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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 163 KB, 900x751, 'Casual Lolita' MY ASS anyway, by knives420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8120942 No.8120942 [Reply] [Original]

Old one has started to autosage.

>> No.8120948
File: 1.31 MB, 1716x3128, ugly manfaced ita smaller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I have no words for this.

>> No.8120975

Since the sign behind ther says "students", is she on public school ground/college? Embarrassing.

>> No.8120978
File: 100 KB, 720x960, 968886_10200570613480890_1932761499_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic

>> No.8120983
File: 128 KB, 717x960, 1005802_502271223190784_579265846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8120989
File: 148 KB, 960x720, 376176_3794312490047_1880097647_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8120990
File: 35 KB, 960x640, 1455971_648483505174091_236860573_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8120991
File: 65 KB, 573x579, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thing. She got really defensive when someone pointed out its issues. Don't want criticism? Don't post your luminescent patchwork disaster on a sewing group

>> No.8120993

>tfw the fat girl in pink is the best dressed in this group

>> No.8120997

What is this and where was it posted?

>> No.8121003

Posted on Pintucks and Lace...apparently it's 'starburst' inspired

>> No.8121052
File: 42 KB, 413x299, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My fucking face when that fat fuck in blue constantly gives bad advice on facebook.

>> No.8121057

I really wish you were kidding but you're probably not. Where does she give advice??

>> No.8121059
File: 96 KB, 540x720, tumblr_njt01mg0q41ttgh09o2_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unapologetically kawaii.

Please do apologize

>> No.8121062

Is she like 4'2

>> No.8121091
File: 81 KB, 696x960, FB_IMG_1423998093373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8121218
File: 253 KB, 728x1096, SERIOUSLY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'Fun in the sun with lolita fashion' A FUCKING TANK TOP INSTEAD OF A BLOUSE?

>> No.8121231
File: 12 KB, 236x314, 9d3fdb9949c52ccc9758f173bd833727[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, brands sometimes make them. Though I'm not really sure what the right way to wear them is.

>> No.8121237

>tank top with otks

>> No.8121238

>what is a bolero or cardigan

>> No.8121259

>shitty replica
>dress doesn't fit
>dress too short
>petti sticking out
>striped socks
>dat hair
>no make up
Every single part of her outfit rustles my jimmies.

>> No.8121266

Something only plebs wear over bare skin. That's like wearing a brand coat over nothing but bloomers and a blouse.

>> No.8121268

>implying brands only make stuff specifically for proper lolita

>> No.8121327


>cover up 90% of the gorgeous print that is 100% of the reason I bought the cutsew

>> No.8121328

It's not even brand though. It's regular. And for the record, just because brand makes it doesn't mean it's lolita. That's like saying AP hoodies are SO RORI.

>> No.8121334
File: 25 KB, 350x463, GROSS FANPOP ITA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this when I googled lolita fashion. UGH FANPOP NO.

>> No.8121343

Has she tied her headdress around her face deliberately or was she born without ears?

>> No.8121344

That looks like a child-size dress. Nothing about this is any good at all.

>> No.8121348

When fucking faeriedragonet looks good compared to you you need to re-evaluate your life.

>> No.8121351


Eh, I'm not defending the ita. I just replied to point out that some brands do make sleeveless cutsews that look like tank tops, so that is where the ita might have gotten the idea from. Also that I have never been able to make such a tank top work with rori.

Rest of the ita's outfit is pretty blah even without considering the tank top cutsew -- cheap accessories, un-kawaii sunglasses, plain everything, you guys have plenty to pick on aside from the cutsew, so have at it.

>> No.8121352

They're not supposed to work with lolita though. Every item that a brand makes isn't made for lolita you know. AP makes theses for fairy kei.

>> No.8121353

Okay the fact that she's not wearing tights or obvious bloomers and yet sitting on what appears to be hay is unsettling.

>> No.8121356



>> No.8121361

The hay might touch her panties or if she's really unlucky one piece of it might get in her panties, holy shit how scary, nature sucks.

>> No.8121362

Have you ever sat on hay? It's itchy as fuck.

>> No.8121365

Actually look like someone cut the grass and didn't rake.
>dead grass is just as itchy
>gets into clothing a lot easier than hay

>> No.8121372

I think this looks okay, I mean, what the hell do you do when its so hot outside? There is a huge difference between wearing no blouse under jsk and wearing a top like this without blouse.
But she could cover up her thighs buy wearing bloomers though.

>> No.8121401

>What the hell do you do when its so hot outside
>Thin blouses
>Chiffon blouses
>Chiffon coverlets
>Plenty of other lolitas deal with it

>> No.8121408


Uggghhh I saw this ans wanted to vom. What an ita.

>> No.8121412


What a weird fucking midget.

>> No.8121414

Someone clearly doesn't live in a place where it gets over 100F/38C and nearly 100% humidity. Even thin chiffon will be soaked with sweat and sticking to you in minutes.

>American south uggghhh

>> No.8121428
File: 11 KB, 250x235, WHAT I LEARNED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, how the fuck do you wear lolita then?

>> No.8121441

>Someone clearly doesn't live in a place where it gets over 100F/38C and nearly 100% humidity.
Don't you guys just dwell in AC 24/7? Don't go outside if possible.

>> No.8121445

Also, in the original photo's devianart page there is SO MUCH ASSPATTING

>> No.8121450

Usually I carry around a small spray bottle (an old travel size perfume spritz I guess), and fill it with cold to cool water. I don't wear too much makeup so it getting on my face isn't too much of a big deal. Also carry around a clothe to wipe off sweat. Oh, don't forget actual perfume! Don't want to stink up the place, y'know?

>lives in tropical south/central American climate
>Goes over the 100s commomly

>> No.8121452

I live in the South. Thin cotton voile blouses. Don't sit around outside. Lots of deodorant and powder. No wig, use a fan. It's do-able.

>> No.8121453

Have you? It's just dead grass. It's incredibly thin and not particularly itchy.

>> No.8121458

That's why I only go outside in the winter.

>> No.8121466

I don't see any problem with this. This is my perfect definition of casual Lolita.

>> No.8121468
File: 775 KB, 760x516, auiadeouro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had lolitas dancing samba at this years Carnival.

>> No.8121478

It looks fine as a Carnival costume, but these outfits would be tacky for street-wear or as fashion.

>> No.8121483

Isn't that just supposed to be stereotypical European little girls?


>> No.8121490

Big Sisters of Lolita. Her first name is Nancy. I wish she would just go away. Pic related is her "ganguro gyaru" attempt. Please stahp.

>> No.8121494
File: 56 KB, 640x465, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dropped pic.

>> No.8121496
File: 5 KB, 92x92, DO NOT WANT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8121501

Bra strap showing, shoulders bare, petti showing, cheap accessories, bad sunglasses, messy hair, thighs bare.
I fear for your taste, Anon.

>> No.8121503

What the fucking fuck. I don't even have any words or proper reaction face

And she is considered experienced enough to be a Big Sister and give advice??

>> No.8121509

The only good thing I can say about this photo is that she looks a bit less fat here than in the blue she wore for group photo?

>> No.8121539

There is unfortunately no rule as to who can or can't be a big sister. There is another girl who LITERALLY ISNT A LOLITA. Like she said she had no full coords like 2 weeks ago and she is using the big sister tag. Kanonique...PLEASE make it so we have to apply to be a big sister. Also add an extra mod or two. Having to show/make a decent coord with a main piece picked by a mod would be a great way to prove you know your shit. Also you should have to provide just the mods with one good picture of yourself in a good coord. Even if you don't want to post yourself online. Although if you're too afraid of the results of self posting you probably shouldn't give advice either...

>> No.8121617

Looks like the aftermath of eating too many starburst candies and then bringing them back up.

>> No.8121639
File: 109 KB, 640x640, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ff5b1e8a9121a399f334c8cefe3ddf740%2Ftumblr_njs8llUhLv1rhqk81o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8121862
File: 284 KB, 960x593, 3009107_04062013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elf ears

>> No.8121867

And the she blocked then haha. What a fucking baby.

>> No.8121872

I think it's kind of funny, actually. Big Sisters of Lolita, Lolita Mentoring group and Lolita Tips do so much that keeps itas ita and noobs in the dark or misdirected. One could almost wonder if it might be on purpose. They couldn't do a much better job if it was. Add the mutual asspats that itas and new people cluelessly give each other and is it any wonder that so many dress so badly?

>> No.8121878

Cute outfit. Cute girl. But those fucking elf ears...

>> No.8121912

I think it's kinda cute. Better than cat ears.

>> No.8121923

I'm wondering if this even is a replica tho.
>Very small front panel
>side seams/zipper end at side of bust (common problem with brand jsks with very busty girls, IW has done this to me and I'm not nearly this bad)
>shortness/overall length
>crispness and saturation of print
>Drape of the fabric. Though it's a little harder to tell toward the bottom.
>length of lace

I'm thinking this was probably altered.

The headbow though... I think the waist bow was removed and stuck on a headband?

>> No.8122117

There is not a single thing not wrong with this girls' outfit.

>> No.8122135

Do you even lolita? There's quite a bit of ita going on, as detailed above. Besides the fatty part, I mean but really, that just adds to the mess.

>> No.8122137
File: 1.67 MB, 427x240, 3O8VL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8122140

You need to re-read anon's sentence

>> No.8122148

No one is doing her any favors encouraging her, this sucks for several reasons even if it wasn't trying to be lolita.

>> No.8122156

Re-read what I wrote and then try again.

>> No.8122157

Ah, you are right, I'm too sleepy to be reading this stuff. Sorry >>8122117

>> No.8122185

so glad she left lolita to go annoy the cosplay community

>> No.8122200

This looks like little Tokyo around the kinokunya bookstore. Is she the girl that was permabanned from all the SoCal comms?

>> No.8122206


>> No.8122214

Ooh details? I don't know much of the SoCal drama

>> No.8122217

That's exactly where she is, Kinokuniya is just up the stairs behind her.

>> No.8122220

This looks like a weird, fat version of Melissa from the SF comm

>> No.8122259
File: 74 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mqw83nvOUN1s0jpnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It needs more poof!

>> No.8122268
File: 105 KB, 449x750, tumblr_mfsnobufwy1s0jpnko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8122286

Permabanned from multiple comms? How exactly did she achieve this? Link to the story, please? Or tell it? That must be quite a feat.

>> No.8122291

Must have a lot of secrets in that petti.

>> No.8122297
File: 28 KB, 313x480, tumblr_mf88igftbJ1s0jpnko1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girl in this photo looks so miserable
I can't blame her

>> No.8122331

Would be so much cuter if they weren't pointed down/barely noticeable.She looks like Dobby. I saw what she was going for tho. Good location/good coord.

>> No.8122336

I can't quite tell where one oddity ends and the next hideous thing begins. What IS this, exactly?

>> No.8122347
File: 22 KB, 1799x145, socal comm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it

>> No.8122354
File: 7 KB, 1754x54, socal comm 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another thing about the situation

>> No.8122356

Oh god this is fucking terrible. But I think the worst thing about it is that pose.

>> No.8122467

Man. That's a bit hateful. The coord is kinda terrible but I've seen plenty of more nasty looking lolitas. Particularly the older ones on egl.

>> No.8122488

Hateful? What is that you in the pic or something? Be honest now. It's not like the girl in that pic got ripped on for something she can't change.

>> No.8122505

Maybe they're talking about the file name.
The ita is still strong regardless.

>> No.8122592

I actually think this is hella cute. It isn't really lolita but it reminds me of vintage fashion/pin up look. I need to get me some skirts I can pair with cute tank tops...

>> No.8122620

Lena Dunham?

>> No.8122670

I-I. All of my beliefs to adhere to rules rather just. I-I like this. I feel like my life has been a lie.

>> No.8122683


I live in a particularly hot area in Australia. You actually get used to the heat, so eventually you can deal with it, with a bit of conditioning. My feeling is:

Am I going to be hot in normal clothes?
Am I going to be hot in lolita?

May as well look pretty if I'm going to be hot anyways.

>> No.8122694

Is that green lipstick???

>> No.8122695
File: 320 KB, 918x1632, tumblr_nju1d4NBS21u0hg7xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why that purse with that skirt
why that anything with that skirt

>> No.8122698

Good for Fairytale too. That sounds like a business I would love to make my local.

>> No.8122700

God, each boob is bigger than her head.

>> No.8122707

Is this CrystalMoon whatever? I think I remember those pics >>8120978 >>8120983 being posted to BtB

>> No.8122738

Mine would be "doesn't look any worse than other pastel vomit lolita".

>> No.8122753

Milanoo goes to cons?

>> No.8122812

This is so tacky I like it somehow, not as lolita though

>> No.8122829
File: 285 KB, 494x262, jcgkf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did she just draw another set of eyes under her own, what the fuck? i thought the whole missplaced lower lash trend was disgusting but this, this is a whole new level.

>> No.8122855
File: 22 KB, 116x129, 51dcd8fe137b069276b3c341acf42c1a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8122901

Who made this rule when you wear Lolita in hot weather you can't wear a tasteful top without sleeves?

You'll be hotter in Lolita clothes (what, you don't wear a petti or something?), ya chum.

This shit right here.

>> No.8122911

I find this picture hilarious

You know wearing a big princess looking dress like this must of been a big heartwarming moment for her, as shit as this is to us.

>> No.8122919


Reminds me of that paragraph in To Kill a Mockingbird where it describes the women taking three baths a day and still going to bed soaked and their talc powder deodorant caked on them.

Sage for OT.

>> No.8122993

Ha, I thought the same thing.

>> No.8123056
File: 61 KB, 640x640, 11009088_4990834704820_4991563966850826185_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone posted this in our private comm to mock us...

>> No.8123087

>Who made this rule when you wear Lolita in hot weather you can't wear a tasteful top without sleeves?

One of the basic rules is to not show off shoulders, how ita are you?

>> No.8123100
File: 176 KB, 1004x1015, DeerInHeadlights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Finally got my dream dress!"
>antlers with...necklaces?

>> No.8123110

This would be so much better if she either styled her hair or wore a wig. She needs makeup too. Oh and better shoes. Ugh those baby ribbon ones would really be cute with this.

>> No.8123117
File: 551 KB, 2448x3264, kyIK9n9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that wig

>> No.8123131

What's with our comm that even when people give constructive advice they get criticized for being "mean"? As if there was even anything positive to say about this?

>> No.8123136

I had the hardest time not saying anything at all in the comments on this one... She was super defensive about con-crit, too.

>> No.8123139

I downvoted these, lol.

Luckily, really shitty coords don't get many votes (though a lot of mediocre stuff does, oh well). The sub is too small to properly filter itself, though.

>> No.8123149

this is friggin awesome!

>> No.8123151

You could be our comm where they delete and then "ban" people over it.

>> No.8123201
File: 190 KB, 808x1296, S3URbEU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123205
File: 117 KB, 500x750, tumblr_niu2qj8PyF1silttuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123207

That looks more nitpicky than ita to me.

>> No.8123208
File: 63 KB, 376x750, tumblr_njtkwk5tZc1silttuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123212

Eep, I saw this too. What the hell man. She even said she wasn't a lolita, what was she doing in the comm? Ugh.

>> No.8123214

Nitpick this doesn't belong here!

>> No.8123218
File: 28 KB, 350x467, Cute_Lolita_Dress_by_UedaYumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123220
File: 76 KB, 480x720, f3da3638b2223a243c8001aa32e5abff-d3aqg39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123223
File: 66 KB, 600x798, Lolita_by_AldenEcho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123224

Not the person who posted this, but I don't like them though. I think they belong. Ugly boots, ratchet hair, bad colors. Is one of them you, or are they your friends?

>> No.8123225
File: 26 KB, 500x429, Twins___Gothic_lolita_by_o00Gothic_Lolita00o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123249
File: 96 KB, 640x960, lor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pastel guns
really? REALLY?

>> No.8123258

Not ita, though... And I'm pretty sure that's for a specific video, and not serious in any way. Maybe take it to the FB thread if you want to discuss it?

>> No.8123260


>> No.8123262

oh ok

>> No.8123267
File: 2.93 MB, 396x500, 1404338613174.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that anon but yeah, they dont belong here. nitpicks for sure. dont even try to pull the "durr that must be u!!1!" thing. these are clearly nitpicks man.

>> No.8123270

DAT clown make up

>> No.8123299
File: 233 KB, 720x1280, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123308
File: 202 KB, 730x1095, minnie_mouse_in_wonderland_by_des_henkers_braut-d3i0avj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123309
File: 107 KB, 567x900, ___give_me_wings____by_ZombitchMina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123313

Pretty sure this is just some sort of shitty Madoka AU cosplay.

>> No.8123320

Well ok, I just asked if they were one of them, or if they were friends. No harm in asking, no need to get so angry about it. I think they look bad. Not as bad as some, but they do look bad. Let people have opinions mate.

>> No.8123331

They might look meh but they're not bad enough to be itas. They got the basics down and the co-ords are solid.

>> No.8123337

nah that first one you quoted is ugly as hell

>> No.8123340

I think this is supposed to be a Madoka/Evangelion cosplay.

>> No.8123354
File: 127 KB, 660x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8123360

lol those folds, took that shit straight out the dryer and hung it up with out ironing

>> No.8123385

come on, it's just for a funny video

>> No.8123393


>> No.8123404
File: 98 KB, 640x960, 1X07GKC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123438

Those shoes...

>> No.8123447


She needs some eye makeup to balance this out. Big lashes and a little eyeliner

>> No.8123463

Does anyone know where the sailor cardigan she is wearing is from?

>> No.8123466


I never wore blouses in Arizona during the summer. The temp was regularly 100+ and if people thought I was ita, OH FUCKING WELL.

>> No.8123483

I like parts of it a lot. Very h.NAOTO.

>> No.8123591

why did someone think that was something the world needed?

>> No.8123601

Give me a straight answer or continue looking like a complete retard, it's your ego not mine.
The "rule" is petticoats, being cute/elegant and not looking like trash while following the aesthetic, the end.
A strapped top does not offend this.

>> No.8123602

>dat beta posture

>> No.8123636
File: 404 KB, 643x921, 1cf4e313afed7dfbd0abb5df9cc22ed4-d5shpko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123637
File: 98 KB, 900x675, Gothic_Kawaii_by_KittyDragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123639
File: 32 KB, 455x640, booth_work_2_by_beansproutmomo-d4d896q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123643
File: 227 KB, 730x1095, lolita_time_by_xsuicidemakeover-d7lavvx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123646
File: 70 KB, 600x900, lifeless_doll_03_by_sephiliasin-d2dvik5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8123652

Is that Iska Ithil?

>> No.8123686

Some people just want to always be nice, even when it means they're lying. They're insecure because they think when they say the truth that other people will bash 'm...like those others did. Man, sure be nice to new people when they're shy and all but this picture just asked for it tbh. I actually even thought it was just stolen from the internet..it's that bad.

>> No.8123688
File: 490 KB, 245x209, tumblr_mnkqiwz6qM1qjauvdo3_250 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the fact that we basically freak out whenever we see someone not wearing a blouse is just a bunch of bullshit then?

How fucking new are you?

>> No.8123692

I thought there was a bunch of black dotty shit on my screen when I enlarged the image and started wiping at that girl's face. Wtf.

>> No.8123702

Skirt + brand tanktop for casual lolita =/= blouseless jsk

>> No.8123705

People compare the two a lot so I guess that's why?

>> No.8123706
File: 30 KB, 480x640, FB_IMG_1424118876550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl isn't the worst, but something about this whole thing looks off.

And omg those glasses. They are like a chastity belt for the face.

>> No.8123719

nah, it's her eyebrows that she redraw, you got everything too low

>> No.8123730

Oh, that actually looks like a cute picture, let me click it.... OH DEAR WHY.

>> No.8123739

>Flat hair with large ass bow
>The petti or the shirt looks sorta off
>those shoes
>The dress itself looks kind of tight

>> No.8123764

>glasses. They are like a chastity belt for the face.
I think I remember something my sister said, in boot camp if you need glasses, they'd give you Steve Urkel style big ones and they were known as "birth control."
Which is ironic, because just a few years after that the hipster frames became popular.

I also think it's worth it to note that it looks like her petti is much too big for the skirt to accommodate and that may be why it looks off.

>> No.8123780

I remember this from a couple threads back, she put it on for a friend whom was sewing it I believe, or her friend dared her to put it on.
Either way, It's not a real coord nor meant to be an actual thing

>> No.8123790

This is why I make sure I have a retainer in my piercings in now
Even though it's a simple lip stud, I always have a clear one in and try my best to photoshop it out

>> No.8123813

I think this is absolutely adorable. I like the elf ears, they're a weird touch but she did them well.
Are those yarnballs?

>> No.8123846

what the fuck are you talking about? girls where JSKs with no blouse but with a cardigan or bolero over it all the time

like where have you been?

>> No.8123858

yeah seriously i fucking love this, i bet their performance was awesome

>> No.8123898

this doesn't hurt my eyes and i can't consider it properly "ita" because of that but it is pretty boring. i hate to be that guy but if you're not going to get a pair of glasses that looks better with lolita plz wear contacts. the necklace she's wearing doesn't add anything to the coord, her hair is too limp for the bow at the top of the head, it's just... not very stylish

>> No.8123905

man i almost like yellow coorded with booger magic

>> No.8123908

yeah nothing about this pic or video is serious though? and guns or not this is a fine coord, even if i hate that blush-right-below-the-eyes look

>> No.8123913

It was baby's first coord, so I cut her slack and wasn't the one who posted her here.

>> No.8123916

bump, that cardigan is super cute

>> No.8123924

what the fuck is this

>> No.8123930

hey it's not too bad for a first time, really. she's super cute and with some effort she could be a++

>> No.8124047
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>> No.8124056
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>> No.8124086

This is why you don't wear a cupcake petticoat with an A-line dress. It looks soooo frumpy!

>> No.8124203

nitpick, my opinion is shed look super cute with a light blonde wig. I thought I hated this dress but I like it on her

>> No.8124215

someone please make a new nitpick thread

>> No.8124274

again we need a nitpick thread I want more eye searing itas

>> No.8124306

Anyone got a picture of that disturbing ita who modded Cats Tea Party? I can't seem to find it.

>> No.8124381

Please don't derail another thread with more Tiferet bitching. We've all seen enough of her, she's horrendous, we know and until she does something new, topic exhausted.

>> No.8124437

What are you talking about? This is adorable.

>> No.8124574
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she legit looks like she just shat her bloomers

>> No.8124579

TIL angels wear hooker boots

>> No.8124719
File: 204 KB, 720x1280, why god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leopard print shoes with leopard print socks

>> No.8124729

now THAT is tumblr core

>> No.8124771

Why does that skirt always look lopsided?

>> No.8124838
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 10410237_357601721088165_3668507856157462438_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She also thinks ita is a substyle of lolita, just like sweet or classic.

>> No.8124843

At least her body shape matches the print on the dress

>> No.8124844

uhhh wtf that's not lolita... that's that whole Madoka Magica x NGE cosplay that blew up like 2 years ago

>> No.8124845

What dress is this? It's a cute dress...pity about the rest though.

>> No.8124847

it was invented when tumblr was super obsessed with both madoka and eva back in 2012 or 2013

>> No.8124857


>> No.8124873

Her FB page is "Cel-Chibi Cosplay". I almost regret meeting and friending her on FB cause she keeps inviting me to her "Meet and Greet with Cel-Chibi Cosplay" events, but ngl the drama around her is so entertaining to follow.
>> lolzy

Also, deets on CrystalMoon? I know a cosplayer by the name of Crystal Moon, and I'm curious if this is the same person.

>> No.8124878

Haha, liquid powder FTW, it's amazing stuff in the heat. But honestly, you do get used to it, I've never understood the big deal. Construction workers, ranchers, farmers, everyone who works outdoors much in southern/hot climates covers up MORE to be insulated and protected from the sun and heat, they don't wear fewer clothes.

>> No.8124904
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>> No.8124926

so edgy desu.

>> No.8124969
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Ew wtf

>> No.8124974
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>> No.8125023

I think you're right. the "eyes" look hyper cartoonish. The eyebrow are also redrawn on high though

>> No.8125031

girl in the middle just needs make up and some tweaking on where she sets her accessories on her head. Girl in meta... girl why those boots, you had a good thing going. The one with the read hair looks like she's just wearing punk normal clothes, not really lolita.

>> No.8125044

Take a look at the way it buttons and how much space is between each row of lace. The sides are even, but the way it gets pulled over to button up, the one side is made to be a bit shorter... The spacing between the rows of lace is wonky too.

Is it handmade?

>> No.8125059

Unless she's wearing it sideways? the split down the middle leads me to think it's a side slit, with the front being slightly shorter than the back? maybe? If not, then yeah definitely had to be made wrong.

>> No.8125085

>nowhere near landwhale proportions
Don't be a dick.

>> No.8125109

looks like it. i think shes pretty cute. especially as a non lolita outfit. the colors look good and all the pieces are cohesive.
her friend on the left looks pretty bad regardless of it being lolita or not.

>> No.8125121

Those fucking boots damn

>> No.8125138

Leonardo Dicaprio?

>> No.8125155

facial piercings: not even once

>> No.8125191

...you're bs'ing me.

>> No.8125215

There's nothing wrong with this

>> No.8125217
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nope i'm not bs-ing you (unfortunately). she legitimately thinks that.

>> No.8125224

Those boots what the hell
It's like she strapped a couple of dead husky carcasses onto her feet 0/0/0/0

>> No.8125226

Tell me someone liked it ironically.

>> No.8125235

omg where is this i have to see

>> No.8125251

Is she a choir church girl or a kindergarten graduate. What is she wearing over her!?

>> No.8125255

did you know you thinking they look bad dosnt equal ita? funny what you can learn from the internet! you have your opinions but if you go look at actual itas, they dont equal ita. i dont even like the coords, but i know they arent ita. a nitpick equals a coord that looks kinda bad but not exactly ita.
>no need to get so angry about it
oh no not this. lets not play the "OMG BRU U R MAD!!!" game when there was no anger in my post. its a bit pathetic.

worst part is her purse actually looks pretty cute from this angle, poor thing.

>dat purse

oh god this girl looks freakly like a girl i used to know.

>> No.8125272

She must have took deerstalker video seriously when they were showing the "types of Lolita"

>> No.8125296

It was on CoF, I believe.

>> No.8125305

Well ita is a type of lolita, the disgusting failed type. It's not like she said it's her favorite substyle. At least not in this completely out of context comment.

>> No.8125338

It's a asymmetrical cut on the front bustle. It looks better with a proper petti to bump it out correctly.

>> No.8125454

Never prioritize print-specific accessories over a decent wig.

I don't know if it's just me, but the order of importance goes:
-Good hygiene
-Competent makeup skills
Ok now start lolita
-Petticoat and good foundation garments
-OP or JSK
-Blouse, legwear, proper shoes.
-Simple, versatile accessories
-Suitable bag
-Flashy accessories and things you can only wear with one print

This whole Fullset/Brand Teaparty OTT outfit trend is a dangerous thing to expose newbies to.

>> No.8125461


is it a boy ?

>> No.8125480

bang and heels would one up this by like 50%

>> No.8125520

Yeah but they also don't give a shit about completely drenching all those layers with sweat; while most lolitas actually care about their clothing.

>> No.8125531

its just sweat... you can wash them dude

>> No.8125556

W-w-w-waaaaasssh??? My b-b-b-burandooo?????? But that would wash away my scent!

>> No.8125564

It might be different from ita to ita but most I've known order of importance goes:
>low budget
>dress (cheap as possible, often replica of expensive print because "I want my dress NOW!!")
>wig (often shitty cosplay wig or bad quality/twin tails)
>star clip (why is this still athing? Idk)
>other accessoires (bonus points for Hello Kitty)
>blouse/cardigan (often not Lolita but "totes loliable guys!!")
>make up
>hygiene (depends on ita, some manage to have higher hygiene priorities)

>> No.8125569

jesus christ her face looks like mine (when I make that stupid expression anyway) I was startled, then In realized I don't even own that dress lol
also not my body
sage for ot

>> No.8125596

of course

>> No.8125680
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>> No.8125684
File: 91 KB, 640x960, lolita_by_ducklingisaswan-d4zcts4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8125696

I believe biologically yes. I think MtF, but not sure.

>> No.8125700

Also depends on the area you're at and humidity. I live on a farm in a high humidity area and all the women wear tanktops and, whenever we can, shorts. Still have to wear boots around the animals and often jeans, but as soon as possible for barnwork we change into shorts. The men tend to just go shirtless. Wear a lot of sunscreen, or get burned as fuck is the standard.

>> No.8125701
File: 120 KB, 728x1098, guro_lolita_by_fishiesg0pook-d32a9c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8125707

Can we make a petition to ban guro-lolita, wa/qi-lolita and punk-lolita?

>> No.8125711

Well too bad some of don't even wear wigs.

>> No.8125718
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>> No.8125734

too bad you probably look like shit then lol

>> No.8125738

Well I appreciate not looking like I'm wearing a costume. :^)

>> No.8125742

I'm sure you also appreciate looking like a lazy shit :^>

>> No.8125748

I'm sorry your hair must be very thin and flat if you can't use it for lolita. :3

>> No.8125754

Wow, I get wearing a wig for a special event, but demanding someone wear a wig on a daily basis? Wtf. You're why people think this fashion is a costume.

>> No.8125761

Honestly, I wear lolita when I'm going out with friends like to the cinema, to a bar, to eat some sushi or to special occasions when I visit family. If I started to wear a voluminous wig with my poofy dresses people would think I've gone way over board and call me crazy for wearing a costume. I already try to wear casual lolita to not stand out too much, but the wig would blow it.

>> No.8125820
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She looks like Gruntilda.

>> No.8125926


Hate to break it to you, but the one looking new is you.

Five years ago the topic gets rehashed on egl (yes, rehashed. As a newbie five years ago even I got the impression it has been argued before). General opinion is divided on whether you need a blouse.

Not unanimous. Divided.

Not enough lolitas can agree that your shoulders should always be covered, hence that this issue has always been contentious. Even if you pose this question to a lolita senpai who's been in the fashion longer than 5 years, I can guarantee the answer you get is going to be "it's better to wear a blouse but it's not a hard and fast rule".

Only cgl's ita/nitpick threads are flooded with girls freaking out over bare shoulders, probably because cgl has a lot of newbies (just take a look at the number of newbie questions in lolita general or coord help threads). And even then, you're still getting people arguing back with you right now.

I get that you're here for blood any way you can get it, but you should stop making up things when you don't really know the history.

>> No.8126037
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I feel bad for the one in the middle. She looks lovely but the other 2 make me sad

>> No.8126047

You can see the internal screaming from her facial expression. Though she's probably a nice girl and the two ita slook really happy to have their picture taken with her (I know I'd be happy as I really like and admire Aerynsys).

>> No.8126048

>real hair
>lazier than wigs
When I'm being lazy I slap a wig on. Real hair takes much longer to style.

>> No.8126108

> new fag detected

There are plenty of good coords where the girls aren't wearing blouses. They are not mandatory in all cases. You just have to be able to know how to coord accordingly.

>> No.8126182

>star clip (why is this still athing? Idk)
I still wear and love them, what's wrong about star clips?

>> No.8126199

If the opinion is divided(which it is very ruthlessly) then the anon you're responding to seems to be on the pro-blouse side so that explains why she thinks that. My entire comm is pro-blouse so we all think that pretty unanimously as a fact.

>> No.8126216

Nothing, but itas often think a star clip is necessary for every single outift and often rather throw money and attention at a star clip than any other more matching accessoire or smaller part of the coord (like bags or appropriate headwear.

>> No.8126224

Pretty much >>8126216, star clips look fine when they fucking match, but most of the time they don't match and they're often worn with prints that don't have any damn stars.

>> No.8126248


>> No.8126252

What is this from?

>> No.8126869

if they're MtF, then doesn't that mean they're biologically female now? they'd be male at birth, but if they're on hormone replacement then they'd be female.

>> No.8126873

Please ban guro and wa. Qi and punk actually look fantastic when done well. Guro, on other the other hand, never look good, and I've only ever seen one good wa coord.

>> No.8126882


really tho. please make sure your dress has stars if ur gonna wear a star clip. wear them with like Cosmic or some starry shit.

>> No.8126887

CoF idk what you expected

>> No.8126918

posing like this looks dumb as fuck

and that fucking wig

>> No.8126927

Well too bad some of us have unfortunate hair genetics and prefer to wear them to look polished?

Although good for you, congrats on having naturally nice hair.

>> No.8126957

Honestly I think this is one of the better coords I've seen with this dress.

>> No.8127600


My issue is that she stated as a universal rule.

So at least I needed to pipe up and say that it has never been a universal rule, and has always been in contention. The other anon was right, covering up your shoulders was not specifically a lolita rule, because any time anyone tried to state it as one, someone inevitably comes out of the woodwork to object. Today, it is that anon and myself who came to clarify that this has never been and probably never will be a hard and fast rule.

>> No.8128222

What the hell is that crocheted thing the one on the left is wearing?

>> No.8128248

I've never said anything about wigs, but I hate it how many lolitas include it in style-guides like it's mandatory like a petti.
I have healthy thick blonde hair I take care about, I simply don't need a wig. I might buy one if I wore something very OTT but I mostly wear berets anyway.

>> No.8128253

No biologically they'd always be whatever they're born with. Hormones don't change your chromosomes.

Physically they'd be on their way if not completely transitioned.

>> No.8128934


Like, they look awesome. But what does a japanese street fashion that strives for elegance and modesty have to do with carnival?

>> No.8128939

I thought she had a little cocktail umbrella in her hair.

>> No.8128942

Why not? Carnival is about breaking the habit.

>> No.8128945

Is this the same girl with photoshopped hair?

>> No.8128952

W-what's with that expression.

She looks like she's the leader of a 50's girl gang.

>> No.8128987
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>> No.8128992

That's entirely the point. It is an intentional juxtaposition. Fucking with norms.

>> No.8129170

this girl is the most tumblr looking thing i've ever seen

>> No.8129181
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>> No.8129291

why? this is such a pretty skirt? noooo!!!!

>> No.8129324

this is nitpick, fuck off

>> No.8129338

So I'm the one who talks so much shit about the girl on the left but I agree this is nitpick.

>> No.8129353

She never gets better...it just gets worse.

>> No.8129376


Are you fucking blind or just trolling? Pls be troll.

>> No.8129400

Where is she living? I'm jealous of the cold.
But, yeah, wtf folk-chan? Your hair looked less greasy on the last two outfits, why stop washing it now?

>> No.8129476
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>> No.8129548
File: 41 KB, 480x719, 11016649_10205862675424215_1564577581_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"serious lolita"

>> No.8129662
File: 68 KB, 312x642, 1424300967504~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlotte Charms.
Kek when she used to act like a superior lolita and give advice on /cgl/ while going to cons looking like this.
Also her ego was some shit "i want to see myself pleasured and have sex with myself/ i am glad to be born so beautiful/ i could play with my face all day"

>> No.8129676

She lives in Ireland now.

>> No.8129778

Woahhhhh how the tables have turned. Is that really her? shit..

>> No.8129790

Seriously disgustin' brah
*guitar solo plays as I skateboard out*

>> No.8129895

i cannot believe how bad this is