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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 224 KB, 600x900, tumblr_neae9lfZz81r35os0o3_r3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8067094 No.8067094 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>8039826

> Cosplay Masterpost:
A pastebin full of tutorials, links, and general helpful info for Homestuck cosplays. As always, more input of any kind will always welcomed. Tutorials, wig suggestions, any suggestion or contribution is great and will be added.

Let's discuss:
> Do you have any props used for HS cosplays?
> Which HS character are the most difficult to style a wig for?
> What method do you prefer to use for greying up?

>> No.8067152
File: 139 KB, 640x960, tumblr_nifnl1gXT61u5kc39o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well constructed ancestor cosplays of these
I'd like to see some AU god tiers, but if your cosplay isn't A-quality, it's just going to look like a mess.

>> No.8067170

i always use ben nye. its always opaque and easy to apply.

>> No.8067189

Wasn't there an anon from last thread who was going to try out mehron cremestick and give us their feedback? What ever happened to that?

>> No.8067275

>Ahab's Crosshairs. It was rushed though, so it didn't turn out too good. At least it lit up but it still didn't make up for the shittiness.
>Hard to say.
>Snazaroo because I don't break out as bad compared to everything else. Mehron literally melts off my face no matter how much sealing I use.

>> No.8067304

how can you use snazaroo? sorry but that stuff sucka in my experience.

>> No.8067308

i feel like some of the longer/thicker wigs like for ghb or meulin. if you wanna get something really canon for some characters, keeping a wig like that tame, clean, AND styled would probably be a pain. as for other wigs like karkat's or gamzee's, the spikes are pretty straightforward for the most part if you follow a good hairmap.

>> No.8067371

This is my first post ever but To whoever was asking about mehron I use Mehron and I really love using it it is really easy to apply and it is the perfect troll grey and it is pretty easy to seal. One tube usually lasts me about 2 cons.

>> No.8067382

mehron was the first makeup i ever used and it fucking burned. just stick to ben nye and if youre tight on money mix your own from black and clown white

>> No.8067389

two cons? jesus, are you a peixes cosplayer?!

My mehron tubes last me at least five cons- though, I usually cosplay things with long sleeves.

>> No.8067468

> Do you have any props used for HS cosplays?
a couple sickles. a skateboard for Mituna. Nothing fancy.

> Which HS character are the most difficult to style a wig for?
from my experience, Karkat. I struggled with mine for over a year trying to get it shaped into something I actually liked. Only managed to finally get it looking decent this past fall.

I'm not a Makara cosplayer, but holy shit have I seen some awful Gamzee wigs. Those have to be up there on the hardest to get to look nice and gross, all at the same time. Gilbo's is still super impressive.

I have an Aradia wig that's two wigs sewn together, and its really curly. But de-tangler and a gentle comb, and its fine. so long as I'm not constantly taking her hood on and off or running around, it stays together well enough. Not a giant rats nest. But yeah, way easier to get it to do what I want than my Karkat wig.

> What method do you prefer to use for greying up?
Mehron, gel eyeliner for eyes and eyebrows.

>> No.8067510

I'm curious about how Mehron works for hands/arms and how it holds up after 5+ hours. Ben nye always starts to feel gross by the end of the day.

>> No.8067550

It works well if you've got pretty hairless arms, or if you're at least smearing the grey on in the direction of your hair. Though, its way easier to just make some armsocks and save yourself the trouble.

It holds better than Ben Nye imo. You'll get at least 5 ish hours so long as you're not super chesty (it seems to come off on the sides of my boobs after my arm rubs up against there enough times), and you seal it well. I find Mehron in general just feels lighter on? Not so greasy? Makes my face break out less too, for some reason.

>> No.8067671

I use it just fine. I found out it works better if you apply normal foundation underneath before greying up, and it helps with consistency and doesn't flake off.

>> No.8067775
File: 250 KB, 640x960, tumblr_ni6qdgs7Qe1ra8oqko5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be me, i was waiting for it to deliver from the other side of the US and got it on Saturday. I have done an arm patch test, but i still want to experiment more with it. But i can post what i have if you want?

Somewhat related, i'm trying to send the pictures from my phone to my self via gmail, and it keeps blacking out and shutting itself down, has anyone else had this problem? I have the pictures now, but god damn it was frustrating.

Also tag dump that i've been saving up, unfortunately i've gotten a little desperate, so some eh quality is going to be posted.

>> No.8067779
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>> No.8067782
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>> No.8067783
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>> No.8067788
File: 449 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nib4ffVqYv1s15emvo8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these were posted in the otakon vegas thread

>> No.8067791
File: 131 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_niedavGDlW1rthy7qo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Do you have any props used for HS cosplays?

One time a few years ago i wanted to make Roxy's handheld appearifier, so i made one out of a spray painted red mini hair dryer, gluing a wooden skewer in the middle and gluing two rubber black rings for the little circles at the end.

It was so shitty, and i was so proud.

>> No.8067792
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>> No.8067795
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>> No.8067798
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>> No.8067802

give that vriska a fucking burger

>> No.8067803
File: 475 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nifjd12lsi1r5lahbo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>Eridan's expression
>Eridan's hairline
>Feferi's non hairline

So close

>> No.8067806
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>> No.8067815
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>> No.8067826
File: 39 KB, 600x800, tumblr_nigk7dhIvb1r73113o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To end the dump here is an extremely classy dave cosplayer

>> No.8068291

anyone know where i can get a bright red long sleeve shirt for gt dave? for the life of me i cant find one and id rather not have to sew one from scratch unless i have too.

>> No.8068337

You could get a white one and dye it.

>> No.8068430

Have you tried looking at places like walmart, target, kmart and things like that? I just searched "red long sleeve shirt" on walmarts website and got results.

>> No.8068462

>Nothing big or fancy. Just Gamzees bike horn which is broken because my weeaboo "friends" broke it.
>In my own experience, Gamzee was the hardest. My first wig was horrible and flat. Luckily I bought a new one that didn't need much styling. Vriska was also difficult because the wig was too long but I pulled it off after cutting it I guess. I have seen some horrible Condy cosplay wigs, some too short or tangled.
>Grey nylon thighs for arms. For face I use some light grey face paint which isn't too sticky. If it's too sticky I put some hairspray, as fucked up as it sounds it actually works.

>> No.8068640

yeah to no luck, tho i actually literally just found something just now at sears. its a grey bob marley shirt but it has bright red long sleeves+ collar which is all that matters.

>> No.8068683



>> No.8068793
File: 54 KB, 500x346, tumblr_inline_ne18d4jn6t1sdjl2o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah thats what had been looking at for awhile, those are mostly too dark. the one i found is just about right.

>> No.8068809

bike horns arent hard to break unless theyre dollar store ones.

>> No.8068813

source? besides dat hairline, they seem solid.

>> No.8068955

Out of curiosity, how do people feel about chubby Peixes cosplayers? Personally, I really like bigger girls cosplaying as Feferi in particular. As long as they have a good costume, of course.

>> No.8068958

What about the gamzee ew give him a big mac

>> No.8068968

>>8067798 not bad of a gamzee wig

>> No.8068977

I think my gamzee cosplay isnt that bad but hell I also think it needs some help any suggestions

>> No.8069007
File: 87 KB, 640x960, 581158_555872994461841_635963840_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8069011
File: 284 KB, 1280x960, 1048535_538691696179032_1088416697_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the bro's legs in this are so anime looking

also i think this is one of the famous dads too

>> No.8069020

what the fuck, anon how you gonna hate on bodytype when the gamzee isnt 300 punds.

>> No.8069025

that gamzee wig is actually nice.
their tumblr is

>> No.8069041
File: 274 KB, 800x531, homestuck_4chords___triangle_by_shadowhearts-d4elz6u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always had a soft spot for 4chords

>> No.8069069

if it werent for the bad quality of the photo this would look super epic

>> No.8069077


haha ha a wow gtfo

>> No.8069095

im gonna throw up

>> No.8069100


>> No.8069115

Not really cosplay-related but did 4chords actually go anywhere? My impression was that it was just a couple comic panels that the author abandoned, that got wildly popular for some reason.

Cosplay-related, what fanfic or comic-turned-cosplay do you think is generally cosplayed the worst? The best?

>> No.8069124

Emi (averyniceprince) is the author and she left the fandom--and eventually the internet as a whole--some time ago. Don't really know what she's doing now.

>> No.8069133
File: 403 KB, 1280x854, tumblr_mbqmtoke6m1r4fklgo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8069135

>left the Internet
what?? afaik she's still on tumblr. comic was shit but she's still around.

>> No.8069140

lmfao. have you been living under a rock? she's been extremely active at barleytea for years now. it's hilarious that you're talking like you're stating fact though.

>> No.8069146

must have her current situation confused with another artist.

I've been out of the HS fandom for a couple years so pardon my mistake.

>> No.8069155

Yeah, she's still around, but bailed out of the fandom pretty hardcore. Can't blame her, she had rabid fans and some particularly nasty haters, who made a blog dedicated to tearing apart every drawing she put up, from finished piece to vent doodle.

>> No.8069160

>she had rabid fans and some particularly nasty haters, who made a blog dedicated to tearing apart every drawing she put up, from finished piece to vent doodle

remind you of anything?
>stares at this board

>> No.8069196

Yeah we're terrible.

I still say we'd balance our wordvomit shit out more if we took the time to comment on the cosplays we like. Currently no replies here means you did a good job.

>> No.8069213

I kept trying to post about how fucking cute this >>8067791 Sollux is earlier, and it kept giving me errors instead of actually posting. The board itself didn't even want my to be nice.

>> No.8069259
File: 1.71 MB, 709x1422, unpainted horns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a while back I posted on here about commissioning a friend for some 3D printed Megido horns, and I was asked to post the results here.
The guy actually made a set for a girl I was staying with for a con, but she really liked how I painted my set, so I ended up letting her keep the painted ones. Figured it wouldn't be much of a hassle to just, paint the same thing all over again.

>> No.8069290
File: 1.25 MB, 709x933, painted horns.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be trying to put my set on with snaps through the wig. Hoping that'll work out okay and make them fairly easy to take on and off.

>> No.8069306

Man, these look so cool, but... You didn't sand them? The texture is really distracting.

>> No.8069311

I kind of like the texture, honestly. I've touched enough barnyard horns to know those things aren't super smooth.
I've still got the other set unpainted on my windowsill, though.

>> No.8069318
File: 14 KB, 250x250, animal-horn-250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True! It's the horizontal lines that are kinda throwing me off. Keratin does grow in little segments like that, just not horizontally. That's from the 3D printer, right?

>> No.8069357

yeppers. theyre actually really thin layers of the printer stuff.
The little lines go the right way on the bases, and the ends, but not so much in the middle.

>> No.8069457


They look super cool! Are they heavy?

>> No.8069473

Nope! they're very light. Certainly lighter than the tinfoil+model magic pair I had previously.

>> No.8069563

Has anyone ever found a place where you can buy nepeta's hat?

>> No.8069570

since Hussie shut down nearly all merchants who sell homestuck items for profit, you might have to get one commissioned or custom-made

>> No.8069618

how many uses does a tin of ben nye cover? i feel like i use too much, but i hate my skin showing. i paint my face and neck and get 2 uses from each tin.

>> No.8069629 [DELETED] 

She abandoned it before she left the fandom, if she has, i stopped following her a long time ago.

>> No.8069636

I've been spotting HS merch at cons the last year or so. Posters, stickers and random misc shit.

>> No.8069639

if its in an Artists Alley, I think thats a different story... but like with dealers it was a huge no-no for a while. I remember when that whole issue first arose.

I've been out of the fandom for a while now though so its probably not as strictly upheld as it used to be.

>> No.8069660

No, no one is allowed to sell it, but i think more recently WP and co or w/e have been more lax about being uptight. Either that or people just don't care anymore.

>> No.8069692

Rachel is no longer the sole gatekeeper to WP's merch, so they're less batshit-frothing-at-the-mouth about it now. It's a don't ask don't tell scenario, except you still get hoards of ignorant whiteknights flocking toward the scent of someone selling Hussie's precious IP.

You're using way too much.

>> No.8069728
File: 32 KB, 400x392, bees-_400w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A girl got her Etsy shop frozen for a week because WP slapped her with an infringement claim over a button that was yellow and said "Bees?"

>> No.8069730

Storenvy, sorry, not Etsy.

>> No.8069766

That's fucking stupid. Isn't that a Cards Against Humanity card as well?

>> No.8069812

There was one week last december when WP freaked out and reported literally every storenvy with "homestuck" in its product tags, regardless of what the item was. I can't remember what sparked it, but it was the thing that Mostflogged made her big quitting the fandom post over.

>> No.8069830

WP is sort of garbage, they pull this shit and claim that if you're trying to appeal to Homestuck fans in any capacity you are TRAMPLING ALL OVER THEIR PRECIOUS IP

>> No.8069875

I wanna say it's an Arrested Development reference? Something, I don't remember. Definitely not HS related. I don't even think the artist was a Homestuck.

It's pretty damn stupid and short-sighted of them. I can understand going after someone selling direct rip-offs, like God Tier shirts and Hoodies, or recasts of the toys or... any number of things that they make, even scalemates. But screaming at anyone who likes the source material enough to sit down and make something because it wasn't available to them isn't going to spread their IP in a good way.

It reminds me a bit of the Firefly fiasco with the hats that happened a year or two ago. When Fox suddenly decided to cease and desist anyone who made Jayne's hat on Etsy because they magically decided to make their own.

While HS as a property is still small as far as the scope of audience is concerned (yes, it's popular and well-recognized online, and in certain circles, the common layperson, even the common geek, hell, even the common comic person isn't gonna recognize it), it's still fairly financially stable and has the potential to grow if they know what to actually produce, and do it in a timely way.

Clearly WP has no idea what their fans actually want. Stuffed horns? Cute in theory, but most of their fandom can practically make horns with their eyes closed now, and the plush ones look so unbelievably shitty. They finally got on the ball about decals after everyone else beat them to it. I understand plush production is really hard to kick into gear, but they took way too long to produce their plushies.

Just for fun, what would you guys want for an HS product?

>> No.8069937

>Just for fun, what would you guys want for an HS product?
Stationery (not just notepads but also like sketchbooks with Homestuck covers, there are so many artists in this fandom) , "inspired-by" fashion accessories (like scarves beyond just Eridan's/Roxy's, knit gloves with symbols on them), home goods like throws and pillows, high quality props that they could charge a premium for,

There are so many things they COULD be doing, and they'd be making bank off of, but nope. They use their valuable time to threaten teenagers with cease and desist letters instead.

>> No.8069971
File: 1.65 MB, 300x169, i0sE5dQ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Homestuck cosplay I'm at all generally proud of. I did Terezi once but we don't talk about that travesty.

Go ahead 4chanstucks. I've heard it all.

>> No.8070002

aww, youre so cute!

>> No.8070014
File: 17 KB, 180x279, tumblr_mb552m5tRP1qanym6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was actually not expecting that thank you

>> No.8070142

well how much does it last you? maybe im applying it incorrectly, its just dabbing right?

>> No.8070344

It was Topatoco, not WP, but they made little whiteboards that looked like fetch moduses and captchacards, I thought that was pretty damn clever. Stationery would be cute!

>> No.8070550
File: 298 KB, 2048x2048, BEN_NYE_16_of_66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Different anon)
Yeah it's way too much you're using, i've already gotten two uses out of my little container and i've barely scratched the surface. I use dabbing motions as well and don't like to show skin.

What helps is get a good first layer going, apply setting powder and then touch up the places that need it (it's usually the nose and around the eyes for me, i have sensitive sinuses)

When you do it, do you like scoop out product and then dab? Do you use a sponge? I'm truly baffled how you're managing to use up a whole tin for just two uses.

Also i use Ben Nye's cadaver grey (pic related) it's the colour i want with out having to mix it.

>> No.8070586

I'm also surprised, because the more of this stuff you lather one, the more impossible it is to seal/the shinier it looks. What kind of sponge do you use? Maybe the OP is just using the wrong kind.

>> No.8070620


Could you post a picture of how that colour looks like on skin? I've been looking for new ways of greying and I'm super picky about the colours... (I'd prefer not having to mix, too)

>> No.8070625
File: 17 KB, 330x237, s610191691714380681_p8_i1_w330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use the shitty little pic related, i have a bag of 100 (though it's half way used up by now), then i use ben nye neutral set to seal it, by shaking on an ass ton patting it in, then swiping it all away.

Yeah h/o i'll get some on in a second, atm i'm doing more tests with the mehron stick.

>> No.8070703

hi anon, i use a a beauty blender to apply. i dabb the container and ten dab my face, i do not scoop. i always thought it was normal but then saw a post that someone used one tin for face neck and arms twice i knew i used too much

>> No.8071598

Do you use primer underneath? Your skin might be soaking up the makeup (though I'm just bullshitting this dermatology). My only experience is with white BN - notoriously more difficult to keep smooth, but I've only had good non-splotchy experiences with it. I'm almost done with one tin after four applications of face+neck.

>There are so many things they COULD be doing, and they'd be making bank off of, but nope. They use their valuable time to threaten teenagers with cease and desist letters instead.
God, this. To pull a left-field comparison: Welcome to Night Vale
>also a primarily internet fanbase
>iirc, creators also asked people to not make fan merchandise because all their revenue is from donations and their store
>doesn't seem to have as many problems with unauthorised products because
>they cycle through their store relatively frequently (it feels like I'm hearing about new products every other month) and find out what people actually WANT and are interested in
>creative spin-off merchandise that references the content instead of parroting it (fun postcards vs expensive gear that I could make with an iron-on and a dollar store shirt)

>> No.8071685

i do use primer but i guess im just using too much... i just get more makeup when the sponge wont dab anymore. damn i must suck lol.

>> No.8071766

Not in the WTNV fandom, but yeah. The things they're making seem really expensive to produce, but probably low sales. Now they're really nice quality, the keyrings I have could probably withstand a bomb. The shirts are pretty good for what they are, an my friend's scalemate is really well made.

But I feel like if they had simpler, more cost-effective gear like, I don't know, a button, shirt, patch, SOMETHING that said "Let Me Tell You About Homestuck," they'd be making money hand over fist. Considering Hussie watches his fandom fairly carefully, I'm sort of impressed they miss the mark so often.

>> No.8071776
File: 20 KB, 390x390, naked-gamzee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On that note, though, we can't exactly leave it to fan-vote, either. The We Love Fine contest winners were like... What, at least four Strider shirts?

And now we get... this.

>> No.8071895

What type of mehron do you use exactly?

>> No.8072085

Please tell me that's not real

>> No.8072152


>> No.8072741

I'm so sorry, anon.


>> No.8072868

This is the worst thing on that site. Forget those stupid plush horns and the shitty vriska arm shirt. THIS is the worst. How is there no Karkat shirt still and yet this monstrosity is for sale?

>> No.8072882

Because gam gam is such a lolsorandumXD babbu and evry1 shuld luv him

Also i have no clue whatsoever, i would much rather have an angry Karkat in the tub than that.

>> No.8072906


>but still no seadweller merch

Sometimes I wonder if what pumpkin gives a fuck at all

>> No.8072921

That's from Welovefine of w/e, but your pint still stands.

It doesn't even need to be anything snazzy, just what about some nice Eridan rings or Feferi jewelry?

>> No.8072923

What's worse is that due to the colour of the shirt it looks like he's bathing in [spoiler]his own jizz.[/spoiler.

>> No.8072996

My personal most hated is the pixel art one because the laziness of it makes me want to throw up, but the Gamzee one is close second.

>> No.8073160

Oh no, we can't have that. The comic keeps reiterating Feferi is cute but useless even when she was responsible for the Dreambubbles, and Amporas are the butt of every joke in the comic. Only Feferi merch there is is her really pretty print. When WP got a really damn cute design with Feferi and Eridan in a kiddie pool with squirt guns, they stuck it on a shirt for a tiny ass con in Miami that no one went to. WP doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.8073534
File: 234 KB, 397x530, Screenshot_2015-01-22-19-59-46-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's something that pisses me off about this cosplayer in my comm and idek what it is

>> No.8073541
File: 203 KB, 481x461, Screenshot_2015-01-22-19-58-14-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're really young and i feel a moral responsibility to ask them to stop?

>> No.8073544

Is it their scouse brows, showing binder and shittily painted symbol, or are they a douche bag?

>> No.8073546

I don't get those eyebrows at all. And every second tumblerina/instagram 'famous' cosplayer draws them on like that these days.

>> No.8073575

no i seriously think it's because they're 14 and i cannot suffer second hand embarrassment via shit cosplays

although everything you listed is also extremely valid

>> No.8073583

there's only a handful of people that look flawless with those brows, and I think it's because they know how to shape them and blend

>> No.8073622
File: 957 KB, 452x338, tumblr_nidvguxdjz1sshlz8o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you normally wear foundation on a daily basis? I actually started wearing foundation to practise cosplay makeup. The first time I applied facepaint, I didn't even think about the dabbing and application; it was a natural transition.

Spitballing possibilities, I use the same triangle sponges that anon posted above; maybe the beauty blender is soaking up makeup?

>pixel art one
Link? Are you talking about a WLF shirt?

Anyways here's a few pictures from the tag.

>> No.8073625
File: 523 KB, 1277x1920, tumblr_nhopcn35Us1sg7qbmo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>them pants

>> No.8073628

>handful of people that look flawless with those brows
With...millipede brows? Seriously? Dark eyebrows are one thing but I don't see how these thick sharpie brows would look on anyone.

>> No.8073642
File: 904 KB, 500x532, 1406169250156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're really cute too but I'm not even a Homestuck. I'm just watching the community from afar.. Some of you guys have some spectacular cosplayers.. and then there's the ones in my comm. :(

>> No.8073643
File: 114 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nibvchZunD1rk2veto1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8073649
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>> No.8073693
File: 742 KB, 797x1200, tumblr_nijvh8gQnb1r0gjd6o4_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from the closeness of the horn positions and the bangs, I like this Handmaid

>> No.8073708
File: 112 KB, 500x667, tumblr_nikbsdHKY51slekifo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8073761
File: 338 KB, 1280x1159, tumblr_nilv88N8RH1s0faq4o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8073795


Due to dumb choices with things like glasses and other eyewear it makes some of them look like they have puffy cheeks, and there's a load of really noticeable aliasing (jagged edges) on chins and other extremities.

Also Eridan's horns

>> No.8073883

Anon who asked here. It's cute but I agree with the laziness and how unoriginal it is. Like, Feastings could have slapped some of their ubiquitous sprites onto a shirt design and called it a day, but they didn't.

Also, personal peeve of the mix of GT and starter outfits. I resent designs that date the product to a spot in the comic timeline. Have everyone in either their starter outfits or their GT outfits instead!

>> No.8073954
File: 348 KB, 508x580, dawg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god, and now that I'm looking at the WLF Homestuck page again, here's an unasked-for vitriolic review of the listings. Sage for old woman yells at cloud.

It turns out the Gamzee shirt here >>8071776 is also in a grey variant, so he can be drowning naked in tar pits instead of swimming in his own jizz, which is a minor improvement.

The knit Nepeta hat could genuinely solve so many beginner cosplayers' problems if the shitty horns weren't also attached. Nobody's asking for little erect nipples poking out the top of their head, ffs.

Same problem with the Terezi dragon hoodie, which would be genuinely cool without the plush potato wedge horns making you look like more of a demon furry than you already are.

And the only two products of actual quality (after the trucker hat with Dirk's hat on it, god I want that for stupid reasons):
which is a passably cute daily-wear dress and doesn't have a gross tulle overlay on the skirt (it made some sense with Eclectica, but on Iron Lass too?? really????)
and the only design contest winner I liked because it wasn't tacky colour vomit and actually had a good composition that took the shirt into consideration

captcha: ancient aesthetic

>> No.8074020

Do you think the horns could be removed properly? I dunno, it's a knit.

>> No.8074351
File: 267 KB, 1280x721, tumblr_nimdm98Pk41qbjtjgo3_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8074439

Almost as bad as the Dave I saw with tie-dye pants at Youmacon.

>> No.8074566

The aradia shirt... Dress. Is awful. Like the robo arm shirts. Because you just KNOW there'll be someone using them for cosplay.

>> No.8074616

All of the body dresses are awful, especially http://www.welovefine.com/8768-dave-plush-suit.html#.VMJRly7FBoQ

Are those homemade? Pretty good except for all of those jagged edges.

>> No.8074631

Those are the earfins yaxrae cast. She said she was a little disappointed with the jaggedness and that the top spine doesn't stay up.

>> No.8074687
File: 485 KB, 1118x1920, tumblr_nbm17udTSJ1s3u0h4o3_1280.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right HSG, give me the deets on spectredeflector. This person is constantly on my dash and posts nonstop selfies to the tag. But other than that they refuse to take out their face piercings and look like your standard fare tumblr fakeboi, I don't know anything about them.

>> No.8074693

>standard tumblr fakeboi
That's literally it.

>> No.8074705

Been discussed multiple times before and since I'm fairly sure they thrive om attention and page hits (if not are entirely dependent on it) I suggest you take a search in the archive.

Also I am sick and tired of this place flaring into "weh fake trans people" whenever any whiney ass tumblr-famous whatever is brought up. It's annoying, details the thread and leads to nothing. That person used the popularity of Homestuck for notes, other than that there's no meaningful connection.

>> No.8074801

There is a direct correlation between tumblr popularity and people who pretend to be hot gay boys to get followers. You're in denial if you think fakebois and attentionwhoring have nothing in common.

>> No.8074808

That wasn't the point, the point was that I am completely uninterested in seeing those discussions in the cosplay threads because they're pointless and annoying and they will always come up when this person and their likes are discussed.

>> No.8074809
File: 71 KB, 500x615, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So guys in working in roxy in the dress shown. I want her wig to look kind if naturual ( no to stiff) but still be able to achieve her curl's severity.

Also I wanna do something to make the cosplay pop, I considered making the rifle be a confetti shooter, but in not sure if that would be looked well upon at a con. Any ideas?

>> No.8074817

>I am completely uninterested in seeing those discussions

I'm pretty interested in it, so do we cancel each other out?

>> No.8074821

Okay, good for you? Some of us like hearing the gossip on notable homestuck cosplayers, especially when the thread is slow. But I guess if you don't like having to scroll past it, we can all pinky swear to never ever bring it up ever again. Okay everyone in the thread got that? Good.

Do not bring a confetti shooter to a con. You will make a giant mess and probably get it confiscated.

>> No.8074825

She just said she figured it wasn't a good idea.
Lrn 2 read

Also maybe try something that glows in the dark? If your con had a rave that would be cool.

>> No.8074835

Holy fucking salt, batman. She implied she was on the fence about it, so I confirmed her hesitation was right. What crawled up your ass?

>> No.8074866

Look, if you've any actually interesting gossip then be my guest, I'm not one to turn that down. But the "fakebois! This is what trans REALLY means! No! You're wrong, if they consider themselves male then who cares if they're super feminine! No u! I'm trans and I think this! Actually let me tell you about medicine! I have no idea who this person is but ew fakebois! U transphobe! No u transphobe!"-derailment which seems to follow in this persons tracks I can stand to live without. The gossip about the cosplayer? Sure. The trans discussions? Take that to /lgbt/.

I'd suggest curling the base, it looks more natural than the straight angle of the comic. Personally, I use warm water and foam rollers. That holds up well enough that I've even washed mine with the flip staying.

>> No.8074884

Thanks! I'll give it a shot! Any ideas for the bang curl? Or should I leave it to the pros?
I thought of glowing, but then it would only show for a short period of the convention.

>> No.8074891

You can do the same thing for the curl. Foam roller + hot water. Make sure it's entirely dry and then blowdry it. Hairspray. Then remove the roller. Then you'll have a curl you can "sculpt" to desired size. Don't cut it before you curl it. You'll probably need to redo that one though.

>> No.8074892

That's some serious projection you have there. All I did was ask who they were and if anyone had any deets to share. You've derailed this thread more than any of the topics you're so deathly worried about, so maybe save it for when they actually come up.

>> No.8074899

A while ago an anon who knew them dropped some dirt on their personality, which is every bit as terrible as their blog makes you think it is. Not sure if they're still around though.

>> No.8074919

As far as I've been part of the threads it has happened every single time.

Anyway, here are all the posts on them. Some of them have a bit more in the threads themselves. I'm not going to go dig but I'm sure someone can quote if there's anything of interest. The gist of it is that they're snobbish and rude and date people who're considerably younger than them.


>> No.8074925

I tried to search the archive for that thread and now my day is ruined


>> No.8074928

Sweet! Thanks again!

>> No.8074931

Can you make it shoot out one of those little flags with the word 'bang!' On it?

>> No.8074993
File: 67 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nina0zqvwq1su2effo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"progression" i think you mean regression.

>> No.8075013

I got the urge to take the biggest shit after seeing this.

>> No.8075248
File: 666 KB, 320x240, tumblr_ninj29ISGr1sj84uzo5_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadstuck dave :( :( :'(

>> No.8075250
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>> No.8075252
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>> No.8075255
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>> No.8075260
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>> No.8075264
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>> No.8075276
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>> No.8075277
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>> No.8075279
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>> No.8075338


Please put a stop to this.

>> No.8075344

Thank you! I've actually been out of the Homestuck community myself for a good 2 years (I was what they call "Pre-Cascade") but while most of the fandom has become insufferable, I'm glad to see some people in the community still have a little bit of common sense.

>> No.8075427

Who's this John?

>> No.8075434
File: 1.01 MB, 320x240, tumblr_inline_ninpqyUyER1slpb2r.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8075468

>those brows
>those glasses
>what's wrong with the seams on their shirt?
Why on earth would you want to know?

>> No.8075493

I don't like the eyebrows or glasses, but they're definitely a lot better than any of the John's I've seen recently.

>> No.8075499

The picture only looks completely awful if you're looking at it from here instead of another window.

>> No.8075504

Anon please



>> No.8075537

It's one thing to post average mediocrity, since that's mostly what the tag is. It's one thing to post stuff that so bad it's hilarious. Then there's shit that's bad and not funny, fetishy shit, and shit that's just plain stupid. I think this gif might be all three.

>> No.8075601
File: 848 KB, 320x240, tumblr_ninj29ISGr1sj84uzo3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went into the tag for dump material, and i saw the rest of this, it's so glorious i almost feel bad for black-listing them

>> No.8076203

That creepy Guy Fawkes in the background makes this photo worth it.

Take off your fucking finger nail polish John.

>> No.8076242
File: 119 KB, 400x600, meucosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! I'm a bit new to cosplaying and I'm trying to improve my Meulin cosplay. I've restyled my wig and made horns that aren't as round so far. I'm planning on remaking the shirt as soon as I can. I was wondering if I could get opinions/advice on a few things.

Opinions on Meu cosplayers wearing smaller fangs? I was planning on using Scarecrow's 'Small Sexy' fangs.
Any recommendations for a green dye that ends up being closer to her canon shirt colour? I've gone through a couple that look pretty close on the bottle and when the shirt is wet but after dying they come out a terrible brownish or dark green.
Lastly, what would be pretty good footwear? I thought black flats were pretty standard but mary janes seem cute and I've seen a few cosplayers wearing those.

Any other advice would be sincerely appreciated too!

>> No.8076290

Not a lot of your cosplay is visible, but so far it looks pretty good. I'd personally put a bit more into the make up, get a pair of mesh lenses and style your wig a bit. If I remember correctly, Meulin has bangs.

>> No.8076297
File: 49 KB, 400x600, meucosplay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is probably better to see everything.
I wasn't sure how far to go with makeup. I've played around with contouring, but I always seem to make it a bit too dark!
I did cut bangs into the wig recently, as well as the little side swoops that go in toward her cheeks. I'll definitely order the lenses. Thank you so much! (:

>> No.8076304

your shirt symbol is nice and clean but the base shirt is just too dark/brown.

>> No.8076314
File: 473 KB, 599x601, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://instagram.com/p/yNcgb3KV-q yep

>> No.8076317

Yeah, that looks clean. I'd also suggest you flatten your horns bases because they look a bit fake and hovery right now.

>> No.8076320

I expected it to be The Black Parade. Mildly disappointed.

>> No.8076355

Agreed completely! I'm still struggling to find a fabric dye locally that comes out being a light olive-y green after dying. If you have any recommendations please let me know (:
Thank you, I will get on that!

>> No.8076422


start with a non-olive green and mix a tiny bit of black and brown in until you hit the sweet spot. most out of the box olives are going to be too brown. I buy my dye online, though.

>> No.8076795

When in doubt I go through multiple dye baths. I got my Leijon color by dyeing it bright ass green first, then hitting it with a dark brown diluted enough to dull the green to olive. It's a bit annoying to do two, but I'd rather do that and tweak it in little pinches as I go.

>> No.8076876
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>> No.8076964
File: 15 KB, 400x300, Farquad_shrek_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didnt know lord farquad was into cosplay
or homestuck

>> No.8076970

I would agree with you if they were any other colour, but they might be doing a troll cosplay the next day or w/e. But they could've shooped out the colour.

Do you have a picture of your styled bangs?

>> No.8076999

It would be really great If I could get some help for a sobar gamzee cosplay any advise

>> No.8077039

Maybe they matched it to John's shoes, too. But my money's on troll cosplay the next day.

>> No.8077148

Cosplay a better troll

>> No.8077733

I have seen into the depths of hell and back
I just saw a trans dave cosplay and I think I nearly puked

>> No.8077734

are you new

>> No.8077752

Yes and no I come here every now and then

>> No.8077755

every dave cosplayer is tumblr trans

>> No.8077985

Even if they aren't, most good Daves are crossplayers.

>> No.8078294

Pretty sure all good Daves are crossplayers.

>> No.8078646

why is man john always posted is there no escape

>> No.8078652

why do newbies expect us to hold their hands through their first cosplay. you have resources.

>> No.8078653

I should also point out when I say I saw a trans dave I mean it was horribly done nudestuck

>> No.8078658

your new. learn to reply. besides weve all seen worse, wheres that terribly shooped kanaya

>> No.8078660
File: 44 KB, 155x155, 1421643090095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.8078662

>When I say trans I really mean nudestuck

Please go

>> No.8078674

i love that someone always has this on hand. bless.

>> No.8078678

Not what I mean't m8 I saw someone who was legit trans in the middle of transitioning doing nudestuck to get on some bandwaggon

>> No.8078717

I actually went and found the post on lactoria' blog. It's...grotesque. And they admit to doing it just to hop on the bandwagon too.

>> No.8078739

You may want to sand the bases f the horns so they sit flat on your wig.

Also your wig still kind of looks like it came out of the bag, there are tons of tutorials online. This could work for Meulin, just sweep your hair to the side like in video. Also, while cutting it on your head make sure to do only a little at a time, making it too short means new wig.
How To Cut Bangs: http://youtu.be/ZjB1ydjQBsk
Try putting the starting of the wig on your hairline so people cant see your wig cap.
Your shirt seems too brown, get an olive greeny dye and soak it, dont worry about the symbol, itll go a bit darker too.

Just a few things that arent too hard, other than that youre pretty good!

>> No.8078740

Meh. Nudestuck is fucked up but at least that's not a shitty webcam photo of some barely-legal with ugly grey photoshop and seeing as they're transitioning I guess I'm glad they feel comfortable enough about it to pose like that.

I'm more bothered by the tattoos in that case (aside from nudestuck being what it is). Also I suppose them not being conventionally attractive doesn't really help the situation.

>> No.8079030
File: 447 KB, 1280x1800, tumblr_nimcf2jGik1qgj9ilo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8079081

Makeup test Im guessing? Some contouring would look even better. But you have to be careful because white is way too easy to mess up. Liplining should help with the cakey lips too.
Pretty good though!

>> No.8079090

>that sad, sad wig

>> No.8079228

In his shop for donations
>Bodyline seifuku for $35
>Bows not the same color either
>Original price is $27
I mean Id buy it if it were cheaper and I know its for donations but. I dont think many people will.
Gotta credit them for selling their stuff, a lot of cosplayers don't.

>> No.8079261

>a lot of cosplayers don't
What? It's very common for cosplayers to sell outfits or materials. I'm almost positive everyone on the BNF list has had something for sale at one point or another.

>> No.8079264

It should be noted that all of that shit was given to him by his sponsers. He spent no money on it so it makes no sense to overcharge.

>> No.8079272

Some, but most yeah. Overcharging is one thing but its his, he can do whatever he wants with it. Even if he got it gifted, the value only goes down by it being used.

>> No.8079275
File: 471 KB, 1280x960, memeage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reasons I avoid homestuck cosplays

>> No.8079285

ways to attach small horns like karkat, terezi or muelin ?
i was thinking of snaps but last time i tried, one of them just peeled off the horn. any specific glue i should use or?

>> No.8079290


>> No.8079347
File: 69 KB, 371x600, tumblr_n164gp91N61qgj9ilo3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You too can be a shitty seifuku dave if you so wish

>> No.8079388

everything about this makes me cringe

>> No.8079405

turnup hq

>> No.8079465

Katsucon and Ohayocon are closing in... is there anything worth looking forward to? What have the BNFs been working on?

>> No.8079922
File: 125 KB, 480x640, tumblr_niin48n3OL1u4l9nxo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw this in the cosplay tag I think it is quite good just needs some more practice

>> No.8079945

can't tell if selfpost or vendetta troll

>> No.8079948

Not a shitpost

>> No.8080076

I actually know this girl and I am really sure she would not appreciate her stuff ending up on here

>> No.8080093

If you post your stuff online it'll end up on 4chan one way or another. If it's actually any sort of big deal for a person that it does, they're pretty naive about how 4chan works.

>> No.8080284

then you have a horrible misunderstanding about what good is

>> No.8080397

Seconding this plus 1: Who gives a hoot about what 4chan thinks of you and 2: It's a relatively positive comment.

Not every post turns into some damn witch-hunt. Enjoy people caring.

>> No.8080479

make sure you attach the snaps before styling the wig.

>> No.8080589
File: 167 KB, 448x1280, tumblr_nhztmuceUl1qj8sx1o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a minute I thought this was a white wreckitronnie.

Yaexrae is working on Condesce, Pearlgirl is making a default Kanaya, Crowmunist is wearing a version of Vriska to Katsucon (I think it's new), and CBC, SS and co are working on Beforus ancestors. It's not related to homestuck, but CBC also finished her first Iron Wig entry.

That's everything I know about.

>> No.8080684

I'm not sure i like her skirt, but i guess i'll just have to wait for the finished product. Also betting 10$ that she does white skinned Kanaya instead of grey.

>> No.8082206

Hey, as long as she makes the white makeup look good, I'm all for it. What's the big deal?

>> No.8082302
File: 23 KB, 500x346, Why is everything so shitty .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember this thread and no nothing beats that one time Mspa General sent me to some ones blog and it turns out they drew deviant art weeb tier shota eridan cronus scat porn
Also the amount of people in this fandom who publicly show of their tenta bulge props

>> No.8082494

Bootyshortscronus, huh.

>> No.8082696

Yeah, I don't see why it matters which version she does. With her track record she'll look amazing either way.

>> No.8082999

Nah it just seems everyone does rainbow drinker Kan, even when they do her normal outfit, it bothers me.

>> No.8083091

I think it may be just a neat change for someone who does grey with other characters a lot? Like if they do grey for, say, Serkets, Pyropes, Leijons, and then they have the opportunity to do one with a different skintone it's just a refreshing change. Or it would be if white makeup wasn't such a fucking pain in the ass. Might be that white makeup is easier to come by, too, so they get away with it more often.

>> No.8083124

Kanaya wears her normal outfit after she becomes a rainbow drinker, so it isn't inaccurate. Paler makeup is more flattering on some (Yaexrae uses a super light grey for everything for example), so I'd say both ways look good.

>> No.8083139

You both are right, i probably shouldn't have jumped to conclusions.

>> No.8083839
File: 47 KB, 530x800, YARN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8083858


This is so terrible it's amazing.

>> No.8083875

>motherfucking GOOGLY EYES on the YARN ZENTAI MASK
hell is empty and all the devils are here

>> No.8083908

this is art

also why did they knit everyhting but the shirt you would think you'd just go all the way when you're that far in

>> No.8083973

This is the best thing i've ever seen, i'm pretty sure that they did i as a joke

Or at least i hope they did.

>> No.8084142

that must have taken so long, its kind of really impressive?
But also at the same time... why...

>> No.8084145
File: 137 KB, 600x326, sciencehasgonetoofar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8085536


>> No.8085591

I want to be friends with this person.

>> No.8085682

so i needed a new dave wig for katsucon since my old one is garbage, and i wanted to get arda (derek) ash blonde since arda are the only wigs that seem to fit my head but its sold out and sold out on backorders even. should i get titanium blonde?

>> No.8085868


Get whatever color blond is flattering for your skin tone. There's no canonical shade.

>> No.8086172


I'm in love.

>> No.8086225
File: 33 KB, 530x800, MOREYARN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otakuthon Masquerade 2014
> mfw I didn't know whether to be amazed or horrified
> talk about making your cosplay more difficult to impress the judges lol

>> No.8086254
File: 22 KB, 640x360, little_big_eridan_by_ilovezimandgir123-d38w23l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can see the shit-eating grin under that thing and I love it. I love this whole, terrifying thing.

>> No.8086260

Hey, advice on Aranea horns? I've never made horns before.

>> No.8086268
File: 202 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_niefpiEvb61sicx67o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8086343

There is a pastebin full of basic horn info in the first post: http://pastebin.com/Lu6AxkYk

>> No.8087487

what do ppl think about daves with pure white wigs? im considering it since my preferred shade of blonde is out of stock and will be for a long time after i need the wig by.

>> No.8087603

Well he is canonically blonde so I think that's what most people prefer.

>> No.8087906

I prefer it with certain outfits. For example, his black and white suit.

>> No.8089923

it is dead as FUCK in here

>> No.8090364

People are blitzing for Katsucon. Anybody at Ohayocon? WIPs? Anything?

>> No.8090801

i know im keeping my stuff secret for katsu. am i the only one who keeps cosplay projects secret until done/con time?

>> No.8090983
File: 216 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nj0zpiGhP71r031mao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the Ohayostuck tag. Did CBC sell their Jadesprite or did this person use their skirt technique?

Same. I don't like announcing projects out of fear of not meeting people's expectations if they hear that I'm working on something. (by people I mean IRL normals who've seen a few pictures of me in cosplay and know that I sew; I'm not cosfamous online)

>> No.8091755

yeah i used to talk about my future plans/wip's and the projects would never get done, now i keep my cosplay plans secret, and i always stick to my short and long term plans. i think announcing cosplays before your done removes alot of the motivation to actually get them done. part of its the excitement of wondering if ppl will even rec you at cons.

>> No.8094810
File: 398 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_nj41rkhy381re0530o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8094991

i find it kind of keeps me on my toes. i get embarrassed if i don't have any progress to show and it helps me meet deadlines.

>> No.8094999
File: 396 KB, 2048x1366, 10960302_705393126248428_2019802427626654390_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8095010

im not really sure whats going on here, none of these oufits are canon, idk if this is au or just closet cosplay...

>> No.8095024

it's not an au, it's just a picture from a meetup. i noticed that too and it really bothers me that not a single one is canon.

>> No.8095096

well, at least they look cute and like they had a good time.

>> No.8095103

I can't stand those party city horns everyone uses for aradia.

>> No.8095183

they all look about 12 who cares.

>> No.8095213

Is it wrong that the first thing I notice were the hips?

>> No.8095554


What is there to discuss? They look young and they look like they're having fun so who cares. Not everyone aspires to be cosplay famous.

>> No.8095705

>look like they're having fun
it's almost like it's possible to have fun and have a decent cosplay at the same time. i'm not saying kids that obviously don't care should be scrutinized to the same extent as people with shitty cosplays who think they're gods gift to the fandom, but i've always hated this excuse.

>> No.8095718

I think what anon means is that it's just an impromptu photo taken at a meetup so there's no need to "discuss" the cosplays/concept/photo angle/whatever to the extent that OP seems to think it warrents. TBH the post smacks of someone who knows this comm and is trying to stir shit. There are literally dozens of worse photos in the tag right now.

>> No.8095865

They look like they're having a good time. But the kid's costumes are the easiest costumes out there. So honestly the fact that so many of them couldn't didn't even try is disappointing.

I see shit like this looking for dump pictures, i'm pretty sure that most people in the tag make up AU's so they can just wear random shit they have in their closet and a somewhat related wig/make-up and call it cosplay.

>> No.8095891

Or, if you go to a lot of meetups in kid cosplay you just mix it up a little as it's not particularly hard to imagine them in casual clothes. Like, who honestly cares if it's not a serious photoshoot or a con.

>> No.8095944

Yeah, but you know you can organize a casual outfit that isn't so lazy, right? There are lots of "casualstuck" cosplays that are cute and character appropriate. You're really defensive about this and no one is even criticizing them beyond the fact that they look amateurish and poorly coordinated.

>> No.8096031
File: 501 KB, 1080x1920, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fb3985a796524d90e5cc101f7bb6414ae%2Ftumblr_nj2rhmwkp01rumn0to3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moving on. Here's some stuff from the Ohayocon/ohayostuck tags.

>> No.8096034
File: 30 KB, 640x480, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Fd02224b27ca62c6fc70f84cfe2a5eac2%2Ftumblr_nj4m1jQCB21t1ap5mo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8096039
File: 472 KB, 960x1280, http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2F2b70fae47270bc63c91f9fbaa8326cfa%2Ftumblr_nj4n06kDtg1rfqfq5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8096046
File: 717 KB, 720x720, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fad59097a9b338e120aa7d5be2fbe66c8%2Ftumblr_nj4micUkUr1s6onzlo2_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8096053
File: 388 KB, 1280x1707, http%3A%2F%2F40.media.tumblr.com%2Fa283acac0e4bfecb9b1965e12b7faf81%2Ftumblr_nj4lu1furH1rbqp44o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8096157

>that jake
>duct tape over nips
please god no

>> No.8096193

Is duct tape even the most recommended way to bind with an open shirt?

>> No.8096237

opinions on god tier rose headbands? blue or yellow? yellow is canon, but a lot of people seem to do blue.

>> No.8096247

I like the contrast with blue, but canon is canon.

>> No.8096302

>Jake doesn't even have an open shirt

>> No.8096406

I dunno, that's pretty nice contouring on Jake's torso.

>> No.8096411
File: 71 KB, 579x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8096417

As opposed to their face.


>> No.8096460

You use duct tape if you want scarring.

>> No.8096798
File: 265 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nj5vjo612u1s62miyo5_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8096801

Who cares about fake abs when there's two black blobs of duct tape pulling back her boobs? I'd be slightly more forgiving if she'd painted the tape flesh colored but this is pure distracting laziness.

>> No.8096832
File: 10 KB, 293x173, Caled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its very neat and well made, but the blade it's self bothers me. Pic related

>> No.8096846
File: 418 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_nj68n0OZe21r1hdm0o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SS posted a few WIPs of her Feferi.

>> No.8096851

That cat looks exactly like my cat. The butt, at least.

>> No.8096881

looks like rapunzel

>> No.8096978

I'd hazard a guess to say that was 3-D printed

>> No.8096994
File: 259 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_nj5vjo612u1s62miyo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like wood in the wip's.

>> No.8097016
File: 59 KB, 600x793, cce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8097052
File: 65 KB, 422x750, tumblr_nj63y9NnMh1qbjtjgo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yaexrae posted her condy horns. i wish they were a bit more pointy, but they look great.

>> No.8097081

New thread:
