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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 697 KB, 786x563, oh boy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8073427 No.8073427 [Reply] [Original]

This just popped up on my feed. I have no image for what I am feeling right now.

>> No.8073437 [DELETED] 

Oh God its going to get retarded
Then again it's English dubbing, it's not like they can be good anyway

>> No.8073440

hiring an actual voice actor was too hard?

>> No.8073448

I am guessing they are trying to do an alternative route to pulling in viewers. Maybe hoping to cash in on her "fan base"

>> No.8073450

Is it just because she cosplayed as her before?

Oh well. I'll hope she does a decent enough job, but she's definitely not who I would've picked for Sonico.

>> No.8073463

She looks like her voice would sound like a raspy voiced smoker. Like that dark haired roommate Sabrina had In Sabrina the teenaged witch.

>> No.8073464

She's not who I would imagine to voice Sonico. Isn't her voice all raspy?

>> No.8073474

wtf no. just no.

>> No.8073480

OH LORD I cant wait for the butthurt. Alright ladies time to lose it.

>> No.8073482

>English Dub
Who gives a shit?

>> No.8073487

Yeah it's good for villains not sonico though.

That's probably exactly what they're doing, Jnig's gross fan boys get introduced to Sonico and Sonico fans get introduced to Jnig.


>> No.8073504


>> No.8073511

Imo she was the only good voice actor in RWBY so I'm not even mad.

>> No.8073513

>shit anime that is only remembered for tittied freak character
>voiced by actual shitty person who's only remembered for tits
I think it's perfect.

>> No.8073537

With this and RWBY, Jnig has an alternate career to go down when her cosplaying days run out.

>> No.8073573

She voiced Cinder Fall on RWBY but I mean

>> No.8073582

I don't like her in RWBY. Almost everyone else is better than her, but practice is practice

>> No.8073588
File: 197 KB, 427x640, flower (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone still have that image of the fake email requesting business to a con?
Where it was like $1000 just to show up and free room and flight?

>> No.8073591
File: 20 KB, 236x314, rwby idorus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how Monty tried to mimic that fetish-y thing some anime studios do and take pretty pictures of all the voice actresses in pretty clothes. At least they put them in evening gowns because I don't think anyone wants to see these ladies in poofy crotch-high idol dresses.

>> No.8073613
File: 165 KB, 945x1105, 1421622783835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am a man and although /cgl/ is mostly of woman I just have to say this bitch has a hella ugly voice and terrible makeup , and ages faster than a bannana. also
>our cosplay waifu
her cosplay is lazy as fuck , pic related

>> No.8073652

sentai has shitty sales, so why not hire someone who is cheap in a desperate attempt at their business trying to stay afloat

>> No.8073660


sentai has shitty sales, so why not hire someone who is cheap in a desperate attempt at their business trying to stay afloat

>> No.8073679


>> No.8073689

It's a bit silly to hire someone with hardly any voice acting experience, but it's Super Sonico, so it doesn't really matter all that much.

>> No.8073696


>liking anything about RWBY

>> No.8073703 [DELETED] 

It's a bit silly to hire someone with hardly any voice acting experience, but it's Super Sonico, so it doesn't really matter all that much.


I wouldn't say it's raspy. It's certainly deeper than Super Sonico's voice, but that's true of most people.

>> No.8073742

LOL I saw pictures of that bikini Akali today and died. Such a bullshit cosplay.

>> No.8073744
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I don't hate JNig that much, I adhere to Jim Sterling's Jimquisition video where she's done nothing to hurt the things I love

This though, this makes me very, very, angry and sad.

>> No.8073749

>all this jealousy

>> No.8073756
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Of course she would.

>> No.8073779
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I remember the days when people used to criticize that cosplaying wasn't real modeling. Now they're voice actors too. What's next? Hollywood?

>> No.8073796

much more than that.

>> No.8073823

She wins at literally everything. Is it really just because of boobs?

>> No.8073836

more like fandom has gotten that dumb and gullible. It's like Wisconsin voting for Scott Walker twice over.

>> No.8073854

I don't dislike Nigri, but her voice is SEVERAL OCTAVES too low for Sonico.

>> No.8073863
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Fuck I need to get implants.

>> No.8073866

>because of boobs

There are a ton of cosplayers that have big fake boobs...it's more than just "her boobs"

>> No.8073870

Yeah, I stopped caring about english dvd releases a while ago but I remember hearing from Penguindrum fans that they managed to misdub/sub the show so badly that it actually omitted some important plot points.

>> No.8073871

Having a fat tummy and being cosfamous helps too. It's sure as hell isn't her "skill" or face.

>> No.8073872

>caring about dub VAs
>caring about the abortion that was the sonico anime
>caring about fap fodder
>caring about j-nig

>> No.8073874

Someone please re post this

>> No.8073882

>but I remember hearing from Penguindrum fans that they managed to misdub/sub the show so badly that it actually omitted some important plot points.
fuck, i was looking forward to getting that one. 1080p fans subs it is

>> No.8073891
File: 6 KB, 121x120, 67efe5dbea32949baec388be8bedbf8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt ANYONE will get the achievements Jnig is getting

>Invited across the country for free
>Invited to be promotional model/idol for Japan for their games
>Now asked to be official anime dub voice acting

Jnig has been the ONLY COSPLAYER to not only archive these things but asked to do them for free and even money.

I dont see anyone else following that even after Jnig is 30+ because "jnig already did it" the hype would be gone

>> No.8073896

>I love how Monty tried to mimic that fetish-y thing some anime studios do and take pretty pictures of all the voice actresses in pretty clothes. At least they put them in evening gowns because I don't think anyone wants to see these ladies in poofy crotch-high idol dresses.
Given Sentai Filmworks is just ADV renamed, this isn't a surprise. ADV used to do that shit all the time. I remember some black evening gown shoot they did for like Steel Angel Kurumi and then whored the female VAs out to IGN for interviews and more attention.

>> No.8073899
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The only reason it rustles jimmies is because she never had to be bullied in school for liking the shit she makes a living off now. She'll never relate to her fans, just lives off them. She has the American dream. Perfect supportive rich parents that's raised a camwhore to a star in Cali. It's painful to watch your idols bow to a blonde bimbo. I'm full on jelly and heart broken.

>> No.8073900


>> No.8073904

Someone will follow that. As attention hungry and popularity seeking cosplayers are, there is bound to be someone to step in when she does the yaya route of coasting. Hell don't be surprise if some TV shows or things relating to nerds in the media pick her up in the next few years.

>> No.8073905


>> No.8073917

This post wins everything. Over and over I try to explain why I dislike her so much but you put it perfectly. She doesn't deserve what she has and because she gets so much she takes away from those that do deserve these VA jobs, modeling opportunities, guest spots...it's not the pretty face or hot body, it's the lack of passion and the facade she puts on. She's a shitty person and she just gets rewarded for it.

>> No.8073918
File: 68 KB, 680x674, 1389593394827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be bullied in school

what ever happened to not exposing your power level, or at least being modest/down to earth about your anime fandom.

Stay mad weeb

>> No.8073919

>I've lived through Apollo Smile
>I will weather this storm too.

>> No.8073927

How do you know she is a shitty person with no passion? Particular emphasis on the explanation of "shitty person", please.

>> No.8073930

You know people always go on about this "hiding your powerlevel" shit, but I've never made any attempt to hide my inner weeb and no one's ever really given me shit for it? It's pretty easy to like anime and just not be obnoxious about it, and then no normalfag will care.

>> No.8073932

I really dislike her voice for Cinder Fall since it came off as too tryhard.

Hasn't Yaya cosplayed more versions of Sonico though? I wonder if she's mad jelly.

>> No.8073934
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Just being honest anon. Sooner I accept the reality the easier it is to move on and keep trying to enjoy what I love.

>> No.8073936

>Apollo Smile
Ha! Yeah... we tend to forget Apollo. She was limited to a few short OVAs no one cared were dubbed from Central Park Media and doing Ula (sp?) from Space Channel 5

>> No.8073938

>I've never made any attempt to hide my inner weeb and no one's ever really given me shit for it
Everyone's just avoiding you or moving on from the subject anon

>> No.8073947

They could be avoiding me yes, but does that really matter? It's not as if I'm a friendless loner. And moving on from the subject is exactly the point? I'm just saying that liking anime is really not a big deal and there's no need to actively hide it.

>> No.8073969

well that was quick. someone wrote hilarious article about nigri being cast as sonico

>> No.8073970

I literally can't cosplay something sexy without being called a jnig wannabe. So you're correct, anyone who attempts the same thing now will just be mocked. She makes things old/cringe worthy so fast so noone can steal her spotlight.

>> No.8073973
File: 24 KB, 250x176, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8073975

>liking anime is really not a big deal and there's no need to actively hide it.
Most people think anime is either tits or lewd little girls so yeah, there is.

>> No.8073978

>"And for you guys wondering about the pitch of my voice, I tapped hardcore into my inner animu girl."

This is going to be so cringeworthy I can't wait.

>> No.8073981


>> No.8073985

Just the aquarium incident makes her a shitty person, and that was 100% confirmed. But other things that are evident from things she posts and things we know include cheating on her boyfriends, lying about making her own costumes, and brushing off people who ask how she made certain pieces of her costumes. I don't blame her for lying about her breast augmentation because that's honestly no one's business but hers even though it's stupidly obvious she got one.

>> No.8073987


>> No.8073991

>she never had to be bullied in school
Like you'd know? For all we know she could've been awkward as fuck a decade ago.

>> No.8073993

Don't you know anon? She was always hot and toned.

>> No.8073999
File: 82 KB, 594x444, fwb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mind that she dyed her hair and became tumblr edge because she wants her fuckbuddy to be more than just that to her, but he only likes XXXXtreme gurlz XDDD and that's why she's doing it.

>> No.8074003

Proof all you need to succeed are fake tits

>> No.8074005

>cheating on her boyfriends

lmao as if you can prove that. Hanging out with guys in photos doesn't count. She's seeing a guy in Atlanta and turns everyone else down.

>> No.8074006
File: 294 KB, 1453x606, bring me shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, this. lel.

>> No.8074007

Maybe she wanted to dye her hair to simply change its color rather than spite some random, mad 4chan poster.

>> No.8074017

Because one of her old school chums vouched already? Posted her yearbook picture and everything. Lurk moar whiteknight. The worst she gets is hate for being too perfect.

>> No.8074018
File: 82 KB, 469x632, 4 ryan frum jnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep telling yourself that.
same way you people like to pretend that former janitors havent caught her self posting here without hiding it.

>> No.8074021

>I can tell you right now that Super Sonico Anime is the worst kind of pandering at its bottom-feeding lowest. It has no point, no charm, no character development, and all it has is Sonico acting like Anna Nicole Smith after she snorted a row of ground chocolate pocky


>> No.8074025

Samefag please. There were already pictures posted here before with the whole story. Not that I saved them.

>> No.8074026

Aquarium incident?

>> No.8074027
File: 34 KB, 390x355, likes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she ended up dating the dude while cheating on her then boyfriend. So recently she cheated on Jason (Cherry Sauce dude) for some cosplayer named Ryan who only wants to be FWB. Who knows how many other guys she has fucked to get jobs. It wouldn't surprise me if she rented her pussy out to someone at Ubisoft seeing how they were so quick to white knight her on their Facebook page when someone questioned their decision to use her of all people to represent a new AssCreed game.

>> No.8074028

Oh you will always be
Doing it for free
Oh you will never be
Compensated sexually
She wont touch your peepee

>> No.8074032
File: 69 KB, 640x389, janny speaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, she was scheduled to meet fans at a con and ditched the gig to go to the aquarium instead. posted all on her fb on mobile right as she was doing it, too.

>> No.8074034

Whiteknights have arrived to defend their
Cosplay waifu.

>> No.8074038
File: 1.54 MB, 1700x2168, 1392591274003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8074040

No doubt she won't touch my peepee, but for that to be your response proves that you're jealous as fuck.

>>Stay mad, stay mad landwhale

>> No.8074042
File: 53 KB, 537x720, trader joes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, it always happens. they're in denial about corruption the same way faggots rush to defend whores like zoe quinn. beta cucks.

>> No.8074043
File: 85 KB, 1136x388, 7849825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's others working on her cosplays. That's her mars wig they're styling. Without these bitches Jnig wouldn't have learned shit.

>> No.8074045

See, her not showing up for shit sucks, so yeah, fuck her for that. However, being mad that she either beat you to the punch or just makes money off something you also like isn't a good enough reason to bash the girl.

>> No.8074047

I'm not even a girl m8
How are those hot pockets?

>> No.8074052

Who said you aren't a Fatlus dude?

>> No.8074057

Kek. Who are you kidding? Nothing will be a good enough reason for you delusional faggot.

>> No.8074058
File: 156 KB, 968x546, 1378084344897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>longtime hobby that was otherwise chill barring a few nutters like usagi kou and yaya back in her early days, along with few hate sites like cosplay hell, cosplay fucks, etc
>becomes le maymay epic mainstream with big bang theory type attention whores
>hobby becomes saturated with nepotism, buying facebook likes
>no longer about craftsmanship, but about who can drop coin on fake tits or go on a reality show on a network which is a far cry from what it used to be
>^only rebuttal I ever see time and again from white knights because they can't be assed to conjure up anything literate or intelligent or simply admit that there is a problem

You fuckers Ghazi or some shit? Because you sound like it.

>> No.8074062

hypothetical situation: if you can cast anyone in the Super Sonico role, who would you choose and no "anything but JNigs" is not a valid answer.

>> No.8074063

Pretty much. I stopped watching that amateur train wreck a long time ago, but I'm hearing that season two just ended and it still has zero semblance of any plot.

>> No.8074064

okay, I legit lol'd. I thought it was another praise article written by beta virgin, but man

>> No.8074065

>> so yeah, fuck her for that.

Clearly you didn't read. Stay mad.

>> No.8074066

don't forget her parents.
her only "crafting" experience, in her own words, is when she and her mom used to make those elaborate hats you see women wear at horse races and she said they'd use vacuum cleaner tubes.

>> No.8074072

AnyONE but Jessica Nigri.

I don't know. Stephanie Sheh?

>> No.8074075

A cute girl who has had voice/singing training considering Sonico's a fucking singer not a coswhore. Even when they do put her in those positions she's shy and timid, opposite of high pitched racist animu sounds Jnig will come up with.

>> No.8074099

ah, last order, why you so cute?

>> No.8074103

If she were just the lucky attention whore who made it big making mediocre costumes, I'd be okay with her. It's why I'm ok with YaYa but not JNig; make your own shit, don't lie about it, and do your job (aka show up to panels/your booth when you're scheduled to be there). Jessica can't even do that and she certainly doesn't make her costumes.

>> No.8074106

when will nyanners get her big break

>> No.8074107

Because I'm not the one whitenighting random chicks on the internet.
I actually get laid

>> No.8074111

Mandy Sim

>> No.8074127

because you know...there isn't someone in studio to guide her and tell her what they want or anything. They're just gonna give her a tape recorder and tell her to go nuts.

>> No.8074132

Its so weird because Nigri will never be popular in Japan because their ideal mainstream type is exactly her opposite. They like pale skin, Nadeshikos. Even Westerners in anime, the ideals are like Saber. The blonde bimbo characters are always just a sideshow of fanservice or for gags, and even then they're never tanned. Her type will only be viewed as 'bitch' (see Bitch sensei in assassin classroom or Momo in Peach Girl). So I find the casting as Sonico (moeblob pale innocent girl) really strange. Nevertheless, its good I guess considering its the English dub of a shitty moeblob fanservice anime. An audience which I'm sure heavily overlaps with Nigris fanbase. However its a little annoying because she'll be "actual real life Sonico omfg!!". I'm def curious and will watch tho.

>> No.8074142

eh, if you have spent a significant portion of time in japan

any western/white chick looks fucking good.
like PT or Voldie would be a solid 8/10 in japan due to pale ass skin, chubbiness and different eye/hair color

>> No.8074149
File: 29 KB, 640x480, 1421244617813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is part of her eyebrow missing? Its like she was plucking and accidentally the whole thing.

>> No.8074165

new trend amongst edgetard cunts

>> No.8074167

The reason JNig gets so much work is because she knows how to talk to business people. You have no idea how hilariously bad other cosplayers are at this same thing.
She knows how to network, she knows who to talk to, so she has better connections. That's it. I spelled it for you. Go make it big at the cosplay game.
Also she doesn't show up dressed like a fucking moron like Yaya to interviews. I know, it's for a cosplay thing, but you don't have to be a moron

>> No.8074171

>I don't know. Stephanie Sheh?
I could live with that. I haven't kept up with her since the studio I worked for closed its doors, but she was a rare talent to enjoy. I'd love to dig up Emilie Brown (probably best known as Melfina in Outlaw Star), but she refocused years ago on her and her sister's children to start a new sign language program. "Sentai" has always had a terrible dub studio and they only kept the hack Steven Foster around to do all the work because he burned all the bridges in his publicity company career

>> No.8074177


This x1000

She may not be the best at cosplay but she talked to the right people who can help her network or promote her for other things which in turn helps her business network. The only other person I see being good on the business side of things is precious where she relies on her skill to do all the talking

>> No.8074182


I'm surprised they just didn't get Laura Bailey to do the VA cause she's genernally that voice

>> No.8074187


>But no, anons, she's just a whore! I wish I >was in her position, but since I'm not, I'll bash >her instead!

>> No.8074190

Laura tends to be pretty busy to schedule. She does a lot of non-anime work every year. She should be in front of a camera, but most will never see how good of an actress she can be beyond a stage play. Mattel, Nintendo, Marvel, and WB all have her as the regular voice for key characters which means she's a lock for work every year. Same way Steve Blum has been voicing Wolverine for over a decade in different productions or how the '90s Marvel VAs kept being called back for all the spin-offs like Marvel vs Capcom. It's an amazing niche to get into and I happy for her.

>> No.8074196

and stop avoiding the question.

>> No.8074225

"buy more posters people!"
> or get a real job.

>> No.8074383

She's going to become the female Vic

>> No.8074391

Is there such a thing as a con cougar yet because if not she's going to blaze a trail when she starts to sag.

>> No.8074393
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Not unless she pulls shit like this and creeps the other person out like he does.

>> No.8074402
File: 45 KB, 928x574, Screen Shot 2015-01-23 at 1.10.09 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8074408

Apollo Smile?

>> No.8074413

Would rather have Sheena Duquette voice Cinder, not JNig

>> No.8074535

This is hilarious!

>> No.8074536

She's shaved her eyebrows now? Lol

>> No.8074540
File: 34 KB, 500x445, peasants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching the dub of an anime

You're disgusting peasants

>> No.8074547

Okay I'm the OP of this thread and I'm no Nigri fan but
>"lol bring me tea and crumpets! snacks!"
>she ends up getting an INSANE amount of stuff
>"wow this is so much!"

Seriously? This is grasping at straws.

>> No.8074565

I'd rather anyone else than those two. I'd take Yaya over Jnig and Sheena.

>> No.8074568

yeah this. i'm also fairly certain she wasn't serious

>> No.8074572

yeesh that is too close for comfort

>> No.8074573

>Bitching about people watching dubs
>Bleach reaction image
You're among the worst kind of weeaboo

>> No.8074608

>falling for it this bad


>> No.8074698
File: 951 KB, 500x190, 1414313987170.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even mad. This will provide many keks for us. Her rwby voice acting was physically painful.

>> No.8074707

This is what you people get for having shit taste.

>> No.8074722

Most people think anime is violence and pokemon anon

>> No.8074782

>still thinking JNig is even relevant

>> No.8074894

>The reason JNig gets so much work is because she knows how to talk to business people
I would never guess that from how she talks on her facebook. She types like a 12 year old child!111!!!1!one!

>> No.8074917
File: 1.65 MB, 300x196, homer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This might be the biggest piece of shit i've ever read. Please be trolling. Are you seriously trying to claim she knows the remotest thing about business and networking? The only reason she's getting attention from companies is because she appears to be popular on social networking. If someone is trying to promote a brand, why the hell would you not choose to exploit someone who has millions of "fans" over someone who has a few thousand likes on their Facebook page? This isn't about talent, this is about making easy money via fanbases of people who are too stupid to think and will just jump on a bandwagon just because it's JNig.

I dislike Yaya as much as anyone else, but Comparing her to JNig in this situation is getting old. She might sell shitty accessories made by her manslave partner, but at least she has some sort of business plan and will continue to make a small sum of money even if she chose to stop cosplaying. JNig literally has nothing besides a modelling portfolio based on her tits and body (which won't last forever) and some low-tier voice acting jobs.

>> No.8074927

>some low-tier voice acting jobs
RWBY pulls in millions of views every episode, TV shows could only dream of those numbers. Acting is not there but those numbers can get you far.

>> No.8074945

And that, is why people still look down on weebs

>> No.8075051

RWBY might be relatively big at the moment, but it's probably going to get stale eventually. Plus, she has a minor role.

>> No.8075057

shut up fag RWBY is mmd shit

>> No.8075071

>TV shows could only dream of those numbers
one million is usually the minimum for a single television episode airing, you're comparing a show that's been openly available online to view for months, if not a year

>> No.8075089


Number of views is not a measure of quality. If we're going with that logic then Big Bang theory is the best comedy of all time.

>> No.8075129

She has been dying her hair tumblr colors for awhile now. But she did shave her eye brow after meeting this fuck boi. Then I noticed he has his eye brow shaved too. So I guess it's like an edgy friend ship ring.

>> No.8075132

Lol she's wearing her ex's brand.

>> No.8075136

We're not talking about a quality standpoint, this is marketing. When trying to promote herself they'd probably use taglines like

>Voice actress from the multi-million viewed series RWBY
>Multiple-million viewed breakout voice actress

And such other BS like that. That's going to look really appealing to people.

>> No.8075153

Gg to the usual autstic group of writers

>> No.8075155

Ugh purple and orange is such a gross combination.

>> No.8075170

>tv shows could only dream of those numbers

Do you even tv, dude? A good number of primetime shows pull in five times that amount. And those shows actually have a point sometimes. RWBY will lose steam because their 14 year old fanbase will grow up some and realize they'd rather spend their time watching a series that actually has good animation and a point to the entire series instead of "oh look animu girlz fightin' and pointless characters that boost my ego when fangirls cosplay them!"

>> No.8075178

Wow, someone with hair that thin should not be dying it, it'll just make it thinner and more brittle. But why should I be surprised by "raccoon eyes" over here not knowing shit about personal care and beauty?

>> No.8075243

Yeah! People should totally limit themselves to only doing things that make them more attractive to other people- total strangers, even- instead of focusing on doing whatever the fuck the want with their own life and body!

>> No.8075259

If anything Sheena seems like a bigger ass hole than Jnig, just not popular.

>> No.8075319

Typical Jnig fan, can't even spell autistic right

>> No.8075340

>voice actress with tits

Sounds real appealing.

>> No.8075342

why is she an asshole? i follow her on twitter and she seems pretty nice from what i've seen.

>> No.8075369
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Neckbeard whiteknight kun she's not going to fuck you. She sells herself as a product literally. That comes with criticism as any business does. Especially one that derives itself only through online exposure. Without the internet , your queen would still be working at the grocery store where you may have had a better shot at kidnapping her. Faggot.

>> No.8075380

Good god she's hideous. That hag skin annoying orange edition, those wrinkles under her eyes,...
Tacky and disgusting but her fanboys crave for the glorious (fake) boobs
Also stopselfposting and go do some lifting and skin clearing on top of that boobjob Jnig

>> No.8075410

She's not hideous. Nobody's skin is perfect and she's hardly the first person to have her skin airbrushed in photos.
You are are entirely too fucking mad, son. Relax.

>> No.8075414
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I've heard stories about how she's nice to people's faces (like at cons) but as soon they leave she shit-talks their cosplays. Not to mention her cosplays aren't even that good (judging from the Cinder and Weiss) also she get shooped so much thats she just turns into a digital painting. pic related.

But this is what i've heard, i hope the anon that was telling this is around

>> No.8075462

this is true. I used to be her friend and I assure you, she can be very two-faced in private.

>> No.8075471

She's an asshole who tries to pretend she's RoosterTeeth's official cosplayer.

Most of her cosplays are physically painful to look at because she's still not that great of a seamstress and like >>8075414 said, she shoops so much that it looks more like a fanart painting rather than a cosplay image. Her only decent ones are TaoBao bought.

The Canadian Seagulls that knew her said she had been cheating on her boyfriend with Monty while they were still together and at the drop of a hat she rushed off to live with Monty instead.

Also it was said she bitches about people for petty reasons such as "I hate that cosplayer because she had a happy home life and I didn't".

There's a lot more but there was an anon who new her personally who spilled more beans, So probably for more info just ask the Canada thread.

>> No.8075476

>RoosterTeeth's official cosplayer

What a goal, man. If only I could be so motivated towards achievements that are this important. She sounds like a petty bitch. I can't stand people who don't have their priorities straight and shit-talk other people's work because their own is painfully shit-tier.

>> No.8075479

This entirely just a publicity stunt. I have nothing against Jessica but she's not a voice actor and doesn't sound anything like Sonicco.

>> No.8075501
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Pft not to her extent. She's delusional with her internet identify. Makes her nose thinner, erases her cleft, removes the wrinkles under her eyes, ect. That amount of shoop is hilarious and outlines all of her insecurities. If she had enough money she'd get more surgery done on her entire face. Boobs aren't enough for this woman. She wants to be as fake as possible. All this effort into her appearance, and not a single ounce is given into paying for rent or badges. So yeah. She gets hate. Anyone who fits into that category does. Normally people don't get the world handed to them.

>> No.8075513

Wait if She is in Atlanta, Where is Monika Lee?? I thought those 2 we're best friends??

>> No.8075516 [DELETED] 

nope she dropped monika and upgraded and changed her business plan to Yaya. The are bffles now with their purple hair.

>> No.8075519

her ears are so fucking big holy shit. if she's going to shoop herself that much then she should really take the time to downsize those disgusting fucking elephant ears.

>> No.8075521

They are pretty comical. I wanted to think it was because her wig was pushing them from the back but no, no...they're really that fucking huge. Tragic.

>> No.8075522

One ear also looks higher than the other, at least it looks like it to me.

>> No.8075523
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It can't be for the 'edge' factor surely? Unless cookie cutter 90s boy bands represent the ultimate in unorthodox 'out there' fashion.

>> No.8075550

Seriously guys? Please tell me you're playing dumb. It's a Japanese fad. I've seen it several times on punk characters in manga. You weebs should know this. Yes she's a stupid whore that copies whatever she thinks will get her more likes but dammit that fad's not really so unknown.

>> No.8075611


I can't wait for when Monty to dump her. Her days are numbered

>> No.8075623


Could be, but keep in mind no one has a perfectly symmetrical face or body.

>> No.8075651

I made a pun to her and she got so mad. To this day she still carries a grudge against me for pun making.

Talk about petty as fuck.

>> No.8075659

As far as people are concerned, she IS a digital painting.

>> No.8075672

What was it?

>> No.8075750

I honestly hope he does soon because their relationship just seems toxic. Then again, he's a pretty horrible person as well so they just feed off of one another I guess. They both get massive ego boosts off of one another.

Also very curious about this story.

>> No.8075752

Is Monty really that much of a jerk? O_o

>> No.8075772

Since dating Sheena and RWBY's popularity he's become a bit of an egotistical jerk or at least completely lost being humble. Whether he knowingly does it, I don't know.

While this is /cgl/ and we all love making fun of cows, he apparently has said, in private, that he doesn't want ugly or fat people cosplaying his characters.

>> No.8075775

Not really much of a story. Made a joke about Lighning and she gets all pissed off. Anytime I make a pun on her page now, she removes it.

>> No.8075778

.....Sadly I agree. I've seen some horrendous RWBY cosplays from fuglys and fatties.

>> No.8075789

I've seen a lot, too and idk why but I've seen a ludicrous amount of horrible genderbents.

But Monty should really be thankful anyone's cosplaying his series and throwing money at him. I don't think he's quite deserving of being that picky.

That being said though and back to JNig, I think if she did cosplay from RWBY she'd probably make a heck of a Cinder.

>> No.8075792

Ehhhhh.....I'm actually one of those "Horrible Genderbend" RWBY Cosplayers. I just really like Yang.

Plus I have a friend who makes RWBY Props that are pretty impressive.

>> No.8075795


>> No.8075807

On the right how did she make the tentacle hair? Was it strands of foam or the like weaved together? its really really well done. Also the blend area where it meets her forehead is neat too.

>> No.8075822

he's a scummy manchild. anyone have that twitter screenshot where he RT'd some girl who said she hated RWBY so his fans could harass and threaten her? that's really all the proof you need. oh, and then read all the responses from his fans where they did just that, all for having an opinion about his shit series. fucking idiots.

>> No.8075827


I forget the exact reason but there was also that time he gave a fan a lot of shit for having an unofficial Rywb whatever contest. Said fan apologizes and he declared how that wasn't good enough.

Fan even has a tattoo of the show logo

>> No.8075831

I remember that one, too. The fan was going to giveaway a prize that apparently had Monty's autograph on it, I believe? And Monty took it as an insult despite the person saying they were never trying to sell it.

Even other RT people were telling Monty to calm down.

>> No.8075834 [DELETED] 

She must hate Yang then.

>> No.8075839

Have any stories or details, anon? Does she have any redeeming qualities?

She must hate Yang then.

She would make a great Cinder, but i don't think she'd ever cosplay her, not enough "bimbo" sex appeal.

Like RT employee's? If so details please. I always wonder what all of the really think if Jnig, him and Sheena, though i guess they see a different side to them? Who knows.

>> No.8075842

She didn't make it, she just models it.

>> No.8075845
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who remembers this lol

>> No.8075848


I think the main reason RT keeps Monty around and happy is he puts crazy amounts of hours into doing the fight scenes. Bascially one night of work and he pumps out minutes of usable fight footage.

>> No.8075849

She'll voice her well! ^.^

They're both fat, stupid sluts. It'll match perfectly.

>> No.8075851


opinion invalid

>> No.8075855

after dealing with them in person and seeing them interact with mutual "cos famous" friends, can confirm this. monty still likes to play the poetic romantic and compliments other cosplay girls in a way that makes you feel slimy. always talks about how famous he is. tbh his entire project is a shit show and it makes me incredibly embarrassed that it's become such a big deal that it's been hitting mainstream. watched an episode or two because i was begged by friend and tried not to throw up in my mouth (i failed).

his girlfriend is incredibly rude and judgemental. keeps a tight leash on him on all occasions - parties, meals, just fucking casual greetings, etc. must be cause she sees him as her meal ticket. pretty sure he got her a bullshit job at his company but i could be wrong.

nigri's not nearly as bad as them, on the surface at least. though i had to sit next to her and her boyfriend at a meal and they were throwing coins at each other (a lot hit me either in the head or arms) and yelling loudly.

>> No.8075858

>Does she have any redeeming qualities?
Not that anon, but she likely does. I've never met her, but I have a hard time believing the stories about her are true. Nobody is 100% a shitty person, and I'm not really sure I'd trust someone who "used to be someone's friend"

He seems to be very well behaved lately, which makes me wonder if he got a thrashing from the higher ups to put his rampant ego on ice. I really like RWBY, but I'm not so sure they couldn't replace him if he gave them too much bad publicity.

>> No.8075859

get out oreimofag

>> No.8075861

well for starters she scammed a photographer and stole his work

>> No.8075866
File: 3.21 MB, 320x240, 1185146o.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave Jessica Alone!!!1!

She is the most talented cosplayer in the world! You're just jelly that she'll become president one day while you'll still be stuck at your loser day job! Niglet for ly4e!

>> No.8075869

They're right though.

She knows who to suck up to.

>> No.8075870

el presidente

>> No.8075872

Oh was that the whole shit with Masamune Photography? God that was such a wonderful trainwreck to watch, especially after various other photographers and cosplayers began making the issue about the, as per the usual.

>> No.8075873

Well Yaya already claimed ambassador and is kissing her ass hardcore.

>> No.8075881

yeah it got dredged back up recently
masamune's best bet is to just hit her in small claims if he really wants to do something
she'd probably just no-show and default on payment

>> No.8075888

You say that but considering Sentai's track record, pretty sure whoever's doing that isn't doing their job well enough.

>> No.8075897

I kinda feel bad I want something big and stupid like this to happen again because holy fuck that was fun to watch. Since I don't cosplay it literally doesn't affect me at all, and it's fun to kick back and watch them act like such tards on a slow day. Shit I was having a field day watching people snap out over that Barracuda Cosplay "I'm charging for shoots hurdur" nonsense. Top notch.

>> No.8075901


She's as untalented as the girl in this video. Call me back when she does a GOOD cosplay.

>> No.8075920

Yeah. I think there were a few but the one that stuck out the most was Miles telling him to calm down. The fan continuously apologized and tried telling Monty that it was just a giveaway not a sale.

Probably. If she could be sultry then it'd be nice to see and probably a lot better than Sheena's that looked not that great up close. Same with her Pyrrha.

Another anon from a thread a while ago said Sheena got mad at another Pyrrha cosplayer who was with a group. I guess if you cosplay the same thing as Sheena does, she sees you as a threat or competition?

This. While RWBY sucks shit, the fight scenes are all I care about and the weapon designs because he at least has that going for him.

>> No.8075953

Miles seems like a chill dude, i'd hate the day when shit gets leaked about him.

Also now i really want to cosplay Pyrrha and some how make is so good that when she sees it she just implodes.

What the fuck was that video.

>> No.8075956

He's a sellout betafag not worth shit now.

>> No.8076226

she sells herself to make money guess what, thats how you make money in capitalism when you have no job or cant get job
yes shes using your hobby to makes money, the only question is why didnt you sell out first.

>> No.8076286

Male nerds think the same about you whores.

>> No.8076288

Not anymore. They had a falling out.

>> No.8076308

>Convention booth babe gets cast in really boring anime that nobody's going to buy anyway

Who cares.

>> No.8076354

That's hilarious. I recommend watching new anime "Shirobako". it recently had episode about the process of seiyuu selection for new anime series, and one of the guys was only interested in their tits and ass instead actual talent. I can imagine that being the case here.

>> No.8076365

they're probably just not pretty enough

>> No.8076368

This is all true but I think her clubcore hair/makeup add insult to injury ya feels

Also if we're going to glorify someone for being hot while cosplaying can't we at least choose someone with 10/10 facial aesthetics

like how the lolita community had unseelie allure and cho..choco-... that other girl who actually walked high fashion runways? those were bitches worth envying

>> No.8076374

i mean to be fair this is what most girls look like up close unless they're like an emaciated russian fashion model

>> No.8076375
File: 68 KB, 610x394, 910ed4d697d06ed8f2dad038dfbb0b41b0775813bdc8c31250f8f5f735b13046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't you guys whores yet?

>we have jobs
>we possess the intellect or talent to not have to resort to whoring

>> No.8076377

that's actually the most passable makeup I've seen on jnig, someone else did it for her?

>> No.8076383

>thinks japanese people invented shaving lines in brows


not sure where that actually came from but I dodudes in NYC been doing this for decades, and none of them look like theyve ever come within a hundred mile radius of kinokuniya

>> No.8076385

lmao *have seen dudes

i do not "do" them

>> No.8076399

not even 1? ever?

>> No.8076408

not even one, but there's always time

>> No.8076496

Best reply. Thank you.

>> No.8076500

Holy shit who cares, they didn't know and you're not remotely answering their question.

>> No.8076619

Came back to this board after taking a long hiatus (due how censored it became).
Then I see this thread.

This community has become so depressing. Not /cgl/ but the cosplay community as a whole.

For Nigri to reach this point, thousands of people's interest in her would have had to propel her there. And for what? For Nigri to wear either a crappy cosplay she "made" herself or a decent one she had made for her or bought?

For Nigro to pretend to be interested in the cosplay culture, in the same way a porn star moans and writhes in a scene, pretending she's enjoying the "sex"?

I used to loathe this woman but now it has dawned on me that she couldn't have gotten this far if people hadn't lifted her up onto this pedestal.

We have people bashing fat or ugly cosplayers or just average ones with shitty craftsmanship skills but this chick gets a pass because she's "hot". The cosplay scene has become so superficial, necrotic, and soul-less that a decent-looking blond with a good body has a horde of "fans" lining up and paying money to see her wear a hot outfit and giggle vapidly for 2 minutes pretending she gives a fuck while people who legitimately love anime and/or video games are laughed out and humiliated for not meeting the grade appearance-wise.

It's fucking sad.

>> No.8076641

Obviously the 13 some odd faggots who cared enough to post in this thread and ol' fagass OP

>> No.8076643

Art Imitates Life
Life Imitates Art

>> No.8076652


The cosplay community has become quite the piece of shit thb. It's all about popularity and who's hotter. Craftsmanship has been left behind.

>> No.8076687

What do you expect, the cosplay community mimics society. In basic form, society uplifts physical appeal as being most important and tears apart anyone who isn't.

It wasn't like that in the past because cosplay was just mostly full of basic nerds. With mainstream filling up conventions, it is bound to bring along the same format

>> No.8076693

Jesus Christ man, way to be a drama queen.

>> No.8076694

Yes, actually. She lists the makeup artist in the credits I believe

>> No.8076697

It's like what happens to ever community (like video games) that women invade.

>> No.8076698

I had a spider bite that turned necrotic once. That shit was pretty dramatic.

>> No.8076701

It's a certain breed of women, not women in general. Stay fat and virgin.

>> No.8076710

"im not like most girls"
- most girls

>> No.8076715

Any girl who says "i'm not like most girls" is indeed like most girls, yes.
But you'll never hear that come from women because they like what they like and have nothing to prove. Believe or not, those do exist and I'm sorry you haven't met any of them.

>> No.8076718

*from women who like what they like
Sorry, I've had alot of sugar today.

>> No.8076740

You mean photoshop. Her shooped sonico pictures are all like that.

>> No.8076742

what happened?

>> No.8076743

Why do women always pull out virgin as their go to insult for any man that they dislike or disagree with ever (and also always use insulting as their go to method of "arguing")

Like do you think you're somehow better? Having sex as a woman is about as impressive of an accomplishment as breathing. You literally win a coin toss at conception and then say yes to the first of the countless guys who offer that meets your standards.
Or do you just think women are gods great gift to the universe and that any man who doesn't earn their approval is automatically a failure

>> No.8076748

Details please.

>> No.8076751

My mom is in her 40s and looks better than this, JNig is in her mid-20s...

>> No.8076759

>generalizes female nerds as being attention whores
>mad that male nerds are generalized as virgins

It goes both ways, sweetheart.

Also, that's the point of this post

Before the wave of "famous cosplay models" there were just anime or video game fans paying money to go to cons, have a good time, and meet like-minded people.

Nigri is NOT one of those people. She wants a paid trip to a location, payment for autographs and photos, and will ditch the con when she feels like it despite having a contractual agreement.

That's the difference.

One person pays to go to cons and has fun, one is PAID to go to cons, and can't even muster enough energy and motivation to interact with like-minded people for 3-4 days, despite even the money she is given.

Glaring difference.

>> No.8076761

Who seriously wants to go down that path? Breaking every record without having skill. It's self destructive. Look at how much she's not actually okay with herself. Every photo has to be re-touched. Her fan base constantly harasses her. In order to stay relevant she needs surgery and not be herself. What part of that sounds like fun? I don't hate her out of envy, I hate her because she stupidly did this to herself then blames it all on haters. This shit happens to anyone who sells themselves as a product. She has a severe special snowflake complex. Whatever happened to her just wanting to "meet friends". Kek.

>> No.8076764

You honestly never heard about the stereotype that males are not real men unless they fucked everything including a cow?

>> No.8076766

Yeah, but you forget, most of the real die-hard cosplay community hate her. Even the popular ones who claim to be good friends with her more than likely have an agenda and use that "friendship" to gain some notoriety for themselves and grow their own fanbase. The vast majority of her fans don't give a shit about cosplay or nerd culture, they only "like" her because they see her as a relatively attractive young woman.

Event promoters have been persistently roping in casuals in recent years. Cons are full of idiots who have little interest in the culture and attend simply because they feel the need to immerse themselves in popular culture, because it's the "hip and trendy thing to do". Yeah, it's great that more people are getting interested in consuming the media, but how many of them actually do it? A depressingly small percentage.

>> No.8076768

I never said anything about being stereotyped as virgins. I asked why women believe "virgin" is the ultimate argument-ending insult for any man that disagrees with them about anything. Your inability to understand that and instead just keep thinking i'm upset over being called a virgin only confirms it more.

To put it crude and bluntly, why you bitches so full of yourselves.

>> No.8076773

>I asked why women believe virgin is the ultimate argument ending insult.

1) 'All' women don't believe that
2) The same reason why guys call a woman a whore/she's not pure/she's not a virgin in the same fashion. It's a stereotype enforced by society that's never going to change.
3) See >>8076764

>> No.8076779

Because anyone who doesn't see through whore bullshit, much less defend it, is a virgin. Or has that mindset. That's her target audience. Gullible faggots who'll pay her way to fame. She has no interest in female fans unless they're coswhores too. She doesn't cater to straight women. And she doesn't have to, but naturally women will feel like her work is biased and aimed at your dick. It does nothing for us. There is no gain in following Jnig for women, which is why the men that do put her on a pedestal will never be taken seriously.

>> No.8076789

>all women don't believe that
Well when you find one who first instinct when arguing with a man isn't to call him a virgin come tell me cause I've yet to see one.

>> No.8076792

>Why do women always pull out virgin as their go to insult for any man that they dislike or disagree with ever

Oh. Oh, you're actually serious. Kek.

>> No.8076797

I agree on the casuals thing, I used to love meeting new people who I could nerd out with. Indeed a lot of the closest friends I have are people I met at cons. Nowadays you'd be lucky to meet a couple of attendees who give a shit about being there, never mind enjoying a series, etc.

>> No.8076821
File: 1009 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_nh04o3BDlq1r568nbo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so beuatifulz u gaiz

>> No.8076829

Hey, it's me, you found one. I think I know a couple of other women who don't argue like that but they aren't super young and angry and American. I know this is 4chan but there's plenty of men and women out there who aren't anything like the bitches and duches you see on tv or the internet and it's great.

>> No.8076832

> Implying men wouldn't call you a virgin either.
Say mad neckbeard.

>> No.8076838 [DELETED] 

Glad that fad's over with. I love how closely she watches these threads then projects in on her fb. I've tried being nice to her but she straight up ignored me. However if I post here, it becomes her top priority. Funny how that works out.

>> No.8076852

If you are a male over 18 and still a virgin, it means there is something wrong with you.

>> No.8076865

How many of you predict she'll be doing porn in the future? After she's had her fill with these other attempted side "carriers". I don't think they'll last since she hasn't had any training in that field or showed passion for it in the past before whoring herself out first. I feel like she's trying her best to avoid her most obvious job, which in turn pisses off her fanbase. Selfies alone won't satisfy them.

>> No.8076873

Please stop trolling.

>> No.8076874

By what's she's already shown, I can only assume the most she's allowed to do is soft core. I think her parents were the ones to tell her no.

>> No.8076888

I'm not. I'm a male over 18 who is still a virgin myself so I know what I'm talking about. There's a reason why people shame us.

>> No.8076889

Your logic is just going in circles. Can you actually explain why it means somethings wrong with you? Do you think men just exist to appease and entertain you, and that if one isn't either attractive enough to you, or willing to give you enough attention and free gifts that he isn't serving his purpose in the world?

>> No.8076893

Please stay on topic anon. Shit posting is not kawaii and won't successfully derail the thread. Go tell Jnig we said hi.

>> No.8076904

For what it's worth I agree with what most people have said about her. I don't even find her particularly attractive and find her personality shallow and manipulative.

Hey heres a thought. Maybe if women didn't constantly insult men for being virgins, less of them would be so desperate and give all that money and attention to girls like Jnig.

>> No.8076909

As I said in the post above, I'm a male virgin myself. Being a virgin means you've failed to attract someone of the opposite gender, which either means you're physically unappealing or that you haven't developed the necessary social skills.

>> No.8076917

The only thing wrong with you is caring so much what stupid cunts and douchebags think and basing your sense of personal worth exclusively on what you do for other people.

>> No.8076937

>Maybe if women didn't constantly insult men for being virgins
Dude, stop. Men insult men for the same fucking reason, on top of calling them betas and faggots because men enjoy undermining each other just as much. You're acting like the insult is exclusively used by women. JFC, shut the fuck up and stop whining.

>which either means you're physically unappealing or that you haven't developed the necessary social skills
Not necessarily true. A male friend of mine didn't lose his virginity until he was 25. It's a matter of finding someone who is compatible with you and furthermore, if you're physically unappealing, perhaps try to make yourself more appealing to the opposite gender?

>> No.8076943
File: 289 KB, 1031x2312, XsKxB18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's women's fault for men supporting Jnig!

>> No.8076946

>men enjoy undermining each other
For the sake of getting favor with women.

>> No.8076978

She actually looks better without all that orange

>> No.8076979

That's because when she listens to our advice she posts it on fb.

>> No.8076986

>mfw the only reason I hate jnig was her raccoon eyes
>Raccoon eyes are just the mark of a terrible cunt

seeing pictures like this make my harsh opinion of her soften.

>> No.8077032

>implying I said that was the sole reason or that jnig was the sole example

>> No.8077061

For it not being a sole reason, you sure are making an awfully big deal about it and for it not being the sole example, it's the only one you've made.

>> No.8077071

What, do you honestly want a list of the specific names of every attention whore in the world or you'll claim jnig is the only one that exists?

>> No.8077093

Me and >>8076829 are not. I don't think you should have sex to prove anything, especially not manhood.

And again you didn't answer my question. Why do some men think that if a woman has sex one time (or hell even a few times) or isn't a pure virgin that never slept with or kissed a man that she's automatically a slut?

>> No.8077096

Dude just shut up. Please.

>> No.8077101

Some men are stupid. Lots of them in fact. People are stupid in general.

But I find the number of women that would laugh at or look down on a man for being a virgin far exceeds the number of men who would do the same to a woman just for her having sex or kissed even once.

>> No.8077110

No we want you to stop derailing the thread. Refusing to take responsibility for your own problems is enough of a reason for women to want to avoid you. It's cringeworthy m8. No wonder you're a virgin. Kekekekek.

>> No.8077138
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back to jnig. so, has she ditched any other cons for aquarium trips?

>> No.8077142

No, but she has been awfully quiet recently

>> No.8077147

>still assumes I care and that my entire life revolves around trying to earn some womans approval

>> No.8077150
File: 40 KB, 600x450, 493de6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8077216


Ah this, the white knights defending her after was a sight to behold...

>> No.8077270

Can we get a screenshot of them doing that? I need some comedy since today was particularly bad.

>> No.8077297

She actually looks good in here.
her make everyday make up makes her look cheap.

>> No.8077316

This is something I really don't understand. How the hell did she get away with this so easily? The only real backlash I saw was a few complaints on Fan Expo's FB page, but most of it was on here (which is nothing new, frankly). It just floors me that people make such a big deal about shit like cosplayers charging money for shoots, yet this girl blatantly rips off a con and most people just look the other way as she keeps getting booked for cons

>> No.8077326

Are you implying JNig is pretty?

>> No.8077338

That five head though...

>> No.8077354
File: 94 KB, 517x763, Whiteknights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8077355
File: 1.79 MB, 720x3520, nigriinsta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys ever want some fun go to jnig's instagram and look at any pic she posts with a guy, ESPECIALLY her boyfriend. Betas get jealous as fuck and it's hilarious.

>> No.8077358 [DELETED] 

"Stay Strong"

Like she has some sort of actual sickness. Jesus her fans suck ass. *her ass

>> No.8077362

>Stay Strong

Laughing at #Latinoheat

In conclusion i wish someone would put these types of fans in a giant garbage bin.

>> No.8077366

>How the hell did she get away with this so easily?
because white knights and tits

>> No.8077368

Because people that support Jnig are also type of people that give away their bank accounts to Nigerian prince, and conventions need these people to spend money

>> No.8077387

Thank you anons, you made this night better.

>> No.8077389

And then they say women are petty, lmao

>> No.8077407

>Nigrian prince

>> No.8077510


I'll take beta faggotry for a thousand, Alex.

>> No.8077514

I guess you'll get the Daily Double!

>> No.8077540

I'll wager it all, Alex!

>> No.8077576

>But I find the number of women that would laugh or look down on a man far greater

Well that's just your opinion man but it's not a fact. Just because Nigri is a bitch and a few other women are bitches doesn't mean the majority are. Same with men too.

>> No.8077917

Not sure if that helps at all but she light up bit how the costume is made here


Incorrect. She and her team made it together so she isn't just modeling it.

>> No.8078032

Does anyone have that Pic of JNig in four different costumes, and the chest piece in each one is the same piece, just spray painted a different color?

>> No.8078211

No one complained when Matt Miller - a cosplayer with no experience - started doing voices for anime. Now he's got lots of titles under his belt and is doing Attack on Titan and other huge titles and everyone loves him.
All this hate seems a little vendetta

>> No.8078281

Because Miller/Mercer is actually damn good at voice acting. Not to mention, he's a good guy unlike lying lazy-ass flake like Jnig

>> No.8078306

I really want to see this wow.

>> No.8078311

I find it amusing how she never posted wip and now she post her work in progress with armor 50% done, not from scratch.

>> No.8078329

Does Mercer actually cosplay? Never seen any of his stuff.

Yes he is actually. He does a good Sinbad and Leon Kennedy.

>> No.8078344
File: 476 KB, 826x768, 7856427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8078369

What the fuck
She couldn't at least put on a proper pink wig and maybe some padding for the huge boobs

>> No.8078381

But this applies to Kamui's costume too...

>> No.8079334

>Going into water with a cloth covering your face.
Basically waterboarding yourself.

>> No.8079492

And Yaya, who just keeps pumping out either bodysuits or corsets with skirt pieces and no one calls her on it.

>> No.8079591

What's his story?

>> No.8079856

She just uses the same pattern again and again, not the exact same breast plate.. but in saying that her skill armour wise doesn't vary much

>> No.8080090

Idk she seems to post more progress pictures to instagram. There is at least 6 pictures of the new armor with skull thingies.

>> No.8080620

This. A thousand times.

If Stan Lee can follow through with showing up at cons while in his 90s, Jnig has no excuse.

>> No.8080689

Because Yaya is like the "nice" old lady that no one dares to talk shit about, because how dare you say awful stuff about the queen.

Oh, didn't know that since I don't check her instagram until now. Maybe she uploads them there because it will atract less attention and she will avoid what >>8073985 said about avoiding questions about the construction?

>> No.8081157

That wasn't supposed to be a cosplay? That's just her wearing headphones.