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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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8060904 No.8060904 [Reply] [Original]

Because auto-sage.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wixAkHQ0qbM [Embed]

Subbed and cut segment from Japanese TV. Includes Princess Dreamy Carnival, a whole bunch of Western lolitas, and interviews with the average Japanese loli-chan.


I want to see more discussion on this vid. Also that ugly (?) meta tarot card dress. Seriously that could be salvaged if not for the hideous color and cut. I would totally buy and wear if it came in a JM or ETC type cut.

>> No.8060908

ha, I bought the dress, headdress and beret. I bought one of the cuts that isn't pictured yet, so I'm really hoping it turns out okay and the bodice isn't a mess. Then again its meta, I don't know why i am so optimistic...

>> No.8060911

This might seem like a noob question, but I was not able to find an answer anywhere online. Is there any way to save on shipping from taobao? At this point I can't consider a $70 dress cheap because it will end up over $100, and it's even worse for shoes.

>> No.8060916

A lot of people do group orders since buying more = saving more by weight
however it's still pretty expensive, sorry.

>> No.8060928

I've heard of group orders but I don't see how saving on shipping works since it's still the same amount and weight of the items?

>> No.8060929
File: 70 KB, 618x448, TB2kfDxbXXXXXaxXXXXXXXXXXXX_!!64376728.jpg_620x10000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a beret I'm thinking of ordering to go with one of my coords. It comes out to $15 before fees and shipping costs.

>> No.8060932

Shipping costs go down by pound. Like just for an example
One pound shipped = $20
Ten pounds shipped = $120
So yeah, $120 is more than $20 but $120/10 is just $12 a pound. That's how shipping works...

>> No.8060984

It was really interesting to see that Japanese lolitas are paying attention to trends overseas lolitas start. The scepter trend bit was very cute.

>> No.8060987
File: 363 KB, 1024x1365, tumblr_ni9248r3yC1qathrmo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's planning on getting milky cross? Which cut and colorway? I'm partial to the long JSK in navy.

Anyone know the actual release date?

>> No.8061008

I'm kind of interested in the skirt. I personally find that super long overskirt ugly as can be. I imagine the release date is TBD.

>> No.8061010
File: 83 KB, 500x500, tumblr_ngx6j0CUrh1qe5alho1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry in advance if this has an obvious answer, I'm still learning. I'm a little conflicted about where some dresses/coords lie, if they're more muted sweet (if that's a thing) or if they'd be considered classic. For example, I wouldn't really consider Mercator Antique Shop sweet, but it doesn't really seem like a typical classic pattern, either. Can these dresses just be coorded either way?
I'd really like my wardrobe to learn more towards classic, but I find myself drawn to dresses similar to this and I don't exactly know what to call the style.

>> No.8061078

I think with the recent prints that crossover styles (esp. AP), you can't really hold on to one specific style. and most style names come after the style has been a trend for a while, so if you want a specific style name, I think you should wait a little longer or invent a name yourself.

>> No.8061088

Here's how I think about it. The names are for ease of conversation and categorization. You shouldn't try to shoehorn yourself into a style. If it looks good, it looks good.
I personally love mixing styles. Sweet-classic is very popular these days. I like maturing a sweet dress by adding classy heels. I don't understand people who say that because a dress is sweet, the only thing you can do is wear tea parties. It's all about your intended overall feel.

There's definitely something to be said for an anthropological discussion on black sweet/classic versus gothic. There'd be no reason to have an alternative fashion and meetups if we didn't define it. But if your goal is to wear a fashion and look cute, you don't to stress over words to go with it. If you're tagging it or something, just call it 'lolita', as long as it fits in with the overarching rules.

Since you're a little new, go ahead and put together a collage and throw it over on our coord help threads. The ladies there can give you advice. Be warned, though: We're anon. Anyone can post. Not all advice is perfect. I'm not perfect. I know there are some people who'd call me ita for not matching my shoes properly with the style and for not defining every coord I wear.

Sorry for the wall of text. Good luck!

>> No.8061090

I am in the exact same boat.

>> No.8061095

Not fond of the sort of sweet cross prints.

>> No.8061098

You'll just have to calculate with 1.5 the price that's listed (although of course the more expensive something in the first price the less you will have to pay for shipping in comparison). A $70 dress is not cheap by taobao standards. Is it some well known indie brand? $100 is still a good deal for some of the brands. Just slap some tights and accessories on top that cost like 10-20 yuan and are resold here for 10-20 dollar.

>> No.8061117

i think the cut of the dress is really pretty and the actual print is nice i just wish it wasn't printed on that sheer fabric.. totally ruins it

>> No.8061122

Yeah. I wanna order the beret but I don't want to do an order for just one beret. I want to go in on a group order, preferably with friends or my comm.

>> No.8061123

How high or low waisted is the waist? I think I suffer from a long torso even though I'm not particularly tall.

>> No.8061137

Some places offer the slow sea shipping which is sometimes cheaper. Otherwise, no.

It doesn't matter. That dress be sweet, or it can be classic - Metamorphose's Secret Library is another good example of a dress that can go both ways. Just buy the things that you think suit your personal style?

>> No.8061143

The torsos are a good length on me - I have a normal length torso (using the 'palm width' method) and am 5' 2".

>> No.8061144

>using the 'palm width' method
What's this?

>> No.8061149

Could you do me a favor and measure the bodice length? Just in the middle from the collarbone to the waist. I'm 5'4 and will probably be forever stuck with skirts if I want actual waist definition.

>> No.8061171

I've sold all of mine just recently (used to own Ekaterina and Rote Rose) so I can't measure them, sorry.

What I've read (this is just on style websites) is that two palm widths (width doesn't include your thumb) between underbust and waist (defined as where you crease when you bend over sideways) = normal. Smaller = short, longer = long. I've also used the 'bottom of the ribcage to iliac crest' method which is supposed to be one palm width.

>> No.8061273
File: 309 KB, 500x600, tumblr_niber7KVqO1s0s3nuo3_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The things AP has put out lately have been so... eugh...

>> No.8061288

It's so ugly but I want it

>> No.8061289

>HQ Milanoo lace monster

I like dresses like these because it's a good example to newbies that Brands fuck up too

>> No.8061290

The style is a recent (?) trend. I hate it but that's OTT for you.

>> No.8061294

How much does altering a piece minimally (slightly increasing bust by using matching fabric, altering shoulder straps, etc.) affect the value of a dress? I'm thinking about selling a piece I had altered, but I don't know how to price it. Is a 10-15% reduction on the going value reasonable?

>> No.8061302

I'd mark it full price, if it's altered enough to be fatty friendly. Bet you sell it straight off. Include measurements and clear photos.

>> No.8061304

I like it.
God help me.

>> No.8061310

The thing that bothers me is that the dress is assymetrical, but only slightly. It's not obvious enough throughout the dress, so it just looks like a factory mishap.

>> No.8061313

If you're talking about the small ribbons and where they are attached I think the fabric is pulled up on one side and not pulled up on the other to show the different ways of wearing it.

>> No.8061315

Ah, that makes a lot more sense, thanks. I didn't even realize.

>> No.8061317

It's not fatty friendly, is the thing. I had to have the the shoulder straps shortened due to my height and a small dart of fabric to the bust added to accommodate my bigger cup size (but small overall bust). I had it all done professionally, but the straps especially are probably not going to work for a normal size person.

>> No.8061354

SweetxClassic would be my suggestion. A more mature and sophisticated turn to sweet lolita maybe?
It doesn't have name yet, but you can see this style all over the place.
Nowadays there are few people that say they are a sweet lolita or a gothic lolita, many wear more than one style with their own twist to it.

>> No.8061486

>start to get dressed
>finish buttoning blouse
>hang on a sec
>This is a black and red co-ord
>my underwear is blue
>take off blouse
>open underwear drawer
>only then realise
>nobody's gonna see it doofus

D-does anyone else like to match underwear to their co-ords though

>> No.8061508
File: 177 KB, 1045x704, Screen shot 2015-01-13 at 1.17.55 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did anyone else see that berriecute tried to make ANOTHER account on lacemarket? It's deleted though but I'd taken a cap to send to the mods, you can see their feedback links to their other LM account (pic related).

At least the mods are finally getting rid of their multiple accounts... Wonder if they're opening a new shop to get away from the reputation of their current name.

>> No.8061519

HQ Milanoo lace monster? It by recent you mean whenever OTT sweet started.

Side note, is 09 still considered "recent"

>> No.8061523

I just made my first Taobao order on Sunday and it shipped out today. The items I bought were were worth about 130 dollars, but shipping was about 70. I knew shipping would be bad, but I was hoping it wouldn't be that bad. I bought a jsk, shoes, a purse, and a headdress (basically almost a whole outfit.)

>> No.8061535

I have underwear in different colors and match it with whatever I'm wearing that day, lolita or not. You are not alone anon.

>> No.8061537

Alyssiumbaby just posted her wardrobe. Thoughts?

>> No.8061552

How long does bodyline's free shipping usually take?

>> No.8061553

Not exactly but a little, yeah. I never wear dark undies with light clothes because I worry they might show through but I also never do it the other way around because idk
>get out of shower
>put on white undies
>start picking out coord
>it's mostly black (like my soulll)
>for some reason regret having put on white undies

>> No.8061610

Is there anything I can do about wrist cuffs that are too big? I just got a pair from AP and they slide down and twist the wrong way unless I push them up so high that it looks awkward. I was afraid this would happen, because I always have trouble finding bracelets that fit me.

>> No.8061639

This is so cool. Some of the key points

>>lots of older women (25-27) wearing sweet and not planning on stopping any time soon
>>Japanese lolitas picking up on trends from overseas
>>The killer attitude of the girl in the red dress/black coat.
>>"The good part of lolita is the confidence. If you don't have confidence in yourself while wearing lolita, then you really can't wear it, right?"
>>The fucking weebs

Seriously, wanted to punch the YT girl while watching the video clips but the "I WANT BE KAWAII IDOL LOL FAKE JAPANESE NAME" girl has me raging

>> No.8061640

Unfortunatly I can't find the petticoat discussion anymore so I'll ask here.
What do you think is the most poofy bell shaped petti that stays poofy? CP was praised a lot in the past but now they semm to be mediocre at best. Is an AP petti the thing to go?

>> No.8061641


I normally put them over or under something else. Like over sleeve cuffs, so the bottom of the cuffs stop the wristcuffs from sliding down, or I stick them under the plastic bangles so the bangle squishes the fabric together, or I wear a bracelet right over it so the bracelet helps to hold the wristcuff up.

I've thought about cutting open part of the seam and shortening the elastic, but since AP wristcuffs are made of lace, the process seems fiddly, so I just kind of live with it.

>> No.8061645


Maybe you can tighten them with a super small safety pin on the inside so no-one sees it?

>> No.8061650

I had an order come in just yesterday. The shipping took 10 days, but keep in mind I live in Europe and it may be different for America (probably less time if anything)

>> No.8061660

Look through bodyline general threads in the achrive. Your question and a million others have been answered several times.

>> No.8061675

How much of it is stuff she already sold this time?

>> No.8061682
File: 8 KB, 220x165, 73210492_l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all my underwear is shimapan

>> No.8061687

Alrighty, thank you so much! I really appreciate you being helpful and contributing anon. I hope you have a beautiful day

>> No.8061778

sauce on that pls, I need it

>> No.8061835

Sorry for newb question. How can I find the last Lolita general thread that's now in auto-sage? I was waiting for an anon's reply there

>> No.8061851

You can put /catalog at the end of the URL, or click the catalog button. Then hit ctrl + f and type in "lolita", or just search through the catalog.

>> No.8061863


>> No.8061866

have you ever sold to anyone on LSE and they add you on FB during the sale? someone did this with me and i really regret it.

>> No.8061869

I live in Europe too and with free shipping it always takes a month for me to get my packages. My country's postal service is infamously bad though, so it might take less than that for you.

>> No.8061873

What was the biggest wardrobe post last year? It might have been Rainedragon's but I don't remember too well.

>> No.8061897

Captions didn't work for me for some parts of the video, so I didn't see what peace sign girl said. I picked out "idol" though. Why'd she do it twice? Her movements looked so unnatural.

The girl in the black coat was so inspiring! And I absolutely loved the twinning girls giggling together.

"How many lolita pieces do you own?"
>"Too many!"
"How much have you spent on lolita?"
>"I don't want to think about it "
And they turn to each other with the cutest smiles and just laugh and laugh. Cutie lolita friends.

>> No.8061919
File: 411 KB, 658x757, yoooooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come the fuck on

>> No.8061928

>pls be a troll

>> No.8061939

This has got to be a troll.
If someone really wanted that, they'd just say that they wanted the shoes, not give their whole life story. Their intelligence must be not as good as they think it is if they really think that saying "no offense" will alleviate any offense taken.

>> No.8061976

EGL is such a shitshow this week. Between that and the supposed 11-year-old (if she doesn't also turn out to be a troll) I am quickly losing faith.

>> No.8062006

I feel like I've seen this kind of post in the past because those photos are really familiar. I remember someone on egl a while back posted something about getting loliable children's looking shoes made in Mexico and made for adults with mental/developmental disabilities.

Eh, I'm just rambling. EGL's been a shitshow for a long while. I was hoping it'd be revived a little to its former glory with all of the wardrobe posts, but I guess not.

>> No.8062011
File: 441 KB, 500x280, 1410101554485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like wearing baby shoes and watching baby shows and being infantile
>it's just like autism!

>> No.8062089
File: 157 KB, 984x640, compare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does AP's look like the milanoo replica

>> No.8062122

Yea i like to match if possible! I have many patterned undies (i hate plain or just white panties) that could match the jsk or skirt like polkadots, candies, flowers, bunnies, strawberry, lace and so on.
>i need cute skulls and rilakkuma underwear now

>> No.8062130

She isn't "like autism". I am very sure she has autism. This is the same issue as we were discussing in the "other kin" thread a few weeks (months?) back. People feel like they don't fit in so they use an excuse so they don't have to try and assimilate. She thinks she is like a toddler but she hardly knows how toddlers thinks. She assumes that they actually like pastels and baby clothes whereas toddlers don't really have a choice in what they are given to wear. She likes the aesthetic, she isn't actually like a toddler. Same thing with wolf kin who assume that because they like smelling/licking people they must be related spiritually to wolves, or they just start doing it because they assume that this is what wolves do! Its completely unrelated, you don't know their psychology, just what they stereotypically appear to as you, a human. This annoys me so much.
It is the same as that squirrel girl on tumblr who ate solely nuts because she was "a squirrel" when in reality squirrels are omnivores. You think that squirrels are cute little things that live in trees and nibble nuts all day but that is far from reality.

>> No.8062174

All the people from the show didn't understand what she said. When she said it the first time, they were all like 'what's that supposed to mean?' So they (politely) asked her to say it again.

>> No.8062179

And to add she worded it incorrectly in Japanese iirc.

>> No.8062191

People can't think outside their own heads into other peoples' let alone other animals etc. I mean, most other animals have a very very limited psychology if any. Squirrels? No. Wolves? A bit, but it's not something people can properly mimic. People who fake mimicking this shit barely deserve to exist.

>but muh autism
>escapism is fine anon, it's a coping method!
No it's not, it's wrong and they're fucking wrong.

>> No.8062208

Both dresses are fucking ugly and I haven't seen it look good on anybody

>> No.8062215

It makes me sound like such a pussy, but as an ex Catholic it kind of miffs me for the fact that AP puts out these killer dress cuts for prints that have religious symbols on them (Celestial). I know crosses shouldn't really bother me because they're just objects, it's just a little awkward that other people will likely assume I'm religious if I wear it. Feels conflicted, man.

>on lacemarket someone advertises a "set" of a print I want
>it's a fucking headbow from a different brand that doesn't match the print at all
>what they have is actually a dress and a headbow that they obviously want to get rid of
>it's not a fucking set, dammit

>> No.8062217

I think it's the weird wobbly stripe. It looks like an afterthought.

>> No.8062226

I disagree. It is fine but you should never impose it on other people. If you got extremely stressed out from doing everyday activities that are expected of you as a human and you can just take some time each day to pretend you are someone (or something) that makes sense to you and that you belong in that world, then it is fine to use it as a coping mechanism for stress.
The issue is when people take it too far and include others in their pretend games by licking them or sniffing their asses. It is a thing that you need to do by yourself like meditating or something.

>> No.8062253

Agreed. These dresses look fugly and I actually really like religion-themed dresses.

>> No.8062257

Same. I really, really wanted to like them when they first came out, but the cut is just hideous. I can't imagine who it would flatter. Even tiny, curveless girls I've seen in them don't look good.

>> No.8062259

She called herself hime-sama-chan. Seriously. Hime-sama-chan.

>> No.8062261

Watching the video and realising Himezawa is in it, the wannabe kawaii idol girl who was begging for donations to fund her trip to Japan through Kickstarter some time ago as she couldn't "afford it" and now suddenly is rolling in brand and living out the good life over there.

>> No.8062263

Then you do agree. If people acted like you are talking about, then no one would have to deal with it, and no one would know or care.

>> No.8062268

To me the Baby one looks like a really cute comfy nightgown. A+ would hang around the house in while carrying a candle and pretending to be a ghost.
The AP one is fug, though.

>> No.8062278

I'd have to watch it again, but from what I remember she was saying that's her name. They ended up asking her "okay what's your real name?", then she said SABURRINA or some shit.

>> No.8062282

So wait, she was saying her name is "himesama" ,like the sama was part of the name? So she added-chan at the end? Fucking weebs.

>> No.8062286

I love crosses and I'm not religious. I think of them as awesome ancient torture devices.

>> No.8062290

I posted those shoes on cgl a bit ago for laughs because they are specifically made for adult baby fetish.

>> No.8062291

Yes. I also don't think it was sama, but sawa.

>> No.8062294

It would be zawa though, and Himezawa is the most weeb thing I can think of, and isn't a real name.

>> No.8062300

It's Himezawa, but her accent is atrocious. I guess that's why they didn't understand her.
What does it actually mean, anyways?

>> No.8062331

I want the AP one as pajamas. It's cutsew fabric so it's meant for casual wear anyway.
I would never wear either of these dresses as a normal dress though.

>> No.8062344
File: 229 KB, 500x600, 08082145_53e4c6555540b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! I need some help. I have an AP dress that is really desperately in need of dry cleaning, but the tags on the dress say to only do petroleum dry cleaning. The problem is that I'm really having a difficult time finding a place in my area that uses petroleum solvents for dry cleaning, so does anyone know if maybe it would be okay to just do normal dry cleaning instead? There's a place in my area which specializes in cleaning """designer and couture pieces""" and has nothing but five star reviews on Yelp but still doesn't use petroleum, do you think that would be a safe bet? Pic related, it's the dress I need cleaned.

>> No.8062347

you can always try finding it on aliexpress if you just want to order one item

>> No.8062348

The donut wardrobe is back! So many pieces whoa

>> No.8062355

hey, what dress are you selling? i'm 4'10"/147 cm and i'm always on the hunt for short friendly dresses. also clearly mark it as petite-friendly, there are plenty of girls who are shorter than normal out there

>> No.8062361

I work at a dry cleaner and honestly you should be fine with just perc. If you're really worried about it maybe find somewhere that uses hydrocarbon but honestly I don't think it will cause any problems if they just use perc.

>> No.8062365

Great, thanks anon!

>> No.8062371
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>> No.8062377

me too, anon

>> No.8062384

I own three chiffon AP pieces and I honestly just threw them into the washing machine after I tested it with the waistties. The oldest one (toy drops) even says that you can machine wash it on gentle cycle. The other ones are newer (also prints) and they did well. For spot cleaning I highly recommand Oxy clean, stuff is just great.

>> No.8062393

oh godddd

>> No.8062398

Really? Sweet, I may just do that then. Thanks!

>> No.8062428

Don't do that, anon. The washing machine MIGHT not damage it the first time, but it will make the dress age a lot faster. Assuming the dress doesn't run in water, just hand-wash it.

>> No.8062432

If you do it is best to wash them inside out and put then into a wahsing net.

>> No.8062460

Okay, then I won't do that. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.8062466

It has been deleted...

>> No.8062475

fucking morons....
first of all, baby's is 300$ while ap is $150. baby is meant to be a reg dress, whereas ap is intended for casual and maybe even sleepwear. both dresses are for different purposes. lolita noobs, i swear.

>> No.8062494
File: 392 KB, 1280x800, laughlaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously thinking that AP and baby don't try to outdo eachother
>calls everyone else noobs

>> No.8062497

It doesn't mean anything. She was probably mispronouncing "Hime-sama" based on how atrocious the rest of Japanese was. You could tell they all thought she was deficient.

>> No.8062504

"She" is almost definitely a man. I happened across those shoes that "don't come in her size" and they come in men's sizes because they are for ageplay/sissy fetish.

>> No.8062508

It has no meaning, the only possible meaning is if she was trying to combine hime and sawa, in which you change the s to a z and meant she is "princess Sawa", which means swamp-beast princess and that is doubtful.

>> No.8062516
File: 526 KB, 643x668, 1406933855921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously thinking that AP and baby don't try to outdo eachother
no, they dont have to, their fanbase are made up of entirely different tastes. baby is more classic sweet and angelic pretty is mostly outright sweet (until recently).

>> No.8062520
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8062523

She is right though, anon. AP and baby generally have a lot of dress styles/ideas overlap. Also, it's not been just recently like you think, this is a seasonal thing that happens and it just shows how new you are.

>> No.8062527

>this is a seasonal thing that happens
care to elaborate? compare last years winter collection with this years. not at all the same. its not a "seasonal thing." ap is evolving.

>> No.8062536

>shit chocolate print
>cross print
>shitty tulle overlay print
>dark coloured non-prints
how is it different?

>> No.8062541

lolita themes are predictable. there are just a handful of themes that brands keep recycling. its not a coincidence. every spring/summer there is a strawberry print. there is something called "brand loyalty" that japanese lolitas possess, therefore competition doesnt exist .

>> No.8062548

>there is something called "brand loyalty" that japanese lolitas possess, therefore competition doesnt exist
i'm not even in this convo but holy shit i am dying.

>> No.8062555


>> No.8062591


>> No.8062627

What's Chibi Tenshi's Y!Japan ID?

>> No.8062747
File: 78 KB, 585x600, 53886102d7bcf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does a man with no connections to lolitas get invited to a lolita meet up?

Should I show up with a DSLR? Find a lolita and befriend her?

>> No.8062763

Why would you want to?

>> No.8062776

You don't, unless you want to start dressing up. Most lolita comms are super wary of male photographers they don't know trying to get into their meets.

>> No.8062842
File: 53 KB, 510x518, 64457-1203606951170_super.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My goal is to have sex with a lolita in full "cord" . It may sound shallow, but my goal is not solely what I want to get out of this endeavor. I want to learn about the culture and people. I want to make friends and forge fun memories. I've seen you at cons and I've always wondered what you were like, but I never got a chance to approach you and get to know you because I didn't know what to say.I've been doing research by browsing /cgl/ and watching lolita stuff on YT, learning about brands and cords and peticoats and bows and shit. My next step is to get to know a lolita, eventually meeting a group.

>> No.8062846


>> No.8062848

better pay for their brand

>> No.8062854

I will for $1000

>> No.8062867


Prostitution is not fun. It's the journey I'm interested in. Sex is just the end game. I want to come on your brand. There would be something poetic about it.

>> No.8062874

Yeah, it's not prostitution, it'd be payment for the experience.

>> No.8062897

You can come on my body(line)

>> No.8062898

Unless you are actually the man pictured here you go away and leave us the fuck alone.

>> No.8062904

nic***** , iirc
I think it might just be her name.

>> No.8062907

Coming on brand will cost you extra, bub. Especially prints.

>> No.8062910

If you really do look like Charlie Hunnam, I'm down.
Otherwise, yeah, kill yourself

>> No.8062918

Thanks. I guess I'm about to get into a bidding war with one of you guys...

>> No.8062938

haha that happened to me once. I think it's the only reason I had to pay 600 for my dream dress that no Japanese lolita cared about.

>> No.8062975

No, it's himezawa-chan not sama.

>> No.8062991

She keeps saying "sama" though, or at least that's what it sounds like to my ears. I don't know how she expects to become an idol in Japan if she can't even form a basic sentence...

>> No.8063017
File: 54 KB, 250x333, secret_shop_ankle_boots_model_9512_-_black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do Secret Shop shoes run true to size? I read somewhere that they run small, and I don't know which size I'd be. If I usually wear and LL in brand shoes would I be an LL in their shoes?

>> No.8063036

Did anyone see Funk Brothers today in New York? He apparently dropped $270 on a coat.

>> No.8063107

The Closet child link with the message to foreign buyers is super unclear on what we're supposed to do differently when ordering. What are we supposed to do?

>> No.8063134

I think the only difference is point 2:
>When asked to enter your shipping address, please enter it in the "Remarks Column" in the format that is correct for your country.

I'm not sure though, didn't order from them in a long time.

>> No.8063202

I really like the print, but I'm not too crazy about most of the cuts being so high waisted. I happen to like the OP most of all, which is weird because I usually don't like stuff with so many details. I'm kind of hoping they will seem a little more subtle because of the light, flowing fabric. I'll probably get it in lavender if I decide to buy.

>> No.8063209


I've had/have several SS shoes and I'd say they were all true to size. Nicely made too.

>> No.8063214


How she speaks looks unnatural and forced. Like looking at VenusAngelic trying to speak basic fluent Japanese in her weeb videos; just cringeworthy as fuck.

>> No.8063244

Nah she's been going by Himezawa for a while. She's kind of a lolcow in Germany.


>> No.8063255


If anyones interested you can read about her on lolcow. I read her entire thread the other day and was surprised to see her in the video really

>> No.8063258
File: 20 KB, 595x453, tumblr_nf9f30K8q51tij6jvo4_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I thought she was much more popular than she is. I came across her tumblr a while back and thought she was meh, so the number of notes on some of her posts really surprised me.

Oh boy, her tumblr tag is producing some gold though. She's apparently banned in some Facebook sales group after taking peoples' money and running.

>> No.8063259

There are several posts like this one:

And there's also this:

>> No.8063260
File: 142 KB, 628x400, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there seagulls, I need some help for a university project - It's gonna be a fictitious magazine about Lolita fashion with the issue's topic 'Chocolate'. I'm planning a community-section with thoughts and comments from, well, the community.
If you could answer the following I'd be more than thankful and happy!

>1) What do you think about chocolate prints/dresses/etc.?
>2) What is your favourite Chocolate-related release?
>3) Any favourite coords/chocolaty people? Post image!
>4) Do you know decent chocolate indie stuff? (Like dresses, accessory, whatever?)

Does any of you gulls own lots of chocolate related things and is up for some more questions?

>tfw you make a list from all chocolate releases back to 2009
>tfw 2 hours are gone now
>tfw you have 3 new dream dresses now

>> No.8063262
File: 471 KB, 500x205, 1412266597684.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They actually give out university credits for this shit?

>> No.8063264

Nope. It's about graphic design and we have to do a magazine about whatever we want to. So let the ruffles roll.

>> No.8063276
File: 110 KB, 640x640, tumblr_n3mchxLzIH1r4jrfzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) What do you think about chocolate prints/dresses/etc.?
I personally love them. I love sweet lolita but I don't look great in pastels, so chocolate-themed pieces are a great middle ground for me.
>2) What is your favourite Chocolate-related release?
Probably AP's Royal Chocolate Round JSK in brown. Honestly though I love chocolate bar motifs more than any other kind of sweet, so any of AP's other similar releases, as well as Baby's Welcome to the Sweets Hexenhaus and Kuma Kumya-chan's Sweet Chocolate are also high on my list.
>3) Any favourite coords/chocolaty people?
Pic related!
>4) Do you know decent chocolate indie stuff? (Like dresses, accessory, whatever?)
Honestly, no. I can't think of any that stand out, but I'd be really interested to see what other people post!

>> No.8063278


Taking people's running then running off to Japan to live out the idol dream. Sounds just like her. That and she's such a kiss ass with the other Youtube idol "stars".

>> No.8063281


Shiiiiiit I meant taking people's *money. Doesn't pay to be half awake.

>> No.8063359
File: 413 KB, 1537x600, Coord1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>1) What do you think about chocolate prints/dresses/etc.?
Love love love them!
I like chocolates both to eat and to wear.

>2) What is your favourite Chocolate-related release?
Tough one. I think it should be Angelic Pretty's Melty Chocolate series, particularly the low-waisted one from 2013 and the skirt from 2012, but then I wouldn't want to be without the other chocolate dresses either.

>3) Any favourite coords/chocolaty people? Post image!
I don't have one single favoritest coord, I like them all! Have a random montage I pulled off google instead.

>4) Do you know decent chocolate indie stuff? (Like dresses, accessory, whatever?)
Chess Story did Macaron et Mademoiselle jsk and onepieces
Rococo Soul did a chocolate jsk using a Japanese fabric
There's another brand that used the same Japanese chocolate fabric to make a salopette, I don't recall what the brand is, though.
Pumpkin Cat has done a chocolate print, well, it's probably good quality although I think the design is awkward.
Voi Che Sapete on yja carries a few items with chocolates hanging off them
I've seen one-off pieces by some indie brands such as Prince Duck and Sweet Mildred, if that counts.
There's also a couple of "no-brand"s that make chocolate bags, if you search under the q-pot tag on yja you'll see a few of them.

>> No.8063484

He's an ugly brolita who buys brand, who cares

>> No.8063599
File: 155 KB, 720x614, TB2rE9EbpXXXXXDXpXXXXXXXXXX-884571858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) What do you think about chocolate prints/dresses/etc.?
I don't like most of them as I don't like sweet (hah) prints.
>2) What is your favourite Chocolate-related release?
this >>8063276
>3) Any favourite coords/chocolaty people?
this >>8063276
>>4) Do you know decent chocolate indie stuff? (Like dresses, accessory, whatever?)
No but I do know a taobao store that sells fake pork slice accessories if you feel like printing that for contrast.

>> No.8063604
File: 108 KB, 420x560, 4141938_CIMG0009_meitu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do you think about chocolate prints/dresses/etc.?

My favorite lolita theme of all time.

>What is your favourite Chocolate-related release?

Chess Chocolate. I also like Melty Chocolate and Kuma Kumya-chan's Sweet Chocolate (which is so far the only chocolate print I own)

>Any favourite coords/chocolaty people? Post image!

I like yanmmm. Especially pic related coord. Milkyfawn had a pretty nice chocolaty wardrobe too.

>Do you know decent chocolate indie stuff? (Like dresses, accessory, whatever?)

Most indie chocolate stuff, in my experience, looks like shit (literally). But I like Chess Story's Macaron et Mademoiselle Chocolate Series JSK. More otome than lolita, but it'd be nice for casual wear.

>> No.8063608
File: 78 KB, 499x752, T2Q14QXyXaXXXXXXXX_!!199340297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is.

>> No.8063730

thank you kind anon, I found it!

>> No.8063759

really? What dress was it?

>> No.8063839

If you need lulz add something add a commentary along the lines of "I'd love to wear some prints and accessories of chocolate, candies and cupcakes but then I'd want to eat some and then I couldn't fit into my dress!"

>> No.8063867
File: 44 KB, 345x437, 133306-m-01-dl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about buying this whole ensemble, but I'm a little nervous as to what the other lolitas would think of it. I really like the way it looks but would it be considered cosplay? I could easily find different ways to coord it but I'd want to wear it all together, too. Opinions?

>> No.8063868
File: 34 KB, 490x98, PassiveAggressiveAllUpInThisBitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is this girl's problem? So what if the person posted a WTB wanted "no commissions"? Seriously, she gets on my fucking nerves.

>> No.8063877

i could be wrong, but i don't think most lolitas care if something actually is cosplay as long as it's a nice lolita coord too.

it's only a problem when your clothes end up looking either costume-y, ita, or simply not lolita.

>> No.8063888

I was thinking of buying it as an actual Shinku cosplay, because it actually looks nice. Not sure what anyone would think about it.

>> No.8063890

Maybe she's being sincere because it happens a lot? Or maybe shes one of those who gets super offended when she even gets the hint that people don't think her quilting fabric pillowcase dresses aren't on par with "overrated" burando

>> No.8063904

Seriously with her I can't tell whether she's being Passive aggressive or not. It's not the first time I've seen her get pissy over the fact that noone wants her services.

>> No.8063906


This went way better than expected, actually. I'm always ready to cringe at videos like this but this one isn't really that bad.

>> No.8063916

She needs to calm down and articulate herself though.

>> No.8063918

shes so annoying wtf. someone posted a wtb for ctp and she straight up said "youre never gonna find it lol"

her profile picture scares me.

>> No.8063921


It's actually not that accurate as far as cosplay goes, Shinku's bonnet ribbon is green, not black.So you're more likely to have cosplayers bitch at you than lolitas.

As far as lolitas go, they're a varied bunch; as long as you aren't meeting someone with a stick up their butt about cosplayers you should be all right wearing it to a lolita meet. The fact that it's IW more or less gives you some leeway.

>> No.8063943

Do! I've heard it looks even nicer irl. I would love to get it but right now can't justify it. I think it could look really nice.

>> No.8063952

pay for her brand and you might get the chance

>> No.8063974

I just tried to buy from Closet Child but something went wrong during the payment process (it told me to link my PayPal account to a credit card?) and all I could do was cancel. Now all the items I was trying to buy are listed as sold out. How long do you think it will take for them to correct this and for the items to become available again?

>> No.8063978

Buy me burando :3
I'll be your "friend"

>> No.8064004

I'll peg you. Will that suffice?

>> No.8064017

Just email them the problem that happens to me a lot

>> No.8064032
File: 108 KB, 426x640, 15_1_15_35_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah nevermind I managed to pay anyway.
yessss beautiful old school plaid here I come

>> No.8064038

Someone posted a WTB for a chantilly piece and this bitch offered to make her a replica of it rofl

>> No.8064044


>> No.8064054
File: 143 KB, 600x1037, FF1054_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to start an ebay thread just for this, but has anyone bought one of these before? They are cheap and I'm tempted.


>> No.8064067

Feel free to take a gamble but it will probably be a poorly made Chinese imitation

>> No.8064070

fuuuuck i was looking at that dress ;_;
Enjoy it anon

>> No.8064075

I believe I have the silver one from taobao and it's very nice but a shiny satin but not in a terrible way.

>> No.8064087

Wow, that's really cute. Congratulations.

>> No.8064111
File: 291 KB, 200x177, 1410824989146.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will!
Sorry for sniping it though. I'm sure you'll get your chance next time.

Thank you!

Polite sage for bragging. I'll stop now.

>> No.8064182

Sex in mah burando? Surely you jest good sir.

>> No.8064305
File: 275 KB, 500x600, 12111557_5489406083cd6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got restocked, if anyone's interested.

>> No.8064355

She seems really down to earth. Pretty good explanation if you ask me.

>> No.8064358

If he's buying, I'm down. You pay for it, you can jizz on it. That shit will wash out.

>> No.8064368

She sounds salty as fuck.

>> No.8064466

If you don't smell, aren't terribly ugly, and you buy me some burando, i'll be your best lolita friend. ;)

>> No.8064493


she is creepy and ita as fuck. I creeped her on time and couldn't sleep after what I saw :S

>> No.8064587

on her fb?

>> No.8064718
File: 59 KB, 440x587, 7a1ab077jw1eocb54lgb4j20qo0zk0z5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AP apparently made a replica of Baby's replica (Maria's Catholic Nun OP) of old AP (Cross OP)?

>> No.8064721
File: 69 KB, 440x587, 7a1ab077jw1eocb55ub3vj20qo0zkwlq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8064760
File: 62 KB, 232x313, standing-collar-cross-op-2002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty funny.
Is this the original? From 2002.

>> No.8064767

It's not a replica lol AP made a dress like this a long time ago.

>> No.8064778
File: 237 KB, 380x678, CROSSOP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it is this one! I always loved this picture. I much prefer the old one, the sack shape on maria op and the one you posted are really unflattering.

>> No.8064803

Do you also think that Day Dream Carnival is a replica of the Bodyline carousel dress?

>> No.8064806

we talked about this earlier, in this same thread!

>> No.8064837

actually they went through a name change and only one of them is running it now

>> No.8064903
File: 269 KB, 612x859, Milky cross.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or are these more expensive than usual too? The super long overskirt isn't pictured, either. Maybe it will be a limited release.

>> No.8064930

Seems a bit on the cheaper side to me. The only items that appear pricey are the headbow and tights, and for those I could understand because of the extra fabric and the tight printing.

>> No.8064933

most lolitas are lesbians anyway. so don't even bother

>> No.8064943

I am so getting that fucking ridiculous head bow.

>> No.8064948

>cross print
>the back straps of the jsk looks like a pentagram

>> No.8064962

Sorry if this is a noob question, but will the newest Imai Kira print be released on the AP USA site? Do dresses usually release in Japan first and then are brought over at a later date?

>> No.8065097

There are two prices listed under JSK. Probably one for short JSK, one for long JSK

>> No.8065113

What fabric is this made of? It looks like a cutsew dress, but then this picture >>8064721 looks like chiffon or something.

>> No.8065123

>implying the one you posted is flattering

>> No.8065125
File: 112 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ni9f1n4AFy1st1jvko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it looks really bad on the model imo

>> No.8065127

Just the sleeves are chiffon I'm pretty sure

>> No.8065135
File: 107 KB, 720x960, 10896859_10153024479457350_2601040204995682710_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think this one will be an in-store exclusive or something?

>> No.8065148

Those are without tax:(税抜) and with tax: (税込)

>> No.8065209
File: 123 KB, 597x603, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I... I don't understand. She's selling all of that? Together, llike some sort of Lucky Pack? WHY? She could be selling those dresses for separate and she'd get much more money?

>> No.8065218

What do you look for in a personal SS? As in, what kind of things do you consider when choosing a new/different SS?
It always seems like there is a shortage of SS for major releases/reservations, and since I'm living in Japan, enjoy lolita and shopping anyway, and have a good bit of free time on my hands, I have been considering offering to act as an SS for people.
While I have a decent amount of good feedback from buying/selling (60+ positive), I'm not particularly active in any comms or anything. Would that work against me?

>> No.8065224

She probably thinks it's a hassle.
Also, because of the way she's doing it, she will add pieces based on how high the bid goes, so whoever buys it will probably not get that great of a deal, actually.

>> No.8065253
File: 177 KB, 500x600, little noble lady OP AP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helping a friend get into lolita, she wants babbu's first pink lolita dress. I'm into classic, I figure getting her a pink sweet OP is her best bet, I've been trying to help her find a dress but I'm hardly experienced with sweet. Here's what I've narrowed down so far, budget is $100-$200 but we're flexible

>solid colour
>long sleeved > short sleeves
>princess sleeve is great but not necessary
>short puff sleeves works too
>OTT > toned down
>Bows > lace

>her measurements
>bust 81cm
>waist 66cm
>height 5'4
>100 lbs

I'm going to keep searching, but if anyone with more experience with sweet knows any dresses that fit the descriptions, please feel free to contribute

>of course she loved pic related
>AP's Little Noble Lady OP
>35,424 yen

>> No.8065281

They're listing pre and post tax prices, rather than just pre-tax.

>> No.8065285

The long overskirt jsk was only for the fashion show

>> No.8065288

It is made to order, there will be no general release. If you want it, order it off the AP site now. Tomorrow is the last day

>> No.8065289

You sure about that? Because my SS said she could get one for me.

>> No.8065297

Yes. Who's your SS?

>> No.8065302

just browsin around on y!a for things fitting your general description. ott dresses under/around 200 aren't very common, so the ones within your price range are more basic


hope this gives you guys some ideas

>> No.8065319


>> No.8065323


Those items aren't included. It's the kind of luckypack where she promises to add more items the higher the bid goes, so she's showing what she *may* add if the bid price goes up high enough.

At opening bid she only promises you that there is one jsk or OP inside. So she's not losing anything or selling it for cheap, since you can't control what she adds or what bid price she adds the dresses at, and you cannot return the LP or complain having not received your money's worth.

>> No.8065329

I'm not into sweet so I won't link to anything directly, but I searched through the pinks listing for jsk and op on Lacemarket and there is some decent looking stuff up. Probably not as good deals as Japanese auctions, but might be something that catches her eye

>> No.8065339


If you consider the number of people someone like Yunni/Mikarin has scammed, apparently the only thing people do consider is whether you're available to get the most trendy AP releases. 60+ positive feedback will work in your favour.

You'll want to think things through about organisation, though, like when do you want to bill customers/how many payments, how to make sure to chose customers that can pay up, what to do if they pay a deposit and then dissappear, how many customers you can take on at one time/what is a reasonable buying limit, and so on. Personally I'm always more impressed if someone has all of these things laid out so I know what to expect and what will happen next.

After that it's just a matter of posting to the sales comm. If you do it right after AP announces a release that looks popular you'll probably get some bites fairly easily.

>> No.8065341

thank you that is really helpful, discussing now!

>provided LM doesn't crash within 60 seconds

>> No.8065348


Does it have to be burando? there's a Bodyline dress that has a lot of ruffles and lace, and it has gotten decent reviews (but someone did say they cut off the bows). If she's looking to just dip her foot in without spending too much money, that might be the way to go?


>> No.8065353

Sounds like an awful scam to me. Like what's next, selling lucky packs with crap in them but a chance to pull a rare Motie release in one out of 100 (you can only check if the rare dress has ever been send out if you actually buy all 100 packs)?

>> No.8065356

I've heard stories of people buying those luckypacks and ending up with bags full of actual garbage.

>> No.8065368




>> No.8065375
File: 42 KB, 500x606, blesss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope as long as she likes it! She really liked these


she also liked the bodyline one you suggested, I'm probably going to get her the pumpkin cat dress or steer her toward bodyline. She hasn't absolutely loved any BL so far but I'm gonna check out the site more

seagulls you've been so helpful

>> No.8065379


I've been trying to look on here by my cellphone colors are warped to hell

>> No.8065382

my friend chopped off the bows to L329 in black, we've both worn it and liked it much more sans bows. both are really similar.

>> No.8065385

So, I found a snag on my favorite dress. It's tartan, it looks like something caught one of the threads and pulled it out. Is there any way to 'fix' it? Could I just somehow work the thread back in?

It's right int the middle of the front of the skirt, I really want to fix it.

>> No.8065418


When I first got into lolita someone posted to egl about having bought one of those and did indeed get garbage, including, I kid you not, a half-used bottle of nail polish. There was nothing lolita in her pack, no clothes, no accessories, just some random toiletries. She said not even her shopping service could do anything because of the way the auction was set up.

I think this particular mbok auction isn't too bad, at least she promises you a dress at 10 thousand yen, which is about the going price for a less popular secondhand AP dress. It's not a bargain, though, I could only see someone buying this if they're bored and have money to throw at nothing in particular.

>> No.8065469

If you can fix it? absolutely go for it. If you sell it down the road it would be good to list it as being repaired.

>> No.8065477

I don't think I'll be able to sell it tbh

It's my first brand piece so it's old as dirt and kinda beat up from being worn so often. The colors aren't dulled and this is the only damage, but it feels worn, you know?

I'm moreso asking if there's a way to fix damage like that, because it's my favorite dress and I'm going to be upset if it's just ruined forever.

>> No.8065512
File: 367 KB, 1366x768, bitch plz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is dis nigga serious

>> No.8065514

Based Lacemarket mods, ever-vigilant in the pursuit of replicas.

>> No.8065572

Noob here trying to get educated. I'm guessing this is a replica and they're trying to pass it off by not including any brand names?

>> No.8065585

http://www.marthastewart.com/307188/how-to-fix-a-snagged-thread-in-a-sweater I have no idea if this would work on your dress but... worth a shot?

>> No.8065594

/cgl/ help me! I'm thinking of setting up a lolita/general jfashion youtube channel, but I'm not sure what kinds of stuff people actually like to see? If you watch any lolita-related youtubers, please tell me:

>What videos do you really like seeing?
>What videos are you kind of sick of?
>Anything that isn't done much/at all that you think would be nice?

>> No.8065598

Yes, that's a replica of an Innocent World dress.

>> No.8065608

>What videos are you sick of?
Wardrobe videos
Reviews on clothes, circle lenses, makeup

I can't contribute much else, sorry. Hope that helps

>> No.8065612

So you don't like anything but especially not that? Do you not like any videos then?

>> No.8065618

Just some general awareness of what you're saying and whether people care. I'll watch anything if there's something to watch but if it's just your face for like 10 minutes whilst you talk about your own opinions or life, I don't care.
At least cut to details of dresses and stuff whilst you talk.

I don't even know what people could make videos about that hasn't been done, unless you live an extravagant lolita life like Milkyfawn (RIP!) and have a good camera to capture all that shit in which case I'll watch anything.
Tutorials are good.

>> No.8065625

Do you try to have a new coord every time? I'm going to my first meet soon and am confident in my coord but I'm a student and don't have the funds to get new dresses or main pieces all the time. Though my comm is so huge I don't think I'll really run into the same people all the time.

>> No.8065628

You can use different blouses, accessories, shoes, socks, etc with the same main piece to change it up a bit.

>> No.8065630

I've spent some time researching and thinking about those sort of things, so my main concerns now are how it would be received and what would be the best platform to use for it, since I probably won't be setting up a website like Tenshishop anytime soon.

>> No.8065657


- tutorials (hair, makeup, crafts, even how to put on wigs or attach falsies)
- reviews/closeups -- I'd settle for a haul vid but I'd much rather have a review with closeup on details that aren't always apparent in the stock photos
- event coverage, could be major like the AP fashion show, possibly some behind the scenes. I realise this isn't always doable, but hey, you asked. For minor ones, I wouldn't mind looking at smaller tea parties, fukubukuro shopping lines, or even a "day out with my comm" vid provided it was well-edited and not a mishmash of awkward moments.

- the usuall culprits: umms, ahhh, long silences, awkward fumbling, terrible editing, lousy lighting, blurry focus, et cetera.
- pitchy voices. Just no.
- you, your rants, your personal life. Sorry anon, I'm not one of those "I love my idol" type persons. So I'd basically watch a youtube vid if it's helpful or entertaining, it's just not my thing to listen to your life story or cheer you on if you have a sad sob story. I'm pretty sure we could be friends and then I'd be interested, but if it's a youtube vid, no.

I also like silly entertaining things like Deerstalker makes, but I feel this is a fine line to walk. Deerstarlker's humour seems mostly benign, but there was a video of "shit people say to lolitas" or something that was mostly one long rant, which I don't want to listen to. I know lolitas aren't all lovelies, but I didn't load a youtube vid just to watch some lolita rant about her problems to me, you know?

>> No.8065660

Adding to the reviews if you can get other people to wear something who might have bigger boobs, fatter ass, be taller, smaller etc that'd be interesting.

Also adding to that if you don't buy and wear really predictable stuff and already have a collection of blouses/tights/shoes it's interesting to show a couple of different ways to coord a dress or skirt.

>> No.8065670


You don't particularly need a website, you basically just need a single page that has all the little details written out, which is still how some shopping services work. Then, link to this page from egl_com_sales or FB, and move your customers onto email to discuss what they want you to buy. It's not like you want to openly discuss all these details publicly on a website anyway.

If you're talking about posting updates on where and when you can go shopping for customers, then you'll have to go where they are, which seems to be facebook and tumblr. You can make a sub blog for tumblr and a fan page for FB so that you can post updates easily without messing up your personal accounts. It's easier than standalone websites since the platform is there already, and a lot of lolitas are already checking it everyday anyway instead of having to come to your website.

>> No.8065678

The question is anon, what do YOU like to do?
For example, if your passion is make-up then there's no point in doing a tutorial on how to craft a hat or how to sew the best pin tucks (Although I would really love to see some sew/craft along videos by lolita).
Bring what you have to the tablet, people always want a new thing to learn. Unless you have absolutely nothing to offer and you just want to be e-famous, in which case raising as much money for dresses and filming the details is the best option. And film your friend's dresses.
Please no tacky fonts on your video, either. If you use a pale colour of text, make it a thick and big font!

>> No.8065683


>>8065657 here.

Gotta admit I'm not all that interested in seeing other people's bodies in dresses. Might be because I've been in lolita for a while now, I've more or less figured out my size and what would fit me. I can see that it might be interesting for newer lolitas, I guess?

The coords one is a good idea, but I think it will need to be well-edited, and possibly accompanied by a blog post explaining where to buy everything.

>> No.8065701
File: 86 KB, 585x574, one size fits non fatties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the different bodies is more for people who haven't figured out for themselves whether that empire waist flatters them or not. More of a one time thing maybe.

>> No.8065724

I'd be really interested in this. There are some really cute empire-cut prints, but I'm nervous about getting them because I don't have a small frame. (5'7", 155lbs)

>> No.8065734

unrelated but the model looks like Regina George. If only the sweater was pink.

>even funnier

>> No.8065741

How do you feel about Doc Martens in lolita. I'm asking because I discovered an old pair of docs matches the color of a dress I have in the mail perfectly.

>> No.8065762

No. Doc Martens are not feminine, not cute and not elegant. Not even if they are pink or have flowers on them.
You can wear them in other Jfashions or general cute casual outfits but if you're going to call an outfit lolita, don't wear Doc Martens with it.

>> No.8065825

Don't wear them with lolita. I recently got a pair that I use for the winter or rain, but I would never coordinate them with lolita.

>> No.8065829

Definitely wasn't planning on focussing it on me, because I don't even like to watch that myself. I was more interested in doing hauls/reviews, and maybe some tutorials indeed. Although I'm not sure on tutorials, because while I am decent at make-up and hair styling, I am by no means an expert.

I have to admit, there's nothing I think I'm really good enough at to do a tutorial on, but it's not as if I really want e-fame that much either. I got the idea because I liked watching haul/lucky pack videos myself. I guess I'll think about it some more.

>> No.8065832

I live in America and shipping took 10 days starting from the origin processing.

>> No.8065835

I also live in America and mine took 29 days from origin processing.

>> No.8065836


>> No.8065844
File: 24 KB, 384x384, nypvwv1376358846784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I get that but I see super clunky boots with lolita all the time.

>> No.8065848

And those look like shit, too. The ones you linked look like they belong with an ebay-tier Visual-kei costume.

If you're hoping cgl is going to validate you on this, keep dreaming anon because it's never going to happen. You don't seem like you're actually willing to be convinced that it's a bad idea, so don't be a little bitch when everyone makes fun of you for wearing them.

>> No.8065850

Please stop being so bitter and defensive. I wasn't attacking you, was I?

>> No.8065853

If you're misreading unfiltered honesty as "bitter and defensive", you should probably stick to asking these questions in Rufflechat instead of cgl.

>> No.8065856

I feel like even if you have plenty of main pieces, it's not like you won't enc up wearing it more than once. Coording it differently is nice, but these are still clothes, and I feel like you can have a "go to" outfit that you know looks good and feels great. I draw the line though when girls have one outfit they keep recycling and then want to "be a lolita".

>> No.8065857
File: 196 KB, 672x1280, tumblr_netf380DwM1qicfk4o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just insulting me personally and missing the point why I posted those in the first place. Shoes like that are worn all the time with lolita. I think it's ugly but I've never heard anyone complain about it.

>> No.8065861

Someone just bought a reserved listing for feedback purposes on LM, what to do now? Contact a mod?

>> No.8065862
File: 29 KB, 399x349, Doc-Martens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you honestly comparing the boots in that picture to pic related? Boots aren't inherently unsuitable for lolita, but Dr. Martens are.

>> No.8065871
File: 52 KB, 960x579, 12270003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How is their quality these days? I heard they've followed the trend of outsourcing to China and the new stuff is lower quality than ten years ago.

And to answer your original question, most of their boots are quite industrial-looking, you kind of have to trawl the less pretty, less detailed lolita boots to find one that compares to the most loliable docs. Not only that, but they look different when worn, too -- the docs are more substantial, when I wear mine they look kind of, like, stompy, you know? Like they were made for stomping on things. Lolita boots seem far more delicate by comparison, I think it might be that the leather is much thinner so it's not as thick-looking.

Your other problem is the colour coordination, Doc Martens tend not to come in pastels, and even outside of pastels, do have a limited colour palette. So it might be hard to match them to your coat or outfit. Other than the colour of the leather, their bottoms tend to be another funny colour as well, like a dirty caramel on most boots. Lolita shoes tend to be dark brown or black at the bottom, which is definitely easier to match to most things. I did once think that the bottom of the boots didn't matter, but when I looked back at my photos it was kind of glaringly obvious (well, it was a black x white coord, so the dirty caramel colour really sticks out).

I think if you did wear it, and coorded it properly, it's not actually all that noticeable. But you do have to kind of make allowances for the boots being somewhat on the fuglier side of lolita.

>> No.8065872

One pair has ribbons on it. I won't count the different colors. Boots is one thing but her boots are just not kawaii enough.

>> No.8065876

What is reading comprehension? There was no personal attack anywhere in that post. I insulted the boots because they look like cheap trash, and I told you not to be a little bitch when people don't give you asspats for your laziness. Nobody's gonna give a shit if your Docs are the same color as your dress, they're going to look at the fact that they're clunky, unfeminine. and gonna make your coordinate look super bottom-heavy no matter what else you wear. The boots in that coordinate are not even remotely close to the same cut as a pair of Doc Martens, please get your head out of your ass.

>> No.8065882

Some of their modern cuts actually have differently colored soles and heels too.

I think you misunderstand my initial question and I see why. I'd never wear them in a coord, the question just came to mind because I noticed the coincidence and I know they've been putting out a lot more modern cuts and girly prints.

>> No.8065887

It does sound as if you don't want to be convinced anon, but here's my take. If the pair actually matches, and I mean serious, actual, honest-to-God match, wear them in a casual coord, and that's it. I wouldn't include them in a serious coord. If you do, don't be mad when girls are calling you goddamn blind.

>> No.8065891

>I think you misunderstand my initial question

>How do you feel about Doc Martens in lolita. I'm asking because I discovered an old pair of docs matches the color of a dress I have in the mail perfectly.
You asked how people feel about it, people are telling you how they feel about it, and now you're trying to convince us to feel differently just because you're too lazy to go find another pair of shoes to go with your dress. Stop backpedalling and give it up.

>> No.8065894

Stop bitching.

>> No.8065898
File: 324 KB, 400x533, 1373727919795.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like it when people don't tell me exactly what I want to hear!! It's like they actually have their own opinions or something!
>How could I possibly stop them from hurting my fee-fees even more??? I can't take any more of this...!!
>"Stop bitching."

>...yes, that's perfect! That'll show them!!!

>> No.8065954

sick of lolita 101 videos.

>> No.8065995

>He apparently dropped $270 on a coat.
Is that supposed to be surprising or something? It's not like $270 is expensive for a brand coat...

>> No.8066074

I could use some advice. I've been trying to figure out if my SS for mbok is overcharging. I recently bought a heavy dress and headbow for 17150. My fees, including international shipping - but NOT including US shipping from their warehouse (which will be about $15) ended up with the total being $205. Does that seem high to anyone else? Or is that about right for international shipping and ss fees?

>> No.8066097

Here's another example. I bid 3400 yen on wristcuffs. The total came out to $48.50 for everything except domestic shipping (which is negligible because it will ship with the other items)
Yes I know it's high for wristcuffs, I really wanted these specifically. But is the fee higher than say, Japonica would be?

>> No.8066098
File: 54 KB, 540x960, flaw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, I recieved my order from My-Lolita-Dress and it had some...issues. I'm going to order using a regular SS from now on but uh considering theres a few issues with the dress you guys think MLD will do anything about it or just tell me to fuck off if I complain?

>> No.8066101

posting a vague statement and a picture of one missed embroidery stitch from a taobao brand does not explain shit, you're going to have to go into more detail dammit.

>> No.8066109

Theres more than one issue with the embroidery being pulled out or missing or puckered and a pulled thread on the bodice. The dress is also amazingly short but that's my fault for not checking the length.

Your attitude isn't necessary by the way.

>> No.8066135

your mum isn't necessary

>> No.8066154

Then why didn't you say anything else. You didn't explain anything, how will I know. From your post it seems like you're just being a whiny little cunt cause your cheap chinese garbage wasn't burando pristine.

>> No.8066158

Stop being such a sandy cunt. It doesn't really matter what the issues are, her question is basically "does MLD have any customer service/willingness to fix issues" unless you work at My Lolita Dress I don't see how that information pertains to you at all. It's up to them to decide whether she's a whiny cunt over some messy stitching or or not.

>> No.8066159

>It doesn't really matter what the issues are
It entirely does. There's a huge difference between what any company will do if the issue is "some stitching is off" compared to something like "my dress is completely wrong".

Also your samefag isn't fooling anyone.

>> No.8066160


must have been a shit coat.

>> No.8066162

not that anon but it really does depend on the issue. not sure why you think it wouldn't.

>> No.8066168

Because it's up to My Lolita Dress, not some random anons on /cgl/? Some companies will offer you a credit for anything slightly off, including messy stitching. Others will send you a box full of roaches and pubic hair and tell you to eff off if you don't like it.

>> No.8066175

right...but she asked if anyone here had any experience with them. i have but mine was with getting an item in a completely wrong color, i can't say what they would do if it was a simple case of messy stitching.

>> No.8066177

I ended up just cutting off the snagged thread and pulling the fabric to work the cut end back in because I couldn't get it back in because of the lining... and then I found a bunch of pills while I was inspecting the skirt, and another pull near the waist hem.

Maybe it's time to start looking for a new favorite dress.

>> No.8066182

I just wanted to know if asking them if something could be done was even worth doing. It's not worth all the anger. I'll just stay out of your hair and won't ask questions anymore. Sorry for the disturbance.

>> No.8066185

It's not like $270 is even ridiculously expensive for a nice normalfag coat

>> No.8066189

Linda is super sweet and if you explain the issue she'll probably contact the original seller to try to work out a partial refund or something, or at the very least she'll probably offer you a discount on your next purchase

>> No.8066204

I actually like it, especially the Jsk in this color.

>> No.8066211

Older women... 25 to 27... Fuck that, seriously.

>> No.8066217

Well, I mean, at least two were married with kids, which definitely makes them more "mature" than your average lolita. Doesn't make them old, but they pretty much have their lives set right now and still aren't planning on giving up lolita, which is nice.

>> No.8066289

There was a dress on Yahoo JP that I missed, it went off without any buyers or bidders. I really want it. What do I do?
>I have no idea what I'm doing with J-auctions

>> No.8066295
File: 91 KB, 496x772, jej-chiffon-ruffles-lolita-underskirt-ys-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone recommend me a good underskirt? Preferably chiffon, not a ruffle monster, but relaxed and chilled out. I was looking at this one on mld, is there also a better place to get one for a reasonable price?

>> No.8066301

Completely cringeworthy. If you're married to the idea of wearing them with your dress, by all means. But please post pics in the ita thread so we can all have a laugh.

>> No.8066307

Yahoojp is incredibly unprofessional, sellers can refuse bids and take their shit down.
You'll just have to wait it out and see if it'll be relisted

>> No.8066316

... Skirt? She's talking about Doc Martens.

>> No.8066350

Taobao is the only place you're going to find one at a reasonable price, if you want more shit us an SS, if not just go with MLD.

>> No.8066401
File: 105 KB, 1000x807, 519039ffc82da_35380b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone know what this is called?
It's called ボンネ in Otome no Sewing and I get that it's a fabric barrette piece, but does this actually have a name in English? I can only find this plastic one, no idea where to buy a fabric one as I can't figure out what to google.

Any ideas?

>> No.8066448

anon, I just got really into planners via pinterest, and you could easily do a "how to make a kawaii lolita planner" out of dollar store bin planners easily. Print out collage or dream print, laminate, stick to cover, make insides more loliable too...

Coordinating outfits out of the same dress: cool to see pics of laid out coords and on people, slightly different when on video?

Makeup: you could do step by step copy based on tutorials in GLB or Kera and providing a link

Interviewing other lolitas in your comm: see their wardrobe, ask basic questions, share their blog/instagram

Petticoat comparison video: side by side comparison of different pettis and wearing multiple at the same time. TELL THE TRUTH ABOUT THE POOF

>> No.8066514

You can probably get your SS to ask the seller to relist it. I do this with Japonica from time to time

>> No.8066577

I have a question. I want to buy more lolita skirts but seems the ones i fit better are only drop waisted ones. I'm pear shaped, but average/thin, 5'2 and tiny A cup bust. Taller girls look better in skirts or i'm wrong? Also, i bought one day a bodyline skirt and it was a bit tight on me even if measurements were over 80cm and my waist is only 70 cm. Maybe burando skirts are more confy and forgiving? I have two drop waist AP skirts and the shirring is so confortable.

>> No.8066761

That's like 20% after yen->dollar conversion and shipping. It seems a little high, but it is probably a result of whatever exchange rate they're using and fees other than the commission that they're charging (i.e. paypal fees). You also need to factor in domestic shipping, which, while cheap, still adds to the item's overall cost.

>> No.8066762

Is there such a thing as lolita-inspired sleepwear or stuff I can wear around the house that's cute and functional?

Also, what do I do if I'm a size 12 for socks?

>> No.8066782

I really want it, but I don't like skirts because it's so hard for me to find gorgeous blouses and the jsk will look horrible because 30G. I wish there was a jsk that wasn't high waisted.

>> No.8066803

I bought this jsk because I wanted a simple, pink one:
It's really cheap, the quality and construction is okay, the bodice might be a bit seethrough, like I wore a pretty elaborate blouse and you could see the ruffles underneath, but if you wear a simple blouse that's not a problem (I don't mind because I wanted to wear it with a bolero anyway).
I also have a worn pic if you're interested.
I think for a first piece it's a pretty good bargain.

>> No.8066914

Yeah, their exchange rate is usually 2-5 yen lower than what it actually is. I didn't include domestic shipping for comparison because I know shipping costs pretty well so I know they aren't overcharging me there. They don't have a paypal fee, but they have a "Transfer fee" which is probably similar. Thank you for the response!

>> No.8067009


>> No.8067031

She's given up lolita, I guess that's what they mean.

>> No.8068123

Im looking for taobao/indie reviews.

>> No.8068953
File: 135 KB, 780x835, Crystal-socks-font-b-glass-b-font-font-b-fibre-b-font-sock-transparent-rose-female.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You buy and wear brand socks anyways. I'm a size 12 too anon. I wear AP, IW and Baby socks on a regular basis, they stretch a lot. I try to wear them for short periods of time because I'm afraid they may get holes from over stretching them, but it hasn't happened to any of them and they all look in perf condition. Be careful about Taobao socks tho, because they are much less quality they stretch very little. Those cute fancy sher socks with flowery details for example (pic related) tend to fit me very bad and the heels part does not reach my actual heel. But I only bought those from taobao, maybe the brand ones stretch better

>> No.8069046

Any that are thick and fit well?
I want the heel section to go to the heel ;_;

>> No.8069059

Not that I've found, but if you do struck gold make sure to come back and let me know. Maybe some fellow seagull who owns this style of socks by AP or Baby could let us both know?