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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8083323 No.8083323 [Reply] [Original]

last one is in autosage >>8078042

continue the feels

>> No.8083347
File: 213 KB, 400x799, 1382398369981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate carrying purses
>buy some tight malco modes bloomers
>buy some baggy bottom-tie bloomers
>buy a bunny house xl petticoat
>stash purse stuff in my baggy bloomers
>malco modes bloomers keep the stuff from touching my skin
>bottom-tie keeps stuff from falling out
>stuff is completely un-seeable under giant petticoat
>no more purses

Just spreading the good word.
It's like the female equivalent of having a wallet.

>> No.8083372

just fucking buy full back shirred AP, two pockets.

>> No.8083374

I carry a lot of stuff

>> No.8083383

and how do you access it? go to the bathroom each time?

>> No.8083394

>the dye still won't wash out

>> No.8083419

That or a closet, yeah.

>> No.8083430

somebody posted about my local comm on cgl. The Comm mod saw it and shit went down the pipe on the comm page. She acted like a total bitch and made a huge fuss.

>mfw I was about to join the comm
>mfw after I saw what a very unpleasant person the comm mod is I don't want anymore

thanks /cgl/ for saving me a lot of trouble.

>Inb4 "one person is not a reason to stay away from the whole comm"
It's fairly small comm and she is the only mod. there is not much I could do to stay away from her.

>> No.8083444

Sounds like our comm;
Except the crazy mod eventually recruited more of them and they're apparently pissed off at each other because she can't power trip anymore.

>> No.8083450

>loses weight
>maybe my face will look better
>still fug

fuck me

>> No.8083463

>wear cute rust-color trousers
>live in le disgusting polluted mill town
>redneck douchetruck goes OUT OF HIS WAY to swerve into puddle and splash my friends and I with filthy city water from the knees down
>stain still won't come out
Whyyyy, these are some of my favorite trousers :(

>> No.8083479 [DELETED] 

> tfw have aspergers and prone to manic depressive episodes
> Really easy to set me off
> New curling iron trying it out
> Have long hair down to my hips, the only thing about myself I like
> Boyfriend says to move curling iron away from the PC
> I freak out the next thing I know Im on the bathroom floor crying with the scissors and hair above my shoulders

Im kinda fat and I lost the one thing that gives me any confidence. Was goings to try and buy my first lolita dress this month but I dont think Ill have to confidence to commit to it now

>> No.8083524
File: 94 KB, 499x451, desk_flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blouse hunting on Lacemarket
>See a blouse I like
>open listing
>No measurements
>Slightly annoyed
>Maybe someone asked for them already
>Check comments
>Multiple people asking for measurements
>mfw no responses to any of them

Seriously, how hard is it to put measurements into a listing/Answer potential buyers? Even flat measurements are better than nothing. Heck I'm not even looking for obscure measurements, just bust, waist and length.

>> No.8083530

From your description I'd rather not.

>> No.8083538

Then feels

>> No.8083722

you need medication

>> No.8083810

Holy fuck, anon.

>> No.8083818

I'm not saying this in a shitty 4chan way but you seriously need help. Try talking to your GP, they often have good referrals or at least can put you on a basic anti-depressant.

>> No.8083910
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>Finally going to Japan after several years of wanting to go
>Going to visit penpal of 4 years
>He's taking me to a bunch of visual kei concerts
>We have plans to dress up in vk and hang out in Harajuku
>Should be beyond excited
>Wave of depression has hit me
>Can barely manage a smile when talking about the trip

I feel horrible. I should be ecstatic but it's hard to be happy about something (even something I've wanted for so long) when depression hits.
Even now I'm in tears...
I hope I can push through/medication kicks in before the trip...in less than a week...
I really don't want to ruin my penpal's time.

>> No.8083952

> One of the only people I really got close to in my comm goes to Korea to teach English
> Moved to another state
> She keeps a twitter and it seems like she was enjoying herself
> She writes a post months later saying that everyone in Korea is driving her nuts and she's gonna kill herself
> Twitter account gets deleted, she doesn't have any other social media accounts
> Message her frantically on LINE
> Messages never get read
> Email her to check up on her and now reply
> It's been a couple of weeks
> Don't know how to contact her family
> She wasn't really well known in my old comm so people just ask "who are you talking about?"

And she was one of my coolest friends too and I hope nothing really bad happened to her.

>> No.8083959

It could be travel anxiety, I got that when I had to travel to the Philippines last summer.
Hope you get better Anon.

>> No.8083980
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>manic depressive
every time

>> No.8083986

I beg to differ.

>> No.8083998
File: 92 KB, 400x300, tumblr_li5ybtg3Vz1qa8kz9o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do a metric fuckton of research on ideal fabric for a costume
>everything points to cotton sateen
>all the costumes that are claiming to be made of cotton sateen look very nice, crisp, clean
>order some online to get the right color
>color is great but it seems very... flimsy. Almost like non-stretchy jersey.
>oh well the other costumes looked good, let's do this, maybe it just needs to be sewn
>Snowed in so spend 8 hours sewing
>Floppy useless unstructured shit.

Not even horsehair braid fixed it. It was so... droopy and heavy and BLECH. I'm just going to rip out the braid and hit Joann's tomorrow to see about some matching color cotton and start from scratch.

>> No.8084000


If you go by every damn feels thread then yes. Read too many tales of seagulls with depression or manic depression or "muh problems" with good boyfriends.

Or asshole boyfriends.

>> No.8084012

That's definitely a possibility. My GP has told me that anxiety and depression pretty much go hand in hand.
I just don't want to ruin this trip for me or my penpal by being a "Debbie downer".
Thanks, Anon. I hope so, too.

>> No.8084014


Holy fuck.

Anon, you need to talk to someone. Doesn't need to be a doctor if you're scared of them, but some sort of third party. Do you have help hotlines? Maybe they could redirect you.

I'm kind of scared both for you and your SO.

>> No.8084030

I beg to rediffer.

>> No.8084042
File: 192 KB, 330x332, 1392434645615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your friends always want you to be the frumpy female character for groups despite you being the the thinnest
i haven't brought it up to anyone because i feel a bit petty, but, i feel like it's their way of telling me that i'm the ugly friend that they want around to make themselves seem hotter

>> No.8084058

What do you mean by "frumpy"? Like, what kind of characters?

>> No.8084074


I went to my GP that's how the decided that I had aspergers after months of tests. They said there wasnt anything they could give me to help. Its happened a couple of times they either send me for tests and don't get back to me or they give me tablets that usually make it a lot worse.


My boyfriend also has aspergers :)

My boyfriend gets freaked out a lot and I've had fits where I've throw knives and broken things. Its always small things that don't make sense that set me off so its always horrid for him I feel so terrible for doing it to him but I cant stop it from happening

I'll be going to my GP again in a couple of weeks and this time Ill really try to stress the severity and maybe this time Ill get some help.

>> No.8084090

Then stop cosplaying with them. Though I doubt that it has anything to do with their perception of your looks. I'm guessing you probably agreed to be the character no one else wanted to be once or twice, and perhaps now they're forcing it on you because they think you're going to say yes.

>> No.8084091

Maybe they're jelly so they want you to be the frumpy one? Or maybe it's just a coincidence.

>> No.8084102

Have you tried any non-medication therapy, maybe for learning different coping strategies? I'm sure you know that your 'fits' aren't healthy and aren't normal, even given that you have Aspergers - they sound like a separate issue that may or may not be made worse by having it.

Rather than just trying medication, which isn't going to be a quick fix but could maybe help dampen down what sounds like really spontaneous and very extreme reactions, maybe also find someone who specialises in DBT/CBT and who will help you try to build more 'healthy' responses to these sorts of things. The thing with DBT and CBT is that you have to be motivated to get better and help yourself as opposed to trying to get the therapist to 'do the work for you', otherwise they don't work, and sometimes medication can help you get that motivation particularly if you struggle with depression.

>> No.8084104

When people's best description of their personal beauty is "I'm skinny" they usually are pretty frumpy. Sorry anon.

>> No.8084110

>tfw you want to break up with your bf but you need to stay at his place for the upcoming convention

>> No.8084191

I definitely understand what you mean. Petty things can make me snap and go into a suicidal blind rage where I break things, tear out my hair, self harm, etc and just cry and scream for hours. I don't have autism, just the "usual" bullshit like severe anxiety. My old therapist's only advice was "Just think before you act!" which...really didn't help at all, and neither did the two medications I tried. Good luck getting help, anon. ;_;

Maybe they just want to cosplay the cutest characters themselves and leave the "frumpy" ones for someone else?

>> No.8084202
File: 279 KB, 431x493, 2015-01-27 20.39.11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw I might not be as fucked up as I think I am. I feel bad thinking this way but compared to some of you guys I may be okay.

>> No.8084214

No I mean that shit's true for both genders, but you have to be cute to begin with.
I'm not saying I like that good looks can forgive a lot, but it's true.

>> No.8084219

I mean this in the most sincere way, you both are seriously crazy.
As in please get better, you sound miserable.

>> No.8084239

Your therapist sounds like they told you what to do but didn't help you with the tools to actually implement it. Thinking before you act requires you to actually buy in to your treatment and practice it, which the therapist should actually go through with you - either with scenarios or by practising some of the techniques. My response to anything stressful was to detach, blank out and have really avoidant behaviour (e.g. when I got an email that I was about to fail my semester - I refused to acknowledge it or reply to it with any explanation and spent hours on the internet mindlessly browsing, kind of 'came to' and realised it was 2am), yours sounds like the complete opposite. But until I actually really wanted to change (rather than people telling me to) nothing helped, and you have to be really vigilant because you will end up being resistant to the change and try to sabotage yourself since it's a fuckload easier to stay the way you are. However if you have the motivation to improve it things get better (my motivation ended up being trying to salvage the relationships with people I cared about). It took a year of really truly trying to change the behaviour (this is back in 2012) and even now I still slip into old habits when I get stressed but am a lot better overall. Probably the one outstanding thing is that I have some clothes I borrowed and never returned and couldn't bring myself to contact the people about as they were so nice and just said 'return it when you can'...that's from 3 years ago and in an entirely different state, and they're not cheap things either, I just can't bring myself to bring it up with them still and even thinking about it makes me feel kind of jumpy.

>> No.8084254

Yeah unfortunately there are different types and qualities of that stuff, as I discovered the hard way as well a while back. I consider myself so lucky that I live in a big city with a large assortment of fabric stores so I don't have to go through all that guessing game shit online, it can be downright impossible to tell

>> No.8084261
File: 1.82 MB, 443x400, 1410701844718.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda continued from >>8081828
but its a feel of its own

>pick up dress at the post office
>it barely covers my ass
>being 6 feet and liking AP is suffering

I need an underskirt. I'm trying to save up to be able to travel overseas but dear lord, putting it on made me realize all my dresses were obscenely short

>> No.8084276
File: 397 KB, 219x340, Freak Out.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be obsessed with Takarazuka
>Be obsessed even more with Elisabeth musical
>Get back into Takarazuka hell recently after finding vk archive
>Find out by total accident that AATP did an Elisabeth print
>Find out that they did ouji items in the same series
>Find out that the jacket from that series is basically a replica of what Shizuki Asato wore in the 1998/99 Cosmos Troupe production during Saigo no Dansu

Too bad I'll probably never find it for sale hahahahaha fuck.

>> No.8084278

Just came back from an exam with summer class, feel like shit about it and got all mixed up with the different hypothesis theories. All I can think about is how my dad would say that I wasn't smart enough to do anything with the sciences and how I should just of stuck to my humanities degree.

I get chemistry, anatomy and pharmacology fine, why must stats math be so difficult for my brain.

cgl related, have to go to a con soon and I'm stuck in a group cosplay with a girl I've been trying to distance myself from for the last year

>> No.8084279

You can get away with a large degree of unnatractiveness, unlikableness and even mental disorders as a woman and still sit back and have your pick of men.
Meanwhile even if you're nice and attractive as a man you can expect to be alone forever just for being a bit too shy or nervous to initiate and do all the setup work in a relationship since women have no incentive to ever make the first move.

>> No.8084345

Oh my god shut the fuck up. Seriously. You're fucking delusional.

>> No.8084348

Actually, most people aren't just generally god with Stats.

>> No.8084377

Get angry all you want we both still know every relationship you've been in was initiated by the guy.

>> No.8084403

Not even that anon, but that isn't even remotely true.

> abloobloo I don't have a gf because of how unfair society is!!1!
> nothing to do with my awful personality, that's for sure!

>> No.8084406


>I get chemistry, anatomy and pharmacology fine

Then you're more than fine, anon. I didn't do great in anatomy and I'm on my last year of my degree with only one more semester to go.

Everyone gets mixed up in stats, don't sweat it anon. And I'm sure you did fine.

>> No.8084458

Seriously, fuck Stats. I love Calculus, but FUCK STATS.

>> No.8084467

You're just mad because you can't get laid.

>> No.8084482

And you're just defensive about how much easier your life is.

>> No.8084508

Every relationship I've ever been in was initiated by a guy...

If you aren't ever talking to girls... anon might have a point. I would never EVER take the incentive to talk to a guy...

My family is very traditional though. I don't know that this works in the city.

>> No.8084517


They have trouble helping Aspergers because it isn't really a "mental disorder"... it's like... a way of thinking.

I dunno' man. I had a friend with Aspergers. Loved her to death but your couldn't let her borrow anything because for some reason she thought that if you physically gave her something... then it was hers... and she didn't have to return it. She COULD NOT understand the concept of 'borrowing'... there were other things too...

I seriously didn't know anything was wrong with her until one day she said, 'Oh... I have aspergers...' Then I was all... 'Then everything you do suddenly makes sense'.

Uh, aspergers is weird.

>> No.8084526


But then you could accidentally leave something at her house and she'd call you and be all, 'Hey, come pick this up that you left...' But couldn't understand borrowing... haha.

>> No.8084530

That's a fucking pathetic point of view, and you forgot to mention how unattractive girls who "sit back" often get nothing but desperate, horny fedorakin losers like you.

Unattractive men I work with are married with hot wives and have kids, because they're actually fun to be around and are interesting, and they act like men. Not manchildren. They're not your "I'm nice y u no fuk me qq" type faggot. Man the fuck up and stop whining. Maybe once you notice you actually have balls and act accordingly some women will start noticing you.

>> No.8084542


I've never met an 'unattractive' girl... only girls who could care less...

Seriously. Half these ugly bitches would look better in some makeup, some nice clothes, and if they'd FIX THEIR FUCKING HAIR.

No, your long, straggly hair does not look like an anime character... curl it, straighten it... do something with it. D:

Seriously... I see too many girls who are all, 'Oh, nobody loves me." I'm all, 'Dressed like that they don't.' Please ladies, your not unattractive... your just not trying hard enough.

>> No.8084547

I've only been in one relationship, which is the one I'm in, and there was nobody 'initiating' anything. We met, started talking and mutually discovered we liked one another. In fact I was the one making the most moves because he didn't want me to feel pressured.

There's truth in the notion that a girl can be ugly, crazy, etc. and some guy somewhere will be willing to stick his dick in her, but that's because men will stick their dick in anything, not because omg society is sooo unfair!! If you honestly think a woman who is unattractive, unlikeable, and mentally unstable can 'sit back and have her pick', you are living on another god damn planet.

captcha: feBul like ur logic

>> No.8084553


I apparently live on another god damn planet...

Crazy, ugly bitches got men lined up to take that pussy... then again, I live where there are more men then women... someone, somewhere gets the short end of the stick. Always.

>> No.8084583

True enough, in a lot of cases. The opposite is also true, I see amazingly beautiful girls who just cake on a ton of make up. They don't realise how beautiful they are naturally.

>> No.8084590
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>point out that men have signification more pressure and expectations in relationships
>only response you can give is to repeat what I say, tell me all the pressure and expectations are on me and insult me thinking it's unfair or failing to meet them

Well not like I was really expecting much different.

>> No.8084599

>generous as fuck tax return coming
>gonna pad out wardrobe with Bodyline; check the website last week
>they've restocked everything in my size that I want
>make a "wish list", lose it, go back tonight and remake it
>two dresses have sold out in a certain colorway, but thankfully not the ones I want
>hoping they don't sell out by the time return gets here

>> No.8084656

>PinkieParadise extends its free shipping
>aww sweet I can get the new lenses I needed for Kasucon
>realize with the processing time I would miss the delivery by like a day
>mfw i'm probably gonna end up wearing my expired lenses because I can't cosplay without lenses now

>> No.8084696

Maybe they're just trying to give you some genuine advice. Maybe life isn't always fair but sometimes you've just got to work with what you've got.

>> No.8084728

Funfax: men with Aspergers are most likely to date/marry 'normal' women whereas women with Aspergers are most likely to date/marry men who also have Aspergers. I'm a female aspie with a 'normal' boyfriend and people keep falling over themselves to tell me how uncommon that is, and that it's only possible because I'm "neurotypical-passing" whatever that means. I was still an awkward unkissed virgin for 24 years.

I think the anon who thinks women always have it easier is mixing up sex with relationships. Yes, if you have a vagina it will be easier for you to get (heterosexual) sex because there are always dudes who want to stick their dick in everything. If I just wanted to lose my virginity with no strings attached I'm sure I could have hooked up with some random dude back in high school. Instead I wanted an actual relationship with a caring partner, which is pretty hard to find when you're introverted as shit with no social skills. I only managed to bag my current bf because I was really putting myself out there that day - yes, I was the one to initiate contact.

>/cgl/ - aspie relationship discussion

>> No.8084750

>mixing up sex with relationships
Nah i'm fairly certain it's both.

And all I want is to offer some other perspective. Like for Miss fat aspurgers. Imagine if you were the exact same person except a man. Nobody would want to reach out and help and take care of you. In fact as you ladies have so kindly demonstrated, for showing any kind of weakness or non-alpha behavior, they'd be viciously attacking you and calling you a loser.

>> No.8084754


Wrong. He'd get a girl for being that mysterious, misunderstood man, but they would definitely throw him in jail for domestic abuse if he tried any of that knife wielding shit.

>> No.8084759

>"Uh sorry, let me go to the bathroom before I buy that thing."
>"Oh my keys! Better go behind a tree."

Like what?

>> No.8084771

To my knowledge you're only "mysterious, misunderstood" if you're attractive.

If you're fat, you're "creepy loser".

And regardless of your attractiveness you're still far less likely to ever be approached by a woman than a woman of equal attractiveness is by a man.

>> No.8084782

Nah, brah, it's not. You sound like you're regurgitating MRA talking points and taking them seriously.

>> No.8084786
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Take it from another woman then.

>> No.8084792

Are you even serious? Do you the difference between statistical fact and first hand experience confirmation bias? Brainwashed MRA confirmed. That entire piece is an editorial written in the first person.

>> No.8084803

I see that a woman who doesn't automatically always side with other women has touched a nerve. Unlike you she actually has experience on both sides, and she says it's incredibly 1-sided in womens favor. Why is that so hard to believe? Is your ego that big and defensive?

>> No.8084806

>He'd get a girl for being that mysterious, misunderstood man
Is anyone outside of teenage fiction actually attracted to that "dark, mysterious, brooding" thing? Much better to have a conversation with someone who'll talk to you

>> No.8084816

That has nothing to do with it, since I'm a man. The main point is that all your reasoning is based on first hand experiences. It's because it's first hand experience and it's not scientific, thus given to confirmation bias when someone decides they see a trend. That is not how science or life works. Everyone in life has different life experiences. Her life experience don't become somehow a fact about all women and men just because these things actually happened. The interpretation of those events, if experienced by a different person, would probably be vastly different because everyone views life experiences in different ways. Do you really not understand the difference between statistical fact and opinion?

>> No.8084822

You keep bringing up "statistical data" but you don't actually post any. Generally when all somebody can do is try to debunk someone elses proof instead of giving any of their own they don't have a very strong case.

And, lets be real here for a second, just how delusional do you have to be to think men don't initiate (and are expected to so by women) the large majority of relationships?

>> No.8084825

sure anon, sure

I've never been in a relationship or even had any guy ever trying to even get to know me better and I'm pursuing a compscie degree, where there's almost only dudes.

>> No.8084829

I'd love to believe you but literally every time a girl has claimed this, when I inquired just a bit deeper that statement always turns out to be prefaced with
>well yeah guys have asked me out, but they were undateable so I don't count them.

>> No.8084832
File: 150 KB, 1000x601, 1392444526059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>If you're fat

Don't be fat.

There are many things in life beyond your control. But how much you eat and how much you exercise, these are things you do have control over.

>> No.8084836

I'm not fat. I'm talking about if the aspurgers girl this all started with was a man.

>> No.8084837

>ready to die
>scared i'll survive
>if i survive i'll either me maimed, brain dead on in a mental health hospital

>> No.8084845

nope never happened to me, I can assure you that

>> No.8084874
File: 317 KB, 600x3545, 1390202992268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do girls enjoy watching other women become fat? By that I mean, do you revel in the fact that they have self destructed while you remain thin and beautiful?

>> No.8084876
File: 15 KB, 156x232, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omg women exercising their human right to say 'no' and deny me something that I want from them! Those fucking cunts! Don't they see how much they're hurting my feelings??? :'''(

Basically this whole blurb is a big explanation why men act like pathetic animals who resort to violence when another human being has the NERVE not to satisfy their cocks! Ooooh boo hoo hoo, you feel pressured to impress a girl when you ask her on a date? That's called human interaction you pants wetting child. Everybody constantly feels the need to impress other people, all the fucking time. If anybody on earth knows this, it's women, who are expected to live every single moment of their lives constantly scrutinizing every detail of their appearance, in order to please men, and their penises.

You are really a comically immature piece of shit and I can't believe I am actually typing this to some pathetic MRA fuck on the internet when I have shit to do tomorrow. Please get help.

>> No.8084884


This is bait, but you made me reply, which is good.

Yes, I do. I lost Freshmen 15 rather than gain it. I derive pleasure from people who blew up during freshmen year and can't lose it up until the present.

There's this one bitch in particular who treated us like shit and was already overweight, but then gained much more weight during her college years. I glanced at her FB and she's now attempting beauty selfies and trying to hide her fat with your usual 'fat angle' selfie. She looks hideous. I had a laugh with a friend of mine who was also subject to her racist remarks.

My schaudenfreude is so delicious. Also probably pathetic, but that's okay. I have a better paying job than her as well.

>> No.8084885

Gee women sure do get touchy when you imply it isn't an impressive accomplishment for them to get a relationship.

>> No.8084888

Different anon but lol nope. Best I've gotten was
>aww anon you're so cute and shy and innocent, you're like the little sister I never had!
>tfw siblingzoned

Only if they're cunts who used to lord their physical appearance over others. Kind of like that rich asshole who made fun of poor kids going bankrupt because his tax fraud was found out.

>> No.8084894


Oh yeah, and a list of offenses, not exhaustive:

>was a very passionate human rights campaigner during high school
>who would be very serious and would blow up at the slightest mention of a light African joke
>who wouldn't hesitate to make crass down's syndrome jokes, make fun of our history teacher for 'pissing like a horse,' make fun of my friend's and my slanty eyes, speak to us in condescending 'engrish,' and call the lesbian in our group a sexual predator
>constantly left us out, called me loud despite being approximately 150 decibels herself, and told me to shut up as a result
>had a generally toxic personality
>would start stupid fights with me on facebook over the stupidest shit like Natalie Portman being in a Zionist conspiracy, with all seriousness and no irony
>was basically your hypocritical tumblr bitch before tumblr, which is also funny because she also hated hipsters but loved literally every facet of hipster culture

Boy was I glad to get rid of her.

Sage for completely OT

>> No.8084903

considering I'm fat myself I only enjoy it when it were those girls who thought the laws of food didn't apply to them and that they'd stay that thin while eating junk food forever.

now most of those are gaining pound after pound so that's somewhat amusing

>> No.8084916
File: 590 KB, 500x604, 1392444309943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose that one's not really a secret. Has anyone ever felt jealous when a friend lost a substantial amount of weight?

>> No.8084919

>Gee black people sure get touchy when you imply it isn't an impressive accomplishment for them to get a job


>> No.8084920


Nope. Can't think of an instance where I got jealous. All my good friends decided to work out at some point, and I really respected them for that.

The closest thing (?) would be getting tired of the /fit/ men in my social group talking about their muscle building routines near 24/7, but /fit/ gonna /fit/ I guess.

>> No.8084965
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>boyfriend has one pair of shoes that is literally falling to pieces but refuses to buy new ones because abloobloo too expensive
>mfw I have 11 pairs of shoes and just put in a Bodyline order for 4 more pairs
>mfw he's not even poor

Naw, I support my friends in things like that. Even with non-friends I'm more likely to be happy for them, provided of course that the weight loss is a good thing and not a sign of illness or something. I've never been fat myself, though.

>> No.8084969

I do. Super jelly that now i'm the fat friend again

>> No.8084977

>need haircut
>hate calling for appointment at hairdressers
>hate it when hairdressers try to talk to me with my ears full of soap or a hairdryer on full blast
>hate the feeling immediately post haircut where I hate it
>just put it off for another week

I am the rattiest ratbag right now and if I don't have a haircut I can't wear nice clothes because I'll make them look like shit. But getting a haircut is just so... uuuuuuurgh

>> No.8084984

Thanks everyone, I forget that I should occasionally go easier on myself when I don't do too well at something. Hopefully I haven't done to badly and if I have, the repeat exam has an open book option.

>> No.8084989

>mfw I knew someone who thought buying 100 clothes from walmart was better than buying 3 expensive dresses
>mfw they didn't understand quality > quantity
Some people, I don't even...

>> No.8084991

I have, but I wouldn't necessarily call this person a friend...
>suffered from an eating disorder in hs but worked hard to overcome it before college
>tell two roommates to keep me accountable
>"if I seem not to eat much, tell me!"
>one of them goes batshit crazy and tells the school I wasn't eating and was anorexic
>still a bit underweight so school makes me go to counseling and says if I don't gain weight I will be forced to take time off till I do
>cry daily, nearly drop out, fall back into an unhealthy relationship with food
>2.5 years later and still struggling to get back to the actual healthy mindset I had then
>that bitch goes on a diet
>loses 20 lb our sophomore year and constantly brags
>must resist every urge to strangle her

Fortunately she has since gained back that weight and then some, but I still hate her for her weight loss and everything she did to me. Still makes it hard for me to be happy for friends when they lose weight because I'm always so scared of being kicked out of school if I lose so much as a pound...which relates to my feels now.

>Own a lot of lolita and like dressing up at home
>See self in mirror and want to vomit
>Feel too fat to wear lolita out
>Too scared of dieting because of above to lose weight

>> No.8084992

I've had brand shoes fall apart just as fast as Bodyline ones

>> No.8085021

There's still alot of stigma against women making the first move


Same here. There were enough creeps out there trying to rape me but the only guys with a nice personality/healthy amount of interests/actually interested in things other than vagina, were just as asspie and introverted as myself. I.e my 24 year old virgin bf. I had to give this guy my number after 2 years of messaging online, get on a bus for 3 hours and turn up on his doorstep before he would believe that I was indeed interested in a relationship. We both wanted this and can now be nerdy introverts together.
The problem is when some guys can only think about trying to convince women to give up their vagina, then of course a disproportionate amount of guys are lining up to try their luck. women are taught about their purity and all that bullshit, they are aware that their vagina is just a commodity and a good amount of the guys filling their inbox, stalking them, buying them gifts and trying to pull them into the bushes want just the vagina, not a relationship. Guys, if you felt like droves of women only saw you as a thing, you'd be more careful wouldn't you? It's like goldiggers, only your wallet takes it, rather than your body being 'defiled'. You bitch about us being selective but if we gave it up to every thirsty ass who said 'hey babe', we'd be disease-riddled skanks. You want all the sluts in the world to play with then a virginal, subservient wife who magically knows how to give a good blow job when you're done fucking around (which doesn't make you a slut of course)

Guess what, If more guys are busy trying to screw everyone then statistically you're going to get more women saying no because they can't fucking say yes to everybody. Even when we say no, we're apparently all 'dumb sluts' of some kind. Even virgins, because we exist to give sex, so must be cocktease...

>> No.8085026

Women are the ones saying yes/no most of the time because men are the ones filing all the requests. Do you want us to reply 'Yes' to all? Become a rapist like that PUA asshole? Or maybe just be less fixated on trying to GET sex from us, then we might actually WANT to have sex WITH you.

>> No.8085028

So my mam just ruined my CDC.
i had only worn it once and i was going to bring it to the dry cleaners...
She put it in the washing machine with another load of washing and now it looks faded in parts like it's all dusty or somthing.
I havn't stopped crying in two hours.

>> No.8085033

Fuck. That sounds awful. My condolences.

>> No.8085042

Fucking VirginMedia just decided to block 4chan. Proxy it is, then.

>> No.8085043

Shit, I would have thought being the parent, she's be more precious about your obviously expensive fancy dress. I know my parents look at what I spend on lolita and try to police when I wear it in case it gets ruined. Did she just go into your bedroom and put it in the laundry without asking you? That's an awkward situation.. It's not like you can demand she compensate you or replace the dress. Sorry, man

>> No.8085044

that exactly what happened. my mam isn't really a fan of Lolita she thinks it's tacky. so i can imagine she just didn't care. she blamed the dress, saying it was "shit quality"

>> No.8085094

Time to invest in padlocks, anon.

>> No.8085099

UK, right? If it's your connection, you can ask them to take down the block.

Fucking Cameron and his fucking great firewall. Not that there's anyone to vote for in the election. At least I can be sure Sterling will take a dive over the whole mess, so I have an excuse to do all my spending on stuff from overseas right up front this year.

>> No.8085103

Take the money back market value hun. Buy another one. Move out. I keep seeing these spineless people get their dresses ruined by their parents. Take the damn money out of her purse or wallet. She destroyed your property. It's compensation.

And fuck her. You don't put couture in the washing machine. You don't put silk in the washing machine. Just because she doesn't know how to take care of expensive clothes doesn't devalue your property.

>> No.8085119

Bodyline's quality/price ratio for shoes is better than most lolita brands. I'd rather have 10 pairs of cheap shoes that I can alternate between so they last me five years than get one or two pairs of expensive normalfag shoes that don't really go with my wardrobe just so I can say I've been wearing the same shoes for ten years.

I kind of expect my bf to settle for cheap new shoes that resemble his old ones and walk them to death within a year, after which this entire song plays out again. Plus he'll insist on wearing them to formal occasions too because "they're my only pair!" and ugh. At least he's not into converse.

>> No.8085133
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>he'll insist on wearing them to formal occasions too

>> No.8085146
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>mfw this morning I woke up on top of my IW Chandelier OP
My boyfriend tends to go to bed earlier than I do and anything that's on the bed at that time gets shoved over to my side. The room is always pitch black when I go to sleep and I stopped counting the number of times I sat down on top of a clotheshanger. I know the easiest way to deal with this is to clear the bed before either of us goes to sleep but I keep forgetting. Plus, sometimes it's his stuff, too. I wish that instead of just shoving everything over to my side of the bed without saying anything he'd call me over so I could put my things away.
But mostly I'm just happy it didn't get damaged.

>mistreats other people's clothes
>clothes get damaged
>well they were bad quality anyway so it's your fault for buying them, no my fault for ruining them!
Is your mom my mom?

>> No.8085167

> have many friends in my community
> suddenly a group of weeaboos decide they want to be my best friend
> follow me around at meets and cons
> like everything I post and comment irrelevant nonsense and bad sexual jokes on my statuses
> am too polite to tell them to fuck off
> community is avoiding me because they hate this group and think I'm one of them now
> I'm a loner in a sea of cringe

I regret not doing anything about this when I had the chance. Now I'm forced to hang out with people I loathe because I have no other friends left.

>> No.8085194


.......tfw I wash AP in the washing machine all the time, in fact they're my favorite brand for being one of the hardier burandos that can withstand a washing machine.

I don't do a mixed load with other clothes and always use a lingerie bag for lolita clothes though. And I haven't had the chance to wash (or wear) CDC yet. Still, AP is seriously is the best brand for not dropping dye or fading. Wonder what else your mom did to make it fade.

>> No.8085225

>mention to coworkers how I dress (I don't call it lolita)
>show them; very receptive and says it looks good on me
>chola coworker asks where I got the dress and how much
>I tell her the website and it was about $150 with shipping
>cue choruses of "why the hell would anyone spend that much on a single item of clothing? Blah blah blah..."
>Some of these fuckers spend $100 on a pair of sneakers
>others think WalMart is high quality
>chola can't wrap her head around the fact I don't dress that nice for church, cause that's the only reason anyone would
>only one person knows how nice tailored clothing fits and feels and was the only one not to give me shit for how much I spend
I hate to sound like a pretentious cunt, but god damnit I hate fucking normalfags.

Side note:
>tell manager I can't wait to pay off my car
>practically flips on me "Fix your car?! Just buy a new one!"
>MFW my car is in great condition and has only minor repairs
>MFW my manager can't comprehend I love this car and it's perfect for me

>> No.8085229

Stop cosplaying with them, they're just using you dude for their personal gain

Just leave them and make life better for yourself, fuck toxic people

>> No.8085248

>at a con wearing lolita
>with my friend and a girl who claims she is into lolita
>friend mentions my back corsetting ribbon came untied
>girl who claims she is a lolita says she will tie it for me
>fucking yanks the corseting as hard as she can and rips the dress
>I am mortified
>she didn't even offer to pay to get it fixed or anything
>I'm too shy to make her pay for it

>> No.8085264

I feel this right now.
I suffered from an ED as well and I gained quite a bit of weight after recovering. Recently I started to try and lose weight in a more healthy way but it has spiraled back down to me severely restricting again...

>> No.8085321

Grow a pair and confront her. If you manage that this one time you'll have a far easier time sticking up for yourself in the future

>> No.8085510

>be the only lolita in a 60 mile radius
>wear lolita to school
>others start to get into it
>others want to get into it
>one is a qt
>2 are really manly girls
>1 is a guy
>one is a transwoman
>tfw I will never have cute local comm

>> No.8085560

>sold item on the 19th
>live in the US northeast, work, plan to take it to the PO like two days later
>fucking snowstorm
>day after work 7am-6pm, no PO for me
>next day, more snowstorm
>continues on and off, working and snowstorms, until yesterday
>finally clear
>no more drifting shut roads
>grab package
>check email
>buyer is throwing a fit because the tracking info hasn't updated, even though I told them there'd be a delay because of the snow
>"thanks for taking my money, I'm tired of your bullshit excuses, etc."
>they live in southern cali
>nigger probably doesn't even know what snow is
>fucking asshole just wants a refund, and will probably leave me negative feedback for nothing

First negative I'll ever get, with hundreds of positives. I feel like this is going to ruin my reputation as a seller.

I even offered to pay rush shipping to get it to them like overnight and they're still just wanting a refund.

>> No.8085569

Snitches fucking deserve stiches.

>college forcing students to gain weight

What the actual fuck? That's way way beyond "in loco parentis".

>> No.8085576

California seems to be filled with people utterly disconnected from reality.

>> No.8085603

...I did all right in stats but am FUCK CALCULUS. Like, I'm on my third attempt at Calculus 1. The trig stuff is half the problem (I took precalc about....10 years ago or so, and trig even longer ago back in high school). The other half is not letting my depression and anxiety get in the way of actually going to class.

>> No.8085604

Props for creativity but yeah, like the other anons were saying, it's really now that practical. Hey,if it works for you, it's fine.

>> No.8085617

>put off uying wig for con
>finally go to buy one
>only place that has what I need is AnimeStuffStore
>their webshop is broken?
>doubles cost hen I try to checkout with paypal, won't allow me to just pay with card
>go to buy from their ebay instead
>more than one item
>inquire about combined shipping
>just wait

Am I screwed or

I need this shit in two weeks

>> No.8085621

In a way they are.
To give some anecdotal evidence, I've had a lot of women approach and eyeball me for being the sole one not stinking of thirst in the area.
And in general people tell me stuff like
>you're so refreshing to be around, there's like no pressure or anything with you
>you really don't look like how you actually are
I think it has something to do with my wardrobe and demeanor, seeing as how I wear a lot of black with white accents.
And I don't wear any graphic or loud stuff, all of my stuff is really subdued and muted without many bells and whistles.
So I give the impression that I'm brooding or really grumpy or something, only for that to be dispelled when they see me helping someone.
I'm also basically asexual, I don't like using that term, but it's the best fitting one for my "don't care" sexuality, so that may play a part.

>> No.8085623

Not really. I feel bad for girls who self-destruct like that. I'm like the other anon who lost 15 at the start of college but looking at friends or even girls who I never really liked, I only feel bad for them

>> No.8085628

>be me in Korean class (I had to take an unrelated extra class and I'm a language nerd so why the fuck not)
>stupidly did not anticipate that the entire class is 95% koreaboos
>sitting minding my own business when teacher says to form pairs for speaking exercise
>the only girl not already sitting next to someone moves to sit next to me
>inward sigh, judging from how she's acted in class earlier she probably has a slight retardation or something (she can never understand even the most thorough explanation, loudly talks to herself ALL THE TIME, exclaims "WHAT THE FUCK THIS MAKES NO SENSE" while the teacher is speaking, etc.)
>do exercise with her, it takes forever since she still can't fucking read hangul after half a year of class
>exercise finally over, I reach into my bag to take out my phone to write down homework
>girl sees my Sanrio phone case, my Sailor Moon wallet and my Angelic Pretty phone wallpaper, basically the only things giving my power level away

She now sits down next to me every class and won't stop talking to me, even though I reply with as few words as possible. She talks during class when I want to focus, and I always have to do pair exercises with her. She asks me about everything the teacher explains and won't stop asking even when I say I'm trying to listen to the teacher. I am never going to get rid of her. She fucking ruined my class and now I dread going there. Why, /cgl/? This is why I hide my interests...

>> No.8085635

Working at Hollister temporarily (in the process of moving) I can completely sympathize with your hatred of normalfags.

>> No.8085636

It would be hysterical to meet a lolita who can just stick her hands down her skirt and fish out anything she needs, like a real life version of one of those Highlander interdemensional trenchcoats they always pull hidden swords out of.

>> No.8085641

I buy a lot of my work clothes from Walmart and the like.

Sure, these boots will fall apart in a year, but I can buy 4 of them for the price of 1 decent pair of boots, and I wouldn't want to step foot in some of the disgusting stuff I have to wade through in nice boots.

>> No.8085671

My best friend is a gay dude and he is a chick MAGNET, also because women feel like he's a chill dude who doesn't expect anything from them so they can be at ease when he's around. Often they gravitate towards him, become friendly acquaintances and then develop a huge crush that lasts between weeks and several months. It's been kind of funny seeing this happen over and over again through the years but he's always so awkward in turning them down and letting them know he's gay. He has a boyfriend but is super anti-PDA, so anyone without a well-honed radar will just think he's the chillest dude in the world and a huge player.

Hey lonely bitter anon, try being less thirsty. If there's anything that turns women away it's desperation.

Speaking as an autist, congratulations! You've met one of us. If you really want her to fuck off and leave you alone you will have to tell her so in very certain terms. I'd recommend telling her you don't want to sit next to her during class because she talks too much and actually getting up and walking away when she sits next to you. You might not be able to get out of doing pair exercises with her, though, unless you manage to grab someone else and dump this girl on another poor soul.

>> No.8085674

Fucking Asian language classes. I took Japanese for three years, and it was a nightmare, particularly the guy who always sat behind me every semester.
>aggressively fat and dirty
>thickest neckbeard you've ever seen
>occasionally wore a trilby to class (I swear to god)
>muttered to himself incessantly throughout class
>talked openly and loudly about visiting 4chan and a site that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of but was basically weeb stuff and porn
>any time I made a single mistake speaking, he'd mutter a correction behind me, even though he himself sucked at all speaking exercises and took at least five minutes to respond to any questions from the instructor

Other gems included the fat weeb girl who spoke in a high, squeaky voice and nyaaa'd all the time; her pipsqueak boyfriend with nasty long hair who insisted he was Edward Elric; and the most socially awkward dude who latched onto me when he found out I was a cosplayer and decided I should be the first person he came out to as a furry. Good times.

>> No.8085678
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Goddammit. I got an email back from the job I wanted and didn't make the cut. I really want a job in event planning.

Oh well. Here's to hoping I get the 2nd interview from the bank job. Ugh.

>> No.8085685

Wow, I'm thankful for my school, then. I've taken two semesters of Japanese and the weebiest I've ever noticed in there has just been anime shirts/messenger bags.

>> No.8085690

>If there's anything that turns women away it's desperation.

The irony, of course, being that you need to get a women (or man, depending) before you stop being desperate.

>> No.8085704

Dunno if you're still here but that sounds like borderline personality disorder. I used to have it. Well... I still do but it isn't as bad because I've been medicated. But basically its where you flip the fuck out over really dumb things. Hope it gets better anon.

>> No.8085713

No you don't.
I'm >>8085621 and the whole point of sharing my personal experiences is that you don't need to "get some" to not be desperate.
I've never even held hands with a girl, I don't invite them to anything, hell sometimes I'm not even nice and I'm still approached.
What part of, "you're the piece of shit here" are you not getting?

>> No.8085724

>It worked for me, therefore it should work for everybody!
>And if it doesn't work for them, that means they're horrible people!

Way to generalize.

>> No.8085747

Learn to fucking hide your thirst, then.

>> No.8085757

>finally take measurements cause i wanna start ordering clothes online
>shoulders: 42,5 cm

>> No.8085780

>tfw tiny-ass head
I used to hate it, still kind of do, but for wigs it's a godsent. Wigs are never too small for me and if I fluff up my hair underneath the wig cap I can still wear large ones. I can also still wear full sized hats with my wigs whereas all my friends can only wear hats with their natural hair.

>> No.8085816

I started working on my Hiro cosplay from Big Hero 6 early in December, and I wanted it done before the premiere in my country, so I based it of the promo posters and some crappy screenshots from a camrip. I really liked how it turned out, considering it was my first try with craft foam and making an armor-ish cosplay. Then the dvd got leaked (I guess??) so I decided to watch it before the premiere because they won't show it in english where I live, but.... They changed up the design from the promo posters and I'm just.. I worked so hard on trying to get it right from the posters, and then it's completely different in the movie. Craft stuff is really expensive here as well so it feels like such a waste..

>> No.8085820

That's what you get for being an I DID IT FIRST fag.

>> No.8085821
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>I'm a loner i a sea of cringe

>> No.8085832

No, I work at my local cinema, and they wanted to do something for the premiere and I said I was planning to make that costume, so they asked if I wanted to wear it at the premiere and maybe hang out with kids and take pictures and shit

>> No.8085843

If all else fails, you could always just sell yourself.

>> No.8085845
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Weebs and their social retardation I swear to god. Why are congoers so touchy-feely?
>be very uncomfortable with touch
>tell people this when they try to hug me so they know it's nothing personal, just me being weird
>only people I don't mind hugging are boyfriend and best friend I've known for over a decade

>dude I only just met tries to hug me and I turn him down with the aforementioned apologetic "sorry I'm weird about this" spiel
>bff (who dude is already familiar with) shows up and gives me a sort of half-hug as a greeting
>dude fucking growls and practically glomps me
>push him off me and ask what the fuck, dude?
>apparently I'm a shallow bitch who was lying about not liking to hug strangers and if I'm going to hug my best friend of ten years I should also be happy to hug every random guy I meet
and then these assholes wonder why no girl wants to be near them for more than five seconds

>> No.8085856

But that's work clothes. I'll buy my khakis from there IDGAF, but actual quality clothes? Fuck no.

>> No.8085869

I have a job at a fast food restaurant. I think I've sold everything of myself including my soul.

I shouldn't feel too bummed. I'd hate it to be one of those "over-qualified" situations. Like I said, I still have a job interview pending elsewhere. I guess I'll just keep looking. I just don't want to be where I am now. I've moved back to my hometown and it's so weird seeing people I once went to middle/high school with.

wtf. He sounds like those people on that "white straight boys texting" tumblr. I feel you, though. I don't like it when people I don't know touch me, too.

>> No.8085881

> think I've sold everything of myself including my soul.
Right now I am wondering whether you understood what I meant or whether you have actually "sold yourself". Either way, do tell.

>> No.8085885

Just keep the costume the way it is. Kids won't care about the differences, they'll just be happy to see you.

>> No.8085893

you would /fit/ in perfectly

>> No.8085895

I've only dated one person for a span of two weeks, and I was the one who initiated it. The only other person I wanted to go out with rejected me after I was the one who initiated that.

>> No.8085900

I am feeling super confident. I was depressed for about a year and a half. I Lost family, fell out of touch with friends. Fucking put weight on, stop exercising, rehurt old injury, get sick, have nightmares and vivid memories of dead family. Finally kicked my butt into gear, realise my fam wouldn't want me to waste my life torturing myself, and applied for a managerial qualification to supplement a mournful, lonely degree that I did nothing with (aside from some super helpful volunteer work that is landing me a place on the course), saw some friends the weekend, had good sex last night and actually came (thank you depression for robbing me of orgasms before) and cleared a bunch of clutter out of the house. I feel hopeful for the first time in two years! Yay!!

>> No.8085903

Have you ever thought that maybe the reason those men line up is because those women actually put out, and that some men just want to get laid? Just because they fuck those women doesn't suddenly mean they're ready to date and marry them.

>> No.8085906

I somehow doubt this

>> No.8085916

>tfw solid 7/10 but no one's ever shown romantic interest in you
>tfw severe anxiety
>tfw don't even get cat called
What's wrong with me

>> No.8085926

I need a username and password to access MyVirginMedia or some shit as the bill payer (my mother) with our cutomer reference etc but she can't remember any of her details and is abroad for 4 months. I can browse blue boards on my mobile data for now as my proxy IP got banned then banned again for ban evasion- incidentally, both bans were related to posts not made by myself, but other 4chan users (child porn and furry porn)

>> No.8085928

That's where fapping comes in. It's like a drink of water.

>> No.8085938

>being touchy about being touched

Ah, English.

(also, good on you for telling other people it's your issue that you don't want to be hugged, not theirs. Too bad even that's not enough for some people.)

>> No.8085948

Does anyone have the same problem as me? I lost 60 pounds recently over the course of 9 months. I get a lot of compliments, stuff looks better, and I'm happier. But for some reason, I'm not used to it. I have 35 more pounds to go but I still feel like a fat girl. It's hard for me to think of myself as ever being a skinny girl or sexier. I feel about the same as I did before my weight loss even if I've changed a lot. I feel like it isn't "me" and I get freaked out when I can feel my bones (like my knees or leg bones). When does it change? When does it feel normal?

>> No.8085949

I just checkout out that tumblr and hey, a lot of those boys ain't white. Why can't we just band together to hate on creepy dudes without making it a race thing?

>> No.8085960

Because it's politically incorrect to call out anyone besides cis white males on their bad behavior.

>> No.8085978

Nah, I've never done sex work nor am I interested. I knew what you/anon meant. I just feel like I'm at at a dead end job (which it is). I know people who've been there for years. I can't see myself there very long.

>> No.8086001

If you've been fat all your life it can take some years to get used to it.
Just make sure you don't get fat again or you'll never get used to it

>> No.8086005

>have entry level DSLR
>spend con looking for average/below average looking cosplayers that probably don't get a lot of photog love
>do my best to take a really nice photo of them
>they find their photos online
>they all sound ecstatic when they see how the photos turned out
This is what Santa must feel like

>> No.8086013

You're probably not a 7/10 to most people then.

>> No.8086021

Yeah, I'm kinda amazed when average looking cosplayers get all excited when I want to take their picture because they're dressed as my favorite character.

Then again, the handful of times anyone wants to take my picture makes me so excited, so I can understand that feel.

>> No.8086028

I think I might just be really plain. People that aren't romantic interests say I look nice and stuff, and I get compliments from strangers, but that's it. Maybe I just don't appeal to boys or something.

>> No.8086040

Or you could be the type who's just naturally invisible.

Most of us become photographers, it's a good use of that talent.

>> No.8086045

idk why the tumblr name mentioned the race thing either. Maybe because it's tumblr.

>> No.8086050

Kinda like the "manspreading" blogs that show women taking up numerous seats. I admire them for showing everyone's bad behavior, but hating how their name belies reality.

>> No.8086061
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>> No.8086066
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I should mention that the other problem with "manspreading" tumblrs is that most of the time, they show people taking up extra seats on empty train cars or busses.

This girl seems to be taking up three seats on a full bus, but it's impossible to tell with such a narrow shot.

But the whole concept of "manspreading", as if only one gender is taking up extra space, and the fact that the mainstream media is giving it credence, bugs the hell out of me.

>> No.8086071

On one hand, I couldn't really care less how people sit on an empty bus/train (although putting your feet on the seat is generally awful manners). On the other hand, when a bus/train is crowded, it's usually the guys who take up more space with their bodies. To keep their personal space bubble, most women will squish themselves into the walls while most guys tend to puff up and assert themselves (from personal experience).

>> No.8086100

Humans aren't fucking puffer fish. Unless you're actually pushing your limbs outward no amount of "asserting yourself" will cause you to take up more physical space.

>> No.8086103

Finally got ahold of that girl I fucked on Sunday at the cosplay gathering.

She actually is 19... phew.

>> No.8086111

Really my only experience with it is black men sitting spread eagle. I even saw two black guys sit side by side and both trying to spread their legs as far apart as they would go. Naturally this turned into a fist fight. But we are talking about tumbler and all non white males are saints free from being criticized.

>> No.8086113

I mean standing with their feet apart, shoulders squared.

>> No.8086263

Guys do spread a lot more than girls, but I've never had a guy refuse to make room if I've asked to sit down in an empty seat. Some will be dicks about it, or passive-aggressively try to squeeze space back.

Though I'm a small skinny guy. I don't know if they're more hostile or nicer to girls than they are to guys.

>> No.8086266

Some guys will be nice about it, others will try to intimidate girls because being an ass to someone smaller and weaker makes them feel like a big guy.

>> No.8086293

That's horrible anon, I hope she's okay.

>> No.8086315

Post your face, kiddo

>> No.8086324


Sounds like the women's fault. They should assert their own space, not force others to abandon there's.

This is just as bad as those women who say classes should have "women only" answer sections because men are more assertive.

>> No.8086327

>best friend and cosplay partner slowly drifting apart after i moved away
>new social circles, hers established back home, mine all new acquaintances and none close
>have to initiate contact probably 80% of the time
>don't really plan to do anything together unless it's a big group including her new friends and I'm invited to tag along
>bring it up, she blows me off
>kinda sad and hurt, kinda angry
>realize I've gotten a tad obsessive about it
>take little things as a slight when I should just let it roll and move on
>want to stop, focus on myself and new things
>how do

I hate that I think about her so much. It's just loneliness of my new city combined with feeling like I'm the only one trying to make an effort to keep in touch, I understand that and am trying to keep myself busy, but I keep coming back to her, and I hate it. She's the only person I regularly cosplayed with, she was my first lolita friend, too, and she wants to call me her best friend without any of the work. It just hurts a little.

On the upside, I'm going to a lot more meets with my local comm and am hoping to get to know them even better, and I've met a few local cosplayers who seem pretty cool. I just need to get out there more. I'm shy and socially anxious, but I'm trying, and I guess that's all that matters. I'll put more energy into costumes and getting in good shape for them. Sorry to vent so much, whoops.

>> No.8086332

I think everyone should be accommodating, tbh. I mean, don't get yourself trampled over, but taking up a lot of space on a crowded bus/train is kind of a shitty thing to do (male or female).

>They should assert their own space, not force others to abandon there's.
Wat. Women are not forcing men to abandon their space, the increasing volume of people and lack of space is doing that.

>> No.8086333

You've got the right idea, anon, keep working to better yourself, make new friends, and stay busy. It sucks, but people drift apart like that all the time, especially when one moves away. You'll find new friends, don't worry.

>> No.8086363
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>be friends with girl for 5 years
>used to go to cons together all the time
>we graduate two springs ago
>both get real jobs
>both live 30 minutes away from each other
>friendship remains good for year after
>she gets a boyfriend around march
>suddenly too busy to talk
>never responds to hangout requests
>if she does, she always declines with excuses of being too busy
>skips out on both cons we used to go to together but goes to other cons with bf and sister
>after months of no contact delete her off facebook
>she suddenly flips and messages me calling me childish and selfish for deleting her
>readd her out of guilt
>back to no talk and ignoring invitations

I don't get it. Why would someone throw a shitfit over a person unfriending them when they clearly have no intention of spending time with them?

>> No.8086366
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I had a friend give me some really jelly vibes the other day.

>me and one of my bf's friends are trying to become better friends
>she and I both weigh the same
>she carries a lot of her weight in her face, but she's more proportional all around
>I carry a lot of my weight in my lower gut/upper arms
>plan to start going to the gym and swimming together
>the difference between me and her is that I've lost a significant amount of weight
>her weight gain is more recent

>the other night at tea
>feel comfortable enough to share some photos with her from when I weighed 230 pounds
>no photos of me exist when I weighed 245-50 because I was too humiliated
>showed her a specific set of photos of my weight loss from 230-180 (right now I'm 175)
>she looks at the 200+ pictures and says that she doesn't see a difference
>despite friends, family, and even seagulls telling me before that it's a huge difference
>mfw this fool is trying to tell me that losing 60 pounds is inconsequential

I guess it only stung because I'm at a stage where I'm trying to gain her approval and then she says something completely retarded like that.

>> No.8086369

I've realized that I can't stand any of the cosplay friends I've made over the past 5 years

I feel like I should try to make new ones but at the same time I just have no more fucks to give.

>> No.8086379

This is hilarious and I love it. You've already got your own system down, but have you ever thought of sewing a short skirt (like a slip) with pockets and then wearing that underneath your petticoats?

And I'm pleb as hell about lolita, but could someone please explain how full back shirred AP has two pockets? I looked up pictures but can't tell how that would work.

Oh god, so sorry anon. Joann's has some good cotton sateen with a lovely weight that great to use, so hopefully that's findable in your store. Their cotton sateen is one of my favourite fabrics to use.

>> No.8086438

The average guy is significantly more polite and friendly when dealing with a girl than another guy.

>> No.8086444
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>be at work
>a pair of asian girls show up
>turns out they're exchange students or something similar
>the person they're with is a little stingy with purchasing things for them
>they ask me for advice on what shampoo to buy, have to show them some cheaper brands instead of the salon-quality stuff
>felt like I acted a little insensitive because I touched one girl's hair when asking questions about it and instead of saying you're welcome when they thanked me I just nodded and "mmm-hmm"d like I always do
>later on during the night when I finish remodeling the shampoo shelves it turns out some of the really good stuff was on clearance, if I had known earlier I would have given it to them

Oh well.

>> No.8086449

confront her about it, let her know she's been ignoring you and that you obviously don't mean anything to her because she keeps blowing you off.

>> No.8086459


I did when she spazed out on me for deleting her.
She claimed we're both adults with adult lives and that I should grow up and not expect to hang out all the time. Because trying to hang out once over a period of six or seven months is "all the time".

She actually invited me to anime midwest when we fought those few weeks ago so I'll probably just see how that turns out before I decide to purge her from my life.

>> No.8086464

What type of pockets are they? You normally put the pockets together first on the front of the garment, so I'm assuming they did that, then shirred/sewed the back onto the front.

>> No.8086471


As a guy, I do this just because I know another guy probably won't give a fuck about me being blunt with him, while a girl is much more likely to get offended.

>> No.8086479

Maybe they just think you're already taken?
It's happened to some of my friends.

>> No.8086584

Diff anon, but good plan. That's not really fair. If she freaks out on you again and tells you to grow up, tell her she needs to be an adult and not spaz about someone she never talks to anymore taking her off facebook.

>> No.8086622

This is exactly it. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, man.

>> No.8086631

Eh not really. Just look at japan. The men stopped making the first move all the time, and rather than deal with the pressure and risk of rejection men have always had to deal with, the women would rather stubbornly refuse to to ever make the first move first while the birthrate plummets and the country slowly dies.

>> No.8086636

I thought it was women were getting tired of the expectations that came with marriage like being expected to quit their jobs and pop out kids while dicking around at home all day.

>> No.8086639

That's definitely possible. I do love photography.

Here? No way.

I guess it's possible. I think the "naturally invisible" thing might just be the answer. I hate standing out in groups of people that I don't know, so that's probably not helping.

cgl related
>start of semester, perfect time to work on cosplay
>ibs acting up
>feel too shitty to do anything

>> No.8086649
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I'll never sell on facebook sales groups again, holy fuck. I just thought they'd be a simpler and faster alternative to Lacemarket because lately it had been crashing incessantly. Also whenever I upload pictures it'll give me random errors that the mods consequently yell at me for, like it's my fault the website is a shit.

Boy was I mistaken!
>literal retarded buyers who say they're interested, ask a million questions over a period of days, then ultimately back out ergo wasting my time
>nobody knows their measurements offhand
>people asking me to hold items for weeks
>people getting indignant if there's a queue on an item and feel entitled because they thought they asked first

>> No.8086655

>want to do Girls und Panzer
>Can't genderbend because the uniforms wouldn't make sense
>Even if I make some sort of excellent tanker costume, I would just look like a guy in a tanker costume
>A group might make things clearer, but none of my friends like anime
>mention to gf I'm reading a book about Rommel
>mention what sparked my interest and she goes into "he's talking about anime" mode
>final year of engineering school and work is piling up, may not even be able to find time to make a costume at all
>applying to grad school with shit GPA

I just... man. Too many feels.

>> No.8086666

They're welcome to trade societal expectations with japanese men any time.
Although be warned such a thing is liable to come with a 400% rise in suicide rates.

>> No.8086692

>feeling shitty

I laughed

I'm sorry, anon, I have IBS too, but it was funny. I hope you feel better soon though.

>> No.8086719

Except that women that do want to be in the high-stress male roles often get shut down so they can't do them even if they want to. They aren't welcome to trade societal expectations because things can't change just like that. Maybe if men were more willing to let women accept some of the burden there wouldn't be so much stress.

>> No.8086725

I think a lot of colleges do this. It's considered best for the student's mental well-being to remove them from the stressful environment of college and be at home where they can fully manage their health. Same goes for suicidal students, which I fortunately was not. The counselor I saw was really nice. He said he trusted that I was recovered but the school needed me at a certain BMI to allow the issue to pass.

Unfortunately true. Part of the reason she reported me is because she was supposedly once bulimic in 8th grade and me being skinny was "triggering her" into wanting to be bulimic again...it's a long story, I guess, but true. She's one of those people who always need to be the center of attention and have the most problems.

>> No.8086728


Guys, can we not do this, just this once?

>> No.8086733

I'm off work on sick leave and it is kind of amazing how much money I am not spending.
Like, when I am at work I always piss money away on snacks or Starbucks or some stupid shit to help me get through work.
Not really eating ether, or moving much, but it was just so weird for me to be exactly on budget and not piss it away on stupid shit.
Now watch while I piss it away on lolita or doll shit.

>> No.8086734

>Maybe if men were more willing to let women accept some of the burden there wouldn't be so much stress.
They had their chance to take on the burden of having to be the one to initiate and orchestrate relationships with the opposite sex and we already know how that went.
Gee if I didn't know any better I'd say womens idea of "equality" is actually just "give me all the fun parts of being a man but make men keep doing all the hard unpleasant stuff"

>> No.8086741

Or maybe women just aren't good enough.

>> No.8086746

Dude, we get it. Girls don't like you. We're all very sorry, but there's nothing /cgl/ can do for you. Why are you even here?

>> No.8086754

Dump him and put that shit on plastic. Your peace of mind is priceless.

>> No.8086761

Why do women always fall back to personal insults when they can't argue any more?

>> No.8086763

I get travel anxiety all the time anon. Once you're on the plane and on you're way you should perk up with excitement :)
I have issues with planes anyway so my anxiety gets worse when it comes to getting on one, but I get through it with breathing exercises and I just let the passenger next to me know that I get anxiety on planes. A lot more people understand than you think.

>> No.8086768

> implying that use of ad hominem isn't universal

>> No.8086772

Emergency services worker that does a lot of in-hospital crisis work (and fellow medicated crazy) and I'm seconding the possibility of an alternate diagnosis. The best advice I can give is to see a psychiatrist specialising in the bipolar spectrum and borderline personality because most antidepressants can make people with bipolar and BPD violent/suicidal/other. I suggest a psychiatrist over a psychologist because psychiatrists are medical doctors that can help you on the meds angle way better than a family doctor can.. I always tell people that psychiatrists help you get the meds and psychologists/phds in counseling can help with the non-medication side.

If you're in the USA and can't afford to pay, there are ways. I wish you all the best, anon.

>> No.8086789

Universal among women maybe.
And they also universally use the exact same one every time. That women don't like you, with every other one just being a spinoff of that. As if they view themselves as gods and that their approval is the ultimate deciding judgement for whether a man is a success or failure.

>> No.8086810

You're talking in circles.
>They had their chance to take on the burden of having to be the one to initiate and orchestrate relationships with the opposite sex and we already know how that went.
And they chose not to because they'd rather not have those relationships if it meant being pressured into marriage and quitting their jobs. These women aren't sitting around complaining about not being able to get guys because now they have to approach them, they're choosing not to get into relationships. It's way more fun being the aggressor than the pursued anyway though, I've gone after almost every single person I've been in a relationship with and went after them as soon as I decided I was interested. Guys tend to get flustered when hit on, it's adorable.

>> No.8086872

this. reading these posts reminds of someone who recently claimed to be asbergers when her behavior is much more in line wth BPD (or outright psychopathy--fucked up beyond ASD bounds at any rate)

>> No.8087066
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>Guys tend to get flustered when hit on, it's adorable.

Please continue

>> No.8087068

>bfs brother 9/10 has autism
>bf knows it
>i know it
>his mom knows it down
>they won't go to get him any kind of help because his dad is a therapist and swears he can handle it
>he can't fucking handle it

This kid needs help, like, for real. I don't know what to do.

>> No.8087075
File: 103 KB, 400x226, tumblr_ngpe2c6EfS1r5tvmoo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a decent cosplayer back in the day, not famous but respected
>leave the cosplay/gaming world for a couple years to get my shit together after a crappy break up
>back then was a 4/10
>got a great job, worked out and ate healthy for 2 years
>solid 7/10
>start playing Dragon Age this year
>I want to cosplay that glorious shit
>recent promotion and constant gaming has made me a 5/10 again
>fucking shit fuck I can't find a decent balance
I left cosplay as a chubby loser, I'm sure as hell not returning that way

Also my apartment is too fricking small to play wii fit let alone make a cosplay, moving to a bigger place with my boyfriend can't come soon enough

>> No.8087082

> tfw just received an Emily Temple Cute skirt in the mail and it's a little snug.
Spring needs to hurry up and come so it stop being a cold, icy death outside so I can exercise.
I have no space to exercise inside where I live and the gyms are like 30 minutes away and I don't have time for that in my schedule.

>> No.8087096

I feels you, anon.

>Go to visit older cousin who helps me with my cosplay from time-to-time
>Stay for a week because her babies 1st birthday
>Get to meet her husbands parents
>Mother as crippling dementia
>Father seems to have no more love for her, often leaving her scared and alone on the couch so he can go socialize during the party
>The entire weekend I need to repeatedly introduce myself to her, but she forgets after a few minutes
>One night we go out to dinner and she almost drinks a candle

I know one of their sons has been in a home for a very long time because he has severe autism. The father refuses get help for the mother despite neglecting to care for her properly. I think he's just waiting for her to die.

>> No.8087098

I will tell you a story, Anon. I've told it here before, so it may seem familiar to some.
>2003 or so, cosplaying Quistis
>one of the first cosplayers I notice at the con is a Squall
>go up and say hi, he makes a grumpy face at me and I persist until he turns away
>okay, guess he's not interested
>see him again later, smile and say hi again
>this time he stops for a minute and looks at me, then the floor
>yellow light means flirt
>d-do you wanna go watch some anime in the viewing rooms? They're showing Rah Xephon and it's pretty good
I also got the number of a Tidus cosplayer I met at the same con, but he wasn't shy at all and just responded positively to my flirtations. Tidus and I never dated, but Squall and I did for a little while. Tidus was a fucking tease, but an amazing person to talk to.

>> No.8087100

They are called hidden pockets for a reason.

>> No.8087115


>> No.8087116

>womens idea of "being the aggressor" and "going after" still ultimately involves waiting until the guy ask you to go do something.

Jeez you will just not under any circumstances but yourself at risk of asking someone out and being definitively rejected.

>> No.8087117
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Keep thinking that, anon. You're here with us forever...........

>> No.8087120

>Complaints about not being cat called
WTF. That shit is the worst.

>> No.8087126

a while ago on tumblr this post got thousands of notes saying that not getting cat called was a form of oppression against fat and ugly girls and all my idiot fat ugly friends reblogged it.

>> No.8087127

The other bit involves me asking a guy for his number and I have plenty of experiences where I asked men out places (and I even pay for both of us on some of these occasions). That anon wanted stories of guys getting flustered, and that was the cutest and most board relevant story I had.

>> No.8087155


A few times I've completely misinterpreted a girl's expression of interest until I thought about it later because it's so rare for them to make the first move. I've gotten pretty good at gauging a girl's level of interest when I'm initiating but if I'm not sometimes I completely miss the transition from normal conversation.

>> No.8087160

That actually happened when my husband and I first started really talking (we'd met briefly at previous cons). I finally got a chance to actually talk to him, and he goes from warm to cold and I didn't know why. He thought I was interested, then second guessed himself. Once he started being cold I did other stuff for awhile, but when I saw him again I decided I'd just go for things more aggressively and gauge his reaction. Got his email, started emailing him after the con (he didn't remember me at first...), got his AIM and then I eventually asked him out to an arcade I liked to go to.

>> No.8087161

Maybe you're not good enough. Stay mad m'lady.

>> No.8087171

I have a few stories of asking a neckbeard out.
>in school, have a crush on this kind of awkward guy
>tell him I think he's cute and ask if he'd like to go to the cinema with me
>he literally turns on his heel and runs away
You'd think with all the whinging about having to ask girls out first they'd be happy, but the truth is that they don't really know what they want

I've done it a few times after that but every single time I've been either rejected or had them somehow avoid me.

I don't look bad (kinda average), I dress pretty normalfaggy, I am really not pushy with anyone. My personal hygiene is ok, I don't stutter or lisp, I'm mentally healthy afaik so it couldn't have been anything I did.

After that, I just stopped asking guys myself. I figure if I'm so repulsive I might as well wait until someone tells me they're interested themselves instead of embarrassing myself each time. And sure enough, my first ever and current boyfriend asked me out first.

>> No.8087173


It can be tricky sometimes to figure out when a girl is interested or just being friendly. I admit that sometimes I send mixed signals myself so I try not to hold it against them.

>> No.8087181

>buy single dress from Japanese auctions two weeks ago
>still not at SS warehouse
>put in Taobao order with 20+ items from different shops, days after winning dress from Japan
>already on its way to me

>> No.8087183
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This is ridiculous. Having men yell at you, saying they want to fuck you, is not an enjoyable experience. It's degrading and it makes you feel like a walking piece of meat.

>> No.8087184

I had a similar experience in high school. Guy wasn't a neckbeard but a stereotypical nerd, small, scrawny, socially awkward, very enthusiastic about science, constant stream of math jokes only his friends understood. He clearly had a crush on the most popular girl in the class who mostly avoided him except to copy off his notes and get help with homework. She was always dating some other dude and the nerdy guy in question seemed to be losing hope, talking about how he'd never get a girlfriend or even meet a girl who liked him. Yet when I asked him to hang out he huffed and just walked away. Of course he's allowed to have preferences but if you're going to to "boohoo no girl will ever like me I'll always be alone" and then turn around and snub a girl who says she does like you... well. Don't blame us when you're lonely.

>> No.8087186

For some reason many fat chicks like being compared to a piece of meat and measure their worth by how attractive men find them.
>men like meat, bones are for dogs!
>at least I have a big butt and tits that men like, unlike skinny bitches!

>> No.8087187

It's probably because of a lack of confidence making them desire any sort of attention that shows they're attractive. Ugliness is subjective, but everybody can tell if you're fat.

>> No.8087190

I don't think the ranting of a few angry guys on 4chan is indicative of the thoughts and attitudes of all ugly or awkward boys in the world.

And it can probably only take 1 time of being "asked out" by a girl only for her and her friends to be waiting there to laugh at your to instill a long-lasting distrust of a girl approaching you.

>> No.8087198

And you think girls are any different? Girls don't lose trust if they get rejected?

>> No.8087200

That story didn't even involve rejection.

>> No.8087201

Girls don't have feelings, anon. We all have laughingsluts.jpg where our hearts should be.

>> No.8087204

>two guys turning on their heel and walking away when asked out
>not rejection

>> No.8087205

The point of the story was that they thought (or at least could have) you were just setting him up to be laughed at again.

>> No.8087208

You say that like a joke and yet your first response to hearing about an innocent, already awkward/ugly guy being bullied is to insult him even more.

So yeah.

>> No.8087212

And that is my problem because...?

>> No.8087214

Are we reading the same thread? Please point me to this insult.

>> No.8087216

That's it not really a rejection if he never thought you were asking him out to begin with.

>> No.8087219


I can't speak to how girls feel but as a guy I learned to toughen up. Getting shot down stings like a bitch and so does the walk back of shame but over time I've learned not to take it personally. I've been shot down what has literally been hundreds of times but that is also because I've asked hundreds of times. Even if I get shot down alot I still get hundreds of more opportunities because they said yes than if I just sad on the side hoping to get noticed.

>> No.8087280

>I've been shot down what has literally been hundreds of times

that sounds like you try to ask out everything that looks even remotely like a girl jfc

>> No.8087290

Rejection does not have to be mutually agreeable. Whether the guy intended for his actions to come off as a rejection or not, running the fuck away is a pretty clear indicator to any reasonable person that they were not interested. You can't seriously expect the girl to be able to magically read his mind and know that he thought she was joking.

>> No.8087294

tell me some stories.

>> No.8087296

Was it Sankaku Complex? Very weeby lotsa porn.

>> No.8087297

>playing Dragon Age makes you fat

>> No.8087298

What country u in? Just curious.

>> No.8087323

Women are indeed terrible, and all of your opinions about them are absolutely right. This is exactly why you should stay here and keep talking to us, you don't need to change yourself because they're the ones at fault. There's no need to leave the house or improve yourself because you're perfectly fine as you are.

>> No.8087325

>only fat people objective themselves and pine for male attention

I see you've missed JNig and Yaya and many other thinner chicks who have equally bad self-worth...

>> No.8087345
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I love doing this
I love it even more when I see said photos get put onto those sites that post "10 great cosplays" or when the people post them on Tumblr with credit and they get loads of notes

>> No.8087350

As a woman who is very much of the power exchange sort wrt sexytimes/romance, it isn't easy to ask someone out.. but I put on my big girl panties and did it.

>> No.8087354
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>large number of people being assholes to me on another site over a stupidly minor opinion
>one person appreciates me sticking my neck out over this so they didnt have to

>> No.8087365

And now you're happily married.

>arcade as a first date

I'm so glad they're making a comeback, they're great for that.

>> No.8087378
File: 653 KB, 500x281, tumblr_matovgnZXv1rn95k2o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to go to meeting for my undergraduate research, but also had to go advertise for the club on campus that I help with and didn't have time to change in between. So I wore lolita to the meeting (casual not ott, if anything it was otome) and was beginning to explain to my research professor that it was only for the club thing and that I was sorry and she told me I don't have to explain and that she thought I looked cute.

She's so sweet!!!

>> No.8087380

Ahhh. He went cold and forgot you and you had to aggressively and repeatedly pursue him to even get a first date.... that's too much. I'm glad it worked out for you guys but that'd be pretty off-putting for me pursuing someone I liked.

>> No.8087384


>> No.8087405

Yes. I lost a 50 pounds after high school and went down six dress sizes. That was over three years ago and I still feel like the fat girl sometimes. I'm really bad at getting the right size. I usually get what I think will fit and am surprised when it's too big. Some times I look in the mirror and feel like I still look like I did back then. Other days I'm like damn girl you did good. The longer I've been able to stay thin(ner) the happier I've been with the way I look.

>> No.8087414

Come on man. That is just a dumb way of loooking at the world.

Speaking as the normalest of normalfags, meeting women isn't hard at all. Make them laugh, show them a good time. Make them feel safe with you, and that you would be an asset. Make their hearts flutter and skin blush and they will fall for you.

Basically, all you have to do is be a man and you will get laid and even find love. Stop trying to find reasons for the way your life is and realise that everything about your life has been caused by you and only you.

It's YOUR fault. So man up and fix it.

>> No.8087501

Yeah, I've been fat my whole life and just got down to 23/24in waist, going to the gym every single day. But like >>8087405 some days I feel good and other days, I don't want anyone looking at me. The only thing that helps my 'don't look at me I'm hideous' days are cute clothes, but if I find one thing is off about my outfit for the day, I feel like the veil is gone and I'm still the fat girl to everyone. Idk, seems like my self esteem is just pretty broken.
Don't worry anons, we can all learn to be more comfortable with ourselves someday.

>> No.8087592
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>Waiting on 3 packages
>2 are wigs, 1 is a birthday present for my SO that never came in and I'd given up hope on
>Both wigs are supposed to be here today
>Oh boy a package, I hope it's one of my wigs!
>It's the present.

I guess I should be happy that it finally came but man late packages stress me out.

>> No.8087595

>only fat people
>many fat chicks

Got's ta lern howta read.

>> No.8087641
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>Finally broke up with my boyfriend this morning after a good year and a half
>It was abusive from the very beginning, but being naive and thinking that he'd be the only guy that would love me, I continued the relationship
>Began thinking that I deserved it when he called me a selfish cunt and a retarded bitch
>Always made fun of my features I hate the most
>Found out he lied to me on several occasions about his girl "friends"
>Whenever he got angry, he'd punch the wall and scream at me
>I was terrified of him

But I still love him. At least, I think I do. He was literally the only person I was friends with. I know he was terrible for me and I finally broke things off after months of wanting to, but now that it's over I want him back. I should be furious how he treated me, how he said no other guy would want me, that he lied to me about his female friends, but I just want to eat some ice cream and cry myself to sleep.

>> No.8087648

Buy that ice cream and cry yourself to sleep if you think that's going to make you feel better.
Maybe check out local programs to find if there's any groups or meetings for people in your situation. Please just don't go back to him,

>> No.8087652
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>work stressing me out
>no time to do cosplays
>only get 6 hours or so of sleep a night
A-at least it's for the money...

>> No.8087656
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>point out women have easier lives
>"thats dumb. now let me point out all the ways men are expected to put large amounts of time and effort into providing free entertainment and gifts to women just for being women and be grateful for the mere chance to talk to them, because that somehow disproves the idea that women have easier lives"
>"and theres no way anyone could possible just notice any unbalanced social disparity in how relationships work, clearly you're just alone and angry about it, because women are the most wonderful amazing thing in the world and you just hate them because you're alone "

Daww, you are just the most adorably perfect little brainwashed whiteknight servant in the world.

>> No.8087664
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>tfw the thread has been taken over by two faggots having the worst battle of the sexes fight since redpill vs tumblr

>> No.8087686

I wish reporting posts auto deleted them like they used to. So sick of these fucking uggos clogging up our threads.

>> No.8087687

>make their hearts flutter and skin blush and they will fall for you

Should I also tip my fedora and call them M'lady?
Like jesus dude I don't even care about this argument but that was some cringey-ass shit. Did that really sound smooth or poetic to you?

>> No.8087694

as an unattractive and stupid neckbeard myself. if a 7/10 came, especially one in college approached me and heavily started flirting/asked me out

i would assume she was another prostitute

>what wait that happens

all the time, apparently hookers like to flirt with the ugly nerdy types to get clients

vegas, and college campuses tend to be their cash cows i guess.

you would also be very surprise on what hookers look like in the real world.

i lived a sheltered life in a relatively high income suburb then when i got to college, surrounded by low income housing i was legitimately shocked when a young attractive woman attempted to solicit sex for cash

she was actually in one of my classes

then happened all throughout my undergrad an graduate degree

sometimes at night if you give them a polite no thanks....it turns into a "why the fuck not, you a faggot"

"i bet you have a little dick"

and a prostitute follows you throughout the uni yelling at you

only way to get them to leave you alone is to walk with a few other dudes

>> No.8087697


psssst it's not skin, it's the blood vessels underneath.

Otherwise, yeah, wow, do you tear them asunder with your beautifully written poetry as well?

>> No.8087702

You even "argue" like a woman lol.

>> No.8087708

>dating boyfriend for 11months
>been living together for 9 months
>want to get married
>never had a single fight
>go out with friends for his bday last week
>get drunk
>don't see him for an hour
>figure he's dancing with some girls or talking to friends
>place closing but no one can find him
>check outside
>He's passed out in vomit and can't walk
>get incredibly angry
>put him in rear naked choke in car
>friends stop me
>get home safely
>bf hugging toilet and crying
>say incredibly mean things to him
>go to sleep and plan to leave when sober

Basically I did nothing to take care of him. I know I reacted that way because of what happened with my ex and also because I know my bf used to have a serious drinking problem, but of course what I did is inexcusable. He woke me up in the morning to yell at me, but when I started packing, he let me sleep. When we both woke up later, neither of us were angry.

But I still hurt him and what I did was really fucked up. We haven't talked about it. He's acting like he did before all this happened, but I think I need to leave. I hate what I did, but I don't think I can ever fix choking someone, you know? Also, it bothers me that he isn't confronting me again about my actions. I'm pretty sure he's not saying anything because he hates being lonely.

I'm an incredibly paranoid person. I need to know where he is at all times, if he has been eating, what he's doing. His past has always been in the back of my mind, too, and now I can't stop worrying about who he might really be and who I really am.

>> No.8087721

you sound like you should be in a jail cell right now

>> No.8087726

you should just be a fucking creep, then try to charge them $15 for a single shot

"listen babe, if you want this portrait it's either going to be cash or ass-sh in my car"

then tell everyone your name is beethy and to check out your kickstarter campaign

>> No.8087736

Don't know why that made me laugh

>> No.8087738

I kind of agree with you.

>> No.8087741

OOOOKAY, there are a lot of stuff going on here.

First of all, go to a psicologist. Even if you don't want to, go and try it for at least 3 months. I don't like to talk about my personal stuff but it helped me a lot and it amazed me how much I opened to her. You have serious issues that need to be treated.

Maybe you don't argue with your boyfriend because both of you keep their opinions to theirself which is BAD. You'll just become bitter and angry toward him, talk to each other. Talk about the choking, explain him why you did it, talk about your ex.
Be open to the other person!

>> No.8087744

That power exchange anon actually wasn't me, and unfortunately the arcade date was 11 years ago and the place has since become a semi-upscale normalfag restaurant. Another arcade we used to go to has also been shut down for awhile, the only places left around here are barcades.

>> No.8087755

IDK what kind of people your friends are

but they sound like pieces of shit

>see a woman verbally abuse the man she's in a relationship with

>tries to kill him by suffocation

>let him go home with her after she just assaulted him

like what kind of people are they, and why would you want them around?

nobody had the sense to call 911?

are they the type of people that see someone get shot "not want to deal with the hassle" and continue on their way?

his girlfriend tried to kill him, in a car with their friends

and you want them to sit down and talk then continue dating?

>> No.8087759

women don't go to jail silly

>> No.8087761


What medications do you take? I am trying citrucel and it seems to be working somewhat.
I am tired of a very limited diet and scared of food.

>> No.8087763

Break up with him and get help for yourself. You need to deal with your own issues before committing to a relationship.

>> No.8087768

yeah, apparently attempted murder and felony assault is just discussion w/ the boyfriend over brunch material on /cgl/

all of the weaboo jumping and harassing people at cons makes a lot more sense now though

>> No.8087774


I usually don't like your shitposting, but for once, you're making sense.

All these mentally unstable women with boyfriends who won't confront them in this thread, and here I am, still single.

>> No.8087776

And there was that aspurgers girl from way at the beginning of the thread who threw knives at her boyfriend and all anybody here had was sympathy for her.

>> No.8087779

No, that person needs help and to stay away from that poor guy. Choking an inebriated person, especially one that bad off, could kill them. She could have killed her boyfriend, who may well have had alcohol poisoning, because she was mad. I don't care if the drinking tripped some sort of switch in her, she could have fucking killed him, jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8087781

>implying many
You might as well say many people. You know you're bullshit.

>> No.8087785


I sincerely wanted to tell her to check herself into a psych ward. Shit's not good. That shit kills people.

>> No.8087790

Honestly, I tell him about any and all problems I have with the relationship. We've had normal, calm talks like twice about issues, but they've both been me complaining. He never says anything to me, which is what our last talk was about. He told me that he just doesn't want to argue with me because I can be obnoxious/opinionated (true), and that was that. He's very non confrontational and said he's never argued with a gf.

I don't know about therapy. I don't have time, and I'm under the impression that it's expensive. I talk about my feelings to my bf and a close friend a lot, so I don't bottle things up...

>> No.8087794

Or perhaps he's afraid of being murdered in his sleep.

>> No.8087797

Since when is choking automatically attempted murder? I definitely assaulted him physically and verbally, but I didnt sink the choke in nor did I choke him with my hands which could've broken his hyoid bone and killed him.

I did not intend on killing him at all. Ive definitely almost choked him out during mma classes but that's of course different.

>> No.8087816
File: 196 KB, 1582x1432, Wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone ever sabotaged their boyfriend's weight loss?

>> No.8087818

>Yeah I stabbed him with a knife, but I wasn't trying to hit any vital areas! If it wasn't an actual attempt at murder I shouldn't get in any trouble!

You should have been arrested regardless of what the your intentions behind choking a partially unconscious person were (and only stopping because somebody else pulled you off of him)

But of course you won't because you're a woman and he was a man.

>> No.8087831

do you really want to date some of these women in here though?

i guess if you're lonely on valentines day

buying dem greeting cards making those koch brothers richer

>> No.8087834

Arrest for assault and attempted murder are different. Beating someone up because you're mad is different from trying to kill them. Yes, I should be in trouble, but I never said my friends had to pull me off. They just told me to leave him alone as he is drunk, so I went and sat in the front seat. I already realised how fucking ridiculous I was when they told me to stop and didnt touch him again afterwards.

>> No.8087849

>meet in less than a week
>sudden conjunctivitis

>> No.8087885

>Arrest for assault and attempted murder are different
And you got neither.

>> No.8087924

>/cgl/ - some kind of beta yandere

>> No.8088012
File: 33 KB, 227x200, link shrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread
I feel like we should start a skype group just to be able to filter out the shit like this.

>> No.8088016

Why so you can discuss trying to murder your boyfriends in peace?

>> No.8088018


>> No.8088019

>implying that's not the shit anon wants to filter out

>> No.8088038

I'm glad someone caught it

Citrucel is the best, although I'm having a [gross] very watery [/gross] flare up and nothing is helping. I drink a lot of fennel/peppermint tea and take probiotics and drink kefir as well. A lot of my strategy is to avoid trigger foods as well, like coffee, chocolate, ice cream, etc.

I'm also looking at something called esdifan right now, still not sure if it's the real deal though.

>> No.8088131

>sitting on the couch for 80 hours makes you fat

>> No.8088174

That's so sad. I used to be a much bigger girl and I lost weight, like 10 stone. Why would you actively seek to keep someone that uncomfortable being big yourself you know how exhausting and annoying it is. I doubt he would leave her if he lost weight just for the fact that he is smaller and in her mind smaller means he can get better than her? I injured myself and regained a few stone when my partner had only known me as thin, he hasn't gave a rats arse. what a horrible, insecure woman. poor dude i hope he finds out and leaves her for being cunty.

>> No.8088196

That's disgusting. I like having a fit and attractive mate, but I also have more faith in my dude than that person does. I wouldn't want to be with somebody who would leave me if I became a fatty either, or someone I thought would do that.

>> No.8088504

/cgl/ life insurance fraud thread?

>my bf stained my petti
>if i load all of his guns while he cleans them will that do the job?

>> No.8088634

>Excuses: The Post

Seriously, are you even trying?

>> No.8088652


I'll tag along on this in sort of the opposite way.

Was real skinny growing up, only like 140lb when I graduated. Been lifting for like 5 years now, decent sized. But, I still am the little skinny guy in my head.

>Body dysmorphia ftw

>> No.8088659


Wait a sec, that totally happened to me in Vegas.

I was pretty drunk and pumped that a girl was chatting with me, then I kinda just went with it when I realized what was going on.

>> No.8088667

>dating for 11 months
>living together for 9 months
>want to get married

Problem #1, don't be a fucking idiot and get married when you've been dating less than a year? Moving in when you've been dating 2 months is a pretty stupid/risky move too.

The way I see it, you're the one at fault here, you overreacted, you were a bitch, you seem to be very capable of violence towards a basically defenseless person, and you need to fucking calm down. How about instead of talking about it on /cgl/ you talk about it with the only other person that this involves, which is him. Go to a fucking couples' councilor or something.

You don't have the time or money to actually address the real problems in the relationship, don't fucking be in the relationship anymore.

>> No.8089985
File: 26 KB, 524x350, cec1638623085de051404325b4f0de79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Costume Design major at a junior college, one semester left until transfer to state school
>Keep school/work life as separate from cosplay hobby as possible for the sake of professionalism, most of my teachers are aware of it and don't seem to care beyond the fact that I have sewing experience.
>New semester begins
>Costuming classes suddenly full of weebs, unsurprising as most of the local cons take place over the next few months
>They wear shitty anime merch to class and are generally obnoxious
>Professor mentions to one of them casually that I "Do that cos-whatever thing too"
>Mr. Lounibous how could you
>They won't leave me alone now
>Keep asking me if I like Attack on Titan

>> No.8090599

I've been jealous of my friends that can gain weight. I need to gain 7 pounds.