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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 115 KB, 800x958, Little-Tokyo-Weeab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8110184 No.8110184 [Reply] [Original]

For all my fellow seagulls who are local to the LA area, I've come here to share with you the game that my friends and I play whenever we find ourselves in Little Tokyo. I present to you Little Tokyo Weeabingo!

Rules are just like regular fucking bingo.

>> No.8110185
File: 19 KB, 800x958, Blank-weeabingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got better ideas? Wanna make one for cons, or your own local weeaboo hot spots? Here's the template.

>> No.8110420

Seems cute. Think I'll try this at the cosplay meetup there at the end of the month. It will be my first time going to Little Tokyo and to that meet up

>> No.8110446

may god have mercy on your soul anon

>> No.8110479

I'm going to a con on Saturday and would like to print out a couple of these for my friends. Does anyone have con-specific ones?

>> No.8110497

I literally just made these last night. You can make a con-specific one using the template, tho.

>> No.8110507

This isn't new you know. We had a cosplay bingo before. Your specific one may be but the idea is older than yaya.

>> No.8110587

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I /invented/ cosplay bingo. I just thought the anon was referring to the fact that I posted the template in reference to making sheets for local groups. My mistake.

>> No.8110589

I read their comment more as ideas for spaces rather than entire pre-made templates.
>tfw I was in a Japanese store the other day and bingoed with pink.

>> No.8110598

Yeah I'm a lazy fuck and wanted whole already made cards.

>> No.8110807

>playing the UFO catcher at Anime Jungle
Guilty, and I've only ever been to LA once in my life

>> No.8110812

Same. My bf feels the need to try every claw game that has something I like in it since we seem to get really lucky with these things somewhat often. We've given up on the Anime Jungle ones, though.

>> No.8110829

I don't see how making a purchase or using the ufo catcher at Anime Jungle is that weeaboo? There should be a Fairytale Boutique square too then. I just don't get ragging on people for supporting local businesses, man.

I did see a white lady in a qipao in LT a few weeks ago though. That was awkward.

>> No.8110850
File: 10 KB, 250x231, disbitchserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she thinks modern qipao are actually chinese clothing
>she doesn't know they were invented just for dumb slut foreigners to prance around in

>> No.8110874

>wearing hokey Chinese themed clothing to a Japanese themed place
Are you deliberately missing the point of their post or what

>> No.8110876

Still makes it awkward.

>> No.8111350

i'm going to that too. do you have any idea what you'll be cosplaying, so i could say hi? it's going to be a huge fucking weebfest. i can't believe that guy is so into himself that he named the meetup after himself.

>> No.8111384
File: 146 KB, 800x958, nobingo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to LT once a month and I guess I'm rather blessed that I don't encounter much weirdos since I really enjoy being with the people I hang out with. Hobos though, hobos are the biggest bane in LT.

>> No.8111397

For real though. There are no Fairytale Boutique squares. "pick up headbow, see price, immediately put back down" comes to mind
>since that's exactly what I did when I went years ago

>and don't even try to pretend a lolita store is any less weird than the anime store

>> No.8111518
File: 505 KB, 800x958, 2015-02-10-11-49-20_deco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I win?

>> No.8111538
File: 323 KB, 1000x667, DSC_0800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mind you, they're only $1.50 which isn't too bad, the photo machines are like $10 or so which is totally wrong.

>> No.8111575

It's $10 for the memories. I find that rather worth it.

>> No.8111580

Actually. Qipao/cheongsam are real traditional Chinese clothing in the Qing dynasty. However, the ones now sold at a wide range of places at cheap prices, are the western ones made for westerners. There are still qipao/cheongsam that can , and should, be custom tailored in China for special event purposes.

>> No.8111585
File: 51 KB, 895x892, bnahabra_armor_by_bnaha-d6mciby-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha I was wondering about the name. I will be in a small group of Monster Hunter cosplayers. I'll be in the armor in the bottom right of pic.
Have you been to the gathering before?
What will you be cosplaying?

>> No.8111625
File: 97 KB, 800x958, 1423539837183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this and feel like I should adapt it for my local area, but there aren't enough weebs. Maybe I should do a general one for the alternative/hipster/weeb district in my city.

Pic related, blacked out squares are only relevant in LA but the crossed-out ones are all things I've seen in my own city.

>> No.8111794
File: 22 KB, 960x398, yutr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic of LT, anybody else going to this?

>> No.8111858

I'm tempted, since its just right after my payday.

Might not go though since i need to start saving for Sakuracon and Fanime.

>> No.8111884

hobos EVERYWHERE for real though

I really only go down to LT during the day on weekdays mostly, so I rarely see anything too embarrassing.

>> No.8111896

27 years old, equate japanese with being in trouble....still

mom was Japanese and would yell at me in Japanese if i was in trouble as a child

9/10 would prefer never to hear japanese in a day

>> No.8111912
File: 158 KB, 800x958, 1423539905431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made two myself.


>> No.8111913

Everything in there looks too big to be picked up by those claws. This looks more like a scam than most of the machines I see.

>> No.8111916
File: 159 KB, 800x958, 14235399054312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(based on my comm, at least)

>> No.8111917

Thought about it, but am going to the Golden Dragon Parade in Chinatown instead.

>> No.8111921

dammit anon!

>> No.8111922

Good, now I know how to get under your skin. Too bad there isn't a way to yell at you in japanese on 4chin.

...on a related note, what is japanese for 'kill yourself, faggot'?

>> No.8111926

Yes I know, but I had to

>> No.8111929

yeah, if you can actually manage to get something with the claw:toy ratio.

>> No.8111931

Are you one of those people who thinks macaron and macaroon are pronounced differently?

>> No.8111935

I've never thought twice about this, macaroons are called something different in my language (while "macarons" is still used to refer to macarons). I just did it for the lulz.

>> No.8111951

>Bored boyfriend standing around
>Brand is so expensive

To be honest, I'm jelly at anyone who actually gets to buy brando for their waifu.

Also, It's Macaron IIRC

>> No.8111958



>> No.8111963

You first

>> No.8112181

me and my friends went a while ago
and this smelly dude came to us and i gave him some change to go away
fast forward to 2 hours later after eating at shinsengumi
he finds us again and follows us for a good 2 minutes repeating "can i have money? please? please? please? please? please? please?" and even follows us into the boba store across the street
i count my blessings that none of us got stabbed that day, but at the same time, he prob couldnt even afford anything to stab us with anyway

>> No.8112182
File: 42 KB, 575x429, coconut_macaroon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't 'macaron' the sandwich cookie and 'macaroon' the coconut cookie? That's how I was taught?

>> No.8112190

you're right anon, it's not any less weird; tbh, it honestly just slipped my mind that Fairytale Boutique was even there, cus I never see people in/around it.

>> No.8112194

change awkward brolita to "sissy fetishist" and that's pretty much right

>> No.8112197

Macaron > made out of almond, sandwhiched with buttercrea
Macaroon > made out of coconut. Haystacks.

>> No.8112239

It's mainly because LT is just right close to Skid Row and the Twin Towers(LA County Jail).

>the boba store across the street

Their Brown Sugar Milk Tea is so fucking good, we always drop by over there too when we go down LT.

It's just as long as they pull it off nicely. Secretly I really want to see people like Ichiro Ao or Matthew Seo in lolita but I'd look gay if I asked.

>> No.8112285

holy shit I'm so sorry anon

>> No.8112302

A deadly case of 2nd hand embarrassment?

>> No.8112304

Deets please. Where do I find out about meetups in the LA area?

>> No.8112349

There's like an entire art on Japanese claw games. You're supposed to play multiple times to nudge things over and push them around. The perforations on the sides of prize anime figure boxes, making it seem like you'd be able to pick them up? Naaaah knock it over and keep nudging.

>> No.8112368

>LT is just right close to Skid Row
Flashbacks to when we got lost coming back from LT and ended up parked on the side of the road in Skid Row. Told the driver to maybe go back and park in LT, she refused because she didn't want to waste gas. She changed her mind when some guy tried to open the passenger door.

>> No.8112381

oh shit yes come to sakura con so I can finally figure out who you are. I've been trying for weeks.
Generally you just have to know the right people on Fb to get invited.

>> No.8112422

Except they are pronounced differently?

Macaron - /ˌmɑːkəˈroʊn/
Macaroon - /mækəˈruːn/

Macaroon is more emphasized than macaron.

>> No.8112454

I feel like there are a lot of meets and events in the LA area. I just searched cosplay in the event section of fb. Thats how I found "andrewcon" and then found out a small part of my local cosplay community would be attending as well.

>> No.8112555

I got invited to that event, too many damn cosplay gatherings.

>> No.8112560

This is honestly why I really want to move back to LA.

I just want to have a life where I just get off work, go to Ozero and drink boba while reading manga all day.

>> No.8112561

I honestly just want you to kill yourself.

>> No.8112562

just slightly, and not in every accent.
>tfw the french pastry chef in the bakery i work at pronounces them the same.

>> No.8112572

You first

>> No.8112591

>It's just as long as they pull it off nicely.
then they aren't sissies, boom, that easy to undestand

>> No.8112625

I remember I was googling macarons sometime in 2010, 2011? when I just found out about Dreaming Macaron, and honestly the search brought up pages upon pages upon pages of the coconut version more than the almond meal version. Somewhere in that mess, some writer noted that there were actually two kinds of macarons, and that there were two kinds of spelling because of some linguistic thing (not even because they were two different baked goods!), and that people used them interchangeably.

About a year or two later, when I googled it again (this time to actually make macarons) there were more almond meal macarons than in 2010, and some writers are now saying "some people have adopted the use of macarons to refer to the almond meal version while macaroons is used to refer to the coconut version".

Another year or so after that, I start noticing a proliferation of images on tumblr for "macaron vs macaroon"

Now it's 2013 and a search for macaron will almost inevitably take you to the almond meal version...and, a search for macaroons will give you the same result...

Meanwhile, a european dude with some actual french origins (his family moved a lot) came to visit us last month, and while he liked the (almond meal) macarons the local bakery produced, he said the real thing "back home" was a lot denser, made of almond and should have more sugar in it. So I still don't even know if I've even been eating the macarons all this time, or some other weird non-macaron, non-macaroon kind of baked goods.

sage for venting confusion. Carry on with your bingo.

>> No.8113493

>Brown Sugar Milk Tea

yessss the stuff of the gods

>> No.8113572

>tfw the bf has a bank account just for buying burando for me

>> No.8113587

This is why I don't go to my comm's meetups in Japantown. I like Japantown and lolita but I prefer to keep them separate, cause I do NOT like descending upon Japantown like a flock of weebs, though

>> No.8113590

Disgusting dependent, fueling the patriarchy

>> No.8113599

Thanks for triggering me anon

>> No.8113619

Thanks anon, I get triggered by triggering

>> No.8113664

Excuse me, the word "trigger" triggers me. Tag your shit you ableist neurotiypical cishet scum

>> No.8113817

I am the member always posting on the comm page and never showing up. Because of the internal drama and gossip.

>> No.8114071
File: 1.57 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150206_184724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can go both ways actually

>> No.8114191

only works with a woman's voice

sorry bro

>> No.8114616


Nah bro he had a point, I picked up a box of macarons while I was getting groceries the last time I was in Paris and they're way denser than the light fluffy american ones. Kinda surprised me honestly.

>> No.8114895


Hmm. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

We gave our dude a coconut macaroon as well, and apparently that was not the right macaroon either.

>> No.8115500

yeah the purikura in Dallas is $10 too, my jaw dropped at the time but it was totally worth it

>> No.8115508
File: 33 KB, 512x372, that's a joke son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean, I laughed

>> No.8115517

>I am the member always posting on the comm page and never showing up. Because of the internal drama and gossip.

>hating internal drama and gossip
>yet posting on the comm page
How does this go together anon?

>> No.8115541
File: 43 KB, 500x375, sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a dude and the only reason why I'm in Rufflechat is because I really like reading about all dat drama like "HURR DURR Y U DISCRIMNATIN ON PLUS SIZE", "her coord is so bad, it must be from bodyline" or "look at dat bitch self-promoting".

But then again, I'm an asshole.

It gets worst at 5pm onwards since hobos start lining up for the soup kitchen 2 blocks away from LT lel

>oh shit yes come to sakura con so I can finally figure out who you are. I've been trying for weeks.

Sorry, I'm too awkward to the point that I bore people to death

I wish I could remedy that somehow.

>> No.8115565

American versions of stuff just aren't the same. Like, your bread is too sweet, your dairy products taste like shit, and your coffee should be used for colonoscopy bowel prep rather than drinking.

>> No.8116287

I feel like we're lacking in kinokuniya-specific ones

>> No.8116297

Please post the one for cons :3

>> No.8116336

Kinokuniya is pretty good though, i really love their classics section and they also have a wide variety of Touhou tracks.

>> No.8121096

And their chocolate is revolting.

>> No.8121206


I'm actually located in Asia. The sweetness (and quality) of coffee varies too widely, depending on the shop you order from. Regular bread isn't sweet but we have some brands where the bread is sweeter than normal.

Dairy does mostly taste like shit except for maybe one brand, though.

You see why I doubly seriously have no idea what kind of macarons we have. It is super sweet, so possibly we got the recipe from the American side rather than European side of the ocean.