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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8047451 No.8047451 [Reply] [Original]

No threads about Magfest? It's in like less than two weeks. Any seagulls going? What are you looking forward to? Any cosplay/lolita (?) plans?

>> No.8047460

MAGfest is kind of not cosplay-friendly.

>> No.8047466

If you go to MAGfest to cosplay, you're a problem. MAGfest is for gaming and music.

>> No.8047493

kay, just trying to keep it board related

past threads about magfest seem to have a lot of cosplay pictures though, but alrighty

>> No.8047517

i'm going for the first time, probably not going to cosplay, might be going by myself also, will it be fun?

>> No.8047523

Hey, me too! I know a lot of people going, but no room, no plans, just winging it. So, hopefully this works out well.

>> No.8047532

I hope it will be, it's my first time going too!

>> No.8047576

That's bull. Many people cosplay, and those people are very welcomed. (Although I admit that there is less cosplay than an anime con, simply because it is a con more focused on music and gaming)

Please don't discourage people from cosplaying at Magfest.

>> No.8047601

That's great to hear. I'm cosplaying with a friend and I was worried for a moment.

>> No.8047790

Yeah, LTTP Link, Sylveon gijinka, and Libra from Fire Emblem. Libra needs tons of work though.

>> No.8047885

In the past few years the cosplay participants have skyrocketed. And what's the problem with cosplaying video game things? Un-sand yourself, jeez.

>> No.8047892

I'll be going with my girlfriend from out of state (we drive from NH) and my main focus is on staying comfortable all week, so I'm not sure if I'll bring any lolita. Maybe if there will be some other lolitas I'd be more inclined. It is my vacation so it would be nice to wear lolita, just don't know how comfy I'd be. Do other lolitas have experiences to share from Magfest? This will be my third year attending, I've just never dressed up for it before.

>> No.8047895

I'm a cosplayer and I won't even be in cosplay... Some people are fucking doing five to eight cosplays for this festival. I really don't want MagFest to become a cosplay rally.

>> No.8047900

It's my first time, so I'm excited.

>> No.8047976

Previously before MAGFest 10, it was not cosplay friendly. It was not until MAGFest 10 and really MAGFest 11 that they were cosplayers.

>> No.8048078

I know it's not really cosplay friendly but they say the same about PAX and I cosplayed there before. Would a Senran Kagura cosplay be welcome? I'll have my Vita with me.

>> No.8048110

I've cosplayed to every MAG I've been to except for one. Badly, I'm not great at sewing, but I did it. The only real complaint I've seen from cosplayers was that the cosplay contest was a roast, not a serious contest.

This year I'm going to be Skull Man, and my boyfriend will be Pharaoh Man.

Really looking forward to the bands, I love Professor Shyguy and The Megas. Also there's a really nice Mexican restaurant nearby, classy place.

>> No.8048284


>> No.8048304

I am a Lolita, but I have not worn lolita there for three reasons.

1. I just want to relax. Lolita takes a lot of maintenance.

2. Majority of my gamer friends are guys. They get a little weirded out when I play ddr.

3. If I play anything like DDR, it will just get in the way.

>> No.8048394

I'm bringing 1 or 2 coords, but I specifically made them really simple for traveling and comfort's sake.

>> No.8048448

Ugh. I meant to say they get a little weirded out when I wear lolita. Apparently I have DDR on the brain.
Still not sure if I will wear lolita, but if I see one, I will be sure to say hi.

>> No.8048513

Cool, maybe I'll see you by the DDR machine~ I dunno how well tea parties can hold up to playing, but I can always just play like standard or something.

>> No.8048545

I was originally planning to cosplay, but I'll be lucky if they're done in time for katsu now. Magfest is looking like a lolita and kigu weekend for me

>> No.8048574

Anyone else hear anything about a bunch of anti-GamerGate SJWs led by Author "the most hated man in Jeopardy history" planning to raid Magfest and stir up shit?

>> No.8048605

What are they going to do, hog the arcade games? Run a panel that no one will show up to? Hand out fliers? They don't have shit.

Don't get me wrong, I think Gamergate is stupid as fuck, and so does every other gamer I associate with. But so are the sjws that take that shit seriously, and there's probably nothing they can do within the law that will effectively stir up shit at MAGfest.

>> No.8048636

>within the law

Rule don't apply to them, haven't you noticed? Only us white cisscum have to follow the rules.

>> No.8048720

He will be holding a panel called: "Toxic Rage in the Gaming Community -Q&A" on Saturday, January 24th, 4:30 PM

>> No.8048859

>Question: I'm outraged by your toxic behavior and your defamation of the gaming community. When will you stop the slander?

I wonder if they'll have open questions, or if he'll get to preapprove them?

>> No.8048913

I would ask: "How do you feel about the conflicts of interest that pop up between game devs and reviewers?"

Just to stir up the pot.

>> No.8048992

Where are you getting this from? I'm not seeing it on the site.

>> No.8049044

That actually makes sense. A bunch of people show up, and insist on talking about gaming journalism instead of internet trolling.

Guess it's time to start working on a Vivian James cosplay.

>> No.8049709

Just Google the panel name, it will show a few results.

>> No.8049833

pls no

>> No.8050388


>> No.8050437

I'm going and this is going to be my first convention. I'm very excited but I'm not going to bother cosplaying because I figured MAGfest wasn't really that kind of place for that but I'd love to see some video game cosplayers there.

>> No.8050647
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I'll be going as Uncle Sensei and maybe busting out my Daniel Bryan for the WWE cosplay tournament.

Cosplaying with a giant beard is proving to be challenging.

>> No.8050679


there's always pretty much every character from Game of Thrones.

>> No.8050756

but that's not video gam- well, now it is.

>> No.8052078

so how "safe" is the area around the convention? My hotel's like 10 minutes away, am I going to be okay walking to and from during the day? night?

>> No.8052088

convention is on it's own little island type thing, you'll be fine.. Just be prepared for paying out the ass for food around that area...

>> No.8052090

Magfest doesn't really focus or worry about Cosplay that much, but it still happens...

>> No.8052122

goddamnit, lol
I usually bring food from home anyway, so I guess that's not extremely terrible

>> No.8052504

Magfest us to be good but the fatass running it became involved with bands and started making it about his bands ,and inhecting sjw shit.

Fuck that fat bald fuck.

>> No.8052678

>and inhecting sjw shit.

What's he done, other than letting the Jeopardy asshole run an anti-GamerGate panel?

>> No.8054568

cgl meetup when?

>> No.8054576

Possibly, never. But there is the possibly of a /v/ meetup. (I really don't know)

>> No.8054587


>> No.8054611

I'm going but like hell am I cosplaying. It's gonna be an in and out trip since I'm about 6 hours away. I'm so excited though! I'm so fucking pumped to see Yu Miyake hnnng. I'm basically gonna be in the main concert hall from like 9pm to 2am.

I'm not surprised there wasn't a thread though. People cosplay but it's not really a big cosplay con. It's Music And Gaming festival, there's more focus on the gaming and concerts.

This'll be my first MAGfest, do any of you have recommendations on where to eat near the Gaylord?

>> No.8054619

There's a fancy Mexican place nearby that's really snazzy, and a good Thai place. Those would be my recommendations. Can't remember the names of the places to save my life, though.

>> No.8055265
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There's a burrito place and a Potbelly nearby I went to last year if you want decent-priced food.

I'll probably be in the game room 90% of the time. Going to see SBFP, Yu Miyake, and the Protomen (my 3rd time seeing them).

>> No.8055667

Aw yis, Yu Miyake is like the whole reason I'm going.

>> No.8056557
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Will be going to MAGfest cause I enjoy video games and it's nearby. I'll use my Ralf(KoF) for a day and then have my Goemon wig the rest of the time because I'm stupid lazy to get the costume done. I don't really have much planned other than to meet friends that I bump into alot and enjoy the time there. I'll also be bringing my desktop to the LAN room just so I can keep my MMO addiction in check.

The Inner harbor as a whole is like it's own town, so safety is pretty alright even during the night.

Most of the food places are pretty alright.
If you're looking for wallet-friendly: Baha Fresh, Potbelly, CVS, Subway, Elevation burger. If you have a car or willing to make the hike, Macdonalds as well.

For breakfast if you have a big appetite, the buffet in the Gaylord has all you can eat omelettes for little under 20. Just remember to not accept juice/coffee.

>> No.8056656

I must warn you that CVS will be short on supplies by the second/third day of the convention.

>> No.8057761

I've been going since MAGFest 7, and I still don't know where to get food. I eat like, twice the entire time I'm there.

>> No.8057783

I hope this means you bring your own food, eating twice over 3-4 days doesn't sound like much fun.

>> No.8057795

Someone just posted a 6 cosplay lineup on the MagFest group, is this guy for real?

>> No.8057825

Are you talking about Terry?

Yeah, it's a little ridiculous.

>> No.8057873

If you have a car then drive down the street to the IHOP at Rivertowne mall.

>> No.8057910

I'm 20, and I don't have a car.

I've been going since I was 13 or so, and I've had a hotel room like, one time in all the seven or so times I've been going. I just slept in the LAN room for a bit and ate whatever I found in the treasure chests.

One year I found an entire thing of Chips Ahoy in there and I ate the whole thing.

>> No.8057979

>treasure chests
..d-do you mean garbage cans?

>> No.8058056

That guy why does he feel the need to do 6? I just started cosplaying and that's just too much.

>> No.8058077

There's treasure chests all over the convention center, it works on a take something leave something basis.

>> No.8058519

Where does everyone get this info? The website is a shithole of nothingness. I can't find a list of panels, a readable schedule of events or even a vender listing.

>> No.8058535

There is a Duck Dynasty video game.
I am not proud that I know this.

>> No.8058570

Like I said, I've been going for seven years. It's kind of a secret thing I guess.

>> No.8058678

What am I in for? I'm only going because my boss needs someone to man the booth (for his pet project) while he goes off to play Magic. Conventions aren't really my thing, since I'm not into anime or video games. How much cringe will there be?

>> No.8058688

Compared to the usual anime con, not really much cringe. You may find a few bad apples here and there but most of the people I met there are generally chill or tipsy.

>> No.8058739

I'm going pretty much just because my fiancé wants to go. He buys/sells and collects old video games and I figured since I've dragged him to so many animu cons I can at least attend one about something he likes.
I also convinced him to cosplay for once and even though I don't play league (the cosplay he chose) I wanted to cosplay with him. Now I'm thinking this wasn't the best con to cosplay too. Oh well.

ANYWAY this is our first time going, what can we expect? I keep hearing there are a shitton of parties and drunk people in general, which wasn't what I expected. I sorta assumed it would be several times the amount of stinky neckbeards of a usual anime convention. I've been hoarding biological odor eliminator from my job at a hospital just for this convention.

>> No.8058777

MAGFest has plenty of cosplay, which is great. There's kind of a filter, and not many hardcore immature weebs show up. I think they'd rather save their meager earnings for Katsucon afterwards since Gaylord is an expensive experience. As long as the HomeStuck shit and 100 Mikus don't show up I'm happy.

>> No.8058785

Late at night is when the drinking really starts, but the video game room is open 24 hours. There's a bunch of different programing going on, as well as the concerts. Though honestly the past couple of years its been hosting a lot of those internet personalities that play video games on youtube or whatever. Its a different atmosphere then a regular anime con but its a lot of fun. The crowd is generally a bit older then a normal anime con.

>> No.8058788

>late at night

>> No.8058809

you don't seem to be the type of cosplayer who gets sloppy drunk

>> No.8058909

Okay there's drinking during the day, but I mean the parties are mostly at night

ahahaha I drink and I've gotten sloppy before. It happens.

>> No.8059809

yeah you guys will have fun make sure you find somewhere to sleep remember to eat food and bathe regularly.

It's main draw is a 24 hour videogame room, but then there's internet people hosting panels, and bands playing too. Then at night there are room parties and people fuckin and whatnot. It's not hard to make friends and get invited to things.

>> No.8062587
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excited bump

>> No.8062608

Holy shit it's so soon. My cosplay isn't finished yet. Fuck fuck fuck.

>> No.8064199

I'm just going to be dressed in black BDU pants and jacket. Not even wearing boots.

I'm gonna be too busy on my feet and seeing panels/playing arcades to want to dress up and pose.

>> No.8064220
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The basic schedule has been posted. Still being modified, expect new info.

There will be stuff to do after the panels/shops close at night/early morning, so be ready. Also the arcade cabinets are free to play, no quarters needed.

Guidebook should be posting an "app" for the event in the next 24-36 hours. You can look at last year's app for a general rundown on to expect.

The pre-order line for badges starts Thursday at 3pm or so, so if you bought your badge ahead of time, you can pick it up with your photo ID then. Expect a MASSIVE line for both this and buy-at-the-door on Friday.

I guess they had a massive clustermolest in the management last year, but the staff have stated that will not happen again on the forums. Last year was also hampered by a very bad storm when everyone tried to leave.

Also that one bloke went home and shot himself ;_;7

>> No.8064239

Also, more food info-

Everything previous posters said was true, but remember the prices will be JACKED, so just a heads up.

The CVS prices will be higher, but its like a very large minimart/small supermarket in there. People staying in the Gaylord National have minifridges to store items in (not a mini-bar), so milk and cereal is an option.

The McDonnalds is 24h, but its over half a mile walk from the gaylord, and its across a highway offramp, no sidewalks at the end. So unless you want to walk in the snow and dodge cars for a 3 hour old mcmuffin, I'd say skip it.

Elevation burger is like 5guys, but the lines can be long and the basic burger starts at $5. I've heard its very good quality though, and the lines can be long at peak hours.

Subway is right next door to that. Always go subway. They have never done me wrong at a con.

For pizza, you can get any chain to deliver (pizza hut, dominos, papa johns), but I read that Glorious Pizza is a local place that will deliver too. I'm gonna try that out day one, as I hate pretty much all chain stuff.

Otherwise for myself, I'm flying down with a couple of boxes of granola bars. Between that ad a pair of pizzas, I should be set for the entire thing.

>> No.8064406

I haven't pre-regged yet because katsucon pre-reg lines are always a massive clusterfuck while at-door registration is usually half the size.
Is it the same for magfest or should I go ahead and register?

>> No.8064697


>The pre-order line for badges starts Thursday at 3pm or so, so if you bought your badge ahead of time, you can pick it up with your photo ID then. Expect a MASSIVE line for both this and buy-at-the-door on Friday.
>I guess they had a massive clustermolest in the management last year, but the staff have stated that will not happen again on the forums. Last year was also hampered by a very bad storm when everyone tried to leave.

This never happened in MAGFest 12, you're confusing that con with Katsucon.


Go ahead and pre-reg, MAGFest is different

>> No.8065041

thanks for all the helpful info!

>> No.8065196


The cosplay contest being a roast was kind of a fluke and they've since moved away from that format. I had a lot of fun at last year's cosplay contest.

My girlfriend and I cosplayed Dusk and Solaire from Dark Souls there last year, and we were pretty well received. The cosplays there are definitely geared towards video games rather than anime, but the scene is pretty active.

>> No.8065200

Bless yall. Hope you enjoy your cons!

>> No.8065579

hope to see some of you guys at prereg~ I'll try to wear lolita while I wait in line!

>> No.8066020

I totally remember you guys, you were both awesome and had me and my friends cheering at the top of our lungs. Your Solaire was made so much better by the fact that the helmet muffled everything you said. Any new costume planned for this year?

>> No.8066245

Thanks, we appreciate the support. Hope it goes so well this time.

We're doing Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo and Thomas Bangalter of Daft Punk this year. Come and find us to say "Hi". Hope to see you there!

>> No.8067492

Will do, and good luck in the competition if I don’t stumble across you.

>> No.8068565

I remember you guys! You guys looked great!

>> No.8068576

Oh god, the storm. I remember running to Subway as fast as I could in the snow while wearing an outfit that bared my midriff. Yikes.

Anyways, I'll be cosplaying Link (LTTP version with the pink hair), Joseph Joestar (purple as fuck), and a Sylveon lolita outfit (though I don't know if it's technically lolita since I couldn't afford shoes for my huge feet in time and have to wear sneakers underneath). I'd love to play vidya with you guys.

>> No.8070115

Heading out now (lol 10+ transit time), see y'all here!

>> No.8070542


>not sure if I should bring my wheel skelly cosplay or not

>> No.8071094

Baja Fresh is sadly closed. Another place I haven't seen mentioned is Nando's Peri Peri.

>> No.8071176

Are you serious? If so, I would consider bringing that costume out of retirement for a day for that.

>> No.8071181

My Solaire costume, I mean.

>> No.8071263

i'm wearing lolita to magprom and maybe a couple of other days. Gonna be selling band merch and getting drunk woohoo

>> No.8071377

I'm thinking I'm going to do it. It's fun for a laugh but still a pretty lame halloween-costume-tier, haha- don't put too much effort into anything on my behalf.
I'm also probably only going for one day (I live like 15 minutes away).

>> No.8071385

Oh shit, I forgot completely about MAGprom. Thanks for the reminder.

>> No.8071522

It's not much trouble, but which day? If it's one of the smaller days, I'd have no issues.

>> No.8071535

>leaving fucking tomorrow with about 10 other people
>we're staying during the whole thing
>we're all cosplaying
Going to restaurants in full costume together is going to be equal to or more fun than a barrel of monkeys.
Also I can't fucking wait for that samurai Kirby tournament.

>> No.8072279
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99% of what I want to do is on Saturday, which is probably the first time a con's been like this for me. I might go Friday night to scope out the vendors/artists and stay in my friend's hotel room so I can be there at 10 freakin' AM for the Sleepycast panel.

>> No.8072318

>Sleepycast panel
Damn I didn't even know they were going to be there. I just recently started listening to them and I'd love to go see their panel now.

>> No.8073023

Is there gonna be any meetups?

>> No.8073223

Tried to pick up a prereg badge but they're not available until midnight, apparently

>> No.8073421

Was one of the 140 rooms that got moved to the ghetto.
Fuck you gaylord
Fuck you magfest

>> No.8073497
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Man that's gotta suck.I suppose I could throw a life vest or two. Due to my group of people dropping out I got emergency spaces available in my room.

>> No.8074481

So this thing officially starts at noon right? What time do cosplayers start roaming the halls and stuff?

>> No.8075068

Is that Bromon Kasshu. I know that daki waifu anywhere.

>> No.8075100
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Sure is.
The layout this year is pretty alright. The LAN room is right across from the gazebo and the arcade is separate from the consoles, so it feels like a more bigger experience. Too bad their fighters are on 360, I didn't bring my dualmod stick ; ;

>> No.8075163

By ghetto do you mean the Westin? That's where we got bumped to, but it's pretty nice.

>> No.8075205

I'm in line for the JonTron panel and it is the biggest fucking clusterfuck. I've been here longer than most of these people but I'm worried the staff isn't going to make sure we go in in the correct order

>> No.8075254

I enjoy JonTron but man is his fan base autistic. You're in for a cringe fest. Try to snap a picture of Jon's "Don't laugh, send help" face for me.

>> No.8075321

I don't know who that is, but it's hilarious. The autism here is overwhelming. Some skank is walking around in a diaper and fishnets. The smell could fell a buffalo.

>> No.8075334

This is my first Magfest and I'm kinda disappointed with the lack of cosplayers compared to Katsucon. Should I expect more cosplayers tomorrow or is this pretty much it?

>> No.8075361
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>Some skank is walking around in a diaper and fishnets
>The smell could fell a buffalo

>> No.8075403

Oh shit, the Jontron line is across from my booth. Send booze.

>> No.8075413

I walked out of there thirty minutes early because I couldn't handle the cringey questions anymore. I wish I had seen this post before I sat down.

Also, it turns out we DID just get herded in there like buffalo and the line didn't matter. Yaaay.

>> No.8075470

I've never been to a JonTron panel but I've seen a few that have been uploaded to youtube. I'm guessing it went something like this.
>Banjo Kazooie
>Sonic 06/Sonic Boom
>"How's Jacques?"
>Something about Game Grumps
>Can you say "ECH"?
>Someone asks something so autistic you can barely understand what he asked

I imagine when Jon goes to cons and hosts panels he looks out into the crowd and thinks "What have I done?"

>> No.8075553

Muh dude its me. I fiend your waifu every otakon if you throw a room party ill bring drank for you. Ur ma bro bro. N-no homo.

>> No.8075581
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Who is this fat jnig wannabe and why is she every other post on the magfest tag on Instagram

>> No.8075587
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Yeah I'm up for something like that Saturday night.

>> No.8075597

I seriously thought that was jnig.

>> No.8075605


That's...not? Holy...

>> No.8075607
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You and everyone else on Instagram. Literally half the comments on her pictures are "I thought you were Jessica Nigiri!!!!?!"
Surprisingly she's uglier and has a much worse body.

>> No.8075617

It's the raccoon white girl makeup and scene hair.

>> No.8076283

Is that supposed robbed be Ravity?

>> No.8076311

I think it's DJ-PON3 based on the cutie mark.

>> No.8076312

Oh man could she try any harder to look like jnig? I'm sure that's where all of those likes are coming from.
That's so....sad

>> No.8076338

We actually saw Jon at a restaurant after our group got back. I didn't say anything to him because the guy probably personally greeted thousands of his own fans at the panel and the signing and didn't want any more shit from any more of his fans.
Truly he is a strong man to not drop dead from exhaustion.

>> No.8076344

Holy shit, that was you?
I fucking took your picture and laughed all night looking back at them.

>> No.8076373

What cutie Mark? All I see is the attendant badge hanging from her belt?

>> No.8076409

Magfest is not a cosplay convention. Four years ago, it as rare to see cosplay. The amount of cosplayers have grown, but it will never be the level of most anime conventions.

>> No.8076541

this cosplay makes me so angry and i'm not even a mlp fan

>> No.8076545

Did anyone get a picture of the furry with the left side of his hair being leopard spots and the right side being a shitty tears for fears abomination

>> No.8076754

Word is, a dude got his camera lens smashed from taking upskirts. Deets?

>> No.8076794

Wouldn't surprise me. The cringe here is so fucking unbearable.
Protip: If you're in the standby line for the autographs, I wish you slow death.

>> No.8077013
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Lol how pathetic

>> No.8077037

anyone tryna fuck tonight

>> No.8077052

This is just desperate.

>> No.8077113
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>> No.8077125

Anyone else hanging out near the gazebo to check out the attendees of the Sonic orgy? I can't wait

>> No.8077130


>> No.8077144

I wanted to lurk for a moment but Dominoes is an hour late and everyone in my room is flipping out lol

>> No.8077282

Already did. Wrecked me for partying tonight. :/

>> No.8077327

There were a lot of neckbeards. It was exactly as expected.

Was enjoying a nice game of cards against humanity with my friends until this extreme autist 16 year old sat down next to me. Holy fuck.

>> No.8077332
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Feeling burnt out tonight for some reason. May chill in the LAN room for tonight let stuff charge up.

>> No.8077351

>dj pon3 has blue hair

>> No.8077393

I haven't had any problems with anyone so far, a lot of people me and my friends have talked to and took pictures with were really nice.
Then again, I don't mind most things.
I wish my friend wanted to play CAH a little earlier, I'm exhausted.

>> No.8077396
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All rumors dispelled

>> No.8077479

jontron confirmed for guest grumps when?

>> No.8077490

Probably never. Guarantee they're being civil in a fan heavy situation and that's about it. They don't even follow each other on anything anymore and I imagine don't talk much otherwise given how busy they get.

>> No.8078132

There was way more cosplay there than I thought there would be this year. I got a few pics, will upload later.

I was walking around as Uncle Sensei, with my son as Markman.

>> No.8079017

magfest kinda sucked for me this year, sylveon cosplay got lost so I just kinda wandered around the con as lttp link all weekend

m-maybe next year will be better...

>> No.8079072

Go for a walk outside

>> No.8079145

Did anyone else play the modded Smash Bros. the dude who made it was cool

>> No.8079349

Still have lots of alchohol for anyone willing to have me at their party. Im not gonna drink it. I would give out shots to 21 wristbands if I didnt think id get kicked out for it.

>> No.8079374

I wonder if I was in your game. We only played a little because the girl with the cards was really tired.

>> No.8079381

Cosplay doesn't make a con fun, you should make your own fun...

>> No.8079631

Yeah, forgot to mention that all my friends had shit going on so I couldn't hang out with them.

I went to the Protomen concert though and had a blast, made everything worth it.

>> No.8079637

SHMUPing it up all con
>tfw no Muchi Pork

>> No.8080199
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Uncle Sensei here. Dumping what pics I took myself. (Had boots on my hands all day, so didn't take too many.)

>> No.8080204
File: 2.95 MB, 2592x1944, DSC01063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robot Master cosplay seems to be disproportionately female, ironically. (Because they're all ___ Man.)

>> No.8080205
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Oh god, I didn't realize how huge these pics are, I'm sorry

>> No.8080207
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Somebody snuck on stage during all the confusion. I thought it was funny.

>> No.8080220
File: 459 KB, 1632x1224, photo 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last pic. Self-post~

The older staff were against me being shirtless, but I saw bunny girls and chicks with asses hanging out everywhere. Go figure.

I still had a lot of fun. Played a lot of video games. Showed off on Dance Maniax to a Yuffie cosplayer~

>> No.8080263

So, in my horrible confusion, my guy friends and I didn't actually get any pictures of our finished costumes. Anybody got a picture of the avatar cosplayers from Saturday?

I'm really sad I missed seeing the Uncle sensei costume. God Dammit.

>> No.8081421 [DELETED] 

Was this hooker dressed as Juliet from Lolipop chainsaw? Because I actually cursed out loud thinking it was JNig.

>> No.8081424

Yup. there it is. I saw her and thought it was JNig and cursed out loud.

>> No.8081431

Why were there so many under aged kids at this con this year? It was horrible.

>> No.8081438

It was horrible this year. This year marked my 4th year at MAGfest and I couldn't believe the shit hole it became. I was on the 12th floor of the main hotel and there were people screaming drunkenly and running through the halls even at 4am. I barely got any sleep. There was spilled beer almost every elevator and two even broke down. Lots of under aged kids and people treating the con like a frat party instead of just a chill gaming con and enjoying the panels, arcade and concerts.

There was a big Doctor Who photoshoot that blocked an area. Seriously, why doctor who? This is a fucking video game con. Also, there did seem to be more of a focus on cosplay this year more so than ever. There were too many photographers wandering about and blocking the fountain area. It was still a good con, however the drunken lunacy really did make me grit my teeth and consider not staying at the main hotel next year.

>> No.8081442

lol looks like you had fun.

>> No.8081449

If these lots of extra clean up then expect the hotel to jackup the price next time.

>> No.8081700

This is why I stay at the Westin or Hampton Inn when I got to MAGFest and Katsu.
You can actually get a good nights sleep at those places.

Also, did they announce the dates for next year?

>> No.8081701
File: 1.50 MB, 2322x4128, 20150124_114209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About to dump a few pics from Magfest on Saturday. Had a ton of fun... but there were too many lines and people being stupid.

>> No.8081708
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More cute magma chicks!

>> No.8081712
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I think the one in the middle was a genderbent Elsa /s

>> No.8081714
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Sorry for the selfie but I wanted to show what SubZero did with his eyes - I think they were contacts that glew under UV light and he had two LCDs on his hat. It was seriously awesome.

>> No.8081718
File: 1.39 MB, 2322x4128, 20150124_141456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8081719

I'm going to try Hampton Inn next year. No dates yet for 2016. I did the Westin once. It's a nice hotel, but the walk is still a bit far for me in the cold. Definitely against staying at the main hotel ever again. I barely slept because of assholes running down the hall at all hours of the night with no filter. One of my room mates got 'shhhhed' when he was like "Hey, can you please keep it down so we can sleep?"
It must of been 2am by then. I usually sleep earlier on friday night because I want to stay up later on Saturday.

>> No.8081721

Wtf. This is JNig bad. That's shitty as hell cosplay.

>> No.8081725
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>> No.8081732
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Great trelawney cosplay- i'm upset this came out so blurry but the selfie didn't.

>> No.8081737

I saw that Nightwing in person. He was greasy and disgusting. I know there are plenty of super hero games, but do we really need more Marvel and DC cosplay at a video game con?

>> No.8081738
File: 1.82 MB, 2322x4128, 20150124_174251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome She-Go!

>> No.8081740
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Are we dumping photos now? I'll contribute I guess.

>> No.8081743
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>> No.8081744
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>> No.8081746
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Why did the better pics come out blurry!?

This is it for me, see you next year.

>> No.8081747
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>> No.8081751
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>> No.8081752
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>> No.8081758
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>> No.8081760
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>show what SubZero did with his eyes
>show what SubZero
>what SubZero

my autism is flairing up

>> No.8081778

Homo couldn't get a real bottle, drink the contents and refill it with juice

Wtf, he's old enough.. what a faggot

>> No.8081784
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These guys were alright.

>> No.8081785

That is subzero though

>> No.8081794
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And a Brohou Reimu.

>> No.8081796

Not gonna lie. I'd hit it.

>> No.8081811

the 12th floor was like the party room floor, 2 suites were rented out for room parties

>> No.8081885

This years MAGFest was good, I did the usual con-doings. Got to see Machinae Supremacy on Friday, melted my face off. There's also a lot more cosplayers this year, but they only have two cosplay events, one classic and other one that is more of a fighting game contest. Didn't attend either of them, but I did took a lot of photos, some of them are original designs.

(If you saw a male cosplaying as a genderbent Gaige from Borderlands 2 carrying a Sony Cyber-shot Camera, that was me)

Yeah, I saw a few hotel hall lamps broken this magfest. First time I've even seen this. MAGFest is known for it's drunken congoers, but the damage seems to be worst since I've been to this festival.

>> No.8081896
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This guy spanked every girl

>> No.8081919

This was my fourth Magfest. As usual, I stayed in the game room practically the whole con. I am glad I didn't wear lolita, although I did bring a dress. I did seem other lolitas and greeted them. They were all very nice. I noticed on Sunday there were a lot of families with young children. I don't remember seeing this previous years.I didn't like all the anime cosplayers. Save that for Katsucon. For example, I saw free! cosplayers and kill a kill. That has nothing to do with video games.

>> No.8081922

>.I didn't like all the anime cosplayers. Save that for Katsucon. For example, I saw free! cosplayers and kill a kill. That has nothing to do with video games.

They're coming to MAGFest as a test run for the real thing (Katsucon)

>> No.8081955


>> No.8081994

Is this guy cosplaying Hunter S. Thompson?
I'm not supporting that but if he is that's a very Hunter S. Thompson thing to do.

>> No.8082007

That's the same shitty excuse that Deadpool cosplayers use. I respect HST and it's cool that somebody wanted to cosplay him, but don't be a fucking asshole just to be "in-character".

>> No.8082013
File: 841 KB, 1836x2448, TERROR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jkid as genderbent Gaige

>> No.8082024

Bitch nigga every Deadpool cosplayer I've ever met have been super cool. Every one of them.

>> No.8082041

That doesn't give anyone license to grope other people. That's like saying it's acceptable for a guy to shoot someone because "he's cosplaying the Joker and he's in-character."

Also, note to cosplayers: don't be in character. Strike your pose if we ask for a photo and move on.

>> No.8082045
File: 431 KB, 1920x1200, raiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is raiden, God of Thunder

>> No.8082046

Found the deadpool cosplayer

>> No.8082055

Of course, I wasn't saying what he was doing was okay.

>> No.8082065

Did a cosplay for the first time this MAGfest. Went with Krieg, and did a mostly black color scheme, with some different shades, etc. fun experience, will do again.

>> No.8082077

Seriously? Fuck.

>> No.8082082
File: 48 KB, 640x960, KriegMagfest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. be gentle; it's my first time

>> No.8082114

I was on the fifth floor and it was pretty much the same way. I was really taken aback by how much garbage was strewn throughout the halls. It was my first magfest and I left with the impression that it's a music/gaming/andanimetoosure/andalsocomicsokay/anddrwhoandsherlockwhilewe'reatit convention by day and turns to a drug-fueled orgy after dark. I've gotten conflicting reports from numerous veterans as to whether it's gotten worse or if it's always been like this.

>> No.8082124

>The older staff were against me being shirtless, but I saw bunny girls and chicks with asses hanging out everywhere. Go figure.

Go figure indeed. The double standard was as apparent, and the distinction between "cosplay" and "exhibitionism" has apparently become indistinguishable. On Sunday I was a woman walking around in a bikini. Nothing else that might distinguish her as a certain character, just a generic bikini. If she was dressed "as" someone, it was the most generic character design ever. She wasn't even with another cosplayer that might provide context. She just struck me as a woman in her upper 30s-early 40s desperate to make sure men knew she still had it.

>> No.8082150

Did she still have it?

>> No.8082170

It's Terry, guys.

Go figure.

>> No.8082171

I feel like I'm the only person who's going to miss the colossus roar.
I must've started at least 5 of them on Sunday.

>> No.8082201

So bad. Who looks at Sylveon and thinks "hmm. If she were human she'd wear a tiny tutu, a corset, and whore stockings!"

>> No.8082216

I wonder if any shit happened with Ayumi...

Oh hey I know her! That's Pompous Pickle!

>> No.8082336

>having a shitty time at the con
>didn't get to meet up with any friends
>lost my room money so i had no cash to spend
>don't go to any panels because overslept
>sleep for 17 hours friday because i got sick
>change into a cosplay twice before feeling self conscious and just putting normal clothes on instead
>"well shit, i'll just go to the protomen concert, i haven't seen them since MAG was at the alexandria"
>the hounds
>princes of the universe
>light up the night
>protoman breaking character
>"all i ask for is an OUNCE of fucking professionalism"
>the sons of fate
>"you know what i see here? love"
>running across the fucking room to the other stage following Kilroy as he waves the flag around
>the rest of the night spent playing Smash 4 and Rock Band with other dudes and having a great fucking time

completely fucking made up for all the other shit, Magfest XIV is going to be a fucking blast

>> No.8082399

ugh, fuck you and everyone that did it throughout the con.
It's not funny or cute, it was fucking annoying, stop.

>> No.8082408

someone doesn't appreciate the tradition

>> No.8082409

someone doesn't appreciate people screaming in their fucking ears all weekend
I bet you're a faggot who like to start BUTTSCRATCHA chains too

>> No.8082422

it wasn't nearly as bad as you're making it out to be and it's been going on for literally thirteen years

>> No.8082495
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This year's MAGfest was enjoyable enough for me to warrant it worthwhile.

Noteworthy things.
-8 player Smash 4: Fucking genius, just needs a better way to rotate people out. Thank goodness one of those WiiUs had a Gunner Mii to snipe wins with.
-The Sitdown cabinets' selection: Good spread of games throughout the weekend, even had 4 of them set-up for Gundam vs Gundam on Sunday. Now if only they brought back Tetris GM or KoF, woulda been perfect and spent my whole weekend there.
-Growing cosplay presence: I've only been going for 3 years now and I'm noticing more and more of them coming around. Most that caught my eye were from Nintendo or League.

As far as my night-time experiences were, it's hard to tell cause I spent those nights inside the game room or LAN room. I generally passed out at about midnight and one night at 3am. Being on the 8th floor atrium room, I felt like the noise level was decent enough to sleep in, noone running around the hallls or anything.

Some of those player-ran tourneys... ugh... Made my Sunday the lowest point of my weekend. I only went to two at 6pm and the turnout was 20ish and below 10 and that shit took till almost midnight to finished. And the feeling of only making 2nd in both of them for poor decision making added the salt to the wound. On the bright side I managed to spend the mpoints I got on the marked up Cpt Falcon amibo for less than 10 bucks.

>> No.8082531

Never had a problem with rotating people out, it was pretty easy to pop in and out. I was playing on the "Luigi" WiiU the whole time though.

And yeah, player ran tourneys were...eugh. Waited for the Smash Cosplay Tournament for half an hour before just leaving.

>> No.8082547

Agreed on the player-ran tournament thing. Didn't enter any this year, but last year I entered two.

Dance Central: that went on waaaay fucking longer than it needed to. Finals were at like 3 AM and everyone was super tired. This was after everyone got kicked out of the autograph/side room at midnight.

WWE All Stars: King of the Ring Rules? (We weren't allowed to have the same character as someone else.) What a bunch of BS.

Got 2nd in both of those, gave my MAGfest fun bucks to one of the other Dance Central finalists because it was 3 AM on Sunday and I just wanted to go home.

Whoever was running the autograph tables this year was being super strict, and the scheduling of 90% of the sessions IMMEDIATELY after the accompanying panels was pretty dumb. I went to two autograph sessions and just barely got in both of them because they capped the lines before those panels were even close to being over. Saw a lot of upset faces.

>> No.8082608
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Here's a video I put together of the con in general. Some nice cosplay, some guests, and other things.


>> No.8082826
File: 63 KB, 720x960, Mag Skull Man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cosplay wasn't finished, and I honestly regret bringing it and wearing it anyway. The helmet needs to be fixed to be more symmetrical and hide my fucking nose, and the boots need to be strapped so that the tops don't slide around. Bruised the fuck out of my knees. Plus, I didn't finish painting the chest piece. Pic related. Lesson fucking learned.

I guess I have a whole year to fix it up, though.

Other than that, tips for others who plan on going to future cons at the Gaylord:

1. Do not buy produce at the Cocoa Bean. Literally the worst strawberries I've ever had in my life, and I spent $12 on them, 1 juice bottle, and two candies.

2. Do not make use of the spa. They wanted $180 for a 50 minute massage. If you've never had a professional massage before, please note that that pricing is fucking absurd.

3. Pienza is expensive, but for an all you can eat breakfast buffet, it's worth it once or twice (if you're the sort of person that eats a big breakfast). They also have a bloody mary bar.

4. Thai Pavillion is delicious, but get there an hour before you plan on eating. It's popular, and has longer waits than some of the other places nearby.

5. Rosas Mexicano is also delicious, with a slightly more forgiving wait time. Like most other places in the National Harbor, it is expensive as fuck. But it's the only time I've ever experienced what I would call "gourmet Mexican."

6. Check your StreetPass every few minutes if it matters to you, it only stacks to 10 people.

The bands this year were great, I especially enjoyed Professor Shyguy. He has amazing stage presence. And the Mega Man-athon raised something like 4k for Child's Play, which was amazing. Getting The Completionist in on it definitely helped. Hopefully they can get more internet celebs next year.

>> No.8082896

you seem like a fun person to be around

>> No.8082962

Oh god, I saw that. Elevator arrived on floor, doors opened, we saw that outside, and the collective "nope" was audible. I felt kinda iffy about wearing (bad) lolita to magfest before that, but I felt like a million dollars afterward. There was no way in the nine hells I could be even remotely that bad.

>> No.8082969

I don't know if it's just me, but I thought Magfest had some of the nicest, most polite cosplayers I've ever met. I've only been to Katsu and Otakon though as a reference. Maybe it's because I had a decent camera and wasn't cosplaying so they thought I was a more serious photographer or something.

>> No.8082994

Just after I got there I was told more or less "This is not a cosplay con, you do not cosplay here. You are being a distraction and a nuisance, fuck off and die." Wore dresses anyway. Except for that one person nobody gave a shit and I had an awesome time.

>> No.8083038
File: 514 KB, 1200x800, muh dinner and drink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4. Thai Pavillion is delicious, but get there an hour before you plan on eating. It's popular, and has longer waits than some of the other places nearby.
>5. Rosas Mexicano is also delicious, with a slightly more forgiving wait time. Like most other places in the National Harbor, it is expensive as fuck. But it's the only time I've ever experienced what I would call "gourmet Mexican."

I went to Graces Mandarin where the wait times were non existent despite how crowded it was. Expensive but good.

>> No.8083084

It honestly was not that bad this year. It will never die completely, but I only heard the roar a handful of times. Twice someone tried to start it, and no one joined in, and it was pretty funny.

I think the bigger concern is the asshole(s?) who ran down the halls and tore the exit signs out of the ceilings. That's just a whole different level of being a disrespectful cunt.

>> No.8083086

Yeah, physically I had no objections. She didn't seem to have a sparkling personality though.

>> No.8083090

Was that just another attendee, or someone with influence? Either way that sounds pretty atypical, sorry about that.

>> No.8083158

I saw that, I just thought someone accidentally hit it with something.
Another thing was the person who was turning all the lamps upside down. Me and my friends were joking that someone was taking their Simon Belmont cosplay too far.

>that RE4 merchant cosplay
Was he actually selling stuff? He was just standing outside the game room for hours.

It's not like people were starting it in the elevators or the hotel hallways or anything, I don't even think it's allowed there. I always participated in the roar as long as I was in the convention center.

Nah, I didn't see many people who I were absolutely sure were piss drunk, and I was always out after midnight. That kind of stuff is expected for most conventions, though. It didn't get in the way for me however.

Fuck I remember walking down the halls at three in the morning and laughing my ass off at stuff we were saying to each other. One of my friends had to remind us that people were sleeping. Sorry to everyone on the 6th floor on Sunday.

By the way, was anybody here there for Cards Against Humanity at midnight?

>> No.8083206

Just another attendee, at least I assume. No staff badge or anything, but I am not up on Magfest politics (this was my first one)

>> No.8083275

Because he's a massive man child attention whore. I got stuck in a 4-5 minute convention with him by accident and all he spoke about was how he was THE PROP AND WIG MASTER and continued to speak while unblinking about how good he was and how well know he was. How his Sora from KH was the best and most well known on the east coast.

It took much effort to not vomit.

>> No.8083284

Oh, why the face? Were you scared at the result?>>8082046
Yeah, there were a few of them at the con as well...

>> No.8083295

See, this is the kind of bullshit that is going to make the Gaylord deny MAGfest for another year. Why do people feel the need to vandalize shit and act like a bag of dicks? Is this their first time out of their mom's basement?

My last 5 years at MAGfest were so enjoyable. I do table top area a lot and you could just walk up to a group and join in a game. Everyone is very friendly, but this year felt different with all the drunken college frat like behavior in the elevators and the main hotel halls.

>> No.8083328

The merchant was hawking a movie/panel that was going on. I had to cut around the part where he sticks the dvd in my for that bit. I just wanted some footage.

>> No.8083542

5 year contract, they won't deny MAG. The exit sign thing was a year or two ago. 4chan is always so behind the times. :<

>> No.8083566
File: 33 KB, 400x374, 1418764061205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had an amazing time. Hung out with friends, made a lot of new friends. basically room partied all night until like 5-6 am, then went and played video games since no one was awake meaning no lines for any of the games. Barely slept, I've been napping all day since I got back home. I'll miss u, MAGfest!

>> No.8083573

So when does the contract end? Five years from 2014 or?

>> No.8083587

Uncle Sensei here again. I made a highlight reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qy9Gd6TmbpY

Yours is more professional than mine. Cheers.

>> No.8083656


Contract will end in 2017.

>> No.8083658

Thank you. Suppose I'll enjoy my last few years at MAGfest.

>> No.8083713

Not my experience at all. Feel free to ignore people like that.

>> No.8083726

No, the exit sign thing happened this year as well. I saw a few downed ones as I was roaming the hallways. One on floor 5, and I think another on floor 11?

>> No.8083728

Magfess a bess. Music Alchohol Videogames festival indeed its like everyones family not brother sister but like cousins you have sex with. That is so long as you aren't a complete fucking tool.

>> No.8083734

Graces is the best!

>> No.8083758

It's PG county. They get a lot of drunken assholes. The newyears events are a fucking riot, as in, don your swat gear.

>> No.8083798

2017 is when otakon goes to DC so uhh might b cool.

>> No.8083892

I was at the Hampton inn and it was absolutely terrible on my floor. I was up all Saturday night bent over the toilet due to one of these nerds giving me their stomach bug so it didn't really bother me. But they were still screaming and cackling and being assholes at 6 am when I finally got to sleep.

Thoughts about MAGfest:
>You fucked up, Gaylord. I am too fucking old to be sleeping on the floor of a hotel room. My hips are literally bruised
>while the general age may have been noticably older, the maturity level was not any better than most cons
>it didn't actually start smelling until around Saturday night, but when it started to smell, it smelled like rotten unwashed sweaty ass flesh.
>almost felt self conscious for cosplaying Princess Serenity until I saw a sexy Tim Burton mad hatter.
>not fighting over the gazebo was nice though
>is the dealers room always this empty?

I doubt I'd go again unless my fiancé really wants to go back. I had fun, but not as much as an anime convention.

>> No.8084026

Everyone talked about what a ca-razy party it is, but it felt on-par, or even less rowdy then hotels at an anime con. Friday was the best because you could get on games. Saturday was too many people for so few machines. Dealer's Room was Ok? A few great booths, but a lot of it was pure crap. LAN room was also really meager.

More Cosplay than I thought.

>> No.8084598

I saw you! Your cosplay looked awesome, i was actually going to ask how you made it since I'm hoping to do Protoman and Zero someday.

>> No.8085236

>people went to magfest to do things besides party and play vidya all night

>> No.8085246

Wire mesh armature, expanding foam over that, carved it down and covered with spackle, sanded it, covered with mod podge, then about four layers of plasti-dip, with a layer of lacquer over it. Lots of work, my boyfriend did most of it because he wanted it to match his in quality, but he didn't manage to come close to finishing his own. He was going to be Pharaoh Man, and our other friend was going to be Ring Man.

He has another technique that he used to use for helmets, and they were pretty sturdy. The Vile helmet he's wearing in that picture has survived maybe eight events of him being drunk and sloppy. Cardboard base, wood filler over that, then I think mod podge. Cardboard's just a pain in the ass to make rounded shapes with.

>> No.8085259
File: 65 KB, 500x283, tumblr_inline_n5q3saEpYP1qddrra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first MAGfest and as someone who hasn't been to a nice, big con before it was pretty rad. I was also only there for Saturday and a bit of Sunday though. Since I was only there mostly Saturday, though, I had to wait for any game machine I wanted to be on. It was a bit of a bummer, but the game room is far superior to the cons I go to (Ohayo's got gutted this year lol). Compared to Ohayo and Youma (which I always go to), MAG was run like a dream. The attendees were older so at least I didn't see any seventeen year olds screaming because they couldn't get into an 18+ panel. Honestly it was a lot more similar to an anime con than I expected. I thought I was going to be surrounded by a lot of autist manlets and wouldn't see a lot of cosplay or fellow girls.

Overall a good con. Just as much of the con douchery that I'd see at other cons but ya'll make it out to be worse than other cons. Maybe nice, PAX or Otakon but aside from that I know cons near me aren't nearly as nice as MAG.

Will go next year/10.

>> No.8085309

>my boyfriend made all of it but I'll pretend I helped

>> No.8085312

He made most of it. That's what I said, and I meant it. I helped with the sanding, layering the mod podge, and the painting. I would've done more, but I'm pregnant, and can't really be around the plasti-dip or the lacquer until it's dried. If you don't believe me, go ahead and continue not believing me.

If I had made it myself, I would've used craft foam, because working with hard materials is a pain in the ass and gets pricey. But hard materials definitely look better, and aren't as fragile, so you can re-wear the cosplay many times.

>> No.8085326

looks pretty good though, IMO. probably will look sick when it's where you want it.
unsure when I'll be brave enough to make something involving that much craftsmanship...

>> No.8085338

If you decide to do it, start months ahead of time. Not exaggerating. A lot of this shit is trial and error, and in the case of wire, you're going to need to muscle your way through it.

Expanding foam is a pleasure to work with, though, and not too expensive.

>> No.8085344
File: 43 KB, 135x129, k gasp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
Was that at random or did you see a K cosplayer there?
>tfw nobody cosplays my armored husbando

>> No.8085348

Intended for >>8085259, obviously.
>tfw you will always fuck up posting on mobile

>> No.8085358

yeah, I def would need a lot of time for the error side.

>> No.8086247

ooo saw you in the shitty Cosplay Roast, i was one of the guys shouting from the door

>> No.8086291

i saw you and your friend at that cosplay roast

>> No.8087557

Yeah, I didn't stick around. None of the jokes made me laugh, and I'm a little shy myself, so after ten or fifteen minutes of watching I just went back to my room.

>> No.8089375
File: 2.81 MB, 2592x1944, DSC01034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post this guy. Met him at the Urizen concert and he was pretty cool.

There sure was a hell of a lot of Pokemon cosplay this year.

>> No.8089699

relevant to my interests - did you get a pic?

>> No.8089728


Pretty sure that's Raiden, not SubZero. :/

>> No.8089734

I was in the group of people in chairs right by you
That panel was a terrible joke

>> No.8089787

What is that exactly? It looks delicious.

>> No.8089822

> :/

Also someone has already pointed out that it is Raiden.

>> No.8090274

anyone have a pic of the girl in a diaper and fishnets?