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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 212 KB, 700x1200, l567-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8077434 No.8077434 [Reply] [Original]

Last one is autosaging

>> No.8077449

Fucking hideous. Can't wait for this to be the new "I am a newbie ita and have no taste lookit me" dress like the clock dress once was.

>> No.8077453

yeah wtf is this new print?

>> No.8077457
File: 301 KB, 700x1200, l481-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I purchased the new 6L dress black because it's a dress that finally fits my boobs, but I'm going to have to bring the waist in SO MUCH so it doesn't look like I'm swimming in fabric. My waist is below the minimum measurements for dress but is perfect for my sweater cannons. Even though I'd rather have a brand dress, at least my boobs will fit in the goddamn bodice.

>> No.8077467
File: 168 KB, 700x1200, costume689-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel it's fallen victim to the thing Bodyline do where they have something reasonably nice and then they just sort of fuck it up. Oh well. I think it'd be cute as a non-Lolita dress.

Also, going full weeb here but does anyone own this hoodie? I sort of want it but I'm worried that the crests will like fall off in the first wash or something.

>> No.8077469

I need more pics of the Mr Yan daki come on ladies I know a couple of you got them.

>> No.8077471

He has now taken full residence in my bed.

>> No.8077494

I have one that looks the same.
The emblem stays on, but I make sure to zip it up and turn it inside out when tossing it into the machine.

>> No.8077520

Half the bows are upside down. Why does this always happen with Bodyline?

>> No.8077621

Anon here, reporting from picnic today.

Meeting Mr Yan somehow wasn't the trainwreck I thought it would be, his English was good enough that we could hold conversations -- whilst it got a little awkward sometimes he was almost humorous? A lot of people showed up in brand, and it was very hot today so quite a few people pulled out.

Anyway, the Yandyman seems to be interested in summer styles, especially since a lot of us were sweating our asses off in the heat. He wants to do a wire base petticoat (something like a hoop skirt?) to be more heat-friendly, as well as wanting more summer-friendly dress styles.... I know people recommended he make things out of lighter fabrics such as chiffon, cotton etc, and also requested more classic. Underskirts were also requested, as were half wigs.

A girl showed up who Yan introduced, who apparently once modeled for Bodyline several years ago. She was nice and had a cute coord and told me about her experience modelling with Bodyline -- she too reinforced that Yan wasn't really creepy when she went, just a bit awkward and childish. She apparently quite enjoyed her time over there.

Afterwards we crashed a cafe and chilled in aircon for a little while before we headed back. I know he took photos, as did some of the other lolitas, but I didn't do so myself. Kind of curious as to when he'll post them.

(Also, apparently he's bought an apartment here in Australia now, which explains him coming back to Aus as well as his extended stay, since he's apparently here for a couple months. He's apparently going to do a part-time course at a local university too?)

>> No.8077744

and here is my account to add.

gather round my frillies for i have for you, the tale of todays gathering with mr yan.

dressed in m burando i left the train station and gathered with a few other lolitas. we were confused about the location since there were other waterfalls in the park. we recieved a message from mr yan asking where we were since he was "beginning to become hotdog" in the heat. we met up with an ouji wearing aatp and we made our way to mr yan.

when we found him he said hello to everyone. he shook my hand and said "i remember you" since i went to his picnic on the gold coast. he asked the ouji whee he got his clothes from and he said he made them since it was easier than saying it was aatp. we shared a giggle before sitting down at a table in the park to wait for others.

the girl who had asked for the 6L size dress was there too. we had general conversations, a father wanted his daughter to have her picture with us and we talked about our favorite pieces. some more lovely lolitas in brand arrived as well as a former bodyline model.

we then made our way in the heat to a nice cafe and had sweets. some more lolitas (some not wearing lolita due to the heat) arrived too.

as we were leaving he shook everyones hand before hgging the ouji, his hand resting on the young boys buttocks.

all in all it was an ok meet. we found out that mr yan is living in australia for a while and is studying at a local university doing a course.

>> No.8077761

WHERE WAS YAN PICNIC PLS? Also was former bodyline model Natasha?

>his hand resting on the young boys buttocks.

>> No.8077778

It was in the gardens and yes.

>> No.8077784

What the fuck did I just read

>> No.8077786

Could he then try visiting you poor people when it isn't in the middle of fucking summer?

>> No.8077787

he wanted t know if there were any meets in feb

>> No.8077799

Mr Yan apparently really likes the surf... Which is why he tends to hang around here in summer.

>> No.8077804

he does. he likes extreme sports

>> No.8077805

Is it cooler over there in February? I thought it might still be summer-like for you guys.
Sounds less like he wants to run a meet about him, but just be part of the gang. How cute.


>> No.8077811

it depends really. it can either start cooling down or retain hell like temperatures

>> No.8077817
File: 268 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Bodyline page, from meet today.

>> No.8077818

never forget

>> No.8077820
File: 167 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8077847

I can feel the heat just looking at it. Urgggh it's still so hot... disgusting. I salute you brave lolitas.

>> No.8077868

as soon as i got in my car i ripped my wig off and powered the air con up

>> No.8077882

It's sad. the girl on the far right almost had it. She just needs an underskirt.
>Far left
>Don't Laugh. Send help.

>> No.8077888

It was hot even in the aircon, anon. There was no saving us.

I went to hug a friend goodbye and before we even made contact you could feel the heat radiating off each other. I wish it could've stormed like the other day, at least it would've been cooler.

(Actually, the fountain behind us was spraying off a light mist of water. Shit was fantastic, most of us stopped caring about getting wet because of how damn hot it was.)

>> No.8077895

Yan in his full black gothic coat and hat getup in that heat. How did he survive?

>> No.8077896

he seemed unphased

>> No.8077915

Surprise surprise most of the group that went where ita. Surprised flakes didnt go swear I got flaked on by her at the last meet. Nasty hygiene is so not ~Uguu kawaii~ how many times does she want to wear that meta monstrosity to.

>> No.8077916

...what? english you speak it?

>> No.8077919

The last word was meant to be tho'*

>> No.8077922

brand bitches looked alright

>> No.8077948

flaked by who?

>> No.8077956

Grow the fuck up... You sound like an iliterate bitchy cow from a stateside sitcom

>> No.8077961

I know who you mean urgh

>> No.8077964

who? the fatty with the meta library print?

>> No.8077987
File: 79 KB, 600x397, 193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found a random lolita in a photoset on a random website. Tripped me out a little. Can't be bothered to find the lolita general, and I think she's wearing BL?


>> No.8077996

half dozen cats

no hint of a boyfriend in sight

not surprised

>> No.8078011

My waist is 7 inches below the minimum measurement for the waist so I'll have to modify it so it fits correctly.

>> No.8078091

nope, I think that's a Meta print. It's a pretty cute photoset.

>> No.8078110

How's it complicated to say the clothes are from AatP?

>> No.8078169

I'm sorry but this is my dream *_*

>> No.8078275

Actually, that's a premade fabric and not done by BL.

>> No.8078541

So many kitties!

>> No.8078620

I don't see any itas in this group? Perhaps the girl second to right shouldnt have worn black and there are lots of nitpicks but this certainly isn't the monstrosity I was expecting based on how much all of you Aussie gals are whinging about it...

>> No.8078766

Wearing ouji brand when bodyline makes ouji i assume?

>> No.8078799
File: 2.18 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150125_150317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr Yan so pinup sale? All my loli is packed because I'm moving but I half assed a pic for you. When I unpack, my wardrobe post is going to be on him.

>> No.8078806
File: 2.44 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150101_042052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have another for funsies. I used this as a holy hell take this off my hands post on my comm page. It's a f+f unlucky pack item.

>> No.8078819

I count 11 cats

>> No.8079061

I admit, if Bodyline started making pretty okay chiffon type underskirts for a decent price (not this $90 crap I've been seeing them try to charge on things), I'd buy a few in different colors.

>> No.8079071

NoThe one who's a noisy no manners bogan who only comes to our meets because of April.

>> No.8079075

Damn I feel hot from just looking at this photo. I would have been dying out there even in regular clothes.

>> No.8079076

I know right what are your issues with her? I think she should not come to our meets anymore.

>> No.8079089

?? what's wrong with that meta print? it always looked nice to me. or at least if anything it's way better looking than most bodyline stuff

>> No.8079100

hah I know you!
Have fun with your new comm!

>> No.8079105

Third from the left


>> No.8079116
File: 185 KB, 700x1200, costume768-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is coming out soon and though I know it's a costume, with a bit of nice lace that dress would be nice-ish and the bonnet looks good.

>> No.8079120
File: 24 KB, 240x320, 421_320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own that print actually, somewhat older Meta.
>all dem cats
>wearing lolita
>cute pink room
She's living the dream.

>> No.8079133

Who though. April wasn't there

>> No.8079161

I want him to come down and visit Melbourne so bad.

>> No.8079172

>Grabby hands

Cats cats cat WANT

>> No.8079197

My first reaction to the girl on the far right was guh but then realized she actually looks the cutest of all. >>8077882 is right she just needs an underskirt.

Not sure what you're even talking about. Except far left, straw hat and maybe pink hair next to her most of them are mediocre to great. Not sure where the OMG ITAS GROOSSS part comes in.

>> No.8079277

Fuck off and abort yourself, you worthless waste of space.

>> No.8079286

Thanks! I hope so, are N by chance? She seems like she might be a gull.

>> No.8079310
File: 19 KB, 348x258, 1341076747164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If N is creepy then yes!
I am unfortunately an irredeemable seagull!

>> No.8079331

i aint mediocre i looked fab

>> No.8079380

I thought so! That LSP looked too familiar. I'm so excited to get to the new comm.

>> No.8079420

I'm a goth I legit have no other colours in my wardrobe bro

>> No.8079754

>mediocre to great

>> No.8079823

Which ones are mediocre and which ones are great then?

>> No.8079830

Pretty sure anon's talking about the fatty in the straw hat, who sure as fuck doesn't look goth to me but still thought black tights and shoes would be a good idea with that outfit.

>> No.8079851

bodyline makes ouji?

>> No.8080099
File: 2 KB, 50x50, mini-graphics-rainbow-838129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YES! Their prices have been so ridiculous for the terrible quality.
Like, I wanted to buy the gaga dress as a joke dress to wear to bed, but it's like $70, wtf?

In other news, I'm loving Mr Yan's PR world tours.

>> No.8080108

I met her on Saturday, she's seriously cute and awesome.

10/10 would friend again

>> No.8080109

Why is lilac wig all by herself?

>> No.8080111

Because shes an ita fatty chan who is rude, obnoxious and was the one that asked for the 6L dress and kept talking about birth control again

>> No.8080114

Because this photo was taken before everyone was properly in position.

>> No.8080117

Maybe she could also ask BL to start selling abortions again.

>> No.8080119
File: 61 KB, 500x410, tumblr_nc4a6hq7TU1ti36jbo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a lot more people than attended last time. Were there more that showed up or was that it?

>> No.8080120

a few more showed up at the cafe

>> No.8080289

Wow I really want this

>> No.8081704

For Bodyline's ouji stuff, what would be the best stuff to get to make a beginners outfit? I want to look nice as possible with Bodyline.

>> No.8081762

... Why would you people buy in USD? Every time someone complains about bodyline pricing they always mention the USD pricing now...

>> No.8081763

I mean the only reason shes allowed to irritate us at meets is because shes friends with April.

>> No.8081804

far left seriously looks like shes just standing there crying

>> No.8081812

If you follow the link and/or look more closely it's only about 4 cats. All the photos in that series are based on photoshopping "repeats" of the cats to make it look like there are tonnes.

>> No.8081829
File: 693 KB, 500x281, tumblr_mtjhwyfkId1r922azo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you based Yan pillow anonette

>> No.8081865

Not very good ones but yes I was in the goth section but I haven't looked since they had the new layout

>> No.8081932

Who though

>> No.8081958

Birth control?

>> No.8082151

That bonnet
Might buy it for fun

>> No.8082160

Cats are objectively better than men. The only thing men really have to provide is a penis, and you can get a better one from a dildo, so basically they have nothing to offer.

>> No.8082290


>> No.8082444

Her fb is Wraith

>> No.8082460

She showed up wearing gross bogan clothes but left straight away. She was ita as shit at the high tea.

>> No.8082501

Literally why do we even allow her to attend our meets? I swear I saw headlice in her hair.

>> No.8082509

Her outfits shit.

>> No.8082511

>trusting BL to add lace
C'Mon, you know they'd just add that itchy white or black stuff from their blouses.

>> No.8082512
File: 716 KB, 2339x2214, zIvN0v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p328 and p207 are pretty good. just remove the badge/ribbon respectively. add a decent blouse, get some shoes and socks and boom.
pic related - a very very basic coord using only bodyline.

>> No.8082561

I think I like p328 a bit better. Too bad I'll have to lose about 10 pounds to make it look better. My hips are crazy right now.

>> No.8083002

imagine what her kid looks like

>> No.8083499


just how hot was it anyway?

>done meets in 100 F / 37 C
>you know where I am

>> No.8083537

If only the roses were red and not hot neon pink it would be wearable for casual. Shame.

>> No.8083616

It looks like a deformed potato....why doesn't she wear anything else to meets? Kind of happy her bodyline order went missing.

>> No.8083724

Do you have pics of her?

>> No.8083822
File: 593 KB, 359x797, 012015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the full meta set. It really is the worse OP's out there for a newbie to buy.

>> No.8083981

Gags* Kill it with fire.

>> No.8083988


The top half is like a skin suit on her. Kind of mortifying.

>> No.8084006

What a fattychan now I know why brisbane lolitas complain a lot. Was this at yan meet?

>> No.8084027

Wtf you're kidding she isn't that bad... Hairstyle change, remove stupid bandana thing + tights instead of socks and this would be cute.

>> No.8084048

Its also her personality, she swears and smokes in front of her months old baby. Never uses manners hs lice and shitty skin plus wears the same outfit to meets. She constantly shouts when she talks and laughs like a retarded vacuum cleaner with whooping cough. Has terrible teeth and table manners to boot.

>> No.8084114
File: 248 KB, 700x1200, l500-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this in red for a pirate lolita look? I'm thinking with an off the shoulder long sleeve blouse under it and one of those treasure chest purses and black knee high boots.

Yes? No? Suggestions?
I wish their actual pirate/sailor looking dress was back in stock.

>> No.8084195

I meant more buy it and add it yourself.

>> No.8084257

wait what dress is this?

>> No.8084274

Some meta print.. ritual or something, was not popular so it's still on their webshop.

>> No.8084285

I want it so bad but the cuts are all so terrible

>> No.8084289
File: 124 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n9qi4zadLz1ttj98uo2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anymore juicy deets from Mr Yan meet

>> No.8084302

Oh I was going to ask about the new sizes, I figured it was just a rumor.

>> No.8084310

Just for this dress though.
Yandy man doesn't wanna flesh out the cash to clothe the fatty-chans he hates so much.

>> No.8084315

I'm with you, anon. Not even in an "oh Meta" kind of way. They are just BAD. It's been breaking my heart.

>> No.8084344

Damn, how big are your boobs?

>> No.8084346

ahh - is she what you Aussies call a bogan? I can stick swearing in front of a baby but smoking absolutely not. And I have had got lice from little kids a few times, I don't know how you could stand to just leave them there...
>inb4 lice are disgusting and only poor unsanitary people get them.
oh god my head is itching like crazy now.

>> No.8084477

according to my snapchat on the day it was about 38C. there wasn't much breeze and it was kind of humid too

>> No.8084488

well shit. I guess I'll just have to buy multiples and sew them together for the extra 5 cms. Or just buy elsewhere.
post a review when you get it!

>> No.8084494

I just want to point out this product exists:

When I was like fifteen I had a pretty nasty outbreak of lice. I tried a lot of stuff, but nothing worked. This really did though. Three applications and it was all over. (Of course with taking care of my bedding and stuff like that.) I think they were all probably dead with the first application, but I did two more since I was paranoid. It's great though since it kills the adult lice and the eggs.

>> No.8084504

I just comb through with a nit comb and a shitton of conditioner every week + when I have been around the kids.
Where I live they are normal and noone even thinks they are gross like they do in the States.

>> No.8084764

It arrived wearing gypsy bogan clothes to drop something off and left

>> No.8084805
File: 17 KB, 282x213, Beige or what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I have a question regarding shoes 274. Are pic related beige or pink? they look beige on the pic, but since it's called "pik"...
Do anyone have worn pics?

>> No.8084813

Someone should link her these threads. So she knows how much of a bad parent and ita she is. Even bodyline doesnt want her to wear their things.

>> No.8084819

I wonder what she will wear to the bowling meet. Apparently because we wear a Japanese fashion we need to eat Japanese before the game.

>> No.8084847

eh theyre a weird beige, pretty accurate to the pic imo. definitely pinky undertones

>> No.8084850

I have seen pics of them and they look more pink than this. I have also been wondering and doing some of my own searching.

>> No.8084863

I bet its the same op, with the whole nippon food thing I'm guessing shes a weeb to top it all off?

>> No.8084869
File: 93 KB, 640x960, printvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse the self post. They are a weird tan-pink that ended up fitting with the even weirder orangish tan of this VM release.

>> No.8084873

I want to see this full coord

>> No.8084880
File: 480 KB, 640x960, kawai.i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well nothing to brag about. Enjoy my butterface (I learned the hardway that tan colours was not flattering my skin tone).

>> No.8084893

Girl stop fishing for compliments you're cute af.

>> No.8084899

would hug/smooch/tell jokes too

>> No.8084907

You saying you have a rocking hot body under that dress or what?
Might be the uneven lighting but your face looks like it's caked in way too dark makeup for your skin.

>> No.8084917

Wow, lovely!
I really need some beige shoes, but now I want these anyway...

>> No.8084922

No, butterface more like melting face because overweight. And my face is darker than my body, working on that.

Are SHOES275 any good ? I need some gothier shoes but I'm afraid of them lacking of balance.

>> No.8084932


You do know that butterface means having a gr8 body but an unfortunate face right? It has nothing to do with being overweight so I think you missed the mark there buddy...

Cute co-ord though!! Really like it.

>> No.8085572

Really? Not the anon you were speaking to, but I thought it was a fat person's face?

>> No.8085578

"She's got a nice body but her face is a mess"
But her face. Butterface.

>> No.8085608

Iiiiiiii love it.

>> No.8085638

The only problem I see with this is that it may come out to be looking costume-y. I think maybe if you could alter it into just the skirt it may look better.

>> No.8085761

Kagome stop compliment fishing

>> No.8086053
File: 256 KB, 700x1200, l529-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do people think of L529? I'm intrigued, but that price tag.

>> No.8086097

will they ever restock 274, i have no hope at this point, I've been waiting months

>> No.8086118

You think they will make valentine sales?

>> No.8086159

mr yan so love
>pics of him surrounded by hot shirtless dudes.
I think he might be gay tbh...

>> No.8086368
File: 877 KB, 780x765, yandyman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of Bodyline related? Anyways, I'm looking for that picture of Mr. Yan when that guy flashed him and he had that terribly shocked look on his face. I guess that it's been removed from Facebook, because I can't find it at all and Google isn't yielding any results, but I know SOMEONE has to have the picture. Thanks in advance.

>> No.8086470

When he visited Sao Paulo, he say that he's actually bi and really loved the uruguayans guys (he visited uruguay before brazil).

>> No.8086938

he recently broke up with his girlfriend

>> No.8086968

confirmed for 110% gay

>> No.8087095

Does the yen trick still work? I wanna do some shopping and I was also curious to know if the yen trick works with CAD too since I'm ordering from Canada. I've never used it before, tips would be appreciated.

>> No.8087103

What do you mean? Just change the currency to JPY, thats literally all it is.

>> No.8087108

Oh okay thank you. I'm guessing it still works then? I read a while ago that the Yen trick was fixed or something so I wasn't sure.

>> No.8087206

They took it away for a while, people got upset, they gave it back. It still works.

>> No.8087228

I mean, it works still, as in you can change the currency to JPY, but it all depends on the rate. Right now the conversion rates from USD to JPY are nice, I dunno about CAD.

>> No.8087249

BL just send me my tracking numbers and a link, but the link says
>** Your item was not found. Confirm your item number and ask at your local office.
Should I just wait for it to update? The email also said my order was sent by EMS even though I chose free AIR shipping, but afaik they always say that.

>> No.8087270

That just means it hasn't been sent out yet. Airmail rarely updates too, sometimes i get packages and the tracking still says it's in Japan. And yes it always says EMS.

>> No.8087301


>> No.8087475

Because cats are better than boyfriends. End of

>> No.8087633
File: 41 KB, 357x356, 1399287650828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only have the cropped version but here you go!

>> No.8087724

yeah because my boyfriend frequently wakes me up waving his pink shit encrusted anus mere inches away from my face way to early in the morning and frips hair at me which makes me sneeze. he also shits in a box and tries to take my dogs eyes out...oh no wait that's my cat.

>> No.8087748
File: 101 KB, 540x534, Amigara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to share this with you guys.

My dad is helping me move back to my home state and we were discussing how to fit all my stuff from a dorm to my car and I mentioned having a "giant pillow" because it would be a tight fit. He told me I'll just carry it on my lap for the car ride.

>Mr Yan is going to ride on my lap next to my father for ~600 miles

I am an embarrassment and have no shame.

>> No.8087758

Can't you take the pillowcase off?

>> No.8088831

It's interesting, i think it would look good as a non-lolita dress, also the black bow is really dumb. I really want to see a good co-ord with this dress.

>> No.8088837

jesus fucking christ, i think i almost keeled over when i saw this

>> No.8088886

Photos of Mr Yan in the car, bonus points for Mr Yan at drive thru, please!

>> No.8088895

I seriously want to buy Mr.Yan. My boyfriend said he'd break up with me if I did since he doesn't want that thing staring at him. I guess if I get it anyway, I can have Mr.Yan my waifu comfort me.

But seriously. Drive-thru pictures please.

>> No.8088914

Don't worry, your husYando will satisfy you more than non-pillow boyfriend ever could.

>> No.8088943

My boyfriend and I are working on some sorta matching coords together and his is going to be Ouji. Does bodyline have any decent items to be used for ouji? Accessories included.

Also, any headwear that would work for ouji?

>> No.8088950

Also, something I should have mentioned: We're trying to keep a blue and black colour scheme for him with accents of gold.

>> No.8089006

Is this Shinku's dress from Rozen Maiden?

>> No.8089186

Say you *accidentally* got it in a lucky pack.

>> No.8089190

Would CNY affect BL? Because their factories are chinese...

>> No.8089193

You know what? I need Mr.Yan to comfort me at night. I need to lay my weary princess head on his soft fluffy goodness. His glorious belly will be the sanctuary I return to each night. Thanks guys. You have opened my eyes.

>> No.8089199

Maybe, maybe not. I wouldn't think so because I'm sure BL has enough stock of the majority of their items to be just fine. But then also I mean like...do chinese factories actually honestly give their workers that much time off (like, more than a few days to a week) for CNY? I doubt it (unless someone can prove me wrong).

>> No.8089204

Wtf is that thing?

>> No.8089208

I legit love this dress. /nohopeforme

>> No.8089209

i didnt know asians eyes went that wide

>> No.8089212
File: 1.41 MB, 280x210, tmp_1157-1422498742648-649339263.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8089213

The whole country shuts down for people to return back to their families for New year for a few days. It's the biggest holiday of the year. I think people would at least have 2-3days off, even in the shittier factories.

>> No.8089214

Have you looked at FanPlusFriend?

>> No.8089215

Still, will that really effect BL that badly if they have enough stock? Certain things may go out of stock in the middle of Feb and not get re-stocked until mid March but all I'm trying to say is I don't think it will like, severely impact BL or anything like that at all. If there's something you're worried about going out of stock then just buy it as soon as possible or look for an alternative.

>> No.8089217

The factories for Bodyline are in China but the stock is held in Japan at a warehouse. Their stock issues will be the normal ones they deal with but nothing that Chinese New Year really effects.

>> No.8089218
File: 111 KB, 339x560, 4123740_105_2617---Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The underbust looks cute to me aside from the kinda weird boob part.

>> No.8089219

But if you told someone it's J et J it would be magically good for lolita

>> No.8089227

Is your hair real? I can never manage to style my buns like that, they're always half the size of that and my hair reaches my butt.

>> No.8089577

wellll people have been disputing if some of JetJ is good for lolita

>> No.8090017

I didn't say that it wouldn't work (some way some how ) for lolita, but it could pass as a regular "quirky" summer-time dress.

I think maybe a creme blouse would work for it, but that's all i got.

>> No.8090265
File: 94 KB, 600x800, shoes186-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need some help, please!

I want pic related and there are two listings that look pretty much identical but are two different materials.

Which is better? PU or Synthesis leather?

>> No.8090269
File: 137 KB, 700x1200, shoes299-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I see the difference now. PU (pic related) is shinier than the Synthesis leather.

Still, does anyone know which is better in the way of being durable and easy to keep clean/prevent scuffs?

>> No.8090299

I don't mean to be THAT person but with some searching you could probably find those shoes at a local store for less with more reliable durability.

>> No.8090318

Yeah I found a pair at walmart that is actually really nice for 7 bucks

>> No.8090339

I'm in a small town and I've already checked the Walmart here and found nothing, sadly. They're only $17 with the yen trick and I was going to wait out to see if the price dropped more for any Valentines Day sale unless someone knows anywhere good to get them online for cheaper?

>> No.8090455

I bought this version in brown and no issues. It's a bit annoying to put on, but no problems here.
Bought for K-on cosplay.

>> No.8090594

I'm fucking dying holy shit I want the uncropped version

>> No.8090611

Not her, but tease you hair lightly before putting it in the buns,t hat's the only way to get good volume.

>> No.8091644
File: 133 KB, 800x452, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like this could work?

Couldn't find a decent co-ord online, the dress looks ok, but the bolero and bow look bad.

>> No.8091829
File: 42 KB, 300x300, s506-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Yanners when

>> No.8091847

Honestly, though the Mr. Yan body pillow is a joke among lolitas, it really creeps me the fuck out. Is it still on bodyline though?

>> No.8091883

Holy shit. My body is ready, yesterday.

>> No.8091939

Any decent bodyline pettis I can get to layer with a CP bell shaped petti? I'm just looking for some extra poof.

>> No.8091943

I really need these on my feet. Now.

>> No.8091977
File: 178 KB, 700x1200, shoes272-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know how often/when Bodyline restock shoes? Looking for 272 (pic related) in brown in a 250/255 but I've no idea how often they restock.

>curse my giant feet

>> No.8091978

I need these. So bad.

>> No.8092018

Well, you still can wear brand shoes. 265 here, life is suffering.

>> No.8092045

my money is ready yan. its your move.

>> No.8092319

I want to buy some stuff from bodyline now after reading this thread.

>> No.8092326

I need these in everything

>> No.8092355

Have you tried regular stores? I'm a US anon, and I know Payless used to carry shoes pretty much exactly like these

>> No.8092388

>Again, pls don't be 80$

>> No.8092401

Yep, been looking everywhere, but I'm in Europe so no Payless or anything similar. Thanks for the suggestion though! So annoying that it's such a basic shoe but not in stock anywhere for me.

Ahh sorry anon. Just moaning because all the cute petite sizes are in stock.

>> No.8092444

Honestly if your waist is 7 inches (18 cm) below the minimum measurements of that dress in 6L (98 cm) your waist is like 80 cm which is still fat.. So maybe instead of whining about your big boobs try to lose some weight (they'll shrink too).

>> No.8092454

I have it, it's pretty warm. Haven't washed it yet though

>> No.8092539
File: 1.88 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20150131_182636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a Mr Yan body pillow. He's my husyando.

Pic related, I couldn't take him on my lap during the move, so I tucked him into my dad's bed.

>> No.8092548

80cm isn't fat wtf are you still talking about. You don't even know how tall she is either.

Big boobs dont just magically disappear if you lose weight

4/10 you got me to respond

>> No.8092601

>80cm isn't fat
you are at health risk if you have over a 80cm waist and are a woman.

>> No.8092618

where did you find this pic? ive never seen it before!

>> No.8092677

You know them will

>> No.8092741

where can i find the lingerie on the bodyline website

>> No.8092747

They stopped selling them.

>> No.8092762

Only a fattie would say this.

>> No.8092768

OP here. I'm a little chubs but not in the fat category. I'm 5'7 and have a 114 bust, 80 cm waist, and 99 cm hips. I actually lost 20lbs, I used to be at 124 cm bust, 91 cm waist, and 105 hips.

>> No.8092774

"For your best health, your waist should measure no more than 40 inches for men, 35 inches for women. If it's larger than that, you may want to talk with your doctor about what your next steps are, including losing weight."

80 cm is 31.5 inches, she's fine.

>> No.8092779

Girl that's not a little chubs. That's pretty fat. My mom is taller than that and those are about her measurements and she is a little chubs. You being shorter with the same measurements would put you above "a little chubs".

>> No.8092791

Haha thanks! Anyone have the uncropped?

>> No.8092812

At least she's losing weight

>> No.8092889

That looks pretty good actually, though i think the patterned tights/socks may be a little much with such a busy print. I also think a different flower would look better, but i understand why you chose roses, if there is going to be any elegant flower accessories they're very likely going to be roses.

But yeah the bolero was hideous and the bow is just silly.

>> No.8092956
File: 119 KB, 700x1200, socks537-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb Question

Has anyone here with wide calves (approx 17-19 inchs) have any experiences on Bodyline socks either good or bad

I've heard that they are stretchy and forgiving like BTSSB socks on the circumference, however no one on youtube wasn't plus size and they only purchased the ankle socks

anything on their tights and otks/thigh high socks?

>> No.8093009


>> No.8093059

Seconding question.

I wonder how soon these will be out of stock.
>be size 225
I don't know how many other lolitas out there have tiny ass feet, but I've been looking for boots like these, I will fight you for them.

>> No.8093081

I'm not exactly plus-size, but I do have quite big calves for my figure. I have 2 pairs of Bodyline socks, the one pictured and an other pair of offwhite OTK. the white ones fit me decent, but the ones pictured come close to being tight. I would not recommend bodyline socks if you have thighs above 41cm ( aprox 16 inches).

>> No.8093110

do you mean calves?

>> No.8093112

im a size 220 so ill be getting the 225

>> No.8093245

It is. I'll be buying it when I get my paycheck since I'll be ordering other stuff from bodyline, lmao.

(But yeah, it's creepy. It's hilarious to me, though.)

>> No.8093343

Does anyone have any experience with Bodyline's navy shoes? Does the navy color actually look like a dark blue instead of some weird, faded black?

>> No.8093393

Aw man I bet they'll end up looking squished down if you have anything bigger than 12-inch calves. sob.

>> No.8093583

I wear 215 - 220 so i'll fight u for the 225s.

>> No.8093603

whoops, I derped there. My calves are 31cm ( aprox 12 inches), and my thighs 41cm.

>> No.8093642

Depends, the enamel ones have a greenish tint.

>> No.8093709

valentines day "sale" notice is up

>> No.8093754

hm. alright. b-but what things are actually on sale?

>> No.8093755
File: 140 KB, 900x300, sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic

>> No.8093760


>> No.8093833

I have 19" calves and the pair of basic lacy topped socks I ordered from there fit fine but anything I've gotten with a pattern or that looks like it has a tighter knit like the socks you pictured don't fit well.

>> No.8093902

I thought the enamel ones looked a bit off. Is matte okay?

>> No.8093974

That's actually a pretty banner.

>> No.8093985
File: 87 KB, 600x800, p103-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these new? I hadn't seen them before.

>> No.8093986

I just placed my order
Fuck everything

>> No.8094000

And now the wait begins to see if Yandyman puts shoes on sale again....

>> No.8094004

That's empty for me. Has stuff yet to be on sale or is it all sold already?

>> No.8094005

I think the sale items haven't been posted yet. It's blank for me as well.

>> No.8094006

Nope, it's just empty.
>pls Yan put shoes on sale

>> No.8094007

I think Yan makes an FB announcement when the sale goes live right?

>> No.8094009

Usually, yep.

>> No.8094013

fb announcement where? does bodyline have a facebook page?

>> No.8094027

Shoes are still 1000Y off, aren't they?

Bodyline has a FB page.

>> No.8094036

Really? I've been following it and the last post was from may of last year. Is that really the page because they only seem to want feedback on the clothes on that one? Am I following the wrong one?

>> No.8094158

second left is too cute for a group like that
what dress is she wearing?

>> No.8094168

He looks so serene

>> No.8094179

These were released years ago.

>> No.8094191

What section is it in? I might prank buy it for one of my 'friends' for her upcoming birthday.

>> No.8094201


>> No.8094231

Sounds like the wrong one. I can't post the link because it says it's spam but the FB name is Bodyline Lolita and the google thing to search is 'Bodyline Costume Shop'

>> No.8095176

sorry to be asking this question. never bought directly from BL, but does the airmail come with a tracking number? i get the whole "no customer support" thing but is it tracked? because i want to get in on the free shipping deal and i just want a pair of shoes.

>> No.8095188

If you're in the US, yes. Not sure about other countries, but I would still imagine so.

>> No.8095203

As I know, for Europe, also come with tracking number

>> No.8095207

I'm F5ing like mad, I need some new blouses.

>> No.8095233

shes a former bodyline model
it was some bland ap dress

>> No.8095249

Momma needs new shoes
In gold

>> No.8095506

Will bodyline restock shoes? I want a pair in gold that the international site is sold out of but rakuten has. Tempted to get that...

>> No.8095520

It looks like Cake Applique op.

>> No.8095524

Gold shoes aren't restocked that often, so I suggest getting them on rakuten if you really want them.

>> No.8095534

Hey we have almost the same measurements! And yes, at least here in europe I'm overweight

>> No.8095539

I'm 5'7" with 96-72-99 and I'm "a little chubs".

>> No.8095551

Me too, i feel retarded.

>> No.8095765

That's what I did. I ended up snagging the last pair of gold in my size from their Rakuten.

>> No.8095787

Do you have to use a SS for their Rakuten or do they ship directly to other counties now?

>> No.8095931

I'm using a SS because I already have some auction items with them

>> No.8096096

I did the same thing as >>8095931. Added the gold shoes to my order since I already had a few auctions with my SS.
I also don't think the Bodyline Rakuten ships overseas either.

>> No.8096543

Does anyone remember how much was the long sleeved bodyline sailor dress was?The one that came in blue and black

>> No.8096665

Yan is not actually planning to start the sale ON Valentine's Day... R-right?

>> No.8096707
File: 468 KB, 500x515, .......gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ill be eating/giving chocolate, not refreshing the site.... i just want to get in on the sale... why yan.. why

>> No.8096712

It's been a while since I bought mine obviously, but I think it was ~$30?

>> No.8096716

Probably YES
plz, someone ask him on FB !

>> No.8096760

Seconding this, there is no announcement yet on the FB page.

>> No.8096762

Yeah I bought mine a while ago and I didn't see it on the site so I wasn't sure if it was 30 or 40$. I saw some people sell it for like 65$ on Storeenvy>??? Debating on selling it or not.. It's so cute but I don't know if I'll wear it again...

>> No.8096850

Shoes507 were in stock in gold last I checked, not sure what style you were looking for. I got mine in, they are exactly the same as shoes300, which are listed as being out of stock.

>> No.8096854

Can I see a pic? I'm curious how it looks

>> No.8097342

Has anyone bought a seifuku from the cosplay section? I'm looking at COSTUME596 and COSTUME573. Those blouses zip up in the front. Are they decent enough material that I could wear the skirt like a normal skirt and use the blouse as a light jacket?

>> No.8097454

I have a similar one that I bought from amazon and have had it for nearly a year now. It's lasted great.

>> No.8097523
File: 75 KB, 768x1024, sailordress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my picture

>> No.8097526

I assume so since air shipping won't arrive in time even if he started it as soon as the banner went up. What better Valentine for him than a bunch of girls throwing money at him on the day, right?

>> No.8097536



>will be in stock

that better price better not stay, I swear

>> No.8097542

I have a short sleeve version but honestly. Theyre really short. Bodylines M lolita dresses fit me normally but the seifuku skirts are too short to bend over in. Also its too short to wear with my bust because it shows my upper waist line but not in a good way since the skirt is high waisted. It looks awkward. really check the measurements for length.
I regret not getting an L but im pretty sure everything else would be too baggy.

>> No.8097893

So, weird fit issues aside, how is the material? Can you wear the skirt on its own with another top without the skirt screaming "cheap costume!!!11!"?

>> No.8097918

I thought it showed all unstocked items as 9,999

>> No.8097919
File: 437 KB, 500x275, tmmbjXE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hesitant to make a list of stuff to buy because don't know what'll be on sale but if you don't make a list everything will be sold out by the time it's in your cart

>> No.8098482

just got L514 in black and L346 in red, anyone want a review?

>> No.8098564


>> No.8098602
File: 3.54 MB, 4696x2648, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm not wearing it coorded, just over a shirt and with a handmade petti under it

I think this one is a size too small, I usually fit in M but this time It's very unconfortable to wear

L514 is very pretty in person, it has corset boning in the waist area and shring in the back.
It also has different types of lace.

It only has a second layer in the waist area, the skirt itself doesn't have it.

The zipper is a common zipper, and it comes with a simple bow.

I haven't washed it yet so I don't know if it will run.

>> No.8098609

The print looks really nice!

>> No.8098620
File: 3.18 MB, 5392x1976, IMG_5015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Again, not wearing it in a coord yet

This one was much more confortable, it has elatic in the whole back.

It closes with a zipper and a metal piece, and comes with waist ties that are attached to the red round buttons.

It is actually a really strong red, not wine.

The border ruffles look like chiffon, and the lace is nice. It also comes with a bow ( and the bow comes with this pink lace that doesn't appear anywhere in the skirt, I may remove it)

It also has ribbon loops inside so you can hang it in your closet! Very useful

>> No.8098709

Mhm, I thought the red would be brighter. I don't understand why brand items don't have loops to hang them up.
Thanks for the reviews, anon!

>> No.8098924

Shoes are now in stock on the rakuten store, but the price hasn't changed (yet?) Wtf Yan

>> No.8099124

Will Come got updated but it's just more headdresses. Nothing else has been updated.

>> No.8099148

I had this dress for a bit in 2L. Quality-wise I really liked it. The lace was even pretty good, from what I remembered.

>> No.8099410

I think you mean 569? 596 is an idol looking outfit. I have 569 and I like it. The fabric is thick but the typical polyester they use of everything. The skirt has a good weight to it. I HIGHLY suggest their plaid pleated skirts. They're super soft and adjust a bit size-wise. They're even nicer than the actual school uniform skirt I wore as an exchange student. They're surprisingly nice!

>> No.8099555

Oops. I guess I did mess up the numbers. Thanks for the info! I'm glad to know their plaid skirts are actually nice.

>> No.8099578

Has anyone bought costume 693, the Ibuki Dangan Ronpa cosplay? I'm interested in knowing if it actually comes with the wig, like the listing says.

>> No.8099643

How true is Bodyline's shoe sizing. I normally fit into a 10 or 11 US/Canadian. Will I fit into a 270?

>> No.8100095

No problem anon. I have their pink plaid skirt and one of their blue ones and really love them. I want to order more!

I've found that it varies between each style. Some are true to size while others you may need to oder a half size or even a size up. Which style are you looking at specifically? I've written a bunch of reviews up and don't mind giving you a tl;dr if it's a shoe style I've bought before.

>> No.8100300

I'm looking at shoes178 specifically. They seem to be one of the only shoes that bodyline has in 270, and also one of the only they have left in sax