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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8084143 No.8084143 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is going?

>> No.8084154

Aside from everyone?

>> No.8084172


"Who isn't going?"

>> No.8084179

Not going because saving my money for a Japan trip instead. Maybe next year.

>> No.8084293

Not going cause I'd be punching out a lot of cosplayers if I went...and a lot of creepy fucks that I used to be friends with.

>> No.8084303

Not going, too close to SDCC

>> No.8084304

What is everyone's cosplay plans?

I'm thinking of cosplaying something from Ava's demon, and maybe cosplaying Love Live with my sisters.

>> No.8084312

I don't know what to cosplay
Harpy Gee?
No one knows what that is

Character I like that has a belly shirt? As if, I got a pudgy tummy, and I doubt I could lose it by then.

I was thinking about Muru Muru too (more belly shirts) but I'd feel weird without another Mirai nikki cosplayer to hang with

>> No.8084355


All in all I think I'm planning:

Shiota Nagisa - Assassination Classroom
Either Yazawa Nico, Kousaka Honoka, or Sonoda Umi - Love Live
Kinomoto Sakura - Cardcaptor Sakura
Shimakaze - Kancolle
Chess!China - APH
Aisaka Taiga - Toradora
Aiba Rui - Marginal #4

This is all pretty much my choices. Nothing's definitive aside from secret cosplays. All depends on groups or not.

>> No.8084361

I have a few friends who can make it.

>> No.8084367

Dont be looking for subtitles. JK

I hope you enjoy yourself there!

>> No.8084378

SDCC seems more like a line, maybe ill just hang around the outside of the con.

>> No.8084382

Im Planning on doing strength from black rock shooter
and Treila from gunslinger girl.

>> No.8084388

I will be there since its local but its not a super exciting con for me at all. I will just be there to hang out with friends, idk about any cosplay plans currently as it is so far out.

>> No.8084417

right now I'm looking at train Mirai Kuriyama, red Chaika, Syndra from league, and Shoukaku from kancolle

>> No.8084614
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anyone wants to group with some hispanic weaboo?

i was ronery last year ;-;

>> No.8084617

I am so there and bringing all my most complicated cosplays and also probably getting trampled to death, if last year is any indication of how it'll be this time around.

>> No.8084630

Who wants to bet that AX didn't learn from last year and they'll repeat the same mistakes?

>> No.8084647

No bets. We know it'll happen again.

>> No.8084658

I know I'll learn from MY mistakes and bring a parasol, extra extra water, mister, mini-fan and whatever other crap I need to survive that bullshit line.

>> No.8084674 [DELETED] 

I'm not going. Going on a big trip in May and will have like no money when I get back to afford to go.

>> No.8084678

I'm not going. Going on a trip in May to Italy and France and will have like no money when I get back to afford to go.

>> No.8084691

Probably going for a day. If I cosplay I'll probably be doing either love live or idolmaster if my friend who's making the costumes goes(she's making them so we can cosplay together in the first place)

>> No.8084732

only if they have amazing guests.

>> No.8084767
File: 257 KB, 600x911, BzdCTRACQAAP9B2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosplay: Slayer (GGXX), Daruku Hoshino (Nanana's Buried Treasure)
Crossplay: Youmu (Touhou)

Going to also go ham on KBBQ and milk tea like all day everyday.
Snagged a premiere badge this year because fuck that "pre-reg" line from last year.

>> No.8084777

Anyone know when hotels usually go up?

>> No.8084815

They went up in November 2013 for AX 2014. I'm worried that it's taking so long...

>> No.8084824

The registration link for AX2014 was posted on cgl like a week or so after AX2013 ended, a couple months before it 'officially' went public.

>> No.8084841

Any such luck for this year?

>> No.8084851


Granted I don't lurk here as much as I used to; I'd be happy if someone posted a link and proved me wrong. And also very grateful.

>> No.8084905

oh shit I like you already
if you need a photo shoot, post in one of the threads coming up

>> No.8085819

Can't wait! And hopefully participating in the Masquerade this time~

>> No.8085834


Fuck off, Magma.

>> No.8085952

Too many things, probably.
Assassin from F/SN
Homura from PMMM
Battle Lover Epinard from Boueibu
Benten from Uchouten Kazoku
Utena from (obviously) Utena

I don't know how I'm going to fit everything in, especially if I'm not able to get a room at the Marriott (but I'm going to try!). I'm still excited, though, since everything I have going this year is with a group or pairing with friends.

>> No.8086039

Shimakaze be my buddy I'm going as Amatsukaze, and Nico from love live. Shimakaze is my favorite though.

>> No.8086048

AX is pretty much Christmas and New Year's for me, so sign me up.

That said, I kinda feel bad that one of my favorite cosplay duos won't be on AX this year.

>> No.8086059

Oh hey, an utena? You planning on going to fanime by any chance/what version are you doing?

>> No.8086067

Good news, I can go and take my girlfriend (she always goes alone because I live on the east coast). Bad news, I can go because my deployment was cancelled. I feel too many feels.

>> No.8086068

I'll be at Wondercon, have to skip out of town cons this year because I'm saving for vacation. I'm doing both regular (non-movie) versions, the jacket is going to be convertible.

>> No.8086162

I dont think im worthy of a photoshoot tho D:

>> No.8086190

Totally cool with that~

>> No.8086238

imma be sasuke guys or should i be naruto

>> No.8086303
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Make me.

>> No.8086445

shoukaku anon here, can I take a cute ship girls picture with you guys if I see you ;___;

>> No.8086473

if you do Triela justice that's all that matters

>> No.8086519

Sure fellow kanmusu!
I want a kancolle cosplay gathering to happen but I'm out of state and am not familiar enough with the convention center since this is my second year so I don't think I should organize it. Any of you know of one or willing to set it up? Maybe I should just make an fb event and let random people comment plan in it.

>> No.8086524

My phone hates me sorry

>> No.8086551

I'd love to have a pic with you! I might bring my 100cm Rensouhou-chan plushie to the con so I'd probably be easy to spot.

>> No.8086574

>Giving money to Anime Expo after 2008

Nah, I'm good. I even went last year just to check it out, see how it was doing.

I have never had so much un-fun in my entire life. I guess I just hate LA and the LAC too much.

>> No.8086593

I missed the AX drama last year; how badly was the pre-reg line mismanaged? Would I be able to miss it if I showed up Friday morning?

>> No.8086601

Typical black man. Doesn't know how to swim so he's got to put floaties on his arms for the kiddy pool.

>> No.8086650

I'm not gonna lie, I chuckled~

>> No.8086658

There was actually a Kancolle gathering last year. I can't imagine there not being one this year especially with the anime airing.

>> No.8086697

Wow where'd you get a 100cm rensouhouchan without murderous shipping??

>> No.8086790

Ill see if i can :D
it might be awkward cause im male....
I just like gunslinger girl alot.

>> No.8086802

Instead of an 8 hour line you'll get a 5 hour line. 2.5 of those hours will in the shade :D

>> No.8086844


>> No.8087101

are you going to crossdress or be male triela?

better have that 1897

>> No.8087356

Swear to god I know you

>> No.8087514

It was so weird. AX lines usually move really fast. It's like it switched times with Fanime

>> No.8087561

I don't remember the lines ever going particularly fast (day 0, at least) and I've been going since 04.

>> No.8087643

Im trying to find one but i might have to try and make it.
And crossdressing

>> No.8087675
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Give me a hint or something man, I enjoy finding out people I know go to /cgl/

>> No.8087678

I'm just a random other anon, but damn your socks are cute!

>> No.8087688

where 2 cop

>> No.8087706
File: 671 KB, 1280x658, linecon2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it was something like 2 pre con threads, 6 during con threads, and then some picture dumps after the con.

>this picture sums up last year perfectly

>> No.8087912

Taking bets on how many dumb fucks take a heat stroke this year while getting their badge, this year.

>> No.8087917

They're predatorrat
I'd link but it thinks I'm spam.
You'll need a proxy.

>> No.8088050

If I come on day 0 will the line be shorter?

>> No.8088068

i went day 0 last year, got there around 11 or noon and didn't leave until 4 or 5.

>> No.8088072

I got there around 3:30 and didn't leave until 9.

>> No.8088270

I think there was a delay last year. I lined up around 5:30 to avoid the sun and got my badge around 9:30 or 10:00.

>> No.8088338

I was in that line on Thursday. Worst con line I've been in ever. I think the sun and heat put it on another level.

>> No.8088349

I lined up at 6 and got my badge at 11.

>> No.8088368

the printers broke or something I heard and it took them a long time to fix them

>> No.8088383

So hotel registration still hasn't opened?

What are the price ranges and stuff I can expect? This will be my first year attending AX and I haven't been to LA in a long time...

>> No.8088395

You need the map of the line

>> No.8088410

Yeah, I'm getting a little worried about that. I'm about ready to book my hotel separately, but the con blocks are usually so much cheaper...

>> No.8088418



I guess I should start looking into hotels in the area... there are plenty that are already booked for that week though...

>> No.8088436

It's a real concern for me too,

Ifor hotel info doesn't go up soon I might just not go

>> No.8088469 [DELETED] 


>> No.8088486

im gonna butt in now that everyones talkin bout hotels

anyone got any experience gettin more people into rooms than what you paid for? or hotels that just charge for the room?

is there any place where peeps from here congregate and get booze? i wanna get mighty drunk that weekend

>> No.8088554

SDCC is literally ollywoodandTVconWithsuperheroes

>> No.8088556

>tfw this was gonna be my 10th year straight going to CC
>tfw I'm going to AX instead

CC is hell, literally too fucking big and getting to do or see literally anything is a huge chore.

>> No.8088614
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i managed to get my badge on day 1, waited about 3 hours.

>> No.8088864

It's like something read on tvtropes: Ticket Line Campout.
Thought the trope be dead for buying tickets online.
You didn't pre-register for the con? Have fun.
But you did pre-register and the convention turns out to be staffed by incompetent nimrods? Sucks to be you.

>> No.8089077

I think we paid less than 300 a night including tax at the con block at the Westin. It's way cheaper than the normal price.

Pretty sure the booked hotels belong to the AX con block so they'll be open soon enough.

We had a friend of ours crash with us at the Westin for a night due to some conflict. Doubt the Westin cared much, especially given all the room parties going on with people crowded in rooms all night. And if you're drinking then a nice place to start is the pool area of the Westin. The pool itself is gated but the area around is open to whomever so the place is packed with congoers with booze just mingling. Bring a bottle for an easy way to get yourself invited to parties

>> No.8089082


i stayed at the westin for the past three years for AX, it was always around $170 a night. a loooottt cheaper than normally

>> No.8089086


Nice, thanks for all the info!


170$ how many people in the room?

>> No.8089088

when i was at the westin we crammed 7 people into one room listed for 3. hotel staff knew but they didn't give a fuck LOL. you're good. pretty good because with 7 people it came down to $100 total per person for all four nights.

>> No.8089090

registered as two but we fit seven

>> No.8089091


>> No.8089095


Damn, sounds good.

Big problem is the girl that's driving us over there is stupid anxious and wants everyone to register, I keep telling her no one will bat a fucking eye but I gotta keep talking her into it.

>> No.8089103

tfw I'm going to both
zero fucks given

>> No.8089104

is it her first time at a hotel or something?

>> No.8089109


Yeah, she's really sheltered and has had everything in life handed to her on a silver platter. If it wasn't for cons I don't think she'd have ever ridden a bus in her life.

>> No.8089667

I refuse to have more than five people to a room now (stuff happened) but we've had six in a room booked for three at the Biltmore before without any issues from the hotel.

>> No.8089671

We really want the JW this year, and all four of us are prepared for the higher price. Fingers crossed.

>> No.8090294

Who are some good photogs?
I've never had one take pics before.
I went the 'ol "boyfriend take my camera" Route last year.
Never again.

>> No.8090314

What cosplay do you have planned?

I might be interested

>> No.8090521

Heard a bunch of rumours about the new registration system they are trying out this year. Something about credit card badges you have to get scanned to get in? Don't industry cons do that?

>> No.8090680

not all of them
CES, SHOT, SEMA, NAMM, all pretty big shows, do not, from experience

>> No.8091973

I think they were referring to the check in process, not the entrance. More like the way SDCC does registration. It's supposed to cut reg pickup time in half.

>> No.8093086

If you can help it, dont get your badge until around 4pm on Day 1 because then it will be super dead and there was no line when I did that

>> No.8093132

Just booked my hotel room today, I had a good enough time last year other than the pre-reg line bullshit. I was relatively close to the front of it too, still waited something like seven hours for them to get the fucking computers running. It wasn't s bad after the sun started to go down though.

>> No.8093143

As always, I'll be there.

Expect new fun programming! Maybe even an industry party or two. Hopefully bigger than ALA's. I'm not one to stay complacent.

If I have time between staffing, I may cosplay. (Not likely :/ )

>> No.8093167

Did you book through AX or through the hotel itself?

>> No.8093175

Most American hotels allow you to cancel before the date of check-in so there's no downside to booking now. I have my SDCC hotel booked already but if I can get a better/cheaper hotel through the SDCC blocks will drop my existing one

>> No.8093176

Aah, I see. And they don't charge your card until after your stay, right? I suppose it's better than taking a chance with AX's block and possibly missing out, even with the discount.

>> No.8093181

Correct. You may not even provide a card til you show up on the date depending on the hotel/booking service.

>> No.8093785

Which hotel for parties?

>> No.8093836


The Luxe is decent due to walking distance and lax security.

>> No.8094986

Last year was straight up awful. I waited for several hours. They're supposedly making it a lot better this year and longer registration hours too but we'll see about that...

Shimakaze a shit and only casuals cosplay her. Please have better ship taste.

>> No.8095100

i'm going, super hyped and going to maybe cosplay love live! i'm cosplaying jade from homestuck just to couple cosplay with my bf

>> No.8095427

Which love live?

>> No.8095448

B-but Shimakaze has a lewd costume and she's the icon of Kancolle.

>Mfw looking at multiple friend's AX albums, and 3/8 have sneakpics of Shimakaze butt
>Mfw makes me recall the time I was drunk and asked some Shimakaze cosplayer "Can I take a picture of your ass?" all creepy as fuck
>She actually said yes

Would you rather have someone take sneak pics of your ass or have a dude straight up creepily and rape-ily ask to take photos of your butt? I will ask this the next time I'm inebriated.

>> No.8095519

I wouldn't mind the battalion of Shimakaze cosplayers if even 2/5 of them even played the gamee

>> No.8095708

Why do you care if they played the game or not? Let's be honest here; the Kancolle game is a complete piece of shit. Going on expeditions, crafting girls+equipment, and grinding levels isn't fun at all, which is why people tend to use scripts to get resources. The only reason it would be addicting is that you want to collect them all and hear their voices and such.

You can honestly get much more out of Kancolle by fapping to doujins, reading the official manga, watching the anime, and listening to the character lines online.

Or you could enjoy runnin' expeds for muh resources and buckets and grind stages for rare kanmasu. Don't even get me started on crafting equipment and using LSC.

And the worst part is once you start, it's tremendously difficult to quit. Gotta do your daily PvP... sparkle your expedition ships for them extra resources...expeditions all day long... Horrid waste of time. Just marry your shipfu then quit, if you're stuck in the trap. If you continue, you'll become one those dudes who sink thousands of hours to obtain every single ship and level his favorite that he married to 150.

>> No.8095712

Oh right, and the complete autism where you use LSC to pop out Maruyus to get your favorite ships maximum luck after you've done everything else.

>> No.8098432

quick question: why is Anime Expo the only convention where you have to pay extra fees to purchase your tickets? this Eventbrite shit is awful

>> No.8098441

I'm going, second year in a row for me. Given up on SDCC since I didn't get a pass last year, and and know almost 100 percent I won't this year.

>> No.8098904

Is that something they changed recently? .___. I've always payes a flat charge with nothing extra, even for AX15.

>> No.8099002

Yes. I thought anon was bitching about them charging extra for event tickets, but it turns out there are extra fees just to purchase badges now (4-day pass is $65 with a $4.45 fee). I think this started when they updated their website. That is really shitty and I'm fucking glad I bought my pass on Black Friday. AX is just continuing to go downhill.

>> No.8099147
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>MFW I missed out on AX and the KLK spectacular event.

Please tell me Seagulls that I didn't miss much. Not attending that is going to burn and haunt me for the rest of my mortal life. It was the only reason I would ever attend.

>> No.8099152

>Anime Expo continues their nickel and dime their "loyal" customers
>Bitch about it on the internet
>Still go anyways

>> No.8099164

I hate all of AX's fees and I definitely won't stop bitching about it. I still go though since it's the only con where ALL my friends go since bigger con supposedly means better con. Not to mention it's only a 10 minute drive.

>> No.8099174
File: 34 KB, 500x375, 1421381271101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bigger con supposedly means better con

>> No.8099228

It's where I met probably 80% of my friends here in the US, and it's the con they always go to.

I don't owe it to the con but I'm pretty thankful.

>> No.8099709 [DELETED] 

>using dat Jill pic.
A+ anon

>> No.8099715

>using dat Jill pic.
A+ anon. Magical Salian smiles upon you

>> No.8099725

The Eir Aoi concert part was pretty good, Q&A was okay. I still have my glowstick thingy. The English dub debut was whatever (not into dubs). I enjoyed it a lot, but I'm not sure it was worth the price.

>> No.8102672


How much was it per night?

I'm currently looking at 425 per night and I can't shake the feeling that I'm getting jacked.

>> No.8102681

>425 per night
Holy shit anon. Just wait for the AX hotels to go up. They're a little under 200 per night at the discounted rate

>> No.8102683


Yeah it's what I keep telling my friends, we're 4 people and the place we're looking at gave us that figure.

>> No.8102785

Don't go off the hotel's website, and you don't even have to say that you have four people when booking. It makes it cheaper

>> No.8105185

late late response but MuruMuru from mirai nikki
and possibly another cosplay.

>> No.8105423
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I personally had a ton of fun waiting in that line. Bought some soda, danced, talked to people, high fived people, got free pizza, ridiculous amounts of street pass. 5 hours passed by so fast.

One of my favorite memories of AX 2014.

>> No.8105426

I had fun too. maybe I'll cheat and bring a foldout chair lol.
If you have a 3ds I plan to bring mariocart 7 with me. I

>> No.8106260

Anyone else having problems with the Eventbrite switch? I originally bought two tickets last year, but the new confirmation they gave me only lists one. I've tried e-mailing them AND eventbrite but no reply yet.

>> No.8106838

Nah, skipping it for Anime Cali this year actually.