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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 122 KB, 800x565, Suomenlippu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8100622 No.8100622 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread died.

Frostbite next week, are you ready for it?

>> No.8100649
File: 81 KB, 1024x576, 1373969334077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not. There was so much time, where did it all go??

>> No.8101827

I am not ready for it yet. I dont have anything to wear at all!

>> No.8101905
File: 16 KB, 223x260, 567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm ready for it. I really hope it isn't going to be cold as fuck because I don't own a winter coat..

>> No.8101977

Yes and no. On the other hand I have train tickets and ticket to the con, but for some reason I feel like I don't want to go at all.

>> No.8102584

I actually got my cosplay ready today, a whole week in advance! Holy guacamole!

Out of all the Finnish cons I have to admit Desucon (Frostbite) is my least favourite one. But with missing out on Yukicon I'm starved on con-feeling, and Monster Hunter does come out the same day (13.2), so I'll be glued to the screen anyway.

>> No.8102719

People always complain about the drama, yet these threads always die without it.

>> No.8102738

No one just wants to admit that there's nothing to talk about here other than drama. Everything else can be discussed elsewhere but you can only really bitch about people while being anonymous so naturally this is the best place for it. That and there really isn't that much to talk about in the first place, even the drama gets repetitive after a while.

>> No.8103857

Self-denial is wonderful. Those people who claim to hate drama thinking it's ruining the community, but keep refreshing the Finland thread and discussing it in social media.

>> No.8103877

What cred does monokero have instead of being the first wcs rep? All I've ever seen is mediocre cosplays, elitist attitude and fat. Lots of fat. Is she just so well connected? The same with miwo.
With slightly less fat.

>> No.8103997

I've honestly never liked her attitude. These days she seems like a Finnish cosplay-know-it-all despite making only okay-tier costumes and organizing the contests at Tracon. I dunno, seems like she still thinks she's important for something that happened five years ago.

>> No.8104010

Her status as a WCS representative is a joke. Standards are so much higher nowadays and she still uses the WCS card to boost her position. Her level is nowhere near the top.

>> No.8104041

I've always wondered about this too, glad to know I'm not the only one. Her wcs rep experience was years ago when there were about 3 contestants in the preliminaries and their skit or costumes weren't anything great. But she has lots of connections which is why she's so well-respected, though her costumes are less than average and her attitude seems so rude and disrespectful.

>> No.8104060

Five years ago? It was almost 7 years ago to be exact.

>> No.8104065

monowho(serious question)

>> No.8104084
File: 370 KB, 1600x1200, Pukuilunmaailmassa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are in Jyväskylä, here is something really fun!

>> No.8104087
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>> No.8104091
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>> No.8104096
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>> No.8104097
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>> No.8104113

soro looks so dead

>> No.8104135

There was wall full of her selfies.

>> No.8104149

tell me you're joking

>> No.8104166

Well, I can see there are also photos of other people too.

>> No.8104173

I don't know her that well, but wherever I've met and chatted with her at cons, she's always seemed like she really knows her shit and she's always been super nice and charming? What rude attitude am I missing? This is a serious question, I've never heard anything bad about her and I think the quality of her cosplays is good compared to the majority? She's also one of the only Finnfags who can cosplay well for their weight.
So what's the deal? You got me curious?

>> No.8104175
File: 67 KB, 444x385, Näyttely2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there was other ones too, but most of them were about her.

>> No.8104178


>> No.8104207

She looks rather horrifying.

>> No.8104306

I can only think of her Panty cosplay. It was horrifying.

>> No.8104311

Wait when exactly did monokero cosplay panty?

>> No.8104315

At a Desucon few years back I think?

>> No.8104542

I respect her for the fact that she's been cosplaying for 10+ years and has been involved in building the scene in the form of a cosplay organizer. That's a load of cred.

>> No.8105997


>> No.8106028

I bet those small ass drinks will cost 15 euros.

Chocolate tasting shot anyone?

>> No.8106099

Oh well. Not too overly sad that I miss this. I'll be going on Saturday morning.

>> No.8106117

Its just the kokoomusnuori organizers being all ""critical"" of how you're not allowed to advertise spirits (so it'd be illegal to tell us that they're selling "shotto!chocolate shots that contain a spirit and cocoa")

>> No.8106285

More like Shitto!Chocolate. This applies to every dance group.

>> No.8106309

But they're all really easy.

>> No.8106312

So is there any other good nightclub in Lahti?

>> No.8106319


There's actually Finnish on there now.

>> No.8106323

who cares about sekoomus anyway

>> No.8106324

Finnish and 99% latin? Holy shit, why are they even releasing a website full of lorem ipsum

>> No.8106374

Good to see I wont be the only one using the down time between programs to play MH4U

>> No.8106378

Speaking of 3DS, anyone with Eon Ticket going to Frostbite?

>> No.8106400

well "everything was expensive", but I think it's because of the restaurant/catering of the building

propably quite a many, if you don't get Eon Ticket when you enter the hall, you are doing something wrong

>> No.8106404

Right on, the pricing comes from Lastu, which runs the catering there.
I know at least one person with Eon ticket coming.

Wonder when the first MH cosplay is gonna pop up in Finland.

>> No.8106444

MH as in Monster Hunter? I would've done it ages ago if making proper armor was possible for someone who isn't a millionaire.

>> No.8106460


I am. And probably others who have gotten it with via Streetpass.

>> No.8107056


Less than a week to go. Will there be a lot of perverts or furries there?

>> No.8107064

>Will there be a lot of perverts?
Judging by the Desucon Frostbite threads in Ylilauta I would say yes.
Don't know know about furries.

>> No.8107073

Yes to both, the perverts irk me less than furries though.

>> No.8107084


Sounds like fun. /sarcasm

I was hoping there would be less since there are only adults around. But I guess you cant expect too much maturity during an event like that.

>> No.8107093

Not like furries are kids.

>> No.8107104


I am aware of that but I didnt really think they'd prance around in a convention full of adults like that. I was under the impression they wouldn't go to an adult convention knowing the distaste of the other con goers.

>> No.8107115

You wish but no, no matter how unrelated the furry stuff is to anime, just like western game etc cosplays, they still show up, and while sometimes theyre really not in your way, sometimes they end up being really obnoxious, plus why would you broadcast to the world that you like animals in inappropriate ways.

Perverts on the otherhand, I havent heard anything particularly bad beyond creepshots, but it'd be better if there is stuff like this and worse going for women to speak up about it.

>> No.8108833
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Me at frostbite looking at girls

>> No.8108841

anyone else following the delicious creepy rose shock dramu today?

>> No.8108842

details pls

>> No.8108845

Yes! About the chick who used to be her bff and now Rose is threatening to kill her with Eminem. Sicko.

>> No.8108848


>> No.8108849

i'm currently following this on facebook and it's just getting more insane

>> No.8108858

she's currently reblogging pictures of finnish rifles and shit. does anyone know if she's been reported to police yet?

>> No.8108878

Well that wasn't delicious at all, just some crazy person trying to damage Rose Shock's reputation with ridiculous conclusions and lies.

>> No.8108885

I don't get it. None of the links proves anything. Am I missing something?

>> No.8108887

She is a creepy stalker over 9000 who thinks everything Rose posts is about her

>> No.8108891

Does she really think that the make up companies send her GIFTS? They send the products tfor her to review and for them to get more money. Not because they "adore her work or think she is so good that omg we just gotta give her free stuff" She has always seemed pretty retarded but now that she is saying this I am really sure that she is.

>> No.8108895

I don't think we can say anything about that without having evidence. I know Kat Von D and Sugarpill are just sending her gifts. It's not that uncommon really.

>> No.8108928
File: 49 KB, 339x350, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the stupidest shit I have ever tried to read next to Homestuck drama. That person is obviously crazy. Poor Rose.

>> No.8108958

Yeah, and apparently that person is now attacking Rose on every social media platform you can think of.

>> No.8108982

Ugh, what fuck is wrong is with people these days? At least there are people helping Rose, I hope that wacko gets caught or something.

>> No.8109145

Well they have her name and she lives in US so I hope they can do something about it.

>> No.8109149

it just got on a whole new level of sick. saw those google posts about rose getting her head shot and shit

>> No.8109212

I sure hope so.
Ew, that's disgusting.

>> No.8109326

At first I thought "Eminem" was a nickname for someone but ahaha I read more from elsewhere and that person is just nuts

I'm laughing, wouldn't laugh if I was Rose though

>> No.8109413

And again another great example why Suomen cosplay-piiri should be shut down... Someone gets slightly negative but instructive feedback and other people get butt hurt for them.

>> No.8109428

Last year one lonkero(33cl) was 6 euros if I remember right

>> No.8109432

>not bringing your own booze

It's not like they're gonna check your bag. Especially if you put them to different bottle.

>> No.8109433

Yeah just saying, I've seen higher prices in Finnish restaurants to be honest

>> No.8109443
File: 264 KB, 867x726, 1422984850063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To be fair, that guy's makeup was shit. Saw his other posts in the group and they were all horrible to look at. He can't seriously think it's good and the people who actually think it's good have really low standards or a skewed outlook.

>> No.8109448

Got any screenshots? Is this group private? I can't find it when I google "Suomen cosplay-piiri facebook".

>> No.8109471

http://valkoinensamurai.blogspot.fi/ is the guy's blog

>> No.8109476

Thank you!

>> No.8109502

To be honest, they were all idiots. Kai is a spaz and doesn't know how to take criticism but on the other hand the criticizers were unnecessarily rude and aggressive at some points. The catty aftermath on twitter was immature as well.

>> No.8109510

chouxpuffs isn't the smoothest person around, but Kai/Valkoinensamuraiwhatever is a weeaboo beyond saving.

>> No.8109539

>The catty aftermath on twitter was immature as well.

>> No.8109548

his makeup is bad and he should feel bad.

>> No.8109556
File: 156 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, this is the same guy who cosplayed Eren in Yukicon this year and was critized for bad make-up.

Was this catty aftermath you mentioned?

>> No.8109561
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And the other part.

>> No.8109568

wow, this is amusing

>> No.8109574
File: 17 KB, 599x359, B89_CQFIMAAKdGc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii pico-chan

>> No.8109583

What is going on with those breasts?

>> No.8109588

And that isn't even all of it. I think my feed exploded with catty tweets related to the case.

>> No.8109591

I hope those aren't hickies. Those are bruises, right?

>> No.8109593

sauce pliis.

>> No.8109598

Who are these fatty-chans and why should I care?

>> No.8109600

Are those tweets deleted by now or are they still there?

>> No.8109603
File: 80 KB, 596x900, DSC_0198(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, his gf's makeup is horrendous too...

>> No.8109606
File: 93 KB, 596x900, DSC_1099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the uncanny valley

>> No.8109607


>> No.8109608

My friend wants to know what's the next con after Frostbite. He only knows for sure that Animecon is in July, but I'm sure there's some cons inbetween

>> No.8109609

>dat face shape
>dat angle
pls stop.

>> No.8109610
File: 59 KB, 584x370, scp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did a twitter search on "suomen cosplay-piiri" and this turned up.. she seems nice.

>> No.8109612
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>> No.8109614

what a sad, pathetic person

>> No.8109615
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>> No.8109616

The one wearing glasses is piccomon.

>> No.8109619

omg, suomen cosplay-piiri is so hilarious.

>> No.8109621
File: 33 KB, 292x302, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm speechless. I hate that "linnunpaskat silmissä" make-up and I think both of them should learn to make-up better. I don't think those characters have anything white in their eyes besides the eyeballs. So why do they do this?

This please.

>> No.8109631

Yeah, seriously it's 2k15 and people still do that, WHY. There's tons of cosplay makeup tutorials for men, it's just a poor excuse "buhuu I haven't done any research look mommy I made everything by myself XD" or "I don't have money for better supplies... ;__;" bitch, stop buying crap and invest, seriously...

>> No.8109632

Tampere Kuplii, Desucon, Mimicon, Hypecon

>> No.8109635

I don't know if PopCult is considered as a con, but it's on 25.4.-26.4.2015 and then there is Desucon 5.6.-7.6.2015.

>> No.8109637

I wonder how many semi-casuals are going because Nostalgia Critic is guest of honor

>> No.8109649

Meh. I'm more interested about the upcoming program than him.

>> No.8109656

Yes. That reminds me of upper secondary school times when some girls put their make-up like that. Hurrdurr, and here I thought the trend had died. But yeah, I agree that people should invest on better supplies, a lot can be forgiven if you haven't half-assed your cosplay due laziness or whatever.

>> No.8109679
File: 413 KB, 1058x800, ugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, I tried.

>> No.8109687

Good job. The one on the right looks much more better than the left one. But that wig could use some work though. Is this supposed to be Levi?

>> No.8109703


You tried your best, anon. But his face is beyond saving. He seems to have lost the genetic lottery pretty badly.

>> No.8109734

Well, he's apparently a FtM so there's only a certain amount you can go with your face without having reconstructive surgery.

>> No.8109738


Doesn't matter. Even if he was male or female, that face is still very unfortunate to have.

>> No.8109739

what, really? didn't know that

>> No.8110537

Chouxpuffs/Marjut really had a point with her first comment (it wasn't rude, it was true) but got seriously/childishly pissed when the other guy got super defensive about Valkoinensamurai's make-up. I still got her point.

>> No.8110563

Woah didn't know either! It was kinda predictable from all XD's now that I think about it...
Otherwise I would've guessed he'd be very deep in the closet lol.

>> No.8110611

she looks like Laamamies

>> No.8110620

That group is slightly better than the previous group though. It actually has admins at least. But I agree that it's stupid how big shitstorm even slightly negative feedback causes.

All that asspatting makes me cringe tbh.
> It's okay if you want to crossplay but don't wanna wear binds

No it's not okay.

>> No.8110713

Is binding obligatory for those with a- or b-cup?

>> No.8110717


If you can put a bra on it then bind it, sister!

>> No.8110751

Cidi white knighting the conversation amuses me.

>> No.8110756

Not obligatory, more like voluntery. Just make sure you don't flash anything and incase you need to bind, don't buy cheap binders on Ebay and don't use ace bandages or tape for binding.

>> No.8110761

so is /cgl/ Finnish?

because i am

going to Finnish on that slut's forehead when she falls asleep like bill cosbro

>> No.8110768

Ok, thanks!

>> No.8110826


10€ for a somewhat okay lunch.

>> No.8110852
File: 146 KB, 1024x1326, princess_kraehe_from_princess_tutu_by_stockinganime-d5urin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I just realized who his face (and makeup skills) remind me of.

>> No.8110855


Our original makeup queen. Such expertise!

>> No.8110858

I have eaten these foods at every Desucon. Does Lastu have only 3 different recipes holy shit.

>> No.8110862

Yeah. I was thinking of eating there rather than walking to central area where most fast food restaurants will be full of other congoers.

>> No.8110863

well PopCult has some cosplay competitions, artist's alley, vendors and all kinds of program so it seems like a con to me.

>> No.8110865

I swear there was BBQ related food on Friday, but they probably deleted it, because the con starts at 17:00. What a pity.

>> No.8110868

His whole being is kind of knight-ish really it's funny considering how beta he is

>> No.8110869

What are you talking about?

>> No.8110897

Are you blind? It's so obvious, I doubt he's had any surgeries or treatment to begin with.

>> No.8110910

Is there any proof? Like girly voice or something? Never met him before.

>> No.8110914

to me it isn't obvious
proof pls

>> No.8110915

Ahh well now that I looked through his pictures, there is no adams apple?? But that doesn't prove anything right?

>> No.8110942
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could have been shooped out..
I mean he COULD pass for a girl but the jawline imho is a bit too strong for it. I'mma need some proofs of this.

>> No.8110952

I think he used to go by Hakamaneiti at least in Aniki at some point.

>> No.8110962 [DELETED] 
File: 241 KB, 953x251, poikatytto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FtM confirmed??? Ok ok I believe you now. That writing style was very suspicious from begin.

>> No.8110966
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>> No.8110968
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You can see his old replies quoted as Hakama-neiti. His blogs states that he is man. So yeah, anon was right.

The amount of using emotes ;__; and xD in his blog gave me a cancer.

>> No.8110974
File: 16 KB, 334x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>writing in third person
>emotes overload

Stop, just stop. What. The. Fuck.
He is 19, right?

>> No.8110975

If you see him irl it's a clear case, the jawline is mostly photo angles. Only thing I wonder if it's official/diagnosed or just a weeaboo ftm phase.

>> No.8110983

19? And still so much weeaboo? Oh my god... Some never grow from that state, huh.

>> No.8110984

He/She's also really short irl and has a girl's voice. I don't know how anyone would think it's actually a male, the shoop/photo angles are so obvious.

>> No.8110986

sorry, always thought he was a genuine male ;__; XD :3
I'm obviously blind. would be interesting to know if she/he was a real FtM or a fakeboi.

>> No.8110995

Guys, please. If he says he's a he, then use it. It doesn't really matter if it's teenager's wish to be a man or if he's FtM trans. We have enough trans hate in the world already, I'd like to keep cosplay community clean from sexual and gender identity hate.

Thank god we have just 'hän'.

>> No.8110998

Fucking this. Can you give it a rest now?

>> No.8111005

Jfc check the date, you idiot, it's written almost five years ago. He was 14-15 then, the prime age of weaboos. His writing style isn't normal even now but it's definitely gotten better from that.

>> No.8111007

Maybe the transhate will stop when trans shits stops being showed down people's throats. All this "tolerance, tolerance, unicorns!! :33" going on in the community makes me want to be intolerant.

>> No.8111008

Careful, your tumblr is showing.

>> No.8111009

You are an idiot.

>> No.8111010

Good job finnish /cgl/ not only are you catty in-fighters, youre outing yourself as transphobes too.

>> No.8111011

Fucking Christ you can't say anything slightly tolerant these days without being labeled as tumblr.

>> No.8111014

Considering how Finns are pretty much known to be racist, transphobic and homophobic as fuck, I'm not surprised. Disappointed, yes.

>> No.8111016

And we have both extremes too! From intolerance to fetishization! Good job!

>> No.8111018

not even Finnish but damn you sound like Potsy

>> No.8111020

nothing against lgbt-people, I was just interested as fuck since he doesn't mention it anywhere.

>> No.8111021


>> No.8111024


>> No.8111025

That's not your fucking business to know it.

>> No.8111031

Hi Kai, butthurt much?

>> No.8111033

I'd rather know if the girl I am hitting on has a penis or not.

>> No.8111035

Does it matter? either way they're not a "girl" if they ever had a penis.

>> No.8111036

And apparently self-hating and self-righteous as fuck.

>> No.8111037

I think some MtF can be convincing but yeah, if you know, it is kind of hard to shake the feeling of sleeping with a man.

>> No.8111038

It's none of our business but God forbid we use the wrong pronoun. I'm kind of tired of being made a villain just because someone else is dysphoric.

>> No.8111042

The worst are the transtrenders we are seeing her as well, body dysphoria is a real problem and then you have the transtrenders fetishizing transgenders.

>> No.8111043

Transexuality is a mental disease and the only cure is death.

>> No.8111044

Agreed, how can you get so broken?

>> No.8111047

Technically you are correct, though.

>> No.8111053

Reported the thread, hopefully it will be deleted, how can you people be such transphobic, homophobic shitlords?

>> No.8111055

I like being a shitlord personally. Gives me purpose in life.

>> No.8111059
File: 26 KB, 640x480, NWKHXUql.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, good to know that most of Finnish cosplayers seem to be complete shitheads!

>> No.8111061

Guys, it's a troll.

>> No.8111062
File: 107 KB, 750x600, 1173090068929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I don't like taking it up the ass. Considering you're a woman you're probably used to it.

>> No.8111063


Using the wrong pronouns once or twice is ok, if you're not previously aware of the person's gender. If you're corrected, then it's just polite to use the pronouns the person wants you to use. At least if it's basic he/she/they pronouns, idk about the otherkin shit on Tumblr, though.

This is why I'm so glad Finnish has gender neutral pronouns. You can avoid shit like this most of the time.

>> No.8111065

>implying everyone who posts in this thread is a cosplayer

>> No.8111071
File: 49 KB, 640x359, 206420_screenshots_2015-01-04_00004 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.8111074
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>> No.8111084

Go back to ulilauta, saged and reported whole thread hopefully gets taken down soon.

Nice double moral people have here for bad mouthing pico when she made fun on of scp and then revealing and talking about other peoples personal lifes.
Sure Kai didn't have the best makeup but he hasn't done anything to you particularly. You don't have to hold hands and be friends with everyone but keep your shit to yourself and diss people privately with friends then.

>> No.8111089

Pretty sure both pico and Kai are huge idiots. Like all cosplayers it seems.

>> No.8111090
File: 58 KB, 500x524, 1395611981866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I was actually considering going to a con

>> No.8111099

Still that wouldn't justify any of this, take your head out of your ass.

>> No.8111101

The people posting here whine about SCP being a hugbox and then come to 4chan of all places and act shocked when people here are mean and don't agree with their precious opinions. How cute.

>> No.8111102

They have very nice facial structure and quite photogenic face, too bad about the makeup.

>> No.8111106

>nice facial structure

if you consider the aftermath of getting hit with a shovel to the face so, i dont know what to tell you

>> No.8111110

I don't know, I like it at least in that particular photo. Fits well for male characters.

>> No.8111112
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>> No.8111114

Hello pico

>> No.8111118
File: 82 KB, 750x600, 11674816529358003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They fucking cosplay shitgeki, they're fair game.

Cleanse the finnish animu scene of faggots.

>> No.8111122

Haha you idiot, Pico probably doesn't even know that cgl exists.

>> No.8111126
File: 34 KB, 600x338, tumblr_nbmz9atgXH1rg2m64o9_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SCP is a hugbox, no denying there, everyone and their grandma knows it. And /cgl/ is a cesspool of cunts (with a sandbox worth of sand in their vaginas) who like to talk shit about people. Everyone and their grandma knows that, too.

"Waaaahh this is 4chan we're all cunts here" still doesn't justify outing someone as trans and starting to question whether their case is legit or not. You have to admit, it's kinda rude.

>> No.8111127

I bet soro was sucking up to Elffi so that she could get into that cosplay showcase in Jyväskylä. I heard that she actually didn't do shit for it once she got in.

>> No.8111128

if pico lurked here you'd know from her twitter. trust me

>> No.8111131
File: 24 KB, 540x392, 1513765_10153802851077281_3454472127550718512_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? who wouldn't know cgl? you gotta be living under a rock if you don't.

>> No.8111132

she's in charge of the Japanese streetfashion part, it was her idea

>> No.8111135

Elffi? Shouldn't it be Cosvision's guys or monokero? I don't know the details tbh but there's seriously no reason why soro of all the people is being presented there.

>> No.8111136
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>> No.8111137

Who the fuck would let her be in charge of anything?

>> No.8111138

I heard she bought hundred cocks from ebay and sucked them all.

>> No.8111143


Yeah, I was also wondering how the hell did she and her retarded fashion sense get in there. Soro apparently has no idea what lolita is, and even though she on/off claims(=whenever her shitty coords are being ridiculed, she backpedals even though she tags it as gaijin gyaru or smth) to be a gyaru, the costumes look like the sales rack of Cybershop. ffs, I don't even do Harajuku fashion but I know better than her.

>> No.8111147

>Soro apparently has no idea what lolita is
I don't think the lolita costumes are hers

>> No.8111148

Maybe soro just sucked some cocks, thought about that?

>> No.8111149

It's just some ghetto event in nowhere important, who gives a shit

>> No.8111152

Either way they were ugly as fuck.

>> No.8111154


>> No.8111157
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>> No.8111159
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>Kinda rude.
>ignoring everything else that 4chan has done in the past 12 years that's much worse

You should get your downs syndrome checked out.

>> No.8111162
File: 519 KB, 680x674, Jesus_Christ_how_horrifying-(n1308183251036).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But our hobby is being represented by a trashy weeb who's a lunatic and can't coord a shirt and jeans to be anything coherent. You should be mad!!!!

>> No.8111168

What they said.

It might be rude, but in here almost everything is fair game. In b4 thread deletion and wiseasses on twitter gloating how they KNOW how cgl rules work.

>> No.8111169

>Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban.


>> No.8111171

Pretty how funny how people seem to be picking on Soro only on the fact that she wants to get somewhere in her hobby and looks reasonably good so of course she must be a whore, from transphobia to slut shaming, congratulations /cgl/

>> No.8111174


>> No.8111177
File: 35 KB, 640x358, 10945712_338734812978301_1252582731499231181_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god, are you serious? Are you high?

>> No.8111181
File: 40 KB, 420x294, 1339181000869_8032746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. I've seen bigger piles of shit hit the fan than this. So.. kinda rude actually works here.

Basic day on /cgl/

>> No.8111182
File: 65 KB, 1213x253, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeez, they should just rename this program to "MRA-session with niidel" at this point.

>> No.8111186

Nah, people start talking shit about soro when they want to turn attention elsewhere since it's 100% guaranteed that soro'll come to defend herself.
Smart move, anon.

>> No.8111187
File: 216 KB, 1280x960, 1218052990920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd shame that slut with my penis if you know what I mean. I bet she'll like it.

>> No.8111188

Sooo.... Any more delicious drama going on lately?

>> No.8111190


>> No.8111191

Nah, the reason why she doesn't get anywhere in this hobby is because she keeps getting into fights with other people and refuses to take constructive criticism for her shit coords or responsibility for her behavior.

>> No.8111193
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>> No.8111195

>constructive criticism for her shit coords
screenshots of said constructive criticism?

>> No.8111196

get the fuck out soro, you've gotten plenty of it but you never listen because you think it's all "bullying".

>> No.8111197

>Pls gais, I don't have a live outside this thread ;____;

>> No.8111198

Sure sounds like people are just unfairly attacking her because theyre jealous.

>> No.8111207


niidel is getting all the more desperate for attention and his "I'm a manly STRAIGHT man titties sexism yay"-act is getting tired. Ilona can't even mention anything cosplay-related anymore in Twitter without him trying to imply something sex-related. Sorry, niidel, you're not relevant anymore!

>> No.8111210

This is why we don't like you.

>> No.8111214

I heard that the notorious con terrorist group RKS is up to something bad at frostbite.

>> No.8111215

niidel's program is at the same time as rakuen tsuiho and urobuchi, sounds more like some desperate advertising on his part

>> No.8111228
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>> No.8111231

We need heroes like him to defeat feminism, kids and SJW:s in our dear subculture. He has the status and the courage to fight.

Heil Nidler!

>> No.8111233

>notorious con terrorist group RKS
What the hell is that?

>> No.8111238

Its a group led by Jakoavain. He wants revenge.

>> No.8111245

He's more into women's rights than you might think. His status (a lawyer) in this society is just a few steps above your average liberal arts tumblrite with more feels than brain, so no wonder he doesn't discuss those things with them. You should read his blog sometimes.

No, Not bubukuuti.

>> No.8111250

You know just because youre in an abusive relationship you can get away from him and get help, huilailee

>> No.8111255

Look dudes, I don't post with a trip but I'll make clear if it's me when you know, it is me. I'm an asshole enough to be married to the biggest shitlord in the scene after all.

Just for record though, I know Reggy is still pissing a lot of people off.

>> No.8111257

Well, he does seem like sort of a sex-positive feminist with a lot more sex than feminism.

>> No.8111258

>Just for record though, I know Reggy is still pissing a lot of people off.
What happened?

>> No.8111259

When I told you about getting help, I didnt mean outing other assholes from the scene while proclaiming who you are

>> No.8111261

Stop blaming her ffs, you got into enough trouble for the last time you thought she was posting. You're pissing off a lot of people too, you know.

>> No.8111263

Caliph Jakoavain will establish a state of love and tolerance in Finnish conosphere!

>> No.8111266

So does reggy do anything else besides build an image of fake thuggery and being an all-around asshole?

>> No.8111267

At some Finland thread huilailee blamed her for talking shit about her when she wasn't even online. Huilailee just has a strange vendetta/obsession with her even though they have no connections at all.

>> No.8111268

Reggy is cool, I like her

>> No.8111271

The thuggery thing is a joke, she makes fun of herself about it all the time.

>> No.8111274

So she does have some self-awereness after all.
Seems like just a generic idiot the anime scene is full of.

>> No.8111277

who's reggy?

>> No.8111278

Isn't he busy chasing over-the-hill idols in Japan?

>> No.8111279

I'm intending to make it my unofficial trademark.

Srsly though, if you have nothing else to talk about except this lame-ass dramu, I wish this thread a quick a painless death. The fact that someone whose internet nick begins with R writes in allcaps and it's annoying is the least of my worries and should be rather low on your list too. Everyone here should go to the self-post thread and ask for crit; it'd be 400% more beneficial to the Finnish scene than anything said in this thread so far.

>> No.8111282

While niidel creeps on homegrown girls, jakoavain decided to do the same for foreign ones.
If your beef with Reggy is her writing style maybe your problems are coming from somewhere else.

>> No.8111283

/r/ conien ihmissuhdekaavio

>> No.8111284


This guy is actually the biggest traitor in the whole conosphere.

>arrange a meetup in Desucon
>don't show up yourself

>go on a trip to Japan
>"forget" to buy souvenirs

>get interviewed by a Japanese TV-program and agree on going to see pro wrestling with the crew
>ditch them and never show up

>> No.8111287

You are aware you're starting lame dramu here too and picking fights, right? Pot calling the kettle black...

>> No.8111289

Just another entry on a long list of shit she has done. Just like Jussi, neither have much awareness for things like that, just the need to get their own voice the loudest. Match made in heaven.

>> No.8111290

Hip hop gangsta

>> No.8111293

link to the thread pls

>> No.8111301
File: 50 KB, 604x669, 1311358594997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your top 3 con scene guys?

Mine would be
1. Hinis/Lasse
2. Jax
3. Zits

>> No.8111307

1. Jussi Kari
2. Tsubasa
3. WcCuck

>> No.8111309


No Iltis? Shit taste, pleb.

>> No.8111310



>> No.8111313

1. who
2. who
3. who

>> No.8111314

Lurk more noob.

>> No.8111316


>> No.8111319

Says Iltis himself, try not to get wasted at weekend.

>> No.8111321

Shit, who told those #rakkaus assholes about this thread?

>> No.8111322

After niidel lost the vote for Desucon's head organizer she threw a massive fit and publicly trashed other Desucon organizers on twitter. It was so cringeworthy and immature, I don't think she has any credibility to blame others for starting "lame dramu".

>> No.8111324

Hey, that felt bad ;_;. You're rude.

>> No.8111325

They've been here all the time and post in every Finland thread. You don't think everyone posting is a cosplayer, do you?

>> No.8111326

We're everywhere. Expect us.

>> No.8111327

I heard he is quite introverted

>> No.8111331

Status: gone

She seemed so mad about it, and seems like it still bothers her

>> No.8111333

Do they even translate?

>> No.8111334

>2. Tsubasa

>> No.8111335

Well, her husband lost a shitload of status, who wouldnt be mad?

>> No.8111338

I don't usually go around defending myself because it's not how I roll, but in this case quite a few misunderstood me in a way that affects a lot more than what people think about me.

My beef with that vote was not who was chosen but the direction Desucon is heading towards. I see Desucon as a stagnant stalemate and I do not like the situation. I left the organizing group when I saw that most were content with the status quo, and not striving to be better, bigger and more exceptional. This was in 2013.

Thing is, that at this point niidel was still the main organizer. I'm not asshole enough to publicly undermine something my husband spends most of his free time on. But when he was NOT chosen, I was suddenly free to say what I had, at that point, thought for over a year.

Perhaps posting what I did on Twitter at that time did not help my cause and did made me seem like a bitter person, which I completely overlooked because I quite often do not take people's emotions into consideration. Comes with being an asshole, you see.

>> No.8111342

I think instead of asshole, the word beginning with the letter a youre looking for is autism.

Is it true that youre asexual which is why Jussi spends so much time creeping other girls on twitter/irl?

>> No.8111344

What's there to misunderstand when you call them names and completely burn bridges behind you? You're almost 30, when your husband loses a vote and other organizers don't agree with your views is no reason to throw a hissy fit.

> I quite often do not take people's emotions into consideration. Comes with being an asshole, you see.

My, you sound like an edgemaster angel.

>> No.8111349

Personally I like Hui's way of telling her honest opinion, if she didn't we probably wouldn't have that lounge style afterparty in this year's Frostbite which I'm looking forward. I hate the rave styled parties.

>> No.8111353

Man that's great. But no, I'm not asexual.

Why do you think I go to see Robin live? For the music?

>> No.8111356

You can tell your honest opinion without being a dick about it. It's not hard.

>> No.8111357
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>> No.8111358


They still have the rave, but for Friday it's loungy fun time. But I agree, if there's a con that can use a good party with more laid-back conversation than booming loud music, it's Desucon.

>> No.8111360


If nothing else, that is a thing, also she should help desucon get rid of the furries.

>> No.8111363
File: 1.71 MB, 1529x2209, augustus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1939 HITLER WAS RIGHT 煙クラックコカイン

>> No.8111365

So both of you just happen to like younger people, gotcha

>> No.8111369
File: 316 KB, 600x399, comeatmebro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these jealous nobodies

>> No.8111371

Sorry, did not post that :^)

>> No.8111374

Where all da twitter reactions at?

It's always fun to see people reacting to the thread on twitter.

>> No.8111375

Muista se hammaslääkäri huomenna

>> No.8111376

Maybe that age limit was a ruse all along, to derail us from the truth?!

>> No.8111377
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>> No.8111378

>I don't usually go around defending myself because it's not how I roll,

You do it all the time, though.

> I'm not asshole enough to publicly undermine something my husband spends most of his free time on. But when he was NOT chosen, I was suddenly free to say what I had, at that point, thought for over a year.

Why didn't you talk about it in private? That autistic public fit was painful to look at and made you look like a self-entitled idiot, which you're readily proving yourself to be, in the eyes of many people who already had a bad opinion of you. You're not gaining any sympathy by not realizing that it's not your opinion that made people mad, it was the way you presented it with. Your "honest talk" isn't sassy or charming, it's rude and hurtful.

> I quite often do not take people's emotions into consideration. Comes with being an asshole, you see.

We've noticed that.

>> No.8111379
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>> No.8111381

Kyllä äiti, mut anna mun kattoo jäkist rauhas, Tappara johtaa 3-1.

>> No.8111383
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>this thread

>> No.8111388

Huilailee already reacted but yeah, she joined the party here already so not big news. Try searching cgl and suomi.

>> No.8111394

Go, but don't post your pictures anywhere or comment on anything that happened in the con. Stay with your friends and invisible, don't try to take contact to "famous" con goers.
> tfw I'm not even kidding

>> No.8111395

I like how there is a mix of angry Finnish and random foreigners shitposting. I just came back from taking a nap.
Even if the thread gets deleted, you can still find it and read it.

>> No.8111405
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>cosplay scene

>> No.8111413

This thread is so stupid can we just start a new one.

>> No.8111420
File: 35 KB, 500x363, vittu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This thread and all this shittery

>> No.8111431

>start a new one.

>> No.8111441

the best part it that "he" is a former woman :^)

>> No.8111447

Careful anon, there mighty be some tumblrinas left to defend him and saying he has always been a man.

>> No.8111451

I have known that person for six years, it is a big whiny bitch and is as much a man as I am a woman

>> No.8111486

In my convention-desu?!

>> No.8111501

Beware of the lurker below the stairs

>> No.8111590
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>> No.8111655
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As if reporting the thread helps. Ever. It has been six hours.

>> No.8111878
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What the fuck is going on here?

>> No.8112612

So who are the best people who do panels and lectures for cons? People who know their shit and can communicate it well as well.

I don't want to waste time seeing first timers shitty high school-tier presentations or scene fags trying to be funny.

>> No.8112620

She's pissing me of with her shitty drawings. Seriously Desucon fire her already.

>> No.8112659

This thread passed the autosage limit ages ago. Learn to use 4chan and go to the new thread.

>> No.8112794
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>tries to cause pointless drama and then bawws and backpedals when "people try to cause lame dramu"
>disappears after people don't support her autistic "proud to be an asshole" rambles and baseless vendetta

Class act. I'm pleasantly surprised that she wasn't whiteknighted by her blind followers more than this.

>> No.8112848

yet you still lurk this thread