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8134752 No.8134752 [Reply] [Original]

Secrets went up early this week, let's discuss

>> No.8134760
File: 84 KB, 372x640, 1dKI2o1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love ones geared more towards classic lolitas
making fun of sweet has gotten old imo

>> No.8134761

>Last week: Sweet is ageplay
>This week: Classic is ageplay
Why don't we come to terms that all lolita is ageplay and stop wearing it alltogether?

>> No.8134767
File: 95 KB, 640x480, jx7XlWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously someone with a fetish.

Try hard attempt at rustling jimmes.

Where is all the juicy drama? Other than Vax-chan(?) There wasn't anything worth caring about.

Also, this shit is juvenile. Why use such a childish taunt? Rustled my jimmies a bit because I had a large birthmark that got me bullied at school, but I had it lasered off.

>> No.8134775

I would care more if it was of a non "tumblr" lolita

I personally dislike that girl because of how she shows off her armpit hair in every photo.

I hate same pose, and I hate tumblr regurgitated garbage.

>> No.8134780


>> No.8134781

>Try hard
Doesn't look like they tried at all and it looks like it cut you deep.

>> No.8134784
File: 123 KB, 480x640, tumblr_ne5yfdrUQ61qm9g2zo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at it

>> No.8134799
File: 78 KB, 296x384, forehead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does a side part count? does everything have to be a fringe?

>> No.8134806
File: 661 KB, 778x1166, tumblr_n5xfz5CZyc1ssv2l9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Either troll or someone who has no idea what the fuck they're talking about.

(Do I get points for not posting fanny rosie?)

>> No.8134809


Secret isn't matching appropriate 'granny' sex shit to do with the whole 'hurr durr classic is granny age play' shit.

I could probably do better, but I also dress in classic so nah.

>> No.8134833

I wear classic and I laughed for a good few minutes at the inflatable walker and cane.

>> No.8134849
File: 348 KB, 319x640, C2gpkRP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone agree with pic related? I actually adored this shape and tried to replicate it with my SDD jsk.
Though I'm convinced she's wearing some kind of cage petti, and not just a regular poofy one, to get that shape. The dress fabric with the trim is very heavy and my bets are that it weighs down petticoats no matter how good the poof is.

>> No.8134853

I think the main issue is how high the poof makes her skirt - that is way too short, now. The shape can be appealing for OTT, but when it's that big you need an underskirt.

>> No.8134855


The poof makes it look like a lamp shade imo. Maybe if the skirt part of the dress was longer it would look better, or if she was shorter.

>> No.8134857
File: 108 KB, 496x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this all about, there were like 3 on the same topic. I wanna know more.

>> No.8134860


Queensland lolita went full retard with anti-vaccination stuff. Keeps posting anti-vac links, so everyone in her comm is basically taking turns calling her a moron on her Facebook page.

>> No.8134862

I'm really short, the dress hits my knees.
So the main issue with the look is the length then?

>> No.8134870

Someone please dish

>> No.8134890


I hate anti-vaccers.

>> No.8134895

As long as these people don't reproduce I tend not to see their ignorance as an issue.

>> No.8134896

anti-vaccers: so terrified of their inability to care for a child with autism that they will risk the lives of everyone else's children.

with empathy so low why are they having kids at all?>>8134860

>> No.8134897


Not sure about the person above, but upper middle class, affluent parents with uterine spawn are the ones most often clinging to these notions. So yes, it's a pretty big issue.

>> No.8134898

The problem is that they usually do, and see no issue in visiting your school or pediatrician with their unvaccinated carrier. That, or they get pertussis and go around like "oh you have a newborn? It's good for the immune system to build up tolerance!" Yeah, right, to whooping caugh. If they weren't actually threatening herd immunity in places like fucking Disneyland, I wouldn't see the harm either in letting them be stupid and die out on their own.

>> No.8134900

Except they're probably not vaccinated too. We had one in our comm, but thankfully no one sucked up to her enough to find it worth her while hanging around.

>> No.8134903

...where did I say that I don't think it's a big issue? I said as long as these people don't reproduce, then I don't care about their opinion because it's literally not hurting anyone they can influence. Except for other ignorant people of course, but again, as long as they don't have children and have been vaccinated themselves then I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8134945

My friend was born with an autoimmune disorder and can't get vaccines. These people not vaccinating and spreading lies is increasing the risk that she catch something because of their stupidity.

>> No.8134947

Because stupidity and misinformation is also contagious. They may not have kids, but someone they share their lies to may end up reproducing and not vaccinating.

>> No.8134948

I want these bloomers. They look so comfy with the wide waistband. Anyone got sauce?

>> No.8134951

I saw this good post on some blog that related anti-vaccination to taking the breaks off of your car. It was really well done, wish I could find it to show you guys.

>> No.8134962

ur rite she shuld at least dye it her hair color

>> No.8135062
File: 60 KB, 640x640, 4hkwiVG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not talking about the girl here because I don't know her, but I agree with the sentiment that most lolitas probably couldn't dress themselves in normalfag fashion. They have to have the strict rules and guidelines of lolita, or have the money to buy all the pre-coordinated AP sets. It seems like creativity is heavily frowned upon unless it is done by a certain few people within a unspoken parameter of what is deemed as 'acceptable innovation'. There's some who can dress themselves, but I doubt very many. I think some people have developed a form of tourettes where they see something that isn't matchy-matchy and they start going "ITA...ITA....THEME! ITA!" I want to plunk one of them down at New York Fashion Week and see their head explode.

>> No.8135088

Honestly I don't want to start that shit but I think classic is never age-play unless someone is carrying a walking cane for no reason or grandma size thick glasses or I dunno diaper and false teeth or any other item that is predominantly used by the elderly. The thing with people saying some(!) sweet is age play is that those girls wear items for children such as stuffed animals with prints of children toys. Both classic and sweet dress up in a styles taken from centuries ago but that doesn't make either age play. If one wears the clothing adult people used to wear in some other day and age, that doesn't equal age play.

>> No.8135110

The way some handle lolita it's just about matching the color, matching the theme of the print and maybe managing to chose the right feel (is this jsk more elegant or cute? If the former chose my Victorian style shoes, if the latter my mary janes!)

And then there's that "black = totally neutral can be worn with any other color" thing that seems to haunts lolita and is evident in that picture.

>> No.8135121

You can get this shape by layering a cupcake petti over a very short A-line one. Obviously you may have to wear more pettis depending on how much poof yours have, but this is a general outline.

>> No.8135140

This has been proven by the 'you in and out of lolita' posts that used to happen on egl. A good portion of girls started in this fashion with absolutely no previous interest in fashion.
Most of the girls in my comm before wearing lolita had never worn make up and had a closet consisting of jeans and anime tshirts.

>> No.8135142

>anime tshirts
why am i not surprised

>> No.8135154

I can't speak for everyone, but I get a ton of compliments on my outfits when I'm out of lolita. I wear otome and mori when I'm not in lolita, though, and I've had an interest in fashion for a very long time.

>> No.8135223

Honestly, after hanging out on Gaiaonline during my young years and then entering lolita has made getting dressed somewhat stressful some days. Either I over-work my outfits or I just throw whatever is clean on to just try and calm down.

>> No.8135224

Otome and Mori =/= normalfag

>> No.8135231


>> No.8135250

I guess it depends on how you get into the fashion. Some people come in from seeing 'examples' of it in Anime (obviously using example very loosely) or from just seeing it whereas others get into it from general street fashions/fashion in general (like I personally did). Those with more experience of other fashions and styles probably can dress themselves better in regular clothes because they have worn styles that are less constricted by rules because the matchy aspect of lolita often doesn't work for regular clothes.

>> No.8135253

>sweet is toddlers
>classic is old ladies
>gothic is Victorian dead people
We're all weirdos anyway.

>> No.8135260

These are the main ones having kids.Just to raise putting these beliefs in them.

>> No.8135261


I'm so sick of "_____ substyle is so weird!" It's all a little weird. Get over yourself

>> No.8135267

Different anon but yeah, I think so. That kind of poof would be really cute if it hit her at the knees but at that length it looks lampshadey and like she would flash her bloomers at everyone if she bent over even slightly, which isn't really a look you want in anything but ero (inb4 shitstorm about the legitimacy of ero).

>> No.8135287

What about the French Ambassadors post? Is that Mila? What's the drama?

>> No.8135297

Same. Until recently I created my lolita coords the same way I used to create my Gaia avatars. No more than three main colours, strict colour balance everywhere, very matchy with everything the same shade, etc. Very cookie-cutter. I always got compliments but I couldn't bring myself to wear a dress out if the rest of the coord wasn't 100% matching and flawless. It made the fashion less fun and spontaneous. Now I wear it more often in less meticulously designed outfits and while those get fewer reblogs/likes/whatever I'm a lot more comfortable with my wardrobe.

>> No.8135314

where's all the savage drama at?

>> No.8135517

This post is whiteknighting hard in BtB. Who is this chick anyway?

>> No.8135536

i kind of agree with this
middle split bangs/hair make me cringe, especially when the lolita is wearing rather large headwear like a bonnet

>> No.8135544

I think like, if you part the bangs in the middle or pull them up, they look terrible.
But if you let them fall to the side or side-parted, I find it really cute, specially for classic.
>sorry for bad english

>> No.8135666

It depends. My mother vaccinated both of my older brothers, up until one of them died from a vaccination he received. After that she stopped vaccinating my other brother and never vaccinated myself and my younger sister. I think in that kind of a scenario I think it's understandable how someone could be against vaccines (not that she ever posts online how you can get autism or anything like that, she doesn't talk about it at all), I mean that's traumatic, you know? But people en masse not vaccinating their kids because of fear of autism is dangerous for the population... the less vaccinated people, the easier it is to spread a disease.
Lets say with people like my mother being a rare exception to the vaccination process, if people literally didn't vaccinate for personal issues/trauma like that, the chance of disease spreading would be low since most of the population would be vaccinated. But when you have people spreading the message to everyone that vaccinations will damage your child, even if those people don't have kids they are still reaffirming that notion into other people they know who might have kids so it's still a problem.

>> No.8135670

The anti-vaxxers really need to stop paying attention to the media claiming that x or y causes autism. The guy who published the study claimign the causation has already been outted as a fraud. They need to get it into their little minds.

>> No.8135699

Quit making excuses. She had a very rare thing happen to one child, so she decided that it was worth putting you at risk of horrible diseases. You're mom is absolutely irrational. You have an exponentially higher chance of dying from one if the diseases than as a reaction to the vaccine. The ONLY people with legitimate excuses to not get vaccinated are the ones with pre-existing health problems that do not allow then to get vaccines. Your mother is only thinking of herself and her immediate feelings, not about her children and their ACTUAL health or the lives of the people in society.

Sorry to be harsh dude, as I know a lost child sucks horribly, but what she's doing is selfish and illogical. Something any reasonable councilor or therapist would tell her is NOT the appropriate response to her trauma.

>> No.8135704

Hello bait post.

>> No.8135714

Oh quit bitching. That post is reaching militant vegan/atheist/sjw levels of full of yourself.
And don't start saying anything about saving the poor children. One person who actually has made bad experiences opposed to just hearing about the possibility is not an issue you have to worry about.

>> No.8135731

We had one as well. The moment everyone found out was the moment people stopped wanting to be anywhere near her. She recently moved, so there was a collective sigh of relief.

We'd all thought she was a bit sheltered before that (she was partially home-schooled) and somewhat self-centred, but as soon as she started spewing the "vaccinations are not natural!" arguments, everyone just dropped her ass. She never figured out that was the reason, and no one ever wanted to tell her, because she'd already gone ballistic on one person for it when it first came up.

>> No.8135745

I have a close friend who has lupus and can't get vaccines. You're the sjw getting teary over sob stories. Get real, diseases don't care about "muh feelings".

>> No.8135769

It doesn't work like that. ANY unvaccinated people puts EVERYONE at risk. Why? because viruses can only mutate when they're reproducing, and they can only reproduce by infecting a cell and hijacking that cells DNA - This is why we get viruses at all, they cannot reproduce by themselves, this is also why they die out 100% when the entire population is vaccinated.

So no. You're not just putting yourself at risk, not getting vaccinated is a huge deal for everyone, you're putting everyone, including people who have had their vaccines at risk. Thank your dumbass mother for helping make you one of the reasons potentially deadly diseases continue to exist and kill people.

>> No.8135796

>>8135714 from >>8135699

Its the truth

>> No.8135801

I expected to be offended by the armpit hair but I'm actually more offended by the rest of the outfit. Damn, I hate her eyebrows, and that ageplay-looking bonnet, and the non-matching black tank with a white hairbow and purple wig and pink bonnet where nothing ties in.

>> No.8135838

I admit guilt. I could dress myself, but before lolita I was only interested in fashion as a passive observer of high-fashion weird shit because I didn't like normalfag lightly trendy stuff and I felt uncomfortable dressing feminine (was okay with some degree of sexy, although my parents weren't, but not girly). Used to just wear jeans and nerd T-shirts all the time, apart from during an abortive goth phase that only really manifested as "wearing a lot of black" because I didn't know where to get the Victorianesque clothes I liked and I couldn't afford the few items I found online. When I got into lolita I'd finally found something that existed and I loved and knew where to buy (even if it was expensive), and decided to have a "fuck the haters!" attitude to dressing the way I loved.

Having rules definitely helped. Most normalfag clothing is really subjective, and whether something is a fashion disaster or looks great is mainly a matter of opinion (you often see celebrities' red carpet looks be simultaneously listed in the top 10 best dressed in one tabloid rag and worst dressed in the other, or that something like double denim that's usually considered a fashion disaster is suddenly considered a trend). It's good to have guidelines for aesthetic taste, and know that as long as you follow "the rules", not only will you think you look good, other people (well, the only other people that matter - other people in your subculture) will too.

>> No.8135840

Someone needs to make a set of "gothic lolita is necrophilia!" posts for next week's BtB.

>> No.8135846

Secret is stupid. There's nothing wrong with visible foreheads.

>> No.8135848

Some people just have weird opinions and assume because they have a strange obsession with something, it must be absolute truth.

>> No.8135858

Go get your vaccines now then. Prevent yourself from spreading shit. As a lab professional your top priorities should be:
1:Hepatitis A AND B vaccines. That shit will kill you and is way more infectious than HIV
2:Meningitis vaccine. Again this shit is deadly
3:Pertussis. Get this one to protect other people and especially any young children you come in contact with.
4:MMR. These diseases are miserable and can kill young children.
5:HPV. This vaccine is safe and effective. Even if you're already sexually active it's never too late to get it.

There are others. I'm sure a doctor can help you prioritize which ones you should get first. You need to do it as soon as possible.
*Side fact: Hep B can live on surfaces for TWO WEEKS. This is the virus we are terrified of in the lab. Not HIV.

>> No.8135862

Sorry I meant to make that say what I was recommending as a lab professional myself but worded it a little stupidly.

>> No.8135873

Seconding this anon. I missed some vaccines as a kid, for various reasons, (and for some reason it wasn't flagged up when I got another round of vaccines in my teens - I had to self-refer to the GP when my mum told me I'd missed some when I was like 17) but it was actually really easy to catch them up. There are a bunch of vaccines that babies have to have spread out over time with booster shots, but an adult can just have in one go.

>> No.8135879

Oh shut up. People need to deal with trauma in a way that doesn't risk other people health. We can understand her while still saying she shouldn't have.

>> No.8135887

to be fair, a lot of people DO look pretty bad with exposed foreheads.

Becuase it's usually people with long, unkempt hair that ends up a little greasy so it all falls straight to the side of the head and doesn't cover any of the forehead.

Not many people can pull off the no bangs look.

I push mine to the side, but they cover a bit of my forehead and prevent some seriously unfortunate 5head from happening.

>> No.8135893

With the whole vaccine thing, I personally support them at least 90 percent of the time. However, when I was a child I had a classmate end up in the hospital and almost die due to a severe reaction caused by her vaccine. I'm sure some parents are worried about that. On the point with babies and pertussis...what kind of idiot lets people around their newborns? In my family nobody but the parents was allowed near the babies until they were at least a month or two old and had built up at least some kind of immune system. You could have the pertussis vaccine and still spread the disease without symptoms. Also the Disneyland thing...are they positive it was a child from here that caused the outbreak? I mean it's a tourist attraction. Millions of people visit from other countries. Plus most immigrants aren't vaccinated when they come here. Could honestly be anyone that caused it.

>> No.8135899

in re: Disney, they're pretty sure the initial contact was caused by someone from abroad, yes, but they can't be completely sure. The fact that it spread to so many unvaccinated kids (including two infants too young to be vaccinated) is the problem being addressed.

One person not being vaccinated and being a carrier isn't a problem. The problem is when it's a large number of people who refuse to vaccinate, citing herd immunity, while compromising herd immunity.

>> No.8135903

I wouldn't have been able to tell your english was "bad" if you didn't say anything anon.

>> No.8135906

Perfect example of exactly how the brand itself wants to present their dress at its best. I love it. Now I need to look at the other dresses from the show, did they have more poof? It could be a coming trend. More poof, high hem.

>> No.8135946

I really love the length on this. I know it doesn't fit the knee-length rule but I'm not too bothered about that. Modesty isn't even close on the list of things that attract me to lolita fashion.

>> No.8135949

but the only reason to care a lot about this is once you have kids, and that's usually the reason why people turn so anti-vax. they've GOT to protect their SPECIAL GENIUS CHILDREN, can't deal with an autistic child

>> No.8135968

they do require more "creativity" though in things like color and pattern mixing, silhouette, etc

>> No.8135970

no idea but would love to know too anon

>> No.8135975

you're kidding, right?

usually if the parent of a child who has a severe averse reaction to immunization has other children, those children aren't immunized due to increased likelihood that they'd also have an adverse reaction to the immunization

like, that's just how that works

her mom isn't being sensitive, her mom's doctors are being *good doctors*

and the girl in the post isn't anti-vac at all? she's part of the population that's more at-risk when people choose to not vaccinate for bullshit emotional reasons and ruin herd immunity

get some reading comprehension, anon

>> No.8136062

That only occurs in specific cases, usually with isolated vaccines and genetic conditions. A really bad fluke does not require those to happen. That anon didn't say "my doctors said no vaccines", because that would put them in the same category as the immunodeficient people that have a medical exemption, anon said that their mother CHOSE to not vaccinate her other children. Anon said she chose not to vaccinate due to "personal issues/trauma", not that she was instructed by a doctor to stop.

How about that reading comprehension?

>> No.8136072
File: 374 KB, 489x382, itFHZFu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have sauce on the pink shoes
they cute doe

>> No.8136074

Lab tech anon again.
Yeah pretty much this. Rarely do the things that cause an adverse reaction to a vaccine run in families. It's typically a one off 1/several million chance. Sure the doctor may have run a few tests to make sure there wasn't an allergy involved, but short of that a good pediatrician would not condone not vaccinating subsequent children because one had a rare condition.

>> No.8136095

I fucking hate this movie for being so memeatic and making this mole issue bigger than it is. I'm glad my one is on my nape

>> No.8136103

Any less poof and the print won't show as well.

This was on her own Facebook page or on the comm page? Why does most the comm add her?

>> No.8136119

asked a few tumblr lolitas what they used to wear before lolita or what they wear out of lolita. only one replied with actual photos, the rest just said "shirt and pants"

>> No.8136133

>centuries ago

*this looks like a slut thing

>> No.8136147
File: 515 KB, 1280x4658, shot-20150222-464-14xfewz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


On her own page. I'm not in the same state; I just saw it because a friend commented.

>> No.8136232
File: 344 KB, 496x640, idiots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MAN, I'm so sad I missed posting the secret because they went up early. Here's one I did in relation to this.

>> No.8136702
File: 169 KB, 640x640, UudS1w4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone tell me about Secret #7? What's the drama in France?

>> No.8136709

See this is what I suspected - if this was such a huge comm issue why do they have to be friends with them. Anyway thanks for the cap, both sides couldn't argue for shit, what a mess.

P.s. Why is everyone in that post so ugly? Is this why Brisbane Butts is hated?

>> No.8136724

>implying either of you under 30s are well educated, life experienced and have been performing the studies yourselves
boy are you kids pretentious these days

>> No.8136726

did they have to pick the ugliest, non matching tights possible?

>> No.8136730

Wow, what a dumb bitch.
Seriously glad my comm does not have to deal with people like this (or at least hasn't in a while). I can't stand to be around people like this.

>> No.8136742

I posted this girl to an ita thread once

She decided leggings were totally the new lolita trend and didn't even bother with a skirt

>rustled jimmies

>> No.8136759

Why is this such a heated issue? While I was always aware of the debate, it was never anything people personally gave as much as a shit about as all of you ladies in these posts. Do you (by which I mean both sides) all have children you feel overly protective about or why has this conflict become so public and discussions such shit flings? Is it because after being long forgotten measles has become an issue in Australia and some other countries again?

>> No.8136815

Thats a man in a bad wig who needs to fuck off out of Brisbane

>> No.8136830

Nah I think most of those people in that thread arent even from the comm. I only recognise like 2 people.

>> No.8136853
File: 267 KB, 640x640, R9YQvaR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound poor

>> No.8136865


This looks fetish~y and these sluts can't even wear leggings that go with pastels. Ita as fuck.

>> No.8136869


Poor and bitter, possibly fat too lol.

>> No.8136880
File: 480 KB, 722x485, 4568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people into MMM such snobs
>"you sound poor"

>> No.8136914

Sauce on the bloomers? Cute!

>> No.8136920

>being this autistic

>> No.8136924

What was #4 that was removed?

>> No.8136925


Some guy's GoFundMe. Trying to raise rent money because his was stolen or something.

>> No.8136929

Exactly who is he? I googled but it seems like his GoFundMe has been deleted as well.

>> No.8136973
File: 172 KB, 640x542, del secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too lazy to read the full thread but here's the deleted secret (#4) in case anyone is interested or has their jimmies rustled.

>> No.8136977


Is this the asian guy who keeps posting to CoF?

>> No.8136978

Why was it deleted?

>> No.8136982

No idea
Because someone gott butthurt and said it was a "private" problem that wasn't related to Lolita.

There's more info in the comments for #4 and the Complaints section; it was already complained annd asked to be removed yesterday. So I kept the btb tab open from yesterday and when I saw it was deleted today I saved it.

>> No.8136988

How is this any more private than "she's an annoying anti-vaccer" or "your mole is ugly" though?

>> No.8137062


Haha, wow. Calm down. You're way over reacting. Also... no? Are you really saying that lets say 99.9% of the population being vaccinated vs (giving a made up number here) 88% being vaccinated (due to autism paranoia) have the EXACT same level of danger? You're a fool.
There will always be unvaccinated people for certain reasons, but as I was pointing out, it is usually rare and is a small percentage of the population. There always will be. Promoting that vaccinations cause autism is a possible widespread problem and can affect a large amount of the population if people buy in to it. Pretty much my point was what >>8135899 summed up.
Her child died because of a vaccine. She was scared that she could kill her other kids and her mind could not go through that again. My mother didn't speak to anyone for 2 years and sobbed the whole time. It broke her. She trusted her doctor who assured her it was safe and it very unfortumately turned out that it wasn't so she couldn't trust the vaccines afterwards. You really think it's illogical for her to not want to risk the same thing happening to her other kids? You have a lot of growing up to do, kid. Go back to leddit and bumblr and circlejerk with the anti-anti-vaccer's (which just fyi, neither myself or my mother are anti-vac and don't tell people not to vaccinate their kids so idk why you're so buttfrustrated at her experience).
So yeah, come on, tell me how it's selfish or she's stupid or wahwahwah she's being dumb and her trauma doesn't matter. I don't really care because I can see where she is coming from and no amount of b-but she's selfish is going to change the fact I think she did the right thing considering the circumstances. Moan all you want, you're still wrong lmao.

>> No.8137159

Leggings work, but not without a skirt.

>> No.8137169

that's strange, in my family we visit the baby as soon as we can, usually when they're a day or so old

>> No.8137176

are those the ballet shoe heels in pink?

>> No.8137178

Depends on the fabric of the leggings also. Some leggings are just like tights except without the sock part. Others are sturdy and shiny.

>> No.8137205
File: 544 KB, 447x640, TkbBklc[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, help me, guys. Who is she?

>> No.8137221

There's a difference between "I lost a child to a rare anaphylactic reaction and I don't want to risk losing another" and "DON'T VACCINATE YO KIDZ THEY'LL GET TEH AUTIZMZ!!11" which is provably untrue.

>> No.8137228

Can anyone recommend a seller that has a cupcake cage petticoat so I can get this shape? I tried layering a cupcake petti over an a-line petti and I still couldn't get this shape with my jsk because the fabric weighs them down too much.

>> No.8137234

How does one's rent just become "stolen" ...?
My rent money stays in my bank account and a check is given directly to my landlord in their name. Was this girl dumb enough to keep a wad of cash lying around or something?

>> No.8137268

In the US there are big outbreaks and celebs telling people not to vaccinate their kids for stupid reasons that aren't science based. It's become a huge stupid trend and it's putting a lot of people in danger, as herd immunity is breaking in some areas. So it's a really big issue over here. I imagine that is what is happening in most places where it's an issue. We have kids dying of illnesses that were practically gone a couple years ago.

>> No.8137269

Her trauma is valid, but making future decisions based off emotions rather than logic isn't a healthy way to deal with what happened. What she's doing is selfish, and she's not looking at the big picture. Yes she felt betrayed, yes her feelings are valid, but the proper response to that trauma isn't to live the rest of her life under the heavy influence of it. Empathy and objectivity can co-exist, you know.

>> No.8137278

Most people use the cash method. You'd be surprised by how many people refuse to keep bank accounts.

>> No.8137288

No, the toe is just hidden by the couch cushion.

>> No.8137295

Those people are retarded.
It tickles me how they think they should be given charity for being stupid.

>> No.8137317

I am a trained pharmacist. I've studied vaccines, how their made and their effects. I've also studied the diseases that they prevent.
I went into this profession because I love science and I love people, and so yes, anti-vaccers are my mortal enemies

>> No.8137399

Seconding this. My mom was heavy anti-vax. I decided last year when we got insurance that I was going to vaccinate myself and its way easier to catch up that you think. Plus, I'm a sickly person, I really don't need any of this diseases hitting my shit immune system.

>> No.8137428

>HPV. This vaccine is safe and effective.
Shouldn't a "lab professional" know that this vaccine is only effective against certain strains of HPV? ......

>> No.8137430

Don't call people stupid for reasons you don't understand. A lot of older people lived through heavy inflations and are scared that their money will be stolen or become worthless. My country had that in the early 90s because of an embargo so a lot of people here either share one family bank account or keep their money hidden away in pots and books. Even nowadays we have to pay in euros because our money is so worthless and keeps becoming more worthless each day. It's not stupidity, it's fear.

>> No.8137435

Your point being?
It's way better than nothing

>> No.8137437

>better than nothing
Until you get the unprotected strain of HPV and you're convinced that some med student on 4chan must have lied to you about the efficiency. You should clarify that, "professional."

>> No.8137451

How does that make you look any better?

>> No.8137454

>How does that make you look any better?
What are you talking about? ALL professionals who tote the HPV vaccine are REQUIRED to tell people that it only covers two strains of high risk HPV. It does not protect against most common strains of HPV (look it up) and therefore, is only "safe and efficient" for a minority. You're making irresponsible blanket statements that can leave a person misinformed, and you should be accountable for them.

>> No.8137467

Except this guy wasn't elderly or in an economic fallout.

He was an American who left money with a "friend" while he was in a hospital and the "friend" spent it without responsibly giving it to the landlord. Stupidity on both ends.

>> No.8137489

>you're convinced that some med student on 4chan must have lied to you about the efficiency
I'm a different anon,there no point of being accounted for any false information because you can pretty much say whatever you want on these parts of the internet. Theres biased internet sources on all sides of the argument but the main vaccines required to get are the ones most doctors/votes/etc want the majority of people to get.

>> No.8137500

When someone is trying to build credibility in their post by prefacing it with the fact that they are a "lab professional" then they deserve to be called out when they screw up about something.
The HPV vaccine is unnecessary unless you're a teenager or sexually promiscuous, hence one's higher risk of exposure to the two worst HPV strains. The vaccine does not cover all of the worst HPV strains, and not the most common types. It's ill-advised to recommend this vaccine to everyone, especially under the blanketed pretense of it being generally 'safe and efficient,' which is an exaggerated statement.

10/10 I'm pretty mad at this shilling.

>> No.8137516

Except his "friend" was his shitty (now) ex-roommate and he gave him a check, not cash. Paying your rent with a check is normal here.

>> No.8137528

This, I need these in my life!

>> No.8137534


Even if you're not sexually promiscuous, you could come into contact with someone who is sexually promiscuous.

The strains that HPV covers is HPV 16 and 18, which as far as I know does not favor the sexually promiscuous moreso than other strains of the HPV vaccine. However, it does cause 80% of all cervical cancers. While this is not 100% of all cancers, reducing the incidence of a disease by potentially 80% is enormous in public health.

In developing countries, even countries which are socially conservative, the lack of screening programmes for the precursor of cervical cancer and the lack of a nationalized HPV vaccination programme leads to exceptionally high rates of cervical cancer, and mortality from this cancer.

While sreening programmes in the West have been around for decades, and the HPV vaccine has yet to become nationalised in many places and needs to be studied further in huge populations as to what consequences the vaccine will have, I don't think that we should completely dismiss it, nor should we downplay the potential effects of a vaccine that could eliminate up to an 80% incidence of new cervical cancer.

>> No.8137536

Lab Tech anon. I'm sorry but you're wrong.

It protects against the 4 strains that cause most cases of warts and cervical cancer. A huge number of people are infected with these viruses and don't even know it. Even if you're a virgin until marriage, what if your significant other (this vaccine is safe for both men and women. It works in men by preventing them catching and spreading the disease) had been promiscuous before they met you? The sheer number of people infected with HPV is staggering. It's literally pretty much everyone who's ever had sex. That's just the sexually transmitted strains too.
Please post a copy of your medical license because I suspect it comes from Google. Which is not an acredited university, I'm afraid.

>> No.8137542

>please post a copy of your medical license
You first, by all means.

>> No.8137544

*Infected with "a" strain of HPV. Not necessarily the ones covered by the vaccine. Sorry for the typo.

>> No.8137552


Also, i would just like to add that a vaccine's efficacy, whether it's 30%, 40%, or 50% effective, does not affect its safety profile (how much autism/allergic reactions/rashes does it cause?). The safety profile is similar to other vaccines with only mostly minor side effects, so yes, I can safely call the vaccine 'safe' while we debate the efficiency.

>> No.8137576

And who is this?

>> No.8137580
File: 215 KB, 574x303, lca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Your turn.

Sorry for the potato. Bad office light.

>> No.8137586

NO VACCINES CAUSE AUTISM. Yes I'm mad. I don't even care if you're using that anecdotally or if you're on my side of this argument. Stop putting them in the same sentence.

>> No.8137588


I know they don't - I was using it as an albeit pretty bad example of what a side effect profile could entail.

Vaccines don't cause autism. They can cause allergic reactions, and in the case of live attenuated vaccines, actual infection in the immunocompromised, but that's pretty much it. No autism.


Happy now?

>> No.8137592
File: 39 KB, 500x234, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8137594

but how many people died getting vs not getting it? If it doesn't do anything and its one of those stigma shots then I'd get it just to avoid heat .People are more likely to believe their doctor then anyone else and accept that their doctor wants to inject something in them with a simple"its safe for you".
I feel like its just so people wont deal with the Worst one but probably have better treatment for the more common one?

>> No.8137604

To answer your question:

Thousands die when they DON'T get the shot.
Maybe less than 10 people have died from getting the shot. That is probably a high estimate.
It does do something, it prevents infection with 4 strains of HPV.
There is no "treatment" for any strain of HPV.

There are you better informed?

Lab anon

>> No.8137620

doesn't mean it isn't effective. It is effective against those strains that it is stated to prevent. Lab Tech Anon doesn't need to go into minute details about the technicalities of the vaccine on a short post on freakin' cgl. Your doctor is required to give you that information before giving you the vaccine, and Lab Tech Anon isn't giving other anon the vaccine personally.
So yes it doesn't protect against all strains, but it us still safe and effective for those it protects against, and is much better than NOT having it.

>> No.8137632

Just saw this. I never said it was protective against all of them? In later posts I even clarified that it protects against 4 strains. That's really what you're going to choose to go into the fight with? I'm required by law to know this information. Not required to be super specific on cgl of all places.

>> No.8137646

That seems pretty valid. I never hear people go against vaccines before this.

>> No.8137659

I have a disorder than can be caused by a rare adverse reaction to a specific vaccine due to our genetic make up. I need to clarify it can be developed not through that specific vaccine, as I and about 80% or more of those with it NEVER had the vaccine and it is still a very uncommon disorder. The vaccine was later pulled (it was a certain strain of contagion that mutates regularly), but for the vast majority of people who received it the vaccine was perfectly safe and prevented many deaths.

So I can speak as someone with a close relationship to the vaccine controversy. I ask myself: if I had got this disorder (I wasn't born with it, I developed it at 21) from that vaccine, what would my feelings be on it? Would I recommend that specific vaccine, or any vaccine, to my family? The answer is yes. Overwhemingly yes. My disorder is a small sacrifice to pay for thousands, or millions, of lives. Even my own, because while the vaccine caused an unusal reaction in rare people, it still protected them from catching the illness. And odd reactions like my disorder don't come from the tried and true vaccines like MMR, Hep, and HPV.
The very interesting part of the study done on those who caught the disorder from the vaccine vs those who developed it without it shows that there is a high chance that the individual would have developed the disorder ANYWAYS, and almost certainly if they caught the illness that the vaccine prevented.
My post isn't to undermine vaccine safety. It is to say that the tiny risk is worth it, and the longer the vaccine exists and the more people who get it, the risks of bad reactions are less and less. Doctors aren't evil. If a vaccine had bad reactions we would have heard of it. There have been plenty of news articles and legitimate scientific papers on the vaccines connection with my disorder. Science doesn't try to hide these things, because they are important to the development of future vaccines.

>Tl;Dr: get vaccinated fuckers.

>> No.8137751

She is a very kind girl from the Portland/Oregon Lolita Tea and Cake Society
I know her personally and she is a sweetheart

>> No.8137878

I really appreciate those shooped eyelashes.

>> No.8137899

I'd show you my master's degree but I'm at work.
>weh unless you have a med degree you can't call me out for being vague and coercing a non-target group to get a vaccine abloobloo

>> No.8137904

That response to that specific was a joke in itself, lets be honest anon.

>> No.8137916

all i'm seeing here is excuses and no proof

>> No.8137919

Thank you!

>> No.8137925


Okay, seriously, what's your deal with the HPV vaccine. It does what it says. Your doctor tells you what it does. It's very effective at what it does and it's safe. What the hell is your point.

>> No.8137930

If it's a masters degree in anything that isn't a science you aren't entitled to an "opinion". You're still wrong regardless. I'm not being coercive. The target group is any male or female who plans on having sex in their life time. I think that covers everyone really? I honestly can't tell if you're a nut job or just trolling. Why would you want someone to get cervical cancer?

>> No.8137931

Lol okay anon, you got me. Hang on I'll teleport home right now to satisfy your pettiness. Ya salty cunt.

>> No.8137936

>not entitled to an opinion
>HPV vaccine is for anyone who has sex
My monogamous four year relationship and clean pap smears beg to differ. Thanks for your self righteous concern.

>> No.8137957

Then don't get it? Most people realistically have more than one sexual partner. Even if one partner has never had sex it is highly likely the other has. I don't understand why you people are against saving lives? What is the problem here?

And yes I am standing by my opinion that if you don't know the science behind a vaccine you have no fucking right to tell others not to get it. What the hell does an English Major know about vaccination statistics other than what is available to the general public. You don't get to say something is incorrect while simultaneously knowing nothing about it
-MT anon

>> No.8137967

When you get vaginal warts from your boyfriend getting drunk and sticking his dick into some con slut I am going to laugh so hard.

>> No.8137970

Well, let's just end this conversation like professionals if you're hell bent on twisting my words just because I don't think this vaccine is appropriate for everyone to get. Deal?

>> No.8137978


If I recall, your original argument was that the vaccine was not 'safe and effective' and that everyone claiming otherwise was a stupid lying med student who was throwing their weight around.

When it is safe and effective, for all intents and purposes.

So nice backpedaling.

>> No.8137982

I hope my boyfriend doesn't sleep around. We didn't before we got together so I'm guessing all this time later that's not going to change. And he can do better than a con slut. But guess what?! I'm vaccinated so I won't get warts anyways.

>> No.8137984

>touting four years like that's a long time
>basing your health decisions off of a single current relationship, not even a marriage at that
That's cute.

>> No.8137986

Woops though that was directed at me for some reason.
Carry on anon.

>> No.8138016

Not even that anon but it is absolutely appropriate for everyone, and every girl should be vaccinated. What the fuck are you planning on doing if you get raped? What if your boyfriend cheats on you and then gets you infected? These are worst case scenarios, but a simple vaccine can prevent you from getting warts, an infection, or cancer. Yes, it's not effective against ALL strains - it leaves out about 30% - but is effective against the most common ones.

>> No.8138022

Every boy too. Prevents warts and from spreading the strains that cause cancer in women. Thanks for being sane and informed.

MT anon

>> No.8138030

Shes one if those girls that whines about muh illnesses

>> No.8138035

Haha oh stop exaggerating. My only argument was that it only covers certain strains of HPV and implied it wasn't necessary for everyone like a Hep B vaccine is. Calm your titties.

>> No.8138038

Neither of those would be my fault, and unless I got the specific strain of HPV I would be screwed regardless. It's a luck game, quit your tantrum.

>> No.8138042

Right, but the vaccine betters your odds of coming out of a shitty experience WITHOUT ALSO cancer, so... why not?

>> No.8138050

Do you also believe in volcano insurance? Yknow, just to better your odds in case of natural disasters?

>> No.8138051

>it's okay if I get HPV as long as it isn't my fault
What the fuck

>> No.8138056

No problem!
She's adorable and precious and super kind, as soon as I joined the comm, we were talking instantly. She made me feel so welcome and helped me out with advice.

She didn't deserve to be posted to btb

>> No.8138059

..I said this how? The point is I'm not going to get HPV if me and my partner remain monogamous. Why do you hate me telling you that? If I were a sexually active teen I'd agree buttttt...

>> No.8138060

If I lived around a volcano, sure. But I'm not around a volcano so my risk is 0. There a higher chance of me getting raped by a guy with HPV or my boyfriend cheating than there is of a volcano randomly appearing in eastern USA

>> No.8138061

Aaand that's when I realize you're either baiting, or really, really stupid.

>> No.8138066

Well to me your volcano is like my bf spontaneously getting HPV, or me getting savagely raped in broad daylight--not likely to happen. Sorry you don't agree with me, but hey, not your Vagina not your business.

>> No.8138076

> savagely raped in broad daylight
How did you even infer that you could only contract HPV by getting savagely raped in broad daylight. Any forced sexual assault is enough, no matter time of day.

>> No.8138089

She lives in her own world, where HPV is some sort of fairytale disease that only affects wicked naughty Teens. She is a Princess who will never gaze at anyone other than her Prince Charming and anyone who tries to touch her without her consent will vaporize. Also, her Queen Mummy expects her home before sundown anyway.

Instead of, you know, the reality that sometimes shit out of our control happens and the vaccine helps that shit be less shitty.

>> No.8138106

It's likely not going to happen, anon. And then for that person to have HPV is another odd to add to that factor. Stop being a creep and wishing I'd get raped or my bf to cheat on me to prove your point. Get rid of that sandcastle in your vagoo ffs.

>> No.8138120

What was the secret that got removed?

>> No.8138201

Hold up one minute. Y'all bitches wear bonnets and skirts with unicorns and teddy bears on them, and you're going to call a pair of leggings "fetishy"?

I love lolita, but some of you guys need a realty check. They're just LEGGINGS

>> No.8138276

Is this about Alesha because it sure sounds like it.

>> No.8138291

Still waiting for that masters degree in science.

>> No.8138325

Really? You tried to go anon but your language was still set to french...Really, I know who you are two faced bitch please don't come back to the bris comm dog faced cunt.

>> No.8138365

>if me and my partner remain monogamous
>if me and my partner
Big "if" anon, you two have been together for four years, right? That's not very long in the first place, but so much can happen in another four years that you can't 100% say that you're going to still be together. Ideally, yes, you two will be happy and secure and grow old together, but there's still a possibility that you two realize you're not meant for each other.

>> No.8138375

does anyone have the link for this blog? i used to read these all of the time but im coming back from a hiatus and now i cant find where these are posted

>> No.8138383

seriously what in the fuck is fetishy about this picture? people keep saying this but not explaining it and i have no idea~~

>> No.8138388

bumping this request

>> No.8138391

whenever i see that brand name i immediately think "my meme death"

>> No.8138392

It looks like a foot fetish

>> No.8138435

She has a right to, she was hospitalized for quite a while not too long ago. There are quite a few people in the comm that complain about illnesses, and she is one of the lesser ones.

>> No.8138456

it can't be bodyline, can it?
The bottoms are a light brown and not black.
I hate black-bottomed sweet shoes so thats why im curious

>> No.8138511

No...not in the least it doesn't. For one, they're wearing shoes. Foot fetishists like FEET, shoe fetishists like feet in shoe's. And secondly, they are not close up as the primary focus of the picture. There is no focus here on feet or shoes.

All it is is two dorky friends on a couch. cgl just likes throwing around the "fetish" insult because it's used so frequently against sweet lolitas that they think it works as a standard insult. There is NOTHING fucking fetishy about this pic.

>> No.8138517

you sound mad

>> No.8138519

google it you fucking retard

>> No.8138552

Nope, still looks like a foot fetish, focus on the feet or not.

>> No.8138587
File: 233 KB, 1024x768, Dujrbv9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what foot fetish pics look like. Are you still in high school? Are you actually familiar with what a fetish is?

>> No.8138602

Looks like we found her!

>> No.8138635

I pretty much live in little black dresses out of Lolita. It's not so much lacking style as it is a preference for skirts and that I look good in shifts. I own one pair of black jeans. Though I did just move to a cold in the winter state so I need to buy more pants and thicker tights.

>> No.8138644

>live in NH
>wear warm coat and thick fleece tights with skirts all day erry day.

>> No.8138647
File: 67 KB, 566x957, received_889632934421327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They must have had all their vaccines on time.

>> No.8138673

Oh good, someone gets it. I went up in the mountains for a winter carnival wearing an lbd and thick tights and all my friends flipped shit and said I'd freeze. I was pretty warm though

>> No.8138682

Which Alesha?

>> No.8138684

Yes, anon, I know what a fetish is, and it still looks like some sort of foot fetish. You asked why people think it looks like a fetish and I told you why it looks like a fetish.

>> No.8138685

You won't! I'm fine all day erry day.

>> No.8139014


Update on our dear HPV vaccine from earlier! Now protects against 9 strains!

>> No.8139030


>> No.8139048

<3 I'm an ASCP Certified Medical Technologist as well.. raise a glass of urine samples woo!

>> No.8139056

>random anon here with chronic illnesses
Uggggh don't remind me. I have to go to the urologist in the morning. Yay for catheters. But alway much love to med techs.

>> No.8139073

But four years is a long time for a relationship...
I hate antivaxers as much as the next guy but you're like those people who make a pissing contest out of everything
>you can only talk about this issue if you've been married for 50 years and don't show your ankles, you whore
>your opinion only matters if you're a pure vestal virgin unsullied by a man's touch
Come on now

>> No.8139075
File: 94 KB, 500x500, alesha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but I don't really see it either.

This one.

>> No.8139085


>> No.8139097


(Someone posted the full size photo here btw >>8134331)

Not the other anon, I personally think it's the pose combined with the leggings that are suggestive. The way the legs are drawn up along with the leggings hugging every inch of it shows you exactly what shape their legs would be if they were naked, you can pretty much pinpoint where their vags are (which, btw, is "presented" up in the air, obliquely towards you)

Then there's the crossed ankles and the hands near the face that kind of suggest some kind of coy invitation to come and attack. Like they're covering their face with their hands and crosssing their ankles, but hey, their pussy is right there without a skirt or anything covering it (as I said, the leggings are skintight and show off what shape the legs are, so they hide nothing)

I get that this is probably just two girls trying to take a photo of their shoes and cutsews in as small a space as possible. Ending up in a porn-star pose is probably accidental. But, the many girls telling you this pose is fetishy can sense something wrong with the photo, even if they have trouble breaking down why it looks like a sexual invitation.


This is the real reason leggings don't really work without skirts, shorts, or at minimum a tunic top -- they show off every contour of your crotch area, panty lines and all. Even if the leggings are totally opaque they tend to be thin enough to show panty lines. Wearing thongs so you don't have visible pantylines? Yeah, we can see the lack of panty lines and draw some conclusions from that, too.

>> No.8139188
File: 17 KB, 240x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Father Ted secrets. That secret maker is my hero.

>> No.8139261

You know it's funny, I'm not even antivax but I agree that not everyone needs an HPV shot.
>inb4 I must be stupid or a whore against science

>> No.8139641

-Anyone who will have more than one sexual partner.
-Anyone who will have sex with someone who has had another partner.

If you can guarantee you will never have sex with another person and your partner has never had sex with another person, then yes I would say it might not be necessary. If that's true then good for you. Unfortunately it's not true for most of humanity. There are literally no moral implications to any of that. Just statistical probabilities.

MT anon

>> No.8139662

My fiance and I were both kissless virgins when we met and we plan on being monogamous forever and growing old together and being that adorable loving old couple with too many cats. I still got vaccinated, just in case.

>> No.8139763


I thought my bf and I, both kissless virgins, would do the same thing. Then we broke up because of distance and him not realistically being able to find a job in my country and vice versa reasons. I ended up losing my virginity to a dude who's not a virgin.

The point is, get vaccinated just in case.

Also just wanted to say you and your fiance sound adorable. I hope the best for you guys!

>> No.8139865


The image is from this site. It seems like they are from etsy.


>> No.8139914

>5:HPV. This vaccine is safe and effective. Even if you're already sexually active it's never too late to get it.

When it first came out, my GP told me otherwise, since I've already been sexually active for over a decade and likely already have it.

Has that changed? I'll mention it to him at my next visit.

>> No.8140039

It isnt that it is has changed, it is more that the demographic has expanded as time goes on. If you have hpv already getting the vaccine doesnt help, but being sexually active doesnt make it uneffective, you just arent as protected because you have had sex before and could have been exposed for it. Its the same reason it used to stress girls from 12-18, and then adults, and the men. They wanted to get the most vulnerable first and get them asap.

>> No.8140904

This is completely valid, anon. I am not anti-vax but I believe everyone has a choice and having a child die is a damn good reason to not vaccinate.

To everyone else making fun of the whole "vaccines cause autism" line. There are TONS of other reasons why someone might choose not to vaccinate and most of them have nothing to do with fucking autism.

You guys need to just respect other peoples choices and get on with your life.

>> No.8140910


You forget to take into account that those choices affect other children, which I think is usually the point of contention.

>> No.8141005

Oh hey, another NH Lolita. Yep, I wear fleece lined tights, cardigan, and a coat. That seems to keep me pretty warm.

>> No.8141024

Hep A wont kill you kek
18 confirmed including kids in Australia and nobody fucking died, just got a lawsuit op and the runs.

>> No.8141430

It's cropped. The full one shows their faces.

>> No.8141499

It's much less severe in juveniles. It's not a huge risk, however liver failure is a real, if rare, concern. Even if it doesn't cause lasting effects it can make adults sick for weeks to months.

MT anon

>> No.8142039

I'm the OP of the secret and I'm really glad you put into words exactly why that image grosses me out and feels like some sort of fetish catering, I couldn't pinpoint why it bothered me so much but I know I'm not alone in thinking it.

>> No.8142084

I tried clip-in bangs, but wonder if they ever come in the right color and even then it still looks weird because the rest of my hair is different.
I do have wigs but I have a face where styled flat wigs don't look that great. wavy/curly wigs aren't available in the right color atm at the store. Ugh, brown ones are always gone the fastest.

>> No.8142085

juuust a little bit too much, but it doesn't bother me .

>> No.8142130

Damn I'm glad janitor-chan isn't deleting these anymore. They're good for discussion.

>> No.8142211

uhm those shoes are the lamest lolita shoes I've seen...that and I can't see half of it. You really want sauce on that?

>> No.8142214

Really this dumb? Just block/delete the person?

>> No.8142219

honestly it doesn't seem like drama, just one person with an opinion.

>> No.8142767

I laugh at girls who say they got into lolita for modesty because a) there's not shortage of modest clothing outside of lolita yet they act like it's exclusive and b) modesty doesn't just mean it's not revealing, it also means that it's simple and not flashy or extravagant, obviously lolita doesn't fit the criteria.

>> No.8144414

How did his room-mate cash a check written to his landlord? That's exactly what checks were made to prevent.

>> No.8144526

Agreed. Most lolita is way less modest than the despicable jeans and sweater combo.

>> No.8144632

Sweet lolita is the most unmodest thing too and it's almost always them whining about it.

>> No.8144643

I have a genetic skin condition that I don't like to mention and lolita helps me cover my skin. It makes me more confident and is just so beautiful. Sometimes I will tell people (when I am out of lolita) that I like modest fashion. I've never really considered the non flash factor though, thanks for bringing that up

>> No.8144648

You can cover your skin in just about any fashion

>> No.8144925
File: 223 KB, 479x799, okcharms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of what Charlotte Charms posted once on her blawg.
(the part in yellow)
I wear it and I can tell this person sounds bitter or just had bad experiences with people wearing it.

Learn to read the anon didn't say that the leggings were fetishy,just the pic itself. On top of wearing shitty distasteful normalfag leggings those girls can't even pick leggings that go with those shoes jfc.

>> No.8144948

Moitie is the only EGL brand because Mana coined the term "elegant gothic lolita" so technically, she's right.

>> No.8144949
File: 10 KB, 294x171, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but what if...what if I just enjoy wearing lolita and not being a boring normalfag? You should stop trying to make me be another boring normalfag girl with leggings/jeans and hoodies ugh all those girls are slutty for the most part anyway, they just show their ass in those leggings and even cleavage and shit so lolita is way more modest and cuter for that matter.

>> No.8144956

>all other brands that claim to be EGL are pieces of shit and i hope Mana barfs on them
yeaaah she would be right if she didn't tried to act special "GUISE I AM WEARING THE ONLY TRU SPESHUL EGL BURANDO NOT LIKE THOSE DISGUSTING OTHER THINGS"

>> No.8144973

You sound so incredibly dumb.

>> No.8144977

And you sound like a boring cunt ;)

>> No.8145032

>Tacky =/= fetishy
>Distasteful =/= fetishy

>> No.8145771

Nine times out of ten it's about autism. I have a mild form of it and it's fun to point blank ask them if they'd rather have their baby die than be like me, even though that study was disproven, the author lost his medical license, and autism is likely genetic.

>> No.8145782


I love doing that too, they always look so horrified.

>> No.8145848
File: 40 KB, 650x386, yall-mafuckers-need-science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite is when it's people I grew up with that are new hippie moms who didn't know about my autism. This and reminding them that their parents rely on GMO seeds to support them. (I grew up in a farming community that mainly grows Monsanto corn)

>> No.8146098


They're not female, they/them/their.

mahouprince on Tumblr.

>> No.8146111

She's a she when she puts on girl clothes
and a He when He puts on boy clothes.
But generally a They/them/their

in the end, I don't care what magical fairy gender you are or claim to be, hairy armpits are gross shit on everybody.

>> No.8147157

So you misgender people on purpose.

>> No.8147175


Stop being so defensively, they're not complaining about you. The specific snowflake they're complaining about is the one that claims all other girls are sluts, but they're different because they're lolitas, and will also say that all lolitas should be lovelies and never drink or smoke, because lolita is a modest fashion.

It's the same as girls who claim they're special because they're into comics, or vidya, or whatever.

So long as you don't have that special snowflake syndrome you're fine.

As for your skin condition, seriously, who gives a shit.

>> No.8147176


>> No.8147184

>in the end, I don't care what magical fairy gender you are or claim to be, hairy armpits are gross shit on everybody.

Thank you. Even on men they're gross.

>> No.8147203
File: 308 KB, 546x700, Back+to+tumblr+you+go+_858953523b683133078dd29278fd2a49[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8147236

Same here.
>w-well I w-wasn't talking about YOU
yeah you were

>> No.8147240
File: 1.10 MB, 245x251, tumblr_n9ptkco8Xt1s4pegro1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8147262

i'm impressed by that makeup, its painted on like those chalk street artworks that you have to look at from a certain angle for it to look perfect.

>> No.8147264

Magical fairy gender
I also tire of people who make it difficult. I'll respect whatever someone like to be called but not changeable with the clothes, please.
Bun, buns, bunself, bunselves
I shit you not, they are out there.

>> No.8147278

>all counturing ever

>> No.8149453

where are you from?

>> No.8149464

For some reason everything BUT the armpit hair bothers me

>> No.8149469

(sorry for linking the wiki, it's just that most people confuse it for Siberia)