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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 56 KB, 671x960, 1798792_653664698089283_2033851095037709615_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8065759 No.8065759 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have ourselves another CoF thread.

>> No.8065773

Cute coord! I like the balance of colors.

>> No.8065788

Nitpick but I'd have liked to see red shoes with this coord and a darker brown purse to pull it together. 'cause those browns don't match and the red doesn't really go with any other part of the coord.

>> No.8065792

Honestly this might be a regular fashion vs lolita code thing but if you wear 5 different shades of brown (or other neutrals) that's a matching monochrome look.

>> No.8065801

>that's a matching monochrome look.

>> No.8065808

>5 different shades of brown
red is brown now?

>> No.8065812

Shoes, bag, skirt, collar x2
Not like it being 3 or 4 would make a difference.

>> No.8065817

But wait the bag has at least 3 shades of brown and you didn't count the glasses

>> No.8065818


This coord is cute. You're just looking for something to complain about.

>> No.8065819

Seriously? /cg/ is anal about browns matching, this isn't a new thing.

>> No.8065820

I never said it wasn't cute, just that I prefer a little more thought to go into matching. Which is why it's a nitpick.

>> No.8065823

Even better. Don't forget to count the hair and eyes. The buttons on her cardigan might be brown too.

>/cgl/ is anal about browns matching

>> No.8065866
File: 509 KB, 671x960, shoopin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cgl is reasonably anal about matching undertones, not necessarily the actual color itself. You can only play the "monochrome" card when you're not representing both warm and cool tones, which is what the girl in the OP is doing. The bag, shoes, and arguably the collar are all way too warm to make sense with that skirt. The hat may look the same color as the skirt in person, and just didn't photograph the same way because it's a different material so I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt on that one.
Here, have a shoop with the bag and shoes adjusted to kinda illustrate what I mean.

>> No.8065927

Oh warm and cold colours! Like your pic. Do you have any good links or something? I want to learn more now! :) Or could you explain more about the tricks of creating a good balanced coord?

>> No.8065931

Is it just me or is this slightly more Otome than Classic Lolita btw? Anyone disagree?

>> No.8065944
File: 172 KB, 886x1017, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sont have anything against older lolitas but just
God damn. That makeup.

>> No.8065946

He looks like a sissy. Holy shit.

>> No.8065957

Don't *
Looking through pictures of the meets s/he goes through is simultaneously the funniest and saddest thing in the world
All the other girls look so pained

>> No.8065991

He would look so much better in a Classic coord. Sweet isn't this guys natural habitat...
I would love to see him in a longer IW dress with a long armed cardigan and a natural coloured wig that is beautifully styled. Sweet just ruins him now.

>> No.8065994

>with a splash of red
It's the red that throws it off. If she had a light brown cardigan, it wouldn't look so disjointed.

>> No.8066013

Isn't this the mtf that got hormone treatment really fucking late, and that's why she's so masculine?

>> No.8066014
File: 649 KB, 1128x1200, collage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't the coord be boring without the red?

>> No.8066017

Yes. Also I really like the mushroom.

>> No.8066019

If that's the case I really feel sorry for him. Still would look better in classic, though. Or at least not sissy short ankle socks and short poofy sleeves with wrist cuffs.

>> No.8066027

fyi it's a she.

Don't really like the accessories she chose. The necklace and headbows seem strange.

>> No.8066028

I think it's the girls trademark she calls herself Champignon or somthing very close to a mushroom ...

>> No.8066046

The way popularity works on CoF is super weird to me. Obviously well-known Lolitas get more attention, and really impressive coords, but then I see shitty coords getting more likes than nice normal ones. What is with people?

>> No.8066051

>but then I see shitty coords getting more likes than nice normal ones.

Are they a)black, b)some other type of minority (hijabi, wheelchair, etc), or c)mediocre coords with really nice photos?

>> No.8066053

Itas liking other itas. Generally people who are average and looking to improve will look up to people better than them, but people who suck and are too 'sensitive' to consider concrit and improve will gather themselves a little group of equally sucky folks so they can sit around complimenting each other's suckiness and patting themselves on the ass.

>> No.8066117

Oh shit, didn't even consider the minority thing. That's true in many cases, now that I think about it. But there's a lot that are bad coords and bad photos, and I just don't get that.

>> No.8066137
File: 394 KB, 300x232, 1456828509207.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kinda upsets me that I couldn't even post on CoF if I wanted to without someone potentially discrediting my coordinating abilities in response to the amount of likes I receive + my race. I wouldn't appreciate "privileged" guilt-induced likes, but it sucks that something like that could provoke others to shit on me by insisting people only compliment me because of my race and not my coord. That'd be a terrible feeling.

>"Oh, right, people don't actually like her coord! They're just liking it because she's ~xyz~!!! Phew, I feel less bad about myself now!!"

>> No.8066150

Don't blame the people noticing the trend, blame the people who are actually causing it.

>> No.8066169

That's only going to happen if you receive a disproportionate amount of likes, though. In which case surely you should be more upset about the fact people are holding you to a lower standard and not treating you like a human being? It implies that they think your race is less capable and should be rewarded for less.

>> No.8066186

>I really feel sorry for him
Don't because he's a huge bitch. Finally a lolita who looks as terrible on the outside as they are inside.

I think he was a sissy before he transitioned. He looks like one still.

>> No.8066304

I think it's mostly FB algorithms about what content makes it to people's feeds, to be honest. I've noticed that the majority of CoF posts that show up in my feed are either a/ friends of mine or b/ posts my friends have liked.

If you don't already have a lot of lolita friends, your post doesn't get as much traction and is less likely to show up on stranger's feeds, which leaves you with less likes, compared to someone who may not be dressed as nicely, but who knows lots of other people on CoF, who see the photo in their feed and click like for the good social karma. Quality of outfit has very little to do with it most of the time!

>> No.8068263

That makes sense. So someone who has a large amount of Lolita friends will get more likes, simply because they are exposed to it more. Kind of sucks that FB is set up that way, but whatever.

>> No.8068266
File: 36 KB, 539x960, IMG_675954012058428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so annoying when people treat CoF like the mentor or help communities. Don't post unfinished coords! Ugh.

>> No.8068494

She needs to take a cue from Funk Brothers' recent CoF coord.

>> No.8068539

Apart from being fuck ugly the cord itself isn't too bad it just doesn't suit them. I cringed at them calling it old school though.

>> No.8068569

Even if this were a complete coord, it'd still be a goddamn trainwreck.

>also that hair is making me mad as fuck

>> No.8068574

I told her that gently. I was more miffed that literally everyone after my comment just felt the need to repeat what I'd said. It was said once why do you have to repeat the same damn thing?

>> No.8068650

At least you tried! I feel like so much obvious stuff goes unaddressed because people don't want to post anything even remotely negative under their real name. I always want to say stuff, but unless I can come up with a super tactful way to do it, it's a dangerous game.

>> No.8068670
File: 107 KB, 540x775, IMG_20150120_151059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the colors to this outfit, but the wrist cuffs just feel off.

>> No.8068678

because posing on the edge of the bathtub is so rori desu~

>> No.8069053


>> No.8069062

Nitpick really, they should've been light blue. The bolero would look nicer with some lace or ruffles as well. But agree - nice coord. Turquoise and lipstick red is such a good match.

>> No.8069145

Ugh, I don't get why people seem to think this is the sort of thing which should be posted on CoF. Once it's finished yeah, post it, and then receive concrit on how to improve. But don't just post half 'finished' coords while searching for advice, that's what the mentoring group are for. Personally, I'd only ever post something that I felt 100% happy in and knew I'd done to my best ability because otherwise it's a tad embarrassing to post publicly

>> No.8069223

Agreed. I don't post every coord to CoF, only the ones I'm really happy with. So many pictures either look Unfinished or are legitimately unfinished, and that's super annoying to me. Oh well.

>> No.8069236

Every time I see this ladymanbeast I want to vomit.

>> No.8069249

they are both ugly as sin and will look like shit no matter how flawless the coord is

>> No.8069684
File: 64 KB, 440x811, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit with people posting unfinished outfits needs to stop. That top commentor though. Her I like.

>> No.8069703

I never plan to post to CoF
I would honestly rather post here, instead of getting 'aww, you look so cute~'
bitch, I wanna know what I can improve on

>> No.8069704

What did the top commenter say?

>> No.8069709

This is why older people should stay the fuck away from lolita.

>> No.8069721
File: 173 KB, 639x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's all the comments.

>> No.8069784

her hair / bow is pretty cute. i think that different makeup and longer socks would help a ton. i really don't want to be too hard on her tho seeing as she started hrt relatively late in life and 1) probably hasn't had as much experience with makeup that other girls might have 2) i could definitely see the appeal of sweet and a hyper feminine style like lolita for someone who hasn't had as much time to experience that kind of stuff? 3) i hope that in time she'll properly settle into a style and figure some stuff out idk

>> No.8070200

Someone explain why anyone would make that face ever please.
Seriously her profile pic was the same face. Why are you doing that with your mouth?? I'm seriously disturbed.

>> No.8070207

maybe she has bad teeth and doesn't want to show them?

>> No.8070213

She's been in the community for at least six years. Nothing is changing anytime soon.

>> No.8070228

>make fake facebook account with generic sounding name

>browse lolita threads and "borrow" random persons pic

>join closet of frills

thanks :)

>> No.8070232

Are you a homosexual? It would just explain a lot if you were actually a faggot.

>> No.8070236

nope, but some of those girls look really cute

jodie has no business being an admin

fucking ITA

>> No.8070237


>> No.8070272

something looks so wrong about her proportions... what the fuck is it?

>> No.8070381

Thanks for telling everyone, I'm gonna warn the admins now. They should be able to figure out who you are rather easily

>> No.8070574

They should just mod her already. I swear she's the most honest person on CoF without being a sandy cunt about it. Never seen her give shitty advice either.

>> No.8070608

She looks like she has a bad case of Potato Syndrome.

There has to be something wrong with her.

>> No.8070614

Oh god..

>> No.8070628

There are a million better options that what she's doing. Personally I always went for the pout before braces. Making your mouth the width of you face is not going to work for anyone that isn't Dick Van Dyke. And he's supposed to look goofy when he does it.

>> No.8070786

Can you suggest new mods to existing mods without sounding like a shill? Try that maybe.

>> No.8070889
File: 168 KB, 540x925, IMG_20150121_164409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is absolutely adorable <3

>> No.8070919

Goddamn, I want that dress so bad. But she's super cute.

>> No.8070923

that overexposure

>> No.8070931

since when does Natalie Dormer do lolita?

>> No.8070939
File: 102 KB, 960x960, 10351181_10153005156764410_291553242897767498_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this have almost 400 likes?

>> No.8070941

I liked it. It's a cute, simple coord.

>> No.8070942

What's your problem with it?

>> No.8070945

cuz its cute ya damn saltine

>> No.8070949

The coord is nothing special, but she's slim with skinny legs. So people like how pretty she looks.

>> No.8070961

It's not a bad coord but it doesnt seem like one that should have almost 400 likes

>> No.8070967


She's adorable! Not digging her shoes though but damn she's cute.

>> No.8070986

Does anyone know where her shoes are from? They're really cute.
>not part of cof so can't ask her personally

>> No.8070991

She posted them in the comments
ebay looks like
item number 310902949244

>> No.8071147
File: 157 KB, 540x789, IMG_20150121_192143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're wondering how cheap her outfit is, she tells you. In other news she doesnt know how to collage the pictures so they are definitely 2 separate photos......

>> No.8071170

>I know it isn't the best but I still love it!
>give me asspats or I will cry and call you mean brandwhores

Why post if you know it isn't good, seriously? Are the asspats really worth the unnecessary wank it'll stir up?

>> No.8071172

wut, right image is a cute asian girl then the left is a whale, photoshop much?

>> No.8071177

fatty angles, anon.

>> No.8071196

Oh god my eyes

>> No.8071223
File: 40 KB, 539x960, what the fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selfie olympics

>> No.8071228

her boobs look really nice in that blouse/jsk combo. I'm not sure how I feel about the choice of wig color, maybe something more natural blonde would suit the tone of this better?

>> No.8071257 [DELETED] 

I actually think the blonde kinda looks good, it accents the buttons and gold rope bow at the top of her blouse.

>> No.8071259

>people are unreasonable about aesthetics in this club
>this club is based on aesthetics.

>> No.8071262

Pretty much sums it up.

>> No.8071270

I wish my legs looked like that v.v

>> No.8071278

I just noticed this, her legs look to short. She looks like she has dwarf proportions.

>> No.8071288

I really love the colors she chose to pick out of the dress to accentuate, it works super well.

Nitpicks: the strawberry bag doesn't really match the motif, perhaps go for a plain red bag, or a straw bag with red accents.
wrist cuffs don't really match. The cut of the dress doesn't suit her shape much, but still looks good, perhaps do the cardigan up to give a lower waistline.

>> No.8071293

This co-ord just looks like a hot mess to me.

>> No.8071367

I think the bag matches. I know it's hard to see but there are strawberries on the dress. I feel it's too casual for the wrist cuffs though.

>> No.8071404

I have a few nitpicky things like the bag not really matching the motif, the lighting being overexposed, and the bows being a bit crooked but I assume that's due to being outside in the snow and wind.

Other than that I wouldn't exactly call it a mess. Looks like an average meetup coord.

>> No.8071876

Isn't she a seagull?

>> No.8072096

Really? Maybe I'm used to flat japaneses but it looks like a madoka cosplay with that rack

>> No.8072800
File: 85 KB, 661x720, 10420114_10203516260380907_6779942490756893074_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started off relatively okay, but must have got some really awful suggestions because her improvement coord is so much worse....

>> No.8072802

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought of Mami's mammies.

>> No.8072803

OTTness and weather maybe? I don't like sweet but she looks cute on the left.

>> No.8072810

nah, that's clearly a man

>> No.8072817

TBH I'm mad at both groups

>> No.8072821


Yeah, she doesn't look bad on the left. It's really not the best, but the look suits her. For the right, however, I won't use the weather as an excuse, because there are so many better and warmer ways to dress for the weather, like a nice white wool coat over the dress, not an incredibly cheap looking blouse like that underneath an OP.

Her wig did get better and I think the color of the shoes suits the overall outfit better, but that lace and blouse are just awful.

>> No.8072918

I'm just glad she's accepting the concrit really well.

>> No.8073257

That rundown makes me want to cry

>> No.8073264

Which one is the before?

>> No.8073376

Left. I was confused too, since at first glance the right one looked like an ita monster.

>> No.8075457
File: 868 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the sweet cream house coords have been disgusting lately. Finally a decent one.

>> No.8075480

>the pout
What's that? Like duckface?
Asking because, while my teeth are straight, they're huge, so I try to hide them when I smile and it ends up looking not so pretty. But I think I'd rather have that than duckface, tbh.

>> No.8075488

this is freaking perfect. i just wish she had an underskirt or something maybe, it does look a bit short on her.

>> No.8075495

why the pink blouse though

>> No.8075515


Pink in the print.

>> No.8075520

I have sch in beige too. There's lots of pink print details and it looks like she has pink socks on too?

>> No.8075525

I wouldn't say decent, it's mediocre at best.

>> No.8075544

Someone's salty

>> No.8075682

Maybe she's slow or something

>> No.8075781

shes probably cuter than you lol

>> No.8075790

An underskirt, with an apron skirt that has a super bold print? Really anon? How fucking new are you? Her skirt length looks fine, jfc when will this stupid trend die already

>> No.8075993

do you know the definition of decent or

>> No.8076052

I don't. No Petti.

>> No.8076772

Not that anon but I also think it would look cuter with an underskirt matching her blouse. Why all the hate for underskirts? I don't mean the ones that make every dress tea length, just one row of cute pink chiffon ruffles would balance the outfit and lengthen the skirt. If you think all underskirts are like the ones used in OTT classic, then you are the one who's fucking new.

>> No.8076799

The lace would get in the way. There's already pink in balanced throughout and a chiffon ruffle later with no other chiffon anywhere and under a row of lace would look fucking stupid.

>> No.8076922

Fine, you think chiffon ruffles would look stupid, I think the pink wristcuffs on her ankles she used to "balance out the pink" look stupid. I don't think we have to have the same opinion, I just think saying that underskirts are a trend that needs to die is stupid. They can look fine with almost every dress, if you choose the right one and I think the dress pictured is too short ( the angle already makes it look longer than it is). Not because of modesty, I just think it lookes unbalanced: there are a lot of nice details at the top and the bottom looks really plain with the dress being so short.

I also think the blouse is chiffon and chiffon and lace can look really nice together, but whatever.

>> No.8077537

Transgender female.

>> No.8077615

they're pink socks you fucktard

>> No.8077631

Oh. this is me lol.
the blouse is not chiffon, and honestly the photo is at an angle that makes this look shorter, because this actually comes to my knees. a chiffon underskirt, with a sweet coord like this, would indeed look really, really stupid. there does not need to be an extra layer of pink at the bottom because the dress is full of pink details the photo fails to display. (also as other anon said, i'm wearing socks not wristcuffs. why would anyone do that lmao)

>> No.8077637

also, i made do with the last items i had suitable for sweet as i'm a gothic lolita. i left sweet ages ago and was just trying this on for the last time before selling it.

>> No.8077651

anon is a jealous sperg who sounds like they cant coord for shit. You're really cute and i dont see the problem with any of what you're wearing.

>> No.8077716

I am >>8076922 and I don't think this is a bad coord, just to be clear. I think you're cute, your wig is really nice and it's overall cute. I was just defending the other anon who said an underskirt could be an option. I just hate people who say something is shit in general, like the one anon did with underskirts. It's all about how to wear stuff and I don't think there's a need to be as rude as some anons were.

Sorry for the wristcuff thing, it really looks like that on my monitor, I guess due to the filters (which make a lot of things hard to see, so I see no need for being so harsh with people who can't really make out the details). There are people doing this, though, trust me. It has been discussed here before. I still think that different legwear would look better, but that's just nitpick. As everything I said is just nitpick. And now we can just let it go...

>> No.8077741

damn, you guys are getting really worked up over an underskirt. I think a really simple skirt that matches the blouse would look fine. The dress does just look a bit short on her.

>> No.8077767

It's me lol, and as I said it actually does come to my knees it's just a weird angle and how I'm standing.

>> No.8078084
File: 84 KB, 540x720, tumblr_niqpc2dgj71qlmusjo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about post more lolita coords? This thread is severely lacking in that department.

I found this on my Tumblr dashboard this morning. I know it was on CoF earlier.

>> No.8078156
File: 75 KB, 540x960, 10928989_1569444026637985_2532241561960433734_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8078158

Is she wearing two dresses ir why us the hem so goddamn strange??

>> No.8078162

That's the way the dress is made anon.

>> No.8078227

Oh god, I didn't know a dress could look so bad.

>> No.8078469
File: 60 KB, 556x720, 10940408_786820128077525_4902084279141218346_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did any one else think this disneybounding was absolutely adorable?

>> No.8078496

It would've been cute if it wasn't for those tights. I get what she was going for but it just looks really gaudy.

>> No.8078527

I hate Disney bounding on principal, but this one in particular is a little hamfisted. Not a fan if the makeup or the tights.

>> No.8078617


That's Funk Brothers. Wasn't he in New York last weekend???

This is Angelic Pretty's poor attempt at making longer length dresses for taller lolitas.

>> No.8078629

I think it's cute, only thing I'd change is maybe pink or lavender shoes.

>> No.8078634

Wait that's by AP?

>> No.8078672
File: 12 KB, 236x283, c89c122ebe88d088f5375c1c9daba5f6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, AP. It's called Victorian Letter. It was released back in October.

>> No.8078821

Thats because its obviously the girl in the picture and her friends defending her alright looking outfit. No other picture here is having a bunch of people defend it for no reason,

>> No.8078853

she looks nothing like daisy duck though, colour scheme and all beyond the tights

>> No.8079398

It is evocative, not literal.
You have no imagination whatsoever.

>> No.8079403

Since everyone else seems to hate it I will speak up. Yes, it is adorable.

>> No.8079888

the tights look white to me so a pink blouse seems like an odd choice. there's not enough pink in the lower half to balance it out.

>> No.8079902

i think fairy ke would've been better to disneybound this with, since daisy's shirt already looks like a fairy-kei suitable shirt. Some puffy white shorts and pastel yellow instead of that color, plus you need to balance the yellow more up top. Sage for super offtopic lol

>> No.8079915

nah, i'm not defending it (girl in pic)
it looks average to me as well, but like i said i dont even wear sweet and i'm using all i have left, and that i dont like the idea of underskirts lol.

>> No.8080582

Those yellow tights make me feel sick

>> No.8080815
File: 57 KB, 531x469, Skärmklippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-SO - MUCH - BOOBS- and no concrit of course.

>> No.8080830 [DELETED] 

i'd bill cosby this chick

she seems trashy enough to down whatever you hand her in a red solo cup

>> No.8080872


>> No.8082706
File: 61 KB, 528x404, oldschool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this so much. So glad someone can do Old School right.

>> No.8082740

wish all cheap itas just paid less for old school dresses and made cute coords like this instead of paying too much for crap Bodyline.

>> No.8082745
File: 82 KB, 720x960, IMG_813498220412013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8082755

I like the outfit but the idea of celticfreefall sitting around plastering ~kawaii uguu~ stickers all over her pictures is kind of disturbing.

>> No.8082758

are those stars yellow or is it bad light?

>> No.8082760

Yes. Since I discovered CGL I really started to appreciate clean photos... I bet she did the stickers to distract, cause the photo quality is crap. If you don't have a proper camera, chances are your never going to get good pics.

>> No.8082770

The headbow is really bothersome. She doesn't have enough hair volume to make that balanced. I actually thought the headbow was a knockoff until I realized it's not CC at all.

>yellow stars
It really surprises me that with all the chocomint stars out there she couldn't find one in gold? Just seems a little lazy.

My nitpick is that the wristcuffs don't have a pink accent on them. Some people can overlook that, but to me they look kind of awkward with this dress. The tights are okay, but just okay. Also she probably should have went for a gold color with the shoes, since she tries to bring out the "gold" element with the stars and accent on the headbow, which imo outweighs the brown accent on the wristcuffs. And in general the shoe color makes the outfit look clunky.

I think that's what's bothering me about the coord, she can't seem to pick which color to accentuate.

>> No.8082779

I am quite happy I learned about old school because I can buy brand dresses at lower prices

>> No.8082792

well said.

>> No.8082801

Omg that's me
The stars are yellow, I got them as a gift and I knew it would mean a lot to my dad to wear them

I commissioned someone for the headbow, I was running out of time and I could not get anyone to part with their headbow or bonnet, and I looked naked without something on my head. I got the yellow star clips as a Christmas gift, I got them to wear with something else, and he would love it if I wore them. The wrist cuffs were also a gift, made by someone in the comm.

I'm definitely looking for some gold shoes, bodyline is awful about restocking their stuff.

Thank you so much for the concrit, I couldn't get any in CoF. I'll definitely work on improving my coord.

>> No.8082838

>This is why older people should stay the fuck away from lolita.

or graduate into Classic or otome looks.

Wrinkled face doesn't go with with sweet baby colors unless you have the skill to make it work for you, which has to be a serious amt of skill.

>> No.8082967

Better cash in quick anon, old school is coming back this year.

>> No.8082984

If your dads the one with the camera, make him take one photo with the stars and then one photo w/o. So you can post the good coord online, and keep the love coord in the family photo album.

>> No.8082991

agree. I've seen so many good examples of older people wearing Lolita, but they're always Classic. I do however think that A LOT of coords with sweet lolita are epic fails ALWAYS, no matter age.

>> No.8083031

or maybe not give so much of a shit about the asspain strangers on /cgl/ will feel from seeing a photo of an imperfect coord

>> No.8083066

I was wondering how long it would take for this to show up here, but at least I'm pleasantly surprised by the commentary.


Exactly that, lol. I don't really have a camera other than my phone. I also have a friend who really loves putting stickers on her photos so I've picked up the habit of using them from her to make my crappy mirror selfies look slightly prettier. We're all a little weeb, this is lolita, I just think they're cute.

Thanks! It's one of the few styles I really feel like I'm good at doing. I'm pretty crap at overly done up styles; I only just bought my first wig a few a months ago. I'm behind the times.

I just picked up the scalloped version of this JSK in red for 3,000¥. I have never been more pleased with a purchase before.

>> No.8083104

I like her skirt length. Why is it a problem?

>> No.8083111

It's not, anon is just too new to be making commentary and insists on doing it anyway.

>> No.8083413

>tfw you are getting older and still dont like classic or otome.

>> No.8083475

Eh, if you have a babyface, you can still do sweet well into your thirties. Just look at shelbycloud!

>> No.8083752

anyone know what jsk/blouse that is??

>> No.8083755

I'm screwed since I don't have a babyface.

>> No.8083807

That's actually me. I've just kind of avoided it until now.
JSK and blouse are both innocent world.
JSK is starry studs in navy
I forgot the name of the blouse and it's no longer on the website so give me a moment to dig through emails.

>> No.8083816

Found the email. Blouse is cotton lace and tulle lace blouse in beige from IW.

there ya go anon!

>> No.8083825

thanks so much!!! i wanted to look at a blouse/jsk combo like that but i was worried i would look like a milk maid. you look so classy though so it gives me hope!

>> No.8083828

Aww! Thank you!
I actually hunted around a lot for a blouse I thought would work. I didn't want something with an actual collar and the JSK's sailor collar is actually beige instead of white so I was glad I ordered the JSK and received it before I picked out a blouse.

>> No.8083866

Or you can do what you want. Switching to classic or otome doesn't mean people will stop judging you and you will still be compared to younger girls anyway. You can't please everyone, so wear what you want. This is coming from a classic lolita.

>> No.8084137

Even though there's a tendency to romanticize old school, I still just think this doesn't look very good.

>> No.8084165

I liked your coord, you looked very kawaii. I agreed with Ariel about needing more special touches or accessories if you were interested in the coord contest but it's otherwise a cute coord anyway.

>> No.8084177

If she had a maxi pad headdress and clunkier shoes I would like this more. Maybe wristcuffs too.

>> No.8084188

Agreed. The best thing about old school were the bad ass platform shoes. God I wish those would make a comeback.

>> No.8084218

Those could very easily make a comeback. Old school is going to be trending this year based on the patterns I am seeing (its the same ones as with the underskirt and ott classic trend).

>> No.8084244
File: 46 KB, 399x600, demshoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I really hope so. Clunky shoes just make all lolita look 1000x cooler imo. I don't know what it is, but I really dislike the super flat and tiny shoes that are so common now. They just look weak.

>> No.8084373

>I really dislike the super flat and tiny shoes that are so common now.
Same. They just look a bit much like larger sized children's church shoes IMO. Plus, heels have a way of making a persons legs appear more nicely shaped.

>> No.8084376
File: 248 KB, 1080x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I so badly want to tell her how ugly this is.

>> No.8084391

It just looks like goth clothes to me with a lolita skirt.

>> No.8084398

When I saw this on fb I thought it had potential, especially since this girl is thin + cute. But, is that the headbow that came with the set? It looks like when girls take the waist bow off of their bodyline dresses and pin it to their heads, awful. And the stars have already been mentioned. Its nice that you're doing something that "means a lot to your dad" or w/e but that does not make it look good. I think a gold star clip and more flattering bow would look great.

Harlequin print tights look great with this, but not these. I own this same pair and they're so shitty. There is no white in your coord (its ivory) and that shade of pastel pink is too light. I think at least white x gold socks would look better. Chantilly has brown x gold as well, I think.

It was already mentioned but yeah, the purse, wtf. I was going to comment with concrit on fb, but when I noticed the purse I decided it was hopeless.

>> No.8084429

Omg I do too!

>> No.8084466
File: 165 KB, 741x1049, demshoooes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yee I'm so glad to find fellow platform lovers!

I agree that the lengthening effect is really key. Little flat shoes = little flat feet. Which is cute, I guess, but it always looks so weird to me when paired with a massive, frilly dress.

I'm not a fan of pumps and regular heels with lolita because they just look too contemporary, but platforms have such a theatrical edge that I can't help but prefer them. I don't only mean massive Mana platforms, but a 1 inch sole makes a shoe look that much better.

>> No.8084496

I need that dress on the left omg

>> No.8084549

What would you change, then? This is pretty much the signature old school look from back in the day, minus a few common accessories. Some people just don't like old school because it feels "plain", which is understandable, but that's more personal taste than anything else.

Headdresses like that look like absolute shit on me, I can't pull them off. I used to have a couple back in the day and sold them all since it they just swallow my head up. Maybe an old school bonnet, but, I've missed out the last couple of times things have popped up in black x white. I could definitely go for some wristcuffs though, thanks for the advice. I also have some enormous old school black Antenna platforms and rocking horse shoes from Rose Chocolat, but I'm in Michigan and any and all pavement in my vicinity is an ice rink for the time being. Maybe next time during the summer.

>> No.8084605

I'm the girl in the photo

I bought the dress on lacemarket, and it didn't come with a headbow. I searched the internet for at least a week looking for one, or the bonnet, but I couldn't find someone that was willing to sell them, so I commissioned someone to make it.

I'm definitely going to look at some legwear from chantilly, I do like the idea of the gold with it.

I desperately looked for a bag, and couldn't find one. I needed something to carry my things in, for photos done by other people, besides my friends, I left the bag out. This is just one of the only photos that has both my entire outfit, and isn't blurry.

I'm definitely going to be making some changes. Thank you so much!

>> No.8084623

fun fact this is the girl in

>> No.8084671

Head eating bow, one of the flatter ones though.
They also make narrower rectangle headdresses that look more like lace trimmed headbands

>> No.8084693

Oh Jesus how does she not know that:
1:She's really Fat
2:She's really not attractive at all
3:Her "coords" are literal trash
She's wearing a fucking replica and normal fag clothing. No wonder she gets no likes. I wish people like this could just be told they need help.

>> No.8084705


4. It's not classy standing next to a fucking gravestone

Last one irks me. I'm not even religious, but don't go using dead peoples' headstones as a prop for your shitty photoshoot.

>> No.8084711

That too. At least around here even most of the 200+ year old cemeteries have a no photography rule. I wish I could at least tell her how inappropriate /that/ is.

>> No.8084721

There's this post on tumblr of a girl in nun lolita in front of a church saying "they didn't let me in because they thought I was mocking them". I'm not even religious and fuck the church for the most part but also fuck kids in Japanese street fashion taking pictures for their blog where others come to mourn.

>> No.8084724

churches are different tho. it's funny though, i hate graveyards and think they're wastes of space that should just be leveled to make room for housing or something, but i still know it's disrespectful for them to be taking pics and shit.

>> No.8084730

Do you live in Bangladesh? There's really few places in the world that need to make room for housing like that. Are you in favor of removing parks too?

>> No.8084737

no I don't, I just think that graveyards are useless wastes of space. not saying it's needed, hell it can be turned into a park for all i care, but i think they're stupid and that we should switch to cremation. i was brought up in a family that does cremation and we talk fondly of the dead whom we keep near and dear to us rather than dumping them in the ground with a bunch of random other dead people.

>> No.8084747

Is she seriously posing against a tombstone? That shit pisses me off. So disrespectful to the family.

Also, if she's going to do that much eyeshadow she could at least fill in her brows. Her eye color is pretty, though,

>> No.8084749

Cremation also leads to people dumped in the ground. I might honestly be a little pissy here as I just lost someone very close to me but shut your fucking mouth about how other people mourn and where they like their dead to lie.

>> No.8084757

Here's a thought: graveyards are important because they're meaningful to people who don't think that way, because of thousands of years of tradition. It's pretty ignorant to tell someone "Bulldoze the graveyards, they're a waste of space" when a loved one might be buried there. It shows a childish disregard for other peoples beliefs. And lack of knowledge about others belief systems. Once you get old enough to have had many, many people outside of your own family that you know dead and in the grave, and experiencing the level of mourning that comes about because of that, maybe you'll have a little bit more compassion and respect. Technically national monuments, parks, protected wilderness set aside for wildlife are just as useless, and unless you never throw away any household garbage (which either goes into a filthy, toxic dumping ground or dumped into the ocean) you're a giant hypocrite.

>> No.8084770

You do realize that a large portion of cremated remains are either buried in the ground or placed in a mausoleum in a graveyard, right?

>> No.8084788


Aye... I don't think any of those last examples you gave have anything to do with grave burial.

Um... I know this isn't always the case. My family's traditions/religion don't allow for cremation. We do burial... because it is what our religion mandates.

So... it's not really about dumping them in the ground versus having their ashes in an urn near us. It is more that we do not believe bodies should be cremated...

I'm sure many buried come from similar belief systems.

>> No.8084809 [DELETED] 

It's not even a religious thing to begin with. Hominids have been burying the dead since before we were a species. You're just being ethnocentric and holier than thou because you think graveyards are a waste of space and conflict with your own personal belief system. Also, pick a story. You just prattled on about how your family only cremates. And that your belief about graveyards stems from your keeping family close (because urns). For many people, having a burial site does the exact same thing and it give them a central site in which to formally mourn. Let's use some simple logic:

1.) Graveyards are a waste of space, the land could be used more productively as inhabitable land.
2.) National parks are a waste of space, the land could be used more productively as inhabitable land.
Land that isn't being used as inhabitable land is both unproductive and a waste of space.

This is your argument. It is literally a logical fallacy.

>> No.8084823
File: 57 KB, 350x599, tumblr_mbl2bwOgZf1r3axrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What would you change, then?
I think it's not the plainness, but the quality, and I don't think it's anything against you personally. I have seen old school that I didn't mind, but I've also seen a lot that I'm just not partial to. I think your accessories and shoes could use some upgrading like anon said, but I actually think it's the main piece I dislike the most, and that's just my preference, not anything done wrong haha. Pieces like those just look like they aren't good quality in the first place to me, on top of looking like they've gone through the wash a few too many times (but that might just be my bias... maybe it lalso needs to be ironed or something? irdk)

Pic related looks really nice to me and it's a really similar dress, besides the wig. It's also not an OP though, maybe the blouse makes it more balanced for me.

>> No.8084828

It's not even a religious thing to begin with. Hominids have been burying the dead since before we were a species. You're just being ethnocentric and holier than thou because you think graveyards are a waste of space and conflict with your own personal belief system. Also, pick a story. You just prattled on about how your family only cremates. And that your belief about graveyards stems from your keeping family close (because urns). For many people, having a burial site does the exact same thing and it give them a central sight in which to formally mourn. Let's use some simple logic:

1.) Graveyards are a waste of space, they are unproductive since the land is not inhabitable.
2.) National parks area a waste of space, they are unproductive since the land in not inhabitable.
3.) Inhabitable land that is not being used as such is both unproductive and a wast of space.

You stated that you don't believe that parks or churches are wastes of space; just graveyards. This is your argument. It is literally a logical fallacy.

>> No.8084831

I think it's really sweet and cute that your dad bought the stars for you and that you're wearing them for him. I think they'd look cute clipped to your bag instead, or even in your hair in a sweeter co-ord. You could even just downsize that headbow, it's nice but just too big. Anyway you seem neat, I have you on snapchat. good luck with your co-ord!

>> No.8084838

oh fucking wow. ~muh originality~

>> No.8084848

Are you sure it's not just the poor quality photo and bad angle that you're biased against?

>> No.8084856
File: 5 KB, 95x95, 10128478s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It might even be that the dress is too big on her and not sitting properly. Something about it just looks wrong to me. Now that I look closer, that actually is a jsk over a black blouse, isn't it? That could be part of the issue. Either way, my opinion isn't objective, clearly other people like this, and I know I just don't really like old school that much which is what I was originally trying to say.

>> No.8084865


Cremation leaves a carbon footprint that's approximate to a 500 mile car journey.

Think about that next time you're talking about wasting resources.

>> No.8084870
File: 96 KB, 1024x1024, 1420935588167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To all y'all talking about graveyards & their desecration.

>> No.8084887


She posted on egl ages ago asking about lolitas with tattoos and basically got shat on and had a big cry about it.

>> No.8085790

God what an annoying speshul snowflake. I wonder when she will ask what people think about her wearing lolita while grinding on a stripper pole

>> No.8085830

Fellow old-school lolita - I'm behind times, too. I just bought a wig to make up for my newly cut hair, but end up feeling like it was a wasteful purchase and appreciating my hair more (now I can wear short brimmed hats!).

I'm surprised that you're still involved/got back into lolita. Are you planning on going to any of the bigger Chicago meets this year?

>> No.8086347

Oh yeah, I just needed to take a few years off. I realized that the wank community fostered too much negativity in my life and that I needed to work on my shit in the real world instead of wasting my time online. I'm not sure about a meet, maybe? I'd love to go to one of the mega meets. Everyone seems to have a lot of fun! Michigan had planned to attend one en-mass last year, but it feel through for me. Hopefully it will work out this year. I'd rather travel with another person/as a group; I'd feel weird going all by myself for a weekend (that and I'm directionally challenged and would get lost the entire time alone lol). Are you in the Chicago comm?

>> No.8086365
File: 49 KB, 467x625, 10408961_10204765146941218_7406056111727329583_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of reminds me of the Victorian death photos, but more constipated.

>> No.8086370

That's just her face tho.

>> No.8086380
File: 31 KB, 365x280, lenoderp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8086400

TBH just say "that much cleavage isn't really lolita."

It's technically not crit, it's just a fact.

Pls learn how to put on your falsies the right way, they look like they could be knocked off of your face by a passing gust of wind.

Also it might just be the bad photo quality, but you really need some blush and some lip color, your whole face looks the same shade of tan.

>> No.8086408

Those glasses are so fucking ugly and make her pig nose look even worse.

>> No.8086417

Idk man, maybe I'm an old fag but I really hate the clown look Lolita's are rocking. Nice natural makeup is better IMO. Otherwise it's hard to take seriously, its too costume-ish. She does need some lip color though.

>> No.8086457

I really feel offended by this. She is mocking my race.
>tfw not even joking.

>> No.8086465

Everyone who could afford it did postmortem pics, not just white people.

>> No.8086484

I am not talking about that. Look at her fucking face. Look at her natural skin tone on her fucking arms. Tell me she isn't trying to look white (in a really bad and offensive way). She is mocking white skin tone - rather than doing blackface she is doing mayonnaise face.

>> No.8086487

She's not fucking mocking it you giant whiny idiot, she's just stupid and bad at makeup and wants ~pretty pale skin~

>> No.8086491

Just want to jump in here and say that she's not mocking, all of her photos are done that way because she wishes she was white.

>> No.8086536

>thinking mixed-race using daiso bb cream = whiteface
>thinking whiteface is as offensive as blackface
>thinking perceived slights against a majority race are the same as centuries of oppression against minorities
i'd tell you to gtfo but this comes all the way back around to being entertaining

>> No.8086576

JFC when did cgl become so sjw?
I was kidding...

>> No.8086605


Oh here we go again....

>> No.8086608

I feel like she's mocking the human race by simply existing and being alive.

I need for her to go die in a pit.

>> No.8086687
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>> No.8086690
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>> No.8086702
File: 8 KB, 275x184, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What planet have you been on anon?
Tumblr faggots have been all up in our shit for fucking DAYS now and you really haven't noticed?
They all think lolita is exactly the type of snowflake bullshit they need to impress their individual unicornship to the world.
>Look at me, I'm such a humongous faggot. Please don't say anything mean to me, because that's rape! Nyaa~!
>my face when I hear on normalfag news that snowflakes are variations of the same patterns.

>> No.8086717
File: 382 KB, 480x270, n-no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here we go again

>> No.8086843


Super adorable, I love the mousy vibes, very introvert-lita.

>> No.8086854

kill yourself.

>> No.8086862
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>> No.8088085

What. She doesn't even have visible ink. Or am I just blind and missing it?

>> No.8090612

Ohh, cringe. Where do I begin?

>> No.8090635

Y'all mad fucboi in here b

>> No.8091756

Thank you so much! It was my first time ever competing in a coord contest, so I don't think I did too bad. It certainly could have been worse.

I'll definitely be changing things for next time

>> No.8091763

My falsies got bent in travel to the event, so they were a really odd shape and it was better than nothing. I'll ask around and see how others in my comm do it.

I originally had lip gloss on, but it all came off when I was eating, and completely forgot to put more on. I'll remember that for next time.

Thanks :)

>> No.8091848

There are people who for religious or cultural reasons are not comfortable with cremation, you realise?

>> No.8091938

Yeah most of the world that isn't white, glorifies white skin (not white people). I'm hispanic, and I grew up being taught that having white skin was the definition of being beautiful. Every race has things they consider beautiful, for most of the world that isn't caucasian, that thing is having pale skin. I definitely think she's trying to mock anyone.

>> No.8092828

>implying that anon even gives a shit about other people's religion/ religion in general
I don't agree with their views, btw, just throwing out a friendly reminder where we are.

>> No.8092866


>> No.8095899
File: 86 KB, 705x960, FB_IMG_1422899216265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the coordinate itself, but she brought it down with the BJD tights and lackluster hair accessories. Sad.

>> No.8095921

Agreed, also these cheap and shiny lashes look gross.

>> No.8095958

'No unfinished coords' should actually be a new rule, it's a good one.

>> No.8095969

It makes me laugh when I see this happen. I think it's ok though, let them be ita - who really cares?

>> No.8095973

Yes, they do seem very much like a sissy.

>> No.8096002

How old IS she anyway?

>> No.8099606

thank god thats a replica, can't have her shitting up my dream print ugh..

>> No.8100142

Ugghh, people are bitching about the term Brolita and it all turned into a giant hugbox.
Like that word is some kind of insult ffs. It's not supposed to have negative connotations. Sounds more like a personal problem.
Why are so many of these LGBTQIA people so overly sensitive? You try not to upset them and they still get upset.
Just like that time someone got all butthurt over being called a "her". Pff your FB name is female, your profile pic is what looks like a female in OTT Sweet. Are we supposed to be clairvoyant about you not wanting to be called by female pronouns or something? Jeez.
I've given up on being PC cause even if you try people get upset anyway, always blows up in your face.

>> No.8100148
File: 205 KB, 639x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well if we're complaining about hug boxes. The fucking double socks post on the Big Sisters group is driving me nuts. I haven't weighed in because the first girl said what I had to say. Cue everyone else calling her rude and telling OP to do "whatever makes you happy"

>> No.8100158

Wait... Did Wonderfinch really recommend this chick layer red socks under blue socks with military sweets? Fuck thaaaatt.

>> No.8100164

Oh, is that the bird faced girl that used to be a model for GLW? That outfit is nastyyy.

>> No.8100192

I particularly liked the person who associated the word bro with date rape. I call my brothers little bro and bro all the time wtf are you on about?
I really wish these people would shut the fuck up and think for a second and a half. Like the dude who dresses in our community has no problem being called a brolita and calls himself that all the time.

>> No.8100206

Can we...excommunicate her? How can someone be so awful after 10 years. Sometimes I'm sure she's a troll, but then she posts another outfit...

>> No.8101390

As somebody who regularly gets hated on for stuff like this, step the fuck up. You're doing the right thing, it will mean a lot to the one girl who already IS doing the right thing, it will save the OP from getting posted here, and people calling you rude on facebook is a small price to pay for all of that. Woman up, anon.

>> No.8101398

christ she is the worst. i wish we could kick her out, maybe she would actually learn something.

>> No.8101429
File: 835 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_5784[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you have to explain to people constantly you've been in the fashion *ten years* and that's the sole reason why people should take your advice - then you have a problem
It's like anything else. The # of years you've been doing something is the most useless information ever. Even employers want to see that you've taken internships, that you've learned something, that you've been working on projects. Wonderfinch is the student who's been working on an undergrad for 7 years and maybe headed a university club. But that's it. She's been barely getting Cs in her classes, and she's done nothing else.
People don't say this shit to Cadney or any of the actually helpful posters. It's just her and the other terminal itas.
After going through a similar phase, I think I get it. I thought I had been in lolita ~since the beginning~ and I knew everything. I was stuck in an ita phase for an embarrassingly long time. It took some serious self-criticism and self-reflection, swallowing my own ego and reading some lolita 101 type articles that I thought I was way too good for.. and you know what? My coords improved 100% almost immediately.
WF is too stuck up her own ass to do something like this. She has been in lolita since the beginning! So clearly she knows everything. She also modded a major community. She could never admit to herself that she's just not a very good lolita, so her next best bet is to try to convince everyone else that she is.
I predict that when this rufflechat "mentoring" doesn't pan out, and she's lost all influence she had from EGL, she'll become a "lone lolita".

Pic related. I thought this was an older coord, but it's from fanime 1 1/2 years ago. Has she ever done a single decent coord? Even one?

>> No.8101464
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Incoming caps of thread. Like 2 sane girls in the entire pack.

>> No.8101468
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>> No.8101470
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>> No.8101473
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>> No.8101477
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>> No.8101480


Her ex was pretty mad about her and talked mad shit about her on /fit/. I didn't know that was Wonderfinch. I wish I would've saved those screencaps then.

Anyway, I expected something better. I've been around the same number of years and got out of the fashion for 5 years until recently because I felt until I could fit in the clothes or have some good coords, I didn't really want to stay there. I didn't want to look like a perpetual ita. Has she not seen her own photos and look at how bad they are?

I expect this coming out of someone who is perpetually broke who can't get another outfit, not a mod that's been around for like 8 years.

>> No.8101481
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>> No.8101483
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>> No.8101489
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>> No.8101490
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>> No.8101491
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>> No.8101507

Is it bad that I actually like that outfit? I know it doesn't match but I think it looks cute, even if it's frumpy. I wouldn't call it lolita though.

>> No.8101519

Clearly you have not been paying attention, she has been around for TEN YEARS as she continuously reminds everyone.
What did her ex say about her on /fit/? How is that even /fit/ related? I'm torn between my dislike of WF and my hatred of /fit/.

>> No.8101521

Ok, most of these comments aren't that bad. What a cringey group though.

>> No.8101525

Who decides who's a big sis in this group? Kayla doesn't look good at all, others look suspect and of course there's WF but at least she's been around for awhile. I seem to remember her giving level-headed advice but I could be mistaken

>> No.8101545

Sorry, I haven't been on the main comm in years and pay no attention to it. I guess she's been around two years before I have. I forgot what her ex said exactly but basically she was a spoiled bitchy Tumblr brat who got worse over time and had fucked up priorities from what I remember. Someone was talking about girls in lolita and then his ex went on a tirade for like 3-4 posts about how much he hated lolitas because of her. You could probably summon her ex by posting a picture of her on /fit/. I don't know if that's true, but I just know her coords are terrible.

>> No.8101641

The person who comments decides. Which is a system who's faults are highlighted by this one girl who has only just started wearing the fashion but thought she'd researched enough to not be called a 'little sister'. But seriously, gain some experience in actually wearing the fashion before you try and give 'informed' advice to newbies

>> No.8101643

Unfortunately it's up to the person to decide if they know enough about the topic to be a "big sister". Honestly the first girl is the only one who ever gives consistently good advice and she posts well coorded collages for people that ask too. I'm literally about to leave this group because of all the know it alls who either consistently look awful, don't have a single picture of them actually in lolita, or have been into the fashion 1year> but think they know ~everything~
Wonderfinch and Bloodmeyer joining in the last week are a huge last straw for me.

>> No.8101687

Man. She looks terrible. I don't know if it's really bad shiranui or if girl wants to be caucasian. She looks like a bloated corpse that didn't take a shit before it passed.

>> No.8101871

Did that Sylvia girl really compare people wearing cosplay wigs to people wearing natural wigs as an example of rules changing?

>> No.8103000

Wasn't natural colored hair/wigs always acceptable? I've always thought the unnatural colored wigs were the ones that were against the "ruruzu"