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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8133739 No.8133739 [Reply] [Original]

New suggestion thread

>> No.8133741
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>> No.8133877
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Is the last one even saging yet?
Anyway, some notes:
>Looking for over the top props/costumes (but must still be realistically wearable)
>Time is not currently a issue so gimmie whatever you got.
>I have no tits and a giant scar on one so no G-cup anime breasts unless I can cover up three bras and cutlets
>No videogames, but League of Legends and Nintendo stuff is okay (as per fiance's request)
>Never done armor but considering trying it out

Kyoya from Ouran Host Club

Since there's only one person so far, I'll stick around and keep suggesting

>> No.8133888
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Wow you are so pretty, I would love to see you as either Sakizou options!

>> No.8133893

gordon freeman

>> No.8133921
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First time posting my face on /cgl/, be gentle.


#2 is really pretty. Yuko from xxxHolic has some complicated outfits if you can pull off dark hair.

My first thought was Mia Faye from Phoenix Wright.

>> No.8133928
File: 2.77 MB, 2188x1412, suggestions please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oichi Sengoku Basara
Shinichi Izumi Parasyte
Farisu Steins Gate
Scarlet Space Dandy

>> No.8134003

Definitely Elise.. Shirahosi would be my #2. The headpiece on Elise with no upper backside to support it will be a challenge imo...

for some reason your face screams haruhi to me... take that as you will

Beatrice for sure! And post that facebook page so we can see works in progress :P

your hair and expression naturally matches akiuro, so i'd go with that if you're looking for something easy, lelouch zero if you're looking for more of a challenge

>> No.8134018

You are gonna be a great Hei and Harlock, oh wow.

>> No.8134102
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rintarou okabe, absolutely.


actually, i think you'd make a great sakura. if not, cerise hood.

#3 for sure!

lucy from fairy tail? your big brown eyes definitely remind me of her

>> No.8134113

you definitely have the build and look for sailor saturn, hopefully you'll do a good job and not a measly half-bought costume or full bought one. :D

>> No.8134151
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Counter-terrorist with p90
something asian, just follow ya ya's lead.

>> No.8134413

OP here to do my suggestion awhile.

I think Peridot is a pretty good fit. The white wig makes me think of Weiss Schnee.
Like another anon said, Haruhi Suzumiya would be a good cosplay for you.
Judging on your cosplay ideas I think you'd make a good Ibuki Mioda.
Definitely do Lelouch or Aikuro.
Senshumaru would be pretty bad ass. Maybe even sui-feng.
I'm not sure why, but I think you'd make for a great Dandy from space dandy, or Lupin.

>> No.8134424 [DELETED] 

Seconding Lucy heartfilia

>> No.8134443

Damn, I've been slacking, I got get ready for one of dem dere anime conventions here in 2 months, and I need a second cosplay! Preferably something easier since there's not a lot of time left.

Definitely #2
Kanako from 2hu
Princess asseylum from aldnoah zero
Lelouch for sure man
Akane psycho pass

>> No.8134444
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Well, it really helps if I post a picture, doesn't it?

>> No.8134637

>no video games
>ashe, elise

>> No.8134933

Sarah from Labyrinth
I think your face fits Beatrice very well
Aikuro or the little emo who from Horton hears a who
O-ren Ishii
Anything by Alan Cumming. Like nightcrawler or his character in spy kids
Any superhero really. If you want to show off your body and be funny, you could do one of the designs of male superheroes redesigned with female costume standards.
They're the only things my fiancé will cosplay. He's not into anime and I'm not into gaming so that makes it hard to cosplay together

>> No.8134936
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Raging Raven from Metal Gear Solid 4
I think you'd make a nice Belle from Beauty and the Beast, may be a tad overdone mind you, but I think you'd suit her.
Honey from Space Dandy
Probably the Jacket cosplay and hair combo that's making me think Nick from lollipop chainsaw but now I can't get that out of my head.

>> No.8134940

>nothing that reveals chest/legs.
Whoops, bad suggestion. Elf from Dragon's Crown could be good.

>> No.8135419
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reposting from the last thread
i really like cute and elaborate stuff, but i'm fairly tall so most of those combinations don't work. any suggestions would be rad.

yuuko from xxxholic
aikuro or lelouch
i think you'd make a hella cute sakura but if not monster high would be good too
sarah from labyrinth or dr girlfriend
i love you for sakizou, maybe do one of the extravagant ones, but out of the two you put i think peridot would be great
gordon freeman
anything in spandex or dante

>> No.8135424
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How about this?

>> No.8135451
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Confirmed for this year so far:
Wolf Armor Sokka
Kyoryu Green (MMPR - Dino Charge)

Go as Mr. Freeman's Pikachu
That'd be awesome.
I ain't even botha with this b, u no wat u doin
Go as Cutesy.
Orrrr.....shit you could do a lot.
Haruhi from OHSHC or Haruhi Suzumiya.
>nonon waifu
>heavy breathing
Yo nigga you're perf with your suggestion list,I can't even add on to it.
Main girl from Heavenly Sword.
I forgot her name....
Something about your first picture reminds me of something I can't recall..
I mean Vash obviously, but something else /v/ related.
HHHNNNNGGGGHHHHHtwo girls, I'm defaulting to one of the Madoka pairings.

>> No.8135550

bump because these are my favorite threads

>> No.8135565
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favorite threads

Go for Okabe
hard to judge without normal pictures where you're not in cosplay but I'm gonna give you birdy from birdy the mighty!
tea from yugioh:duel monsters
go for sakura!
hey mofucker I'm doing drill hand simon. that said i say go for lelouch.
nigga u naked
balalaika from black lagoon hell ya

>> No.8135586
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I would be really happy if people picked a 2hu and a Dangan Ronpa character they think I would suit! I hope my giant text isn't too obnoxious.
Seconding Gordon Freeman
I like the Sakizou options, especially Peridot, but for a character with a complicated outfit maybe someone from Adekan?
Thirding Sarah from Laybrinth!
Beatrice looks like a good fit, and if you like CLAMP maybe try Umi from Rayearth!
Harlock like everyone else said, but I also think Aikuro is a really good fit.
Senshumaru, but your face reminds me of the xxxHolic art style, so maybe something from there.
Almost any Western comic book character, like Human Torch
Hawkeye from the Matt Fraction series, easy and you have an okay face for it
Ms. America and Kate Bishop from Young Avengers, Utena and Anthy, sailor Uranus and Neptune, Lulu and Ginkgo from Yurikuma Arashi
Lissa or Mamini

>> No.8135615

the purple hair girl with glasses from dr

>> No.8135622

Holy fuck please do Chrom

>> No.8135629
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>this me
Hey bro first your Kamina is really good, probably one of the better ones I seen. Second I said I was going to do Simon since this >>8006429 suggestion thread. My drill even gonna glow.

Also Uzu Sanageyama from Kill la Kill

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa from Soul Eater

Saito from Ghost in shell

Saber from Fate Zero

Panty and Stockings

Yukimura Sanada Sengoku Basara

Fuu from Champloo

>> No.8135634

I'm doing him for Sakura con, I'm mega stoked!
thanks brah! I was just pulling your leg. We're both gonna do great simons.

>> No.8135648
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Hell Yeah brah!

>> No.8135675
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lay it on me guys

>> No.8135710

Make suggestions, please.

>> No.8135739

right... whoops almost forgot that!

Id say go for hei but thats just me.

with abs like that Dante comes to mind pretty quick but really anything that lets you show off what you have is a good option.

Asami from legend of kora

id stay away from gamora if you can, Full body makeup is a pain in the ass and while some people use armsocks and they'll look decent, the keyword is decent. it wont look great.

Cecile From Welcome to Night Vale

>> No.8135742

Gillian or anything suggested for >>8134151

>> No.8135835
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stein from soul eater

Miss fortune

the protagonist from kill la kill ?



Someone from free.


>> No.8135989


>> No.8136667

I feel like Ukyoo Is a really good fit for you

>> No.8137164
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these thread die pretty fast don't they ?

>> No.8137283

This one is moving even more slowly than usual

>> No.8137479

Maybe people are tired of getting their own suggestions back at them...

>> No.8137694

Every fucking time.

>> No.8137868
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>but something else /v/ related.


>> No.8138698


>> No.8138737

Mang, it's been forever since I posted in one of these, and I could really use suggestions, but my computer is broken and all I have is shit selfies.
Soon, tho

>> No.8138898

This is a sad, sad thread

>> No.8139485
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Okarin / 10

Gero might be a good fit

Tsubaki seconded

I'm not well read enough to suggest anything other than kamina but damn I'm mirin

>> No.8139825
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jaina proudmoore


honey lemon

Chell from Portal


nudist beach guys from KLK. any of them.


corset elizabeth from bioshock!

Zero from Grand Budapest. You're a bit too buff but you're still enough of a manlet.

Mabel from Gravity Falls

Find yourself a grill and do the Lutece Twins

11th doctor, do it right and you'll be covered in thirsty tumblr girls

>> No.8139922
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Lisa Lisa from JJBA

Gaius from Fire Emblem Awakening

Owain from Fire Emblem Awakening

Sakuya Izayoi, Mikan Tsumiki

pls be chrom

Marie Antoinette from Rose of Versailles, anything Sakizo, Godoka, Ashlotte from Soul Calibur

Yukari from Paradise Kiss

Trinity Blood characters, some of the manga cover illustrations of Kuranosuke from Kuragehime are pretty elaborate, Gabriel from Shingeki no Bahamut

Sento from Amagi Brilliant Park, Amy from Soul Calibur

>> No.8139929

(accidentally green texted oops)
Marie Antoinette from Rose of Versailles, anything Sakizo, Godoka, Ashlotte from Soul Calibur

>> No.8140766
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>> No.8140797
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creamy mami maybe??? if you modify it
kirihime natsuno
dog and scissors
the mom from tohou pls
or shutara

>> No.8140934
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Yoko Ritona
OMFG you look like Carl TWD
Vash the Stampede Trigun
I look at your face and i think bayonetta~
gosh you'd do a great chrom

>> No.8141015
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Libra from FE:A
Maybe Johnny Joestar.. not really closet cosplay though
Bolin and Opal
You'd be such a cute Hanayo, maybe the SR kimono or the wedding outfit for something intricate.
More FE but Gaius
Hard to say from those pictures. Maybe one of the Yurikuma girls.
LISA LISA hot mom

>> No.8141087

Will people bully itt if a fat girl posts?
I want suggestions, but I really don't need people recommending me dumb shit like Ursula; not that I'm hamplanet tier anyway.
I'd just be asking for relatively conservative cosplays loosely based on my facial aesthetic/height/personal crafting ability.

Curiosity is getting the better of me since I haven't cosplayed in over four years.

>> No.8141124

Most of the people who post here arn't dickwads like that. Post away and I'll guarantee you'll get honest suggestions.

>> No.8141126


>> No.8141186

I'd recommend you what characters you most look like, taking all physical features into account.

If my suggestions offend you, that's your problem, not mine.

>> No.8141509

thanks! that's fine with me
doing chrom at sakura! My suggestion is lissa!
ahh, a tharja cosplayer thanks! i am getting a lot people saying id be a good chrom, so i hope i actually do haha. i suggest stocking but it could be just because you rock straight bangs well!

>> No.8141574

Aaww thanx, i like stocking and don't worry you will totally rock chrom :-)

>> No.8141609
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>> No.8141860

if you're fat u'll get fat characters as suggestions. if it displeases you just go lose some weight.

>> No.8141922

I might consider it in future threads because now anons will be thirsty to shit on me if I post now. They think I'm trying to say "No fat characters pls" when I'm actually saying "Don't be cunts and compare me to a 300 pound octodrag queen because I'm a bit overweight."

Thank you for the honest reply.

>> No.8142001
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Uu Tan from Rolling girls!!

Pleeease do Kat Dennings from Two Broke girls

Hide, Tokyo Ghoul

Keyori >_> *cough

I think you would rock a Fem Jayce from LOL

Fairy pls

>> No.8142137

Lisa lisa yes¡ for you i suggest mei from another and yui from k-on <3
You mean Max¿?TBG :-) foryou i suggest tony stark and doctor strange will be awesome for you

>> No.8142721
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I've never did cosplaying before and want to start it because my fiance is really into it, pls /cgl/ help me with some kick ass suggestions

Drill fist Simon would be an excellent choice

Azazel, damn mirin beard

Harlock or Alucard

>> No.8142760

No problem. Hopefully you have some luck getting good suggests.

>> No.8142780

I think you have some body image issues. You're already an average to slim size and you definitely are not large enough for Kurumi.

>> No.8142942
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>want to participate
>too scared to post face

what do

>> No.8142951

Post body and censor your face

>> No.8142962

I was thinking about doing that, but I feel like facial features are quite relevant to find a fitting character to cosplay as.

>> No.8143377

Then don't >.>

>> No.8143434

Just act natural. Nobody is gonna say anything mean unless you give them a reason to.

>> No.8143662
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>> No.8143711

You have to give to get suggestions

>> No.8143750
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Posting suggestions in a sec

>> No.8143757

Well shit man, all of those would be a great idea, but take Maki Nishikino and Momoka Sonokawa into consideration.

>> No.8143780

Get a little bit thicker and you could look like Bolin from LoK
You would make a great Jinx
Handsome Jack
Ichigo from Bleack 8)
That brown dude from Coboy Bebop
Homura Akemi
Ron from Kim Possible
The lingerie dude from Boku Girl
You are super cute, Akari from Yuru Yuri

>> No.8143789

doing more, just trying to think what the rest of you could be...

>> No.8143792
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>> No.8143794

Mahiru Koizumi or Nonon Jakuzure

>> No.8143827

Satsuki Kiryuin
L from Death Note, Franken stein from Soul Eater
Kuvira from LoK
Vi from LoL
Margaery Tyrell from GoT
Mako from LoK

>> No.8143846

thank you!

>> No.8144184

thanks for the suggestion. I've yet to watch LoK
I think you'd make an awesome kurisu from steins;gate

>> No.8145779
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chibodee from g gundam
Yuri from Revolutionary girl utena
Chiho from maou sama
Mars from sailor moon
Ginko from Yurikuma

>> No.8145781

I kinda want you to do Hermes but you'd have to master make up and contouring and it'd be perfect

>> No.8145828

Thats some of the things which has been keeping me form it
I know this amazing Jolyne cosplayer who i really want to cosplay with
but i am scared my skills wont do jojo justice
But thank you!

>> No.8145994
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who would I be able to cosplay as?

>> No.8146003

If you wan suggestions for yourself, give suggestions to others.

>> No.8146004
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>> No.8146057
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Fixed up my list since a few threads ago, still looking for suggestions for this summer!
Carousel is absolutely gorgeous.
Akali. I'm not sure if Sailor Saturn would suit you because your face is more mature.
Yayoi or Miki from Idolm@ster?

>> No.8146078

kobe bryant

>> No.8146120

Oh sorry
I can see you doing Shinpachi from gintama
You could do windranger from dota 2
Juggernaut from dota 2 with your body type
I wonder how'd you look like cosplaying Kagura from gintama

>> No.8146124
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>> No.8146137

Practice make up at home for fun, that's how my cat eye eyeliner skills grew stronger each time.

I'm pretty sure if you put some effort into it you'll be a gorgeous Hermes, you already have some features that might enhance the main aspect of the character! Don't give up on me anon!

>> No.8146184


Baki Hanma

>> No.8146196
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>> No.8147350

heh thank you Anon i wont !

>> No.8149065

>zero from grand buttfuck hotel
....I....I debated that before.

>> No.8149078

Fucking this>>8146120

Literally perfect Jugg body right there.

>> No.8149100

Now he's thirsting for guys.

>> No.8149151
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>> No.8149154

Please give suggestions to others if you would like others to give suggestions to you.

>> No.8149162

Oh, sorry. I am new here.

Zitara from DC comics

Alice in Wonderland

Literally any anime character. You have the round face for it.

Robin from Batman or Peter Parker. Maybe Lelouche from CG.

Thor. Or the Australian dude from Free!

The Mandarin?

>> No.8149172

someone's a fake nerd boy.

>> No.8149377
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Tenya IIda

Blood Moon Elise

My gf



>> No.8149426

Please please do it. Find a gril and have her be agatha. Carry around Mendls boxes or maybe even a shitty framed Boy with Apple.

Do it for me, anon.

>> No.8149432

Meant to reply to

>> No.8149572 [DELETED] 
File: 1.66 MB, 2189x974, suggestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting again since i decided to not cosplay for pax. looking to go to fanime and ax this year

>> No.8149588
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serara would be cute.
keanu reeves
seconding john snow. or instead of ganju, maybe the first arrancar?
if you're down for another league cosplay, you should do graves.
your hair reminds me of hajime from gatchaman crowds

man sorry for poop suggestions i'm blanking out.

>> No.8151719


>> No.8151822

You should do Lin from spirited away!

>> No.8152624

I'm in a dilemma here, not sure where to ask. I already have the costume I want to wear finished 7 months in advance. I was also thinking I should make another costume so I can do a ballet skit at the con masquerade. Thing is, I don't know many characters that are ballet dancers... The ones I do know have incredibly flat chests/are very skinny and short with revealing outfits.

>> No.8152761

yooo a fellow ballet dancer
I did imp Midna from Twilight Princess with pointe shoes, and they really helped with posing and making her look crow-like and floaty. She has a pretty curvy figure if you're interested.
There's always Princess Tutu of course, and you can always cosplay one of the male characters if you want something non-revealing.
Kaleido Star is kind of similar? It's trapeze, but they do a lot of dance work in the anime.
Sakizo has quite a few artworks of characters wearing pointe and ballet shoes, but they're not really "characters."
If you're looking for specifically pointe shoe/ floaty characters, you can use them for Aigis from Persona 3, Airy from Bravely Default, The Young Lady from Transistor, etc.
Also, you should just use the ballet as kind of a method of storytelling rather than just restricting yourself to "characters that do ballet" i think? It would be a lot more interesting and unique imo.

>> No.8152776

Damn anon that is hella helpful. I would have never thought of using pointe shoes to help with posing. Midna sounds PERFECT.

>> No.8153049
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I've been meaning to do one of these for a while!! I'm very open to new suggestions

the red haired girl from love live...rin, i think?
i could definitely see you as toji
thor, if superheros are your thing
Satsuki!! (klk haha)
oh!!! oh, haru from tsuritama!
i think you'd be really lovely as opal from legend of korra, even if its not very fancy
you'd make a really great beatrice (otgw)!!
wakaba shinohara, maybe?

>> No.8153437

No problem! Cosplu is a+ way to use up dead pointe shoes.
If you're also making a pointe shoe midna I'm super excited to see the progress/result!

Child of Light, Ringo from Mawaru Penguindrum, Hajime from Gatchaman Crowds, Fon Master Ion from Tales of the Abyss

aaaa I'm so excited to see you cosplay Ginko! Aurora/Norah from Child of Light,
Princess Latifa from Amagi Brilliant Park

Lal'C from Diebuster plspls, Menma from Ano Hana, Elena or Naru from Eureka 7 ao, Strength from BRS (a bit of construction for the arms tho)
Juri from Utena, Mine Fujiko from Lupin III
Paula from Earthbound, Himari from Mawaru Penguidrum
Punpun from Oyasumi Punpun is a good first time cosplay if you figure out the head correctly. His form in the later chapters is cosplayable.

Asseylum from Aldnoah Zero, Tycho from Diebuster

>> No.8153456
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You'd be a great Akihiko Sanada from Persona 4 Arena
You have a really playful face so maybe Sera from DA:Inquisition?
I really need to see you do Link from literally any Legend of Zelda game
D. Totally D.
You have such a sweet face. You can't go wrong with Princess Serenity and Tuxedo Mask.
You're so cute. I have a need that can only be filled with you as a magical girl so I'm going to suggest Madoka on that principal.

>> No.8153510

I imagined Sailor Saturn right away!
Annie from LoL

>> No.8153582

bumping for the people with very few suggestions

>> No.8153827

I have actually already done juri so i am happy you suggested it! it makes me feel more confident in that cosplay.

>> No.8153851

Aoi from Dangan Ronpa
Bunny from g Gundam

>> No.8154102
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I think you'd make a nice Katniss personally

You have a really cute face for Opal, I think you'd also be a cute Tomoko from Watamote

Ahhh you'd be a perfect Ginko, so cute

Stein would be a really good costume for you (bonus, you get to wear glasses for it)

You'd be an adorable Serara, I also think you'd be cute as Emi from "The Devil is a Part Timer"

>> No.8154168

you would be super cute as Mercedes from Odin Sphere!

>> No.8154170
File: 361 KB, 1280x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6ft 170 lbs

>> No.8154190

Are you mentally challenged good sir? Im just going to assume you are trolling and will not make the obvious point that you need to use the template and give atleast 4 or 5 suggestions to others. Oh shit i did it anyway.

>> No.8154197

I honestly don't understand why people don't at least attempt to suggest to others. It's not a hard concept

>> No.8154256

>not fat
anon dont kiss her ass
youre pretty fat/butterfaced
stick to fat loli characters
not slim enough for male ones

>> No.8154508

Scheherazade from Magi, Pyrrha from Soul Calibur, Edna from Tales of Zestiria
I was literally going to immediately suggest Mercedes from odin sphere omg

>> No.8154638
File: 1.06 MB, 2178x1107, I hate my face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wear a flannel and get a sundress wearing gf

I'm interested in how you'd do a Thalmor, but Mercedes from Odin Sphere would be fitting

I think you'd be perfect for Ty Lee.

Stein, just because of the benefit of having glasses already.

I'd throw my vote in Aveline

>> No.8155348

Seconding >>8154638
Aveline would be interesting. You have a cute face and hers is pretty tough. I'd be interested to see how you go.

>> No.8155502
File: 374 KB, 2188x981, CGL_suggestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm thinking Chrom


Woah, Alesha would be cool

Ganju Shiba

Toji. Absolutely Toji

>> No.8155556

im voting alex mercer
sailor uranus would look great
you should so a disney princess like merida
you should do something from lotr :)

>> No.8155622


>> No.8155627

Please do Amuro you fit him perfectly!

>> No.8155636

Seconding, Disney Princess Merida!

>> No.8155663

Aizen w/ glasses maybe?

>> No.8155721


>> No.8156463

My husband and I have recently both had an increase in income and have been able to quit our 2nd jobs, so we have some extra time on our hands. We're interested in getting into cosplay. He's a big sci-fi and fantasy nerd, and I know some basic seamstressing, so I think it would be fun.

We're having trouble deciding on two things; a first costume and a first con. We live in Western NY. We are both distance runners with thin builds.

He is 6'0, 145#, I am 5'5, 105#. Both blond. We are thinking either Jack and Sally, Alice and the Mad Hatter, Alice and the Cheshire Cat, or Edward Elric and Winry Rockbell.

Are there any obvious reasons to do or not do any of the above costumes, and are there any good cons near Western NY? I'm assuming something in NYC is our best bet. Thanks for any help!

>> No.8157540

This is a suggestions thread. You have to give some to get some. There's also a template there. Use it

>> No.8157669

this thread seems really slow

>> No.8157673
File: 1.27 MB, 2189x1024, toolazyforfullbodypic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, new to cosplay and /cgl/ so sorry if I accidentally step on any toes or anything.

Armuro, definitely! A 6 ft Naota would be fun too lmao

Feeling Alex Mercer



I think you'd be a great Kiki

Jinxie Tenma

I see the Medic in you

>> No.8158253


>> No.8158715

I'd love to see a good Takizawa Cosplay!

>> No.8159567
File: 648 KB, 2264x1096, 1424473906816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

censored my photo devices for fun,forgot to undo it before I saved
BROTHA, hop on it and get a head start for next time
Stein- Soul Eater, kinda dated but its still good
I say it a lot but Chaika- Chaika Coffin Princess
you're a big guy
Yukikaze- Kantai Collection
Chiyo Sakura- Nozaki kun <--- easy modo
Mako- Kilra killru
Rikka gothic outfit-Chuunibyou
Yoshino- Data A Live
The Strangest Doctor
Liquid Snake.....or DIO- Jojo
Archer Elf -Dragons Crown
Shana-Shakugan no Shana
Hex Maniac- Pokemanz
Kuro- Prisma Illya?
Izuna -NGNL
Hard to narrow it down, you have alot of options with your complexion
right off the bat, Samus,Zelda or Rosalina

>> No.8161282
File: 1.88 MB, 2189x974, suggestions for cosplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am basically albino so all my cosplay ideas are pale blond guys, but I'm pretty ugly so I'm trying to avoid the anime pale blond boy trope

At first I thought #1 was Amelia from Slayers, which would be a great cosplay for you

Seconding Nick from Lollipop Chainsaw

Dante, or most scaling macho to edgy video game characters really


Edward Kenway

>> No.8161357

Pretty convinced you were born to cosplay Prince Lir

>> No.8161443

yo you fuckboy you've gotta do either Kars-sama or Dio from Jojo

>> No.8165033
File: 1.70 MB, 2188x976, cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a while since I have done this!

Newt from the Maze Runner
Shiro Fujimoto from Ao No Exorcist
Mikhail Blanc from Macross Frontier
Tyki Mikk from D.Gray-man
Bolin from Avatar The Legend of Korra
Himari Takakura from Penguindrum
Merida from Brave
My vote goes to Eijun.
Shimeji from Fantasista Doll
Sasaki Haise from Tokyo Ghoul

>> No.8165037

i sense that you're anime only

>> No.8165047
File: 31 KB, 460x656, 479da7c93ba3015c7d9df99c8f6d16f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8165378
File: 1.74 MB, 2189x974, cosplay image tracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8165411

You could make a pretty good Aranea Serket. Only if you don;t mind homestucks

>> No.8165466

lelouch! or keima from world god only knows

>> No.8165515

Now i feel old anon.
try yuuki yuna, its rather recent.

>> No.8165820

wanna make some suggestions?? those are sorta the rules so....

>> No.8166042


>> No.8166199

>you're a big guy

for you

>> No.8166285


go away /fit/-sama

>> No.8166622 [DELETED] 
File: 723 KB, 800x974, Cosplay suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kinda the first time I've ever done anything on /cgl/ and I've only cosplayed once before. Sorry for future fuck ups. Thank you lots for suggestions!!

>> No.8166629

Suggest for others to get suggestions.

>> No.8166948
File: 473 KB, 2189x987, 1424473906816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, that wasn't there when saving from the editor. Please excuse the misplaced text in the middle.
; w ;

>> No.8167256

Please suggest to others if you want suggestions

>> No.8168363
File: 197 KB, 790x1592, lilith-xedge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're okay w/ game characters then Lilith from Darkstalkers!

>> No.8168750
File: 184 KB, 700x790, New-long-Taro-purple-Wavy-fashion-wigs[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a wig similar to this and I want to use it for something, suggestions? Im also short. (160cm)

Juuzou Suzuya
Aoi Asahina
Mitsuki Nase
Kou Matsuoka
Mikan Tsumiki

>> No.8168759

... is her belly button really only a few inches below her nipples?

>> No.8168776

uuh no? her belly button isn't in the photo anywhere. the cut of the leotard is really really high and there's a boob window, but the rest of the proportions are fine.

>> No.8169344

Even EVANGELION anatomy is more accurate than that, christ.

>> No.8169407

so is that not you? because we cant do shit of we dont know what you look like.

>> No.8169506

Uh no that's not me.
Im not asking for character suggestion by face anyways, but wig.

>> No.8171255

not that anon but the skinniest part of her torso is her underbust, which makes that appear to be her waist/ where her bellybutton would be. the taper should go down to slightly lower than the leotard cut to be correct anatomy.

>> No.8172065
File: 398 KB, 2189x974, cosplay ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime or video games please. I'm stuck between Shiroe and Roe2, but I'm definitely doing one of them. Any other suggestions would be wonderful, though.

You have such a cute face. Sakura Kinomoto, specifically the green jester outfit. Your friend could either go Sakura with you and do a different outfit or she could be your Tomoyo.

Any of Kei's outfits, Moyashimon. You would look perfect.

Jinxie please. Please.

Between Sawamura and Haruichi, definitely Haruichi. You have cute lips that fit him.

You would be perfect for Holly Jones from Heroman. If you know any short babyfaces, make them your Joey.

>> No.8172246

gonna agree with
stick to fat characters, youre fat as it is anon.

>> No.8172290
File: 482 KB, 2189x974, suggestions grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm prepping for my area's con in july and I would love suggestions!

>> No.8172378

You need to suggest characters to others if you want some suggestions! Read before you post! ( ゚Д゚)㌦ァ!!

>> No.8172422

Oh I knew I was forgetting something! I've been up too long so I completely forgot, so please forgive me.
>>8166948 You seem like you would be a good Fuyumi from Lemon Angel Project
>>8154638 I think you would make a great l4d hunter
>>8149588 Niko from Love Live or perhaps Eclair from Dog Days
>>8168750 Shion from GJ-bu is the only one that comes to mind right now
>>8161282 If you're up for a creepier character Cole from DA: Inquisition would be fantastic for you.

>> No.8172553
File: 1.87 MB, 2189x974, 1424473906816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you could do a wonderful Makoto with the right wig!
Mawaru buddies for life! Pleaaase do princess you have the perfect himari face and body!
You would make an adorable Mirai Kuriyama from Kyoukai no Kanata!
Azazel, your beard just needs a bit of a trim and you'd be perfect!
Please don't hate me but I could see you pulling off an amazing Satou from Welcome to the NHK. It's a simple costume so would be good for a first time cosplay too! Just might not be very recognizable without props.
Yes please to some Log Horizon cosplay! If you could find a Henrietta, I think you'd make an
amazing Marielle!
Yeees moar mawaru cosplayers MOOAR mwahaha. Sorry haha please come to Fanime if you do Natsume she's so under cosplayed!
Michiko from Michiko to hatchin!
Omg please cosplay some hot bear lesbians.. I mean do Ginkgo and Lulu with your friend!

>> No.8173048

Wait, holy shit, are you the cheeki Breeki from Comicon in Stockholm last year? Fucking made my day you did!

>> No.8174678

Imminent first-time poster here. How should I take my measurements? And what kind of self-pics are best?
sorry for stupid questions

>> No.8175269
File: 98 KB, 745x602, Size chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better to ask then to make a thread for yourself.

>> No.8175292

hey this is me! thanks so much for your suggestions everyone!

thats so sweet of you to say, thanks so much! and i havent seen that show yet but i might in the future? i think you'd be great as julie kane from motorcity

thank you! im thinking mike chilton (sorry im on a motorcity kick) and maybe bolin from lok?

god, cosplaying a sailor scout is the dream but i never thought sailor uranus? im flattered

baratheon would be perfect. also link

IM YELLING PLEASE DO EIJUN. you have a great nose for him and id love to see more daiya cosplayers. i also think you'd be a really pretty asami

"cute lips" oh my god thats such a nice thing to say.. thank you! youd be great as sailor jupiter, and maybe nanami kiryuu?

lit all your ideas would be great. i feel like you would be even better as queen cordelia, but any cuqu cosplay is a good one

>> No.8175293

Self pics that work best are ones that aren't at a weird "artsy" angle, show your face clearly and body pics that are recent and don't have clothes that make your figure look different. Eg corsets.

>> No.8175959
File: 1.25 MB, 2189x974, Naamloos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mawaru Penguin
drum/Final Fantasy X
That girl from Lovelive

>> No.8176001
File: 153 KB, 655x630, zyNCf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mereb is that you?

>> No.8176461

That's what I thought.
Uh... not sure which measurements of this are the ones requested by the template in OP, though.
Do people even read those? I'm noticing that a lot of people leave it blank....
>show your face clearly

>> No.8177143

lookit all these fuckin nerds

>> No.8177338

Do you have cosplay page or something? I would love to follow you!

>> No.8177693

(hey this is the same person btw!) and i wish!! I've been meaning to set up a fb page but never got around to it. But that's so sweet of you to say!

>> No.8177983
File: 534 KB, 2189x974, 1424473906816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cover your face and you'd be fine, god damn you're an ugly shit
God damn, see above
You should go as the planet vegeta that way you'd be too scared to go near a freezer again.
Go as a spooky skeleton, do you live with my last reply?
Go as angry underage faggot

>> No.8178058

Wow dude you've got some courage being such a fucking douche considering you're a butterface hambeast.

>> No.8178062

Cosplay a piece of shit. It wont be hard for you.

>> No.8178226

You look like you'd rape someone and then get away with it because you're a momma's boy

>> No.8178346

gtfo fratboy

>> No.8178568

>that dumbfounded, pimply face with middle school mustache
>shit tier taste


>> No.8178933

I love you all.

>> No.8178967
File: 1.90 MB, 2172x988, bluuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go as vega(claw) or /v/ either way wear a mask
Gwen stacy
stein from soul eater
Rapunzel and the guy from it
yuna final fantasy
amethyst steven universe
Haruko flcl

>> No.8179295

Shit man, you'd make a good Yashhiro Hagakure.

>> No.8179422
File: 87 KB, 606x586, 1426261397844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any ideas for a group cosplay consisting of
>2-3 girls
>4-7 guys
some people might flake like always so Im leaving some room to work with
only 3 of us have real experience with cosplay the others are new btw

pic unrelated, only thing I have in my phone.

>> No.8179842

You remind me of Kaname Tosen from Bleach for some reason

Superhero groups would probably be a good idea.

>> No.8179860

Says the neet

>> No.8179879


Come on mang.

>> No.8180070

You'd look awesome as Bishop from Xmen Days of Future Past

>> No.8180073
File: 40 KB, 540x498, 1424147557547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think things like this are rather funny

>> No.8180079

>bishop from x-men
Fucking filmfags.

>> No.8180089
File: 38 KB, 365x450, ohohoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xmen movie from 2014

>> No.8181553

I think you're rather stupid.

>> No.8181724

I think you are always in the kitchen at parties.

>> No.8182389

fuck yea man
glad you had a fun time

>> No.8184097

Yo man wtf is that planet one supposed to even mean? Don't try to be clever and just cosplay something that covers your face pubes

>> No.8186156
File: 527 KB, 2188x992, AquariumEvent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna say Nick from Lollipop Chainsaw >>8134444
Whatever the hell you want man shit...but I will second (and third) Dante, if you want an original idea....fucking Namor? I dunno, just don't led your abs NOT be showing
Your eyes scream Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. Perhaps you and your friend could do two of her costumes?

>> No.8186159

PRINCESS JELLYFISH! Tsukimi would be so dang cute on you

>> No.8186197
File: 888 KB, 480x270, mao.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Demon King Mao

>> No.8186371
File: 458 KB, 2189x974, umgah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time posting, how do I do this?

>> No.8186389

>>8186371 <This is me, but I think I get it
Katherine from Catherine, you have the serious look going so I though it'd fit.
You could do a Gin Ichimaru from Bleach, you have the slim face for it.
With your dreads you could do a killer Xaldin from KH 2.
Mikan Tsumiki.
If you had to do one, I'd pick Lissa.

>> No.8188411

You'd be a great Sokka

>> No.8189214
File: 562 KB, 2266x1000, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this one a while back and think I know what people are gonna suggest.

Sokka could be very cool
Sorry buddy. None of those are you broad enough for. Spike is slender but I doubt you could play it off well.
Kind of see you as a good Meryl from mgs4
Get a friend in the guyver suit. Gain a few stone in weight and be tetsuro
Yeah man, medic!

>> No.8192830
File: 24 KB, 288x363, gunther1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, Gumshoe or Bolin. You are literally perfect for both of them.

>> No.8193030

If you don't know the correct name of the card don't cosplay it bro.

>> No.8193403

dw man i realized i fucked it up when it was way too late to fix