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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 53 KB, 368x624, rp2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8106766 No.8106766 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a historical costuming thread.

Pointers, favorite patterns or shops for dresses or accessories or historical makeup, favorite historical costumes, etc etc

>> No.8106847

Have some cool tutorials I have found:


>> No.8106937

oh god yes.

for all things victorian, i can't say enough about truly victorian's patterns. getting ready to work on a late bustle ensemble here. also trying to plan out an 18c polonaise

>> No.8107277
File: 105 KB, 790x520, shepherdess6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this person didn't delete their website. They made a lot of interesting historical costumes, like this one based on the "rich ass ladies dressed as shepherdesses" trend in the 18th century

>> No.8107278
File: 49 KB, 450x442, reine9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a nice floofy chemise a la reine

>> No.8107281
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>will never wear 18th century clothing to Marie Antoinette's hamlet

why live

>> No.8107459
File: 297 KB, 800x1128, tumblr_nhhapbYiE71qlijqyo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about doxiequeen? I don't know much about historical costumes, but her stuff is really pretty.

>> No.8107465

her stuff is prettyyyyyyyyyy

>> No.8107498

Her stuff is very lovely. She definitely makes more costumes then historical reproductions in my experience. Which is fine; it's just a choice of what you want to do.

>> No.8107504

Wow. She and her stuff are just so pretty.

Okay, so what's the drama with her? Few people are this lovely with no drama.

>> No.8107532

I think she was banned from being underage or something like that.

>> No.8107579

Could you share tumblr of good costum makers with me ?

>> No.8107603

banned from where?

>> No.8107611


>> No.8107634

Her stuff is pretty but none of it has actually been historically accurate.

>> No.8107794
File: 37 KB, 400x600, hanfu__19_by_marc008-d64r0hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some non-European historical costumes

>> No.8108258

Ugh I want to do a late 18 polonaise too, but I am a bit scared of fucking it up.

>> No.8108311

to put it succinctly, if you have proper undergarments and do a muslin first, you probably won't fuck it up! i cannot say enough about doing your pattern research.....the GBACG has a pattern review site that has reviews of all the major historical pattern companies' patterns, and i'd recommend sifting through any polonaise gown patterns listed.

>> No.8108326

I would wear dresses like this almost everyday if I could sew or afford to have them made.

>> No.8108368

Does anyone have a pattern for an 18th century Prussian officer's coat, or even a French one? All the ones I've found online cost well over thirty dollars, or are English. Being a history-focused Hetalia weeb is suffering.

>> No.8108558

what part of the 18c? men's uniforms changed a lot throughout the century.... a pic would help

also historical patterns tend to cost more than your average simplicity pattern....that's pretty much the norm. they're almost always small companies and printed on heavy paper.

>> No.8108644
File: 437 KB, 1393x580, 3 hours in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Specifically I'm searching for an accurate Prussian uniform from the Seven Years War (1754 to 1763), but I'm fine with small alterations that still make sense.

Does it really need to cost that much? Shit.

>> No.8108672
File: 63 KB, 472x750, tumblr_ndx1rtP6mG1qlijqyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting Rococo/Baroque gowns, please anons! They're my weakness.
>my fav doxie gown

>> No.8108766
File: 64 KB, 573x960, 944518_460915350649207_1891715527_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She used to post progress on here back when she did more cosplay than her own creations, I think she namefagged as Angela and was known for having gorgeous legs.

Got called out for being underage and apparently being able to sit at home all day and make gorgeous costumes. There was drama about her not making any of it. Don't think it was true, she was just hardworking and clearly had parents with the resources to help her learn. It's a shame because her stuff is lovely and she was really helpful when discussing sewing.

Her work now is definitely not historical, more costumes inspired by historical garments.

Anyway, I follow this french lady called Ivy's Envies on FB and I'd highly recommend her page for gorgeous costume references, progress, and photoshoots.

>> No.8108777

Could you not adapt an English one? I used a couple of British uniforms and adapted them to make a Monsterous Regiment uniform last year and what I made is more or less the same as the historical uniform. If you're aiming to mix the two so it's not going to be full accuracy anyway.

>> No.8108794
File: 983 KB, 1561x3153, Fanamie May 2013 081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as to pattern pricing, welcome to historical patterns....many of which are drafted from extant garments and don't come cheap. generally they're up to $30ish.

that style of uniform was actually very common throughout europe so you can probably get away with recommended patterns for british redcoats and just fold back the tails to create the buttoned flaps.....frock coats for men narrowed in the latter part of the century (1770s-80s) so you can probably get away with using a later century narrower frock coat pattern such as these
anything earlier is going to be too full in the skirts for what you want.

the waistcoat underneath is probably this style....pretty common for mid century uniforms.

note that patterns of time is just a reseller.....i usually sift through patterns there (since they have most of what's available in 1 place), then go to the specific company website to buy.

i've used JP Ryan's patterns before....she does nice work, though i had to size down my frock coat considerably since it was for a 40"+ chest. pic related....relena's sanq kingdom coat is a 1750's men's frock coat with full back pleating.

>> No.8108795

chemise à la reine?
I like regency gowns the most though.

>> No.8108797
File: 156 KB, 469x946, Fanamie May 2013 081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoops, wrong pic lol...here's the one i meant to attach

>> No.8110200
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dumping chemise gowns

>> No.8110204
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>> No.8110206
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>> No.8110207

It's not exactly for a historical costume, but I was wondering if you guys know what the best material to make puffed sleeves out of is?

I would have said thin cotton, but I'd be interested to hear if there'd be anything better.

>> No.8110208
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>> No.8110211
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>> No.8110226
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>> No.8110228
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>> No.8110347

Thank you op I've been looking for some renaissance tutorials!

I'll be working at Faire in a few months for the first time and I want to make my own garb.

Are there any seagulls that attend or work at a Renaissance Faire?

>> No.8110410

Hey, I'm a lolita but I would like to make some historical styled hats - specifically Gainsborough and bergere. Any good pictures of them or tutorials?

>> No.8110495

Want cheap patterns? Learn how to make patterns. A pattern making course may be expensive for you, but if your going to spend heaps on buying those shitty mass produced patterns it might be worth the investment.

>> No.8110505

you can make puffy sleeves out of pretty much any fabric. a good tip i've garnered from doing ginormous xbox hueg victorian sleeves is to flatline your sleeve with a layer or 2 of stiff netting. this will help keep your sleeves from collapsing under their own weight.

>> No.8110554

I used to work at a renaissance faire, but it was a working role rather than acting or very historical. I was a squire, so I assisted the performance Knights in caring for the horses, armor, during performances, crowd control, etc. I ride and own horses so it was a skill-based job. I quit when we changed knight troops one year to raging assholes who were terrible and unsafe.

>> No.8111690
File: 146 KB, 900x769, inspired_headwear_by_ladycafelfenlake-d46i0qp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have this

>> No.8112679
File: 166 KB, 433x750, histfashone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found some on tumblr by typing 'historical sewing', so I'm going to share.

>> No.8112684
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>> No.8112702
File: 140 KB, 600x903, Antoinette-portrait-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is another from American Duchess who has a blogspot

>> No.8112715
File: 550 KB, 1000x749, gold-silk-regency-ballgown-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mode-de-lis on blogspot has a lot of fashion from 1800's and 1930's

>> No.8112723
File: 396 KB, 462x652, ccdr_45_zps956f911e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

augustintytar on blogspot

>> No.8112985

I'm tasked to come up with relatively cheap ideas for costumes for a play our local small community is making. It's Moliére, but we're not aiming for super accuracy, so I've been sgathering ideas from the entire 17th century. So far some of my ideas are to alter cheap normalfag calf-lenght shorts into breeches, adding sleeves onto regular shirts with chinese collars, and look for vests in second hand-shops. Do any seagulls have more ideas?

I'm also dry on how to make a decent dress. It feels like second hand would be impossible, but we don't have much sewing resources, either. Any ideas are appreciated.

>> No.8113062
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>> No.8113068
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>> No.8113070
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>> No.8113076
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>> No.8113081
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>> No.8113082
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>> No.8113084
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>> No.8113087
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>> No.8113090
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>> No.8113092
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>> No.8113093
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also, this could be helpful for those who just starts with medieval stuff

>> No.8113481

Unless you're able to borrow or rent costumes from a neighbouring theatre company, you'll need to make the dresses. Grab curtains/bedsheets/tablecloths from a thrift shop. Go for lightweight fabrics or lace (for accents). You can also save up fabric store coupons and make a few shopping trips there for discounted cloth.

At worst, set out a donation bucket and ask everyone who's part of the production to throw in a dollar or two.

>> No.8113486

I fucking love the lighting and setup here. A++++ art history reference, I'm really feeling the Aelst.

>> No.8113822

secomding what this anon said about the dresses.....you're going to have to make them since normalfag stuff you might find secondhand is just not going to look right, even altered.

curtains make great fabric sources....often cheaper than by the yard. especially lacy/sheer ones.

>> No.8115034

Huh I used to follow her. I remember at some point it seemed like she wanted to get into the history/historical costume design field (did an internship at Colonial Williamsburg, I think?) but now she's a flight attendant. Oh well.

>> No.8115053

This does'nt look good, bad fabric

>> No.8115056

Why is it bad?

>> No.8115059

Just do a completely different interpretation and wear random clothes. It will always look cheap and amateur if you go for historical garments with no budget

>> No.8115063

There should be more variation of fabrics not the same way too bright one like this one. Look's too cheap

>> No.8115065

>There should be more variation of fabrics

Why? It's not unusual for 18th century dresses to have one or two fabrics, or even one fabric.

>> No.8115084

I'm going to BOTN this summer (Batte of the Nations, world championship) as my teams squire, and the people there really appreciate well made and accurate clothes. Any ideas? I'm a girl, but I guess there arn't many squire-girls, so boy-clothes will have to do.

>> No.8115095
File: 76 KB, 513x767, Rose_adelaide_ducreux_Self-Portrait-with-Harp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude. have you seen paintings? Some of that shit is shiny.

>> No.8115103

depends on the time period of your group.
Although you can look around here too maybe you see something that you like

>> No.8115110
File: 364 KB, 682x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting some favorites from bauhausfrau on Flickr.

>> No.8115501

Too many people have this idea that shiny = automatically bad.

Not all 18th century ensembles used multiple fabrics or textures. Also, after doing some digging, the costume was created for a business's photoshoot so that may have affected the style she went for.

>> No.8115570

Thanks for the advice, I'll try my best to find resources to be able to sew the stuff. We also have a storage of clothes, but even though it's large we're unlikely to find specific stuff like colourful noble dresses.
Not my choice, sadly. Directors choice.

>> No.8115600

>tee shirt guy in background fucking ruins everything

>> No.8115609
File: 483 KB, 1024x768, 3768171499_9557c81089_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8115996


How depressing. That's my dream career-- I don't have the costuming experience, however.

>> No.8116170

I looked her up and wow this is very sad.


>> No.8116180

That's awful.

>> No.8116189

She looks exactly like the lead actress from beetlejuice

>> No.8116440
File: 104 KB, 960x960, 1013602_10151775747329257_1429407098_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know of anyone who had a good experience in a university design program. Design is like theater--lots of backstabbing, bragging, underhanded BS, etc.

>> No.8116555
File: 21 KB, 787x684, 1393575318136.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting the patterns for a landsknecht, with a little more details than this one

>> No.8116558


not historically accurate in what terms?

Fabric? Colours? Design? Machine stitched? Plastic gemstones?

>> No.8116590


That's not Winona Ryder.

>> No.8116607

patterning, fabric, construction, undergarments, etc.
Her stuff is lovely but much much more in the realm of historically inspired fantasy.

>> No.8116803


There are some programs in the states that focus more on the anthropological and historic aspects of textile and costume that I assume would be less cutthroat, but I'm not sure. I imagine that in a regular design program in which you are making historic costumes there would also be a number of primadonnas hoping to be the next great fashion designer. I am just surprised she went the flight attendant route... possibly for money as there is none in the museum field? I would die for her construction skills/background and would take a pay cut in a heartbeat.

>> No.8116806

landsknecht patterns usually VERY simple. but they use a lot of fabric.
What kind of pattern you want and from what time period? I can probably dig up something for it

>> No.8116863
File: 559 KB, 2057x3132, IMG_7030[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not all that informed on the types of Landsknechts and what costume hails from what time period, but when someone says landsknecht, I picture something like this.

>> No.8116874
File: 111 KB, 1024x768, Landsknecht%252Bleader-1024x768-21723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a later stuff mid/late 16th century. Or to be more precise one that tries to look like one as that particular image is a Warhammer Fantasy representation afaik.
But close enough for the real one.
The upper part is called the doublet the pants called hose/joined hose which may or may not goes to knee height where it's separated to a sock like thing.
Then there is the shirt which is also simple but the pleating (?) around the neck and the wrists can be time consuming.

Also what you don't see on the picture is the waffenrock, a coat like thing and the leather jerkin which is basically a piece of slashed leather

on pic example of a waffenrock

>> No.8116875
File: 206 KB, 739x992, 1525-30c-Landsknecht-with-his-Wife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here is a leather jerkin

>> No.8116892


Is the waffenrock more or less the same as a houppelande?

>16th century

And if I wished to go earlier, but still be recognisable as a landsknecht to the general public?

>> No.8116899
File: 143 KB, 709x800, Anderthbhd.+Dolch, Erhard Schön, Nbg., ~1530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is the waffenrock more or less the same as a houppelande?
nope, it's shorter, fits more and made out of heavy fabrics, mostly thicker wool

>And if I wished to go earlier, but still be recognisable as a landsknecht to the general public?
early 16th is still recognizable but late 15th is not something that will get the popular landsknecht feel, of course it was a transition so exceptions always happened

example of kind of early 16th (1530) landsknecht

>> No.8116906
File: 688 KB, 1600x1200, 20140730-P7300144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another example for the waffenrock with the guy in the black and yellow

>> No.8116910


Thanks for the info. Knowing that it's mostly based around the patterns for doublets and hosen, I can probably put it together, now.

Those earlier sleeves seem an easier cut, too, and I think I can conjure up a waffenrock from those pictures.

>> No.8116919
File: 137 KB, 526x870, Hans%2520Burgkmair%252C%2520%257E1516.%2520Doppels%25C3%25B6ldner%2520Maximilians.%2520%25201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget that the patterns for these are mostly simple. I mean really simple. A shirt is for example is just made out of 4 rectangles sewn together and that's all.
the doublets are either can be either folded out as you can see in this pic >>8116906 or have a front panel laced on as in your original picture.
as for fabrics you should use linen and wool, linen for the inner layers, wool for the outer ones (velvet and silk also an option)
symmetry isn't necessary for the slashes and probably you already know about how the waist height differs than in modern cloths.

Also as you go from earlier stuff to later the cloths goes from more tight fitting to more loose and baggy

If you want I can post more pictures

>> No.8116928


>you already know about how the waist height differs than in modern cloths.

In medieval clothes, waist was measured right below the ribs, correct?

And more would certainle be welcome

>> No.8116932
File: 345 KB, 916x1545, HL31322a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In medieval clothes, waist was measured right below the ribs, correct?
yep, and a lot of people fuck that up. But you can see here for example >>8116899
how far the hose goes up and basically the doublet ends a little below the ribcage. Also the doublet works a little like a corset as narrow waist was kind of a fashion stuff back in those days

>> No.8116937
File: 107 KB, 800x1362, 1390425233579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah another important thing is the hats. Hats are always very important.
And fortunately there are a lot of tutorials for hats out there

>> No.8116943
File: 600 KB, 1600x1200, 20140730-P7300138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and instead of the crown of a straw hat you can also use a circle shaped wire in it

>> No.8116948
File: 108 KB, 640x960, 906698_10204033765697382_5029013880885304973_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also here is my stuff based on this >>8116899 but with more than a few changes (and unfinished too as I still couldn't get blue wool for reasonable price)

>> No.8116974
File: 510 KB, 1200x1600, 20140731-P7310328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8116976
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>> No.8116982
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>> No.8116984

They mean Geena Davis.

>> No.8116987
File: 337 KB, 960x1441, 1778-9 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could l find more recreations of the elaborte court dress in the 18th century. It seems like most people do the (relatively) simpler gowns

>> No.8116989
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>> No.8116990
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>> No.8116998
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>> No.8117000
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>> No.8117001
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>> No.8117003
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>> No.8117011
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"Vintage" historical costume

>> No.8117078


The pictures are swell, Hungarian, thanks again!

>> No.8117083
File: 75 KB, 520x800, amelie_saxe_coburg_gotha_ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oops, wrong picture

>> No.8117691

r/ing ancient (pre-medieval) costumes

>> No.8120105
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