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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.85 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8125050 No.8125050 [Reply] [Original]

Come on, we all have pictures if our cats/dogs/other pets "helping" us with cosplay. Post a pic of your super-helpful assistant.

>> No.8125057
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>> No.8125084
File: 2.33 MB, 1161x778, stupidface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contributing with my stupid cat.

>> No.8125114
File: 463 KB, 1420x484, Lays on everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was from a while ago but this is when I had a massive sewing party at my house with a friend to rush through con prep. When she left the fur fabric at my house, my dog decided to make a nest out of it and claimed it as her bed.

>> No.8125188
File: 398 KB, 1070x1036, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here..,this is my second cat being totally helpful as I try to unpack from con..

>> No.8125202
File: 58 KB, 500x375, rude baby 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cat has to involve herself in EVERYTHING I do. I have to move her to another room when I work with fabric because she likes to stand in the center of it then rip shit across the room, digging her claws into the fabric and kicking it up as she goes.
Here she is helping me calibrate my printer.

>> No.8125204

Hope this is ok. Not cosplay but I was watching this tutorial for a scarf that a lolita made and her cat is just so helpful!

>> No.8125205
File: 284 KB, 1280x960, rude baby 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here she is helping me make paper mache.

>> No.8125222

No contribution because I've never had a pet, but dropping in to say I love this thread!

>> No.8125228
File: 1.40 MB, 695x928, anais2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really related because she hasn't had a chance to 'help' yet, but I just adopted this little shit and want to show her off.

Formally known as 'Bones Jones the tiny cat.'

>> No.8125234

Oh she's so cute! What is that behind her? Is that a bird cage?

>> No.8125249
File: 1.57 MB, 1397x927, gizmo5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a rat cage! I breed 'em.

This little guy is Gizmo.

>> No.8125252

She's really cute but... she has a dick on her face, I'm sorry anon.

>> No.8125254

She's staring dead at you anon saying you don't need this, I need this.

>> No.8125258
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>> No.8125265
File: 1.97 MB, 1164x876, bubs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normally Gizmo is my go-to "Too cute to hate." guy! THIS is for scaring normalfags.

>> No.8125269

I don't even like rats but I want to kiss these little jellybeans.

>> No.8125277

I think it was the "I breed 'em" Gave me a super creepy image of some dude watching rats fuck. Congrats on the babies though.

>> No.8125286

Your rats are super cute, anon

>> No.8125289

you've probably never had rats then, they're the best small pets really because they're highly intelligent and usually never bite. (unlike bitch hamsters)

>> No.8125293
File: 161 KB, 720x1280, Snapchat-20140613020001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's her signature pose. forgive wrinkly fabric I was making shitty mockups.

>> No.8125294

When I was a kid I asked my dad for a hamster and he bought me 8 hamsters. They were all mean. Scared me away from rodents.

>> No.8125301

Fuck, they're so weird but cute. I had pet mice who had a bunch of babies once, but the mum wouldn't feed them and their tummies swelled up and split :( The second litter survived luckily but jeez it was so sad.

>> No.8125309

because hamsters are bitches and the worst pets for children.

Rats are like tiny cats because they clean themselves regularly, and they give you more love the more food you give it.

>> No.8125319

That's because you and your dad are fucking idiots. Hamsters are bad for small children 90% of the time for that exact reason and speaking to literally anyone who has ever owned one will tell you that. Did you have 8 at once? Or did you get them one after another after they bit your shitty little nosepicking fingers? Because both options are fucking stupid, I just want to know what kind of stupid you are.
Rats are really great though, as long as you treat them kindly they'll be some of the most affectionate and intelligent pets you ever own. Don't write them off just because you are a fucking dumbass.

>> No.8125322
File: 50 KB, 460x382, 1660672_10152579307813852_1387012433_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my rats!

>> No.8125324

>rat owners breaking down the rat stigma

>> No.8125328

He literally came home one day with 8 hamsters in 3 cages. They never bit me but they attacked each other and when I told him I couldn't handle that many hamsters and they can't be in cages together he lost his shit on me telling me I should never ask for anything ever again if I couldn't be responsible when I got things. My dad is nuts. My mom had to help me give them away because I was only 12.
Please chill the fuck out.

>> No.8125344

lol being this mad at a kid for wanting a hampster. up until I was like 15 I thought it was a good idea to own wolves, big cats, bears, koalas, etc. If anything it was their father that was irresponsible, because holy fuck, 8 hamsters is a lot. And they said they only wanted one.

>> No.8125345

Yeah, your dad is clearly nuts and I'm only slightly sorry for going off on you. I blame his dumb ass and the fucking pet store he purchased from, anyone who's worked in a pet store for longer than 15 minutes knows that hamsters (especially dwarfs) are extremely aggressive to each other and selling that many was so irresponsible I want to drink myself to sleep tonight.

>> No.8125353

holy cow, what a terrible situation,
hamsters are usually very territorial and don't get along with one another especially if there's a bunch of the opposite sex.

rule of thumb, never keep hamsters together in one cage for anyone curious. SOME might be able to, but mostly, no

>> No.8125364

Are you okay, Anon? Serious question, not mocking. Maybe you should vent in the feels thread.

>> No.8125366

>Yeah, your dad is clearly nuts and I'm only slightly sorry for going off on you
I don't know if you're crazy or trying to be edgy or what.

>> No.8125378
File: 988 KB, 2560x1440, 20150216_230058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to sort old cosplays for my move.

>> No.8125385
File: 37 KB, 320x428, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was not even my cat. I had a sew party at a friends place

>> No.8125421

OT but one of my rats doesn't bite but she's really grabby and will hang onto any part of me I put into the cage lol she's always pulling on my sleeves and tugging at my rings,the little butt But it-s pretty damn cute when she holds onto my fingers lol.

>> No.8125455

God I love this thread.

>> No.8125468
File: 182 KB, 2048x1152, 10659118_853060068051948_6316933841584290154_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to spend time on /an/ and read stories about how sweet pet rats are. Also showed me how nice chickens can be as pets(not to mention my uncle had chickens that would follow him around and climb into his lap like a dog)

This thread makes me miss my pet cat Harley. She passed away last year. I still have my dog though. She's such a good dog. She did turn a pile of faux fur I had into a bed. Not that I mind.

>> No.8125482

I heard an horror story about one hamster eating another hamster.

>> No.8125485

My hamster back then fell from my bed and apparently broke his spine partly. He started eating his tail, we had to put that poor thing down.

>> No.8125489

Sorry but all I see are dirty rodents. I will never in a thousand years understand how anybody could think they are anything but despicable.

>> No.8125493

>a horror story
>just one
This happens pretty much on a weekly basis at any pet store that houses multiple hamsters together.

>> No.8125494

nice b8 m8

>> No.8125495

I basically cried every day over it until we got rid of them. To this day I don't know what my dad's fucking problem was. Was he just brain broken? Was he purposely trying to sabotage me so I could never ask for a pet ever again? Both entirely possible. 4 years later I told this fun dad story plus many more to a therapist.

>> No.8125497

It's not bait, hating rats/mice(/hamsters) is a very common thing. It's very uncommon to like them and own them as pets and people who do are perceived as "weird" where I live.

>> No.8125499

It's only common if you're a fucking dumbass :)

>> No.8125502

Yes, hating what you have literally no experience is very common. Still doesn't mean it's a valid reason to hate.

>> No.8125505

stop falling for easy bait

>> No.8125508

If I was dating you and you let your cat get on my clothes or other stuff, I'd kick it. Hard.

>> No.8125509

Well then everyone I know has to be a dumbass as well as supermarkets selling raticide. Weird how there is poison for those lovely rats, right? :^)

Of course it's not a valid reason to hate, but I still despise them and think they are creepy and see no reason why I should change my opinion when everybody and their dog hates rats anyway.

>> No.8125512

If I was your date I'd kick you in the balls. Really hard.

>> No.8125518

Whoa whoa, calm your shit, guys.

I wouldn't say that rats as pets are at all uncommon these days, but a lot of people are uneducated towards them as pets. Ignorance breeds fear, etc.

The main thing that people who hate rats don't seem to realize is that PET rats and wild/sewer rats are entirely different animals.
Pet rats are Rattus Norwegicus, street rats are Rattus Rattus.

>On that note, it's entirely inappropriate to approach anybody and tell them, unsolicited, that you hate their choice of pets. That's just rude.

>> No.8125522 [DELETED] 

And then I'd chuck your BC in the bin, rape you and cum inside of you.

>> No.8125524

the common pet rat is probably cleaner than you'll ever be.

I feel bad for people who were force fed bad ideas about rats to the point that it makes them scared or disgusted, because they're missing out on a great pet.

I mean, I feel for you, If I was told that dogs or cats were flea-ridden, dirty, virus bearing scourges of the earth, and never actually interacted with them in person, I'd be disgusted to here you had one too.

>> No.8125533

You need to calm down

>> No.8125535

I interact with my sister's cats and I still think they're a bunch of plaguebearers. I'm sad about the house she moved into. Perfectly fine house now stunk up by cat pee and covered in hairs.

>> No.8125536
File: 24 KB, 640x480, FB_IMG_1424170158560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so, it's not exactly related but it is in some way.
An extremely low detail, low effort Madoka cosplay for my cat. It looks shit and it was from a year ago.
Inb4 animal cruelty, it was rather loose and was quickly on and off for photos.

>> No.8125540

>On that note, it's entirely inappropriate to approach anybody and tell them, unsolicited, that you hate their choice of pets. That's just rude.

Like I would ever do that. I'd force a grin and never visited them again. But I could care less about posting my opinion on an anon board. I utterly hate dogs, too, but this is a very different story.
On another note, if I mentioned at my work place/at home/at my university or anywhere else that I think rats are disgusting nobody would bat an eye. Say the same about dogs or cats and people will think something is wrong with you.
I don't get where you gulls get the idea that rats as pets are anywhere near common nowadays. My friend's landlord even forbid her to move in with her rats.
Like I know they are not dirty or dangerous, but so are spiders and snakes and still it's common to dislike them.

>> No.8125542

I think I expressed my opinion in a very calm way~

>> No.8125544

Everyone please stop ruining this thread with your bickering. Pets or gtfo.

>> No.8125548

wtf anon, why would you try to take credit for a post you didn't make lol
let alone -that- post

>> No.8125549

Uh huh, because we all know everyone thinks that wild dogs and domestic dogs are literally the same thing and like them the same amount, people cannot differentiate between something wild and something tame, which is what you'd use something like raticide for.
I've never even owned a rat but your posts are some of the dumbest I have ever seen in my 6 years here on 4chan. Think about that and reflect for just a minute.

>> No.8125550

>But I could care less...

Well then maybe you should.

>> No.8125552

*couldn't care less

>> No.8125554


Oh great, there's always one retard who comes in posting about shit no one cares
Stop ruining this thread and take your period stained cunt elsewhere

>> No.8125555

>Implying therads on 4chan ever stay on topic
Are you really this new?

>> No.8125558

you seem to think that those three posts were all made by the same person, which is obviously true if you'd bother to actually read them. Please lurk harder.

>> No.8125559

Shows that you girls can't have an actual discussion like us men can.

>> No.8125561

obviously not true
fucking hell

>> No.8125563

This had the chance to be such a cute thread.

>> No.8125574
File: 1.62 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I was hoping for some cute cats to cheer me up while I'm held over at work because of snow.

Have my cat again making a home in one of my cosplay racks. Of course it was just the one I needed to use too.

>> No.8125576

th...that laundry bin. Get your cat a scratching post anon.

>> No.8125579

Yeah that's on the list. She was originally scratching at a nice hamper in that spot so we switched to that one since it was already junky and beat up. I just use I to store off-season clothes but with tax returns, hopefully I can get a nice scratch post and a new hamper.

>> No.8125581

well that escalated quickly...

>> No.8125582

It did, but when people start talking about absuing animals out of ignorance (>>8125294) or sharing photos of animals that are deprived of basic needs (>>8125188), jimmies are gonna get rustled. When you don't take care of your animals but can afford a hobby like cosplaying, it looks pretty shitty and people are gonna call you out on it.

>> No.8125585

I have two cats, we got them a nice post/condo from amazon (cheaper than petstore and similar quality) they still scratch the arms of my couch occasionally, but they've cut down on scatching the carpet and every other thing around the house. Also, they seem to like the cheapo cardboard corrugated blocks. I love them but they are monsters so it's all about finding middle ground I guess.

>> No.8125586
File: 1.94 MB, 972x1296, Tobiassewing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is ancient, back from 2008, but this cat was my baby and I miss him.

>> No.8125589

Do you breed them so you can feed them to your cat?

>> No.8125590

...why were you working outside??

>> No.8125598

Because it was summer and the weather was nice. I was handsewing that time but I used to take my machine out on the deck if it was dry enough.

>> No.8125600

Honestly, anon, I'm thinking about it.

I cull any rats that are sickly (Because a URI at under 8 weeks is going to cause serious, long-term pain.) and sell them as frozen feeders.
I also feed my cat a raw diet (Human-grade meat.)

..So yeah. Considering it, but as it is she's very friendly with them and I don't want to jeopardize that.

>> No.8125623

I'm really glad that you countered anon's attempt at bait with an informed and intelligent response.

>> No.8125672
File: 501 KB, 220x220, 2014_10_26_11_28_38.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet my lil baby Stitch.
He loves to nom on my damn wigs and clothes and cuddle with my fluffy cutesy goods or sleep on it but is too cute to shout at. Look at this idiot.

>> No.8125749
File: 82 KB, 612x612, tumblr_m8ifobuyQu1rnrg62o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dumping some pictures of my favorite work buddy, and first kitty 'Gypsy'. She sadly passed a about two years ago.

>> No.8125750
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>> No.8125751
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>> No.8125752
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>> No.8125787
File: 670 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1167a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kitty Matilda decided to help me take pictures for my lolita blog. (Not cosplay, but I hope y'all don't mind since it's still cgl.)

>> No.8125791

lol'd out loud

>> No.8125805
File: 563 KB, 960x540, Screenshot_2015-02-17-09-54-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cat helping out my friend with a pattern

>> No.8125808
File: 167 KB, 870x925, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sticks his head through my arm when I'm sewing.

>> No.8125810

I bet you're the kind of person who leaves their clothes all over the place in piles.

>> No.8125819

Your girl is precious! I'm sorry you lost her :(

>> No.8125856
File: 925 KB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my little man "helping" me with my Masamune cosplay. The bag at the back was fabric I needed to place there so he didn't roll on it (black plus his fur is bad). He doesn't help as much since he'll be 18 soon but he still sits with me on the floor at my new house and purrs his heart out while I work.

>> No.8125857

>hamsters (especially dwarfs)

I'm going to be that person. It's SYRIAN hamsters (the big ones) that can absolutely never live together. Dwarf hamsters can actually often live with a companion or two, provided they were raised together. I kept them in pairs with no problems multiple times. You just need to have a backup cage ready in case they don't get along.

Sage because this is /an/ shit.

>> No.8125869
File: 98 KB, 960x720, Vivi Treadmill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My kitty assisting with my workout.

(I wish I had a more relevant photo, but I've never managed to get a picture of her stealing my crafting supplies)

>> No.8125870
File: 1.94 MB, 3264x2448, 20141206_194854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how my little Sandy lets us know we are spending too much time focusing on things that aren't her.
Not exactly 'helping' but still cute.

>> No.8125905

cosplay dog

>> No.8126040
File: 43 KB, 720x720, FB_IMG_1424192083611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two cats, and they love to "help" me with my sewing! I have tons of pictures, but I'll just dump a few of the cutest ones.

>> No.8126044
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>> No.8126046
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>> No.8126050
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>> No.8126061
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>> No.8126062
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>> No.8126070


Working out is important to cosplay, sounds relevant enough for me. She's super cute!

Dawww she just wants to be close by!

>> No.8126077
File: 1.04 MB, 1841x2233, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is about 2 years old but my cat Meeko helping me sew

>> No.8126084
File: 75 KB, 800x511, 267094_189572444434457_7719952_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cats are jerks.

>> No.8126088

holy cow my cat from years ago had the same name!

>> No.8126130

Oh my god I love your cat.

>> No.8126173

Snake food.

>> No.8126198

>this thread

>> No.8126214
File: 17 KB, 270x480, iujht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've kept hamsters as pets for a while now but I wouldn't dare let my current one, Beni near any fabric, I've seen what he does to cardboard tubes

>> No.8126217

snakes don't eat baby mice you idiot. snakes wanna kill

>> No.8126267
File: 72 KB, 960x720, lil helper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dog kept sticking her nose in my caplet while I was working on it so I assumed that meant she wanted to model.

>> No.8126281

>saying snakes don't eat baby mice
>calling someone ELSE the idiot

I hope this was bait

>> No.8126284

oh... oh god... I want your dog.

>> No.8126313
File: 3.75 MB, 5312x2988, IMG_20141227_221719:nopm:.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I lean forward, she likes to "encourage" me to keep working by wedging her head between the cushion and my back.

>> No.8126324
File: 800 KB, 2144x1424, _DSC0053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucker likes to attack fabric when I try to lay it on the floor. He also loves sticking his claws in my petticoats

>> No.8126326
File: 808 KB, 2144x1424, Ayy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her hobby is whacking spools of thread around until they're completely unwound all over my room

>> No.8126328

They are both super cute, though. I'm sure it's hard to stay mad...

>> No.8126349

the answer is she wanted to model. and she's damn good at it.

>> No.8126354

>dat smug smile

>> No.8126359
File: 40 KB, 625x417, tobey-cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in student housing
>no pets allowed
>this thread

I can't wait to move out next year after graduation, I want an animal buddy too. All of these pets look so wonderful!

>> No.8126368
File: 96 KB, 960x720, distraction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She kept wanting to play fetch with my spray cans while I was painting props so I set her up with a bone in the corner so she wouldn't get painted (or worse)
Thanks~ I'll pass on the complement

I know I miss my dog so much while I'm away from her. My room mates and I had a fish for a while but it died from constipation and wasn't a good replacement for the joy of my dog

>> No.8126371
File: 26 KB, 296x394, 1471987_10152069629334510_501962828_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8126377
File: 35 KB, 615x460, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1383359_628532330521019_1964344560_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nerd likes napping on my fabrics and thinks that whenever I'm on the floor working on stuff = PLAYTIME.

>> No.8126460
File: 95 KB, 720x960, 10299951_699090710149292_1756357315218762742_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I have no idea how I did this"

>> No.8126477
File: 94 KB, 600x800, 20140630_143324-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a perfect example of my cat Daisy being in the way and giving zero fucks. She loves to do this with my lolita wardrobe as well.

>> No.8126481

Haha that's awesome! I was real little when I named Meeko (she's 20 now), I named her after the racoon in Pocahontas

>> No.8126490
File: 106 KB, 600x800, 20140318_154517-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also Nici interupting me when I'm studying. If there is a sheet of paper somewhere she will sit on it.

>> No.8126498
File: 79 KB, 600x800, 20140602_075426-600x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this fat buddy will constantly be in my way. But he's afraid of my petticoat so he'll run away when I come near him in lolita. He's a real pussy for such a huge cat.

>> No.8126510

Oh my god, my cat once woke me up at 4 in the morning because she was batting a spool of thread around.

Little fuckers.

>> No.8126533

If you don't mind the cat using it as a scratching post does it matter? We had an old as fuck chair that our cat absolutely loved because the arms were wrapped in rope (supposed to be for a beach house I think) and used as her indoor scratch post, back yard was full of trees/fence etc so we never bothered getting anything else for her because we really didn't care

>> No.8126628
File: 277 KB, 800x1315, IMG_20150218_082740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand what's so appealing about the fabric when there's loads of space to lounge about

>> No.8126661
File: 1.00 MB, 2048x1536, 2013-05-20 12.30.19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ok, just sit right there and wash your asshole

>> No.8126663
File: 52 KB, 800x674, derpo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8126676

it kinda looks like a white teddy bear what race?????

>> No.8126679


>> No.8126686

Your cat looks so much like the black cat from Kiki's Delivery Service!

>> No.8126710

I have to leave out decoy fabric scraps, or they'll immediately gravitate towards whatever fabric I'm working with. It's a cat thing.

>> No.8126753

I like you. You know to take care of animals and seem like you really care about them and I really respect that. Keep doing what you do.

>> No.8126805

I saw a rat in the subway when I went to New York and it was adorable. Would live in.

>> No.8126835


>> No.8126861
File: 1.69 MB, 2176x2176, IMG_20130806_003205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kitty helping

>> No.8126884
File: 735 KB, 1392x1392, 20150123_211317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kitty love floofy petticoat

>> No.8126917

What is it with cats and petticoats? My boys love to lay on mine, too! I can't leave them out ever, because they immediately become cat beds.

>> No.8126932

cats. they think whatever cloths you put down is a bed for them and they MUST use it. Or any kind of textiles for that matter. Mine is currently using 10 meters of linen as her bed.

>> No.8126934

Those little pompoms

>> No.8126939

Gosh, the rats reminds me it's gonna be the second year since my baby died on St. Patrick's Day. His name was Bartholomewl. He had a tumor on his side. Mom wouldn't let me take him to the vet, saying he didn't matter. He was pretty old, so I'm just glad he isn't suffering anymore.

>> No.8127058
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This isn't a photo of them helping, but it does show the blanket I had to put down every time I was working on something so they wouldn't have their love fest on my fabric! This is Oliver and Tobias, we got them together as kittens and they both unfortunately passed away a few months apart.

>> No.8127064
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And then this is May, who isn't so much about sitting on fabric, but loves joining in when I have photoshoots. Here she's with my friend a few years ago, when we were trying to take pictures of her costume before we left for a con.

>> No.8127137

>The main thing that people who hate rats don't seem to realize is that PET rats and wild/sewer rats are entirely different animals.
source on that? to my knowledge, sewer rats are all rattus norwegicus too. also, rattus rattus is actually smaller and less agressive, and might be considered cuter since it has bigger eyes and ears.
on top of that, i have seen a rat in the subway once and it didn't look anything like what rattus rattus looks like if the internet is right. in fact, it looked exactly like the pet rat i had except for less white on the front paws

>> No.8127206
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This is an old picture, but this is Albert Whisker, crashed out in the boning for some cosplay.

>> No.8127251
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she's really old and sweet, been with me since I was 9, she came to our house after my grandma passed away
When I got my Nameless Poem in the mail, it started to rain and she got scared, so she decided to stay close to me while I was opening and trying on the dress.

>> No.8127280
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I have a cat who's 18 as well. He prefers the bed now but back in the day he liked to sit in my lap while I was at the sewing machine.

>> No.8127311
File: 110 KB, 645x666, ....1 Annoyed Kitty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't forget this classic....

>> No.8127323

D'aww, if I had a long haired white cat, I'd comb her every day so I could knit myself a scarf. Would probably take a while, but it would be warm and something to remember her by for years to come.

>> No.8127328
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This was Picabo, unfortunately she passed away last year so I no longer have anyone to sit on my fabrics.

I have a cat that I am taking care of for a friend, but she is scared of anything that makes too much noise, like sewing machines.

>> No.8127475

That cat looks like Jiji from Kiki's Delivery Service. Way too cute!

>> No.8127515

That's adorable. I need a sewing desk like this, my cat would do the same.

>> No.8127667
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This is my cat, wanting to be in a picture I had to send a friend for the spats I got her for her Captain Amurica cosplay.

>> No.8127678
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She's so pretty, that fur looks so soft.

Sorry for your loss. I lost mine about 4 months ago. She wouldn't get on my sewing supply's or fabrics but she was always in my lap which made it hard to work sometimes. I tried my best to always let her be there though.

>> No.8127682
File: 2.00 MB, 4160x2340, 20141215_203129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes to make a home behind my sewing machine, on my fabric and patterns.

>> No.8127683

The cutest one in the thread

>> No.8127686

Cosplayer children's book: The Cat in the Spats.

>> No.8127696
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A few months back I made my cat a tiny mock up hat.

>> No.8127700

Aww thanks guys. She's my first kitty and gets so damn talkative when I do sewing. And someone should write a book about a helpful sewing cat.

>> No.8127703

oh my god she's so cute

>> No.8127711

I think the older they get the more they just want to be close to you and if you're on the floor it's better for them. And usually with one paw on something you want to use haha.

Everyone's animals are so cute!

>> No.8127853
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my cat, Duncan, is really good at helping, especially with the really expensive fabrics and when I'm drafting patterns!

like on one hand, I'm kind of proud of his high standards when it comes to what he drops his fat old ass on, but at the same time, $20bty silk. I have to lay out distraction fabric and paper in another room and keep my sewing room door closed if anything from a project is out.

dawwww I miss Fred and George helping us when we had cosplay sewing sessions.

>> No.8127955

OMG the elusive Duncan strikes! He's such a cutie.

I'm sure Fred & George are as excited about AX as I am, though for very different reasons, haha.

>> No.8127993

I don't have much money but the money I do have I spend on my cat(because I'm obsessed with her)and let me tell you...NO AMOUNT OF CAT GRASS, SCRATCHING POSTS, NIP TOYS, CAT TREATS OR WELL PLACED WATER BOWLS WILL SATISFY THEIR NEEDS. Cats are just cute, little, fluffy, loving jerks.

>> No.8128325

>one of my sister's friends said the same thing about my calico
>now my family calls her penis face
S-she's just a kawaii girl.

>> No.8128554
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My doggy keeping fabric in place.

Everytime I have fabric on the quilting mat both my dogs must stand on the mat or sit on the fabric.

>> No.8128938

Its because they think the fabric is getting more attention than them.

My cat has been known to close my laptop on my fingers, headbutt magazines out of hands , and block tvs. so my cat always sits on my sewing stuff because he wants attention.

>> No.8129064
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This is Ethel.. with and without her Satan laserface.

>> No.8129091
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It's fine, I didn't want to take photos tonight anyway.

>> No.8129121
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>Albert Whisker

>> No.8129224

>Implying that it's ok to shitpost ever.

Are you really this autistic? Post animals or get the fuck out.

>> No.8129256
File: 151 KB, 960x717, Yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good grief - so many kitties.

This little fluffball gets in the way of everything - that's without mentioning the fact his fur gets on EVERYTHING.

It doesn't help we have a rough collie too that loves lying on my clean laundry, so much so I have to take a lindt roller with me most days so I can defluff the moment I get out of the house.

Not that I'd have it any other way. Love these fluffy buggers.

>> No.8129261

This thread makes me sad...

My dog passed away right before Christmas and I miss him...

>> No.8129321

Post him anyway.

>> No.8129346

She's so cute! Love that it's Saya too.
Never seen a tortoiseshell Manx before!

>> No.8129350

It's ok anon, remember all dogs go to heaven, the pope even confirmed it.

>> No.8129361
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Usually keep my dog away my all my Lolita stuff but here she is, helping me move! Somtimes she helps me by relocating my socks if I don't put them away..

>> No.8129389
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This is Voodoo. Not cosplay or lolita but relevant.

>> No.8129391

A book of cosplayer's pets "helping" would be a really cute idea. Like the person who made "reasons my son is crying" into a book.

>> No.8129394

>tfw your cat is older than a lot of posters here
Feels weird.

>> No.8129430
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>"This coord needs another accessory. Here, I'll help."

>> No.8129434

Well, black cats do go with everything.

>> No.8129438

I "d'aww"ed out loud irl, anon, ty.

>> No.8129485

She's actually not a Manx! Just a regular domestic shorthair.
Unfortunately the reason she has no tail is that it was crushed back when we lived in New York. Some sicko wanted to torture her and left her with a cinderblock on her tail to starve to death. Luckily she escaped and came back home. The doctor tried to save her tail, but in the end it just wasn't worth it.
Tail or no tail, I'm just glad she's alive.

>> No.8129489

Fucking New York, man. Glad she got out of that situation.

>> No.8129508

Anon, I apologize since this is a probably a really stupid question because I know I've seen the dress a million times, but I'm sleep deprived and can't think of it right now-- what is the name of the dress on the lower left?

>> No.8129513

>letting your cat outdoors in the first place

>> No.8129517

>thinking that cats won't do whatever the fuck they want

>> No.8129519

>implying they can open doors and windows

>> No.8129521

Some cats are outdoor cats, some cats are indoor cats. Some indoor cats get outside sometimes because they're crafty fuckers. No need to get judgy.

>> No.8129523

I have three cats, two scratching posts, and other various toys and areas the cats are allowed to scratch. However, one of them will only scratch at the stairs and walls. Cats don't always go for what makes sense to humans, man.

>> No.8129525

>implying they can't

>> No.8129527

>implying doors don't need to be opened sometimes and the cat won't sometimes just make a break for it at the first opportunity
Cats are crazy, anon.

>> No.8129531

They wouldn't be outdoor cats if you didn't let them out in the first place.

That's different from an outdoor cat.

If you have sturdy doors, windows/screens and locks (I'd certainly hope you would) they shouldn't be able to get out.

>> No.8129541

I've had outdoor cats ever since I was a baby and nothing's ever happened, it's not always horribly wrong. Not a great idea if you live in a busy area like New York, but I assume the person who posted that story's cat just got out by itself. She never said she was an outdoor cat at the time.

>> No.8129550

Hove many birds have your cats brought home?

>> No.8129554

A few, not that many. They seem to have better luck with mice.
>implying hunting is bad
They're not endangered, anon.

>> No.8129563

Can you fuck right off back to /an/? Nobody else is going to get flustered and actually argue with you over this, and the joke is seriously wearing thin.

>> No.8129565

There are plenty of outdoor cats that kill endangered species of birds (and even if they aren't endangered, there's always the risk).

>> No.8129566

There are no endangered species of birds in my area, so I'm pretty sure we're alright.

>> No.8129569


>> No.8129570

Maybe not in your area, and you can't really say if your cats stay in your neighbourhood anyway.

>> No.8129573

She's the only cat that I've ever had that will be, and has been, an outdoor cat, and that's because she's such an escape artist that once we moved to the country it was easier to just let her outside than to have to repeatedly pay for the window screens she breaks. She wasn't an outdoor cat in the city when she got hurt, she used to push the screens out of the windows so she could escape via the fire escapes. And yeah you could say "just keep the windows closed" but you try not having central air in New York City in the summer and keeping your windows closed.
Even as such, now that she's an outdoor cat she never goes much farther than the porch, she's just very particular about where she poops. Refuses to use a cat box no matter how clean it is.
She's a unique cat.

>> No.8129582

well if they can be killed by a common house cat they really shouldn't be alive, do they?

>> No.8129632

The sailor one? It's costume-295 from bodyline, I'm not sure of the name if it has one.

>> No.8129668


Oh my goodness I love him. What's his name? (Her name?)

>> No.8129846
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I was going through my wigs and Miss Daisy decided that my Junko wig made a comfy place to nap. I think I have a few photos of her rolling around on my fabric somewhere..

>> No.8130140
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This is TimTom. He belongs to a friend, but because of financial situations, he's been staying with me for the last year or so. He's earning his keep by testing out the fabrics that will become Squirrel Girl.

>> No.8130325
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>> No.8130330

you're 175 posts late

>> No.8130335

hows new hampshire

>> No.8130407

My cats are indoor cats but if I didn't live in the city I'd at least get something with a garden. I sometimes think it's kind of cruel to limit their whole world to an apartment, they'd have so much fun chasing flies and laying in the grass.

>> No.8130474

kill yourself

>> No.8130496
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Aww everyone has furbabies!
This is my feathered child. She is no help and would rather bite the ends off of my pins.

>> No.8130509


>> No.8130550

Ohh a conure? I want one of those so bad. But they're very expensive and my schedule doesn't allow for the one on one attention they need and deserve. But she's so pretty!

My mom had a cockatiel that I loved. He didn't like anyone but her and me for some reason. Liked to play with my earrings too. He passed away really recently. I was sad to go visit and hear the news.

>> No.8132830

Her name's Hulda. She's pretty butch and has been mistaken for a male her entire life because she's pretty muscular for a Labrador. Poor bastard.

>> No.8132860

"No anon, you need to move the pattern a bit here!"

>> No.8132898

Fyi, a lot of the native birds of Australia (who, guess what, spend most of their time on the ground) are endangered precisely because of feral cats who have taken over.

That's why all feral cats are shot on sight there.

>> No.8132916
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Just constently judging me like
>human do you really think those pinks match?

>> No.8133029
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The cat I adopted a week ago has already discovered the joy of sewing. I missed getting a photo when he came and sat right on my pattern pieces, and he spent half the afternoon sitting on the trousers I was trying to use as reference.

>> No.8133082

I have a tailless torti, too, but mine is a rumpy. Have you had any weird problems with her? Mine seems to have a lot of issues, I'm actually saving up now for a neurologist because my normal vet said she can't help her.

>> No.8133184
File: 162 KB, 1080x720, Photo du 2014-12-12 à 18.58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My puppy learning to sew

>> No.8133198

It makes me happy when people adopt older cats. How old is yours?

>> No.8133707

He's 5-6! I'd only ever had one set of kittens at my parents house so I figured that was a bad plan for my first cat on my own. Besides, he's adorable and lovely, and I wouldn't swap him for the world.

>> No.8133730
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x1836, 20150208_125934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was using an old sheet to test out a loliable pattern

>> No.8133734
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but I made him a hero instead

>> No.8133853
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They're just statues. I swear. The one on the bottom likes to pull pins out of my pin cushion. I've had her since she was 2 months. She knows sit, shake, wave, and wait. I think she's part dog. The one up top on the table i adopted for free from a family. They bottle fed him since he was born but they bought a lab puppy and apparently the lab was running the cat over. Cat was pretty freaked out and looked on edge. He's a huge snuggler and likes to paw at bags. Have had him a few months now. No regrets.

>> No.8134248

Less cats more dogs.

>> No.8134389

Too kawaii to handle. They sound like great pals and assistants.

>> No.8135058
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This thread is too cute! I wish it was a better picture, but here's my buddy inspecting my new place to store ribbons after I cleaned it out (someone was giving it away and it was dusty)

>> No.8136056
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Me trying to hand sew a plush and cat has to sleep on me... When usually she doesn't.

>> No.8136181

She's definitely the queen bitch, and she absolutely hates other cats. We got her as a kitten and didn't realize shed grow up to viciously hat the other two cats as much as she did, but since they've passed always she's been very content to be the only cat. She has a unique personality for sure, and I've been told most tortis do, but never any sort of problem to where we thought we couldn't handle it alone. She has the litter box thing that I mentioned earlier, but she's mostly a cat who I would describe as happy and well adjusted, but quirky and bossy.

>> No.8136193
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Commencing a small dump of my demoness.

>> No.8136197
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>> No.8136198
File: 291 KB, 960x717, 539942_10151598637842095_335393815_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My derpy little girl is here to help with some sewing...

>> No.8136235

That pattern is so cute! She would match my coord perfectly! What's her breed, or do you sell her?

>> No.8136240

She is a English Spot/ Silk breed mix. And no, my baby is not for sell......

>> No.8136270

Are you asking to buy someones /pet/ to fit your shitty /coord/ ? Are you SERIOUS?

The ita is strong with this one.

>> No.8136275
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I saw this movie before.....

>> No.8136651

come on, guys, don't fall for obvious bait like that
you should know better
that's not even ita
it's just plain retarded

>> No.8137863
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Cats are meant to go outside. To fight, to hunt, to explore, and to climb on things. It strikes me as particularly cruel to keep an animal caged up in a house or apartment and not let it outside at least occasionally.

I was soldering once and my cat came in and started poking his nose around. He burnt himself and now he knows to fear the iron. Doesn't stop him from lying on the stairs or lying on important documents, but at least he's not jumping up on the work table any more.