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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 266 KB, 1024x1536, juliet___lollipop_chainsaw_cosplay_by_mishiromirage-d68v33r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8078370 No.8078370 [Reply] [Original]

What are people's general thoughts about skimpy cosplays?
> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?

Also tips and tricks for other people who do skimpy cosplays to maybe keep it a bit more modest? fx dance tights etc.

>> No.8078396
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this is extremely nit-picky and not something I condone normally but she's a little too hairy to be cospalying such a revealing costume. Esp. when the camera makes every little hair visible, and the still image format really allows people to hone in on those minutiae.

I don't want to make people feel guilty for exploring their passions and doing what they love, just b/c that thing may not appeal to me in particular it doesn't mean what they're doing is inherently wrong or bad.

>> No.8078405

>that stomach hair

>> No.8078411
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to elaborate:

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?

There shouldn't be any unless the costume is a very sexual/fetish-related one. There's no way to judge if someone's mentally mature enough to dress provocatively.

> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?

I don't really make arbitrary divisions between skimpy and not skimpy tbh. Unless the costume's basically pasties and tape over genitals where it's just controversial for controversy's sake then....yeah.

> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?

I respect other people's right to self-expression, I don't feel they need my validation to do whatever they like to do.

>> No.8078424

Personally the only time I have an issue with skimp cosplay is when a minor cosplays from an 18+ source material. For example all these teenagers running around in ME!ME!ME! outfits with their tits and asses hanging out doesn't fly well with me, that being said I also won't bat an eye at a 14 year old Yoko cause it's accurate.

>> No.8078446
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sexy costume thread?

It's so weird that so many people's feathers get ruffled by ppl like Nigri who are obviously pandering to a male audience. I mean, feel whatever you want to feel, i'm not insinuating anything. Just that it's so futile trying to get anyone who won't agree with you to change their minds when it's against their self-interest to.

>> No.8078447
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I agree.
I generally don't mind skimpy cosplays as long as it stays true to source material and isn't a sexified version of some design that wasn't sexy to begin with.

I watched a panel on youtube regarding skimpy cosplaying and the girl hosting the panel said that skimpy cosplays take a lot of work because you need to make sure everything fits right or your boob will fall out for example.

>> No.8078459
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>> No.8078461
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>> No.8078468
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>> No.8078471
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>> No.8078473
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>> No.8078475
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>> No.8078480
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>> No.8078485
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>> No.8078487
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>> No.8078491
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>> No.8078503 [DELETED] 

>> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
Any age, but I feel a limit for younger girls.
>> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
If more than 75% of your body is showing, it is skimpy. If your costume only covers the bare necessities, it is skimpy.
>> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts? I don't really care. Do I like seeing attractive ladies halfway naked, sure do. Even more if it is a character I like done well. Are they attention seeking? All cosplayers are. Are they sluts, probably not. They would be making money instead of attention of nerdy guys.

>> No.8078507

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
For me, it mostly depends on how mature that person is and their reason for cosplaying said character.
I'd rather see a 14 year old do a skimpy cosplay because she loves the character than seeing a 16 year old doing the same costume because "look at how sexy I am, boyz".

If someone is smart enough to know what the consequences might be (creepers, unwanted asspics, groping,...) and able to stand up for herself when it happens, there should be no problem.

> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
If the costume covers as much or less than underwear would.

> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?
If done well and accurate to the source material, it doesn't bother me.

>> No.8078511

Some of these examples aren't even skimpy. Sailor Moon is not skimpy??? By the looks of this thread, everything that isn't armor that covers you from head to toe is considered skimpy.

> "Dear God, cover your ankles, you slut!!11!"

>> No.8078524
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>> No.8078528
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Fuck it doesn't even matter to me anymore. Nobody goes to conventions to actually meet fans. People just go to conventions to boost their 'modeling' career and make a brand for themselves rather than meeting other people who share their interests.

Nobody actually gives a fuck about anime anymore. They just care about themselves.

That being said, wear whatever the fuck you want. The whole hobby is no longer a hobby at this point.

>> No.8078536
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>> No.8078540
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>> No.8078543

>that butterface

>> No.8078545

i said "sexy" not skimpy. Sexy. Not the same.

>> No.8078576


> In a thread called "Skimpy cosplaying"

>> No.8078587
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>> No.8078590

I always wondered how she like...keeps the costume clean. She takes it to so many cons and I wonder if she even washes or sanitizes the crotch piece.

Also this.

>> No.8078612

shave your body before you hop in to your costume. Do it either right before or the night before. Old bodybuilding secret for shows.

>> No.8078613

I always say to wait until you're 18, just because minors shouldn't really be running around in a small amount of clothing.

If you got it, flaunt it. Just don't go overboard

>> No.8078632

Look at this bitch... smh
where is this, the convention center?

>> No.8078664

bitch needs to keep her redneck teeth away

>> No.8078711

Im fine with skimpy cosplays. As long as it is true to the actual character. Don't oversexualize a character who isnt sexy at all thats just crying for attention.

>> No.8078845

W-women have hair???? /?

>> No.8078903

It's not the fact anyone's shocked, it's disgusting. Don't cosplay skimpy shit if you're not gonna wax. Unless the character is hairy as fuck.

>> No.8078927

it's Anime Expo at the LACC

>> No.8078929

It's barely noticeable, sheesh anon.

>> No.8078938


Haven't heard much of this bitch since her scam about the stolen costumes in her car from Kickstarter

looks like Micro Kitty

pretty much represents cosplay now, an ad for your camwhore site

>> No.8078946

Barely noticeable? If she doesn't wax soon, someone will call animal control and zookeepers will offer her bananas in streets while saying "come on, bobo, lets get you back in your cage"

>> No.8078948

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
18, they better be fucking 18. I do not want to be taking a picture of some slut claiming to be 18 and end up on a list. Or even if she just happens to be in the background of a picture, I still could end up on a list if she goes ape shit and claims it's violating her rights because she was half naked caught in a picture. I do NOT want to have pictures of under age girls in skimpy out fits and then have my life be fucked because of it.
> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?
Not really, they are always looking for attentions if its just your classic slut character.

>> No.8078952

she has thick arm hair too.

>> No.8078966

You can only get away wth it if you're blonde and the lighting won't be strong

everyone else must shave at a minimum

>> No.8078976

>tfw no thick gross stomach hair

>> No.8078978

Wow you are salty. I meet a lot of fans at cons, who are also cosplaying.

>> No.8078997

I care about anime but my life doesn't revolve around it. I am balanced.

Except for Metal Gear. My life is heavily unbalanced in that aspect. I live to become Biggu Bossu. I have 3 more years in the military before I am the right age to meet the Boss and head off on my mission to destroy the Shagohod. I enlisted for this. I am ready. Come at me Putin. I'll bang a chinese triple agent on a bearskin rug after #shrekking your secret weapon.

I have a lot but no chest hair. I share a similar feel. Also my facial hair has 2 small strips keeping my sideburns from joining my chin

>why hair gods, why

>> No.8079093

Nah, I don't really respect the sexy/skimpy cosplayers in general. It has nothing to do with their costumes, or that they want attention since that's not necessarily a bad thing, the problem lies with the people that wear them. I've met a shit ton, and the vast majority have been some of the most bland, unimpressive people I've ever met. However, I have met a few really cool ones that are great people! With career goals that they get closer and closer to obtaining through hard work, and some of them even find time to go to 8+ cons a year.

>> No.8079107

I really think that cons should get more in the habit of questioning a younger girl in a skimpy outfit if they are 18, like checking ID.

>> No.8079108


>> No.8079114

ikr i hate these men who walk around cons with fricking three inches of hair under their arms and chest pubes. o wait...

>> No.8079124

Why? There's nothing illegal about wearing something revealing if you're under 18.

>> No.8079127

Samesies. The vast majority of "sexy" cosplayers I know are young women who might be pretty, but have no self-esteem and zero career aspirations aside from being the next Jessica Nigri and getting a lot of tumblr followers.

Like, most people who have a few sexy cosplays but people who only cosplay sexualized characters are usually depressing to be around.

>> No.8079191

If you got it, flaunt it. Fuck, its not like we don't like looking at it. Just enjoy the scenery and move on.

>> No.8079200

Doesn't affect my con experience. Honestly if that's how they want to feel confident and adored and get attention, good on them. They don't represent the entire female population of con goers, and they've got their own issues to settle.

>> No.8079201

Stop encouraging pedophiles, Anon.
Being attracted to women under 18 is fucking disgusting and unnatural.

>> No.8079240

I'm with you.
When I started the attention whoring was kept pretty minimal. If the shit people pulled now were tried (selling prints, trying to be a real model, crowd sourcing your cosplay) it would have gotten you ostracized so quick your head would spin.

We had maybe a total of 5 attention whores who were clearly more into the sex sells and it was obvious as hell. But a couple of them had other costumes so they weren't all bad.

But at this point, fuck it. It's harder but not impossible to find fellow fans. Add to that less people want to talk now. They are way more into their personal groups.
But again it's not impossible. The atmosphere of the con has changed and that's all there is to it. Is it the attention whore Imma famous cosplayer mentality? You bet your ass it is.
But it's too late. What is done is done.

tl;dr: Fuck it.

>> No.8079251

>too hairy
>some hair on arms and peach fuzz on tummy

what the fuck.

>> No.8079269

Typically I'd say it depends on the situation but for safety reasons if someone under 18 gets in trouble at a con, they're dealing with a minor. Morally to each their own but I thought cons would do more since the past Comic Con incident.

>> No.8079274

Ugh. Moth of those girls are disgusting.

>> No.8079276

I'm talking about those of legal age, dumbass. Of course underage kids shouldn't be allowed to do that shit, but that is their parent's fucking problem. If you're letting your prepubescent child run around like a skank, there are bigger issues.

>> No.8079304

I've known plenty of minors who make/wear skimpy cosplays without their parents' knowledge.

But then you gotta wonder why parents drop off their underage kids at cons all weekend unsupervised.

>> No.8079309

Especially over a weekend at a hotel.

>> No.8079315

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
I would hope most skimpy cosplayers are at least age of consent or within a year of it.
> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
The line is where the cosplayer starts using sex appeal as a cover for poor craftmanship.
> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?
Same here as answer 2. When they cross that line, they are just being attention-seeking sluts.

>> No.8079396

It's not that she's pandering that's the problem, it's the fact that people who don't know any better treat her as if she is a cosplay goddess when she doesn't make any of her shit. If she was genuine and honest ALL of the time about not making her shit then I would have a lot less of a problem with her.

>> No.8079415

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
Depends on the maturity of the person involved and the character. If you're cosplaying pikachu in a sports bra and hot pants and you're 14, it's different to cosplaying Misty even though there's not much difference in coverage. Also, if you aren't aware of or confident enough to deal with creepers and potential harassment, you shouldn't be wearing it. Shit sucks and shouldn't be that way, but there are more often than not people who want to get up close and friendly because you aren't wearing that much.
> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
I don't really distinguish in that way? I guess for me there's accurate costumes that don't cover much (e.g. KLK Kamui transformations, Nudist beach) vs like.. Bikini Version Ninja Turtles
> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?
Attention seeking sluts are obviously attention seeking sluts. I don't particularly like them no matter how skimpy/non skimpy their outfits are because that's not what I'm there for. If I chat to someone who's not wearing a hell of a lot and they turn out to be cool, then that's cool, if they turn out to want me to join their slobbering "fanbase", then I'm out of there.

>> No.8079422

I have no problem with skimpy cosplay in general, but fuck, do I hate this bitch.

>> No.8079426

Case in point, Becketry Cosplay. She cosplays Cinder Fall and she's only 15, but take a closer look at the character and then tell me if her outfit is skimpy.

>> No.8079458

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
At least the age of consent(16 years)
> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
It's skimpy if it's just a piece of fabric to cover your genitals and nipples. I think there's no one big line to define a normal costume as long as it's actually "accurate" cosplay of the character and not attention whore whoops look at me-version.
> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?
I think it's kind of brave to cosplay characters that have revealing costumes. What I count as attention seeking is when a cosplayer makes their own shitty unaccurate version of the character just to reveal some skin. Like this one cosplayer which name I never got(but you've probably seen the picture) made a terrible Link costume which showed her cleveage etc and she said that "i wanted to be imaginable" or something. Bullshit, you just wanted to seem "sexy".

>> No.8079477


>> No.8079509

Yeah, but that's fucking stupid
>excuse me miss we can't have you wearing that low cut outfit because you're 17 and someone might get in trouble if someone fucks you
yeah that's not very reasonable.

>> No.8079542

Yeah totally, just like how bars don't let people who are under 21 in at night.
>excuse me miss we can't have you in the bar because you're 19 and someone might get in trouble if someone buys you alcohol
>inb4 cons aren't for sex
no, they're not, but they're also not for underageb8 to wander around in skimpy costumes at only to cry rape at people who have pictures of them.

>> No.8079543

UGH that belly button piercing thing is so gross. Why would you want to look like your umbilical cord hasn't fallen out yet?

>> No.8079556

it's vera baby, everything is gross.

>> No.8079558


>> No.8079660

looks like butt pad to me

>> No.8079676

Sexy/More covered but not skimpy cosplay suggestions? Im short if that helps.

>> No.8079681


that is some mad jelly

>> No.8079685


no you dumb fuck, you id people at the bar because it's illegal for minors to purchase alcohol. it's not illegal for minors to wear skimpy clothing

>> No.8079813

>It's not that she's pandering that's the problem, it's the fact that people who don't know any better treat her as if she is a cosplay goddess when she doesn't make any of her shit. If she was genuine and honest ALL of the time about not making her shit then I would have a lot less of a problem with her.

This is the problem I have.
But even then people say well "cosplay is fun, you can do what you want it's just not for makers you know. Stop being mean, it's not serious"

Then I have to throw the shadiest shade face I can make because of them. When people start making money over being deceitful in a hobby you can sure as hell call them on it.

>> No.8079855

They don't let under 21 year olds in because it's illegal to drink if you're not 21. It's not illegal for a minor to wear something revealing is it? That's like if pools had a "no bikinis until you are 18" rule. Hell even a once piece is more revealing than a lot of these costumes

>> No.8079952

Nah, nah. It's pretty damn noticeable.

>> No.8079954

Idk but I'm digging her buck teeth, it sets her apart.
Is there anyone else here that thinks so too? Like the way her mouth opens up a little to show them off a bit

>> No.8080002

>Yeah totally, just like how bars don't let people who are under 21 in at night.

>> No.8080162

I dress extremely slutty at cons; I'm skinny, pretty, and Asian(good at cons right?) No tattoos, piercings, or things like that, I'm not single either nor have I ever cheated

I dress like a Potato everyday, sweatpants, ratty sweaters, unwashed hair, I generally don't leave the house and just go to school, study, and work. Med is a bitch

I go to 4-5 cons a year, It's nice once in awhile to just do my make-up, wear a nice wig, shave my whole body; essentially just turn heads in general. It's nice to get all that attention when your so used to just not trying.

Getting shitfaced is also much more fun when your dressed like a slut, even if nothing comes out of it

>> No.8080326

Panty liners, one hopes.

>> No.8080344

just did some research on this person. She's amazing, and hot

>> No.8080385

In America.

>> No.8080398

her body is disgusting

>> No.8080419

who hurt u

>> No.8080558

Still, she probably thinks that admitting that she doesn't make her costumes will make her lose popularity, esp. since she's been lying about it for so long. She knows the kind of sway she has over her fanbase so it shouldn't even matter to them that she's not this super crafty nerd gurl or not. Her boobs and body are what keeps her popular. But popular people like that are also very self-absorbed and feel entitled to more respect than they deserve. Granted, maintaining such a physique and pumping out quality smut isn't easy and all that jazz. She and a a lot of others still need to take a step down and reevaluate what they're doing. But they won't.

>> No.8080760

Who is she? I'm curious to know

>> No.8080804


Esp on the "more respect than they deserve" part. Why are they always like that? Is it just part of the human condition?

And you are right. People like that almost never step back and look at their questionable as hell choices. Not when they don't have to.

>> No.8081463

Age wise, I think however old they need to be to deal with the outcome.

Like, if they're 14, and a creeper tries to get them to follow him to the stairwell, they might not know it's a trap. But 18+ would/should.

It's like the thing of "When I was 14 and a 20 year old guy hit on me, I enjoyed it and flirted back, but now at 18 I see that it was wrong, and should have dealt differently"

TBH I think 18+ for skimpy, because they should know how to react to bad situations that might happen as an outcome, and if they do fuck up, it's their own responsibility.

>> No.8081497

Now now anon, if we're talking teens that aren't of legal age but the parts are developed, then it's in our instinctual urges to breed with the youngest able body possible to continue a strong gene pool.
If we're talking immoral, then yes, yes it is that.

>> No.8081529

>What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?

18. Keep it so it's legal everywhere and nobody can say THINK OF THE CHILDREN!.

> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?

Would you wear this much/little on an overcast day in early April? Do you think this much skin showing would be appropriate for a standard office work environment? Are parents going to be uncomfortable with you standing near their 7-year-old kids?

> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?

Depends how often it's done and the context. If you do it well, do it once or twice and do it only at conventions with strict 18+ or at least 16+ age limits and you're upfront about it being dumb then sure, go ahead. If you're doing it at an all-ages family convention every single month of every single year and you're claiming it's srs bizniz and other obvious bullshit then no, fuck off, you're a desperate, dishonest attention seeker.

The honesty bit is the thing which usually decides it for me. I don't really have a problem with JNig or BelleChere because they're really upfront about being all about the tits and looking hot and whatever. Yaya pisses me off because she claims it's about construction while she's making her tits front and center of every photo and Kelly Jean pisses me off because she does literally nothing else while trying to claim nothing she wears is for attention. If it was the other way around and JNig and Belle talked bullshit about not wanting attention then I'd be pissed at them and if Yaya and Kelly owned up and said that yeah actually we're just in this to be fap material then they'd be totally okay by me.

>> No.8081535
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>> No.8081543
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>> No.8081558
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is wearing c string and pasties to a family con. Cries every con, cus people treat her like trash

>> No.8081566
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>> No.8081575
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>> No.8081579

My ex wanted me to cosplay that shit
There's reasons we are exes.

>> No.8081581

What the fuck? Women can't have hair now?

>> No.8081587


>> No.8081594


That is great. Isn't that the dude who draws all the /d/ related stuff?

>> No.8081604


The problem with that girl isn't that she creates sexy version of costumes... it because she puts almost 0% effort into construction. I mean.. her Pokemon are shit. Her costumes are shit. The only good one wasn't even constructed by her.

With that little amount of material goes into making her costumes.... she could put a little more effort into detail.

Like... her bra tops could be fancier...

>> No.8081642

Yes there isn't, but if you have a person who is a minor dressed very slutty/revealing/basically naked (aka yoko cosplays) that can be considered child porn if you take a picture of them.

>> No.8081731

actually want to throw up a little in my mouth.

>> No.8081774

i hate being the
person, but cmon... its a family event girl.

>> No.8081780

>its a family event girl.

.. so?

>> No.8081787

>run along home and play Call of Duty instead.

>> No.8081807

so nobody wants to see her titties, man


>> No.8081814

>so nobody wants to see her titties, man

Says who, you?
You speak for everyone now?

>> No.8081826

yeah lol
nah joking, well, i guess, some people dont want to see them? i sure do not. she can wear what she wants, but shes really not wearing anything, just a thong and pasties...

>> No.8081836

what are you smoking? seriously i would kill a man to have a body like hers

>> No.8081837

I know this isn't /r/ but... Sauce, please? I mean, you all seem to hate thick girls with tits'n'ass, so let me take them over to /gif/, alright?

>> No.8081839

I will be so happy when the obsession with making women look like little girls goes away. the second some girl wants to share some skin, jerks jump all over her shit, nitpicking tiny little flaws. it ruins it for the rest of us who actually enjoy the view. god forbid women are living creatures, and not extruded from plastic molds

>> No.8081844

I wonder, is there an appropriate time to be half naked? I mean, we all have to get naked, some time. and, clothing is pretty much a social construct, how ever useful one it may be. Other than the beach, when is it appropriate to be half naked? I would think a fun, party atmosphere where conventional rules are suspended, like Cons, would be the place.

Or, maybe I have been brainwashed by all the jiggling and Free! cosplayers I see at Otakon, so I am just numb to it...

>> No.8081847

All you had to do is unlock your eyes from her breast for a split second... there were people there you hadn't noticed. Projecting rules onto others based on your own guilt drawn from your filthy conscience isn't very considerate

>> No.8081851

now... for some reason, I think this is gratuitous. Poison Ivy is never this naked, in actual media. Only in sleazy pinups is she this exposed. Its one thing to play a character who is normally naked, like Movie Mystique, but this bugs me

>> No.8081854

nevermind... I am an idiot. sauce is on the video. I was distracted by her tits!

>> No.8081888

It's the attitude that decides it for me.
It's one thing to be doing it for an ego trip.
It's another to be doing it and pretending like you aren't walking around a bunch of depraved shut ins drooling over you.

>> No.8081948

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
Depending on what/how much is showing, between 13 and 16. If the 13 year old isn't dressing too skimpy or is true to the character without choosing it to be skimpy, then it is fine.

> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
When it was chosen for the fact it's skimpy. Or when it shows cleavage, underboob and sideboob, or when it shows ass/crack without any adjusting needed.
Or deviates from the source material to be skimpy/skimpier for the sake of getting gawked at.
Even this one was made skimpier than the source >>8078524

> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?
Depends on how they act. If they are just seeking attention, then no of course not.
If they are just regular cosplayers who are cosplaying skimpy characters, then they aren't doing anything wrong and should be respected until they do.

>> No.8082028

> What is the age minimum for skimpy cosplays?
If the character is intended to be sexy/fetishy/sexualized (bible black characters, skimpy outfits from ecchi series) then age of consent is the minimum but preferably at least 18

If the character is a blatant sexualization of something that wasn't sexy in the first place you better damn well be 18 or over.

If the costume just happens to be skimpy (OP's image) then any age is fine I guess

> Where do you draw the line between a normal costume and a skimpy one?
If more of your skin from the shoulders down is exposed than the is covered it's skimpy.

> Do you respect people who do skimpy cosplays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts?

I feel like whatever. If you're doing it for the character that's fucking awesome and I have hella respect for you and your craft. If you're doing it to be a skank then I respect you for doing what you want.

>> No.8082125
File: 261 KB, 500x360, whoopsie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude chill.
i think she should cover up.
thats it. thats literally it.
just chill.

>> No.8082986

if it's fam even and impressionable young'uns are there i'd be weary about being outside like that.

I've seen some relatively mild things as a child that I've developed an almost phobic reaction to. That shit is not what a little kid needs to add to their limited frame of reference, don't even try to make this about slut shaming.

>> No.8083249

I need source on this one please.

>> No.8083274

I'd cry cause that costume looks like garbage. I know movie Mystique isn't easy, but I've seen far better attempts than this fucking wreck.

>> No.8083286
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Say what you want about Jnig but at least she isn't covered in tattoos, I doubt she has any at all.

I understand some people have a fetish for tats but it's shit taste. Destroys the pure image of a woman's body.

>> No.8083334

Shut the fuck up Tumblr.

>> No.8083337

damn I see why /cgl/ is so sandy now, calling her ugly and unfit really helps jealousy

>> No.8083343

She's a butterface and a receding hairline, both becoming more and more glaringly obvious.

>> No.8083344
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Stay mad

Im in my mid 20s with light brown hair and I had never had hair this bad, the most I get is the white blonde on my legs and I shave that just for comfort but I doubt anyone even sees it when I dont.

>> No.8083431

how the shit are her boobs that perky? I'm 18 and my boobs are saggier than that. I am crying. There are tears.

>> No.8083443

She hasn't done a single costume accurate to the source material.

>> No.8083446

>Destroys the pure image of a woman's body

Kill yourself.

>> No.8083453

tattoos are shit
stay mad you're body is ugly

>> No.8083454

newb question but... how does it stay up?

>> No.8083459

I wanna make my chick get some tats out of spite now due to the stupidity of your post

>> No.8083536

They're implants. She's done lots of nude modelling and there's a very obvious point where she went from pretty flat-chested to decent/slightly large.

You're a fucking tool

>> No.8083582

Most people have dark brown hair though since blonde hair isn't the dominate trait. Who the fuck cares if a woman has hair or chooses to shave it off.

>> No.8083595

Yeah but you have to understand, they're aren't the type you imagine taking home to momma.
On the contrary, they're like that video tape/magazine you used to hide from her so she won't find it XD

>> No.8083599

>who cares

obviously a ton of people care
because it's disgusting
your logic is retarded too,
ex. just because there is more ugly girls than pretty ones doesnt mean men are fine with going out with an ugly girl

>> No.8083608

>implying girls filled with tattoos are what you would bring to your family
kill yourself

>> No.8083614
File: 347 KB, 800x533, urusei_yatsura___lum_by_rolan666-d5o9c88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair debate aside (I don't care either way) realtalk do any of you have tips for removal? Is waxing the bikini area the best way to go? How much of that does dancer's tights cover?

>> No.8083628

I implied the opposite you fucking moron
Go back and re-read my post because you have obvious learning disabilities

>> No.8083746

Despite the stereotype professional waxing hurts only very briefly and gives the best results. The aftercare is important though!

>> No.8083751

Honestly I DO bring home girls covered in tattoos and piercings and funky-color hair. Shit rocks and everybody loves it. If you say you don't you're only lying to yourself.

>> No.8083771

What's the aftercare?

>> No.8083780

Exfoliation and moisturising. Loofa the area in the shower for about 4-5 days after, also slap some moisturiser on afterwards.

>> No.8083847

Thanks anon. New to waxing so I'm going to attempt my underarms as well as my face.

>> No.8084858

It's harder to do yourself, both in terms of pain and effort. Then again, I only get brazilians, which is a lot more sensitive than underarms or face.
Assuming you're new to this:
Look into the places you go or the products you buy. Some places are less than sanitary, less than professional or less than effective. Some products just aren't as good or they're hard to use, some will bind more to skin with increased risk of ripping off skin with your hair. There's stuff you can get to minimize this though. Don't be a painful-chan. Check your shit.

Another problem is that you have to let the hair grow out before you wax it. Not as big a deal when it's vagina hair - comfort wise it doesn't get long enough to bother me, maybe itch a bit and the guys/girls I pick up don't mind. However, when it comes to armpit hair it could get gross. Hair holds on to grease and sweat exponentially better than smooth skin, so your BO is worse no matter how much you shower or don't move. Again, may not be a big deal for you but I can't afford this since I'm a sweaty-chan (not even fat, don't even walk around a lot, it's probably a diet issue - working to fix it). Unless you're 100% sure you smell like roses on an angel's ass, carry cleansers or wipes and deodorant when you go out and check yourself often. Don't be a stinky-chan. Wash your shit.

Also, shaving exfoliates. Waxing does not. You absolutely have to make up for this with exfoliating cream or scrubbing the shit out of it with a loofah or a coarse shower brush. If you don't, you WILL get ingrown hairs. They will hurt and look like horrifying pus-filled cystic acne. Maybe even herpes. They will hurt, and when you dig out the hair (which you have to do, they're not like pimples which go away on their own or with spot treatment) they will bleed and ooze everywhere. They will be worse in an area with as much friction, movement and moisture as the armpit. Don't be a pimple-chan. Exfoliate your shit.

>> No.8085075

Thats Jazzhand isn't it? The dramu queen herself. I remember an episode where apparently she posted a photo on her page or tumblr or whatever and didn't bother to credit the photographer. When confronted by the said photographer she decided to unfriend every photographer, including ones that had nothing to do with the image. But she didnt unfriend the few with larger followers or likely to get her attention, the shallow bitch.

>> No.8085293

Nope she deleted everyone apart from Kyle. Had Lulu fight her battle after she then decided to insult a whole bunch of other cosplayers.

>> No.8085547

Jazzhand is so stuck up her own ass, people like her who insult both side of the cosplay community deserve to be ignored completely.

>> No.8085553

No one gives a shit about her now. She's just the butt of all jokes, no matter what she does.

>> No.8085593

>barely any one's paying attention
>the kids in the crowd look utterly uninterested

Ah, life in NYC, where a naked blue skinned woman is just another random face in the crowd.

>> No.8085968

I don't want to see gross belly/arm/leg hairs, it's revolting.

>> No.8085993

Sucks to be you, then. Have you tried gouging your eyes out?

>> No.8088606

Kinda unrelated but I'd thought I'd ask since it's the closest thing on-topic. How difficult is it to get a 26" waist? I still have 35 pounds to go but I've looked up the stats of my goal (between 130-140 lbs at 5'6") and many women are at 28-29 inches. Input would be appreciated.

>> No.8088726
File: 103 KB, 500x777, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8088732

What are your other proportions? What are your mother's measurements? Waist size depends a lot on genetics if you're not doing waist training.

>> No.8088735

It's all about dem genetics, really. If you don't do any formal waist training, try doing hardcore stomach vacuums alongside reducing your overall weight. Was able to get to around 26"-27" when I hit around 135-140.

>> No.8088738
File: 944 KB, 1080x1365, wp_ss_20150129_0003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the minimum age for skimpy cosplays

If your tits, ass, dick, or vag are out obviously you should be 18+

>Where do you draw the line between a normal one and skimpy one

Stated above

>Do you respect people who do skimpy displays (if done well) or are they just attention seeking sluts

If they crafted it well and at least portraying the character well, then fine. If you're going to be a slut at least take the time to have crafted the costume, and if you didn't make it, at least credit the person who did. This cosplayer thinks she can fool her fans into thinking she made this, but can't give a straightforward answer about how she constructed it.

>> No.8088758

As long as you don't have a genetically bigger waist it shouldn't be too difficult. I'm verging on 6 foot and mine is 25", which is pretty average I think so your goal is definitely realistic

>> No.8088768

Mm, yes. Give me more cosplayers who look like fucking apes. I'm so into bestiality. No woman is allowed to shave ever again and my dreams of fucking a monkey will be a reality.

>> No.8088982
File: 101 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone care to give me some advice?

The skimpiest thing I've ever wanted to cosplay is Satsuki from Kill La Kill. But my tits are tiny. I'm literally flat as a board, 32 A bra size.

Do you guys think I could gracefully execute this cosplay if I just pad the bra and contour my boobs with make up? Or should I venture to try a breast plate like crossplayers would?

Also is Satsuki an appropriate cosplay for a con in general, as long as it's executed well? Or is it too revealing?

>> No.8089013

Boob make up and try to fake it

>> No.8089042


>> No.8089049

fake breast plate. The costume is perfectly designed to hide edges and seams and you won't be fretting about taping and squeezing and slipping or anything. Just match the color well with make-up and contour it.

>> No.8089250

Can we see some proof of all this?

>> No.8089275

Definitely wax. I've been waxing my eyebrows for around 3 years now and I used to have to wax them every 2 days or so. Now it's only once every 2-3 weeks. The more you wax, the slower your hair grows back.

>> No.8089573

Go with a breast plate.

>> No.8089610

Breast plate.

>Or is it too revealing?

No such thing, as long as you cosplay to your body type.

>> No.8089613


>> No.8090175
File: 807 KB, 1286x2431, How to fill a bra with beads and get bigger looking boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If skinny trannys can look like they have 30GG you can too, annon! Here's 5 ways.


>> No.8090179
File: 224 KB, 355x2245, How to make boobs look bigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lied, 6 ways


>> No.8090185
File: 2.65 MB, 1205x2920, How to make boobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8090188
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>> No.8090192
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>> No.8090199

Now links!


You can also make your own bra/her brest plate thing and implement the stuffing technique into the bra/breast plate so you won't have socks, tissues, chicken cutlets showing

>> No.8090256

god damn Anon really delivers sometimes.