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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 170 KB, 636x826, tumblr_niaonznft91rk3vp7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8061557 No.8061557 [Reply] [Original]

The good, the bad, the horrible

>> No.8061592
File: 300 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_n081wjTjNb1qfvrzvo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

generic mino bump

>> No.8061624

This is interesting. Never heard of or seen it before.

>> No.8061630
File: 74 KB, 1044x587, IMG_20141031_192613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self post

because hurr durr

>> No.8061652
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>> No.8061656
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>> No.8061657
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>> No.8061659
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>> No.8061662
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>> No.8061664
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>> No.8061665
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>> No.8061666
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Annnnd a couple of bad ones

>> No.8061668
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>> No.8061671

I cannot say much about the make up application as the picture is too bad.
But you really need more details! Look at all the pictures in this thread, they usually have way more detailed make up with different thems (flowers incorporated, drawn on motives, glitter, rhinestones or something different incorporated). Just slapping on some white make up isn't enough. Decide for a theme and do more detailed make up. Look at >>8061665 or >>8061659 for example.

You seem to be cute so I could see you pulling it off, so go practice your skills and good luck!

>> No.8061672
File: 543 KB, 1067x1600, 1418688076481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is so gorgeous. Are there any more pictures, especially close ups? Reverse image search doesn't turn up anything.

Her accessoires loook okay but that make up looks really bad, especially the cracks(???) and the eyebrows.

>fawn make up
This hardly looks good on anyone and is so overdone, and this looks neither good nor are her skills good enough to apply it decently.

Enough bitching, have one of my all time favourite looks.

>> No.8061673

details on this fashion?

>> No.8061681

It's mostly that one Japanese girl Minoru (?) who'said popularizing the pastel pierrot look but I think the roots are in old school visual kei and KISS.

>> No.8061685
File: 80 KB, 600x400, japanese-shironuri-fashion-harajuku-049-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction. Minori.
Sorry for the typo. Stupid autocorrect on phone.

Pic related for some classic style shironuri.

>> No.8061686
File: 77 KB, 600x400, japanese-shironuri-fashion-harajuku-100-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really just means white face.

>> No.8061691

I found a use for that pickled eye crown that gets posted in bad craft people try to sell threads.

>> No.8061741

I don't consider fawn makeup to be shironuri.
aren't they separate things?

>> No.8061746
File: 58 KB, 400x600, tumblr_nhe26bbzsn1scqt6to1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She didn't only popularize it, she seem to have leveled it up a bit since people seem to put a lot of effort into it now trying to reach Minori level of fame with it

>> No.8061750
File: 1.05 MB, 884x884, tumblr_nglqh5g67q1r7nexwo2_r1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8061752

Thanks anon!

I have been trying many materials. Started out with Minori's tutorial.
Using normal eyeshadow and water. It did't work! I have skills for drawing, and doing lines was just impossible.
The photo was during a party, where I tried grease paint of other colors. Hard to get, but it didn't work either. Soft paint on white base didn't seem to have compatibility with the base. Oh, well, at least I'm getting better at the white base.

I always wondered how Minori and other shironuri have been able to do it, assuming they use something water based. In her tutorial, she just draws lines as if the base was paper!
The eyelashes glue also does not stick, for some reason.

Any advice?

>> No.8061760

It's literally just "white face" so technically you can wear jeans and a t-shirt with white makeup and be shironuri. Of course, that's not very interesting and currently the trend is to go all out.
I wouldn't say it's a fashion so much as a costume or a wearable art form.

>> No.8061762

search for: SHIRONURI fashion and ANGURA culture by nii


Then Minori took the idea of painting your face white and paired it with rather sweet-fairy like details. Shironuri has a dark root in traditional theatre.
Minori has also a long carrier, I don't remember well how much, but it must be more than 5 years practicing shironuri.
There are others, mostly based on facebook, but Minori is who takes it more seriously and tries to renovate her style. For me, her fame is of an artist, not of an efamous.

>> No.8061770
File: 57 KB, 466x438, 24651_460719680664904_2067679287_n_副本.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need some Tsunoshi and N.96

hironuri is more than just pastel fairies!

>> No.8061773
File: 102 KB, 480x730, tumblr_m941v6prZ81qalokao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8061774

my waifu

>> No.8061814

I love these guys.

>> No.8061826

dat shoop. Bitch couldn't be bothered to shoop the ends of her fingers.

>> No.8061848

ew fucking fawn makeup

>> No.8061882

Oh common white face has been a thing in goth forever. She just made it look stupid enough for weebs to copy it.

>> No.8061887
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commencing mini dump

>> No.8061888
File: 38 KB, 427x640, 1411420664537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just linked up to the other picture since it's easier to quick post, not actually that anon.

>> No.8061890
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>> No.8061896
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>> No.8061901
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>> No.8061903
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>> No.8061916
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Now to turn on my external hard drive and get the other half.

>> No.8061918
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>> No.8061920
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>> No.8061921
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>> No.8061922
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>> No.8061927
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>> No.8061929
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>> No.8061932
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>> No.8061936
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>> No.8061940
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>> No.8061941
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>> No.8061942
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>> No.8061944
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>> No.8061946
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>> No.8061947
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Welp, that's it folks.

>> No.8061948

Check out the settings! There's a persistant quick reply option. Very cool.

>> No.8062058

>For me, her fame is of an artist, not of an efamous.

I totally agree, she's a big art inspiration for me even though I don't do shironuri. Her look is very inspired by nature which I believe is more of her unique spin to it. Previously the style was much more dark and goreish imo because of its relation to certain bands and music.

>> No.8062103

Just white makeup is enough. There are girls in Harajuku that do this with seifuku and they look fine. Just because there aren't many of them posted in this thread does not mean the style doesn't exist. Minoris weird forest fairy style may be popular but as can be seen in lolita, the ott styles are the ones that are shared around and "plain" ones are rarely even shared online because they won't get as much attention. >>8061630 looks fine! I just do not like the weird wig but there is absolutely nothing wrong with a plain white face.
See those examples:

>> No.8062675

I would love to attempt this, but I have a feeling it'll be a trainwreck

>> No.8062948
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always love these threads

>> No.8062951
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>> No.8062954
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>> No.8062956
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>> No.8062959
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>> No.8063002

Gama(?) i love Gama and No.96 so much, but i can never find their pages, am i just dumb, or what?

>> No.8063006
File: 83 KB, 540x960, IMG_477959785304093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad pic, but she was really sweet.

>> No.8063033

Thanks for all the pictures!

I feel like a lot of Western girls that I see so far who did shironuri basically just copy Minori's style. I'd love to see more like >>8061685 though

>> No.8063228

I always wondered how they make those supper puffy-destroyed wigs.

>> No.8063231

You can just do it at home and try out different techniques and materials untilf you find yourself fine.
I don't like going out to the streets like that because people thoughts go very wild.
(Asking if you are a nazi and if you are not cofortable with your skin color...? wtf).
Halloween is a must, nobody in the streets care, and they also compliment it.

>> No.8063233
File: 25 KB, 236x357, 5769c2263fbead995771d19fdda5908c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a french shironuri artist. If I remember wel, she has been doing shironuri before Minori was famous and her inspiration is Tsunoshi.

>> No.8063234
File: 63 KB, 480x640, chrysalis batlace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8063237
File: 146 KB, 736x1189, c31922eb134450ed80b46d78eb00789f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More western shironuri artists.
This is from France too, I believe.

>> No.8063239
File: 114 KB, 784x960, 1619329_543994669031633_601301771_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8063241

Dp you think this makeup would work in a lolita coord?
Like maybe gothic?

>> No.8063242
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>> No.8063247
File: 110 KB, 720x960, guiggles hyakhachi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is used in Lolita coords, but be careful. it can go horribly bad.

I am trying to do both, shironuri and Lolita, but they both are hard to pull off.
The white base is hard to get, and then to paint on top of it.
If you do, your clothing really can get dirty with paint.
I believe is better to use more fantastic colors for wigs and contact lenses, but accesories can be enough. Pic related.

>> No.8063248


>> No.8063249
File: 117 KB, 600x400, monsterparty2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And finally, white monster party.
I wish I could go one day.

>> No.8063251

Pic related regarding use of accesories and not crazy colors, not for Lolita.

Look for Charlene Proust if you want inspiration for Lolita.>>8063248

>> No.8063573

it seems your eyes are not liking those lenses

>> No.8063598

could be the greasepaint too. I dont wear contacts myself but when I tried shironuri my eyes were glowing (red) from just putting on the base and setting powder.

Come to think of it, has anyone else had this problem? Could be allergies perhaps, or as you say anon, could be the contacts (but that doesn't explain why my eyes got all puffy and red).

>> No.8063642

I know, but I wasn't sure about it.
I got used to them back then, but the next time I wore them, it was just impossible.
They are Max Elegance or something like that.

>> No.8063647

Red eyed girl here.
When I wear the white base alone, my eyes are fine, but they do tend to look darker because of contrast (ethnic feature, I guess). Also, never smile and show your teeth.
However, I do have a fellow shironuri fan who is terribly allergic to the powder and baby powder. I don't know what she uses, though.

>> No.8063673

The roots of shironuri are in stage/geisha makeup, exists far longer than goth.

>> No.8063677


>> No.8063682

Mana-sama does not approve.

>> No.8063702

I love the ghost style shironuri !

>> No.8064713

Is there anyone in this thread that has a recommendation for a liquid eyeliner for the thin detailed work around the eyes? (Ivy/leaves/etc.) I'm not liking any of the ones I've bought so far, and I'd love a tip before I shell out for an expensive brand.

>> No.8065212
File: 54 KB, 720x960, 1601163_10153198697586562_5000590130305296183_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fond of Nyx The Curve liner. It was one of the first few I tried and I liked it better than their skinny marker, and much much better than other liquids I used. Gel liner with a very small brush works well, also.

Also, I'll self post. This was one of my first times trying this, but any advice besides lose weight would be good, I'm working on that part (twenty pounds down, way too many to go!) I can share the outfit, too. I tried one other time for a black sheep themed outfit I had at a Halloween meet, but it was a little messier, I think.

>> No.8065215
File: 62 KB, 637x960, 10460207_10205192146789655_4091238750523915221_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8065573

hammy hammy ham ham get back to the cute shironuri

>> No.8065583

Hey! I recognise that necklace! It's that creepy dolls head thing somebody here made. It looks exactly the same as the one from the horrible handcrafted items thread.

>> No.8065588

The one that people laughed at until the maker came into the thread? It was hilarious how quickly people backpedalled. Those items look like crap regardless of whether the maker is a seagull.

>> No.8065627

Or maybe that was different people? I didn't comment on it when it was posted but knowing the maker was around I chimed in on it.

>> No.8065654

this would be beautiful if she weren't fat

>> No.8065664

I liked it, it's pretty creepy. Not the other items though. I thought its crappiness/ home-madeness was kind of endearing. More for cult party and what not. I might make something like it, it looks fun.

>> No.8065925

this is such bull.. minori isnt the generic shironuri, she just developped a style with adding on different elements to her face. you clearly havent been looking at shironuri street fashion enough

>> No.8065932
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>> No.8065939
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>> No.8065943
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>> No.8065950
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>> No.8065952
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>> No.8065955
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>> No.8065961
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top kek

>> No.8066303

*shrugs* What can I say anon? You're right lol that's why I took to spending forty five minutes on the elliptical every day. I'm glad you like the outfit, though, since the fat is something I can change.

Lol it's not the same exact necklace, but nearly so. I made two that were pretty identical so I had one for myself. I didn't expect it to gain a reputation lol

>> No.8066349

Smooth out your makeup. If I can see the brush strokes in a low-res, ugly selfie then people will see it in person. This style is elegant, even the more guro versions of it.

>> No.8066490

What white are you using at the moment? I used to get a result like that from stargazer liquid foundation as it didn't work with my skin type, If you're having trouble with white foundation, I'd recommend Illamasqua or just straight up body paint. If that sounds too heavy then Very pale foundation with white powder usually works well for me but then I'm very pale naturally and it doesn't give that plain canvas white look. Your outfit is beautiful though anon and I like the detailing around your eyes.

>> No.8067312
File: 111 KB, 720x960, 10430916_10153062719742224_2613904313598807906_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfpost WIP
I have not yet gone to the optometrist to get an RX for circle lenses. D:

>> No.8067321

Your makeup is grey, not white. You shouldn't really bother attempting to contour shironuri makeup with anything but the colours in your eyeshadow (even then, usually the colour under your eyes is enough). Also, the lower lashes look awful.

>> No.8067349

Yeah sorry bout those lower lashes, I had limited time to do this before taking a snap shot. It was a test run. (You can see I'm still wearing my t-shirt and such underneath my scarf!) When you refer to contouring, are you talking about the blue on the inner/upper eye? I didn't use any color or shading anywhere besides my eyes, eyebrows and lips.

>> No.8067383

Do you just have very, very poor lighting, then, or has your makeup been contaminated with something, because to me it seems more grey than white. Though, while we're on the topic, you should probably blend the blue more and get some white eyeliner or go for heavy black liner. I feel like this lacks a lot of contrast. Probably couldn't hurt to put some more gold foil under the centre of your eyes too.

>> No.8067450

I'm going to guess it's the lighting? This was brand new makeup. I did all the makeup before putting the wig on, not realizing how far the hair went on the sides of my face. A lot of the gold leaf I applied got covered up! So yes, I definitely plan on doing more of that more below the center of my eyes than to the sides. Same with the eyeliner details, which you can't even see with the wig on. >.>

Thanks for the tip on the eyeliner.

>> No.8067625

Thank you anon! I may take your advice. This was honestly pretty cheap makeup after a long afternoon in August heat. It was my first try so I didn't want to sink too much money into it if I wasn't sure how much I would love the style.

>> No.8068364

you go girl \ o /

>> No.8068468

Where can i get good face paint for shironuri?

>> No.8068698

I also wanna know

>> No.8068728

>crack is whack
I thought she had some botched silhouette scenery across her face.

>> No.8068734

Ben Nye or Mehron color wheels are good, but set them with powder/spray if you want a result that's actually useable.

>> No.8068746

Ben Nye --> set with baby powder + setting spray

>> No.8068880
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dumping a few random pics...

>> No.8068887
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>> No.8068892
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>> No.8068896
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>> No.8068899
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>> No.8068906
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>> No.8068910
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>> No.8068912

what white makeup do anons here recommend for shironuri?

>> No.8068915
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>> No.8068921
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>> No.8068929
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>> No.8068931
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>> No.8068935
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>> No.8068940

Thanks for this thread. The shinori tag is dominated by minori and lookalikes. It's neat seeing stuff like this which I really like for the old Japanese horror aspect:

Probably the most flattering you could dress for your current weight. Your jewelry makes so much more sense with this in mind.

>> No.8068950
File: 75 KB, 500x378, Muchimuchi+Anago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you happen to know what kind of music it was associated with?

i've just now remembered stumbling onto this weird joke band when i was exploring vk in my young years, but i've never known who the members actually were beside the two FLOPPY dudes

>> No.8071085
File: 1.23 MB, 448x335, bub4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be facepainter
>just received order of glorious metallics
>this thread
Muh heart


Mehron's paradise line is the brand I use for my work because it's extremely light weight and dries completely, meaning it won't rub off if you don't set it with powder. However it may not be thick/heavy enough to get the flawless china finish needed for shironuri. Most of these girls/guys are probably wearing grease paint, which is super heavy, opaque, and needs to be set with powder. Not saying you can't get an opaque white face with Mehron, because I've done it dozens of times, it just goes on thinner and can crease or fade more easily. But for comfort, it can't be beat. Plus it smells like candy. (It's made with cocoa butter.)

Wolfe bros paint is made with wax so it's very opaque, but I would recommend it for color details, not for a base. It's very sticky and too heavy for full coverage but works well for areas where you need vivid, long lasting color. Their metallic colors are the bomb, and you typically need wolfe bros in order to do white detail work over opaque colors, especially black.

I know a lot of people go for Kryolan and Ben Nye but I don't have much experience with those. I've used Kryolan white before and it was always too greasy for me, but it's what most people use for clown white faces. Honestly for people just starting out in face paint I always suggest Mehron. It's gentle, smells good, goes on opaque, stays put, yet washes off easily. My only complaint is that they don't have a decent pale purple. I use TAG lilac instead.

Hope this helps! Also, I wonder if there are any other face painter seagulls? Seems like it would be a good job for the type, as long as you like kids.

>> No.8071108

wow this thread is saged already? dang

>> No.8071110

Oh, I guess not. Sorry, everybody.

>> No.8071123

Tsunoshi has a few really good coords, but most of them are mediocre and sort of uninspiring imo.

>> No.8071240

i really enjoy the gold leaf around your eyes anon
the christmas decorations are a little much though but good luck!

>> No.8071629
File: 18 KB, 240x200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally thought this girl was pretty good for a westerner. Not a Minori wannabe at least, but appears that she stopped.

>> No.8072990

thanks a lot!

>> No.8073003

angura kei

>> No.8073019

I really love this!

>> No.8073214

i thought that was just the dudes in kimono...

>> No.8073322
File: 90 KB, 670x400, Shūji Terayama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a quick internet search seems to reveal that angura kei isn't actually any kind of musical genre in japan since the term is used for any kind of underground art stuff since the 60s.
...but i got a fucking psychedelic opera out of it, so i'm not really complaining.

have some old school shironuri i guess

>> No.8073435

She should've kept doing shironuri, she started cosplaying and she has a terrible Nui cosplay.

>> No.8074193

she's pretty cute idk

>> No.8074220
File: 988 KB, 480x360, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8075776

This sounds really gross and mean but am I the only one that thinks her lips look like...a butt hole? Like, pink middle with a brown rim...why would you do that? Am I just a freak?

>> No.8075992

Cannot unsee.
I'm not too fond of this look anyways, honestly. But it may be all the weird shoop.