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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8127178 No.8127178 [Reply] [Original]

Yo I heard this was Dashcon2.0!

>> No.8127260

what makes you say that?

they had celebrity guests.
booths, dealer rooms, etc.

sounds nothing like dashcon.

>> No.8127390

>actually the most retarded con in Florida

>> No.8127435

Not OP, but anyone have deets?
I just saw an article on tmz about one of the guests getting arrested.

>> No.8127474

Why would you say that OP?

The guest line up was pretty decent for being done little first year con, the dealers room and artist alley was really nice, and the few panels I went to were actually really fun.

I hope they stay and next time not have it the same weekend as a large con. Honestly, the only real thing I've heard negative possibly dealt with Broder, and everyone knows how big a douche he is.

>> No.8127529

Sup, Croom?

>> No.8127927

A guest didn't get arrested, I thought. I'm pretty sure it was some from the Broder camp trying to sabotage shit for another con down south.

>> No.8128295

Except Broder got walked out by security and thrown out of the con

>> No.8128303

Lmao what the fuck? Talk about unprofessional.

>> No.8128320

Broder is a known asshole with giant vendettas against any other Florida cons

>> No.8128364

Google 'shock pop broder' and you'll hit a post on the collectors-society boards where he tells his side of getting kicked out by six security guards.

>> No.8128703

Broder owes alot of money to alot of the agents they had there its no wonder he got thrown out.

>> No.8128710

he purposely went to find an excuse to make it a big publicity stunt to trash the con knowing he'd get thrown out.

>> No.8128716

He's also the sole reason bigger cosplayers like Yaya, Riddle, and Nigri dont come to south Florida. He treats cosplayers like garbage. Got a chance to talk to Ani-Mia while I was there apparently Broder was talking to her about appearing at his con but once she went to Shock Pop he sent her he didn't want shock pops sloppy seconds. seriously what the fuck.

>> No.8128880

would you guys say this con was comparable to broder's cons (supercon, animate, magic city) or not? i thought about going but was put off by its new-ness.

>> No.8129161

In area size and quality of dealers there yes, awesome guests too, there were a good amount of people but not crazy crowded like broder cons when i went saturday, apparently they got a flood of people sunday im guessing since it was the weekend and after valentines day. Im predicting a larger attendance next year definitely worth going

>> No.8129536

As far as comparison, it had Supercon level guests in a MegaCon sized venue but with Magic City level attendance.

>> No.8129688

Nicholas Brendon is the actor who was arrested. He has an alcohol problem it appears.


>> No.8129705

Well yeah, the SoFlo con scene is pretty much split between "I'm an old white dude who has been going to cons for 40+ years/sell comics and Broder is great!" or "I'm someone young and/or know basic business ethics and can see Broder is a piece of shit with his head stuck up his own ass"

>> No.8129736

Honestly I'm more fed up with Croom than Broder. At least Broder puts on better shows. Croom has a huge ego and nothing behind it.

>> No.8129859

I skipped a bunch of FSC events because I didn't like the behavior of staff but I started going again and goddammit Supercon is fun.

>> No.8129876

Honestly I've never had issues with FSC Staff, but I'm also pretty sure they were mostly volunteers/people who've volunteered multiple years and were given higher positions.

>> No.8130793

I worked for supercon and ever since Mike got married its been a crazy downward spiral. In under a year he managed to fire over half of his usual staff because they pissed off his wife or she just didn't like them. Of course I was fired as well and now even the wrestling show is gone simply because she didnt like it.

>> No.8130799

I'm just glad shock pop and wizard world are coming in to knock the insane power hungry couple off their power trip. They literally fired someone for working for press covering the event. Their whole staff is afraid to even think a thought that they might not like in fear of getting fired thats no way to live. They act like gods in a cult. seriously they should try swallowing their pride, admitting they have a problem and going therapy. Odds are they're reading this right now I fear for my life.

>> No.8130810

It's pretty much impossible to get questions answered about Supercon events without it becoming HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY CON.

I also had a couple friends who were straight up harassed for weeks by Broder for posting not-perfect reviews of his conventions.

>> No.8131028

Broder is a psychopath. He owes money all over the place, harasses competing cons, yells at guests, treats staff like slaves and enforces shit rules like not allowing staff to attend competing cons or sending spies out to cons for him

>> No.8131079

I had a fucking feeling this con was in Florida lol

>> No.8131089

so fucking true. there are countless screenshots to prove that. They think everyone is so afraid of them when in reality everyone just knows how unstable they are, say something wrong to the wife and she twists it, makes up a lie in her head of your true intentions of fucking her over till she believes it herself so there's no fighting her on it, everyone is out to get her. seriously they both should seek professional help I KNOW YOURE READING THIS. SEEK PROFESSIONAL HELP.

>> No.8131116

Oh geez. Yeah he's has issues with that for years. I once saw him check in to a hotel and he really was out of it. It's too bad.

>> No.8131196

Why hasn't anyone taken this guy down yet? I mean there has to be enough evidence at this point to just say bam this guy's a douche nugget

>> No.8131199

Everyone knows but you can't really do anything about it. Unless he completely bankrupts himself, people are still going to go to his cons either because they're the only decent ones in SoFlo or because they're completely clueless to his attitude.

>> No.8131538

I know several out of town cosplayers who backed out of shock pop due to problems with contracts, this con reeked of unprofesionalism. I know a few of their guests refused to go on the con floor til they got paid

>> No.8131574

That's unfortunate but I know more than a few cosplayers and guests who despise Broder

>> No.8131586

I'm sure there are, I've worked in nightclubs for years, it's the same thing with any large club owner or promoter of any type of show, being hated just kinda comes with the territory, at the end of the day they're going to do what's best for themselves, it's not a broder thing, it's just a promoter thing

>> No.8131590

No. It's a broder thing.

>> No.8131591

No Broder definitely stands apart in a class of douche all his own. He's one of those guys you hope fails in the most public way

>> No.8131618

Yea normal promoters don't have members of their staff making anti other event memes. Broders in a class all his own

>> No.8131638

According to one of my friends working the artists alley Broder was going around telling all of the dealers that they were officially banned from Supercon and supercon events, which is why he was escorted out.

I haven't ever been to Supercon but after hearing that, I don't think I want to go :\

>> No.8131697

damn that's a shame. Broders got to be the pettiest promoter I've come across, let people work where they want, other promoters in other states don't act this unprofessional not even close. Can only hope someone saves the Florida con scene.

>> No.8131723

I'd heard he owed a bunch of the guests there from past shows and they were pissed and got him thrown out

>> No.8131742

Glad I got a booth up at Katsucon instead of being stuck down here with Shock Pop. I do not feel like getting kicked out of Supercon because god forbid I work an unaffiliated show. What a prick. Supercon makes decent money, but Animate and Magic City are only marginally profitable. Broder is not nearly as important as he thinks he is.

>> No.8131751

There's a good chance one of Broder's staff is OP. I remember hearing numerous jokes were made in that office about Dashcon during my time there. Probably the same staff member they paid to make anti-shockpop memes leading up to the con.

>> No.8131762

I honestly don't blame the big name cosplayers for not doing his shows. I heard he yelled at majority of the cosplay guest saying they would never work in Florida again and the only ones that still go are either unaware or under his thumb. This is why I only go to megacon.

>> No.8131783

Dude sounds like a tyrant. Whelp I'm not giving broder my money anymore.

>> No.8131810

I don't doubt it. He has everyone in a fucking trance.

>> No.8131813

I feel bad for most of those Supercon girls w.e the name. Shitty pictures and working for a maniac

>> No.8131815

fuuuuuck. dammit, broder, if you're going to remove actual good dealers and artists from your cons, what's the point of even paying to access the dealer's rooms and artist alley anymore? and i say this as someone who attends broder cons regularly, not because i like him, but because they're the only places i can see some friends at.

>> No.8131818

>saying they would never work in Florida again

>> No.8131827

Contrary to Broder lying in the collectibles forums, there IS video of his arguments with vendors. They're just trying to find the right avenue of sharing it out without legal repercussions.

>> No.8131830

well, now i'm definitely popcorn.gif'ng

>> No.8131848

yeah half of the girls either got fired or quit already. Broder's talked shit about every single one of them behind their backs. The ones staying only do it for a free hotel, table and pass. He rarely reimburses them for the costumes made for those cover shoots. I feel bad for those poor girls because half of them cant be seen talking or hanging out with the fired girls or they get in trouble for it.

>> No.8131858

Her's a bullshit radio interview he did trying to explain what happened at Shock Pop. What a douche nugget. Dude he threatened to pull the fire alarm at the con on Saturday.
planetplatypus com/the-gonzo-radio-show-another-gonzo-radio-scoop/

>> No.8131863

I'd post some screenshots of things I've received but I'd rather not risk anyone's identity being blown or anyone still working there to get harmed in the process. There still are nice people working there either brainwashed or trapped. :(

>> No.8131872

This guy is a joke. Better yet he's a bully. I hate how he's taken the whole south Florida community and manipulated it into this competitive ugly scene. Wizard world can't get here any sooner. Hopefully they'll be able to say the nerd community of south Florida from this greedy bastard and his flunkies.

>> No.8131880

what the actual fuck

>> No.8131881


>> No.8131900

dude. broder. this shit you're doing is not ok.
i'm half expecting this to blow up on tumblr with signal boosting everywhere telling everyone to boycott broder's cons now.

>> No.8131902

That has to be the best audio recording of Broder getting his dick sucked I've ever heard. This was more rehearsed than Broadway. Did anyone really believe this crap?

>> No.8131903


>> No.8131906

and the best part is that wouldn't really be because of chibi pa this time
broder literally shot himself in the foot

>> No.8131908

Tries to make anti shock pop thread
Backfires and turns into antibroder thread
Slow clap
Way to go Broder and friends

>> No.8131928

Anyone who's met this guy for five minutes knows this is total crap. This guy talks mad shit about megacon,spooky empire and even out of state shows. What a hypocrite

>> No.8131975

The supercon guy has been gathering a lot of bad blood from what I hear. Lawsuits and bigger guests just refusing to do his shows

>> No.8131994

>talking mad shit about megacon
>the most successful con in south florida
>literal idiot

>> No.8131998

oops, meant florida in general there

>> No.8131999

Must suck to only have people work for you out of fear and for money. The staff for the super shows is less than half of what it use to be. I wonder why ?

>> No.8132004

Yea no one takes Florida seriously but this is just hilarious watching this Supercon guy dig his own grave. It's cute he thinks he matters.

>> No.8132007
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heres a shitty visual reference.

>> No.8132015

That's terrifying. Holy shit . Why haven't they come forward ? Bet they have some good dirt

>> No.8132031

i don't know. They probably think its not worth it or don't want to see the ones still on the inside to get hurt by it. Such a terrible situation. #FreeTheSuperconGirls!

>> No.8132034

They sound like they're being held hostage. I guess they are . A free table isn't worth all this but then I'm not a cosplayer

>> No.8132035

Look at him talking shit on his FB
facebook com/Michael.S.Broder

>> No.8132041

all those fellow douchebags supporting him

>> No.8132043

post scrrenshots, Broder has blocked all of us dissenting free thinkers!

>> No.8132047

I don't get its pictures of some guy. Screenshot?

>> No.8132055

He fired like 30 guys in one day when we canceled his cosplay wrestling. I heard his reason was they weren't defending him on Facebook when people were bad mouthing him. You can't just work for him. You have to be an unapologetic slave.

>> No.8132060

so...you're saying that all those wrestlers had to get involved in his drama or he's just cancelling the wrestling?


>> No.8132061
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caps incoming
this guy, what an ass

>> No.8132063

Shock Pop definitely played with fire coming into a con scene like this knowing what goes down while they also made a lot of blame-y facebook drama posts while dropping guests left and right.

They started the main part of the trouble, essentially, as unlike them some of the other con heads have learned to keep their heads down and remain at least a pretense of being civil with each other.
The south florida con scene is in reality small as shit, as staff that leaves one convention will immediately go work for another. So it's bad to publically talk shit or place blame on someone, but everyone does it anyway.

>> No.8132064
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>> No.8132065

Sounds like a game show. Also how does anyone still work for this guy?If I saw someone shit talk my friends and act like the king of south Florida there aren't enough free table in the world that would keep be there

>> No.8132066
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>> No.8132068
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hi mike

>> No.8132071
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>> No.8132072

Not Mike, just someone who thinks basically everyone in south florida is full of shit lol

>> No.8132074
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>> No.8132075

Like yeah, Broder's an ass, but everyone that's trying to compete with him is becoming the thing they despise.

>> No.8132078

shock pop played right into their hands and took the bait. who cares if he's there or not. If he paid, let him waddle around the show snorting at people.

>> No.8132082

the Elli guy is his security i know that, are they really happily promoting physical violence towards another promoter? holy shit

>> No.8132085

I dont think that's the case, word on the street is Broder was banned from that convention center previously.

>> No.8132087

w o w

not cool, broder, not cool

>> No.8132090

Does he not get it? This guys is acting like a high school girl. He has to be the least professional show promoter I've ever seen. How he runs three shows is beyond me. I know we're on 4chan but this dude is a bully.

>> No.8132091

Also what's up with the "Spooky Empire making Shock Pop pay a whole bunch of money" thing? I just listened to Broder on that podcast and I'm nothing if not more confused.

>> No.8132095

This reeks of Mike

>> No.8132101

AHA! the man of the hour rears his head! Do tell us more about how everyone is wrong and you're the victim sweetheart.

>> No.8132111

"So it's bad to publically talk shit or place blame on someone, but everyone does it anyway."
>including mike apparently

>> No.8132112

again, not mike. he does cause most of the bullshit but others definitely contribute to it.

>> No.8132114

Broader will never be MegaCon and will never be WWE. I hope he sees the people Ronin away from his cons now.

>> No.8132124

I love talking shit and dumping on assholes. Seriously, it's my favorite thing. But so much of what is said about Supercon/broder is hearsay, overblown, one-sided, hysterical, twisted, fabricated, or exaggerated bullshit. It's practically Adella level. Why don't we just start saying he bought fifty dicks on ebay and sucked them all?

>> No.8132131

50 is an understatement I think he lost count a long time ago

>> No.8132134

hi mike
you're doing a really bad job of defending yourself here

>> No.8132139

C'mon people show us some screen shots . I want bullshit proof evidence. All this is is a bitching contest. But up and show some proof or this bag of dicks will keep being your king of Florida

>> No.8132144

Bag of baby dicks is more like it as I doubt he rarely finds it

>> No.8132152
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Of course I'm Mike. Everyone who doesn't care that a bunch of salty mediocre cosplayers couldn't be on another brochure of a con guide must be Mike.

>> No.8132158

He and his wife were talking about pulling the fire alarm at Shock Pop on one of his status'

>> No.8132161

If they had any kind of con savy those girls would leave. Those covers are always god awful. No one is going book them at other shows when they see that crap. Maybe that was broders plan all along lol

>> No.8132164

was there a screenshot if not please provide I'd love to see that.

>> No.8132168

Someone heard something from someone else and is quoting it as truth? Seems legit. Other than Mike making fun of the being-escorted-out situation on FB, is there any other credible shade anyone wants to throw his way? This thread will probably get deleted because CGL is a no fun zone, so we might as well get our money's worth.

>> No.8132185

True post em if you got em! Although all Cgl is word of mouth when you think about it. This stuff only gets good with cold hard evidence

>> No.8132238

Hi Winji.

>> No.8132246
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Hi anonymous people who I probably know in real life. I enjoyed the #savethesupergirls tag, so I had to contribute.

Mike Broder said to my face "cosplayers are a dime a dozen". And he really sees these girls as disposable promotional workers.

So I've been on the brochure, been to numerous Supercon affiliated promo shoots, and made plenty of costumes with no monetary compensation. As someone already mentioned, Broder offers a table, admission, and a hotel room at the convention (because we also do panels, judge the contests, etc). AKA, it costs money to be a supergirl. All together I spent over $350 in costume costs for 4 costumes. The pics we receive from the all-day photo shoots are not quality enough to make prints to sell at our booths. This is all sold to the girls as a great opportunity to have an audience. But that audience is limited to Supercon because you may get "fired" for promoting another event.

Anyway, I quit. Especially after Sandy (Mikes wife) posted this on her Facebook about the black lives matters organizers. Mike and Sandy threatened to fire me after knowing that I participated in the protest. When I brought this post up to Sandy she didn't apologize, but instead deleted me off of Facebook.

Hi Supercon, I know you know who I am.

>> No.8132260

sorry to play devils advocate, but cosplayers really are a dime a dozen, every con across the state I go to has a few thousand, and at least 100 have amazing jaw dropping outfits

>> No.8132266

There are many people who cosplay, you're right about that. But not all of them work for the convention.

>> No.8132272
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alright since this thread will get deleted anyway. Im an ex-supergirl, this was among the messages i received before i was let go because I choose to remain neutral while working for them as Mike was not on good terms with my bf. before I was able to respond to any of the messages their minds were already made up and I was removed from everything. Here's an example of a certain staff member manipulating me notice how she brings in the supergirls out of nowhere. We were never friends. She used me to get information to use against people w/o me realizing by providing a false sense of trust. IF ANY SUPERGIRLS GET HURT OR FIRED BECAUSE I POSTED THIS, THATS JUST NOT FAIR OK. I love you guys and I'm so sorry but I shouldnt have to live in fear and neither should you maybe this will make it better for you guys :(

>> No.8132273

I'm shocked a promoter would ever actually say stuff like that. Same for his wife. Opinions aside you have to be we'll a professional. Not a Petty child.

>> No.8132275

so she thinks everything is about her? shocking.

>> No.8132277

Super con
Super egos
Super shitty

>> No.8132278

Working on behalf convention requires a lot of bullshit work, though, that most people don't take into consideration before they agree to do so.

When you think about it, most cosplayers are girls in their early-mid 20s. Cons "hire" (ie work for a badge) them because of looks and how easily they can be taken advantage of business wise.

Yeah, cosplayers are a dime a dozen now, which is why people have got to start putting their foot down about being treated like shit because of convention heads. They'll realize that cosplayers are easy to find, cosplayers with a good work ethic not so much.

>> No.8132288

Word on the street is Sandy Broders only form of sustenance is human tears. I've seen it for myself, needed a priest after what I witnessed.

>> No.8132291

yeah I've talked to one of them before, those girl can make a semi-adequate costume in a week if they need to meet his crazy deadlines gotta give em props for that

>> No.8132293

They should really learn to conduct themselves like guests. Does that excuse this show treating them like shit no. But they really shouldn't sell themselves short. A table? Really?

>> No.8132296

A week? Holy crap! I would request compensation just for the stress. That's if these girls don't have things like jobs to do during the week .

>> No.8132302

This woman sounds like single white female psycho. Mike and her are a match made in hell

>> No.8132303

they dont know any better, they think a free hotel and table is a great opportunity because if its not them its someone else getting it.

>> No.8132305

Yeah, the supergirls are pretty much the entire face of the damn convention at this point as they're so better for PR than anything else the actual staff has ever done.

>> No.8132307

I wonder after the money is gone how the Supercon folk will feel about what they've done to all these people. I hope they take good hard look on how ugly they've bevom on the inside

>> No.8132308

one of them is a nurse who works her ass off like crazy. She worked a whole night shift and still came in the next morning for the photoshoot.

>> No.8132315

I'd say buy a table in AA and keep your pride but mike has been vocal on if you're not a featured guest and buy an artist table he'll stick you in the back. So it's kind of a lose lose there

>> No.8132321

She works her butt off and she barely gets any recognition.

She pulled and made all the costumes except for like 2 in the Dr. Who shoot.

>> No.8132322

like if you've been affiliated with supercon and then leave, you mean? or just cosplayers in general?

>> No.8132327

what was the deal with that one blue commercial with the terrible audio starring sandy broder of all people?

>> No.8132329

Artist alley in general from what I've heard. They've always been treated like shit at the super shows . Guess they don't line broders pockets enough for him to care

>> No.8132336

there was a commercial with just the promoters wife ? How did this not raise the crazy red flags?

>> No.8132341

Idk why they think she's even relevant. All she does at cons is scream at everyone and give nasty faces.

>> No.8132343

She didnt tell any of the girls they needed a commercial done and she wanted her time to shine. She thought she could make one on her own. The con is basically hers now anyway.

>> No.8132349


>> No.8132359

just her. just her with a cat. and terrible lighting. trying to find the vid but it seems to have been deleted...

>> No.8132363

Sandy Broder is the thing that goes bump in the night.

>> No.8132367

I'm scared. Hold me anon

>> No.8132372

Micheal Broder once marooned a bus full of foster children in the everglades for not supporting Pinned.

>> No.8132377

Now hold on... Details!

>> No.8132394

didn't he also starve an old folks home for a week after his twilight show flopped over some disagreeable twitter review?

>> No.8132398

hi mike
you're not doing a very good job at derailing the conversation

>> No.8132401

Pretty sure he's hosting Hurricon just so he can ruin Minicon. Isn't Minicon a charity?

>> No.8132402

Here come the #supertrolls

>> No.8132403

ugh, i feel so bad for hurricon now. why'd you have to give in to have mike host you, hurricon. why. you were so promising.

>> No.8132407

Michael Broder doesn't care about Black people.

>> No.8132408

Mike does like ruining things

>> No.8132409


>> No.8132412

neither does Sandy Broder, apparently.

>> No.8132422

yeah, minicon's profits go to a charity that gives kids with cancer new bedrooms.

I've been to one of their events before and it's mostly geared towards kids and families.

>> No.8132426

and lets not forget the assault case hes been covering up where one of his staff members took down a female wrestler as she tried to say goodbye to him after a ronin show, knocking her to the ground and had to kick him off. But instead of checking in to see if she was ok waited 3 weeks to contact her to sign a bullshit waiver. Best part is the guy wasn't fired, instead Broder fired her, her father AND her brother for being mad about it. He also got mad at his entire staff for not questioning her when she tried to speak about what happened on facebook.

>> No.8132428

I'll play devils advocate...the story I was told from someone who was involved was that after the renovations, the university wanted to charge hurricon 5k for the same space they had for free the first two years because they have hurricon open to non-students. they came to him for help. I'm sure he had his agendas with the date or whatever, but he helped them get the space for a lot less, maybe even donated it to them.

>> No.8132430

Why would a goodbye lead to being knocked down? What happened that set the guy off?

>> No.8132431

Wtf?! You're shiting me. Is she going to sue or something??

>> No.8132434

Now the good stuff is coming out . Hope that girl sues. If that's really true aside from assault they could get Broder for pressuring her with a waiver after the fact

>> No.8132436

Really? I come back to this thread just to see Supercon staff shitposting?

Supercon treats their staff like shit, they treat the supergirls like shit, they treat the volunteers like shit, they treat cosplay guests like shit, they've banned vendors (Kpoppin and Tate's off the top of my head), and they've shunned former supergirls.

Every time there's a South Florida show, we get more dirt on Broder. The guy is a drama monger and I look forward to the day he crashes and burns.

>> No.8132439

I have no idea, but speaking of sued lets not forget when he was sued by Steve Buschemi before Supercon was born. http://filmmakermagazine.com/2170-rockets-flameout/#.VObOhebF-So

>> No.8132441

I'll give you the money
In exchange for your souls
Seriously though buying people is a sure fire way to get them to like you
For a while

>> No.8132452

I would go to buscemicon

>> No.8132453

did someone say steve buscemi? http://chickswithstevebuscemeyes.tumblr.com/

>> No.8132454

I would go to a Buscemicon in a minute, but Sandycon can go fuck itself.

And never go to a Croomcon.

>> No.8132466

Buscemicon is love
Buscemicon is life

>> No.8132476

Buscemicon is love
Buscemicon is life
Buscemi hates Broder

>> No.8132481

Protip: Buscemicon is held at the court.

>> No.8132498

10/10 would attend

>> No.8132506

Working on finding the screenshot since the pussy deleted it but here's something that shows it was discussed. Him retweeting one of his lackeys who posted this meme right after his joking threat.

>> No.8132509
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>> No.8132927
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I'm assuming this is about her then?

>> No.8132939

Both version are still on her facebook page.

>> No.8133054

The lackey that pushed that girl down has always been extremely unstable. I was present when she tried to say goodbye to him. She tapped his shoulder to say goodbye. He said don't touch me. She thought he was kidding and tapped him again. He proceeded to kick her feet out from under her and kind of hold her down. He was holding her arms or her wrists hard (don't remember which) but even though she kicked her way out of it he wouldn't let go until Sandy told him to stop. BUT he still has a job. Go figure.

>> No.8133145

I'm pretty sure they're done running the wrestling. They sold Ronin to one of the wrestlers, and he's running it.

>> No.8133171

That kids a joke not a wrestler they're pretty much done and broader will write it off for taxes

>> No.8133231

Broder is an unprofessional individual, and I feel bad for his staff and SoFlo with all of this shit coming to light. Someone better get this submitted to the archives before it gets deleted....

>> No.8133270

right, broders not involved with Ronin anymore, lol yeah sure he isnt.

>> No.8133289

guarantee he isn't involved with wrestling anymore because he's worried about lawsuits and his banshee wife won't allow him to hemorrhage more money into it. It's a shame the cosplay wrestling is gone. Truly one of the most memorable parts of the broder cons

>> No.8133337

WOW im floored by the u professionalism displayed by broader
came to say shock pop was great! yea not a lot of people but ive heard from everyone that went nothing but positive reviews and i had a blast and looking forward to next years! shame broader cons are too big to take down. would love too see someone give him a run for his money.

>> No.8133377

Is this why there was no FSCW at Magc Shitty?! Fuck broders conventions for what it's worth I will definitely find a better use of my money.

>> No.8133386

Oh yeah. Sandy hated the wrestling and anything she locked her sights on died within a few months.

>> No.8133393

It's worth nothing tho. 50,000+ people will go to supercon regardless of the hearsay on this thread. It'll 404 soon enough.

>> No.8133395

it is true that broder no longer owns or runs Ronin, one of the wrestlers took over.

>> No.8133406

Domain look up shows it's still under Broders name but that may change. let's see at the ronin show and if Broder shows… it's still a Broder show.

>> No.8133422


>> No.8133430

I wish the wguy Blogger was still active.


Also, we need to hash tag this.


>> No.8133431

Ronin wasn't a Broder show after the first one. It became his wife's after she had an affair with one of the wrestlers and let him choose the roster.

>> No.8133475


>> No.8133530

Sandys always been a whore I doubt the drapes match the curtains

>> No.8133541

Wow, a Florida thread.

....and tons of drama. I am shocked!!!

>> No.8133579
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>> No.8133583

Here's to the six brave rent a cops who bravely risked Broderbans to ensure no fire alarms were molested.

>> No.8133601

one of the wrestlers "took over" but Broder is still involved. you're naive to think otherwise.

>> No.8133614

If anyone was brave enough to come off anon and actually get somewhere with the #BoycottBroder bullshit, maybe you could make a dent in the 50,000+ attendees of SuperCon.

Seriously, there's plenty of people in South Florida who don't care about the drama and will keep filling his pockets up with money. That's what it means to be rich.

>> No.8133625

the guy lies about his attendee numbers. he's never hit anything close to 50,000

>> No.8133627

50,000? not outside Mike's wet dreams they won't

>> No.8133638

Broders too pussy whipped by his dumb whore wife too give ronin money or anything. Plus I don't think he can't really handle their finances if he owes the money people say he does. He'd have people looking for him. I'm sure the checks are signed by sandy broder

>> No.8133681

wasn't there a second blogger that was doing north and central florida as well? i don't recall clearly, but if there was, maybe we can get him on this if he hasn't bowed out....

>> No.8133690

youre wrong to make those assumptions, he hides lots of things from lots of people. his wife being one of them.

>> No.8133757

Hey maybe he'll get the iron sheik for Ronin so he can fuck him in the ass and make him humble

>> No.8133777

Changing the subject real quick, does anybody know that guy who wears the Kirby shirt to cons in Florida? I've heard he's a pretty cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.8133781

Love it. Spread it.

>> No.8133802

Broder got escorted out of the convention because 2 booking agents he owed money to found out he was there. first promoter went to the con chair demanding he be arrested for owing him over 7000 in booking fees from a past event.

the second agent found him on the con floor and started yelling at mike, thus he was escorted out to avoid further incidents.

at least thats the story i was told from a reliable source.

PS: that red headed harpy he calls his "wife" usually fires anyone who mike ever goes to for advice within his staff and is a total bitch

>> No.8133820

Greetings! Were you referring to me?

>> No.8133914

think his name is toby?

Who doesn't afraid of anything? U ok m8

>> No.8133929

Toby is a total sweetie pie aww

>> No.8133938


Hi Toby

>> No.8133939

ok, first he was kicked out because he was telling people he was banned, now its because promoters who he owed money to were screaming at him...which one was it.

>> No.8133952

It could be either or both or neither. The point is he was thrown out and it was without a doubt warranted. The same goes for his awful wife.

>> No.8133963

the booking agents owed money angle was given to me by con staff straight
i have heard the one where he walks around with a list of ppl and crosses names every time he sees anyone in it.
i also heard he fired a photog who works his show just because he was there helping a friend cover the event

>> No.8133964

Kinda feel bad he's blind to everything that's happening

>> No.8133965

I heard about the firing of a photographer too

>> No.8133999

lol Toby

>> No.8134004

Like an evil Santa Claus LMAO

>> No.8134007

The photographer was fired for not agreeing to do a super con calendar with Sandy as the only model

>> No.8134010

Fuck yea!

>> No.8134016

Sandy doesn't even like cosplay, and she's not nearly as gorgeous as she seems to think she is. Her ego must be huge if she thinks she can carry a calendar by herself.

>> No.8134030

On another matter what does supercon and shock pop have in common .
They both have huge outstanding debts with celebrity agents by not paying them .

>> No.8134033

wait what?
deets please.

>> No.8134050

Celebrity agents have been trying to contact certain individuals for payment as they were promised a certain amount that they apparently did not even come close to .
Suggestion to shock pop do a Broder and change your company name and and have an evil red headed bitch book your talent might help next con if it ever happens and will take you out of debt

>> No.8134067

I don't believe for a second that Broder owes any guests or their agents money. he can afford to make sure to not to have that kind of word of mouth being spread among the other celebrities and agents costing him other guests in the future.

>> No.8134070

>>MFW I don't know Broder or any of his Cons, but I immediately got scared because my Uncle is in a tabletop gaming community that hosts an event called Hurricon and I promised I would help run registration and info booths.

Thank God they're not the same thing.

>> No.8134082

hi mike

>> No.8134083

Or getting him kicked out of conventions... Oh wait.

>> No.8134090

From what I've heard he's been rude as shit to guests from cosplayers to actors. He isn't afraid to burn bridges.

>> No.8134107

Toby's the best. I like his hat.

>> No.8134121

Broder is also rude as hell to other congoers when at other cons. I remember seeing him curse out a panelist at AFO in 2012 (I think it was one of the Florida Whammy guys -- seem to remember it happening in the Game Show Theater and Smiley wasn't on stage; so it had to have been them).

>> No.8134124
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>> No.8134164

Really I know word is spreading even more so for talent to steer clear of his shows . Money may have been one of the first reasons but his shitty treatment of voice actors,cosplayers, and artists have ruined his show from having a lot of guests. The ones who still attend just seem to either do it don't seem to know any better.

>> No.8134168

If you run his name through Broward County Clerk he is or has been sued nearly a dozen times by vendors relating to Supercon. According to SUNBIZ.org he has incorporated multiple corporations similar to Supercon because once he soils the name he moves on and just uses a new name but does the same old shit

>> No.8134169

Buscemi please save south Florida !!!

>> No.8134173

Lol so much for he can't afford bad word of mouth . It looks Luke the facts are there . Florida con scene just chooses to be ignorant to it . Fucking Florida

>> No.8134179

Fuck that. Not giving that dude anymore of my money #boycottbroder

>> No.8134184

Was going to try and give the show a look this year but not after this #boycottbroder

>> No.8134187

Going to a con on south beach was too expensive anyway and Magic city and animate sucked. Not really a loss so yea #BoycottBroder

>> No.8134192

he incorporates similar names so another promoter can't run a show with those names.

>> No.8134193

Yea sure

>> No.8134200

Uh Anon, that's an actual thing. People do that.

>> No.8134206

The suing vendors should really say something if anything warn people not to work for this shit show

>> No.8134210

I think it's hysterical that this went from a very obvious vendetta shock pop thread to a fuck supercon thread
Love this

>> No.8134223

If buscemi was booked at another local con would people show up?????? If so how many ?????

>> No.8134229
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Anyone been on the collectors society boards to see Broder's post? Someone replied and I thought you'd all appreciate it.

>> No.8134231

Probably one of the superstaff. Kinda back fired.

>> No.8134240


Also what's with all the samefagging and hashtags in the thread

>> No.8134245

Yeah, I mean outside of Broder and one or two highschool-tier cosplayer wanks, Florida really doesn't have any drama anymore, so most of our threads just gear towards Broder shenanigans.

>> No.8134252

That's hilarious

>> No.8134298

Are the girls who stayed oblivious? I doubt they don't know that he's talked shit about them. Does he say anyway?

>> No.8134322

Either that or they're lying to themselves . Hanging in there for some shitty promotion and a table.

>> No.8134328

Shitty indeed. The pictures usually look like crap.

>> No.8134383

If shock pop con would change it's name I'd consider going. Why can't we have shit sounding like a normal convention? I know it can't be Florida SUPER CONN OH WOW but cmon. So many people are trying to start cons in florida and all of them are the same stupid venue trying to be the same stupid "supercon."

>> No.8134392

Broder has a long history of fucking over everyone who ever gets close to him, its what he does, he screwed the 3000 Brigade and tried to replace them with the wrestlers, then he screwed them and tried to replace them with the supercon girls, now he has screwed them too. I've only ever known one person who likes working with border and thats tom croom, and if that doesn't tell you he is a horrible person, then you better educate yourself quick

>> No.8134395

It's funny because Broder hate croom. Latest reason I heard it was because he made a better pinup convention and pinned was a total failure

>> No.8134402

what in the actual fuck

>> No.8134405

I went to school with the Sakura cosplayer. I thought she did it for free.

>> No.8134411

Broder hates any convention that has working elevators.

>> No.8134414

Megan? ;_; <3

>> No.8134417

Nah Megan is one of the kool aid drinking lackeys, she's one of the only 'super girls' who stayed around and is getting all the perks for it.

>> No.8134461

Pinned may have been a failure but still way outdrew anything Croom has ever put on. and even though it was a failure, it was a fun show with lots to do and good entertainment. I may not like Broder but pinned was fun.

>> No.8134464

Toby's cool. He buys me laptops every now and then

>> No.8134471

The people posting here are super uneducated. The wrestling has nothing to do with his wife. At all. It's a lot of behind the scenes drama that caused all of it that I won't go into.

Second, and most important, something tells me no one here as a clue what a business is, and that conventions are a business. It's like the WWE and wrestling. Run out the little guys so you can be the dominant power. Like when they bought the WCW and became the sole face of professional wrestling. That's the same thing as conventions. If you have other conventions, they are competing with your own.

Con promoters are in the business of MAKING MONEY. They don't do this for charity work. No one wants a competitor trying to steal their business.

It has nothing to do with Broder or Supercon or Shock Pop or anything. It has to do with this is a business, and in business there's competition, and that competition is a threat to you making money.

That's it.

>> No.8134481

And it is this competitiveness that is killing Florida conventions and the cancer of Florida is now spreading (see AWA).
~The North FL Cons Blogger

>> No.8134499

Well as much as Broder would like to make conventions into a giant wrestling drama they aren't . Acting this way is just showing what a class A asshole he is and it's why all the others promoters in other states look down on him. Hope this guy enjoyed running the need scene here into the ground . Everyone is having a good laugh while they count down the days til wizard world

>> No.8134526

kill yourself Lew Spectre, or at least go away

>> No.8134536

I'm pretty sure anyone who actually knows the ethics and practices of a successful business is not trolling 4chan past midnight.

>> No.8134542

I'm pretty sure no one who has a successful business idolizes the practices of a wrestling promotion and tries to apply it to a convention. Might be why all the other states have shows that are better off and Florida is the laughingstock of the convention scene . Just sayin

>> No.8134580

It's also the laughingstock of the cosplay community.

I should know, I'm from Florida.

>> No.8134804

There are tons of conventions that actually work together with cons around them. No one takes competitiveness with other cons as seriously as Broder. There's competitiveness and then there is Broder being a douchebag.

>> No.8134831
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>> No.8134877

I heard Broder finances Supercon through large pearls found in Sandys Vagina

>> No.8134980

are they called "super girls" now? sandy used to mockingly call them "broder's bitches"

>> No.8135232
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>> No.8135236

When you upload it PLEASE link it here. Blurry out his face or something! Use a bogus email and upload it from a public computer. This needs to be posted.

>> No.8135302

What's happening to AWA?

>> No.8135321

There's competitive drama brewing in the Atlanta cons, at least that I see.
~North FL Blogger

>> No.8135378

Jesus Christ, Broder is just doing everything to shit on any other con that don't have the financial fortitude to actively retaliate to his crazy antics. I've attended Supercon since 2010 and honestly the show has progressively gotten shittier abd shittier over the years. Not to mention, there's always some drama between him and basically anyone within a hundred feet of him at any given time. Seriously, the fuck is his problem?

>> No.8135408

This is a giant pile of shenanigans, and someone needs the intestinal fortitude and financial fortitude to do something about Broder's sorry ass.

Some anon said we're (yes I live in FL) the laughingstock of the nation, and it's because of Broder and Croom (at least nowadays anyway). They have corrupted all of the other organizers in this state and in the past 5 or so years Florida has become a shithole. Nobody respects you for running a con in Florida because there's no respect to be had for this state. That's a damn problem.

All the drama and all the bullshit that a key number of people have caused over the past 5 or so years (points at the MetroCon scandal, Broder, Croom, MegaCon, and JACON's dissolution just to name the biggest players) have left this state war torn and if you have the "wrong" opinion of someone, then you are going to end up ostensibly fucked by someone or everyone, depending. Try to remain neutral? Good luck getting maybe more than 1000 attendees to your event and sticking around for more than 3 or so years.

This frank and blatant faggotry needs to stop from everyone. What happened to cons for fans by fans? That's how all this shit started to begin with right?? Where's that mentality? Oh wait, everyone in FL cares about the money because like the rest of everything in the state, it's a money trap because the elderly and vacationing families have tons of it that we want before the money leaves the state one way or another.

Shameful. #boycottflorida

>> No.8135415

Biggest problem with uploading proof is that most of the people who have it need to keep it for their current legal case against broder, he has a lawyer friend willing to do enough work for him for free to keep extending his case till the people suing him can't afford their own lawyer anymore. That's how he gets away with most of this crap

>> No.8135435

wait, Metrocon scandal? and what happened with Megacon?

>> No.8135444

Hi Sandy

>> No.8135450

I believe anon is talking about the MetroCon founder Roy Harms peodphile lawsuit.

>> No.8135455

FL's state of affairs is because of all the overcompetitiveness and oversaturation.


First JACON folded and spawned at least 4 events as a consequence (FAE, PariahCon ['10-'11 in Lakeland which has gone defunct], others I forget at the moment, they probably folded).

Croom (FAE, FL Comics Experience, WasabiCon, +2 outside FL), , Broder (Everything Miami), Jason Bailey (Chibi-Pa & CGA Shows), Anime Days (Jax, Orlando, Tampa, Miami)... all these multi-event people are just adding to the problem.

I think the only solution is for them all to collapse into making one event that is so epic that it can't go wrong and might unify the community (OH WAIT, there's too many big ego con chairs like Croom, Broder, Tredeau/Reiss of AFO, Shado/Khaotic/PvE (Jax's latest Janicon failure), MetroCon/OmniExpo...)

It's like you have to play politics no matter where you go in the state. About the only ones that are truly drama and competition free are the college cons (FreeCon at FSU, SwampCon at UF, Knightro at UCF, HurriCon POSSIBLY at UM)... but the quality won't be there because of university limits.

Our fan convention industry's doomed (go ahead Croom, bring InvaderCON to FL so Zim can sing the doom song and actually make it happen) to implode and then there will be nothing but the cynics that inhabited Jacksonville from 2007's Janicon failure left who won't go to any events and everyone's empire will fall.

Oh; and don't get me started with Roy and the MyCons user alliance....


~North FL Cons Blogger

>> No.8135462

In continuation, sunbiz is a great resource to dig up who owns which convention LLC. Just pointing it out there.

~The Northern Blogger

>> No.8135468

Ooh, thanks. An a non Floridian, this gives a lot of insight as to why Florida threads are so messed up compared to other states.

>> No.8135499

Also look at AnimeCons.com from some past years to see how bad it is -- and mind you, that's not all FAN conventions, just the ANIME ones. I did a count once of over 60 fan conventions in FL per year.
~North FL Blogger

>> No.8135503
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The judge awarded the plaintiff, Steve Buscemi, and Buscemi and lawyers said "listen, we're not dicks and we don't need the money... Just release any claim on the film you were selling rights to illegally, and pay us for our legal time to MAKE YOU DO THAT..."
Broder took the settlement in 2006, then never paid any of the agreed amount.
If you look down at the bottom of the docket you see Broder went into hiding like he always does and they couldn't find him to serve subpeona. The judge awarded plaintiffs. Basically Buscemi would own all of Broders assets and his con business if he ever wanted to deal with the douche again.

>> No.8135587

Clearly we have found what we must do. Start a petition to give to Buscemi that he rocked a with legal action and takes the Supercon brand from him as reparation for his shenanigans in 2008. We may lose major SoFlo cons, but Broder will be gone for good!

>> No.8135703

Holy shit this thread blew up.

>> No.8135740

Anyone have a way to get a hold of him or will agent through imdb work .
Also if sandy reads this I hope she shits her pants

>> No.8135780

I love how it morphed from a Broder inspired smear of Shock Pop to a Broder inspired smear of Broder

>> No.8135868 [DELETED] 

>Hi anonymous people who I probably know in real life. I enjoyed the #savethesupergirls tag, so I had to contribute.
>Mike Broder said to my face "cosplayers are a dime a dozen". And he really sees these girls as disposable promotional workers.
>So I've been on the brochure, been to numerous Supercon affiliated promo shoots, and made plenty of costumes with no monetary compensation. As someone already mentioned, Broder offers a table, admission, and a hotel room at the convention (because we also do panels, judge the contests, etc). AKA, it costs money to be a supergirl. All together I spent over $350 in costume costs for 4 costumes. The pics we receive from the all-day photo shoots are not quality enough to make prints to sell at our booths. This is all sold to the girls as a great opportunity to have an audience. But that audience is limited to Supercon because you may get "fired" for promoting another event.
>Anyway, I quit. Especially after Sandy (Mikes wife) posted this on her Facebook about the black lives matters organizers. Mike and Sandy threatened to fire me after knowing that I participated in the protest. When I brought this post up to Sandy she didn't apologize, but instead deleted me off of Facebook.
>Hi Supercon, I know you know who I am.
Go away Ben

>> No.8135913

really ? Ben ? That's your best guess. Slow clap at how very outside you must been in all of this. That aside how I wish someone with the legal fortitude would go after Broder. I know this guys fall is inevitable but I hope it happens soon

>> No.8135982

It's glorious

>> No.8136132

The guy put on Shock Pop Comic Con to "put Broder out of business" because Broder wouldn't hire his nephew or whatever, then proceeds to call Broder racist when his staff and team is the most diverse shit I've ever seen.

>> No.8136137

hi mike
>when his staff and team is the most diverse shit I've ever seen

>> No.8136151

I used to be a part of the super girls and honestly it wasn't that bad... were the ones that chose what photoshoot we wanted to do, when we wanted to do them, what times we were free, who we were going to dress as, etc...
all work is voluntary, if you don't wanna do it then just don't, any supergirls throwing a hissy fit shouldve just left sooner like I did, but I only left cus I had to focus on school not because I was treated shitty

>> No.8136165

Sounds like shot went south after he married sandy . We're you there for that anon supergirl?

>> No.8136171

>most diverse shit I've ever seen
>entirely asshole white men except for crazy wife

>> No.8136178

Idk who the anon girl is but I was there after he married sandy too and not much changed other than a couple organizational things

>> No.8136184

I'm not really sure what I was accused of saying since that link/comment seems to have since been removed??? but yeah not me. sorry. I've posted on here once, telling Lew Spectre to kill himself, sooooo yeah. I'm more just curious as to what I was accused of saying and being so outside and ignorant on than actually clarifying it wasn't me.

that said, aside from how many inaccurate statements, unproven hearsay, and outright lies are in this thread, its still really entertaining. so carry on and sorry for the interruption.

k thanks, bye.

>> No.8136190

LOL right, because all the Latinos and black people he has both working for him and volunteering for him are nonexistent. Not to mention the Jews, Buddhists, etc

>> No.8136199

oh, and as much as I am not a supercon homer these days, I'm more tempted at this point to stay on correcting people and calling out liars than anything else...but fuck 'em I'm done

>> No.8136200

some of us knew more about what was happening behind the scenes then we like to admit. Sometimes its not that easy and everytime someone opted out of a shoot they would get shit for it. Its not a hissy fit, i shouldn't have to get shit for not attending every supercon party. I shouldn't have to get shit for not visiting the supercon office often just to hang out. Its not easy to quit when youre brainwashed into being apart of the "family" and you know nothing else and think this must be how all cons operate and id rather be given these things than to be outside the circle. Until you wake up one day and realize its a cult and if leave you fear all the friends you made will there will leave you once youre on the outside because mike will find a way to make them believe youre actually an awful person when youre gone. Its not that easy when your suffering from Stockholm syndrome.

>> No.8136205

That's cause all his cons are more along the lines of "Cosplay Deviants Recruitment Cons"


Second pic, Lol Sarah Bloom is banned. That bitch got one massive ego and isn't afraid to fight for the side that benefits her.

>> No.8136212

I have a horse.

>> No.8136219

Also Katsucon too. Most of the FL con community heads up there now.

>> No.8136223

If this is who I think it is he always put your personal life on blast. Everyone felt bad for you.

>> No.8136236

Jason Bailey is fucking full of himself I swear.

Swampcon is full of retards from the neighboring city and then some.


Shado and Khaotic (Khaotic went under though apparently cause Henry can't manage his money.) Shado is full of shit people and tumblr obsessed feminazis and weebs....and the "burlesque group" who try to be Cosplay Deviants but aren't.

The only cons I really attend are Mega and Metro. Even that is becoming unbearable.

Oh, let's not get started with Asylum and OmniExpo and Omni's Costume Contest rigging!

I'm also surprised no one has mentioned Holiday Matsuri.

>> No.8136242

Sarah Bloom? That you?

>> No.8136245

Who do you think Op is, anon?

>> No.8136254

They put every girls business on blast, let's be honest

>> No.8136260

Do they? I've only heard off hand comments.

>> No.8136262

Im not calling the poor girl out. But i honestly thought she left because of mike constantly poking fun at her personal life to everyone.

>> No.8136276

Yes i know but this girls case was especially bad.

>> No.8136280


>> No.8136281

That's true. Didn't really think about that.

Damn that sucks either way. I wonder if these girls even realize that they publize their lives. Gotta suck.

>> No.8136295


Oh! If he surrounds himself with blacks and Latinos to work for him and follow his every whim, he must NOT be a racist. What were we thinking!

>> No.8136323

I've heard he tries to get some of his staff members to hook up, like he wants to breed the perfect cosplayer, and then gets pissed when people don't play along with his staff eugenics program. It sounds fucking weird.

>> No.8136335

It's actually a mix of breeding the cosplayers and the wrestlers or staff members and staff members, so that when they get mad at one of you, they can hold both of you accountable for your actions.

>> No.8136369

Fuck really? That is a thing? Man I used to go with this girl that was into the RHPS crews down here when she was a kid, and she said a guy running one offered her drugs for sex back in the day when she was like, 14 or something. Broder's podcasting with him now so... Fuck that whole scene is dirty.

>> No.8136375

This escalated quickly... kek

>> No.8136411

That's gonzo from geekfest lol

>> No.8136412

Untrue. Wasn't Broder or his wife that contacted them about the waiver, it was one of their employees, and last I heard whoever it was was fired for harassing the girl for the waiver. Mike thought they already had the waiver. Also the girl wasn't saying "goodbye", she was persistently harassing him even after he said to stop multiple times. Broder apologized to them after finding out about the staff member harassing her for the waiver.

>> No.8136424

Hi Mike

>> No.8136439

Mike doesn't type this good lol, his fingers are too fat

>> No.8136440

The other employee still put his hands on a woman though, waiver or not.

>> No.8136445

Hi Sandy.
Fixed that for you.

>> No.8136448

I think you may be the only one that believes that version. It's a very nice story pitting the blame not only on a victim of assualt but a former employee. Scapegoats at every turn and the all mighty Broder and his current staff again without fault.

>> No.8136450

So a girl can hit a guy for harassing her, but a guy can't do the same when they're harassed?

>> No.8136458

>pitting blame

But he apologized

>> No.8136463

>gender roles

>> No.8136464

Of his own volition? Or did Mike make him do it to save face?

>> No.8136468

Oh he said he was sorry...
Well that makes assaulting someone for tapping your shoulder perfectly ok.
The she deserved it approach is very classy by the way.
Lots of forward thinkers over there at supercon

>> No.8136473

Would have to be the guy who did it.
Broder doesn't seem like the apologizing type

>> No.8136478

No one said she laid a hand on the employee. But we know he laid a hand on her.

>> No.8136479

Hey sandy. Btw I heard that waiver was bullshit anyway and found on google just to have something to sign. You realize that right? Stop blaming other employees for youre mistakes you were the ones that needed the waiver signed so you couldn't feel threatened by the idea of that woman suing and only appologized when it turned into a thing much later.

>> No.8136483

I don't even work at supercon, but okay. She didn't deserve THAT, and the guy got in trouble for it, but she's not a complete victim. She kept harassing him even after being told 3 times to stop. It wasn't just "poking". I was there.

>> No.8136485

Broder apologized himself and admitted that he was wrong.

>> No.8136488

I love how the guy who assaulted a girl is still working there but the girl who couldn't get the waiver signed to save that guys ass got fired over it.

>> No.8136494

And by apologize you mean fired.
Very good apology

>> No.8136495

Did he apologize to her before or after he fired her and her family on Christmas Eve?

>> No.8136496

Idk anything about their waivers but the waiver is for the wrestling, not for the assault. It literally doesn't have anything to do with the situation, the girl was just pissed that the now fired employee was still asking for it

>> No.8136500

So much trouble that he still has his job apparently . I can't believe that a girl got fired for not getting a waiver signed. But the guy who assaulted someone still works there. I'm sorry but if you're staff at a show and you assault someone you shouldn't work at convention. Doesn't aeem safe. Seriously messed up

>> No.8136501

That was after

>> No.8136506

Yeah she was doubled over vomiting after the altercation and was so distressed for days after
But I'm sure it was the annoying waiver that made it the the police report.

>> No.8136508

You mean like Bobby Mac who used to beat all his girlfriends before starting Geekfest with "DrugRapey" Gonzo? Seems like a lot of guys are "poor victims" here.

>> No.8136516

She got fired for lying about already having the waiver signed and going behind their backs harassing the girl for it

>> No.8136521

Yea I don't care if the girl was annoying or not . Unless the dude has some mental disorder there's no way to even sort of justify that shit. I really hope that girl is pressing charges actively. what the hell man

>> No.8136523

Let me get this straight... A girl who was working for the show "went after" the victim of an assault for weeks to have her sign a "please don't sue the show" waiver after that horse had left the barn, and she finds herself just as fired as the girl who was fired for "allowing herself to be assaulted?"

>> No.8136526

Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about the waiver. A staff member assaulted someone and this thread is arguing about a waiver.

>> No.8136529

Omg right? Like you can beat a girl up, but don't be aggressively after her autograph because that will get you fired!

>> No.8136530

So when a guy takes a girl down to the floor thats totally more ok than asking a girl to sign waiver a few times? Ok supercon promoter/staff

>> No.8136531

The waiver is for the wrestling event

>> No.8136533

Paperwork worse than assault according to broder

>> No.8136534

Yea so why would the waiver even matter after she was assaulted.

>> No.8136544

How does any of this random distraction bs that FSC is coming up with as defense for their shit even make sense? What a fucking douche.

>> No.8136561

hope we get a new florida thread after this one hits the limit

>> No.8136580

Best thing for everyone to do is just to share it with everyone you know. Raise awareness. #BoycottBroder

>> No.8136586

That's easy. I didn't want to spend a ton of money on south beach anyway

>> No.8136590

Spread this thread . So much dramu

>> No.8136630

Reading through this I love how this thread has gotten an actual reaction out of Broder and his staff . There shows have always had a reputation for being drama filled but this... This is a lot

>> No.8136718

for anyone keeping score on the wrestling front, broder is still backing ronin. the morons who "bought" it cant afford to run a bingo hall much less where they are running. even better is that one half of the new team had to be protected from hal f the locker room at animate after he almost crippled another wrestler. another "protected" member of the broder camp.

>> No.8136738

Its really funny how that Harley's loveshack girl is sucking broders dick. For years she would warn people not to attend his events because he was a liar and owed people money. She used to be prettg chill and cosplayed things she cared about.

Its amazing what a little taste of fame will do to people.

>> No.8136745


Hi Ben

>> No.8136758

Not Ben, but are you going to really try to defend her?

>> No.8136897 [DELETED] 

How has no one brought up his failed comic book shop? You know, the one he ran into the ground when he tried to go against Tate.

>> No.8136932

Probably not even sandy. They have a minion. I saw her at magic city. She was one of the doctors on the cover. The 12th I think.

>> No.8136938

It got a reaction from broder?

>> No.8136939

Someone sounds jelous.

>> No.8137013

Oh yeah its definitely gotten to Broder. If he was smart he wouldnt waste his time battling anons on 4chan. Youre already paranoid as shit of your staff as it is, I bet you cleared today's schedule just for this.

>> No.8137038

Broder should go back to sleeping on Sandys couch and have her support him again because the way this is going he'll be doing the next con in a gym again .
It's a vicious circle he's created for himself

>> No.8137049

Archive for justice

>> No.8137165

done. http://4archive.org/cgl/thread/8127178

>> No.8137230

This is why SoFlo can't have nice things.

>> No.8137233

I want to see his reaction to realizing his bullshit has been getting around and he's quickly losing connections left and right.

>> No.8137378
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Not just SoFlo. Spooky Empire in Orlando is now partnered with Supercon/Broder.

>> No.8137385
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Looks like Spooky Empire in Orlando and Supercon have now teamed up

>> No.8137388

they've been frenemies for years.

>> No.8137390

If you call selling my soul and dignity to the devil then sure. I just hope Broader knows how much shit she has said about him to literally everyone she knows before she cheated on her bf for one of the wrestling fags

>> No.8137397

Is this the #boycottBroder thread or the 'publicize everything Broder's doing from Facebook posts to podcasts and con partnerships' thread?

>> No.8137412

Both the #boycottBroder is actually reverse psychology advertising. Border is trying to get into your head.

>> No.8137416

ok Aly, we get it. you don't like Harley. WE GOT IT.

>> No.8137429


Hey look! It's me!

I'm actually one of those girls with a giant red 'X' over her, so I can at least verify that I quit. I wasn't a SuperGirl, I was staff for the convention. I worked my butt off, and always felt undermined in my decisions when I had routes that were easier that the promoter refused to acknowledge. Instead of having something that would take a quick skim and clean out, I had hours upon hours upon hours of paperwork.

I have had to improvise and deal with numerous embarrassing situations because of small slights, and that happens. Either there were a portion of trophies missing, or he throws me in last second with no chance to contact the girls, and then yells at me after when things don't work out his way. (Maybe you should tell me your plans face to face instead of coming up with them in the last five minutes and sending someone to play telephone tag.)

My reason for quitting was abuse put onto myself, or my friends, through email, facebook, or vocally. His wife even blocked me on Facebook because she was talking negatively about one of them and didn't want the person's 'supporters' to be able to see. He's had me uncontrollably crying from a panic attack before and I couldn't handle it. That was it.

I loved all of my girls, the burlesque girls, the Super Girls, and more. I adored one of them, and she was so willing to help with everything, and I needed someone. she was always there, but when I told Mike I wanted her as a judge, he threw a fit and stated I was not allowed to because she was pretty much on his shit list for something. She had suspects of being avoiding the entire convention, and I felt so conflicted, because she was probably one of the sweetest girls that I knew, but I couldn't use her unless I wanted Mike screaming at me next.

I have so many more horror stories, but I think you can all catch the drift; he enjoys being the ass.

'You scorched the Earth.'

Morning, 4chan!

>> No.8137441

Not Aly try harder

>> No.8137477

did sandy quit her real job? i know broder never had one.

>> No.8137482

Kinda hard to quit being a bitch don't you think

>> No.8137495

hi mike
according to this thread you're bitchier

>> No.8137497

Just wondering do overweight Jews go through menopause because it would explain broders behavior

>> No.8137507

Hey _sp

He didn't want you to use her because she didn't fit his idealistic notions of a skinny pretty modelesque cosplayer.

>> No.8137512

That's every girl's experience working for supercon lol

>> No.8137520

Actually, they had a fight over something. It wasn't for her looks. He would have accepted anyone else on the planet, just not her. (I still ended up using her anyways at the end because I absolutely adore that girl.)

That does not stop him from just being an ass to ladies left and right, however.

>> No.8137591

he'll be the last to admit it though and the band will play on. this year we'll hear about 100,000 in attendance at supercon and see another round of awful commercials starring Sandy.

>> No.8137616


>> No.8137738

Seems evey year his numbers get bigger and bigger makes you wonder how of that is actually made up to inflate his ego

>> No.8137761
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As someone who worked for the Pig Troll we all know as Michael Broder, I find this all hilarious. He's a dickhead. Just dox him, I know most of him know the guy irl. Shit on his social media and he'll be fucked. All they ever do in his shit clubhouse is play on Facebook all day. #SlayThePigTroll

>> No.8137805
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So now he's posting this kinda crap

>> No.8137821

ROTFL that's Rapuano doing photoshop

>> No.8137909 [DELETED] 

Kinda late there Marc
Michael Broder
587 NE 7th Ave.
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301

PO Box 4012
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33338


(954) 263-0654

>> No.8137920
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inb4 someone takes a shit on Broder's lawn. #SlayThePigTroll

>> No.8137935

>I kek'd

>> No.8137944

I fucking swear m8 if this thread dies because of your stupid ass...

>> No.8137955

If as many people who posted in this thread actually went to Shock Pop they might have been able to fill a panel room.

>> No.8137975

That's cute. There are as many empty and shitty cons at brodercons~

>> No.8137983


>> No.8138014

Who are you
Go away

>> No.8138036

Wait till I get to ya ;DDD

>> No.8138074

More stories, if you wouldn't mind?

>> No.8138081

I can confirm this. I tend to fill my day with panels and even at Supercon, I've been to panels, even for popular voice actors, with maybe one-two rows of seats filled total. Many others were cancelled without notice until thirty or more minutes of waiting. Some panels.

>> No.8138084

Dude, no.

>> No.8138101

So like, only max 3,000 people went to shock pop when they were advertising and promising over 25,000 attendees and saying they're the biggest show? Idc about this broder crap but the shock pop dudes are absolute idiots. I feel bad for all the vendors that didnt even make a penny.

>> No.8138133

bitch we know mikes sending his followers to defend him who the fuck cares, a fun con is a fun con. they had the biggest media guests South Florida's ever had imo

>> No.8138189

Lol fuck off, no where in my post am I defending Broder. Who the fuck cares? Uh, all the vendors that spent money to be there expecting the amount of attendees that they kept promising over and over again. I was a vendor and that shit SUCKED, they kept manipulating me into getting a table saying that they're the biggest show in Florida, promising me that I'll make money, so I spent money to set up my booth and like 90% of the attendees were other exhibitors or panelists or whatever, and there were so little people there. Don't try to say that its not true, I was there, and you can see in every photo that there are like 0-5 people in the background. Pathetic. Never buying into anything that Hellers organize ever again.

>> No.8138207

PLUS, I don't understand why Broder was arrested or kicked out or whatever out of shock pop, when it was the hellers that found me at Magic City and manipulated me into vending at their show, and broder didn't kick them out. All this drama nonsense is seriously retarded

>> No.8138330
File: 175 KB, 496x459, Screen Shot 2015-02-22 at 5.25.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Everyone here, everyone who cares, and still will go....

>Can easily find a way to get in without giving Mike a goddamn dime.
>Can schedule times to shout anti-mike statements at his cons.
>Can promote chibi-pa, metro-con, and other cons not hosted by Mike Broder.

Florida carries all kinds of nutters who kill for less than this shitstain. Can't wait for that news article.

Here are some screen caps of posts Geekfest/Ultracon reps shared on their site.
I don't have any details outside of the fact that a rep stated "They (the links) were removed after Shock pop con removed 'geekfest' from their statement"

>> No.8138332
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image 2

>> No.8138340

Wow, what a whiney little bitch. The Incident. You threatened to pull the fire alarm and acted like a douchebag days up to the show and expected to waltz right in.

>> No.8138352

mte. i'm legit rolling my eyes at those "advertisements".

>> No.8138418
File: 155 KB, 484x357, Screen Shot 2015-01-02 at 11.08.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anyone competant and capable with enough free time to start a kickstarter for a con by fans to compete with Mike's BS empire?

I'd throw money at that (but have no time to organize it)

"One day a con will rise, and destroy him. The avatar of cons. AvatarCon. When the world needed them most, they disappeared. Zuko played by Broder, screaming MONEY instead of HONOR."

>> No.8138429

all SFL cons should be called the road to MegaCon something broader will never be might thinks he's big but he ain't Mega big

>> No.8138450
File: 136 KB, 416x340, Screen Shot 2015-01-03 at 1.33.44 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hosting a con is a lot of fucking work. I doubt lurkers on cgl at 10pm have that talent/time.

Now signal boosting tweets to steve buschemi requesting he take his right to the supercon name showcasing all of the awful that is super/animate, that i'm down for.


>> No.8138475

Actually Flame Princess and Bubblegum are Heather1337 and Alexia Jean Grey. I still see them as guests at his shows but they don't host panels or do cover shoots anymore.

>> No.8138484

I would be so down to just have a new con made by fan and all the shitty promoters with their dramu to the curb and have everyone just be happy there and forget about everything else....except for maybe megacon LOL

>> No.8138667

Except the cosplay community is just as bad, talking shit about each other behind backs, causing drama, etc

>> No.8138756

Instead of putting on another fucking show, how about we just let Broder implode and continue to spread word of his bullshit. We don't need more cons in Florida, we need less.

>> No.8138992

What we need is someone who has actually had first hand bull shit from Broder come forward and say what he has done and call to action others to do the same. While this Anon stuff is safe on our end, if enough faces go public and make a stand, that would den Broder hard.

>> No.8139099

Get the fuck outta here Tony

>> No.8139305

In addition to# boycottbroder and #boycottsupercon, we should send all his guests info via Twitter or other avenues so they may think twice about associating their name with Supercon and hopefully pull out of the con. That might hurt his numbers.

>> No.8139506

Its been done, alot actually, the reason you don't hear about most of it is that there is a pending legal case and most of the concrete info has to be kept private for now. but there are plenty of people.

>> No.8139517

Great Idea!!!

>> No.8139533

I don't know why you expected that kind of turn out at a first year con. Especially one with so many other events coinciding. I don't know why the promoter of shockpopcc expected that, or maybe he is just delusional...

>> No.8139560

I didn't. But they wouldn't leave me alone, they kept manipulating me, until I bought a booth. The guy said, and I quote, "I promise you that you'll make your money back and much more, more than at any other con." But now when I contact him, because I actually LOST money instead of gain anything, he ignores me.

>> No.8139566

anyone know anything about this

>> No.8139611

That's his Mom I think, she works at the shows too

>> No.8139624

That's strange. How big was your booth rental? Where were you at? I'm wondering if we talked during Sunday, because I'm industry, so I was asking around show to see how it went. I was there Sunday only, and to be honest it seemed pretty light for attendance. The bookers I spoke with all told me that their talent had made gaurantees despite the turnout, but not much extra. I heard a lot of exhibitors saying that their Saturday had actually been good to them. Apparently a few exhibitors really did bank. There was a poster guy that said he did really well, but he had some show exclusive prints. A few others told me they were pleased despite everything. There were some grumbles from larger booths who'd bought multiple booths, and that makes sense considering the increased overhead. It seemed like the average booth made money, but would have clearly have made more with more attendees. No one I spoke to in the venue actually stated they lost money.

>> No.8139644

Or maybe you're just fucking stupid? It's a first year con. Anyone would know what they were getting. You're just a moron.

>> No.8139696

dats dat alex grifter priddy nigah throwin fake shade cos dey drop his azz. Tell dem bout you knockin up your finace den dippin out on her fat assto comitt statutory rape wit a 16yr old tho. realtawk

>> No.8139717

Not grifter but that's nice to know about him. Everyone is such a class act here in sunny Florida.

>> No.8139731

hi grfter you lie bout as well as you make props doe

>> No.8139741

Lol no I'm serious I don't like grifter I wouldn't buy shit from that guy or Logan they're both incompetent and I think gonzo and bobby are scumbags and wanted to air my grievances. I'm just a con regular that wanted to chime in.

>> No.8139843

Geekfest dropped grifter? Deets

>> No.8139860

Mike fired back on the shock pop fb page and the whole page seems to have disappeared. Wish I'd screen capped that :/

>> No.8139866

I just confirmed that their page is not viewable. I wonder if he got one of his sleazy lawyer friends to threaten them

>> No.8139887

Mike posted some truths about the lies Heller has said, I'm assuming they took their page down so no one would see it.

>> No.8139927

No matter what side you're on, you have to admit Mike fucking destroyed Shock Pop with that final comment before they hastily deleted the entire page.

>> No.8139957

Do have a screen shot??

>> No.8139974
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>> No.8139983
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>> No.8139988
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>> No.8139992
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>> No.8139993

You're a babe thanks papi

>> No.8140008

>get rekt

>> No.8140015

It's hilarious that he chooses to attack Shock Pop when many of the people exposing his shit have nothing directly to do with that con and have worked with him in the past.

>> No.8140019

What fucking bullshit. A photographer was fired and people were threatened by Broder and petey. Broder is counting on the fear he's instilled to hold over facts. I can only hope the people out there with the recordings and screenshots come forward.There was nothing polite about the email he sent to ani mia . He went as far as contacting a voice actor guest and having him drop out of shock pop to be at supercon. As for the other shows he lets them do they're all shows he now has under his fat thumb.

>> No.8140029

You're confused anon. 12th was the host, pretty sure she's gone. I was a volunteer at MC worked under the one you're thinking about. She's the 11th love.

>> No.8140054

I guess it just speaks to him being not being a proffessional but if I was a promoter at convention and this was a thread about myself and my show and none of it was true I wouldn't go through the trouble of writing a fucking thesis addressing points made one 4chan. A place known for shit talking. So I suppose either he's immature which is clear or perhaps he's scared that his true colors are showing . I have a feeling if the right people speak up I'm excited to see what happens.

>> No.8140086

Hating Broder doesn't mean that Shock Pop people are saints. They've both done ridiculous things.

I hope that all the Shock Pop costume contest winners get their money... So far they've received squat and have been ignored.

>> No.8140087


>> No.8140095

Now which one his flunkies are you ?

>> No.8140097

Italked to that girl at the con she seemed really nice I asked for her help w/ my booth when i saw her walking around and she was a doll

>> No.8140125

sounds like he's just going to implode on himself eventually, taking all his cons with him. good riddance.

>> No.8140135

>I spoke to a handful of "friends"
>I did not cause a scene
>among everything else he's obviously lying about

>> No.8140195

>someone who doesn't like me took a video
I wonder why they dont like you

>> No.8140211

Broder is high on himself. I watched the thing go down (you can almost see me in part of th video). A con dude came up later asking the security guy (in tan in the video) what happened and why... like he was the last to know. He kept asking the chick that security guy was with if Broder was on any ban list and she said no one of the star handlers was pissed about $ broder owed him and she thought there might be a fight so she booted him. con dude was like, ok whatevs. It was in the middle of the show floor, like right next to where they walked him out.
I love how an entire thread (probably started by broder) turned into screw broder, and he's busy crying on his wahmbulance over some 1 year show.

>> No.8140235

It looks like Prime will chime in his side of the story, via radio none the less. I can't imagine Mike and Sandy looking any better after that.

>> No.8140264

yeah, and on top of that there was another star handler in the lobby who tried to come after him after he was booted

>> No.8140363


>dats dat alex grifter priddy nigah throwin fake shade cos dey drop his azz. Tell dem bout you knockin up your finace den dippin out on her fat assto comitt statutory rape wit a 16yr old tho. realtawk

Now I denounce broder cons, but there were booths that suffered p hard. I don't claim to know the costs, but i know one exhibitor personally who didn't make much and isn't selling next year.

And I personally went and bought from a game board seller who was about to cry about his lost profits. He sold me pixel tactics 1 for at shop price 15$ on saturday just to get rid of inventory. http://level99store.lvl99games.com/PixelTactics
They bought 2 tables and had a ton of merch.
Expected way more attendance.

I don't know more, but i imagine the shockpop con will do poorly next year due less vendors after the loss most vendors experienced this year. Though what do you expect on Vday/Katsu/Renfest

(inb4 'hi mike' as i support wrecking his anus)