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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8084995 No.8084995 [Reply] [Original]

brand new larp thread because the previous one is in autosage again

>> No.8085031
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>> No.8085045
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>> No.8085046
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>> No.8085048
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>> No.8085051
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>> No.8085053

so German larpfag. will you be at Drachenfest this year?

>> No.8085055
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if timing allows yes, not sure yet though

>> No.8085058
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>> No.8085064
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>> No.8085067


>tfw too many good guys want the clean look
>tfw they always look storebought and cookiecutter
>tfw orcs like this always look so much more awesome

>> No.8085071

chaos camp again?

>> No.8085073
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>> No.8085081
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>This is what larpers actually believe

>> No.8085082
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as always

been there too often, know too many awesome people there to go anywhere else because I'd simply miss them and they are one of the main reason why I go to DF anyway.

>> No.8085087
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I will be closer this year to you as I change to the Landsknecht camp

>> No.8085089
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>> No.8085095
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ah nice...the Landsknechts are still one of the best camps in DF

>> No.8085097
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>> No.8085101
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that was my experience too. Plus, Landsknechts. They are always awesome.
And they camp is awesome, I like how much effort they put into their camp life and stuff like that

>> No.8085102
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>> No.8085104

also I don't know if you guys follow the bullshit manifestos that sometimes made but here is one that I actually like

>> No.8085109
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yeah if you go by who has the highest average standards in costume and play I am pretty sure that Landsknechts and the orks come out on top.
Costuming, internal and external play are usually all at least decent, if not good or great with pretty much everyone in these two camps.

>> No.8085110
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>> No.8085112
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>> No.8085115
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>> No.8085117

Everytime I hear "larp" and "manifesto" in one sentence I start uncontrollably vomiting.

>> No.8085120
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>> No.8085121
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yeah but the orks doesn't really count because they are orks

>> No.8085125

I know that feel, that's why I was surprised when I found this one actually good.

Although the main problem with manifestos is that way too many people take it way too serious. I mean there are people who think the Turku manifesto is some kind of holy bible

>> No.8085128
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...which in turn makes the landsknechts ever more awesome

>> No.8085129
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>> No.8085130
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>> No.8085138
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>> No.8085162
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>> No.8085170

These are the best threads on /cgl/. Most content, friendly people, helpful advice from many persons with experience.

>> No.8085198

Can anyone recommend any good beginners guides to LARPing? I'm currently using all of my googlefu to gather as much info as possible, but I'd also like to know you guys' opinions as well.

>> No.8085199


>> No.8085239

So last thread we've concluded that larp and gypsies are racist blackface.

Whats the right way to do gypsy then? Is it even ok to do? I've always done what I thought was Gypsy at faire, but not I worry im a racist.

>> No.8085252

Honestly, it just depends on the culture you're in. In America, only the most furious SJWs will give a shit about you portraying a gypsy because they are such a marginal ethnicity over there. Over here, they are the largest minority so stuff about them is kind of a big deal.

>> No.8085254

>So last thread we've concluded that larp and gypsies are racist blackface.
we concluded that?
I thought we concluded that bady done gypsies is the equivalent of blackface. Which is the badly done black people

>> No.8085549

What's the level of English at DF? My German is shoddy at best... I've wanted to go there for a long time, but being able to communicate would be nice.

>> No.8085555

Update from America, I know some people on the big rules committee for Alliance, and they've finally realized it's racist and they're replacing the race completely with an entirely different race in the next rules update.

I think overall it's a good choice (I played a gypsy for 2 years when I first joined the game and have regretted it ever since) but I'm sad they're going to have to change the plot in my game. Over here the gypsy race came about because they are the antithisis of the shadow creatures who used to enslave them, when they got free they dedicated themselves to destroying them and wore bright colors and loud bells and things as a big middle finger. Now they wander because they go with wagons and caravans as a bodyguard because they get special bonuses against the shadow creatures.

I thought it was a cool way of handling all the weird nonsense racial requirements, and a good way to make the in game race into an inherantly good one instead of 'steal more things, steal more things.'

But like I said above, it's good it's going away.

>> No.8085556

Don't expect a bunch of hyper-verbose Shakespeares, but it's definitely more than enough to talk to almost everyone.

>> No.8085574

We regularly have people at DF that don't speak a single word of German and still manage to get by.
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
If you have any serious doubts I am sure Hungarian and Bulgarian can give some first hand accounts.

>> No.8085592

Which is funny since Americans don't hate gypsies, but every single European I've met, even the Muslim and African immigrants, hate them with a passion.

>> No.8085597

they will aggressively try to teach you german. Which means until you say the magic words "in english please" most people will try to communicate you through the german language. and even after that there is a possibility that after a few sentence they just switch back to german.

But I don't speak any german and I went to Drachenfest twice. Maybe I will learn a little this year. Anyway there are enough people who speaks english to enjoy yourself and you can always nag people to translate you stuff, or just hire a translator that follows you

>> No.8085606

there is a good reason for this

>Update from America, I know some people on the big rules committee for Alliance, and they've finally realized it's racist and they're replacing the race completely with an entirely different race in the next rules update.
that's like completely missing the point. Having gypsies or black people or asians or whatever in your game isn't racist until you make it racist.
What will be next? People won't be allowed to play dwarfs because it hurts the feelings of midgets?

>> No.8085764

Oh well, I can butcher the German language well enough to get the message across. When I can cough up the cash to pay for a tent, camp equipment, entry, and an outfit better than my current mediocre one (which won't be for some time), I'll see if I can assemble a small group. A good portion of Dutchies speaks German, after all.

>> No.8085892

I decent cloth will be enough, not everyone is exceptional there. Tent and camp equipment could be brought there but you will be put at the border where less people see it.
And you can always join to existing groups

>> No.8086091

I think you're missing the point...

>> No.8086383

I think it's better to remove the in game race entirely rather than worry about making sure everyone plays the race appropriately.

On the topic of dwarves, you could argue that the fantasy race of dwarf to midgets would be kinda like if they kept the fantasy gypsy race and just called them wanderers- if they had called them wanderers from the start, there wouldn't be this issue, but they've gone too far in and they can't get back out.

Every dwarf in my game is over 6 feet tall, strangely enough... Like seriously, the race should be like, half giant or something.

But America is also the country where some games make their drow/dark elves wear purple paint instead of black because of blackfacing.

Yeah... we have a really weird relationship with racism here.

>> No.8086391

Wow, sounds like they're all a bunch of overthinking bitches

>> No.8086414
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>> No.8086437

Are there any good egyptian larp pictures out there?

>> No.8086554
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Hey guys, I want to get back into fighting (used to do Dagorhir, now I'll pretty much take anything I can get), so I'm going to be making some mail armor. I'm a little undecided on what gauge to use though. I was planning on doing stainless steel, 5/16" ID, 16g SWG. Will this be fine for armor, or will it be too thick? I heard a while back that if your rings are too thick, the armor becomes stiff.
Also, any tips or recommendations on metal/ID/gauge is appreciated.

>> No.8086902

So could I use drachenfest as crash course in vulgar German?

>> No.8086917

The issue isn't them using a race of wanderers with a culture that is heavily reminiscent of romanticized gypsy culture. It's that they outright used the word "gypsy" - which is evidently a racial slur.

>> No.8086951



I'd let that army press gang me.

>> No.8086969


Portraying gypsies is no more racist or blackface than portraying Persians, Greeks, Phoenicians, Celts, Gauls, Picts, Germans, Normans, Burgundians or Franks.

Portraying a racial caricature thereof is.

>> No.8086987


>> No.8086988

You would too if you had to deal with them daily

>> No.8086992

"gypsy" is not a race.

>> No.8086995


That and making them a seperate race with Kender/Halfling stats and traits.

>> No.8086998

It's a slur for Roma, so it kind of is.

>> No.8086999

It's an ethnicity mate. By gypsy people mean Roma, not knackers/travellers

>> No.8087003


Semantics and pedantics.

>> No.8087019


I think you'll find none of the cultures mentioned here >>8086969 are a race.

>> No.8087031

But you guys, correct me if I'm wrong, but 'gypsy' is a term used for specifically cultures of people that aren't a part of a country. For Europeans that's Romas but a bunch of other places have their own gypsies.

Side story, my friend was given a cursed ring by a Roma that caused him a multitude of travel problems. He didn't offer her enough money and she forced him to take it, she spat a whole lot apparently. He tried to unload it on a different blind woman in another part of the city but she kept sliding the cup away before he could drop it in. He buried it in a field out in the middle of nowhere and suddenly his luck turned and he was able to make it out of the country.

>> No.8087033

Generally speaking yes, but there are different flavors of 'white' and if you were to list them as different races, that's probably what you use.

>> No.8087034

You're wrong.

>> No.8087039

>but 'gypsy' is a term used for specifically cultures of people that aren't a part of a country

pretty much this.

the term gypsy was initially used to describe romas but then its meaning changed to describe any unwanted foreigner migrants that couldn't gain citizen status, basically to describe homeless foreigners/vagabonds etc.

>> No.8087045

Terms like "caucasian" "asian" and "black" are only races since black people in the US have no idea what african country they're from. Up until recently(WW2) those terms were rarely used since most peoples of different countries hate eachother, even within their 'race'.

Try telling east asians indians are asian as well, they'll spit in your face.

>> No.8087051

The terms these days for race are so broad that it's pretty much:
>so are ya yelluh, mocha, shitskin, hispanic or mormal?

>> No.8087054


There might be truth of that. Our language calls the Roma "Roma gypsies", specifically. And yes, that is the politically correct term, for us.

>> No.8087076

care to explain?

playing a race appropriately means you don't play it for the "lulz" in a shit tier way. Which is pretty easy to make sure of.
But I chalk this up to the US culture, I think we will never understand each other in this subject

>> No.8087080

Yes and no. It originally only referred to the supposedly Egyptian origins of the Roma and their subcultures (Sinti, Kalé, Gitanos, Manouches etc), but started getting applied to culturally very similar peoples in India (which in fact were thought to be other Roma branches back then).

>> No.8087087

yes, especially if you wander around the Landsknecht camp. Or the Orc camp. Or just be really loud around other camps at 5 am

around here that's the offical name for them, like there is even a "gypsy council" thing in the government.

if we go by the popular joke then they are kinda...

>> No.8087091

American Larpfag here, am I even allowed to comment on this ?

>> No.8087094

you already did

>> No.8087261

So I have been invited to some sort of Amtgard meeting (in Washington, if it matters) by a friend. It's my first LARP experience, but apparently they said they'll show me the ropes.

From what Google shows me there seems to be a lot of noddle-swords. What am I getting myself into?

>> No.8087264

Shoo shoo sjw goblin

>> No.8087265

into a battle-game, not a larp. people in amtgard always try to argue about that, but basically roleplay and stuff like that is not a must have.
And yes, you will see a lot of dickswords, among other things. May or may not a bunch of people telling you that what they are doing is full contact

>> No.8087268

Should I be avoiding Amtgard as if I would be role-playing avoiding the plague? Dick-swords do not exactly appeal to me.

I have been thinking of hitting up the local HEMA chapter around here (if I ever manage to find out who they are) as that seemed to be a neat way to actually find people who larp/hit people with metal objects.

>> No.8087272

depends. Do you enjoy fighting with foam swords? If yes then Amtgard is for you. If you look for roleplaying or not just for fighting, then amtgard is probably not for you.

>> No.8087357
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I guys what's going on on this thread? did i miss someth...




>> No.8087366

don't act surprised. Or disgusted. At least we don't try to sexing up fauns...

>> No.8087396

how to make larp costumes on a budget:

>> No.8087415


>> No.8087423

You mean again.

>> No.8087430


>> No.8087435

But when?!

>> No.8087450

you mean when will be the next time or when was the last time?

>> No.8087451

Whichever, I'm not picky

>> No.8087455

then I think in a few hours when either Frenedian or Gropey starts posting

>> No.8087461

Wonderful. I'll just leave this on auto update.

>> No.8087657
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I dont even like faun that much

>> No.8087850

Can someone explain the whole faun thing?

>> No.8087868
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I'm not even sure myself.

Gropey posted faun pictures back in the days and some threads became very faun centric.

He said he hunted fauns in the woods for various flesh related pleasures.
Leading to the idea of his possible Larp , Lost Stories and Dark Tales.

Then i started posting pictures of wiminz i know who dressed up as faun just to laugh.
but then i realised that this faun thing was much bigger than expected.

And that faun thing became bigger for whatever reason. almost all thread ended up being about fauns.

it's kinda like the CRT , we just dont talk about it anymore.

>> No.8087869

I have no idea, but well made faun/satyr costumes are my fetish.

>> No.8087874
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Enjoy then

Mimes are my fetish ... so whatever suits you

>> No.8087883

>doing the stupid finger thing tumblr likes so much.
Oh god anon, you've invited SATAN into this thread.

>> No.8087894
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Now if only I could get in on one of those mythical faun hunts. I would want for nothing else.

>> No.8087933

Since I'm Greek I feel as if I should in some way make satyr/faun friends. Who knows maybe there are some at my local larp(most likely not)

>> No.8087935

Ask Gropey, I suppose?

>> No.8087936

Being friends with a satyr implies that you're a massive hedonist.

>> No.8087940

The heathen hedonist..... Nice

>> No.8088087

I kind of want to post pics from when Gropey hunted me.

Then I remembered this is 4chan, and people would mastrubate to it, and /cgl/ where they would judge my costume.


>> No.8088111

And don't forget that the most furious masturbation would happen when someone realizes that judging costumes is their fetish.

Also, I just gave a shitton of money to a foundation which handles various tourist houses, so the venue for next weekend's larp is completely arranged now. Although I still cannot wrap my head around their policy of "we won't do anything about your renting contract until one month before the event, we don't care that this means shit has to be arranged one week before the event or that you gave us every info we needed four months before"

>> No.8088151

yeah but you try to sexing up everything.

>> No.8088163
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I'm a big fan of puting my penis inside everything that look pretty.

>> No.8088185

I agree

>> No.8088216

>Then I remembered this is 4chan, and people would mastrubate to it, and /cgl/ where they would judge my costume.
I just want to remind you that on 4chan people open about it, everywhere else on the internet people would still masturbate to your pics. They just won't say it (mostly because it's obvious. I mean duh, internet)

>> No.8088247

I wouldn't have a problem with that if you wouldn't remind us about this all the time

>> No.8088447

HEMAfag from earlier threads here, Pacific Northwest best northwest.
It's a 'full contact' battle game. Some people dress up for it, the operative word there being 'some.' It's full contact in the sense that you don't get into Allinace/DR-style number-shouting tapfights, but a lot of it is just dudes in teeshirts with horribly balanced dickswords just kinda... snapping their weapons at each other, if that makes any sense. It actually sacred me back to trying regular LARPs because the tryhard attitude with the complete lack of theme or character just came off as weird.

Also, why the fuck to people in LARPs keep holding their swords by or directly in front of the pommel? It makes no sense.

>> No.8088493

Will you tell us about it then? Storytime!

did you fuck?

>> No.8088500

>by or directly in front of the pommel?
Wat. I've never seen that before. I've seen the dumb reverse handhold that some people do when duel-wielding, but pommel holding is new to me.
...Is it to get around weapon length restrictions, perhaps?
Also most ampguard people I've met have been total assholes (with a few notable exceptions).

>> No.8088508

Its to get the absolutely most range with the sword. I'm pretty sure it's also to look like the absolute biggest fag you can.

>> No.8088512
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>> No.8088517

Near as I can tell most American LARPs measure the entire weapon from pommel to point. I think it's to eke a little more range out of your sword, but you sacrifice a LOT of control, recovery time, etc in the process. I saw it a lot at Amtgard, with a kind of snapping motion using the whole arm, like you're trying to flick water off of your weapon instead of cut with it.

>> No.8088521

I had those same goggles

>> No.8088569

quick google fu brought me this. Guy in the brigandine on the left is holding both of his swords just above the pommel.

Gotta admit I like that knit flail on the right though.

>> No.8088572
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I'm mentally deficient and have no idea when I've actually posted a picture, evidently.

>> No.8088578

that flail is pretty keen

>> No.8088580

AH! the infamous FaGrip™
(not an actual term)

people use it because they think it gives them more reach.

But with a good grip and a Cheaterbeater™
(also not a real term)
A heavy sword that hurt like hell where you just smash this FaGrip™ and it flies out of their hands.

After that you just need to deliver some sweet anger on the enemy's head

>> No.8088619

My first sword was a huge brick of duct tape dick sword that I made myself, and the game was a touch game, not big contact. For some reason, even though it was a bullshit sword, it still passed weapons inspection. Thing was 5 times as heavy as a typical dick sword. By the end of the game NPCs were literally shying away from me as I used two hands to swing this gigantic, ridiculous bullshit weapon.

Good times.

>> No.8088624
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1- post more story i like that
2- please tell me you have pics
3- get a trip, we encourage tripfaging in these thread for various reasons (mostly localisation)

>> No.8088666

This is my favorite thing to hear. I haven't been to many LARP events yet, but evidently most organizers out here are still pretty biased against latex weapons. This can lead to some hilarious situations where people can just walk around with 9-10 lb swords with the balance point all the way out near the tip just because they're dickswords.

>> No.8088718

is he fishing in a puddle?

>> No.8088725

I'll pass on tripfagging, but I'll namefag if it's acceptable here. Tarantula Larpsocks, the girl with the creepy mask.

I'll post a few embarassing stories from the beginning of my LARP times.
Okay, so, my very first character, since it was my very first game, was a typical teenage gril character created for me by the person who I was dating at the time, very 2 dimensional, very dull, boringly sexy. I years later found out that some of the other players had nicknamed me 'Socks' because the only thing that distinguished me from anyone else was that I wore colorful socks.
Thankfully, nobody really remembers that anymore. The years wash the shame away.

My gigantic dick sword stayed with me for all of two weekend games, but it was so heavy that I couldn't swing it very quickly. I used foam rubber for the shaft instead of a pool noodle like they usually use for dick swords, and it added a lot to the weight. As a result, it looked from the point of view of someone I wasn't attacking as if I was the crappest fighter that ever crapped.

So a nice experienced player took me aside, and tried to train me to fight better. We go a few rounds, and I'm still swinging super slowly. He finally tells me to give him my sword because I'm clearly not worthy of it yet. I hand it over, and he nearly drops it because he wasn't expecting it to be so heavy. He let me borrow one of his swords after that, and I held my own quite nicely. I got a cheap, slightly better sword by the next event.

I sadly don't have any photos of the thing, I got rid of all the photos of the character + sword as I could- she was really cringe inducing.

I have other, less me-centric stories if anyone wants them.

This thing was like 20 pounds. It was the biggest, blackest dick sword around.

>> No.8088727

and neglected to name myself. I'm still not used to the new reply layout.

>> No.8088736

Tarantula Larpsocks, the girl with the creepy mask.

The tarentula mask?...please post it so my roomate can see it, she hate spiders

ps: its creepy as fuck

>> No.8088739

post more

>> No.8088769 [DELETED] 

Good that you got rid of it: no matter how cushioned it may have been, that's still a 20 lb baton you would have been swinging around. If you had managed to smack a dude in the head you could have caused permanent spinal damage. Possibly. Enough for a lawsuit in 'murica.

For reference, the heaviest training montante I've ever used was about 5 lbs. That's heavy for a sword.

>> No.8088812

Tbh the fagrip tends to fuck itself up. Last I was at amtgard I faked a guy out and gave his sword arm a nice tap with my boffer's short edge and it jarred his grip to the point that his weapon kinda just popped out of his hand.

Keep your hands near the cross, people; Leverage counts for a lot.

>> No.8088878
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>A huugggee battle happens
>Most of the battle is inside our tavern building
>The rear flank is on the deck outside the tavern, fighting against monsters that snuck around.
>We get our asses kicked out on the deck
>We're all lying on the ground, splayed out, clearly dying.
>Important note, when dying in this game you cannot make any sound, and you count. At a certain count without being healed, you die for reals.
>We're all waiting for death
>Suddenly the back door is kicked open
>A knight comes running out
>We're all lying there dying, not making a noise, sprawled over railings and lying on the ground
>He runs back inside
>He doesn't come back out
He legitimately thought everyone was fine because no one responded, but no one responded because we were all dying. He still cringes every time he hears the story.
Second story:
>Be playing my Tarantula
>It's the final battle of a long campaign, and the fight has been going on for 4 or 5 hours
>All 50 or so players are surrounded on top of a mountain at 2AM by undead, which keep coming at us in waves
>I'm low level, I've used all my arrows, and had both my swords 'shattered.'
>All I have is a set of three throwing daggers, which do a pittance of damage each, and I have to run and find them again after throwing them.
>Trying to get my daggers back when an undead corners me. I'm closed in on both sides, and he'd get me in the back if I turned and ran
>No other option, so I hunker down, flip my backpack of extra legs up, bear my giant fangs, and hiss/roar at the NPC and start running right at him.
>NPC turns blanches, turns, jumps over a table, and runs the fuck away from me
>Amazed to even be alive

Here you go. It's sadly the only photo I have of the character, even though I've been playing her for 4 years. I'm hoping that will change after the next event.

>> No.8088881

And this is alliance? I may be more excited about the event next month, then. All this sounds awesome.

>> No.8088905

Would you happen to know any HEMA groups near Seattle or Renton? I'd love to drop in and maybe get into it.

>> No.8088935

Yep, it's Alliance. Like I said in the last thread though, I've never been outside my home chapter. What's the chapter you're going to? I probably have heard things about it.

>> No.8088948

>No other option, so I hunker down, flip my backpack of extra legs up, bear my giant fangs, and hiss/roar at the NPC and start running right at him.

>> No.8088964
File: 930 KB, 2288x1712, 1329511612113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, why the fuck to people in LARPs keep holding their swords by or directly in front of the pommel? It makes no sense.
makes total sense if you just have to tap the other guy. Then you want as much reach as you can get, especially if you are not allowed to use certain kind of weapons.
Let's say you can only use one handed swords because you have the in game skill for only that weapon. And let's say the rules state the one handed sword's maximum length is 1 meter all in all. Also let's say that because of "safety" issues you have to make your sword as light as possible and in lightly touching the other guy (or at least you don't need a clear hit) counts as a hit. And if they smack the weapon out of your hand then they aren't fighting "safely".
Then BAM you just want to hold your sword at the pommel and have as much reach as possible

on pic the guy on the right shows as this technique

>> No.8088983


/fit/ pls

>> No.8088989

Nah, I'm a portlandfag. Hema groups are wierd in that once you find one, you tend to find them all; once you find someone who's willing to tolerate you swinging a sword at them you tend to stick together. I know there's a big HEMA/WMA gathering up in Washington that a lot of people attend. Going there could make you some friends in the community. Also google, but just be vigilant: many HEMA groups only have facebook/forum pages or rudimentary websites. We're still a nascent community and individual groups are a little hard to track down wihout inside help. For example: I just found out last month that There's a Lichtenaur group in the community center a few blocks from my apartment.

Oregon chapter, but Seattle has it's own as well, so I may just check that one out too.

>> No.8089001


I've seen the reverse handhold with a sword used well in defense though. This one guy just had it lining up with his forearm as a makeshift shield constantly, then whipped it the right way up when a cheap shot presented itself.

It's unrealistic faggotry and historical bullshit, but eh. Apparently it was accepted.

>> No.8089019

I've heard good things about the Oregon group, but apparently the Seattle game is excellent. A lot of our players drive north to it frequently. I was hoping on joining the caravan up there soon, so if you keep playing I may see you around.

>> No.8089027

Not quite, actually. A regular sparring partner of mine has a lot of history in eastern martial arts and uses reverse grip damn effectively. It's even what you're supposed to do for European dagger drills because it allows for harder, faster thrusts and easy transitions to grappling. It's just a little useless in the way that most people LARP fight because they try to do hacking cuts with that form, which is not at all a natural motion. If you can make it work for you it's fine, but be aware that you're generally better off parrying from a sabre or a hammer grip.

No, swinging from the pommel actually deceases the amount of control over your blade, seeing as you're moving your hand further away from the point of balance. In the context of safety, it means that you'll be more likely to hit harder with less control over accuracy to boot. In the context of swordfighting, it means that you're going to take more time to recover after a displaced swing/thrust. because you control over the sword's tip is impaired.

>> No.8089031 [DELETED] 

look for a nervous-looking peasant conscript.
it may be a while before I can actually get up there though: school/work is gonna be a little prohibitive for the next few months

>> No.8089033

It may have to be during the summer due to class and work, but I'd love to head up there.

>> No.8089093

>No, swinging from the pommel actually deceases the amount of control over your blade, seeing as you're moving your hand further away from the point of balance. In the context of safety, it means that you'll be more likely to hit harder with less control over accuracy to boot. In the context of swordfighting, it means that you're going to take more time to recover after a displaced swing/thrust. because you control over the sword's tip is impaired.
yes, but tell this to the PRO larpers. I mean when nobody can fight and do a proper counter attack then having a bigger reach will be more of an advantage than the loss of control, which you didn't had to begin with because fucking swords how do they work?

>> No.8089100

I see your point.

>> No.8089106

>I sadly don't have any photos of the thing, I got rid of all the photos of the character + sword as I could- she was really cringe inducing.
But if you delete all the bad pics about you how can you later show others how far you went?
I mean it's always good to look back and actually compare pics and see the improvement from year to year

>> No.8089369

I've seen that pic before. Like this week

>> No.8089442

there is so much wrong in this pic, but it is also my new wallpaper

>> No.8089450

One of my exes used to larp, I think it was "realms" as she called it. I didn't know until she was hauling what looked like a pair of gogo boots covered in fur and some other revealing fur covered bits from the trunk of her car in preparation for packing for a con.

>> No.8089452

You can at least tell what they were trying for...

>> No.8089466

trust me, you can't tell. You have ideas but they are wrong

>> No.8089469

Fair enough

>> No.8089476
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and talking about so much wrong pics

>> No.8090079

>No other option, so I hunker down, flip my backpack of extra legs up, bear my giant fangs, and hiss/roar at the NPC and start running right at him.
>NPC turns blanches, turns, jumps over a table, and runs the fuck away from me
I love it.

I also love your kit, do hope we get more pictures of it in the future.

>> No.8090270
File: 395 KB, 1024x1539, Bethany-Hawke-Cosplay-Dragon-Age-II-by-atsukine_chan-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, tonight might be a good night for me to start drinking and dreaming about a Dragon Age Larp ;_;

>> No.8090300

>Mages casting by performing sick staff tricks.
might actually inspire me to play a caster.

>> No.8090345
File: 95 KB, 786x442, disciples-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wonder what a Darkspawn faction would be like. Some nifty costume opportunities.

>> No.8090530

Heard there is a Canadian in this thread! you know of any larps in the GTA? Close to Hamilton, preferably?

>> No.8090705

Also Canadian, also Hamilton area. I originally posted in the /tg/ thread

>> No.8090773
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>> No.8090803

wow, does thou pillage?

>> No.8091029
File: 1.02 MB, 2240x1344, 20150130_204303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, I spent an evening sorting out the various coins and gems we use in the larp I organize. I really need to invest in some more sorting-friendly boxes though, it would be nicer if I could also sort the coins by their in-game nation of origin.

>> No.8091031

Also also, only I can fuck up typing my name correctly.

>> No.8091052
File: 1.12 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG1824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys. College student here.
Thinking about starting a LARP club at my university.
I've never played before....

Can someone take me under their wing, or give me a shove in the right direction??

I just have the overwhelming desire to hit people with foam weapons within reason.

>> No.8091063

Ah, just looked through the thread and found these. I'll start here.

>> No.8091064

Ever wonder if we should have a sticky for some of the commonly asked questions?

>> No.8091227

I've constantly thinking about it. Probably I will do some infopraghics a few weeks later when I have less stuff to do

>> No.8091310

Are there any groups in Sydney? I know there's some vague uni reenactor stuff and that one hema group, but otherwise I haven't seen any.

>> No.8091365
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Kinda late but. yeah , i live in Canada

>> No.8091367

Does anyone know of a place I could buy a Grim Reaper style robe? Something that completely covers you and you can sink into. Most robes tend to be quite small in my experience.

>> No.8091825

>Get a black snuggie
>Sew it up the back

>> No.8091919

Sounds like something that wouldn't be too hard to make yourself, actually. And since it's allowed to be ragged, you don't even have to worry about exact measurements as you can just cut up the edges.

>> No.8092050

Rather annoyed that my LARP season has been delayed by work. Missing the first 40K Rogue Trader event due to someone else having booked it off, and missing Empire event 1 this year due to it being during embargoed dates for time off. Not going to get to LARP till end of May. I am rather saddened by this.

>> No.8092068
File: 322 KB, 770x1188, amtgard1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TFW the US larps are shite.

>> No.8092072

40k larp?

>> No.8092075
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>> No.8092077
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Yep, that's a thing.

>> No.8092082

my dick is heresy right now

>> No.8092085
File: 128 KB, 600x975, 5434913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the skies!

>> No.8092095

I actually plan to make a 40k larp here too. Although it would be solely played in a ship and the players would have to navigate it and stuff like that. Basically I'm stealing the idea from voidship concordia

>> No.8092098

will artemis bridge simulator be integrated?

>> No.8092107

nope, we will make our own program for it as we have different needs

>> No.8092109

Yarp, but ours is a Rogue Trader game, so much exploration, negotiating with Xenos and swashbuckling. Or in my case, dual wielding pistols as some sort of space-cowboy.

>> No.8092333

I dunno it wasn't what I was expecting based on what I've heard about European LARPs, but I feel like larping over here is still pretty fun.
Different niches, maybe.

>> No.8092514
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>> No.8092854
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Tried blackening the plates with linseed oil. I'm happy. Thoughts?

>> No.8092907

Found out yesterday that there is actually a local chapter of amtguard and sca.

Which should I try first?

>> No.8092935
File: 80 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mrxacv5g9h1s6h1wgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she from the uk? she looks really familiar. The outfit is cool though its shame that the cheap corset ruins the whole costume for me

>> No.8092937

Whatever floats your boat, really. SCA's more on the LARP side of the spectrum, what with people walking around in period clothing and having historical personas, but it's really more of a blend of LARP and reenactment.
Also they do live steel fighting/tournaments.

Amtguard's a battle game, not a LARP, but that's a loose distinction at best. You get to dress up in costume if you want, but mind you >>8088964
are fairly standard apparel for Amtgard. Dickswords are mandatory.

>> No.8092955

I guess I'll lean towards the SCA then...
Anyone know about the shire of vulpine reach of Meridies (the local sca chapter for me) From the site, the seam to be archery focused.

>> No.8092972
File: 770 KB, 2502x2002, img_4559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends. Are you interested in historical interpretation/costuming/research? Armored combat with rattan weapons? Both combat and target archery? Brewing, dancing, pageantry, bardic arts?

These are some of the things that the sca does. It isn't a larp though, we don't role play.

Are you interested in d&d style combat with fantasy inspired elements. Combat with foam batons and limited (no?) Armor requirements? Then amtguard is your game.

If the answer is " I want to hit things and fight ". Then the deciding factor is likely how much money you want to spend to start up. Sca armor requirement's can make it expensive.

That said there is alot to do that isn't combat and quite a few groups have loaner gear. And quite a few people do both sca and amtguard.

That said I will admit to an sca bias as that is what I do. Noncombatant though.

>> No.8092997

16 gauge is about the minimum I'd use for armor that will actually protect you. If it's chainmail, you won't have any issues with it getting stiff even at 14 gauge.

>> No.8093007

Never go to SCA. Never ever.

>> No.8093039

I'd prefer leaning towards more realistic armor.
Since you are apparently in the sca, could you answer the question here? >>8092955

>> No.8093048

Does anybody at your LARPs have a scythe? How cringey is it?

>> No.8093058

SCA simply isn't what most fantasy LARPers want out of an event. I mean it when I say that SCA carries the air of a renaissance fair more than a roleplaying event. Also you get a lot of people who take themselves (and combat) very seriously and it can be a huge turnoff for the uninitiated.

You wanna stand around with a bunch of dudes in tunics and poke other dudes with foam sticks? LARP/Amtgard. You want to spend considerable amounts of cash and time on period costume and rattan singlesticks? SCA.

or you could completely give up the idea of ever having money again and take up HEMA

>> No.8093064

I'm in the middle of re-modeling and re-casting my mask (I do a full costume redo every 2 years, as my character 'molts' her skin), but my latex is a lot thicker going into my mold this time than last time.
...It means I'm not going to have to slush as many layers, and it's staying in it's spots instead of pooling at the bottom of the mold, but it's making me nervous.

Nope. That would be a ridiculously dumb weapon.
...Though, come to think of it, this would be a fun sight
>Peasants get tired of adventurers breaking their shit
>A dozen NPCs in ragged homespun charging with pitchforks and scythes

>> No.8093076

If you want roleplaying, you do larp. If you want fighting, you do hema.

>> No.8093079
File: 1.87 MB, 736x1780, paulus hector mair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yes peasant uprising!

>> No.8093088

You mean like a warscythe? or are you talking about the whole grim reaper/peasant farmer harvesting implement?

y'know I don't think we actually have that kind of freedom in polearm development over here. Pretty sure we just get foam tubes on sticks.

>> No.8093098
File: 94 KB, 900x582, scythemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit which one. I know warscythe is the most practical one, but the Grim Reaper will always have a special place in my heart.

Also, scythes are just cool. Not the edgy ones though, just good old farm tools.

>> No.8093131

I'm having a hard time finding a larp group in my state that isn't amtguard. I may just not be good at finding it.
Is it realistic to try and just travel out of state to a large event once a year or should I just give up?

>> No.8093182

we had a guy once who brought a scythe for fun. It was awful

>> No.8093185

>Is it realistic to try and just travel out of state to a large event once a year or should I just give up?
in europe a lot of people travel to other countries for bigger larps.
You should decide if the larp worths the money and time to travel a lot

>> No.8093186

What happened?

>> No.8093188
File: 122 KB, 648x486, kazsa_kicsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just awful and unusable, mostly because it was too heavy. But it was kind of quickly realized how shit it was so the guy didn't brought it to other games, with the exception of a few trainings for giggles and shit.

>> No.8093191

Yeah, foam scythes tend to be terrible. I've seen some good ones though.

Honestly I'm still trying to get my hands on a real scythe.

>> No.8093195


>> No.8093204

you might be missed the part where I said it was shit

>> No.8093211
File: 540 KB, 1000x917, beautiful tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be a lot easier to use if there were grips on it. It wouldn't seem so heavy.

>> No.8093217

it was still over 10 kg

>> No.8093560
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>> No.8093660
File: 174 KB, 858x536, 1485manatarms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure and any other questions if I can. Gropes is our resident sca combat expert if he shows up.

So it looks like the site is kind confusingly laid out. The shire's next big event is archery focused (silver star) but they do have heavy weapons practice every Sunday (except the 14th as that is when said event is).

They have a facebook group so that is a good place to start.

>> No.8093842

In Europe, some countries are smaller than many U.S. states.

>> No.8093856

and? Drachenfest for example is still more than 1000 km travel and I did that twice in the last two years

>> No.8093867
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>> No.8093893

Lol your fucking retarded.

Sca is more re-enactment. Amtgard is a fucking larp. its not a battle game at all. its just filled with autistic babies who are either
A.) Morbidly obese and dont like good garb
B.) too much of a pussy to play Dagorhir/belegarth, SCA, etc etc
C.) Has to have superlight fairytap weapons
D.) All of the above.

Amtgard is the least ammount of battle game out of them all.

>> No.8093896

yeah, i travel out of state a good 3-4 times a year for events. sometimes over 20 hour car rides.

its much cheaper if you carpool
The lack of riveted chain bothers me...

>> No.8093904
File: 105 KB, 608x608, 375719_10150960216248494_1635275451_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some

>> No.8094085

>The lack of riveted chain bothers me...
I know that feeling, at my local larp I'm the only one to have ever heard of riveted chain.

>> No.8094093
File: 89 KB, 1024x640, the-hobbit-the-battle-of-the-five-armies-screenshot-kili-aidan-turner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think im going to take my Chain hauberk and line it in leather like This nice Dwarf here. I think it looks spectacular.

>> No.8094371

Personally I don't like the idea of the open front coat, but whatever floats your boat.

>> No.8094847
File: 3.94 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_0965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mask came out of the mold successfully. I'll be painting it, trimming it, furring it, and adding fangs to the bottom of the mandibles.

My goal is to be so spidery this year my arachnophobic knight knights me immediately so he doesn't have to look at me anymore.

>> No.8094892

I got aracniphobia from the first picture

>> No.8095066

I hate you so much...but at the same time i still wanna see it.

It's creepy as fuck ...and i like it

>> No.8095389


>Rule of Cool armament in the Hobbit

Just one more disappointment in that movie.

>> No.8095392

Hey guys, so I hear plate used to be covered in glued on velvet or felt or something of the kind to show off heraldry without wearing tabards.

Is this true? And if so, how would one go about it?

>> No.8095410
File: 158 KB, 645x600, Can_we_be_friends-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never heard anything like that and never seen any source like that. And I've seen a fuckton of pics. Maybe if you be more specific as in what era and place?

Why not make it so spidery that they run away screaming like little girls?

>> No.8095418


Not gonna lie, it may well have been bullshit on the teller's part. Probably was, but it seemed like a cool concept.

>> No.8095423

well, tabards and livery coats and stuff like that were used for showing the heraldry. Or you can just paint the armor.
Maybe someone did glued velvet or something on their armor but if that happened that was probably a rare case and most likely it would be just for show and never brought it to a battle

>> No.8095631
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Morning, thread.

>> No.8095707

Anyone have that picture of the ridiculous triple boffer scythe floating around? I need a laugh.

>> No.8095710
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>> No.8095714
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>> No.8096007
File: 17 KB, 226x520, corrizina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he is referring to the fancier styles of brigandine. Some of the Italian versions had a covering of velvet and were done in a pseudo Roman/ Greek style. It's called something something antiquity. One of gropes favorite armor styles

I don't know of heraldric decorations on them. Not unimaginable though.

>> No.8096055

In modo antiquo, if I remember correctly.

>> No.8096145

yeah but that's brigandine not plate, totally different thing

>> No.8096359
File: 143 KB, 1017x1024, heroic-armour1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In modo antiquo
Thankyou for remembering for me.

Yeah I'm not an armor expert by any means. Might have been what anon was looking for though.

I think I mostly remembered it because it is just so very pretty and damn sexy.

>> No.8096507

>being surprised about rule of cool.


>> No.8096510

It's honestly the only rule that matters

>> No.8096515

Never heard of it but nobles were all flamboyant fuckers so it's possible. If you want to recreate it you could probably buy some cheap felt and just glue it to your armor.

>> No.8096551

So, I want to get some metal armour (just decorative, only for larp) but I also don't exactly have a lot of disposable income. Mytholon seems nice and cheap, but I've heard some bad stories about their gear. Exactly how bad is it? I'm looking at a gambeson, chainmail, metal greaves and a metal helmet.

>> No.8096612

Mytholon chainmail is absolute shit tier because it will develop holes that need to be constantly fixed real quick. For chainmail I'd really recommend looking at something else.
Their plate and gambesons aren't exactly good either but they'll at least last a little and if you need something cheap (and live in a country where you can't exactly go to the next blacksmith), it'll do.

In general though, as far as arms and armour are concerned, if you know you're into the hobby for the long haul, go the extra mile and get something a little more expensive because it will last you a lot longer.

>> No.8096613

Not even once. They manage to ruin everything they touch.

>> No.8096638
File: 177 KB, 400x225, 400px-Mami_rifle_ep2_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Event wasn't a named one, but I hope to get the photos developed soon.

anyhow, if any of you have chivalry/have watched madoka magica, you'll get this.

Long story short: me and 7 of my pals all kitted up with agatha knight gear (blunted swords and all) and were pared up defend 3 or 4 of these musket wielding girls who were dressed up like mami (no drill hair though, just regular hair) from madoka magica while they took pot shots with rubber balls at the other team who were a rather large group varangian guardsmen.

It was fucking glorious.
So. fucking. glorious.

For people who aren't familiar with the show, pic related

>> No.8096651

gambesons are usually hard to fuck up if you buy the right size, although you might get it cheaper from a random eastern european vendor if you google enough.

Chainmail... well if you short on money but have a fuckton of time you might as well make it yourself. Although you might hate me later for this advice

metal greaves... why do you want them? I mean greaves are among the least important parts of the armor and for a reason. Also it's hard to find good greaves for cheap and you certanly won't find them at mytholon, just ill matching ones.

Helmets... well as it won't need to withsand anything harsh on a larp you can buy it from there although again the size might not right but with enough padding you can deal with it.

>> No.8096660

NEVER skimp on chain. It's the part of your armor that has the most points of failure, and any breaks can make themselves worse. I've heard it likened to steel panthhose. Do yourself a favor and save up for some quality stuff.

>> No.8096675
File: 934 KB, 2048x1365, P6213763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will need those photos

honestly chain is way more easier to adjust and even if it's missing a few links it's kind of functional without looking bad.
Even if it's too large with a few belts you can adjust it. Granted it won't be comfortable but that's a default for chainmail. Although you can get used to it, I even slept in one (and probably will do it this weekend for a few reasons)

>> No.8096697

in my admittedly limited experience, good chain works just fine if it gets roughed up a little, but cheap stuff will need to be fixed often or it runs the risk of quickly getting worse. In my short time mucking around with my brother at SCA I managed to burn through some cheap chain I got off of KOA in the space of a few months.

oh and if you're not too concerned about historical legitimacy, sporting gambeson work really well. They tend to be more durable and breathable to boot.

>> No.8096705

yeah but you can repair it just as cheaply with a few links. And generally in a larp it won't take too much abusing. Just don't by aluminium chainmails. Those while overall lighter don't hold their own weight too well. Same if the links are made from thinner wire

>> No.8096770

>implying Everything has to be metagame efficient. Its a fucking larp, The armor you wear, while it may be "historically accurate" isnt meant to save your life save Botn or Acl or SCA. Plus half the fucks in Europoor are wearing cheap shitty quality armor.
Its fantasy, so get over yourself.

>> No.8096774


>> No.8096776

Yeah dont go with any chain that isnt Riveted or Welded. I Fought with some butted chain and i was popping links everywhere, was really annoying. Ive got myself a Riveted Hauberk and its pretty nice. Fought in it 5 times(hard) and havent split a single ring.

>> No.8096779

Fucker insulted the tolkien. Hes basicly the reason larps exsist.

>> No.8096791

by saying rule of cool is good?

>> No.8096822

He said rule of cool is bad.

>> No.8096858

>It's honestly the only rule that matters
No, I actually think rule of cool is awesome

>> No.8096919

oh my bad. sorry friend.

>> No.8097071

Is it considered bad form to play the same character in multiple, separate larps?

>> No.8097201
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If you go to different Medieval fantasy larp and want to play that particular character in different setting...okay why not.

I personaly try to do as many different character as possible.

Actually i start a larp with a vague idea of what i will do, i start playing with people and interacting so i can get the feel of the 'verse.

There was this woman at a larp i did who always playing the same character...no matter what verse.

Medieval fantasy = I am a MAGICAL phoenix!
Farwest paranormal = I am a MYSTICAL phoenix
Science fiction = I am a ALIEN phoenix
World of darkness-ish = i am a modern day phoenix!
Real world = i write books and make small budget movies about phoenix

If i remember corretly all my character....hum...

Fantasy in 2003 = Necromancer (oh god why)
Fantasy in 2005 = Dwarf-ish character
Sci-fi in 2006 = officer from a corrupt planet in civil war who did a mutiny onboard one of the best battleship from this planet and stationed it on the space station of another federation where we played ingame in exchange of protection against the government of his home planet (t'was a very political game but a good one)
Farwest in 2007 - I was in the organisator so i did the Saloon owner and served drinks and rumors and such....was pretty fun

Long pause from larp

Bicolline 2011 - Templar Sargeant with an heart of gold...protect the weak and orphan andall that...
Bicolline 2012 - Sargeant became Knight Templar , discover the secret of the order, play the game of power in the ecclesias
Bicolline 2013 - same Knight Templar but with a lot more power. became a baron and started playing the foeudal game of power
Bicolline 2014 - Knight Templar , We work in the shadows so the believers may live in the ligth, rigth now i am beyond redemption. and i'm loving it.
Post apo 2014 - The Hyenna, a nickname people gave me there, the crazed survivor,too happy about this apocalypse. with either the biggest balls ever or a couple missing fuse in his brain

>> No.8097256

It's mostly a lack of creativity. I've been playing the same the character for a few years now (D&D, skyrim, few other games) and just really like it and haven't been gripped by any other.

>> No.8097275
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most people do.

As long as you enjoy it its okay.

where it become a problem is when you try to be a special snowflake and force your character on everybody at every larp you go (like that phoenix girl who always wanted to be part of the main plotline)

Some people at bico are still playing their character from 20 years ago y'know

>> No.8097429
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So I just got paid and there are so many Larp things I want to buy. Although I don't want to spend all my money I feel as if I will.

>> No.8097466

It's usually okay as long as you don't mix up "memories" of different worlds. I mean, if the type of character you are choosing is not that special, there should be a shitton of those running around. We have this "emergency backup character" pool we use when we need new characters on a larp and totaly out of ideas, the Gravedigging Ltd, which - as we agreed upon - is actually governed by extradimensional forces which arrange the web of fate so every universe will spawn its own version of Gravedigging Ltd, and arranges the dead employees to eventually become gravediggers again after they reincarnate no matter what. Best part: not even our characters know this, all they know is that they are stuck in a shitty job, the fluff we made up doesn't actually affect anyone or anything

>> No.8097643


Rule of cool is pretty awful, though. Manga tier weapons and armour kill even the vaguest sense of heroism.

>> No.8097650

It depends on the definition of cool. I mean, the only problem with the rule of cool is that some people think of quite shitty things as "cool".

>> No.8097653


That's fair, I suppose, it might just be my experience that most "rule of cool" adherents are like the phoenix girl Frenadian was on about.

>> No.8097657

Don't worry, we've all met our fair share of "cool means stuff that makes me win" people.

>> No.8097685
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How does one just jump into larp if I don't have any friends?

Is it expensive?

>> No.8097694

every hobby can be expensive, Laarp can be cheap if you stick to simple cloths and characters.
And you should just find a game and join them, that's all and that's how I did it. Doesn't knew anyone on the larp where I started

>> No.8097704

Also, if the organizers are not major league dickbags, you can usually contact them with your problem of not knowing anyone and they might get you a team which is prepared to help out newbies and provide them with a better first experience. It helps _a lot_ if a team of more experienced players is pulling you into the game instead of trying to figure out alone what to do.

>> No.8097707


If you can make your own clothes (and I'm assuming you can, since you're on /cgl/), it can be pretty cheap.

The most expensive things are period shoes, armour and weaponry. If you're not a fighter, you can scratch those last two to begin with.

If you don't have any friends to join along, go to a larp that seems reputable, and sign on as an NPC.
This lowers the cost, as well, since most organisations provide loaner gear to their NPCs. With any luck, you'll meet people there to tag along to future larps, and either way, you'll learn to get a feel for larping.

>> No.8097713

Period shoes are usually not a complete must on most larps, even the big German events don't require them, although hiding modern shoes under at least some gaiters is a good idea and wearing blatantly bright modern shit is frowned upon.

But to make our job easier - >>8097685, where are you located, on the level of country/state?

>> No.8097716

oh okay sounds accessible enough

so what is it exactly that happens in a larp match? Is it straight just battles between two sets of groups? Like paintball with swords?

oh that sounds like a good idea, do NPCs just do everything that the people fighting aren't doing?

I live in california, close to san diego but closer to orange county .

>> No.8097725

> so what is it exactly that happens in a larp match? Is it straight just battles between two sets of groups? Like paintball with swords?

No, that's a battlegame, those are usually even more accessible than most larps because all you need is a foam bat to start swinging, larping is more about actually playing the role of the character you picked, so we can't really talk about larp matches. So it depends mostly on what do you expect from larping - if you just want to hit people with sticks, there is probably an Amtgard/Dagorhir/Belegarth chapter near you. If you want to immerse yourself in a different world for a while, I can't really give you honestly good recommendations from that region, mostly because of my limited knowledge and the overall perception of the US larping scene.

>> No.8097728

perfect, I'll look into the battlegame thing but eventually I might switch. Thank you for the info

>> No.8097730



Sadly, I'm also on the other side of the pond, so I have no intimate knowledge of larps on your end.
NPCs are the people playing the roles the organisation needs them to. This can range from travelers sharing rumours, to merchants, to nobility, to priests, to the opposing force. They're generally used in larps that focus around story, as they are the people playing out the story as written by the organisation, sort of like a play, whereas the PCs play their own character and attempt to influence the story as they wish.

>> No.8097796 [DELETED] 

First pay your debts.

>> No.8097882
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>How does one just jump into larp if I don't have any friends?
You just do, you'll make friend there.

Larping force you to interact with others using a character and that is most of the time a good way to talk to people you would normaly not to.

Sometimes you'll end up meeting veterans who really want to see you have fun and will lend you stuff *pic related...a bunch of knigths and men at arms gave him all their extra stuff so he could figth on the frontlines...(the kid with the middle finger tabard and the pot helm)*

Only advice i can give is : ''Dont go out with larp woman'' , Dont shit where you eat, i cant count the number of people (man or woman) that had to quit a larp because of a broken relationship.

>Is it expensive?
I'm not gonna lie...yes
But if you have any sort of manual talent... it can eventually get you money.

Also you can also figth without armor by the way.

Grab a bow or a spear and follow a veteran into battle.
Dont forget that armor is there for WHEN you get hit.

>> No.8097938

Awesome, really I have no desire for the spotlight so snowflaking will hopefully be hard lol
>don't mix up "memories" of different worlds
Journals, I'm making a couple up out of duotangs and pleather

>> No.8097949

I meant, if you did something at larp X, and larp Y is clearly set in a different world, it's really bad form to talk about stuff which happened at the other one as if it happened to the character you're playing on the current larp (and while people try to handwave it with the MUH PLANAR TRAVEL explanation way too often, a) these characters usually don't have acces to it b) planar travel might not even exist in that setting)

Worst offenders are those people who - when they manage to gain some special power or authority a larp - try to assert it on some other larp set in a totally different world, and whine when they get refused.

Yes I am mad. But not at you.

>> No.8098054

So don't do that, got ya

>> No.8098120

Depends. If it fits the time period and/or the genre, I generally use one of three characters which are fairly developed. Otherwise I make up a new one and add it to the fictional genealogy I use for all of them.

>> No.8098236

A cheapish way to get into LARP is to help crew/monster a game until you get your kit up to scratch. That way you also get a chance to see if you like it, and get some experience with LARP combat before playing a character.

>> No.8098348

How come greaves are so unimportant? I find that a good portion of blows hit my lower legs. Could just be my shitty fighting style somehow, though.

The main reason I want them is that with a helmet and long-sleeved chainmail, I've got the rest of my body covered. But if they're probably ill-fitting, I'm not taking chances.

So, Mytholon chainmail sucks? That's disappointing, I'll have to look somewhere else then. Does it have to be riveted, or is the standard whatever-you-call-it method fine too? Also, what would be a reasonable price range?

>> No.8098364

I have mytholon chain, not had any problems yet, but then again, only been used in two events so far. I am fully aware it will probably wreck itself eventually, but if it gives me a couple of years I'll be happy.

I do need to get myself some, mainly because in Empire a call of Cleave wrecks a limb it hits, unless it's covered by medium/heavy armour. And guess what is not currently covered.

>> No.8098369

Assuming they still exist, the Zeughaus used to sell fairly decent and reasonobly-priced maille. ~100€ if you're willing to wear spring steel or ~200€ if not.

>> No.8098745

>How come greaves are so unimportant? I find that a good portion of blows hit my lower legs. Could just be my shitty fighting style somehow, though.

Greaves are the most cumbersome and if you have anything two handed you can defend your legs from most of the attacks with ease. With a shield it's not as straigthforward but could be done too.
Plus every time someone attacks to your legs he is pretty much open from the top. I know that headshots are usually not allowed but s a few shoulder hits and stuff like that can make a man reconsider his life choices

>> No.8098868

How exactly do you play the game of "polotics" or "power" Every time i watch or read Game of Thrones it always looks really fucking complicated

>> No.8098883

What he said^^^

Honestly, depending on the game it can be. And the ammount of a Scrub you want to look.

Definitely what he said. Period trim is also SUPER expensive.

Stray away from amtgard. Dag/Bel is good for fighting But the community still hasnt made the push for the whole immersion thing. though i expect in the next 10 years it will.

I do dag if youd like to ask any questions.

I Wear a helm, Chain hauberk and Greaves. I Personally( as a spearmen) find most of the shots hitting me not from projectiles to be the legs. so greaves are a must have. Though Knee Cops are really really nice too. it sucks getting acorns and rocks stuck in your knee. ALSO if your looking for chainmaille, Dont buy anything that isnt Welded or riveted. they dont last very long. I got my Hauberk from Allbeststuff.com for arround 300, and while it isnt "top" tier quality, its still pretty nice so long as you keep it oiled.

>> No.8098884

Keep yourself simple. Let other people get wound up in intricacy, then tug the one thread to watch the sweater unravel

>> No.8098891

Ive found greaves to be the lest cumbersome, that might be because i Wrestle though and my legs are pretty bulky.
Just dont get butted maille.

>> No.8098894

Those prices are for riveted, obviously. Butted is much cheaper.

>> No.8098896
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Thats a good rule of thumb i suppose, but i wouldnt know where to start with the tugging of threads.

>> No.8098901

Wow?? really? thats super cheap. Cop dat shit.

>> No.8098927

Honestly you want thigh protection/cuisses moreso than greaves if you have to choose. It's easier to move your lower legs out of range than your upper legs. In Marozzo's system the philosophy is called something like Passing the Leg, but there's an equivalent in just about every martial system. An opponent going for your lower leg is generally leaving himself open.
If you have the option, though, go for full leg protection.

>> No.8098951

I haven't done much with large shields but with the buckler it's just a matter of making a passing step and dropping your off hand down to make him reconsider his options. The best part is if he commits then you get a nice shot at his upper body. I imagine that it only gets easier as the shields get larger.

>> No.8098990

I know you don't do a whole bunch of grappling in hema, but alot of the motions can probably be transferred from wrestling to hema, so do you have any experiences and or fighting styles (with longsword) that rely heavy on grappling?

>> No.8099084

>you don't do a whole bunch of grappling in hema
The entire Lichtenaur tradition, my friend: German military ringen is extremely similar to modern wrestling, and most of it gets put into longsword techniques at some point or another. Just about every time I do longsword (not really my specialty) against someone practicing the German school, it ends up with both of us ditching the sword after a few displaced strikes and then furiously grappling as I try to remember just how to use my ungodly rugby legs.

So yeah, just find some lichtenaur dudes. Shouldn't be hard; it's the single most popular weapon and school in HEMA right now.

>> No.8099128

Thatll be interesting to see, because if thats the case ill be set. Thanks mang.

>> No.8099218
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Not wearing greaves is a sure way to get legged, if you are a shieldman i'd even say you would only need a helmet, a shield and greaves if you do your job proprely.

one of one yeah, but in a huge melee you cant possibly protect from attacks coming from 180 degrés in front of you.

It is complicated. i wanted to tell a tale of Geopolitics but its gonna be too long so i'm gonna post it in a separate reply

Oh god that feel when you date wiminz and they go ''Ah yeah i love vikings'' and the only thing i can reply is '' nohelmet/10 '' .

Or when i date another one and we go see the hobbit and she's a big fan and i try my best not to scream at the screen...WHY THE FUCK WOULD THE ELVES JUMPS OVER THE FUCKING DWARVES MAKING THE SHIELDWALL?! WHY!?

i have so much stories about cringy stuff like that.

>> No.8099266
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So okay... a tale of Geopolitics, except ''Long live free Haldorf'' this is all things i saw happen and in wich i played a part, albeit a small one for the older ones.

The best tales are secret since bico keep being played all year long and i'd prefer that our plan remain secret until it unfold.

Most of these events are linked to each others so its kinda hard explaining just one story but i'll try , also the real game of thrones is well hidden.

(lets say that i had a say in the election of a new rival umpopular young king, so his mens revolt and we can support the leader of the revolt who converted to the true faith and that gives us a casus belli for invading this country...thats only an exemple, nothing real here)

Chose your story

These stories are in order of them happening

(The central lands)
- The Demon Emperor
- Long live Free Haldorf
- Crusade in the Tolthernot Deep
- The 3 crowns
- The abdication of the King of Arganne
- The True faith Schism
- The Humiliation of Andorre ( that also put a nail in the coffin of the old bico system)

- Crusade for the sanctuary of Al-Saour-Asif
- The Siege of Montjoie
- The rebellion of the southern lands
- The Concile of Montjoie (that lead to the schism)
- The trap of Mel-el-nail
- The defense of Dulgaron
- The tears of Kazarun ( The first move that bico did that lead to the reset of the game because of us winning too much)
- The Vengeance of Dulgaron (Wich put the nail in the coffin of the old bicolline system)

>> No.8099269

hahahahaha i had the same thought at that part of the hobbit too.

>> No.8099273
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i couldnt possibly choose, so just pick the one that will explain it best for me puhleese

>> No.8099331
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The Siege of Montjoie it is.

Following the second crusade for the sanctuary that ended up as a defeat for the True faith ,The Ecclesias gave the Templar the mission to conquer it back at all cost, dishonnored, the old Marshal of the Temple Brother Aldebert de Roiville quited is post and with the permission of the Master and the church , started a new guild with the sole purpose of devoting his life to capturing back the Sanctuary, a noble cause.
(pic in >>8099266 is related, thats him with me making faces behind. )
It was the local populace (The Saours) who fougth against us that costed us this victory (during the crusade scenario , not only other religions were present ,but Bico had around 50 npc playing saours who respawned faster so we felt like in constant attack, its one of the hardest campaign ever fougth, so the Templars under the command of the new marshal, Gabriel de Châtillons , who also received the order to take back the sanctuary at all cost, decided to exterminate the local populace who opposed us (Kill them all,let god sort them out) and Aldebert with the Saint-Sépulchre decided to offer his vassalage and submission to the sultan in exchange of the sanctuary.

The first thing the sultan asked was to get rid of the Templars , he made an alliance with our worst ennemies, Notre-Dame-de-la-Redemption. and agreed to atack us at Montjoie to draw our troop stationed in Mel-El-Nail to te defense of Montjoie. and we did not. we endured the siege and lost Montjoie, because we knew all about this plan and how he was only a peon in the plan of the enemy of the true faith, he became one of the first believers to make believer blood spill.

The Marshal Châtillons turned on us and wanted to join Aldebert who is a smooth talker. he then tryed to become Master of the guild himself.

His coup d'état was in vain, the loyalty of the men was to the Master, Frederik de Monquefort (Monquefort protects)

>> No.8099371

I am completely incapable of taking those movies as anything other than comedy, so that scene was the serious, dour dwarves lining up for battle and then the elves just getting really upset that they weren't the center of attention anymore and then violently backflipping and posing at everything.

>> No.8099375

that movie was great man.

>> No.8099378
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The Knigth and now Baron of Ghoria : Gabriel de Gisor and his brother left Aldebert's side and joined the Saint-Reliquaire. The Templar, seing all their land attacked by the sultan and Aldebert Called for a Emergency concile inside Montjoie walls (This was the Siege of Montjoie taverne nigth , and the Concile of Montjoie) The tension was high inside the walls, the Templars offered their surronding land to meritant knigths.
Monstableux to Sir Guylain Le Vilain.
Valmort to Yves-Jaques Le Pied-bot
Blancheguarde to Sir Gerudo (yeah thats a lame name i know).
and in a most surprising move, Sombralh to the pagan chief of the Pack , Gunnulf Haraldson.

This move was seen as weakness from many opposant and a desesperate attempt to gain support...if they only knew. Aldebert was confidend in his victory and one of the Longtime ally of the Templar , the Lion's Order,not wanting to be involved more than nescessary in the land of Sands, did not show any support to the Templars, (they will never admit that, now that the rest of the story is known) all seemed lost for the Templars and Rapaces converged to the city of Mel-el-nail, confident that we were beaten.

And then, while the biggest army ever assembled in the virtual wargame of bicolline lay siege to Mel-El-Nail , the trap was set. The biggest army of Knigth got out of the walls and smashed the attackers, then our allies that did not abandon us came as a surprise and smashed them, at the same time the rebel of the southern land that we supported were attacking the enemy cities and layed waste to all our ennemies.


Now our army marched to Kazarun with Vengeance in mind.

Never fuck with the Templars

>> No.8099759

Hey thats Jacinta from last years autumn quest

>> No.8099793

>one of one yeah, but in a huge melee you cant possibly protect from attacks coming from 180 degrés in front of you.
that's what the other guys for.

>> No.8100257

From what I can find on their website, the riveted stuff starts at somewhat over €200,-...

Also, should I get that thrice as expensive riveted chainmail, will it last me more than thrice that long?

>> No.8100267

Well, that sucks, they used to be much cheaper a few years ago.
Generally, past a certain point you'll start paying more for aesthetics than quality (think blued instead of untreated, different style of rings and the like), at least until you hit the price range where you custom order your maille from a blacksmith.

>> No.8100272

Addendum: Properly riveted maille, if treated correctly (oiled and kept free from rust), will last you a damn long time. You might have to fix a few rings sometimes, but it won't fall apart like butted maille is prone to do. The difference in the low-mid spectrum regarding quality (assuming riveted) is generally negligible.
I still have a mail shirt I bought ~5 years ago and so far it only developed a nice patina and once busted a few rings in an accident.

>> No.8100416

What's sex like in a LARP?
Is there enough forest to not get caught, or should I keep it to the tent?

>> No.8100484
File: 39 KB, 396x554, 10340004_10154407590295471_7841617885192273059_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's sex like in a LARP?
Depends how sexy you are.

Pic related

>> No.8100491

Right now, not a chance
Hoping come summer I'll be much easier to look at

>> No.8100509

It's like sex everywhere else.

>> No.8100514

like everywhere else: depends on you and your partner.
Also you are seriously asking if there is enough forest in larps? I mean that's like asking how are the hotel rooms in a con (ie: depends on the con and different for every one of them)

>> No.8100516

I can't speak for the Europeans, but it's technically not allowed in many games here in America- mostly because of camping site restrictions. Games use a lot of Boyscout camps which have really heavy issues with sex on their site.

That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but it sucks. There's a lot of paint, and costuming, and usually you're dirty and smelly and sweaty, and it's fucking cold.
It *sounds* hot, but in actual practice it's pretty mediocre.

If you're talking about IC 'roleplay' sex, don't expect to actually have sex. Typically there is some brief discussion about 'what happens' and then you sit awkwardly in a tent and play cards.

Also how easy it is to get caught depends on the site. I'd say tent is safer, but especially if it's a place where it's not allowed, you have to make sure you/your partner are quiet.

TL:DR, sounds awesome, not actually worth it imo.

>> No.8100545

also quick question:
at the weekend there will be a larp and I'm in the last days panic and sewing and painting my stuff and stuff like that.
It seems like I have enough time to quickly put together a two layers cape.
The question is: is a cape with an outer layer of deep purple and an inner layer of white approved gay or rather faggot gay? Consider that the rest of the stuff is mostly deep purple too

>> No.8100553
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Dude purple is a awesome

>> No.8100564

yes but deep purple with white or full deep purple?

>> No.8100581

The events I go to it's not really discussed. It's more of a "as long as it's between consenting adults, we give no fucks" (pun intended)
Camping does mean that you have to be quiet.
But on the whole, don't expect to go to a LARP and fuck.

>> No.8100593

Definitely deep in flamboyant fop territory but perfectly acceptable IMO.

>> No.8100605

>you have to make sure you/your partner are quiet.

I can't emphasize that enough. Although people in the tent next to yours usually get the hint after the first time you walk up to them in the morning and politely ask them to be a little more quiet next time, the look on their faces is priceless when they realize the fact that your tent is not see-through does not mean it's soundproof too.

>> No.8100619

What if I invite the neighbouring tent over the next night?

>> No.8100623

then you made a questionable decision

>> No.8100647

I like getting to know people

>> No.8100651

I see no way that this carefully laid out plan could go wrong.
I mean in the neighbouring tents there will be two or more men with the most probability. And they will be just as dirty and stinking as you.
And you basically invite them over to have sex with you and may or may not your girlfirend.
I mean really, what could go wrong?

>> No.8100657

All this gypsy talk makes me miss Gropey. Anyone talk to him lately?

>> No.8100660

he is alive but busy

>> No.8100663

Christ, after a couple of days in field my tent gets pretty ripe in the mornings, even with using wipes and quick wash at a standpipe. I can only imagine the smell after a night of heaving sweatyness.

>> No.8100696

Is he ok? Got an email for him?

>> No.8100705

well, he posted on facebook a few hours ago so I presume he is okay

>> No.8100708

He's fine, it's just that he's busy with work.
Still pops up in these threads from time to time.

>> No.8100739

Yeah last time he was here he said he was mega busy with work.

>> No.8100770
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meanwhile, another stuff for the weekend got ready

>> No.8100860

sounds chivalrous as fuck. Purple's the color of kings.

>> No.8100863
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I will be the leader of a noble house on the game.
House Sigwald, or as others will call it: House Dickstabbing

>> No.8100913

Meanwhile I'm packing for that exact same larp because I'm running it and have to start travelling tomorrow to get to the location in time and transport there all the shit I left at HLF's place.

I've packed three folders into my backpack:
One for the waivers, various "info" envelopes for characters which trigger on given events and some blank envelopes so I can improvise when needed
One for the magic recipes, skill info sheets and some in-game documents
...and one for the feathers which will be on my hat, so they won't break during travel.

>> No.8100938
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and one of my men just finished his weapon

>> No.8100952

Finally found myself some suitable Larp boots after a year of wearing ye olde steel caps

>> No.8100961

Are you nobility of some kind?
If so be as purple as you can afford to be.

>> No.8100978

nobility but I have a lot of purple on me that's why I want to spice up the stuff with a little white. And seeing that I ran out of purple dye meanwhile it will be purple outer layer white inner layer.

Also sadly my stuff won't be noble enough in my eyes, kind of plain cloths authentic wise... then again I don't have the money or the skills yet to get a proper noble clothing

>> No.8101009
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look how nice these are! i might cop instead of making my own.

>> No.8101078

so how do guns and whatnot work in your LARP?

>> No.8101083

you shoot the motherfucker -> motherfucker is dead

although gunpowder is fucking expensive and firearms are doubly so. Fortunately I'm the head of a wealthy noble house so I could by this for one of my subordinates

>> No.8101088

Purple velvet on the outside.
White lining.
Fur around the collar

House Dickstabbing deserves nothing less than the best.

>> No.8101091

I meant the out-of-game component; like do you hold a representation and throw shit? Nerf guns? this is foreign to me.

>> No.8101093

While I agree sadly I don't have enough time and I don't have fur. or much sewing expertise.

that one is an airsoft gun that works with gas and modified so it shoots out a foam ball.
NERF guns are the other alternative in this game

>> No.8101100

Down here we use tubing firing bandguns like >>8092514

I've been curious about using something using a hand pump given airsoft's illegal here, would make the load times realistic, but I wouldn't want to accidentally make a Girandoni Air Rifle.

>> No.8101674

>I wouldn't want to accidentally make a Girandoni Air Rifle.
Why not? You some kinda faggot?

>> No.8101702

Yes and no, but that's besides the point. I don't want to kill/injure something and have Abbott ban another fun thing.

> tfw no hotline miami 2

>> No.8101705
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Anyway, have some gauntlet progress. Going to try re-doing the blackening, partly because of learning I should do it after the hammering, and I'm also sure that contrary to my dad's opinion you're supposed to apply the linseed oil before heating the plates, which is my guess as to why the plates are more bronze/rust looking.

>> No.8101717
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Although this set of mail will be just for looks (and practice weaving mail) and not protection, I feel the urge to share (even though just E 4-1). 20g so definitely not for protection.

When I actually make some mail for use, I plan on using elf sheet.

>> No.8101724

yes, you put on the linseed oil and THEN you put it in the oven or whatever you have.

Also if you use coal, like real coal, not charcoal then if it was unused and still smoking a fuckton you can use that to blacken it a little.
Also painting it with a mixture of linseed oil and coal powder works too

>> No.8101731

cheers m8

>> No.8101998

I wish i could, you know how hard larp shit is to get in a place that has no postal service?

>> No.8102052

Why the sticks? Just to hold the rings in place/make them more easy to work with, or is it actually part of your technique?

I've never seen it done that way,

>> No.8102058
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what do you mean exactly by no postal service?

Where do you live?

>> No.8102059

Makes it easier. I personally use a piece of string

>> No.8102606

Yes. It assists in holding the lay of the rings.

>> No.8102642
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Here is a picture of some elf sheet. I hope to have a near full set of chain made out of this weave. Probably would not make a coif with it though.

>> No.8102758
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One day i'll stop making these faces when i see a camera...but not today

>> No.8102801
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looks like a talked too fast, New pics from the campaing of the 6th of september coming!

>> No.8102806
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>> No.8102809
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>> No.8102815
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>> No.8102823
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>> No.8102828
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>> No.8102838
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>> No.8102921

whats wrong with larping ?

>> No.8102930
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A lot of stuff actually , but there is also a lot of good stuff so its okay.

>> No.8102965

that we are in autosage