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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 120 KB, 736x505, AA_4_notAsGreatAsTheSequel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8090987 No.8090987 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread got trimmed.

Any new items in your inventory? Any new con drama? Signed up for any cons yet?

resources: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l-9tZn_PaqsZWkb5SB_aqwh7uvURyoLgdsQiuz_Ty08/edit#gid=0

>> No.8090990
File: 80 KB, 417x800, 80sSloth_charm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got my JiMi Agency memo pads and charms in today.

The charms are really nice, and the memo pads are super cute! I'm so happy <3

Does anyone have any questions about the pads or charms?

>> No.8091157
File: 1.02 MB, 600x1284, 20150127_174559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are the quality of those wipers? Still want your cherry blossom lion one.

I got my charms for in keychains (still using the AA thread pic) and I'm working on 1.5 inch cellphone charms now.

Looking for cuter cellphone trinkets like stars or small beads to make charms and keychains look less blah.

>> No.8091165

A friend and I are preparing to possibly do our first con later this year (Depending on if we're fast enough to get a table). Since it's my first year, I was thinking of doing laminated phone charms and bookmarks. Are there specific companies you guys would recommend for that sort of thing?

>> No.8091238

What was the opacity that you ended up using for the inside of the pad? That is, if you had a design that required it. Also how much do those typically sell for?

>> No.8091311
File: 251 KB, 757x394, hxh 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god Dejiko. This brings joy to the 12 yr old weeaboo in me.

I made my first set of charms but I'm having a little bit of trouble formatting them so I emailed zap and am just waiting to hear back from them before I put the order through.

I'm thinking of doing some sports charms before AB as well. I want to try and get a lot done for then, since it's the biggest con I'll go to this year.

>> No.8091350

Those are really cute. Love the good evil sides.

>> No.8091354


I'd recommend Aliexpress if you have time to wait for them to arrive, I get so much cheap craft supplies from there.

I've personally ordered from this seller twice http://www.aliexpress.com/store/910054
Pretty decent and I've gotten some really cute stuff. They have some more generic small charms like stars and hearts to add onto keychains.

If you don't have time to wait and depending on your location I guess? You can always try an Etsy reseller.

>> No.8091381

Are there sellers on aliexpress or taobao where you can get stuff made too? Or what would I need to search for if I wanted to look for any?

Reason I'm asking because I'm always jealous at what asian artists are able to get made and how nice it always looks.

>> No.8091393


> that Hisoka

please tell me you'll be selling them online too, anon.

>> No.8091395

>aliexpress or taobao

only if you want your stuff resold all over taobao/aliexpress.

>> No.8091414
File: 177 KB, 500x919, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!
Yup~ I've got the preorders open on my storenvy right now which is 'slimyeels', I'm planning to do something like pic related with them.
Also I got mine from ebay, like Aliexpress it takes a long time to get to you, but you can get cute stuff for very cheap!

>> No.8091471


damn, you've got some pretty nice buttons too. Definitely buying some stuff from you when I get paid.

>> No.8091958

How many people have been commissioned by the dickbutt guy?

Basically he goes around paying artists 5 bucks to draw dickbutt at cons haha

>> No.8091960

There are loads of people that do this

>> No.8092206

I've done stuff for them at Fanime and AX, do they go beyond the CA cons or are there different people asking for dickbutt now?

It's insane that they commission anyone with a commission sign though, I remember seeing them with a fat envelope of $5s.

>> No.8092409
File: 29 KB, 800x402, notepad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're pretty nice quality, I'll definitely design and buy more if they do well.
My only issues are how thin the loop at the top is, and how the galaxy bg on the sloth has some crushed blacks, but I'm still overall really happy with them.

Digit, are you using Zap or Inkit for your charms?

The inside of my notepads look like pic related, and I *think* I made the sea/sky/beach 40-50%? (I don't have the files on me atm). I did print off samples on my home computer multiple times to see which opacity I liked best.
I'm not sure how much I'll charge yet. Maybe $4-$5?

I wish that happened around here.

>> No.8092801
File: 100 KB, 648x486, 1315711404167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dig the Mako one

Those are so awesome.

>> No.8092809

Does anyone else get extremely angry when conventions make it a point that their AA booths don't come with badges, and you have to buy them individually? Most of the cons I've been to provide a weekend pass but a couple have forced me to buy that on top of the fee for the table. I can't even use the dumb thing, it's not like I can leave my space to romp around panels.

>> No.8092844

Laser seagull anon here. Even though I have no paper art at table he still commissioned for a doodle on a business card. Bro knows about Genshiken Mr Dickbutt is aces in my book.

>> No.8092890

can somebody tell this stasia fish girl in the fb group that the group isn't her personal page

she's annoying as all fuck and i'm getting tired of her posts

>> No.8092909
File: 564 KB, 1280x960, scribblyapples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8092912
File: 172 KB, 720x1280, storyofthedoor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute wood necklace display :)

>> No.8092950

Metrocon registration? More like one hour of black screen of death. ;;

>> No.8092964
File: 467 KB, 500x375, 1404180706409.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>look around your storenvy, pretty neat stuff
nothing that really catches my eye thou-
>see South Park buttons
oh that's cute, but still not reall-
>see Butters' Marjorine button

Anon pls

>> No.8092971


I just got accepted into Momocon's Alley this year after trying for a the last few. I've actually applied to all of the Atlanta area animu and mango each year from 2011. Unfortunately school is killing me and I haven't had the time to produce new stuff, and looking back at my work from a couple years ago, I desperately need to.

Convention is in May and I graduate in September provided I don't ruin everything. I have until the end of February to pay for the table. ; ;

Any other seagulls ever hit up any Atlanta cons?

>> No.8092974
File: 711 KB, 1392x807, sdgsdg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you just now get that letter? I'm curious if yours was a second wave of acceptances.

>pic related

>> No.8093000


I actually got the email at the end of December. I guess 'just accepted' isn't entirely accurate.

>> No.8093014
File: 10 KB, 320x240, 1270605432313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you all handle a particularly vacant year of cons? How many do you usually attend, as an artist, per year?

>> No.8093022

out of the 4 I attended this year, I sold at 2. And I'm going to raise that this year hopefully (in cons that I attend and sell at

>> No.8093032

Good lord, what's wrong with this mermaid's arms?

>> No.8093062
File: 473 KB, 300x169, tumblr_lna3ip6RxC1qabxis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a confirmation email from Otakon for a normal table. I am both incredibly excited and terrified at the same time. This will be the first out of state and biggest convention I will be selling at.

Can anyone give me advice? For Otakon and travelling with displays/merchandise?

>> No.8093065

I use a mix of three. For original art ones, I Inkitlabs for clear, Zap for white and black charms. For fanart, since I'm not super attached to fanart ones, I use an ali client I personally contact because I get them .50 cent a charm.

>> No.8093075

Nice, congrats! I totally forgot about Otakon and didn't reg haha. No big deal.

Otakon's attendees are great and super sweet and their staff in general is pretty shitty. If this is your first time, you should generally be okay. Just to try to avoid any hassling, be really clear with your 50/50 ratio. I've definitely heard of Otakon staff interrogating artists about their fanart/original art ratios, so don't give them that chance to begin with.

What do you sell? Your traveling situation will vary a ton based on what you're selling. I'm a print artist and will usually take 2 suitcases- one for my displays and half my prints, the other half for everything else. In the past, my friends have mailed prints out to the convention center or hotel and have been okay (minus a couple hiccups on occasion) so that's an alternative if you're afraid of your weight limit.

>> No.8093100

I'm primarily a print artist (biggest being 11x17" and smallest 4x6") with a lot of button/sticker designs also. I have a large folder with my prints and I can typically fit all my supplies into one suitcase. I was thinking of bringing two suitcases and a backpack for any overflow and to balance out the weight.

>> No.8093126
File: 56 KB, 600x338, PQ_11-06-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon, different question. Sorry for spamming the thread and being a general airhead. I originally registered as just myself but now I have some potential partners that may want to table with me. Will Otakon get on my case if I just show up with my friend's and my (very different) artwork? Should I contact someone and ask? Are they strict with this sort of thing or do they not care as long as I'm not breaking the 50/50 rule?

>> No.8093321

Thanks guys!! It was my first time drawing 'real' chibis in forever so I'm really happy that they turned out nicely and that people seem to like them!

heheheheh I love Marjorine and anyone that doesn't can fight me.
I'm really new to this and did 3 last year (AB,AAC,AniME)
and this year I have 2 lined up so far (AB,Nadeshicon, and applied for AnimeNext but we'll see sdfgfd)
I'm hoping to be able to do more, travel a little bit farther, and keep expanding my work, offerings, and artist friends. One of my favourit parts of tabling really is just meeting other artists that you gel with.

>> No.8093324

I've been wanting to try selling at a con since forever but there aren't a lot around here and I have no idea what to expect/how much to bring.

in the end I don't sign up and yet another year of no first attempt at selling...

anyone else in this situation?

>> No.8093350

How do I know if a series is popular enough to get good sales from? The series I like range from what seem to be a small fanbase (people post funny gifs on tumblr, only about 30 pages of fanart in pixiv) to a huge cringetastic following (people with their headcanons, AUs, porn fanfics and debates written by 12 year olds).

>> No.8093357

You can try making something small like a button or mini print and if that picks up you can make something bigger.

>> No.8093361

Where do you live, anon?
I was in this situation for a bit but then I met someone that is willing to share a table with me until I can get the hang of doing AA.

>> No.8093364

Dutch, I have no idea who to contact of who to table with if I was planning on sharing one..

>> No.8093378

I found my partner through a /cgl/ friend finder thread but it seems like we're not allowed to have those anymore. Hopefully someone can come by and see your post. Your last resort could be the FB group or the barely living proboards forum.

>> No.8093584


I wish I could table with you but unfortunately I'm in Canada. I'm searching for a new table partner because my old one was super flaky and would forget to pay me his sharre of the table cost half the time. Is it acceptable to post in the facebook group about this? And what are peoples experiences with finding a partner from there?

>> No.8093597

/cgl/ - Not a place for friends

>> No.8093643
File: 371 KB, 1080x1080, 1418750199284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it help to be a cute girl when you're selling stuff at AA?
will dudes buy your shit if you're attractive and flirt with them

>> No.8093684

Still haven't heard back from Otakon. Anybody else sitting in un/acceptance limbo? I know people were getting mails at like 3am but apparently I'm not so lucky.

>> No.8093706

It's just cause jannie is a fat lonely whale.

>> No.8093715

The waitlist for Otakon should move a lot faster this year considering they're only giving people 5 days to pay. Wouldn't worry about making it through the first rounds if you haven't.

>> No.8093747

Flirting is a dangerous game at an anime con. You can end up with some seriously clingy people. Not to mention it will ruin your booth space with those dudes hanging around CONSTANTLY.

>> No.8094016


yeah, don't do this just to try boosting your sales. Some of the attendees can have actual mental issues where they will take your flirting very seriously, blocking your table from other customers to hang around awkwardly and talk to you and think you are their new animu girlfriend. It's not going to work out well for you and it's not fair to them because they don't understand if you're just trying to be friendly.

>> No.8094176

Did anyone manage to grab an extra table for Metro? I was on the site last night an hour before they went on sale, and when midnight hit, I couldn't even get past the homepage because of the infamously slow site. I'm pretty miffed they still haven't changed the process after the same thing happened last year. What a headache...I've been selling at Metro for the past 3 years and I'm gonna be pretty bummed if I can't do it this year.
So, I know it's a long shot, but if anyone happens to have a spare table, I'd be eternally grateful.

>> No.8094196
File: 173 KB, 450x675, 19297729211416314037 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Message Craddock to be placed on the waitlist.

And we can thank AANI for creating such a hype among the first-timers that the entire system crashed and people started holding multiple tables (not even for friends, just to hold them and pawn them off). The jury system should weed out the non-anime tables shilling out their pencil lineart drawings and ren faire shit bracelets.

>> No.8094246

Yeah, I already put myself on the waitlist. It's a longshot though.
I'm honestly baffled that they STILL hadn't changed it to the jury system yet, like every other con does it. The way they've been doing it doesn't promote diversity in the AA at all, since every year it's gonna be the same people reserving 20 tables for them and their friends or whatever. Not to mention, yeah, no quality control whatsoever. Oh well. At least we won't have to deal with this bullshit next year.

>> No.8094289

I'm being told that a few of the artists that sell very non-anime related shit, are buddy-buddy with Alex. So hopefully someone separate will be in charge of AA portfolio checks.

>> No.8094386

Not going to Metro, but is it considered bad form to sell non-anime stuff in AA? I'm prepping for an upcoming con and I'm selling a lot of vidya stuff.

>> No.8094391

That's totally cool. Vidya, anime, comics, all related. But some people sell weird shit that appeals to noone. They spend 150 for a table to make back 70 over the weekend and bitch the entire time through it.

>> No.8094617

In addition, a good portion of AA is full of cute attractive girls. Its not exactly a stand out wow factor.

>> No.8094674

This. It will only really help if you're cite girl and can talk and pander to /m/anly franchises and fandoms, shows and games you wouldn't expect cute girls to know.

>> No.8094676

I hear it sucks to sell in SacAnimes AA. Why?

>> No.8094817
File: 40 KB, 200x200, squish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys feel about selling wholesale at cons?
Because damn, phone charm/squishie wholesale is really appealing to me.
I can buy 30 of these for $35 and could make 3 times my money back selling them.
It's not illegal or anything, how do people feel about it?

>> No.8094831

That's what every vendor stall in the dealer's room does, anon.

>> No.8094833


>> No.8094840

This, don't bring premade stuff into an AA.

>> No.8094844

Anon, they mean the dealer's room does this, so that behavior is NOT for an Artist's Alley.... so it's cool in Dealer's room, not in AA.

>> No.8094848

I was asking about it for the dealer's room, I probably should've said that instead of just saying "at cons"

>> No.8094851

Ah ok, carry on then

>> No.8094853

sure, go ahead, whatever. what do you need 4chan's permission for?

>> No.8094882

I don't like it. Sometimes, I get a good convo going with someone about similar interests, just for it to later dilute to them awkwardly hitting on me. I don't like it, it makes me feel uncomfortable and after letting them down gently, they just abruptly end the conversation and leave without purchasing anything.

>> No.8094883

I don't know, I make a huge profit from SacAnime. I'm not even that well known or anything. The staff and other artists are all so chill too. Did you happen to come to this conclusion from Jackie's blog entry?

>> No.8094905

I sold at a couple cons this year and had to pay taxes (WA), but what do I need to do for filing taxes? Should I be getting something in the mail? I'll be filing taxes online.

>> No.8095085

My friend and I missed out on tables, so we went through the artist's list of people who got one out of curiosity. One person just sells god awful clay charms for $1. How the fuck do they expect to make their money back for that table fee? Plus there's a dozen people with no reference website, one guy who just put his Facebook, and some dude who is a freelance 3D modeler and looks like he's setting up for a career fair or something. What is he going to even have that's tangible? Prints of some barnhouse he made in Maya? I just wish people put more effort into fleshing out who they are and what they do when they sign up for cons. I'm so thankful Metro is changing their application process.

>> No.8095114

Another deal on arts caw cosmetic bags

Check their FB page since 4chan thinks everything is spam

>> No.8095129

>What is he going to even have that's tangible? Prints of some barnhouse he made in Maya?
Holy shit my sides

>> No.8095199

Last year at a con I was suppose to sit next to a guy that did my little pony art in poser. Thank God they never showed up.

>> No.8095236

IT used to suck, but it's much better now. Relatively large pool, good attendance, and AA in the exhibit hall all help. Winter is theoretically better than summer because it's during a dry season and everyone has Christmas money from the holidays, but I've heard people do well at the Summer SacAnmes as well.

>> No.8095253

admittedly ive never seen your art before, but man this is disappointing

>> No.8095306


>> No.8095326
File: 37 KB, 1280x720, 1399080149273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you going to be at any cons? If I can't make it to any, I'll just have to grab a Princess Kenny and Marjorine Butters button off your site.

>> No.8095337

Fuck. I'm never listening to you again. This shit is so mediocre. Pathetic.

>> No.8095340

This is the AA thread, dealers are different. If you have to ask about wholesale stuff and then claim it's for dealers then you probably shouldn't do dealers either.

>> No.8095567

So far I'm going to Anime Boston and Nadeshicon, but I've applied for AnimeNext and Portcon as well~
I'm North Shore/East coast so for this year I'm sticking more around that area~

At AB last we my friend and I were stuck next to a guy who only sold poorly modified MLP figurines who left his shoes off his smelly feet and talked about how he was too trashed from last night to be at his table. You are here to work. Enjoy yourself but??? Getting so shitty it impairs your work? Why.

>> No.8095569

Does anyone know any good places to get wood stuff like in >>8092912 ? I'm in Aus and everywhere here that i've looked into is super expensive, but I'm not sure if the places on Ali are trustworthy...

>> No.8095650
File: 1.41 MB, 2571x921, 1415043791836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More table pics!

>> No.8095654
File: 71 KB, 720x540, 1415044861955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8095655
File: 356 KB, 421x553, d4esk3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe this is a half table

>> No.8095658
File: 62 KB, 500x375, PMX-005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8095660
File: 171 KB, 1024x765, pokecon_artist_alley_booth_2013_by_pakajunatufty-d6fzfrc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never noticed how much the middle part of the shelving was bending... that's quite scary.

>> No.8095662

seems like the sadest job ever :(

sitting around a convention center wile everyone else has fun and shit selling plushies


>> No.8095664
File: 160 KB, 900x675, 22vhjhvo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8095666

i think i saw this table at ab 2014, person running it was *amazingly* nice

>> No.8095667
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>> No.8095668
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>> No.8095671
File: 749 KB, 1024x768, 1297829198985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8095673
File: 148 KB, 900x675, 1335161866858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's it for now

>> No.8095990

Does any one have pictures of tables with two people splitting it?

>> No.8096018

It's usually not too bad unless your stuff is really overpriced, plus if you have a table mate they can cover for you. I haven't gone to a con in a few years but the last one I went to some woman was selling incredibly expensive dolls (like $150-200 apiece even though they were a bit cheap looking and very small) by herself and everyone avoided her table like the plague.

Those gnomes are adorable.

>> No.8096025
File: 537 KB, 700x522, tumblr_m6xqp6vY3o1qm5qtbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd honestly make one myself if you're looking for a wood one like in the pic.

Or you could get it made out of acrylic and find someone with laser cutting services since it's such a simple shape :)

I wish I was at home because I'm sure I have some in my AA Table folder, but I'll post what I can find online through tumblr/google.

>> No.8096028
File: 75 KB, 600x450, 2cbxph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8096042
File: 915 KB, 668x665, tumblr_nhzj3mvfGs1qfyphto2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8096047
File: 196 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nhxm8uRIl51r9nvo5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8096049
File: 290 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mvlljgCJiE1qd1ip7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is only one artist, but I could see this translate into a 2 artist display really well.

>> No.8096050

Are people ever interested in splitting tables or is it more like something they would do with a friend/someone they make art with? Is it also something that can be done without consent from management or would they have to be notified in advance?

>> No.8096069

>Are people ever interested in splitting tables or is it more like something they would do with a friend/someone they make art with?
It's usually when someone doesn't have enough art to fill the table space on their own, they want to cut costs in half, or you're buddies with someone like you mentioned.

>Is it also something that can be done without consent from management or would they have to be notified in advance?
From the conventions I've been to here in Canada you have to notify staff if there will be a second artist. Your table-mate will need an artists badge supplied to them by staff or they won't be allowed behind the table.

>> No.8096081

I'm trying to develop a less generic style right now, something like pic related. Do you guys know of any tutorials that could help me along, or can I just start stylising and hope it goes alright?

I know this is more of an /ic/ question but I checked their sticky and it was all about realism, which I don't think would sell as well convention wise.

If you wanna make it more AA related, what kind of styles sell better?

>> No.8096084
File: 531 KB, 1187x795, inspiration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fml I forgot the pic - just to clarify none of these drawings are mine, they're just styles I'd like to emulate.

>> No.8096089

I imagine the knife lady on the right would sell very well on t shirts, bags and everything to show off. The princess in pink and the witch lolita are brilliant for comissions (of people's outfits).

>> No.8096092

Well the knife one looks like something Omocat does and that stuff seems pretty popular with Tumblr kids.

>> No.8096100

Thanks! My friend and I want to split a table so I would like some ideas on how they look.

>> No.8096108

It's funny you say that, those two are by an artist from the last draw thread. She's Missus Ruin on tumblr.

>> No.8096115

Yeah, thematically that one looked a lot like the stuff omocat does.

So that creepy oversaturated style is popular, then? It's actually the one I like the least, I threw it in there because I liked the shape of the character.

>> No.8096540
File: 20 KB, 300x317, 1359970950515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn man, I'm mad that stripesandteeth apparently couldn't get a table for Metro this year because of the bullshit system/website/whatever. I always look forward to getting art from her. It's great that they're apparently doing the jury system next year and all but that sure would have come in handy THIS year. Especially when everyone had been begging for a jury system for the past 3 years already.

>> No.8096581

You can also do lasercut wood (usually up to 1/8-1/4" depending on the machine), which is probably what the person did in that other pic.

>> No.8096593

You actually get art from her? Miraculous, considering she's a well-known scammer that still owes people money.

>> No.8096609

She is? Damn, this is news to me. We talk every year and she seems nice enough. Details?

>> No.8096809

How do you secure PVC set ups? I've done them once before and it was hideously unstable. I ended up taking it apart halfway through the con because I thought it'd fall on someone if knocked by a careless customer.

>> No.8096892


I can't find the other threads about her. I cringe when seeing her at Metro every year and just avoid them altogether.

>> No.8096902

Were they at least thick pipes and clamped down onto the table as per the tutorials?

>> No.8096983

A friend and I are trying to get a table at a bigger con, but it looks like their AA is juried, which is something we haven't had to go through before. ...what do AA juries generally look for? It's not so much that I don't think we're good enough to get in as it is I'd like to make sure we have the best possible chance; since it's a much bigger con, there are a lot more people that will be applying for tables.

>> No.8097059

Whew, I had no idea of any of this. What a goddamn mess! Now I know not to commission her from now on.

>> No.8097242

My portfolio for cons are usually half fanart half original work, unless it's no fanart. Take photos if you have physical merch like plush, hats, buttons, etc. If you have an on the spot commission sheet with examples you could add that as well.

>> No.8097244


Ahahahaha VanillaKitsune
This brings me back. All that Neopets drama.
No wonder she changed her name.

>> No.8097252

>kieren print
its not good, but its good to know people have In the Flesh stuff at cons
ive got a pin set i want to sell

>> No.8097259

it's safe to bet that gorillaz shit is going to sell right? people seem so hyped for phase 4

>> No.8097396

Anyone here going to AnimeNext? I just got my acceptance so I guess that means round 2 went out!

>> No.8097404
File: 49 KB, 650x444, adjustable_clamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depending on how high your setup is and how many posters are on the setup, but for the most part I've seen pretty tall yet still stable PVC setups thanks to sturdy connectors and clamps with long bars, plus they usually have two horizontal rows of pipes to minimize sagging in the middle.

The ones that seem flimsy are:
>super high setup with short bars
>thin pipes (thinner than 1") with lots of posters hanging
>instead of clamps, pipes are taped to the table and the back of the legs...
Actually, on my very first day tabling, my friends and I sat next to a guy who had that sort of setup, and eventually the PVC setup fell sideways and hit one of my friends. Also on a similar story when I got the PVC pipes but had no idea how people secured it to the table, I used lots of rope. It worked out since we didn't hang a lot of stuff, but I wouldn't do it again.

>>8096902 has the right idea, PVC pipes (minimum 1" thickness you get at hardware stores) and clamps are the way to go. If your setup isn't too high, clamps with shorter bars will do you fine.

>> No.8097408
File: 176 KB, 814x700, 1326489015706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then there are other sort of PVC pipe setups

>> No.8097410

It's probably going to be pretty popular. People who didn't know shit about Gorillaz until this week are going to want merch just because that's how the tumblr hivemind works.

>> No.8097419
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>> No.8097455

Got mine too, but I'm not sure if it's worth flying from California for. How are sales like?

>> No.8097468

The con is about 11-12,000 people in attendance if that helps at all. I don't know about the AA, but from a cosplay standpoint, the con is pretty mediocre.

Airfare and transporting merch from California sounds like hell, and it's not like it's Otakon attendance levels.

>> No.8097474

It'll be my first time there and I'm only driving down from the Boston area, so I can't give too much of an opinion on this I'm afraid!

>> No.8097486

I fucked up and missed registration, I hope the con goes well for you though!
Are you doing any series apart from HxH as charms? I'll be a normal congoer, I hope I can find your booth, your art is really cute.

>> No.8097898

I have a really good idea for some Yowamushi Pedal charms so I'm planning to do that! I definitely want to make more charms though, and June is pretty far away so I'll probably be able to make more, but I'm not sure what right now~

And thank you! I'm excited for it for sure! You should definitely stop by, I love meeting people!

>> No.8098005

If anyone was considering waiting until next month to get some JiMi Agency stuff made, looks like they cancelled March orders.

So either order now or wait until April to get things made.

They've got openings for bookmarks, posters, cards, wipers, and stickers this month.

>> No.8098006

Question, how do y'all deal with having a table next to guests? My first and only AA table experience thus far I ended up next to someone from Heroes of Cosplay.

>> No.8098067

If you're into sports anime, maybe consider doing haikyuu too. They would probably sell really well.

>> No.8098071

I have some HQ! buttons but they don't really move that much unfortunately. It's one of those things that's really over saturated and I'm not able to think about anything that would set my product/art apart enough to allow it to compete with all the other art/charms of the series right now.

Same reason I haven't made anything for Free!, unfortunately.. (well, I can't really look at Free! seriously anymore either I guess so it's hard to draw since I don't.. really.. enjoy it..)

>> No.8098119
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>> No.8098287

Question: Are there any anime or video game series that you wish you would see more AA merch for?

>> No.8098353

I'd love to see more Jet Set Radio, Professor Layton, and Psychonauts stuff to be honest.

>> No.8098359
File: 552 KB, 700x700, tumblr_ncy8skEWic1qlrheto1_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my favorite fandoms actually is ace attourney, and while it's big enough to get a few prints, it's not incredibly popular or normal to see where I live. I always love finding art and stuff for it, especially for Apollo!
Also probably The World Ends With You, it's small but has a niche fandom and it's always cool to see the art in someone else's style

>> No.8098455

Okay, can't-pick-a-style-chan is back. I'm thinking I might go with that creepy kind of theme, with muted colours instead of pastel. Do you guys think that will sell equally well as the brightly coloured stuff?

Second question: I was working on making some cute little acrylic jewellery with bat and witch hat charms - is that too much like MagicalTeaTime to do well?

>> No.8098457

Ooh I'd love Jet Set prints

>> No.8098820

Series that would get an insta-buy from me: super Mario rpg, earthbound/mother 3, shovel knight, elite beat agents, anything of regal from tales of symphonia. I know tos is fairly popular but regal is impossible to find anything of, and he's my favorite.

Part of this is due to the relative obscurity of these series.

>> No.8098853

Space Brothers, PLEASE I want some Space Brothers stuff

or Ghost Trick

>> No.8098856

I do a next it's one of my better cons, but I now have a commission following that fills by sat noon. I'm cheating by living in jersey and commuting to the con everyday. So no over head cept table n merch, and I suppose food.

>> No.8098906

>Jet Set Radio
>Mother 3
>Shovel Knight
I was actually already doing prints of all of these. You got good taste, my friends.

>> No.8098947

Seconding Ghost Trick. I love Ace Attorney too, but it's nowhere near as ignored/overlooked

>> No.8099092

Professor Layton pls ;_;

>> No.8099145

Dude if anyone remembers the Bust a Move games I will buy all of them.

Anime wise maybe some BECK, Milk-chan, Dragon Half, Slayers, 3x3 Eyes, You're under Arrest! and Gunsmith Cats

>> No.8099169

World Ends With You
Jet set radio
Space Channel 5

>> No.8099248


Maybe it's just where I am, but even though it's gotten a little more popular with the anime, I rarely see Jojo stuff in the AAs around here!

>> No.8099302
File: 166 KB, 500x667, 1398223024759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I envy that amount of plushies, and they are all pretty great looking. I gotta step up my game...

>Bust a Move
>think Bust a Groove
Every. Time.

>> No.8099324

There are probably a lot of artists doing Persona 3/4 related stuff still but I wouldn't mind more pieces featuring the Megaten demons/personas. There's a huge variety of really cool designs and since they're featured in so many games a lot of people would be familiar with them, even without the human characters.

Thanks for the info! I was kind of testing the waters with making my stuff as gifts during the holiday season but I'm not sure if I'd be able to handle a convention artist alley yet. I feel like I'd be more comfortable with a small table to see what kind of reaction they would get.

>> No.8099340

I'm really excited about Jojo becoming more known, but I would kill for some pt 7 stuff especially.

I want to make a JJBA print for this con season but I'm torn between a serious pt.III print or Dio posing dramatically in OTT angelic pretty (probably overdone but Dio Burando will never not amuse me) I know humor sells but I'm not sure if that will be too bizarre??

>> No.8099380

How many people would get the Brando/Brand joke outside the lolita community? Honestly, I didn't know the term "brand" in a lolita context until I started visiting /cgl/.

I almost want to say the serious one would be safer, if only because everyone loves cool posters of their favorite characters. The Dio in Angelic Pretty might still sell because it's funny, though...

>> No.8099397

Anyone have pictures of setups where it's mostly buttons and charms?

I'm debating on doing AA at a kpop con for the first time. I don't think I'll have time for many prints beforehand and will keep focusing on chibis judging on the community's interest.

>> No.8099573
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>> No.8099575

Besides the large prints, you can still see how the setup is done for the charms

>> No.8099601
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... I thought it posted the picture, sorry about that

>> No.8099605
File: 169 KB, 800x600, 1373398278325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sort of setup for buttons has potential, though I think the buttons would stand out better when they are displayed on a solid surface and not the grid.

>> No.8099674

Just saw the updated AA info on AN. I'm interested in tabling in Anime North this year. Why are they so fucking anal about what artists can sell or not?
>No fanzine
>No shrink-a-dick
>No dakimakura

>> No.8099681

Just took a look...how big IS this con that their artist alley stuff is divided up into comic market, craft corner, etc. I've never heard of a con doing this before!

>> No.8099684

25k attendance in 2014.

>> No.8099717 [DELETED] 

Where did you get 25,000? Wikipedia says 11,940 in 2014.

>> No.8100047

Hm, I could always also try doing both, or make the joke one a mini-print too..

My original idea was back when pt.I was airing to have dio crash joseph's tea party and also feature an endearingly ita-as-fuck speedwagon but it just Never Happened.

>> No.8100048

There's a rumor going around that the staff who were a part of the AA didn't see eye-to-eye, so they split the AA into print and crafts so the staff members wouldn't have to deal with eachother. Mind you, still a rumor.
Still sucks because I really want to get those arts caw bags made, but I can't sell them at AN because of this rule :/

>> No.8100102
File: 3.06 MB, 1512x1800, clefable1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would people be willing to buy art that had a lot of body horror? I'm supposed to be selling for ashville anime and I wanted to know, would my prints be too much?

>> No.8100137

>No dakimakura

>> No.8100345

I'm honestly mad about this, more so the shrinkydink shit. It's not mass produced, most every other fucking con in the entire universe considers it in the 2d category... All it does is make things a bigger pain in the ass for artists.

Personally i like 'so disgusting it's beautiful' type things so i'd go for it lmao

>> No.8100363

Goth kids and spooky kids would love it.

Hope you sell well.

>> No.8100433

> no fanzine

man that sucks, not for me (I wish I could go to AN) but because I've seen tons of artists releasing fanzines and those doing well. I kind of like how the idea is catching on rather then that they're just selling prints and stuff.

>> No.8100528

I'm currently looking into convention touring. I live in Montreal and wonder what are the good cons to give a shot?
Would NYC comicon be worth it? I don't really see other big East Coast anime conventions beside Anime Boston.

>> No.8100563

could try Otakuthon in Montreal. My friends have been selling there for a couple years now.

Another to try could be Otakon in Baltimore.

>> No.8100572

Thank you, it's actually closer than I thought it would be!
And yes, I began selling at Otakuthon last year and it went pretty neat for me.

>> No.8100677
File: 106 KB, 540x499, yennie-fer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8100775

Does Nintendo themed stuff usually sell pretty well?
Also, do you feel like prints sell better if you limit how many prints you bring, or is variety always better?

>> No.8100826

I'm planning on selling there this year. How hard is it to get a table / how well do things sell?

>> No.8101056

Style-ripping isn't cool. It's really disingenuous that you're trying to manufacture your own style to be popular by basing it off other, better artists. Your lack of originality is gonna show through.

>> No.8101067

Table is first come first serve. Last year tables went out within 30 minutes the reg form is up, so I think it's manageable.
>how well do things sell
I started my first con there and made 600$ so I guess it went pretty ok. It's a decent sized con (13k last year, expecting 16k this year). Only complaint is that lots of artists (too many) already tabled at AN so lots of the stuffs are similar.

>> No.8101183

Actually professional illustrators copy styles all the time. At this point it's pretty hard to draw in a way that hasn't been used before. Unless you are copying something from a major distinct franchise like Peanuts, Disney or the Simpsons.

This is coming from a fourth year Illustration/Design student so I'm speaking in terms of the real world and not AA/Tumblr. More often than not you're encouraged to start off developing a style that is based on several of your influences and then let your own style develop over time. Which will happen naturally if you just keep drawing. A good example is Penny Arcade. Their comics started off with meh art that evolved though honestly they have passed their sweet spot and are going in a weird direction.

tldr; its fine to base your style off of what you like. Just not anime if you want to be a professional.

>> No.8101305

It's not disingenuous at all. All artists - even the great masters - based their style on the styles of those who came before them.

Get off your high horse, anon.

>> No.8101322

Yes, it's fine to have influence based off things you like and grow from there. If they were a beginner artist that's fine but they've >>8096081 already stated they want to emulate established artists to SELL. That's the issue. The convention scene is small and word gets around quickly.

>> No.8101340
File: 440 KB, 591x612, avi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lololol I made a bubble bobble pin and print awhile ago. Bust A Move is my favorite puzzle game

I think other characters especially from 64 would be super cute though.

>> No.8101356

This pretty much. I've imitated other artists to try and learn things, but never with the express intent to sell and profit off of another artist's style.

When you're selling, if you're imitating the style of an established show or series, then whatever, but if you're imitating other fanartists/indie artists it's a little bit more muddled, I think.

>> No.8101370

The western professional art scene is very hypocritical (xenophobic, even) when it comes to anime. They'll jack off to Akira everyday but they'll immediately tell beginner artists to drop any anime inspiration in their art, meanwhile they're fine with beginner Tim Burton ripoff #9278542. I had this convo with a prof who was an animator who pointed this out to us after he told a kid to not draw anime, heh. I've noticed the (usually young) artists trying to forcefully transition out of anime instead of letting themselves develop always turn to an obvious weird ugly mishmash, possibly the main cause of the large red tumblr nose.

>> No.8101568

I think the main point of what they're saying is that people will be able to tell easily that it's not style-ripper-chan's forte. Basically you have to be an extremely skilled artist to begin with if you want to copy a style and have it look good. If you copy a style without having any understanding of it, then you'll just look like an amateurish biter.

It's fine to copy here and there as you ease into your own work, and yeah, everyone does it. But going out of your way to rip off specific artists - and then essentially competing with them in AAs for congoer dollars - is pretty unethical and if you get caught doing it you'll have a black mark on your name in the artist community that could follow you for years.

>> No.8101582
File: 127 KB, 500x375, cat-face-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a reliable place to find artists to talk about sharing hotel rooms at cons? I might be going alone to sell and I'd like to cut my expenses any way I can

>> No.8101652
File: 136 KB, 640x480, 149910-bust-a-groove-2-playstation-screenshot-2-players-mode-character.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually meant the dancing game but OMG that's so cute.

>OTL That games' art will never leave my style
I should probably just do a print myself.

>> No.8101695 [DELETED] 

You mention Akira but it's style isn't very typical of what people consider anime style. The eyes are slightly large but otherwise is fairly realistic. I remember watching Spirited Away as a middle schooler and feeling like "OMG this isn't annie-may!"

Anyone saying get away from anime style is more just trying to keep kids away from this shit.

>> No.8101697
File: 34 KB, 516x563, how-to-draw-manga-style-female-faces-step-8_1_000000006452_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mention Akira but it's style isn't very typical of what people consider anime style. The eyes are slightly large but otherwise is fairly realistic. I remember watching Spirited Away as a middle schooler and feeling like "OMG this isn't annie-may!"

Anyone saying get away from anime style is more just trying to keep kids away from this shit.

>> No.8101725
File: 141 KB, 900x1177, Squee_and_Pepito_Older_by_Bean_erchic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What they mean is there's a lot of 'bad' influences many of us had in our dark shitty tween deviantart pasts and yet the amateur anime look keeps getting singled out. Like yeah, that's embarrassing, but for the other end of the spectrum shouldn't there also be an effort to keep them away from drawing like Invader Zim too then? Or Adventure Time noodle limbs?

>> No.8101733

What most are trying to say (even though some dickishly won't tell you) is that before you start to branch off into other styles and influences you should have a good enough understanding of the [ic]basic fundamentals[/ic] to do that. If you have a good enough understanding of those fundamentals then it's not "changing your style" it's observing techniques and applying those in your work to get the outcome you want. You become a more flexible artists that can adjust your work accordingly.

>> No.8101738

Diff anon, but I think most serious artists would advise young amateurs to avoid any sort of gimicky style, whether it's sugoooii anime or J. Vasquez + Tim Burton love babies. I think anime is singled out because there's just so much of it, and enough of it in regular mainstream media that it seems the most obvious choice to point to and say 'no'.

>> No.8101740

There's quite a few basic Toonami and Gainax appreciation out there as well. Not to mention the normie film fans who """discovered""" Satoshi Kon because they watched Perfect Blue or Paprika. Western artsphere people will watch anime as something fun and casual but many won't actually take it as a legitimate thing.
...I swear I'm not that /a/ I just know my casuals.

>> No.8101922

if you join the Artist Alley Network International on Facebook there's a document in the group for that.

>> No.8102017

Where do people get those acrylic charms done in bulk? and does anyone know where to get printable shrink plastic in bulk?

captcha: french

>> No.8102039

>Where do people get those acrylic charms done in bulk?
the 2 I hear the most are InkIt Labs and Zap! Creatives.
InkIt seems to be the best for clear acrylic, and Zap! for opaque acrylic.
I'd recommend getting a sample pack from both companies and see what you like best :)
I'm curious about getting a sample from Zap!, as they just announced glow-in-the-dark charms which has a lot of potential for designs

There's also chillypig creations, who's an artist that has started offering the service now and offers more designs per quantity.

>and does anyone know where to get printable shrink plastic in bulk?
I know a lot of people get it through amazon, search "Shrink Film" and you should find a couple sellers on the first page

>> No.8102046

The answer to the first question was right in the first post of this thread.

>> No.8102050

calm your tits anon. they were just asking a question.

>> No.8102053


Do it! These character look cute as hell.

>> No.8102062
File: 358 KB, 752x495, both prev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just made an order for GITD and will post pics and stuff when they come in if anyone is interested? I tried to do it in a way that the eyes and mouths will glow the strongest in the dark!

>> No.8102070

Why have a resource link at all if we don't use it?

captcha fitem

>> No.8102073

>I tried to do it in a way that the eyes and mouths will glow the strongest in the dark!

creepy, I love it!
I'd really like to see photos of them with your opinion if you don't mind, I'm really interested

>> No.8102109

Zap recently emailed me asking to use for some designs for their products catalog in return for samples of new products so hopefully I can check out and review their new stuff.

Seems like they're upping their quality by getting cameras installed for better laser cutting and improving the way they're printing on black and clear acrylics.

>> No.8102134
File: 37 KB, 640x478, holyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so who else shit themselves when they saw these

i've been trying to do holographic shit for years (have melted printers with my attempts before) and i've found inkjet paper you can print on, but this is more the effect i've been trying to go for.

has anybody heard from her, or know how to do this?

then i never have to pay for jimi shit again either.

>> No.8102156

Oh my gosh yessss I didn't realize it was originally called Bust a Move (still thought about the dancing one rather than the bobble one), ahhh I miss playing Strike and Heat.

>> No.8102162

From these two options, what tends to sell more? Stickers or buttons?

>> No.8102208

Buttons, more common than stickers and rewearable.

>> No.8102224

Stickers have started to get banned at a lot of cons because of vandalism worries.
Plus when I buy stickers I'm too worried about putting them on something I might have to replace later on (ie. laptop, ds, phone, etc)

>> No.8102226

I definitely will, then! I'm not sure how well my camera will capture the gitd effect but my friend has a nicer camera that I can borrow if needed~

That's awesome! Your designs are pretty attractive so I can understand why~ It'll be really nice to see samples sooner like that too!

>> No.8102240

Buttons vs charms?

>> No.8102244

Maybe she just made a clear sealant with glitter in it? No clue.

>> No.8102248
File: 1.25 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20150131_094047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's stickers actually. I feel like I can do more with them artwise when I don't have to limit myself to a circle shape so they always come out better for me. My buttons on the other hand just tend to be boring generic fanart.

>> No.8102250

I'm guessing that she laminated it with holographic foil instead of printing it on holo paper?

>> No.8102369

Mint and Apple? Your stuff is so cute!

>> No.8102371

I found out it's stuff called transparent foils from Stampee Crafts.

Gotta love old ladies and their fucking stamps for making this shit.

>> No.8102375
File: 1.20 MB, 1080x1920, Note_020515_1241441_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just invested over $800 into my aa table instead of buying more burando to fuel my addiction and I feel like this is the most relevant place to share my haul.
In addition to all these I also ordered 6 new shirt designs, 2 new tight designs,notebooks,little prints and tote bags. I can't wait to have a lot of stock for cons again and a nice new display.

>> No.8102425
File: 47 KB, 450x600, il_570xN.411485952_rlpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I looked on google and it looks awesome but how do you actually stick it on your sticker paper? Do you have to coat the whole sheet with that dust and heat it?
How come nobody offers to make stickers like the ones that Sandylion used to sell? That's like...90s technology...

>> No.8102429

I was a spoopy kid back in the day... Nothing would make me touch that print.
I hope you sell well, but sell it for the right price, your target audience is cheap as shit, and keep your smalls in slapping distance.

>> No.8102446

Oh hi! Thank you, you're so sweet.

>> No.8102514

I'm assuming so? I use embossing powder for my shrink charms and it's pretty thin if it's one layer/ultra fine powder. Not sure if you'd want to cut your stickers before or after. I'm gonna grab a pack and test it out so I guess I'll keep y'all posted.

>> No.8102669

Those of you who do shrink charms with a heat gun: Given that the con gives you a source for electricity, what do you think of doing on the spot charm commissions?

>> No.8102691

I wouldn't do that. Maybe a next-day thing though, then you can just use your hotel. Last con center I was at was charging $200 per outlet for 1 day.

>> No.8102746

Aaah, picking-a-style anon here again. Sorry for all the confusion, but I meant that I was trying to choose styles to imitate while I'm learning my own style, like >>8101183 said.

Just to clarify, I have absolutely no intention of trying to pawn another artist's style off as my own, that would be horrible! No, I don't plan to sell anything until I have a unique style that I'm happy with. The thread in /ic/ suggested copying other people's styles while I'm learning, so that I can gain an appreciation for cartoonish proportions etc.

I didn't mean to cause any offence - to be honest, I included the part about how well that kind of style would sell so that I could keep my post at least vaguely on topic. My bad.

>> No.8102749

Also thank you, all this discussion on styles best avoided really opened my eyes a little. I've never been a fan of the noodle-arms or the basic 'anime' look to be honest, so I feel a little more vindicated in avoiding it.

You guys have been really helpful!

>> No.8102752

Buttons again, in the long term. Like, you can have one charm per gadget, but 20 buttons on one bag if you're so inclined.

>> No.8102773

I haven't gotten to test charms at an AA yet and haven't had them long enough to compare next to my buttons but I also think that with buttons people will be okay buying something that is a plain headshot with no/minimal bg, but with charms you should try to get a little more creative with them if you want a selling point. Especially more popular series!

>> No.8102861

My smalls in slapping distance? I don't get it.

>> No.8102877

Not anon, but I think 'smalls' means small items - stickers, badges, etc. that could be easily stolen.

They mean that A. your target audience is cheap and more inclined to steal shit, and B. that if they try to steal shit you should slap them on the hand.

>> No.8102966

Still haven't gotten anything from otakon and I'm getting worried. Any idea when they are stopping acceptance emails? Ota is my favorite con and I would be crushed not to be able to go this year.

>> No.8103045

you're not the only one who hasn't heard back anon, so don't feel left out. would also like to know this though.

>> No.8103101

How much do people mind art prints that aren't in the usual standard sizes?

I have art print ideas that are somewhat awkward for 11x17 and I'm considering doing custom sizes through catprint. I know some people like to frame posters, but do most people care?

>> No.8103115

People don't care that much. I think if it's in the range of 11x17 within, say, 3 or so inches, people will be willing to pay the same price. Too much bigger you should start charging more just because of your costs.

>> No.8103123

If it is larger than 11x17 and irregular, I might be concerned. Smaller would be easier. Personally I keep a lot of my print in a portfolio and if it doesn't fit there it'd be hard to store safely.

>> No.8103136

Thanks anon that makes me feel better. Is it already on the second wave of acceptance letters?

>> No.8103178

Second wave does not start till the first wave payment ends, so if wave 1 ended on feb 1st (For example) wave 2 can't possibly go on till feb 5th or 6th. They never announced when wave 1 ended so who fucking knows

>> No.8103182

So, when making laminated charms, is it better to get them printed, cut them out and then have them laminated, or have them printed and laminated then cut them out? I've been looking around and found mixed results.

>> No.8103200

i would not buy a paper charm normally, but i would DEFINITELY not buy one where water could still seep into the edges and the lamination could come off

>> No.8103216

auughhh... at first, I thought you were just one of those tables stocked with aliexpress/ebay/taobao cabochons glues together with minimal effort... but you said you have "designs" for other stuff, so I have hope for you.

>> No.8103325

People normally print, cut, laminate, then cut again. I buy paper ones as rags and bookmarks. :)

>> No.8103338

Errrrr, tags and bookmarks.
>imagines someone trying to dust with a bunch of laminated charms.

>> No.8103349

Thanks for the info! But do laminated charms sell well at all? I'm planning on doing AA for the first time this year and while I'd like to do acrylic charms, with how much they cost, it feels like it's too early for me to try that.

I may try Shrinky Dinks, but it'll probably have to wait until I get a better printer. The one I have is sort of jank and the ink is 60+ dollars for it.

>> No.8103357

personally, i'll take a shrink charm over a laminated charm any day. they feel kinda lazy to me. granted, people can get real fuckin lazy with their shrink charms, they still feel a bit more worth my money.

>> No.8103362

Correction here from op, you got it mostly right. I meant slap them in the face. They were never disciplined in their formative years, obviously, one hand must supply the slapping they've always needed.

>> No.8103375

How is it lazy to offer the same artwork on a durable and higher quality product? I understand that some people don't have the means to invest in their business like that, but to say that an objectively inferior product is better is a little confusing.

Unless we're talking about hand-drawn shrink charms, but at the same time if it's ooak it's a different category entirely anyway.

>> No.8103380

I think you're confused, anon.
I think they were saying shrink feel like they're worth more than laminated charms are because laminated paper charms feel lazy.

Unless I'm reading your post wrong.

>> No.8103416

No, you're right. It is my bed time, good night and time to learn to read.

I definitely thought it was a statement on shrink vs acrylic which I have seen lately, and I got some sand in my eye there.

>> No.8103456

not only do i prefer shrinky dinks, you can charge more and they're actually the same or less work since you only cut then once. you will spend some time spraying to seal them but you can do like 50 at a time so whatever.

They are also feel wise closer to acrylic so you get a better idea of how well they sell.

>> No.8103478

Lol yeah. Actually I'm a print artist looking to expand into cheap things I can make with zero effort that will draw in cheapskates and kids. Most of my stuff currently goes for $15 so I'm hoping that selling rings for $2 a pop will give me that younger audience I always wanted.

>> No.8103991
File: 40 KB, 567x378, IMG_6261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone got some cute handmade packaging ideas for charms and buttons?

>> No.8104023
File: 86 KB, 1200x577, buttans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always been a fan of the craft tag look (see right side of pic) but I feel like not all artwork would work for that.

I see lots of people do the style on the left though. Either that or all of them attached to a designed 4x6 card

>> No.8104052

The kind of paper on the left of this image is just thin card stock, right?

>> No.8104067

most likely. You could also make these by designing folded business cards through places like Vistaprint, leaving the inside blank, then all you have to do is staple and voila!

The only catch is the bags can't be any larger than 3.5" wide then, as any larger bag would stick out the sides of the tag.

>> No.8104192

Man, fuck storenvy charging commission for the marketplace. Now instead of one check out I have to do one per store, which is annoying as hell.

at this point it would be exactly the same to tranfer the artist the money through paypal and have them ship the stuff.

>> No.8104199

I buy custom made so I can't help you.

>> No.8104244

>Worried not too many people will come to my table since it's my first con
>Decide to ask a friend if she'd be interested in joining since she missed the deadline
>Cost of the table wasn't too bad, let her know she can just split the table for free
>Turns out she has access to free printing services
>Will now be making almost 100% profit
>She's also going to buy us sushi after the con

Life is good.

>> No.8104260

I was on the AA facebook and saw this: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1696MDhNPhrZ0ySZhXkoJnGxb7l1OjW4JsVhu1wKvaWE/edit#gid=0
It only applies to online sales or also at cons?

>> No.8104263
File: 75 KB, 610x458, momomints-vancouver-handmade-custom-gifts-polymer-clay-charm-keychain-panda-unique-order-packaged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd also look at the older posts like >>8095668 and >>8095650

>> No.8104268
File: 440 KB, 1280x1444, tumblr_n1krxfBJnE1qilaugo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8104340

otakon aa is releasing 43 tables today, 43 people did not pay in time

>> No.8104550

Is it me or that one girl in the FB group needs to stop lashing out in every discussion thread?

>> No.8104689
File: 45 KB, 496x382, so sandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.8104719

Got one! I'm so relieved.
Now I have to run to the bank to deposit $200 to pay for it.

>> No.8104758

Oh god, her. Her ceramic work is great but she needs to seriously chill out.

>> No.8104780
File: 309 KB, 400x300, pls dont.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why do I keep getting sandy people in my helpful threads...

>> No.8104793

Because they think you're "trying to make rules and restrictions." Don't worry about it, friend. Your threads are always great and helpful to me.

>> No.8104812

Found so much shit to buy in these threads. Keep it up.

>> No.8105154
File: 966 KB, 320x240, 1306468354848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your fb threads are the best febronia and I really appreciate em'

keep on keeping on

>> No.8106892

What if I bring my boyfriend with me?

>> No.8107074

Go find a booth babe gig if you want to sell based on physical appeal ffs

>> No.8107144

And continue to try flirting with customers? Yeah that sounds like it would never end in disaster.

>> No.8107402

That doesn't matter. I've had con weirdos hit on me regardless with my boyfriend helping me manage my table. Some people see even regular kindness as "she likes me! I have a chance! ", don't make it worse by being openly flirtatious.

>> No.8107406

They went even buy anything from you since you seem to want to do this to boost your sales. They'll just leech onto your table and block potential customers.

>> No.8107761

still sitting and waiting and prayin 2 based god for an ota table.

>> No.8108477

I'm dealing with a new supplier and they're frustrating to work with. Their ordering system is pretty crappy and my first order with them is missing items. I've also found that their stock pictures are really off.

>> No.8108490
File: 950 KB, 2592x1944, 2015-02-08-22-49-42_photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly AA, but can I make any money off storenvy by filling molds with colored resin and glitter and attaching jewelry findings? Pic related is some really simple stuff I've made. Will people buy it? How should I price it? I'd print nice little cardstock cards and try to present them nicely, of course. I also make little silicone deco sweets stuff to. So, super generic, but I'm just looking to make a little money right now.
I also usually don't use preschool glitter, just for those certain pieces

>> No.8108511

Posted this in the AA group but China's Spring Festival starts this week so if you have artsbovine orders expect them to be about two-three weeks late.

>> No.8108515
File: 65 KB, 570x428, cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people buy that silly shit all the time, sometimes they don't even make it just buy those cabochons wholesale. because it doesn't seem like too much effort , but if you do it keep it cheap $5-$10

If you can go the extra mile, but in nice craft, nice chains, have original molds. Decorate them a little it might not be too bad.

The things you made are pretty cute too. I'd buy one of the little rocking horses on a bracelet or something.

>> No.8108516

these aren't cabochons though, they're from dolls.

>> No.8108517


>>what is sentence structure


sorry that's a bit painful to read I'm tired af

>> No.8108518

I know, there was talk about SLDD a while ago and the dollar store dolls kandi made them from. I'm using it as an example, although not a great one. Still a cheapass way to make things

>> No.8108522
File: 19 KB, 340x270, il_340x270.579490528_7wpe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


better example friends

>> No.8108527

they're still pretty expensive for a set of earrings tbh, i doubt she's charging enough.

>> No.8108539 [DELETED] 

True!She sells them for really cheap and I'm not complaining. Luckily I think she makes an ok profit. The pack of findings for them is the most expensive but you can make a good amount of sets out of them

>> No.8108543 [DELETED] 

apparently they used to be 10+ but she gretly lowered the price.

>> No.8108549 [DELETED] 

woop. fucked up my post.

She does sell them for really cheap now s I can't complain! They used to be $10+ but she greatly lowered the price.

>> No.8108551


She does sell them for really cheap now s I can't complain! They used to be $10+ but she greatly lowered the price.

I'm not exactly sure what's a good price for something like this then.

>> No.8108589

Thanks, anon, I might try too see what happens! Though I swore to never do the cabochon on ringfinding bs.

>> No.8108604

I don't know. There's so many people who are doing this shit that you'd probably drown in the sea of resin and glitter. Unless you get a good following going and photograph your stuff to make them look worth buying. If presented well, you could probably sell those earrings at $5 per pair, but that's really pushing it. People could easily search up terms to find similar looking accessories at a cheaper price. Try to use hard to find and uncommon molds/cabochons/etc.

>> No.8110843
File: 98 KB, 720x540, 1317779932563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8110947

I'm doing baby's first AA in April and I'll be selling accessories.
It's a large con and I have a single helper popping in and out but I'm starting to worry about possible theft. I was going to keep small stuff close to me, and then pin down my necklaces, but is there anything else I can do?

>> No.8110953


If possible, have one person behind the table and one of the front (make it look like you are helping out clients). People are less likely to steal if you are standing next to them, and you can keep an eye on them.