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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 260 KB, 2000x1000, inoutmakeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8136180 No.8136180 [Reply] [Original]

There is an in and out of cosplay tag going on and around. Show yourself in cosplay and out of cosplay.

Hard mode: Same angles
Extreme mode : No selfies

>> No.8136238
File: 158 KB, 1015x991, Screenshot_2015-02-21-22-44-28~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have pictures of myself or as Junko that aren't selfies, but these are all basically the same angle. So yeah.

>> No.8136297

You're that Florida dude right?

I'd actually really like to meet ya at a con someday.

>> No.8136359
File: 734 KB, 960x1280, 2015-02-21-23-28-11_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting from phone. all selfies

>> No.8136403
File: 250 KB, 1200x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking pictures that aren't selfies when I'm not in makeup is too shameful

>> No.8136431

Aaaaayyyyyyeeee. If you aren't just somebody fucking with me, I'll be at Mega, since I assume you're also in Florida.

>> No.8136433
File: 351 KB, 1280x1280, picstitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry had to use a selfie because that's the only out of costume photo I have.

>> No.8136489

Holy fuck you don't even look like the same person. You look adorable in both pictures, though. But wow, crazy.

>> No.8136492

RIP Bubblegum hair

>> No.8136504

Still bothered no picture of you surfaced in the Katsucon threads

>> No.8136546

gotta keep my secret identity somehow haha
thanks though!
it was toothpaste

>> No.8136711
File: 1.01 MB, 1435x1270, selfie 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna regret this.
Here's my cosplay one

>> No.8136713
File: 1014 KB, 1435x1270, selfie 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's me in my casual j-fashion

>> No.8136733

>Durr, she drew da big eyes on, she must have big eyes like a super caucasian Asian.

>> No.8136754

Why are you being a dick?

>> No.8136767


b-but you're attractive. qt3.14s don't go on /cgl/.


>> No.8136778

you have the cutest damn mouth

>> No.8136804

dude thats the most cartooniest bow I've ever seen in real life, w2cop

quite a dramatic change though, the cute look really suits you.

>> No.8136825

Surprise, they do. ;D Thank you! <3

>> No.8136843

that super thin blonde hair on the side of your head looks badass

how did your hair stylist get it all whispy as shit like that?

>> No.8136846


>not knowing about shaving hair
>not knowing that is how it looks when it grows back

have you ever had your hair short?

>> No.8136847

and /thread

best looking woman on /cgl/ posts a selfie in a selfie thread

nobody is going post

>> No.8136851

yeah i had to buzz it back when i was a kid for various forced high school sports,

but my hair was never whispy. it was just short and thick as shit still

basically how to reduce to make it look like there is less volume then there actually is when it's super fucking short like that

>> No.8136855


Her(?) hair is just very thin as seen by the other half of her head, so as it grows back in you can see her scalp showing through, giving it the 'wispy' look. There is probably no way to do it without fucking up majorly.

Honestly the first thing that came to mind was the different settings on a electric shaver (like, the plastic things you put over the razor itself to let it cut in various lengths). I know some can give you a thin, wispy look.

>experience: every time my father got drunk he would make me shave his head. got to mess around with a lot of different settings.

>> No.8136927
File: 475 KB, 588x579, 1392617823039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for sharing anon

>> No.8137237

oh wow you're really pretty, you look like a doll!

>> No.8137256

I love short hair but that cut is not doing you any justice.

>> No.8137276
File: 1.16 MB, 949x598, in and out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could have sword I had a pic put together for this but apparently not.

>> No.8137287

holy tits you're adorable

>> No.8137327

Thank yooooouuuu. <3

>> No.8137356

OH HEY THAT'S YOU!!! I saw you in another thread in cute mode and thought you were really cute!!
I feel so much less alone to see you're super boyish out of cosplay and cutesy fashion wow. You give me hope to try something cute and pastel and more feminine one day

>> No.8137367

Sweet jesus you two are attractive. Would cuddle/10 and I don't even like cuddling.

>> No.8137415
File: 70 KB, 240x240, tumblr_inline_ni36ue6IkH1qk8x8b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8137759

My hair is naturally very thin and light, they simply buzzed it at half an inch

Eh, it's just hair. It's easier for me to maintain right now and it's easier for me to put my wigs on since I have less hair

Thank you so much! The bow was given to me by someone in my local comm. It was my very first headbow and I love it so much

Ahh <3 Thank you very much! I posted this in the draw thread about a week ago or so. I try to be more androgynous
You can do it! I believe in you <3

>> No.8137871


if you selfpost in one more thread

>> No.8137894

I'm only self posting in threads for self posting.

>> No.8137898

plz stop

>> No.8137912

stfu sieg

>> No.8137923
File: 219 KB, 1440x960, never not cosplay..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found I non selfie of me. but it's still a phone picture so I don't think it gives me too many points.

>> No.8137968

>no trip

dis bitch

>> No.8137971

short skirt every pic

thighs touching every pic

>> No.8138053

Two of the pictures her legs are together, one doesn't have her thighs touching. Not sure what you're startin here.

>> No.8138072

He's trying to imply she's too fat for short skirts.
Ironic, considering he's morbidly obese himself

>> No.8138073

can you leave tho srsly

>> No.8138077

Wow that's pretty fucking rude

>> No.8138082

short skirts tend to look ugly when made of shitty materials/construction and is not a good silhouette for a thick woman

i just like to put it in an asshole manner, because it's 4chan and that's the formatting you want here

>> No.8138085

You so thirsty for Ukraine, man.

>> No.8138104

She's not big like you're implying. You're just being nasty to be nasty.

>> No.8138107

just for this special occasion.

I will crush your head with my fat fucking thighs.

PS: back off my wife, you god damn creep.

>> No.8138108

thick =/= big or fat

thick is usually a compliment

>You're just being nasty to be nasty.

nah, i just phrase my posts that way for teh persona

>> No.8138118


>using teh
>"internet persona"

So you're actually just an autistic shit. Kill yourself.

>> No.8138126

You are literally trying to be mean and calling it a "persona". I'm not sure what to even say to you if you don't see that's being nasty.

>> No.8138127


Before you go and be a dumbfuck for the sake of being a dumbfuck, be sure to take off your trip.

Also your trip is offensive to jews and your behavior is offensive to people in general. Way to be a loser on multiple accounts.

>> No.8138131

Who are you again?

>> No.8138138

>Oh hey people are posting, I might do that
>see Sieg posting
>fuck that, I wanted to boost my self-esteem not ruin it

>> No.8138141

> allowing sieg to ruin your self-esteem

>> No.8138142

post anyways

>> No.8138145

>being this sjw
hahahahahahahahaha faggot

>> No.8138150

Man after hating everyone here for so long I don't remember which ones are legitimately hated and which ones are just like "man fuck that guy," but I'm pretty sure seig's on that legit hate list.

>> No.8138164

I always watch the fuck out of posts like these because my sister told me she's a tripfag and I wanna see what her name is. Kek

>> No.8138168

There goes the thread because y'all paid attention to some trip. I don't even notice there's a name besides Anon until someone points it out.

>> No.8138170

say what you want about me, but you, i and everyone in this thread knows that in order to have her thighs not touch she would be having to stand with her feet at greater than her shoulder width apart


short skirts don't suit it

>> No.8138205


Nah, most people that aren't social retards don't go out of their way to be mean for the sake of some faggy "internet persona". Your internet waifu already dismissed you anyways. Kill yourself faggot.

>> No.8138213
File: 652 KB, 1134x1359, DSC_0651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8138227

Why do you feel a need to be a total cunt bag, all the time? Go be miserable in a broom closet. jfc.

And my god, I've been on cgl for so many years and never realized that this was your trip man.

>> No.8138229

Thank you anon.

Who are you?

>> No.8138232


>see this pic
>wonder how wig was done
>thought yellow lining was a bandana
>and wig was olive and purple two-toned

....its a hat.

>> No.8138239


Watching sieg be a rude/annoying little shit is always a highlight in my day.

>> No.8138249

like oh my god you're the thirstiest fat fuck ever

>> No.8138290
File: 396 KB, 585x346, Seig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a pic i saved from /fa/ a few years back. this is sieg heil. look at his chubby little cheeks. what a cute patootie!
this is his tumblr: http://404-invalidurl.tumblr.com/
it hasn't been updated in a while, but i'm sure there's a lot of pictures of him if you take a look.

>> No.8138299
File: 38 KB, 876x744, 1305020318833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sieg's manly fatceps.

>> No.8138303
File: 24 KB, 239x370, tumblr_mxaeu9XMmN1qd62hno1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from his tumblr.

>> No.8138328


>calls other people fat
>is actually gross obese himself


>> No.8138331

>Francis Drake

>> No.8138335


Jesus Christ, how horrifying

>> No.8138372

Get a nose job, lose that ugly belt thing and that petty coat showing.

>> No.8138412

-1/10 stay away from

>> No.8138419

Looks like Guy Fieri took a break from the peroxide

>> No.8138437

your face is so adorable uuuuu

>> No.8138445
File: 48 KB, 513x769, joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8138455

That's a fucked up way to talk about your twin.

>> No.8138457

>electric barbarella
>seeing you in 2015

Goddamn you're old. I haven't seen you trip in YEARS.

>> No.8138458

holy shit sieg is hideous

>> No.8138461

>implying she hasn't used her other trip

>> No.8138478

The hell is going on with that chunk of missing stubble? It's like a runway strip to direct you to the hanger.

>mfw Sieg plays airport with other men's cocks

>> No.8138487

Jesus Christ those fingers look like sausages that got slammed in a car door.

>> No.8138492

I was going to say it was so he wouldn't get stuff in it when sucking guys off

>> No.8138501

Please don't associate me with him.

>> No.8138506

We already do.

You're both thirsty faggots that absolutely ruin every thread you touch.

Now fuck off.

>> No.8138510

>fingers look like sausages that got slammed in a car door.


>> No.8138567
File: 123 KB, 658x656, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My most recent cosplays with some manly makeup thrown in and the same damn makeup I do every damn day. I'm that self absorbed that I needed four pictures,
I use the same makeup for 90% of my cosplays. Just a heavier version of my day to day makeup plus lashes.

>> No.8138579

Bottom left throws me off so hard, good job.

>> No.8138629
File: 742 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me in and out of cosplay. Different angles, but they were the first photos I found on my Facebook. I tend to use a lot more makeup when I get dressed in regular clothes than I use when cosplaying, which is probably the opposite of what generally happens

>> No.8138723

So what's the difference?

>> No.8138732

Nah dude, I'm from Florida. I was at Matsuri last year. If you saw a Yang cosplayer walking around with gauntlets, that was me.

I actually would like to meet ya. You don't happen to have a cosplay page do ya?

>> No.8138740

Oh my...you're that girl I wanted to cosplay AoT with! XD

>> No.8138743

.....Is that PiggyNuka next to you?

>> No.8138749

.....You're not Justin Gonzales from Florida, are you?

Cause he pulled that same shit with our Metrocon group and we knocked his ass out.

>> No.8138766

Agreed. Every time you two post on a thread, it goes from 0 to SHITSTORM in like 3 to 4 posts.

Now do us all a favor, get the fuck off our cgl.

>> No.8138768

dang gurl 2animet4me

shit you gals are too beautiful <3

you look so cute!



you make a really hot guy JS

you were cosplaying Holo so its fine to have less makeup with her



>> No.8138816

Contour a touch more and no one will doubt you're a girl. You make such a pretty girl, fuck man.

>> No.8138825


We're BFF's.

>> No.8138839

Omg which one? I've had several local people ask me and several people on tumblr mention it

>> No.8138855

I saw you on here on a thread like...last week or so. You were really adorable. XD I wanted to cosplay AoT with ya. :D ...and I had wanted to cosplay Reiner. lol

>> No.8138860

I might be just a tad jelly. xD She's one of my favorite cosplayers and I've always wanted to cosplay with her someday. Her Fillia is the best. :D

>> No.8138864

Your lips are perfect <3 <3

>> No.8138866

Omg we don't have a Reiner around here yet
But the chances of you being on the west coast is probably slim

>> No.8138910
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1200, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left//out of cosplay
right//in cosplay
(homestuck aka 2 year old photoshoot leave it shuddup)

>> No.8138943

I do, it's Timey-Wimey Limey Cosplay

>> No.8138962
File: 558 KB, 1936x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is me. JLSBarber on Instagram.

>> No.8138974

zeekkiiaaaaa!!!! sweet babs!!!!!

>> No.8138980

You a brit?

>> No.8138986

pls do your eyebrows

>> No.8138998

girl what the fuck is on your head, knock that off

>> No.8139004

Nah, it's a Doctor Who thing.

>> No.8139015

Man what I would give if I could look as cute as you do.

>> No.8139281

Oh god you are adorable.

>> No.8139343
File: 2.03 MB, 1825x2175, 1411069093584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks guys :'3

>> No.8139356

It's not okay that you can swing attractively between genders. Damn.

>> No.8139467

Are you that Shierke cosplayer??!

>> No.8139579

You'd be more attractive if you closed your mouth in photos.

>> No.8139616

>Confirmed for male poster

>> No.8139653

Ugh, fucking wannabe wankers.

>> No.8139657

>tfw haven't properly cosplayed in years
Do school uniforms count?

>> No.8139695

how the fuck do you lighten yourself so much? Please teach me????

Holy shit, I have to tell this girl she's a cgl meme when I see her later. Did not think someone I knew would be on cgl.

>> No.8139698

Can I nestle my head in between your perfect thighs please? Full homo.

>> No.8139710

You're amazing at both genders, and I'm incredibly jealous. Your cosplays are adorable, your manliness is manly, fuck. What's the point of trying when you exist?

>> No.8139779
File: 812 KB, 2304x2304, pic20150223103720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was ridiculously difficult to find a picture of me without a wig or contacts. Apparently I hide from cameras with natural hair and glasses.

>> No.8139812

You're pretty good at makeup, I wish more guys bothered to do a decent job.


Wow, very different looks but honestly both are pretty cute

Awesome difference, but both are very pretty

Wigs make such a huge difference for you, super cute in your afters

Nicely done

The confidence and makeup when you cosplay make you look really cute

LUCCA! Super cute in both

DAMN you make a hot man! The rest looks awesome, too

Looks basically the same (a nice normal pretty), I'd step up the makeup for cosplay

Honestly the cosplay stuff looks better, you have a great facial structure but the scene hair and makeup aren't doing you any favors

Not bad

>> No.8139908
File: 87 KB, 1280x960, 11002242_1784961321729997_721017626_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this counts, it was just a makeup-test as Gwen Stacy, I have to buy a new pair of lenses and still a lot of work to do but yeah.

>> No.8139956

god i love this sailor moon convention going on in the background of your sailor uranus pic

>> No.8139959

you look gorgeous as haruka!

and your cat pic makes me super happy

>> No.8139961

You make a wonderful Uranus! I love your fuku.

>> No.8140622
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, In-Out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't have any photos of myself without cosplay.

>> No.8140635

>that ugly belt thing
>not knowing W

>> No.8140657

you look edgy as fuck
in a bad way

>> No.8140677

Has anyone ever told you that you look like Scarecrow in Nolan's Batman movies?

>> No.8140683

Please wear a skirt about 10in longer.

>> No.8140702

Haha, oh god. Fukkin saved.
He looks like a gigantic faggot, no wonder he goes around insulting girls who are out of his league, he loves cocks to begin with.
>those fat sausage fingers

>> No.8140705

beep beep, numbah 1 husbando comin thru

>> No.8140771

You are too cute.

>> No.8140787
File: 514 KB, 689x642, in vs out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bite. Guy from selfpost thread here >>8140120
Had to shoot a pic for this because there are very little good photos of me online, guess I'm good at avoiding cameras or something.

>> No.8140789

Makeup on game on point, I personally think the scene hair and makeup look great.

>> No.8140802

wrong sieg dumb ass, do you really think a heroin addict from 2010 /fa/ is still alive?

>> No.8140947

Are you a girl or a guy?

>> No.8140954

It's probably one of those tumblr fakebois

Obviously female, too.

>> No.8140972
File: 277 KB, 1537x1200, inout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In and out. There aren't many pictures of myself that aren't selfies so I had to choose the least edited one

>>8139908 >>8140787
total qt3.14s

>> No.8140997

I like how you're trying to pull the "t-thats not me" card, meanwhile you post on /tg/ about your shitty mtg decks under the same trip, which are also crossposted onto that tumblr linked above

>> No.8141003

I .. never did them before.. I probably should get them threaded. They're so thin..

To be fair the normal picture, I'm in a darker space and the bottom two cosplay pictures I'm right by the window so I'm actually in between those two shades... closer to the lighter side though

ty <3

>> No.8141053

Thanks a lot, means quite a bit coming from someone as cute as yourself.

>> No.8141078

All the cosplayers in this thread are cute.

>> No.8141079

would date

>> No.8141104


Pretty sure I know you, or rather know of you in real life. Your name starts with K.

>> No.8141112

Nuu it's "P".

>> No.8141116


Your names not kim? Them I guess not.

>> No.8141119

Sorry anon, it's Paola.

>> No.8141120

Well damn, that's not something I hear often. Thanks!

>> No.8141129

and my face is on that tumblr, and it's not the one you posted so try again

im not a white dude with track marks allover my arms

>> No.8141134
File: 49 KB, 480x469, kim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This girl looks like you

>> No.8141136


They don't even look alike

>> No.8141139


meh idgaf

>> No.8141152
File: 2.60 MB, 1456x960, cosplay in n out burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly a makeup guru but i do what i can

>> No.8141172

go away tumblr

>> No.8141217
File: 30 KB, 225x350, 212489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the character has freckles
Lurk more.

>> No.8141223

The character may have freckles, but they sure as hell don't have shitty sharpie marks jerked all over their face.

>> No.8141230

It's 2015, drop the scene/goth shit and gain some weight.

>> No.8141231


Jesus your pretty cruel. How fat are you?

>> No.8141234
File: 241 KB, 297x397, YourButthurtIsDeliciousegl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8141238

Someone has ultra salty britches tonight

>> No.8141239

Or it just looks stupid?

>> No.8141242

you're super cute! do you have an instagram i can follow?

>> No.8141243

1: in what way is that a cosplay of Mukuro? The wig is completely wrong and the ribbon is the wrong color, too.
2: freckles do not look like that. At all. Replicating haphazard dots all over your face looks shitty. What works on an anime character does not work for real people.

>> No.8141247

someone's got shitty makeup skills

>> No.8141250
File: 267 KB, 456x425, Mukuro_Ikusaba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they were doing this version. its commonly done.

>> No.8141251


>> No.8141255

Haha she kinda does. My face is more bony I think.

>> No.8141262


Your both cute either way

>> No.8141270

Your wig needs some help, it doesn't exactly fit the character. And beyond the bad freckles, your makeup is pretty cute!

>> No.8141285
File: 142 KB, 640x960, 1390627_601243359917913_572511867_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I made that costume for my best friend who did Junko and it was the only black wig I had on hand. I'll post a better photo of the cosplay itself (albeit its a lot older).

>> No.8141290

Looks even worse. Lurk more.

>> No.8141297

Love you too. You always were my number one fan.

>> No.8141298

> those smudged freckles
> that short wig
> that inaccurate shirt
> that prop
The only thing that's okay is the ribbon. Did you even try.

>> No.8141325


yes, I'm cranky and mad.

>> No.8141338

I know you're probably just ignoring the anons because they're saying it like cunts but the freckles are poorly done, look up really freckles 1.theyre a peachy dark reddy colour 2 they're not large evenly spaced dots
Either go for a dark liquid or cream make up or paint and apply with a super small brush, or use a brush with facepaint and use a sorta spattering effect by running your finger over the brush so it sprays little dots
If youve used a nice light foundation and primer it'll show up the perfect amount as well

>> No.8141343

haha faaaaaaaag

>> No.8141345

Thank you for giving me actual criticism, anon. That costume is several years old but if I ever do another character with pronounced freckles, I will definitely read up on it.

>> No.8141346

Ignore typos and terrible sentence structure plsPLdue i typed this in between 5am vomiting bouts

>> No.8141349

Yw anon, I hate to see improveable mistakes ignored because people are just being arsey about it
So out of it I typed half my captcha mid sentence r.i.p

>> No.8141358

bottom right photo, you look like charms

>> No.8141378

Wig is still wrong.

>> No.8141850

For better freckles put a dab of brown liquid eyeliner on your finger. Blot the first bit onto tissue, and then pat your finger over the freckly area. Do a different shaped dot and repeat.

You get much more natural freckles this way.

>> No.8142224

OMG, you're totes adorbs! You're probably straight, but I wish you were my waifu.

>> No.8142229

I legitimately can't tell if you're male or female. Both look hot.

>> No.8142961

Damn, those are some nice Rise thighs....

>> No.8142981


>> No.8142986

I'll be you're waifu anon :3

>> No.8143216
File: 107 KB, 800x616, inandout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair, i was out at a play in the normalfag clothing pic

>> No.8143306
File: 3.76 MB, 2400x1800, shitty collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two selfies and two of some recent cosplay!!

>> No.8143308

sorry about the size im horrible at using macs

>> No.8143469

Yep, I'm on the....sadly...I'm on the East Coast.

But I have a crapton of friends in the west and my little sister is in the west.

>> No.8143471

Then go get some effin sleep.

>> No.8143605
File: 639 KB, 960x587, 10942571_656483857808048_2138917531850200472_o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish my smile was less awkward... oh well!

>> No.8143607

Your Mami is really effin' adorable. What else have you done?

>> No.8143640

Wow, thank you! I'm pretty new at cosplay so I haven't done much yet, and since I'm away at college it's hard to work on projects right now. I do have a facebook page, though, if you want to check it out. It's called Amai Emi. Thanks for your interest, it makes me so happy!

>> No.8143701

I feel if you use a lip stick that is "your lip color but better" would really help out your smile.

>> No.8143716

Well, I plan on cosplaying Mami myself someday. ^^

>> No.8143822
File: 92 KB, 333x500, cos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're so cute! do you have any makeup tutorials? I love your transformation.

(also, is pic related you too? my friend saw your post and said they met you before, lucky)

>> No.8143826

shit don't fit.

>> No.8143886
File: 278 KB, 1440x1440, 2015-02-25_02.49.33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the top right picture I'm the Lilith/the one with the red hair.

>> No.8143945

you look 100000x better with long hair. That short cut looks terrible on you, sorry.

>> No.8143953

How can people be even more dofferent than day and night.

>> No.8143959

fuckin disgusting lmao, I'm a chick.

thanks, I'm a gothshit cosmetologist

>> No.8144564
File: 222 KB, 1600x1200, keri-russell-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because of how long your mouth is and that your lips have almost uniform thickness. What's your smile look like with just a sliver of your upper row of teeth showing? It might help offset your lips.

>> No.8144576

>please be my domineering lesbian girlfriend

>> No.8144726

Hello yellow star-chan!

>> No.8144799
File: 63 KB, 1366x768, 1421051591880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Refreshingly beautiful. Thanks for posting.

>> No.8144804

just awful

>> No.8144845

You look like an edgy cunt. You'll be so embarrassed when you look back on this phase.

>> No.8144941
File: 1.60 MB, 500x281, !!!!!!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youre so cute it hurts

>> No.8144963

daddy bones

>> No.8145098


>> No.8145130

Kind of yeah, it's probably one of those special snowflake ~HUR i'm a satanist worship me~ tumblr fags

>> No.8145239
File: 487 KB, 1536x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two selfies and a cosplay pic. My makeup skills aren't that amazing, and these are the better of my cosplay makeup endeavors.

>> No.8145249
File: 14 KB, 410x470, 11004845_1056722671021095_1410157272_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello my white friends. Concerning consent at cons:

women are directly fitted for acting as the nurses and teachers of early childhood by the fact that they are themselves childish, frivolous and short-sighted. A man does not need the consent of a women as she does understand the parameters in which consent is defined. And not only that, women are deficient in artistic faculties (many of your costumes are evident of that), lack a sense of justice (prevalent man hate), and expressed opposition to monogamy. Women, by nature, are meant to obey.

>> No.8145259 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 421x473, 11007524_1056721924354503_2145734707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you were wondering, I'm a proponent for the Austrian School of economic thought. I champion voluntary exchange and personal liberties, and I have a thing for vulnerable women in anime garb.

>> No.8145353
File: 152 KB, 1119x861, 1419240511210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145359


Please go back to /pol/

>> No.8145436

He's not mentioned there. Bernanke is a popular topic on most economic discussion boards, especially when talking about M1 and M2.

>> No.8145444

im gay

>> No.8145450
File: 35 KB, 430x537, trips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8145456

please stop jacking off to Ukraine, pretty sure she think you're pig shit like everyone else on /cgl/ and /fa/

>> No.8145464

>making excuses to explain why your costume is so shit.

why didnt you just pick a more recent photo then ?

>> No.8145475
File: 146 KB, 884x666, save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernanke is the poster boy for keynesian economics

And Ron Paul's archnemesis.

>> No.8145484
File: 119 KB, 844x464, Julie-Borowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware.

>> No.8145491

they don't need threading man, they need filling in. you're still a 10/10 qt tho

>> No.8145494

You are so cute. 10/ 10 would stutter nervously to at a con.

>> No.8145496

You're so adorable!!

>> No.8145762

Holy shit he does.

>> No.8145767

new accomplishment: 4chan itfag satanist 10/10 points for me


>> No.8145780

how salty are you

>> No.8145860

Eh, I like the short hair, I just needed something easy to maintain and out of my eyes for work.

Ha, makeup and a wig does absolute wonders, sometimes I can't even believe it myself

Oh my gosh I have a nickname now

>> No.8147168
File: 740 KB, 817x424, in and out cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those pics are made in the same weekend

>> No.8147663

ahhhh thank you!! i promise if you ever see me im nice

>> No.8147877

holy shit can I have your face

it's perfect

aside from that, your cosplays are amazing

>> No.8147887

holy shit he does
... I-I have a creepy ass obsession with that Scarecrow (honestly muh heart)

I'm so sorry, Scarecrow-faced anon

>> No.8149240

Thank you!
Do..do we switch faces now?

>> No.8149252

then spitefully anonymously post about how a cgl creep raped you with his eyes at a con

>> No.8149275


>> No.8149277

I was going to ask why everyone here hates you but

>> No.8149285
File: 35 KB, 290x270, Homestuck cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people ignore you for the kitties and titties

>> No.8149288
File: 637 KB, 644x448, beforeaftercos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before and after, not perfect angle

>> No.8149296

you are so beautiful omg

>> No.8149301

agent carter cosplay candidate

>> No.8149444
File: 477 KB, 1536x1536, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really sure if this counts as cosplay, but here are my two different styles lol

>> No.8149452
File: 362 KB, 1280x720, 1395030969785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would make the perfect Lux from LOL tho

Also you're super adorable I want to hug u

>> No.8149490

>90% of cgl is cuter than you
>single hooded eyelid small lips and hourglass figure smushed down to a 5'2" person will never be kawaii

yeah I'm jel

oh no. Lurk more.

>> No.8149498

don't worry.

i'm ugly AND 90% of /cgl/ hates me

always someone worse off

>> No.8151137

>only 90%
you have a pretty high opinion of yourself there

>> No.8151138

did you get punched? you're cute but I'm worried

>> No.8151139

I like him, he and everyone who replies to him amuses me greatly. Makes him a-okay in my books.

>> No.8151141
File: 49 KB, 318x446, 1361345947233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-I- don't even like him.

That's bad.

>> No.8151155

what the hell cgl how dare you all be this cute

>> No.8151193
File: 5 KB, 252x159, aaaahhhh~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8151207

Yeah but it's no ones fault but yours that everyone hates you
I was born with muh condishun

>> No.8151400


Don't forget the 90% of /fa/ that hate you, too.

>> No.8151537
File: 497 KB, 607x543, zelda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well not the same angle, buuut mostly I just look tired and scruffy either way!

>> No.8151553

would stick dynamite in my testicles and run at you in the off chance it launches one of my sperm at you and creates beautiful babies.

>> No.8151568
File: 108 KB, 825x620, vutts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boop boop

>> No.8151573

You're familiar

>> No.8151625

this thread is a self esteem booster. almost became an hero before reading it.

>> No.8151687

Is this even real?
How do you look so different?

>> No.8151690

Damage control.

>> No.8151694

seriously. there's like 10 circlejerk threads on the front page. what the hell is going on?

>> No.8151697


>> No.8151699

Stop talking. Why do you even exist?

>> No.8151724

Because I'm your final boss.

>> No.8151828

here ya go


>> No.8151882
File: 384 KB, 720x720, PhotoGrid_1425137924072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried really hard to find a non selfie, but I'm realizing I have almost no photos of myself out of Cosplay.

I have this baby face that looks the same no matter what I do. :/

>> No.8153267

My contacts make my eyes have some decent color, and I'm really pale and have uneven skin tone, so the makeup evens it out pretty decently (although I obviously can't do makeup worth shit), and the wig really pulls it all together I think.

>tons of makeup
>also girly outfit

>> No.8153274

You look like a girl I dated.

>> No.8153695

What character is this? This is really beautiful!

>> No.8154120
File: 573 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mprkjc7jZO1sua6uyo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you so much!!
I do have an instagram, but I use it rarely, it's zombrox

>> No.8154158

I KNOW. After I got her figure I was too in love not to make it.

yes I wear my kamen rider toys out as fashion accessories. also exposed tulle. you got me.

No u :3c

ahaha noo. They are very soft however. probably comfy. Thank you <3

Thank you! It means a lot to me! I have fun getting all gussied up for cosplay.


I think Rise looks better with slim legs. But thank you!

yes that zinger was definitely worth the 6 day wait. You got me champ.

>> No.8154161

holy hell the piping on that is GORGEOUS. All the detailing is. You are really talented and pretty!

>> No.8154164
File: 16 KB, 200x380, Es-falsetto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that Anon, but it is Falsetto from Eternal Sonata.

>> No.8155021
File: 124 KB, 1024x768, pizap.com14252663403182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow so many cuties in this thread, holy shit. Guess I'll give this a shot too. Due to a recent computer crash the only cosplay picture I have is of a make up/selfie test sadly. The everyday picture however is a photo taken by a photographer friend of mine so it gets a sorta half point for not being a selfie, but sadly not the right angle. Oh well
Still loving this thread. Love seeing how magical people are with their make up skills

>> No.8155028
File: 65 KB, 720x960, 405890_10151184790590022_1817635500_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized I'm wearing contacts and one of my shorter wigs in the everyday shot. So I have to use different photo instead, which is a selfie so not even half a point there.

>> No.8155055

Oh god, teach me your piping secrets because that looks flawless.

>> No.8155139

>so many cuties in this thread

You just added one more to the bandwagon.

>> No.8155235

I'd give you a daddy bone

>> No.8155260
File: 166 KB, 979x640, makeup differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left is a cosplay, right is a lolita look, but the makeup itself on the right is also my basic everyday makeup.

>> No.8155270

I saw your Falsetto some time ago and I loved it! I always wanted to do her, but yours is awesome

>> No.8156039 [DELETED] 

If you're that little Schierke pls trip

>> No.8156418
File: 202 KB, 600x375, 1410057416317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, all of you are beautiful and cute. That's just not fair.
>tfw only crossplay as guy characters because I'm not pretty enough to cosplay girls

>> No.8156423

I know that feel anon. You're not alone.

>> No.8156496
File: 811 KB, 816x576, pleasedontlooktooclose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was really hard for me, I don't have many full photos of a lot of my favourite cosplays nor do I have many photos that aren't selfies, especially me outside of cosplay.

>> No.8156503

>all these naturally pretty girls
Haha. I-I wasn't going to post a picture anyway...I don't have any...

>> No.8156514 [DELETED] 
File: 1.08 MB, 1169x449, transfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8156626
File: 1.38 MB, 2047x1699, collage_20150302230618639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow seagulls, you sure are cute! loving the transformations, especially ones where the person becomes almost unrecognizable.

>> No.8156661

What the actual fuck are your eyebrows?

>> No.8156664

I like them
mostly in the first pic
still look better than my caterpillars tho

>> No.8156667

They are pretty strange.
I guess it's cool

>> No.8157035

They say that the bones in your face don't finish settling in until around your mid-twenties. Is that true. Do I still have time to magically become pretty

>> No.8157323

I hope so
>I might still have time

>> No.8157350
File: 530 KB, 1080x720, 20150301_161805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wear makeup on the daily so here's what I normally look like vs. cosplay/event makeup

>> No.8157371

I want those metal nail caps!!

>> No.8157391

Holy shit it's SM. Haven't seen you on here in like...forever! How's life been?

>> No.8157586
File: 1.21 MB, 620x1216, cosplaycomparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even though thread is on auto sage, here we go!
I also don't have many full body pictures of me casual so this is the best I could find.

>> No.8157608


No wonder white men are leaving white women for Asian girls.

>> No.8157623


>> No.8157753


I don't think he's being "nasty". You overreacted.

EB is a cute chubster in my opinion. I would totally keep her in a room in my house and enjoy her body from time to time, plus, I hear she's pretty slutty.

>> No.8157951


Ah! I lost internet for a few days. Thank you annons.
The piping was a learning process. It's a gold vinyl, cut on the straight. To sew it I had to put tape on my presser foot and sew with the pins parallel to the piping and facing down on the bed of the machine. It was not fun! I found out a few months later that a water based lube works a lot better for sewing vinyl than scotch tape on the presser foot which had to be changed every 2 feet or so! Oh well, I'll know next time.

>> No.8157957

Jealous of your superior side shave.

>> No.8159067

I got them here! https://www.etsy.com/shop/JekyllHydeJewelry?section_id=12409241&ref=shopsection_leftnav_1

haha yeah!! I haven't been on here in ages. Mostly being a boring adult and working a lot. Much less time for cons and cosplay but I prefer doing private shoots nowadays whenever there's free time!

>> No.8160241

Please do Scarecrow. I never see good cosplays of him, let alone male cosplayers.

>> No.8160376

the samefag is unreal