don't understand why people have to get physical at conventions. What's so hard about keeping your hands to yourself?
Especially during cons like D*C, I sometimes have to straight up escort female friends so they don't get "accidentally" groped or otherwise harassed by thirsty assholes.

>> No.8179970

I spirit gum or use Hollywood tape for my skimpy tops because of assholes like that.

>> No.8179986

>I sometimes have to straight up escort female friends so they don't get "accidentally" groped or otherwise harassed by thirsty assholes.
I made my sister cosplay duo with me this year but because she's cosplaying as a potential waifu material character I'm batshit scared some neckbeard is gonna grope her when my back is turned, conventions make me paranoid.

hollywood tape is life gg

>> No.8180001

I personally would not want something Spirit Gummed to be getting ripped off.

That shit would hurt.

>> No.8180078

But then you can sue their ass to nippon and back if they tear something

>> No.8180457

I've had this happen a couple of times at a convention when I was wearing a Sailor Moon jumper. Told people I wasn't cosplaying, they still wanted a picture anyway. It was very weird because it wasn't men that wanted my picture but mostly teenage girls.

>> No.8180742

It's a pose from the movie, iirc

>> No.8180889

Not cosplay but today I was at a nightmare tier meet
Only two girls wore ANY form of jfashion and the rest dressed in scene clothes
The only jfashion girls were wearing milanoo and everyone was hella weeby

>> No.8180895

Maybe they just wanted candid photos of normal people doing normal things. Like when you take pictures of people in museums and their reactions to images, the way people look on the metro, just normal people doing normal things.

>> No.8181509

>it wasn't men that wanted my picture but mostly teenage girls

In that case it's probably because they liked what you were wearing.

>> No.8181528

I have a goth sister. She once was asked to have her picture taken by a pair of old asian ladies at an art show.

>> No.8181537
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>be 14 with 16 y/o friend
>laying down outside con on the grass
>fat sweaty neckbeard approaches to talk to my friend about mecha anime and other shit she's not interested it
>sit up and neckbeard notices my girl ezio cosplay
>asks us to do "assassin" poses where i basically put my body on her and have it look vaguely sexual
>friend's mom approaches from afar
>neckbeard recognizes threat
>he quickly says "i gotta go" as mom comes and runs as fast as his stubby little piggy legs can carry him away

>> No.8182090

You're a shit boyfriend, hopefully she'll wise up and leave you.

>> No.8182094

wait wait, what the fuck is a good reason for him to have licked her face?

>> No.8182286

Not at a con, but I once was only a flight that had a rough landing, ended up getting flight sick totally unexpected for the first time ever just as we landed so I couldn't reach the bag in time(I'd flown 100 times and never had this happen before, so it threw me off).

Was by myself without friends of family. Felt embarrassed about this enough as is.

Plan to grab my overhead bag and quickly change in the bathroom once I get out to clean off.

Look up...

My suitcase is missing. Some fucker took my suitcase. I now had NO clean clothing for the weekend!

Luckily, of course, it was returned to me at the end of the trip by the airport. Someone simply took it by mistake and was honestly enough to return it. But still...

>> No.8182364

Are you that annoying Lady proudwhore chick from cosplay.com that all she did was talk about her tits and how everyone is the devil for looking at her?

>> No.8182374

Sup fedora, how's being a nice guy virgin doing ya?

>> No.8182398

No, because she doesn't get money from it and technically you trade so it's not even a transaction.

>> No.8182596

Two years ago I decided to cosplay Faust from GG. Worked a lot on it, wasn't that great but I was proud of what I made

Day of the convention, having fun, photos, etc

Someone mentions to me that there is a photo shoot of fighting game characters later on out side of the gaming lounge

Cool, sure, arrive there later on, fun photos with all.

In the corner of the room there are three guys all huge, on of them tried to dress up as Faust

He was wearing a white bath robe, long mismatched belts around his arms, the scalpel was a piece of cardboard, and the bag on his head had grease stains all on the top.

Well at leased you tried

After the photos I tried to leave but he steps in my way with the two other guys,
"why are you dresses like that?"
me: wat?
"don't you know that I am the true faust fan?"
me: ok?
My back is against the wall and he keeps getting closer and Christ, he stinks
"take it off and give me your costume, now"
me: oh lordly someone help me

Behind them someone says:
" hey buddy, what you doin?"

The three neckbeards turn around and behind them was the most built Haggar I have ever seen. The three stumble as they tried to run off in to the hallway

We took photos after and I never saw the three ever again

Thank you for saving me, Mayor of Earth

>> No.8182713

Chill the fuck out, anon. Nobody implied you were asking for it. If you wanted to brag about how much time and effort you put into the cosplay, you could have just mentioned it in the greentext without going off on a tumblr rant.

>> No.8182730

a "transaction" is literally "action between [two people]." A trade is a transaction. I don't know what you're smoking that would make you think that its not just because the consideration exchanged isn't U.S. Fed-backed currency.

>> No.8182828

As a /k/ommando, this amuses me greatly. 10/10.

>> No.8184072

I hope she does cheat on you, you sound like you're a right cunt.

>> No.8184421

Simmer down, spunky. Harassment at D*con can be a real problem (especially in previous years when football fans were running loose through the hotels), so any guy who recognizes the issue and tells Mcgropey to fuck off gets a pass in my book. Most fedoras aren't willing to risk male on male confrontation.

>> No.8185294

I live in Atlanta and D*Con has HUGE issues every year. Bomb threats, drunks falling everywhere, people shitting and puking all over the bathrooms and that's just day 1. Iirc one of the founders was convicted of some kind of sex abuse thing and then are rapes every year at the "rave" I love going, but I've grown to not really want to go around anywhere and just prefer to people watch from steps in the center area.

>> No.8185568

My story is too long to type, but the tl;dr version of it is lesbian chola best friend pulled a knife on some creep who had been harassing me (and her to a lesser extent) the whole weekend, he literally pissed himself, ran without looking, broke something, and was kicked out.

>tfw friend and I freaking out over where to hide the knife so we wouldn't get kicked out too

>> No.8186051

Thanks for that totally on-topic anecdote about that cosplay flight you took in that anime airplane.

>> No.8187281

Damn, based Utakata right there

>> No.8187345

I think the point is that a trade in Pokémon is an isolated transaction by itself. It cannot be prostitution because the deal has already transpired, any sex accompanying this meeting is a separate event.

Which isn't true, obviously, as the sex would have been the true motivator and stipend. I'm just explaning the reasoning.

>> No.8187379

>>Be in Sengoku cosplay.
>>Not AAA quality, but shit, I did I a good job for first time armor building.
>>See another Sengoku player
>>Friends encourage me to tap her on the should and be like, "Ehhhhhh!"
>>Just so they can go "Ehhhh!" back. Let the fanness of togetherness bloom.
>>Having a FUCKING heart attack because I may be in cosplay, but I'm still super shy.
>>I'm even amazed I got the balls to go say hi in the first place.
>>Tap shoulder and say how I like their cosplay.
>>They literally look me up and down and ask who I'm supposed to be.
>>Almost die from embarrassment because I'm VERY CLEARLY the character and she knows it.....
>>Like a loser I tell her anyways, she laughs and starts criting my stuff.
>>I'm so red I literally feel like blood must be coming out of my eyeballs and nose and ears, there's no way it's not.
>>Someone please kill me.
>>Her group of friends turn to her and tell her to chill the fuck out, why are you being so nasty all of a sudden.
>>She goes whatever and turns away.
>>I turn to leave, pretty much about to just pass out from lack of oxygen from not breathing and dizzyness.
>>Friend of her comes follows me and says She must be on something, or drunk, she's never been that mean before. Very OOC for her.
>>I shrug it off, hehe, no problem.
>>I still have nightmares about it.
>>I don't approach people at cons anymore because of that.

>> No.8187383

>She's ugly enough to avoid the creepy neckbeards
Oh shit nigga 5 star post

>> No.8187420 [DELETED] 
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>In Ness cosplay
>Neckbeard in a red and yellow tape Lucas shirt approaches me.
>I play along by saying "Hi, Lucas!" in which he responds by asking for a photo with me
>We pose for photo
>before he leaves, he says to me "I can give you a real PK Lovin'

>> No.8187643
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I know a few people who get flutter buttered if someone in the con is doing the same cosplay, especially if they pull it off better. Might take you time, but dont let it haunt you, meeting other cosplayers with the same interests is the best way to interact and make new friends.

>> No.8187872

Con stories:
First in ever I slept with 22 people in a room. I slept in between two random people on Saturday because I was unable to sleep cramped under the desk again.
Rando dude woke me up by stroking my hair.
Costume fell apart once on camera and I had to go change.
Had a baby who was less than a year old in my con room once (wasn't my idea)
Got lost at the Gaylord without my glasses on and walked around looking for my room for over an hour.

>> No.8187884
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Not only flutter buttered I've had both the good and bad from cosplaying the same thing as somebody else. There was a Sailor Moon cosplayer that just wouldn't look at me and flat out ignored me when I wanted a picture of her (but mostly with her) and I really couldn't believe it. My costume wasn't even good to begin AND my wig was shittier than hers, like literally the wrong shade of blond/etc- so I really didn't get the salt on this one.
Though later on I spotted another high school!sailor moon and as soon as we made eye contact we rushed to get selfies together that was the best feeling, I wish I could've asked for contact info or something.
Long story short, like anon said, don't let it haunt you or rely strictly on the bad experience. Not everyone is nice but you can end up meeting gems!

>> No.8189672

My horror story

>go to con
>was nice
>enjoyed self
>get pictures of peoples cosplay
>Don't get molested, security is helpful and nice

It was a horror story /Cgl/
The horror of having no bad experiences

>> No.8189818

please elaborate

>> No.8190332

You fucking whores have mental issues holy shit

>> No.8190374

Not THAT scary but I haven't told this story in a while.

>be me SDCC10 (I think)
>steampunk flash costume
>have to go potty
>head to the head
>about to walk in
>semi fat neckbeard and black dude chilling outside bathroom
>like my costume
>black dude was cool
>decided my costume would be cooler if iron man
>proceeded to tell me how my costume is tony stark going back in time and becoming the flash
>tells me this epic as im standing there with an obviously growing bladder
>black guy looks severely second hand embarrassed
>"neat, I gotta go"
>head to bathroom
>take longer than I should hoping he was gone
>he was
And that was the last time I saw him