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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8114199 No.8114199 [Reply] [Original]

I might have missed it, but I didn't see a thread about this. What's the worst con experience you've ever had? The worst to come to mind for me is:
>Be me
>Look really young but is actually an adult
>Go to local convention for the first time
>Borrow friend's badge to get into dealer's room because like hell I'm paying for a shit con
>Tall guy wearing cat paws stops me
>"Aw, you're like a little loli!"
>Try to leave, gets stopped.
>Guy gets really close to me and whispers "I'm a lolicon."


>> No.8114785

>go to con alone
>too beta to do anything with anyone
>go to 3 panels in 3 days
>spend the rest of the con drinking and looking at cosplayers from my hotel room window

Actually, that wasn't too bad

>> No.8114821

A friend made me an Ryuko costume to match her Satsuki. I paid her to make it for me and it was amazing, she undercharged me by alot. It was probably the best costume I have ever worn.

Some landwhale see's me, gets exited and tackles me to the ground. I hit my head hard and I end up feeling really dazed. The fatass gets off of me while apologizing with a laugh then runs off.

I was still feeling dizzy so I did not really notice the circle of people that had gathered. I notice why when i stand up and all the hard parts of my costume have basically shattered.

>> No.8114847

I went to ACEN with my future GF, her little sister, and 2 of her roomies from college. I was cosplaying the Bug Catcher from Pokemon (the girls in the group were Ace Trainers, Hex Maniacs, etc.)

The second I get to the exhibit hall, I go nuts over an official Bandai booth (I was really into Gundam Build Fighters at the time) and when I turn around, the group is gone. One of my GF's friends was the "unofficial leader" of the group since they were bouncing between cosplay shoots, panels, and other shit. I'm a normalfag so I don't know a lot of shit about cons. I text her to help me get my bearings (where r u guys at lol) and she pretty much tells me to go fuck myself in a really cold manner for no reason.

I pretty much wander around the con completely lost for 4 hours while little kids ask to take their picture with me and my Butterfree. In the end, it all worked out since I got to meet my current serious GF and the bitch who screwed me over is now hated by everyone

>> No.8114852

>Didn't sleep at all the last night.
>Probably awake 30 hours at this point
>Fell asleep while driving home from the con, veered off onto the shoulder, hit an orange construction barrel, and broke my side mirror off my car.
0/10 falling asleep driving is scary as fuck. I could have killed myself and my sister. If you feel too tired to drive pull off at a gas station and nap or something. Do not keep driving.

>> No.8114868
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>miss my bus ride up
>arrive a day later to the con
>look like a summer sausage in his costume
>misses everything he wanted to go to at the con
>most people brush him of, including qt3.14 he had his eye on...
>didn't eat all weekend from all the changes in schechule
>no sleep
>high 90s to 100's in the city at the time.
>gets lost in the city late at night
>misses bus ride back home

MFW I was at the con all weekend...

>> No.8114873

The next day at that con after I had finally stopped getting lost, we decided to visit the con's maid cafe since we had heard good things (this might have been Anime Midwest now that I think about it, w/e). Our group had to share a table with this couple in their 30s, The husband had this vacant look in his eyes that said "help me." and the wife was morbidly obese in a mobility scooter. Our table's maid was adorable, knew fluent Japanese, everything was perfect except for the obnoxious lady at our table. I shit you not, she had the stuffed unicorn from "Despicable Me", and she kept making people take pictures with it and address it as though it were a real person. She even stole a chair from another table and gave it its own seat. She demanded that our maid bring place settings for it and serve it food. After announcing that we had to address it as "Fluffy", she proudly announced to the table that she had taken pictures with the damn thing at Mt. Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, etc. I looked at her husband while she was prattling on and he slowly nodded, sometimes blinking, his eyes welling up with tears. The poor bastard. I was so fed up with her that I asked for her camera to take a picture with Fluffy, and when she wasn't looking I took one that made it look like I was sodomizing the shit out of her prized plushie possession. Serves her right.

Holy shit, the cake at that cafe was so good though

>> No.8114890

I get annoyed thinking about this..
>friends invite me to room with them for first major, out of country convention
>they tell me to buy a weekend pass
>day before con
>had to drive an hour on my own time to meet at rendezvous point
>meet at a location to carpool punctually
>ride is nearly three hours late despite her living 20 minutes away

>arrive at hotel
>"anon we actually only bought Saturday only passes XD"
>"K but I bought tea party tickets for a Sunday event and I have no intention on leaving early since you guys told me to get a weekend pass.."
>"lol k anon"

>Friday they try to "finish" their cosplays in the hotel room and proceed to spray paint and hot glue
>I can barely get ready due to mess/paint particles
>they don't stay the whole day friday anyway because no passes

>room looks demolished by Saturday
>they're only interested in the stupid rave
>I had no interest in going
>girl's bf tries to score weed
>they get lost in the metro for three hours
>they come back late in the night grouchy and tired af

>they sleep in because no passes and fail rave
>I enjoy the remainder of con
>my tea party is approaching; con is largely over and people begin leaving
>get text from my group around a quarter of the way in to my tea party
>"Anon we wanna leave we're bored and wanna beat traffic and can we go now?"
>I saw that coming
>negotiate a time to leave but I'm still cutting my event a full hour short and missed group photo

>my group finally mobilizes and agrees to meet me at the mouth of the con parking lot
>there's a line of traffic
>1 hour later, still no sign of them
>upset because I could have stayed at my event
>walk down the line of traffic
>spot them in the gridlock
>in the traffic that was impossible to "beat"
>they act indignant towards me for being stuck in traffic
>nevermind that they could have let me stay at my event and/or waited comfortably at the hotel until traffic died
And I haven't roomed with them since. Morons.

>> No.8114911

Why are people like this

>> No.8114923

>smoking weed


>> No.8115066

No. It was mostly the one girl's bf pushing that and he didn't drive or plan shit. And they never got any.

>> No.8115091

My worst con experience was for a con I didn't even attend.

>friend wants to attend big con on other side of country with me and two of his other friends
>super fucking stoked
>look up all transportation and cheap lodging for the entire trip
>send what I find to him, he says he'll let me know what his other friends think
>couple weeks pass without hearing anything
>"sorry anon life happened, get back to you about it soon"
>couple more weeks pass
>tickets to big con sell out
>oh well
>friend and I check out a tiny local con for laughs
>while talking in a group of friends, he lets slip that he and his other friends have made arrangements for upcoming con I did research for
>without updating or including me
>he sees my face
>"s-sorry anon, I didn't tell you? I just thought it would be easier with those two"

This is coming from a guy who'd bitched me out before for "never making an effort" to go anywhere with him while I was in university and couldn't just take off for days like he can. After the big con, he came back all butthurt because neither of the girls he went with wanted to hook up with him (yes, he failed to include me because he wanted a shot at getting his dick wet with two other girls). He's turned into a huge flake and has bailed on hanging out with me at two other cons since despite going on and on about how much time we'll spend together, so I've pretty much given up on making anymore effort for him.

>> No.8115098

>>Guy gets really close to me and whispers "I'm a lolicon."

I wonder if that ever worked?

>> No.8115109
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>three months before con
>organise group with a close friend and some mutual friend
>agree on who we're going to cosplay as
>mutuals volunteer to sort out travel and accommodation, me and friend get tickets
>everything is booked, ask local photographer to take some photos the day after con
>2 days before con
>one of the girls announces she hasn't even started making her cosplay yet
>friend and I offer to help, but she says no
>day before
>mutuals are acting a bit weird and are awfully quiet
>friend and I are excited as balls anyway
>day of con, waiting on mutuals to arrive at train station
>train arrives and they're still not there
>decide to get on without them because tickets were only for that trip
>an hour later, que angry texts asking where we were
>have to wait two hours at hotel for them to arrive
>one was in bought cosplay, other two never bothered at all
>"had no time, anon"
>get to con late afternoon on first day
>pretty chill
>"we're just gonna head back to the room"
>spend rest of evening and next day with friend
>mutuals in hotel room getting drunk
>ask them if they're sure they don't wanna hang out
>get home after a cool weekend, feeling good despite circumstances
>get text from friend about how mutuals think i'm an asshole and that we ditched them

The photoshoot, predictably, never happened either. It was entirely their choice to not be involved and be awful. I don't understand people at all. Now i'm really cautious about random people I don't know coming in a group with me.

>> No.8115126

>This hideous woman has a husband who puts up with all her shit
>meanwhile half of /cgl/ is forever alone

What's wrong with this universe?

>> No.8115145

>Going to a big, out of state con with friend, we have other friends that we're rooming with meeting us there
>Only 2 of us in my car, it's an 8 hour drive, gas is going to be expensive
>last minute, friend says another friend of hers is interested in riding up with us
>Sure, it'll make gas and the room cheaper, I dont care
>We go to pick her up, takes her long as fuck to get in the car
>She has huge ass hard sided suitcases and my back window ends up being blocked
>did i mention she is ridiculously obese
>whatever, we can do this
>Drive up, everything is mostly okay
>Get to the room, me and my friend take one bed
>Miss thing decides she gets the whole other bed, no one else would sleep in it with her anyway
>she snores like a fucking beast
>decides to ask for a mini fridge from the hotel even though we both said we didn't need it
>it takes up more space that we could have used
>makes it hard to sleep at night
>other friends arrive
>They have to sleep on the floor because no room
>Are surprisingly cool with it, which was nice
>Con was fun overall, we went to some good panels and saw lots of good cosplay
>Still dont get a lot of sleep because of snoring
>Con is over, drive back
>Friend and this other girl end up getting into some huge argument on the way back, I cant even remember what
>There's yelling and then its just really awkward
>Finally get back home, drop her off
>Over the next few days friend tells me about how this other girl is such a bitch
>Never talk to her again(hopefully)

also she left trash in my car. Moral of the story is dont over pack rooms and dont be friends with shitty people

>> No.8115171

fuck that guy

>> No.8115200

The hotel the con was hosted at didn't have air conditioning for an entire day and night. Me and the only friend who was able to go to it were both chickens and didn't want to demand compensations like we heard people in the elevator talking about. Plus we were exhausted from lack of sleep and a bit of dehydration as this was during summer and it was sweltering

>> No.8115257

My very first convention I cosplayed as Sango from Inuyasha, and my dad was with me since I was 14 at the time.
I was so excited to go to my first con and after about an hour of being there some older guy said he loved my character and wanted to give me a hug.

>Being excited about someone liking my first ever cosplay I accepted
>Old guys grabs my ass and squeezes several times
>Dad throws a shit fit and basically rams the dude against a wall
>Guy tries to defend himself by saying it's just character related, since Sango always has her ass grabbed
>Dad gets guy banned from attending conventions, police take creeper guy out

We promptly left and he didn't let me go to another convention again for like 2 years. Which I didn't mind, my dad is a badass. He still fumes about it today and wishes he pummeled the guy.

>> No.8115296

I had a similar experience when i displayed Sesshomaru except it was girls doing most of the inappropriate touching. It was a pretty terrible cosplay too.

The number of pedos at cons is too damn high

>> No.8115308

Character excuse is too tolerable. Too many pervert anime characters

>> No.8115333 [DELETED] 
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>tfw hitting on a hot girl at a con
>tfw her bf comes out of nowhere
>tfw you're mirin hard and cant contain the homo
>tfw try to hit on him instead but he rejects you

>> No.8115339

I would wish I'd pummeled the dude too. Your dad sounds totally cool, creeping on underage because it's "in character" is shit tier behaviour and I probably would've been too scared at 14 to react myself, shit at 22 some dude kissed me full on the lips in costume after just coming up to say "I love your outfit" and I just froze (although now at 25 I would've bitched the fucker out, made a scene and explained exactly why he was a shit excuse for a human being)

>> No.8115347


This is too fucking good

>> No.8115353
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>Anime St Louis 2012
>Saturday night
>Friend and I are at rave having a good time
>after about an hour or so we decide to take a break and sit at table and drink some water
>Guy tackles a guy at a table right next to us
>They knock over the table and chairs which bump into us while they're rolling on the floor grabbing and trying to swing at each other
>con staff (one dressed as Darth Maul) arrive and assess the situation
>friend and I decide to go back to hotel and call it a night

To this day i still don't know what happened

>> No.8115364

Why do so many anons on cgl say they "look really young"?

>> No.8115365

A similar situation happened to me, anon. I was driving home from a con, it was dark out, and I was nodding off. A deer legit jumped out into the street right in front of me. If it didn't leap back, I would have plowed right into it. Decided it wasn't worth it, and I pulled off at a small motel. Was one of the scariest moments of my life.

>> No.8115367

He was probably beta and unfortunate looking. No stuck up girl here would settle for less that perfect.

>> No.8115368

They're 18-19 and still look like babies? Dunno. I've noticed that too.

>> No.8115378

Because there are actually a lot of Asians on /ceeg/ (at least from the RL meetup pics). Also lolita aesthetic is to keep yourself looking young so girls slather on their antiwrinkling cream.

>> No.8115414

What's wrong with bought cosplay?

>> No.8115441

I've noticed this too, but in this specific circumstance it's relevant to the story so it's not as annoying as when it's shoehorned in completely off-topic.

>> No.8115446
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>gf (now fiance) and I are taking a break in a con's cafe-like resting area.
>gf asks me to get her a drink from the vending machine, since her shoes are hurting her feet
>I say sure, and she gives me a quick peck on the lips as thanks
>suddenly hear "LESBIAN LOLIS??!!!" yelled, really loudly
>greasy skinny man decked in the typical anime raver gear is making a beeline for our secluded table, but then he stops and veers off again?
>confused, I go get the drinks
>when I come back, he's sitting at the table and my gf is looking at me like "save me pls"
>back then, she was very meek, so I go over and say we need to get going to make it to the next panel
>As she stands up, guy jerks up and is like "wait! wait, before you go, can we, um, tonight, the three of us, y'know?"
>I say no forcefully, while gf says something like "We're in a commited relationship, no thank you."
>We start to walk away, and he follows us saying stuff like "Come on, please? Please? Two lolitas, it's my dream, can you at least just let my friends see you with me?"
>I tell him aggressively to leave us the hell alone
>the fucker grabs my wrist "how do you know you wouldn't like it if you didn't try it?"
>I do the women's defense class arm twist to break free, and tell him we're not interested in a slimy little manchild, and he'd have no shot at one of us let alone two
>not the best insult, but I just want him to leave us alone
>he literally stomps his foot, squirms, and calls "faggot bitches" as we're walking away

We try not to do any public displays of affection now, since even holding hands in a store has once lead to us both being approached by a creeper who think two feminine lesbians = autothreesome.

>> No.8115489

He was average looking at best and a little overweight. This isn't anyone with leverage we're talking about :/

>> No.8115544
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>Start to come out as trans
>Friend makes a LoL cosplay for me and is super nice and supportive
>First time I wore it actually went really well and passed 80% of the time
>Felt good
>Decide to re-wear it to go to the LoL season 3 world finals with a bunch of other nice cosplay buddies
>Cosplay is worn down at this point
>Didn't have friend to help me do wig and makeup
>Get called a crossplayer and a crossdresser and a creep in drag the entire time
>Friends ditch me
>Want to die

I'm on hormones now and looking better and doing better, and 100% passing, but that day still makes me hate certain people and myself and made me never want to cosplay again.

>> No.8115563

That sounds terrifying anon, glad nothing super bad happened though

>> No.8115568

I mean I understand you are trans and everything but what is so bad about being called a crossplayer?

>> No.8115590

They're being misgendered when they're called a crossplayer even though they're dressing appropriately for their gender, i don't see how this is difficult. they're basically being told that they don't pass, which is rude and sucks.

>> No.8115591

whats worse if youre forced to drive and your lazy but capable passengers rather you drive since you have "highway experience"
>driving back from con, didnt sleep much
>have dream that Im driving, snap out of it in 3 seconds since I realize its a mindtrick
>use up all my mental willpower staying awake for 3 more hours driving

I now know if I were in a coma or were under some gen jutsu I can break free from it

>> No.8115592

What's that gif from?

>> No.8115605
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Pretty much what
If you're a guy and you're fine with being a guy, then crossplayer isnt that bad, but if you don't like being a guy its lame to be reminded about it, especially in a derogatory/jerky sense..

Its basically people saying that you look like a man, I'd imagine anyone on here wouldn't like it if they tried to go out in a qt cosplay and people said they look like a man

I don't get it anymore at all and feel a lot better about myself, but still salty as fuck

>> No.8115653

It's a standalone film called "A Letter to Momo", it's an adorable tearjerker, I watched it with my GF and many sobs were had

>> No.8115691
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>go to con with gf
>another cosplayer grabs my crotch in the elevator
>tell her off
>tell gf about it, she explodes in my face for "not puching that bitch"
>stays like this the whole weekend and ride back
Aaaand ex-gf. I'm too young to waste time on crazy.

>> No.8115768
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Someone already answered you, but I'd like to recommend it too. I generally avoid feels movies, but I'm really glad I watched it.

>> No.8115799

I bet it involved "in character" ass grabbing.

Some of these people seem to forget that it's always followed by in character beatings.

>> No.8115917

Ugh, what a creep.

>> No.8115924

Someone translate this.

>> No.8115938

>>miss my bus ride up

They missed the bus going to the convention center because they couldn't get a ride or have a car so they might be underage.

>>arrive a day later to the con

Showed up at the con the next day.

>>look like a summer sausage in his costume

I didn't want to alter my costume after I ate too much the weeks before and/or it's most likely store bought.

>>misses everything he wanted to go to at the con

I had plans at the anime convention but because I missed my bus I didn't end up doing a majority of them.

>>most people brush him of, including qt3.14 he had his eye on...

Most people ignore me in my ill fitting costume including the guy I was stalking.

>>didn't eat all weekend from all the changes in schechule

I didn't eat all weekend because I didn't plan ahead/too poor to afford food and my ride.

>>no sleep

Too poor/underage so I didn't get a hotel room or some place to sleep for all three or so days.

>>high 90s to 100's in the city at the time.

My costume isn't that breathable so I'm sweating really bad since the weather is hot.

>>gets lost in the city late at night

I'm out of town so I have no idea what I'm doing.

>>misses bus ride back home

I miss the bus ride back to my state because I didn't plan.

>> No.8116081

The worst I can think of right now-
>First con, 12 years old
>Always been petite all my life. Never have looked my age.
>Just met my real dad about two years ago, he was the one taking me
>Had a love for fursuits and mascot outfits because they looked so cute and huggable.
>As we're going about the con, I see this purple wolf fursuit
>Go up to hug him. He acts all cute
>Dad just laughs, thinking its a joke
>I'm frozen in panic and confusion
>Guy eventually puts me down, pats my head and leaves
>Quickly return to my dad, who's laughing still and thought it was hilarious
I don't really have worst experiences at cons, just bad events sometimes.

>> No.8116098


It's creeper stories about pedos, dude, of course the pedos ain't bothering to creep if anons don't "look really young". What is logic.

>> No.8116110

>at con rooming with boyfriend, bestie, and three friends of bestie I didn't know very well including a couple
>couple fighting pretty much entire first day at con over I don't even fucking know what
>everyone goes off to their activities
>decide shoes for current costume are far beyond my pain tolerance and go back to hotel room to change into something more comfortable
>couple in room fighting
>go into bathroom to change
>they're still fighting
>hear a loud slap
>hear girl immediately shriek and run crying out the room
>hear her boyfriend run after her saying he was sorry
>tell bestie what occurred, she's not even the least bit surprised since apparently this guy had all the red flags
>awkwardly room with couple the rest of the weekend
>neither of them even look at me the rest of the time

>> No.8116124

Most of my friends are all day err day stoners and only one of them would pull something like that

>> No.8116129

Oh my god, I would have bitched that guy out so hard. what a shit friend.

>> No.8116138

>be several years ago, age 15
>cosplaying as male character, not revealing or anything
>random guy approaches me wearing a ninja turtles hat
>he gets uncomfortably close to me and chastises me for not knowing which turtle it is while simultaneously failing at identifying my costume at all (it was a pretty popular series)
>keep trying to excuse myself but he asks for a picture
>takes one and says I look sexy, arm around my waist
>he asks, "So, do you drink? Because we're having a party later..."
>blurt out I'M FIFTEEN, kinda scared at this point
>He makes a face and runs away without another word

It scared me quite a lot since that's never happened before...

>> No.8116139

This happened to my friend, except the deer didn't leap back so she swerved to avoid it. Rolled her car 2.5 times and shattered her arm, sprained an ankle, bruised ribs, cuts, etc. Luckily there was a nurse in the car behind her that called an ambulance and stayed with her 'til it arrived.

Sage for OT

>> No.8116165

>be me, 13 year old at first convention
>cosplaying touko fukawa, for some reason i decided to go with a short skirt instead because i couldn't make the long one
>go to a sailor moon panel with a friend before we leave to finish off the day without realizing my skirt was definitely moved and got hooked onto the chair
>get up and flash my embarrassing rilakkuma undies to the whole audience behind me
i have so many terribly awkward experiences with conventions.

>> No.8116300

>go to con at 21 with extremely hot 43 year old boyfriend (he's not into anime, but comes with me anyway)
>room is just us, but I have several friends at the con
>meet up with two without him, who are with six people ive never met or only met in passing
>have totally awesome couple hours and hit it off great with most of them before running into boyfriend briefly in the dealers room
>he shoos me away because he's trying to find me a present and wants it to be a surprise
>after leaving one girls asks me about him and if there's any way I could try to hook them up
>explain to her he's my boyfriend
>friend jokes about him having that effect on younger ladies
>girl is confused, friend explains he's 43
>girl goes on about how disgusting he is and how only a sexual predator could date someone with that big an age difference
>friend immediately tells her she's completely off base and being very judgemental
>leave before I lose it on girl
>find boyfriend
>get multiple texts from friend apologizing for girl
>past 12 at night in the hotel room
>knock on the door
>its girl
>figure she's obviously here to apologize
>apparently not to me
>walks right past me into the room without permission over to boyfriend
>tells him how sorry she is for all the awful shit she said
>he has no idea what the fuck is going on as I didn't tell him about the incident since he's pretty self-cautious about the age difference
>she tells him it was mostly because date was jealous he was with me then gave this entire story about how her whole life her dad was a womanizer who only dated women half his age and used them entirely for sex, so she projects
>find out later this isn't true at all, her dad died when she wa 3 at the age of 24
>post con she adds boyfriend on face book (not me though) and tries to talk to him all the time and even sent him two cleavage oriented pics to "get a second opinion on which is a better profile pic"
>bitch gets blocked within two weeks

>> No.8116309

Dangan Ronpa is pretty recent and you were cosplaying it at 13? How old are you now?

>> No.8116314

Rilakkuma...undies? Are you still relatively young now, or were you just free to buy shit online at that age?
>unless you found them in domestic stores in which case you should tell us where

>> No.8116344

Actually Danga Ronpa was first released in 2010 in Japan. If anon POSSIBLY heard of and or played it back then, it'd make sense for them to at least be 18. If not, they're most likely underage b&.

>> No.8116353

>within two weeks
Why the fuck did it take that long?

>> No.8116358

I nearly got arrested at A-kon a few years back. All for a fucking fake sword.

>Arrive with friends
>check into hotel, things going great. First day I wear my viking costume. Just something generic I made for a ren fair, and spiffed up. (pic related)

>Not thinking, I left everything on, the cup, little bags, and my steel sword.
>no edges, basically a butterknife, and as a regular seagull, I should have fucking known that metal would be an issue.
>3 day pass
>this is the year it changed from the dallas sheraton, to the hilton anatole (if any texasfags) So they had their heads up their ass, (a limit on how many could be in the dealers room at one time due to fire hazzard, making us all wait in really cramped dangerous hallways, ect ect)
>Staff that year were total assholes because it was a clusterfuck.
>Guy RUNS I mean fucking sprints towards me
>Aspie staff member runs towards me.
>Mlp shirt, greasy matted hair that's balding, big green glasses, cargo pants
>Nearly fucking collides with me
>Because he's being such a fucking ass, I pull it out to show him it has no blade
>everyone else looks over
>My body gestures don't even suggest anything of the sort. I'm literally holding it in two hands, palms flat showing him
>He fucking calls the police. Given I was a little younger, and didn't want to be kicked out for the rest of the con, I figured I"d just wait for the police to show. It's a big con but I figured i'd run into him again so might as well just comply.
>Police show up about 15 minutes later (they were at the con patroling)
>It's a fucking hotel, he can't kick me out
>police say as much
>I tell the cop what actually happened and show him that it's not edged
>Can you peace tie it?
>Yup.jpg proceed to peace tie it

>> No.8116367
File: 74 KB, 278x615, fsad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(2/2) forgot picture
>"I don't want to see this out again anon"
>Staff member clearly angry, explains DA rulz and how i broke them nad need to not be allowed in the con
>Clearly off his fucking rocker, but they all were bing kind of batshit for some reason. I guess the new convention hall wasn't what they'd hoped for idk.
>Police officer doesn't seem to give a fuck, and makes sure it's secure.
>Later that day
>At that table with all the swords.
>Pull out mine and show dealer kind of the style I like (I know, i know. I had forgotten all about hte incident before because everything going on)
>Same staff guy sees me. Wrong place at the wrong time.
>Calls cops
>Are you fucking kidding me.png
>the cops are clearly tired of bullshit, I explain the situation
>Cop pulls out fucking paperwork, I assume writing up a report.
>Tell him I'll put it back in my room and not bring it back out
>Ok but if i see you again i'll arrest you for tresspassing

God, It was a fucking nightmare. But the rest of the con was good. I should have known not to bring a sword like that, but It'd been a long time since i'd been, and I didn't remember the weapons policy

>> No.8116370

>Holy shit, the cake at the cafe was so good though
I fucking love you. anon.

>> No.8116380

holy shit. what an ass.

>> No.8116390

Meant to mention if he saw me with the sword again, not just saw me again.

At the end of the day, he was a sweaty animu neckbeard, I didn't let it bother me. Honesty it wouldn't have been that big of a deal if he wasn't a raging autist about it. I would have put it up. I really didn't much care, it was the way he treated me that pissed me off.

>> No.8116466

I guess this is kind of con related? When I was 16 I knew this guy a little bit on fb who had added me a year prior after a convention. We both go to the same con so we chilled a little bit throughout the weekend. He was REALLY nice and I had some good laughs, and was supportive at one point when I had these 5 drunk, 20-23 year old guys grope me and try to persuade me into "getting pizza with them" so I thought he was pretty cool and so we talked a bit more after that on fb/text and such.

Fast forward to after the con, this guy wants to hang out since he's local. I'm like yeah, sure? This guys 29, married, and has a kid (a boy thankfully). I wasn't too worried since nothing seemed too weird and I was used to hanging with older people anyways. It's pretty chill for a while, I'm shy the entire time though and I feel super out of place.

At the time I'm 16 and I can't drive, I have no car so the entire time I've been chilling with this family & friends, he's been picking me up and taking me home. One night I think I was going off about past relationships or something (and keep in mind I'm in one at this time and he knows, and I'm fucking 16) and this guy pulls into this parking spot on the way home. Okay.

This dude starts fucking petting my hair, holds my fucking hand, and tries to kiss me. And I'm like... Holy shit. So I pretty much just sit there terrified for like 5 minutes getting my hair pet in a car in the dark. Eventually he gets the hint and takes me the fuck home. I can't remember if I ever visited again or not.

I try to message the guy but he's pretty quiet after that. He deletes me off fb and says his reason is that "he shouldn't be around teenage girls". No shit.

I have to see him and his wife twice a year though because they go to the same cons as me. His wife still follows my fucking tumblr lmao. I have no idea if she knew what was going on or not, I think so because she started getting into my hobbies/style ect so she was probably jealous.

>> No.8116504

>in games room
>wearing alice-like dress I guess (it was Belarus from Hetalia)
>Trying out demo for some game where a bunch of disney esque characters fight to the death.
>suddenly aware of giggling
>look to my left, a bunch of normie teen guys are laughing at something on their phone.
> are they recording me?
> hear "Wow, she hasn't even noticed!"
> they're definitely recording me
> wtf
> leave

To this day I have no fucking idea what it was I didn't notice. My costume and wig were on point, and they weren't at all messed up after this event happened.

I think maybe one of them flipped my skirt or something and I didn't notice because of the petti I was wearing underneath. Gross.

>> No.8116510

Greentext is first-person, anon.

>> No.8116513

Oooh, sounds like Japan Expo.

>> No.8116522

Thank you for the translation.

>> No.8116527

A minute is still within two weeks...

>> No.8116572

What the hell, what a pedo.

>> No.8116582

He could be you dad. How creepy. Do people often mistake you for his daughter/niece in public?

>> No.8116586


I'm sorry anon but that's adorable

>> No.8116594

That con my staff prop got broken by cosplay staff and it was a nightmare I just wanted an apology and got accused of just trying to get money out of them I remember that year

>> No.8116599

Oh looking back on it now I think he was pretty cute and hilarious too. At the time though of the event I was thinking "OH GOLLY GOSH THIS NIGGA JUST RAN OFF WITH ME AND MY DADDY AINT DOING SHIT."
My dad is a great man but should never have any other kids. He was the one who taught me how to say nigga.

>> No.8116612

>in a relationship with a 21 year old

>> No.8116617

Sorry, but if I saw some 40 year old guy walking with a younger girl I'd sooner assume they're related, not dating. It's an unusual relationship, if I were her I'd get used to judgments like that as they're naturally bound to happen.

>> No.8116619

Being in a relationship with a man 22 yrs older than myself, I am aware of that. I actually didn't mean to respond to the dad question, just the pedo one. Yeah, it's a weird dynamic and it gets weird looks. But it's not inherently perverted.

>> No.8116625

Not that anon I'd rather date a 40 year old than a guy under 27 any day. Younger guys are intolerable. Once they're about to turn 30 they get scared and get their shit together though (sometimes).

>> No.8116632

Different anon but when I still a con-going minor people usually assumed correct that my dad was my dad, but sometimes I'd get "is that your boyfriend?" which always made me laugh. Age is a weird one. Sometimes looks never match it.

>> No.8116635

Yesss exactly. Also realizing how many guys my age are obsessed with video games and porn has really made me appreciate being with someone that was raised without the internet.

>> No.8116643

Damn, how can you guys do that? Maybe I'm immature or something, but I still feel a little creeped out by guys that age. They still remind me of my friend's parents or something. And with the age different I'd fear they were just dating me for looks or something superficial, because that's just such a huge difference in stages of life usually...

>> No.8116644

man, old men are the fucking best
you don't know what you're missing out on

>> No.8116646

Not the same anon, but nope, can't do it. My mom is like 50 and my day is 70, and I'm only 19, shit's weird yo.

>> No.8116647

fuck phones

>> No.8116657

What's creepy is dating a young guy who wants you to be his second mommy. Unless you carry on in your own life like a 12 year old, older men aren't creepy. They're just other adults.
The key here is you also have to be an adult.

>> No.8116660

How common is this at cons? Much older guys hitting on 13 - 16 year old girls.

Why don't the staff do anything about it?

>> No.8116667

I guess it just seems so far off to me, even as an adult. Like here I am attending college, not really employable for anything serious, living paycheck to paycheck, nowhere near settling down. Most 40 year olds are probably going to be more interested in that settled down lifestyle, and it is what I want eventually, but not right now. So here's the dilemma - I'm not ready for it now, so with a guy who wants that it'd be a problem, but with a guy who's 40 and doesn't want that he's probably never going to. It's just so much easier to date someone your own age who can do things with you in the same time frame.
And yeah I'm not gonna lie, I find men my own age attractive. I can't imagine my partner always looking, well, 20 years older. Older men are pretty gross physically to me, even if they're in good shape they're just... so obviously older.

that aside...
>What's creepy is dating a young guy who wants you to be his second mommy
couldn't you literally say the exact same thing with reversed genders? Come on now..

>> No.8116670

I'll give him this much at least he ran when you said you were underage

>> No.8116671

>and it is what I want eventually, but not right now.

What you want right now is sex with multiple guys right?


There's nothing necessarily wrong with this provided the guy treats the girl well. When I was in my mid 20s I dated a 15 year old girl and honestly, I like girls in the 13-16 year old range the most just because of how fresh faced they are and how cute their bodies are.

>> No.8116673

What's wrong with video games and porn?

>> No.8116676

>couldn't you literally say the exact same thing with reversed genders? Come on now..
I think you misunderstood this here. All the guys I've ever dated who were within 2 years of my age couldn't figure out how to do laundry to save their lives and I had to pay for everything for them because they couldn't hold jobs. None of them had their own cars so I had to drive them wherever they wanted to go. They relied on their moms for everything and expected the same from me. These were like 20-24 year old men. None of them saw me breaking up with them coming because they thought their shit was acceptable.
My grown ass fiance has his shit together. Job and car and everything. But I do too. We split chores and act like adults. I love it.

>> No.8116678

If those are the only things you have going on in your life it's kind of sad and worrisome.

>> No.8116679

>What you want right now is sex with multiple guys right?
damn, why so bitter? What I want right now is to finish my schooling, which is going to take a few years yet, and there's no way in hell I'll be able to afford a home or have the time to take care of children while that's happening. My boyfriend and I still want relax and not have so many responsibilities for the time being. Getting married and having a family sounds great, but I'm not going to hop in to a relationship with someone who wants that right now, or with someone who's never going to want it.

>> No.8116681

>Plan to meet friends at the con and room with them
>Drive 3 hours to con, have to put on put on costume and in the car because parents thought I was just staying at a friend's cabin for the weekend
>Spend about 5 hours looking for friend, text them multiple times
>They finally text back
>"I'm sick x_x can you room with someone else?"
>Ask only other friend at con if I can room, they're staying with their long-distance gf, so no.
>Wig falling off during the last few hours. I tried to re-adjust in the bathroom but to no avail.
>End up eating at Denny's around midnight
>Contemplate whether it would be better to stay up for another 24 hours, sleep in my shitdumpster no heating car in the middle of winter in wisconsin in a parking lot, or go home and tell my parents some bullshit story.
>End up going home after trying and failing to sleep for 3 hours
>Fall asleep while driving, but luckily for only a few seconds on the highway
>Hear about how great the con was from everyone else at school on monday
not the worst thing in the world but almost crying in a dennys at 1 in the morning in a shitty adventure time costume is embarrassing as hell 0/10 would not recommend

>> No.8116689

Not the only two things at all, but I like doing a lot of the stuff I see in porn to girls I've dated.

I like dominating and degrading nerd women, so I suppose you could say it has had a bad effect on me, but that's what gets me off.

>> No.8116702

If weird that you just openly admit that on the internet but ok cool.

>> No.8116710

Where a short pants under your skirts

>> No.8116711

Why is it weird?

Most of you have rape fantasies.

>> No.8116726

Baito desu

>> No.8117112

not them but, i mean its on an anonymous board, you can really say anything. its not like its gonna come back for you.

>> No.8117114

>Most of you have rape fantasies

Don't lump me with you perverted faggot.

>> No.8117171

>Con last year
>Book hotel room, everything is going to be awesome
>Con website says that hotel is only .3 miles away.

>About a month before the con, I get into a long distance relationship.
>Gf is also going to con, but she has another room.

>Decide to stay with her, but still check other friends into hotel room and pay my share.
>Turns out hotel that I booked was actually 1.7 miles away, despite what con website said.
>Friends in other hotel room decide that I did it on purpose and now I'm trying to get out of it by staying with gf.

Most of my friends got over it by the end of the weekend and stopped being stupid, but two of them still won't talk to me to this day over that. When someone forgave me recently, the two that are still mad got pissed that she forgave me.

>> No.8117255

What anon said, 2010. Friends and I were trying to be the first to cosplay the series, we got beat to it but whatever.
My area has a lot of local stores that sell things from Japan and specifically cute anime merchandise and etc.

>> No.8117356

>Go to three day con
>Share hotel room with a ladyfriend on whom I had a crush since forever
>One big bed, can't pull them apart
>Didn't plan on this but neither of us cared
>Spend the first two days together, having fun, laughing etcetera
>Feel like I actually have a chance with her
>Casually explain my feelings towards her during dinner (read french fries because con)
>She laughs, rejects me and walks away
>Had to spend another night with her
And that people was my most awkward con experience ever.

>> No.8117397

Wtf that's only a half hour walk, what's their beef?

>> No.8117403

A half-hour walk wearing cosplay is hell, especially in the summer

>> No.8117417

Holy shit, this makes me so mad.
Did you ever see that whale again? I'd go ballistic at her.

>> No.8117420

Turning down a dedicated relationship with someone is perfectly reasonable.

Now if you were both single, sharing a bed alone in a hotel with nothing better to do at night, and she turned down NSA sex? Yea, you just got friendzoned hardcore.

Just bluntly ask for sex next time. I cant imagine anyone turning you down in this situation unless youre incredibly unfortunate-looking or carrying an STD.

>> No.8117422

Actually, most people assume he's in his mid to late 20's so no one ever says anything. My parents were extremely unhappy about it, but they warmed up after getting to know him well. My friends were all chill about it.

Honestly, I just don't understand the problem with massive age differences as long as both people are adults. The only time it's concerning is if it's more of a parent/child dynamic than lovers, which I've only seen one couple with a 15+ year age difference have out of quite a few that I've know.

>> No.8117424

Barely, more like a mild inconvenience that could've been fixed by them not being pathetic or just getting changed at the con. It's really just nothing to fall out over

>> No.8117427

>last year
>friend is at a panel for an hour I'm not interested in
>decide to window shop dealer room because bored
>see a girl cosplaying Peko from DanganRonpa and was really well done
>go up to her and say that her cosplay is great
>turn around and see a really obese and smelly Junko
>Her outfit was made of cheap materials, was missing the monokuma hairpins, and she wasn't even wearing any makeup
>Tell her I was just complementing her cosplay
>at this point a lot of people are looking at us
>really do not want this kind of attention
>tell them I'm sorry and get ready to leave
>Junko Hamoshima yells WAIT!
>What now
>Told her it was fine because I didn't want her to go off
>She is visibly angry and I really wanted to get out of there
>Peko finally confronts the despaired beast and tells her to go somewhere and that she'll be there in a second
>Junkfoodo gives me the dirtiest look as she leaves
>Tell her I'm really sorry about this and that i wasn't trying to hit on you
>No I'm sorry. Her boyfriend broke up with her 3 days ago and she's been doing this so she can try to hook up with guys here
>Tell her that I hope it works out for her and we part ways

I really wanted to get a picture of her but phone had died and I couldn't find her for the rest of the con.

>> No.8117429

I would have refused to keep rooming with them

>> No.8117451

... That's an interesting tactic to get dick. I wonder how it all worked out for her.

Also, anyone short of 8/10 should not be cosplaying Junko.

>> No.8117481

>have to wake up 30 minutes earlier to account for distance
>30 minute walk back to hotel after walking around for 8+ hours at con
>Carrying cosplay to con is cumbersome if said cosplay has articles that cant be stuffed in a bag
>Forced to lug around a bag all day at the con since most cons dont offer bag/purse protection areas
>If cosplay requires repairs its another 30 min. walk back to the room

Walking the distance isnt difficult, its just annoying. Especially if there was a better option readily available.

>> No.8117565

If a guy in his mid twenties dated my 15 year old daughter and was aware of her age, I would have no qualms breaking his arms and making sure everyone in town knew so they could keep their kids the fuck away.

>> No.8117566

I hope not.

>> No.8117582

You're disgusting. Enjoy that hebephilia, pervert.

>> No.8117594

Fucking ageists.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

>> No.8117602

more like "wah wah why aren't you guys supporting me in being a statutory rapist"

>> No.8117612

Anon with the 43 year old boyfriend here. I don't have a preference for older men (other than him my biggest age gap was 5 years) I just fell for him, though there's definitely a lot of perks to it. Communication with him is much easier than anyone else I've been with and we've only had 3 or 4 fights in two years of dating, none of which escalated to yelling. He's also the best sex I've ever had, only guy to top a high end vibrator.

Also, with the way we got together, I always knew his attraction to me wasn't just superficial.
>be 17 in state where aoc is 16
>see boyfriend for first time in grocery store
>assume he's 25ish (most 25 year olds where I'm from don't consider 17 an automatic deal breaker, so I thought I had a solid chance at first)
>can't not approach him even though it's totally out of character for me to do something like that
>hit it off great
>he asks me if I want to get a drink later
>tell him I'm too young to drink
>his entire face drops and he asks how old I am
>tell him
>he nopes the fuck out of there
>doesn't care it's legal, still nope.jpg
>see him around town after and chat with him every now and then
>close friend of mine dies few months later
>he ends up being my greatest support through it since he's had a lot of people close to him die
>end up getting drunk and fucking right before I turn 20 after nope.jpg for two years
>decide during drunk sex were a couple
>happily ever after

>> No.8117616

I'm gonna be a real drag with this one.

>just broke up with bf
>bf had our tickets to big con
>bf begs me to go with but I say no because he'll be crying awkward mess the whole time
>get texted from the hottest fucking guy I've ever met
>bought ticket for me so we could just have a fun day out (was so into me, ugh)
>decline because would run into sniveling bf with insanely fucking hot stranger and would make things awkward and me nervous as fuck
>hot guy was a bit hurt over it
>kinda fades out of interest for me after that
>try apologizing and explaining situation
>he doesn't seem interested in me any more, felt that I had been avoiding him for a while (to be fair, I had been because recent breakup, didn't want to make poor choices/rush into anything unintentionally)
>attempt to make date for another con
>he politely declines
>hot guy gets killed in house fire, never really said sorry or made up for the hurt feelings, feel like shit for years following, think about it all the time to this day

Eh, I've got some baggage with that one :|

>> No.8117618


>> No.8117624

>21 years old
>statutory rape

What should the age of consent be in your religious fundie land? 25? 30? 45?

>> No.8117631

>see a guy you like
>get him eventually

You go, girl.

The ending sucks for everyone, but tremendous respect for you for caring about an ex's feelings like that.

>> No.8117637

Can you not read an entire comment chain before spewing your idiocy everywhere? They're replying to some 25+ year old who gets off on 13 year olds.

>> No.8117639

>"I'm dating a man old enough to be my father but it's a totally mutual and loving relationship!"

Sure anons, it has nothing to do with him being unable to hook up with his peers and resorting to banging young girls who think he's sooooo mature for an ego boost.

>> No.8117645

Oops. Thought you were thinking like the poster beneath you.

Why would someone try to hook up with a 40 year old when they could hook up with a 21 year old?

Doubly so given most people that age are married, severely limiting the dating pool.

>> No.8117646

Thank you, thank you. I've never been one who felt okay with hurting anyone like that, so I tried my best to sort of give all situations time and respect, but woahhh it couldn't have blown up any worse. In the end, I'm definitely a better and more empathetic person because of it all, though. Tough lesson to learn, but now friends and I go to that con every year in his honor, because he was a seriously great fucking person and I miss the fuck out of him.

>> No.8117647

... This is perhaps the most romantic trashy as fuck thing I ever read.

Not saying the age gap makes it trashy. Just the fact you guys had years of build up only for drunk sex to be the thing that brings you together. Still sweet, though.

>> No.8117649


>> No.8117652

We'll, I certainly wasn't expecting that ending

>> No.8117654

this thread went salty pretty quick

>> No.8117658

>Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door.

>> No.8117661

>implying it's harder for a man that age to end up with a peer than a 20 year old

>> No.8117664

Props to him for waiting until you were older despite it being legal. Generally, I find age differences like that sketchy af, but it sounds like you guys are one of the exceptions.

>> No.8117666

have you ever fucked a 40 year old woman?

they don't have time for bullshit and men in mid-life crisis

if that dude is seriously dating a 17 year old chick he probably acts like a child himself.

>> No.8117671
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>so salty

>> No.8117672

It wasn't too bad since I had no idea any of it was happening, but

> Last year's AX
> Dressed as Young Link from Majora's Mask
> Actually 25 year old Taiwanese woman who looks 12
> Walking with a group of friends from the hotel to the convention center because the line to the shuttle was so fucking long
> Quietly regretting it because I could already feel my makeup melting off in the heat
> Waiting at a crosswalk with some other con-goers and office workers
> Make small talk with some guys about how shitty the Day 0 line was, blah blah blah
> Friends are quiet and keep shuffling around behind me
> okay.jpg
> Keep walking and talking with the other group of guys, bitching about this and that, friends are still doing some weird square dance behind me
> Finally cross the street to the CC and ask wth they were doing
> "Anon, the office workers behind you kept trying to touch you/lift up your tunic, didn't you notice?"
> oh

>> No.8117675

Honestly, the only older men I know who are dating my friends who are my age (significantly younger, 10+ year age gap) are pathetic manchildren. One started dating my best friend when she was 16 and fell for that "mature older guy" shit, and she's only now realizing after ten years that he's abusive and makes her feel small and stupid on purpose while she's the only one with a job and pays for everything in his life AND does all of his chores (tried to tell her this several times over the years only to be tuned out). The other is clingy and over sensitive and obsesses over getting texts from a girl ten years younger than him, freaks out and gets depressed if he doesn't hear from her after a day when they've been "dating" less than two months.

Older men looking for relationships with younger girls are babies who cannot function in a relationship with a mature woman who doesn't have time for that bullshit or wants a lover and not a kid.

>> No.8117677

Anon said they didn't do anything until she was almost 20, 17 was when they met and he refused her.

Also, saying it's harder for a 43 yo to score with someone their age is just full retard. Your argument is total bullshit, most women still single past 40 have much lower standards in the men they date because they're desperate to settle down.

>> No.8117686

>they're desperate to settle down.
it's actually the opposite, you have to convince them to stop living the life they know as a single, successful individual and spend what little free time they have with you.

with girls, because that 17 year old girl is def not a woman... is actively searching for the "girlfriend" title, and is looking for something to do in her spare time, and is usually fiscally dependent on a significant other

if a man has the emotional energy to play the games that young girls do...then idk what the fuck is up with him mentally.

shit im 27 and i can't stand bullshit most women my age put up with (like not doing anything for valentines because the woman i was going to do something with wouldn't woman up and ask to do something, kept dropping dumbfuck hints)

>> No.8117688

No fans or anything? A con I stayed at last summer had no A/C but the fans somehow did a good enough job that we didn't complain.

>> No.8117693

Yeah, pretty much this. That Anon with the 20 year age gap may be an exception, but there's some pretty major variables in that relationship that make it different from the majority.
>her boyfriend was so put off by her age he didn't touch her for two years despite opportunity even though it was legal
>two years of caring friendship build up before getting together

It doesn't sound at all like he was actively seeking younger tail, especially since she was the one who approached him. This is not the case with most guys who end up with way younger girls, though.

>> No.8117696

> first con, was 16, going with a mixed group of friends and meeting more there
> miss first train in, yay
> get split up from friends and have no idea on what to do
> kind of creepy friend doesn't want to go anywhere without me, he somehow gets lost
> wander around for a while, phone sim isn't working
> go and buy a new sim and attempt to ring friends to find them
> one group had already left because they had spend $400 in 2 hours and where now broke, the other group where everywhere
> keep looking around for an hour or so, no one
> fuck it, lets just enjoy the con
> start awkwardly talking to people and getting some pictures
> no idea what I'm doing
> creepy friend shows up out of nowhere, wants to go home and won't go without me
> was just getting into it and figuring shit out
> leave because he won't shut the fuck up about wanting to leave even though I told him to catch the train back himself
> really annoyed now, train ride back and that was that
> first con a shit
> later discover that creepy friend somehow got into one of the pictures I took, just standing in the background staring.

In short, nearly everything went wrong and I learned to hate.

>> No.8117701

Why do you keep saying 17 when he wanted nothing to do with her at that age?

The better question is actually why I'm bothering. It's you, after all.

>> No.8117704

The 17 year old I dated 10+ years ago was one of the most mature girls I've ever dated.

It drives me crazy when I date 30 year olds with good jobs who don't have a fraction of the emotional maturity.

>> No.8117715

I just looked it up out of curiosity and it's actually established fact that most women (key word most not all) start to lower their standards in men once they hit 35. This is partially biological, as they're approaching the end of fertility and as a result, their brain decreases selectivity in a mate to speed up the process. Even if they don't actually want a baby, their biology still does and makes them crave a man. Interesting stuff, google it.

>> No.8117718

Still a better love story than Twilight

>> No.8117726
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>> No.8117749

This. That anon's story is cute, but it's not an accurate representation of most couples with that big an age gap for the reasons you stated. Most of the time, men with women that young are complete shit stains who just want to show off their shiny new piece of ass. Anon just happened to stumble across a unicorn.

>> No.8117771

These are the times we truly learn to be independent. Sorry for your day, but congrats.

>> No.8117778

>things I figured out just a little to late in life

>> No.8117969

That's so gross. Some people seriously have no decency.

>> No.8117978

I swear I blocked you. Did you get a new trip?
It'd also be great if you fucked off forever.

>> No.8117986

I change the trip and or mix the i and e up just for people like you

>> No.8118013

>got to con
>boring fat people errywhere
>no booze, go in next pub
>friends texting all day, I ignore them
>get drunk
>wake up in somebody's basement who had a giant demon as a poster on the wall

Guess I stayed in character then

>> No.8118045

1488% sure this is in montreal

>> No.8118122

>sugar daddy dumps me in the middle of a con
>leaves me there to figure out a way home for myself
he was mad because he walked in on me hooking up with another guy from there. I didn't think we were exclusive (he was just my sugar daddy after all) but I guess it taught me to be more careful

>> No.8118124

How have you not been banned yet?

>> No.8118130

This is why it's important to set up expectations between sugar daddies and babies right off the bat.

>> No.8118131

I'm pretty sure he evades. cgl is the closest things he has to friends even though we all fucking hate him.

>> No.8118132

bad b8

>> No.8118148

well yes but in my experience some of the best/most generous sds seem to expect monogamy but what they don't know won't hurt them, I was just a sloppy idiot about it at first

not b8, it happened, I got burned, I'm over it

>> No.8118155

I'm in a relationship with a 46 year old and I'm 28. He looks 30 and fucks like a sex god. I don't give two shits about judgemental looks and neither should you.

>> No.8118199

>gets judgmental looks
>claims he could pass for 30
suuuure he could, anon. keep telling yourself that.

>> No.8118208

tfw your friends didn't act as a screen

>> No.8118215

If she looks 20, I'd believe it. Even a 10 year gap is scandalous to many.

>> No.8118218

Even if it's a sugardaddy, if they expect monogamy give it to them. Still calling b8, nobody can be this much of a dick

>> No.8118222

>no one can be this much of a dick
Honey, if you think cheating on a sugar daddy is so awful that it has to be made up, youare in for a rude awakening

>> No.8118232

>drunk sex
>cheating on sugar daddies
keeping it classy /cgl/

>> No.8118233

>tfw no hot older lover
>tfw no epic sex with skilled man who has two decades of experience and knows what he's doing
i hate you for living my dream

>> No.8118234

This thread makes me want to go to a con with friends but also not go to a con with friends.

>> No.8118247

What's wrong with drunk sex if both parties are intoxicated and want it?

Also, the fact you're on 4chan makes any judgement you have toward that kind of thing completely invalid seeing as posting on here is just as trashy.

>> No.8118259

I guess I'd rather have full consent, or the person to be fully aware of what they want. I don't see the fun in it. Drunk sex can get really messy, and I don't want to risk my relationships with people like that.
I don't see how posting on a forum is just as trashy.

>> No.8118266

>two decades of experience
am I the only one who doesn't find this attractive?
Like damn he's been sticking his dick in everything before me this isn't an exciting prospect

>> No.8118277

mah nigga

talking about your dad

>> No.8118297

That age difference is literally what me and my dad have, best to you, but I feel odd.

>> No.8118304

You straight up did an Anime

>> No.8118379

>staying in a hotel for the con for the first time
>dropped on me day of con that there will be 8 of us on the room
>will be cramped but ok?
>con goes ok, finally get back to the hotel at night
>was promised a blanket and pillow and didn't get either
>air con is on and the girl that booked the room refuses to turn it off
>floor is like concrete covered in sand paper
>freezing cold and uncomfortable I can barely sleep
>finally start to nod off and two on the bed start having sex

I had 3 days of this, I;m really thankful that another friend brought me a blanket the next day so at least I had that

>> No.8118428

>>finally start to nod off and two on the bed start having sex

Please tell me you're joking.

>> No.8118447

I wish I was, I haven't been able to look the two of them in the eye since...

>> No.8118471

the most obvious of all baits

>> No.8118489

Oh god I was just reminded of this thing that happened to me
>con, summer 2014
>dressed as Chloe from the Uncharted series
>have a fake gun with the orange tip
>it's a broken nerf gun painted black with nothing in it
>waiting for friends near a booth with a mother and her child
>absent-mindedly pulling trigger over and over again
>staff member comes over
>"anon you can't have a gun with no orange tip I'm taking it away"
>uh, show him there is indeed an orange tip
>"yeah but you're shooting it over and over what if you shot that kid over there he'd seriously be hurt and then you'd be arrested and banned anon"
>show him is broken and has nothing in it, so that can't possibly happen and it's safe
>he starts to get angry because he knows I'm right
>"I don't care you could have killed that kid hand it over"
>tell him no, it's not even mine, it's my friend's and it's safe, that the staff downstairs okayed it
>"no, hand it over!"
>he starts to make a scene
>tell him no but I'll give it back to my friend
>he bitches me out and leaves to get another staff member from downstairs
>i flip him off and leave, don't see him again for the remainder of the con

Fucking faggot staff members acting like pieces of shit when they're in the wrong.

>> No.8118519

carry small tazer...

>> No.8118533

Drunk sex is rape. If you have sex with your boyfriend when drunk, you're raping him because he's in a vulnerable position and isn't able to make sane decisions.

>> No.8118541

Don't explain yourself to fedoras, anon.

>> No.8118545


>> No.8118553

Los Angeles Convention Center is NOTORIOUS for this. (Or it just might be priceline.com..)

>> No.8118554

I used to date a 22 year old who had a 52 year old ex boyfriend....

>> No.8118574

Damn woulda stomped that fucker out. i raeg when i see that fuckery.
non cgl but I've had to escort my sis around with her gay friend because they kept getting followed by creepers

>> No.8118611


You sound like this disgusting piece of shit I knew in college. I hope you dick rots off.

>> No.8118617

>mid 20 year old admits liking 13 year olds

>> No.8118642

He's a good guy. Just need to sort some stuff out. Quite a bit happened during my first con with him
>Still first con
>See Afro Samurai cosplayer my dad points outs
>Immediately realize I was wrong on the name
>Guy goes "OH COME ON"
>Dad just laughs, he doesn't give a fuck
I felt bad. Other thing I can remember though:
>Go to con rave
>Enjoying the music
>Dad taps my shoulder
>"Hey anon, look over there"
>Look to where he's pointing
>Two wailords in shitty rave gear are going at it on a chair
>tongues lashing, hands roaming
>The sound of heated, heavy breathing can be heard amongst the shitty beats
>The (I think female) jabba is humping the male like she was gonna have a heart attack right there
>Chair is obviously struggling under the layers of blubber and ham
Never got that image out of my head

>> No.8118653


>>Go to con rave
>>Dad taps my shoulder

>> No.8118657

Did I phrase that weirdly?
I mean I'm continuing with events that involved my first con which my dad took me to.

>> No.8118661

Fucking kill yourself already, you enormous faggot.

>> No.8118664

...he went to the con rave with you?

>> No.8118668

different anon, but that's horrific in itself

>> No.8118669

Oh, yeah. At the con I went to (Ohayocon when it was still lenient on rules) they originally had a 16+ rule for the raves, unless you were with a guardian or parent. I was 12 at the time and it was still my first con. Most of my "worst" experiences were during my first con.

>> No.8118681

Maybe it's just a common thing in general if you have "youthful features" and dress modestly. I know a lot of girls IRL including myself who are always told they look super young. I'm 23 and people think I'm in high school. I think for most girls there just isn't a huge difference from when they're 17ish-30ish so they get mistaken for being really young.

>> No.8118697

>43 years old
I hope you know how to administer insulin

>> No.8119097 [DELETED] 

>This is coming from a guy who'd bitched me out before for "never making an effort"

Oh dear god, that reminds me of my worst time. Not a con, but anime-related.
>Best friends and I go our separate ways during college, try to meet up during breaks
>One friend who goes to community college visits both of us, but the other friend much more often (she was an hour or two closer so I can't blame her)
>One my the last breaks during college, I try to set up an anime marathon party with a bunch of high school friends
>Everyone except one bails out, one of my best friends bails out the day or two before because she had a haircut (I had set this up weeks ahead and she said she'd come)
>Okay, I'm sad, but they're not into anime much anymore, so maybe that's one reason
>Only person that comes decides we should go out to lunch and chat instead of eating the food I've bought or watching the anime I wanted to show her
>Okay… this is okay, she's not as into this anymore… it's okay…
>Finally comes back to my place, let's just watch a couple episodes!
>Spends the entire time talking at me and occasionally asking questions that had just been answered if she had bothered to try to watch
>I'm about to graduate and notice that one of my bosses is putting on a series of talks about manga at some local libraries during the summer.
>I'm a freelancer, so I want to kiss up to this boss a bit in hopes to get more work and I want to go because it sounds interesting. I post on my LiveJournal about it to see if anyone else is interested. One friend is and we set a date and time.
>Graduate, things are good, can only spend a little time with friends because my job takes up a lot of time
>One friend (haircut friend) invites me to visit her and meet her boyfriend.
(cont… )

>> No.8119111 [DELETED] 

>I'm told my community college friend can drive me (I had moved back home, so we lived close to each other)
>It'll be me, my two best friends, and their boyfriends. My boyfriend is not invited. So I'm 5th wheel. Awkward. Plus the plans they tell me are to drink and go clubbing, but I'm not interested in clubbing and I don't drink. Double awkward.
>But I'm spared the awkwardness because it happens to be the same day as the manga talk I'm going to with another friend. I tell them, things seem okay, life goes on.
>Community college friend's dad dies, we all express sympathies
>Friend, boyfriend, and I go to the manga talk, have lots of fun (and a little feel bad for having fun while a friend is grieving).
>When I get home, I notice an email from haircut friend telling me that she's so tired of being the only one putting effort into our relationship, she was so excited about me coming but I ruined it, I never visited her while we were in college, etc
>Well. She's right. I didn't put that much effort into being her friend. I chatted with her and invited her to things she never came to, but I never visited her.
>…BECAUSE I HAD NO CAR. I didn't even have my license until a year or so after this happened.
>Sure I didn't make much of an effort, but she didn't either. I email her back apologizing but also saying (as kindly as I was able to) that she didn't try much either and that I'd like to still be her friend, maybe we could try again (and explaining that I couldn't visit b/c no license)
>She gets upset and says I should've taken a bus or a train to visit (she never visited me, so I don't know why she was so hung up on me not visiting her…?) and that this was actually a going-away party because she was going to move away to get her master's degree

>> No.8119119

trips confirm


>> No.8119131

Hahaha, sorry, deleted my story b/c it was getting too long and not on-topic enough, but it basically ends liiiike:
>Friends mad because they think anime and manga is more important to me
>Friends insist I make up stories to avoid being with them
>Friends look through my online accounts to "prove" I'm making up stories
>Ignore the proof that I wasn't making anything up
>They tell my boyfriend what they've been doing, try to get him to turn on me
>Boyfriend laughs and reveals to me all the shit they've done behind my back
>Friends ignore me for years
>Now anime and manga IS more important than those friends

Thankfully, I have better friends now.

>> No.8119148


Can confirm, although I did stay at the Westin Bonaventure for AX 2013 and had no problems with finding out the correct distance right away.

>> No.8119149

>"friends" judge your every action in the harshest light possible
>"friends" stalk you to see if you've ever done anything wrong to use against you
>"friends" try to talk shit behind your back and ruin your life by getting everyone else to defriend you

Seems like you dodged a bullet there. Your "friends" sound like proto-SJWs.

>> No.8119152

>work as security guard
>live near some big yearly con thing
>cousins want to go, ask if they can stay at my house for a weekend to save money
>they all bought tickets
>i hate anime
>dont buy any tickets
>secretly like anime
>kinda wanna see wtf its all about
>put on security guard uniform (complete with sunglasses and earpiece) and walk in
>nobody notices
>walk around, looking at stuff
>lots of random anime/jap shit
>no hot girls wearing skimpy clothing wtf i thought that was the point
>taking a picture holding some super weeb sword at a booth
>hear someone yell 'is that a gun?'
>everybody looks at me
>look down
>whoops i actually brought my gun
>'yeah im off duty security'
>'oh ok'
>walk out before they realize im not actually a security guard for the con

that was the only time i ever went to a con
my only regret is i saw 0 hot babes
actually my 2nd regret is i saw no obese people wearing awkward costumes either

>> No.8119156

That logic would be sound if he were in his 20's and anon was a teenager. A man in his 40's if anything isn't dating a 21 yr old for their "maturity" or his lack of hooking up with women his own age.

>> No.8119158

But they were both drunk. It's not rape if both are drunk and no one says no.

>> No.8119168

Don't worry, progressive places like Britain and California are currently changing the law so that if both parties are drunk, it's automatically the man's fault. This should soon spread to the rest of the US and Europe.

>> No.8119174

If you're in any way mindful of your long term health throughout your life, you should still be fine in your 40's. It's only people who treat their bodies terribly, had some sort of crazy incident, live in horrible environments, or have extremely unfortunate genetics that have poor health at that age. Honestly, with not that much discipline it's pretty easy to make it to 65+ before your health starts to go if you have decent genes.

>> No.8119179

you're clearly not from Britain cause nope.

>> No.8119181

A lot of feminazis beg to differ so it's only fair if the opposite is true too. Everything is rape. You evil harlots.

>> No.8119185

Please tell me this isn't true. Please.

>> No.8119193

Everyone remember that feminazis are just a very vocal minority among people who consider themselves feminists. I'm a feminist and this shit enrages me so hard I can't even.

>> No.8119201

Just gonna hop in and say yeah and that's very true before people blow up on you.

However, feminazi is a dumb fucking term; call them jackasses instead.

>> No.8119209

its not

>> No.8119226

I have no idea why but this is hilarious.

>> No.8119228

Yeah, I just went to a shit ton of websites after looking it up and while the UK has put in place some new rape laws, I'm not finding anything about it being considered rape on the man's part if they're both drunk and consenting.

>> No.8119254

Yeah, let's not forget that Rush Limbaugh coined that term to apply to feminists across the board, not just the insane ones.

>> No.8119257

>can't see how being on /cgl/ is trashy
There's no hope for you

>> No.8119267

Keep in mind that there's a scale to drunkness. You have to be pretty fucking drunk to fuck someone you wouldn't sober.

>> No.8119448

I'm not finding anything either

>> No.8119765


Anon with 46 year old guy here. I do pass for younger. I get "are you 21?" A lot. I have big eyes and and not a wrinkle on my face. He has a baby face too. He works out and has a body better than guys half his age. He's sweet, looks after himself and in three years we have never had an argument.

>> No.8119769

Anon with 46 year old man. I do look young. I get asked if I'm old enough to drink a lot. He has a baby face and is really in shape. His body is better than guys half his age.

>> No.8119772


Fucking phone said I didn't post so I rewrote it. Ignore my blantant double post faggotry

>> No.8119902

Maybe date decent people? Like fuck alot if decent people like anime.

>> No.8119926

How are complete strangers supposed to know whether he was trans or a crossplayer?
If he didn't look good, of course he'll be called out on it.
Life is hard.

>> No.8120868
File: 6 KB, 126x146, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you're being sarcastic, but the sad thing is, anti-weed weebs lead into my next story
>Be me
>Metro 2013
>Rooming with buddy, currently chilling by parking lot/trolley area at the embassy suites
>huge nug of green crack, rolled that bitch up with a white grape white owl
>late at night so only people nearby are us and some hetalia cosplayers
>four, all fem
>we go over to them, and ask them if they mind if we smoke and how we can move if it bothers them
>they don't seem to be phased, this fem Italy cosplayers storms off
>fem Germany comes up to us, says she can't smoke due to job but wants to chill with us because she loves the smell and misses it
>ask fem Germany what fem Italy's deal is
>She's fem Germany's gf, a dictionary definition of anti-weed weeb but "nothing to be worried about" because she never called the cops when she smoked
>rest of the hetalia crew comes over and enjoys hanging out, one takes a few puffs
>blunt is done, toss it, smoke clears
>some time later, a cop who was on convention duty comes up to us says she heard reports of someone smoking marijuana
>tell her we don't know anything
>she doesn't have a warrant or probable cause so she leaves
>Germany is steaming mad because she knows exactly who called the cops
>She takes us up to her room, tells us to wait outside because "somebody would like to apologize"
>she goes inside
>Russia is hiding out in the bathroom and live texting us what's going on
>Italy called the cops because her GF was "clean and off the stuff" for so long and how "it hurts me more than it hurts you" and how "those losers won't accomplish something ever"
>we're students at USF but she's some GED holder barely keeping her GPA afloat at some CC
>Germany comes out and seems really sorry
>tell her no problem and we're here for her
>mfw we're off Scott free and Italy looks like a turd in front of her (barely) friends

>> No.8121115


Good story but

>fazed vs phased

I've seen this usage for the nth time now so I'm going to play English teacher one time and tell you you're using the wrong word.

>> No.8121117
File: 51 KB, 400x400, kearstingoddess_original_400sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to first "Real Con" had been to small local one once years before
>going with my brother and his bitch of a girlfriend (Using other words to describe her would be a better fit, but I'll be nice and not use that word)
>notice that there is a group of "Adult cosplay models" attending.
>decide to visit one of their panels during the day to check it out.
>Mention they are running an after hours panel and doing a nude photo shoot. BTW tickets are available.
> wondering around vendor booths run across there booth. "Ok I'll buy a ticket to the photo shoot"
Judge me all you want. Not the point of the story. I love tatted red heads
>I'm siting at starbucks about an hour before the photoshoot. My phone starts to randomly reboot can't even get it to stay on long enough to call/text
>I finally manage to get a message to my brother. He comes to meet me.
>Leaves his phone with me while him and his gf go to rave.
>head up to photoshoot
>no phones during shoot! ok put them down in my backpack
>right before it starts phones start ringing over and over again.
> go out into hall to answer. DAD: Anon your bother got in a fight hes down by the starbucks!!
>Oh fuck!!!! Start running, longest elevator ride of my life. Is he hurt/ under arrest? Elevator comes out right by starbucks. Doors open push my way through
>bro is sitting there with blank expression.
>Are you OK?
>"Yeah, me and gf got in fight"
>Oh ok, that sucks anon. (We all hated here)
>walk around a few minutes. trying to decide if we just leave her or try to find her.
>Walking around "I had tickets to that photo shoot you owe me a pair of tits bro."
>"Sorry", I'm good go on back bro
>Give him his phone back. Go back enjoy photo shoot.
>meet back up after, gf is still being a bitch.
>have to leave and go back to our offsite room early because shes a bitch.
>shes a bitch the whole ride back the next day.
> at least he broke up with her a few days later.
BTW couch and wall was ugly green

>> No.8121373

God I hate ugly greens, my uncles old car was an ugly shade of green, and it was a nice car (porsche 911) everytime
I drove it all the mystique of driving a porsche was stomped whenever I looked in my mirrors and saw that ugly shade of green again

Sorry for OT

>> No.8121390

>be seller
>legit fedora-wearing neckbeard "friend" constantly hassles me and tries to get me to do stuff with him
>anon why can't you go to the panel/contest/blah with me???
>makes scenes, drives customers away
>hurr you're so boring, you're so arrogant, stuck up bitch


>> No.8121456

Story number one:
>wearing cosplay in my first big con
>couple cosplaying with my (now ex)gf
>we go to this meeting
>see this cosplayer with freaky reputation
>get introduced to her by gf
>"so this is your partner?"
>for the whole meeting she tries to harrass my gf
>my gf complains to me about it so i tell her to stop
>suddenly the cosplayer is strangling me with her nails
>i try to push her away
>i can't remember what happened after that but i had scratch marks on my throat after that

Story number two:
>in con wearing lolita
>everything is great and it's summer so we spend time outside
>suddenly some weeb with half assed furry head approaches me
>i know few furries so i ask them if i know them
>suddenly they are dry humping me and i'm too shocked to do anything and so are my friends because they just stare with their mouths open
>finally the weeb furry leaves and the only thing i do is say what the fuck

>> No.8121880

>be me, 16 att, into Jap music.
>Finds out the band Blood is going to be doing a tour and is stopping at con.
>Gets real excited.
>Cosplays obscure fucking character,
>Everyone thinks I'm some slutty character.
>Keeps getting asked to do slutty poses.
>Photog moves in real close and whispers something about coming to his room.
>Finds out he thinks I'm a chick.
>Again, wtf. Walks away.
>Changes into visual kei for the concert.
>Con's dieing down.
>Theres maybe 35 people?
>Feels really bad for band.
>Still great concert.
>Band poses with people for fun after concert.
>Singer hugs me and kisses my hand.
>I don't know what to do so I just nod and walk away.
>Land whale grabs me and pulls me to the side saying "how dare you touch him!" She's a total bitch.
>Follows me till I get on the bus home

>> No.8122064

theyre children, you're disgusting.

>> No.8122073

Few things are more obnoxious to me than people with a stick up their ass about weed and I don't even smoke it.

>> No.8122090

Just embrace your inner trap and go camwhore on /soc/ already

>> No.8122264
File: 10 KB, 271x288, NO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I come to these threads just to feel the pleasure of white-hot fury bubbling through me
>mfw almost bubbled-over

>> No.8122346

I got no bad experiences like you

>travel to the best con of the year
>meet some people on the bus, have a nice time
>"we need to talk"
>get told what I basically take as being kicked out of fandom group
>but other than that, really nice bus ride
>after a while, arrive in convention town
>start looking for place to sleep
>got no place to sleep, planning to just roll out my sleeping bag in the woods
>the woods are fenced in
>as I walk, tears are welling up over getting kicked out of fandom
>decide to leave the road, go down to beach and find a quiet place to cry
>but there are people there, so instead just go back to convention area
>feeling really down
>as usual, I'm alone at convention, this is basically my last attempt at having a fun convention before I stop for good, so are my plans
>considering selling my ticket and travel home
>considering not going after the long travel
>in line, waiting for con to open, see a girl I've met many times before
>can't see her girlfriend, looks like she didn't find a ticket
>thinking about selling her my ticket so both can have fun together
>both people I sort of talked to before
>eventually it opens and everyone get to go inside
>so very lonely
>everyone around me having fun, I'm just really down
>over the course of the evening, go to bathroom and cry three times
>look down and mumble when talked to
>can't look them in the eyes
>at night, there is a sing-along
>everyone singing loudly and having fun
>start enjoying myself a little bit
>almost smiling
>it's getting really late
>need to sleep, but really don't want to
>everyone else have someone to sleep with
>having a hotel room together, sleeping with friends from town, some got sleeping tickets on the convention area
>while I'll have to sleep outside, all by myself
>eventually end up going
>in the darkness find a parking lot by the beach
>woke up 5 in the morning when a fisher arrives with his car
>he gives me a cola
>can't sleep anymore, and getting cold

>> No.8122360

>Be a mild bear of a mran
>Bushy beard that i can braid and a curly mustache
>Decide to cosplay as a generic blacksmith NPC #284
>walking about, people giving me complements of mine cosplay surprisingly
>Little female link runs up and rams a fake arrow into my knee
>except its not fake
>thats a cast steel arrow head baby doll
>dull "thunk" as this Bastard glances off my knee and embeds into my thigh flesh
>little link girl goes stone cold quiet and white
>im really not all that flussed, being retired army, so i just try and calm her down
>Yes, the big dude with a messy apron, hammers, picks, and files, with a fucking arrow wiggling above his knee, is fussing and patting a sobbing and shaking 5'3 female link
>crowed gathering and event medical guy shows up
>since its not a bodkin arrow i just yank the arrow out so doc can patch the little hole
>the sound was pretty gnarly, like pulling a knife from a roast
>Little link somehow goes whiter and faints
>now the slightly bleeding blacksmith holding a bloody arrow and a medic are fussing ovee link and prepping smelling salts
>link comes to
>sit her on my knee while doc gives me a booboo sticker
>walk her over to cafe
>buy her cake and a soda
>Entire time i just have this angry and stoic face

Wish i had gotten a picture. Also i had my sewing kit on me because the year a lolita tore her dress

>> No.8122365

are you that guy that bent a lolita over your knee and had to tell off everyone who was staring? I think that was how the story went.

>tell it again plz

>> No.8122371

>decide to go back to convention
>get back, and drink the cola
>starting to feel more optimistic, no longer tired either
>over the course of the day, even dare wearing my not-quite-cosplay a little bit
>have some encounter with people I met before
>meet some new people
>but still alone most of the time
>still lonely
>next night, don't even bother going to bed
>play mafia with other people awake at night until that closes
>go to con cafe, buy some food
>see people that let me hang out with them last year
>don't want to bother them
>eating alone in the cafe
>my own table
>while watching a group of people, some of which I sorta know, at the other table
>no panels running in the night
>spend hours waiting for programme of the next day to start
>the last day goes by
>end really tired
>take train home
>end up with some cool people
>have a fun train ride home & sleeping
Overall the con wasn't entirely terrible, got to talk to some people but for the great majority of the time I was alone. All in all, a bad experience. And what makes it so sad is that this was my the far greatest chance to have fun at a con. And it didn't happen. There was great people, the con is very well organized, had some good panels. And I couldn't even have fun there. I went here last April, haven't been at any con since. Because apparently I'm incapable of finding fun at conventions anymore. But still, I am considering going to a convention again some time soon. Too bad that convention's tickets are sold out so need to go elsewhere

>> No.8122386

Yeah.... yeah that was me. I need to buy like.... a stool or something so i can quit being a work bench

>> No.8122398

story plz. this sounds cute as fuck.

>> No.8122416

I just came back from a con, and I can't tell you how often, but the staff probably don't do anything about it because they don't notice. You've got hundreds of people in costumes milling about and weebs being loud and autistic, and drunkards and druggies makin scenes. When you're dealing with the cosplayer who just puked into her ig on the escalator because she's four different kinds of fucked up, you're not going to notice the dude quietly hitting on the underage girl in the middle of a crowd.

>> No.8122418

I wish I could meet you. I bet you could carry me like I weighed nothing.
>Only 102 pounds so I probably do weigh nothing to you

>> No.8122421

Way to be all disassociated and overtly creepy about it dude.

>> No.8122434

Are you a god?

>> No.8122456

Ah jeeze.

>Basically im at this con while im on leave
>still have my pocket sewing kit, multitool, etc on me because im just used to having it
>something happens to this girls dress out of sight while im sitting on a bench and eating chips or some shit
>shes sobbing by now and has walked through the crowed into my l.o.s
>some part of her dress along the bottom has torn on the outside layer so its kind of dragging
>i recognize the color because a little loop of it is included in the kit
>i wave her over quietly and she is just a emotional mess, stares at me moodily and whispers "what?" Fiercely
>i dig around in my daybag and pull out my little kit and begin to thread a needle
>she chippers up
>i go to kneel over but the thread keeps getting in the way
>she goes to lift that part of the dress and it starts to tear again
>somehow i end up kind of bending her over my lap so the thread wont get all knotted and shit and i can attack the tear without any more of that dress
>im ignorant of PettyCoatProtocal and am apparently offering that part of the con hall quite the view
>The girl keeps looking over her shoulder to look at what im doing and is pointing at points for me to fix
>I look up for a moment and see a small group of people looking and even some little shit pulling out his phone
> I bark out something imperial and it echoes, which i follow up by winging a half full bottle of water at them
>They scatter and i glare at everyone else who turned to look at the heavily muscled dude with a very cute little woman bent over hisself with a sewing needle held threateningly
> My button sewing experience appears to have atleast managed to keep the dress tear together and from dragging the ground
>She gets up with some fussy sounds and swishes her dress a bit, appears to be satisfactory.
>We kind of starr at eachother quietly when she whispers a thank you and i just nod
>She scampers off back to wherever she came from

I told this better the first time. Bleh.

>> No.8122461

Didn't you hear? "Seagull Salty" is the newest Ben & Jerry's sensation.

>> No.8122466

102lbs? I could bench you with little effort, leg press 3 of you, hell i could probably heft you like a sack of feed. Hell ive hefted artillary rounds and weapons heavier than you

>> No.8122471

I didn't know we were telling fishing stories.

>> No.8122476

Different anon, but I just came back from katsucon after rooming with gf, gf's friend, and two randos. Second day, the randos bring back some dude and a chick who get wasted on pills and booze in the bathroom before piling onto one of the beds. Fat dude who carried this fucking body pillow everywhere started fingerbanging the chick sandwiched between him and the pillow while the other new arrival browsed his phone and the skinny wannabe tranny rando tried to get somebody to pay attention to him.

>> No.8122485

Do you have a cosplay page cause I want to follow the shit out of it

>> No.8122493

You sound like my dream husbando.

>> No.8122496

seek help

>> No.8122498

Im not famous enough for a.... cosplay page. I usually cosplay as NPCs and the only way you'd find me is if you actively search to find me. However i do want to attempt a box troll cosplay.

>> No.8122518

>I cosplay NPCs
You sound cute, anon. I hope you reap your good karma soon.

>> No.8122528

Im not cute. Unless hairy is the new cute. Then my face is covered in fucking kittens

>> No.8122530

something exactly like this happened to me anon. i feel you hardcore.

>> No.8122546

I meant that your behavior is cute. Face-kittens are okay too though. You keep doin' you anon.

>> No.8122567

Are you single, 'cause you're definitely my type.

>> No.8122678

>go to con alone
>make friends at con
>problem solved

>> No.8122703

Oh gosh. Sorry, I kind of have an affinity for size differences as a tinier person. Something about manly men just appeals to me; Mostly as a friendship thing. Probably the whole feeling protected thing.
Almost everyone I know is taller than me or burly in some way, but that's probably because I have about two or three female friends (who are also taller).
>Face full of kittens
Kitten-face sounds either cute or offensive. I think it depends on the context.

>> No.8122727

The absolute worst con experience I've had:
>Come up with a pair cosplay with friend
>Both are excited
>Start making your costume, buy materials, work on it, etc. Finish in time, only a few corrections to be made
>Leave for friend's house, two day before the convention
>Said friend hasn't done anything with her costume
>Only finished around 30% of it
>Start helping her out with her costume, finishing it in the wee hours of the night before the con at 5 AM
>Go to the convention in the morning after a few hours of sleep
>She complains about her costume the whole day, whines and moans, nothing is well, etc.
>People enjoy our couple cosplay and compliment us but she still isn't satisfied and keeps bitching at me all day and wants to go home
>Okay, let's just leave..

No creepers or anything like that, but it was so horrible. I was satisfied with my suit and made almost all of hers yet she didn't even thank me or apologize for not working on it at all. She's usually in time with her costumes and never leaves things to the last night and to this day I don't understand what was wrong with her.

>> No.8122743
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>Face full of kittens

>> No.8122746

Oh shit I think you found blacksmith-anon.

>> No.8122876

Blacksmith annon, I hope to be half the man you are one day

>> No.8123082

>tfw blacksmith anon will never go to a con with you

>> No.8123086

I would husband blacksmith anon so hard

>> No.8123120

Im going to a con here spring break in witchita if any of you are near it

>> No.8123155

You sound like a real viking, so you need to get on the boat back to sweden

>> No.8123171

Sorry, thats Kansas City, not wichita

>> No.8123189

Aw, I wish I could! You seem like a lovely con friend.

>> No.8123271

Okay but if you know you don't pass, what do you expect? If you look like a man, expecting people to treat you like a woman is delusional and stupid. If she LOOKED like a woman at the time I could understand being upset, but if you haven't started transitioning, no matter how you feel, you are still a man, at least physically.

>> No.8123279

>wore seifuku day 3 at katsu
>walking out to car in torrential winds
>flash entire world my lime green undies in a Marilyn Monroe moment
>don't even fucking care

>> No.8123286

I didn't say that it wasn't an expected thing to happen anyways, but this was just asking worst con experiences and that was it for me.
In addition to certain people of friend groups I was joining being complete dicks about it even though everyone else was okay with it and knew.

>> No.8123305
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>last con I went to, went alone
>hot dude approaches me and compliments me on my shit cosplay
>sticks around and small chats, I'm spaghetti'ing the whole time
>accompanies me to the panels I wanted to go to, and the dealers' room
>have a lot of fun with him
>gets late
>gives me his number
>I'm excited
>next day we hang out more
>randomly he asks me if I'm interested in having a 3-way with him and his girlfriend
>what the fuck
>tell him that's gross
>he apologizes and leaves
>feel heartbroken the rest of the day because now I'm used to him
>decide to text him after the con
>we start talking again
>I've started actually debating taking him up on the offer because I'm so beta
This has been my worst con experience simply because of the emotional turmoil it's putting me through.

>> No.8123310

>lime green
>10/10 would heat to red hot and hammer

>> No.8123342

You should go to another con. I'm amazed you didn't see either of those.

>> No.8123435

Sounds like lack of a fuck to give

>> No.8123454

>first con in Germany with group
>friend tells us we can stay at her place because she lives close
>boyfriend from Austria is coming as well
>boyfriend starts to hate me because I have a full time job and he just got fired and I didn't gave him enough attention
>wants to make it better at the con
>found out the friend lives 1 hour by train from con when we arrived
>boyfriend ignores me
>had to share bed with him and his dog
>didn't sleep well
>didn't buy tickets for the con since we will get them at the con
>line is 3hours long
>have to guard the dog while others are looking for a friend
>finally at the entrance and con is sold out
>decided to sit under a tree rest of the day
>boyfriend still ignores me
>didn't left the group for other friends because I didn't want drama
>drama starts
>everyone blames me
>left the group for my other group friends there
>told the whole story
>gets offered to sleep at their place closer to the con
>boyfriend breaks up and blame me and tries to get the whole group against me
>tells everyone my part and they choose my side
>second day of con made everything good with the other friends

I never have to see that ass again

>> No.8123458

Are you a virgin? Don't do it if you are.
Honestly I'd decide that after getting to know his gf.

>> No.8123490

>Carpooling to the con with friends is one of my favorite parts of the experience.
>Meet in a parking lot to load my suv with everyone's things.
>4 people, so ideally everyone should get 1/4th of the trunk.
>Load me and the bfs stuff into half of the trunk space put food bags into floor space, I'll sit with my feet on top.
>First friend rolls up with a small bag and sleeping bag.
>Second friend rolls up with a massive suitcase and two boxes of still wet cosplay armor.
>Try to stay calm, we can make it fit.
>Second friend continues to unload box after box of shitty cosplay stuff out of their car. Has more stuff than the rest of us combined.
>End up driving an hour to con with every available space packed to bursting no foot room and things piled on our laps.
>Make it to con, unloading in freezing wind. Put mine and firsts friends things onto cart and tip bellhop.
>Second friend already went inside, expecting me and bf to unload his shit ton of stuff and pay the bellhop for him.
>Tell him to get his own bell cart.
>Complains later that his cosplays got damaged in the car, even though he put them in tiny cardboard boxes without lids and brought more than could possibly fit into a car with 3 other people's things.
>Doesn't even wear all the costumes he brought.
>doesn't get his shit loaded into the car before checkout, which means we now have to all haul stacks of cardboard boxes down 10 flights of stairs to fucking get out of the room in time.
>Have to get a friend to help drive all of his shit back so the rest of us can fit into the car for the drive back.

This person also had to spray paint in the hotel room and change cosplays 6 times a day. Didn't tip the maid, didn't help pay for parking, and was just an entitled asshole all weekend.
Needless to say this person is never rooming or driving with my group again.

>> No.8123516

Don't settle, anon. Buck up and aim a bit higher.

>> No.8123592
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Was at Anime North about 4 years ago.
>went to the jpop dance to hang out with friends
> head to the middle of the dance floor to meet up with them.
>on the way, was violently pushed by a mosh crowd and slipped on a puddle of water (water stations were in the room)
>fell on the ground, felt foot twisted 180 degrees
>"oh shit"
>friend helps me to the edge of the room to get con aid, not even 5 minutes and foot is melon, badly sprained
> con aid guy was a cool dude
> drove us back to the Marriot, but elevators were out of order
>hobbled up 8 flights of stairs with tiny Asian friend supporting me without keeling over
> spend 6 hours tending to painful foot, parents freaking the fuck out
> have a panel at 10 at the Double Tree hotel, its 9:30
> foot is still melon, couldn't change pants, grungy as fuck
> ask hotel desk if any crutches, had none, piggybacked it to make it
> walk into panel with one shoe on, sleep deprived, in pain.
> Double Tree had a shitty wheelchair, no crutches, people kept tagging it with stickers promoting furries
>went home a few hours later and stayed in bed for 4 days
And that is why I avoid dances like the plague.

>> No.8123803
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>> No.8124041
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>I was in my mid 20s I dated a 15 year old girl
>I like girls in the 13-16 year old range the most just because of how fresh faced they are and how cute their bodies are.

>> No.8124062
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>Most of you have rape fantasies

>> No.8124093
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I know those feels bro

>> No.8124095

>AX 5 years ago
>My first Con
>Go with BF
>"Hey anon I'm going to go out by myself. You stay here"
>He gets super pissy and I joke how he's going to meet his Ex
>He get's defensive
>Go to con 20 minutes later alone
>He's with his Ex kissing her
>He's just went there to meet up with his ex

I dumped him on the spot and told him I'll leave his stuff with the staff and he can find his own place to stay. His Ex was staying with her parents and we were out of state. So he ended up having no place to stay.

>> No.8124130
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>younger girl approaches older guy
>gets turned down by older guy
>becomes couple 2 years later after drunk sex

Good job.

>> No.8124145
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>hot guy gets killed in house fire, never really said sorry or made up for the hurt feelings, feel like shit for years following, think about it all the time to this day


>> No.8124151

Why do creeps always think two qt3.14 even want to look at him, nevermind hooking up.

>> No.8124153

I'm proud of you, anon. You did good.

>> No.8124273
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>If you have sex with your boyfriend when drunk, you're raping him
>he's in a vulnerable position and isn't able to make sane decisions.

and this whole time i thought i WANTED to have sex with my gf while i was drunk

>> No.8124283

>dad points out Afro Samurai cosplay
>dad points out fatfucks.jpg going at it at rave

sounds like my dad if he were cooler

>> No.8124309
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>I love tatted red heads

me too bro

>> No.8124338
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>> No.8124353

My dad's a shit dad for sure, but he makes a great friend and is a cool guy to hang with. He helped get me more into anime even though he prefers entry level animes and black-themed series. He introduced me to Gun Grave, Ninja Scroll and some other series.
Honestly I was probably too young for those at the time he showed me them, but just spending time with him was and is memorable for me.

>> No.8124389
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good job, anon.

>> No.8124397

Well even if your dad is shit, at least you 2 were able to somewhat bond over anime and going to cons. That's good.

>> No.8124543

I got propositioned by someone for the same thing. Said no, but then I met his smoking gf. Regret it to this day tho- never fuck crazy, and crazy she was.
I'd tell him to fuck off, and move on with your life. You deserve better.

>> No.8124546

>average /k/omando interacting with /cgl/