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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8006429 No.8006429 [Reply] [Original]

Old Thread >>7950453

>Please make suggestions if you want suggestions yourself

>> No.8006435
File: 1.14 MB, 2189x974, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fem frees probably won't be reconizable so whatever, suggestions appreciated for this newbie

>> No.8006448
File: 542 KB, 1984x896, 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the last thread I suggested Amira from Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis. Your face works well for her. Amira's demon form would work really well if you feel like going all out. Maybe even any Rin version (vocaloid maybe).

>> No.8006455

with a good wig I think you'd be a reaaaally cute kanie

>> No.8006601
File: 490 KB, 2188x1004, pls_respond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd offer suggestions for you two but I'm too new at this. Sorry!

Anything helps guys, I am a great leatherworker so if you have any ideas that would bring in hard leather armor I'd be cool with that.

>> No.8006728
File: 1.11 MB, 2189x974, cuspluy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alice from Shadow Hearts


Link, The Legend of Zelda


Nooj, Final Fantasy X 2


I've never cosplayed anyone before xD

>> No.8006753

>Nooj, Final Fantasy X 2
way too feminine of a character for my liking

However I can hook you up with patterns to make a leather wonderwoman outfit if you'd like, it's fairly easy to do (and it looks badass as fuck btw, google lederkraft wonderwoman/ crystal anvil wonderwoman). Shouldn't cost more than $200 either.

>> No.8006755

Jim Halpert from The Office (US), lol


that woman from The Legend of Korra

>> No.8006765

what woman? Asami Sato?

I don't look good in leather much :/
You'd make a good Auron, Final fantasy x

>> No.8006766
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I'm a newb cosplayer, I don't make any of my own items and I really only do it for fun rather than to be taken seriously. Tried to give some suggestions around here.

Yuno, you have the right kind of face for her.
Phoenix Wright
Guts, yes, yes, a thousand times, yes.

>> No.8006775
File: 1.16 MB, 1985x909, ideas 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yotsura from Haganai
You might need a group for that though
>mfw scribbles is back
I like 2
But you can pull off pretty much anything /a/
Do Appleseed.
>dat logic
I'll just say KosMos because I never see that these days.

>> No.8006777

Please do Casey, please

>> No.8006780


Aww c'mon try to remember!

>captcha: uFail
I know :(

>> No.8006789

manlet detected

>> No.8006807

Cute! I suggest maybe Karina Lyle
from Tiger and Bunny.
Alistair from Dragon Age
Jon Snow!
Gohan, maybe?

>> No.8006880
File: 1.88 MB, 1876x978, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sawa okita from tari tari

cobra from fairy tail

kusuriuri from mononoke

momiji tenma from Kajiri Kamui Kagura

ill add more later.

>> No.8006906
File: 1.00 MB, 2189x1024, gayshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed mine up and took out some of the ones people didn't choose from last time this thread was up.

You can definitely pull off a female version of Makoto

You basically look like Nishi

Definitely Guts

You have the hair and skin tone for Wonder Woman

Casey Jones

>> No.8006909
File: 1.77 MB, 2189x974, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nanami Chiaki from Dangan Ronpa 2.

Makoto Yuki of Persona.

Azula from Avatar.

Godot from Ace Attorney. Also, good luck on your Strength cosplay! I don't see many of her.

Black Rose from .hack.

>> No.8006918
File: 1.28 MB, 2189x974, sug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do Kotori, you're perfect for her.
Mako from LOK? Maybe?

>> No.8006935

>hair/skin for ww
Aw thank you!

You'd make a cool Speed racer

>> No.8006945
File: 109 KB, 610x859, yuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You're very beautiful btw.

>> No.8006972

>>8006435 Maizono from Dangan Ronpa or Sonia Nevermind from SDR2 would both be great choices for you
>>8006448 You'd make a very good Raidou Kuzunoha
>>8006601 Guts easily
>>8006728 Naomi from MGS4 would suit you very well
>>8006766 Casey Jones is all that springs to mind
>>8006775 Can't really see much of your face but if you're doing Sokka then Sean from Street Fighter would work
>>8006880 Kuvira from LoK, if you want horror you could try a genderbent Two Face
>>8006906 Cyril from Archer would be a good choice for you
>>8006909 Chie from Persona 4. If you want to stick to the blue hair idea then Sailor Mercury would be the way to go

>> No.8006977

You're cute. Kotori would be fine, but I'd go with a shy magical girl character like Fuu from Rayearth or Meomura.
I like Watanuki's design, but 2 would suit you better. Wiccan from Young Avengers is also my super self indulgent suggestion.
Please be Guts.
Anime suggestion: Sylia Stingray from Bubblegum Crisis. Comic suggestion: WW or Jessica Drew. She just got a new character design that looks pretty cool and I think you'd suit it.
Casey for sure.
Whoever that guy on the left is. Alt. Akio from Utena or Prince Naveen from Princess and the Frog
You're cute, Kei from Dirty Pair seems like a good fit, or Tabatha from Rune Factory. I think you'd look the cutest with a character that's supposed to be tan, because you have a really cool toned skin tone in natural light.
Megaman is a good choice.
Umi from Rayearth would really suit you. Mint from TMM would also work. Other blue haired characters you'd look good as are Surge from Marvel/ X-men or Nayru from LOZ.
You're cute have a really petite frame for your height, but you also have an hourglass figure. So I personally think more mature characters would suit you than Sakura. Aiko would be fine though.

>> No.8006997

>>8006918 I think you'd look great as Robin from One Piece

>> No.8007017

yeah, you could pull her off fo sure

>> No.8007022


So far she's my favorite suggestion. :)
I'm also getting multiple lavender hair character suggestions for some reason lol

>> No.8007025

The leather doesn't end up looking like you'd think, form the dyes and the super sheen you apply to it it looks like a durable and more rugged version of the foam/worbla stuff (if you want it to that is, the ageing is all up to you)


The armor I have patterns to is shown in this pic, to get them otherwise requires you buying a $30 ebook

>> No.8007030
File: 167 KB, 306x272, ww1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd want it to as closely as possible resemble this. not a fan of the new-age armored ww look.

>> No.8007041

I understand, it only seemed fair to show you the look before I gave up though since I forgot to give a link the first time.

>> No.8007046

hehe aw that's cool :0)

>> No.8007056

Aw shucks, thanks!
I get that a lot actually I've never been into One Piece though.
Yeah I was a little worried about being too curvy for her but hiding my chest definitely isn't an issue and the big dress would cover up my hips. I can't really get away with bat burglar sadly.

>> No.8007092
File: 2.24 MB, 2189x974, djflkdsjlkajf;s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more ideas for 2015 tbh
You'd make a cute Kotori, female Mako would work too since you're pretty tall
Yesss Kaisar, I'm really liking Bahamut and I think you could pull him off. Would make a good Lelouch.
Definitely Guts. If leather is your thing look into a series like Dragon Age.
Asami from Legend of Korra
please do Casey
Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin. You were made for her.
Your sayaka is so cute!! I like the idea of WW Oriana, would also make a cute Lana from Hyrule Warriors (another cute blue haired girl!)
Aiko would be interesting, I haven't seen much Punpun cosplay. You've got a killer bod so you could do anything honestly lol

>> No.8007106

Do cercei, just take a look on medieval reenactment shops til you find the right dress. A lot of the sites have GOT licenced costumes. 10/10 would fight your golden lion

>> No.8007111

I'd like to add that I made a typo in my comments. I meant to say more projects for *2015 wooops!

>> No.8007163

Hoollyy crap you're cute! Yui from K-ON!
Shinji from NGE, or Pazu from Castle in the Sky! You've got a cute/youthful face!
Your ideas are pretty good, go with them!
Asami from Legend of Korra, Lilith from Borderlands.
Casey Jones!
I second Prince Naveen!
Ooo do a silent hill nurse!! Bubblehead if you want revealing or puppet nurse if you want to focus on gore!
Mako from Klk! She doesn't have blue hair but her uniform is blue, and you're definitely cute enough to pull her off well!
Holy crap your proportions are perfect. Please do Aiko! You'd make a cute Korra, or Asuka from Eva.
Catherine from the video game of the same name!

>> No.8007258
File: 1.24 MB, 1366x768, takamura-mamoru-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that I have an internet crush on you.

Too much 4chan for one night, good night.

>> No.8007290

>Those hips, breast and midriff.
Please cosplay my gf.
Or Aiko Tanaka but how. She just wears plain clothing.

>> No.8007297


>> No.8007332

>>8007092 Paz Ortega from Peace Walker

>> No.8007345
File: 4 KB, 126x126, B...baka....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-Thanks guys....

>> No.8007348

You look like you can pull off Guts, wear a wig please
kassem G
Medic please
Anon, I too have a weakness for blue haired girls. Rei would be good
Casca, the world needs more berserk cosplay

>> No.8007396

my hair is much longer now so I should be able to do more for it. Do you think I'd still need a wig? Seems like a waste to me but I'm also new at this
(guts guy)

>> No.8007465

wigs just look better in general even if you have hair similar to the character because humans have thin and unmanageable hair whereas wigs you can style and spike and theres thicker hair to work with. Guts' hair is kinda spiked back and that would be extremely difficult to style. its worth even just spending $15-20 on a decent ebay wig.

>> No.8007530

Caseybro here, I was thinking of using my real (totally fucking untameable) hair for him, as it's unanimous I have to do him now. I don't honestly think a wig would be a good idea for said character. Will I be looked down upon if I use my real hair? I mean it's basically the same and due to being an actual live action character wearing a wig might make it look faker.

>> No.8007536

it'll fall down during the day mang but okaaaay
>hmu if you want a 6'0" griffith

>> No.8007556

I think if youre going with the movie version, use your real hair. I just always suggest if youre cosplaying a cartoon/anime/video game character, its wise to always use a wig because human hair NEVER behaves like animated hair and it almost never works

>> No.8007577

That's the version I was going for, strictly because I'm not built like a buff comic character, as much as I'd love to do the classic version with the grubby sweat pants and torn hoodie. Thanks for the advice on others though! I actually used a wig on my first cosplay but just had a friend style it for me.

>> No.8007638

Chie is a great choice because my bf wants to be Yosuke some day.

I need to read Rayearth because the outfits are so pretty. Good ol' CLAMP. Thank you for the multiple suggestions by the way!

Thank you! Sayaka's been my favorite character to cosplay thus far. Lana is very cute; I agree.

I actually have a few friends who want to be some KLK characters. I'll see if I can find a group and be Mako.

It sucks to have the blue haired crush because they're generally tragic characters.

>> No.8007641

I'm glad that there is at least one trip left that remembers me for my blatant shit-posting and horror stories years ago.

Favaro (Shingeki no Bahabut: Genesis), Keith Shadis, Van Fanel (escaflowne), Martin DaCosta (gundam seed), Archer (Fate Stay/night)

>> No.8007837
File: 232 KB, 1463x681, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey everyone, pretty new to all of this so sorry if I bugger something up a bit. Just as a note I've got a pretty long neck which kind of sucks, so that's why I was leaning more towards a suit kind of deal because it suits me a bit better. Honestly don't care about crossplay because my figure is a tad androgynous. Coat-tails are cool as shit.

You'd make a cute Kotori for sure, go for it!
I'd suggest Seiya, something about the design of his character seems to suit you.
Casey without a doubt.
Medic or Franken Stein?
Rei perhaps? Never really been a fan of the school uniform but that's personal preference.
Motoko from Ghost in the Shell? Aiko wouldn't be bad either.
Cersei! Yes!

>> No.8008617

bumping the thread

>> No.8008683
File: 339 KB, 2189x974, 1419188887890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Britain from Hetalia if you want to be inappropriately touched by strangers.
Jojo's Rohan Kishibe.

Guts fits really well.

Get an Agent Cooper and be Audrey Horne. Can't guarantee you will be recognized.

Mononoke's Medicine Seller.

Esmeralda. Horribly burned version if you want horror.


Winter Wonder Orianna would be perfect.

Aiko. Older characters suit you better imo.

I'm not much not into manga like that so I can't recommend more but you could get away with all of your suggestions.
The Little Prince?

>> No.8008693

your define waist is making me sad
I am pretty much you, but no waist or hips at all, jfc.

>> No.8008708 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 2189x974, plz be nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife Kotori @w@

You have a good face for WW!


Nausicaa (being the only character I recognize there loooll)


Wanna buy me stuff? :3

>> No.8008728

>That moment when you stop even trying to troll

>> No.8008824

>>8007837 Junpei from 999 would be a good fit
>>8008683 Janeway suits you well but if you're looking for alternative ideas, Sailor Uranus or short haired Rapunzel?

>> No.8008830

Anon, did you just censor your watch?

>> No.8008835

pretty sure its an identifying tattoo or similar

>> No.8008840

marry me please
(nishi though)

>> No.8008857

Just a mildly identifying armband.

I've already considered showing my hairdresser a picture of Sailor Uranus but kinda forgot about it as a cosplay idea.

>> No.8009109

I would love to do Casca and Guts with my boyfriend but I'm hesitant since I'm kind of pale and every pale Casca I've seen looked bad.
Please do Too-Ticky I'd love to see that!
Aw anon if it makes you feel any better I can never find dresses that fit me right.

>> No.8009138

You look like you have the right skin tone in your second picture, I based my suggestion off of that because the lighting looked better.

>> No.8009479
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Elena Fisher (Uncharted)
Nephenee or Agnes
Nanoha (StrikerS)
Mima Kirigoe (Perfect Blue)
Like someone suggested, Prince Naveen would be a good choice.
Daniella (Haunting Ground)

>> No.8009512

Nina. BoF4 is my favorite game for the PS1. I might just replay it for the 5th time.

>> No.8009562
File: 2.51 MB, 2189x974, anotherpieceofidollovingtrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be a really cute Sucy from Little Witch Academia (just thought of that after seeing Schierke in your ideas). From your Ideas I like Satomi for you.
Please be Lunar Goddess Diana. I'm so gay for Diana and nobody appreciates her, it would make my life to see someone do her justice.
I'd recommend Izaya if you're new to cosplay. Not from your ideas I think you'd be a cute Donnel from FE:Awakening.
Not from your ideas: Jinx from LoL would suit you pretty well. From yours I think you'd be pretty rad as Lucina.
You'd be awesome as Aiko, but probs not very recognizable. Not from yours but you'd rock Rei from NGE.
I like Winter Wonder Ori for your face. Not from your ideas: Sailor Uranus.
Medic would be pretty easy for you in terms of natural looks but I'd love to see more Megaman.

For me, I'm just wondering who would suit me best from Love Live! I'm mostly tied between Kotori and Tojo but I figured feedback on who I suit better would help me decide. Random suggestions are always fun, too.

>> No.8009640
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I plan on bulkin a little for myself. I'm completely clueless on what to do. Really, anything that doesn't have big armor should be okay.

Far left girl

White chaika

Lucina for sure

Red chaika


Just do trish if it's your dream

Guts if you can make dat armor

>> No.8009648

Mirin bro what's your routine and diet like

>> No.8009657

Diet is pretty shit, not gonna lie. Routine I started lifting with really low reps, high volume, just for some strength gains. Then I kinda worked out all over the place trying to find out what works. In the end what I found out is yeah, diet is a lot more important for aesthetic gains, not necessarily strength gains, so have a good ass diet.

Got into boxing recently over the past year, that really helps cutting down with all that cardio. I'm tryna bulk a little and actually leave hungry skeleton mode.

>> No.8010144

>dresses and skirts
You can do literally anything from Bravely Default.

>> No.8010168

>diet is a lot more important for aesthetic gains, not necessarily strength gains, so have a good ass diet.

What would be a good diet?

>> No.8010177

Going to /fit/ for a start instead of shitting up this thread.

>> No.8010706


>> No.8011811
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Kotori u cute
NISHI definitely
Guts you /fit/ bro

>> No.8012405
File: 1.33 MB, 1985x934, edede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

colonel mustang from fma i feel it .

Im not sure about your guts choice your body doesnt fit him. But every character from Free! go ahead.

asami from legend of korra

Korra from legend of korra.

Stein perfect.

Chad from bleach

>> No.8012630


>> No.8013183
File: 763 KB, 2189x974, Cosplays for 2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not too sure about Dorthy but the rest I'd like to try.
>>8011811 Okuyasu

>>8006448 ''Damn, i make every outfit a 10" Amagi park pls

>>8009479 Margret Moonlight maybe

>>8007837 Makoto, Idol m@ster

>>8007092 Agnes but maybe not her default outfit

>> No.8015171
File: 471 KB, 2189x974, 1419188887890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sonia Nevermind: Super Dangan Ronpa 2


Shingiro Aragaki: Persona 3


Defiantly part 8 Josuke


Akihiko Sanada: Persona 4 Arena


Far left girl.


Henrietta: Log Horizon


Jennifer Sato: [c] Money of Soul and Possible Control

>> No.8017236
File: 427 KB, 600x678, Sazh_Katzroy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8017295

You have a good face and build for Simon

>> No.8017933
File: 894 KB, 2189x974, dfsnkad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chad from Bleach
Nina would be PERFECT, you could also try Mabel from GF
You don't seem to have okuyasu's crazy eyes, Gappy would be cool tho
Jinx from League of Legends
You'd do an AMAZING Vanessa from KoF

Looking for couples or dual cosplays

>> No.8017951

Persona 4 Funky student. I swear to god you look like him.

That or Reiji from YGO Arc-v. Especially with those glasses.

>> No.8017961

Maya from Persona 2 and your partner does Tatsuya?

Batgirl and Nightwing? (or Batman lol.)

>> No.8017964

Snake and Otacon if you don't mind crossplaying from MGS.

>> No.8018053
File: 13 KB, 300x371, alex-wilder_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you need to be Alex Wilder!

>> No.8018202
File: 229 KB, 376x372, Untitled11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you drawing a blank with Clint? For literally 18 issues of Hawkeye he has a female partner. Batgirl is also easy because you can do any other Batfamily character. Unless you had some aversion to them.

>> No.8018220

My thoughts exactly. These two have teamed up with a lot outside their main partners/family too.

>> No.8018244

Yeah I don't get how anyone could have trouble coming up with a couples cosplay for Clint. He has had so many female partners and SOs over the years, you could pick up a marvel encyclopedia, open it to any random female character, and Clint would have very likely dated her.

Want to go MCU or pre-Avengers Comics? Black Widow.
Current Solo Run? Kate Bishop.
Classic Hawkeye? Mockingbird.
Thunderbolts era? Moonstone.
Early 2000s? Wasp.
Hell, there is a comic where in another reality, he has a kid with She-Hulk.

>> No.8018263

Thanks guys, thing is, since I'm starting to get into the new ongoing hawkeye, I didn't know anything about it, I liked the design so I'm starting to read into it, but yeah thanks

not sarcasm

>> No.8018271
File: 1.25 MB, 2184x976, Untitled (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so cute! Zhu Li are Varrick are perfect! I don't really know what to suggest that wouldn't require shaving, sorry.
Spike from Cowboy Bebop? You've got the big hair and thin/gangling look perfect!
Since you like frills, maybe a magical girl? It's not frilly but I think you'd be really cute Mami!
1 and 2!
Kujo! Alternatively, Sokka from ATLA.
Satsuki from Kill La Kil!! Your features are super cute, but black hair looks so nice on you and your brows are perfect! Also, dark haired green star.
Madotsuki from Yume Nikki!
Heather from Silent Hill!!
Shinji from EVA since you're pretty young lookin.

>> No.8018377
File: 1.83 MB, 2189x970, sugg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seconding what someone else suggested. Alistair totally. Even Cullen in Dragon Age 3 would be awesome.
Elizabeth from Bioshock in her 3rd outfit would suit you so much
Marian Hawke from Dragon Age 2 :)
I saw it suggested and I knew I had to agree. Akihiko from Persona. >>8013183
You look so cute with twin tails. Maka Albarn from Soul Eater maybe?

>> No.8018446


>> No.8018673
File: 1.44 MB, 2189x974, idea chart 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotori or something from K-On?
Scooby Doo - Shaggy
Rei from Free!
Kos-Mos or something from KLK
Casey Jones
Bataar Jr. From Legend of Korra
Road to El Dorado - Chel
Medic works
Lapis Lazuli if you have a group
Totally Spies - Alex
Sumia from FE:A
Yukari from Rosario+Vampire
Tim Drake
those 3 you picked work well
2,3,4 work. from FE:A, Anna seems to fit more than Tiki
The IT Crowd or anything with Richard Ayoade
She looks very Disney-like, maybe Elizabeth from Bioshock as well

>> No.8019048

You'd rock any of them!
Perfect face for Nishi and Watanuki (break a leg and cosplay House)
Be my fitness trainer (or Guts, Guts works)
Any Alice
Be Casey Jones but you'll need to have a bunch of turtles with you for people to not think you're Jason.
Nidalee from League of Legends. You may need to push-up or work with padding to copy her chest.
If you can get the face shadow growing, Medic is great.
Something that isn't blue. Winter Orianna would be cool, too.
Oh God yes, Nephenee. Oh God yes, Agnes.
Makoto is great with your frame
Diana, LOL (LOL)

>> No.8019059

Tbh only thing you'd pull off is puppycat maybe merida

>> No.8019062
File: 440 KB, 1990x897, Sagat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Millhiore from Dog Days or anyone who is cute. You're cute.
>dat bathing suit
You've got spunk, kid. I like that. Be the more centered X girl. Unless that's how you're marking who you don't want to be, in which case be bottom red star on the left or the purple star with magenta bows.
Be more naked, plz. Nude suit. Those giant naked dudes from that show with the flying dudes in the walled city
Aww yiss, Jojo
Marth? Zero is great, too.
7 or 9. 7 more so because it's not done very often.
Afro Samurai
>no beard shaving
I'm out of ideas.
I agree with Fooly Cooly
Please be Bee with the Puppycat apron.
You fit a lot of characters really well, I think you should bring the Zuko dude back for another year and try to get an Aang with you.

I feel like I missed someone.

>> No.8019347

The work uniform is the one I was leaning towards so yay :)

>> No.8020827

If you went as Leorio or Ging from HxH I'd probably love you.


Diego. Get them poses down tho. If you want a new suggestion, Harima from school rumble because he's sav as hell.

Your face is so round and cute, it'd be perfect for patchy!

Makishima for sure

Supporting all the jojo, but you'd make a really cute Archer from Fate.

Hei from Darker than Black. He's got tight fitting clothes, show off your hard work!

Schierke! Need more berserk love out here.

Holy fuck Aiko please. Please please please please. Maybe bring a punpun or god cut out as a prop.

>> No.8020832
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aww, forgot pic

>> No.8021682
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>> No.8021687

I'm gonna say go with the thing that shows thigh, you have beautiful skin

also hnnnnng

>> No.8023105
File: 828 KB, 2189x974, cosplay suggestions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man I'd love to see you do Ms. Fortune

You could do Zangief. I also think you could pull a Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy in my opinion.

Oh man Bataar Jr. would be cool. You also look like you could definitely pull of a Mako


Miranda or Bee would be cool


Pazu + Sheeta would work for you guys!

Zhu Li and Varrick because yes

Ghiaccio would be neat

That Itsuka girl looks qt. Also Squiggly

>> No.8024232
File: 58 KB, 960x423, cosplay2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello everyone! Sorry about the images, I'm not on my own computer, so I couldn't edit them how I wished.

Anyway, I'm still pretty new but I have a couple ideas. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions? I've cosplayed things such as Lulu from LoL and Panty from PSG.

I'll be posting suggestions and taking my part as well. Thanks everyone!

>> No.8024255

Wowow, you are beautiful and your ears are so freaking cute!!

>> No.8024449
File: 462 KB, 2189x974, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH whoa. PLEASE do Anthy!!

Pochaco ~

Yukiho from IDOLM@STER

Marisa from TOUHOU

Junko from Dangan Ronpa

>> No.8024458

Honest opinion you don't have the body for most of these. Maybe Nozomi. Try adult characters.

>> No.8024479

Then give me recommendations then just saying I don't have the body for most of them??
Ritsuko is 19
The other 2 understandable. I just like fluffy outfits.

>> No.8024751
File: 1.90 MB, 2189x974, cosplaysheet2c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nozomi definitely!!! her middle in outfit in particular would look lovely on you.
#1, but i'd also suggest yurika from sakamichi no apollon.
Dandy, Leorio from Hunter x Hunter.
oh my god, you'd make such a gorgeous anthy. all of your ideas are really fitting, though!
GAI. also, i'm definitely seconding that suggestion for ging.
Puppycat, maybe keiko from yu yu hakusho.
Mamimi would be perfect, nami from one piece.
Your first idea would be good, but I'd love to see a Ghiaccio, provided you can figure out that wig, of course.
Makishima or Simon.
Gappy/part 8 Josuke would probably be best!!
you're so pretty!! from your ideas, I like satomi the best, but I'd also love to see some more berserk cosplay. I could see Akashi from the tatami galaxy or kyubei from gintama working for you as well.

>> No.8024856

Go as rinoa, I fully support this

>> No.8024972

I swear 6 isn't from the new Precure series

>> No.8024975

Nojiko from One Piece.
You're absolutely beautiful. Aiko would be a perfect fit for you, however, she's probably not recognizable unless you have a punpun with you. Chroniko would be cool to see, but otherwise, I'll second the suggestion for Robin. Maybe Hot Pants from Jojo.

>> No.8025617

Izaya, Rohan from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. I reckon you could make a good Kittan from TTGL as well.

>> No.8025694
File: 898 KB, 1990x901, skeletonguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always Jojo
3. I think its cute.
Puppycat <3

>> No.8026246

Out of your choices, spike probably. also please use a wig

>> No.8026776

Bumping the thread.

>> No.8026786
File: 1.87 MB, 2189x974, decembersuggests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spike, definitely.

Doppio please! And Yellow would be adorable, too.

Nozomi would look very flattering on you.


Bataar jr. from Legend of Korra!

Definitely Ms. Fortune.

Might Guy!


Bolin definitely for him but you should do Opal to match him!

Zhu Li and Varrick PLEASE.


Tiki would look really nice but also possibly Yukako from JJBA?



>> No.8027930


>> No.8027990
File: 1.01 MB, 2189x974, CosplaySuggestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Choi Mochimazzi from Tamako Market!
I think you should start with No. 2 seeming as you love fluffy outfits and suit Nozomi well
I'd like to see you to Mami Tomoe for some reason?

>> No.8029076

Bump for good measure.

>> No.8029117

you seem to pick baby faced characters like the pokemon girl and madoka? your face doesn't really fit them. i think more mature characters suit you better. not aigis, but for persona i think you'd do a good yukiko. or characters similar to her look. good job on the free cosplay, btw.

>> No.8030332

Most people tell me my face is babyish which is why I lean towards them but I think you're right. Especially how I do my makeup tends to be more mature looking these days... and thank you!

>> No.8031251


>> No.8032452
File: 1.92 MB, 2189x974, cosplaything.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Vocaloid character!

Wow I love your Caesar cosplay!! Teach me jfc

& Asami would be cute imo!

Spike or Joseph Joestar tbh

I think you could pull off the first Naruto character really well! Or Doppio of course.

>> No.8032501

Bataar Jr all the way! You'd also be a rad Mako.
Seconding Starlord.
I like all your ideas, but especially the first one!
Your ideas are good, maybe Tombo from Kiki's Delivery Service? It's simple and you have a good face for him.
You're adorable omg. Botan definitely, Faye from Cowboy Bebop.
I feel like I'm too pale to do Opal but that's such an adorable idea, thank you! Please do no5 and Asami! (Off topic but I love your eyebrows)
Please do Mako from Klk! You're got such a cute lil face, you'd be perfect for her!
How about Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle? You'd be really cute as her!

>> No.8036234

Bumping, I'll get back to this and suggest soon.

>> No.8036405
File: 1.46 MB, 2189x983, asdf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotori, you look a lot like her
Kotoko would suit you!
Aiko!! Aiko is awesome
I think Nausicaä would suit you best
SCHIERKE!!! We need Berserk cosplays
Number 2 is cute
Asami would suit you
You'd be cute Mami
I suggest May if you don't want anything complicated

>> No.8037228
File: 591 KB, 2189x1403, sakizou-recommend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently looking into doing a Sakizou/Sakizo cosplay but I am still having troubles on which one I should do. Currently I have limited it down to those ones. However, if anyone has any other recommendations it would be nice lol

Maribelle from Fire Emblem Awakening

Haruka from ORAS

Definitely Mami from Madoka

Takane from IdolM@ster would be hella cute

Hatsune Miku (any of her outfits)

>> No.8037316
File: 724 KB, 1598x713, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourth-ing(?) Ms.Fortune! You're really cute!


>What is this, a picture for ants
I think any of your ideas would work for you, but I like Kasumi best.

I would love to see you do Hiei!

I can see you as Edd.

Asami would be hella cute.


You would make a cute Courtney, but May is good too if you want less complicated.

Joan of Arc or Griffith.

> Sakizou
Making one of those costumes is my dream goal. I think Tartelette de Fruit suits you best!

>> No.8037741

You'd make cute Izuna

>> No.8037748

I am new to cosplaying, it seems fun and i want to try it out

I am not near an device with pictures of me, so i will try my best to describe myself
>6ft 2in, taller in shoes
>very skinny, only around 140lbs,
>very thick brown hair, it's only 3 inches right now but i am currently going to grow it out to about shoulder length

I also have no idea what I want to do for a character, most of the things I like are either impossible or very difficult for a new cosplayer.

I was thinking of doing something from MtG, like perhaps Innistrad, but i also know nothing about cosplay, so can you guys give suggestions for easy outfits for new people? thanks!

>> No.8037749

wait hold on i actually can use my roommate's phone, lemme make one of them stat card real quick

>> No.8037752

You have to suggest things for other people as well

>> No.8037764

i dont know any of this anime crap

>> No.8038028
File: 1.46 MB, 2189x983, Cosplayideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheren would suit you.

You're gorgeous. Mayta from Gargantia?

Yang Xiao Long


>> No.8038036

i think you'd do a great azusa but im gonna say choi based purely on the fact i <3 her

i think you'd do a good celeste from dangan ronpa as well.

>> No.8038318

I agree, Azusa or Choi. Both are really cute

>> No.8039260


>> No.8040203

I think number 5 would suit you the best since darker hair looks good on you.

>> No.8040422
File: 791 KB, 1990x924, CosSuggestions2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been so out of the loop of newer animes and games. Suggestions would be nice cause hell if I know what I can do anymore

Will post suggestions in another post

>> No.8040427

I havent seen a Choi cosplayer! Shes adorbable!
Hmm someone from Monogatari series. Maybe the snail?
I think 5 would look good buutttt itll give you a shortr torso and with your chest size it might look a little odd. So perhaps 3?
You would make a cute Nozomi
Doppio! Always Jojo

>> No.8040487
File: 1.58 MB, 2189x974, 1419188887890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time doing this. Kind of nervous.

>> No.8040490

forgot to circle female. Oops.

>> No.8040518

You also forgot to make suggestions for other people.

>> No.8040534

I'm working on it now, actually!
Was just doing it in a separate post.

>> No.8040556

I really think that you should do Honoka from Love Live, gosh. You'd be adorable as her.

Definitely number 5.

Not listed, but Nozomi Tojo from Love Live would be cute for you. You have the right body to do her perfectly.

Another Nozomi for sure, you could rock her, your facial expressions seem to be perfect for her. I think I'd rather see you do Kyoko than Madoka though!

Dat Botan. I may be biased though.

>> No.8040648

You'd be an adorable Madoka! Unless, you're going for more of a 'mature' route. Then definitely Sailor Neptune.
Based on your face shape, I think you'd look great as Kei. You'd also look great as Sailor Uranus

>> No.8040674
File: 750 KB, 1353x928, cosplaysuggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe Zhu Li from Legend of Korra?
Go with the Sherlock one!
Lord Genome from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Shierke would be cool, but it would be a shame to hide your hair.
Maybe Perone from One Piece

>> No.8040683
File: 282 KB, 1280x960, 20150107_192541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon with unlisted Nozomi here! Its unlisted because Ive already done Nozomi but I didn't show her picture up there bc no space

>> No.8040700
File: 1.44 MB, 2189x974, fsdgfsfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the intensity of your eyes! I think Kei would be super cool, I loved that movie and would love to see more cosplay from it.
Seconding the idea of doing Madoka. Or maybe Noire since you did Tharja from Awakening?
What about Maria Taro from Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei?
Oh please do Dolphi!!!
I could see you doing Caster from Fate Stay. Also Griffith would be super cool.
Because of that apron I could see you as the Pokemon Breeder trainer class from ORAS.
Do Mami!
Oh do Wadanohara! Also, always cheering on peeps who want to do Ultimate Madoka. Good luck!
If you can get two more buds do the Ed boys.
Kjelle from Fire Emblem: Awakening maybe? I also love that you want to do cosplay from the Pokemon Special. Silver and Yellow are both good choices!
Apollo Justice!
I think you would make a very lovely Anthy. Maybe also Michiko from Michiko to Hatchin?
Isabela from Dragon Age 2 would be cool too.
Thirding Star-Lord.
I don't remember his name, but the older brother from Big Hero Six? Also Donnel would be super adorable...
I would love to see someone do Aveline.
Mamimi is a good choice, but you've already done her... What about Asami from LoK?
If you guys do Hawkeye, why not Hawkeye and Black Widow? And if Batgirl why not Batgirl and Nightwing?
Yes to all your ideas.
Also seconding Sazh.
Rubella from Child of Light would be amazing. How about one of the Cardcaptor Sakura outfits?
Motherfucking Yowamushi Pedal.
I can picture you as Miles Morales. Spiddyman.
Maybe a Final Fantasy XIV class character?
I'd love to see Diana, Nausicaa and Too-Ticky!
Seconding Shinji from Eva. But out of the ideas you had I think Izaya would be a good first cosplay.

Can't give more suggestions because comment is too long. ;_;

>> No.8040704


>> No.8040721

From; >>8040700

You could do a great Alistair cosplay, might require you dying your hair.
Please do Lucina! Also I don't even know if you like League of Legends, but I think you could fit Lux.
Since you like CCS, I think this outfit would look really cute. http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/ccs/images/9/99/2bigger_(1).gif/revision/latest?cb=20091109222850
Winter Wonder Orianna!!! Also you seem to like blue-themed characters? So I second Umi from Rayearth.
I saw someone else suggest BlackRose from .hack so I second that. Also maybe Zoey from Left 4 Dead?
Idk why but I got a Carmen Sandiego vibe from that red shirt.
Alistair plz.
Seconding Jim from the Office!
Can I suggest Lissa from Fire Emblem: Awakening?

>> No.8040778 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 720x960, 974407_734431963271783_1513604082_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not good at photoshop and just trying to get ideas so I don't look too awful if I go to a con with my cosplay crazed sister
I'm 6'6" and really skinny
be Alice from madness returns

>> No.8040815
File: 1.35 MB, 2266x1000, 3542388528394283599185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking suck at suggestions.

the looker from pkmn X/Y
Pheonix wright

laughing beauty from mgs4?
short hair strikes somewhat close?

spike could be good,
11th doctor could work you're pretty skinny.

>> No.8040918

You need to do Gumshoe!

>> No.8041214
File: 238 KB, 791x1990, Eugene1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8041411
File: 2.66 MB, 848x1900, 2014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


8018673 here. Thx for the suggestions, unfortunately I've already done those.

>> No.8041433
File: 336 KB, 525x507, denis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also before anyone shits on my terrible Donnel it's not too terrible

>> No.8041441

Yo, what the fuck.
Way to fuck up the pattern.

>> No.8041602

Memoca! Also Shion from No. 6. You have a face that'd suit young male characters rather well.
Rize from Tokyo Ghoul. Can't decide for Sakizou unfortunately, but good luck with whatever one you choose.
Cute alert, wow. Kotori for sure, and Himari from Mawaru Penguindrum.
Tame your eyebrows and then Shinichi from Parasyte (when he still had his hair down and glasses)
Major Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell.
Sonia Nevermind from Super Dangan Ronpa 2
Favaro definitely, but after looking at the picture on the right I'm feeling Tsukki for you as well.

>> No.8042751
File: 381 KB, 2189x974, cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may not be buff (yet) but I'm pretty tall, so that counts for something, right?

Both Gumshoe and Soldier would work well for you, I think.

Do Rosalina!

You'd make a great Tsumugu.

>> No.8042901
File: 681 KB, 1500x667, suggestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiker, I can also see you do Otacon from mgs
Bolin and Gumshoe!
You look like Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite!!
Madoka, Lucina
Asuza and Choi, maybe Nico from LL?

>> No.8042952


Totally adding that to my list of possibilities. I love MGS, I don't know why I never thought of that.

>> No.8042969

Go for Handa or Hiker

>> No.8042972

>Being this cute
Excuse me while my heart implodes.

>> No.8043048

>lying on the internet
you're 6'1

>> No.8043091

What makes you think that?

>> No.8043184

Neko Robin from one piece
Satsuki from Kill la kill or Kuvira from LoK,dem brows
Clark key/superman, you have the facial definition for it

>> No.8043189
File: 311 KB, 2189x974, template copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot pic

>> No.8044225
File: 2.13 MB, 2189x974, suggestion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please do Spike. I really think that you could nail Spike.

I really think any of the three you have in mind would suit you. You remind me an awful lot of a character that's on the tip of my tongue so I might post again shortly with a suggestion.
massive qt btw.

I'm really feeling the Hiker from Pokemon. I think you'd do great as that.

PLEASE DO GUMSHOE OR BOLIN. Absolutely perfect for it imo.

Although I really think any of oyur ideas would suit you, I think Platinum, Dagna, Hawke or the Vault Dweller would be perf.

Defiantly think it's worth taking a shot at both, although in my own opinion especially Tsumugu.

Jolyne imo.

Defiantly think you could do a good Claire.

Defiantly think you could do a good Chitanda.

There'll probably be some more to follow~

>> No.8044282
File: 634 KB, 2189x1707, this took me so long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

recommend me any cosplay pls

Aikurō Mikisugi should look great on you and it's not expensive!
also gonna recommend you some kill la kill because i think you could rock tsumugu kinagase
pleaaase do panda annie you are literally so freaking cute
can't decide on bolion or ralph bc you could rock those
lucina would look great on you!!
mako ftw, i wouldnt do tsumugu if you dont like wigs and growing your hair
i know they're not on your list but i think you would rock midna or illia from legend of zelda!!

>> No.8045162

Flynn Rider from Tangled.
I can see you doing a good Scanty and Blue!

>> No.8045285


>> No.8046511
File: 1.64 MB, 2189x974, bruh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elizabeth from bioshock if thats your thing

holy shit makoto

green haired bike homie

nadia from nadia: the secret of blue water

totally jolyne

panda annie or even goth annie would be cool

yoooo that homura would be fucking neat

>> No.8046615
File: 541 KB, 2189x974, 1419188887890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd love to see you do the fairy godmother! And the stocking. That marie is awesome.
>Those eyebrows
Consider Satsuki?
Pretty much every idea you put down would be solid gold.
Going to suggest the bolin as well. Soldier would be good too.
you look like you'd make a good Murasaki from senran kagura.
Seconding the flynnryder.
Tsumugu from KLK

>> No.8051415
File: 238 KB, 2189x966, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a cosplayer nor a board regular but I've always been a bit curious since I see cosplay threads sometimes on /v/, could I cosplay as anyone? Do I resemble any character? Probably not since I'm a spic but it's worth a try.
Pictures are kind of shitty, sorry

>> No.8051440

You're supposed to contribute if you want suggestions

>> No.8051444

this isn't /soc/, you don't have to respond to every single post

>> No.8051449

sorry about that

I'm not too good with faces nor do I know a lot of characters. I wanted to but I came up with blanks. If you guys don't want to suggest anything because I didn't, that's fine.

>> No.8051485

All you need to do is find 5 people in the thread who have given suggestions for themselves and agree or disagree with one of their choices. You aren't special because you came over from /v/, lots of people cross boards.

>> No.8052727


>> No.8053212

Were you the same guy in the miku monday thread on /v/ ?

I didn't know you were on here too...

>> No.8053611
File: 2.55 MB, 2189x1087, nyoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiba from BECK, or Kyoryu Blue from Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger?
Aiko from Punpun, perhaps?

>> No.8054643

Si. I'm tryin to prepare for anime expo.

>> No.8054790
File: 258 KB, 700x900, joseph_joestar_by_hukuzo-d5hpzm0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joestar, that is an honor to even be suggested to me. Ha...Got to hit the gym.

>> No.8054821
File: 774 KB, 2189x974, oops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe bee from bee and puppycat? or amethyst from steven universe

hmm i thought of joseph from the evil within immediately...

you're cute! I dig your Blue idea. maybe even Raven from Teen Titans if you're into that.

i think you would look really great as spike!

gosh you're adorable. annie would be neat, ibuki or juri from street fighter perhaps?

hiker!! yes!

>> No.8054838

you strike me more as a peace walker or snake eater snake. but i'm personally just a sucker for snake cosplayers

>> No.8055274

ooh you might as well try nico from love live!!

>> No.8059445


>> No.8059474

I think either #5 or #6
You'd be an amazing Courtney
You'd be a great Wadanohara as well as Asami. Your Caesar is amazing btw omg
Omg Jolyne please
You'd be a good Tsumugu c:
Platinum or Lucina
You'd be a great Bulma imo c:
Stocking or Tsukimi

>> No.8059494

I always encourage PunPun cosplays since I cosplay Aiko myself! Plus you already have his outfit, hah. It's a fun series to cosplay from, when people recognize you, they freak.

You have such a cute face for Launch!

>> No.8059499
File: 1.37 MB, 2189x1054, cos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for the shitty MSPaint edit, but yeah. I mostly pick younger characters because I have such a baby face. :(

>> No.8059504 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 2189x974, sugg2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen hatsune in alice human sacrifice? I think you'd look good in that outfit.
You should definitely do Big boss, hands down.
I think you'd do a great bulma and mei. Both suit you, and the cosplay shouldn't be too hard.
If you can put it together, defs go with devil homura.

>> No.8059506 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 480x864, yz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, accidentally covered my face up. Error

>> No.8059509

You'd be a fucking awesome Archie from ORAS.
Michiru from Grisaia no Kajitsu!
You would make a GORGEOUS Elizabeth from Bioshock Infinite. (You're also gonna be a kickass Jolyne!
GUTSSS <3 I think you'd also be a good Tsumugu!
The Witch Princess from Harvest Moon: Animal Parade!

>> No.8059519

Dear god you're gorgeous. I don't know anything about cosplay but I think any of the characters you picked so far would be perfect. You're really svelte.

>> No.8059524

you are just too beautiful. a perfect figure and gorgeous face! im jealous!

>> No.8059528

lol you have to make suggestions to get suggested too, if you take you give

>> No.8059531

Sorry about that! >>8059509 is actually me, I just forgot to post that with the picture. I'm pretty new to this, haha.

>> No.8059533 [DELETED] 

thank you! I actually dropped like 30 pounds a year or two ago so I'm not use to compliments, thanks, made my night

>> No.8059538
File: 277 KB, 2184x1000, madfsjl8t4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new into cosplaying. going to a con soon, please recommend me something
you would look cute as misaki
vincent, definitely
jotaro kujo
your eyes look ok to me, you could try cosplaying as snake, maybe?
kiki, fairy godmother would look pretty funny.
raven, like that other anon said. homura would look good too
vaas, from far cry 3
sazh,from final fantasy. please do this
i'm jealous of asians, you're way too versatile.
i would love to see you as ada wong (resident evil)
lucina, everyone likes lucina
tsumugu, absolutely
senjougahara, from bakemonogatari
third for madoka

>> No.8059564

i'm >>8059538
i missed your post, you would look good as villetta from code geass. michiko is a nice choice too.
fuko!! rikka, from chuunibyou would suit you too
1 would be interesting
layla, no contest
can't go wrong with may
do mami next
may or asami

>> No.8059642

Any of you single ladies wanna marry me?

>> No.8059732

Yes. I have a penis if that's ok.

>> No.8059968

I am not picky as long as you're cute and like to receive

>> No.8060453

izaya from drrr!! or takashi from ohshc

honestly all of those would work. michiko would be dope, but anthy would be really cute

how about sumomo from chobits?

>> No.8060627

awww. too cute

>> No.8060674 [DELETED] 


>> No.8060809
File: 63 KB, 529x792, 424433424_501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt, cosplay xion

>> No.8061079

You're never going to meet anyone on 4chan

>> No.8062598
File: 230 KB, 459x342, tumblr_mbk2c3t59M1qiwjtd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8066884
File: 520 KB, 2189x2028, cosplaything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry about the 'green' photo, I don't have too many full-body shots that are clearer.
Any suggestion is more than welcome. Thanks, seagulls!

>> No.8067046


>> No.8067061

You remind me of this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-bYSC6OT6s

>> No.8067567

Murdoc! :D

>> No.8068941


>> No.8069294

If you're this guy>>8066884
People won't recommend you something unless you rec other people.
and thisbis a slow board anyway

>> No.8069573
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Might I suggest looking into cosplaying Maxie from pokemon ORAS. Also any tips on who I could cosplay?

>> No.8069631
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Anyone still here?

>> No.8069634
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I'd say any of the doctors would work pretty well.
The first thing that comes to my mind is the narrator from fight club.
I think you'll be able to pull off Michiko the best
Fuko would be cute as hell. If you haven't already try Mako from Kill La Kill.
Definitely Mei

>> No.8071074

I want to say Travis Touchdown because of that hair, but you don't exactly have that hard of a face for that.

>> No.8071202

damn u stupid.
>post a fucking photo
>suggest five cosplays

>> No.8071407

suggest if you want suggestions
i have no clue how you look like
do okabe

>> No.8071547

has there ever been a good sora coslpay tho?

>> No.8071785

Did you even read my suggestion to the other guy

>> No.8074888
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Don"t know if this is allowed here but I'm looking for a costume thats kinda easy to do. So more from Film/TV than anime cosplay

>> No.8074935

>No other recommendations
no one reply to this man.

>> No.8074964
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You should be Dudley

>> No.8074971

What is so hard about suggesting to other people? Why can't more people do that instead of being paraquats?

>> No.8078730
File: 507 KB, 2189x1696, 1419188887890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for suggestions for ComicCon m8s

Dude, Vincent. Yes, do that.

I think you could pull off an Indiana Jones, tbh.

I second the Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas cosplay, that'd be badass.

David Tenant is a definite option, although I could also see you pulling off Marty from Back to the Future pretty well.

The main character from Spec Ops the line would work, not showing off much and your hairstyle/facial features match his quite well.

Not sure if you're familiar with creepypastas, but I think Ticci Toby would work. Or a Psycho from Borderlands.

>> No.8078823
File: 280 KB, 1990x900, cosplay 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Greed - Full Metal Alchemist
Cid - Final Fantasy 7 or Kingdom Hearts
Kari - Digimon
Vincent - Coboy Bebop Movie

I prefer cynical characters and lazy carefree characters. I'm willing to wear a wig but black haired or dark haired preferred.

>> No.8078852

I think dante would work really well, but if you can grow the beard do Kenny.
Kiba and possibly warumonzaemon

>> No.8080772

Bump vump

>> No.8082373
File: 2.80 MB, 2189x1121, suggestions please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hei Darker than Black

Mako Kill La Kill

Okabe Stein;Gate

Mugen Samurai Champloo

>> No.8082384


Seras - hellsing

Yomi Isayama-Ga-Rei:Zero

In Game Sato - Welcome to the NHK

>> No.8083040
File: 615 KB, 2189x974, CGL Suggest 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SoSo Motoku from Koihime Musou
Kill la Kill Ryuko Matoi
Cammy from Street Fighter
Gotta be Rei Ayanami from NGE, maybe do plugsuit from new movies?
Yoko Littner TTGL
Umineko no Naku Koro ni Lucifer as Pride

>> No.8083061

pls do Favaro!

>> No.8083063

pls do Amira!

>> No.8083209
File: 220 KB, 2189x974, 1422390257254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't have any idea what I could do. Help would be greatly appreciated. Will to watch whatever show the character comes from. Thanks in advance!

>> No.8083210

It would help if you suggest to other people first.

>> No.8083221

I would if I wasn't on mobile, opening these pictures is hell

>> No.8083287


Do a Street Fighter group.

Left guy could be Ken, right guy could be Ryu. The girl could go as Rose or Crimson Viper.

>> No.8083432

Thanks for the suggestion, the girl in our group isn't really fond of Rose or Crimson Viper. But I appreciate it anyways.

>> No.8084628
File: 2.23 MB, 2188x988, cosplayideas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still a baby cosplayer, I guess. Still learning with makeup and sewing, but I recently got a machine. I'm currently working on God Tier Rose from Homestuck, and I'm definitely going to start working on Ringabel right after, but more suggestions would always be appreciated!

>> No.8085280
File: 1.66 MB, 2189x974, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd say characters from any fighting game might be a good place to start, big character rosters and a lot of choices for the three of you, i'd also say maybe an Resident evil group? guy on the left could be piers, chris on the right and the girl could be Jill or Claire

Lulu isn't a bad choice for you, link might work too (depending on which style of link you picked)

>Akira,Eden of the east
DO IT, also i'd say most of your suggestions are good, for .Hack i'd say Maybe hasaeo or syllabus (i think that was his name)

Alex Mercer and dante seem like a pretty good fit for you

im curious of how you'd do king dedede, okabe would suit you pretty well

i'd say any of the pokemon protags or maybe digimon depending on which kid you did.

all of your ideas are pretty solid, i'd suggest one of the girls from chuunibyou or kyoukai no kanata

Launch or Luka (vocaloid)


do it and i'll be your best friend, Kiki would be pretty cute for you too.

>> No.8085457

I wouldn't do blue paint or the beak, kind of like a humanoid version. Anyways, I think Ryoji and Young Link are very good choices. Madolche would be interesting, but probably stressful to get everything together. Its hard to choose from those three though.

>> No.8085826
File: 266 KB, 2189x974, 1419188887890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you could rock Dante pretty well. I could see you doing a Sanji from One Piece too.
Please be a hiker. Please.
Emma from Togainu no Chi
You could pull off a Spike pretty well. Kind of a lazy cosplay though
You look like you'd do number 5 really well.
Number 4
PLEASE be Sazh Katzroy!

>> No.8085846

You'd make a good Moondoggie from Eureka seven. He's not really a main character though.
The character you mentioned would be a nice fit.

>> No.8085964
File: 1.28 MB, 1990x924, so not tumblr trans guise really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls no bully

young link would be really nice and simple
be a pretty boy marth for real
bruh the one guy from flcl with the nori-brows
better off doing best dante not fuck you dante
lucy steel please

>> No.8085977

Oh definitely Kiba. It just feels right. I'd also say sanageyma from kill la kill if you're up for it.

>> No.8086087
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>> No.8086177

le millennom girl

>> No.8086179

Have also been thinking about doing a toon link cosplay a lot lately

>> No.8086256
File: 335 KB, 2189x974, slim tf down son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry my only bodypic is a lolita meet (ita first coord), i rarely take photos of my body and the only onesi really have are when i was bone thin, so dont really work well.
you would make a gr8 seto kaiba

rika pls
also monomifrom dangan ronpa

asami sato, stick to more mature characters. they suit you.

pls marry me
be my doppio

tokou fukawa and satomi pls

>> No.8086279
File: 233 KB, 2189x974, fiiiiiilip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

berserk, guts
sonia nevermind

>> No.8086352

Wow nigga, you pretty kawaii desu ne. Please do chaika

>> No.8086623
File: 1.37 MB, 2189x974, suggestions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to add that i have slight extra weight in my midsection so I don't like showing my stomach.

Snake - 999
Hiyoko Saionji - Dangan Ronpa
Simon Blackquill - Ace Attorney Dual Destinies
Francis, Bill, and Zoey from L4D?
Tohru Adachi -P4

>> No.8086627

Oh jeez, its hard to pick between those three. They're both possible. Nonaginta would be the most interesting of the three. Yeah...Nonaginta.

>> No.8086637

pls b gf

>> No.8086641

shes just too precious not to cosplay tbh thank you!
unfortunately i wasnt destined for harem route and i am taken

>> No.8086646

Ayy no problemo.

>> No.8086678
File: 1.69 MB, 2189x974, hmmmmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ranma idk you have the perfect nose
there's no way you want to hear this but you honestly look like kristoff from frozen. you could do marth justice though and you'd look damn good as char.
you are lelouch. (could work without but straightening the ends of your hair might help?)
tbh without the glasses you look like older neville
do dedede, lesser-done cosplays are great
what kind of games/shows do you like?
if we're just going by appearance you can pretty much anything with your face/body. naota nandaba from flcl is my suggestion.
you're the cutest. you'd suit rika well i think!
hey now you're handsome and you should be proud of your ethnicity! if you grew out your hair like in the pic on the left you could do spike from cowboy bebop.
i doubt you like ponies and i'm scared to even mention it but you could totally rock a pinkie pie cosplay. ANYWAY you'd make an adorable tsukimi and it'd be awesome to see a gruntilda cosplay, please post it if you follow through with it!
tsumugu. you are tsumugu. (either work though)
ahhh i just did a sealed the other day and got alesha the one who smiles at death. great idea. you kinda look like jace in architect of thought. most mtg cosplays are 2complex4me but i'm interested in trying some. maybe soulfire grand master *_*

>> No.8086689

I think you have a good Disney princess face actually.

>> No.8086695

If you pull off Karen and do the butchered Japanese I'd kill over. That being said, do that. Hairclip and Kamari are good ones too.

>> No.8086720

have never gotten that before, but i guess the features kinda fit bc feminine. of course i don't suit my two favorites (mulan and jasmine). maybe belle or human ariel ;_;
that is literally why i want to cosplay her.

also just realized i misspelled both of komari's names oops it's late i'm tired

>> No.8086723

Definitely Kotori. Also Chiaki Nanami and maybe human Monomi (both from SDR2)
Junpei from 999 and Io Otonashi from Acchi Kocchi, possibly Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
You would be a really good Stein.
Chaika Bohdan (Hitsugi no Chaika)
Aikuro Mikisugi (KLK)
Bee would be super cute with you! Merida too
Nozomi is great for you holy shit

>> No.8086737

Finally this is starting to pick up now!

>> No.8086739

Decim from Death Parade would be pretty fitting

>> No.8086770

I think it's the nose that makes me think she'd make a super cute Jane from Tarzan.

>> No.8086773

That's exactly who I was thinking of but i couldn't figure out which princess it was. Holy shit.

>> No.8086780

Yeah, I was thinking dedede would be interesting. I just hope it doesn't end up being a shitfest. Thank you!

>> No.8086835

someone irl actually said i look like jane once, you guys are spot on and that is actually a pretty good idea.

you are a.) the most beautiful woman i have ever seen. b.) perfect for aiko tanaka
cersei seconded
lol@comments/notes. i don't have any good suggestions though. you're handsome and your body looks good, you could cosplay pretty much any short-haired male. i do see the starlord thing. if you do zangief plz shave your chest hair in that shape lol
you do suit both kasumi and rinoa very well!
your face is so similar to botan's please do it!
no way i'm sure it'd be awesome. with short hair you look like someone but i can't put my finger on it. anyhow, you're welcome, i'll post it if i think of who it is!

>> No.8087150
File: 313 KB, 2189x974, cosplay copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologise in advance but I'm pretty terrible at coming up with guy suggestions so, sorry but there probably won't be any here.

Please please please do Karen.

I think you could also pull off those cute-sassy type characters.

I think you'd make a real cute Bee (and Puppycat), or Mako (KLK). You have that cute round face and big eyes. Sorry if it's weird to say, but you have really caring eyes, if that makes any sense. I think you'd suit characters who are younger but tend to act kind of motherly.

No stop you're definitely not fat stop with that belly shit I bet it's adorable.

That color pink looks really nice on your skin btw, maybe Mirai Kuriyama (I may have butchered that spelling)? You'd make a pretty qt Chihiro too.

Damn qurl u make my heart doki doki.

I'm a CLAMPfag so my immediate response is Yue from CCS, which would work well because you're tall and "he" is technically genderless? And those serious eyebrows.

I'm going to say Mako again just because of that second photo.

Aside from that, maybe Luna/Hazuki from Moon Phase, and definitely Fuko.
I'll try to suggest more when my internet stops being a little shit and lets me open more images, this is all I've got for now.

>> No.8087278


Imo you'd do a GREAT Austria from Hetalia.

>> No.8087291

Seconded. He even has the natural hair sticking up

>> No.8087315

You'd make a good Anri from Durarara

>> No.8087523

mamimi from flcl

>> No.8088128

That's actually funny because my girlfriend told me I looked like Hans about a year ago when I had sideburns. Definitely looking forward to Marth and Char, thank you!

>> No.8088144

Pls cosplay as my gf

If not, try Maria the Virgin Witch, or you could do Nibutani if you wanna be a shit.

>> No.8088682
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Bump for great justice!
(I've only seen a couple of series, and read fewer manga, so forgive my nooby suggestions.)

Aikuro (the teacher) from Kill La Kill.
Damn I dunno, characters from Street Fighter or Tekken could work.
Char Aznable!
Something tells me you enjoy crossplay, so Emilia.
Vicious from Cowboy Bebop or Adam Jensen from Deus Ex HR would be excellent IMO. Prompto will be awesome too.
Kaiba, definitely Kaiba! Then do Griffith.
Mako from Kill La Kill.
Get out of here Stalker.
Maybe Bushi Tenderfoot?
Asuka from Tekken, but that's probably not your thing so Ninamori from FLCL.
I'll say Mamimi too. Princess Mononoke would also be cool.

>> No.8090573

Have you considered Kaisar? from Shingeki no Bahamut, looks a lot like dandy (also, Dandy)

>> No.8090576

Mods, please stick.

>> No.8091346

I actually haven't seen the show, but I'll check it out. (Kaiser looks awesome, and his outfit looks like it'd be fun to make, so thanks!)

>> No.8091487

Rei from EVA
Rosa from Pokemon
Nia Gurren Lagann
Misaka from Another
Gilgamesh from Fate/Zero
Jessie from breaking bad
Emo Dandy (you should always have a chair)

>> No.8091508

Shouldn't we let this thread die out so we can make a new one?

>> No.8095541

cosplay my bf

>> No.8095543

not chubby nuff for kurumi
maybe mako from kill la kill
or super pochaco