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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 146 KB, 400x714, lolita_general.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8113947 No.8113947 [Reply] [Original]

Last one on autosage >>8098956
Haven't made one of those before so excuse me if I screw it up

>> No.8113988

What should I do if I always feel like my coords are ita?

>> No.8113991

Stop looking for validation and get good.

>> No.8113994

Look at pictures of lolitas that you really like, find out what specifically you like about those coords the most, and try to emulate that in your own coords.

>> No.8114014

Don't need validation - if I needed validation I would post in CoF.

>> No.8114029

Is there a coord critique Facebook group? I don't want to post on cgl because I feel like some people on here are cunts just for the sake of being cunty, and CoF is all just asspats and no real critique.
Maybe something like how on reddit sugarfreemua split off from makeupaddiction because it had just turned into an asspat circlejerk. Constructive criticism only, no asshattery but no sugarcoating the bad shit either.

>> No.8114043

The critical closet.

>> No.8114051

there is closet of frills: uncensored, but so far it is kinda.... meh

>> No.8114053

Isn't that the lolita porn group?

>> No.8114056

Could make one. I'd join.

>> No.8114080

No, it even says it isn't. It is just uncensored feedback. Meaning no asskissing... though there is still some who defend their choices to the death with the most kindest of critique.

>> No.8114123

Damn. I was hoping it was lolita porn.

>> No.8114138

There wouldn't be porn on facebook of any sort?

>> No.8114144

Was a joke.

>> No.8114178

Was just kidding.
When anything is "uncensored" my automatic reaction (along with other people I know) is to assume it is porn.
They need a better wording for those "uncensored" groups.

>> No.8114182

There is actually a fair bit of porn on FB

>> No.8114212

My favorite is the pic of the guy who got his dick ripped off and shoved down his throat by a girl he raped's brother

>> No.8114237


Anyone know what the shipping from Bunny House usually is? I want to order something, but if the shipping is like $50 then screw it.

>> No.8114238
File: 187 KB, 600x339, 0e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8114482

I just got my cream cookie collection skirt in the mail and it is about 2 inches too big on me. Is there a way to temporarily make it smaller without pinning it? (I don't want to damage the material.) Same goes for other ap skirts that don't have shirring.

>> No.8114507

There's a little elastic tab (?) on the inside with a button that you can pull tighter. Both the non-shirred AP skirts I own have this (including Cream Cookie Collection).

>> No.8114528

...whoaaaAAAAHHHH. I just looked and found it! Thank you anon you are my hero! And man, ap is so awesome, can't believe they included that.

>> No.8114532

No problem! I'm pretty tiny myself, so it's a godsend haha.

>> No.8114565

Where are you located? Airmail to the uk for a petticoat cost me $15 usd

>> No.8114574 [DELETED] 

>closet of frills: uncensored
Why doesn't this show up for me when I search for it on FB? Anyone have a link?

>> No.8114575

The U.S. and that's pretty reasonable. I was looking at a petticoat too.

>> No.8114615

>buy JSK on LaceMarket
>pay on Friday, ask seller if she's shipped yet on Tuesday morning
>later that night, after not being home literally all day, I receive 3 emails saying my bank declined both my account and credit card - charges are being reversed
>long story short: joint account, been using it on paypal for years, all of a sudden they wanna be dicks
>fuck fuck fuck I swear I'm not scamming
>message girl saying I'm going to straighten this out
>get email saying the money is being directly take from my PP account
>ok fine, I have no money in it, how the hell is this gonna go down
>sign into PayPal; transaction reads complete, my account shows no negative amount
>still haven't heard from this person at all - not through email or LM - so I have no idea if she's gotten paid, or has shipped out my dress and then this all went down, if her account shows a different status...

If you sold an ivory JSK for $47, please let me know what is going on at your end, because I am confused as hell right now.

>> No.8114692
File: 123 KB, 700x1200, acc1040-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just received acc1040 in pink today, and as it turns out the pink is too bright of a shade for the outfit I had in mind. Does anyone have any experience tea-dyeing bodyline's wristcuffs/lace? I'm 99% sure they're synthetic so not holding my breath here, but I figured I'd ask if any you gulls have successfully managed to dye them.

Alternatively, anyone know where I can get muted light pink wristcuffs for relatively cheap?

>> No.8114735
File: 61 KB, 480x640, 1540565750011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay or nay? it's pretty cheap.

>> No.8114744


>> No.8114746

Honestly it looks cheap. I don't see any amount of proper accessorising making this look less Hot Topic-ish.

>> No.8114757
File: 77 KB, 480x640, 1540565740011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, there's this. They're both Baby, this one looks a little bit ridiculous though so not sure if i could make it work

>> No.8114774

Old school outfit :D

>> No.8114781

Anon, it's over. 2005 is gone now. You have to stop.

In all seriousness, old school or not, this is a pretty ehh dress. It's cheap, sure, but it looks like it, too.

>> No.8114782

meh this looks kind of tacky even as an old school dress
this could be cute, if it is cheap just get it.

>> No.8114820
File: 152 KB, 700x467, enhanced-buzz-wide-6382-1329860109-8[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help anons. I order a dress from Angelic Pretty Japan mid January and I got a confirmation email. However, it hasn't shipped still or maybe it has, but I never received a shipping notification. I've tried to contact Tenso, but I don't even have a tracking number so it's hard for them to help me.
I tried to contact Angelic Pretty as well - no response for 3 days. Any ideas how long it takes? THEY WON'T BAN ME FOR ASKING, RIGHT??!

>> No.8114880

This is how I feel about all old school.

>> No.8114904

Am I completely missing something or shouldn't the AP sale have started a few minutes ago?

>> No.8114918


Man, I hesitated a few minutes too long over the cosmic wristcuffs and it sold out. It was for the best, though, I mean, who wants to pay SS and shipping just for a pair of wristcuffs.

>> No.8114929

70% off? Hell yes. I bought a canotier, necklace, 2 pairs of wristcuffs, and a fur caplet! All for $86!

What are your spoils??

>> No.8114960

I know your pain; I still haven't even received a fucking invoice from IW for their sale, and they haven't replied to my follow-up email.

In my experience AP has pretty good customer service (compared to Baby and IW, at least, which seem to blacklist people more frequently). I would maybe wait another day or two and then try again?

>> No.8115005

Made a Tenso account just for this. Hopefully I didn't fuck up. plz be kind frilly gods

>> No.8115011
File: 43 KB, 350x490, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not alone.
I ordered form IW mid December and haven't been invoiced yet.
> sent them email last month,
> they reply, few items I had asked for were sold out
> asked if I would like to cancel or add on to my order.
> replied with some items I would like to add on.
> didn't recieve reply
> sent another follow-up email a few weeks later. > still nothing.

At this stage I have just accepted I'm not receiving my order.

>> No.8115229

So I have a question. I bought some items off fb, and girl was nice and friendly, and everything went smoothly, and she said she'd ship out on Tuesday. It's now Thursday, and she hasn't responded to my message if she shipped out. She has been on fb, she post statuses changes, but rit doesn't show that she "read" my messages. How long should I wait until PayPal claim? I don't want to jump the gun, but I've read so many horror stories I can't help but be worried.

>> No.8115234

Ugh, same thing happened to me, I just kept pestering them until I got an invoice. I had to ask them another question about my address before I paid, too, and they never answered, so today I just went ahead and paid because it's been a week and I ain't getting blacklisted.

>> No.8115236

Serious question, is there some reason most brands don't implement the kind of system that Closet Child has, where you just put stuff in the shopping cart and pay right away if you want? It's such a pain having to wait for them to get their shit together long enough to send you an invoice.

>> No.8115389

Please help me seagulls, how can I find dreamV stuff on yahoo? Do you know the kanji? Do they have a specific category? Sorry if this is a dumb question, I can't seem to figure it out and google is not helping :(

>> No.8115403

Are the roses detachable?

>> No.8115406

Rakuten...Rakuten is what you're looking for.

>> No.8115413

I was hoping to purchase second hand, not in the store.. is that a silly thing to do?

>> No.8115430

....REEEALLLY? If you're too cheap for $25 sweaters and $20 shirts/skirts and $30 dresses. J Fashion is not for you. Let alone lolita. I'm sorry that sounds mean but Jesus...

Unless troll then 10/10 for making me angry

>> No.8115645

Any tips on running a con lolita tea party? google hasn't given me much

>> No.8115689

ffffffff all the dresses i would have bought are sold out already

>> No.8115745

A lot of them sold out within minutes..

>> No.8115791

How do you clean velvet?
I got this oldschool Meta JSK that is Velvet, and I realize it smells a lot like cigarette smoke, especially on the inside.

>> No.8115794

I like it in a super casual sort of way

>> No.8115831

What dress is it? if it's the Imai Kira x AP collab it'll be out around April.
I don't think they'll ban you for asking though

>> No.8115839

Spritz with dilute white vinegar solution or vodka and let air-dry.

Alternatively, I've dunked velvet straight in a sink of dilute vinegar solution with pretty good results - and then carefully pressed the water out with towels to preserve the pile and drip dried flat on a rack, but you need to either have a well-ventilated drying room or be in the middle of summer (dry it in the shade and open air!) or it will stay damp for too long and smell musty, or the cigarette smell won't really escape...

>> No.8115845

Turn it inside out and air it outside would be the safest way to go. I received a velveteen JSK that reeked of cigarette smoke, took me a few weeks of airing to get it all out. You can also take it to the dry cleaners and see if they can do anything about it.

>> No.8115854


If it's a made to order it won't be coming for a while

Check your account, each order keeps a copy of which emails they sent. If they have just one email check it to see if they say the date it should arrive and be shipped.
If two that usually means its been shipped

>> No.8115861

I'm going to try airing it out for a couple of days, if that doesn't really work I'll try the vinegar/vodka stuff.
Thanks friends.
Btw I know youre not supposed to iron velvet, but there is cotton lace on the dress that is all bent (and kind of yellowed) would it be a bad idea to iron the lace and spot clean it?
I was thinking of just putting something under the lace so I don't iron the velvet.

>> No.8115875

I would use a stain remover really carefully on the lace and iron it on low heat. Put a small towel between the lace and the velvet so it doesn't affect it.

>> No.8115897

Ugh. Everything I want is sold out.

>> No.8115948

How do I pluck my eyebrows for lolita?

>> No.8115951

? Like you do normally? I don't know anyone who does different eyebrows for lolita. I shade mine in to match my wigs (black, brown, or auburn) but that's it.

>> No.8115954


Just pluck them how you normally would. Or have you never plucked your eyebrows before?

>> No.8116029

I don't know how to pluck them. Never done it before and I really need to.

>> No.8116031

Definitely get them done at a good salon the first time. Then just keep up the shape with plucking. I see so many women with badly shaped or painfully over plucked eyebrows. Also the dreaded sperm brow.

>> No.8116036

I dont want to go to a salon. I want to do it myself. Any hints?

>> No.8116037

Don't. Seriously, you WILL fuck up. Just go to a decent salon.

>> No.8116050

maybe she wants something that's out of stock, faggot

>> No.8116058

If you have to ask an anonymous image board how to pluck your eyebrows, you definitely aren't ready to be doing them yourself and should be going to a salon.

>> No.8116059

Re-read what she said. She specifically said she wants to buy second hand. Not that what she wanted was out of stock. Also just searching DreamV or 夢展望 (kanji for yumetenbou) will bring up most if not all results on Y!J

>> No.8116097
File: 870 KB, 2000x1333, M75oljH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a PSA for anybody whose packages from Asia are stuck in the LA/Longbeach area: there's a labor dispute going on at the port, so stuff will be very slow to arrive.


>> No.8116107

Secondhand doesn't mean it's in stock? If it was something that was in stock it's not like she would save money anyway, after SS fees and shipping, unless she lives in Japan.

>> No.8116118

...you can't be that illiterate.
The girl wants to buy second hand. She doesn't care if the item is in stock or not because she doesn't want to buy from their store.

>> No.8116120

I had about 7 things in my basket and when I was going to check out there were only 2 left, made 2 orders because they put something else in stock after I'd sent the first.
I feel you.

>> No.8116151

She didn't say that, you fucking retard. "Secondhand" does not imply that there is still stock. When I buy lolita secondhand it's because it's not on the website. What about this is so hard for you to understand? Maybe she wants to look at things that aren't necessarily on the website.

>> No.8116164

Anyone have any idea which taobao shop these socks are from? lacemarket(dot)us(dot)/taobao-diamond-otks-lot/

>> No.8116166

Don't. You don't know how. Going to a salon will cost only $5-$10 and then you don't really need to go again for a long time if ever. Fuck I even know a place that threads for $2.

>> No.8116214

god fucking dammit

>> No.8116236

>mfw i'm in long beach and all my airmail orders have been arriving in record time

>> No.8116237
File: 933 KB, 1000x1414, 8a352f36cc2a5297ac3166f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is pretty embarassing...
I'm thinking on going to my local lolita meetup; I like lolita since 4 years, I have some dresses, accesories to match... but I never worn outside, so I have some questions;
fisrt, I'm on a wheelchair, and when I use a petticoat... all it's visible, you know. That poof show my panties. I always read no peti = ita but because my condition... others lolitas would mind if I not wear one?

second (this is the most embarassing), well, I only have one leg... Lolita is caracterized for being a cute fashion, so maybe I'll gross so much others lolitas if I go? Or must I buy one of these long-lenght lolita dresses? I don't like so much but maybe it's better.


>> No.8116242

A lot of lolitas in wheelchairs skip the petti, don't worry about it so much anon!
And as far as your leg goes, if you can afford a prosthetic and it would make you feel more comfortable, I say invest in one....but even if you cannot afford a prosthetic I still wouldn't worry about it too much. Anyone who might judge you or treat you badly because of those things are people you shouldn't worry about talking to or being friends with.

>> No.8116245

I think a light petti would be good. It shouldn't show your panties if it's like that.

Nah, just dress nicely. Though you might get some confused/curious people initially. I assume this doesn't need to be said, but if you're planning on wearing tights, tie or cut the one leg off. I'd also suggest bloomers for you.

Honestly I think gothic would look really neat.

>> No.8116259
File: 66 KB, 600x600, victorian01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't wear a petticoat, just spread the dress out on your chair nicely. If you can perhaps get a small pannier (not petticoat) this will be good so long as it isn't so big that it is uncomfortable in your chair. Panniers are what rococo women wore that made their dresses stick out so far, but not be poofy like petticoats. I am sure you can even buy a deflated petticoat and remove some of the front and back layers, leaving just the sides and maybe a little on the front and back.
Having one leg might gross people out but you are just as qualified to wear lolita as anyone else. If they don't like it, they can leave. You should be just fine. Don't wear a long dress to hide it, wear a dress that you like.

And thinking about what the other anon said, maybe you could get a prosthetic leg like this one (just search for decorative prosthetic legs) that is fancy, and match it to your outfit. The one I found would be totally awesome with a gothic coord.

>> No.8116277

can you wear bloomers without being really uncomfortable? that would hide your undies if you want to wear a petticoat. don't worry about being super poofy though. also no one is going to judge you for something you can't control. people love wheelchair lolis.

>> No.8116293


Bloomers. You definitely want bloomers, sometimes normal people just pick up the skirts to see what's underneath for no good reason (it shouldn't happen to you if you're at a meetup full of lolitas, but...).

The petti for lolitas in a wheelchair is optional, but I would go for a very light one or a pannier like other anons suggested, it helps the skirt spread out and not cling to the shape of your legs.

>> No.8116325

Seriously, thanks so much for your answers, mean a lot
Thank you all, I'll use definitely a pannier, and a bloomers; about gothic, well, I'm more into sweet/classic, it's not I prefer one determinate style, I like light blue and the ligh blue dresses I found were sweet and classic.
Also, wow, that prostetic leg is just... I didn't know these kind of propetics exists, I'll search for more, seems so cool.
And I'll definitely wear a knee-lenght dress, as I love, thanks for encourage me!
I'll definitely go to the meet !

>> No.8116346

Sorry if this is a stupid question but

If you are ordering direct from a brand website and don't live in Japan do you still have to pay the Japan sales tax? Is it like the British VAT tax that only applies to Brits?

>> No.8116347
File: 92 KB, 760x1064, floralleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you reminded me of this, anon. I don't know anything about prosthetics, but I am sure there are more people making really lovely ones

>> No.8116364
File: 86 KB, 640x425, natasha-long-prosthetic-leg-by-melissa-ng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D printing is allowing people to get really creative wit prosthetic designs and for cheaper than the regular types.

>> No.8116371

Yes, you do.

>> No.8116372

I think it's so they can evaluate you before they sell. Like, so they can enforce bans they put on people, etc.

>> No.8116376

>sometimes normal people just pick up the skirts
Where do you live that this actually happens? I'm genuinely curious. I've never been anywhere that people are intrusive enough to actually lift up a stranger's skirt, regardless of what they're wearing.

>> No.8116384

This makes so much sense. I had an order go MIA for a while. I have another dress from FJ coming soon, I hope the dispute will have calmed down by then.
>tfw only two hours away from LA

>> No.8116387


>> No.8116399


If you get into a conversation about petticoats or lace and ruffles, sometimes they just lift it up to take a better look, forgetting entirely that they're touching someone's clothes. At least most of them get embarassed about having forgetfully touched you without permission, but still, very glad to be wearing bloomers.

And one time, a weeaboo checked to see what I was wearing underneath, but she was a young weeaboo and we yelled at her properly, so I hope she learned not to do it again.

>> No.8116479
File: 71 KB, 500x667, 1378286876004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git it gurl.

>> No.8116482

Sometimes, not always. I guess it depends on the website, but it will generally tell you when you're paying.

>> No.8116487

I don't know if this means anything anons, but my package from the IW sale is sat in customs right now. You might be out of luck.

>> No.8116493

I don't know what it is about velvet and velveteen, but they always seem to smell weird after they've been left a little while.

I come from a no-smoking household and I teased my mom about it when I went to pick my dresses up last semester and they smelt like smoke.

I guess it's just a thing.

>> No.8116497

If you're worried people seeing up your skirt, try bloomers? They're frilly enough that normies won't even think of them as underwear.

To be honest, the petti is intended to achieve that bell-shape silhouette. If you're in a chair all day, nobody would see that silhouette anyway, so it's perfectly acceptable to go petti-less.

>> No.8116598
File: 238 KB, 1270x904, confirmation-email.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys :( It was for Milky Cross.
They just responded today saying my order doesn't exist,...

What the fuck?!
Should I send them a picture of my confirmation email? Or leave it at that?

>> No.8116608


The real question is did they charge you? If you were charged absolutely mention that. Show bank statement and confirmation number from your account!

If not charged then I think you were lost in limbo, I've already got my milky cross and they usually ship within 5 days so if you haven't paid and it hasn't shipped it probably doesn't exist...

>> No.8116609

I got a velvet dress from Closet Child and tried it on. It smelled pleasant, but weird. I explained it as "cherry scented toilet spray" and got my friend to confirm this smell for me.

Then we joked about how I was going to fall asleep sniffing it.

>> No.8116611
File: 77 KB, 222x320, 1353982381336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... no charge. So a confirmation email from Angelic Pretty means nothing and I am just shit out of luck?

>> No.8116618

You can try to show them the confirmation email and order number, it might be an error. If they still say that the order doesn't exist, well I guess it's just tough luck for you. I'm so sorry to hear this, I hope you'll be able to find it!

>> No.8116629

Well I just went through checkout and I didn't notice any discount for the tax, so I guess in this case I had to pay it. Thanks though!

I tried emailing the brand directly to ask about it but I never got a response. Nbd, it was a really good deal with the tax included anyway~

>> No.8116677

The lavender JSK was the first to sell out instore on release day and it's been a while so I doubt they'd have any stock even if they acknowledge your order. Good luck though, anon.

>> No.8116687

I think it's actually usually only if the brand has a separate international site that they exclude tax, and not even always then

>> No.8116755

what would you guys say is a good place for otks for taller lolitas? i tried some shitty bodyline ones but they only reached the bottom of my knee caps.

>> No.8116760


>> No.8116862

Enchantlic Enchantilly

>> No.8117132
File: 62 KB, 360x420, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping this series wouldn't be a hot mess. It's a hot mess. Damn you meta, why did you choose these fugly dress cuts.

>> No.8117144

Same. This is so tacky.


>> No.8117145

Oh wow, that is stereotype bad meta right there

>> No.8117152
File: 60 KB, 360x420, why2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad thing is the OP isn't the worst cut.

>> No.8117158

It's like a fucking lamp

>> No.8117175
File: 173 KB, 549x367, T29O2EXpVaXXXXXXXX_!!605855316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any brand necklaces that are just words/letters? Pic related.

>> No.8117177

That's tacky. Everyone know's that just brand names alone are tacky, ew, why are you asking?

>> No.8117191

>complaining about tackiness
You're in the wrong fashion.

>> No.8117222

Swimmer does stuff like that.

>> No.8117270
File: 60 KB, 400x400, IMG_0018-4_400sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


For only $27.

Enjoy being trashy.

>> No.8117289


>ouji who uses a mobility scooter

how can i make my scooter not look so terribly utilitarian? I already make cushion covers, but the rest is all grey and boring.

i can technically go without it and use crutches/a cane if needed, as i do for conventions, but i'd rather not be high as fuck on pain meds the entire time, be covered in splints or go without for long walking distances.

>> No.8117309

Jane Marple, Leur Getter and ETC.

>> No.8117320

What kind of wheelchair is it?

>> No.8117324

>That's tacky
Welcome to lolita, I hope you enjoy your time with us.

>> No.8117326
File: 72 KB, 400x400, MS01021_rascal_ultralight_480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a rascal ultralight without the basket.

>> No.8117327

Why are you using a scooter and not a wheelchair?

>> No.8117340

ok well to deck out scootipuff jr over here I think you could paint on the handles (flowers and stuff), use the fabric you covered the seats with to hide the motor (over where the chair sits) and maybe some latticework panels to fancy it up a bit.

>> No.8117345
File: 310 KB, 531x471, nameless poem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the story here? A Nameless Poem rerelease got posted to Lolita Updates and some SS is taking preorders but nobody else seems to know anything about it. I want to believe, but this seems a bit weird to me. Anyone know what's going on here?

>> No.8117346

fatigue and shoulder dislocations.

>> No.8117364
File: 92 KB, 619x800, weibopost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I posted it to LU. There really isn't more to know. Ista Mori's weibo post says that reservations will probably go up next week, but that's it besides a few replies in the comments. This rerelease was also mentioned by Ista Mori a while ago.

>> No.8117368

Are these the only cuts? I think I need one of these.

>> No.8117388

The cut on the waist seems much lower this time, which I'd prefer. But I already have it in black and the colours aren't rocking me.

>> No.8117390
File: 57 KB, 360x420, why3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a baby doll cut too.

>> No.8117406

Aw god no it's the saggy-tits-baby-bump kind of babydoll cut

>> No.8117408

None of these will fit my bust and there's no skirt... I'd love to get one anyway... Do you think it's gonna sell well or go on sale?
I'd love it but I'm not sure if I'd wear it as Lolita.

>> No.8117484

It won't be any lower, they've been using the same stock photo all along and I got one from the last release that was as high as ever. Their mannequin must be way tiny for it to appear like that, because it's most definitely a super high cut through and through.

>> No.8117495

They just kinda do this; they spring the release date and take reservations for one week. If you get it, go through Taobaoring and do their Taobao; I think after all fees mine was about $110 after shipping for the last release. Fuck their Storenvy markup.

>> No.8117537

Sorry in advanced if this is a stupid noob question.

I have an AP coord, no BtSSB coords (yet!) but I want to wear lolita when I go to Paris (and buy some BtSSB). Should I just wear a handmade dress instead or would it be okay to wear AP into Baby?

>> No.8117546

I kinda want that frumpy as hell OP for casual wear but oh got that price for that. I just can't do it. I'm hoping it goes on sale.

>> No.8117554

Yeah, it's really expensive... But I'd also like to try it as a Lolita outfit. My comm will hate me.
But the headbow and tights are so cute!

>> No.8117562

I want the head wrap kind of headband they have but if i don't get the dress too there is no point. I can't figure out what I want to do.

>> No.8117578

Showing up in AP would only be awkward if it were a BtSSB brand loyalty tea party (brand loyaltea?). People show up to the BtSSB stores in all sorts of getups, including jeans and tees. You'll be fine.

>> No.8117589

Thats a relief.
I knew wearing AP to a Baby tea party would be a major faux pas (like you don't wear replicas to brand events either) but I wasn't sure about just walking in to buy brand while on a trip to Paris, its one thing to go in in normalfag clothes, someone starting out in the fashion would do that, but I wanted to wear lolita and I was worried that walking in wearing another brand might have been iffy like the staff might be sassy if they see you wearing other brand or something idk.

>> No.8117593
File: 211 KB, 391x313, i fucking mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a conscious effort to stay slim to fit into brand
>awkwardly big ribcage due to some spinal problems
>look awful in every high-waist cut
>they're getting more popular by the day

I'm a sewing novice. Do any of you think it would be possible to get a tailor to extend the bodice on Nameless Poem without it looking atrocious? I'm tired of looking like a fucking box-shaped fatass because my waist is two inches lower than the waist on most recent releases.

>> No.8117600

The fabric is pretty nice, but very plain and you could probably find something close enough that can be added to lengthen it. Like, even if it's not the exact same material, a slightly different shade of black (or red, whatev) or even white could possibly look nice, since it would be some sort of belt-type looking thing. I don't know, it's plain enough that it can totally be done. But the design is simple enough overall and especially at that point that I totally think it could be done.

>> No.8117603

Woah, I got realllll redundant in that last part.

>> No.8117619

Thank you for your vote of confidence, anon. It's cheap enough that I wouldn't be killing myself over the loss if alterations ended up looking less than flattering. I'll mull it over - thanks for your advice!

>> No.8117622

No problem! The quality is really close to brand, I love it (except the buttons are kind of cheap feeling). I think any good seamstress can make it work for you, and it's a dress I know that I never did want to pass on for myself, for sure.

>> No.8117692

What blouse is this?

>> No.8118381
File: 119 KB, 720x960, tumblr_njqvp1UNl31qgjjjyo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KERA scans have popped up with some of the new AP prints! Also prices.

Gonna repost a few but not all so check them out here: http://lolitahime.tumblr.com/

>> No.8118383
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>> No.8118387
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>> No.8118391
File: 128 KB, 720x960, tumblr_njqvp1UNl31qgjjjyo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8118393

Lord have mercy on my soul, I desperately need both ocean prints more than I need air.

>> No.8118558


All these new releases and all I want is the Rose Ribbon stuff

....I don't know how to feel. On the one hand my wallet thanks me, on the other hand, I have no exciting releases to look forward to...

>> No.8118564

AP gods are not being kind to my wallet...

>> No.8118587

That a nice gothic red, exactly what I expected. they did also announce a dark grey which apparently they didn't end up doing.

Probably even cheaper if you buy two or more which I definitely intend to do.

>> No.8118588
File: 914 KB, 800x671, 2015-02-14-02.27.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need some quick help!
Last minute work on a super casual coord for tomorrow.
Nothing special because I don't want to go all out, want to keep it somewhat normalfag-ish.

Should I put the flower brooch I made in my hair or on my blouse (brooch on chest in first picture).
I made it just now to shove in my hair but I decided that it looks pretty good there.
Also, if I use it on my blouse, what do I put in my hair? I have more of the same roses and ribbon to work with.

Thanks anon!

>> No.8118591

I think that the brooch looks cute on your blouse but you should use more of the flowers and ribbon to make a hair accessory. Or if you want to be really casual use just the ribbon and do a braid with a ribbon in it through your hair.

>> No.8118602

I am setting up a document in my lolita comm for newcomers to read so they get a better grasp on lolita. Any really great resources you know of for:
>how to coord
>how to know if something is good/bad quality
>lolita patterns
I have basics of what lolita is and how to avoid being ita and stuff, but what are things that you (pretending you are a beginner again) really wish you had known.

>> No.8118608
File: 29 KB, 500x300, 1390178464299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon! I'll do that!
I like the ribbon braid idea too, but I've never been very good with my hair. I'll give it a shot, it sounds cute.

>> No.8118614
File: 66 KB, 480x640, B38HP098-p-480x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that one has made the most impact on me, although the pattern reminds me an awful lot of Baby's lucky pack print.

If I can save up in time (or if AP is sensible enough to space out the releases) I might go for Dream Marine - I am not a fan of the baby dress cuts though.

>> No.8118615

the biggest thing I can think of newbies messing up is figure out how to match your colors! peach and powder pink shouldn't both be in a coord. It seems simple but looking at most itas (and old pictures of me) my biggest pet peeves are warm and cool variations of a color being in a coord. Also wear a damn blouse under your jsk. I'm pretty sure that's already on your list but just being careful.

>> No.8118620

There was (well, is) a similar document made by seagulls.

>Basic Guidelines
>Anatomy of an Outfit

>> No.8118621


Welp time for another closet cleaning. I haven't needed a dress like this since Melty Cream Donut.

>> No.8118645

And this is why I love Meta.

>> No.8118665
File: 6 KB, 260x118, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah they changed the rules for that group so now it's becoming more like COF Why did they even bother making it? This was written in a harsher way before but I liked it like that. Post and you get critic end of.

>> No.8118666

Also they had a post about changing the rule completely but seem to have deleted it, damn

>> No.8118705

I think these look great with cardigans

>> No.8118734
File: 78 KB, 500x600, bow-with-bun-hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a doughnut bun with a matching ribbon. Cute but casual

>> No.8118895
File: 21 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.
I'm a complete boat hat and beret junkie, but I have no clue where I could find the cutest boat hats? (would also love if anyone could help me find a wig similar to the one in the picture)

>> No.8118899

baww stop liking things i dont like

>> No.8118915

I've showed up in bodyline, you'll be fine

>> No.8118917

Secrets for this week are finally up.

>> No.8119114

So, Tenso is asking for ID verification, but none of my government issued ID has my current address. I personally wrote my address on my passport, would that count?

>> No.8119118

This Taobao store sells some hats: http://shop36979966.tw.taobao.com/?spm=a1z3p.7398038.2014080701.2.WbqnB0&_lang=zh_CN:TB-GBK&v=1

>> No.8119125

Probably harassment liabilities. .

>> No.8119133


I've just got back from Paris and my friend I both wore all AP to the Baby store, it wasn't awkward at all!

Whilst you're there, check out Princess Crepe too, they have fliers for it in the BTSSB store and it's an adorable place to visit.

>> No.8119173
File: 855 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2015-02-14-12-15-33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8119175


I can't stop laughing at how that would sounds in a heavy japanese accent.

>> No.8119180

Who's nicola formichetti? I keep seeing him/her (Nicola is a male name in my country) everywhere

>> No.8119210

Him. Fashion designer (formerly worked for Mugler), Lady Gaga's artistic director and the man who discovered Zombi Boy. He's apparently insufferable to work with. Also, he works for Uniqlo.

>> No.8119214

Do you have a bill or anything else with your address? You could try sending both.

My ID literally has a plain white sticker on it, like a file label, with my address change because that's how they do it in my country.

>> No.8119258
File: 44 KB, 500x345, lemon9ra7um5epy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon, you are the best valentine

>> No.8119407
File: 1004 KB, 886x578, etc unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't see a related thread, but can any of you tell me the name of this dress?
It's ETC, obviously, but I have no clue what the name is.

>> No.8119632

I don't know if it's the official name, but I saw people referring to it as the spoon and plate OP.

>> No.8119865
File: 188 KB, 700x1200, w198-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick question. I saw a few people hating on this wig a while ago, I personally love it, but can someone explain why people hate it?

>> No.8119877

The colours have been out of fashion for at least a year now, and even if they weren't they're unconvincing and tacky.
Add to that the fact that a straight, shoulder-length base wig with long curly falls is essentially the Lolita Mullet, and the limitations it'll give you when it comes to coordination, and you have the perfect Shit Wig storm.

>> No.8119964

I will, thanks!! I'm so relieved to hear it will be okay.

>> No.8120075

I've found the name "Picnic Plates OP", but I can't find an entry in the Lolibrary or elsewhere, so maybe that's not the actual name?

Would anyone else like to help me sleuth?

>> No.8120076

Any recommendations for stores that sell non-brand otks that aren't replicas?

>> No.8120083
File: 124 KB, 900x499, aquafresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also people call it "Aquafresh" because of the colors.

>> No.8120111

ETC doesn't give official names to their pieces and you'll even see them calling the same item different "names" across different media.

>> No.8120122

That wig is the crowning glory of itas worldwide.

>> No.8120125

no one has ever called it that.

you're not even a lolita...

>> No.8120127
File: 58 KB, 370x1600, $_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know if this is the place to post this, but i soon might be in need of a cane to help me walk. i'm a gothic lolita and ill be buying a black one and i was wondering how i could make it work with lolita. i can try to not have it while in lolita but it depends on how bad my condition gets

>> No.8120145

If you search 'gothic cane' there are stylish options. You can always have a rubber tip fitted on one to make it safer too if it just has the little disk/metal tip.

>> No.8120164
File: 102 KB, 640x480, NmbWFCW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8120168

a lot of the gothic canes are way out of my price range right now since i have to stop buying lolita in order to pay for my treatment which will cost thousands. i mean i might not need one at meets, but im worried about how bad i'll get

>> No.8120181

other AP= Agent Provocateur, a lingerie company. They're wearing sexy lingerie underneath their Angelic Pretty to reveal to their boyfriend.

>> No.8120186

Some lolitas can actually get laid and like to look sexy sometimes. AP = Agent Provocateur. Lingerie brand. Not everyone's version of sexy underwear consists of pastel diapers, anon.

>> No.8120188

AP is so fucking expensive.

>> No.8120195

I think anon might've been like me, and not heard of the brand before.

>> No.8120199
File: 304 KB, 350x550, ewZyzfD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy someone posted a secret about her. It might just be my jelly, but it makes me happy to know other people find her annoying.

>> No.8120208

yeah pretty sure she just never heard of the brand, you kinda pulled stuff outa nowhere. she never said or even implied anything about how lolitas cant get laid and wear pastel diapears? just innocent confusion dude. she only said one word.

>> No.8120219
File: 424 KB, 1035x920, 2015-02-14_22.43.55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow I don't think this Lacemarket listing is a good deal.

>> No.8120230
File: 107 KB, 249x321, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I'm a fucking idiot and didn't buy this blouse when it was for sale because I was trying to save my money and now it is sold out. Does anyone know where I can find a blouse similar / as lovely as this? I'm not super picky but I really don't want a cheap jabot blouse. This is Atelier Pierrot. ((My last resort will be F+F only because I know they sell jabot blouses, but again, I'd rather have better quality))

>> No.8120242

goddamit etc.

Thanks anon. I had my suspicions, and you've confirmed it.

>> No.8120247

They probably bought it before it went on sale? Second-hand Moitie prices are often jacked.

>> No.8120255

>I just bought this

>> No.8120261

I thought so too, but she says the just bought it and the MmM sale had been going on for a bit now.

western overpricing. No surprise there.

>> No.8120285

She also says she wants to buy the blue one instead, which implies that she knows they're still for sale and has probably looked at cdjapan's site to see that they are discounted and not worth $250 anymore.

I'd bet that she's just hoping on a naive person who doesn't know to look to see what the going rate actually is. Shady opportunistic cunts like her are the reason the western market is fucked.

>> No.8120352

Does anyone else get friend requests from random lolitas on FB? It is kind of annoying... I don't know why they do it.

>> No.8120360

I've gotten a couple of euro ones so I took a chance and accepted. They seem nice so far, they aren't ita and their walls had lolita activities, not just online bs.

>> No.8120363

People who have more friends with others in a group get their posts throttled. FB is a piece of shit. I left pretty much all FB groups because even though I had made sure to hide all posts from my feed, posts by dumb cunts with like 5000 friends would still end up on it because FB throttles the posts.

>> No.8120569

You can probably just get one like this and wrap it with a black ribbons or lace and maybe add a corsage or cluster of some kind right under the handle. Customizing pieces to fit your coords is pretty hot right now

>> No.8120605

The original brand Marble still has it. http://marble.girly.jp/2014harusinsaku9.html
KERA shop also has it. http://kerashop.jp/top/detail/asp/detail.asp?scode=MB150112BLK00F&page=top/search/asp/list.asp?s_cate1_1=$s_cate1_2=$s_cate1_3=$s_cate2_1=$s_cate2_2=$s_cate2_3=$s_cate3_1=$s_cate3_2=$s_cate3_3=$s_cate4_1=1000$s_cate4_2=$s_cate4_3=$s_cate5_1=$s_cate5_2=$s_cate5_3=$s_price1=$s_price2=$s_scode=$s_sname=$s_keywords=$sort=$pagemax=28$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1

>> No.8120624

>>8120569 This anon beat me to it. That would be gorgeous. Like a bouquet sort of look near the front of the handle, but leave enohh handspace.

Itas, and girls are trending back to natural colors because "colorful hair" now gets associated with tumblr feminists, damaged goods and attention whores. With the significant bad media we got with that TLC chick I think our fashion has subconsciously adjusted to normal hair colours and more mature sweet and classic to show we're still normal, healthy functioning people...

Where to get that gorgeous cardi?

>> No.8120627

Thank you so much! You just saved my coord.

>> No.8120640

I got myself a foldable one with florals from English Canne, look it up !

>> No.8120732

yea but that is straight up toothpaste colored hair
god you're so mad about loli garbage

>> No.8120751

Yeah no any lolita would tell you that's a cotton candy mix if anything.

>> No.8120753

>god you're so mad about loli garbage

Show me the part where they so mad.

>> No.8120760

>implying you all aren't just mad bitches all the fucking time

>> No.8120766


Come back and try again later.

>> No.8120828

I understood the text, but why make a secret about it? I also wear nice lingerie under my dresses, Isn't that normal?

>> No.8120859

>why make a secret about it

cause some secrets are supposed to funny. not every secret is supposed to be calling out someone for being a bitch or you're doing it wrong.

>> No.8120966

i think she's pretty much universally despised. She doesn't seem to have any friends in the community, which is weird, I have no idea why she keeps spamming all the dresses she gets when she doesn't seem to wear them anywhere except her dad's house. She's annoying as fuck though lol. Wish someone would just call her out already.

>> No.8120996
File: 3.04 MB, 1366x2046, IMG_2652c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have this dress and I think it's cute. pic related

>> No.8121109

My friend's birthday is coming up soon and i'm thinking of getting her her first piece of lolita.
She's worn some of my fully shirred AP but other than that i'm not too sure what size she is. I'm thinking of getting her a 2L bodyline dress. She has a pretty large bust, probably DD or bigger, i'm not too sure.
I'm more into sweet but she's borrowed some of my dresses and liked them, but i think overall she really enjoys gothic.
I'm also not too sure if i should get her an op or jsk since i dont think she has a blouse viable for lolita yet. Then again, i'm happy to lend her whatever extra she needs.

Anyone have any recommendations or suggestions?

>> No.8121141

As a gothic lolita, I've seen nice coords out of L087 and L489. I own entirely brand right now but I've been thinking of grabbing them for casual wear.

>> No.8121152
File: 146 KB, 500x747, 1388383348495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple blouse would actually be nice because then she can find main pieces that she likes herself. However a dress definitely has a bigger impact as a gift. I think an OP would be good but you have to worry about arm holes fitting as well. Also one time I got a friend a 2L OP and it would not button up since she was over 100cm, so I might go 4L even if she is bustier.

L489 doesn't look too awful...Besides the front panel.

If you have time I am sure you can get a simple brand piece off mbok or yahoo auctions for cheap.

>> No.8121154
File: 135 KB, 560x545, 3795618_lookbooknekohime3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

L087. Red probably wouldn't be a good first OP, but they have black too.

>> No.8121387

"DD" doesn't really tell us anything about her bust size, though. My friend wears a 28DD bra and has no trouble fitting most brand except IW tends to give her boobloaf.

>> No.8121427

Sorry if I'm asking a noob question in the wrong place, but I was wondering what the rules were for nails? Are painted nails ok? Or maybe just a good manicure?

>> No.8121514


how sketchy are these "lucky pack" auctions? I wanna try it but i have a feeling they're just gonna pick out fantasy theater and say "good luck, sucker"

>> No.8121525

Google 'lolita nails' but yes, a good manicure is also fine, just a bit plain.

>> No.8121792
File: 199 KB, 694x998, gothloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just came up on my dash. lolita in today's hetalia chapter.

>> No.8121794
File: 186 KB, 999x1646, gothloli2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8121857
File: 18 KB, 288x316, 461637027.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone happen to know the min/max measurements on the blue Cameo Window special set?

>> No.8121866
File: 78 KB, 500x581, tumblr_mqxijhr5ud1qdxp2vo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Himaruya is quite good with lolita designs. He's put up quite a few, actually. I heard he is releasing tights for sale some time.
Pic related. Some of his stuff.

>> No.8121884


>> No.8121890

Measurements weren't listed on the special set listing. It only listed details.

>> No.8121929

Is Qi lolita actually a popular thing in China? I've been seeing a lot of Taobao brands making it recently, and I know it's unpopular in the west for obvious reasons.

>> No.8121934

Yes, it's pretty popular. But imho it's hard to look good as you need an eye for the aesthetic and the cuts requires a certain body type to look good. I know some Chinese lolitas are not that eager about it as qi-lolita attracts a lot of 'coslolita'

>> No.8121937

I miss Chinese Gossip, she'd know and tell us about it. Does she ever come around anymore?

>> No.8121956



L087 looks good but the only colour left is the sax. Thanks for the suggestions!

>> No.8121959

From taobao!
I removed the buttons and ribbon at the top because I didn't like them though.

>> No.8122002

How accurate are Haenuli's sizes? I'm looking at a dress in their store that is sold out in size L. I'm a bit over the measurements for the M, but I have Baby dresses with similar measurements that I fit just fine, I was wondering if that's the case with them?

>> No.8122011

I'm the same size, and even IW and MM are pretty much fine on me.

>> No.8122014

They're probably doing it because CNY and all. I've seen this sort of thing happen for 3 years in a row now.

>> No.8122052

Which dress is it? Usually if it has shirring in the back the measurements listed are not max.
I bought Angel of Music in XL anticipating to have to go up in the bust but it ended up being really big on me.

>> No.8122102

Little mermaid JSK, so a newer piece.

>> No.8122108

Nope. I have them in ivory and they are still really nice.

>> No.8122133
File: 35 KB, 385x579, dear_celine_alice_s_secret_garden_op_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so im really new to this and i'm trying to purchase dear celine's alice's secret garden in blue for my first coord. i have i really cute idea but it's sold out everywhere and i'm not sure how it all works yet. help me lol i'm a serious newfag

>> No.8122192
File: 76 KB, 440x587, 148q8b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be a bit premature, but has anyone heard of potential release date for this dress or if any other cuts will be released?

>> No.8122228

Dear Celine is a small Taobao shop. Once something is sold out its gone for good. Something like that will be next to impossible to find second hand too. My advice? Pick something else. (That's how 90% of lolita items are no matter what you're buying or from where)

>> No.8122260

has AP announced release dates for their new upcoming Mermaid Kingdom and Dream Marine series yet?

>> No.8122273


Nope won't be up until it's on the site, same as always unless an ap store blog leaks it/a person in japan asks a shop and they give an answer.Christ, y'all just gotta wait, I don't know why people ask this question over and over when the process hasn't changed all that much.

>> No.8122276

It was in the April Kera so maybe around that time?

>> No.8122301

Does this release have a name yet?

>> No.8122303

University OP

>> No.8122419

ahhh i just felt my heart break.
i had a feeling thats the way it was going to be, but i still wanted to make sure. thanks anon! i'm gonna look for something else.

>> No.8122480

There's a girl in my comm who has real potential, in that her outfits are usually pretty good for a relative newbie, but she never, ever puts on an ounce of makeup or does anything with her hair, which is especially bad because she's got that unfortunate kind of limp, mousy brown hair that really needs some styling to get along. Not to mention she has it in an ill-advised hime cut. She's really nice, but I feel like she could just be so much better than she does now with a few very simple changes. Is there a polite way to bring this up or should I just hope she figures it out on her own?

>> No.8122483

look so much better*

>> No.8122489

How about hosting a meet-up where you all can style each others hair and do each other's make-up? Then compliment her a LOT when you make her look really pretty?

>> No.8122514

Did you use paypal? Send her a message again, and give her a couple days if still nothing, then threaten to call paypal. If she STILL hasn't respond after that, call paypal they will refund you.

>> No.8122521

steam clean it, you can get decent cheap hand steam cleaners off of amazon.

>> No.8122544


She's on notcuckchan now. Got banned here too many times you know, gossip.

>> No.8122583

She said they banned her tripcode here but now she is on /egl/ instead (and maybe the other cgl)

>> No.8122608

....soooo are lacemarket mods completely dead or what? I've been trying to get a hold of them for almost a week now.

>> No.8122734

Is it that bad to use Clobba if I really just want ot get one or two taobao items? I can see that the base price, no shipping is about $10-15 which really isn't that terrible for the tradeoff of not getting sucked into a taobao spiral of "oh just one more item"

>> No.8122833

Does anyone own the IW cat pattern print and could take a good quality photo from the brown tabby cat and the black standing cat?
I need them for a tattoo idea, thank you.

>> No.8122843

Are you seriously considering getting the ballgag cats tattooed on your body somewhere??

>> No.8122869

I've used Clobba in the past for items that were sold out on Taobao. Martin's communication and English was really good.

>> No.8123173

You could try contacting them on twitter? They seem to reply to tweets.

>> No.8123183

>sold shit on LM
>invoices in local currency equivalent as stated
>"paypal rates are different, had to pay more"
>listing states that i use my bank's rate

Is this something that can potentially get me a neutral feedback?

I honestly thought that everyone knows that paypal's exchange rate is absolute shit and they charge a fee to convert currencies. Is this something I need to add to my future listings?

>> No.8123250
File: 83 KB, 213x621, 090206_innocent2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you confusing it with the "hunchbag" cherry kitten print?
The cat pattern cats look pretty cute to me.

>> No.8123344

Yes, you need to say that. I expect to pay what I agreed to buy it for.

>> No.8123436

it's still in stock in pink/purple at clobba, you could email and ask if they have blue just to make sure:

>> No.8123443

I had put that I invoice in the local currency equivalent according to my bank's exchange rates of the day.

I've seen a couple of other users put a similar thing in their listings so I assumed it's alright.

I'll rework my ToS in that case, thanks.

>> No.8123817

just upload a bill with the address as well as your id, that's what I did.

>> No.8123886

Which lolita brands are exclusively made in Japan?

I was disappointed to check a lot of my AP labels to see that most of them were made in China.

>> No.8123906

Most use a mix of places. China, Korea, the Philippines, India. AP makes their more expensive dresses in Japan, but the usual dresses are outsourced.

Jane Marple is made in Japan. Maybe JetJ, though I'm not sure.

>> No.8123919

Most MM I have seem to be made in Japan.

>> No.8123977

I pay all of my bills online, though. Nothing has an address printed on it. Since my passport wasn't valid, I went through Bells online service and got a PDF version of my bill. Hopefully this'll work.

>> No.8124248

Is it true Kera has closed??
Just saw it on the Bodyline Facebook page.

>> No.8124265
File: 4 KB, 139x135, drake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw that too, wtf, pls. No.

>> No.8124304

Kera shop or the magazine?

>> No.8124411



who is she? i don't recognize her at all

>> No.8124418

Where do you go to find news on Angelic Pretty releases?
I have reservation pages of all the other brands I follow bookmarked but no matter where I look I can't find anything for Angelic Pretty save for what's currently out in their shop. ;_;

I know they don't take reservations, but how you people find out about their new dresses before they are released?

>> No.8124426

bumping this because i'd love to know hear some answers from any seagulls who've tried purchasing one before

>> No.8124451

post her in a nitpick thread and then show it to her.

>> No.8124462

lolita updates on facebook. used to come here but it seems like people don't post much about upcoming releases since that page started

>> No.8124473

saw your coord on COF, you're cute as shit.

>> No.8124491

yall must be really new because that scam has been around for over a decade. check egl for horror stories.

>> No.8124522

Thanks, this page is a goldmine of info! :'D

>> No.8124544

extremely scary, japonica wont even let you purchase one with them.

>> No.8124548

i fucking hated her so much. horse was 2 high

>> No.8124554
File: 60 KB, 300x353, sold out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an item i badly want on AP's website, but it says sold out.

I've seen some SS saying that sometimes things sell out online but not in-stores.
Is there any way to email or ask a particular AP branch if they still have the item?
Who are good, reliable in-store SS? I've never used one, but I need to know if they still have it.

Its not like dream dome or something, its a blouse.

>> No.8124564

On the website, if the button is gray, it means that they can get it from another store. I have used chibitenshi for things like this before and she's pretty good.

>> No.8124566
File: 378 KB, 960x960, rapist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8124567

damn. it just says sold out. I guess that means im shit out of luck? ;_;

>> No.8124692


I just got a whole outfit consisting of mostly sold out items, the items were marked as sold out without the grey buttons that allows you to order from other stores. So you still have a chance, anon!

I basically emailed chibitenshi to ask if the series I wanted is still available in-store. She responded to say that she could get the socks and jsk, but the headbow was well and truly sold out (she also suggested a replacement that was also marked as sold out in the online shop, but she was able to buy it for me. lol). Of course the item might be really sold out in all stores across Japan, but I'm glad I asked chibitenshi about it first before giving up on my items.

>> No.8124699

oh my lord you have given me hope. thanks so much.

>> No.8124957

Atelier Pierrot

>> No.8125425

Thanks anon, I'll give that a shot!

>> No.8125530

my body is fucking ready for this

>> No.8125789

I'm curious too, anybody?

>> No.8125800

Care to share any links?
>Yea I'm lazy and I don't really know what keywords to use to find it.

>> No.8126568
File: 991 KB, 500x281, I can fap to this.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yessss. Let us twin in our hearts, anon. Regimental stripes are kawaii as heck.

>> No.8127102

The problem is, she is the type to randomly add people on fb. So I don't know anything about her besides her being from Belgium and being annoying on fb. Her facebook only has pictures of her in lolita at her house so don't know if she has lolita friends, or goes to her comm. Like mentioned above, the only people who talk to her are her boyfriend, and one questionable lolita friend.

So there isn't too much to say besides she posts a lot in a day, and all her posts seem braggy (and lonely considering noone likes them). Her posts today include adding more stuff on her wishlist, another picture of the haul she got today from her bf, her mentioning needing to save money for her trip to japan even though she hates travelling,ect.

She seems nice enough, just braggy, immature, and weeby.