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8065457 No.8065457 [Reply] [Original]

Some really big wardrobe posts just came up.

>> No.8065470

All I can say about this girl's post is WOW

>> No.8065486

Oh that's cute! I might line up my dresses for a shot like that some time...

>> No.8065506

> 2 Cat's Tea Partys
How rich can you be.

>> No.8065511

I misread this as
>I might line up my dresses to be shot
I'm sure they're not THAT bad, anon.

>> No.8065524

More like she reserved them when they came out. A lot cheaper than resale price now. Plus she has a job, is in her mid-late 20s and the majority of her disposable income goes to her clothes (and has for some years)

>> No.8065527

i tried counting all the jsks but i stopped after 72.. i don't even have that many normal clothes
>i have a new goal now

>> No.8065532

Don't do it.
It's not fucking normal. Whether it's a private collection or hoarding, you just end up with rooms full of shit you never use in some sad attempt to find meaning and joy. It's not worth the internet cred.
I know this is an unpopular opinion but that doesn't make it trolling.

>> No.8065550

I kinda understand that. My wardrobe is a lot smaller, but it was bigger once. I just rarely ever wore my clothes so I got rid of all filler pieces. Seeing all these big ass wardrobes makes wonder if I made a mistake selling them, but when I get a chance to wear lolita I only wear my dream dresses anyway.

>> No.8065551

Except the girl originally posted actually wears her stuff and isn't just posting for internet asspats? She's lucky and has a job she can wear lolita to, it is basically her daily wear which is why she has a lot of it.

>> No.8065558

If you have 72+ dresses you really think she's wearing all of them equally? That'd be each if them less than 5 times per year assuming she dresses up in lolita every day. Think about this for a second. It's still her choice and I'm sure she has a reason and maybe she does love all of them equally and strongly but at some point it's not any more a functional wardrobe but a) hoarding b) a museum.

>> No.8065566

Yeah, there's definitely a collection component to it as well.I follow her tumblr and she gets a lot of new releases/sets but doesn't seem to sell very much

>> No.8065600

Yeah but she also got to visit Japan several times in her teens to get some of her wardrobe so she's obviously from a well off family.

>> No.8065605

I see where you're coming from, and I think it's definitely a collecting hobby for her as well, but at the same time, I don't think this is really very different from normalfag fashion enthusiasts having monstrous wardrobes of designer clothing. If you have the space and can afford it, why not?

>> No.8065661

Why would anyone wear the same dress more than a couple of times in a year if they could do otherwise?

>> No.8065665

I tend to wear my favorites of any clothing until they wear down. I regularly sell stuff that isn't in that favorite rotation.

>> No.8065669

Because they like it?
>'sup Paris Hilton

>> No.8065681

I counted. 132 or 137 main pieces (I forget, it was like 10 minutes ago). Not including coats, underskirts, and blouses. So OP, JSK, and SKs.

Fucking hell girl. New life goals right here. Also The dress donut is much nicer than 1 by 1. It's so much more interesting and you get to see the whole collection together. Anyone have a photo of her wearing some of these? I can't find her tumblr or anything.

>> No.8065684

>5 times a year each

bitch u delusional. I have only 30 or so main pieces and a good 10 or so have never been worn and only about 3 pieces have been worn more than once. I'm ADD as fuck and honestly wearing lolita is tiring as shit and collecting and arranging is much more fun. You sound reaaal bitter.

Not even ashamed to admit I'm a collector. Coording is fun and all but honestly my fashion sense isn't that good.

>> No.8065691

can I get a link to the post?

>> No.8065696

bitch u illiterate
>assuming she dresses up in lolita every day

>> No.8065698

i was mostly joking. that's pretty much unacheivable for me and as much as i love lolita i love having a decent apartment and being able to have a social life just a little bit more. but it is admirable that she has SO MUCH. i wonder if she just has a really good job or her family's loaded ? and yeah i wanna see her tumblr for sure if anyone has it

>> No.8065703


I've done this before, if you're just after the numbers, it's not hard to go up to a hundred dresses in a single year by shopping secondhand sales and lucky packs.

I mostly ended up with over a hundred main pieces that were all over the place, and I honestly loved less than half of them. On top of that, things were so mismatched and chaotic I had all these clothes that didn't go together, so I could barely put together a decent coord.

So, I'd say don't chase the numbers, because (a) it doesn't really mean anything, and (b) wardrobe space. Make sure you have enough space to store your clothes before trying to get up to 100+ main pieces. Lolita clothes are so bulky, especially AP. I finally realised I was going overboard when I took over the cupboard in the guest room, added clothes racks, and still ran out of space to store my lolita clothes. The whole thing was a mess and not really something that brings me joy, which should be what lolita is all about, not numbers.

It's a much better idea to have a wardrobe of only the things you love, make sure you can coord them properly, and at the same time -- keep them at a level where you can still organise them and have some extra space for an impulse buy or surprise purchase.


I'd totally keep a dress I haven't worn just so I could take it out and look at it every now and again, if it was a dress I really, really liked. Plus, I like keeping at least one or two full on unworn OTT outfits on hand for whatever next tea party, so I'm not left scrambling to buy things and praying that items arrive in time. You don't need to wear every single dress x times a year just to justify keeping them in your wardrobe; it's all right if you want to live by these rules, but maybe you should try to see the viewpoint of other girls.

>> No.8065712


>> No.8065723

Pyro42 is her tumblr as well. For ten years+ with a job it isn't excessive (there's been all these into lolita for a year and have a dozen dresses posts, which are essentially the same thing and no-one bats an eyelid, plus that teenager who spent her summer job money on a decent sized collection of moitie in just 2 years), plus flights to Japan aren't super rich/loaded territory, more like middle class with an only child - there are quite a few state schools that will do school trips for people learning the language in their later years of school

>> No.8065737

That Pyro one-Where the fuck are all her bags? It can't be just those 4

>> No.8065738

Just curious, what job does she do/where does she work?

>> No.8065767

Dunno, she doesn't say on her tumblr. I'm guessing some sort of tech support/admin thing where they don't care what you wear?

>> No.8065768

She has more (see tumblr) just didn't post them

>> No.8065873

you sound like this fag.

>> No.8065986


I can't sit through the whole video, she's so boring. Does she say anything useful?

All I said was that if you want to buy a hundred dresses, at least make sure you have the closet space for it, and make sure they're items that you love. Nothing really wrong with keeping those two things in mind, is there?

>> No.8066567

it looks like everyone is over the wardrobe post. Most on the first week got like 40+ comments now it's an average of 16 with a 40 thrown in there.

Is everyone tired of them yet?

>> No.8066583

I really liked this wardrobe

Really cute taste. It's a bit all over the place but at the same time her taste is quite defined, if that makes sense?

>> No.8066660

I probably have around this many dresses in my regular wardrobe. That's not counting skirts/blouses. It's something I've built up over the past several years. Of course, these aren't like $100 plus lolita dresses but quite a few of them were in the $70-$100 price range. I don't really think it's that crazy for someone who wears these every day and has been buying dresses for a long time. With me, I've started selling the higher end stuff I don't wear and give away other things I don't really wear anymore to friends.

>> No.8066971

I feel like that's way less than last year. For people that got what was considered a lot of comments, it was like 80+. Did anyone get that many this year?

>> No.8066985
File: 17 KB, 447x446, 1407459145724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh those Meta sets.

>> No.8067151

I think it's just people not use to commenting. Everyone is use to 'like' or 'notes' no one comments on shit anymore

>> No.8068601

I think that is very true. I'm still planning to post mine on EGL, but I may post on Tumblr as well.

I'm (finally) almost done with everything, just need to take one or two more pictures and format everything!

>> No.8068676

That's true. Last year my wardrobe got 80+ comments and it wasn't even that huge, just a bit bigger than average + good pictures. That is all what was needed to receive many comments on your post.The really impressive wardrobes of last year had 100+ comments. (A couple of years ago that would have been 200+ comments). The good but not super outstanding ones got between 50-80 comments, the average ones somewhere around 30, and even the most shitty wardrobes received like 10 comments. This year there are good wardrobes that don't even receive 10 comments. And the most impressive ones rarely get over 50+.

I still enjoy looking through everyone's post though, and I hope people won't stop posting theirs, just because there are less comments. The dynamic on livejournal just changed, I guess. People are lurking more, and commenting less. Most new releases and brand topics are being discussed on facebook nowadays anyways, so that's were all the discussion went.

>> No.8068731

I'm curious too, I would send her an ask on her tumblr but anon is disabled there.

>> No.8068817

I know that feel - which is weird because I know that a good chunk of pieces really didn't suit me fit and style-wise. There were still some things that I really loved and I'm a little sad to have let them go now that I'm reminded.

>> No.8068871

I was under the impression that LJ was making a comeback (a least, cgl was supposed to be planning one) so that's a little disappointing that there seems to be less activity despite that.

>> No.8068893

The only reason I want to do a post this year is because I need to sell a lot and overhaul. I want to have a record of what I had even though it's all over the place and not cohesive at all.

I think we are at the point where at least half of current lolitas were never used to using livejournal so it's never going to catch on again.

>> No.8069021

Link to the wardrobe?

>> No.8069144

I know in the last wardrobe thread a lot of gulls said they were going to post soon, has anyone else done it yet? I just posted mine. It has a lot of handmade so I don't expect it to be super popular, but I'm happy with how the photos and formatting turned out.

>> No.8069147

I kinda wanted to do one to boost the visibility of my sales/WTBs...but then I managed to sell nearly everything so it's fine.

>> No.8069149

I posted mine this past Friday.

>> No.8069150

Was one of those anons, but I am getting second thought about posting since a former friend is harassing me about stuff regarding Lolita and I don't want to add more fuel to the fire. (Calling me elitist, attention whore and what not.)

Didn't think it would bother me as much as it does.

>> No.8069216

Ahh, that sucks. Did you already take pictures? It would be really bad if you did all that work and then couldn't post because someone was being a bitch.

>> No.8069233

Yes of everything except my tops and accessories. It don't feel like such a waist though because now I have nice pictures of my clothes.

>> No.8069273

I posted last night.
It was fun but a little stressful. I also wasn't happy with some of my shots but I wanted to finish my post up.

>> No.8069274

Post it anyway and make them mad with jealousy. They're a former friend anyway, so I don't see why their feeling should impact your decisions.

>> No.8069276

Saw that Gentleman Rabbit jacket and MY NEED WAS FIERCE.

>> No.8069280

I started today and got all my main pieces shot, but I probably won't upload until next week because I have a From Japan order coming in and I want to include the stuff

>> No.8069302

That makes me sad. I was hoping that there was going to be a comeback too, but then again, I've been thinking that about every January. This time around, I'm having less faith after seeing that weird post by the alleged 11 year old and that one troll recently.

Maybe I'll post something anyway. What's a good topic to put up?

>> No.8069372

have you seen anyone actually POST any of the suggestions made. cgl is just a bunch of talkers and no doers

>> No.8069384

Which troll? The 11 year olds wardrobe is cute!

>> No.8069391

the advice isn't that bad

>> No.8069412

link to 11 year olds wardrobe?

>> No.8069475

So jealous of her D. Walkure and Hospitality Doll, hnnng.

>> No.8069961

Way more otome wardrobes this year.

>> No.8069978
File: 159 KB, 831x900, 2553_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone think posting this was a good idea?
Hell, even with my phone I can take better pictures han this.

>> No.8069980

Favourite so far ?
Less favourite ?
Worse wardrobe post ?

>> No.8070033


Favourite so far ?
>Konekoanni, Euferanke, Kizna Kasady, Madame Rei, Pyro 42, Voiceless Angel, Lavenderlillies, xlempickax, Glass Bubblegum, Yueri san, Shmizou, Bonbon Malefique, Kagome no Yume.
Less favourite ?
> All sweet, pastel vomit AP wardrobes.
>People that insist you visit their blog with fake cuts, fuck that shit!
>Saltje and her video. Sorry dear I only want easy to scroll pics.
Worse wardrobe post ?
>Misawa Loli and her Downton Abbey tea tins and shitty replica & handmade, Essie of Who with her 1 shitty handmade skirt fucking lel.

>> No.8070158

Has that girl from last year who posted a whole bunch of thrift store items and old 'vintage' things her nanna gave her tried again this year yet?

>> No.8070274

I so wish my wardrobe would be mentioned between the good ones but I guess it's too small yet.

>> No.8070403

There have been some small ones that stood out to me because of the formatting or particular pieces, but I feel you. Even nice small ones tend to get overlooked.

>> No.8070584

I've been binging to catch up since I haven't been checking them since the beginning, so this is just my list so far.

>Favourites so far?
konekoanni, milklatte, aimichani, pyro_42, voiceless_angel, lavenderlilies, ailsa
>Less favourites?
Honorable mentions go to 0kia0, xlolfishx, and pommandarine. There was another small one that was cute and had nice photos, but I forgot to write down the name.
>Worst wardrobe post?
Haven't been keeping track of the bad ones, don't care enough. But the one with the single handmade skirt made me laugh with how ridiculous it was.

>> No.8070844

Favourite so far ?
>Pyro and Alyssium managed to blow my mind yet again. I can't get over that much amazingness.
Less favourite ?
>I hated duplica-chan's. She always behaves like such a Lolita god but just look at that hot mess and ugly pics. Ew. Sorry not sorry.
Worse wardrobe post ?
>Don't remember her name but the gal who posted that one fugly skirt as her entire wardrobe *rolling eyes*

>> No.8071454

I posted mine over there. I have a lot of offbrand stuff, but I have some nice brand pieces. I'm still sorta new so my wardrobe isn't so big yet.

>> No.8071458

Not only that photo is crap, but the set up is horrid.

>> No.8071527

There's been a spate of really nice wardrobes over the past couple of days, it's been good to look through the pretty pictures.

>> No.8071540

Just going to list favourites. Obviously I liked the big huge pretty one's like Pyro42 but I also loved Chocolate Maiden's because she shot everything so beautifully and it was such an improvement from the last years, and royallyblah's because I remembered her first post which was basically a single outfits and it's awesome to see the growth.

And typing that made me realise that what I love seeing is how people's wardrobes grow and change rather than just seeing big pretty collections. I also liked Konekoanni's because of the lovely handmade pieces, and in fact I love seeing handmade pieces in any wardrobe.

Overall, I like the personality that comes through in some posts and how you get a sense of the owner. I like those more than just the big collections that are photographed well.

>> No.8071568

how big does a wardrobe have to be before it's worth posting?

>> No.8071575

There was a girl last year with a decent sized handmade wardrobe (like, 20+dresses) and a lot of brand purses, I can't remember her name but she hasn't posted yet this year. I think she is plus sized and has that red standard dress form. Does anyone know who I'm talking about?

>> No.8071603

I'm >>8071540 and I love seeing small wardrobes get bigger each year so I say if you love it and can take nice photos, post it. I'd say you need at least enough pieces for an outfit, minimum, otherwise it's not a wardrobe. But it depends on what you mean by "worth it". I do it because I like having a record for myself but if you just want internet attention you need either every unique collection or a drool worthy one, with good photos, to get a lot of interest.

I think I remember that one, can't recall the name though.

>> No.8071891

I'm just a few photos away from being done. Sadly since my apartment is poorly lit I have to depend on my window for light and that limits the times I can take photos. I'm hoping to post friday night! (Mine is really silly.)

>> No.8072025

Good luck, anon! I like silly, there was one posted earlier in the month that had little blurbs about the pieces, and they were pretty funny!

>> No.8072589

I have 150-165 main pieces right now and my goal is to get to 300 by the end of 2015. I'm skipping this year's wardrobe post because it would take me at least four full days to do it the way I want and I just haven't had the time, nor does it look like I will before the month is over.

Are people ever dicks about massive wardrobes? I don't spend any time on LJ other than to buy things, so I don't know whether it would be considered rude or acceptable to voice a negative opinion toward a person's wardrobe based on size. On ocassion, other lolitas have been extremely judgmental IRL about it.

>> No.8072598

You would probably get jealous people wherever you go online, but the lj comments for the large wardrobes all seem positive. Just don't be an uppity bitch about it and you should be fine.

>> No.8072600

I feel you anon. My wardrobe is small and doesn't have any really popular pieces; I tried to do some extra nice pictures and details of prints and stuff but still it's of course not as impressive as the bigger wardrobes and gets little attention. Maybe one day sempais will notice us...

>> No.8072604

A few people have had trouble over large wardrobes in the past, but if I recall correctly, it all came from local people. If your local comm is chill and cool, I wouldn't expect anything bad. It's natural to be jealous of a large wardrobe, but most of the time it's pretty good-natured jealousy.

>> No.8072625

my only question is How? how do you plan on getting so many mainpieces in one year?

>> No.8072652

Buy whatever turns up second hand and is brand? Seems pretty easy if you have the money and no taste / just buy for the numbers.

>> No.8072656

I make a lot of money and have a disciplined budget.

>> No.8072672

>Seems pretty easy if you have the money and no taste / just buy for the numbers
Uh... I don't know how new you are, but there's enough lolita where you can have 300 main pieces without it being a case of having no taste and picking out whatever has a brand tag. Go check out Lolibrary, there's no shortage of gorgeous pieces. I'm big on having multiple versions of things and I don't only buy brand, about 20-30% of my wardrobe if offbrand, actually. Not sure where that assumption came from.

I'm not just in the fashion for fashion, I see myself as a collector, too. I have dresses I never wear, but have on dress forms as decorations because I like to look at them.

>> No.8072681

The question was how she intended to buy 150 dresses in a year which was her definite goal. Not those 150 dream dresses if they turn up which they probably won't. The goal was just 300 dresses.

>> No.8072700

Between posting WTBs, Lace Market, the sale's comm, Closet Child, Yahoo Japan, MBok, Taobao, buying new things directly from the brands, and various other sources, I'm not sure why it's hard to believe a person could get 150 nice main pieces in the span of a year. That's less than one every two days.

>> No.8072704

I absolutely believe that. That was what I wrote.

>> No.8072739

This is true, but having that much lolita is still pretty terrible

>> No.8072797

I always wonder, when I see people with huge wardrobes, what their RRSP fund looks like. I don't own a ton of brand but I'm also not gonna be eating cat food when I'm 80.

>> No.8072813

It seems like most people with huge wardrobes are independently wealthy, or their families are, or they are high earners. Most probably have their retirements sorted out with savings and automatic contributions. There will always be peope that buy on credit and rack up huge debt, but you'd have to buy an awful lot of lolita to match the other frivolous expensive stuff people buy like sportscars, designer fashion, vacation homes, and the like. Any hobby can be a money pit for financially irresponsible people.

>> No.8072919

If anon does it for collection as stated in >>8072672 I see it could be possible. Sure she needs the money but also, if she focussed mostly on collecting and not creating several coords for each dress she can skip dozens of shoes/blouses/headwear/bags/tights/accessories in general then she even has a bigger budget.

>> No.8073059

Anon with the 300 dress goal here; I have almost $100,000 in savings that I don't touch. I know my parents also have some money put away for me, but I'm not sure how much it is and I'm not allowed to touch it, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.8073220

Damn girl, what industry do you work in to be able to save that much? I'm a DINK in tech and that number is insane to me.

>> No.8073371

Not anon that was talking about 300 pieces but I get a lot of hate for having a huge wardrobe with so little time into lolita. It got bad enough that I have stopped posting any lolita related pictures.I love how everyone says you won't get hate but then you get hate in this very thread.

I happen to have a large household income thanks to my husband. He is also ten years older than me, so that helps. I don't work, but have no debt at all (cars and house are even paid in full) and enough retirement to never have to contribute to it again if I don't want to. I have extra money and choose to spend it on lolita. Who really cares??? I shouldn't have to explain it to anyone and I would never tell anyone about it IRL. It's my finances and therefor my business.

And before anyone has a shit fit, no I have no family money and neither does the hubs and no I didn't marry for money. He was only making 32k when I married him.

There are jelly bitches everywhere, so becareful of where you post Miss 300 main pieces.

>> No.8073413

How is your real life so sad that you take anon hate on cgl seriously? Or has it spilled over into your actual life? (like private messages, people saying shit in person, comments on the actual post?)
For the most part, cgl is venting and drama rather than anything to do with real life. Bar the occasional actual bitch, very few of us are going to say 'you look like you got dressed in the dark' to someone's face at a meetup, because it's bloody rude and they aren't going to just be able to pop home, buy some decent clothes and get changed. Likewise, most of us would be bloody nice to Yaya or Jnig irl if we met them rather than being like lelfakebewbs.
Let's be honest, this is the same board that mostly couldn't comprehend that some 15 year olds actually have jobs for spending money, and can afford their own Moitie without asking their parents for the dough.

>> No.8073425

>Are people ever dicks about massive wardrobes?
God, yes. God forbid you have disposable income and a ton of dresses, you'll have people talk shit.

>oh she probably has a trust fund
>does she even wear all those dresses?
>she'd wear a different dress every day! what's the point?!
>she probably has a sugar daddy

It doesn't help that a lot of girls here are young. The reason it's obvious to know peoples' ages on here is because of those threads that always come up about "how to afford brand" and people always end up mentioning working some foot fetish job or just exploiting some poor dude.

Got a bit sidetracked. I'd love to see your wardrobe though.

>> No.8073431

Why do people always assume those with huge wardrobes are spending every single cent of disposable income on dresses? Some people just make a ton of money a year...

>> No.8073438

I would love to see a wardrobe like that.

>> No.8073442

>Let's be honest, this is the same board that mostly couldn't comprehend that some 15 year olds actually have jobs for spending money, and can afford their own Moitie without asking their parents for the dough.
Ugh those posts made me so annoyed. I know when I was 15 I had a shitty job (literally shitty because I worked as a janitor) but worked long and hard and was able to afford loads of things. It just makes me convinced that people on here are just really lazy or don't want to work a stressful job to make money.

Either get an education to get a nice job that pays a ton of money or just suck it up and work as a waitress or some shit because you won't get much better, sheesh

>> No.8073486

You'll probably only be bitched about here, if at all. I haven't seen any major bitching on EGL itself, a bit of incredulity and snark maybe.

>> No.8073635

Yeah I've gotten cgl hate for it and FB hate, but I don't really care about that. I hate the IRL comments (especially friends) like "it's so sad that you spend that much money on something so stupid" or "I'm gonna laugh when you can't pay your bills" kinda stuff. I actually lost a loli friend because she was upset that I had some much lolita and she couldn't afford much.

IRL people don't know my finances. I live in a relatively normal house, still drive a 5 year old car...I'm not flashy. Until you come into my home you would never know, so I don't brag. Yet how many piece I have is always discussed at meets. I guess because I've never had to wear the same dress to a meet before? I don't sell them either so I guess I collect too. I am a daily wearer though since no job.

Right! Spending like $5k on lolita every month is not going to break the bank for me. And that $5k wouldn't be all the disposable income we had.

>> No.8073700

>"it's so sad that you spend that much money on something so stupid" or "I'm gonna laugh when you can't pay your bills" kinda stuff. I actually lost a loli friend because she was upset that I had some much lolita and she couldn't afford much.
Ugh, what the fuck? Damn, the jealousy reeks with those comments people made to you. Pretty ridiculous.

I'm in the same boat. I always have a few extra thousands of dollars of disposable income. I mean, yeah, I could just not use any of it and "JUST SAVE IT" like people tell me to, but I have more than enough money set aside in my savings so why not just spend it on a collector's hobby (which is how I see lolita)?

I think the comments that offend me the most are accusations of "trust fund" or "sugar daddy." I've only ever had one bf which was back in high school, I'm shy as FUCK, and I'm not even that cute or anything. I just worked really hard in uni and graduated with a stem major and got a stem job, so I make a ton of money (which is standard for most stem fields). I just hate hearing those accusations so much because it makes all the work I put in meaningless because idiots on cgl will believe bullshit any anon says about you.

Kinda ranted a bit, just wanted to get it off my chest I guess

>> No.8073704

Ugh, sounds like the people you have in your life are fucktards. Is it just your lolita friends or also non-lolitas?

>> No.8073786
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No job? What is your secret? Rich husbando?

>> No.8074645

I work in the fashion industry. I was lucky enough to score a job that was already awesome then ended up getting promoted twice in less than a year. I also don't have a very high cost of living at all because I'm still in the same cheap as fuck apartment from before I got my job, where I will continue to stay until my fiance finishes college next year and we buy a house. I do spend a lot on my hobbies, but not so much anymore since I already bought almost everything I want.
Yeah, I never realized just how jealous and judgemental people can get over money until I started making it. I have a friend that's so bitter about it that I can't even mention my job to her.

>> No.8074741

>I work in the fashion industry.

Can I ask what you do? That's my ultimate goal, even though I'm just a theatre major. I'm not looking to make mad money, I just enjoy the fashion industry, stress and all.

>> No.8074778

This one? So jelly of the purses. http://egl.livejournal.com/19549194.html

>> No.8074885

Maybe it's just bad photography, but I feel like the majority of handmade stuff looks pretty bad. Like, the proportions are off or the construction is weird. There are some exceptions, obviously, but going through all these wardrobes with mediocre or even downright terrible handmade makes me sad.

>> No.8074889

That's what you consider "downright terrible" handmade? I clicked it expecting to laugh based on your comments, but I think the handmade in that post is pretty impressive.

>> No.8074904

Oh no, not hers specifically! Sorry, should have been more clear. Hers is decent, especially the later pieces. Just bad photos.

I was thinking more of one posted earlier with some weird two-short skirts and stuff. Or the one with the single skirt.

>> No.8074958

Sounds like it's your husbands finances, housewife eeh.

No but honestly, people, including me here, simply get jelly of other people in more fortunate situations (be it with your money or your hubbys).
I might get into the situation soon where my job will mostly be a "hobby job" since my boyfriend will make a lot of money. I could technically become a housewife. I was always the first person to talk shit over housewifes, but once you get into that situation it's a different thing.

>> No.8074960

Wow anon, sounds pretty nice. I would love to work in the fashion industry but in the end I settled for translation. What is it that you do specifically?

>> No.8074962

I'm pretty curious, where do the anons with high-paying jobs come from? Here in Italy we are lucky to even get one after college with the way things are now, so I wanted to have an idea of how other countries are doing.

>> No.8075019

I use to work, but have been disabled for years now. Yes hubby make a ton of money now. He has a masters that he worked hard for and we got several lucky breaks with job offers, property deals and stocks. I'm a rare case sure, but that doesn't mean I brag and show it to everyone. We were smart with money at young ages and now we are set. We don't live a luxurious life so that we can still travel, have hobbies and spend money. It's the lifestyle we live to stay down to earth and be able to afford everything we love.

fucktards are everywhere. Lolita and normal "friends" have used me and said horrible things to me about our wealth. Thankfully we learned not to tell people about everything and we have a great group of core friends now.

Jelly isn't so bad, but hatred is another story. We are very lucky and live a blessed life. I'm grateful everyday for my situation. And yes it is OUR money, since we are married. Doesn't matter who makes what in our house.

Hubby works it the financial analyst field with special knowledge in accounting systems for large fortunate 500 companies. He saves them millions on policy and procedures with automating systems, so yes, he gets paid well.

>> No.8075044

Seriously people who shit on you for being lucky can fuck off, try not to pay too much attention to them. I would really love to see your wardrobe, anon.

>> No.8075054

Awww, thanks. You made my day. I might do one next year. I've been in lolita for around 10 months, so I only have 51 main pieces. Next year I would feel like I had enough to do a wardrobe post.

>> No.8075257

Yay! Posted mine. :)

>> No.8075286

OH MY GOD IT'S AMAZING. I'm dying of laughter. Beautifully done!

>> No.8075288

That makes sense, my friend's husband recently doubled his salary in the financial field. They went from her not taking public transport to save money for food to him planning which Patek Phillipe he was going to buy.

>> No.8075289

>10 months
>only 51 main pieces

Not hating, congrats anon! That's a bunch.

>> No.8075313

Unmotivated to sign into LJ to leave a comment so I'll just say it here.

You're the pokemon wardrobe post right?

I like your post, it's creative. It's also nice to see a lot of Meta.

>> No.8075329

That's the one! I loved her post.

>> No.8075455

Fuck yeah. You had me on the first one.

>> No.8075530

anybody know where these shoes on this closet post from?

>> No.8075559

Yay! Glad you enjoyed it. I'm happy that people are appreciating the joke.

Thanks! I love Meta and their zaniness.

^_^ Yeah!

There you go.

>> No.8078779

What's the main piece record for wardrobe posts? I don't think I've seen anyone post more than the girl in OP.

>> No.8078904

I think infiniteneeya probably has/had more (currently has 117 photos in her flickr dresses album) but she buys and sells a lot - I swear she sells so much worn once/not worn stuff, so she must impulse buy and flick off the stuff she doesn't like. The OP looks like she keeps/collects the things she buys.

>> No.8079160

OP's girl had over 130, so she has more than the girl you're talking about.

>> No.8079344

I have maybe 100 main pieces, wish I had the time to photograph and post them all

>> No.8079359

She has 100 dresses and 30-something skirts. The count for infiniteneeya is dresses alone - however, I'm not sure I've seen infiniteneeya ever wear a skirt...

>> No.8079930

I counted she has 165ish main pieces.

>> No.8079959

Pretty sure infiniteneeya has owned way more dresses than what's in her flickr too. It's missing a lot from the past year or so?

>> No.8079994

>Favourite wardrobes so far?
>Most cohesive?
>Best layout?
>Worst you've seen?

>> No.8080008

I follow both of them on tumblr, and from what I can see infiniteneeya hands down buys waaaay more clothing, but she nearly always has dresses up for sale as well and she also has a much more varied style - I think her wardrobe has much higher turnover. Pyro seems to buy to collect and keep, I barely see her sell stuff plus she only seems to wear lolita (all her posted work and casual outfits are lolita anyway). Not sure how their current lolita wardrobes would stack up though

>> No.8080010

It's not the worse, but I'm pretty annoyed about the recent post that's titles "my (blurry) wardrobe post" like fuck off, if it's blurry and you know it, don't fucking post it.

The layout is also horrible.

>> No.8080017

Konekoanni (for the handmade), VoicelessAngel, AlteredImagery, dodotheextinct, nixijinxi, kawaii_ninjin

I really appreciate the smaller but cohesive collections as it's what I'm after myself.

>Worst post
brokerich. Not a bad wardrobe perse, but goddamn is that lighting awful. The photos are either all cast in some weird window-lighting or blurry as shit.

>> No.8080061

The nice handmade ones because there's usually something awesome in there - nhosayo, sakurafairy, and konekoanni in that order.
I guess I'm kinda just over seeing a million photos of dresses that I can already find photos of on lolibrary, even large numbers of dresses are nothing special unless you have something cool going on like a theme, interesting outfits, or stuff that's not so common. Even 'rare' prints are pretty common in closet posts/all over the internet, so they don't really excite me.
None of them particularly stood out in a oooh, that works amazingly together way.
Gotta hand it to you pokemon master seagull.
We don't seem to have had as much of an influx of terrible ones but I think it's just because all the noobs are going to tumblr and rufflechat instead of egl. There's been a couple of standouts like 'one handmade skirt=wardrobe', 'mostly thrifted' (but actually not lolita) wardrobe, and 'went to Japan, still manages to have shit wardrobe and shittier taste'.

>> No.8080307

>all my jelly

>> No.8080762

>Favourite wardrobes so far?
Copied from my first list in >>8070584
konekoanni, milklatte, aimichani, pyro_42, voiceless_angel, lavenderlilies, ailsa

>Most cohesive?
Nothing super stands out. I guess you could call Gothic wardrobes pretty cohesive since everything is black, haha

>Best layout?
Definitely the Pokemon one. Funny AND showed a lot of detail. I like all the ones that included detail shots, though.

>Worst you've seen?
The one with one skirt (lol), a couple with really bad lighting, and that one with a handful of really bad handmade.

>> No.8080921

I want to say to the retro wardrobe gal that there's a black and cream flocky tulle on yjapan that would suit her stuff so much, but it might be considered creepy

>> No.8080935

I think that's nice and very sweet. Do it anon.

>> No.8081014

So disappointed of the wardrobe theme this year. What happened to all the impressive classic wardrobes?
The month is almost over and of the lolitas I was hoping to see their wardrobes this year did not make a post this year.
xylia, fannyrosie, mille marianne, vysanthe, blondedebates and there where a bunch more. This year is so forgettable to me it hurts.

>> No.8081024

Xylia did make one and Mlle Marianne is travelling around Europe these days, she isn't especially focussed on lolita right now.

>> No.8081090

I messaged someone this year too when I noticed a dress I saw on auction would fit in with their wardrobe and they won the auction and was very appreciative.

>> No.8081117

link to xylia's post? I just I totally missed it

>> No.8081733

xylia's isn't up yet but she said she was planning one

>> No.8081808

Same here anon. I love Pyro's but I'm so looking forward to wardrobes of notable lolita coord-wise or ones that never posted before. I saw some photo in Arthael's instagram a few months back and thought she might post this year. Still waiting.

>> No.8082600

Link to the Pokemon wardrobe? I've fallen behind.

>> No.8083318


>> No.8084189

Loving the solid black wardrobe.

>> No.8084297

Violetnoirs is amazing!

>> No.8084695

Most comments so far (I'm listing everything 50 and above):
jahrhundert: 79; rare pieces, Jane Marple, classic, old school
bunnyhuns: 67; Jane Marple and jewel tone classic
lyalinn: 65; dusky tones, lots of IW, classic, florals
mintiemii: 64; Sweet, AP, nice presentation
thelonebamf: 64; Pokeman layout, bright colours, Meta
pyro_42: 63; THE MOST DRESSES, cute dress circles
amytasukada: 61; Excentrique, classic/gothic
runitsjess: 61; vintagey classic
acidraiin: 59; lots of sought after pieces, classic, gothic
nhosayo: 58; lots of handmade
Lady Enchanter: 57; she's a bitch and I don't care
konekoanni: 56; Classic, goth, nice presentation
kagome_no_yume: 56; classic, VM, first post
glass_bubblegum: 55; gothic/classic, nice coords
altered_imagery: 55; classic, IW
duplica_chan: 54; it's a little bit all over the place so I don't really know
voiceless_angel: 51; classic, otome, coords
sakurafairy: 50; handmade, quirky

Do you guys agree with who should have received the most attention? It definitely seems like many people who posted in the beginning of the month got more.

>> No.8084702


Even less comments than last year, but what am I expecting? Even I didn't comment, so I shouldn't say anything.

I don't think there's a real chance of reviving a community. Everyone this month was clearly just there to show off what they had, and didn't have much of an interest in other wardrobes or weren't willing to put the effort into commenting. I think egl is lost like the rest of lj to time.

>> No.8084712

Right, the numbers are like half of what people got last year.

For reference, this was a list someone made last year:
Siriusc – 75

Glass_Bubblegum - 75

Xandra292 – 79

Omiai – 79

Mintiemii - 81

Violetnoir – 88

Ruban_Rose - 88

Arashi_san88 – 94

Kyashii – 96

Bunny_labbits - 99

Obsixwi – 103

mlle_marianne – 109

Xylia_x – 110

Riotkitty – 118

Darkromantica – 119

Alyssiumbaby – 121

Payapayapapaya - 131

Redtonic – 137

Jahr- 123 comments

>> No.8084713

Honestly I don't have a particularly short attention span but what's the point of going through those posts and commenting on how wonderful they are? I'd much rather look at a small selection of well photographed clothing on the poster's tumblr and like/reblog that. Livejournal just isn't the preferred format of the community anymore.

>> No.8084716


I totally understand that mindset, but that's why I said there's no chance of reviving egl. What you said is exactly what I said up above (myself admitting that I didn't comment at all). The community of egl, and of LJ, was based on receiving and giving comments, which is why it won't thrive in 2015 and beyond.

>> No.8084717

I dunno, I kind of like the one on one interaction and telling people specifically what I like about their post. With Tumblr it's like reblog and get the notes but you don't get nearly as many nice comments about specific things in your wardrobe.

>> No.8084720


I miss the old interaction of communities in general - whether it was lolita, cosplay, or fandoms. Now it's all about getting kudos, likes, reblogs, without getting concrete info on what people liked exactly.

It seems colder that way.

And yes, I would love the kids off my lawn and my cellphone's ring tone to be exactly that - a ringing tone.

>> No.8084725

>and my cellphone's ring tone to be exactly that - a ringing tone.
what does this even mean? i get that you were trying to make fun of yourself(?) but this seems really stupid.

>> No.8084726

I dunno, I feel an even bigger disconnect with tumblr. I don't find getting likes or reblogs fulfilling if there's no discourse or conversation being made. I miss the old days.

>> No.8084735
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It was in reference to an xkcd comic.

>> No.8084741

I commented on everything where I could think of a nice and vaguely interesting comment. Didn't comment on the really badly photographed ones, nor on some of the ones where the only appropriate comment is "holy fuck your wardrobe is huge."

>> No.8084751
File: 49 KB, 360x240, buy-used-cell-phones-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not them, but maybe it's referring to back to cell phones form the 90's and early 20's The ringtone wasn't some snazzy tune or a song, it was a regular ringing sound and your only options were just kind of different ringing sounds.
An old people relation back when times were simpler.

>> No.8084861

This is exactly why I don't use tumblr, it seems kind of pointless without comments. Maybe that makes me old-fashioned.

>> No.8085054

I can't help but be disgusted whenever I see a lolita with over 30 main pieces unless they've been in the fashion at least 5 years. People shouldn't be spending that much on any hobby. I got into this ridiculous debate with a girl in my comm who has 80 or something like that after less than a year.

As usual, she cam to a meet in some stupidly rare dress (don't know the name of it, but it was some JetJ shit with a carousel on it that everyone was flipping their shit over) and people asked her how much it was ad apparently she paid $2000 for it. I pointed out that there were children dying of starvation in Africa and she said "I'm aware. What's your point?" I told her my point was that spending so much money on clothes, when so many people didn't even have clean drinking water, was gross. She had the fucking nerve to ask me what I contributed to my community, as if we were in any way comparable when I only make 24K and she's in the six figures. She told me how she gives over $10,000 to charities every year, so she doesn't feel bad buying lots of lolita at all. Fucking priceless.

tl;dr- Apparently giving to charity means you're not a fucking douchebag

>> No.8085063

I give zero fucks about people starving halfway across the world. It's my money and I do what I want.

>> No.8085066

People leave comments on Tumblr, it's just a different set-up. Depending on your settings, they can either leave you a short comment directly on the post, or just reblog it with their thoughts.

>> No.8085079

>"Whaa~! Whaa~! Stop having money I don't have! Stop doing things I don't approve! Rich people shouldn't spend their money! Stay poor, because I'm a bitter poorfag, too!"

This is so stupid I assume you're trolling.
tl;dr - Apperently you shouldn't spend your money on things you want until the last little bacteria on this planet has it as good as you.

>> No.8085091

>I give zero fucks about people starving halfway across the world.
This is what's wrong with the world.
You're not any better, though. Get the fuck off your high horse. Using your income as an excuse not to do the very thing you're bitching about is fucking laughable. First of all, if you make $20,000+ a year, you can afford to donate at least some money to charity. Secondly, there's plenty of ways to get involved without spending money, like volunteering, so you're really just using that as a cop out. It sounds like you're just bitter toward this girl because she's too generous with her money for you to justify hating her for the way she spends it.

>> No.8085107

Wow. If someone talked to me the way you did, I wouldn't be as nice about it. That girl has the patience of a saint for not straight up telling you to go fuck yourself. The fact that you're still being a cunt about it even after knowing she gives that much money just shows what a lack of character you have. Clearly just a jelly bitch being a jelly bitch, I doubt you give a fuck about who's starving in Africa.

>> No.8085111

Nigga what?
Also lol super jealous bitter poorfag. Suck it bitch. I spend my money on cats and brand and the only money I 'give' to charity is when I pay my maid.

Cry moar.

>> No.8085126

Wow, that's pretty rude and bigoted of you, anon. Just because someone makes more money then you, you shouldn't make them feel ashamed about what they do with it.

It's her money, she can do what she wants with it. 10000$ seems like a generous amount anyways. Assuming she makes a lower end of a six figure salary, that's probably roughly 10 percent of her income and maybe even before taxes. Plus who knows, she might have student loans. My sister makes a solid 90k a year but still has taxes and loans so the take home is actually less, plus she has a mortgage.

>> No.8085127
File: 42 KB, 400x366, ow the edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8085156

You sound like just as much a faggot as jelly poor bitch.

>Nigga what?
>not being aware of Un Menage
At least I assume it's Un Menage, I can't think of any other dress she could possibly be referring to.

>> No.8085160

who gives a fuck of how much she had?

80% of all Lolitas around the world are ugly as fuck... so as long she is ugly or fat I don't care how much more she had

>> No.8085164

It's far more disgusting when girls use their entire income or even walfare/stipends on lolita while still mooching off their parents for livelihoods. There was a girl who received a considerable inheritance (while still living at home) only to blow it almost entirely on various brand items, food and gadgets. Needless to say after a while she actually had to sell the stuff for some emergency funding and didn't get even half the worth back.

If you can spare enough from your paycheck to afford multiple expensive dresses than more power to you.

>> No.8085172

... is English not your first language? What are you even getting at?

>> No.8085230

The worst thing about reading this post was that I used to sound pretty much just like this. I was very close to a girl from my comm who I was so fucking jealous of for being and having everything I wanted. No matter what she did, I always found a reason to judge her. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. She had two foster kids that she ended up adopting and I bitched behind her back so many times about how much she spoils them and how it was such a bad environment because there was only a twelve year age gap between the oldest kid and her and her husband. I also blamed her for the kids emotional problems, even though I knew they came from an extremely abusive background and had come a very long way since. This went on for over a year until one day she just came up to me and told me point plank she knows abut the things I say about her and she wasn't sure if she could forgive me bringing her kinds into my catty bullshit. I just said sorry and have been too embarrassed to try to talk to her. Luckily, she only goes to meets once every couple of months, but it's still awkward as fuck when I see her.

>> No.8085261

Oh look a bleeding heart liberal. Fuck off jelly chan.

>> No.8085262


Damn straight! Not our problem and since we work for our money we can damn well fucking spend it the way we want.

>> No.8085332

Jelly-chan is ridiculous, but at the same time it's totally legit to judge people who are rich as fuck, but won't spend a single dime on anything to help people while spending an obscene amount on expensive clothing and other shit they really don't need. You can spend your money however you want, but people have the right to think poorly of you if you're a greedy asshole about it.

>> No.8085397

Like, if you own 1000 main pieces and live in a solid gold castle complete with a shark tank, all the power to you, but at least donate a few hundred to a children's hospital or something every now and then instead of being all "lol it's not my problem, I'm too cool to give a shit about other human beings".

>> No.8085401

Maybe get another job instead of getting irrationally jelly.

>> No.8085412

you do know giving aid to Africa is bad. it harms them more than help them

fuck off . people can spend their money on whatever they like. they do not have an obligation to help the "less fortunate"

>> No.8085418

this is why the poor stay poor

>> No.8085428

more like, why dont you study as hard as she did after high school. bitch makes 24k annually because her labor is worth as much. cry harder and enjoy being a wage slave forever .

>> No.8085441

Touche, anon.

>> No.8085672

>bitch makes 24k annually because her labor is worth as much.
You know that's about what teachers make, right? Often less. Having a low paying job doesn't mean you didn't work hard.

>> No.8085684

A lot of it is simply typical American mentality. It's a lot more socially acceptable to be as selfish as you want and only care about your own interests there.

>> No.8086120

america isnt a socialist or communist country. individualism is praised above all. being independent. you may not be born into a prestigious family , but you have the opportunity to better yourself. no one is in your way but yourself. why look down on the rich for what they earn? so what if they dont give to the poor. why does the poor feel entitled to their money? did they not earn it themselves, too.

>> No.8086126

Lmao fuck off americuck

>> No.8086136

keep paying those parcel customs, peasant.

>> No.8086139

One could argue that spending anything on yourself is terrible when there are starving kids in Africa. How many mouths could your dresses have fed, anon?
Also, what does she do to earn that much?

>> No.8086142

Keep paying ten grand for a root canal, lardarse

>> No.8086335


Man, I wish I could be this dillusional, buuuuuut I like living with my head OUT of my ass.

>> No.8086493


And here you are on the internet.

You are the 1%. I don't give a fuck if you're on 24k a year. You shouldn't be spending it on lolita at all with your high ideals. Why aren't you in Africa saving people from ebola?

>> No.8086508


Some teachers don't work hard at all. Particularly after the tenure kicks in.

>> No.8086556

So can we get back to wardrobe posts now?

>Now that it's the end of the month, who didn't post that you were looking forward to?
>Anyone still planning on posting?

>> No.8086630

Teachers make a shit load more than that where I come from.

>> No.8086710

what's the lasted wardrobe post we'll get this year. wasn't there one last year two weeks into Feb?

>> No.8086760

What bugs me is that if you post your wardrobe late, it best be fly as hell, and usually it's not.

>> No.8086769
File: 121 KB, 900x598, 496_900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newest post. I don't understand how you can buy Holy Lantern and still believe that pic related is appropriate to own.

>> No.8086783

Where do you live anon? I'm a teacher, I might need to immigrate.

>> No.8086788

I know someone who is waiting for items to arrive some time in Feb and wants to do a wardrobe post afterwards.

>> No.8086811

She needs to keep it on tumblr then, or some other personal blog.

>> No.8086839

yeah, I got confused by that post. first you see all kinds of ita dresses, then Holy Lattern and Moitie. I wonder how her coord skills are

>> No.8087032

Australia. Average pay for a primary teacher is $56k. As a senior you get around $78K.

If you teach highschool the average is $65k, and you can earn $85k at a senior level.

Obviously if you decide to ever become a principal of a school you earn a lot more.

>> No.8087037


Yeah, because it's going to clog egl so much.

What the fuck is there now on egl other than itas asking questions you can google anyways.

>> No.8087044
File: 72 KB, 399x600, 4970_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I can guess from looking at her accessories

>> No.8087050

Did you see everything she owned? It's tragic.

>> No.8087059

Illiterate or just lazy? She said it's a story of her first year in lolita. She even comments on her awful first dresses. Those are in chronological order.

>> No.8087081

Except that most people with a shit ton of money DO help others in need - often more so than poor fags or social climbers. Those last ones are the worst.

>> No.8087122


Jelly anon actually said that grossly rich anon gives over $10,000 to charities every year. It's also implied in her post that jelly anon doesn't actually give anything to charity.

That kind of judging's a pretty slippery slope, someone a little lower than you is going to begrudge that you spent $100 buying secondhand burando, because that $100 buys a lot of food in Africa. Someone below them is going to say that $70 for a Bodyline dress is too much, because Africa. By the same logic, you shouldn't even flush your toilet, because that clean water that's in your toilet could save lives in Africa, you should be bundling it all up and shipping your tap water to Africa.

I'd really much prefer if we don't begrudge others their spending power. First, remember that every cent they spent means someone somewhere is getting paid for supplying ridiculous things like a shark tank or gold bricks. What you should be doing is encouraging grossly rich anons to spend more so that their money can prop up the economy. Maybe even go scalp a few things to them, since they have the spare money.

Second, the attitude says that if you have any money, even if it was hard-earned with your sweat and tears, you have to give it away to people who didn't earn any. Therefore, if you want money, migrate to Africa and be starving, apparently it's the duty of people who have money to feed you for no reason at all. See how this discourages people to work at all? If they even stopped to buy a Starbucks instead of vending machine coffee someone like you would come along and be a bitch about it.

Third -- your examples are terrible, anon. Solid gold is a pretty good investment as it generally appreciates in value over time, although it's a bad building material since it's soft. Sharks are an endangered species, and if some rich dude is maintaining one in a large tank, keeping it well-cared-for and happy, then at least it's one less species that's likely to go completely extinct.

>> No.8087136

yes and it means as long she is ugly it doesn't matter. She will always looks horrible or just ok at best in this dresses.
A beautiful dress can't make you beautiful salty jelly chans

>> No.8087142

I'm poor as fuck too, but you've got serious issues. Why do you think you can you tell people how they should spend their money in a fashion like lolita? We're all dropping hundreds of dollars on stupid dresses and accessories anyways, and a $2000 dress is gonna be bought by someone else if not her.
Grow up. That shit is so immature.

>> No.8087145

Look, if you're going to buy a terribad Anna House OP right after buying Divine Cross, then it's just a case of really bad taste.

>> No.8087374

Alchemies' wardrobe is a dream to look at for me. A lot of similar stuff to the things I'm building up my own wardrobe to and she has the Meta Hakuoki dress, which is one of my dream dresses. Can barely believe that red jacket is F+F, it looks so good.

That all-black wardrobe from Obsixwi is an impressive collection, too.

>> No.8087512

Wow. Brb, gotta tell my mother to move to Australia, she's been teaching for 30+ years and makes 20k.

>> No.8087531

Typical American, blindly assuming that customs fees are a bad thing without even considering that maybe there's a good reason for them. Then again, I'm not surprised considering half your country's shit is made in China, but I'm sure you're okay with that since at least it's cheap.

>> No.8087532

Not the anon you're replying to but
>implying europoors don't also have a ton of their shit made in China

Come on, you guys.

>> No.8087556

I just looked it up and at 24k a year, she actually makes slightly more than the average American.
You can say some of any profession don't work hard at all, though. That's not in any way a trait special in teachers. Also, considering how little they're being paid, can you really blame some of them for not wanting to put a lot of effort into it after a while? The shit middle and high school teachers have to put up with should pay more than 20k a year, especially considering how crucial their job is to society.
Holy niggers. This is why the American education system is shit. Our teachers in those categories are lucky to make half what the ones in your country do.
Not that anon, but
>taking that shark tank example this seriously
Also, the part about how we should encourage people who can to spend is true, but everything else you said is... a bit ridiculous. Yeah, that shit can be a slippery slope, but if you can't see the difference between thinking someone with millions of dollars should use even just a tiny bit of that money to help better the world a little better, versus getting mad at someone making $12 an hour for spending $100 once in a while, then your world is way too black and white.

>> No.8087563

Not everyone values looks as much as others. I'm pretty attractive, but if I was ugly as sin and rich as holy hell, I wouldn't give a shit about some pretty poor person mocking my looks. If I did, I would just buy a new face, anyway.

>> No.8087584

I'm ugly and I don't care for looks. The thing is that other people sometimes even shame you for not caring for looks, because they're insecure about their own shallowness.

Another stupid thing I noticed is people using "hurr ur ugly" or "hurr ur weird" as legit insults. So I am, so fucking what. It's not a crime and it isn't something I can change so might as well live with it and own it.

>> No.8087625

Top bantz

>> No.8087642


I kek'd.

>> No.8087647


She might own a few nice pieces but the rest was ita garbage.
I completely agree with >>8086839 how can you own nice pieces like Holy Lantern, Divine Cross, IW Union Jack and also have terrible milanoo-ish kimono's. Dem fucking flats and non rori jewellery.

>> No.8088803

>shark tank

The logic's not flawed, though, is it?
And I'm not the one who pulled out a shark tank as an example.

And, from original post:

> She told me how she gives over $10,000 to charities every year

So she did contribute a tiny bit of money to help better the world. What now? She has to file an application and wait for your approval before she can spend an equivalent amount on herself?

>> No.8090605

So jealous of lolitas like this.

>> No.8090645

>without even considering that maybe there's a good reason for them
no. just no. the VAT is a peasant tax to keep the poor, poor. there is no GOOD reason for it.

>> No.8091206

I really like some of the newly posted wardrobes, like luxe-lion, antik_poesi and darkromantica.

>> No.8091273

This is really sad, a fucking primary school teacher. Sure they're children you're just an overworked babysitter. i spent 5 years in uni & work in a professional field which famously has very little worker protection & where my takehome is the same as a menial wage slave. I will never be able to afford the frillies. I can only afford the cast offs at auctions. *huffs*

>> No.8091302

Okay? That was your decision and being a teacher is theirs.

>> No.8091576

>Overworked babysitter
You know, I truly hope you never have to experience what being a primary school teacher really is like. Shit's much harder than you think it is.

>> No.8091580

can't we get back to lolita wardrobes.

I really thought Lor would have more items.

>> No.8091869

She is not very wealthy or anything, and not a daily. I think her wardrobe size fits her.

>> No.8091876

A teacher is a noble profession. It is not just being a glorified baby sitter, you have the lives and future of many children in your hands at a crucial stage of their lives where decisions can make or break their futures.

The workload is actually quite enormous, they constantly have to train themselves to keep their qualification, they are constantly being assessed and often have to deal with children and parents being absolute shitheads, and I guess apparently in America get paid next to nothing.

What do you do, anon?

>> No.8091894

And so all the last minute posters arrive

>> No.8092012
File: 204 KB, 370x751, img_1468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I 100% get that she needs this dress form to be her size to display her clothes, but these awkward lumpy tape boobs are so distracting

>> No.8092013

This. My father has been an educator for over 30 years, and he works so hard with so little pay. He's helped so many kids who had home issues, or needed something to keep them out of trouble.

>> No.8092020

yeah we americans really give shit for pay to teachers and yet some people STILL think we're overpaying them somehow, which is nuts

self sage for off topic

>> No.8092021

oh man. she could at least put a blouse on it..

>> No.8092166

surprised the cadney's isn't any bigger

>> No.8092235

>Italian anon here too
I can feel your pain... Here few people make more than 2000 euro every month and even with postgraduate degree, masters and so on you can't find good paid jobs. Life sucks.

>> No.8092269

sure, teaching is a noble profession, but that doesnt mean there arent any shit teachers.

>> No.8092300

There have been a lot of huge wardrobe posts this year, but I still wish I had over 20 jsks like she does.

>> No.8092315

Im not, she frequently sells stuff. If you compare from last year she sold a bunch of sweet dresses, and got a few classic in return. Her wardrobe was never huge.

>> No.8092361

weird I always thought she had an explosive wardrobe, idk why

>> No.8092394

Your point being? Every profession has shitty people.

>> No.8092526

I thought girlyhoot's wardrobe video was actually cool, what did you gulls think?

>> No.8092559

Doesn't she sell/buy a lot so she swaps out her stuff more than keeping and adding.

>> No.8092563

She does. She has a pretty small wardrobe, but it's mostly newer stuff.

>> No.8092655

Me too, but I guess it's because she takes tons of photos and have a huge online presence.

>> No.8092720


>> No.8092775


>> No.8092790

A+ for that music usage

>> No.8092799

Dat Teapot

>> No.8093147

I feel like there isn't a lot of wardrobe content. More detail panning would've been cool since she has such a good camera and seems to film well.

>> No.8093207

I thought it was pretty cool, but I wish she'd shown more of the dresses.

>> No.8093608

I'm 200% in love with riotkitty's wardrobe.

>> No.8093640

Holy shit this is awesome
I agree with more wardrobe content though

>> No.8093746

She's doing a parody of the scene in that Marie Antoinette movie where they used this song in the background as Marie tried on shoes and was shown clothes, isn't she? At least that's what it reminded me of when I saw it...

It is kinda limiting in how much of the clothes you see though,

>> No.8093791

Do you not know how to read? It was a chronological order of her adventure as a lolita over the past year. she started out with shitty ita shit and then started getting real brand. DOES NO ONE FUCKING READ SHIT ANYMORE?

>> No.8093799

I honestly couldn't fucking see any dresses properly because she kept moving the camera, and then switching to her pouring tea and shit. I just wanted to see clothes, not food / tea / or her ugly ass face.

>> No.8093811

Idk if it is a parody and not a homage, but yes she is doing it like that scene. Especially with all the food shots.

She also bought ita shit after she bought brand. All she has done is shown she has money to spend on clothes, not that she has developed taste.

>> No.8093834

in the wardrobe post on egl she say's it's a parody of the scene.

>> No.8093923


Yeah, but you're talking about how teachers are poorly compensated, when I think teachers who don't put any effort in shouldn't be compensated? It's hard to see how a teacher who makes no effort to do her own calculus problems should have a salary on par with a teacher who bends over backwards trying to think of the simplest way to explain an integral to high school kids.

I kind of wish there was a system where certain teachers would get paid more than others, by some sort o evaluation system by the students every year, to weed out the terrible ones.

But then I remember my job is starting to do that cohort evaluation and that's a clusterfuck, so theory =/= practice. Every profession is imperfect, my rant is a bit meaningless except to let some steam off.

>> No.8095008

Out of curiosity, has anyone been counting? How big are the biggest ones?

>> No.8095116

Probably pyro42 and alyssium? I don't think anyone else comes close in terms of numbers.

>> No.8095232

I ran out of bandwidth on my Photobucket account.

>> No.8095250

You know you can upload directly to LJ right?

>> No.8095316

>not using imgur

>> No.8095558

The bigger ones seem to be around 100-150?

rainedragon too, maybe? her's is a little smaller than pyro_42's (130 vs 142)

I didn't count alyssium's but her site seems to be down now.

>> No.8095697

Akira made a wardrobe post. I really liked it.

My only disappointment that he sold off Dream Day Carnival a while back. Still I'm glad he's on solid ground and making money after an extremely difficult time a few years ago.

>> No.8095986

Duplica has about 142, but personally I wouldn't consider a fair number of her things lolita...

>> No.8097875

Slightly unrelated, but I'm glad that the dress up theme has been picked for February again.

>> No.8098181

Me too! It's my second favorite theme (after the wardrobe theme, of course). I've already come up with two coords for my person, but they're pretty "safe" outfits... Trying to get creative with someone else's closet is harder than I thought!

>> No.8098218

Probably just a poor choice of words, I think it's really well edited and nice. I don't think it was meant to showcase her full wardrobe, she posted that on girlyhoot.

>> No.8099335

I didn't participate last year, but I'm doing it this year and I'm super glad that my partner has a really great wardrobe.

>> No.8102902

no clue

>> No.8103846

About what?

>> No.8103862

NGL pretty jealous, I'm in the same industry but my pay is shit.
Can I ask what your job title is? I always get the impression it's the pattern makers and other less 'desirable' jobs that are getting paid better then the designers. (Unless you're working for a really impressive brand of course)