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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.10 MB, 1079x1088, 1420242083548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8078042 No.8078042 [Reply] [Original]

last one (>>8072778) in autosage

>> No.8078045
File: 134 KB, 686x280, powersuitsm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to decide between two similar wallpapers

>> No.8078070

Follow your heart

>> No.8078134
File: 278 KB, 622x336, 1405993024849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw someone gives you totally irrelevant, useless, wrong, or even counterproductive advice
>tfw they then act smug about it like they saved your ass even though you ignored them

>> No.8078144

>tfw rent is due
>tfw dream dress pops up
>tfw roommate knows how happy this dress would make you
>tfw roommate is super fucking cool and says he'll pay your part of the rent and you can pay him back next paycheck
I'm so lucky, oh my god.

>> No.8078186

Priorities anon. I know the roommate is nice but god.

>> No.8078190

>not having enough emergency money to buy it now
>not having enough money to buy it and pay rent
>not having a credit card
oh anon...

>> No.8078202

flip a coin

>> No.8078243

We talked about it and he agreed. If he'd said no, obviously I would have paid my share of the rent instead. I've done something similar for him before, too.

Normally, I would, but I'm still recovering from the holidays, I guess. Oh well. And I only recently turned 18 and don't have the best job yet, but I should get on that credit card game, you're right.

It's a one time deal, not a series of me being irresponsible.

>> No.8078273

Desktop wallpapers or actual wallpapers? If actual: you have samples right? If you don't, definitely get samples. I ordered two wallpapers that I thought were similar and turned out to look totally different IRL.

>> No.8078285

This happened to me over Christmas too. No bad effects so far.

>> No.8078300

>finally get a job after months with nothing
>one parent lost their job a few months ago too so I've been really skint
>friends are good, so if they wanted to eat out while we were out or something they'd offer to cover me, didn't mind if I couldn't get them anything for Christmas/birthdays either
>been paying back various favours like this now I've got money, feels good
>want to get everyone late Christmas presents as a show of appreciaton
>for most people buying is easy, but I have one friend it's really hard to buy for because all their interests are nerdy but they hide their power level
>no idea what to get them

This dude likes anime, tabletop gaming, Pokemon and fucking My Little Pony but doesn't want his parents to know. Even though he's been to multiple cons and his parents knew about that. Also likes vidya but has already bought way more than he needs in the Steam sale. A couple of years ago I got him a figurine from a show he liked which I know from Skype calls he had displayed in his dorm, but when he went back to his parents for the summer he kept it hidden in the bottom of his bag. Same with anime - posters in the dorm, nothing in the house. IDK whether to get him merch to have in his dorm, or get him something entirely different.

>> No.8078314

>dress, female
>roommate, him
>pays for your rent

He wants to fuck you.

>> No.8078326

a) He's gay,
b) We've been friends for years
c) As I said, I've done something similar for him before
Not every male-female interaction is about sex.

>> No.8078334

i have wallpaper samples, and in fact they're on the wall next to me right now. still can't totally decide.

>> No.8078343
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i goofed and meant to include a pic

>> No.8078345

I like the one with the birds a lot more.

>> No.8078347

>everyone ive shown the pic to says this
they BOTH have birds on anon. im assuming you mean the pink birds though.

>> No.8078351

I prefer the one on top, I think the flowers give it a nice touch.

>> No.8078358

yeah, that one. bottom one

>> No.8078367

I prefer the one with the flowers and the more understated birds.

>> No.8078388

I like them both, but the birdcages might get to be a bit much / repeated too often, depending on how large your walls are. Maybe go with the top one and add a few birdcages in select spots to get the effect without over-doing?

>> No.8078389

Thirding this.

>> No.8078399
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1420590036669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dream dress in favorite colorway on egl comm sales
>post is little under a month old old and hasn't been marked as sold

Hold me anons I hope she responds.

>> No.8078422

I think the flowers in the top one are too large and tacky-looking.

>> No.8078428

Shit son.
Can you imagine someone actually hooking up with that?
Though I imagine it'd make an interesting story.

Still, was she at least good looking? Because that's a special brand of crazy to not get the message in person.
If she's still bugging you, my advice'd be to be as blunt as you possibly can.
She's obviously not there when it comes to socializing, or she's yandere, and the only way that you can get through to people like that is just flat out stating you don't like them.
Or "I don't love you" if you want to make her cry.

>> No.8078434
File: 183 KB, 245x245, nani.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not every male-female interaction is about sex

>> No.8078478

I pity the poor soul who falls for her trap and wont be able to get rid of her ever. She was pretty hot though, and obviously spends a shit ton of time maintaining her looks. It has to be some kind of attachment disorder, because I don't even think she's 100% aware of how she acts.

I'll probably be much more blunt if she starts the frenzy of messages again, but its died down enough that I don't wanna encourage her at all. I'm not even worried she'll read this, because if she does and realizes it's her, she might just stop altogether.

I'd totally stick my dick in crazy again though, just not this one. So much regret with this one. This has to be abnormal even by crazy bitch standards.

>> No.8078492
File: 488 KB, 248x252, tumblr_m2bs41TX681qbxih5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally back from a few trips, no more out-of-town things until a gathering in March
>finished some of the stressful things I needed to do
>sweet, time to work on that bodysuit like I've been wanting for the last month

I guess I could still work on it a little, but doing the fittings is going to feel super gross for the next few days

Get on the credit card game! Welcome to capitalism.
Do you have a parent or someone else who could help you set up the credit cards? Even just having someone to walk you through the options to avoid the worst payment plans and pricey add-ons.
Here's a bit on how credit cards can be helpful! (scroll down past the infographic to the big block of text; the graphic doesn't cover CC at all)

>> No.8078534

I like the top one, I think pink birds looks a little weird.

>> No.8078542

Nice, thanks for sharing.
Though I'm personally not interested in sticking my dick in crazy.
Or, anything really.

>> No.8078567

Gotta stick your dick in something m8

>> No.8078569

Not really.

>> No.8078571

But it's fun

>> No.8078583

For a while
>bills and fines out the ass
>lot of them due around the holidays
>barely working to not working because finals and graduation
>place I was supposed to transfer to didn't get my old info
>No sub-leaser so I have to pay rent until March

>Working almost everyday between 25-38 hours/week
>The way things are run at the new place makes me want to quit even though my bosses love me
>Got credit bill and medical bill payment plan set
>Got interview set up for two places - both part time, but something I prefer than my current job
>Students are now looking to sublease again
>Found a good vintage A-line petticoat for $15

>tfw finally feel like I can comfortably set money aside for lolita again

Not thrilled about one thing though
>Got a BBB report from car mechanic who wants to blame the previous mechanic for "ruining" my car
>suspects that we've set him up to get money off of him

Nigga, I'm only settling for my refund which is less than you make in a day's worth of services

>> No.8078600

If he's into tabletop gaming, buy him a set of cool D10 dice or something like that? And maybe instead of a poster or figurine, you could look for anime t shirts that are not too obvious, like one with a cool logo or symbol but not with like.. anime drawings.

>> No.8078607
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 1399379642436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing happening on /cgl/
>nothing happening on lolcow
>nothing happening on BtB
>bored, procrastinating, I NEED MY DRAMA FIX
>try celebrity gossip sites
>mfw it's nothing compared to lolita dramu
I need a new hobby for those moments where I can't be assed to be productive.

>> No.8078627

try magic/sleight of hand, its not as hard as people think it is

fun thing to do while laying it bed, watching tv, taking a walk, or sitting at your computer.

>> No.8078633

I'm good.
Never tried it, but I've been offered and declined.
Sex feels like a pain in the ass and I don't feel like going through the effort.

>> No.8078640

doodle or something.
Write maybe?

>> No.8078690

He already has a bunch of dice so I know I can't do that, but the T-shirts are a good idea. I know there are webcomics and other franchises he likes too, so maybe I'll ask. It's just that he's in his final year of uni and it's unclear whether he'll end up moving out independently or moving back in with his parents when he's done.

>> No.8078692

>cute friend in same state is into lolita
>cute friend typically has cute coords
>cute friend unfortunately insists on buying AP replicas from Oo Jia because she loves AP but is slightly overweight and can't fit into most of their dresses
>why you do this, cute friend
>cute friend, you have much better options than filthy replicas

>> No.8078694

Casual or mobile gaming works a treat for me. Even something like Tetris or Dots or friggin Cow Evolution occupies that time.

>> No.8078705

>tfw you've been planning a cosplay since October but don't start until 2 months before the con
When did my time management skills get this bad

>> No.8078712


>> No.8078722

You can do what many lazy men do and have done since the beginning of time

Just lay there and let her go on top so she has to do all the work, then cum whenever. Most girls that fuck at cons usually just want a dick, and if you cut it short and she complains just kick that bitch out

>> No.8078726

Eh, nah.
I'm not stupid, like I know all about sex, I just don't wanna.
The only way I'd really even have it is if I accidentally acquired a yandere stalker like our home boy >>8078044 and she mounted me.
But even then it'd be because I'd be too scared to move.
I know, I'm weird. I get a lot of unwanted attention because of how UNinterested in this kind of stuff I am.

>> No.8078733

>get dizzy sometimes
>decide to measure blood pressure during one of these times
>"anon why are you in bed i thought you had high blood pressure"

>> No.8078757


You should check with a doctor about that. Sometimes they can pinpoint what exact situations cause the low blood pressure. Rarely they give meds for it, but depending what causes it, you know what to do to prevent the low blood pressure from happening.

Are you currently taking any blood pressure pills? Because if that's the case then you should definitely check with the doctor as they might be the cause.

>> No.8078770

Had a really mediocre con experience and I now have to take a long trip home by myself. If I wasn't feeling lonely enough, the commute sure is gonna set that one in.

>> No.8078775

I know exactly what you mean.
I knit/crochet/play various instruments to pass the time, but even that can be boring after a while.

Maybe you should go through your wardrobe and reorganize everything? It always made me feel better.

>> No.8078786


Watching shows or YouTube series does it for me.

But then again I'm an honorary NEET for the time being and playing shittons of skyrim to pass the time, so I can't say too much for myself.

>> No.8078790

Yeah, or going through and tidying your room. It feels really liberating to find exam timetables or whatever from last year and realise I can just chuck them out.

>> No.8078816

Don't worry Anon, I'll be there with you in spirit to keep you company.

>> No.8078826

Oh tell me about it.
I'm in the middle of cleaning my room, just magic erasered the walls, and I'm enjoying it more than I think I should.
I love cleaning up stuff because I've always had this sort of quiet curious nature, and cleaning some place is like an endless series of little discoveries.
>Hey I forgot about this
>I was wondering where that went

When I'm out too I find myself just looking at stuff and taking the time to actually see everything.

>> No.8078840

>get dizzy a lot
>pass out at embarrassing times (at cons, during finals)
>low blood pressure, runs in the family
>friends: "um it's because you don't eat salt"

I feel you, anon.

>> No.8078846

>pass out at embarrassing moments
that's actually kinda cute.
Did you ever collapse into someones arms?

>> No.8078857

This, but I pass out at dangerous moments. I literally can't go out alone because if someone threatens me I will pass out and shit will get real.

>> No.8078868

Yes, actually. I was so entirely embarrassed, but he thanked me because now he can say he caught a swooning girl.
Holy shit anon, that sucks. Do you know what specifically triggers that for you? And have you been able to diagnose or treat it?

>> No.8078887
File: 8 KB, 246x271, 1419884016254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man that's a story made of pure diabetes.
I can't help but imagine another seagull doing that to a cute guy.
Only to go beet red and pass out again.
Please tell me he was cute.

>> No.8078906
File: 156 KB, 278x251, 1347314276126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice cosplayer friend invites me to do group cosplay (snow halation, love live)
>Not a full group, just a few people
>Buy materials, a bit expensive but okay w/e
>A few people back out but we're still doing it
>Read on cosplayer's FB page today she's backing out as well
>Didn't even tell me, had to find out
>Tfw I will be cosplaying it all by myself
>Tfw you can't trust another cosplayer anymore

>> No.8078917

I bought some new clothes hangers today (the clippy skirt kind, which I didn't own before) so all of my lolita skirts migrated from drawers or awkwardly hanging from ribbon loops on regular hangers to hanging up nicely in my closet. Feels much better knowing I can open my drawer without worrying about snagging the chiffon underskirts in there. And sorting my closet out that way gave me the motivation to get rid of all the stuff on the floor and re-establish the order my wardrobe is theoretically supposed to be in. I have lolita on the far left, then a couple of coats I don't use often enough to keep on the hooks on the back of my door, then jackets, hoodies, jumpers, thinner sweaters, flannel shirts, non-lolita blouses, long-sleeves, T-shirts and trousers, in that order. Theoretically each of those categories is also organized by colour, but that doesn't always work as planned since I don't own clothes in every colour so it doesn't quite work whether I try to go through the spectrum or go dark to light.

>> No.8078921

I actually owed him big time - he caught me in a cold fall that would have been on concrete. He was cute, in sort of a self-assured, confident way. I might have even talked to him more too, but I was so embarrassed after I came to that all I could do was thank him and hide my face. Ah, what could have been.

>> No.8078924

What a swell guy.
Shame nothing became of that, that's a story you'd want to tell your grandkids how you two met.

>> No.8078925

I've learned it's not about the quantity but about the subtlety. Like some of my most 'natural' looks is very make-up heavy. I put a little of everything, but that everything includes a lot of things from primer to blush to eyebrow gel. And of course, what I get told off for are the days where I just swipe on blue eyeliner and some lipgloss. Oh well, it's not like I care much about what they think.

>> No.8078940

Definitely. I've actually started to wear more make-up since I got into lolita, since I got more confident with natural-but-polished looks, and yet people seem to think I wear less than a couple of years ago, when I'd only wear make-up twice a week but when I did it was always bold eyeshadow/eyeliner or bold lipstick and black eyeliner.

>> No.8078986

>Dream dress appears on LM
>About 100USD more than what it costs second hand on Japanese sites
>Exchange rate isn't that great
>Umming and arring
>Different dream dress appears online which is priced better
>Snap that shit up

Finally glad I've got the dress I bought, I think I've looked for a few years and always managed to miss out, or it was extremely overpriced, whereas I finally got a fair price.

>> No.8079010

Congrats anon!

>> No.8079057

I feel you anon. This happens to me, too. I passed out while chasing my dog (we just adopted him and the woman did not tell us he could jump fences) and then AGAIN when I got home after catching him and settling down. I pass out at least twice a month.
I also have the thing where when I lay down it gets worse, yet no meds because it's not as threatening as HBP.

No one's ever caught me, but I fell sideways into a muddy puddle once.

>> No.8079079

Is there a way to lower your sex drive? I hate having sex, I don't like masturbating, and I haven't had sex in almost five-six years now but I constantly think about it.

>> No.8079083

See a therapist? Sounds like there's some other issue if you're obsessed with sex but hate both it and masturbating.

>> No.8079084
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>No one's ever caught me, but I fell sideways into a muddy puddle once.
Oh god, that's rich.

>> No.8079086

>tfw seasoned con-goer and lolita
>still fall for stupid purchases at dealer halls
>still haven't gone to a brand tea meet and wardrobe is smaller than when started

I shouldn't feel too bad because I've gone through hiatuses and changed styles over the years, and now I'm actually happy with the pieces I own, but it seems so unimpressive to currently own 5 jsks and be involved in the fashion for 7 years.

Unrelated, but I heard about the incoming snowstorm in the East Coast. I've been through a handful of nasty ones in the Midwest so I know them feels. I hope everyone stays warm and safe.

Also, captcha

fuck you too

>> No.8079088

>got a new job a few months ago, as seasonal
>they offered me a permanent position, accepted
>have been saving all my money
>been feeling depressed lately, feel like I'm going nowhere
>go shopping with my mom, love her to death
>but a treadmill (yay fitness hype!)
>buy $200 worth of clothes
>new $70 purse

>feeling a lot better

>> No.8079095

Yeah, luckily I forget to bring my coat everywhere and I was visiting my parents, so my mother shoved me in a ski coat from the early 90's. My cute clothes underneath were unscathed. I have more funny passing-out stories if you're interested?

>> No.8079097


YJA and Mbok have become my to-go places for buying lolita now. I don't usually go to LM nor have I ever bought anything there, but now I see my dream dress in the colorway I want. Unfortunately, the item's time slot is up with no one to have bought it yet, and I'm still waiting for the seller to reply to my PM.

I don't really know how LM works. Would leaving a comment on the page be an easier way to notify the seller?

>> No.8079104

>friends: "um it's because you don't eat salt"
It's not as weird as it seems. Salt helps increase blood volume and maintain a higher BP. Lots of people with low BP and autonomic disorders take extra salt to prevent passing out.

>> No.8079153


I'm not I just think about it a lot. Like if I'm watching anime I think how X and Y are hot together. I don't like it and nothing seems to work to fix it.

My old therapist just wanted me to have sex more but the problem is I don't want to have sex more.

>> No.8079157

Hot as in sex together or hot as in relationship together? Becuase if your problem's just that you're a rabid shipper I don't think that's necessarily anything to do with your sexuality. I know tons of people that ship couples of genders they're not attracted to.

>> No.8079159

That's... normal? But I'm pretty sexually active, so...

>> No.8079169

I'd say it's normal and I'm not sexually active at all, although I masturbate daily. It just comes with not being as asexual as anon clearly wants to be.

>> No.8079180

>tfw male and have to actually work to survive because nobody gives me large sums of free money for no reason

>> No.8079233

Sorry, I guess I kinda left out the important part. I'm already on a high sodium diet for that very reason. It's sorta helpful. But there's only so much salt can do. And my friends watch me salt food at every con.

>"um it's because you don't eat salt"
>I eat so much salt
>all I eat is salt

>> No.8079280

abloo bloo bloo

>> No.8079281

>tfw no gf

>> No.8079319

>high sodium diet
I feel that pain. It did nothing for me until I added a salt savior medication but I still add extra salt to ramen broth and do shots of pickle juice.

>> No.8079320

You obviously missed the other comments where she said they've been friends for years and she's done the same for him before. Sucks to not have close friends you trust financially, bro.

>> No.8079324
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>trusting someone financially

>> No.8079337

>I have more funny passing-out stories if you're interested?
Yes please.

>> No.8079342

>be me, relatively new lolita
>still trying to build wardrobe (more shoes, head accessories, etc.) when i find one of my dream dresses on LM
>hardly a lolita holy grail or anything but it's a recognizable and lovely print and it's BURANDO
>i could spend $200+ on this dress alone
>or i could get more non-brand wardrobe staples for the same money and continue building my wardrobe
>tfw horribly torn between burando dream dress and ingrained stinginess with spending
Help me, seagulls. I've been telling myself for so long "oh, I'll get that when I have more money", but what if this dress slips out of my reach forever?

>> No.8079356

Get the burando.

>> No.8079367


>> No.8079369

Depo Provera injection?

>> No.8079372

Fellow low blood pressure anon. Very interested.

>> No.8079382
File: 343 KB, 1440x1440, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw no /cgl/ gf

Oh well I still got the gym and my chinese cartoons right??

>> No.8079384

As someone who passed up on the burando, GET THAT FUCKING BURANDO. Or risk feeling like shit for a week because whatifIneverseeitforsaleagain.

>> No.8079402

It's not because it's 'not as threatening' per se, but also because the meds for low blood pressure are pretty imperfect, less well-studied, and have a higher side effect profile than those for high blood pressure. Your first line treatments are like...synthetic steroids which are also used as replacement therapy for people with adrenal insufficiency (i.e. actual endocrine imbalance) or drugs that squeeze your blood vessels more closed (which has its own risks)
On that balance, adequate electrolyte and water intake has a lot less potential harm although isn't going to cause as radical a blood pressure increase.

>> No.8079412


Fuck, man, get a fucking hold of yourself, and get back to girl /fit/.

>> No.8079416
File: 551 KB, 1592x1194, zyzz ring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Listen to >>8079412 m8, you can't stay here! it's too dangerous! Grab on!

>> No.8079431

So yeah, they're talking about us. :/

>> No.8079434
File: 217 KB, 300x259, asdfeghklsdfghjahsdfgkmaif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never have giant pudding tits
>inb4 "get implants anon"
>tfw you hate how implants look and you just want giant natural boobs and science/technology hasn't figured out how to make this possible.
>tfw you are really jelly of every girl with fantastic natural huge tits

I just, I just want giant H cups or something. I'm an E, but looks like a C because my breasts are set far apart and flatter on the top (but my boobs aren't saggy, I just don't have round breasts...)

>> No.8079437
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, all this booty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah man, I fucking love /fit/

this shit is hilarious

>> No.8079439

Why do you want big boobs?

>> No.8079447

Why does anyone want anything?

But I just like them is all. No other reason.

>> No.8079452

You clearly don't understand the beauty that is well proportioned breasts.

>> No.8079461

Autologous fat transfer/fillers? They used to have those terrifying silly string implants, but those are by no means natural!

>> No.8079464

I do, I just wish I had bigger boobs.

In terms of measurements my chest and hips are close to the same, but because I don't have rounder boobs I think it might be why I wished I had giant ones. I also used to be flat in high school and get teased about it.

I'd never get implants though, I'm not planning to change my body with cosmetic surgery even if there's stuff I don't like.

>> No.8079467

I didn't think the fat fillers (where they take your fatty breast tissue and clone it and then put it in?) were actually available, that they were a possibility in the future.

>> No.8079469
File: 67 KB, 770x607, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get teardrop implants

>> No.8079472
File: 55 KB, 720x960, YYj1Qio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8079480


Have any of you anons had the opportunity to get referred to a specialist? Preferably an Endocrinologist. I have chronic hypotension, POTS and OI, and am currently classed as medically disabled. As well as the usual so much sodium you hate food and so much water you'll explode stuff, I've been prescribed meds that really help, and I really recommend you talk to your doctor about them.

Number one is Florinef, which helps you retain all that fluid, and number two is Midodrine, which forces your blood pressure up. A dose a Midodrine will make you feel human again, and cut through the brain fog. I'm already at the stage where I can go out alone without fear of fainting, and I'm planning to start driving again in a few months too.

There is treatment available for this crap - be persistent and don't let a doctor dismiss you. Make them do a tilt table test if they are sceptical.

TL;DR Hypotension, POTS, OI etc suck, but the right meds really help.

>> No.8079488

Well what's your cup size?
I'm sure you've got a nice frame and are just exaggerating it because you just don't think you're as good as you are.

>> No.8079493

Nah, it's only fat transfer - some people call it a 'filler' on websites for some reason. You can get fillers into your boobs as well but that's only for evening out rather than much of an increase, and it's not very permanent

>> No.8079496

Thanks guys

>> No.8079497

there definitely are /fit/izens lurking in this thread

this place is kinda scary. honestly.

>> No.8079502

She did say she was an E, but wide spaced and more bottom heavy. That combo means if you want the round projected appearance it's really hard to get even with a push up bra, because most of your breast tissue is physically at the bottom of your boobs and out to the side so you can't sort of just shove it all up and in as easily.

>> No.8079504

Fuck 4chan keeps thinking my post is spam.

Fat transplants are real, although rejection will cause it to be lumpy and have to be taken out, and the fat will be redistributed when you lose weight or just over time.

>> No.8079512

The after looks really similar to my (natural) boobs, that's a really good boob job. Her entire frame actually looks really similar to mine, it keeps on throwing me off when I scroll by.

>> No.8079516

>go to a lolita meet up
>bring a friend who's not in the comm
>everyone loves them
>terrified they're going to move on and forget all about me

>> No.8079528

I totally missed that part, in that case shit sucks man.

>> No.8079533

It's been a while since I've bought anything there, but the last time I did only pm gets an email notification to the seller. Comments have to be checked manually.
Hopefully the seller responds.

>> No.8079535

shoes, accessories, etc. will always be around whenever you need them to be. burando will not. GET THE BURANDO

>> No.8079539
File: 34 KB, 720x576, ;_;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can never cosplay your favorite Eva girl
>trying not to buy those figmas that are really fucking expensive
>they look like shit anyway
>try to drown out your disappointment with Eva music
>really want to support Shiro Sagisu
>all his OSTs are like $30-40
>don't know where to download any of the soundtracks from

>> No.8079555


>> No.8079560
File: 97 KB, 640x640, 1418115782171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top one.
>I'm a boy btw.

>> No.8079562
File: 399 KB, 1440x812, MFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girl in my local lolita comm tries super hard to be ~edgy~
>Talks about sex and alcohol constantly, doesn't wear any brand because it's too mainstream, you get the idea
>Constantly bitches about how she hates the comm
>...Because she wants people to like her and admire her more but there are friend groups without her in them
>Her friends all support her saying she's better than them
>Now she's complaining about not getting enough attention when posting her outfits to CoF
>Her friends support her saying they just don't appreciate her outfits and are just sheep following trends

>> No.8079565

>tfw in recovery from eating disorder
>tfw i have to gain 20 lbs
how feel

>> No.8079568

time 2 eat.

>> No.8079575

Boo :^)

>> No.8079581
File: 59 KB, 300x477, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8079584

>implying I'm a /fit/izen
I'm not even dyel, hell, I don't even cosplay.

>> No.8079594
File: 238 KB, 640x817, 1404040524625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want to stop being friends with this girl who I had two threesomes with (with bf). inb4 disgusting, fuck you, we're mature about it.

She's not good at sex, she's increasingly not my type, and the biggest thing, she's very emotionally damaged. She's already pissed off my bf by throwing up her feelings at him like he's a damn therapist. I dug my own grave by being the one she could lean her shoulder on now that she's pissed him off but I'm at the point where if she doesn't start to grow some sort of balls in any aspect of her life, some very seagull-esque words could cross our texts.

>she comes over to 'hang out' with us
>mfw she leaves disappointed
>mfw twice

>> No.8079596

The post you replied to does not in any way imply you're a /fit/izen.
Do you not know what the word implying means or are you just not too bright/a woman ?

>> No.8079600

I know the feeling when told to gain weight. I'm about 30 lbs underweight, but haven't been diagnosed with an eating disorder.

You can do it, I use to eat carbs, but my body just turned it into energy and I got nothing from it weight-wise. Now I eat fast food at least once a day, twice if I can.

>> No.8079609
File: 92 KB, 706x524, nigger please.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8079613
File: 174 KB, 964x874, 1422226692697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8079620


>> No.8079634

What >>8079502 said...I don't have round boobs and I am fuller on the bottom so even though I am a E, it is really hard for me to create cleavage or push up with my boobs. I can, but it takes a lot. What's worse is that bras in my size are hard to get, especially any that are push up...People just assume that if you have a bigger cup you don't want or need a bra that gives you push up or cleavage...Like, fuck man, not even one with larger cup has round symmetrical breasts. Everyone has different boobs. It really shits me. The last bra I bought was a sister size, went up a band size and down a cup. It had padding so it's pretty good...But other times I have had to go up a band size and down two cup sizes to get strapless bras that don't effectively make me look like I am chest binding (like fuck, do you think big titties girls want to look flat when they where a strapless top or dress?)

Sometimes I think my figure is okay because my chest and hips are balanced and my waist is 20cm smaller than both...But I have terrible legs and most of my weight is on my thighs. I have thunder thighs. No nice way to talk about them, and they are 10 or so cm bigger than my hips, so I am very low/bottom heavy and it sucks. Bigger boobs would at least even out my chest and thighs.


>> No.8079639

Have you considered breast reduction surgery?

>> No.8079714

Is she this one? >>8079678

>> No.8079889

Wouldn't that do the opposite of what I want?

>> No.8079925

Here is the complete EVA soundtrack as a torrent:
I think you need to have an account and also seed afterwards unless you want to get banned.

>> No.8079933

What kind of savage doesn't seed?

>> No.8079937

Everyone seeds there so I had trouble maintaining a good ratio. Just a heads up.

>> No.8080080

I'm finally going to the men's washroom without having to worry in public and at anime cons. It feels so good.

>inb4 tumblr. No I'm from /lgbt/.

>> No.8080124

Just stop hanging out with her and take longer and longer to reply to her texts. Phasing out people you no longer want to be friends with is the easiest thing in the world, provided you don't often see her at some third party event.

>> No.8080128

original blood pressure anon here - i do have postural hypotension, but its not related to my dizziness. i'll just be sat down and bam.
i think its related to my sleeping pills, as it almost always happens ~60-90 minutes after ive taken them at night, and luckily i can just flump onto my bed and to to sleep.

>> No.8080135

Honestly you'll probably do better if you find a wider-spaced plunge bra without the built in padding and with foam lined cups. Wide + bottom heavy usually need way more side padding than most push up bras account for.

>> No.8080141

>cosplay supplies arrive while no-one's in the house
>they leave a card with no details
>package isn't with any neighbours nor at the post office
>several days and post office visits later
>where the fuck is my stuff

This was supposed to be my first cosplay in a long time. I think it's a sign.

>> No.8080147

Yeah, as I said it's often a balance between 'how much does this suck' vs 'how much would potential side effects suck'
Florinef is a steroid, as mentioned, and can suppress your adrenals; midodrine constricts your blood vessels. If the hypotension is really interfering with your day to day life, then definitely get on them, but if it's controllable (e.g. you aren't passing out/only get dizzy/can manage it by drinking oral rehydration solution like a fish) most doctors would be reluctant to put you on them. I passed out and ended up in ITU after a dehydration-induced hypotension spell (hit my head as I fell so bled like fuck/really knocked myself out, no-one witnessed it and I happened to be in a hospital so they panicked that I might have had a seizure/had a popped aneurysm/brain haemorrhage so loaded me with benzos, popped me through the scanner and kept me sedated and tubed overnight in ITU just in case...then I had a million tests to make sure it wasn't anything else) but because I can generally manage if I stay very well hydrated (I usually just get occasional dizziness/visual symptoms and sometimes have to sit down and chug half a litre to a litre of water) plus have a strong family history of heart attack, high blood pressure and other nasty ischaemic events medication was never even on the table as an option. I usually run a pressure of around 90-100/60-70 (which is low normal) but don't have a significant postural drop even when I'm symptomatic - I think 95 to 80 is the biggest that happened. The numbers don't really matter as much as your symptoms - a lot of young women, particularly in pregnancy, are fine with blood pressures of 80/40 and even lower, but someone in their 80s who usually has high blood pressure might black out when they get to a 'normal' pressure of 120/80

>> No.8080155

anyone else feel hopeless right before their period? like you know you wont be able to be cute for a week, every month, forever until youre old?

>> No.8080183

Take birth control and stop complaining.

>> No.8080215

Thanks anon, I'll look into it. Any ideas where I might find something like that? I tried on a plunge bra last year (granted it was 2 cups too small) and it didn't do much to create cleavage. It wasn't terrible though.

>> No.8080216

Wait, shit. Did you mean the plunge U bras? That's automatically what I thought of.

>> No.8080230

Nah, not the U bras - they're kind of flattening for basically all boobs imo. I meant something more like the Panache Inferno which has wider wires.

>> No.8080232
File: 42 KB, 625x626, IMG_0909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see dream dress on LM for a great price
>"Ah! let me login and buy it up."
>MFW it sold 3 days ago but I couldn't see that until I logged in.

>> No.8080235
File: 234 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20150126_115031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I am a shallow and wide set 32D. Keep trying. I recommend Lepel Fiore. And chest presses for extra lift.

This is my Lepel. I'm not done adjusting it yet as it is new, so I don't have the cleavage it is capable of. This is VERY little padding. Like, almost none, and not all that low cut as the top does curve inward on top. I'm much smaller than you, but if I added a bit of padding and finished adjusting I could be cleavage-y

>> No.8080240

It looks really good! Bless you. I will have a look at investing in one, thank you so much!

>> No.8080299

>spot statuette for cheap
>shit i have no money
>dig in bag
>buy figure

>> No.8080340

Thanks for the advice. It never occurred to be to e flaky in text, I'll try this asap.

>> No.8080346

What about youtube drama? Mskailynmarie.

>> No.8080360

>Go to cosplay event at midnight last night
>Just there to take pics and maybe get laid
>Haven't even taken my camera out yet
>See a really hot girl
>Decide to just yolo it and be really bold
>Get her to take me back to her place in under a minute
>Realize I forgot to confirm her age, but she said 19
Really don't know how to feel right now.

>> No.8080369

Just a heads-up, I'd be wary about posting bra shots here, I heard some guy was putting them up on AnonIB.

>> No.8080371
File: 41 KB, 415x287, AND I WILL KILL YOU DEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My parcel has now been stuck "Awaiting Customs Charging" for a week

>> No.8080376
File: 97 KB, 439x457, 1422234722074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smooth criminal

>> No.8080386

but not a very smart one

>> No.8080412

>coworker died this weekend
>she was a well-loved server, longtime friend to everyone
>the whole store/ restaurant is in a slump, lots of tears constantly
>today is now the 5-year anniversary of my father-in-law's suicide
>still expected to pander to guests with a smile

waiting on a new dress in the mail is my only saving grace, come on mail gods.

>> No.8080417
File: 962 KB, 310x434, 6874654687.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ anon

>> No.8080458

>see someone wanting to sell some lolita on a community website
> clicking the link
>mfw I realize it's a milanope-dress for 130 €

>> No.8080468

>first official brand lolita coordinate I did was extremely well received despite being simple
>lots of likes and notes, posted in good coord threads, etc
>every coord after that hasn't been as successful though they haven't been bad
>usually just poor camera or bad filters
>tfw it still stinks to know I reached a peak and haven't been able to climb with anything else I've coorded since

>> No.8080482

>tfw you have a "bad" mental illness and you are too scared to commit to a comm because you are paranoid they'll kick you out or hate you if they find out
fucking paranoia

>> No.8080509

Definitely a sign, a sign that the American postal system is a fuck joke. Seriously, fuck some postal workers, someof the laziest people I met. Then there's this sweet old immigrant man who always arrives at the same time and always gives 100%

>> No.8080615

I dreamed about PT getting caught trying to have lesbian sex with some farmer's pigs

>> No.8080640

I've been on tumblr and /lgbt/ and /lgbt/ is honestly more cancerous. I'd be surpised if you've been on there more than a couple of months. I guess if you're trans there's more motivation to stick around (I started going there when I identified as gay but was worrying I was trans, one thing /lgbt/ was significantly better than tumblr for was helping me realise I wasn't becuase I didn't have body dysmorphia), but all the threads start repeating after about a month and it's a seriously toxic atmosphere.

>> No.8080647

Suddenly all my cosplay idols are my friends and we figure "hey let's do a group cosplay"

Except they all want to so the same characters I do

And I'm not cute or talented enough to want to challenge them, even though I don't want to settle...

But its a series with a ton of characters, why...

>> No.8080658

I don't feel uncute, but I get really irritable and teary. I nearly cried after losing an auction the other day.

>> No.8080674

Well if you're doing a group, you should be doing whatever characters suit whatever person best. If you don't want that, don't do a group cosplay.

>> No.8080706

From what I've seen, it's mostly "cosplay who you like best" since we can all pull it off. I'm the tallest so I stray towards the tall bishounen types, but they're usually our collective favorites. Which leaves me with either them picking the smaller characters (usually girls, who they tend to just not cosplay) or me picking the buff guys, which I don't feel fit me too well but I can pull them off.

>> No.8080712

Birth control isn't always an option
Although I personally use it to regulate my periods, if my dad found out, he would completely flip and blame my mom for letting me be sexually active

>> No.8080779

People are weird. I wonder if they go on reddit's abrathatfits and creeper there. Oooooo random boobs in a what is basically a bathing suit top.

>> No.8080793 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 352x370, 1421884834014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of things go on at anime cons?

I'm going to my first later this year (Youmacon) and i've heard some pretty degenerate things.


>> No.8080795


>> No.8080896

> tfw I have a 83cm waist
> have literally tried losing shitton of weight
> never reach below 80 or so
> wat do

>> No.8080901

>eat less
>move more

>> No.8080916

> tfw not sure if you really like the bachelor you're currently in uni for
> tfw you don't know what else you can do

I guess it doesn't help my reason for picking this one was that it was the least 'meh' looking to me.

>> No.8080917

count calories you fucking retard

>> No.8080924

>tfw been on adderall for a while and still cant get more than 600 calories a day in me
>tfw lost all the weight I wanted and more

>> No.8080926
File: 838 KB, 533x300, wutdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw interview tomorrow

I think I'm going to be ok, but I am going to be sad about one thing if I get this job: it's for banquet set up crew at a convention center (I'm hoping it'll get my foot in the door for event planning manager) and that means a busy spring/summer of weddings, and no times off for cons.

>> No.8080927

Assuming you actually did lose a shit ton of weight instead of just "trying" and your waist just refused to budge, maybe you could try something like corset training? Be smart about it, obviously. How tall are you? I just can't imagine 80cm being a truly active and healthy level for someone who isn't, like, super tall.

>> No.8080930

Just walk in like you already have the job.

I've applied for positions I don't even have the qualifications for, but I've been hired because I made the right friends and acted like I already owned it. I'm pretty good at lying too. Quit all of them for better opportunities though.

Best way to make it is to cheat and lie.

>> No.8080937

> tfw on ritalin
> tfw that didn't happen to me

for the record I'm not taking it for weight reasons obviously but it sure would have been nice

>> No.8080945

Yeah I had ritalin at first, it didn't help me much with eating or my ADD.

I don't even think about food when I'm on adderall. I can literally go days without eating and not notice at all. It works for my ADD much better than ritalin did too, since that barely helped, which was the reason my psychiatrist made the swap. Cant take it forever though because of the stress it puts on the heart.

>> No.8080949

Dang. Alright.

I don't know how well that will work out for the bank position I've also applied for though. Math isn't my greatest asset, but I can count money at least.

It'll be great to make a lot of money (because loans), but hope I can find some day off over the summer. There had been an influx of people in my lolita comm and I'd like to have a chance to meet.

>> No.8080955
File: 694 KB, 856x639, 1421683610030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Was a fat teenager - like really fat - 250 pounds plus.
> Finally got off my ass through a series of rather unfortunate events winding up in me going down to 140 pounds. (Still going down- another 30-35 pounds to go yet.)
> However, have always enjoyed browsing /cgl/ even when fat, have a folder full of cute cords/jsks/accessories - and am starting to finally feel that by the end of the year I might just be ready to take the step and actually start think about properly making a cord.
> But! Have also finally gotten myself three interviews for vet school: know darn well if I get in that my life from now on will be a continuation of my wardrobe now. So, wellies, overalls, fleece layers to stay warm etc - 'dressing up' consists of me looking like a slightly posher farmer.
> Started making a proper go with my hair/skin about a year ago- but it's rather hard when 3/4 days out of your week you're up to your knees in all things farm, another day you're out on the equestrian yard and you also volunteer as a shelter- not exactly lolita. As much as skin has improved, it'll never be perfect.
> Am stupidly excited about the prospect of getting in, but also really sad that I've let my cgl ship pass by being a fatty when I actually had the time to spend on it.

Sorry, I know no one cares, but it really bugs me.

>> No.8080956

If you're a girl, I'm guessing it's pretty easy to pass off your work to other people while still getting credit for it. I did it at 2 jobs for a long time as a dude, and all the bosses loved me even though one of them knew what I did. Just gotta find the exploitable people where you work.

>> No.8080959

I am the same on adderall. Don't come off it though without being prepared, you'll eat like a fiend and gain it all back and more due to excessive calories from always being hungry. I'm on it for narcolepsy. Wheeeeee.

>> No.8080965

hmm interesting
I'm taking ritalin for concentration issues and it's not doing that much for me as of right now, but I haven't been on it for long so we'd rather wait before switching.

considering I actually am overweight and my biggest issue is self control the side effect of not thinking about food sounds heavenly

>> No.8080968

iktf brah. the only reason i can into lolita is because ive ended up disabled with a degenerative disease and can't work. i really wish i'd was able to do the veterinary course, or even help at a local shelter or rehabilitate wild animals, and the fact that i cant really tears me up.
we can live through each other anon.

>> No.8080976

Yeah I'm aware of that. I stopped for 4 days once to give myself a bit of a break, and I didn't have any issues with eating a whole lot more. The xr was probably still in my system though.

If it's not doing that much, just tell your psych. Mine swapped me and I didn't even ask him to, just gave me a prescription for xr and ir, then said I'll see him next month.

>> No.8080978

>following the Iron Gate skirt theft dramu in >8080432
>i can't believe and yet i can

>> No.8080982

Wait what?

>> No.8080986


>> No.8080989
File: 220 KB, 364x648, lamb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry: but honestly I'd be tempted to pop down to your local shelter and ask if you can help. We have a lovely lady in a wheelchair that mans reception for us and she loves her job she sits right in front of the kitten playpen all day. It's an awesome deal for us too because we can get on with cleaning/all the dirtier jobs without worrying about reception.

Thank you- I saw another really pretty dress tonight that went into my 'would-have' folder and felt the needed to vent a bit.

>> No.8080999

yeah I'll see if we can talk about it next time, just upping the dose of Ritalin when it isn't doing anything when I'm halfway the max daily dose can't be a good sign

>> No.8081107

I read that as
>see someone wanting to smell some lolita
and now I don't know what to think.

>> No.8081156

Try PULL or Guru Gossiper

Both are slow this time of year, but hey! It updates daily.

>> No.8081160

I must admit everything is eerily well nowadays.
I'm happy, my gf is happy, even my cat is happy, and I come back from a several month trip.

The only important missing thing is I must find a good job, but aside from that everything is okay.

>> No.8081170
File: 2.35 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're going to ship a commission
>tfw even the cashier is horrified

>> No.8081176

W-Why anon.

>> No.8081182

wtf are you shipping, a bunch of bricks?

>> No.8081188

good fucking god anon are you sending a live cow?

>> No.8081190
File: 995 KB, 200x104, FuckThisGayEarth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> missed package delivery
> have to go and get it
> tfw it's -13C outside
I mean, it's not that bad and it's not like they could just leave my contacts to freeze at my doorsteps, but I don't want to walk in the cold...

>> No.8081192
File: 93 KB, 214x222, Screen Shot 2014-08-14 at 1.34.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terribad post office strikes again!
>no lenses on time for cosplay/con

Whatever. It's not like a key part of my cosplay is missing. Still a bummer though, I love how I look with lenses.

>> No.8081212
File: 478 KB, 450x256, Husky I WANT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Sold a dress
> Fuck yeah.
> Dress already paid for, shipped and arrived
> Yet still not money in my bank account
I don't understand how I can rush Paypal into releasing the dough.Not that I need it right now, but it would be nice nonetheless...

>> No.8081221

my family is very anti-medicine (except for vaccines and stuff. they dislike surgery too for some reason) and won't let me

>> No.8081227

also birth control doesnt stop your period for everybody, it might make me fat and it might make me infertile even after i stop taking it

>> No.8081242

Ha ha ha... what?
The mini pill won't make you fat or infertile. You can regulate your period by skipping the sugar pill with no bad side effects (effectively never having a period, ever as long ass you take your daily pill).

In fact, taking the full pill that actually stops your ovulation will prolong the onset of menopause. The pill also helps with eliminating acne and period pain.

>> No.8081247

Lol how do you know you even are fertile? Most of the "birth control made me infertile" people have never been pregnant before, so it's a bit of a fallacy to blame the pill if you're got no proof of fertility.
As for fat, it's usually only people who are fat already that get fatter and blame the pill for it. It can make you retain water and increase appetite slightly, but it doesn't alter your metabolism to actually make you fat nor does it change fat storage like long term pred does

>> No.8081248
File: 218 KB, 600x347, cure princess bewd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parcel Racing AW YEAH

I love the excitement when there's several things in the mail at once. What'll get to me first? Is something in customs gonna get overtaken by stuff sent out later? When will the stuff without tracking on it show up? I'm so fired up hell yeah

>> No.8081249

If your parents are still making those decisions for you, you're not old enough to be on 4chan.

>> No.8081250

also did you not hear the part about my family? also humans dont stop growing until theyre like 25 so it might fuck me up anyway

>> No.8081253

not that anon but turning 18 didn't make my parents magically less angry when I decide stuff like that. Sure I'm legally allowed to do what I want to, but that doesn't change anything in their eyes.

>> No.8081254

Reminder that 4chan has a very high concentration of NEET and basement dweller.

>> No.8081255

Not that anon but birth control stuff doesn't work the same for everyone. I've tried the pill before and although it did take away most of my period pain, it made me bleed constantly and I felt pretty depressed when I was taking it.

>> No.8081256

maybe theres something tethering me to them.... maybe its.... NO REAL SALARY, NO LIFE SKILLS, A DISABILITY AND THEY'RE OLD SO I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THEM

just go back to /r9k/ or /pol/ something, you wont find a date on /cgl/

>> No.8081259

I want to join my local comm this year, but I'm such an anxious person, and I suck at small talk. I'm afraid I'll just embarrass myself somehow.

>> No.8081261

Waah wwaah. Tough shit then, you either shut up and deal or become financially independent and move out

>> No.8081266


>> No.8081345

I have been on the pill since I was 18. My grandmother actually recommended it to sort out my acne and period pain. I went and got it behind my mother's back because I didn't want to answer questions about if I was sexually active or not (I wasn't) but she was cool with it later on when she asked if I wanted to go on the pill anyway. As for my dad, he was told this was 'women's business' and to butt out.

The pill won't 'fuck you up'. There are two types, one that stops ovulation and one that still allows ovulation but makes the inside of the vagina hostile to sperm so they die. Both are regulated by the small daily dose of hormone that occurs naturally in your body anyway.

It took me a couple of tries on different types of pill before I found the right one. I had the one that made me spot and depressed too before my doctor moved me to the mini pill.

Look, the pill isn't for everyone, but it's better to know what the pill can & can't do so people can make an informed choice about it. While getting info from friends/anons is good, nothing beats a sympathetic doctor so any lurkers reading these should take it up with them.

>> No.8081362

Haha, I am the recipient, its a kigurumi. One kigurumi.
I guess it has something to do with me being in Australia? Its still ridiculous.
I don't even know.

(Thankyou kigu-anon for running around post offices for me <3 )

>> No.8081368

You sound so ignorant.

>> No.8081382

How the fuck does reading make a sound? You reading this shit out loud? You going full retard? You full retard so you have to read shit out loud? Retard.

>> No.8081390

Sorry, it has been proven that the pill does not make you gain weight. The only method of birth control that has a slight risk of it is the depo shot, and that is because it increases appetite even more than the pill. The reason people think they gain weight on it is due to a slight appetite increase sometimes, and because the age when they usually start (late teens to early 20s) is around the time that young adults frequently begin to become more sedentary, ala the "freshman 15" lifestyle.

Basically, unless you change your lifestyle and eating habits, you will not gain weight while on the pill.

>> No.8081396
File: 123 KB, 960x960, IMG_0930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be kinda new
>Save up and buy a cute piece for an event this month
>Coord looks perfect on my bed. Let's try it out!
>why this.gif
>I'm 5'7" and everything is tears
>JSK just hits mid thigh.
>I need an underskirt but the only one I have is black
>Whole coord is light cream and blue
The good news is I can sew an underskirt no problem...I just don't have the time or money to for this event haha

>> No.8081398

>wake up exhausted
>car starts making sounds
>don't feel well
>can't focus in my classes
>forgot my lunch
>get punched in the face on accident in martial arts
>get kicked on accident in martial arts
>go home
>find out my dog had a seizure this morning
>mom didn't tell me so I wouldn't worry
>kill me please

>> No.8081422

I also started at 18, for severe period pain which the pill cleared up. I've tried a few different kinds over the years, but settled on norgestimate250/ethinylestradiol35 because it helps stop my skin from breaking out with acne. Win! The only one I disliked was the depo shot, but that is because I already have very fluctuating hormones and was in a stressful time, so I was a PMS monster. On the up-side of the depo shot, it is extremely effective (like .001% chance or something) and stopped my period completely.

Women don't actually NEED to have periods, as we are designed to be pregnant or nursing all the time anyways. It is a common worry that not having one due to birth control is bad, but it is actually totally fine. If you are sexually active and decide to skip periods while on birth control, I do suggest a regular pregnancy test juuuust to keep on top of things.

>> No.8081430

What? That's ridiculous! Something is probably wrong somewhere. I've never heard of it being this much.

>> No.8081447

I just had the worst day of my life. My kitten, who had been sick for a week, just died today in surgery. She had somehow swallowed 7 feet of string, and it destroyed her intestines and there was nothing they could do. I know it's my fault, I know the spool it came from. I had left it out on my dresser for no fucking reason and it had been knocked on the floor and unraveled, but I assumed my older cat who had never eaten string before had done it so I wasn't worried. None of my cats had eaten string before her so I don't know. I didn't know the symptoms, and my vet has a history of underdiagnosing problems so the clients won't worry. We just thought it was a small pancreatic issue until a different doctor suggested surgery.

The great thing is, it's less than a month away till the anniversary of my first cat's death. He had a bladder issue, which could have been treated, except my vet underdiagnosed him too.

It's also great being 2000$ indebt to the vet now. Really great. Nothing like being broke to amplify loss. Great.

>> No.8081462


Looks like today was a bad day for pets

>> No.8081468

Actually, this might be a dumb question, but if you manage to get pregnant on the pill, will you still bleed on your free week? Since it's not technically a period or anything.

>> No.8081487

Yeah, you can because it's a hormone withdrawal bleed.

>> No.8081503

I wore a very toned down lolita outfit to work today, and it went fine (even got some nice comments). I feel so happy that I had the confidence to dress how I like.

>> No.8081513

Often yes, but even if you're not on birth control you actually CAN have a period after conception. I believe isn't a "real" one technically, but you can bleed a bit around the cycle time once. This is generally if you conceive right before the usual start time of your period.

Preggo tests are your friend. There is no shame in that

>> No.8081518

I always have so much confidence while wearing lolita, I did 2 speeches in lolita for class, and did just fine.

>> No.8081542
File: 2.51 MB, 200x265, 1420828325300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at hotels in Toronto for upcoming trip with gf for holiday + convention
>we don't see eachother often at all since LDR
>would get a hotel close to con we're going to but allsoldout ofc
>find amazing apartment with full kitchen, massive TV, luxury bed and city view
>check price
>it's actually reasonable
>don't even care if I have to travel 30 mins and back for the con, it's too goddamn nice
Thank you based gods

>> No.8081616
File: 70 KB, 537x960, 10264281_389378687867384_5195307251022581737_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW no mj gf

>> No.8081644

>typically work from 5 am to 1 pm (or 2 at the latest) w/1 day off
>holiday pudge and working at a restaurant that has menu loaded in calories
>30 min break practically encourages binge eating
>no more campus gym, but parents have treadmill and weights at home
>tfw just too damn tired to work out

I've been finding myself playing a lot of simulation/strategy games after work like I did back in high school.

My mom and I don't get along well, but she wants me to join her gym to be her workout buddy and is even willing to pay for me. Man, I hope I get that hotel job tomorrow - I wonder if there are gym and pool perks for employees.I guess I can deal with being my mom's weight spotter, but I'd also like to be near a hot tub.

>> No.8081645
File: 10 KB, 250x231, disbitchserious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is english like, not your first language?

>> No.8081649
File: 32 KB, 396x353, 1405398859761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed math exam because I'm fucking terrible at math/possible dyscalculia
>teacher suggests I go to a slightly slower math course
>problem is it interferes with an elective I need to do to get into an art course
>counselor says I'm a "strong artist" and they could most likely make an exception for me
>she suggests I try doing assignments from the class even though I'm not really in it and complete them in free time/study hall
>am scared I'll get overwhelmed without guidance from the teacher, but if I don't pass math, I'm pretty much fucked
>don't know what to do
Math is literally the bane of my existence

>> No.8081726

Anon please take your pets to a different vet in the future.

>> No.8081755
File: 13 KB, 395x395, 8380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything yellow is neon instead of normal yellow

>> No.8081828
File: 436 KB, 250x138, 1403693327618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leiseowner knows I'm on disability, asks me for my disability info so they can get a discount on their electric bills
>They offered nothing in compensation whatsover, So I just refused their request
>after they realized they weren't going to get this info from me they started being terrible, said I can no longer use the dishwasher, hot water boiler, or leave the fan on in my room

then this is where they got me.
Usually, the leiseowner and her husband sit in the driveway. when the doorbell rings, its usually because they got locked out. When anyone gets packages, they usually sign for us since they are always there, and put it by the door.
I came home from running errands today, to find my packages in the rain, as well as a slip saying "sorry, we missed you" and to see they brought all of their, and the other roomates mail indoors.

I'm pretty pissed.
They are usually nice, but to ask for my personal information so they can pay less bills (without giving me a discount) and then getting upset about it when I say no is just completely out of line.

>> No.8081831

Why don't you ask them for the discount then?

>> No.8081879
File: 33 KB, 111x110, bun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw when cadney gave me a dirty ass look at a con this weekend
>was my coord bad
>oh god

>> No.8081895
File: 8 KB, 515x136, ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8081899

tfw you do a cosplay commission for someone who then goes on to wear it unironed, crooked and crumpled, sans wig or makeup to speak of and posts pics everywhere tagging you as its creator

>why must you do this to me

>> No.8081906

i that her uncertain hi do i know you face looks like permanent bitchface sometimes, i wouldn't be too worried

>> No.8081907

I've hung out with her a few times, she's sweet as pie. You probably just misinterpreted things.

>> No.8081912

*i find
Sorry, phone's being a little bitch. But yeah, other anon's right, she's usually nothing but sweet, good coord or otherwise

>> No.8081914

Well, quality costume is still quality even if the cosplay is crap.

>> No.8081917

What level math are you taking?

> dyscalculia
> tfw I know this feel

>> No.8081923

It's going to be alright anon, go give your other cat a big hug from us, eat a bunch of consolatory junk food, vindictively switch vets as soon as possible and try not to think this is in any way your fault, because it is not and there's no use guilting yourself about it like you seem to be doing.
It's obvious you care a lot for your pets and you sound like a sweet person, I hope things turn up for the better soon for you!

>> No.8081997

>mfw literally all of my dream dresses are popping up for actually affordable prices
>mfw no money

>> No.8082009

>Trying to get rid of LP jsk for decades.
>today get message from ebayita asking for measurements.
>asking about length.
>intensity ensues as i wait for them to reply/buy it
I just want to get rid of this shit. Fuck ill probably send them a cute gift with it because i just want it gone. I feel semi bad that the price is jacked up because ebay+paypal fees hit hard but lacemarket doesnt want it.

>> No.8082034

take a semester off and just work for a while. it helped me decide whether I really wanted to continue uni or not.

>> No.8082049

I'm a cosplayer, but I just bought my first item from a J-Fashion brand and I'm so excited.

>> No.8082056

>Wanted to change my name for a long time
>Picked a perfect name
>Noob teenager joined community, big time ita and super annoying.
>Has the exact same name I want to change to
>I hate that name now.

>> No.8082060

It was just a three pound package (a kigurumi) I have seriously no idea why Fedex wanted me to give a kidney for it. They recommended I try regular USPS so I'll be doing that tomorrow! I've shipped a kigu to Australia before and it only cost me around $40...

Nope they checked over it all twice, apparently that location in Australia is just a no go for FedEX or something.
Haha no problem, though I'm starting to suspect you live in the center of the Earth or something.

>> No.8082072

>someone asks to room with my group for a con
>they allow the person in, I ask if they plan on cosplaying
>"I want to, but I don't know how to do anything"
>suggest something simple, they agree, seem very excited
>offer to help them several times several months before the con arrives, they always decline or bail last minute, never work on it
>fast forward to two weeks before con
>they suddenly ask if we can work on the costume (which cannot be done in two weeks at this point due to my work and class schedule and need to finish my own things)
>tell them no for the aforementioned reasons and that im sorry
>they play the "oh... that's okay... I hope your costume turns out well..." card
>group ends up kicking them from the room a few days later because they have terrible communication and won't answer questions about payment
>"that's alright, I didnt have a costume anyway..."
>i offered so fucking often to help you don't you dare try to pull that
>see a status today, a few days before, complaining about how they couldn't go to the con

If you wanted to go to the con, you should've been able to pay for your shit and plan ahead. No sympathy.

>> No.8082135

This is stupid and I'm going to get yelled at but
>bf's cousin is getting married
>I like her but I don't see the purpose in weddings and find them a waste of time
>there are going to be hundreds of people there anyway bf. They live across the country. I don't need to go and they won't eve notice
>Bf gets really upset
>I don't even tell the cousin this, but my reluctance in replying prompts her to offer to subsidize cross-country flight
>BF's mom offers to pay for flight/lodging as well
Like, fuck. I'm not even a poorfag, I just don't like these things. Now, I'm a huge asshole.
It's lolita related because I previously went to one of bf's relative's weddings in lolita, and I'd wear it here, probably will since I pretty much have to go.
I just really don't like being guilted into attending these events. I know /cgl/ loves weddings and I am going to get shit on but goddammit why. If everybody spent the money they spend on attending these weddings where you barely get to see the people you're "supporting" on a trip hanging out with said people we would all get along a lot better I think. But no, let's all blow it on a massive party that's inherently awkward because like 60% of it is your older in-laws and the rest are random people you don't even know. Jesus, these things suck so much I can't even be civil about it.

>> No.8082158

Nah, I'm with you. I only had close relatives at my wedding, didn't even invite any friends. We celebrated with our friends after our honeymoon.

>> No.8082168

Thank you for being real. A girl on my facebook did it right and just got a marriage certificate. No obligations no bullshit. I get people wanting to throw a big party but I don't appreciate being guilted into going along with it.

>> No.8082186

>I get people wanting to throw a big party but I don't appreciate being guilted into going along with it.

I eloped. My mother completely bitched me out when she found out (she found out through a random phone call from a "concerned party" aka some busybody church cunt) She automatically played the guilt card "But why wasn't I there?! It's my right!" No, fuck off. I wanted a stress free day, that's why you weren't there.
We're having a ten year anniversary party with the people we're closest with...which is in 2.5 years, holy fuck.
I just don't understand practically going into debt to impress other people or "We have to invite them, they're faaaaammmiiillllyyy!".

>> No.8082191

Lots of little things stressing me out

>Spent last weekend at parents' house
>Hate doing that because I'm lazy and they live in a crappier city than me
>Not a big deal except it's the last weekend I had to relax before being promoted at my job
>Started training for a leader job at work today
>Boss is giving me just barely what I would consider an adequate amount of training time
>Half of my training will be done with the company bully
>Seriously this guy is such an asshole that I used to go home and cry last time I had to train with him
>He's an alcoholic piece of shit that loves to belittle people
>One employee told me his hands shake around Asshole because he knows he'll relentless mock him the second he makes a mistake
>Come home from work to see my coffee table I ordered came in
>It's a chair
>Go to pay car insurance bill
>Find out my credit card is missing
>Luckily no fraudulent charges
>But card could be anywhere between here and my parents' house 3 hours away
>Need to fix my car too
>No card + needing to fix my car= might not be able to reserve Lief's Peony dress
>Just feeling stressed and sad

>> No.8082202

If I got married this is what I would do. People have other shit to do, than travel coast to coast to see you for 10 seconds and then get shitfaced. I could get shitfaced here thx.

>> No.8082203

I did. She pulled a thousand excuses out of her ass
So it looks like wet packages for me

>> No.8082207

>tfw you will never be a model in japan.
I know its absolutely weeb levels of ridiculous, but I really want to try.
I'm just not cute enough

>> No.8082227

It's their money and if they're offering to pay just to have you there it obviously means a lot to them.
It's your business what you like and don't like but you're acting like a fucking autist about this. If they want you there go, don't start criticising the decisions they have made and paid for with their own money. It doesn't concern you.
I come from a big family (4 sisters, 1 brother) and they all had big Catholic weddings. Personally I don't like those and wouldn't last 1 hour being under everyone's scrutiny but its not my wedding, nobody cares what I think aside from whether I'll attend or not, so you have no business telling people how to run their life.

>> No.8082233

That's what I ended up doing to. My husband has a huge family and mine's is tiny. We saved the stress of picking and choosing and just headed off to Vegas with two friends as witnesses. Paid a couple hundred bucks and ended up with some nice photos and video of the ceremony to boot. My 5th anniversary is next year so I'm hoping to renew our vows and have some family there this time.

>> No.8082235

Is fucking insulting for someone to presume to pay for something I simply don't want to do.
I don't decide to throw grandiose parties, expect people to fly out from the east coast, and when they decline, assume it's because they can't afford it and guilt them into coming with no option to decline anyway.
Fuck this nonsense.

>> No.8082238

And I don't tell people how to run their lives so why are they telling me how to run mine? So hypocritical. You know how many weddings my bf has attended for my family members or friends? Zero because i wouldn't rope him into this fucking bullshit. If I told my family he was busy they would leave it at that.

>> No.8082244

Inviting you to their wedding because it'd mean a lot to them to have you there is 'telling you how to run your life'?
Could you be any more of a cynic, Christ.

>> No.8082293

unrelated but

>be me
>get married
>one of the groomsmen backs out like a week before the wedding
>he's one of my husbands closest friends
>he doesn't have many people he considers close with so he's sad
>his family is offering to pay for flight/lodging
>still couldn't make it for whatever bullshit reason
>why didn't you tell us sooner asshole

I know it's a different situation (bridal party member vs guest) but I still like hold it against him to this day that he had been offered flight/lodging and still didn't show up for his friend

Like, if they want you there that bad, just suck it up and show up for an hour or two, it won't kill you, etc, go have some fun out of town, idk

>> No.8082294

Someone went full on psycho. My advice is you don't go, mostly because you seem pretty unpleasant and people go to weddings to be happy.

>> No.8082295

You don't deserve friends or family. I hope you stay right where you are posting on the internet about wearing dolly clothing until your family forgets you exist so they won't bother you anymore with their demanding invitations of spending one day of your sorry life with them.

>> No.8082297


It's two fucking days. You'll survive. You haven't had SOs yanked out from under you because your dad 'wants a comfortable life and i choose who my daughter marries." You don't know what controlling one's life is.

>> No.8082310

>got bitten by a tick in 08
>had red ring around the area
>never got treatment
>fast forward to now
>the tick bite continued to flare up until 2 years ago
>went to the doctor
>talked about other things
>might have late stage lymes disease
>treatment is expensive as fuck
>parents might have to take a loan out for treatment
>mum got made redundant last week
>im a burden on my family that just needs to die

>> No.8082312

>But my reluctance in replying prompts her to offer to subsidize cross-country flight

That's where you made the mistake. You should have been honest instead of dragging your feet about it. If you had explained that you didn't want to go, then she probably wouldn't have made the offer.

Also if the cousin who is getting married is the one offering to subsidize the flight, then it sounds like she'd really like you to be there, and would probably actually notice if you weren't the there.

>> No.8082314

I wouldn't let my dad control my life like that though

>> No.8082317

I hope they do too. You know what? I don't demand my friends bend head over heels on my whims and guilt trip them if they don't. if you think that's all that friends or family are good for I feel sorry for you.

>> No.8082320

Yeah I can see if they need someone to be part of the party. If she needed me like that I'd be there no question. But I'm one of hundreds? Is this really necessary? I don't get it.

>> No.8082322

You're clearly the bridezillas who pull this shit in the first place. Fuck off. Some of us have jobs and want to take a breather the rare weekend we have off.

>> No.8082323

Offering to pay is guilt tripping? If you can't honestly tell your cousin you don't want to come to her party because you don't fucking care about her and they assume you can't come because you're too poor that's not a guilt trip.

>> No.8082327

I can kind of see that but I've only hung out with her 3-4 times? We clicked but we haven't every hung out outside of that until this whole thing in like 5-6 years knowing each other. I don't really see why its suddenly a big deal.

>> No.8082330

>Guilt trip

That's your problem. You're assuming they're trying to guilt you into going.

You dragged your feet in replying. You didn't tell them that you didn't want to go. Yet you're acting like they're being inconsiderate to you because they offered to help pay for your flight because they'd like you to be there. The cousin wanted you to attend the wedding enough to help with the flight cost and you're acting like they don't even like you.

>> No.8082332

But why would you assume that about someone you've only seen a few times in your life. If I was having a huge meaningful pay and tried to invite a distant cousin is only seen a few times and they said they couldn't come id just drop it. Is that not reasonable?

>> No.8082334

> Everyone telling you you're in the wrong here
> Still this much in denial
Sheesh anon, you don't have to be a bridezilla to see that they really want you to come. It could be a birthday party for all that matters, but trying to act as though someone is wrong for wanting to celebrate a event that is important to them is an asshole move. If you value a few hours of your life more than the interpersonal relationship between you and your inlaws, then just tell them straight out that you dislike being in their company and would rather stay home.

>> No.8082339

Ok, is there any way to nicely present the fact I don't want to go? Its a huge inconvenience to me. I barely have my own shit together, every weekend is just another chance to whittle down tasks like going to the doctor or finishing up work I don't have time for on weekdays. I can barely manage to finish simple stuff like this as it is and obviously i don't want to announce this to everyone.

>> No.8082340

Because you haven't specified why you won't come so in case it's because of financial reasons they offered. Don't be a cunt on the internet, just tell them you'd rather go to a meet up that day or whatever else you have planned for your weekend.

>> No.8082341

this. own your feelings, don't make your bf make excuses for you. or at least tell them you appreciate the offer (lol; this is so you don't stress out an already stressed family) but you have a lot to catch up on at home.

people like you only think of how others inconvenience you rather than what others might need. just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean they're mean-spirited. your reluctance would make as little sense to them as their inclusiveness does to you.

don't put this on your bf or his cousin; they're no more weird than you are.

>> No.8082342

Its not a few hours. It's an entire weekend, plus one or two work days, plus $700 or so for hotel and flight. If you can't see how unreasonable that is for someone's party I don't know what to say.

>> No.8082344

If it's legit important things, then trying speaking to the cousin over the phone and explain that you're slammed with too much stuff that you can't make it. Another option is explaining to your bf's mom and asking her to help you out to clear up your schedule to go. If she's willing to pay for the flight, she may be willing to lend a hand. I've had to ask for help when I'm overloaded with stuff and barely have time to straighten my head out, let alone clean the house and do a million other chores.

>> No.8082347

and i wouldn't want to go either. i'm a fuckup and i opt out of gatherings a lot because i need to catch up on stuff that a normal person would've already taken care of. but i tell people that i've got too much to handle; and people tell me the same thing a lot when i invite them places. it's not that unusual from my experience.

>> No.8082348

These are good suggestions. I'll try it. I know I'm weird. But I don't ask people to drop hundreds of dollars and travel across the country to attend a party on one and a half months notice. So yeah, I'm selfish but I would never ask someone to do something like that. I can barely believe it.

>> No.8082354

But yes I do know I'm a huge selfish fuckup. I'm trying to see this from their perspective, I really am. I'm going to try these suggestions and make it clearer that its not just about the money, I'm swamped and I can't deal with my shit. I do appreciate the advice.

>> No.8082355

>You're clearly the bridezillas
This HAS to be a troll

>> No.8082358

>one and a half months notice
>offered to pay for you

Yeah, they really stuck it to you. What a bunch of inconsiderate fuckers.

>> No.8082359

For some people weddings are a significantly important part of their life. From your perspective you felt like they were trying to guilt you and being pushy with you. From their perspective they thought they we're trying to help you out and being inclusive.

They weren't trying to be rude. Just try to explain the situation, thank them for the offer, and explain politely your feelings.

Considering the short notice, it's not surprising they though you didn't have the money for the trip. That is a bit of money to pull quickly. Especially booking the flight and everything.

>> No.8082361

good luck anon. social navigation bites but a little grace goes a long way.

>> No.8082453

youre a fucking retard

>> No.8082461

excuse you. fuck off.

>> No.8082464

>oh no i have a major indicator i have lyme oh no
>sits and does nothing about it

>> No.8082646

>whines about something they could've easily gotten checked out when it first happened
>someone tells them that ignoring it was stupid as fuck
What other answer did you expect, honestly. Why the hell would you not go to the doctor's after being bitten by a tick and seeing skin discoloration.

>> No.8082702

>the clean your room thread was deleted
>just as it was seriously helping me get my shit together

>> No.8083001

i dunno maybe because it was the day my ex tried to rape me and i was in such a state? im doing to see a specialist about this next month

>> No.8083077

My condolences.

>> No.8083172
File: 213 KB, 400x799, 1382398369981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate carrying purses
>buy some tight malco modes bloomers
>buy some baggy bottom-tie bloomers
>buy a bunny house xl petticoat
>stash purse stuff in my baggy bloomers
>malco modes bloomers keep the stuff from touching my skin
>bottom-tie keeps stuff from falling out
>stuff is completely un-seeable under giant petticoat
>no more purses

Feels awesome.

>> No.8083204

yes because that's exactly what we could gather from your original post

you should have just mentioned you weren't able to get treatment at that time rather then sounding like you just ignored it

>> No.8083234
File: 64 KB, 500x599, 1418738188770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girlfriend is always mean
>tfw girlfriend says I don't work but I try hard
>tfw girlfriend says my weaboo shit is bad
>tfw girlfriend never want to fuck
>tfw girlfriend says I will be a loser
>tfw I already am

>> No.8083238

Break up with her. If she actually wanted to be together with you, then she shouldn't act like that. Holding onto an unhappy relationship only hurts you more.

>> No.8083239
File: 619 KB, 1024x768, animu.ru-ashita-no-joe-(1024x768)-wallpaper-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried , I tried so much but I can't

>> No.8084011

I've had LBP for years.
>Be 15
>Be having a really bad day condition-wise
>Mom decides she's going to do my hair
>Mom starts straightening my hair
>"Woah, mom I can't see..."
>"Bullshit anon, let me do your hair."
>I pass out
>Wake up to burns on my neck and my mom screaming, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, ANON?!"

It's funnier in hindsight.

Story two:
>Be like 12
>On the swings
>Pass out on the swings
>Apparently do an unconscious double backflip off the swings (according to bystanders)
>Wake up when my face slams into the ground
>Arm broken in 5 places

Sorry it's late, a little overwhelmed with uni.

>> No.8084224

Those aren't kawaii.
Those just made me feel sad.

>> No.8084284

why would you put up with this? weeaboo shit is not bad, and if you are trying you're not a loser. She is just trying to keep you down, you don't need such negative influence in your life.