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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 113 KB, 632x447, frostycunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8115402 No.8115402 [Reply] [Original]

This just popped up on the AP tag. This is why I actively avoid skinny lolita. You guys have no self-confidence other than your weight, so you have to make us feel even more insecure than most of us already do. Shit like this makes me question if I should just leave lolita altogether. :/

>> No.8115404

That sounds more like brutal honesty than insecurity. Does the truth hurt, anon?

>> No.8115407

Or, you know, you could have a reality check. If someone has ripped a dress at the seams FOUR TIMES, then there obviously an issue other than the sewing.

>> No.8115411

If you're ripping dresses because you don't know how to wear clothes that are actually your size, yes, you do need to leave lolita. Leave lolita and go back to elementary school where mommy can dress you in clothes that properly fit.

This isn't fat vs skinny. Fat lolitas who know how to dress themselves also dislike the other fatties who try to squeeze themselves into too small dresses.

>> No.8115412

I don't see how anyone could deny that lolita is not a good look for overweight girls. I've never seen a bigger girl who didn't look at least 20 pounds lighter out of lolita.

Oh wait, I forgot that disagreeing with the idea that landwhales are all 10/10 BBW goddesses that look perfect in anything means you're an insecure skinny bitch.

>> No.8115415

Shit, even for normal size and thin girls it's unflattering. Fanny Rosie looks downright chunky in some of her stuff, but has a 60cm waist which is pretty fucking small

>> No.8115417

The tumblr poster made it fat vs skinny by saying big girls don't look good in lolita to begin with. :/ If anything, we look better since we don't need 5 petticoats to make it ultra poofy.
Are you retarded? It's the opposite, lolita makes larger girls looks way smaller since the poof gives the illusion we have a smaller waist.

>> No.8115418

Pretty sure "Lolita" is a regular noun that's pluralized as "Lolitas", anon.

>> No.8115421

I actually agree with what that girl said. I'm skinny to average 90cm bust 68cm waist and there is shit that just does NOT fit me. I'm of the mind where if I have to force a zipper up its just too small. How some of these hamplanets get these dresses to even zip is mind boggling. If you're busting seams you need to buy bigger dresses or fuck off. I don't care if someone is fat, sure it's not ideal, but if they can dress themselves they are welcome in my community.

>> No.8115422

This is bait.

This is also bait.

Ahoy baitey.

>> No.8115427


>if anything, we look better since we don't need 5 petticoats to make it ultra poofy.

ah, yes. you slipped up there chum.

>> No.8115428

This isn't fat vs skinny. Fat lolitas who know how to dress themselves also dislike the other fatties who try to squeeze themselves into too small dresses.

This. It's also the same when you see a tiny girl swimming in her clothes. The difference is they're usually not the ones damaging their clothes.

>> No.8115433

OP is probably the fatty the tumblr girl was talking about.

>> No.8115444
File: 137 KB, 400x450, 1418145046114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl on tumblr says she has a 103cm bust and asks if AP would fit her
>tell her to be careful because boobloaf
>get massive wall of text about how the concept of only wearing clothes that fit you is sizist shit made up by the fashion industry, how the term "boobloaf" is extremely offensive as it's intended to ridicule fat chicks, and how she can tell I'm not fat because clearly I have no idea how horrible it is to have people suggest such a thing to me
>mfw I have a 63 cm waist, but huge tits and have to take the bust area of every dress into consideration before I buy it or I will end up with boobloaf

I'm a firm believer that fatties should be able to wear lolita free of getting shit from their size, but their attitudes do not do anything to help them. It's really hard to be in a situation with these kinds of people and not think poorly about their weight.

>> No.8115445

>anything I disagree with is bait
Typical /cgl/

>> No.8115452

I'm hoping it is, but there are enough fatties that genuinely think like this that I know it's wishful thinking.

You'd be amazed just how hardcore fat chicks will go to make themselves feel better about being fat. Many of them really do force themselves to believe that fat>skinny.

>> No.8115464

Using the word "typical" to describe people on a global anonymous message board?
How is this not bait, seriously?

And I get that there's vast margin for opinion, but some things objectively look bad, and using your gut and haunches to pad out skirts that are designed for petticoats is one of those things.

>> No.8115469

>hurt the dress

It's clothing, not some Kill la Kill senketsu shit.

>> No.8115471

This is most likely a bait thread, but still going to reply since I actually know some people who think like this.

Fat girl here working on losing weight for health, you're in such denial that you're part of the problem why everyone hates fat girls. Are you a lover of HAES while you're at it too? Do you go "mah condishunz" and "thin privilege"?
Being a fucking hamplanet looks fucking terrible in lolita. I may be losing weight because of health issues, but even I know I look better the thinner I'm getting in the fashion.

Being fat means you NEED more petticoats to make yourself look smaller and balance our your fat, it does not mean you should your fucking fupa as an alternative
Go back to fucking tumblr, you're making an embarrassment for other non-crazy fattychans.
0/10 for making me reply.

>> No.8115472

>You'd be amazed just how hardcore fat chicks will go to make themselves feel better about being fat. Many of them really do force themselves to believe that fat>skinny.
I've had many fat friends throughout my life and literally all but one have tried to make me feel physically inferior to them on an extreme scale. I'm pretty skinny and had small boobs for most of high school, so they would always make a huge deal about how at least they had tits, so guys liked them more... even though they weren't popular at all with guys and I was practically living a reverse harem at the time. Then, my senior year, I got me some double D's out of nowhere and it went from going on about how guys didn't like me because I had no tits to guys not liking me because my tits are too large for my body proportionately and it looks weird. They also for the longest time wouldn't believe me about my cup size because they couldn't for the life of them grasp the concept that cup size is proportional to bandsize. One actually got really angry with me because she was saying how it was impossible I was a double D because she was and her tits were way bigger than mine. I was a 30DD, she was a 38DD, so I pointed out the fact it was because she's bigger than me and it ended very badly. I feel like any girl who has been in a bra store should be able to understand the concept that the letter size in not absolute, but apparently only fats chicks can have D+ boobs.

>> No.8115476

Not that anon, but it is pretty common on this board for people to call bait on shit they don't agree with.

>> No.8115481

I feel like this is me, only I never got the tits, lucky for me. I'm a small C-cup, but my fatty friends think I'm an A. I have one friend(?) who always gives me backhanded compliments "Oh anon you're so skinny and tall, too bad about the boobs though." when I too have guys lining up just to talk to me pretty much.

It's really sad when others are so insecure they feel the need to put others down, but then they just look pathetic instead.

>> No.8115483

Tbh this sounds bait as fuck. There's no way someone ripped 4 whole dresses. If you're going to make up a story don't exaggerate so much.

>> No.8115485

It's like the fatties who say "real women have curves". What better way to fight body shaming than with more body shaming? That totally won't make thin girls more justified to think less of you.

>> No.8115492

Chum in the water is a way to bait in fish. Chum also attracts...


>> No.8115514

Which is exactly what OP is doing.

>> No.8115518

This type of shit occurred among my female friends IRL a lot in high school and early college. I've always found it laughable when fat girls cling to having massive jugs as a perk of being fat, when their reason for it is actually quit invalid. Speaking as a male, shape always trumps size. Nicely shaped small boobs are preferable to a fat chick's giant saggy ass tits with the nipple hanging down like udders any day. Hell, even if the fat girl has perfectly shaped boobs (which never happens) a small girl with none is still better. No other guy I've discussed this with disagrees.

>> No.8115519

At least we can wear five petticoats instead of snapping the waist bands with our massive rolls.

>> No.8115522

There is a girl in my comm that have ripped 3...but at least she knows and admits it's her own fault

>> No.8115534

>There is a girl in my comm that have ripped 3...

If she has the money fur burando why not get it altered?? After the first or even the second time you should have learned your lesson.

>> No.8115536

I'm pretty sure every small girl with endowed breasts has this issue. I will never understand it because, like you said, any girl who has ever been bra shopping should realize that clearly the letter isn't one blanket size. Even just the difference between 32DD and 34DD is visible.

Also, kind of related
>mention wanting to lose some weight to fat friend
>fat friend tells me the first thing I'll lose is my boobs
>don't have the heart to mention to her that that only happens to fat chicks
>lose weight
>bust size the same, but underbust smaller
>boobs actually got a full cup bigger as a result of losing weight.

>> No.8115538

Reading the OP, I thought that "skinny lolita" was some weird substyle of lolita.
Thanks, anon.

>> No.8115542

I want to live in your naive innocent world, anon. In my three years of going to meets, there have been two girls pretty much exactly like what OP describes. One doesn't even see her dresses as being damaged, she just wears them with torn. She thinks it makes them look cool.

>> No.8115553

This. My boobs don't change at all with weight, granted I don't have a lot of boob (28C) but I am not going to lose them if I lose ten pounds. Same with one friend who was a bit chubby but is one of those top heavy at every size girls. She lost maybe 2cm on the boobs but just went down to her sister size because she also got smaller around her underbust, and they looked bigger proportionally because she lost more on her waist. She wears a 28FF/G.

>> No.8115574

oh this is definitely something that happens

>> No.8115608

>lolita makes larger girls looks way smaller

oh honey no

Is that why there are so many hamplanet lolitas? they believe this?

>> No.8115615

I actually agree with her. Stop being a whiney bitch fatty chan.

>> No.8115617

If shit like this makes you want to leave lolita please hurry and make a leaving lolita sales post.
A loner lolita with basically no online presence surely has it's advantages, you don't give two flying fucks about wearing lolita properly or not.

>> No.8115630

Wait wait do you hear that sound?
Sounds kind of like

>1,000 fat babies crying

>> No.8115641

Every single fatty-chan I know thinks lolita is the perfect fashion for fatties.

>> No.8115643

Imo it's because skinny girls look fat in lolita, too so it doesn't make a huge difference unless you're obese.

>> No.8115649

>Are you retarded? It's the opposite, lolita makes larger girls looks way smaller since the poof gives the illusion we have a smaller waist.

Ohh no. Dear, you're piling layer after layer on top of your body. While chubby girls can certainly make things work, you're delusional if you think anyone is fooled into thinking you look skinnier after covering yourself in fluff.

Also if you rip dresses, good lord. You know there are some gorgeous taobao brands that do custom sizing, right?

>> No.8115694

I went from 60 kgs to 50 and my boobs were the first thing to go... (1.64 tall)

>> No.8115701

I honestly don't see how skinny girls look fat in lolita. They just look more elegant than if they wore a tshirt and leggings which would make them look like junkies.

>> No.8115718

>innocent world
Pun intended?

>> No.8115730




i kek'd

>> No.8115736

>get massive wall of text about how the concept of only wearing clothes that fit you is sizist shit
Big is a size.....

>> No.8115750

Very few styles make skinny girls look bigger and even then, they just look a little bigger, not fat.

>> No.8115788

>60 kgs at 1.64 meters
That's definitely chubby enough where it's not surprising that your boobs went first.

>> No.8115811

That post already has 90 notes of people flipping shit

>> No.8115817

Probs because of Cadney replying and reblogging the post

>> No.8115821

Yeah, but it's not a blanket statement that applies to everyone who loses a bit of weight - if you got fatter and your boobs got bigger chances are when you lose weight then you'll lose it off your boobs. I think it depends on how much of your boobs is fat tissue vs how much is glandular and connective tissue. Personally I've fluctuated between 49 and 54kg over the last 3 year and never have any change in boob size, it all goes on around my abdomen/hips/thighs.

>> No.8115859

I love the ones that accuse her of being from /cgl/

>> No.8115887

Non-fatties who get all SJW over them are worse than fat people who do. I have literally never known a girl who did this that didn't voice some form of negative opinion toward fat people, ranging from thinking they're just not nearly as attractive to full blown disgust. They only white knight fatties for the sake of looking good for their fans.

>> No.8115908

>ur body is healthy and anybody who says otherwise is a fat shamer!!!!!
your organs are being crushed you delusional sea cow

>> No.8115911

I've been in pretty much this copypaste exact situation.
>be 28G
>fat friends refuse to believe it because they're all DD and up and have physically larger tits, so it's impossible
>totally disregard explanation of how cupsize is measured and the tag on my bra declaring my size to the point of straight up denial
>exclusively fatties who refuse to believe me after the explanation on how bra sizes work

I think it's because most fat women feel huge tits are all they have to offer physically and thus skinny women shouldn't be allowed to have them.

>> No.8115922

I didn't even know this was a thing until this thread. None of my lady friends are fat, though, so that's probably why I've never come across it. If I were to witness this kind of conversation between two females, I would just flat out say that the heifer is deluding herself if she honestly believes men would prefer her just because she has big titties.

>> No.8115925

some of the comments on it are hilarious

>If I waited untill I was skinny to wear lolita, I would still be waiting!

And whose fault do you think that is, babe?

>> No.8115933

My boobs went down massively after losing 70lbs, but it was also proportionate. I was happy when I lost them, but I'm still busty. I went from a 40F to a 32DD.

Actually I gained some weight back over winter and I feel like shit. But at least I'm still in the area where I can still look cute. Thankfully most everything still fits except my one partial shirred JSK.

>> No.8115937
File: 165 KB, 526x511, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best reply.

>> No.8115940

What does it say about people who use the "I'm just doing this for myself!" excuse?

>I'm just wearing this fashion for ME!
>So it's okay to do a shit job.

Maybe it's just me, but when I want to wear something to make myself happy it has to be comfortable and actually suit me.

>> No.8115941

Not always. I went from 55kg to 48kg (being 1,5m, so pretty chubby and still a bit), mostly because I wanted smaller boobs. It didn't work at all, because only my underbust measurement got smaller (also finding decently priced bra in 65D is pain in the ass).

I don't get that "muh curves" logic a lot of faties have. Honestly, you can't tell curves, which depend on bone structure, from jiggy fat? Or is "curvy" new "big boned"?

And in regards to main topic, who somebody thinks is kidding wearing clearly too small clothing? That actually accentuates bad fitting, not the opposite.

>> No.8115944

What... That is nonsense

No. No. If you need to have inches added just get a new dress. You don't need that print. You won't die without cherry berry bunny ffs

>> No.8115945

No...you don't buy the fucking dress. You either lose the weight to fit it or don't wear it. You aren't entitled to a dress. Why don't people understand this? If you wear size 10 jeans you wouldn't buy size 4. Why should lolita be any different?

>> No.8115946

I broke two zippers when I was denial of my weight gain. I'm not proud of it, but it happened. I'm also not obese though, just tall and overweight.

>> No.8115949

What twisted logic is that? It's not like specific dress from specific brand is a first need article, you can live without one.

>> No.8115950

See, I'm on the side of if it doesn't fit, don't wear it, or lose weight to fit it. But that's standards for myself.

People are free to do whatever they want with their money or themselves, be it altering, squeezing into it to the point where seams pop, whatever. Don't mean it's gonna look good but that's them, not me. I don't really give a fuck what other people do.

>whaa whaaa another untouched virgin burando ruined.

And you wouldn't believe the amount of people who do wear size 10-12, 16 etc and try to squeeze themselves into a size 4 or 6 because "that's skinny size" and if they get get themselves into it, that means they are skinny. (with a massive muffin-top) I hear this a lot from people who work in clothing or in fitting rooms.

>> No.8115953

What is with half the people who receive any kind of criticism reciting that line as if they're the only ones "doing it for themselves"? It isn't exactly the kind of fashion you wear to impress people, you actually have to be really dedicated to not giving a fuck to be a lolita.
The logic also makes no sense because thin girls are typically more hourglass shaped unless "sphere" is the new definition of curvy.

>> No.8115955

If it doesn't fit you, it looks bad. So yeah, just drop it altogether.

>> No.8115965

I don't give a fuck if a fatty decides to spend their money on a dress they're going to inevitably destroy, at least their not stooping to buying a replica. However, I absolutely cannot stand it when they act like this should be a totally acceptable practice in the fashion that no one should critique.
The easiest way to feel better about being a shitty lolita is to become a special snowflake.

>> No.8115968
File: 94 KB, 625x803, 328898234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I gave someone a suggestion and they ripped my head off.
I understand what that can be like. Generally if one is genuine in trying to be helpful about an issue I can let go badly phrased or blunt advice.

This girl lost me when she went on a tirade about fat lolitas though. As an ex fat lolita myself I never wore dresses that couldn't accommodate my measurements, and if there's an un-shirred piece that I want I shell out to get it altered.
>Lolita typically isn't flattering on fat girls
Yeah, nah, she can go fuck herself and stop treating lolita as some special snowflake fashion. If anything, fatter girls look better in lolita than any other fashion genre they can get into. Petticoats are good for concealing gut, and the conservative nature of the fashion is ideal for covering up problem areas, like flabby arms.

I think all of you would do better mentally to stop treating lolita clothes as items that belong to a community. Clothes belong to whomever buys them and they can do with them what they please.
Bitch wants to pretend she's thinner than she is and rip four Sugary Carnivals? Oh well, she paid for them so let her rip and be miserable.
Tiferet wants to do a shitty alteration of CTP? Boo hoo, she bought it and she can choose to look like shit.
The only way you guys are going to get over this shit is to do your bests when you land your dream dresses. You can't control how other people look so don't raise your blood pressures over it.

>> No.8115970

There's no way that people can find your main blog through your sub blog, right? I'm considering reblogging this and adding my two cents, but I don't want a lynch mob of angry fatties after me.

>> No.8115975

There isn't any way to find it, don't worry.

>> No.8115977

Just... get it altered instead of trying to cram yourself into it? I do not understand people who moan about sizing. If you're so desperate for burando you can either lose weight or get it altered. AP and BTSSB will sell out of all their popular $400 dresses even if they make them only in size 1, so they have very little incentive to cater to the fatty-chans.

>> No.8115978

>some fattie bought four sugary carnivals and ripped them all

Caps or this didn't happen. Are people really so thirsty to tear into fatties that they'll believe such a made-up strawman story? Lmao

>> No.8115980
File: 382 KB, 420x315, orson_wells_Slow-Clap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8115985

My disdain for fat girls in lolita has nothing to do with them ruining brand. It's because a) having the opinion that they don't look as good as skinny girls is enough to get you burnt at the stake and b) they look awful and typically refuse to do anything to either lose weight or make lolita look better on them. Instead they would rather just sausage into a dress meant for people half their size and complain when people don't pat them on the ass for being the perfect rorita.

>> No.8115991

I interpreted it to mean she ripped four dresses, not specifically four SCs. I take it that you don't have a lot of experience dealing with fat lolitas if this is such a crazy notion to you?

Honestly, I could still believe it if it was 4 SCs. It's a cheap and common enough dress to replace multiple times.

>> No.8115995

The girls in my comm who are the most outspoken on tumblr about fat acceptance are the ones who say the worst shit the second they're in the right company.

>> No.8115997

>having the opinion that they don't look as good as skinny girls is enough to get you burnt at the stake

What's your phrasing? What's your context?
I don't mind if people don't think a certain body type doesn't look good in lolita so long as
a) They're not treating their opinions as a universal fact for everyone and
b) They're not being preachy about it and introducing it unnecessarily into discussions whenever there's a slight caveat about fat people.

Based on your post itself, I can already tell you that your opinion sounds aggressive and it would annoy me. But if I asked you for your opinion then I couldn't complain.

Know what else is a touchy issue? Brolitas. I'm of the opinion that, in general, crossdressing men and MtF brolitas can't pull off the lolita aesthetic. Do I think there are exceptions? Yes. Would I get 'burned at the stake' for saying this in public? Yes.
But you know what? I know my opinion about them doesn't change shit. I just don't see the point in being -angry- about it. Do I laugh and make jokes? Yes. Do I sit around stewing that brolitas are 'ruining' my fashion because they don't fit the aesthetic rules? No.

>> No.8116005

I rather have fat people in lolita than ugly ones tbh

>> No.8116007

That and also it is far less socially acceptable to be fat in Japan, to the point where Japanese lolitas demanding larger sizes would be considered laughable to the major brands, which is why they don't even try. So yeah, the only parts of their fanbase pushing for bigger sizes are fat Western girls. Not exactly a demographic they give a shit about catering to.

>> No.8116008

I prefer ugly. At least you can buy from the secondhand without it basically being russian roulette. Plus, faces don't stand out to me as much. I can ignore a hideous face if the rest of the coord is fine.

>> No.8116010

Then there was the time a girl angerly commented on a sales post of mine that I had no right to say "If you are over 88cm bust this WILL NOT FIT" she said the caps were rude and I shouldn't judge what would and wouldn't fit. Bitch this dress barely zips at 88cm it really really won't go larger...Fat girls don't really bother me. It's fat and badly dressed girls with even worse attitudes that really grind my gears.

>> No.8116014

>Fat girls don't really bother me. It's fat and badly dressed girls with even worse attitudes that really grind my gears.
Thanks and agreed. Sadly there are quite a few of them, and since they are the most vocal and representative for plus size Lolitas because "MUH BEAUTIFUL CURVES AND MUH FAT-SHAMING".

>> No.8116018

>Based on your post itself, I can already tell you that your opinion sounds aggressive and it would annoy me. But if I asked you for your opinion then I couldn't complain.
... You realize what website you're on right? You can't really judge people's interactions with the outside world based on their 4chan posts. Obviously, people don't filter themselves and are much more harsh and blunt here.

I have never offered that opinion unsolicited. In fact, it's almost always been in situations where there were people were voicing favor for fat lolitas over thinner ones and no one gave them any shit what so ever. That's another reason I can't stand them, I've never met a fatty that didn't have a complete double standard when it came to body shaming thin women.

Also, I don't see them as ruining the fashion. I just see them as annoying as fuck.

>> No.8116023

>you shouldn't judge what will and won't fit
>on a dress that you have personal experience wearing
Oh, fat logic, I love you.

I put shit like that on my sales all the time. I wonder how many people it offends. I never even considered that as a thing SJWs would take issue with. Shit's so ridic I can't.

>> No.8116032

>... You realize what website you're on right?
Yes, last time I checked I'm allowed to judge posts. Hence why I was asking what their context was and how they actually phrased their opinion when/if they say this irl or on their non-anonymous social media.

>I've never met a fatty that didn't have a complete double standard when it came to body shaming thin women.
Well I feel bad that you've happened upon a particularly shitty niche of fat people. I'd never shame my thinner friends, especially knowing that many of them suffered from body image disorders.
Just realize that your niche of annoying fatties is just that, a niche that doesn't account for every fattie ever.

>> No.8116035
File: 53 KB, 670x503, 670px-Buy-a-Well-Fitting-Bra-Step-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh I wish if I gained weight the weight would go into my tits not my ass/thighs (they're already big enough as it.). I'm just happy that when I lose weight my tiny 30E/F doesn't get any smaller...

>> No.8116040

Why does it bother you so much that in one sentence she mentions that lolita isn't flattering on fat girls?

>> No.8116048

I don't have a problem with fat people, but I do take issue with how hardcore the idea of "fat acceptance" goes. Unfortunately, my experience with fat girls isn't much different than the anon you replied to. I've met very few in lolita who weren't like that.

Should fat people be harassed over it? No
Should society treat being overweight like a totally fine thing that people shouldn't feel the need to change? Also no

>> No.8116049

Because it's not really true. I'm allowed to not like an opinion that I, and many others would think, is bullshit.

Not to mention I believe this to be a very thinly veiled strawman so the girl in the OP could go on a tirade about a fictional fat person that embodies everything about a fattie that pisses her off.
What does ripping dresses have to do with her body weight? That's a MENTAL case. She's implying all fatties are retards who don't know when something doesn't fit.

>> No.8116064
File: 115 KB, 800x1400, Band - Bust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol but 30E is tiny. How the fuck would guys tell you they're not proportional? You would have to be 3 feet tall and a bag of bones for them to look too big. I'm 5'3 and really skinny with a 30E cup size and they're so tiny.

>> No.8116066
File: 68 KB, 571x429, curvesvscurve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy from the UK. Best thing I ever did for my wallet...also there's curves vs. curve

>> No.8116068

>What does ripping dresses have to do with her body weight?
Uh... because the reason the dress ripped was because she was too fat for it?

Also, I don't see how you could dismiss the idea that lolita is not flattering on heavy people as bullshit. Lolita definitely draws more attention to someone being fat. I can't see how anyone could say otherwise unless it's straight up denial. Come to think of it, the only people I've ever heard deny this when not in the company of fatties are, well, fatties. Whatever you gotta tell yourself, I guess.

>> No.8116070

>I'm allowed to not like a simple fact because it hurts my feelings

>> No.8116075

>Uh... because the reason the dress ripped was because she was too fat for it?
Again, that has to do with her being stupid and not knowing what fits on her body. Not every fattie is an idiot who tries squeezing themselves into ill-fitting dresses, and gets pissed off when it happens not once, but four times.

>Lolita definitely draws more attention to someone being fat.
How does it necessarily do this?
And sorry, I'm a fattie and I dress really well. Even cgl's general consensus is that I look good, so, obviously your theory has exceptions even if it were true.

>> No.8116079

Yeah, I'm 30H and everyone thinks I have Ds unless they know how cup size works. I would have to be at least a K before shit started to look weird. Like others have stated, insecure fat girls will come up with the craziest shit to make themselves feel more attractive.

>> No.8116080

Oh, it's one of you people. You're no better than fatties who say that anyone who disagrees with them is "jealous." Just accept that not everyone is going to agree with you.

>> No.8116089

Just noticed all the typos. Please ignore those, mobile is a bitch sometimes.

>> No.8116094

Honestly I hate how thin I am. I'm pretty confident but my weight is one thing I really dislike. I can't easily gain weight due to health issues and weigh about 98 pounds, which is about 20-30 pounds underweight for my height.
I want to gain weight. I don't wanna look sick. I'm tired of hearing "lol u must be anorexic" or "i wish i was as skinny as u" no you don't. it sucks. I can't give blood, every time I at least make it past 100 the weight drops again or is only from my clothes. I recently just got my first coord (actually from a buy thread here) and the blouse barely fits because I'm small. The JSK only fits because you can tie it in the back and stuff.

>> No.8116103

She just admitted she was fat, lol. >>8116075
It's usually pretty easy to tell.

>> No.8116109


It is true. Fat people never look as good as thin people. In anything.

>> No.8116114


Post a pic then, fattie. Let's see how good you look.

>> No.8116128

ughhh as if boobloaf is something that only happens to chubby girls
I've got a 24" waist and 34" bust which is p small but if I try to shove myself in clothes that are too small I'll get fucking boobloaf.

>> No.8116136

holy shit, are you ok? health-wise I mean? how tall are you? I'm asking out of concern, not trying to be a dick. although asking in the first place might be a dick move. sorry if it is.

>> No.8116153

Meh, I've already won. I'm not going to draw unnecessary drama to myself, I've already got seagull's blessing to keep doing my thing. Your approval is entirely irrelevant. Problem?

>> No.8116169

I'm 5'2". I need to be at least 125. Besides being pre-mature I currently have a stomach issue I'm getting checked out in March. I've never been able to eat a whole lot, ever since I was a kid. It's either GERDs or chronic indigestion but I can't recall which one causes weight loss.
Honestly I feel fine most of the time, it just sucks when friend's want to do active or physical things and I can't really enjoy them. The worst days are when it feels like my stomach is in a knot. It also causes me to have these false "burps" that get stuck in my throat which is so embarrassing. Especially whenever I go to see a movie.
I've been doing yoga and trying to work out to at least get some muscle mass but it doesn't help much.

>> No.8116179

Actually at 5'2 100lbs isn't underweight, though "ideal" low weight is about 110lbs.

I'm 5'8, I look like a marshmallow at 125lbs.

It's not your fault if you physically can't eat much right now, my only suggestion for that is to make sure you're eating things that are very nutrient dense. That way even if you lose weight or at least don't get many calories, your body should stay relatively stable. So things like nuts, beans, and avacado.

If you're wanting to get muscle, yoga isn't really the thing to do since you're not actually doing any strength exercise.

>> No.8116182

>just accept not everyone is gonna agree with you
Right back at you, sweetie. Accept that most Lolitas think it's extremely unflattering on fat girls. youre adding tons of layers and poof onto an already fat person. You are living in complete denial if you think that's slimming. I have never seen a fatty chain who didn't look noticeably smaller outside of Lolita.

>> No.8116183

Oh gosh, that sounds like hell to live with. I'm not sure about the whole "you need to weigh 125 lbs" though. I'm 5'5" and 115 lbs and my bmi is in the normal range. According the the CDC normal for you would 101 to 136 lbs. I used to have a problem with gaining weight too, and for me taking vitamins and drinking lots of water helped. I know it sounds too simple but if that's not part of your regimen, maybe adding it would help? In any case, I don't think it would hurt.

>> No.8116185

This is exactly the type of shit people say when 4chan requests a pic. Also, given how ugly most of the people in self post threads are, it doesn't mean much that people haven't commented on your weight.

>> No.8116187

Everything you've posted just screams bitter hambeast

>> No.8116192

Really? Last time I talked to a doctor he said I was underweight, but that's been a while now. I can't even recall my bmi, so I might be normal and just feel too weak or small. Interesting.
I do yoga as a side thing, not as a muscle gainer. I am trying to actually work out though. Never had avocado so that'd be new. I've never

I've never taken vitamins as a daily thing, only for a bit of my childhood. I want to start getting them again because I know they'd help.
WATER MIGHT HELP TOO. I've been addicted to real juice drinks and the smoothie mixes like Naked's stuff (it's so good).

>> No.8116193

*take away the "I've never" part of that last sentence. Forgot I had it typed.

>> No.8116203

oh dear, please don't use smoothie mixes. Those are just pure sugar. Use real fruit(frozen or not), some honey, and either yogurt or milk(depending on what texture you want), you can even add protein in them to give some extra calories. Really do look into nutrition. Even if you don't get enough calories, you'll certainly feel a lot better, and honestly there's a lot of foods that are high in calorie, nutrient dense, and don't require a lot of space in your stomach.

>> No.8116207

Juice is good for you too :) Maybe try getting a second opinion on the whole weight thing or talk to your doctor more in depth. Everybody's body is different, so I could be wrong. Good luck with any health concerns you might have.

>> No.8116208

Also what this anon said. You can never go wrong with being a little healthier.

>> No.8116211

How do you look like a marshmallow at 5'8 and 125?
I'm an inch shorter but the same weight and I'm really skinny to the point where my ribs show, my legs are too skinny, and you can feel my butt bones. It's not sexy at all. I need to gain a little weight.
Where do you hold most of your weight?

>> No.8116216

I don't really use em, they're just good.
http://www.nakedjuice.com I only drink this type of stuff, however. I hate the taste of artificial fruits unless it's lemons or limes (I love citrus).
I've been looking into more calorie based foods though.
I don't think there's anything wrong with eating healthier. It's just unhealthy shit is stupidly good. Then again I've had some good healthy meals...

I'm positive they'll weigh me in and do a check up, but this isn't until March. It's with a gastrologist I believe. They couldn't get me in until then. We called in around... October, November maybe.

>> No.8116221

Juice has a lot of added sugar, I'd steer away from it unless you're making your own.

>> No.8116225

>nutrient-dense foods
What else would be good for weight gain without being very bland to eat or budget-busting? I recently lost a few pounds and 85lbs now, I'm pretty sure I'll peel up and sail away if I lose another 5lbs. My target weight is 100lbs, which I've never been successful at reaching.

>> No.8116226

I don't gain any of the weight in my chest, I have a short torso and wide "hips"(it's the actual pelvis that's wide), and I gain the weight around my tummy mainly with a bit on the thighs and butt so the definition in my waist is the first thing to go. Even at my current weight no one would think I was a bit underweight, I'm definitely thin, but I look "normal thin". There was a time I got sick(constant flu and food poisoning for a month) and dropped to around 90lbs, that's about the only time I started to look a bit sickly but my thighs were still plump and you can't make your pelvis thinner,+a round face. It was rather nice being able to stuff myself like a pig for 3 months to gain back the initial 20lbs.

So it's just a unfortunate combination of things. I could get to a higher weight without looking chunky, but I'd need access to a gym again, and about a year of training. I'm happy at my current weight apart from being skinny fat.

>> No.8116228

Oatmeal and just about anything with protein in it.

>> No.8116230

Drink some of your caloric intake, you don't need to juice or anything just make smoothies so you can supplement what you are eating.
Take stuff you like and find recipes and if you are worried so much about budget hit up a food bank, you shouldn't feel ashamed for using them, prioritize your health.
also oats and squats

>> No.8116233


>I don't want everyone to see what a fat, ugly ita I am

>> No.8116235
File: 386 KB, 1000x2481, z9PGMnP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also blame department stores and VS for having clueless fitters who will use the "sister-sizing system" to the extreme. Most people don't even know what their real size is.

>> No.8116240

Yes, please leave lolita. I wish all fat girls leave lolita, it's so embarassing to be seeing with them in meet ups, and most of them are really rude. Go bother someone else, it's enough to see fat people in the streets but fat girls in a fashion that's about being beautiful is just upsetting.

>> No.8116241

Anything that's high in protein. Honestly non-sugar peanut butter is really good to have with a little honey or jam, eggs, dried fruit, cheese(though you have to limit cheese a bit, and go for goat), and of course meat. Red meat will have more fat and calories, but if you just want lean protein go for fish or chicken.

Granola is another thing high in calories and nutrients, but you should really make your own since the store bought stuff is expensive and has too much sugar.
honestly you're going to need discipline to gain weight properly. It's a lot of eating EVERYDAY, and if you just eat junk, your body will feel it. Junk should be saved for once a day(if something small) or once a week(if you want something like a fast food meal). A lot of the failings on gaining weight are similar to failings in losing weight, just on the opposite spectrum.

>> No.8116244

I feel you on the short torso thing. I gain most of my weight in my chest then my stomach. My arms and legs are really skinny and having a short torso with a large chest makes my body look really weird.
If I go under 120 I look really sick then because my limbs are already naturally thin. I want to get up to 130 but I want it to be muscle weight not fat. Squats for life. I want an ass.

>> No.8116246

Depending on the photo angle and the type of legwear and shoes they wear, it possible that a fattychan's legs look more thinner in lolita, but the rest is total bullshit

>> No.8116252
File: 90 KB, 500x624, confuseddisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fatties in gyaru tag

>> No.8116256
File: 2.07 MB, 372x347, 77cVk6v.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, roll vs. curve

Honestly, though, I love marshmallow girls. Not morbidly obese, but chubby. There's something about cute, chubby girls in lolita fashion, with big curly wigs and nice shoes, that make me think of having tea time together.

>> No.8116258

Sorry for asking, but what are your measurements?

[spoiler]I'm asking because I have a similar height and weight as yours.

>> No.8116275


Have C's. but fit into small everything waist size. Boobs be like "Oh you want to get this over us? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" I've gotten stuck a few times.

>> No.8116285
File: 526 KB, 500x250, 1Sx4gA6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fatty here. I refuse to wear lolita until I lose much more weight (I'm a rate of 15lbs a month right now).

Tumblr in your post is 95% right. Stop being dellusional.

There are a few specific rules a fat girl has to go by in order to look nice in lolita, and very few brands will cater to those rules. Get over it.

>> No.8116307


>> No.8116316

I just read all the notes. Omg. All the fat girls are chiming it going "I LOOK FABULOUS SO W/E."

It's kind of sickening how they all take it so personally and are so quick to say fu. As big as yall are, it's not always about you.

>> No.8116361

You probably need to be adding a lot of protein to your smoothies, also don't use them as meal substitutes, use them between your meals. I find blending unflavored protein powder with smoothies or icecream is the easiest way to drink it. You also need to be lifting heavy weights to gain muscle mass (I'm guessing you don't want to just gain fat) and improve your overall strength/fitness. If you don't have access to weights, "Convict conditioning" has exercises that use your own body weight.
Look into what bodybuilders do to "bulk", usually it means eating 500cal more than your daily energy requirements (and as you gain weight you need to increased intake) as well as having the right ratio of nutrients (protein, fat and carbohydrates as well as vitamins)
If you have a small frame you probably only need to get to about 105-110lb to be healthy which is obviously a more achievable number; I'm 113lb and the same height and wouldn't want to be any heavier as it would all be put on as fat weight at this point in time.

Seconding oatmeal (although it can make you feel full), trail mix is also usually affordable and a good snack, protein powder smoothies with milk and icecream base, and eggs are also pretty good because of the protein although if you have a history of heart disease watch the cholesterol.

>> No.8116368

I don't use them as meal substitutes, I just really enjoy them as mini, drinkable treats. They're easier on my tummy.

>> No.8116400

could you add peanut butter to your drink? Easy way to bulk up a banana smoothie

>> No.8116402

Haven't tried it but I will next time.
It'll be like a peanut butter banana sandwich.
But without the bread.

>> No.8116409

Definitely add the protein then if you find them easy on your tummy. Peanut butter is more fats, protein powder should help balance out the smoothie more

>> No.8116423

Oh god, I used to have a friend like that too. Thankfully she grew out of it once we went to college.
She would mostly poke fun at my inexperience with men, she worded it a bit nicer by saying I looked 'young and inocent' instead of the straight up small boob jab.
I hope she's doing alright.

>> No.8116446

I usually got the same thing growing up. Lot of overweight people where I live. It's pretty much ingrained in the culture.

>> No.8116474

Nuts are good, especially if your stomach can't handle too much.

>> No.8116505

Thanks! I already have oatmeal for breakfasts.

I'll try adding peanut butter, thank you.
Smoothies, granola, and trail mixes have never been my thing. I didn't encounter them until late in my life and I have yet to develop a taste for them. Love eggs though.
>heart disease
Osteoporosis is probably what will get me later in my life. My low weight is already contributing to it.

Haven't been able to make a habit out of nuts since it takes a lot to stop feeling hungry and some nuts can get expensive. And it's like with eating Cheetos, I really don't like the sensation of getting my fingertips covered in salt/flavorings and then sucking them off.

>> No.8116508

I put shit like that in my sales posts all the time, I always considered it courteous so people don't get stuck with shit that doesn't fit. Fuck that rude bitch.

>> No.8116509

Even if you don't care for something too much, sometimes you just need to take the cherry medicine to get where you need.

Try adding more dry fruit to your granola.

>> No.8116531

I have 28E bra size and its not as if my boobs aren't proportional - they're actually quite small. If anything, it's my ass that's disproportionate. I don't know why you think your boobs are large because they aren't compared to someone with a bigger band size. It's comparable to an average sized person's B or maybe C cup.

>> No.8116544

Yeah because it doesn't end well. Ever. No matter how good the person looks because anon get spiteful.
Why not post a pic of yourself to prove how much better you look in lolita than the standard fattie if it's no big deal to you? Exactly.

>> No.8116776

In my experience that 'niche' does account for every fat woman I've ever met. Where I'm concerned, fat women who DON'T constantly push how superior they are to thin women are the minority. I've only ever known one fat girl who didn't tell me I was unattractive to men (and therefore inferior) and she was a lesbian.

>> No.8116793

One reply says "you'd think a lolita would be more classy and less rude". It's like butthurt loli bingo.

>> No.8116794

This is my experience as well as pretty much all my other thin friends. I would hardly think of it as a "niche". It's definitely a common enough phenomenon where it's not unreasonable to have your guard up around them.

>> No.8116807

I wouldn't say 30e is disproportionate, but it's definitely big. Then again my idea of big is based on proportion. Like, if a skinny girl has DDs, I'm going to think "ooh sexy big boobies" whereas with fatties I expect them to have tits the size of my head, so I don't think of it as anything special, even if they're way bigger. As for being the size of an average b or c, speaking from a male point of view, there's definitely a difference. Maybe not in actual boob size, but the proportional difference is very noticeable.

>> No.8116812

Jesus christ, don't buy things if you KNOW they won't fit you or prepare to get them altered.

Fat girls can look great in lolita but these girls always know their figure and wear stuff that is the right size for them and flatters them.

>> No.8116824

Depends on boob shape too. If you've got top heavy, touching boobs with a lot of forward projection they're gonna look way bigger than someone with wide spaced, wide root/shallow boobs even if you have the same size breasts

>> No.8116847

I understood it that her boobs got bigger, not big, but fat friends claimed they are "not proportionate".

Pic is a pure gold. I've heard a lot about UK brands, just need to stop being paranoid about buying a bra without trying it first.

But you can be skinny and still have big underbust measurement, what results in lower cup at the same bust size - it depends on your body build. Proportions are way more complicated that skinny vs fat.

>> No.8116860

Very true. I have the same size as other girls I know, but I have both shallow and wide breasts, so fitting into brands with notoriously small bust sizes is actually fairly easy for me, even though I'm towards the slightly larger end of the spectrum.

>> No.8116865

can you buy from asos where you are? They're awesome on good sizing. I got a Lepel fiore bra I love through them on super discount sale. Also, lepel fiore is good on sizing. Highly recommend.

To reiterate what is always said, /r/abrathatfits on reddit is win-win. They often review bras so you know what is worth the price in your size and shap. For example: Dita von Tease's bras run small, size up in the cup but the band should be good.

>> No.8116878

> tfw fat
> tfw reading this thread

time to go into hiding until I'm skinny.

But really more on topic I've never met other fat girls in real live who would spend all their time shaming skinny girls to be honest.

>> No.8116886

it's a lot of bullshit anon. I have fat friends in college and none of them have treated me poorly or shamed me. I think the girls itt are underage and in high school.

>> No.8116894

Yeah, I mean I'm going to be honest and say I shamed about being thin a handful of times, mostly in defense to getting the opposite said to me and maybe once out of sheer frustration but never like how anons are talking here about it.

>> No.8116897


As an ex fatty I say she's actual bang on. If it doesn't fit the item gets damaged and that is not the brands fault.
She's brutally honest but sometimes it just has to be said, she didn't bully/bash the girl or anything from what I can tell. Yes, she is opinionated and a little harsh but she's also right on this one.
If you stretch something so far the seams burst it's so tight it can't be comfortable nor will it look good. Wearing something ill-fitting can definitely make you look terrible.
However, this isn't just an issue with fat Lolitas, even though I weigh only 50 kilo's now I still have trouble fitting some really old school stuff.
There are skirts out there with a 60cm waist or less, or thing with a 80cm bust or less and most skinny western people don't fit that either.
Sure there are people that probably try.
As for some of the skinny Lolitas bashing the plus sized community, just ignore the putrid bile they spew. Stand above it.
Just make an awesome coord, one that fits well and wear it with pride. Rock on!

>> No.8116898


Yep. If it smells like bait and talks like bait it's baito.

>> No.8116933

Is 98 THAT underweight at 5'2? I'm pretty much exactly the same height and weight, and while I know I'm very slightly underweight, I think I look fine. I have a very small frame, so I think if I got much bigger, I'd look terrible, though, so I guess if your build is different you could look unhealthy.

>> No.8117004

thanks to this threat I got curious and deside to look at bras I wear.
One 34AA and another 30B, how this even work

>> No.8117012

Those are sister sizes. A 32A might fit you as well.

>> No.8117013

Thank you! I didn't look on Asos, but it may be worth check out during sales. It's mostly just me being afraid of buying bra online, so I can't try it on before purchase. And having hard time adjusting to price point - earlier I was 75C (no idea, if it was really my size, but it was ok), which you can find everywhere for as cheap as you wish.

Don't hide. Just wear clothing that fits and is flattering to your body shape. The fatties people have problem with are delusional ones. If you don't have to put others down to feel better, more power to you!

I wish anon, I wish. I've never received as harsh comment as some posted here, but everytime I mentioned I wanted to loose some weight, always at least one fat person had to suggest how I must hate myself and be weak for conforming to others' standards. How I should be happy who I am etc. You could easily tell they were feeling attacked, even without any comment being directed at them. And I'm talking about girls I know from uni, all 20+.

>> No.8117018

My best friend friend in the world is extremely large and has never once made such comments to me. Unfortunately, though, she's the only one out of six I've been friends with that I can think of off the top of my head. Almost all my skinny friends have had more or less the same experience.

>it's a lot of bullshit anon. I have fat friends in college and none of them have treated me poorly or shamed me.

Or maybe they've just had completely different experiences than you? My experience with larger ladies like this was not just in high school. I take it you've spent zero time on Tumblr if this is such a crazy concept to grasp that you think everyone's bullshitting. Half of the "fat acceptance" bullshit on there is belittling skinny girls.

>> No.8117039

>Or maybe they've just had completely different experiences than you?
Okay, then why can't this logic be applied to anyone else bitching itt about fatties? Maybe their bad experiences with fatties are just their experiences only. It doesn't mean all fat people are fucky hypocrites who can't into clothes.

>you've spent zero time on Tumblr
You're right, I fucking don't because Dumblr isn't reality.

>> No.8117047

Sister sizes, I assume that you are on the tightest for the 34 and loosest for the 30, and your actual band size is then 32. It only goes one level up or down though.

>> No.8117049

>forming opinions about groups of people based on the things you read on Tumblr posted by a vocal minority
That's like fedorabeards saying that all women are evil because they read some of the most offensive feminazi posts against men on tumblr.

>> No.8117054

I think anon was saying that 30DD looks bigger than say a 38B because even though they're essentially the same size, the 30DD is gonna look much bigger proportionately. The 38B only has a 2 inch difference between bust/underbust, where as 30DD is 5, so their boobs are going to look bigger for their body.

I'm 28DDD and even though my tits aren't as intense as DDD makes most people think, I get a lot of people commenting on how big they are. Not strangers or anything creepy, but every now and then, I'll hang out with a somewhat newish friend outside of lolita for the first time and they'll say something along the lines of "holy shit, anon, your boobs are fucking huge".

Not sure why he felt the need to specify from a "male perspective", though. That's not just something a guy would pick up on, anyone with eyes can see that.

>> No.8117063

This, if you're basing your opinion on this whole matter on what you're reading on tumblr you really need to go out.

>> No.8117068

>completely disregarding the part about personal experience
I was just mentioning Tumblr because it's such a massive thing on there and you, for some reason, refuse to believe that there's a large portion of large girls who do this, which that site is infested with.

I'm not saying fat girls all do this, you're right that saying that is no better than the fedorabeards. However, given my experiences and the stories I've heard from numerous friends, I would just be being overly PC if I denied that a large portion of fat girls do this.

Honestly, given that you're in /cgl/, I have no idea why it's so hard to believe that fat girls would bash skinny ones out of insecurity. You're on a site full of insecure people who rip apart anyone prettier than them.

>> No.8117072

Different anon, but I love that you guys are only focusing on the tumblr part and no other part of the post. Just goes to show how much people will tune shit out if it doesn't mesh with their world view.

>> No.8117074

>refuse to believe that there's a large portion of large girls who do this

Sorry, but to prove there's a "large portion" of any group doing anything you need numbers and evidence. I have no reason to believe all fat girls on tumblr buy into fat acceptance and bash anyone thinner than them because you've browsed a few offensive tumblr posts--which you've no doubt purposefully been looking for. You can't prove it because of your anecdotal experience.

>given that you're in /cgl/, I have no idea why it's so hard to believe that fat girls would bash skinny ones out of insecurity
Hah, what? Actually, given that I'm on /cgl/, I have more reason to believe people would bash the looks of fatties (re: anyone weighing over 140) because bashing "unattractive" persons makes people feel better about themselves.

I don't recall ever seeing a pretty, thin girl being bashed without vendetta being called. But I have seen well-dressed chubby chans and marshmallow cosplays get bashed without anyone batting an eye. And if it's called out, then the person bashing is only "concerned about their health."

>> No.8117076

That's the consequence when you say something that distractingly stupid, it muddies your credibility to say anything valuable.

>> No.8117093

You lost me. Everyone knows that fatties are routinely hated and bashed on cgl more than thin girls.

>> No.8117095

What do you expect from fatties and SJWs? I mean, really?

The term "jealous fatty" exists for a reason, people.

I myself have luckily never had to deal with any fatties like that (though I've only had two fat friends in my entire life) but I've observed enough at meets and know enough girls who have put up with this shit to know anyone who says it's not a thing is living in a blissfully ignorant fantasy world.

>> No.8117108

Large portion=/=all

Also, I never purposely looked for them, they pop up on my dashboard.

How are you in this much denial that many fat girls like to bash skinny ones? I'm not saying all, I'm not saying most, I'm just saying a lot. Because it's true. Deny it all you want, but that won't change anything.

Also, clearly you haven't been here that long if you've never seen people nitpick the shit out of pretty girls.
How is it that stupid? I was pointing out that if she really can't grasp her head around the fact many of these people exist, then clearly she hasn't been on Tumblr. Just like if someone tried to tell me there was not a large number of SJWs, I would direct them to Tumblr.
This is true, but thin pretty girls are also bashed a lot. Not so much in lolita related threads, but post any pretty cosplayer and there will be multiple people nitpicking at the stupidest shit.

>> No.8117113

Stop, anon. Just stop.

The truth shatters their view that fatties are all a bunch of perfect fluff angels who would never stoop to body shaming thin girls. After all, it's not like there's a widespread saying like "real women have curves" chanted among them like their own Declaration of Independence or anything like that. It's not like there's many women who have similar stories. Nope, clearly fatties are never mean catty bitches the way those nasty twigs are. Skinny girls are the only ones capable of being mean.

>> No.8117116

Why are you in such denial that there are an equal number of unreasonable bitches on BOTH sides who bash each other? Anyone who calls you on your shit is an SJW now because nobody is buying that thin girls are victims? Fuck you, no wonder tumblr makes you a sensitive wreck because you can't accept that's where vocal minorities voice their shit.

>> No.8117120

>tumblr isn't reality
This is true, but when there is a mass number of different fat chicks saying the exact same shit on their blog, clearly there's a pattern. You don't deny the existences of SJWs, do you? Or are those just as rare as the mythical bitchy fat girl in your world?

>> No.8117124

I like how nobody itt said that fat people can do no wrong and only disagreed with the victim complex anon who can't accept that tumblr attracts very vocal crazy people and isn't a good indicator of reality.

>> No.8117127

There's a large number of people who bash fat people too. There's a pattern there as well. Why not focus how fat shaming in general is bad instead of pretending that thin people receive all the shit in society when that's far from the case?

>> No.8117131

>fat shaming
I meant to say body shaming.

>> No.8117141

... when did I ever accuse anyone of being a SJW? I just asked if those weren't real, too. I also never said both sides don't bash each other? I'm starting to question if you're even reading the posts or just getting butthurt at a few specific keywords.

>Fuck you, no wonder tumblr makes you a sensitive wreck because you can't accept that's where vocal minorities voice their shit.
Your focus on Tumblr, despite the fact I said straight up multiple times now that I'm speaking mostly from personal experience, just shows that you really refuse to accept reality. That's all you've been acknowledging, despite the numerous stories in the thread of girls who had pretty much the same experiences.

Large girls can be just as awful as skinny ones, sometimes a lot more. Deal with it and stop trying to act like heavy girls are incapable of being massive bitches.

>> No.8117143

___shaming is often fought back with more shamming. Or the usual " I don't care anyways" with brings the argument back to base 1 when the shamed person decides that they cant take it anymore(again). People want their own body type to be the wanted/university desired body type.

>> No.8117146

Why is everyone ignoring the thing about personal experience?
See >>8117108
>I was pointing out that if she really can't grasp her head around the fact many of these people exist, then clearly she hasn't been on Tumblr. Just like if someone tried to tell me there was not a large number of SJWs, I would direct them to Tumblr.

>> No.8117148

>weh wehh I'm speaking from personal experience
And multiple people have told you, time and again, that personal experiences are just your experiences.
Nobody, not even me, said large girls are incapable of being bitches you fucking faggot.

But you are complaining about being victimized by fatties when you are posting in a thread that's dedicated to bashing fatties. Makes no god damn sense.

>> No.8117150

... no one is saying that thin people receive more shit from society. That's some projection there, I'm afraid.

>> No.8117151

>But you are complaining about being victimized by fatties when you are posting in a thread that's dedicated to bashing fatties. Makes no god damn sense.

It's their attempt to turn it back around.
>I think fat people look ugly in lolita no matter what.

>> No.8117154

I'm not really complaing about it, just pointing out that 99% of the shit I've got for my looks has been from fat girls. You're the one who initially said these stories were all bullshit, I was simply informing you this is a thing.

Honestly, judging by your rage levels, I'm wondering if this was close to home?

>> No.8117156

>You're the one who initially said these stories were all bullshit
No I didn't, I just pointed out my experience with fat people were good and that it was no reason for you to conclude that "a large number of fatties" do this to everybody because of your personal experience.

I don't know why you're arguing with me. Mad because I'm not agreeing with you? Blooboo


>> No.8117163


I also buy from the UK. In NL it's hard to find bras with large cups with a band size under 75. It's a pain to find 65 or 70 here. UK has nice bras with small bands that also don't break the bank!

>> No.8117170


Not really, I just used a calculator and got this:
"Normal weight for this height is 101 - 137 lb (46 - 62 kg)" so she's only 3 measlely lbs off the mark. Personally, people mostly look best at a mbi of 19 or 20, and she's 17(.92).
I'm 5'1 and 50 kilo's (110lbs) and a bmi of 20. I'm not super skinny and allowed to weigh 98lbs actually.

>> No.8117172

this thread made me get off my butt and work out
thanks gulls

>> No.8117174

i've always pondered this, but what if skinny girls stormed stores like lane bryant, torrid, and plumprimo and demanded they make smaller sizes? what, then?

>> No.8117184

>it's a lot of bull shit, anon
Your exact words that I responded to.

>I don't know why you're arguing with me
I only replied to your first post (rather politely I might add) you're the one who has taken a defensive and hostile tone throughout the entire conversation.

I haven't said anything fat bashing in this thread at all. You're projecting others onto me.

>> No.8117185

this is beyond retarded. you are beyond retarded.

the reason these stores exist is because a majority of trendy clothing is made for slim/average bodies, and plus-sizes get shafted. plus-size brands like those just co-opt and adapt trends from regular brands and size them up, they're not putting out anything revolutionary that a skinny girl couldn't find elsewhere in her size, and if you had gone and actually thought about it for a fucking second you probably might've figured it out on your own

>> No.8117195

>never got the tits
>small c cup

Suddenly I feel worse about my small b's

>> No.8117197

B here, I know that feel (?)

>> No.8117203

Right? All the c cups in here are like "well now I know I don't have that big of boobs but..." Imo c's are big.

>> No.8117254

Remember that cup size doesn't mean much without the band! I'm a 30C, so I can say I'm a C-cup, but it's the same volume as a 32B or a 34A (or a 28D!). I would be considered pretty flat.

Properly measured, you could be a C, too--the letters are a really bad indication of actual size.

>> No.8117261

You post a picture too and everyone else in the topic can compare And see who is more terrible. In all honesty, whenever I see lolitas in the self-post thread I'm always underwhelmed.

>> No.8117263

I get what anon was saying and I agree that generally speaking he is right and by any means I'm not trying to counter his words. The only thing I wanted to clarify was assumption that every skinny person has big cup, because has small underbust size (opposite to fat person), what doesn't have to be true.

I would trade my D for B or even A any time.

>> No.8117268

How fat are you? Cause 15 a month is super unhealthy, and you gonna have disgusting droopy skin.

>> No.8117271

Really? Most of trendy clothing stores are actually increasing their measurements. If this trend keeps up soon I'd be forced to shop only in kids section, because most of women brands make clothing that barely fits, even in smallest sizes. I've seen plump girls easily being able to fit into S/36, which are meant to be average sizes.

>> No.8117277

That is not chubby. I'm at that now and I weighed 52 at the same length and all I've gained is a little bit more at the stomach. I still fit into all the same clothing. I'm just going down to 56 from here.

>> No.8117281


I'm 1.60 meters, went from 46 kg to 40, and I looked like a fucking prepubescent because I just lost my boobs completely. Although it was probably also due to a very unhealthy lifestyle as well (I was very stressed out during that time period, and forgot to eat at points).

Thank fuck I put weight back on. It was actually starting to get worrying.

>> No.8117436

How much do you weigh now?

>> No.8117760

30E is the same volume as a B maybe C cup.

>> No.8117770

I personally am not fat. I have thick thighs but otherwise mini waist. I personally LOVE curvy lolitas, but there is a difference between being a 'fat lolita' and FUCKING WEARING CLOTHES TOO SMALL FOR YOU AND RIPPING THEM. I fully understand wearing lolita but DO NOT buy clothes too fucking small for you, rip them, and blame them on the fucking quality. There is nothing wrong with fat lolitas, but if you're too fat to wear any of the clothes, become a handmade, wear offbrand, OR FUCK OFF.

>> No.8117793

>become a handmade

>> No.8117804
File: 18 KB, 468x70, wellfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of which.

>> No.8117814

this is the first time I've been introduced to the term boobloaf. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8117820

You mean 38B and 36C? Those are basically land whales with no tits compared to someone with 30E

>> No.8117837

I didn't consider that. My breasts are the shallow, wide boobs which is why they appear so small I suppose.

>> No.8117839

The way fat logic works when it comes to boobs is that proportion isn't a thing to consider. It doesn't matter if your tits are huge for your body, unless they're the size of a 40DDD hambeast's, they're small no matter how tiny you are.

>> No.8117858

I was going to counter that, but then I realized that big girls are the only people who have ever said my breasts aren't large.

>> No.8117871

Male here.

I absolutely don't find fat lolitas attractive.

Skinny Lolitas look better and can be more easily picked up during sex. The thought of getting them pregnant is more satisfying too.

>> No.8117875

Good for you anon! Keep up the good bait!

>> No.8117888

LOL. You guys are losers, that's what vocal minorities are: LOSERS.

I warned you cgl. I warned you about how many SJWs were coming here.

I warned you.

>> No.8117894


Now post some cute lolitas.

>> No.8117929

98lb anon here. Honestly it probably is my frame. My ribs are kinda obvious (you can almost feel under them. I know I can) and the way I'm built makes me look like a child. I still need to get healthy though. I'm not always 98lb, this is probably the highest weight I've been in a while.
125 is my mark because that's the proper weight at my height to give blood.
And so I'll stop being called anorexic.
I never knew my BMI so when I was weighed last check up they called me underweight. I probably should have calculated it again.

>> No.8118025

Did anyone else see the hilarious tumblr follow up post? It was spammed to the tags too.

>> No.8118047

>fatty thinking they look better than a skinny person
>m-muh curves

There is no outfit on earth that makes a fatty look better than a skinny person

>> No.8118114

Please post link. This sounds too good.

>> No.8118118

Full skirts and petticoats just make big people look even bigger.

>> No.8118211

This thread made me even more annoyed at fat lolitas

>> No.8118472


Now, keep in mind I agree with the just of the first op, and basically agree with these girls points, but the way she wrote this out is super lulzy.

>> No.8118623

If you don't want to see fatties, then kill them. Otherwise stop whining and just ignore them, and I doubt that all fat people are rude. Some fat people are extremely rude, same for any size person. Example: you

>> No.8118626

What are you smoking? I was chubby at 65kg, now I'm at 57kg and look fucking fine. 60kg is not fatty boob territory at her height.

>> No.8118996

ouch, that burn was hot!

>> No.8119015

5'3 185 reporting.

I pretty much agree with everything here >>8115968. Nobody gives a shit about my weight because I dress well and look chubbychan at worst. Problem is, so many girls assume everyone overweight is a 280 pound hamplanet who can't dress themselves. We all know about those obese sperglords who screech fat acceptance, but those are rare outside of tumblr unless your comm is shit to begin with. People itt need to calm down.

>> No.8119056

I'm also kind of a fatty and I have to say since I'm mostly t&a, I look disastrous in some cuts, but others look really flattering on me. Especially everything a-line.

>> No.8119099

And this is why /fit/ hates fatties. Their mindset. "You can't tell me anything negative, it's fat shaming, but I'm totally allowed to say whatever I want about anyone I want because I'm "oppressed". You skinny little priveleged slut"
>tl;dr fuck fatties. Fuck those fucking fuckers.

>> No.8119104

Cosplay has (well, should have) weight limits. If you're too fat to play something well, either lose weight, or cosplay something else.

>> No.8119105

>Or is "curvy" new "big boned"?
>tfw you're both curvy and big boned
>tfw you can't call yourself either of those lest people think you're calling yourself fat
Whales need to stop appropriating thin people words.

>> No.8119106

But I went from B cup to A...

>> No.8119112

>thin people words
Jesus Christo this made me cringe, stopppp.

>> No.8119117

So....this is a thread basically getting upset at tumblr, right?
>guise fatties are saying shit I don't agree with ON TUMBLR!!!

>> No.8119137

underrated post

>> No.8119145

Fatties need to stop shaming me, I can't help my genetics.

>> No.8119315

It's nice to see the ocassional Tumblr user who isn't full retard.

>> No.8119322

When is any 4chan board besides /y/ and /cm/ NOT bitching about Tumblr in some thread or another

The funny thing is most seagulls actually have Tumblrs

>> No.8119338

Nuts and whole milk are doing wonders for me.

>> No.8119344

I'm underweight and shaming you for "thin people words". Deal with it. Bone structure affects everyone genius

>> No.8119429

>There is no outfit on earth that makes a fatty look better than a skinny person
Normal person wandering past, well I don't normally post on /cgl/ but while I was on another board and AFK my girlfriend opened this.

This poster is 100% correct. Skinny is always better than fat, unless you take it too far and look like skeletor, and even then you're still more likely to get fucked than if you were fat.

>> No.8119441

..or if they're fucking ugly.
Skinnyness won't save you if you're facially rekt.
People will just call you a butterface,

>> No.8119451


>> No.8119455

Being a butterface is still better than being a hambeast and pretty to most people.

>> No.8119472

I'd rather be slightly overweight (re: fat) than be a butterface...shit at least fat people can diet and exercise.
You need plastic surgery to fix ugly, and then your kids are plagued with it.

>> No.8119487

I'm sorry, but 130+ pounds at anything under 5'5 is enough extra to potentially affect your tits.

>> No.8119495

When I say hambeast, I mean the level of fat where you'd actually probably need surgery to fix the extra skin left over anyway, not mildly overweight

>> No.8119500

My nigga. I'm underweight and just started drinking whole milk yesterday. My parents always bought 2%, and I only ever had it with cereal or in other things. Now I'm trying to drink it like water.

>> No.8119504

nah they'll call you ugly
source: me

>> No.8119509

I don't even get why it's "oppression." You have the fucking choice of losing the weight off of your body to become a skinny person if you wanted to. People face legitimate oppression for things they CANNOT change, like the color of their skin. To call fat shaming "oppression" just makes my blood boil.

>> No.8119523

I agree completely. I hate this commie bastard mentality that brand is a community investment or that lolita as a whole is compromised by the existence of one stupid ita who can't dress herself.

But let's be real, this entire thread is just an excuse to bash fat people on the internet.

>> No.8119630

So, racism wouldn't be oppression if skin color was a choice?

What about being gay? That might not be a choice, but you can choose whether or not you're in relationships with people of the same gender.

>> No.8119648

There's nothing wrong with being gay or any race, but there are things inherently wrong with being an obese fuck.

>> No.8119656


I could bleach and tone my hair ,take chemical baths, nose surgery.Most people are oppressive to a race only by looks. I could chose to look less black and "pass" but then I would just be in denial of my race(in homos case orientation).

>> No.8119661

The case with being big is that being big is actually not good. Fat can crush bones,babies,whatever else in a body.

>> No.8119669

>I think all of you would do better mentally to stop treating lolita clothes as items that belong to a community.

See, this is where you're getting the wrong impression. Lolita is a community, a fashion community. It's not about muh stretched burando, it's about having to be seen with fatties wearing clothes so tight that they'll pop with a yawn. I doubt that most people actually resent the fatty for just ruining a super spechul dress, rather, they resent them for looking like total trash and forcing everyone to be around them, when they themselves can't get over the fact that they're too fat for a dress. I've worked tooth and nail to be able to wear the dresses I love, and when I was fat, I sucked it up and dealt with it. Boo-fucking-hoo. Everything is not for everyone, get over it.

Another thing, I can't even take you seriously when you try to argue against fatties looking like shit in lolita, and then proceed to say all skinny girls look worse in it. You just sound bitter.

>> No.8119674

>Most people are oppressive to a race only by looks.
Not entirely true. Racism boils down more to cultural differences than just looks. It's really only due to mostly looks in the western world(mostly america) I can guarantee that the average westerner couldn't tell a vietnamese person from a chinese person, by looking, but both of them could tell and hate eachother for it.

>> No.8119710

>I doubt that most people actually resent the fatty for just ruining a super spechul dress
But they do. Looking bad in offbrand or bodyline is ita, look bad in burando and everyone goes "mah dream dressu :(((". Girls are bat shit crazy about the things they don't have but really want. It's not even just about weight. You ever felt a little pissed when you see someone wear a coord with an item you've been trying to get your hands on for months and it looks really shitty and does it no justice at all? When people lose their shit over brand being destroyed it's the same feeling except more permanent. That dress is not just worn really badly, it will forever be unavailable to you.

>> No.8119724

I think you're still overreacting, and missing the point that they are indeed doing that, but they're also forcing everyone to be seen with them.

>> No.8119747

Clothing should not fit like potato sack but it shouldn't look you're squeezing into a sausage casing either. As a guy my insights into how to make women's clothing look better is limited but here are some general insights.

Posture! Stand up straight and you'll gain a half inch to an inch or so. Imagine there is a wire from the ceiling attached to the tip of your head pulled taut. Put your shoulders back instead of hunching over. One book recommended instead of trying to pin you shoulder blades together imaging pushing them out to the sides and they will naturally go back and open.

>> No.8119750


Eat slowly and chew your food before swallowing. If you eat quickly you won't even taste most of the food which means you need to eat more to get the same satisfaction.
Eat better quality food. Proper preparation, cooking and spicing/flavoring can produce better tasting food without changing the ingredients and calories significantly. Again, you won't need to eat as much to get the same satisfaction. I had a sorbet at a yuppie ramen joint once that was $9 for something the size of a golf ball. It came with a tiny little spoon the size of a q-tip. It seemed like a rip off until I tasted it and the flavor was even more intense than an entire spoonful of normal sorbet. The flavor also lingered on the tongue for 15-20 seconds. That tiny desert took a half hour to eat and was more satisfying than a pint of ice cream.
For exercise I prefer calisthenics, basic bodyweight exercises. There is no equipment to buy and you can do it anytime so it's easy to fit into your schedule. You could even start right this moment if you wanted to.

>> No.8119781
File: 1.88 MB, 5120x3200, this is a D-DD cup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you measuring properly? These are Ds...

>> No.8119795

32D here, no it isn't big at all.

Repeat after me: bra size is a ratio.

>> No.8119817

>If anything, fatter girls look better in lolita than any other fashion genre they can get into. Petticoats are good for concealing gut, and the conservative nature of the fashion is ideal for covering up problem areas, like flabby arms.
so what you're saying is fat girls look better in lolita because it covers them up? Then I agree with you. if only there were lolita style masks so they could cover even more up

>> No.8119845

Literally what is even the point of fat women?

It's broadcasting to the world "I'm actually so lazy and worthless that I can't even do the bare minimum to make myself presentable."

>> No.8119851

Pretty much. Look at countries other than America, everyone is generally so much skinner. Then we have America, home of fried chicken, greasy pizza, and couch potatoes.
Fatties wonder why they're fat, it's because of shitty diets and not enough exercise.

>> No.8119860

Some women like to eat; some males like women who like to eat. I think society would be a little less interesting without this diversity.

>> No.8119868

>200 pounds and organs being crushed = "I like to eat"

Are you the one who keeps inventing all those words for fatass on dating sites?

At least be more honest about them, please. You're not a BBW, SSBBW, curvy, full-figured, or big-boned woman. You are a takesuptoomuchspaceonthesubway, burdenonthemedicalsystem, goingtodiebefore40, incapableofchildbirth, smellymonsterwithagunt.

>> No.8119873

*some women don't take care of themselves
you can eat, but if you're eating shit that clogs arteries and makes you feel like you need a nap afterwards and not exercising it's more than just liking food.

>> No.8119874

I bet all of you that think its acceptable for fat people to sausage themselves into shit, probably dress really shitty outside of lolita.

you're fashion stupid. Congrats, cherish this moment.

>> No.8119886

>read the thread before posting

>> No.8119894

Not all overweight women are 200 pounds; there's a huge amount of different variations, from just having a little muffin top, to morbidly obese. While I agree that the morbidly obese risk serious health issues, this is not the majority.

>> No.8119896

I'll never understand this
>"I'm so proud of muh curves!"
>stuffs self into clothes much too small
I see it all the time, even with girls who are just chubby, their fat just spilling out the top of their jeans. Jeans that fit you won't fucking do that, must you squeeze yourself into that much-too-small-size? If they don't have your size in the style you want, move on, there are other jeans out there.
Like, if I like a pair of shoes but they're 4 size too big for me, should I be surprised that people think it's ridiculous that I look like I'm wearing mommy's shoes?

>> No.8119907

second anon here. Yes there are huge variations in being overweight, but it's just variations of being unhealthy. Not saying only overweight people are unhealthy (there was an underweight anon posting further up), but it is unhealthy.

>> No.8119911

This. It's embarassing to be seen with the badly dressed fatties that strain to fit their dresses. Yes there are some nicely dressed ones too who are fine but most are the first kind.

>> No.8119912

Furthermore, the responses to the underweight anon was extremely helpful and she took advice and sounded appreciative. If you do that with an overweight person, for the most part, they feel like they're being attacked and respond viciously. It doesn't make any sense.

>> No.8119914

How is having a some extra fat unhealthy? I'm not talking about the obese, here.

>> No.8119919

Some extra fat =/= overweight. a small muffin top is not overweight. it's not called fat. Now, you start getting into larger muffin tops (only a cause of wearing clothes too small btw) it's fat. It's normal to have a little bit of fat. But if you're over your BMI, it turns into being fat and consequently unhealthy.

>> No.8119942

If you are wearing clothes that fit you, why would this post bother you? Most (though not all) Lolitas are pretty ok with heavier girls who dress for their weight.

>> No.8119951

Why not just lose some fucking weight. It's not that hard.

>> No.8119954

But, how is that unhealthy, unless you become obese?

>> No.8119961

I don't encourage anyone to get into/stay in lolita if they are too big for most 1/2 shirred brand. As a rule, bigger than that IS 'too fat' by many people's standard of what looks good in Lolita
>>8115402 if that makes you feel like leaving, maybe you should think about it.

>> No.8119966

Not OP but being overweight is still unhealthy.

You don't have to be obese to be considered unhealthy, when you become obese then it become a more serious problem but being overweight is still a health problem.

>> No.8119975

You're saying that it's unhealthy, but you're not saying why it's unhealthy. Remember that you can still exercise when you're overweight.

>> No.8119986

Not that anon, but having too much fat by itself is what is unhealthy. The issues obese or overweight people have are caused by the fat more than just the weight. I mean come on, look this shit up.

>> No.8119987

I agree with this. For some reason, people find it ridiculous to lose weight to fit into clothing better, but it's a good motive.
I've been losing weight because I'm tired of seeing measurements for burando/cute clothes that are too small for me and you know what? It's totally worth it.
I'm into breathing and not feeling like an overstuffed sausage. It's made me less insecure and healthier so there's nothing to lose.
Losing weight is hard at first but it eventually becomes your lifestyle.

>> No.8119992

Haha, I just bought an AP dress with no shirring and it's going to take a lot of working out to lose enough to fit into it (im chub anyway) but it's really great motivation because I love the dress so much!

I was going for a run today and thinking "do it for the dress!"

>> No.8120006

You need to stop triggering me, internet bullying is NOT okay and shouldn't be condoned, same with ableist language.

>> No.8120098

But where's the lie in her post?

>> No.8120109

It's usually the badly dressed fatties crying on these threads. Aside from isolated vendettas, well dressed ones rarely get posted or singled out unless they are really huge or being bitchy.

>> No.8120192

This. You have to know how to dress according to your size. You can still make yourself look amazing in lolita even if you don't wear brand.

looking lolita appropriate and well dressed > wearing ill-fitting brand

>> No.8120707

Fat & dumb. The dumb is probably why the fat.

>> No.8120709

>For some reason, people find it ridiculous to lose weight to fit into clothing better

Or find it more appealing to just complain that they need to lose weight but do nothing about it, then make remarks about how fat they are or how things don't fit them around their friends to manipulate their friends into being forced to say "Oh no anon, you're not... fat..."

>> No.8120718

I think Japan and France are interesting and the majority of people there are thin. Bloobloo.

>> No.8120726

Protip: There is no such thing as being "big boned" ie your bones are what make you fat.

>> No.8121159

yes this is such a good attitude!!

>> No.8121325

No but it is a way to describe having a wider build. Which can make you look stocky. Not claiming to be, just disgusted by the concept of "thin people words"

>> No.8121330

>but it is a way to describe having a wider build

You mean "fat." Which is the best, most accurate word.

>> No.8121338

That's going to changes your boobs quickly lol

>> No.8121572

If fat = bone then yeah, you're right

Poor choice of words, but they probably meant words to describe thin people.

>> No.8122125

>not understanding how being overweight is unhealthy
Oh my fucking God, if you're not underage this is the most pathetic thing I've read in this thread.

>> No.8122781

how about everyone who's even just chubby read the /fit/ sticky and lose some weight. Why? because it is worth it and you'll feel better because of it. A rule of thumb, if theres a guy you're after/have. You want to weigh less than them unless they are really skeletal.

>> No.8122977

Go back to /fit/. I'm not even a fattie, I just think you need to stay where your opinion might matter to someone.