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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8052595 No.8052595 [Reply] [Original]

New German thread! Discuss cosplays, upcoming cons and stuff.

>> No.8052604

Huh? What happened to the old one? Did it get deleted or what?

>> No.8052609

i suppose so. all the other country threads got deleted.

>> No.8052610

I looked through the archives, I can't see an obvious reason. We talked about Lolita Drama even though nobody said anything concrete. But could be possible that the janitor didn't like kmaui talk.

>> No.8052614

i suppose the janitor doesnt like it when there's a thread for every country. There were many more and I remember the german Thread still being up after the finland, dutch and UK ones were already pruned.

>> No.8052620

Good to see the thread lasted longer than our reich!

Did anyone See the new Doku about cosplayers?

>> No.8052639

>Did anyone See the new Doku about cosplayers?
It's shit and so stereotypical that it hurts.

>> No.8052645

what documentary?? what channel is it on, what time, link? Who agreed to be in it?

>> No.8052647

Why not show some good cosplayers for once? Also, that commentator sounds like she hates her job.

>> No.8052648

because "good" cosplayers know to stay the fuck away from this kind of thing.

>> No.8052651

this girls has too many chins.

>> No.8053153
File: 62 KB, 700x455, Shopping-Queen-500-Das-Jubiläum...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what does everyone think about the one Episode of "Shopping Queen" with the Lolita? It was the special Jubiläumswoche /500. Folge where she appared as one of the candidates.

Sadly it does not seem to be available for free anymore but has anyone seen it?

>> No.8053270

Nope. Did she buy something lolita on the show too and look horrible like almost everyone?

>> No.8053292

what an unfortunate face

>> No.8053298

Isn't this Asukatze? I do somewhat remember that the episode wasn't too emberassing. I mean this is shopping queen and they made some light hearted jokes about the style and that's it.
But I also do remember that asukatze had some drama around her about that time, maybe it was about her apperance there.

>> No.8057047


>> No.8057083

Does anyone else think that the new cosplay admin on animexx is worse than the last?

>> No.8057092

Is anyone going to the Grand Lolita Tea Party Germany in Hamburg?

I got an invitation and would love to go, but I have honestly no idea if it's worht it. I feel like a total noob but I never cared much for any big Lolita events, so I have no idea what to expect and if I should go.

>> No.8057357

What about Anshie?
Not a friend of hers, just checking her twitter every now and then, what's going on that she aggressivly scares away her friends/is a general dick to everyone?

>> No.8057360

I remember this episode since a friend of mine was shown as "part of her group" on the beginning.
The only time I cringes was when the other participants "tried on" her clothes over their own street clothing. I had to imagine how these women tried to fit into that tiny brand sizing. One didn't even zip it up.
Otherwise the scene where she had to do some "lolita poses" was kinda retarded, but that's it.

>> No.8057441

Literally no clue

>documentary about a Narutofag

It feels like this was made 5 years ago
and I really have to wonder why anybody'd make a short movie about Gammelcosplay

>> No.8057482

idk, i just remember unfollowing her on twitter after she threatened to commit suicide over her dead cat.

>> No.8057558

>Commiting suicide over a dead pet.
Can't be of high IQ.

>> No.8057567

I'm going. I don't really know much about it and I wish I did. I've got a reservation on a ticket from someone and I'm hoping that we at least get one brand fashion show or something. Isn't Choke a model for JetJ or something? I don't care much for the brand, but it would be super nice to actually have one as a guest here.

>> No.8057694

I hope my friend and me can get some tickets. As we are not very known in the comm I'm afraid there won't be any left for girls that are not friends with the 'well known' girls.

>> No.8057727

>I've got a reservation on a ticket from someone
>As we are not very known in the comm I'm afraid there won't be any left for girls that are not friends with the 'well known' girls.
Th-there are already tickets available? I just checked the event page but couldn't find anything there about tickets. Am I completly stupid?

>there won't be any left for girls that are not friends with the 'well known' girls.
Is this for real?
Even if not: Seriously I wish the German Lolita scene wasn't so fucking elitist. Holy shit this annoys me to absolutley no end sometimes. I can only speak for my comm but it took me month until I found the comm, was able to join and finally one of the organizers to accept my friend request. I'm sure I still miss a third of the exclusive meet ups and I am far away from the inner God tier Lolita circle that organizes everything.

Sure, it keeps the creepers out and our mods plan great meet ups, but there's still some elitist air surrounding the German Lolita scene. If you are not one of the well known girls it's hard to plan big meet ups, find the fb pages for comms/meet ups or get noticed in any way.

>> No.8057817

I got lucky, actually. There was some girl from the Hamburg comm who was taking reservations for tickets and I managed to get in line. She actually made it open in one of the groups. The Saturday VIP tickets are 60€ and the normal tickets are 45€ if you guys are interested in the tentative pricing.

I wouldn't call it elitist. The German comms are just super hard to find. Animexx and Dunkelsüß are shit. I would say that I find meetups on Facebook all the time. Once you get into the "circle", so to say, the girls are actually really quite nice. I just miss most meetups because I live so fucking far away from everything.

>> No.8057837

>I got lucky, actually. There was some girl from the Hamburg comm who was taking reservations for tickets and I managed to get in line. She actually made it open in one of the groups. The Saturday VIP tickets are 60€ and the normal tickets are 45€ if you guys are interested in the tentative pricing.
B-but where can I find this? Where can one actually purchase the tickets? I feel stupid and I'm so sorry but I feel helpless. As said I couldn't find anything on the fb event page and I'm not anywhere near the Hamburg comms.

>I wouldn't call it elitist. The German comms are just super hard to find. Animexx and Dunkelsüß are shit. I would say that I find meetups on Facebook all the time. Once you get into the "circle", so to say, the girls are actually really quite nice. I just miss most meetups because I live so fucking far away from everything.
Yeah sorry, I got a little too sandy here... But I remember being super frustrated because it was so hard to actually find a comm. Now that I'm in and can actually see the upcoming events it's much easier. And as said our mods are great at organizing.

>> No.8057841

Where are you located? I'm looking to join a meet around Berlin once I put something to wear together. All I'm finding is dunkelsuess, animexx and ages old lj posts.

>> No.8057860

Sorry Anon but I'm nowhere near Berlin. Have you looked at fb? Search for the Lolitas Germany group and see if you can also find a group for Berlin. Some other Anons might help you too it there's anyone from Berlin lurking here.
Good luck!

>> No.8058241

Cucco just had nude pics leaked she did for Melonpan, lol

>> No.8058390

Go back to kc you piece of scum.

>> No.8058443

I'm merely enjoying the fact, how does that make me scum?

She's a vain bitch and was warned about that website years ago, yet chose to ignore all warnings and ended up paying the price.

>> No.8058939 [DELETED] 

German men sell their women in brothels so big dicked niggers like me can bust their pussies open and make them cry. Are you naturally a race of cuckolds? Super cheap, too bad German women are ugly whores. Half the time you can fuck these aryan sluts for free at a bar if your a nigger they fall on your cock. Lmao your country is a laughing stalk at this point, only good for cheap whores. Hope one is your wife someday, fag.

>> No.8059126

But they're better than here.

>> No.8059200

Sorry, anon. Ticket sales haven't actually started yet. It was from a private person in Hamburg. Maybe you can contact the people from Hamburg on their comm?

The Berlin girls organize on a website called Ribbon City. They're a great comm though! You'll have lots of fun. I'm also reminded to resurrect my account soon. I'd really like to go to a meet there again.

>> No.8059403

I am from this Berlin comm. Its super easy just register on ribbon city or post it in the Berlin comm thread on animexx. We appreciate to see you next meet up!

>> No.8059516

>Sorry, anon. Ticket sales haven't actually started yet. It was from a private person in Hamburg. Maybe you can contact the people from Hamburg on their comm?
So officially ticket sales haven't started yet BUT if you know the right people or are in the Hamburg comm you can already get in line? Sorry, but that sounds super shitty and not very fair to me.

I know no one from the com and don't want to waltz in a al "heeeey there no one knows me but I heard u have a special ticket sale?? Pls get me in line hurrr"...

>> No.8059635

Can't find anything on KC

>> No.8059670

She had posted it in one of the bigger Lolita groups for everyone to see there. I don't even know her that well tbh. I also think it's also perfectly logical for the Hamburg comm to have dibs. The event is happening there after all.

>> No.8059672

She only had a limited amount of cards(about 20 or so) and people from tge comm could reserve them and pretty much all the tickts were catched by persons who know her well. Anyways I'm still pissed that they got these tickets since there are two Hamburg Comms and only queen bee got tickets.

>> No.8059682

Ist this what you're looking for?


>> No.8059699

>She had posted it in one of the bigger Lolita groups for everyone to see there. I don't even know her that well tbh.
Sorry but I haven't seen it anywhere. I'm only a member in my comm's fb group, the Lolita Germany group and that's it.

>I also think it's also perfectly logical for the Hamburg comm to have dibs. The event is happening there after all.
That makes no sense to me. Why should anyone have an advantage? Especially if what >>8059672 is true and only one part of the comm has access to the tickets. It's not like the entire Hamburg comm is hosting this event all alone by themselves or anything.

>She only had a limited amount of cards(about 20 or so) and people from tge comm could reserve them and pretty much all the tickts were catched by persons who know her well. Anyways I'm still pissed that they got these tickets since there are two Hamburg Comms and only queen bee got tickets.
That's just shitty. Granted, it's only about 20 tickets but even so I'd be pissed too.

All in all I think it's simply not fair and I hope this isn't turning into a grand circlejerk where the well known queen bees have access to tickets earlier and thus can bring all their friends with them while the rest of us either has to wait or beg the HH comm to let us get in line for a ticket.

>> No.8059714

I'm not a Lolita, but a lolita friend of mine asked me if I could help her get tickets for the tea Party because she can barely access a computer due to her workload. No wonder this task has proven to be impossible so far.

>> No.8059866

other anon here.
Can validate the comment above. There are two Hamburg Comms. One is queen bee and her fellowship, the other is a bunch of sleepyheads. They can't stand each other, queen bee caused some drama, then made her own comm. Really strange stiuation to have two comms for such a small area.
Neither is involved in organizing the tea party as far as I know. Queen Bee still got hold of some tickets, while the sleepyheads don't.

>> No.8059974

Now I'm curious who that queen bee is...

But I understand why one Lolita I got to know doesn't want to be involved with the comms there.

>> No.8060578

well, saying that she started the drama is somewhat one sided, smells like vendetta to me.

besides, what's wrong with organizing meet ups on your own?

some people are just so sandy...

>> No.8060616

might be the case. I wasn't too much into story back then, sorry. Anyways no vendetta. It's good that Queen Bee actually keeps meets going. Sleepyheads don't get anything done.
But still sucks that such a small area has two comms that obvouisly can't stand each other. That shit scares new Lolitas away, you have to choose sides. Most of them just don't want to.

>> No.8061271

I don't really care for the drama, I just want the tickets without having to worry if someone else gets tickets first or having to beg someone to get me in line to reserve a ticket.

I hope the rest of the tickets can be bought without such a bother.

>> No.8061491

Any pics of good German cosplayers?

/non-German here

>> No.8061822

I can find you some, probably. Any fandom/chara wishes?

>> No.8061829

Anyone coming to the international gyaru meet-up in Frankfurt next saturday?

>> No.8062250

Are German comms not very accepting of non German visitors/residents? A friend had the hardest time finding a comm when she lived there for a few months although i think her german wasnt near fluent. A friend whos been living near Dortmund isn't finding anything near her either. She says there's a girl nearby but seems to have no interested in meeting her. Her german is almost fluent yet she doesnt seem to be the most well dressed. I have plans to study/work in the next year or so near cologne or bonn but my german wont be that great. If theres a comm, how accepting are they of english speakers/not exactly fluent german speakers? Is the comm very exclusive? Is it a matter of how well one is dressed whether they get accepted or not?

Also any german lolita bloggers/vloggers you guys recommend reading or watching?

>> No.8062280

So far I guess most german cosplayers and lolitas are very interested in meeting foreign fans. Especially here in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Bonn. Even if you could only speak english, this wouldn't be a problem at all.

Also, the most big conventions are in this area. (dokomi, animagic, gamescom, etc.)

>> No.8062281

I moved to Germany two years ago and the German comms are actually pretty tolerant of non-German-speakers. My German has gotten pretty fluent by now, to the point where I have no problems understanding anybody, and it definitely helps a lot with socialization. Some girls even go out of their way to speak English with you. Even so, I think being a bit fluent in German is going to be a plus for you.

I think the main problem is that, again, the German comms are pretty scattered and hard to find, especially depending on the area you live. Some of them are on Dunkelsüß, most have migrated to Facebook, some still post on Animexx. You don't have to dress super OTT either, but just know that the quality of coords in Germany isn't comparable to America, where I'm from, so it pushes you to become better as well. But everyone is mostly nice when you're nice to them.

Also, Bonn and Cologne both have good comms and you're probably going to find meets very easily. I can't speak for Dortmund though.

>> No.8062298

I think the problem isn't about you and your friends language levels. It's just that german lolitas rarely ever do meet-ups open for other lolitas. They are accepting of foreign lolitas, but you'd have to get into that clique in the first place. It's more loli friends doing friend-things most of the time with a few open meet-ups and cons a year.

>> No.8062302

In my expirience they are really accepting. It's a plus if you speak a bit german but I'd say most have solid english skills so they at least understand you.
German Comm are really hard to find by now and not every region/city has one. The most are pretty welcoming though.

>> No.8062712

I always feel like the cosplayscene here is so tame compared to especially the US when I read the 'weaboo/convention horror story' threads, so do you have german horror to share?

The only thing close to horror i have encountered was a girl binding her chest with Spiegelmontageband (like the tape that holds huge ass mirrors to walls forever).
Don't want to imagine how she got it off, actually.

>> No.8062790


Oh boy do I have some horrorstories.
When I just started out in our scene I shared a holiday flat with several girls from my local meet up group for Bookfair Leipzig. I had only done two or so cosplays before and they had done a lot more (closety cosplays of naruto characters, but I didnt know better back then) so I was in awe about them and wanted to learn all their cool cosplay secrets.

So for LBM they cosplayed some of their of Elf rpg characters. One of the girls glued her ears with Sekundenkleber, the other used hot glue. Also one of the girls bound her chest with ductape.
Ductape girl and sekundenkleber girl had to go to the ER in the evening for very obvious reasons. Hotglue girl got "lucky", her ears didnt even stick on but she had burns that left scars for years. Very valuable lessons for me, as I researched into how to actually do it and that helped me a lot to always question the methods of fellow cosplayers in regards of health.

>> No.8062794

Oh shit that sounds terrible!

A swiss friend told me that in their scene their was a 'well known cosplayer' who 'secured' worbla armor to her skin with hot glue as well.

I am so in awe about how stupid some people are.

>> No.8063016

Actually I don't mind any. As long as they got good costume, it's fine by me.

>> No.8063041

Superglue and duct tape you won't feel your stupidity until later, but hot glue causes immediate pain. How could she even consider it? Why? It's hot.

>> No.8063533

No idea, anon. I think because half the costume was hotglued, so maybe she wanted to keep consistency.

>a while back
>be Connichi
>be me, 14, second con ever
>super pumped about everything
>make new friends with some guys cosplaying as some military stuff
>6 guys, 5 of them super nice and friendly
>6th guy, lets call him K-kun
>always a bit too close, always trying to to hug me, always an arm around me
>looking back, he hit on me all the time, but I was 14 and had no experience w/ boys and just thought he was being a bit too friendly
>fast forward a bit
>K-kun kept in contact, daily writing me on ICQ, MSN, Skype, Animexx, Email
>Like, all 5 of them until I'd answer
>Think first its cool to make cosplay friends who live on the opposite of the country!
>after about 3 months I started to get creeped out
>keep talking and being nice because I am beta as fuck
>he keeps speaking about how cute I am and that being underage b& is the thing he likes most about me
>keeps sending me Lolicon Doujinshi
>too beta to say anything, just either not reply or just reply in emotes
>fast forward another 3 months
>It's my birthday
>he sends me a present
>its a ring
>its a naruto ring
>Try it on, its way too big
>Write him to say thank you
>"If you have already tried it on, I consider us now engaged. Can I skype call you and you get your parents to join so I can ask for their blessings?"
>"I always wanted a cute Loli bride like in my Henati Doujinshi"

Deleted my accounts and avoided the hell out of him at cons. after 2 years he stopped trying to contact me.

>> No.8063548

gosh, that's creepy

>> No.8063576

>after 2 years he stopped trying to contact me.
Got too old probably.

>> No.8063671

Do people still plan on going to LMB for cosplay? I heard that most areas are off limits for cosplayers now after the usual Naruto/SnK/Homestuckfags ruined it for everyone else.

>> No.8063685

people doing overly nude or creepy/gore-y cosplay where the ones who ultimately ruined it since a lot parents complained about zombies or barely clothed girls running around scaring their kids. Also the girls thinking that blocking stairs and ways with their huge costumes and dresses.
LBM tries to make Manga Comic Convention a thing -> put all cosplayers in the congress center, only allowing them to enter through one entrance and trying to have them stay there instead of spreading out through the con.

>> No.8063693
File: 243 KB, 268x557, le leatherboy fais.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, right. I remember the 16 (17?) year old girl wearing nothing but duct tape as well as some cosplayers blocking whole stairwells with huge dresses.

>> No.8063696

the adventures of Ductapegirl and Hinotonne.

>> No.8063720
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>People asking for commission in the cosplay thread
>due date is LBM

>> No.8063755
File: 12 KB, 170x170, 1421548040901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard the SnK Video from Diesel and co. was mocked on 4chan and 2chan? I know it is shit, but I missed the mocking and the threads...

>> No.8063773
File: 3 KB, 209x214, stinkefingermännchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MCC is really a sad excuse to exclude cosplayers from LBM. But I can understand them to some extent after those incidents.

Seeing cosplays at the bookfair Leipzig is just as bad as seeing cospalyers in the business area at gamescom. What in the world makes them think this is a good idea?

>> No.8063786

>What in the world makes them think this is a good idea?
They're mostly obnoxious weebs who will hang out anywhere near glorious Japanese animus/mangos/restaurants/places. I can totally understand LB and Gamescom not wanting them around especially in the buisness area. It just doesn't look very professional and many people forget their manners at a convention (posing in inappropriate areas, glomping, being loud and rude, etc).

>> No.8063802
File: 98 KB, 500x375, 1406562533779.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing tops Japan Day

>> No.8063813

>Nothing tops Japan Day
At least Japan Day is in an open area and it's way more appropriate to run around in cosplay than it is at the LBM. But you are right, Japan Day is glorious. Can't wait to go this year again just to feel nostalgic and laugh at weebs.

O while we're talking about Japan Day: What does everyone think of the dozens of normalfags who take pictures of everything and everyone without permission? Every year my friends and I sit down on the grass sto eat or because we're tired and within ten minutes there were at least three people who just take pictures of everyone sitting there, cosplay or not. I think it's super rude and there are dozens of people posing for pictures so why, why?? Is it okay to forget all your manners and jus tbe "LEL THIS FUNNY POPLE IN THEIR COSTUMES AM I RIGHT?? XDD" and randomly take pictures? And I'm not talking about some teenagers, just middle aged normal people (often with their little children even).

>> No.8063815
File: 687 KB, 960x540, 1388603463257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just Japan Day, Connichi too. There are plenty of 40-60 year old guys with two cameras who try to score creep shots and generally take pictures without even asking first. Do they forget all manners when people wear costumes?

>> No.8063849

I don't think they care about manners. they are just there to get shots where they can fap to later.

Would you ask someone to get a foto with that in mind? Nah, probably not.

>> No.8063856

Haha same. i'm kinda sad i missed those posts when the vid came out. I hope someone can share with us

>> No.8063862

It just baffles me because many people at japan Day at least are neither obnoxious teenagers nor looking for fap bait, they are just the typical normalfag middle aged Herr and Frau Schmidt looking at all the freaks and casually taking pictures (they even come closer to your personal space than you'd ever feel comfortable with) as if they were at the zoo. THAT'S what's bothering me the most, they are perfectly normal people but as soon as there is someone around doing stuff they don't understand they forget their basic manners and take pictures like crazy. Even if there are dozens of people posing, and most people would happily pose for them if they just asked. But it's okay because you look like a freak!!1 My mother thinks it's perfectly okay too. I really hate it.

Happens in Lolita too btw. But at least at Japan Day people know what's going on and what to expect. Would it kill them to ask or just take picutres of the already posing cosplayers?

>> No.8063917

Japan Day is horrible. I stopped going there a few years ago because I saw how horrible it actually was. Uncultured weebs who are behaving like they just ran out of the zoo everywhere. It was just too much for me. On the other hand, most of my friends, who are all very well known German cosplayers, are behaving like it's just a normal, cute event and are even wearing cosplays. Nope nope nope.

>> No.8063977
File: 32 KB, 572x380, 1410692461697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Open area" is all nice and stuff but when I was there last year various people had way to wide cosplays or props (for example White Rock Shooter and other stuff with wings or Ahri with those damned tails) and by noon it was a clusterfuck with people trying to get through.

I do recall there was some problem with the booth of those obnoxious youtubers (applewar?) and thus the way was blocked for a bit but wearing huge ass cosplays as carrying giant props after Japantag even said on their homepage that it's not appreciated because of all the visitors really made me mad.

Why wear your heaviest/best cosplay in like 50°C without shadow anyways?!

>> No.8063996

Just read the comments on Sankakucomplex.

>> No.8064019 [DELETED] 

Different anon here. Just saw the post on Sankaku and I was wondering if that is the same group who did the video with Reika?

>> No.8064171

Start taking pictures of them instead.
Oh those funny faces.
Once hat a fat asi chick with her child trying to 'sneak' a pic of me and my sister in lolita, but she forgot to mute her phone. Immediately took a pic of her.

>> No.8064301

Oh seagulls, I could tell you so much dramu about conventions, their organisators, maid cafes and cosplayers. Dear lord, I'd get spotted right away. Never get too deep in that scene and never do something for free, you'll eventually regret it.

>I do recall there was some problem with the >booth of those obnoxious youtubers (applewar?)
It was the whole Rune booth with their fake nemu nekos, chosen vowels and applewar.

>Why wear your heaviest/best cosplay in like 50°C without shadow anyways?!
Because they spent all their money on worbla because worbla makes you instant cosplay pro and you get invited to cons and shit (srsly, saw this now too often)
And I guess because Japan day still is one of the most popular events and there are lots of photogs and press/TV people.

>> No.8064311
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>because worbla makes you instant cosplay pro and you get invited to cons and shit
Almost too accurate to be funny

>> No.8064858

i feel you. so many good stories but if I'd spill it'd be obvious its me. Though I did cut ties with a lot of shit where I did work for free, just because most con organizers never even knew how to say thank you.

>> No.8066237

Can we talk about some well-known German cosplayers? (not worbla-obsessed Kamui and Lightning pls)

>> No.8066246

if you exclude 2 of the most known cosplayers you should add a list of people you want to talk about. Calssara and Anshie were already spoken about.

>> No.8066276

who are those and what's their drama?
any pics?

>> No.8066376
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So I'm fairly new to cosplaying, since I'm Austrian I just suppose I better start here since you guys know what materials you can get in the middle of Europe.

Both me and my gf really want to do some Kamen Rider cosplay (Me as Decade and her as Kivala)
The thing is, we don't really know what material to use for the armor parts or the undersuit.

Anyone got any advice?

>> No.8066402
File: 38 KB, 520x309, drama baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear lord, what would I give to talk to you once! If german dramu was the only air to breathe, we could live a whole century from it.

>> No.8066412

and then, the reveal: we have known each other all along. we hate each others guts, seeing the other as the root of all evil and dramatic.

>> No.8066423

Aw, that'd be somewhat romantic. For real, you'll be my best evil friend forever then, just think about the power we'd have to destroy all those bitchy shit!

>> No.8066427

What's the deal with Anshie? I remember her as one of the cosplayer in that snk fanvid

>> No.8066428

jeeze, it would be like our very own anime romance! come on, anon, let us do the magical shoujo romance kira kira thing!

>> No.8066442


Jeez anons, you can't leave us like that. Please for the love of God spill some drama. It doesn't need to include any details or names, just some general dramu. Please, I'm so curious now.

>> No.8066520

one small example: dont fucking work for or buy anything from rune/yukon. they are unwilling to pay but make more than enough money by selling cheap bootlegs. If you speak up, the owner Naddi will threaten to publicly expose you for whatever she thinks makes you disgusting. They are known to not even ask rights to use graphics or photographs.

>> No.8066535

People concerned always threaten with their lawyers and as they are somewhat the biggest bitches on earth I wouldn't be surprised if they're browsing 4chan and calling people fat and ugly. (Cause thats what their lifes are about)

I try to give you some general dramu topics I happen to follow lately:
>people are copycats, maids are bitches, everyone who has power does everything to never let go of it again,
> fuck everything - my ego is the biggest, lying as fuck to everyone, telling everyone how much of a family they
> are while they are treating everyone and lying about peoples rights to keep them silent, artist alley tables are
> going out to whomever the organisators like (fuck the other good artist - if you're not well known gtfo), contracts
> get broken everytime and, the biggest issue in my eyes, everyone's shittalk about each other. srsly, this can
> destroy lifes. I just saw it.

And this isn't even a hundredth of what happend just around me in my area and this is by now already far too much.


We should set up a meeting at a local con! (tfw I'm srsly thinking about that, whats wrong with me)

>> No.8066537


Most of the drama I know surrounds Rune in some way.

>> No.8066558

I only remotely know rune-drama, i have a few friends that have to kiss the organizers sandy ass every time to get a spot at artist alley.

we really should have a second german seagull meetup. the first one was kind of awkward, but fun.

>> No.8066697

I got a screenshot of where rune talks shit about the cosday organisers. Funny thing: I got it from a cosday organiser.

That bitch naddi is dumb as hell.

>> No.8066778

She absolutely is. She always shittalks in public.

She harrassed me over a long time period. Ah so many sleepless nights, sweet memories.

>> No.8066792

When it's hosted at an event I visit I think I'll watch you from a save distance.

>> No.8066796

care to post?

yeah, i guess everyone would just awkardly observe the meeting spot from a safe distance. going on /cgl/ puts a social stigma on you as if you go to every cosplayer in germany personally and tell them to kill themselves.

>> No.8066812

I guess when I'm with a friend I'd say hello. Nobody knows I'm a drama seeking kind of gull (tho I'll never wish someone death or harrass people badly. That's not my thing. I just like to read about dumb idiots provoking drama)

>> No.8066821

i get you. i love the germany threads because it often gives good advice on who to avoid.

>> No.8066829

As we're at it, do you guys know any photographers to avoid? Or creepy dudes who try being a photog? This year I'm going to cosplay more and better quality stuff and I like nice photos of myself.


>> No.8066857

Q, shoot itself was okay, photos are pretty meh but can be worked with if you know your way around fotoshop, but dealing with him later on has been horrific, he is an absolute disgusting prick. He even got banned from munich meet ups because he kept creeping on underage girls.

Gladly BenHardly left the scene. again. who would have expected that. it was a surprise.

>> No.8066895

Clearly avoid Neo_kamui (animexx). He also has a website named 'yagamiokami' and i already posted him in a 'bad photog' thread.

Met him once at a shooting and he bragged about his 26,000 Euro photo equipment but can not get anything in focus, doesn't care how his models/bg look and is also a bit of a social retard.

Was okay at first, letting my friend borrow and try some of his cam equipment she wanted for some time (so she could see it was nothing she would want/need in the process).
Later he got buttmad when i didn't agree that life in grorious nippon would be 1000x better than here in boring Schland.
Looks exactly how he behaves, trust the cover of this book.

Apparently he had a photobooth at some small con i never heard of before but seemed might proud.

>> No.8066896

What's about Ben? If im not mistaken his photos aren't that bad

>> No.8066931

I agree his pictures really got better, but he is a selfabsorbed diva who takes himself as gods gift to the scene, besides he has this tiny habit of knocking up girls or getting engaged to them and then just disappear out of their life, ben is also infamous for getting engaged in projects, fucking it up because of his horrible personality, rage quitting, being silent for a few years and then returning. he just recently "disappeared" again because his latest girlfriend/fiancee had a pregnancy scare. deleted all accounts, if you mention ben or u_san with any animexx official or convention organizer they will groan and tell you stories.

>> No.8066952

As most are you are posting in english, is this only because 4chan is english based? Are some of you from other countries or is it because english can kind of mask you better than if you were to speak german?
I assume at meets and other group chats/communities its in german.

>> No.8066969

I also like to read threads from other cosplay/lolita communities around the world and appreciate when they post in english to be able to follow.

>> No.8066973


>> No.8067235
File: 8 KB, 250x250, sad_kitten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

D-does this Ben have an animexx account or a homepage?
Perhaps a kind anon could post some examples of his photography?

I'd like to see what kind of pictures we're talking about.

>> No.8067248

as >>8066931 said he deleted his accounts everywhere. youd need to track down cosplayers he shot with on animexx and hope the galleries werent taken down with his account. i cant name anyone he did regular shootings with so i cant help sorry.

>> No.8067262

found one

>> No.8068521

So whats the thing about cohaku? some people speak of it like its the best thing since sliced bread but i heard some negative voices about it too. I never bought an issue so far, what do my fellow seagulls think of the magazine? Can you recommend it?

>> No.8068534

So, /cgl/ meetup when?

>> No.8068538

it will be like the fetttreffen of krauchan on dokomi. awkardly people hanging around at the designated location but everybody too scared to out themselves.

So never. i think that one time at LBM years back was a lucky accident.

>> No.8068546

>So never. i think that one time at LBM years back was a lucky accident.
What a shame though.

>> No.8068548

I'd be prett pissed if these people tried on my brand over their filthy street clothes. Other than that, she isn't really ita, but she's not fab either, and the anime-style drawing of her wedding was pretty cringey.

>> No.8068549

yeah kinda. i'd still love to have a chance to meet with >>8066402 or just talk online, but yeah, still scared of being "outed".

>> No.8068554

I'd really love to find some german Lolita facebook groups, but all I can find on fb is Dunkelsüß. I just want some nice Lolitas to chat with about stuff.

>> No.8068557

Does anyone know anything about a Kuno L.?
There's been quite some drama on fb in the mori group but it got bawwleeted. He does go on Lolita meet ups and seems to frequent conventions as well.

Just a bad photographer or should he be avoided?

>> No.8068581

what was the morigroup drama about? I missed it sadly.

>> No.8068587

Photographer myself and never heard of him, so dunno. Maybe another Anon has more on him though?

>> No.8068597

He posted that he was looking for some girls to shoot with. Some girl accused him of being a creep and asked him to stay away, etc. Some other girls defended him or asked for details, but I honestly missed the next part too. Said girl wrote a long post on her fb about Kuno being a creep and a shitty photographer and a pedo who should stay away from mori and Lolita.

Appareantly he published something on his profile about this but since I don't have him as a fb friend I don't know exactly what happened. A friend of mine who made fb friends with him told me he admitted he fell in love with one of the Lolitas that he knew but that tis whole issue has been private and had already been resolved. No real details here either.

TL;DR someone accused him of being a creeper but I don't have the whole dramu and don't know what to believe.
What I DO know is that at least the mori girl was right and his pictures are usually pretty shitty.

>> No.8068867

I have him in my friendlist and also met him in person. It seems like he fell in love with a lolita, but just like anon said, the topic was solved. Kinda.

He is a bit older than the typical con goer, but so far I've experienced him as a very nice guy and absolutely no creeper at all. Just a guy who likes cosplay, J-fashion and making photos. Period.

Probably the lolita in question wanted to make herself look more popular by spreading the information that he fell for here, combining this with the usual "omg such a creeper" "poor me, pity me, I'm popular" bullshit.

It's not the first time I've encountered such behaviour and it truly disgusts me. We will all be "old" (aka not 15-25 anymore) some day unless we die early. Might as well just grow some respect for people over 30. Otherwise we will all have some very bad times when it's our turn.

Look. I'm sure there are lot's of actual stalkers, creepers and whatever out there. I've had more than my fair share of those, young and old. But I wish people learned to differentiate more and stop labeling nice, normal people with such horrible terms.

>> No.8068909

this guy. Never met him personally but heard awful stories. He banged a friend of mine, made her promises all that stuff. Dumb as she was she left her then boyfriend and was all over Ben. After a week he left her and told her that he couldn't stand that she had bad eating manners.

>> No.8068923

Oh boy, was that the story with Vincent's gf back then? If so, my god, he has bad taste.

>> No.8068926

did something similar to a friend of mine. Left her for "not being an advantage for his photography"

>> No.8068938

Why in the hell would a girl date such an idiot in the first place?

>> No.8068944

I hope the answer is booze. Or a nice cock. He is such a basic dude, not handsome, personality wise also not that charming.

>> No.8068948

absolutely not!

I'm actually suprised he had girlfriends at all. Especially thinking of his reputation.

>> No.8069114

Main problem: How can we make sure we're really each other when we're talking wherever else. No matter what information we post here, everybody will see it.

Thought about setting up a new Facebook or Skype account and post it here for you at a certain time without getting the thread bumped.

Yes, I know him. I saw his photos and met him in person, even talked to him shortly. His photos are quite okay if you just want some photos of yourself for personal use. He can't handle the flash tho.
Unfortunately I had to handle some drama about him a girl set up. Don't want to get too personal now but I think that girl just was pissed that Kuno just shoots 18+ and girl was like 15.

>He banged a friend of mine
I'd slap the shit out of him.

>> No.8069121

And about that meetup thing: Let's just set up a meet at a convention outer area.

What about Dokomi? It has a nice outer area, restrooms available to public, some spots where we can easily talk and being awkward without being in the main spots.

>Even though I said before I'll watch from a distance I will show up when it's anywhere I'm going this year. What could possibly go wrong.

>> No.8069122

hikiotre AT wegwerfemail.de

Let's try it this way. sage'd.

>> No.8069171

so apparently at least in Schland you can get laid even as mediocre cosplay photographer. I should get on that.

>> No.8069177
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Y'got mail from anonchan

>> No.8069197

Creepy but seems to be true.

Any thoughts on FACT-Online? Anybody knows them?

>> No.8070045
File: 22 KB, 428x332, IMG_808336637676627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this on my Facebook feed today.

>> No.8070077

Is this still a trend?

I've seen so many cosplayers wasting their life on this issue, ending up as a total falure. Quite sad, some of them were even cute as a girl. And now they are completely hideous and and physically wrecked.

>> No.8070380

Dokomi sounds great.

>> No.8070433

Dokomi should be alright, but i think in the light of the con being quite a bit down the road, we should try to make a new thread when the con is close and then discuss the day and time of the meet.

>> No.8070579

Has anybody screenshots from shit that went down in the german lolita sales group on FB?
It was already deleted.

>> No.8070605

It's not deleted but I have caps. They are just veeeery very long, because I took them on my phone.

>> No.8070626

Oh sorry I thought it was deleted, nevermind then.
Anyways, opinions on this Kindergarten?

>> No.8070635

Well some people have the balls to voice their opinion amd some itas try to defend their shitty bodyline and replica wardrobe.
We all know german lolitas are very elitist, that's why our itas never stay for long, they don't get asspats like itas on rufflechat.

>> No.8070653

It's so fucking embarassing to see them talk like that. Whatever their points might have been (and they were valid points) they just fucked it up by acting like some retarded bitches. "Hihihihi being called an elitist is sooo cool". Even if they were "provoked", the way they answered to that was downright childish and rude. So sad that all the brand these girls own won't help them cover their ugly rotten personalities. It shows on their ugly faces...

No wonder we get this bad reputation...

>> No.8070680

mind to fill a non-lolita in on what went down?

>> No.8070684

Some newbie asked where to get a dress since she's new to 'lolita cosplay'.
First comment told her it's "not cosplay ;)" and people fought over whether it was an elitist thing to say and a debate over elitism in lolita began.

>> No.8070714
File: 1.59 MB, 1983x2691, why1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I tried to put everything in, but some parts are cropped. What annoys me most, is that everything was already more or less over and the persons were already posting help for the girl, as that Hamburg Lolita bargs in with some ultimate shitpost. All thei arguments voiced were valid and the "non" elitist girls had bad arguments, but the attitude the "elitists" used was just too much for me.

>> No.8070729

Link to the group?

>> No.8070736

There is a difference between having balls to voice your opinion and being plain rude about merely nothing.

>> No.8070741

Someone's is seriously projecting there. Telling someone it's not cosplay is not elitism, it's just a fact.

>> No.8070743

Oh no I didn't say they weren't rude, but they also voiced valid points. In a rudely manner that is.
I just appreciate it when people don't endlessy sugarcoat their opinions for a second.

>> No.8070749

undoubtly the first attack was dumb as shit and the girl had every right to be pissed. But afterwards it just gets really embarassing...

>> No.8070791

jesus most of these lolitas sound so salty and sandy

>> No.8070793

Goddamn this whole discussion was cringeworthy as fuck. "Boohoo all you burando elitists!!!1 This is why no one likes us!111 ;____;" and beating dead horses.

>> No.8070823

they just don't know when to stop, don`t they? Discussion came to an end and of course Edgye McEdge had to make antoher oh so provoking comment to start it all over again and everyone and his cow hopped on.

>> No.8070827

This. Alexandra. R. Has. To. Shut. Up. DEAR LORD. (It's the second commentary)

How can one individual be so fucking annoying at EVERYTHING she does.

>> No.8070849

Is there some more drama about her?

>> No.8070911

She's super aggressive towards everyone, what she says is the new law, she knows literally EVERYTHING, she behaves like she is the only one doing ANY hobby right. I know her trough fashion dolls (she was eventually banned from the forums because pissing off everyone) and I knew she tries to be a singer (listen at her youtube) and acts as if she is the biggest star on earth. Plus she pretends to be super professional but I know someone who had to deal with her at a convention where she had a 'gig' and shes absolutely fucking not. Everywhere she is you read her commentaries with her extremist opinions but nobody ever asked her about her thoughts. She's just an annoying brat that should be ignored and banned entirely.
Didn't know she's into lolita now oh god, I should search for another comm.

>> No.8070921

Wow, this is as awful as her profile. She looks like a thirteen year old weeb and acts like an entitled little brat too.

In which comm is she? People like her sound like people one should avoid.

>> No.8072481

Moreover, Melonpan had fully nude penis-pics of himself leaked in the process as well.

>> No.8072488

Nobody cares about that attention whore.

>> No.8072796

the pics are kind of drastic, though. Even for his case. Some Bernds even considered sending those pics to his workplace.

I really hope they don't go trough with this. This would be low.

>> No.8072801

wow, that'd be tumblr levels of douchebaggery.

>> No.8072808

>Some Bernds even considered sending those pics to his workplace.
They already know and apparently don't give a shit at all.

>> No.8072823

that's bad on the one hand, but good on the other. At least no one can blackmail him that way.

>> No.8072934

I hope she knows that her dresses can discolor over time in the plastic bags she stores them in.

>> No.8074410

She also wrote long posts about how Runecon is just a small event and didn't do nothing wrong, the fault lies with the people who compare it to other cons!11!1

Nobody but retarded ass weebs even buys their crap

>> No.8074596

Naddi ist just the worst scumbag I've ever encountered in this scene. The whole yukon / runeko thing is a huge financial fraud. And the people behind it, especially naddi, are extremely dumb and unprofessional.

It's the worst event I've been to yet.

>> No.8074601

>The whole yukon / runeko thing is a huge financial fraud.
Demanding more details on this!

>> No.8074621

cons are meant to be profitable

i ean shit all you have to do is run panels with randoms people give a shit about

any outgoing, attractive group of people can hobble one together.....ala

>> No.8074714


Let's say we run a convention. Let's say we oversell on purpose, so that no one can actually go in after a certain point. Let's say we do it obviously only for selling our cheap bootlegs and faked products. Except for the security issue (where the people of loveparade faced prison sentences because their shit went down and something terrible happened) and the copyright issue (which they fucked up with their own ticket illustrations and faked "lucky bags" last year in public), everything is alright so far.

But hey, let's even do this as a non profit organisation (gemeinnütziger Verein / Jugendinitiative) and refrain from paying taxes as well as using a not suited school building and not pay a cent for it.

Ticket prices? Let's just hop on the train and demand 20 bucks for it like eveyone else does. We have no programm and shit in everyone's face? Doesn't matter. Our audience is fucking stupid as hell anyway.

Yes, we have a full blown financial fraud here. Additionally to all the other shit. It's a miracle that bitch ain't in jail yet.

>> No.8074732

thats not fraud

fraud in your case would be

hey give me $20 there is goin to be an awesome con in here on the 23rd

collect the money and not having a damn thing anywhere

>> No.8074832

If you can't get in due to overselling we do have a problem here. Same goes for the lack of paying taxes. You can rape a child an get a mild sentence. But don't you even dare to keep 100€ away from the government. Your butthole will bleed lakes.

>> No.8074865

Please say the Hamburg Lolita isn't the queen bee we were talking about earlier.Please.

>> No.8075020
File: 326 KB, 1200x675, Steins;Gate.full.513912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After replaying the visual novel, I feel an urge to buy Steins;Gate merchandise.

The pins are cool, but I'd love to get my hands on Daru's cap. Since it's technically cosplay:

Where can I get his fucking hat? It's sold out everywhere.

>> No.8075036

sieg come on, you're probably not even in this community. Yukon is known to be a fraud to everyone but the 12-16 yo weebs drawn by a semi-famous group of youtubers that attend regularly because they get to take home whatever bootleg merch they want to show of in their vids.

Yukon is a fraud to a lot of people. The artists only come back for artist alley because they cann sell small merch to easily impressible kids, but I dont think it is worth it if you have to produce a drawing so yukon can auction it off and keep the money.

>> No.8075417

> 2015
> still replying to sieg

Please don't anon. Don't feed the troll unless you want this thread to be flooded with his nonsense and unnecessary opinions.
> he doesn't even go here!

>> No.8075436


Any Austrians here that know these guys? Good or weeb trash community?

>> No.8076124

they even rip off their artists?

>> No.8076130

Not a Steins;Gate fan, but if you mean the fat otaku guy, you can just make it. Buy yellow baseball cap, cut a stencil with duct tape or sticky backed vinyl, and paint with white fabric paint. It'll take a 2-3 layers at least for white on yellow. Be patient and let it set before adding a new layer or it'll bleed, and daub with a sponge brush instead of spreading it.

>> No.8076523
File: 1.45 MB, 352x198, 1412336908557.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hallo, liebe Otakus

>einfach verkleidet in der Stadt herumlaufen

Confirmed for weeb trash

>> No.8076529

So anyone in here going to be at ViennaComix in April?

>> No.8076554

I've never actually been there, is it good for weeb shit?

>> No.8076603

You got your fair share of stuff like that, yeh.
But mostly it's about comics. Plus you still see pretty nice cosplays, like the one guy with a kick-ass Batman suit.

>> No.8076947

She certainly is. Why?

>> No.8077194

to even get a chance entering their artist alley you have to produce a fully coloured piece of art for them, and I heard the organizer keeps these no matter if the artist gets in or not. If you get in, you have to make another that the organoizer will auction off at the con, keeping the money. They say that since they're an e.V. its all to keep the con alive- but everybody knows Rune is using the e.V. only to evade taxes, so they probably take the money from the art auction as a nice tip .

>> No.8077725

that's plain disgusting. Do our artist not have the balls to boycot this shit? There are more than enough good alternatives out there.

heck this sounds like a total waste of time

>> No.8077815

afaik about all AAs at german cons are bullshit. Dokomi likes to play favourites and the guy organizing it for Connichi hates his job, never really answers mails and treats the artists like shit. MMC was a little bit better, but I heard from a lot who had a table that the theft rate was really high there.

>> No.8077823

Soooo does anyone know what kind of health problems Fahr Sindram has? She's not cosplaying because of it, it seems...

>> No.8077827


>> No.8077942

>Dokomi likes to play favourites

That explains why friends of mine didn't get a Table.
It's a pity that german AA are shit. On the other hand, I doubt that most Artists make a good deal with them. Germans don't like to spend money on art.

>> No.8077950

yeah. there are so many friends of mine who make art on almost professional levels, yet didn't get a table. Others who did draw like they follow Katy Coope's "How to draw Manga" like it's their bible.

The thing with making a good deal is: if you draw fanart or yaoi of popular shows, like sports homos and vocaloid and aot, you're golden. kawaii animals or stuff with faces also sells. Between that it's always a mix between havin cheap shit the weebs can grab on the go, cute stereotype animu girls that the neckbears will buy, drawing porn in general and taking every comission and just having a style that applies to people. If you have a really exotic style and only draw OC, you'll go home a poor man.

>> No.8078187

I thought you aren't allowed to sell fanart for legal reasons here? As far as I know most Cons don't allow to sell it.

>> No.8078262
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>> No.8078332

At least he's not fat.

>> No.8078335


If this picture included one of the atrocious Ciel-in-pink-dress cosplays it would be the perfect summary of bad cosplay for Japantag in only one picture!

>> No.8078401


Connichi has changed to "we close both eyes, if you get sued it's your fault", and a lot of smaller cons do the same, though not offically. I don't know what Dokomis offical standing is, but I know that a lot artists sold fanart stuff in 2014

>> No.8078403


>atrocious Ciel-in-pink-dress cosplays
if this was tumblr i'd yell at you for triggering my PTSD. I can't understand the appeal of the dress. They will keep haunting me in my dreams.

>> No.8078409

Does anyone know what happened to the Dojaku and why they disbanded?

>> No.8078412

>can't understand the appeal of the dress. They will keep haunting me in my dreams.
It's not just the dress. It's the fact that it's usually milanoo-tier awful and worn by overweight girls who should be the last people to cosplay skinny shota bait; and bonus points if a (fat) equally awful Sebastian is with them and they do horrible "fanservice!! Shota kawaii desu?? ^__^" photoshoots.
EVERY goddamn year is see dozens of these people. The pain, when will it end.

>tw:horrible cosplay, tw:ptsd

>> No.8078519

Because I'm thinking about joining the comm but she sounds so fucking cringeworthy that I wouldn't last a minute in her presence.

>> No.8078773

we should shake hands. I also want to join the comm but she irrtates me.

>> No.8078854

I saw the guy who made Urotsukidôji and La Blue Girl (the original Manga series, respectively) at Connichi Artist Alley last year.

I was very positively surprised because that's more than enough to offset the 99% yaoi shit

>> No.8080379

>to the Dojaku and why they disbanded?

Apparently there was a lot of trouble within the team and the Jugendamt had enough of their shit and refused to let them use the location (FHH) any longer. Some of the old team left and created the Chizuru, which now uses the Dojaku's old location. I was there this month and it was pretty much like every Dojaku before, but I imagined the overall level of the cosplays being sliiiightly higher.

>> No.8082504

this makes me more happy to hear than it should. Most of the Dojaku heads were terrible asshats and I enjoy hearing they finally got their bullshit of a "con" taken away :3c

>> No.8082557

> Most of the Dojaku heads were terrible asshats and I enjoy hearing they finally got their bullshit of a "con" taken away :3c
I couldn't agree more on this!

>> No.8082623

any toughts on these bitch-basic "cosplay leggings" that Nana Kuronudema, Lightning, Kana's Tits and a few others do promotion for?


>> No.8082669

This is everything you need to know about German cons

>> No.8082846

Some of them didn't even know they were used as a promoter.

>> No.8082853


Same here, actually. I hope this will somewhat seperate the ok people from the assholes. The Dojaku will actually be held in a park upcoming Saturday ... there are actually morons willing to hang out in the freezing cold for this shit (mostly the kids who were too stubborn to just attend the Chizuru instead because DURRRR it's not the DOJA, HURRRRRRR).

>> No.8082857

what really? I mean Nana and Lightning and the others that modeled for sure, but can you tell more?

>> No.8084886

Why is Lightning so ugly and yet popular? I seriously don't get it. Those disgusting piercings alone make me want to throw up.

>> No.8085105

she got so popular because while not being super pretty, she is more fuckable than kamui. and does armor WoW whatever bullshit cosplay.

>> No.8085140

I'd rather tap Kamui than something full of piercings and tattoos

>> No.8085143

different strokes for different folks. I wouldnt want kamuis horseface within a meter of my cock.

>> No.8085325

i still like the idead of a cgl meetup

>> No.8086580

me too, but i think what >>8070433 said is true. At least I know I will forget about the meet up until then.

>> No.8086979

chiisai saku and her entourage also did a shingeki video in autumn an I saw them posting yesterday about releasing it in 2 months.

So, any thoughts on if it will be better than Anshies even without Reika to promote it? Or the same shit with different face? After all, they had Diesel film it too, so there's probably no big difference in general cinematography.

>> No.8087231

No way, it'd be awkward as fuck

>> No.8087246

I concur. But yes, let's wait for Dokomi to come closer.

>> No.8087289


Bea hates Anshie and organized this shit only to one-up her. Hence for "hiring" Diesel to film for her too.

>> No.8087494

honestly, no one will care. People are not too hyped for Shingeki right now. Also, can you tell me about Chiisai Saku? And what's with her and Anshie?

>> No.8087536

Not really. Reika bring a lot of viewer for Anshies vid because of her fame. Plus, snk is not that popular right now compared to 2013/2014

>> No.8087760
File: 375 KB, 1000x750, 1414249999754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does germany only got like 3 or 4 greater conventions a year
not counting buchmesse and gamescom

feels like i need to find some local weebs

>> No.8087916

in what area do you live?

>> No.8087948

>Chiisai saku


The only Chiisai person/thing I know is the worst person I've met in all these years, Shiroku

>> No.8088875


and yes, whats the deal with her? I mean I know everybody can claim to be a singer on youtube and "score gigs" on cons, is she getting special treatment for being asian?

>> No.8088974

tell me more about her!

>> No.8089117

Is anyone else laughing about Anshie's new logo? She made such a fuzz about it beforehand and now it's exactly the same old shit logo with wings on. How old is she again?

>> No.8089124

>I wanted a new one since ages because the old one looked a little sloppy!
>Actually just the letter "A" and the wings are new.

that's a prime example of sloppy "redesign", Anshie. It looks like she is mentally and design-wise stuck in the 00's.

>> No.8089157

>design-wise stuck in the 00's.
she and shisha should be friends.

>> No.8089428

Diesel the one who wants to fuck Marino but never can so he is filming every halfway decent girl to get laid but all of them only want to have a cmv with them in it without fucking that fat dude. he is so desperate though

so bea had it easy convince him doing another shitty snk video

>> No.8089435

just another bitch who tries to get fame by cosplaying Eren

>> No.8089441

yeah i heard that too, that he and vw both are beta as fuck, driving cross country to film and shoot girls they'll never have a chance to pork.

>> No.8089444

dont forget theDevil who even flies to Asia to find a girl to fill in for his asian-girl-fetish.

>> No.8089454

don't those guy get that these girls just want to milk them? Only not in the way they they would love to

>> No.8089461

diesel and vw are just too "nice" to notice. Devil is too dumb to realize he'll never score a 10/10 kawaii cosplay asian waifu just by taking subpar pictures with terrible vignetting.

>> No.8089488
File: 164 KB, 619x929, shisha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



That personality.

>> No.8089495

so vw diesel just don't get that taking photos and videos will not get them a girlfriend or sex in general? Maybe they should just lay open their intentions and tell them they are photographers who want to be fucked

>> No.8089497

I thought Anshie hates Bea because she didn't get sex from her while being in Levi and Eren cosplay

>> No.8089499

well, she now "quit" cosplay to concentrate on her "art" and upcoming "artbook". So maybe finally we are rid of her and some other scene has to deal with her personality.

>> No.8089514

Non-German here. Who are some of the well-known german cosplayers? I've been browsing animexx cosplay photos gallery and there are a lot of good cosplayers imo

>> No.8089641

I think there are a lof of good and decent cosplayers in this country. But none of them are actually famous or something like that.

There is no onw who gets invited to to conventions and such and I'm extremely glad for that. I hate this "cosfamous" culture which has become more and more popular in many countries (mostly asia and us). It's absolutely ridiculous - thus I despise the people who want to hop on that train.

Seeing them failing makes my tummy all tingling-

>> No.8089649


>There is no onw who gets invited to to conventions and such

Lightning, Kamui, Calssara and Elsch would beg to differ. Also some Bulgarian con announced Anshie and Michiyo-Hime.

>> No.8089650

yeah really hate how animuc starts with this cosplay guest shit

>> No.8089654

Elsch still does cosplay? Haven't heard of her since ages

>> No.8089657

Connichi invited Yaya Han first tho.

she does, but her "old fame" is long gone and she can't really compete with the new generation of sex sells. But back in the day she'd get invited everywhere. (Her brother is hot, tho.)

>> No.8089666


>> No.8089669

no anshie thinks she and reika are in lesbians.

>> No.8089673

actually, calling a cosplayer a "guest" is incredibly pityful. And paying for their travel costs is a waste of convention money.

There are thousands of cosplayers attending each con. Are they covering their travel and accomodation costs as well?

>> No.8089686

lol what? deets pls

>> No.8089688

reika thinks different though

>> No.8089689

i feel the same, especially if they don't contribute anything but selling their own merchandise and their name as sellingpoint. at least Yaya did a panel at Connichi. But I won't complain unless a german con invites JNigs.

>> No.8089690

yeah but they stopped doing this shit. but let me correct it. I hate how Aninuc started this cosplay guest shit AGAIN

>> No.8089696 [DELETED] 

Ah, I see. Yeah, I'm in Southeast Asia and even small cons around the region have these cosfamous people as guests [mostly the same Asian cosplayer again and again like Reika, Kaname, Yuegene, Stay etc]

>> No.8089706

Ah, I see. Yeah, I'm in Southeast Asia and even small cons around the region have these cosfamous people as guests [mostly the same Asian cosplayer again and again like Reika, Kaname, Yuegene, Stay etc]

Btw, I browsed Anshie's Animexx page (since her name came up quite often) and while I think her costumes are good, she has the same-face syndrome in almost every cosplay..

>> No.8089738

and now you know why noone wants to be with her. she is ugly boring and always so aggressive even her best friends left her

>> No.8089767

so apparently there are no german cosplayers with a fulfilled sex life?

>> No.8089771

i dont think theres any cosplayer worldwide with an actual fulfilled sexlife. if so they wouldnt need this hobby.

>> No.8090158

What is this delusion, Anshie

>> No.8090321


Besides flashing her underwear at every single opportunity she's the only person I've had that tried to ruin friendships because I dared to tell her somebody we mutually know said something nice about her

That bitch be craycray, my suggestion is staying as far away as possible

>> No.8091176

my only experience with her is that she was very sweet and nice online, but rude as fuck when I met her at a con.

>> No.8091521

While we're at the point of videogs, any fun stories/facts about Mexxkite?

>> No.8091524

Wasnt he rather nice?

>> No.8091525

I know seagulls thrive on bitchyness and gossip, but no. He's really nice and the better half of his team up with Diesel.

>> No.8091619

started off very nicely but then it got worse. don't know why, but the covers and the topics are partly so poorly handled you could find a better tutorial everywhere. also the tone of their social media advertising is really annoying and kind of aggressive

>> No.8091620

no. he is totally nice and always positive and sweet

>> No.8091625

she also always badmouthes about anyone. never heard someone talking about her being cheerful and nice. she is always concerned about what's best for her and how she can comvince people she is not full of herself which she clearly is

>> No.8091637

also, they are a commercial magazine trying to fuck over people with their contracts. If they want your article or photos in their mag, you have to sign over all rights to them for eternity and get about 20€ in return if you insist. They do the same shit as everyone else with "its good exposure, we don't make money, for the fans!", pretty pathetic coming from aigue marine who tries to pose as professional and trying desperately to be cosfamos.

>> No.8091641

I heard that afterwards too. I was pretty dissappointed because I like her voice and she seemed so nice online ):

>> No.8091671

for sure? she is always complaining about facebook sites being unfair and not crediting and stuff and now she is the boss of a mag that let you sign a contract to fuck with your rights? what a hypocrite. why not making a deal about not posting a tutorial printed in the issue for like half a year, that would seem way nicer to me

>> No.8091673

yeah and she tries so hars to get in contact with famous guys by saying she is in a leading position of a cosplay magazine. that's so cheap. but I would be more mad if I wouldn't know these people don't give a shit about her and her costumes but only about how much an article in cohaku is good for their own fame

>> No.8091679

yeah she is very good in upholding her false face and make people belive she is a nice gal

>> No.8091680

she has 10k followers on facebook and famous comic artist are tweeting with her and she still complains about not getting enough attention. what a whore

>> No.8091682

that's because she doesnt get enough compliments for her stage performances which are shitty as hell

>> No.8091688

Yes I was kinda shocked when someone who refused to sign their rights over fully told me that. She did say however that after denying aigue marine was still "proffessional" about it and didn't push it, so you could give her that. It was just a huge let down because I wanted to apply to write a tutorial on weathering because I was really excited that we had finally a magazine that doesn't try to screw over people since all staff members are cosplayers to, but boy was I dissappointed.

>Muffled "Das ist ja auch Werbung für dich" playing in the distance.

>> No.8091693

i loved how in the beginning her face was all over in the magazine. Issue number 1 was the Aigue Marine and Naraku show.
She really does try to get her name plugged everywhere, and yet it doesn't work out.

>> No.8091727

and since she gets too much hate in good old germany she now goes international. she really thinks that will get her anything else but more hate. should have let cohaku stay national for a little longer

>> No.8091728

she is not unfriendly but she sure has an attitude

>> No.8091730

I hate how she always tries to sound cool and like actually talking to a huge crows in every one of her texts beginning with GUYS

>> No.8091733


>> No.8091798

she also has a job her parents are fucking supportive and she is basically achieved what others want to schueve like being halfway famous chatting with well known actors writers and artist but she still is whining why noone notices her and makes such a fuss about her oh so terrible life. that's fucking ridiculous. what the fuck does she want

>> No.8091801

obviously being fucked senseless or even getting touched by someone like all those filthy whores in the fanfiction she reads

>> No.8091803

the princess in her own otome hentai game. she just should ask the dudes who are wanking to her cheap photos

>> No.8091831


guess we got our first german kickstarter/indie gogo beggars. never even heard of them before.

>> No.8091837

where is tentakelmonsters weblog where she is bashing the shit out of things like that but while doing so whining about wanting money from everyone because she can do so much better

>looking at her pin up calender and wanting to burn your eyes out

>> No.8091844

she really did this fuckery? I stopped following her fb page when she showed the first preview bc it was so trainwrecked

>> No.8091850
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>> No.8091853

looked them up on facebook and wow, for the quality he/they provide that's a shit ton of money to ask. you'd suppose he would try to be a mediocre photografer first before branching out.

>> No.8091854

agreed. the joke here is the girls voluntaring to do this project with her looked not too ugly but the photos were just bad as fuck. everyone looked like stranded whales. why did she do that?

>> No.8091858

i thought the pictures were okay, but the coloring was fucking off and the lighting boring.

>> No.8091860

should learn to write a proper description, too, you don't even have to look at the photos to know there is no quality to be found

i am not completly against such kickstarter stuff but please be honest to yourself. would you give money to a project so poorly presented?

>> No.8091862

still waiting on rubeus eden to jump on the crowdfunding train.

>> No.8091865


he even forgot to delete parts of the text suggestions, how lazy can you possibly be

>> No.8091866

you cannot do too much wrong in a studio so the photos were oksy but you are right about lightning and editing. for someone claiming to be an artist she sure did nothing special

>> No.8091872

yes. I would never spend money on a kickstarter but if you are convinced about your project just go for it. doesn't make me mad. but putting not 5 minutes into encouraging people to give you mobey that's plain stupid

>> No.8091873

She used to do cool cosplays that really fit her (Anri, Stephanie Brown) but nowadays all she does is overcomplicating stuff like Frozen for no reason

I wish she would do fun, cool cosplays again

>> No.8091875

rubeus is the worst. ecen the sluttiest cheapest cosplay whore is a cute little darling compared to him

>> No.8091878

She stopped selling prints after nobody bought them. Somebody told her that it might raise copyright issues with the companies that have the rights to the characters and she yelled at him over the internet.

>> No.8091880

but didn't she still sell her prints at a con and then opened her store for "limited time only" again after that? How did she excuse that?

>> No.8091882

she can't because her so called copycat has stolen all of her possible fans so she tries to get more by doing disney princess and mainstream shit. She thinks that makes her more professional looking and becoming the new cosplay queen

>> No.8091884

I found it rather entertaining when she said that she wants to do flashier cosplays in 2015 and then does a Frozen cosplay

Like people would notice the 8320473894723894729472934789234792748923th Anna at a convention or give a fuck about her that way

>> No.8091886

well didn't knew that one. just thought her first priority was to make money out of her hobby that's what every line she writes looked like

>> No.8091889

An Anna where the main work was done by Naraku's stitching machine so even the little attention she will get is based on the skills and tools of someone else

>> No.8091891

did anyone get their hands on a copy of how to make my costumes yet? apparently it won an award at some fair already and the leseprobe looked promising, but i dont know if it would be a good purchase if you're not a beginner anymore

>> No.8091893

Nothing bad about him, always nice and positive.
And compared to Diesel he has skills.

>> No.8091898

well, she does have a fitting face for disneys copy and paste female 3d models of their latest movies. so we can expect her to do honey lemon and the latina princess too.

>> No.8091912

she got some hate on tumblr for cosplaying Korra so she won't do darker skinned characters anymore. but I get what you want to say and there are a lot of disney princesses she hadn't cosplayed yet. she just needs to find some reasons to make it believable she loves the new princess in question JUST SO MUCH

>> No.8091915

>listening to anything tumblr says
First mistake spotted

I kinda pity her for cosplaying Disney characters nowadays, her Korra was pretty good tbh

>> No.8091917

i think the whole calender was a huge pain in the ass. she wrote some shit about fighting against body shaming to get all those people to patt her on the shoulder and not buying the calendar. in the end she just hates being called far ecen though she is one of the fattest chic on animexx and wants some positive vibes

>> No.8091923

the tumblr attitude with cosplay and blackfacing/brownfacing is shit, like when this one german or austrian girl did her make up to look like Michonne from TWD. I read up on it too late when she had already deleted all her accounts after the social justice warriors blew it up.

>> No.8091927

you are right. I thing aiguine marine takes the opinion from others she doesn't even know way too serious

>> No.8091930
File: 569 KB, 1335x2000, 12102105.gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have showed them this picture of their beloved black princess

>> No.8091931

she is so fat it is disgusting

>> No.8091933

I suppose in general she does, but I can understand stepping back from "brownface" after a couple dozen tumblrettes decide to bully you into it.

>> No.8091934

did she litterally just blacking her face and not all of the other parts of her skin showing?

>> No.8091937

no, that is alright, she is orangefacing. she is orangekin and expresses her true self.

>> No.8091940

but isn't that like agreeing on doing something wrong and wanting to hurt someones feeling?

>> No.8091946

she should rather stop havibg such an attitude and being so annoying instead of stopping to cosplay certain characters

>> No.8091947

Yet another person shamed into submission by the Cult of Shame, SJWs/tumblr

>> No.8091948


>> No.8091961

At least she isn't blocking a third of the Connichi garden

>> No.8091969

we will see if she will get fatter til connichi

>> No.8092011

>looking at her pin up calender and wanting to burn your eyes out
Oh god yes, so I wasn't the only one thinking that.The cosplayers even had to pay her a fee to be part of the shooting. She's such a fucking joke.

>> No.8092047

me was also not amused. this project sounded like a lovely idea but the result friggin sucked

>> No.8092149

if only she wouldn't act like her stuff is the best thing in the wirld ppl wouldn't be disappointed in the end. but she is always complaining about how bad all the other photographers are and how they are just using cheap backlight and so on and how she would be the messias to the cosplaz photography world. she was one of the best photographers on animexx years ago and didn't improve simce then. now every bernd with a good cam can do as good as she and on an international view she is way beyond average

>> No.8092164
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I couldn't agree more on this.

>> No.8092336

>every bernd with a good cam

I do have to say that reiserFS/Bloodstone makes horrible photos, Lanze_Schreiber less so but he's a creepy ass guy

No clue if any other Bernds are photogs

>> No.8092353

maybe they don't identify official as bernds but secretly are

>> No.8093246

The amount of German seagulls Who are also Bernds Is quite astonishing actually.

>> No.8093249

The fact that shitcream isn't discussed despite the high Seagull-to-Bernd-ratio in these threads is more amazing

Then again, I guess half of the wannabe-cosfamous girls have lurked over there to see if people talk shit about them

>> No.8093325

I am actually surprised to see how much hate Aigue Marine gets here. I think she's a decent human being and her cosplays are always nice.

>> No.8093329
File: 35 KB, 582x200, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ladies and gents, cosplay admin of animexx

>> No.8093345

I don't see any hate (unfounded shittalking), mostly complaints that Cohaku is binding people to shit contracts, complaints about riding Narakus coattails and complaints that she's doing less creative stuff compared to 2-3 years ago

The only hate I've seen was that one person who really hates her stage performances

>> No.8093366

and being a hypocrite always demanding credit but doesn't even mention she git help from Naraku eg with her Frozen costume

>> No.8093372

you probably think so because you might have something she thinks she can get profit of so she is nice to you and features you via cohaku and stuff like that. sure you would think she is a nice gal

>> No.8093373

thanks for the insight

>> No.8093374

but she sure can go on everyones nerves with her personality and her whining about nothing

>> No.8093386

I never was a Bernd though.

>> No.8093454

You're right, maybe the word "hate" sounded way too dramatic. I was just surprised because she's decently popular and still gives off a friendly vibe, so I didn't expect to see a lot of criticism.

I admit I am one of her COSPLAYELITÄ friends, but there are a lot of popular people who didn't seem very nice to me. Not defending her, just surprised.

>> No.8093493

Abby for someone who always talks like someone who has balls you sure should post such things with your trip.

but no prob you sure just want to make it sound like a neutral opinion. aiguine marine us not the worst person in cosplay bitching community but she started to be kind of obnoxious. i like to look at some of her pics but the attitude makes it hard not to judge her

>> No.8093495

who is this? never heard of this one

>> No.8093501

ah and I wondered why cohaku has choosen her flat dead face as cover. who the fuck has taken these Thranduil photos it was so awful

>> No.8093507

Tentakelmonster maybe?

>> No.8093508

who would you is the worst person in the German bitching community?

>> No.8093514

please don't let this escalate. can we sum this discussion up with there are people who like and who don't like abby. as soon as she hears about it this thread will be full of shitstorm

>> No.8093517

can't say it is just one person and won't give a hitlist bc those people get horny just by reading their names on this board

>> No.8093536


>> No.8093537

you prooved just what I said. and now you know why you like her and others don't.

>> No.8093548

Thank you for understanding. Hate is a strong word that gets abused too often to describe anything that it isn't.

My biggest gripe with her is that she somehow lost her expressions - compare the Sonohara Anri shooting by Calssara from some years ago with any of her recent costumes and you'll notice that she went deep into the "sameface" territory. The complaints about doing boring stuff are also true, imo - she wants to do something that leaves a bigger impression and ends up doing more Disney. wtf. I'm not saying everybody has to go for Worbla+LEDs to leave an impression, but impressive craftsmanship is not "using Narakus programmable stitching machine and letting granny knit some gloves".

>> No.8093559

copycat? what does that mean?

>> No.8093695

If you're not one of the two listed, then you're not. Both of them were though (or in Lanzes case still are).

>> No.8093731


>> No.8093938

Let's see

-borrows costumes and gives them back after 1 year of constantly asking and they are completely destroyed

-makes shit-tier costumes that lack any kind of craftsmanship or attention to detail

-abuses people (guys and girls, just ask her former best friend Cucco) as wallets so she can get free everything at cons, this kinda stopped because

-her ex bf got her into a position where she can work as "booth babe" for GSC Europe after which she dumped him

-talks shit about people behind their back

-on top of all of this pretends to be sweet and innocent and shit

She's everything that is wrong with cosfamous people summed up into one person and a disgrace to the scene as a whole

>> No.8094070


Pay her 350€ and you can have this bodypainting,too.

>> No.8094197

holy shit, I've been in the cosplay scene for decent amount of years and never heard of her!

>> No.8094251


I'll just leave this here as evidence

>> No.8094296

I remember that story. I've only met Sheepcream once and she was rude as fuck.

>> No.8095230


>> No.8095788
