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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 66 KB, 200x248, 2709-animemke2015200x248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8084141 No.8084141 [Reply] [Original]

Less than 3 weeks away. Cosplay plans? CGL meetup?

>> No.8085060

Anyone else going?

>> No.8085151

Hows the j-fashion/lolita group around here? This is going to be my first AMKE

>> No.8085166
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First time AMKE goer here. Bringing wander, female version of spike Spiegel, and lolita. I'll be down there for Saturday and Sunday. I have some plans sat night otherwise I'd give the masquerade a shot

>> No.8085481

I'll be at the maid cafe volunteering on Friday, hopefully doing a couples cosplay of mai waifu with my friend on Saturday, and maybe doing crossdressing day at the cafe on Sunday.

I dunno if we have anything planned as far as official meetups go since we are all usually super busy, but there's a lolita 101 panel Saturday 2-3pm if you want to check that out!

>> No.8085489

there's an established Milwaukee lolita comm and other Chicago lolitas attend too! idk about other jfashion, but someone recently made a Northern Illinois jfashion fb group. There will be a few lolita panels, but this year we aren't having a fashion show (maybe next year)

>> No.8086361
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First time goer as well, looking forward to it. Anyone down to get a meetup going, looking for some peeps to drink with.

>> No.8086644

I'll be there the entire weekend! I'm going in lolita, but my boyfriend will be cosplaying Alucard from Castlevania. We're also planning on going to the charity ball, so we'll be in our formal wear there.

>> No.8086934

aww no fashion show. i went last year and really enjoyed it. i was hoping there'd be one again this year.

>> No.8087404

Thanks for the info! I'm probably going to wear ouji and hit up the epic game room for the most part. Ditto on the fashion show, it would be nice to go to it this year too

>> No.8087711

Blame the shitshow the staff/con chair pulled last year, no one wanted to do it this year because of it.

>> No.8087733

What happened?

>> No.8088687

I feel like if I go into more detail about it, it would be obvious who I was.

>> No.8088715

Anywhere I can read about it?

>> No.8088742

I always go since it's a local con for me. Cosplaying Korra and maybe some other things if I get inspired.

I'd go to a CGL meet if there was one. Maybe.

>> No.8088903

Not really. Maybe someone else will come and post it.

>> No.8088930

I wasn't part of the show at all but I heard that it was supposed to be held in the afternoon/evening some time but then it got bumped to 9am instead because of some other panel. I'm guessing not a lot of people showed up at 9am for the show (I for sure didn't).

>> No.8088952

The masq is usually a joke. Last year they had a judge who didn't know how to sew and gave out some bogus awards and this is from someone who won.

>> No.8090676

Wanted to go, but some friends fell through on me at the last minute. Sucks, though.

>> No.8091750

haha, that's only part of it.

>> No.8095405

planning on going, but my rooming situation is kind of up in the air right now, hopefully it'll fix itself

>> No.8097811

Glad i have other plans then lol.

>> No.8098138
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>hosting my first panel
hold me

>> No.8098877

Anyone down for a meetup?

>> No.8099620
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I'd go to one, seagull meetups are usually fun

>> No.8099801

I'll be doing my first real decent cosplays that were sorta last minute ideas. I'll probably stick with my bros since the first time I went there I was all alone and confused. I always feel like people are intimated by me at cons so hopefully I can avoid that this year with some cosplays.

Good luck, bro!

I've never met anyone IRL from 4chan so I dunno, mane. Is anyone still gonna do it?

>> No.8100162
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I've never been to AMKE before but I'd be more than willing to try and rally the troops and get a meetup going. Wanna try and do on Friday night?

>> No.8100308

Sure. Do we have an idea for a meeting spot?

>> No.8100582

I'm not part of the lolita community, but word on the street is that the con chair got butthurt by some lolita people bashing on MLP, and he retaliated by getting rid of the fashion show. That's my understanding of it anyway.

>> No.8100594

Im doing Kaji, MGS1 Snake, and P2 Postal Dude. I usually am on /a/ or /vg/, but I'd do a 4chen meetup

>> No.8100601

Again, never been to AMKE before so I'm not entirely sure where would be good to meet up. Anyone been there before who knows a good spot?

>> No.8100602

schedule will hopefully be posted later so they should have a map as well, choose then

>> No.8100603

/a/non here as well. I'm down for a meet up but it really depends on the maid cafe schedule.
One year, we met up in the maid cafe, but it usually gets really full. Another time, we got together in the hotel lobby and then went to George Webb. I think the lobby would be fine but it would just be hard finding one another since it gets crowded there.

>> No.8100611

Meeting at the hotel lobby wouldn't be a bad idea at first then we can migrate to somewhere else if we want. Any good bars near by/anyone wanna open up their room for a place to drink. I got one friend in mine but I don't think they'd mind if we had people over.

>> No.8100670

Personally, I would rather get dinner or something, but whatever is fine. My room has a lot of people in it so I can't really offer it

>> No.8100697

I'm not 21 so no bars for me, dinner or room party would be cool though.

>> No.8100896

WE could do dinner than something after, any good places to eat around teh hotel?

>> No.8101008

There's like an Italian and Thai place across the street as well as George Webb. There's also the mall

>> No.8101031

>George Webb
sounds good to me, we wanna schedule this for firday night at like 6-7ish? Meet at the lobby of the hotel and then head out from there?

>> No.8101241

Also, they recently opened a bubble tea and Vietnamese food shop on that block too! Also, if you go to the food court, show your badge for a discount. If you're willing to walk further, there is a big Chinese restaurant that is across the bridge by the Fonz statue. The maid cafe is always pretty busy, but I always love their sweets! (It's cash only, so load up at an ATM before you go there)

>> No.8101246
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Do you happen to know if there's a sushi place anywhere near by?

>> No.8101411

Ack, I'm busy Friday evening. Saturday would work better for me.
There are sushi places around (Sake Tumi, Kiku's) but I'm not sure how far they are from the convention area

>> No.8101456

So what's everyone going as? I'm going to be doing Shizuo(Durarara!) and Chains from Payday 2.

>> No.8101566

For the people who preregistered, have you gotten an email or anything recently?
I registered in September and haven't heard anything since.

>> No.8101842

I preregged a couple weeks ago and I got an email just confirming payment shortly after. That was it. Btw, how bad are prereg lines sat morning at say 730/8 am. My friends and I are planning on getting down there early enough

>> No.8102003

I'm going as Anzu

>> No.8102768
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>tfw you always go to Food and Froth Fest but kill time at AMKE first and now they're on different weekends

damn it I can't afford both

>> No.8102944

Saturday would work too, is that good with everyone else?

>> No.8103275

Don't know m8. 2 years ago I got off work and picked up my badge at like 5pm, no problem. Last year it was about an hour long in the prereg line. That was after most people got off work/school though. The register at con line was even worse.

>> No.8103506

Saturday sounds fine to me.

>> No.8103826

they had a boffer fighting panel last year. i hope the guy does it again.

>> No.8103901

Thanks. Yea I at least preregged and my friends coming with did as well. If we get there early enough on Saturday morning it shouldn't be too bad I hope

>> No.8104583

The schedule is out. What panels are you going to?

>> No.8104788

WE could do one Friday and Saturday, nothing saying we have to stick to just one meet up. I might be willing to open up my room for people to hang out with if we want one.

>> No.8105399

Anime Bar ftw! Gonna go mingle it up and get drunk. Got some friends who got some high end suites - we are gonna party so hard next weekend!

>> No.8105834

i know for a fact that im doing bad hentai dubbing at least on friday night, and one of the ayumi tanaka galleries. maybe one of the va panels too?

>> No.8107375

Sounds good as long as we know where we're going and when.

>> No.8107522

I'm local and literally work right next to the Hyatt so lemme offer some opinions.

Kiku's is like 2-3 blocks away, which doesn't sound bad but kinda all depends on the weather.

I fucking adore that chinese restaurant, the owner is so nice and loves AMKE, but when it's open is anyone's guess. I've went there about 6 times, and 3 of those times it was randomly closed for no reason. Lights were on, but doors were closed, and it was like 1 or 2 pm each time.

you talking about 42? That might be a cool place to meet for the 21+ crowd. I'm kinda iffy on that place, I went a couple times and all the games were taken by people playing like madden or weird shovelware like that, and the bartender wasn't super friendly. Eh.

>> No.8107874

I'm pretty excited me and a friend are gunna pull a last minute Tokyo godfathers cosplay so at least we will be warm!

>> No.8107938

What exactly is the anime bar? Is it like a maid cafe, but less sweets and more alcohol and less maids?

>> No.8108019

It's a maid cafe where they only serve lots of sweets. They also give you a host/hostess while you're there the entire time.

>> No.8108095

Is it BYOB?

>> No.8108300

Oh derp I completely forgot once the maid cafe closes it turns into an anime bar.

>> No.8108310

The anime bar was just that: a bar. It's run by the Hyatt and has like nerdy drinks or whatever. Anime bar =/= maid cafe. It's just held in the same area. During the day, the Polaris is the maid cafe and you can buy sweets and tea. At night it turns into the anime bar.

>> No.8108528
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Sigh... I'm on staff and I have to say this is one of the most poorly run cons I've ever seen.(not my first year working for them) I'm worried that issues are just going to repeat themselves this year.The staff doesn't even know how to use their own scheduler? We're a week from the con and everyone is rushing to do things that should have been done months ago....

>> No.8108691

MKE resident
42 is def. Hit or miss. Bar is usually clogged to the nine hells with people that dont move.
Theres also a starbucks basically across the street from the con center.
Tech dept is contractors tho, so thats a tight ship.

>> No.8108714

when I went the bar was empty, just people clogging up the consoles. They usually have an amke after party sunday night, maybe I'll hit that up.

>> No.8109252

I've gone to the 42 with friends a few times not around convention time so I don't know if it's different. Feels dark imo. At least they got Cards against humanity you can rent for free.

>> No.8110931

how many people are planning on going to this, seems like it could be fun

>> No.8111393

The anime bar? I'm not because I usually spend my nights in the game room since I'm working during the day. Does anyone know if you have to pay for the arcade games like DDR?

>> No.8111402

All the games are free to use from what I remember when I was there.

>> No.8111430

Bless. I know where I'm going to spend my late nights.

>> No.8111764


So what's the deal with the meetup? The final consensus?

>> No.8112096

Well we just need a meeting place really, was gonna just kinda wing it both Friday and Saturday nights and see what happens

>> No.8112135

So just meet up in the hotel lobby?

>> No.8112146

something along those lines yea, we'll figure out what to do after we all meet up.

>> No.8112584

we might need a sign or something, or else nobody will know whose a seagull

>> No.8112705
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I was gonna do this but it may be too late, anon...

>> No.8112721

2 days is plenty of time

>> No.8112775
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>out of town friday night
>busy saturday night

n-no seagull meetup 4 me...that's fine....

>> No.8112897

I guess we can either do a sign or just say "hey I'm wearing this look for that" type thing. IT worked at Otakon and that was WAY bigger so I don't see why it wouldn't work here.

>> No.8113723

What are people going as? Something to look out for

>> No.8113916

I'm going as Ayumu from Kore Wa Zombie and Oshino Meme from Monogatari. Can post pics of Ayumu if anyone is interested once I get home.

>> No.8114196

Sure! Go for it

>> No.8114244

does anyone know if theres a good makeup store in the connected mall? i have a few blemishes i was hoping would go away by con time, but it seems like thats not going to happen.

>> No.8114347
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sadly it won't be complete till tomorrow morning but this is what's been done on it so far (minus wig and chainsaw which are done)

>> No.8114481

There's a Boston Store where you can get make up
Nice! I can't wait to see it finished!

>> No.8114946
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9999 hours in ms paint
Please feel free to say hi if you see me.

>> No.8115088

Damn, I was tempted to go as Dallas this year. I should of done it.

>> No.8115260

We could've had something beautiful, anon.

>> No.8115557

Anyone know what the line for picking up prereg is like on Thursday night?

>> No.8115885

I'll be there in like 30 minutes so I'll let you know then.

>> No.8116323

I got in and out in an hour
>lanyard says Crunchyroll
Kill La Me

>> No.8116459
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Restaurant map that I made to accompany this comment >>8101241

>> No.8116595
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ill be running around as this douchenozzle for a lot of the con, other than that ill be Bridget from Guilty Gear maybe

>> No.8116869
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>Major Goolsby's

>> No.8116872

You never see Guilty Gear cosplay anymore! Good choice.

>> No.8116941

Went there last night, actually really good, would recommend

>> No.8117182
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Going with her. She's wearing this today, maybe on Sunday

>> No.8117355
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How's line con?

>> No.8117735

First meet up in the lobby around 6 or 7 right?

>> No.8117782

Let's do 8 if that's alright, got some good on the way in like an hour

>> No.8117803

Sounds like a plan

>> No.8117861
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Look for this shirt I'll be around the Hyatt

>> No.8117928

Just changed out of my Solid Snake into postal dude, see you gangers soon

>> No.8117967

Is the lobby the first floor or the second?

>> No.8117974
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I'm with the guy in the bakemonogotari shirt

>> No.8118042
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Playing league

Come join me

>> No.8118115

Oh fuck I missed the meet up.
I'm too busy rolling and bar hoping lol

>> No.8118116

Is everybody having fun? I'm thinking about driving up from Chicago for tomorrow if my friend's valentine's day date has to work and I can drag him with.

>> No.8118141

Saw you but you ran by in a hurry couldnt say hi.

My friends saw you I kept looking but too bad i missed you

>> No.8118216

I'll be in that for most of tomorrow so if you see me just say hi

>> No.8118565

There were like multiple Shizuos if that's who you saw.

>> No.8118877

This convention has been a lot of fun so far, but holy fuck this hotel is expensive. They charged extra then what the confirmation email quoted me and the parking garage fees are outrageous.

I'm definitely coming back next year for this convention, but fuck this hotel hard. 10/10 would burn to the ground.

>> No.8118918

Yeah I went to bitch

Like $50 deposit fuck

>> No.8119405
File: 1.05 MB, 2121x3771, 2015-02-14 13.49.54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is us


>> No.8119412

Is that your natural skin tone?

>> No.8119415


>> No.8119438

that's cool I've never met a blue person before

>> No.8119467

I got a bears hat on right now bout to go get ready for the league tourney, I'll be hanging in the game room if ya'll wanna meet up now

>> No.8119473


I'm a dude

>> No.8119899

Sucks that de de mouse (maybe next year!) won't be here but at least my boy Jeff will take care of us.

>> No.8120300

Jesus christ was I the only seagull who went to the homestuck panel? Some bitch brought a toddler then told the panelists they can't swear because there was a toddler there. The Karkat hosting the panel told her to leave. Who brings a small child to something like that?

>> No.8120329

Party in 1612, we have some alcohol but you can bring more

>> No.8120422

I can bring a handle if we need it

>> No.8120513

Stopping by if you're still around

>> No.8120533

1612 was not the right room lol

>> No.8120576

It moved to 727 like a half hour later
We stocked up though

>> No.8121145
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>went with friend
>so many nice people
>too nervous to make new friends

how do you people meet each other?

>> No.8121383

I dunno i just go and say hi. Talked to people at the netrunner event, find a common interest and just talk about it

>> No.8121454

Basically this, ended up spending most of last night at the anime bar just shootin the shit with a few random people, was a great time.

>> No.8121989

Anyone hear about the guy who took MDMA?

>> No.8122026

I did not, explain please

>> No.8122238
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Don't mind me, just dumping some pics I took.

>> No.8122241
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A wild Misty appears!

>> No.8122243
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What a great Edea.

>> No.8122250
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I don't feel like Ice King any questions.

>> No.8122253
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I can't make up my mind...

>> No.8122256
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Am I dreaming? Somebody pinch me.

>> No.8122263
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This gets my vote for best of con.

>> No.8122274
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Blurry zoomed pic taken from the balcony above.

Captcha: agass

>> No.8122279
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And then there's this guy.

>> No.8122288
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y halo thar

>> No.8122295
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Some more skywalk pics.

>> No.8122302
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>> No.8122306
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>> No.8122311
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>> No.8122317
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>> No.8122321
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I got a better shot of these guys

>> No.8122322
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I am currently listening to Israel Philharmonic Orchestra 60th Anniversary Gala Concert.

Nothing to do with this picture, just felt like mentioning it.

>> No.8122328
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These two were so cute holy shit.

>> No.8122329
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Shades AND goggles for twice the coolness.

>> No.8122333
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No Metroids in the DMX machine.

captcha: infly

>> No.8122339
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I didn't get a lot of pics because was getting hella streetpasses.

>> No.8122340
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Samson and Eve being eaten by a random black zombie.

I wish I had run into that chubby Daisy in the background here so I could awkwardly hit on her, lol.

>> No.8122341
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>> No.8122349
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His bumper sticker says "My other car is a Dragonzord".

>> No.8122353
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When he evolves, he's going to kill us all.

>> No.8122358
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Way past cool.

>> No.8122359
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>> No.8122363
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stop, thief.

>> No.8122367
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Cute PinkieDash

>> No.8122373
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>> No.8122376
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My money's on Ness.

>> No.8122384
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>> No.8122385

That hiro was so good! Loved the helmet

>> No.8122390
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This right here cosplay foam fighting! This shit needs to go on 24/7

>> No.8122393
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Well Loki here!

>> No.8122400
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A pair of angels.

>> No.8122402
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Fly away now

>> No.8122403
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Puppy Power!

>> No.8122404


One of them too fat to fly.

>> No.8122406

I really want to see a fat stocking with the house around her, from the episode where she gets fat.

>> No.8122407
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I'd make her fly, if you know what I mean.

>> No.8122413
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How did I get on Jabba's hit list?

>> No.8122417
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This L was perfectly in character. Even at the rave, no dancing, just pacing around biting his thumb.

>> No.8122422

>jeff will take care of us
Jeff ended the rave early because tired

>> No.8122423
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Just had to get a peak at you.

>> No.8122426

>bears hat
You and i are rivals now
Really wish id been able to get a team together for the tourney, howd you do?

>> No.8122427
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I'm gonna get wrecked!

>> No.8122429
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Bulma's got the biggest balls of them all.

>> No.8122431

If you unload, then park at the 5 day park and rides, youll save. The Holt Ave. Parknride has a bus that takes you to the corner of the con center.

>> No.8122433

That was a lot of fun. I'd definitely go again next year

>> No.8122436
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Both failed their stealth check.

>> No.8122440
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I'm not a very good photographer.

>> No.8122441

Alternatively, its the same bus that goes to the airport, if you prefer monitored parking lots. You could catch a shuttle to the airport.
But this is all for next year, ill try to come back here and help people save some money next year

>> No.8122446
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If I had a better camera, I'd be a bad photographer with a good camera.

>> No.8122490
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When the battery ran out on my crappy camera, I took some more pics with my even crappier phone.

>> No.8122499
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Join the Nintendo Fun Club today!

>> No.8122503
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Who ya gonna call?

>> No.8122507
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I have no witty comment to go with this picture.

>> No.8122509

Sailor Swole

>> No.8122510
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Folks sure like their Kpop dancin'.

>> No.8122519
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Mario: plumber, princess saver, taiko master.

>> No.8122533
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>> No.8122537
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Negro Miku Reimu

>> No.8122538

>Waits eagerly to see if anyone got a photo of me

I swear my piece of shit phone ruined my chances of getting some good pics of myself and friends.

>> No.8122543

What were you? I might have gotten a shot.

>> No.8122547
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Sorry, the only pic I've got left is this selfie.

>> No.8122560

I know I saw you, didn't get a picture though. Haven't seen you in any pictures.

>> No.8122561

Chains Payday 2 and Shizuo. I let a lot of people snap pics with me but I didn't have a decent camera of my own.

Oh lawdy! I've seen you at other cons in the past. I had no clue you were a seagull otherwise I'd have said hi.

>> No.8122572
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>> No.8122580
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>Infinite regret
N-next time I'll do better with the wig, sunnies, and maybe some makeup.

>> No.8122582

I thought it looked pretty good.
I forgot to post it earlier, it was just sitting uploaded.

>> No.8122593
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>I had no clue you were a seagull
I'm not really, just a casual. Only went to about 3 panels, spent most of my time shooting the breeze with other Bemani players in the game room Friday and Saturday, entire Sunday was eaten up by the SAO concert.

Pic related, only thing I bought at the con.

>> No.8122612

I didn't hear anything about this either, do you have anything to share?

I remember seeing ambulances, but figured it was just someone suffering dehydration/exhaustion/whatever from spending too much time in a heavy cosplay.

>> No.8123140

Saw ambulances but thought it was for just something low risk.

Also if anyone saw Jacket from hotline Miami that was me.

>> No.8123398

Saw you as chains but looked busy so didnt ask for a picture. Saw a Wolf too.

>> No.8124323

I heard about a few people taking MDMA. Because my friends and I all did, lol. Damn shit was fun.

Jeff fucked me up in a good way with this rave though. DJ Jimni Cricket is the cutest ever.

No, staff wanted to shut it down. It was only going to 4 originally because De De Mouse/Alex S but they couldn't come so staff didn't see the point.

Fuck that parking lot bullshit.

>> No.8125054

So whats the consensus? Good? Bad? Meh?

>> No.8125119
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I'd say it was pretty good compared to previous years! It attracted a lot of first timers due to the English VA of Sebastian, the maid cafe was fun (volunteered there but worked the non-busy hours), and if you didn't go to the Ayumi Tanaka Strawberry Slut art show, you missed on your waifu sucking on brand dick. The dealer's hall was bigger this year and I the artist alley had some nice artists. And 24/7 game room with Pop'n, Taiko, DDR, and other video games for free was like the best deal ever. My friends who went to the rave were pretty satisfied (too bad about De de mouse though)

As for the food situation, the hallways of Wisconsin center had a bubble tea booth, hot dog stand, and another small vendor. The Hyatt restaurant had con specials so you could get a complete meal for like $8 and drinks like "Hatsune Drinku"... They had staff on the hotel elevators so moving up and down was a bit smoother this year. Overall, I'd say this is growing to be the big winter con for the midwest (at least WI & IL area)

>> No.8125171

The staff regulating the elevators was a good ass idea.

>> No.8125960

Glad they did. Much better this year

>> No.8126526

Elevators were better this year. And to my knowledge to hotel towels with human shit and vomit on them were being thrown down into the atrium from the top floors of the hotel... Improvements there.

Every staffer and volunteer I had to deal with this year (and there were many, thanks to some issues with badges/panels) were VERY rude though.

Saw some good cosplays though! And the vendor/artist selection was pretty good.

>> No.8126537

Yeah but lets be sure to bring gum next year.

>> No.8126824

How were they rude? except for wanting us to coat check sorta empty bags at dealer room i had no problem with them

>> No.8126986

I didn't have that problem, just had a dry mouth/was thirsty but I was dancing a FUCKTON.

>> No.8126998

Usually it was a combined issue of no one knowing the answer to a question and being more or less completely unwilling to help find someone who did. Pretty much blatant dissmissal of the issue without so much as a "I'm sorry ____ might be able to help you."

Add to that several instances of staffers choosing to carry on personal conversations (well within earshot) of attendees who were waiting either in a line or with questions etc.

>> No.8127463

I don't think you know how much MDMA was actually circulating around the con.
I think it was harder finding people who weren't rolling.

>> No.8127631

I meant like someone who was tripping the fuck out. I heard some guy was tripping shit and they had a medic check him out.

>> No.8127777

Why do kids these days need special drugs? Why can't they just be drunk 3 days straight like reasonable people.

>> No.8127787

dammit, no ones posted any pics of my solid snake cosplay on the facebook page yet
lot of my friend who did punished/naked snake though

>> No.8128087
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uhhh, why not both?

seriously I wish I knew more people were rolling, I would have wanted to hang out with you all

>> No.8128144

I dunno man, a lot if us are still grinding our teeth in the middle of the night.

>> No.8128677
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wow, really? sounds like you got some bad shit.

>> No.8128857


This guy is a fucking weirdo. He goes to all of the middle-tier midwest cons and he is a fucking creep every time I've ever met him. He's been riding on that little toaster cosplay for like 2 and a half years now too.

>> No.8128928

Really? He was nothing but polite if a little shy when I asked for a picture, and was all smiles whenever I passed him in hallways.

>> No.8129021

How is he a weirdo? I saw him last year and acen. Its a fun nostalgia cosplay. Unless you mean him personally.

>> No.8130503

How is he creepy?

>> No.8131912

I wanted to stop by the Netrunner event (was surprised and stoked that it existed!) but it was right before the rave so I didn't have time :(

>> No.8133148

Aww you should of there was like 5 people there