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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 70 KB, 1481x777, 7558846825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8127368 No.8127368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We're saging and you're still posting get your asses in here

Last thread: >>8114608

Same as always

>> No.8127387

New to Melbourne all the good male cosplayers I know do western costumes. Who does good anime cosplays down here?

>> No.8127395

The girls. The guys are too scared to touch makeup and end up looking like shit since anime guys tend to be prettier

>> No.8127407


Continuation from >>8114608
on how Moonfox is a giant slut?

>> No.8127412

Since it won't let me reply in the last thread

I was trying to mate it wouldn't let me since the image already exists on the board so I had to grab a different one

>> No.8127469

thought she was a giant tease?

>> No.8128016

Name some actual decent cosplayers from the comm, douche bag personality not included.
Just people who can actually make decent costumes.

Who do you think of?

>> No.8128092

The amount of same posting about Moonfox is so obvious.

Ngl I like drama as next as the next person; if shes started some kind of public drama or controversy than pls share, but surely i'm not the only one who doesnt wanna hear about some poor girl's daddy issues and personal life. Surely.

>> No.8128094

She's also really rude, asked for pics and she gave me this really nasty look?! needs to get over herself

>> No.8128095


Interesting, I wonder how many people will enter?

>> No.8128179
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I think Lily is a bit jealous.

>> No.8128183

Decent cosplayers? In what community I know a tone!

>> No.8128184

Watch out here come the elitists..

>> No.8128199
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>> No.8128200

Please list! From any comm!

>> No.8128265
File: 612 KB, 1317x1548, luns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I forgot about my post in the last thread.

>Is anybody looking for (Or know someone who is) a table to share at Brisbane Supanova in Nov?

$440 is just absurd for a first-timer. $220 is more reasonable.
I'll mostly just have cutesy fruitsy prints, pic relevant.

>> No.8128567

Lel why are you so salty? You upset because people take pride and work hard for a hobby?

>> No.8128700

Ask the mcc hahahaha

>> No.8129896

I'd like to get over her. And on top of her.

I'm just sayin'

>> No.8130646

feeling down? came to CGL for a pick me up giggle? Well kids you are in luck, because this is the latest edition of Melbourne's most facepalm-able cosplayers.

>> No.8130649

Yeah cause nobody will ever worship her and she knows it!

>> No.8130675

Haha wtf, so stupid

>> No.8130681
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Look out

>> No.8130684

$100 GRAND?!?!?!?!

>> No.8130690

Ughh her again.... :|

>> No.8130694

I don't know how she can defend herself.. All she posts is half naked photos literally! "oh no my bra shrank" "geekyslutsunite" seriously? Then she gets angry when he points out the obvious.

>> No.8131516

Hahahaha in hopes she will get a tiny slither of attention from anyone

>> No.8132204
File: 68 KB, 640x960, teameve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to know you all will never be Eve Beauregard?

>> No.8132236

Eve has decent cosplays AT BEST. Her personality sucks ass, though. I'm glad I'm not her.

>> No.8132244
File: 30 KB, 512x512, ardella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay, I'm Ardella

>> No.8132248

Really? I met her once with my ex and she seemed really nice. Eve even asked my ex if she could take a selfy. I though that was pretty cool.

>> No.8132255

>not beaureguardians
filthy casual

>> No.8132257

One's on the end of Kris' lens half the time. The other on his dick. I'm fine thanks.

>> No.8132259


>>8132255 see

>> No.8132286


> Implying she cosplays

How many cosplays has she actually made the past year she hasn't just pulled from her cupboard?

>> No.8132290

Funny how 4chan threads belittle most cosplayers but Eve and Ardella get brought up and the thread gets pulled or white knights come to suck dick.

>> No.8132353

>implying anyone here is white knighting or dick sucking
>implying 4chan doesn't hate everyone equally
>implying you aren't Kayle Erin

>> No.8132376

Turns out she's boycotting Supanova this year because of Baldwin.


Nice going, Eve. Encourage all your fans to go hide under their bed covers rather than go stand up for the inclusive, wonderful and supportive community you believe in!

Does she really think some guy that just wants to get a photo signed will suddenly jump out of the line and attack somebody? I think it's far more likely that the social justice crowd will spray someone in the eyes with deodorant than the former happening.

And does anyone else remember any reports of someone getting assaulted at Sydnova last year? I don't recall a thing.

>> No.8132393

I think the worry is more that baldwin fans / gamergate fans are going to be the ones doing bad things

>> No.8132397
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>> No.8132399

I like how they generalise. Her and Variable both. "If you're pro gamergate you're a terrible neck beard virgin rapist guilty of online assault."

>> No.8132406

Lol would not want to be eve anyway..

>> No.8132411

Just means more room to move at nova with all these people boycotting lolol

>> No.8132417


> "That’s what geek culture has always been about for me — inclusion, fun and safety."

Practice what you preach, sistah.
Nasty shit you say travels fast....

>> No.8132421

That's what I was just arguing about. What makes these Gamergate people suddenly different from all the times they've attended Supanova before? If they had been violent misogynists all this time, wouldn't there have been far more incidents before Gamergate existed?

It's extremely bad logic to the point that it's almost discrimination against people wanting a handshake.

>> No.8132423

I have to agree with you, I think the issue has been blown up way more than it should've

>> No.8132427

It was Variable apparently. She put it in her anti gamer gate rant, not sure if it's still up though.

>> No.8132446

I skimmed over it, but it was a mess. I had no idea what she was trying to get at, but it seemed like she was blaming an assault on Gamergate supporters even though she has no idea who it was and the creep was never captured. I don't even think Gamergate was a thing at the time either.

Still, I think people boycotting this is really misplaced and stupid. Punishing Supanova because they have to uphold contractual obligations in order not to get sued? After all they've done to foster our various geeky communities?

It would honestly just be better to go, show the Gamergate boogeymen who's boss and "reclaim the con". Telling people they're better off hiding and home just sends a message of people to fear having fun and letting the Gamergators or whatever win.

>> No.8132449

I saw a that one a few days ago. Can't see anything now.

>> No.8132462

Essentially yes. Gamergate didn't exist and she has no idea who assaulted her, but she knows for a fact that he will come and do it again this year because Adam Baldwin will be there. Honestly the most Tumblr rant I have ever seen not on Tumblr. Eve's is at least slightly better worded, even if it is on Kotaku.

I don't understand how "inclusive geek culture" and "no Adam Baldwin and gamergaters" can co exist.

Don't get me wrong, I'm pro gamergate in that the whole Zoe Quinn ordeal and events after that should never have happened and the control and censorship of the artistic integrity in video games should not even be considered.

I do not stand for harassment, online or off, to and from either side of the fence. Everyone on both sides needs to recognise that it has gone both ways though and condemn the people who harass, not half of the gamers in the world who side with Baldwin.

I just can't understand why this is such a difficult thing to get...

>> No.8132474
File: 973 KB, 500x280, cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but she knows for a fact that he will come and do it again this year because Adam Baldwin will be there.

Holy shit, I feel embarrassed for her. Did she even read what she wrote before she posted it? Maybe that's why she deleted it.

Besides, wasn't the assault at a different con completely?

>> No.8132477


Eve is a hypocrite and promotes a judgement free, anti-bullying community but she WILL judge everyone who participates with Supanova.
She never mentions how she has actively bullied people in the community and a lot of people are aware of it.

>> No.8132482

Pulled out of Cosplay Live
Pulled out of Supanova
Ladies and gentlemen, your cosplay community spokesperson Eve Beauregard (not present)

>> No.8132489

>pulled out
unlike ur black dad LOL

>> No.8132492
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Trawled through my history to pull up the archive but here you go lads.

>> No.8132497

Also don't get me wrong, terrible someone assaulted her and very terrible the 2 guys that died. Everything after that though...

>> No.8132500

I didn't even have to read to recognise this. The tumblr **TRIGGER WARNING** brought back all the memories of reading this. Now I wish I hadn't.

>> No.8132501

I wish I could have an honest to god discussion with her about this but what are the odds of that happening? I might internet opinion rape her by accident after all.

>> No.8132505

Pretty much my thoughts as well.

I don't get why people would want to boycott when all it's going to do is hurt the community, hurt the con just trying not to get sued, hurt the other awesome celebrities attending it, and just generally give in to an imaginary threat. PAX Aus was panicking about Gamergate supporters attending and threatening people - but did anything happen there? No. Nothing happened.

If these people actually bothered to do their research instead of listen to the fearmongers, they might actually reverse their decision.

>> No.8132511

Exactly bro. Fuck I wish I could just talk sense in to some of these people but I know it won't ever happen.

Fuck it, if half of the people boycott then it just means the people who do come can move at a pace faster than a waddle. If they do change their minds and come good on them for seeing the light.

>> No.8132538

If the celebrities drop their prices in order to get more people to line up, I might actually bother getting an autograph this time.

Standing in line kills me because of my condition, so I've avoided it in the past.

>> No.8132561

I... what? Is she blaming Gamergate?

>> No.8132567

What condition do you have Anon, if you don't mind me asking? I personally have incredibly weak ankles and get immense pain if I stand up for too long, so the only time I ever meet a guest is if I really, REALLY love them and would regret to hell and back not being able to meet them.

>> No.8132573

Incredibly weak joints as well, but over the past year I've also developed a horrible case of gallstones. Standing up too long gives me a sore back for some reason. I'm still waiting for surgery, so it's only gotten worse.

I might not be able to attend this year, sadly. Which really sucks because I've always enjoyed going ever since Supanova started.

>> No.8132890

So, she basically wants to make a store/cafe that is for cosplayers?

It's not a terrible idea...But...It's not good either

>> No.8133013

it's been done before, it failed miserably. and from what I heard the chick running it is a bitch and has set some guy up for sexual assault for shits and giggles

>> No.8133665

Darren is good when he's not doing his power rangers.and inb4 trigger: Dat is the best male cosplayer in australia

>> No.8133667

I think it could be a great idea if researched and refined properly.

Which I don't think she has done.

>> No.8133927

I'm curious why you think Dat is the best. What's your reasoning?

>> No.8133957

He's the only one who knows how to wear make-up and change it up for different characters.

>> No.8134032

He also has a shitcunt personality, treats his girlfriends like horseshit and cheats on them.
he has fucked half the cosplay community with no remorse

>> No.8134157

Too true. Y'all boys better step up yo makeup game.

>> No.8134170

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll get around to it. Given I prefer cosplays that obscure my identity though... Deep down all the most popular cosplays are characters with the cosplayer's head (and usually tits) cut out a picture and pasted on top.

>> No.8134177

plus his ugly as fuck

>> No.8134266

jealous neckbeard found

>> No.8134290

or jaded cuck

>> No.8134369

Fat neckbeard loser found. Go home loser.

>> No.8134374

>le epik cuck meme
go back to /tv/

>> No.8134377

sorry. I've known about cucks before they were memes. I don't even /tv/ either.